March 2017
March 2017
March 2017
Minestrone Soup Tasty Tenders Noodles & Sauce Cheesy Spinach Loaded Baked
Cheese Stick Mac & Cheese Salad Steak Rolls Potato Casserole
Apple Slices Cauliflower Mandarin Chicken Soup Salad
Pears Oranges Bananas Grapes
13 14 15 16 17
Chicken & Irish Beef Stew Turkey Corn Creamed Chipped Bangers & Mash
Couscous Mashed Potatoes Chowder Beef With onion Gravy
Green Beans Roll Breadstick Coin Carrots Green Peas
Applesauce Oranges Peaches Roll Green Fruit
20 21 22 23 24
27 28 29 30 31
We offer Skim White, 1% White, and Skim chocolate milk as a part of our reimbursable meal