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Dr. Enrique Gomez

ENSA Engineering Department
Avda Juan Carlos I, 8, 39600
Maliano, Cantabria, Spain
Tel: +34-942-200166

Mr. Roberto Ruiz

ENSA Engineering Department
Avda Juan Carlos I, 8, 39600
Maliano, Cantabria, Spain
Tel: +34-942-200101

Mr. Robert M. (Con) Wilson

Private Consultant
3609 Cherry Hill Drive, Orlando, Florida USA
Tel: 407-761-1337

t = thickness of plate exclusive of cladding or

ABSTRACT corrosion allowance (inches)
A stress analysis is described for a nuclear steam = ligament efficiency = h/P
generator tubesheet with a thin or irregular ligament * = effective Poissons ratio for perforated plate (Fig.
associated with a mis-drilled hole using the rules of ASME A-8131-1) [Ref. 3]
B&PV Section III and Non-Mandatory Appendix A, Article E* = effective Youngs modulus for perforated plate
A-8000 for Stresses in Perforated Flat Plates. The analysis (Fig. A-8131-1) [Ref. 3](ksi)
demonstrates the proper application of the NB-3200 rules for R* = the effective radius of the perforated plate = ro +
this special application with discussion of the differences 1/4 (P - h) (inches)
between an actual tube hole deviation from what is assumed in ro = radial distance from center of plate to center of
ASME Appendix A. This is a companion paper to Technical outermost hole (inches)
Justification Supporting Operation with a Tube Installed in a p1, p2 = pressures acting on surfaces of the plate (ksi)
Mis-Drilled Hole of a Steam Generator Tubesheet p = differential pressure across the plate (ksi)
NOMENCLATURE r* = radial stresses in the equivalent solid plate (ksi)
* = tangential stress in the equivalent solid plate (ksi)
h = nominal width of ligament at the minimum cross a* = axial stress in the equivalent solid plate (ksi)
section, (P d) (inches) ra* = radial-axial shear stress in the equivalent solid
P = nominal distance between hole center lines, pitch plate (ksi)
(inches) r = radial stresses in the tubesheet (ksi)
= tangential stress in the tubesheet (ksi)

