29 CIR v. CA
29 CIR v. CA
29 CIR v. CA
GR No. 95022, 23 March 1992
WON the GCL Plan is exempt from the final withholding tax on interest income from money
placements and purchase of treasury bills as required by Pres. Decree No. 1959. YES
Ruling w/ Doctrine:
To begin with, it is significant to note that the GCL Plan was qualified as exempt from income tax
by the Commissioner of Internal Revenue in accordance with RA 4917. In so far as employees'
trusts are concerned, the foregoing provision should be taken in relation to then Section 56(b)
(now 53[b]) of the Tax Code, as amended by Rep. Act No. 1983. This provision specifically
exempted employee's trusts from income tax.
The tax-exemption privilege of employees' trusts, as distinguished from any other kind of
property held in trust, springs from the foregoing provision. It is unambiguous. Manifest
therefrom is that the tax law has singled out employees' trusts for tax exemption.
And rightly so, by virtue of the raison de'etre behind the creation of employees' trusts.
Employees' trusts or benefit plans normally provide economic assistance to employees upon the
occurrence of certain contingencies, particularly, old age retirement, death, sickness, or
disability. It provides security against certain hazards to which members of the Plan may be
exposed. It is an independent and additional source of protection for the working group. What is
more, it is established for their exclusive benefit and for no other purpose.
The tax advantage in RA 1983, Section 56(b), was conceived in order to encourage the
formation and establishment of such private Plans for the benefit of laborers and employees
outside of the Social Security Act. It is evident that tax-exemption is likewise to be enjoyed by
the income of the pension trust. Otherwise, taxation of those earnings would result in a
diminution accumulated income and reduce whatever the trust beneficiaries would receive out of
the trust fund. This would run afoul of the very intendment of the law.
The deletion in PD 1959 of the provisos regarding tax exemption and preferential tax rates under
the old law, therefore, cannot be deemed to extent to employees' trusts. Said Decree, being a
general law, can not repeal by implication a specific provision. A subsequent statute,
general in character as to its terms and application, is not to be construed as repealing a special
or specific enactment, unless the legislative purpose to do so is manifested. This is so even if
the provisions of the latter are sufficiently comprehensive to include what was set forth in the
special act.