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The document discusses Chuck Sipes' bodybuilding career and accomplishments as well as training programs and publications he authored.

Chuck Sipes discusses his one-year training program to win the 1968 IFBB Mr. World competition as well as a one-year ab specialization program and expander cable training.

Chuck Sipes used to perform exhibition feats of strength like bench pressing nearly 600 pounds at a bodyweight of around 220 pounds.



2011 Dennis B. Weis
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The information presented is not intended for the treatment or prevention of disease, nor a
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This publication is presented for information purposes, to increase the public knowledge of
developments in the field of strength and conditioning. The program outlined herein should not be
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Use of the information provided is at the sole choice and risk of the reader. You must get your
physicians approval before beginning this or any other exercise program.


In Memory Of Chuck H. Sipes

(August 22, 1932-February 24, 1993)

1959 IFBB Mr. America

1961 IFBB Mr. Universe
1966 4th place-IFBB Mr. Olympia
1968 IFBB Mr. World




The mid-1960s was a very exciting time for

many of us Baby Boomers (born during the
Second World War) who were involved in the
physical culture scene, for we were able to
experience a Golden Era of the sport.

The Golden Era was a magical time on

the physical culture scene where non- and
amateur-competing bodybuilders alike had
to rely on reasonably logical and competent
training and nutritional strategies (who can
forget Rheo H. Blair, the super nutrition
expert, and his wildly popular milk-and-
egg-protein powder) for acquiring marked
increased in muscular size and strength.

There was also emerging in this Golden

Era a new breed of elite competing and
winning bodybuilder, the IFBB Professional.
Who can forget such legendary names as
Dave Draper, Don Richard Howorth, Sergio
Oliva, Harold Poole, Larry Scott, Arnold
Schwarzenegger, and last but not least in the
IFBB parade of champions, Chuck Sipes.


The late Chuck Sipes was a huge, thickly muscled man, not too tall but amazingly
compact and massive. He had a ruggedness written over his physiognomy and a
broad grin for everyone. He reflected a cheerful atmosphere and personal attitude
wherever he went. However, when he began a workout, his concentration was so
laser-focused that it was obvious to those around him that he did not want to be
interrupted. It was this frame of mind that netted him contest-winning results at the
elite IFBB professional level.

Now, get ready to step back into the sixties and check into the mind of one of pro-
bodybuildings best, and begin to absorb the knowledge of the training and nutrition
strategies it took to win an IFBB show.

The following seminar contains exact insights

and expressions from the late Chuck Sipes, a
man who was deeply embedded in the trenches
of bodybuilding warfare. If you ever had the
opportunity to hear Chuck speak, you may recall
his speech pattern and recognize his training
philosophy as it is represented in this eReport.

The following information is the pure truth

from Sipes on the exact program he followed
Chuck receiving the trophy for winning
in preparation for the IFBB Mr. World title.
the 1968 IFBB Mr. World title
At the conclusion of this program, Chuck
attained a peak condition where, at 5 feet 9 inches, he weighed 220 pounds. His
measurements were: arms, 19 inches; chest, 50 inches; waist, 32 inches; thighs
25 inches; calves, 18 inches. He was especially known for his massive and
powerful forearms, which measured 18 inches pumped. Sipes was also enormously
strong. He could bench press 570 pounds (at 220 pounds of muscular bodyweight),
perform full squats with 600 pounds, and do barbell curls with 250 pounds. Here,
then, is the Chuck Sipes bodybuilding seminar in which he explains his revolutionary
training and nutritional philosophies that allowed him to obtain his best gains in size,
shape, and muscularity and go on to win the 1968 IFBB Mr. World contest. He also
won the subdivisions of most muscular, best arms, best chest, and best abs.



I planned my contest preparation for the 1968 IFBB Mr.
World contest twelve months prior to entering. I feel that
this is one of the most important phases toward contest
training, in that one must plan his or her training, far
enough in advance to get their training organized and to
devote every waking minute of the day toward the task at
hand. As far as my training went, I trained three times per
day (Authors comment: This is the dynamic Triple-Split
training principle that the top bodybuilders and weightlifting
champions in the world have been using for the last few
years to achieve the maximum in size and strength), six
days per week, towards winning the 1968 IFBB Mr. World contest. Being employed
with the California Youth Authority as the personal weight training instructor helped me
to organize my training so that I was able to train three times per day.

I would begin my daily training at around 6:00 a.m. at my home. My work for the
California Youth Authority was the swing shift that began at 2:00 p.m. to 10:00 in the
evening. It was here that I would get into the second and third workout sessions for
the day. My second workout of the day began immediately upon arriving at work at
2:00 p.m. being that my job was to teach weight training to the CYA youths. It was
here that I would get in my second workout of the day and then between 8:00 p.m.
and 10:00 in the evening I was assigned to dorm duty in which I was to be there while
the young men slept for the night. It was here that I concentrated on my third and
final workout session of the day.

(Authors comment: Before Chuck outlines his explicitly calculated training program,
it is important to note that he followed the PUSHIPULL training principle where he
would train his pushing muscles, e.g., pecs, delts, and triceps, on training days one,
three, and five; and on days two, four, and six, he would train his pulling muscles-


legs, back, biceps, and forearms. You will notice as he explain a particular exercise
schedule that special attention was given to working from the largest muscle group to
the smallest for the particular training sessions at hand. This is one of his secrets of




I have always enjoyed bench pressing, so I would begin this particular session
by doing SUPINE or flat bench presses. I would always warm up with, say, 135
pounds, and then gradually I work light to heavy, say, for instance, I would do two
sets of 8 reps, then two sets of 4 reps, then two sets of 2 reps, and finally two sets of
one single rep, working toward my best single maximum poundage for this session.
(Authors comment: This is the famous double set light to heavy training principle.)

