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Time: 3 Hour Total Marks: 90: CBSE Board Class X Mathematics Board Paper - 2013

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CBSE IX | Mathematics

Board Paper 2013 - Solution

CBSE Board
Class X Mathematics
Board Paper - 2013
Time: 3 hour Total Marks: 90

Section A

1. Correct answer: C

Let AB be the tower of height 75 m and C be the position of the car.


cot 30o
AC AB cot 30o
AC 75m 3
AC 75 3m

Thus, the distance of the car from the base of the tower is 75 3 m.

2. Correct answer: A

S = {1,2,3,4,5,6}

Let event E be defined as 'getting an even number'.

n(E) = {1,4,6}

Number of favourable outcomes 3 1

Number of possible outcomes 6 2 1
CBSE IX | Mathematics

Board Paper 2013 - Solution

3. Correct answer: C

S = {1, 2, 3,..90}

n(S) = 90

The prime number less than 23 are 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, and 19.

Let event E be defined as 'getting a prime number less than 23'.

n(E) = 8

Number of favourable outcomes 8 4

Number of possible outcomes 90 45

4. Correct answer: A

Given: AB, BC, CD and AD are tangents to the circle with centre O at Q, P, S
and R respectively.

AB = 29 cm, AD = 23, DS = 5 cm and B = 90o

Construction: Join PQ.

We know that, the lengths of the tangents drawn from an external point to a
circle are equal.

DS = DR = 5 cm

AR = AD - DR = 23 cm - 5 cm = 18 cm

AQ = AR = 18 cm

QB = AB - AQ = 29 cm - 18 cm = 11 cm

QB = BP = 11 cm 2
CBSE IX | Mathematics

Board Paper 2013 - Solution


PQ2 = QB2 + BP2 = (11 cm)2 + (11 cm)2 = 2 (11 cm)2

PQ = 11 2 cm ... (1)


PQ2 = OQ2 + OP2 = r2 + r2 = 2r2

(11 2 )2 = 2r2

121 = r2

r = 11

Thus, the radius of the circle is 11 cm.

5. Correct answer: B

AP PB (Given)

CA AP, CB BP (Since radius is perpendicular to tangent)

AC = CB = radius of the circle

Therefore, APBC is a square having side equal to 4 cm.

Therefore, length of each tangent is 4 cm.

6. Correct answer: C

From the figure, the coordinates of A, B, and C are (1, 3), (-1, 0) and (4, 0)

respectively. 3
CBSE IX | Mathematics

Board Paper 2013 - Solution

Area of ABC

| 1(0 0) (1)(0 3) 4(3 0) |
| 0 3 12 |
| 15 |
7.5 sq units

7. Correct answer: B

Let r be the radius of the circle.

From the given information, we have:

2 r - r = 37 cm

r 2 1 37cm
r 2 1 37cm
r 37cm
r 7cm

Circumference of the circle = 2 r 2 7cm 44cm

8. Correct answer: C

Common difference =

1 6q 1 1 6q 1 6q
3q 3q 3q 3q 4
CBSE IX | Mathematics

Board Paper 2013 - Solution

9. Given: ABCD be a parallelogram circumscribing a circle with centre O.

To prove: ABCD is a rhombus.

We know that the tangents drawn to a circle from an exterior point are equal
in length.

Therefore, AP = AS, BP = BQ, CR = CQ and DR = DS.

Adding the above equations,

AP + BP + CR + DR = AS + BQ + CQ + DS

(AP + BP) + (CR + DR) = (AS + DS) + (BQ + CQ)

AB + CD = AD + BC

2AB = 2BC

(Since, ABCD is a parallelogram so AB = DC and AD = BC)


Therefore, AB = BC = DC = AD.

Hence, ABCD is a rhombus. 5
CBSE IX | Mathematics

Board Paper 2013 - Solution

10. Dimension of the rectangular card board = 14 cm 7 cm

Since, two circular pieces of equal radii and maximum area touching each
other are cut from the rectangular card board, therefore, the diameter of
each of each circular piece is = 7 cm.

Radius of each circular piece = cm.

