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Postal Test Papers - P5 - Intermediate - Syllabus 2012

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Postal Test Papers_P5_Intermediate_Syllabus 2012

Paper 5(Financial Accounting)

Test PaperI/5/FAC/2012/T-1

(Answer all the questions)

Section A : Generally Accepted Principles & Accounting Systems

Question 1.

Describe about the Accounting Cycle. (2)

Question 2.

(i) Provisions contained in the Accounting Standard in respect of Revaluation of fixed assets.

(ii) Extraordinary Items to be disclosed as per the Accounting Standard. (2+2)

Question 3.

(i) Describe the reasons for differences between Cash Book and Pass Book.
(ii) Ds Cash Book shows an overdrawn position of `3,630 on 31.03.2013, though the bank Statement shows only
`3,378 overdrawn. Detailed examination of two records revealed the following:

(a) A cheque for `1,560 in favour of Rath Associates has been omitted by the Bank from its statement, thus,
cheque having been debited to another customers account.
(b) The debit side of owned book has been under caste by `300.
(c) A cheque for `182 drawn in payment of electricity amount had been entered in the cash Book on `128 &
was shown correctly in the bank statement.
(d) A cheque for `210 from S. Gupta having been paid into Bank, was dishonoured & shown as such on Bank
statement, although no entry relating to dishonoured had been made in Cash Book.
(e) The Bank had debited a cheque for `126 to Ds A/c, in error. It should have debited to Sukhals A/c.
(f) A dividend of `90 on Ds holding of equity shares has been duly shown by bank, no entry has been made
in cash book.
(g) A lodgement of `1,080 on 31.03.2013 had not been credited by Bank.
(h) Interest on `228 had been directly debited by Bank not recorded in Cash Book.
You are required to prepare a Bank reconciliation statement after necessary amendment in cash book as on
31.03.2013. (2+2)

Section B : Preparation of Accounts

Question 4.

(i) State the factors affecting the measurement of depreciation.

(ii) Ram Ltd. which depreciates its machinery at 10% p.a. on Diminishing Balance Method, had on 1st January,
1012 `9,72,000 on the debit side of Machinery Account.

During the year 2012 machinery purchased on 1st January, 2010 for `80,000 was sold for `45,000 on 1st July, 2012
and a new machinery at a cost of `1,50,000 was purchased and installed on the same date, installation changes
being `8,000.

The company wanted to change the method of depreciation from Diminishing Balance method to Straight Line
Method with effect from 1st January, 2009. Difference of depreciation up to 31st December, 2012 to be adjusted.
The rate of depreciation remains the same as before. Show Machinery Account. (1.5 + 3.5)

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Question 5.

Mr. Gavaskar is the proprietor of a large business. The following Trial Balance was prepared from his books as on
30th June, 2012:

Particulars Amount Particulars Amount

(`) (`)
Land & Buildings 80,000 12% Bank Loan (U.B.I) 1,00,000
Cash at Bank 50,000 (No movement during the year)
Motor Car 40,000 Capital Accounts 1,50,000
Furniture 20,000 Bills Payable 10,000
Sundry Debtors 1,20,000 Sundry Creditors 1,30,000
Cash in hand 10,000 Returns Outward 8,000
Stock (1.7.11) 1,10,000 Discount Received 2,000
Return Inward 10,000 Sales 9,00,000
Printing & Stationery 4,000
Drawings 16,000
Bills Receivable 10,000
Travelling Expenses 12,000
Discount Allowed 4,000
Miscellaneous Expenses 38,000
Postage 2,000
Joint Venture Suspense A/c 2,000
Investments (Market value `28,000) 30,000
Interest on Bank Loan 8,000
Salaries (including advance for `4,000) 54,000
Entertainment Expenses 4,000
Purchases 6,50,000
Carriage Inwards 8,000
Advertisements 18,000
13,00,000 13,00,000
Additional Information:

(i) On 2nd January, 2012, Mr. Gavaskar entered into a Joint Venture with Mr. Shastri with an agreement to share
the profits and losses equally. Shastri supplied goods totaling `60,000 which wrongly passed through the
Purchase Day Book. The goods were sold for cash at profit of 25% on sales and stood credited to Sales
Account. Shastri had earlier incurred an account of `4,000 on account of Freight ad Insurance. Joint
Venture Suspense Account represents expenses incurred by Gavaskar on Joint Venture.
(ii) Bills Receivable for `8,000 endorsed on 21st March, 2012 in favour of creditors were subsequently
dishonoured but no entry for the dishonoured has been passed.
(iii) Three cheques of `3,000 `4,000 and `6,000 issued to parties on 29th June, 2012, were lying unpresented on
30th June, 2012.
(iv) Sales included a sum of `60,000 received from sale of goods on behalf of Mr. Kapil, the cost of these goods
to Mr. Kapil was `50,000. Mr. Gavaskar is entitled to a commission of 5% on sales, for which effect should be
given and reimbursement of selling expenses of `2,000 were debited to Miscellaneous Expenses Account.
(v) 1/3rd of the advertisement expenses are to be carried forward.
(vi) Of the Debtors a sum of `2,000 is to be written off as bad debt. Create provision for doubtful debts @ 2%.
(vii) Depreciate fixed assets by 10% except Motor Car which is to be depreciated at 20%.
(viii) Value of Stock at the end is `90,000.
(ix) During the year some goods (Invoiced at `1,00,000) were sent to sundry customers on sales on approval. On
30th June, 2012 of these goods `20,000 remained with customers as the period of approval did not expire as
yet. Proper adjustment should be made in respect of the above. Mr. Gavaskar makes his invoices at cost plus

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You are required to prepare Trading and Profit & Loss Account for the year ended 30th June, 2012 and a Balance
Sheet as at 30th June, 2012. (10)

Question 6.

1. (i) Rony, Bony and Jony were partners in a firm. They now admit Tony with equal rights. Calculate new profit
sharing ratio.
(ii) Arun and Anand were partners sharing profits in the ration of 3:2. Their position as on 31st March, 2013 was
as under.
Liabilities Amount (`) Assets Amount
Aruns Capital 12,000 Land and Buildings 8,000
Anands Capital 10,000 Plant and Machinery 10,000
General reserve 12,000 Sundry Debtors 11,000
Workmens Compensation Fund 4,000 Stock 12,000
Sundry Creditors 12,000 Cash at Bank 9,000
50,000 50,000
They decided to admit Ashok for a 20% profit on the following terms: (a) The liability on Workmens
Compensation Fund is to be determined at `2,000. (b) Ashok to bring in `3,000 as premium out of his share of
`3,600. He is also to bring in `20,000 as his capital; (c) General Reserve is to be maintained at its original value;
(d) `2,000 out of creditors to be paid at 5% discount.
Pass the necessary journal entries to give effect to the above arrangement; the show the capital accounts
and prepare the Balance Sheet of the new firm. (0.5+4.5)

Question 7.