After I finished doing the two single repetitions, I would then do a SUPPORT
MOVEMENT (making use of a power rack), which I feel is the only way one can gain
tremendous strength. Here I would place the holding rods (Authors comment: This is
the point where the barbell is actually positioned prior to beginning the actual exercise
movement) in the power rack where the bar was positioned just below the actual
arms-locked-out position in the supine or flat bench press position. I would position
myself correctly on the bench and proceed to push the barbell off the holding rods
to an arms-locked position. I would begin by holding the barbell at this locked-arms
position of support for approximately five seconds.

As my training in this exercise over the weeks and months progressed, I would
add more time supporting the barbell, but never more than twenty seconds per set.
Then, of course, when this became easy I would add more poundage to the barbell,
because the importance of this and any exercise is always to progress either by
adding time upon the effort or adding poundage upon the effort. At this particular
time in my training I was working toward attempting a 600-pound supine bench press,


which I wanted to do at the upcoming IFBB 1968 Mr. World contest.

At the time I was training for this contest, many people believed that bodybuilders
just trained with light weight and were pumpers. I wanted to prove that not all
bodybuilders trained with light weights, and, in fact, any leading bodybuilder today,
in order to develop to the maximum in size, has to handle heavy poundages. I firmly
believe that this one exercise (bench supports in the power rack) done for 4 sets of 5
seconds to 20 seconds each helped me greatly in developing my chest and arms to
their maximum size. As far as my rest pauses between sets went, I would wait only
long enough until my mind tells me that Im ready to begin another set. I like to keep
the blood flowing in the muscle while keeping up a good exercise rhythm and a good
sweat during my training sessions. (Authors comment: It is interesting to note that
sweating burns up three calories per teaspoon of perspiration.)

I really believe in sweating, and I usually wear a sweatshirt even in the warmer
months of the year. After I did the supports on the bench press, I then would proceed
to do some Dead Stop Bench Presses.

On this particular exercise, I would again make use of the power rack and reposition
the holding rods from the previous exercise to a point where the barbell would
be positioned approximately four inches above the chest. I would decrease the
poundage just enough to where I could do from four to six reps, so that on about the
sixth rep I was putting out maximum effort. I firmly believe that this exercise builds
explosive power in the bench press. It gives one the ability to explode from the dead
space just about the chest. (Authors comment: One of the critical sticking points in the
bench press)

As far as being able to tell you what poundages I used on the bench press, it would
be fairly hard for me to go back that far, because I didnt record them. I always trained
to the maximum on the bench press three times per week. I would always force
myself to handle more and more poundage, and by doing this I was able to bring my
bench press up to 570 pounds, weighing approximately 220 pounds. The dead stop
bench presses were done for 4 sets of 6 reps.


From this exercise I went to Straight Arm Pullovers with a barbell. I believe that
this exercise is tremendous for chest development and of utmost importance for rib
cage development. On this exercise I would normally do three sets of 15 repetitions,
and my poundages on the pullovers would run around 125 pounds. I dont believe
that using heavy poundages on the pullover is the answer (toward chest and rib cage
development), but the answer is to use lighter weights and keep the arms straight and
stretch, stretch, stretch, and concentrate on deep breathing.

From here I would then go to Dumbbell Flies on a flat bench, bending the elbows
slight and again stretching, stretching, stretching. Here I would do 4 sets of 8
repetitions, then I would finish off my chest work with what I call Around the Worlds
with dumbbells. On this exercise I would lay flat on the bench while bringing the
dumbbells back in a semicircle, like a straight-arm pull over, and then swing the
dumbbells out and around in the circular motion down along the sides of the body
past the waist until the dumbbells are just about the thighs and groin area. Now
cross the arms and cramp and squeeze the pecs. This exercise is a good flushing
movement for the pectorals and really gives the chest some nice shape. On this
exercise I would do 4 sets of 8 repetitions each.

From here I would move into Parallel Bar Dips with 100 pounds attached to my waist
for added resistance. I would concentrate very strongly on obtaining a maximum
stretch in the downward position.

(Authors comment: This exercise is not a pure pectoral developer in itself but is a
multi-compound movement that works not only the pecs, but the deltoids and triceps
as well, depending on the ever-so-slight positioning of the upper torso. Chuck would
tilt his upper torso slightly forward when doing this exercise so as to gain that little
extra in pectoral stimulation.)

After the heavy dips on the parallel bars for 4 sets of 8 reps, I would cease using
the heavy 100-pound dumbbell and begin doing *Bodyweight Only Parallel Bar
Dips starting with one repetition, resting a second or two, then doing two reps, rest a
second or two, and doing three reps, moving up to 20 or 25 repetitions of these dips.
I would get a tremendous pump, and this exercise was responsible for building a high
degree of muscularity in the chest region.

(*Authors comment: For more information on this revolutionary training technique,

refer to my book MASS!, Contemporary Books, 1986.)

This would take care of my morning training session for training days one, three, and
five. I would then continue afternoon and evening workouts when I would go to my job.

