Khade IF
Khade IF
Khade IF
This project at Punjab National Bank was undertaken during the period of 2
months (JUNE 1st 08 to JULY 31st 08) as part of my summer training
During the course of my training, I got valuable insights about the workings
in a bank branch, internet banking and client interface.
Though the risk management area is very wide and elaborated, still the
project covers whole subject in concise manner.
The study aims at learning the techniques involved to manage the various
types of risks, various methodologies undertaken. The application of the
techniques involves us to gain an insight into the following aspects:
The report seeks to present a comprehensive picture of the various risks
inherent in the bank. The risks can be broadly classified into three
Credit risk
Market risk
Operational risk
Within each of these broad groups, an attempt has been made to cover as
comprehensively as possible, the various sub-groups
The computation of capital charge for market risk will also be taken
practically as also the assigning the ratings for individual borrowers. PNB is
also under the key process of testing and implementation of Reuters
"KONDOR" software for its VaR calculations and other aspects of market
3. Each bank, in conforming to the RBI guidelines, may develop its own
methods for measuring and managing risk.
5. Out of the various ways in which risks can be managed, none of the
method is perfect and may be very diverse even for the work in a similar
situation for the future.
6. Due to ever changing environment , many risks are unexpected and the
remedial measures available are based on general experience from the past.
The significant transformation of the banking industry in India is
clearly evident from the changes that have occurred in the financial markets,
institutions and products. While deregulation has opened up new vistas for
banks to argument revenues, it has entailed greater competition and
consequently greater risks. Cross- border flows and entry of new products,
particularly derivative instruments, have impacted significantly on the
domestic banking sector forcing banks to adjust the product mix, as also to
effect rapid changes in their processes and operations in order to remain
competitive to the globalized environment. These developments have
facilitated greater choice for consumers, who have become more discerning
and demanding compelling banks to offer a broader range of products
through diverse distribution channels. The traditional face of banks as mere
financial intermediaries has since altered and risk management has emerged
as their defining attribute.
incidence of which is ultimately borne by the taxpayer. The World Bank
Annual Report (2002) has observed that the loss of US $1 trillion in banking
crisis in the 1980s and 1990s is equal to the total flow of official
development assistance to developing countries from 1950s to the present
date. As a consequence, the focus of financial market reform in many
emerging economies has been towards increasing efficiency while at the
same time ensuring stability in financial markets. From this perspective,
financial sector reforms are essential in order to avoid such costs. It is,
therefore, not surprising that financial market reform is at the forefront of
public policy debate in recent years. The crucial role of sound financial
markets in promoting rapid economic growth and ensuring financial stability.
Financial sector reform, through the development of an efficient financial
system, is thus perceived as a key element in raising countries out of their
'low level equilibrium trap'. As the World Bank Annual Report (2002)
observes, a robust financial system is a precondition for a sound investment
climate, growth and the reduction of poverty .
the financial system, marking the gradual end of financial repression
characterized by price and non-price controls in the process of financial
intermediation. While financial markets have been fairly developed, there still
remains a large extent of segmentation of markets and non-level playing field
among participants, which contribute to volatility in asset prices. This
volatility is exacerbated by the lack of liquidity in the secondary markets.
The purpose of this paper is to highlight the need for the regulator and
market participants to recognize the risks in the financial system, the
products available to hedge risks and the instruments, including derivatives
that are required to be developed/introduced in the Indian system.
5. Greater integration among the various segments of financial markets
and their increased order of globalisation, diversification of ownership
of public sector banks.
What is Risk?
"What is risk?" And what is a pragmatic definition of risk? Risk means
different things to different people. For some it is "financial (exchange rate,
interest-call money rates), mergers of competitors globally to form more
powerful entities and not leveraging IT optimally" and for someone else "an
event or commitment which has the potential to generate commercial liability
or damage to the brand image". Since risk is accepted in business as a trade
off between reward and threat, it does mean that taking risk bring forth
benefits as well. In other words it is necessary to accept risks, if the desire is
to reap the anticipated benefits.
2. What will we do (both to prevent the harm from occurring and in the
aftermath of an "incident")?
