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DeSherbinin 2013 CCHotspots ClimaticChange

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Revised Accepted Manuscript submitted to Climatic Change (8 August 2013).

Climate Change Hotspots Mapping:

What Have We Learned?
Alex de Sherbinin
Senior Research Associate
CIESIN, Columbia University
PO Box 1000
Palisades NY 10964 USA
Tel. +1-845-365-8936
Fax: +1-845-365-8922

In the past five years there has been a proliferation of efforts to map climate change hotspots
regions that are particularly vulnerable to current or future climate impacts, and where human security
may be at risk. While some are academic exercises, many are produced with the goal of drawing policy
maker attention to regions that are particularly susceptible to climate impacts, either to mitigate the risk
of humanitarian crises or conflicts or to target adaptation assistance. Hotspots mapping efforts address
a range of issues and sectors such as vulnerable populations, humanitarian crises, conflict, agriculture
and food security, and water resources. This paper offers a timely assessment of the strengths and
weaknesses of current hotspots mapping approaches with the goal of improving future efforts. It also
highlights regions that are anticipated, based on combinations of high exposure, high sensitivity and low
adaptive capacity, to suffer significant impacts from climate change.
Keywords: hotspots, spatial vulnerability assessment, climate impacts

Note: This is an unformatted post-print version of the article. The final published version of this paper in
Climatic Change is available at or via

Revised Accepted Manuscript submitted to Climatic Change (8 August 2013).

1. Introduction .................................................................................................................................. 3
2. Common Conceptual, Data and Methodological Issues ............................................................... 3
3. Assessment of Hotspots Mapping Efforts ..................................................................................... 5
3.1. Climate change exposure hotspots ........................................................................................ 5
3.2. Population dynamics and migration hotspots ....................................................................... 6
3.3. Disasters and humanitarian crises ......................................................................................... 7
3.4. Agriculture and food security hotspots.................................................................................. 8
3.5. Water resources hotspots ...................................................................................................... 9
4. Discussion and Conclusions .......................................................................................................... 9
4.1 Data and methodologies ............................................................................................................. 9
4.2 Where are the hotspots? .......................................................................................................... 10
4.3 Design and communication of results ....................................................................................... 11
4.4 Hotspots maps as tools for decision making ............................................................................. 11
4.5. Suggestions for future research ............................................................................................... 12
5. Conclusion ....................................................................................................................................... 13
Acknowledgements ............................................................................................................................. 13
References........................................................................................................................................... 13
Supplementary Online Material Climate Change Hotspots Mapping .............................................. 17
SOM 1. Regional hotspots mapping efforts ........................................................................................ 17
SOM 1.1. Hotspots Maps for Africa................................................................................................. 17
SOM 1.2. Hotspots Map for Southeast Asia .................................................................................... 19
SOM 1.3. Hotspots Maps for Europe .............................................................................................. 19
SOM 2. Hotspots mapping based on expert opinion ......................................................................... 20
SOM 2.1. Population dynamics and migration hotspots ................................................................ 20
SOM 2.2. Security and conflict hotspots ......................................................................................... 20
Annex: Tables and Figures .................................................................................................................. 22

Revised Accepted Manuscript submitted to Climatic Change (8 August 2013).

1. Introduction
Maps depicting climate change hotspots have been issued with increasing regularity in recent
years by researchers, advocacy groups, and NGOs. By identifying likely climate change impacts and
conveying them in a map format with strong visual elements, hotspots maps can help to communicate
issues in a manner that may be easier to interpret than text. Hotspots maps are developed with a
number of goals in mind. Academic researchers are generally seeking to vet data and methodologies,
applied researchers may be interested in guiding institutional strategies, and NGOs are often
communicating climate impacts. In addition, building on early roots in biodiversity hotspots mapping
(Myers 1990) where hotspots were developed to target conservation efforts, hotspots maps are often
explicitly developed to help aid organizations in priority setting and strategic planning with regards to
climate adaptation projects (Kok et al. 2011; Midgley et al. 2011; Yusuf and Francisco 2009). At a time of
increasing pressure on donors and development organizations to show that scarce public resources are
being used in a responsible manner, spatial indicators and hotspots maps hold the promise of
transparent, scientific, and defensible priority setting (Barnett et al. 2008). Although hotspots mapping
holds great promise for informing policy, there are a number of risks as well, which are reviewed in the
discussion section. This paper offers a timely assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of current
hotspots mapping approaches with the goal of improving future efforts. It also highlights regions that
are anticipated, based on combinations of high exposure, high sensitivity and low adaptive capacity, to
suffer significant impacts from climate change.
This review focuses on global data-driven GIS or modeling approaches to hotspots identification.
Unlike national level hotspots mapping, these efforts capture subnational variation in vulnerability by
combining spatial data layers, generally by converting each layer to a unitless scale and aggregating the
layers to reveal vulnerability levels. In this approach, hotspots emerge from the spatial analysis, being
revealed through the integration of spatial layers. In the supplementary online material (SOM) I also
review several regional GIS-based and global expert-based hotspots mapping efforts.
I exclude from this review hotpots mapping efforts that use countries as the units of analysis, since
these are essentially repackaging of country level indicators (e.g., Birkmann et al. 2011; Yohe et al.
2006), with all the limitations inherent in those approaches (Barnett et al. 2008). I also limit this review
to mapping efforts whose primary goal is explicitly to identify hotspots or geographic areas where
impacts will be greatest (even if not labeled per se as hotspots), rather than maps describing impacts
that are incidental to a publication or report.
Papers meeting these criteria were identified through Google Scholar searches on climate change
hotspots and hot spots, announcements, and bibliographies of other spatial vulnerability assessment
reviews. This paper identifies some common conceptual, data and methodological issues (Section 2);
and then moves to a review of hotspots mapping efforts in the two broad classes (Section 3). It then
proceeds to discussion (Section 4) and conclusions (Section 5).

2. Common Conceptual, Data and Methodological Issues

Hotspots mapping efforts can be divided into three broad categories: those based solely on climate
parameters, those that portray patterns of societal vulnerability to climate change impacts, and those
that seek to portray impacts on particular systems, such as agriculture or water. Of the three,

Revised Accepted Manuscript submitted to Climatic Change (8 August 2013).

vulnerability mapping is the most common, and also the most conceptually challenging owing to the
proliferation of frameworks and definitions (Eakin and Luers 2006; Adger 2006). OBrien et al. (2007)
describe two broad categories of vulnerability definitions, one that identifies contextual vulnerability or
the intrinsic characteristics of a system, which is rooted in political economy, and another, outcome
vulnerability, which combines information on potential climate impacts and on the capacity of society to
cope and adapt. Vulnerability hotspots mapping efforts generally adopt the latter, which is closer to the
IPCC definition of vulnerability as a function of exposure, sensitivity, and coping capacity (Parry et al.
2007). While there is no one correct way to characterize vulnerability, there are certainly wrong ways to
do so. Fssel (2007) argues that quantitative vulnerability assessment requires definition of the system
of analysis (what is vulnerable?), the valued attributes of concern (why is it important?), the external
hazard (to what is the system vulnerable?), and a temporal reference (when?).
Beyond conceptual definitions and frameworks, there are significant measurement challenges
(Birkmann and Wisner 2006). The exposure aspect of vulnerability generally presents fewer problems,
since biophysical data sets are reasonably well advanced, and the uncertainties in the data are, for the
most part, quantifiable. However, owing to data gaps, the socioeconomic aspects are often measured
through the use of proxies. Thus for sensitivity it is common to use close surrogates such as poverty
levels and income, and for coping or adaptive capacity, measures might include education, institutional
capacity, funding levels for disaster risk reduction, or insurance coverage. These are often less-than-
adequate proxies for intrinsic vulnerability, and many of them are difficult to measure or data may be
difficult to obtain. As Kasperson et al. (2005: 149) write, political and social marginalization, gendered
relationships, and physiological differences are commonly identified variables influencing vulnerability,
but incorporating this conceptual understanding in global mapping remains a challenge.
Not all hotspots mapping efforts actually incorporate future climate change and variability. Some
use past variability or extreme events as a proxy for future changes. However, those that do use general
circulation model (GCM) outputs run into a number of issues. A fundamental challenge for vulnerability
mapping that relies on accurate prediction of extremes, such as that for hazards or human vulnerability,
is the limited ability of GCMs to capture historical variance or future extremes (IPCC 2012; Brown &
Wilby 2012). The use of multi-model ensembles only tends to further reduce variance. The spatial
resolution of the model outputs ranging in resolution from 1 to 2 degree grid cells is also a concern,
and some efforts do not follow the best practice of using multiple models for a given SRES scenario.
Specific climate parameters that are required will differ based on the kind of hotspots assessment.
For agricultural systems, water management, or natural hazard prediction, the most important variables
would be anticipated change in rainy season onset, gaps in rainfall during growing seasons, changes in
drought periodicity, changes in rainfall duration and intensity, and temperature increases beyond
certain crop thresholds. These parameters are not easy to calculate, so hotspots efforts require a certain
amount of expertise in climate data analysis. Although GCM outputs have uncertainties, it should be
noted that hotspots mapping efforts that rely on long-term precipitation reanalysis data are also
inaccurate in some regions, especially in developing countries where there is sparse rain gauge data.
Finally, Preston et al. (2011) highlight a number of temporal and scale issues that tend to plague
vulnerability mapping. Often data layers are from inconsistent dates, scale mismatches in underlying
data sets create spatial artifacts in the maps, and for mapping efforts that do use GCM outputs, the