Afternoon Session 2:00 P.M.


My afternoon training consisted of shoulder work, and this is the schedule I followed
for a long period of time in my training for the IFBB Mr. World title. I might say here
that many people change their schedules too often.

(Authors comment: Vince Gironda, The Iron Guru in bodybuilding, seems to

confirm this. Experience has shown him that any fewer than nine months does not
let him pass through all the phases of any exercise that are necessary to formulate
an opinion. He does say, however, that, any longer than nine months, an exercise
becomes confusing and boring. If the new concept or exercise is any value, it will be
born in nine months.)

When I hit upon an exercise schedule that would benefit me and I was making gains,
I would not change it. Sometimes I would go six and eight months on a particular
system if it was working. If I followed an exercise or a total exercise schedule for a
month and I saw no size and strength gains, which was very seldom in my case, then
I would change my particular schedule.

I am a person who loves to train, and very seldom do I get burned out on one
particular exercise. If its working, I love it and continue to do it until I find that Im not
making the response in gains that I should.

I begin my afternoon training program with some Behind the Neck Presses. I will
say here that most bodybuilders and strength athletes have a particular exercise that
gives them problems such as pulled tendons or a strained muscle. The behind-the-


neck press affects me this way, but I believe in

this exercise so I continue to perform it but using
very light poundages. I begin by doing a warmup
set for 12 repetitions, and then I increase the
poundage slightly and do 4 sets of 8 repetitions.

I wasnt concerned that much with increasing

the poundages on this exercise, but I did make
an effort to concentrate on doing the reps slowly,
keeping the barbell moving constantly. By doing
this, I would get a deep ache in the lateral and
posterior segments of the deltoid.

From here I would move on to my next exercise,

the Barbell Front Raise. I used a shoulder-width
grip, and, with the barbell hanging at arms length
against my upper thighs, I would take a deep breath and raise the barbell straight
up until it was directly over my head, and then I would lower it in the reverse manner
in which I had lifted it. I always took care to make sure that my elbows were locked
during each and every rep.

(Authors comment: This exercise not only develops thickness in the frontal deltoid
region when viewed from the side, but it is also terrific for very necessary deltoid
power in Chucks bench press exercises.)

Again I concentrated on a full, even movement, keeping the barbell moving at a good
pace but not too fast, slowly enough so that I could feel a deep muscle ache.

I might say here that many bodybuilders train in a haphazard manner. I believe they
dont concentrate deeply enough into the muscle area they are working. I think into
the segment of muscle that Im working, and I feel the effort of the muscle; in this
way I can speed up or slow down the repetition cadence according to the feel of the
muscle working.


(Authors comment: I couldnt agree with Chuck more. Doing the movement without
giving thought to the muscle being worked may yield only 50-70% of its actual
benefits. In other words, momentary lapses of concentration can throw off your
exercise technique just enough to make you lose a rep or two or a few pounds off
your exercise poundage.)

Sometimes I would make bio mechanical changes in this exercise. Some days I
would do it standing, and other days I would do it sitting in a chair with my back in full
contact with the back of the chair. This really isolated the movement where it stopped
any bending at the waist. On this exercise I did 4 sets of 8 repetitions.

From here I went on to the Dumbbell Lateral Raise. I would do this exercise while
seated on a bench. The dumbbells are held firmly (arms hanging at my sides) with
the little finger side of the hand against the inside dumbbell plate, the dumbbells are
then raised with semi-stiff arms. (Authors comment: There is just an ever-so-slight
bend in the elbow region, just enough to take any stress off this vulnerable joint area)
directly to the side of the body, to shoulder height. At this point the shoulders drop a
few inches, and here I would make a concentrated effort to rotate my hands slightly so
that the front of the dumbbell is lower than the back of the dumbbell.

(Authors comment: This is much like pouring water from a cup.)

The movement up to this point built razor-sharp delineation and roundness in lateral
or side portions of my deltoids. I would continue the movement in an upward fashion
until the dumbbells were well past my ears and in fact at arms length over my head.
At this position I would make an effort to rotate the dumbbells so that they would
touch together in this overhead position. I would then lower the dumbbells in the
starting position.

(Authors comment: Doing the dumbbell laterals up to the position of shoulder height
and in the manner described by Sipes works the medial or side delt segment and is
responsible for creating that visual yard-wide look to his shoulders.)

On these particular shaping exercises I never try to cheat the weight up, nor do I


handle too heavy of a poundage. I always train to the maximum, but I keep the
poundage at a level that allows me to feel the particular area (segment) of the muscle
I am trying to develop. If a bodybuilder does these shaping exercises in this particular
way, they will get much more benefit out of it. On this exercise I did 4 sets of 8 reps.

(Authors comments: Some experts on exercise technique might question the

rationale or manner in which Sipes does his dumbbell laterals as previously
described. These experts in only one way to lift will point out that, after the
dumbbells go beyond shoulder to arms length overhead, the trapezius muscle
becomes actively involved in the exercise movement. To a certain degree they are
correct, because the trapezius muscle do assist in the overhead position by pulling
the deltoids closer to the head; but this seems to give Chuck that little extra in focus
and peak contraction of the deltoid muscles.

To prove that this statement is truth and not just theory, I remember hearing about
some scientific studies that were conducted by a Japanese Olympic weightlifting team
physician and a coach of the team. The studies were done with electro myo-grams,
a device that records muscle activity -shows which muscles are working but does not
indicate strength output.