M Stores Ltd., Delhi, has its branches at Lucknow and Chennai. It charges goods to its Branches at cost plus 25%.
Following information is available of the transactions of the Lucknow Branch for the year ended on 31st March

Particulars ` Particulars `
Balances on 1.4.2012 Goods pilfered (at invoice price) 2,000
Stock (at invoice price) 30,000 Goods lost by fire (at invoice price) 5,000
Debtors 10,000 Insurance Co. paid to H.O. for loss by fire at 3,000
Petty Cash 50 Lucknow
Transactions During 2011-12 Cash sent for petty expenses 34,000
(Lucknow Branch) : 3,25,000 Bad debts at Branch 500
Goods send to Lucknow Branch Goods transferred to Chennai Branch under 15,000
(at invoice price) 10,000 H.O. advice
Goods returned to Head Office Insurance charges paid by H.O. 500
(at invoice price) Goods returned by Debtors 500
Cash Sales 1,00,000 Balance on 31.3.2012:
Credit Sales 1,75,000 Petty Cash 230
Debtors 14,000

Goods worth ` 15,000 (included above) sent by Lucknow Branch to Chennai Branch were intransit on
Show the following accounts in the books of M Stores Ltd. : (a) Lucknow Branch Stock Account; (b) Lucknow
Branch Debtors Account. (5)

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Question 8.

T Ltd. purchased Motor Lorries on Hire-Purchase System over a period of 4 years, `24,000 being payable on
delivery on 1st January 2009 and the balance by annual installments of `24,000 each on 31st December each
year. M Ltd., which sold the Lorries, charged interest at 5% p.a. on the yearly balances. The cash value of the
Lorries on delivery was `1,09,100. Depreciation @ 25% on Diminishing Balances was written-off each year.
show the Journal entries in the books of M. Ltd. for the these years, of T. Ltd. under Interest Suspense Method.
Section C : Control of Accounting Systems
Question 9.

From the following information taken out from the books of A. Bose & Co., prepare Purchase Ledger
Adjustment Account in General Ledger and General Adjustment Accounts in Purchase Ledger:

Balance on 1.1.2012 Dr. 1,500

Cr. 60,000
Transactions for the year ended 31.12.2012:
Total Purchases (including credit purchases Rs. 90,000) 1,00,000
Returns to creditors 2,000
Cash paid to creditors 87,000
Discount received 4,000
Cash received from creditors 500
Allowances 1,300
B/P accepted 2,500
Transfer of purchases to another ledger 200
Closing Debit balance on 31.12.2012 1,000
Section D : Accounting in Service Sector

Question 10.

Describe the Accounting For ITES . (10)

Section E : Accounting for Service Sector

Question 11.

(i) X Ltd. of Gujrat purchased 5,000 sarees @ ` 100 per saree. Out of these 3,000 sarees were sent on consignment
to Y Ltd. of Kolkata at the selling price of ` 150 per saree. The consignors paid ` 5,000 for packing and freight.
Y Ltd. sold 2,500 sarees @ ` 160 per saree and incurred ` 500 for selling expenses and remitted `2,50,000 to Gujrat
on account. They are entitled to a commission of 5% on total sales plus a further of 25% commission on any surplus
price realized over ` 150 per saree. 1,500 sarees were sold at Gujarat @ ` 110 per saree.

Owing to fall in market price, the value of stock of saree in hand is to be reduced by 5%. Your are required to
prepare (i) Consignment Account, and (ii) Nirmala Traders Account.

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(ii) Short owes Slow ` 6,000 for which the former accepts a three months bill drawn by the latter. Slow immediately
discounts the bill with his banker Strong Bank, at 12%. On the due date the bill is dishonoured and Strong Bank
pays ` 20 as noting charge.

Short pays ` 1,180 including interest of ` 200 and gives another bill at three months for the balance. Slow endorses
the bill to his creditor Slim in full settlement of his debits for ` 5,100. Slim discounts the bill with his banker Strong
Bank who charges ` 40 as discount. Before maturity Short becomes bankrupt and a first and final dividend of 20
paise in a rupee is realized from his estate.

Show the journal entries in the books of Slim and Strong Bank and ledger account of Short in the book of Slow.

(iii) Ravi and Suresh entered into a Joint Venture for purchase and sale of electronic goods, sharing profit and
loss in this ratio of 3:2. They also agreed to receive 5% commission on their individual sales and the following
information was extracted from the records.

July 1. 2012: Ravi purchased goods worth Rs. 1,90,000 financed to the extent of 90% out of his funds and balance
by load from his uncle Shyam.

Aug. 1 2012: Ravi sent goods costing Rs. 1,70,0100 to Suresh and paid Rs. 1,410 as freight. Suresh paid Rs. 13,410 to

Oct. 1 2012: Suresh sold all the goods sent to him. Ravi paid the loan takes from his uncle including interest of Rs.

All sales by either party were made at as uniform profit of 40% after cost. On Nov. 30, 2012, they decided to close
the venture by transforming the balance of goods unsold lying with Ravi at a cost of Rs. 9,000 to a wholesale
dealer. You are required to prepare the Memorandum Joint Venture Account, Joint Venture with Ravi in the
books of Suresh and Joint Venture with Suresh in the books of Ravi. They further disclosed that goods worth Rs.
4,000 were taken personally by Ravi at an agreed price of Rs. 5,000. (8+4+8)

Section E : Accounting for Banking, Insurance and Electricity Companies

Question 12.

(i) The following are the figures extracted from the books of Yes Bank Ltd. as on 31.03.2012. Other information:

Particulars Amount (`) Particulars Amount (`)

Interest and Discount received 20,30,000 Directors fees and allowance 12,000
Interest paid on Deposits 12,02,000 Rent and taxes paid 54,000
Issued and Subscribed Capital 5,00,000 Stationery and printing 12,000
Reserve Under Section 17 3,50,000 Postage and telegram 25,000
Commission, Exchange and 90,000 Other expenses 12,000
Rent received 30,000 Audit fees 4,000
Profit on sale of investment 95,000 Depreciation on Banks properties 12,500
Salaries and Allowances 1,05,000
(a) Provision for bad and doubtful debts necessary ` 2,00,000.
(b) Rebate on bills discounted as on 31.03.2012 ` 7,500.
(c) Provided ` 3,50,000 for income tax.
(d) The directors desire to declare 10% dividend.

