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Intellectual Property Law

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San Beda College of Law

2010 Centralized Bar Operations


REPUBLIC ACT 8293 Confined to literary or artistic works which are
original creations in the literary or artistic
Purpose: To strengthen the intellectual and domain protected from the moment of their
industrial property system in the Philippines as creation.
mandated by the countrys accession to the
Agreement Establishing the World Trade Patent Inventions
Organization (WTO) (Mirpuri vs. CA, GR No. Any technical solution of a problem in any field
114508, November 19, 1999). of human activity which is new, involves an
inventive step and is industrially applicable
1. Patent Law (RA 165); Any visible sign capable of distinguishing the
2. Trademark Law (RA 166); goods or services of an enterprise and shall
3. Copyright Law (PD 49); and include a stamped or marked container of
4. Articles 188 & 189 of the RPC goods (Section 121.1, IPC, and Elidad Kho v.
Court of Appeals, GR No. 115758, March 11,

Intellectual Property - Those property rights Geographic Indication

which result from the physical manifestation of One which identifies a good as originating in
original thought (Ballantine's Law Dictionary). the territory of a TRIPS member, or a region or
locality in that territory, where a given quality,
Note: There are NO property rights protected reputation or other characteristic of the good is
by law in mere ideas or mental conceptions. essentially attributable to its geographical
When creations of mind are put in tangible origin (Art. 22, Trade-Related Aspects of
form, there is appropriate subject of property Intellectual Property Rights [TRIPS
that is protected by law (63A Am Jur 3d, Agreement]).
Property, Section 5).
Layout Design (Topography) of an
Intellectual Property Rights Integrated Circuit
1. Copyright; Integrated Circuit
2. Related rights or neighboring rights of A product, in its final form or an immediate
copyright; form, in which the elements, at least one of
3. Patents; which is an element, and some or all of the
4. Mark; interconnections are integrally formed in and/
5. Geographic indications; or on a piece of material and which is intended
6. Industrial designs; to perform an electric function (Art. 35, TRIPS
7. Layout designs (topographies) of Agreement).
integrated circuits;
8. Protection of Undisclosed information Layout Design (Topography)
(Sec. 4). The three-dimensional disposition, however
expressed, of the elements, at least one of
which is an active element, and of some or all

MANOLO ADEL SANTOS overall chair, KRISTINE ANNABELLEE HIPOS chair academic operations, MINISTER MOISES DU chair hotel operations,
EZEKIEL JOSHUA VILLENA vice chair for operations, RYAN DARYL PINEDA vice chair for secretariat, DJOANIVIE JOMARE JUNASA vice chair for
finance, MARIE MICAELA STA. ANA, vice chair for edp, DIOXENOS SULIT vice chair for logistics

ANDREW ALCANTARA subject chair, JENNETTE ROBINO assistant subject chair, ACE ARVIN GANDO edp, SHERRY JANE GASPAY laws on intellectual
property, NOEL BURTON special laws, SARAH JEANE CARDONA banking laws, JOYFUL KIAMZON code of commerce, JONATHAN BAJETA negotiable
instruments laws, ALAN GUERRERO insurance laws, ANNA ROSE NAVA transportation laws, GUIA MARIE TOMANENG corporation laws

Stephanie Narvaez, Faith de Torres, Jerico Galvez, Thomas Santos, Christian Ocampo, Walter Fernandez, Aaron Marc Saludo, Anthony Villamor, Gian
Carlo Layson, Michael Ali, Jose Angelito Ilano, Dominic Paul Oso, Ronald Cubero, Maan Vanessa Doctor, Jaime del Rosario, Richelle Mari Marders,
Charles Cambaliza, Pia Urbano, Raymund Jonas Flores, Carissa Eano, Gian Marlo Urbano, Donna Castronuevo, April Rose Javier, Mary Mae
Serafico, Clarence Octaviano, Adrienne Mae Aquino, Marilen Ang, Camhella Sandoval, Diane Dauz and Mapeps Andal

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