Revised Accepted Manuscript submitted to Climatic Change (8 August 2013).

sensitivity and adaptive capacity variables represent current rather than future states. These issues are
addressed again below.

3. Assessment of Hotspots Mapping Efforts

In this section I review a range of hotspots mapping efforts covering broad vulnerability themes,
assessing methods, strengths and weaknesses, and commonly identified regions. Table 1 provides a
summary list of the studies and, to the extent provided in the reports, identifies important components
of quantitative vulnerability per Fssel (2007). This table also includes studies described in the SOM.
Map figures for all studies are included in the SOM, along with a table that summarizes each studys
primary focus, audience, geographic scope, framework, methods, regions identified as most at risk from
climate impacts, and funding sources.

3.1. Climate change exposure hotspots

There is a subset of hotspots mapping efforts that focus only on projected changes in temperature
and selected precipitation parameters, that is, the exposure part of the IPCC formulation. Giorgis
(2006) Regional Climate Change Index (RCCI) was the first to depict climate hotspots based solely on
climate model outputs. The RCCI is measures changes by 2080-99 against a baseline of 1960-79 in
regional mean precipitation, mean surface air temperature, and in the interannual variability in
precipitation and temperature. Giorgi uses a multi-model ensemble across a range of IPCC scenarios
(A1B, B1, and A2) to define changes. The RCCI is a comparative index designed to identify the regions
that will see the greatest relative changes in these variables, which are identified as hotspots. Note that
a small RCCI value does not imply a small absolute change, but only a small climate response compared
to other regions. The RCCI is calculated for 26 land regions (not on a pixel basis) from a set of climate
change projections by 20 global climate models for the A1B, A2 and B1 IPCC emission scenarios.
The hottest hotspots are those in northern latitudes, which are predicted to experience the
greatest temperature changes (Figure 1). The two most prominent hotspots are the Mediterranean,
which will see declines in mean precipitation, and North Eastern Europe, which will see increases in
winter precipitation and a strong regional warming relative to the global mean. Central America is the
main tropical hotspot, which is predicted to see a decrease in precipitation and an increase in
precipitation variability, followed by southern Africa. The global RCCI is limited by the representation of
the hotspots (broad regions) and the fact that change measurements are bi-directional, and thus a
strong increase in precipitation, which could be viewed as positive for some regions, is seen as equally
problematic as a strong decrease in precipitation. On its own, the index says very little about
vulnerability per se, but it has been applied together with socioeconomic indicators to identify socio-
climatic hotspots in Brazil (Torres et al. 2012), and a similar approach was used to map hotspots in the
U.S. (Diffenbaugh et al. 2006).
Baettig et al. (2007) introduced a Climate Change Index (CCI) which seeks to measure the strength
of future climate change relative to todays natural variability. The index tracks increases in the
probabilities of such events relative to a 1 in 20 year return cycle for the same events under current
climatology. It is calculated based on GCMs running SRES A2 and B2 scenarios, with indicators such as
additional hottest years, additional driest years, and additional extremely warm/wet/dry seasons
(winter and summer months). According to the CCI, the largest changes in frequency will occur in the

Revised Accepted Manuscript submitted to Climatic Change (8 August 2013).

tropics and high latitudes. The CCI has the advantage that results are presented on a pixel basis, and
they are also summarized by country for the benefit of policy audiences, and the scores are also
relatively easy to interpret. The CCI depicts similar hotspots to the RCCI, except for northern southern
Africa and the Amazon, which are found to have much greater exposure to climate risks when compared
to the present (Figure 2).
The RCCI and CCI contribute to the literature by describing changes to climate parameters that
could serve as inputs to broader vulnerability assessments. However, despite claims to the contrary,
both are clearly for academic audiences. By contrast, the UK Met Office has produced a map depicting
the regional temperature changes associated with a 4oC rise in global mean temperature (Figure 3). The
map, produced in poster and online interactive forms, is intended for policy audiences, utilizing circles of
various colors to highlight likely impacts. Areas with the greatest temperature changes include the Arctic
and high northern latitudes, the western US, the Amazon, West Africa, southern Africa, and Central Asia.
A hybrid approach, based on climate parameters but tied to thresholds in four important sectors
(water, agriculture, ecosystems and health), was recently developed by Piontek et al. (2013). The
authors use the outputs of three GCMs simulating the highest representative concentration pathway
(RCP8.5) to feed multiple Global Impact Models (GIMs), and then identify temperature thresholds in
each sector where impacts could be considered to be severe. For example, the thresholds for the water
and agriculture sectors are defined as the 10th percentile of the reference period distribution (1980-
2010) of river discharge and crop yields, respectively. For each GIM-GCM combination and at each grid
cell they define a crossing temperature that is the global mean temperature change (GMT) at which
the sectoral metric crosses the respective impact threshold. Hotspot regions where thresholds are
crossed for two or three sectors for a 4.5oC GMT are found in Figure 4, with high impacts found in the
Amazon, the Andes, southern Mexico and Central America, southern and eastern Europe, the African
highlands and parts of West Africa, and the Ganges basin. These results should be seen as conservative,
given the stringent criteria for inclusion of severe impacts (>50% of GIM-GCM combinations agreeing)
used in the study.

3.2. Population dynamics and migration hotspots

There has been considerable policy interest in the impact of climate change on population
dynamics, and particularly on migration (Black et al. 2011; de Sherbinin et al. 2011). This has spawned a
number of efforts to map hotspots where climate change may affect population dynamics or lead to
migration flows.
Samson et al. (2011) use the relationship between the distribution of human population density
and climate as a basis to develop a global index of predicted impacts of climate change on human
populations. The authors use an ecological niche model that identifies current population distribution in
relationship to climate conditions, and then identifies how climate conditions may change in ways that
they no longer support current densities. Their climate vulnerability index (CVI) combines regional
climatedensity relationships with predicted regional climate change. The climate variables that were
found to have the highest predictive power for current population densities, and which were therefore
used to determine areas of decline, include (A) annual mean temperature (oC), (B) mean temperature
diurnal range (oC), (C) total annual precipitation (mm), and (D) precipitation seasonality (coefficient of

Revised Accepted Manuscript submitted to Climatic Change (8 August 2013).