1 Copyright 2013 by ASME

r = radial strain in the tubesheet (ksi) and Poissons ratio that is based on tests of plates with various
= tangential strain in the tubesheet (ksi) tube hole diameter-to-pitch ratios or ligament efficiencies.
= biaxiality ratio (r/ or /r) or (1/2 or 2/1), The original methodology also included a procedure for
where - 1 1 evaluating stresses for a mis-drilled hole with a thinner than
1*, 2* = principal stress in the plane of the equivalent solid nominal ligament. The mis-drilled hole configuration assumed
plate (A-8142.2) [Ref. 3] (ksi) that the hole was out-of-position through the entire thickness
ave* = larger absolute value of r* or * (A-8142.1(b)) of the tubesheet, i.e. parallel to the neighboring holes.
[Ref. 3] (ksi) The stress analysis described in this paper is based on the
skin = thermal skin stress (ksi) more realistic as-fabricated condition where the mis-drilled
d = diameter of holes in the tubesheet (inches) hole is not parallel to the neighboring holes. In this case, the
K = stress multiplier for stresses averaged across the drilling of the hole begins at the appropriate position and then
width of the ligament but not through the drifts away from the intended path, to exit the opposite side of
tubesheet thickness (Fig. A-8142-1) [Ref. 3] the tubesheet with an out-of-position condition. The limiting
Y1, Y2 = stress multipliers for peak ligament stresses (Fig. location for this condition is at the thinnest ligament location.
A-8142-3 and A-8142-4) [Ref. 3] The structural analysis of the tubesheet, channel head,
Ymax = stress multipliers given in Fig. A-8142-2 as a lower shell complex involves several simplifications. This
function of biaxiality ratio [Ref. 3] paper discusses some of them.
Km = ratio of total stress in the thin ligament to the total GEOMETRY OF THE TUBESHEET
stress in nominal ligament (Fig. A-8143.2-1) [Ref.
Figure 1 shows the dimensions of an axisymmetric model
of a typical steam generator tubesheet, channel head and lower
Kskin = stress multiplier for thermal skin stress (Fig. A-
shell configuration. All parts are constructed using SA-508,
8153-1) [Ref. 3]
Grade 3, Class 2 low alloy steel. The tubesheet that is modeled
S = stress intensity (A-8142) [Ref. 3] (ksi)
has 14,440, 0.75-inch diameter holes for 7,220 U-tubes. For
v = Poissons ratio
simplicity, the tube outer diameter is assumed to be equal to
E = Youngs modulus for tubesheet material (ksi)
the hole diameter. The distance between holes (the tube pitch)
Et = Youngs modulus for the tube material (ksi)
is 1 inch and the holes are arranged in an equilateral triangular
Tm = mean temperature averaged through the thickness
pattern. This produces a 0.25-inch nominal, minimum
of the tubesheet
ligament between holes. The ligament efficiency [ = (P-d)/P
Ts = temperature of the secondary surface of the
= h/P] is 0.25. The tubes in the tubesheet holes are Alloy 690
material and have a tt = 0.040-inch wall thickness.
= coefficient of thermal expansion
The actual tubesheet has a hot leg side where the heated
tt = tube wall thickness (inches)
reactor coolant enters the steam generator tube bundle. The
ps = pressure on surface where stress is computed, p1
hot leg side has 7,220 holes, each containing the hot leg end of
or p2 (ksi)
the 7,220 U-bend tubes. The U-bend tubes transfer heat from
p1 = pressure in the primary side (ksi)
the reactor coolant to the secondary side fluid to produce
p2 = pressure in the secondary side (ksi)
steam, and the reactor coolant exits the bundle through the
pi = pressure inside tubes (ksi)
cold leg side of the tubesheet. The hot leg and cold leg sides of
Pm = primary membrane stress (ksi)
the tubesheet are separated by a non-drilled (solid) tubelane
Pm+b = primary membrane plus bending stress (ksi)
that extends across the full diameter of the tubesheet. The
Q = secondary stress (ksi)
steam generator also has a solid divider plate that joins the
F = peak stress (ksi)
tubesheet to the channel head and forces the hot reactor
CUF = cumulative usage factors for fatigue
coolant to flow through the U-tubes.
INTRODUCTION It is possible to evaluate the tubesheet stresses using a 3D
Perforated plate stress analysis has been performed for finite element model that contains the non-perforated tubelane
decades using a methodology that was established in the early and the divider plate. However, since the original equivalent
1960s [Ref. 1]. That methodology was introduced to the solid plate methodology is based on an axisymmetric
ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code for Nuclear structure, it is acceptable to treat the pressure boundary as
Components (Section III) in the Summer 1966 Addenda to the being axisymmetric assuming the entire tubesheet to be
1965 Edition as non-mandatory Appendix I, Article I-9 perforated (neglecting the tubelane and divider plate).
Stresses in Ligaments [Ref. 2]. This same methodology is The location of the mis-drilled hole used in this analysis is
present, with minor editorial changes, in the current 2011 shown in Figure 2.
Addenda of the 2010 Edition of Section III as Appendix A,
Article A-8000 [Ref.3]. This methodology allows the
tubesheet to be analyzed as if it is a solid plate followed by the
application of stress multipliers that were derived from
experiments as a function of the tube hole size and pitch. The
conversion of a plate with drilled holes to an equivalent solid
plate is accomplished by using a modified Youngs modulus

2 Copyright 2013 by ASME

The mis-drilled hole is located 42.73-inches from the
center of the tubesheet (on the primary side) where the
nominal primary side ligament is 0.25-inch. The secondary
side ligament is assumed to be 0.1-inch. The mis-drilled hole
geometry is shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3. Geometry of the Mis-Drilled Hole