Make the necessary assumption and prepare the Profit and Loss Account in accordance with the law.

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(ii) Ratnakar Electricity Supply Company Ltd. (which adopts the Double Account Systems) re-built and re-
equipped a power station and the connecting lines during the year 2012. For this purpose they purchased
material worth ` 10,85,000 and used stores worth ` 4,90,000 from their existing stocks. The cost of labour came to `
5,22,000. The estimated supervision overheads attributed to this project were ` 13,000. The station was erected in
2012 at a cost of ` 5,00,000 and the index of costs in this line stood in 1994 @ 385, taking 1995 as the base year.
Discarded materials from the old station fetched ` 12,000.

Calculate the amount to be capitalized and the amount to be charged on Revenue Account.

(iii) Prudence Life Insurance Co. furnishes you the following information:

Particulars Amount (`)

Life Insurance fund on 31.3.2010 1,30,00,000

Net liability on 31.3.2010 as per actuarial valuation 1,00,00,000

Interim bonus paid to policyholders during intervaluation period 7,50,000

You are required to prepare:

(i)Valuation Balance Sheet;
(ii)Statement of Net Profit for the valuation period; and
(iii)Amount due to the policyholders. (10 + 5 + 5)

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Paper 5(Financial Accounting)

Test PaperI/5/FAC/2012/T-2
(Answer all the questions)

Question 1.

Choose the correct answer from the following alternatives: (8 x 1 = 8 )

(i) The cost of a Fixed Assets of a business has to be written off over its
(A) Natural Life
(B) Accounting Life
(C) Physical Life
(D) Estimated Economic Life

(ii) Short workings can be recouped out of

(A) Minimum rent
(B) Excess of actual Royalty over minimum rent
(C) Excess of minimum rent over actual Royalty
(D) Profit and Loss Account

(iii) In Hire Purchase system cash price plus interest is known as

(A) Capital value of asset
(B) Book value of asset
(C) Hire purchase price of asset
(D) Hire purchase charges

(iv) In partnership when a new Partner brings his share of Goodwill in cash, then the amount of such
Goodwill will be credited to Partners capitals as per the following ratio :
(A) Old Profit sharing ratio
(B) Sacrifice ratio
(C) Gain ratio
(D) None of the above

(v) The Receipts and Payments Account generally begins with

(A) Credit Balance
(B) Debit Balance
(C) Both Debit and Credit Balance
(D) None of the above

(vi) In case of a Banking Company, entries in the Personal Ledger are made from
(A) Day Book
(B) Vouchers
(C) Rough Register
(D) None of the above

(vii) When Sales = ` 1,80,000, Purchase =` 1,60,000, Opening Stock = ` 34,000 and rate of the Gross Profit
is 20% on cost, the Closing Stock would be
(A) `50,000

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(B) `44,000
(C) `46,000
(D) None of the above

(viii) Goods are transferred from Department X to Department Y at a price so as to include a profit of
33.33% on cost. If the value of closing stock of Department Y is ` 18,000, then the amount of stock
reserve on closing stock will be :
(A) ` 6,000
(B) ` 4,500
(C) ` 9,000
(D) None of the above

Question 2.

State whether the following statements are TRUE (T) or FALSE (F) : [14=4]
(i) Original cost minus scrap value is the depreciable value of asset.

(ii) Royalty is a Revenue Expenditure to Lessor.

(iii)According to AS-2 Inventories are held for sale in normal course of business.
(iv) Income and Expenditure Account is prepared by adopting accrual principle of accounting.

Question 3.

Fill in the blanks in the following sentences using the appropriate word from the alternatives indicated:

(i) Depreciation is an item of ___________________ . (gross profit/expenditure)

(ii) Compensation paid to employees who are retrenched is _________________ expenditure.
(iii) Receipts and Payment Account is a ____________Account is nature. (Real/Nominal)
(iv) Unclaimed Dividend appears under the head of _______________in the Balance Sheet of a Company.
(Deferred Expenditure/Liabilities)

Question 4.

Match the followings : [14=4]

(i) AS6 (I) Borrowing costs

(ii) AS13 (II) Depreciation Accounting
(iii) AS16 (iii) Accounting for Investment
(iv) AS19 (iV) Leases
(V)No matching statements found

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Question 5.

(a) State the rules for determining Capital Expenditure

(b) On 1st April, 2010, Nath Ltd. purchased a second-hand Machine for` 1,20,000 and spent ` 30,000 on its
renewal. On 1st October, 2011, ` 3,000 was spent on repairs. On 30th September, 2012 the Machine was
sold for ` 75,000. Depreciation is to be provided @ 20 per cent per annum according to written down
value method.

Prepare Machinery Account reflecting all these transactions assuming Books are closed on 31stMarch each

(c) Determine the value of stock on 31st March, 2013 from the following particulars:

Stock was valued on 15th April 2013 and the amount came to ` 1,00,000.
(a) Sales ` 82,000 (including cash sales ` 20,000)
(b) Purchase ` 10,068 (including cash purchase ` 3,980)
(c) Returns inward ` 2,000

(d) On 15th March, goods of the sale value of ` 20,000 were sent on sale or return basis to a
customer, the period of approval being four weeks. He returned 40% of the goods on 10th
April approving the rest, the customer was received on 16th April.
(e) Goods received value ` 16,000 in March for sale on consignment basis 20% of the goods
has been sold by 31st March, and another 50% by 15th April. These sales are not included in
above sales.
Goods are sold at a profit of 20% on sales

(d) The difference between actual expense or income and the estimated expense or income as
accounted for in earlier years accounts, does not necessarily constitute the item to be a prior
period item comment. [5+2+5+3]

Section B : Preparation of Accounts

Question 6.

The following are the items of Receipts and Payments of the Bengal Club as summarized from the books of
account maintained by the Secretary:

Receipts Amount Payments Amount

(`) (`)
Opening Balance 1.1.2012 4,200 Managers Salary Printing and 1,000
Stationery Advertising Fire 2,600
Entrance Fees 2011 1,000 Insurance Investments 1,800
Purchased Closing Balance 1,200
Do 2012 10,000
31.12.2012 20,000
Subscriptions 2011 600 7,600

Do 2012 34,200 34,200

It was ascertained from enquiry that the following represented a fair picture of the Income and Expenditure of
the Club for the year 2012 for audit purpose:
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Expenditure Amount Amount Income Amount

(`) (`) (`)
Managers Salary 1,500 Entrance Fees 10,500

Printing & Stationery 2,000 Subscription 15,600

Add: Accrued 2,400 Interest on Investments 4,000
Advertising (accrued Nil) 500
Audit Fees
30,100 30,100
Fire Insurance

You are required to prepare the Balance Sheet of the Club as on 31.12.2011 and 31.12.2012, it being given that
the values of the Fixed Assets as on 31.12.2011 were: Building ` 44,000, Cricket Equipment `25,000 and Furniture `
4,000. The rates of depreciation are Building 5%, Cricket Equipments 10%, Furniture 6%. You are entitled to make
assumptions as may be justified. [5]

Question 7.