A second climate-demography vulnerability index (CDVI) adds a third dimension, rapid population
growth, to shows areas in which conditions that already support high population densities and where
there is rapid population growth will see a decline in climate conditions. The authors ran their model
using several climate projections. Figures 5 and 6 show the resulting maps. For the CVI, hotspots of high
vulnerability are found in the Amazon basin, North Africa, Sudan, southern Africa, Central China,
Mongolia, and eastern Australia. For the CDVI, the same regions become hotter, while new areas are
added in Central America, the U.S. Southwest, most of Africa, the Arabian Peninsula, Afghanistan, and
Indonesia. Many of these are areas where climate change will amplify the conditions currently
supporting low population densities, e.g., hot and arid regions that will become drier. Yet the CDVI
clearly identifies a number of tropical humid regions (Amazon, Central Africa, and Indonesia) as hotspots
as well. One limitation is the treatment of populations as homogenous, and therefore having similar
sensitivity and adaptive capacity to climate change impacts.
A number of efforts have sought to identify hotspots of population vulnerability to sea level rise
(SLR). Here I review a representative global assessment by McGranahan et al. (2007), which utilizes a
Low Elevation Coastal Zone (LECZ) mask, representing coastal elevations from 0-10m, to identify the
regions that will be most affected by climate change impacts. Results are provided in spatial and tabular
formats, providing estimates of population exposure within the LECZ for urban and rural areas by
country. The method constitutes a simple overlay of the LECZ grid on a year 2000 population grid. The
maps identify highly populated areas at high risk of coastal flooding and SLR, especially the Asian mega-
deltas (Figure 7). The strength of this effort is that the methodology is simple and easy to understand,
and the impacts of SLR are relatively certain, though the timing of specific sea level increments is a
matter of some debate, and local impacts are hard to predict with global scale data sets.

3.3. Disasters and humanitarian crises

It is widely recognized that the greatest impacts of climate change will not necessarily be the result
of secular changes in temperature and precipitation over decades, but rather will be the result of short-
term variability and extremes (IPCC 2012). Important mapping efforts have been conducted by the
World Bank (Dilley et al. 2005) and UNEP (UNISDR 2009) that assess current exposure to all natural
disasters, including climate-related disasters of cyclones, droughts, floods, wildfires and landslides.
These are not climate change hotspots per se, since they do not assess future scenarios, but the data
layers have been used in a number of climate change hotspots efforts.
One such effort was by CARE and Maplecroft (2008; Thow and de Blois 2008), which sought to
identify the most likely humanitarian implications of climate change for the next 20-30 year period. The
authors use the World Bank hazard hotspots floods, cyclones and droughts to map specific hazards
associated with climate change in relation to factors influencing vulnerability. Beyond the climate
hazards, two climate projections were used: percentage change in maximum dry periods under scenario
A1B and future dynamics of drought risk from 2041-2070. To map sensitivity to climate impacts, the
authors combined indicators to create separate indices of natural vulnerability (poor natural resource
base), human vulnerability, social vulnerability, financial vulnerability, and physical vulnerability
(infrastructure). These layers were then combined into an overall human vulnerability index (Figure 8).
Hotspots include the Andes, the landlocked countries of sub-Saharan Africa as well as southern
Mozambique and Namibia, Yemen, Afghanistan and Pakistan, Mongolia, and Myanmar. One weakness is

Revised Accepted Manuscript submitted to Climatic Change (8 August 2013).

that the authors do not combine the climate risks (past hazards and future scenarios) with the human
vulnerability index in such a way as to draw out hotspots at the intersection of climate and societal

3.4. Agriculture and food security hotspots

There are a number of recent reports looking at climate change and food security hotspots. Under
the Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) program, Ericksen et al. (2011) map hotspots
of climate change and food insecurity in the global tropics using a series of spatial indicators for climate
change and food security. Indicators for climate change were based on model runs from three models
obtained through the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP3), and featured factors such as
reductions in length of growing season, areas where average annual maximum temperatures will exceed
30oC (an important threshold for legumes), and areas where the rainfall coefficient of variation is >20%.
These were tallied into an index identifying the number of climate change thresholds important to
agriculture that are likely to be exceeded. Indicators for food security include food availability (current
crop yields and a food production index), access (GDP per capita, percent population living on less than
$2/day, road density), utilization (stunting prevalence, wasting prevalence, malnourished children per
sq. km, population using unimproved water sources), and resource pressure (population growth rate,
arable land p.c.).
In a last step, the results are tallied by exposure, sensitivity and coping capacity components into
eight vulnerability domains, from high-high-high to low-low-low. Although sophisticated, the resulting
array of maps is challenging to interpret without specialized knowledge, and little attempt is made to
highlight hotspot scenarios of greater concern or likelihood. Adding to the problems of interpretation,
maps represent eight vulnerability dimensions in various shades of yellow, green, blue and red. Focusing
on domains with high exposure, high sensitivity, and low coping capacity, which are helpfully mapped in
red, hotspots include the forest belt of West Africa, northwestern India and northeastern Pakistan, and
in the lower Mekong that are highly affected by changes in growing season length. Areas of Nigeria, the
lakes region of Africa, and large swaths of India will be affected by a change in average maximum daily
growing season temperatures of >30oC (Figure 9). Southern Nigeria and parts of the Gangetic plain will
be severely affected by rainy season rainy day decreases of >-10%.
Fraser et al. (2012) map drought vulnerability hotspots with reference to wheat and maize. Unlike
the CCAFS maps, which portray seemingly small impacts, by circa 2050 broad swaths of the world are
deemed vulnerable to declines of growing season soil moisture availability of greater than 25%,
including most of South America, the U.S. mid-West, Southern Africa, the Mediterranean Basin, Central
Asia, western China, and Australia. When combined with reduced adaptive capacity, there are five
wheat and three maize vulnerability hotspots. For wheat, these are the southeastern U.S., southeastern
South America, the northeastern Mediterranean, and parts of central Asia, and for maize they are
southeastern South America, parts of southern Africa, and the northeastern Mediterranean (Figure 10).
Kok et al. (2010) use an integrated assessment framework to assess livelihood security as a
consequence of global change, assessing four patterns of vulnerability: smallholder farming in dryland
areas, overexploitation of natural resources, competition for land for food and biofuels, and rapid
urbanization in the coast fringe (Figure 11). Similar to Ericksen et al., the range of factors considered
(resource rich; resource poor; poor water, better soils; developed) makes interpretation difficult, but

Revised Accepted Manuscript submitted to Climatic Change (8 August 2013).

there are swaths or resource poor areas with severe to moderate poverty that are more vulnerable to
global change, including the Sahel, the Horn of Africa, Afghanistan, and small areas of western China.
The Andes, southern Maghreb, Arabian peninsula, Iran and Pakistan and the rest of western China are
deemed to be resource poor with only moderate poverty.

3.5. Water resources hotspots

There is a growing effort to map climate and water hotspots. Parish et al. (2012) sought to integrate
climate and population data sources to develop first order per capita water availability projections at
the global scale. Like many analyses, the authors sought to determine if there may be any new hotspots
of water scarcity under a changing climate regime that would require planning and mitigation. Beyond
identifying hotspots, the authors were interested in identifying the relative contributions of population
and climate change as drivers of water availability. The study used climate projections and multiple SRES
scenarios (A1B, B1, A2, and A1F1) as inputs to a hydrological model. To assess population growth, they
apply SRES country-level population projections to the Landscan population grid, assuming a constant
relative distribution of population within countries. The map depicting the A1F1 SRES scenario (high
emissions) (Figure 12, bottom right) depicts quite disparate areas at high risk ranging from the region
surrounding the Great Lakes in the U.S. and Canada, to North Africa, to Iraq and Syria to Southern
Russia. Some areas where one might expect increases in stress, e.g., China and India, are actually
depicted as showing declining water stress across most scenarios (except in the A2 scenario) owing to
projected increases in precipitation. The patterns are not very consistent across SRES scenarios, and
there are many isolated hotspot pixels, making interpretation difficult.
Similar assessments have been conducted by Dll (2009) for climate change and population impacts
on groundwater resources, focusing on ground water recharge rates, and De Stefano et al. (2010) for
international river basins to future climate change-induced water variability. Dll finds more consistent
evidence across the GCMs utilized, with patterns of high vulnerability to decreases in groundwater
resource availability in North Africa, Senegal and Mauritania, Namibia and western South Africa, and
northeastern Brazil. De Stefano finds high projected water runoff variability by 2030 for the Colorado
Basin in the U.S. Southwest, the Parana in South America, basins in West Africa and southern Africa, the
Mekong, and southern China.