The electro myographic studies showed that, while two or more lifters could use the
same exercise style in exactly the same way, there were great individual differences
in the way certain muscle were brought into play during the same stage of the lifts.
For example, it is generally thought that the deltoids function best when movements
such as dumbbell lateral raises begin from 45 degrees from the sides of the body
and to an arch of 45 degrees about shoulder level. In Chuck Sipes case, this was
not true, and deltoid activity continued well on to the arms- overhead position in the
dumbbell lateral raises. These cited differences are probably due to the anatomical
structure of the skeletal system of bone length, muscle origin insertion, and length of
the muscle bellies, etc.)

From the dumbbell laterals, I went to my final deltoid exercise, the Standing Military
Press. I would do the military press from a power rack (or set of squat stands),
beginning the actual movement at shoulder height. I was tired from doing the other


shoulder exercises leading up to this exercise, and by doing the military press from a
power rack, I could devote more effort to the actual press movement itself instead of
having to clean the barbell from a bench or from the floor. I would do this particular
exercise for 4 sets of 8 repetitions. My pressing movements were slow and deliberate
with no back bend, thus making the shoulders do the work.

(Authors comment: It was always a joy to observe the strictness with which Chuck
did his military press movements. He would take a shoulder-width grip on the bar,
but not much wider. His elbows were spread out to the side and the wrists relatively
straight. His feet were approximately shoulder-width apart and parallel to each other,
with his body balanced on the balls of his feet rather than centered toward his heels.
He would lock his knees, making sure that his back was flat and that his hips were
lined up with his back. Now it was time for Sipes to begin the press. He would press
the barbell off the clavicular portion of his chest in a rapid manner with his deltoid and
arm strength only.

He made sure that he didnt cheat during any range of the pressing movement by
wedging or bowing (bringing hips forward.) This particular technique seems to
shorten the height of ones actual physical structure so that the arms bypass certain
sticking points. This takes away from developing maximum size and strength in the
deltoids, as would arching the back, and Chuck didnt want this to happen.

Chuck would continue to drive the barbell up, keeping it as close to his face as
possible, never looking up or down but straight ahead, pressing the barbell to a
complete locked-out position overhead. The reason Chuck never looked down when
doing the movement was to ensure that his balance was correct at all times. To look
down could cause the upper back to hyperextend, which is extremely dangerous.
Chuck would use some enormous poundages on this exercise, and it was his
experience that it is best to do this exercise standing rather than seated. If by chance
the barbell got out of the pressing groove where he wasnt in complete control of it
for a millisecond, he had a better-than-average change of saving the rep by making a
subtle but necessary change in his body position. This would be extremely difficult to
do in the seated version of the military press.)


This took care of my deltoid training, and I then rested for approximately four hours
before I started my third and final workout session of the day.

Evening Session 8:00 P.M.


One exercise that I do and fully believe in is the Lying French Press. This is my
favorite exercise, and one that I put full, concentrated effort into. I would do this
movement by lying flat on my back on an exercise bench. If the bench did not have
upright supports that would hold a barbell, then I would try to use a bench that was
only six or so inches in height off the floor. This low bench would allow me to lift the
barbell off the floor and into the flying triceps starting position without hurting myself.
Assuming that the bench has upright supports, I would then reach up and grasp the
barbell, taking a grip tat was three to five inches apart from the center of the bar.

(Authors comment: Chuck would use an EZ curl bar from time to time rather than a
straight bar. This would help to eliminate elbow and triceps injury due to it improved
mechanical leverages.)

From here I would lift the barbell off the upright supports to an arms-locked position over
my chest. I would then slowly lower the barbell to my forehead, making sure that my
upper arms did not move and my elbows remained high and pointed toward the ceiling.
Do not bounce the barbell at this low forehead position. Now, with the power of my
triceps, I would extend and lock my arms out to the beginning over-the-chest position.

(Authors comment: Some bodybuilders will do a 6-6-6 set where they will lower the
barbell behind the head, touching the flat part of the bench for six reps; then they will
do six reps to the forehead; and then a final six reps bringing the barbell down to the
chest in a close-grip bench press fashion.)

On this exercise I used the double set/light-to-heavy training principle that I spoke
about earlier for the flat bench presses. The same rep and set scheme was used


(Authors comment: Chuck might use 80-85% of his one-rep maximum in this
exercise for two sets of eight reps; 90% for two sets of four reps; 92095% for two sets
of two reps; and anywhere from 95-97% for two sets of one rep each.)

From the lying French press, I moved on to the Dumbbell Triceps Extension, again
lying supine or flat on my back on a bench. Here again I worked up to some heavy
poundages, doing 4 sets of 6 reps.

I moved on then and did the Triceps Kick Back with a light barbell for 4 sets of 10
repetitions. I would grasp the barbell behind my back and bend forward at the waist
until my upper torso and my lower torso made a 90-degree angle. My arms with the
barbell from the elbow to the deltoid should remain as stationary as possible during
the movement, just as if they were glued to the side of the body. Now I would drive
the barbell backwards until it was above my lower back. Having completed these
three triceps exercises, this took care of my training day.