The Balance Sheet of Baichung, Tausif and Vijayan who shared profit and losses in the ratio 3:3:2 respectively was
as follows on 31st December, 2012:

Capitals: Machinery 31,600

Baichung 24,000 Furniture 6,400
Tausif 10,000 Stock 8,500
Vijayan 8,000 42,000 Debtors 4,300
Reserve 4,800 Cash at Bank 4,700
Creditors 8,700

55,500 55,500
Baichung retired from the business on 1st January, 2008. Revaluation of assets were made as: Machinery `34,000,
Furniture `5,000 Stock `9,600, Debtors `4,000 and Goodwill `10,000.

Baichung was paid `4.225 immediately and the balance was transferred to a Loan Account for payment in 4
equal half-yearly installments together with interest @ 6% p.a.

Show the necessary accounts, the Balance Sheet of the firm immediately after Baichungs retirement and his
Loan Account till finally paid off. [6]

Question 8.

A. Ltd. obtain from B.S. Ltd. a lease of some coal-bearing land, the terms being a royalty of ` 15 per ton of coal
raised subject to a minimum rent of ` 75,000 p.a. with a right of recoupment of short-working over the first
four years of the lease. From the following details, show (i) Short-working Account, (ii) Royalty Account

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Year Sales (Tons) Closing Stock (Tons)

2008 2,000 300

2009 3,500 400

2010 4,800 600

2011 5,600 500

2012 8,000 800


Question 9.

From the following Trial Balance, prepare Departmental Trading and Profit and Loss Account for the year ended
31.12.2012 and a Balance Sheet as at the date in the books of Sri S. Maity:

Particulars Dr. Cr.

` `

Stock (1.1.2012):
Dept. A 5,400
Dept. B 4,900
Dept. A 9,800
Dept. B 7,350
Dept. A 16,900
Dept. B 13,520
Dept. A 1,340
Dept. B 240
Rent 1,870
Salaries 1,320
Lighting and Heating 420
Discount Allowed 441
Discount Received 133
Advertising 738
Carriage Inward 469
Furniture and Fittings 600
Plant and Machinery 4,200

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Sundry Debtors 1,820

Sundry Creditors 3,737
Capital 9,530
Drawings 900
Cash in hand 32
Cash at Bank 1,980

43,820 43,820

The following information is also provided:

Rent and Lighting and Heating are to be allocated between Factory and Office in the ratio of 3:2. Rent, Lighting
and Heating, Salaries and Depreciation are to be apportioned to A and B Depts. as 2:1. Other expenses and
incomes are to be apportioned to A and B Depts. on suitable basis (5)

Section C : Control of Accounting Systems

Question 10.

From the following particulars which have been extracted from the books of Sundar Company for the ended
31.12.2012, prepare General Ledger Adjustment Account in the Creditors Ledger and a Debtors Ledger
Adjustment Account in the General Ledger:

Debtors balance 1.1.2012 (Dr.) 30,000

(Cr.) 450

Creditors balance 1.1.2012(Dr.) 300

(Cr.) 22,500

Purchases (including Cash Rs. 6,000) 18,000

Sales (including cash Rs. 9,000) 37,500

Cash paid to Suppliers 12,750

Discount earned 750

Cash received from customers 21,150

Discount allowed 1,350

Bills Payable accepted 3,000

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Bills Receivable received 4,500

Bills Receivable Dishonoured 600

Returns Outward 1,500

Debtors balance 31.12.2012 (Cr.) 675

Creditors balance 31.12.2012 (Cr.) 16,305


Section D : Accounting in Service Sectors

Question 11.

(i) Write a short notes on how to maintain the accounts of Cinema, Theatre and Circus.
(ii) Write a short notes on how to maintain the accounts of Hotels, Restaurant and Caterers [4+4]

Section E : Accounting for Special Transaction

Question 12.

(i) Daga of Kolkata sent to Lodha of Kanpur goods costing ` 40,000 on consignment at a commission of 5% on
gross sales. The packaging and forwarding charges incurred by consignor amounted to ` 4,000. The
consignee paid freight and carriage of ` 1,000 at Kanpur. Three-forth of the goods were sold for ` 48,000.
Then the consignee remitted the amount due from him to consignor along with the account sale, but he
desired to return the goods still lying unsold with him as he was not agreeable to continue the
arrangement of consignment. He was then persuaded to continue to joint venture basis sharing profit or
loss as Daga 3/5th and Lodha 2/5th.

Daga then supplied another lot of goods of ` 20,000 and Lodha sold out all the goods in his hand for `
50,000 (Gross). Daga paid expenses ` 2,000 and Lodha ` 1,700 for the second lot of goods.

Show necessary Ledger A/c in the books of both parties. No final settlement of balance due is yet made.

(ii) S Ltd. sells goods on Sale or Return basis. Customers having the choice of returning the goods within 9
months. During April 2012, the following are the details of the goods sent.

Date Customers Value (`) Proforma Invoice No.

2012 April 2 G 20,000 002
4 H 36,000 005
16 I 50,000 017
20 J 16,000 020
24 K 42,000 031
28 L 60,000 060
Within the stipulated time G and I returned the goods while H, J and K informed that they have accepted
the goods. Show the following accounts in the books of the firm.

Sale on Approval Account and Customers for Sale on Approval Account as on 15th May 2012.

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(iii) X has the following transactions with Y

Date Particulars `
2012 January, 1 Sold goods to Y 3,000
February, 15 Received cash from Y 1,200
March, 5 Bought goods from Y 8,000
April, 15 Paid to Y 5,400
Prepare an Account current to be recorded to be rendered by X to Y under backward Method for the
period to 31st June, 2013 reckoning interest @ 12% p.a. [5+4+4]

Section F : Accounting for Banking, Electricity and Insurance company

Question 13.