4. Discussion and Conclusions

This paper reviewed a range of global and regional (in the SOM) hotspots mapping efforts. While
hotspots maps are issued with increasing regularity, there are a number of fundamental issues that
need to be addressed. In this section I briefly assess data and methodologies, identify regions that are
consistently identified as hotspots, address communication and design issues, discuss hotspots maps as
tools for decision making, and identify paths for future research.

4.1 Data and methodologies

There are a number of common conceptual and methodological approaches that are found across
multiple mapping efforts. One is the frequent use of the IPCC conceptualization of vulnerability, which
either directly or indirectly served as the basis for six of the efforts reviewed, although not all
adequately addressed the three components. As already discussed, there remain challenges in data

Revised Accepted Manuscript submitted to Climatic Change (8 August 2013).

availability and mapping scales for a number of socioeconomic variables relevant to the mapping of
sensitivity and adaptive/coping capacity. Often, proxies such as poverty and malnutrition are used to
measure social vulnerability, yet it is acknowledged in the literature that this is a multidimensional, time
dependent and often complex concept that is difficult to capture in static maps (Kasperson et al. 2005).
More fundamentally, the SREX framework (IPCC 2012) which separates exposure and vulnerability -
may yield better results for policy audiences since it translates more easily into a risk management
Climate projections tend to be more common in hotspots studies of biophysical systems, especially
as inputs to other models, and are rarely used for social or general vulnerability assessments
(exceptions include Midgley et al. 2011, CARE and Maplecroft 2008). Apart from Busby et al. (2011),
climate and security mapping efforts appear to be less sophisticated, relying to a greater extent on
expert opinion (e.g., Schubert et al. 2007). Overall, there are strong disciplinary influences reflected in
each of the approaches. The RCCI and CCI are entirely grounded in climate science, the CVI in ecology,
the livelihood systems mapping in integrated assessment (Kok et al. 2010) and development practice
(Warner et al. 2009, Thornton et al. 2008), and most agriculture and water hotspots maps are generated
by modelers.
Many hotspots mapping efforts are affected by the spatial scale and uncertainties in the available
global data sets. Kok et al. point out that there is a gap between local vulnerability assessment, which
address context-specific situations with more detailed data, and the kinds of analyses possible for global
VAs, which are based on aggregated data and rather crude assumptions about the underlying
mechanisms being assessed. Bridging this gap will prove to be difficult.

4.2 Where are the hotspots?

Based on the figures and Table 2 found in the SOM, there are a number of regions that are found to
be vulnerable across a range of climate impacts and systems, sectors, and groups. These include North
Africa, the Sahel, the Horn of Africa, parts of southern Africa, Central America, and the Andes. In Asia,
the picture is less consistent, but western China and Central Asia are fairly consistently identified, and
often India as well. Parts of Europe, North America and South Asia are also found to be vulnerable to
agricultural production declines. Many small islands states, particularly in Oceania and the Caribbean,
are highly vulnerable to SLR and storm surge, but these islands rarely show up in global mapping efforts
because they are too small to map adequately at global scales. A number of the data-driven GIS
modeling efforts produce patterns that are not always intuitive, and the number of map outputs makes
summarizing overall patterns difficult.
One obvious question is, Do the data-driven maps show patterns that would not have been
identified in an expert assessment approach or based on a broad understanding of past patterns? This
depends on the mapping efforts, but for the most part it appears that regions that have the lowest
levels of economic development are typically found to be most at risk in global hotspots mapping
assessments, which suggests that patterns are not radically different from what one might expect a
priori. Indeed, many hotspots were already identified as having high vulnerabilities by the IPCC (Parry et
al. 2007). However, the specific sub-regions identified vary from effort to effort, and the climate change
exposure and SLR hotspots do include areas that are economically advanced because they are climate-

Revised Accepted Manuscript submitted to Climatic Change (8 August 2013).

4.3 Design and communication of results

Maps are fundamentally a communication tool, answering the question, Where should I focus my
attention? Maps have been proven particularly effective in risk communication (Dransch et al. 2010).
Yet, some maps reviewed in this article are more effective than others in drawing attention to specific
locations. For data driven maps, the speckling that results from isolated pixels showing up as hotspots
is problematic from a policy communications perspective. A majority filter (moving window or spatial
averaging) could reduce the speckling at the risk of some information loss (compare Figures 15a and
15b), and better convey uncertainties. The abrupt discontinuities across borders create problems for
interpretation: they may be an artifact of using national level vulnerability and resilience indicators, or
they may reflect real changes in on-the-ground vulnerability based on differing governance structures.
Reports by Busby et al. (2012), Warner et al. (2009 and 2012), and Midgley et al. (2011) are
professionally designed, and the maps are cartographically appealing. Busby provides map zooms for
specific sub regions, which aids greatly in legibility (Figure 14). However, for most maps, their frequently
small size and lack of contextual information (subnational boundaries, road networks, major cities)
makes it difficult to identify the locations of hotspots. Some important areas such as small island states
or major urban areas, where vulnerabilities are likely to be greatest, are often completely obscured on
global scale maps. Maps zoomed to areas of vulnerability with greater contextual information could be
used to address these concerns.
Researchers coming from the climate and integrated assessment communities tend to produce
map arrays depicting multiple scenarios. This reduces legibility and can lead to confusion in the readers
mind since there is seldom any guidance on how to interpret the range of scenarios, or whether under
certain assumptions one outcome is more likely than another. Thus, on the one hand, the range of
scenarios highlights uncertainties, which is important for risk management, and on the other, the lack of
guidance can result in information overload. As Patt and Dessai (2005:427) point out, users have varying
abilities to understand probabilistic information, and "people will either choose to ignore information
that is too complicated for them, or will respond in ways that disproportionately makes use of some
types of information over others. One approach commonly employed by the climate research
community is to provide cross hatching of various densities on maps representing climate ensemble
outputs, which indicates the percentage of scenarios that agree on the direction of change.
A broader issue is that the proliferation of hotspots mapping risks overloading decision makers with
either too much or conflicting information (see Figure 16). Furthermore, where identified hotspots do
not conform to decision makers mental models, it is an open question as to whether decision makers
will accept results. This brings us to the topic of maps as tools for decision making.

4.4 Hotspots maps as tools for decision making

One common assumption is that hotspots maps hold out the potential for more transparent and
data driven decision making with regards to adaptation funding allocations, much as indicators are
presumed to distill complex information in ways that are useful to decision making (Abson et al. 2012). A
common assertion by map authors is that their results will be useful to policy audiences.
Yet hotspots efforts tend to be plagued by a lack of specificity regarding who precisely constitutes
the policy audience. While aid agency clients may indeed use the maps to identify priority areas for

Revised Accepted Manuscript submitted to Climatic Change (8 August 2013).

investments (see Table 2 for funders), it seems unlikely that national or local policy makers will take up
the maps as planning tools. Many country level decision makers distrust global/regional mapping efforts
because they dont understand/accept the methods, or question data inputs if they are not from their
own national agencies. There is little direct evidence that the maps actually influence investments or
adaptation activities, but Preston et al. (2011) suggest that maps may serve as boundary objects that
facilitate discourse.
More broadly, there is a risk, should the maps actually influence decisions, that quantification gives
decision-makers the false impression that the information is more objective (Preston et al. 2011). Yet
the framing of issues and selection of indicators cannot be presented as purely the result of objective
scientific criteria. By reifying vulnerability and resilience, and relying on proxies, other qualitative
aspects such as culture, power relations, and local ecological knowledge can be overlooked or
downplayed (Adger 2006; Kasperson et al. 2005). Seemingly innocent and value neutral, maps could play
an important role in framing societal responses to climate change and its impacts in ways that are surely
not neutral.
With increased attention and funding being devoted to adaptation, there is now a financial
incentive for countries to portray themselves as highly vulnerable to climate impacts. Yet, should donors
use hotspots maps to guide investments, there is a potential to reward countries with poor governance
should they be identified as the most vulnerable. Conversely, there is a moral hazard that countries
could suffer funding triage if they are deemed overly vulnerable to climate impacts. The role of
hotspots maps in political discourse and guiding decisionmaking deserves more attention.