7 22 49
Sum of area of two circular pieces = 2 2 77cm2
2 7 4

Area of the remaining card board

= Area of the card board - Area of two circular pieces

= 14 cm 7 cm - 77 cm2

= 98 cm2 - 77 cm2

= 21 cm2

11. Given: AB = 12 cm, BC = 8 cm and AC = 10 cm.

Let, AD = AF = x cm, BD = BE = y cm and CE = CF = z cm

(Tangents drawn from an external point to the circle are equal in length)

2(x + y + z) = AB + BC + AC = AD + DB + BE + EC + AF + FC = 30 cm

x + y + z = 15 cm

AB = AD + DB = x + y = 12 cm

z = CF = 15 - 12 = 3 cm 6
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Board Paper 2013 - Solution

AC = AF + FC = x + z = 10 cm

y = BE = 15 - 10 = 5 cm

x = AD = x + y + z - z - y = 15 - 3 - 5 = 7 cm

12. Three digit numbers divisible by 7 are

105, 112, 119, 994

This is an AP with first term (a) = 105 and common difference (d) = 7

Let an be the last term.

an = a + (n - 1)d

994 = 105 + (n - 1)(7)

7(n - 1) = 889

n - 1 = 127

n = 128

Thus, there are 128 three-digit natural numbers that are divisible by 7.


4 3x2 5x 2 3 0
4 3x2 8x 3x 2 3 0
4x 3x 2 3 3x 2 0

4x 3 3x 2 0

3 2
x or x
4 3

14.Let E be the event that the drawn card is neither a king nor a queen.

Total number of possible outcomes = 52

Total number of kings and queens = 4 + 4 = 8

Therefore, there are 52 - 8 = 44 cards that are neither king nor queen.

Total number of favourable outcomes = 44 7
CBSE IX | Mathematics

Board Paper 2013 - Solution

Favourable outcomes 44 11
Required probability = P(E) =
Total number of outcomes 52 13


Let the radius and height of cylinder be r cm and h cm respectively.

Diameter of the hemispherical bowl = 14 cm

Radius of the hemispherical bowl = Radius of the cylinder

=r cm 7cm

Total height of the vessel = 13 cm

Height of the cylinder, h = 13 cm - 7 cm = 6 cm

Total surface area of the vessel = 2 (curved surface area of the cylinder +
curved surface area of the hemisphere)

(Since, the vessel is hollow)

2 2 rh 2 r2 4 r h r 4 7 6 7 cm2

= 1144 cm2 8
CBSE IX | Mathematics

Board Paper 2013 - Solution


Height of the cylinder, h = 10 cm

Radius of the cylinder = Radius of each hemisphere = r = 3.5 cm

Volume of wood in the toy = Volume of the cylinder - 2 Volume of each


2 3
r2h 2 r
r2 h r
22 4
(3.5)2 10 3.5
7 3
38.5 10 4.67
38.5 5.33
205.205 cm3

Radius = 21 cm

17. The arc subtends an angle of 60o at the centre.

(i) l = 2 r

60o 22
2 21cm
360 7

(ii) Area of the sector o

360 9
CBSE IX | Mathematics

Board Paper 2013 - Solution

60o 22
21 21cm2
360 7

= 231 cm2

18. AB and CD are the diameters of a circle with centre O.

OA = OB = OC = OD = 7 cm (Radius of the circle)

Area of the shaded region

= Area of the circle with diameter OB + (Area of the semi-circle ACDA - Area
of ACD)

7 1 2 1
2 2 2
22 49 1 22 1
49 14 7
7 4 2 7 2

77 49
66.5 cm2

19. Let the y-axis divide the line segment joining the points (-4,-6) and (10,12)
in the ratio k: 1 and the point of the intersection be (0,y).

Using section formula, we have:

10k 4 12k 6
, 0, y
k 1 k 1
10k 4
0 10k 4 0
k 1
4 2
10 5
Thus, the y-axis divides the
line segment joining the given points in the ratio 2:5
2 24 30
12k 6 12 6
5 5 6
k 1 2 2 5 7
5 5

Thus, the coordinates of the point of division are 0, .
7 10
CBSE IX | Mathematics

Board Paper 2013 - Solution


Let AB and CD be the two poles, where CD (the second pole) = 24 m.

BD = 15 m

Let the height of pole AB be h m.