(i) From the following information profit & Loss Account of East Bank of Bharat Ltd. as on 31st March,


Particulars (` in 000)

Interest and discount 65,80

Income from investments 2,30

Interest on Balances with RBI 4,60

Commission, exchange and brokerage 14,40

Profit on sale of investment 2,20

Interest on deposit 26,50

Interest to RBI 3,44

Payment to and provision for employees 22,88

Rent, taxes and lighting 4,40

Printing and stationery 4,60

Advertisement and publicity 2,90

Depreciation 1,84

Directors fees 3,30

Auditors fees 2,20

Law charges 4,60

Postage, telegram and telephone 1,50

Insurance 1,16

Repair and maintenance 86

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Other information:

(i) Interest and discount mentioned above is after adjustment for the following:

Particulars (` in 000)

Tax provision for the year 460

Provision during the year for doubtful debt 204

Loss on sale of investment 22

Rebate on bills discounted 114

(ii) 20% of profit is transferred to statutory reserve.

5% of the profit is transferred to revenue reserve.

Profit brought forward from last year 44

(ii) The BESC Limited decided to replace one of its old plants by an improved plant. This plant was built in 1946
for ` 67,50,000. To build a new plant of the same size and capacity it would now cost ` 1,00,00,000. The
cost of the new plant with larger capacity was ` 2,12,50,000 and in addition, materials of the old plant
valued at ` 6,87,500 were used in the construction of the new plant. The balance of the old plant was
sold for ` 3,75,000.

You are required to calculate the amount to be charged to Revenue Account and the amount to be
capitalized. Also show the Plant Account and the Replacement Account.

(iii) From the following figures of Well Life assurance Co. Ltd. prepare a Valuation Balance Sheet and Profit
Distribution Statement for the year ended 31st March 2012. Also pass necessary journal entries to record
the above transactions with narrations.

Particulars ` (in lakhs)

Balance of Like Assurance Fund as on 01.04.2011 167.15
Interim bonus paid in the valuation period 25.00
Balance of Revenue Amount for the year ended 31.03.2012 240.00
Net Liability as per valuers Certificates as on 31.03.2012 165.00
The company declares a revisionary bonus of Rs. 185 per ` 1,000 and gave the policyholders an option to
take bonus in cash `105 per `1,000. Total business conducted by the company was `600 lakhs. The
company issued profit policy only, 3/5th of the policyholders in value opted for cash bonus. [5+5+5]

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Paper 5(Financial Accounting)

Test PaperI/5/FAC/2012/T-3
(Answer all the questions)

Section A : Generally Accepted Principles & Accounting Systems

Question 1.

Distinction between Accrual Basis and Cash Basis Accounting. (2)

Question 2.

On 20.4.2012 JLC Ltd. obtained a loan from the Bank for ` 50 lakhs to be utilised as under:

Particulars `

Construction of a shed 20 lakhs

Purchase of machinery 15 lakhs

Working capital 10 lakhs

Advance for purchase of truck 5 lakhs

In March, 2013 construction of shed was completed and machinery installed. Delivery of truck was not
received. Total interest charged by the bank for the year ending 31.3.2013 was ` 9 lakhs. Show the
treatment of interest under AS 16. (4)
Question 3.

Mr.B sold goods on credit to various customers. Details related to one of the customer, Mr.Z, is as

(i) Goods sold on credit ` 5,00,000

(ii) Goods returned by the customer ` 30,000 due to defective quality, credit note raised but not

(iii) Payment received from customer in cash ` 1,00,000 and by cheques ` 2,30,000. Out of cheques
received, a cheque of ` 38,000 was dishonoured by bank.

(iv) Customer accepted two Bills of ` 19,000 and ` 56,000 for 2 months and 3 months respectively.

(v) Credit note raised against the customer ` 3,400 for excess payment charged against one of the

Mr.Z, the customer is in need to ascertain the actual balance due to Mr.B. Prepare a Reconciliation
Statement. (4)

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Section B : Preparation of Accounts

Question 4.

From the following information prepare

(i) Fixed Assets Account and

(ii) Accumulated Depreciation Account :

Particulars Opening Balance Closing Balance

` `
Fixed Assets 4,00,000 5,50,000
Accumulated Depreciation 80,000 1,35,000

Additional information:
A part of a machine costing ` 60,000 has been sold for ` 30,000, on which accumulated depreciation was `
15,000. (5)

Question 5.

Complete the following Annual Financial Statements on the basis of ratios given below

Profit and Loss Account

Particulars ` Particulars `

To, Cost of Goods Sold 6,00,000 By, Sales 20,00,000

To, Operating Expenses
To, Earning Before Interest and Tax

To, Debenture Interest 10,000 By, Earnings before Interest and Tax
To, Income Tax
To, Net Profit

Balance Sheet

Liabilities ` Assets `

Net Worth: Fixed Assets

Share Capital Current Assets:
Reserve and Surplus Cash
10% Debentures Stock
Sundry Creditors 60,000 Debtors 35,000

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Other information:

Net Profit to Sales 5% Inventory Turnover (based on Cost of 15 times

Current Ratios 1.5 Goods Sold)
Return on Net Worth 20% Share Capital to Reserves 4:1
Rate of Income tax 50%


Question 6.
The following was the Balance Sheet of A, B and C who shared profits in the ratio of 1 : 2 : 2 as on 31
December, 2011.

Sundry Creditors 10,000 Goodwill 15,000

Capital A/c : Debtors 10,000
A 10,000 Machinery 20,000
B 20,000 Buildings 30,000
C 20,000 50,000 Stock 10,000
General Reserve 5,000 Cash at Bank 5,000
Investment Fluctuation Fund 3,000 Investments 10,000
Bad Debts Reserve 2,000
Bank Loan 30,000

1,00,000 1,00,000

C died on 31st March, 2012. His account is to be settled under the following terms :
Goodwill is to be calculated at the rate of 2 years purchase on the basis of the average of 5 years profit or loss.
Profit for January to March 12 is to be calculated proportionately on the average profit of 3 years. The profits
were : 2007 ` 3,000, 2008 ` 7,000, 2009 ` 10,000, 2010 ` 14,000, 2011 loss ` 12,000. During 2011 a Moped
costing ` 4,000 was purchased and debited to Travelling Expenses Account on which depreciation is to be
calculated @ 25%. Other values agreed on assets are : Stock ` 12,000, Building ` 35,000, Machinery ` 25,000
and Investments ` 8,000. Debtors are considered good.
Prepare new Balance Sheet of the firm, necessary Journal entries and Ledger Accounts of the Partners.
Question 7.

X purchased a truck for ` 2,80,000, payment to be made ` 91,000 down and 3 installments of ` 76,000
each at the end of each year. Rate of interest is charged at 10% p.a. Buyer depreciates assets at 15%
p.a. on written down value method.