4.5. Suggestions for future research

Some have suggested an alternative hot systems approach, which consider perturbations to
socio-economic and ecological systems in disparate geographic locations (Shen et al. 2010). Similar to
syndromes (Ldeke et al. 2004), this approach would identify system characteristics across locations
as well as teleconnections owing to expanding markets and flows of resources, people, information and
power relations, with a focus on particular combinations of events and conditions in geographically
disparate systems [that] can lead to crises (p.15). While more complex than simply mapping local
processes, there is no fundamental reason why the results of such hot systems approaches cannot be
mapped. For example, Ldeke et al. map global change syndromes in much the same way that hotspots
have been mapped (Figure 13). This would add sophistication to current efforts by better reflecting
direct and indirect drivers of change and real-world teleconnections.
There are a number of other potentially fruitful areas for further research. A useful next step in this
research would be to take spatial outputs of essentially similar hotspots mapping efforts, and overlay
them to see if results are broadly similar (Figure 16). Another area for further research would be to
interview decision makers at aid agencies in government agencies concerning the impact that the maps
had on resource allocation decisions. Finally, it would be interesting to use eye-tracking software and
other cognitive research tools being applied in the field of data visualization to understand how the
human brain processes the information contained on the maps with a goal of improving their
communication efficacy (Montello and Freundschuh 2005).

Revised Accepted Manuscript submitted to Climatic Change (8 August 2013).

5. Conclusion
This paper reviews a number of global and regional hotspots mapping efforts, assessing data and
methods, the hotspots identified, and their efficacy as tools for risk communication and decisionmaking.
Efforts to date can largely be characterized as supply-driven academic exercises rather than responding
to demands from the policy community. Yet in a world where human security is potentially imperiled by
temperature increases of >4oC, and where loss and damage has become part of the UN Framework
Convention on Climate Change lexicon, demand for hotspots maps will likely increase as decisionmakers
seek to identify where impacts will be greatest and what adaptation measures, if any, are possible.

The author would like to acknowledge comments on an earlier version of this paper by Richard Sliuzas of
ITC/University of Twente and by three anonymous reviewers. The author also presented earlier versions
of this paper and benefited from exchanges with researchers at the ICARUS II and Adaptation Futures
conferences in May 2012.

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Revised Accepted Manuscript submitted to Climatic Change (8 August 2013).

Supplementary Online Material Climate Change Hotspots Mapping

SOM 1. Regional hotspots mapping efforts

In this section I review a number of regional GIS-based hotspots mapping efforts from Africa,
Southeast Asia, and Europe.

SOM 1.1. Hotspots Maps for Africa

Owing to chronically low levels of development, high levels of food insecurity and natural resource
dependence, and high climate variability, many studies find that Africa is likely to be the continent
hardest hit by climate change (e.g. Thornton et al. 2008, Parry et al. 2007, Yohe et al. 2006). Busby et al.
(2011) develop a map of potential climate conflict hotspots based on a geospatial overlay technique that
is similar to the humanitarian mapping described above. A composite vulnerability score includes four
components: exposure to climate hazards, population density, household and community resilience
(health, education, access to health care), and governance and political violence (country level indicators
of government responsiveness, effectiveness, polity, and violence against civilians). A useful feature of
this report is the focus on specific regions as case examples, where the index is deconstructed (Figure
14). Overall, regions that are identified as having the highest vulnerability include much of the
Democratic Republic of Congo, Sierra Leone, Somalia, Sudan, Chad and Ethiopia. Portions of Angola,
Niger, Cote dIvoire, and Central African Republic are also considered vulnerable. Although the maps are
attractive, given their histories of conflict there is little surprise that these regions emerge as vulnerable.
Two studies have developed human vulnerability hotspots maps for southern Africa, which is one of
the sub-regions of Africa that has been pin-pointed as being particularly vulnerable to climate change
(Parry et al. 2007). In the first, Midgley et al. (2011) focus is on agriculture, food security, and human
health in southern Africa (see also Davies and Midgley 2010). The authors use an index approach with
spatial data sets that measure present exposure, future exposure (in 2050), sensitivity and adaptive
capacity. Present exposure variables include, inter alia, the rainfall coefficient of variation, risk of
cyclones and floods, the standardized precipitation index, fire frequency, and disaster events. Future
exposure includes future population density, ensemble GCM outputs for precipitation and temperature
change, loss of suitability for crop land, and sea level rise. Sensitivity includes variables such as irrigated
land, volume of rainfall per person on agricultural land, crowding on agricultural land, length of growing
season, soil degradation, slope, and net primary productivity. Adaptive capacity includes variables such
as infrastructure, economic wealth, malnourishment, education, health, malaria, access to improved
water, travel time to cities, and night time lights.
All variables were standardized on a 0-1 scale and then multiplied times a weight ranging from 1 to
3, and then all variables were added to form a score for each component of vulnerability (Figure 15).
Most of the adaptive capacity indicators, and those with the greatest weight such as GDP and access to
water and sanitation, tend to be reported at national levels, so there are abrupt jumps in values at
national borders. Sensitivity tends to be heavily influenced by population density, which is not directly
incorporated but is implicitly present through measures such as human appropriation of net primary
productivity and per capita volume of rainfall.

Revised Accepted Manuscript submitted to Climatic Change (8 August 2013).

In the second vulnerability hotspots mapping effort for southern Africa, Abson et al. (2012) created
vulnerability maps based on principal components analysis (PCA). They argue that the standard practice
of averaging or summing indicator scores hides important information regarding the relations between
the original variables. Because the principal components (PCs) are uncorrelated, the scores associated
with each PC encapsulate a unique aspect of the overall socio-ecological vulnerability represented by
the original set of vulnerability indicators. However, since the components are statistically derived, it can
be difficult to attribute meaning to a specific component. For example, their first PC, which they term
poverty and health vulnerability, includes infant mortality, poverty, agricultural constraints, and
malnutrition, which is straightforward enough. But their third PC, termed infrastructure poverty and
population pressure vulnerability, combines population per net primary productivity, infrastructure
poverty (a measure of population divided by night time lights), and travel time to major cities. It is hard
to make sense of this except perhaps as a proxy for population density.
Figure 16 provides a comparison of the results by these two efforts, revealing broadly similar
patterns but also some notable differences. For example, Midgley et al. find Zimbabwe and southern
Zambia to be highly vulnerable but Abson et al. find them to be less so. Conversely, Abson et al. find
most of the Congo and Angola to be highly vulnerable, but Midgley et al. find them to be less so. While
the results are not directly comparable owing to the use of different indicator sets, it does serve to
illustrate the fact that depictions of vulnerability patterns in spatial index approaches depend heavily on
data and methods.
Liu et al. (2008) focus on hunger hotspots using multiple crop modeling outputs. They identify
areas of high population density and current undernutrtion problems that are likely to see decreases in
per capita calorie availability of 0-30% and >30% (Figure 17). A major area of current and future
vulnerability is the highlands of Ethiopia; Areas stretching from western Tanzania to Mozambique are
projected to see >30% declines in calorie intake, and the lakes region, northern Nigeria, and parts of
southern Nigeria are considered currently vulnerable but without significant changes in future calorie
Thornton et al. (2008) map hotspots of climate change and poverty in Africa using principle
components analysis on 14 indicators measuring five livelihood capitals (Carney 1998): natural capital
(e.g. soil degradation), physical capital (e.g., accessibility to markets), social capital (e.g., governance),
human capital (e.g., malaria and HIV prevalence), and financial capital (e.g., agricultural GDP). Regions
identified as most vulnerable include the Highlands of Ethiopia, southern Chad, southern Niger, and
Rwanda and Burundi, followed by most of the rest of Africa, with only Guinea, southern Ghana,
Namibia, and Zimbabwe and portions of South Africa near Johannesburg showing up as less vulnerable.
The selection of Guinea and Zimbabwe as less vulnerable is puzzling, and may have to do with data
Finally, Hagenlocher et al. (2013), in a climate-focused approach similar to that of Baettig et al.s
CCI, develop an innovative modeling approach using historical climatological and vegetation index data
sets to delineate areas with relatively high climate change impacts in West Africa. Hotspots are
identified as areas where temperature and precipitation trends are pronounced and drought and flood
events over the past 24-36 years have been severe, with a focus on the rainy season from May to
October. The map (Figure 18) reveals both the areas of high impacts, and the proportion of the impact
that can be attributable to given impacts. For example, flood impacts dominate in the hotspots of