ASME Section III Appendix A, Article A-8000 [Ref. 3]
provides a methodology for determining stresses in perforated
plates. This methodology first calculates the ligament stresses
at a nominal ligament and then modifies the result to account
for an irregular or thin ligament. Following is a discussion of
Figure 1. Tubesheet, Channel Head, Lower Shell Geometry the stress analysis of the nominal ligament at the radial
position of the mis-drilled hole (i.e. DS1 in Figure 1).
The tubesheet loadings used in this example include
pressure differences and thermal differences for 10 transient
events across the tubesheet thickness. The metal temperature
in the perforated region of the tubesheet is equal to the tube
inside temperature (either reactor coolant hot leg temperature
or cold leg temperature) through most of the tubesheet
thickness, with the exception of a thin zone at the secondary
face where secondary side water cools the tubesheet. The
tubesheet surface stresses caused by this local cooling are
called thermal skin stresses.
Additional thermal stresses are produced by the thermal
interaction between the tubesheet perforated region and the
adjacent, non-perforated part of the tubesheet and the attached
channel head, and lower shell. These thermal stresses are
called gross thermal interaction stresses.
The pressure induced stresses and the gross thermal
interaction stresses are calculated using an ANSYS [Ref. 5]
finite element model based on the equivalent solid plate
properties as defined by A-8130 [Ref. 3]. The secondary side
surface temperatures are calculated using the finite element
model; but the skin stress is not. The thermal skin stress is
calculated using the equation from A-8153 [Ref. 3]. This is
Figure 2. Location of the Mis-Drilled Hole

3 Copyright 2013 by ASME

consistent with the recommendations of Slot and ODonnell The influence of the pressure loading inside the tubes is
[Ref. 4 and Ref. 1]. included because it produces membrane stresses in the
The tubesheet stress results at the secondary side location tubesheet ligaments. This effect is addressed in equation (13)
labeled DS1 in Figure 1 are shown in Table 1 for a unit of A-8132.4 [Ref. 3]. This equation incorporates a stress
pressure loading (1000 psi). reduction factor, h/P that adjusts the stresses due to the tube
internal pressure so they can be combined with the stresses
Table 1. Tubesheet Pressure Stresses due to Unit Loads from the other load cases that are based on the equivalent solid
plate properties. The ratio of Young's modulus for the tube
Membrane, Pm r* * a* ra* (Et) to the Young's modulus of the tubesheet material (E) is
@ Sec. Side Node (ksi) (ksi) (ksi) (ksi) included to account for the different properties of the tube and
p1 = 1 ksi 0.281 0.261 -0.511 0.710 the tubesheet ligament. The ligament stresses due to tube
p2 = 1 ksi 0.008 -0.011 -0.509 -0.710 internal pressure are listed in Table 3.
Mem+Bend, Pm+b r* * a* ra*
@ Sec. Side Node (ksi) (ksi) (ksi) (ksi) Table 3. Ligament Membrane Stress due to Tube Internal
p1 = 1 ksi 1.541 2.424 -0.005 0.710 Pressure (Unit Load Case)
p2 = 1 ksi -1.389 -2.311 -0.996 -0.710
Membrane, Pm r* * a* ra*
THERMAL SKIN STRESS EVALUATION Sec. Side Node (ksi) (ksi) (ksi) (ksi)
The thermal skin stress is calculated using equation (24) pi = 1 ksi 0.497 0.497 0.0 0.0
from A-8153 [Ref. 3]; rskin = skin = E (Tm Ts) / (1-).
A-8153 tells the analyst to use equation (23); skin = Kskin Ymax PRIMARY STRESS EVALUATION
(P/h) E (Tm Ts) / (1-) when equation (24) was intended. The NB-3221.1 primary membrane stress intensity
The ASME acknowledged this editorial error in response to a requirement [Ref. 7] is to be satisfied based on the stresses due
2012 code inquiry [Ref. 6]. to mechanical and pressure loads. The membrane stress is
The secondary side tubesheet metal surface temperature averaged across the nominal ligament width (0.25-inch) and
Ts is calculated by ANSYS for each transient and the tubesheet across the tubesheet thickness as required by A-8142.1 (a)
mean temperature, Tm, is set equal to the average temperature [Ref. 3].
in the tubesheet, which is the reactor coolant hot leg Using the membrane values of Tables 1 and 3, the radial
temperature for purposes of this analysis. stress, averaged through the depth of the equivalent solid plate
The thermal skin stress is not dependent on the ligament for DS1, and the larger value of equation (16) and (17) [Ref.
efficiency because the skin effect is localized near the surface 3] is calculated in Table 4.
of a very thick plate. The thick plate constrains the secondary
surface so that its in-plane surface strains r and are zero. Table 4. Primary Membrane Stress
This assumption leads to the thermal skin stress equation: Membrane, Pm p1 = pi p2 r * S Limit
rskin = skin = E (Tm Ts) / (1-). Paragraph A-8153.1 @ Sec. Side Node (ksi) (ksi) (ksi) (ksi) (ksi)
equation (24) [Ref. 3] incorporates a stress reduction factor, Design 2.500 0.900 1.952 12.003 30.000
Kskin based on the nominal ligament efficiency ( = 0.25) for Level A & B 2.700 0.800 2.107 13.719 33.000
the purpose of adjusting the thermal skin stress so it can be Level C 2.600 0.000 2.023 16.879 48.510
Level D 2.800 0.000 2.178 18.177 63.000
combined with the stresses from all of the other load cases Test 3.100 0.000 2.412 20.125 54.140
using the equivalent solid plate method. Table 2 shows the
thermal skin stresses for T = (Tm Ts) = 100F. Thermal skin
The NB-3221.3 primary membrane plus bending stress
stress is classified as peak stress (F).
intensity requirement [Ref. 7] is to be satisfied based on the
stresses due to mechanical and pressure loads. The stresses at
Table 2. Thermal Skin Stresses for 100oF T the surface of the tubesheet are averaged across the nominal
ligament width (0.25-inch) as required by A-8142.1 (b) [Ref.
Thermal Peak, F r* * a* ra*
Sec. Side Node (ksi) (ksi) (ksi) (ksi) 3].
Using the membrane plus bending values of Table 1 and
T = 100F 5.823 5.823 0.0 0.0
membrane of Table 3, the radial and hoop stresses for DS1 is
calculated in Table 5 according to equation (18) [Ref. 3]:
A-8110 (b) [Ref. 3] acknowledges that the tubes stiffen S = K (P/h) ave* (1)
the tubesheet. Nuclear steam generator tubes are expanded full
depth into the tubesheet holes increasing the tubesheet
stiffness. This effect is conservatively ignored in this analysis;
but could be included if needed to confirm structural