I would like to add here that, during my

training for the Mr. World contest, I worked
my abdominals every training day. I would
begin my abdominal training by doing 50
Bent-Knee Sit-ups on an incline situp board.
Then I would go and do some Side Bends
and Front Bends, while holding a broomstick
behind my neck. On these two exercises I
would do 50 repetitions each.

I would do these exercises fairly rapidly, making sure to blow or expel all the air
out of my lungs on the contraction phase of the movement and at the same time
tightening the waist.

After these exercises were completed, I then went back to Bent-Knee Sit-ups on a
rather steep incline and would do 2 sets of 12 repetitions while holding a 25-pound
barbell plate behind my head. This was one of my favorite abdominal training
sessions for keeping the outer layer of fatty tissue off my waist and keeping the
abdominal muscles in sharp focus.

Here I would also mention that this particular routine was not to develop and to get
a high degree of abdominal sharpness, because, a year or so prior to my Mr. World
training, I did a much more ingenious workout for the abdominal region that brought
out the absolute in muscularity that I was happy with. From then on it has only been
a matter of maintaining that degree of abdominal muscularity through an abdominal
maintenance program such as the one outlined above.

(Authors comment: I have an interview with Chuck Sipes on his special one-
year abdominal specialization program that I have included as a bonus piece in my
e-report titled: Acquire Cinderblock Abs The Australian Way.)

Training Days Two, Four, and Six

Morning Session 6:00 A.M.


The first exercise I would do on my leg training day was the Standing Calf Raise for
4 sets of 50 repetitions. Id like to explain now how I do my calf raises. The first 15
reps in a set are done from the maximum down-stretch position, then I raise my heels
to halfway of maximum height position. The next 20 reps in the set are done from
the maximum down-stretch position to maximum height where the soles of the feet
are perpendicular to the floor. The final 20 reps in the set are done in the maximum
height position (feet perpendicular to the floor) with a bounce, which is a type of partial
cramping or burn movement. At times I will vary my foot position where I will point my
toes out and heels together to work the inner calf.

(Authors comment: Chuck always made sure to put all of his pressure on the ball of
his foot and big toe when in this position.)

At other times I will turn my toes in and heels apart to work the outer calf.

(Authors comment: It is in this position that Chuck would put all his pressure on the
outer edge of his foot near the little toe.) Finally, there were other times when I would


simply do the standing calf raise where my feet from heel to toe were parallel.
I rested only long enough between each of the four sets for the lactic acid burn deep
inside the calf to go away and until the pump goes away slightly. Then I go back to
the standing calf machine and hit another set.

(Authors comment: This technique in calf training might well be termed The Multi-
Positional Quad-50 Routine for Bigger Calves.)

From the calves I would go to the Barbell

Back Squat. The squat to me is one
of the most beautiful exercises for leg
development. I have been dong full squats
since I was about sixteen years old. I
use the squats for building leg power and
muscular leg bulk. Here again I will do the
double set/light-to-heavy training principle.
I will do one warm set with a very light
poundage of, say, 135 pounds, and then I
go to two sets of eight reps, add poundage,
then I do two sets of six reps, add poundage, and a final two sets of four reps.

About once a month Ill peak out with some max single reps just to see how my
strength is coming along. In any of the strength-building exercises, be it squats
or bench presses or whatever, I try to add poundage whenever possible. Not
necessarily a great deal of poundage, but I am always trying to progress in my
strength training over the months of contest training.

(Authors comment: Due to the length of Chucks seminar, I do not have the scope
and space necessary to detail all of the precision techniques that he used in many of
the following exercises he talked about.)

One of the most important tips in squatting is to make sure that the shins move
forward during the decent squat. This will place the weight on the instep or middle
of the foot and thus allow you to squat more upright. If the shins are not allowed to


move forward, it can cause you to bend over greatly just to keep the weight over the
instep. Strong abdominal and spinae erector muscles will help keep your back from

Heres a tip for coming out of the bottom position of the squat. Begin the drive out of
the bottom by first leading with your head and chest, and bring the shoulders to the
rear, then flex your knees, hips, and ankles. If you try pushing with your legs first,
your glutes (rear end) will raise first, which in turn will force you to bend over, and
this will place the weight of the barbell over your knees and greatly diminish your leg

Continuing my morning leg workout, I would do Leg Extensions for 2 sets of 40 reps
and Leg Curls for 3 sets of 12 reps. These two exercises were done to develop
a higher degree of definition in the thigh area. Keep up a good exercise tempo on
these two exercises, working for a deep burn and ache in the muscle.

This concluded my training session in the gym. I then went outside and sprinted
for 15 minutes. I would jog and then do a fast sprint and then walk and then do a
fast sprint, etc. I believe in sprinting for getting the fine edge in definition into leg
development. Also, I believe in riding a ten-speed bicycle for getting that final peak of
development and muscularity in the thighs and calves.

This took care of my morning training schedule, and it was after this that I would
normally lay out and work on my tan. Usually this was done for an hour, say, one-
half hour on the front part of the body and one-half hour on the back side. I might say
here that the key to getting a golden tan for a contest is not to try to do it in the last
two weeks before a contest. Try to work on your tan all year around. I usually use the
hour in the sun to do some studying and reading.


Afternoon Session 2:00 P.M.


My afternoon training schedule

consisted of developing and
increasing the width of the lats. I
began by doing End-of-the-Bar Lat
Rowing for 3 sets of 12 repetitions.
I would do this exercise by placing
one end of an empty barbell bar in
a corner or against an object, which
would keep it in place. I would load
up the other end of the bar with enough barbell plates to get 12 reps per set.