Revised Accepted Manuscript submitted to Climatic Change (8 August 2013).

Burkina Faso, Ghana, and southern Niger, whereas precipitation trends dominate in western Mauritania.
The maps lack any reference to population vulnerability, but some hotspots do coincide with larger
population centers, such as the flood hotspots in northern Nigeria (around Kano) and in southern
Burkina Faso. The approach also does not differentiate between increasing and decreasing trends in
precipitation, such that the rebound in precipitation following the great Sahelian droughts of the early
1970s and 1980s would be considered as contributing to climate hotspots in some regions.

SOM 1.2. Hotspots Map for Southeast Asia

In a similar effort, Yusuf and Francisco (2009) sought to map vulnerability to climate change in
Southeast Asia. They developed a vulnerability index following the IPCC definition, including natural
hazards, population density as a proxy for human sensitivity, protected areas as a proxy for ecological
sensitivity, and a number of variables for adaptive capacity. They did not incorporate GCM outputs or
socioeconomic scenarios. The resulting vulnerability map (Figure 19) depicts areas of particularly high
vulnerability in Laos, Cambodia, the Philippines, and the regions of Java and West Papua (former Irian
Jaya) in Indonesia. The results appear to be largely driven by the Climate Hazard Index for all regions
except Laos and Cambodia, where adaptive capacity is very low.

SOM 1.3. Hotspots Maps for Europe

The ESPON Climate (2011) mapping effort mapped potential impacts of climate change on Europe
at the Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics (NUTS) 3 level, which are approximately equivalent
to US counties. The authors looked at physical impacts, such impacts on settlements, roads, railroads,
airports, power plants, and harbors, as well as social impacts on populations, using proxies such as age
and population density. Figure 19 depicts the map of potential vulnerability to climate change, which
combines regional potential impacts with regional adaptive capacity. Impacts are calculated as exposure
based on the difference between 1971-2000 and 2071-2100 based on eight climatic variables of the
CCLM model for the SRES A1B scenario, plus inundation depth changes for a 100 year return flood
event, change in 100 year return period coastal storm surge height, together with recent data on the
physical, economic, social, environmental and cultural sensitivity to climate change. Adaptive capacity
was calculated as a weighted combination of economic, infrastructural, technological and institutional
capacity as well as knowledge and awareness of climate change.
The results suggest high levels of vulnerability in much of southern Europe and medium
vulnerability in selected coastal regions of France, Netherlands, and the UK. Some of these patterns are
driven by increasing flood and surge risk along the coasts, but the broad pattern of vulnerability in
southern Europe is driven most by projected hotter and drier climates combined with low adaptive
Schrter et al. (2005) focus on the vulnerability of ecosystem services to climate change impacts in
Europe using multiple SRES scenarios out to the year 2080. They find that some changes reduce
vulnerability, e.g., through the increase in growing days and more favorable agricultural conditions in
northern latitudes, but most changes increase vulnerability, e.g., through declining soil fertility, declining
water availability, and increasing risk of forest fires, especially in the Mediterranean and mountain
regions. Their maps do not represent overall hotspots, but rather present information on changes to

Revised Accepted Manuscript submitted to Climatic Change (8 August 2013).

specific ecosystem services, such as changes to cropland areas and water stress. Here again, southern
Europe appears to be most impacted across multiple scenarios.

SOM 2. Hotspots mapping based on expert opinion

In this section I review a number of hotspots maps based on expert judgment, which use maps or
spatial data to illustrate climate change impacts or to tell a story.

SOM 2.1. Population dynamics and migration hotspots

Warner et al. (2009 and 2012) represent a hybrid of expert judgment in the selection of hotspots
and combinations of spatially explicit data for mapping. The maps in the report In Search of Shelter
(Warner et al. 2009) highlight how climate impacts may adversely impact livelihoods, which in turn could
precipitate human migration. They focus on several locations deemed to have high livelihood
vulnerability and therefore susceptibility to increased migration, such as the semi-arid agricultural
systems of Mexico/Central America (Figure 20). The maps in the report Where the Rainfalls (Warner et
al. 2012) complement field research in eight countries on rainfall variability and migration as a coping
mechanism. The strength of these efforts is in their tailoring of representations of vulnerability to the
specific regions of interest, acknowledging that the major issues facing each region will be different, and
the use of well designed maps to draw policymaker and media attention. A weakness is that it is not a
systematic or quantitative assessment, and the regions identified as hotspots may not be the most
important based on objective criteria.
In 2005 UNEP published a map depicting areas where climate impacts are likely to drive climate
migration under the heading 50 million climate refugees by 2010 (Figure 21). The map generated
some controversy when The Wall Street Journal pointed out that many areas predicted to be major
sources of climate refugees, such as coastlines, by 2010 were in fact areas of in-migration. 1 Because
they are based on expert judgment, such maps may be risky since they are assumed to be fabrications
by climate skeptics.

SOM 2.2. Security and conflict hotspots

Expert judgment and freehand mapping has been widely used in climate security studies. For
example, a report by Shubert et al. (2007) for the German Advisory Council on Global Change (WBGU)
uses icons to identify regions at risk of water insecurity, declining food production, climate change
increase in storm and flood disasters, and environment (Figure 23). The hotspots are schematically
represented and provide a broad-brush, subjective assessment. According to the authors, the map
takes account of the social, political and economic conditions that determine the emergence of a
conflict constellation in a given region; [it] summarizes the security risks arising from climate change for
a set of regions selected as examples (p.162).
Similarly, Scheffran and Battaglini (2011) identify climatic stressors that could result in conflict using
a global map drawn in freehand to identify broad regions where climate change could result in security

Climate Refugees, Not Found: Discredited by reality, the U.N.'s prophecies go missing. Wall Street Journal,
21 April 2011.

Revised Accepted Manuscript submitted to Climatic Change (8 August 2013).

risks (Figure 24). Examples include droughts and general water scarcity (e.g., in the Mediterranean basin
and western and central Asia), recurrent flooding (e.g., in coastal East Asia and parts of the Caribbean),
loss of ecosystems and ecosystem services (e.g., across the arctic), extreme events (e.g., in Central
America and Indonesia), and loss of coastal areas owing to SLR (e.g. in Oceania). Apart from illegibility
and poor cartography, the map fulfills the purpose of distilling major issues. A weakness of both
mapping efforts is the lack of underlying data and over-reliance on the authors subjective assessments.

Revised Accepted Manuscript submitted to Climatic Change (8 August 2013).