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Because of financial difficulties, X, after having paid down payment and first installment to the end of
1st year could not pay second installment and seller took possession of the truck. Seller, after spending `
9,200 on repairs of the asset sold for ` 150,000. Show the r el e va n t acc oun t s in the books of the
purchaser & the vendor. (5)
Question 8.

How will you translate the following items of Singapore Branch for the year 2012-13 :
Fixed Assets as on 31.3.2013 $ 70,000, Balance of Loan (taken to purchase the fixed Assets) on 31.3.2013 $
52,000, Depreciation as on 31.3.2013 $ 10,000, Interest paid during 2013 $ 11,520.
Fixed Assets having useful life of 10 years were purchased for $ 1,00,000 on 1.4.2010 after taking a loan of $
88,000 @ 18% interest p.a. Annual loan installment of $ 12,000 and interest were paid on 31st March each year.
Exchange Rate 1.4.2010 $ 1 = ` 25.50, Average of 2010-11 $ 1 = 25.70, 31.3.2011 $ 1 = ` 26.10, Average of 2011-
12 $ 1 = ` 26.20, 31.3.2012, $ 1 = ` 26.40, Average of 2012-13 $ 1 = ` 36.50, 31.3.2013, $ 1 = ` 42.20. (10)

Section C : Control of Accounting Systems

Question 9.

The following information is avail from the books of the trader for the period 1st Jan. to 31st March 2012:

(1) Total Sales amounted to ` 70,000 including the sale of old furniture for ` 10,000(book value is ` 12,300). The
total cash sales were 80% less than total credit sales.

(2) Cash collection from Debtors amounted to 60% of the aggregated of the opening Debtors and Credit
sales for the period. Discount allowed to them amounted to ` 2,600

(3) Bills receivable drawn during the period totaled ` 7,000 of which bills amounting to ` 3,000 were endorsed
in favour of suppliers. Out of these endorsed bills, a Bill receivable for ` 1,600 were dishonoured for non-
payament, as the party became insolvent and his estate realized nothing.

(4)Cheques received from customer of ` 5,000 were dishonoured; a sum of ` 500 is irrecoverable.

(5) Bad Debts written-off in the earlier year realized ` 2,500.

(6) Sundry debtors on 1st January stood at ` 40,000.

You are required to show the Debtors Ledger Adjustment Account in the General Ledger. (10)

Section D : Accounting in Service Sector

Question 10.

(i) Applicability of AS 7.
(ii) P Ltd. Took a contract to construct a multistoried building for a consideration of ` 20,00,000 to be complete
within 3 years for which total cost to be incurred ` 16,50,000. The details are :
Particulars Year I (`) Year II (`) Year III (`)
Total cost incurred 3,50,000 8,00,000 16,50,000
Estimated cost to be incurred
for completion 7,00,000 1,00,000 -
Progress payment to be
received 2,50,000 9,00,000 12,00,000
Progress Payment Received
1,70,000 5,50,000 2,20,000

Advise the company to prepare the accounts in completion AS -7. (3+7)

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Section E : Accounting for Special Transaction

Question 11.

(i) 5,000 shirts were consigned by Raizada & Co. of Delhi to Zing of Tokyo at cost of ` 375 each. Raizada & Co.
paid freight ` 50,000 and Insurance ` 7,500.
During the transit 500 shirts were totally damaged by fire. Zing took delivery of the remaining shirts and paid `
72,000 on custom duty.
Zing had sent a bank draft to Raizada & Co. for ` 2,50,000 as advance payment. 4,000 shirts were sold by him at `
500 each. Expenses incurred by Zing on godown rent and advertisement etc. amounted to ` 10,000. He is entitled
to a commission of 5%
One of the customer to whom the goods were sold on credit could not pay the cost of 25 shirts.
Prepare the Consignment Account and the Account of Zing in the books of Raizada & Co. Zing settled his
account immediately. Nothing was recovered from the insurer for the damaged goods.

(ii) Mr. Shape dealt on the stock exchange and had purchased and sold leading scripts but did not
maintain his accounts in a proper manner. He furnished the following data:
Investment on hand as at July 1.2012
300-3% Conversion Loan 1982-84 of ` 100 each purchased at ` 60.
250-Equity shares of ` 10 each of Everlite Limited at ` 18 per share.
1,000-9% Preference shares of ` 100 each of Prosperous Limited at ` 95.
Transactions during the year
750 Equity Shares of ` 10 each of Evelite Ltd. at ` 23.
250 Equity Shares of ` 10 each of Small Limited at ` 9.
125 Equity Shares of ` 10 each of Bright Shipping Ltd. at ` 12.
100-3% Conversion Loan 1982-2022 at ` 65.
100-9% Preference Shares of Prosperous Ltd. at ` 99.
Interest/Dividend Received
3% Conversion Loan Interest Received ` 900.
9% Preference Shares of Prosperous Ltd. ` 9,000.
Everlite Ltd. Dividend at 20 per cent on 1,000 shares ` 2,000.
Everlite Limited issued Bonus shares and Mr. Shape received 1,000 shares of the Company as Bonus
You are required to show the Investment Account in the Books of Mr. Shape.

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(iii) On 30.09.2012 the stock of Harshvardhan was lost in a fire accident. From the available records the following
information is made available to you to enable you to prepare a statement of claim of the insurer:

Particulars Amount ` Particulars Amount


Stock at cost on 1.4.2011 75,000 Sales less returns for the year ended 6,30,000
Stock at cost on 31.3.2012 1,04,000
Purchase less returns up to 30.09.2012 2,90,000
Purchases less returns for the year 5,07,500
ended 31.3.2012 Sales less returns up to 30.09.2012 3,68,100

In valuing the stock on 31.03.2012 due to obsolescence 50% of the value of the stock which originally cost `
12,000 had been written-off. In May 2012, th of these stocks had been sold at 90% of original cost and it is now
expected that the balance of the obsolete stock would also realize the same price, subject to the above, G.P
had remained uniform throughout stock to the value of ` 14,400 was salvaged. (5+10+5)

Section F : Accounting for Banking , Electricity and Insurance Company

Question 12.