4 Copyright 2013 by ASME

Table 5. Primary Membrane plus Bending Stress [Ref. 6] thus confirming that both equations (20) and (21)
[Ref. 3] were intended as alternatives.
r * * S Limit The peak stress intensity around the periphery of the hole
(ksi) (ksi) K at location DS1 is provided by Equation (21) of paragraph A-
Sec. Side Node (ksi) (ksi)
Pm+b 8142.2 (c) [Ref. 3]. The angular orientation of the mis-drilled
Design 3.845 5.223 0.74 1.01 21.099 45.000 hole to the tubesheet drilling pattern (angle ) must be
Level A & B 4.391 6.038 0.73 1.01 24.393 49.500
Level C 5.299 7.595 0.70 1.01 30.682 72.765
determined so that the stress multipliers from Figs. A-8142-3
Level D 5.706 8.179 0.70 1.01 33.042 94.500 and A-8142-4 can be determined. Following is Equation (21)
Test 6.318 9.055 0.70 1.01 36.583 81.210 from Reference 3.

S = Y11*/ + Y22*/ + ps (3)

The NB-3222.2 primary plus secondary stress intensity where:
range requirement [Ref. 7] is to be satisfied based on the S = peak stress intensity at the angular orientation
stresses due to mechanical, pressure, and the gross thermal Y1, Y2 = stress multipliers in Figs. A-8142-3 and 4.
interaction loads. The stresses at the surface of the tubesheet Figures A-8142-3 and A-8142-4 are used because they
are averaged across the nominal ligament width (0.25-inch) as most closely match the angular orientation of the holes at
required by A-8142.2 (a) [Ref. 3]. DS1 (see Figure 4) where the angle is 5.8 from the actual
Using the membrane plus bending values of Table 5 and radial orientation (for this location 2), which is less than
the gross thermal stresses, the radial and hoop stress for DS1 the 7.5 value of applicability
is calculated in Table 6 according to equation (19) [Ref. 3]: = nominal ligament efficiency (0.25)
1*, 2* = the principal stresses in the plane of the
S = K (P/h) 1* (2) equivalent solid plate, based on all loadings (except the
ligament stresses due to the pressure in the tubes
Table 6. Primary plus Secondary Stress Range (equation (13)[Ref. 3]).