Annex: Tables and Figures

Table 1. Hotspots mapping efforts reviewed for this paper

Reference System Valued Attribute External Hazard Temporal Reference
Global Hotspots Mapping Efforts (data driven)
Giorgi (2006) .. Implicit: Climate Climate variability 2080-2099 against a
stability baseline of 1960-79
Baettig et al. (2007) .. No chg in probability Increased probability of 2071-2100 against a
distrib. of extremes hot/wet/dry years baseline of 1961-90
UK Met Office (2009) Multiple Multiple Temperature change When global temp
increases by 4oC
Piontek et al. (2013) River flow, crop yields, Stability in systems Temperature change Based on timing of
ecosystems, malaria vital to livelihoods crossing temp.
Samson et al. (2011) Human population Implicit: Climate Reductions in pop. 2050
distribution stability carrying capacity
McGranahan et al. Coastal populations Human populations Sea level rise When sea levels rise
(2007) and lands and land by 8-10m
CARE/Maplecroft and Human populations Human security Climate hazards 1980-2000 hazards,
Thow & de Blois (2008) 2071-2100 for GCMs
Ericksen et al. (2011) Agriculture Ag. productivity and Changes in temperature 2050
food security and rainfall
Fraser et al. (2012) Soil moisture and Agricultural Reduced precipitation 2045-2060 (2050s),
agriculture productivity and soil moisture 2075-2090 (2080s)
Kok et al. (2011) Rural livelihoods Ag. productivity and Global environmental Recent past
food security change
Parish et al. (2012) Water Water availability p.c. Climate change and 2100
above a threshold population growth
Dll (2009) Ground water Ground water Climate change and 2041-70 (2050s)
recharge/availability population growth
De Stefano et al. River Basin Resilience to Precipitation variability 2030 and 2050
(2009) precipitation variability
Regional Hotpots Mapping Efforts
Busby et al. (2011) Human populations Political stability and A range of climate Past climate
(Africa) and governance sys. human security stressors variability
Midgley et al. (2011) Agriculture and Mostly food security Precip and temp change 2050
(Southern Africa) human health (average and maximum)
Abson et al. (2012) Socio-ecological .. Aridity and rainfall ..
(Southern Africa) systems variability
Liu et al. (2008) Agriculture Food security Impact ratios of climate 2030s
(Africa) change & CO2 fertil.
Thornton et al. (2008) Agriculture Food Security CC impacts on crop and 2050
(Africa) livestock productivity
Hagenlocher et al. Agriculture and sub- Food Security Changes and extremes Climate trends and
(2013) (West Africa) sistence livelihoods in climate parameters variability since 1970
Yusuf and Francisco .. .. Climate hazards Past climate
(2009) (S.E. Asia) variability
ESPON Climate (2011) Multiple Multiple Extreme events and in 2071-2100
(Europe) average conditions
Schroter et al. (2005) Ecosystems Ecosystem services s in C02 concentra- 2080
(Europe) tions, temp., and precip.
.. = not specified; Key: system of analysis (what is vulnerable?), the valued attributes of concern (why is it important?), the
external hazard (to what is the system vulnerable?), and a temporal reference (when?). Regional and global expert judgment
mapping efforts are addressed in the supplementary online material (SOM).

Revised Accepted Manuscript submitted to Climatic Change (8 August 2013).

Table 1. Hotspots mapping efforts reviewed for this paper (continued)

Global Hotspots Mapping Efforts (expert judgment)
Warner et al. Livelihoods Food security and in An array of climate Depends on the map
(2009/2012) situ adaptation impacts/rainfall variab.
Shubert et al. (2007) Political systems Security and stability Broad array of climate Mid to late 21st
impacts century
Scheffran and Political systems Security and stability Broad array of climate Mid to late 21st
Battaglini (2011) impacts century
.. = not specified; Key: system of analysis (what is vulnerable?), the valued attributes of concern (why is it important?), the
external hazard (to what is the system vulnerable?), and a temporal reference (when?). Regional and global expert judgment
mapping efforts are addressed in the supplementary online material (SOM).

Revised Accepted Manuscript submitted to Climatic Change (8 August 2013).

Table 2. Summary table of global climate change hotspots mapping efforts

Giorgi 2006 Baettig et al. 2007 Piontek et al. 2013 Samson et al. 2011
Primary focus/foci Climate change response by Increasing probabilities of Multi-sector: Crops, water resources, Impacts on human populations
region extreme warm/wet/dry years ecosystems, and human health
Audience Researchers (climate scientists) Researchers and policy makers Researchers Researchers (ecologists)
Geographic scope Global Global Global Global
Framework n/a n/a n/a n/a
Methods Multi-model ensembles for SRES scenarios for GCMS were GCMs simulating the highest RCP fed Spatial representations of
several IPCC scenarios were used to assess changes in the Global Impact Models to identify population density and climate are
used to assess changes in probability of warm, wet, and dry temperature thresholds for severe used together with climate model
regional mean precipitation, years, and also by summer and impacts in four sectors. The crossing outputs, based on an ecological
mean surface air temperature, winter season temperature for severe impacts in niche model
and in the interannual variability each sector were then mapped.
in precipitation and temperature
Index Regional Climate Change Index Climate Change Index (CCI) Crossing temperature Climate-Demography Vulnerability
(RCCI) Index
Africa North Africa (declines in mean All of sub-Saharan Africa, coastal Highlands (Ethiopia, Rwanda, Most regions
precipitation) North Africa Burundi, and Lesotho), Bight of
Benin, northern Guinea, eastern
Senegal, and western Mali
Asia Northeastern Asia China, Southeast Asia, Turkey, Georgia, Ganges basin, Arabian Peninsula, Southeast
Northeastern Asia northeastern China and eastern Asia
Europe Mediterranean (declines in Spain, Italy, Arctic Southern and eastern Europe None
mean precip), North Eastern
Regions Europe (increases in winter
Identified precip and a strong regional
warming relative to the global
Latin Am. Central America (decrease in Northern South America Southern Amazon, Andean Central America, the Amazon
& precip, increase in precip Cordillera, and Pacific Coast of Basin
Caribbean variability) Mexico, Guatemala and El
North Northeastern quadrant (Canada Arctic Great Lakes region, Gulf Coast, None
America and US) Canadian Rockies
Oceania Not identified None Southeastern Australia Eastern Australia, SISes
Funder N/A National Center of Competence European Framework Programme, National Science and Engineering
in Research, Swiss National UK, EU and other funding sources Research Council of Canada
Science Foundation

Revised Accepted Manuscript submitted to Climatic Change (8 August 2013).

Table 2. Summary table of global climate change hotspots mapping efforts (continued)
McGranahan et al. 2007 CARE & Maplecroft and Thow & Ericksen et al. 2011 Fraser et al. 2012
de Blois 2008
Primary focus/foci Sea level rise Natural hazard vulnerability Food production Soil moisture and agriculture as it
affects wheat and maize
Target audience Researchers (urban) Policymakers and humanitarian Agricultural research community Agricultural research community
Geographic scope Coastal Areas The developing world Tropical regions Global
Framework Focus on exposure and sensitivity IPCC vulnerability framework IPCC vulnerability framework n/a
Methods Overlay of coastal low elevation Combination of climate scenario Looks at change in growing season
band up to 10m in elevation on a data, important climate thresholds soil moisture in relation to
population grid with urban and for agriculture, data on natural adaptive capacity. Adaptive
rural identifiers resource degradation, and capacity was modeled based on
indicators of food availability, socioeconomic variables that have
access, and utilization. a high correlation with the crop
yield impacts of past drought
Index None Maps are produced based on n/a
combinations of high-low
exposure, sensitivity, and capacity
Regions Africa Alexandria Sahel, Horn, Central Africa, Portions of the Sahel (rainfall Southern Africa (wheat and maize)
Identified Southern Africa variability) and moist tropical West
Africa and Rwanda/Burundi
(temperature thresholds)
Asia Coastal cities including Shanghai, Central Asia, Afghanistan and Most of India (especially for Western China (wheat)
Ho Chi Minh City Pakistan, Myanmar, Mongolia, rainfall variability but also
Borneo temperature thresholds)
Europe Amsterdam, Hamburg, London Balkans (wheat and maize)
Latin Am. & Buenos Aires, Rio De Janeiro Andes, Northern Mexico, None Southern cone (wheat and maize)
Caribbean Argentina
North Miami, New Orleans U.S. great plains (wheat)
Oceania Sydney, Melbourne None
Funder NASA Socioeconomic Data and UN Office for the Coordination of Consultative Group for UK National Environment Research
Applications Center Humanitarian Affairs and CARE International Agricultural Research Council (NERC)
(CGIAR) with funding from aid

Revised Accepted Manuscript submitted to Climatic Change (8 August 2013).