Next I would straddle the bar and bend down until my upper back was parallel to the
floor and at the same time kept a slight bend at the knee joint. I would grasp the bar
just behind the plates (it can be done with one arm or two), took a deep breath, and
pulled the bar with all my lat strength until the edge of the barbell plates touched the
middle of my chest. Then I reversed direction and slowly lowered the barbell to the
starting position and exhaled. This was the first rep of twelve. I would concentrate
very deeply on getting the stretch in the downward movement and concentrating on
getting a smooth movement to the high row of the exercise.

To get the zenith development in the lat area, one must again concentrate not only
on the movement but especially on the stretch of the exercise. The more I learned
how to stretch and relax in the lower stretching area, of course, the better my lat
development became.

After completing three sets on this exercise, I moved on to the Lat Machine Pulldown,
which I did for 4 sets of 12 repetitions. I would reach up and grasp the bar with as wide
a grip as possible. I would now pull the bar down as far as possible behind my neck.
I would never allow my elbows to drift backward; actually, they should be digging into
the sides of the rib cage at the completion of the downward pull.


(Authors comment: It looked to me as if Chuck was trying to squeeze an apple

between his shoulder blades during this segment of the movementLooking at
Chucks barn door lat spread, you just knew that he was getting maximum muscle
contractions out of each and every rep. One way to accomplish this is to hold the
contracted lat position behind the neck on the final rep of each set for a six-second

My next exercise is Hanging Lat

Stretches (AKA-Strap Chins with
Wrists Looped). This is one of my
favorites, and I firmly believe it is the key
to overall lat development. I would do
this exercise for 4 sets in the following

I put up some nylon slings (the type that

scuba weight belts are made from) on the rafters in my garage. I put them up as far
apart as possible, but no so far apart that I couldnt loop my wrists through them. This
would assure me a maximum stretch. Next I would stand on a stool with a 100-pound
dumbbell attached around my waist. I looped my wrists through the nylon slings.
From this position I would step off the stool and lower myself to a dead hang position.
I would just hang there and let the extra hundred pounds of weight and wide grip
stretch me out almost to a crucifix position.

Then I would struggle to pull myself up as far as possible

and then lower back down to the full stretch, letting the
extra hundred pounds pull me to the zenith. After this
was completed, I would get positioned back on the stool
and ready myself for the next set. This took care of my
afternoon training schedule.

(Authors comment: Hanging Lat Stretches, as described by

Chuck Sipes, can also be accomplished by doing them on
a pull up bar as illustrated.)


Evening Session 8:00 P.M.

Biceps and Forearms:

I have always enjoyed arm work, so this was one of my favorite times in the evening
to concentrate on probably one of the most influential muscles in the whole body, the
biceps. I started with some Heavy Cheat Curls with a barbell. Sometimes I would
use the EZ curl bar, and other times I would use just a straight bar.

I did six sets of these using the double set-light-to-heavy training principle, doing 2
sets of 6 reps, add poundage, 2 sets of 4 reps, adding poundage, 2 sets of 2 reps.
As you will notice, I use this light-to-heavy type of training in most of the large muscle
areas before going on to some of the higher repetition and shaping exercises.

I went on to the preacher bench and did Preacher (Scott) Curls for 4 sets of 10
repetitions each. I would always do this exercise slowly, always using enough
poundage so that on the 10th rep of a set I was really fighting it out.

After the Preacher Scott curls, I moved on to the Dumbbell Three-Way Curl for 6
sets of 8 reps each. I did the first double set in a seated dumbbell concentration curl
fashion, with the palm facing in as if you were doing them in a thumbs-up or hammer
curl fashion. The next set was done again in seated dumbbell concentration curl
style and the palm facing up, curling the weight until it touched the front of the deltoid.
The final double set is very similar to the last one, only your curling hand touches the
opposite armpit.

After I finished all six sets of the dumbbell three-way curl, I moved on to Barbell Wrist
Curls, doing 4 sets of 15 reps. I did two sets with the palms up as follows:

Palmsfour inches apart from the center of the exercise bar. When I was seated,
I made sure that my hips were slightly higher than my knees. The elbows and
forearms were placed along the tops of the thighs. I would make an effort to lean
forward until there was less than a ninety-degree angle between the biceps ad fore
arms. This would really help isolate the flexors in the forearms. Now I would raise


and lower the barbell by wrist action alone. After I completed the two sets with palms
up, I would then do two sets with palms down in the manner described, but this time
working the flexors or back of the forearms. This was the final exercise in my training
for the 1968 IFBB Mr. World contest.


Training Philosophy & Diet

What I would like do now is talk about
my training philosophy in preparation
for the Mr. World contest. First of
all I might say that I came to every
workout full of enthusiasm and
knowing that I must put full effort into
each set of every exercise in order
to get my body into the best shape
of my life. I didnt ever hold anything
back for, say, the evening workout or
the upcoming A.M. workout the next
training day.

I did my training in full confidence

knowing that I would win this contest
at age 36. I knew that unless I
trained in this manner, I might get
beaten. I have always said that, if I
am going to train for a contest, Im
going to put full and complete effort
into my training, which in this case
was for a period of one year. If I
am going to do something, no matter what it might be, I want to do it well; and, to be
honest, I dont like to lose. I enjoy being a winner, I guess like most people. I felt
that I had the will and determination to just train a little harder and put a little bit more
into my training. I think this is the real key to success in bodybuilding or in any other
venture in that you get out of it what you put into it.