Gross Thermal, Qm+b Pm+b + Qm+b For angles =30 and =90 the ligament stresses due to
@ Secondary p1 = pi p2
Side Node r* * (ksi) (ksi)
r the pressure in the tubes have the maximum values per
(ksi) (ksi) (ksi) (ksi) equation (13)[Ref. 3] without any stress concentration factor
Transient 1 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 because it is calculated based on the real geometry (see Figure
Transient 2 0.085 0.083 2.224 1.066 12.546 16.461 5).
Transient 3 -0.327 -0.326 2.250 0.796 12.612 17.627
Transient 4 -0.137 -0.137 2.203 0.751 13.235 18.245
Transient 5 1.771 1.753 1.546 1.106 13.538 14.845
Transient 6 1.030 1.009 1.917 0.403 17.507 22.706
Transient 7 2.990 2.962 1.605 0.865 20.236 22.598
Transient 8 -0.108 -0.109 2.227 1.053 11.875 15.855
Transient 9 0.000 0.000 3.100 0.000 25.271 36.220
Transient 10 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.500 -8.334 -13.866
= 0.67 Max. Range = 33.605 50.086
K = 1.02 Max. Range = 51.088 ksi


The peak stress intensity due to all loadings is limited by
the NB-3222.4 cyclic fatigue requirement [Ref. 7]. The total
stresses at the surface of the tubesheet at the nominal ligament
are calculated as required by A-8142.2 (b) or (c) [Ref. 3]. A-
8142.2 (b) and (c) both deal with the calculation of the peak
Figure 4. Relative Location of the Deviated Hole respect to the
stress intensity; but equation (20); S = Ymax (P/h) 1*+ ps , is Radial Orientation
only intended for loadings where the maximum stress intensity
angular orientation is constant.
In most practical cases (and the example of this paper) the
bi-axiality ratio () for pressure stresses and thermal stresses
are different and vary during the transient history, and the
principal stress angular orientations change during the
transient history so Equation (21); S = Y11*/ + Y22*/ +
ps used.
In 2012 the ASME Section III Code Interpretations
Committee ruled that the label (c) was an editorial error

5 Copyright 2013 by ASME

Table 9. Stress Multipliers and CUF - Nominal Ligament
Angle Y1 Y2 CUF
0 -1.35 2.25 0.0015
10 -1.15 2.15 0.0027
20 -0.6 1.75 0.0055
30 0.3 0.8 0.0076
40 1.05 0 0.0065
50 1.4 -0.4 0.0062
60 1.3 -0.47 0.0033
70 1.25 -0.27 0.0055
80 1.22 -0.15 0.0072
90 1.2 -0.05 0.0124