Table 2. Summary table of global climate change hotspots mapping efforts (continued)
Kok et al. 2011 Parish et al. 2011 Dll 2009
Primary focus/foci Vulnerability profiles based on resource Water resources Renewable groundwater resources
endowments, water, soil, and
development status
Target audience Researchers (integrated assessment) Researchers Researchers
Geographic scope Global Global Global
Framework SUST vulnerability framework Unclear Unclear
Methods Integrated assessment models, geospatial GCMs coupled to hydrological models GCMs coupled to the WaterGap
data, and cluster analysis to answer hydrological model
questions: (1) What are main exposures,
vulnerable groups and their sensitivities?
(2) What are V creating mechanisms? (3)
Where do they manifest? (4) How will
future changes affect wellbeing? (5) What
coping/ adaptation responses are
Index N/A Water stress Vulnerability index (human vulnerability
to climate change induced changes in
freshwater supply)
Africa Extreme poverty in Sahel and Horn of North Africa (most scenarios), with North Africa, extreme western Africa
Africa isolated spots in SS Africa (Mauritania/Senegal), southwestern
Africa (Angola, Namibia, western South
Asia Extreme poverty in Afghanistan; Eastern China (A2 scenario) Portions of Central Asia (the stans) and
Moderate to Extreme poverty in NW western China
China; Extreme overuse in Pakistan and
Western India, and in NE China
Europe None None Parts of southern Europe
Latin Am. & Caribbean Moderate poverty Andes Central America, Northeastern Brazil Northeastern Brazil, coastal Peru and
(under A2 scenario) Chile
North America Marginal lands in West and Southwest West of the Great Lakes Ogalala aquifer in western Texas (in two
U.S. scenarios)
Oceania Marginal lands in West and Southwest None Western Australia (in most scenarios)
U.S., Marginal lands in Australia
Funder Netherlands Environmental Assessment Oak Ridge National Laboratory, U.S. Dept Not listed
Agency (PBL) of Energy

Revised Accepted Manuscript submitted to Climatic Change (8 August 2013).

Figure 1. Regional Climate Change Index (RCCI)

Source: Giorgi 2006

Figure 2. Climate Change Index (CCI)

Source: Baettig 2007, pg. L01705

Revised Accepted Manuscript submitted to Climatic Change (8 August 2013).

Figure 3. The impact of a global temperature rise of 4oC

Source: UK Met Office,

Figure 4. Multisectoral hotspots of impacts for two (orange) and three (red) overlapping sectors
Notes: Multisectoral hotspots of impacts for two (orange) and three (red) overlapping sectors in the strict
assessment, with 50% of GIM-GCM combinations agreeing on the threshold crossing in each sector, for a GMT
change of up to 4.5 C. An overlap of all four sectors does not occur in the strict assessment. Regions in light gray
are regions where no multisectoral overlap is possible. The dark gray shows the additional regions affected by
multisectoral pressures under the worst-case assessment, where a minimum of 10% of all sectoral GIM-GCM
combinations have to agree on the threshold crossing.

Source: Piontek et al. 2013, Figure 2.

Revised Accepted Manuscript submitted to Climatic Change (8 August 2013).

Figure 5. Climate Vulnerability Index (CVI)

Source: Samson et al. 2011, Figure 4.

Figure 6. Climate-Demography Vulnerability Index (CDVI)

Source: Samson et al. 2011, Figure 5

Revised Accepted Manuscript submitted to Climatic Change (8 August 2013).

Figure 7. Low elevation coastal zone in coastal China

Source: McGranahan et al. 2007b.

Figure 8. Overall human vulnerability to humanitarian crises

Source: CARE and Maplecroft 2008.

Revised Accepted Manuscript submitted to Climatic Change (8 August 2013).

Figure 9. Vulnerability to maximum daily growing season temperature exceeding 30oC

Source: Ericksen et al. 2011, map 4.8, p. 32.

Figure 10. Vulnerability hotspots for wheat and maize (circled)

Source: Fraser et al. 2012, Figure 4.

Revised Accepted Manuscript submitted to Climatic Change (8 August 2013).

Figure 11. Geographical distribution of vulnerability profiles

Source: Kok et al. 2010, Figure 2.9.

Figure 12. Projected Hotspots of water stress change

Notes: Changes in water stress by 2100 are calculated by global water shed under IPCC SRES A1B, B1, A2, and
A1F1 scenarios (top to bottom), a range of low to high emission scenarios. Red colors indicate areas of increasing
water stress and blue colors indicate areas of decreasing water stress.

Revised Accepted Manuscript submitted to Climatic Change (8 August 2013).

Source: Parish et al. 2012, Figure 6.

Figure 13. Global Distribution of Seven Syndromes of Global Environmental Change

Source: Ldeke et al. 2004, Figure 2.

Figure 14. Somalias Composite Vulnerability Index

Source: Busby et al. 2011, Figure 2.

Revised Accepted Manuscript submitted to Climatic Change (8 August 2013).

Figure 15. Vulnerability hotspots (a. 2008 and b. 2050). (Red values indicate hotspots where
people are most likely to be most in need of help adapting to climate stressors, while the blue areas
indicate areas of resilience.)
a. b.

Source: Midgley et al. 2011, Figures 6 and 11.

Figure 16. Comparison of vulnerability maps produced by Midgley et al. and Abson et al. (data
and methods are discussed in Section 1.1 of the SOM)

Sources: Davies & MIdgley 2010 and Midgley et al. 2011 (left) and Abson et al. 2012a (right).
Revised Accepted Manuscript submitted to Climatic Change (8 August 2013).

Figure 17. Number of people with current undernutrition problems in relation to future potential
hotspots of food insecurity in the 2030s

Source: Liu et al. 2008, Figure 13.

Figure 18. Index of Cumulative Climate Change Impact

Source: Hagenlocher et al. 2013, Figure 4.

Revised Accepted Manuscript submitted to Climatic Change (8 August 2013).

Figure 19. Climate Change Vulnerability for Southeast Asia

Source: Yusuf and Francisco 2009.

Figure 20. ESPON Europe assessment

Revised Accepted Manuscript submitted to Climatic Change (8 August 2013).

Source: ESPON Climate 2011, p.24.

Figure 21. Projected percent change in rainfall runoff by 2080 overlaid on population distribution
Notes: Map insets are for (clockwise from top): rainfall runoff (1960-1980 baseline), cyclone frequency (1980-
2000), and rainfed agricultural areas.

Revised Accepted Manuscript submitted to Climatic Change (8 August 2013).

Source: Warner et al. 2009, p.4.

Figure 22. Climate Change and Migration Hotspots

Source: Emmanuelle Bournay, UNEP-GRID Arendal, Fifty million climate refugees by 2010

Revised Accepted Manuscript submitted to Climatic Change (8 August 2013).

Figure 23. Security risks associated with climate change: Selected hotspots

Source: Schubert et al. 2007, Figure 8.1-3

Figure 24. Climate Change and Instability Hotspots

Source: Scheffran and Battaglini 2011, Figure 2.


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