Bodybuilding has been good to me. Ive been able to travel throughout the world and
meet people from different countries with the same interests in health and physical


fitness. I put my complete life into winning, so I figured that every waking moment of
the day, whether it be getting a tan or training hard or eating good, nutritious foods
and taking in some good supplements, this was the only way to accomplish my goal;
but it couldnt all be hard work.

I believe that good relaxation is just as important as training hard, so when I was
relaxing, Id put all the competitive spirit aside for that period of time and just forget
about the training.

I have never neglected my family or my wife. Someone asked me about my diet.

Looking back to my diet, I have never really followed a strict diet, so to speak, as
far as having to follow a strict menu. What I have always tried to do is eat nothing
but wholesome nutrition-packed meals. I have never in my life that I can recall,
since high school, ever eaten any type of junk foods. I have always tried to eat
nothing but natural-type foods while training for the Mr. World contest. Number one,
I figured I would have to eat foods that were high in energy, because it was 1968 at
the age of 36 that I was able to reach the zenith as far as my physique and strength
development went. My bodyweight was up to the highest it had ever been at 220
pounds. It was at this new bodyweight that I was able to bench press 570 pounds.

My daily nutritional program that I used in my one year of preparation for the Mr.
World contest looked like this: When I got up in the morning, I would eat a good
breakfast of, say, four eggs scrambled with cheese grated on top, some whole grain
cereal, two pieces of whole wheat stone-ground bread with honey, one glass of milk,
one glass of fresh fruit juice, and a dish of fresh fruit. About 15 minutes after breakfast
I would take a vitamin/mineral tablet, 1500 mg of vitamin C, two papaya tablets, and
one teaspoon of wheat germ oil.

Mid-morning would roll around, and at this time I would have some fresh fruit and
raw almonds (natural).

At noontime I would have a glass of fresh fruit juice and a handful of raw sunflower
seeds along with a green salad and two peanut butter or tuna sandwiches on whole
wheat bread. I would wash this lunch down with two glasses of milk. At this time I


would also take more of my supplements, two B-12 tablets and two liver tablets, plus
one teaspoon of wheat germ oil and, of course, two papaya tablets.

Around mid-afternoon I might have some raisins and raw peanuts along with an
apple or orange, or I might just mix up a health and bulk blender drink. This drink
consisted of one or two cups of milk, three raw egg whites, three tablespoons of Tiger
Milk powder, two tablespoons of blackstrap molasses, two tablespoons of mountain
honey, one tablespoon of Ovaltine powder, one medium banana, and a scoop or
two of natural ice cream.

At supper time I might have some steak, beef hamburger or fish. Along with this I
would have one serving of a green salad, brown rice, some whole wheat bread with
a couple of pats of butter, and some tea with honey. To top off my meal I might have
some natural ice cream.

Now, just before bedtime I might have a big glass of fresh orange juice and a handful
of sunflower seeds. At other times I might once again mix up the health and bulk
blender drink.

Many people have asked me over the years how I could drink so much milk and still
maintain a high degree of muscularity. I guess my metabolism has always been on a
high key, because even on the day that I entered the Mr. World contest, I drank three
quarts of milk. Many people dont believe this, but it is the truth. I have always been
able to eat more or less whatever I wanted to. Im not saying that I eat any kind of
junk food or anything like that. I really believe that Id drink four or five quarts of milk a
day and still maintain a high degree of muscularity. I do believe in milk, and I feel it is
one of the best foods for strength and for gaining size. After all, when youre training
very, very hard like I was, youre burning off many calories, and you have to have
some good energy foods to develop a high degree of strength.

Another thing that I ate quite a bit of at times was all different kinds of nutscashews,
raw peanuts, sunflower seeds, raisins, and dried fruits. As far as the types of
supplements I was taking, I always took wheat germ oil. I would always buy a
soybean protein product.


(Authors comment: It is interesting that Chuck would speak about soybean products.
One of the best soybean products is Mori-Nu TOFU, a soybean curd that does not
require any refrigeration until it is opened.)

I would also take a natural vitamin and mineral table formulation and some desiccated
liver tablets and papaya tablets. I would also eat honey by the tablespoonful at least
three times a day. I might say here that I have always been one who has had a hard
time gaining weight, so I really had to work at this particular phase of my training.
This, of course, is why I was taking in some sort of nutrients six times a day instead
of three. Training my body as I did three times a day and six days a week, it was
necessary for me to get at least eight hours of sleep a night in order for my body to
recuperate for the next days workout.

(Authors comment: This final statement from Chuck at age

27 in 1959
Chuck Sipes concluded his bodybuilding
seminar. I challenge you to make some
comparisons of Chuck Sipes knowledge on
training and nutrition with the bodybuilding
superstars of today. I am sure that you
might agree that he was years ahead of his
contemporaries in his natural approach to
physique contest preparation. For those of you
who wish to learn more about Chuck Sipes and
his training methods, the resources mentioned
on pages 28-31 will be helpful.)

Note: Authors comments: by Dennis B. Weis.