F (d 2t t )t pi t (P h 2t t ) Table NB-3217-1 [Ref. 7] classifies the stress intensities
r = = = = p (4)
A $ Et % $ Et % i at an isolated or atypical ligament (such as that found next to a
& h + 2 t t 't & h + 2 t t ' mis-drilled hole). It states that membrane stress due to
( E ) ( E )
pressure is classified as secondary (Q) and bending is
classified as peak (F). This means that the mis-drilled hole
Figure 5. Equation (13) [Ref. 3] to be added to S of Equation
does not change the tubesheet primary stress margins for the
(21) [Ref. 3]
Design Condition, Service Levels A, B, C and D, and / or the
Test Condition for the tubesheet with nominal ligaments. The
The peak stress intensity is determined for all time steps
Triaxial stress requirement is also satisfied because it is based
of all transients for the fatigue evaluation.
on primary stresses.
The total stress results at location DS1 are listed in Table
The stress limits that must be satisfied at an irregular or
7. Table 8 shows the stress intensity calculated using equation
thin ligament are found in paragraph A-8143 [Ref. 3]. A-8143
(21)[Ref. 3] for two representative angles around the hole, 0
requires evaluation of the Average Stress Intensity at the mid-
and 90. Finally, Table 9 shows the factors from Figures A-
surface of the tubesheet (A-8143.1) and Peak Stress Intensity
8142-3 and A-8142-4 [Ref. 3] and the cumulative usage
(fatigue) (A-8143.2) at the tubesheet surface.
factors for nominal ligament.
Table 7. Total Stresses - Nominal Ligament Paragraph A-8143.1 limits the average ligament stress
intensity due to pressure plus other mechanical loads to 3.0Sm.
2 * = r* 1 * = *
Total Stress p1 = pi p2 = ps T
(ksi) (ksi)
The gross thermal discontinuity stresses should also be
@ Sec. Side Node (ksi) (ksi) (oF) included (although not mentioned). This is consistent with the
original work of ODonnell [Ref. 1] in his discussion of the
Transient 1 0.000 0.000 0 0.000 0.000
Transient 2 2.224 1.066 91 7.319 8.297 thin ligament and is consistent with the definition of secondary
Transient 3 2.250 0.796 92 7.409 8.663 stresses. This stress intensity is based on stresses averaged
Transient 4 2.203 0.751 93 7.618 8.870 across the thin ligament width and averaged across the
Transient 5 1.546 1.106 -167 -7.114 -6.787 tubesheet thickness (thus removing bending). This evaluation
Transient 6 1.917 0.403 -117 -3.389 -2.089 is similar to that performed to evaluate primary membrane in
Transient 7 1.605 0.865 -239 -9.673 -9.082 A-8142.1 (a) except that the actual width of the thin ligament
Transient 8 2.227 1.053 93 7.283 8.278
Transient 9 3.100 0.000 0 4.777 7.514
(ha) is used in place of the nominal width h. The membrane
Transient 10 0.000 1.500 0 -2.084 -3.467 stress components from the equivalent solid plate for the
nominal ligament that were multiplied by the P/h ratio are
Table 8. Peak Stress Intensity at 0 & 90, Nominal Ligament changed using the P/ha ratio for the actual thin ligament.
The A-8143.1 methodology [Ref. 3] is based on the
Total Stress S=0 S=90 conservative assumption that a mis-drilled hole is parallel to
@ Sec. Side Node (ksi) (ksi) its neighbors and that the actual thin ligament extends through
Transient 1 400 0.000 0.000 the entire tubesheet thickness. Since actual mis-drilled holes
Transient 2 6,000 22.128 43.850 are not typically parallel to the neighboring holes, it is
Transient 3 6,000 20.699 45.370 necessary to determine the ligament width at the tubesheet
Transient 4 200 21.411 46.184
mid-surface, hm and to use it in the A-8143.1 evaluation. A
Transient 5 10 -26.269 -26.977
Transient 6 50 -18.816 -5.136
linear variation in the ligament thickness is conservative for
Transient 7 15 -37.148 -37.606 typical mis-drilled holes. Using this assumption, the actual
Transient 8 1,000,000 21.899 43.759 mid-surface ligament for use in the A-8143.1 evaluation is hm
Transient 9 10 2.416 41.277 = (h + ha) / 2. The average stress intensity results for the
Transient 10 10 1.468 -14.723 irregular or thin ligament are shown in Table 10. All values
are less than the allowable 3Sm (90 ksi) value.