(i) From the following trial balance and the additional information, prepare a Balance Sheet of Lakshmi Bank Ltd.
as at 31st March,2012:

Debit balance ` (in Lakhs)

Cash Credits 1,218.15

Cash in hand 240.23

Cash with Reserve Bank of India 67.82

Cash with other Banks 132.81

Money at call and short notice 315.18

Gold 82.84

Government securities 365.25

Current Accounts 42.00

Premises 133.55

Furniture 95.18

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Term Loan 1,189.32


Credit balance ` (in Lakhs)

Share Capital (29,70,000 equity shares of ` 10 each, fully paid up) 297.00

Statutory Reserve 346.50

Net Profit for the year (before appropriation) 225.00

Profit & Loss Account (Opening balance) 618.00

Fixed deposit Accounts 775.50

Savings Deposit Accounts 675.00

Current Accounts 780.18

Bills Payable 0.15

Borrowings from other Banks 165.00


Additional Information :
(i) Bills for collection : ` 18,10,000
(ii) Acceptance and endorsements : ` 14,12,000
(iii) Claims against the bank not acknowledged as debts : ` 55,000
(iv) Depreciation charged on premises : ` 1,10,000 and Furniture : ` 78,000

(ii) Saharanpur Electricity Ltd. earned a profit of ` 17,40,000 during the year ended 31st March 2013 after
charging interest on debentures amounting to ` 45,000 @ 7 %. You are required to show the disposal of profits
assuming bank rate at 6 % with the help of the following data:

Particulars Amount

Fixed Assets at Cost 2,50,00,000

Preliminary Expenses 5,00,000
Monthly average of current assets including amounts due from customers ` 6,00,000 36,00,000
Reserve Fund (represented by 6% Govt. Securities) 40,00,000
Total depreciation written-off 77,00,000

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Contingency Reserve Investment 10,00,000

Loan from Electricity Board 50,00,000
Tariff and Dividend Control Reserve 2,00,000
Security Deposit received from customers 5,00,000
Development Reserve 5,00,000

(iii) The life insurance fund of Prakash Life Insurance Co. Ltd. was ` 34,00,000 on 31st March, 2012. Its actuarial
valuation on 31st March, 2012 disclosed a net liability of ` 28,80,000. An interim bonus of
` 40,000 were paid to the policyholders during the previous two years. It is now proposed to carry forward `
1,10,000 and to divide the balance between the policyholders and the shareholders. Show (a) the Valuation
Balance Sheet, (b) the net profit for the two-year period, and (c) the distribution of the profits. (8+6+6)

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Paper 5(Financial Accounting)

Test PaperI/5/FAC/2012/T-4

(Answer all the questions)

Section A : Generally Accepted Principles & Accounting Systems
Question 1.

(a) Briefly describe the Business Entity Concept.

(b) The company revised an actuarial valuation for the first time for its pension scheme, which revalued a
surplus of `12 lakhs. It wants to spread the same over the next 2 years by reducing the annual
contribution to `4 lakhs instead of `10 lakhs. The average remaining life of the employees, if estimated to
be 6 years, you are required to advise the company considering the Accounting Standards 15 and 5.
(c) The Bank column of the Cash Book showed an overdraft of `5,000 on 31-03-2012, whereas as per Bank
statement the overdraft is `4,200. The following differences were noticed between the two records:

(i) Cheques of `2,400 issued but not encashed by customers.

(ii) Cheques deposited but not cleared `1,200.
(iii) Collection charges debited by Bank not recorded in CB `100.
(iv) Bank interest charged by the Bank not recorded in CB `300.
(v) Cheques dishonoured debited by Bank not in CB `400.
(vi) Interest directly received by Bank not entered in CB `400.

Prepare Bank reconciliation statement after amending the CB.

Section B : Preparation of Accounts

Question 2.

(a) Write a short note on Sinking Fund method of Depreciation.

(b) X, Y and Z are three Partners sharing profit and Losses equally. Their capital as on 01.04.2012 were: X
`80,000; Y `60,000 and Z `50,000.
They mutually agreed on the following points (as per partnership deed):

(i) Interest on capital to be allowed @ 5% P.a.

(ii) X to be received a salary @ `500 p.m.
(iii) Y to be received a commission @ 4% on net profit after charging such commission.
(iv) After charging all other items 10% of the net profit to be transferred General Reserve.

Profit from Profit and Loss Account amounted to `66,720. Prepare a Profit and Loss Appropriation
Account for the year ended 31st March, 2013.

Question 3.

(a) Ram, Rahim and Robert are partners of the firm ABC & Co-sharing profits and losses in the ratio of 5:3:2.
The Balance Sheet of the firm as on 01.04.2012 is given below:
Liabilities ` Assets `
Partners Capital: Goodwill 50,000
Ram 3,00,000 Machinery 4,55,000
Rahim 2,50,000 Furniture 10,000
Robert 2,00,000 Stock 2,00,000
General Reserve 1,05,000 Debtors 3,00,000
Loan 95,000 Cash & Bank 35,000
Sundry Creditors 1,00,000
10,50,000 10,50,000
Partners of firm decided to dissolve the firm. The firm decided to settle the loan creditors directly.

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Ram took over goodwill for `75,000. Rahim took over machinery and furniture at 90% of book value and
sundry creditors at book value.

Robert took over stock at 95% of book value and debtors at 90% of the book value. Partners have to pay
cash if the assets taken over had exceeded the amounts due to them.

Prepare only Realisation Account.

(b) Department A sells goods to Department B at a profit of 25% on cost and to department C at 10% profit
on cost. Department B sells goods to Department A and Department C at a profit of 15% and 20% on
sales respectively. Dept. C charges 20% and 25% profit on cost and department A and department b

Department managers are entitled to commission on net profit subject to unrealized profit on
departmental sales being eliminated before department profit after charging managers commission not
before adjustments of unrealized profits are: Dept. A `72,000; Dept. B ` 4,000; and Dept. C `36,000. Stock
lying at different departments at the end of the year is:
Particulars Department A (`) Department B (`) Department C (`)
Transfer from Department A 30,000 22,000
Transfer from Department B 28,000 24,000
Transfer from Department C 12,000 10,000

Find out the correct departmental profit after charging managers commission.

Question 4.

The hire purchases department of Zapak Ltd provides you the following information for the year ending on 30th
September, 2012:
Purchase cost per unit `3,000
Cash sales price per unit `4,000
Cash down payment per unit `400
Monthly payment per unit `350
Number of installments per unit 12
Number of units sold on hire purchase basis 120
Number of installments collected 420
Number of installments due but not yet collected 58
Required : Calculate the following :
(a) Number of installments fallen due during the year, (b) Number of installments not yet due on30.9.2012, (c)
Amount of installment not yet due, (d) Amount of installment due but not yet collected,(e) Amount fallen due
during the year, (f) Cash collected during the year, (g) Hire Purchase price per unit, (h) Total hire purchase price
of units sold, (i) Total cost price of units sold on hire purchase, (j)% of profit margin on H.P. Sales, (k) Profit included
in total hire purchases price, (l) Profit included in the amount of installments not yet due, (m) Gross Profit.
Also Prepare Hire Purchase Stock Account, Hire Purchases Debtors Account and Hire Purchase Adjustment
Section C : Control of Accounting Systems

Question 5.