AL = BD = 15 m and AB = LD = h

So, CL = CD - LD = 24 h


24 h
1 24 h
3 15
24 h 5 3
h 24 5 3
h 24 5 1.732 Taking 3 1.732
h 15.34

Thus, height of the first pole is 15.34 m. 11
CBSE IX | Mathematics

Board Paper 2013 - Solution

21. k + 4)x2 + (k + 1)x + 1 = 0

a = k + 4, b = k + 1, c = 1

For equal roots, dicriminant, D = 0

b2 - 4ac = 0

(k + 1)2 - 4(k + 4) 1=0

k2 + 2k + 1 - 4k - 16 = 0

k2 - 2k - 15 = 0

k2 - 5k + 3k - 15 = 0

k(k - 5) + 3(k - 5) = 0

(k - 5) (k + 3) = 0

k = 5 or k = -3

Thus, for k = 5 or k = -3, the given quadratic equation has equal roots.

22. Sn = 3n2 + 4n

First term (a1) = S1 = 3(1)2 + 4(1) = 7

S2 = a1 + a2 = 3(2)2 + 4(2) = 20

a2 = 20 - a1 = 20 - 7 = 13

So, common difference (d) = a2 - a1 = 13 - 7 = 6

Now, an = a + (n - 1)d

a25 = 7 + (25 - 1) 6 = 7 + 24 6 = 7 + 144 = 151 12
CBSE IX | Mathematics

Board Paper 2013 - Solution


Steps of construction:

1. Draw two concentric circle with centre O and radii 4 cm and 6 cm. Take
a point P on the outer circle and then join OP.

2. Draw the perpendicular bisector of OP. Let the bisector intersects OP at


3. With M as the centre and OM as the radius, draw a circle. Let it intersect
the inner circle at A and B.

4. Join PA and PB.

Therefore, PA and PB are the required tangents.

24. The given points are A(-2,3) B(8,3) and C(6,7).

Using distance formula, we have:

2 2
AB2 = 8 2 3 3

AB2 = 102 + 0

AB2 = 100

2 2
BC2 = 6 8 7 3

BC2 = (-2)2 + 42 13
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Board Paper 2013 - Solution

BC2 = 4 + 16

BC2 = 20

2 2
CA2 2 6 3 7

CA = (-8)2 + (-4)2

CA2 = 64 + 16

CA2 = 80

It can be observed that:

BC2 + CA2 = 20 + 80 = 100 = AB2

So, by the converse of Pythagoras Theorem,

ABC is a right triangle right angled at C.

25. Diameter of circular end of pipe = 2 cm

Radius r1 of circular end of pipe = m 0.01 m

Area of cross-section = r12 0.01 0.0001 m2

Speed of water = 0.4 m/s = 0.4 60 = 24 metre/min

Volume of water that flows in 1 minute from pipe =

24 0.0001 m3 0.0024 m3

Volume of water that flows in 30 minutes from pipe =

30 0.0024 m3 0.072 m3

Radius (r2) of base of cylindrical tank = 40 cm = 0.4 m

Let the cylindrical tank be filled up to h m in 30 minutes.

Volume of water filled in tank in 30 minutes is equal to the volume of water

flowed out in 30 minutes from the pipe. 14
CBSE IX | Mathematics

Board Paper 2013 - Solution

r22 h 0.072
0.4 h 0.072
0.16 h 0.072
h 0.45 m 45 cm

Therefore, the rise in level of water in the tank in half an hour is 45 cm.

26. The group consists of 12 persons.

Total number of possible outcomes = 12

Let A denote event of selecting persons who are extremely patient

Number of outcomes favourable to A is 3.

Let B denote event of selecting persons who are extremely kind or honest.

Number of persons who are extremely honest is 6.

Number of persons who are extremely kind is 12 - (6 + 3) = 3

Number of outcomes favourable to B = 6 + 3 = 9.


Number of outcomes favrouableto A 3 1

Total number of possible outcomes 12 4


Number of outcomes favorableto B 9 3

Total number of possible outcomes 12 4

Each of the three values, patience, honesty and kindness is important in

one's life.

27. Diameter of upper end of bucket = 30 cm

Radius (r1) of upper end of bucket = 15 cm

Diameter of lower end of bucket = 10 cm

Radius (r2) of lower end of bucket = 5 cm

Slant height (l) of frustum 15
CBSE IX | Mathematics

Board Paper 2013 - Solution

= r1 r2 h2

2 2 2 2
15 5 24 10 24 100 576
676 26cm

Area of metal sheet used to make the bucket

r1 r2 l r22
15 5 26 5

520 25 545 cm2

Cost of 100 cm2 metal sheet = Rs 10

Cost of 545 cm2 metal sheet

545 3.14 10
= Rs. Rs.171.13

Therefore, cost of metal sheet used to make the bucket is Rs 171.13.