6 Copyright 2013 by ASME

Table 10. Primary plus Secondary Stresses - Thin Ligament this stress can be considered negligible (see Figure 5).
Therefore, for the thin ligament:
Gross Thermal
p1 = pi p2 r
@ Secondary r * *
Side Node (ksi)
(ksi) (ksi) (ksi) (ksi) $Y * + Y 2 2* % (d 2t t )pi
(ksi) S -thin(30&90) = & 1 1 ' K m + ps + (6)
Qm+b Pm + Qm+b $ Et %
& hm + 2 t t '
( )
Transient 1 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 ( E )
Transient 2 0.085 0.083 2.224 1.066 10.057 9.684
Transient 3 -0.327 -0.326 2.250 0.796 9.572 9.230
Transient 4 -0.137 -0.137 2.203 0.751 9.632 9.299
Tables 11, 12 and 13 show the result of the process to obtain
Transient 5 1.771 1.753 1.546 1.106 9.451 9.129 the Stress Intensity and Cumulative Usage Factors for Fatigue
Transient 6 1.030 1.009 1.917 0.403 10.012 9.719 in a thin or irregular ligament.
Transient 7 2.990 2.962 1.605 0.865 11.445 11.127
Transient 8 -0.108 -0.109 2.227 1.053 9.795 9.424 Table 11. Total Stress - Thin Ligament
Transient 9 0.000 0.000 3.100 0.000 13.782 13.427
Transient 10 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.500 0.069 -0.094 Total Stress
= 0.99 Max. Range = 13.713 13.522 (P+Q+F)m+b 2 * = r * 1 * = * Km
K = 1.00 Max. Range = 13.713 ksi Sec. Side Node (ksi) (ksi)
Transient 1 0.000 0.000 0.00 2.50
PEAK STRESS INTENSITY LIMIT (A-8143.2) Transient 2 7.319 8.297 0.88 2.06
Paragraph A-8143.2 [Ref. 3] describes the method for Transient 3 7.409 8.663 0.86 2.07
obtaining the peak stress intensity for a thin ligament. The thin Transient 4 7.618 8.870 0.86 2.07
ligament peak stress intensity is computed by multiplying the Transient 5 -7.114 -6.787 0.95 2.02
Transient 6 -3.389 -2.089 0.62 2.19
nominal peak stress intensity (for the nominal ligament) by the Transient 7 -9.673 -9.082 0.94 2.03
Km value from Figure A-8143.2-1 [Ref. 3]. The Km minimum Transient 8 7.283 8.278 0.88 2.06
ligament multiplier and the peak stress intensity are calculated Transient 9 4.777 7.514 0.64 2.18
at each transient load step. The stresses from all of the Transient 10 -2.084 -3.467 0.60 2.20
loadings (i.e. pressure, gross thermal stresses, skin stresses)
are superimposed at each load step to determine the ratio of Table 12. Peak Stress Intensity at 0 and 90 - Thin Ligament
the two principal stresses (the bi-axiality ratio, ). Then a
value for Km is extracted from Figure A-8143.2-1 [Ref. 3] by Total Stress
S-thin=0 S-thin=90
linear interpolation between the two nearest plotted values @ Sec. Side Node (ksi) (ksi)
(either = -1, 0, or +1). Transient 1 400 0.000 0.000
Transient 2 6,000 44.433 85.736
Paragraph A-8143.2 (a) states that the peak stress
Transient 3 6,000 42.042 89.648
intensity in the nominal ligament is calculated as indicated in Transient 4 200 43.530 91.385
A-8142.2 (b). As written, this cross-reference could be Transient 5 10 -54.272 -57.972
interpreted to exclude the use of the A-8142.2 (c) to calculate Transient 6 50 -41.720 -15.193
the peak stress intensity, but such an interpretation was not Transient 7 15 -76.321 -79.628
intended. This incomplete cross-reference was not present in Transient 8 1,000,000 43.998 85.601
the original text of the 1966 Addenda [Ref. 2] when it was Transient 9 10 5.272 84.543
Transient 10 10 1.429 -34.181
first introduced. The ASME Section III Committee for Code
Interpretations confirmed that this was an editorial error that
will be corrected in a future code edition [Ref. 6]. Table 13. Stress Multipliers and CUF - Thin Ligament