Days 1-3-5
Workout #1 (6:00 A.M.)
exercise sets reps
Lying Flat Barbell Bench Press 2 8-4-2-1
Lying Barbell Bench Press Rack Supports 2 5-20 sec
Lying Barbell dead Stop Bench Press 2 4-6
Barbell Straight Arm Pullovers 2 15
Lying Flat Dumbbell Around the Worlds 2 8
Parallel Bar Dips w/Weight 2 8
Bodyweight Only Parallel Bar Dips As described in text on page 9 1-25

Workout #2 (2:00 P.M.)

exercise sets reps
Barbell Behind-the-Neck Press 1 (warm-up set) 12 reps 4 8
Barbell Front Raise 4 8
Seated Dumbbell Lateral Raises 4 8
Standing Military Press Off Rack 4 8

Workout #3 (8:00P.M.)
exercise sets reps
Lying Flat Barbell French Press 2 8-4-2-1
Lying Flat One-Dumbbell Triceps Extension 4 6
Standing Barbell Triceps Kick Backs 4 10


Days 2-4-6
Workout #1 (6:00 A.M.)
exercise sets reps
Standing Calf Machine Heel Raises 1 50
Barbell Back Squats 1 (warm-up set) 12 reps 2 8-4-2-1
Machine Leg Extensions 2 40
Lying Machine Leg Curls 3 12
Sprints (outdoors) 15 min.

Workout #2 (2:00 P.M.)

exercise sets reps
End-of-Bar Lat Rowing 3 12
Behind Neck Lat Machine Pulldowns 4 12
Hanging Lat Stretches As described in text on page 21 4

Workout #3 (8:00P.M.)
exercise sets reps
Standing Barbell Cheat Curls 2 6-4-2
Barbell Preacher (Scott Curls) 4 10
Seated (3-Way) One-Dumbbell Concentration Curl
Hammer curl style/thumbs up 2 8
Palms up 2 8
Dumbbell touches armpit 2 8
Palms Up Barbell Wrist Curls 2 15
Palms Down Barbell Wrist Curls 2 15


Abdominal Training
exercise sets reps
Bent-Knee Situps 1 50
Side Bends w/Broom Stick behind Neck 1 50
Front Bends w/Broom Stick behind Neck 1 50
Bent-Knee Situps w/25 lb. Plate behind Head 2 12

Abdominal Training Notes: Chuck would do the following abdominal exercises,

without fail, at the conclusion of a training session (be it morning, afternoon, or


Highly Recommended Reading

Mr. America, Mr. Universe, Mr. World
Bodybuilding Courses

Booklet 1: How to Plan Your Bodybuilding Training

Plenty of frank and important training ideas and
discussions for planning your own bodybuilding

Booklet 2: Preparation for Physique Competition

Getting ready begins many months in advance.
Details on diet, exercise, posing, to aid you in winning
tough contests.

Booklet 3: Training for Strength Super strength

takes a certain kind of training. Here is a complete
program telling how I developed my Herculean
strength and physique.


Booklet 4: How to Perform Feats of Strength You

can learn how to perform the very same amazing
strongman feats of strength that I do myself at shows
all over the world.

Booklet 5: Chuck Sipes Photo Album Learn posing

ideas from beautiful photos that tell their own stories;
a picture is worth a thousand words. A great souvenir
photo album!

Booklet 6: About the Man-Chuck Sipes Read a

biography about the man, Chuck Sipes his life, his
climb to the top, his family, and many other interesting

The above 6 titles are no longer available in hardcopy but when you order both of the
Audio/CDs, listed on the following pages, I will send the 6 books to you in an eBook
format on a data CD absolutely FREE!!!


During the past 20+ years, I have recorded
audio interviews with many of the legendary
champions of bodybuilding and power lifting.
One of my all time favorite interviews though is
with bodybuildings original Iron Knight, Chuck

Free-fall through the mind of this champion

as he speak to you -- personally and frankly --
revealing his inner secrets of how he entered
into the Maximum Growth Zone of training and

Audio/CD Program #1 Training for the

IFBB Mr. World:

The late Chuck Sipes was an IFBB Mr. America, Mr. Universe, and Mr. World winner
and a Mr. Olympia competitor back in the 1960s. Chuck was not only an elite contest-
winning bodybuilder but also a dynamo of super-human strength. He used to thrill
audiences by doing exhibition bench presses with nearly 600 pounds (with no support
gear such as bench shirts, etc.) at a muscular bodyweight of nearly 220 pounds. This
was unheard of among elite bodybuilders back in the 1960s.

This living sound audio/CD interview focuses on the one-year inside training and
nutritional secrets that Chuck used in his preparation to enter and win the 1968 IFBB
Mr. World contest. Youll hear Chuck speak in candid detail about the triple-split Push/
Pull workout and the Double Pyramid Rep Schemes and the measured movement
Support Training he used to achieve the ultimate in size, shape, and muscularity.
This 50+ minute raw, uncut, no-frills tell-all program is only $19.95 postpaid. Foreign
orders please add $7.00 for shipping. Please allow 1-2 weeks for shipping.


Audio/CD Program #2 - Chuck Sipes One Year Ab Specialization Program and

Expander Cable Training Information:

This 60-minute audio program is only $19.95 postpaid. Foreign orders please add
$7.00 for shipping. Please allow 1-2 weeks for delivery for the audio programs.

Order by logging onto and sending money to: or by sending a personal check or postal money order
(U.S. Funds only) payable to:

Dennis B. Weis
P.O. Box 9485
Ketchikan, Alaska 99901


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