The balance on the Sales Ledger Control Account of X & Co. on Sept. 3, 2012 amounted to `7,600 which did not
agree with the net total of the list of Sales Ledger Balance on that date.
Errors were found and the appropriate adjustments when made balanced the books. The errors were:
(a) Debit balance in the sales ledger amounting to `206 had been omitted from the list of balances.
(b) A Bad Debt amounting to `800 had been written-off in the sales ledger, but had not been posted to the Bad
Debts Account, or entered in the Control Account.
(c) An item of goods sold to S. for `500 had been entered once in the Day Book but posted to his account twice.

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(d) `50 Discount Allowed to W had been correctly recorded and posted in the books. This sum had been
subsequently disallowed, debited to Ws account, and entered in the discount received column of the Cash
(e) No entry had been made in the Control Account in respect of the transfer of a debit of `140 from Qs
Account in the Sales Ledger to his account in the Purchase Ledger.
(f) The Discount Allowed column in the Cash Book had been undercast by `280.
You are required to give the journal entries, where necessary, to rectify these errors, indicating whether or not any
control accounts is affected, and to make necessary adjustments in the Sales Ledger Control Account bringing
down the balance.
Section D : Accounting in Service Sector

Question 6.

(a) On 31.12.2011, Viswakarma Construction Company Ltd. undertook a contract to construct a building for
`85 lakhs. On 31.03.2012, the company found that it had already spent `64,99,000 on the construction.
Prudent estimate of the additional cost for completion was `32,01,000.
What is the additional provision for foreseeable loss which must be made in the final accounts for the
year ended 31.03.12 as per provisions AS 7 on Accounting for construction contract?
(b) Arjun Ltd. sold farm equipment through its dealer. One of the conditions at the time of sale is payment of
consideration in 14 days and, in the event of delay, interest is chargeable @ 15% p.a. The company has
not realized interest from the dealers in the past. However, for the year ended 31.03.2012, it wants to
recognized interest due on the balances due from dealers. The account is ascertained at `9 lakhs.
Decide whether the income by way of interest from dealers is eligible for recognition as per AS 9.

Section E : Accounting for Special Transaction

Question 7.

(a) Sunil owed Anil `80,000. Anil draws a bill on Sunil for that amount for 3 months on 1st April 2012. Sunil
accepts it and returns it to Anil. On 15th April 2012, Anil discounts it with Citi Bank at a discount of 12% p.a.
On the due date the bill was dishonoured, the bank paid noting charges of `100. Anil settles the banks
claim along with noting charges in cash. Sunil accepted another bill for 3 months for the amount due
plus interest of `3,000 on 1st July 2012. Before the new bill became due, Sunil retires the bill with a rebate
of `500. Show journal entries in books of Anil.
(b) On 1.7.2012, Mantu of Chennai consigned goods of the value of `50,000 to Pandey of Patna. This was
made by adding 25% on cost. Mantu paid that on `2,500 for freight and `1,500 for insurance.
During transit 1/10th of the goods were totally destroyed by fire and a sum of `2,400 was realised from the
insurance company. On arrival of the goods, Pandey paid `1,800 as carriage to godown. During the year
ended 30th June 2013, Pandey paid `3,600 for godown rent and `1,900 for selling expenses. 1/9th of the
remaining goods were again destroyed by fire in godown and nothing was recorded from the insurance
company. On 1.6.2013, Pandey sold half (1/2) the original goods for `30,000 and changed a commission
of 5% on sales as on 30.6.2013, Pandey sent a bank draft to Mantu for the amount so far due from him.
You are required to prepare Consignment to Patna Account in the books of Mantu of Chennai for the
year ended 30.6.2013.

Question 8.

(a) John and Smith entered into a joint venture business to buy and sale garments to share profits or losses in
the ratio of 5:3. John supplied 400 bales of shirting at `500 each and also paid `18,000 as carriage &
insurance. Smith supplied 500 bales of suiting at `480 each and paid `22,000 as advertisement &
carriage. John paid `50,000 as advance to Smith. John sold 500 bales of suiting at `600 each for cash
and also all 400 bales of shirting at `650 each for cash. John is entitles for commission of 2.5% on total
sales plus an allowance of `2,000 for looking after business. The joint venture was closed and the claims
were settled.

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Prepare Joint Venture A/c and Smiths A/c in the books of John and Johns A/c in the books of Smith.
(b) S Ltd. sells goods on Sale or Return basis. Customers having the choice of returning the goods within 9
months. During April 2012, the following are the details of the goods sent.
Date Customers Value (`) Proforma Invoice No.
02.04.2012 G 20,000 002
04.04.2012 H 36,000 005
16.04.2012 I 50,000 017
20.04.2012 J 16,000 020
24.04.2012 K 42,000 031
28.04.2012 L 60,000 060

Within the stipulated time G and I returned the goods while H, J and K informed that they have accepted
the goods. Show the following accounts in the books of the firm.
Sale on Approval Account and Customers for Sale on Approval Account as on 15th May 2012.
Section F : Accounting for Banking , Electricity and Insurance Company

Question 9.

(a) Write short note on Rebate on Bill Discount.

(b) While closing the books of AB Bank Ltd. on 31st March, 2012, you find in the loan ledger an unsecured
balance of `1 lakh in the account of Mr. X, whose financial condition is reported to you as bad and
doubtful. Interest accrued on that account is `10,000. On 1st July, 2012 the bank accepted a dividend of
@ 75 paise in rupee in full settlement of amount due upto 31st March, 2012. You are required to pass
necessary Journal Entries and prepare necessary Ledger Account.
(c) Briefly describe Net Revenue Account, maintained by Electricity Companies.
Question 10.

(a) The BESC Limited decided to replace one of its old plants by an improved plant. This plant was built in
1946 for `67,50,000. To build a new plant of the same size and capacity it would now cost `1,00,00,000.
The cost of the new plant with larger capacity was `2,12,50,000 and in addition, materials of the old plant
valued at `6,87,500 were used in the construction of the new plant. The balance of the old plant was sold
for `3,75,000.
You are required to calculate the amount to be charged to Revenue Account and the amount to be
capitalized. Also show the Plant Account and the Replacement Account.
(b) What types of books required to be maintained by Insurance Companies?

Directorate of Studies, The Institute of Cost Accountants of India (Statutory Body under an Act of Parliament) Page 27

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