0 -1.35 2.25 0.0226
Equation (21) [Ref. 3] is modified to account for the thin 10 -1.15 2.15 0.0336
ligament by multiplying the total stress for the nominal 20 -0.6 1.75 0.0595
thickness ligament by the Km value from Figure A-8143.2-1 30 0.3 0.8 0.0767
[Ref. 3]. Therefore the modified Equation (21) appears as 40 1.05 0 0.0722
follows: 50 1.4 -0.4 0.0705
60 1.3 -0.47 0.0413
70 1.25 -0.27 0.0638
S-thin = (Y11*/ + Y22*/)Km+ ps (5) 80 1.22 -0.15 0.0795
90 1.2 -0.05 0.1088
The peak stress intensities are calculated for each of the
transient stress states considered in the fatigue evaluation. The results of the analysis for the nominal 0.25 tubesheet
Special consideration is required for angles =30 and ligament are compared to those of the thin 0.10 ligament in
=90. In these angles the ligament stresses due to the Table 14. This comparison shows that the mis-drilled hole
pressure in the tubes have the maximum values and it is added does not impact the primary plus secondary stress intensity
(equation (13)[Ref. 3]) without any stress concentration factor range because of the different classification of stresses in a
because it is calculated in the real geometry. For other angle, single, thin ligament (per Table NB-3217-1 [Ref. 7]). The

7 Copyright 2013 by ASME

main influence of the mis-drilled hole is to increase the 5. ANSYS Computer Program Release 10.0 A1, ANSYS
cumulative fatigue usage factor. Inc., South Point, 275 Technology Dr., Canonsburg, PA
Table 14. Nominal vs. Thin Ligament Results 6. ASME Code Inquiry File: 12-1333, Letter from Ms.
Allyson Byk, Secretary, Section III Standards Committee to
Nominal Thin
inquirer Robert Wilson, August 22, 2012
ASME Section III Code Limit (0.25 in.) (0.10 in.)
Ligament Ligament 7. ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code, Section III,
Rules for Construction of Nuclear Power Plant Components,
Primary + Secondary Stress Intensity Range 51.088 ksi 13.713 ksi 2010 Edition, 2011 Addenda, Subsection NB, The American
Cumulative Fatigue Usage Factor, CUF 0.0124 0.1008
Society of Mechanical Engineers, New York, New York

The methodology used to evaluate the structural integrity
of a steam generator tubesheet with a mis-drilled hole is
described and explained. The non-mandatory rules of ASME
Appendix A, Article A-8000 [Ref. 3] contains several
ambiguities that are addressed and clarified. The analysis is
applied to an actual, non-parallel mis-drilled hole and
compared to a parallel mis-drilled hole as is assumed in
Appendix A. It is shown that the main influence of a mis-
drilled hole is on the cumulative fatigue usage factor.
This method does not account for load redistribution
around a thin ligament so the fatigue result is conservative.
The presence of mis-drilled holes or locally thin ligaments do
not affect the primary stress margin in the tubesheet and do
not reduce its overall structural integrity. Therefore, there is no
consequence of a fatigue crack at any point within the
tubesheet drilling-pattern because it could not propagate
beyond the local ligament. Consequently, the presence of mis-
drilled holes within the tubesheet drilling pattern, although it
may complicate tube installation, is a structurally acceptable

The authors would like to acknowledge the contribution
of Equipos Nucleares S.A. (ENSA) and Enrique Casado in the
development of this report.

1. W. J. ODonnell, B. F. Langer, Design of Perforated
Plates, ASME Paper No. 61-WA-115, Journal of Engineering
for Industry, Transactions of the ASME, Vol. 84, August 1962
2. ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code, Section III,
Rules for Construction of Nuclear Power Plant Components,
1965 Edition with Addenda through Summer 1966, Appendix
I, Article I-9 Stresses in Ligaments, The American Society
of Mechanical Engineers, New York, New York
3. ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code, Section III,
Rules for Construction of Nuclear Power Plant Components,
2010 Edition, 2011 Addenda, Division 1 Appendices,
Appendix A, Article A-8000 Stresses in Perforated Flat
Plates, The American Society of Mechanical Engineers, New
York, New York
4. Thomas Slot, Stress Analysis of Thick Perforated
Plates, Technomic Publishing Co. Inc, Westport, CT 1972

8 Copyright 2013 by ASME

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