28. Given: l and m are two parallel tangents to the circle with centre O touching
the circle at A and B respectively. DE is a tangent at the point C, which
intersects l at D and m at E.

To prove: DOE 90o

Construction: Join OC.


In ODA and ODC,

OA = OC (Radii of the same circle) 16
CBSE IX | Mathematics

Board Paper 2013 - Solution

AD = DC (Length of tangents drawn from an external point to a circle are


DO = OD (Common side)

ODA ODC (SSS congruence criterion)

DOA COD ... (1)

Similarly, OEB OEC

EOB COE ... (2)

Now, AOB is a diameter of the circle. Hence, it is a straight line.


From (1) and (2), we have:

2 COD + 2 COE = 180o


DOE 90o

Hence, proved.

29. Let the sides of the two squares be x cm and y cm where x > y.

Then, their areas are x2 and y2 and their perimeters are 4x and 4y.

By the given condition:

x2 + y2 = 400 (1)

and 4x - 4y = 16

4(x - y) = 16 x-y=4

x=y+4 ... (2)

Substituting the value of x from (2) in (1), we get:

(y + 4)2 + y2 = 400

y2 + 16 + 8y + y2 = 400

2y2 + 16 + 8y = 400

y2 + 4y - 192 = 0

y2 + 16y - 12y - 192 = 0 17
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Board Paper 2013 - Solution

y(y + 16) - 12 (y + 16) = 0

(y + 16) (y - 12) = 0

y = -16 or y = 12

Since, y cannot be negative, y = 12.

So, x = y + 4 = 12 + 4 = 16

Thus, the sides of the two squares are 16 cm and 12 cm.


1 1 1 1
2a b 2x 2a b 2x
1 1 1 1
2a b 2x 2x 2a b
2x 2a b 2x b 2a
2x 2a b 2x 2ab
2a b b 2a
2x 2a b 2x 2ab

1 1
x 2a b 2x ab
2x2 2ax bx ab 0
2x x a b x a 0
x a 2x b 0
x a 0 or 2x b 0
x a, or x
2 18
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Board Paper 2013 - Solution


Given: A circle with centre O and a tangent XY to the circle at a point P

To Prove: OP is perpendicular to XY.

Construction: Take a point Q on XY other than P and join OQ.

Proof: Here the point Q must lie outside the circle as if it lies inside the
tangent XY will become secant to the circle.

Therefore, OQ is longer than the radius OP of the circle, That is, OQ > OP.
This happens for every point on the line XY except the point P.

So OP is the shortest of all the distances of the point O to the points on


And hence OP is perpendicular to XY.

Hence, proved. 19
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Board Paper 2013 - Solution

32. Given AP is -12, -9, -6, ..., 21

First term, a = -12

Common difference, d = 3

Let 21 be the nth term of the A.P.

21 = a + (n - 1)d

21 = -12 + (n - 1) 3

33 = (n - 1) 3

n = 12

Sum of the terms of the AP = S12

n 12
= 2a n 1 d 24 11 3 54
2 2

If 1 is added to each term of the AP, the sum of all the terms of the new AP
will increase by n, i.e., 12.

Sum of all the terms of the new AP = 54 + 12 = 66 20
CBSE IX | Mathematics

Board Paper 2013 - Solution

33. Let AC and BD be the two poles of the same height h m.

Given AB = 80 m

Let AP = x m, therefore, PB = (80 - x) m


1 h
... (1)
3 x


3 ... (2)
80 x 21
CBSE IX | Mathematics

Board Paper 2013 - Solution

Dividing (1) by (2),

1 h
3 x
3 h
80 x
1 80 x
3 x
x 240 3x
4x 240
x 60
From (1),
1 h
3 x
h 20 3m

Thus, the height of both the poles is 20 3m and the distances of the point
from the poles are 60 m and 20 m.

34. The given vertices are A(x,y), B(1,2) and C(2,1).

It is know that the area of a triangle whose vertices are (x1, y1), (x2,y2) and
(x3, y3) is given by

| x1 y2 y3 x2 y3 y1 x3 y1 y2 |

Area of ABC

|x 2 1 1 1 y 2 y 2 |
| x 1 y 2y 4 |
| x y 3|

The area of ABC is given as 6 sq units.

x y 3 6 x y 3 12
x y 15 22

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