Risk management does not aim at risk elimination, but enables the
organization to bring their risks to manageable proportions while not
severely affecting their income. This balancing act between the risk levels
and profits needs to be well-planned. Apart from bringing the risks to
manageable proportions, they should also ensure that one risk does not get
transformed into any other undesirable risk. This transformation takes place
due to the inter-linkage present among the various risks. The focal point in
managing any risk will be to understand the nature of the transaction in a
way to unbundle the risks it is exposed to.
Risk Management is a more mature subject in the western world. This
is largely a result of lessons from major corporate failures, most telling and
visible being the Barings collapse. In addition, regulatory requirements have
been introduced, which expect organizations to have effective risk
management practices. In India, whilst risk management is still in its
infancy, there has been considerable debate on the need to introduce
comprehensive risk management practices.
conducted, 33% of respondents stated that their risk management function
is indeed expressly mandated to optimise risk.
Risks in Banking
Risks manifest themselves in many ways and the risks in banking are
a result of many diverse activities, executed from many locations and by
numerous people. As a financial intermediary, banks borrow funds and lend
them as a part of their primary activity. This intermediation activity, of
banks exposes them to a host of risks. The volatility in the operating
environment of banks will aggravate the effect of the various risks. The case
discusses the various risks that arise due to financial intermediation and by
highlighting the need for asset-liability management; it discusses the Gap
Model for risk management.
Based on the origin and their nature, risks are classified into various
categories. The most prominent financial risks to which the banks are
exposed to taking into consideration practical issues including the
limitations of models and theories, human factor, existence of frictions such
as taxes and transaction cost and limitations on quality and quantity of
information, as well as the cost of acquiring this information, and more.
Market risk is that risk that changes in financial market prices and
rates will reduce the value of the banks positions. Market risk for a fund is
often measured relative to a benchmark index or portfolio, is referred to as a
risk of tracking error market risk also includes basis risk, a term used in
risk management industry to describe the chance of a breakdown in the
relationship between price of a product, on the one hand, and the price of
the instrument used to hedge that price exposure on the other. The market-
Var methodology attempts to capture multiple component of market such as
directional risk, convexity risk, volatility risk, basis risk, etc.
Credit risk is that risk that a change in the credit quality of a
counterparty will affect the value of a banks position. Default, whereby a
counterparty is unwilling or unable to fulfill its contractual obligations, is
the extreme case; however banks are also exposed to the risk that the
counterparty might downgraded by a rating agency.
Credit risk is only an issue when the position is an asset, i.e., when it
exhibits a positive replacement value. In that instance if the counterparty
defaults, the bank either loses all of the market value of the position or, more
commonly, the part of the value that it cannot recover following the credit
event. However, the credit exposure induced by the replacement values of
derivative instruments is dynamic: they can be negative at one point of time,
and yet become positive at a later point in time after market conditions have
changed. Therefore the banks must examine not only the current exposure,
measured by the current replacement value, but also the profile of future
exposures up to the termination of the deal.
Liquidity risk comprises both
Funding liquidity risk
Trading-related liquidity risk.
Funding liquidity risk relates to a financial institutions ability to raise
the necessary cash to roll over its debt, to meet the cash, margin, and
collateral requirements of counterparties, and (in the case of funds) to satisfy
capital withdrawals. Funding liquidity risk is affected by various factors
such as the maturities of the liabilities, the extent of reliance of secured
sources of funding, the terms of financing, and the breadth of funding
sources, including the ability to access public market such as commercial
paper market. Funding can also be achieved through cash or cash
equivalents, buying power , and available credit lines.
Trading-related liquidity risk, often simply called as liquidity risk, is
the risk that an institution will not be able to execute a transaction at the
prevailing market price because there is, temporarily, no appetite for the deal
on the other side of the market. If the transaction cannot be postponed its
execution my lead to substantial losses on position. This risk is generally
very hard to quantify. It may reduce an institutions ability to manage and
hedge market risk as well as its capacity to satisfy any shortfall on the
funding side through asset liquidation.
It refers to potential losses resulting from inadequate systems,
management failure, faulty control, fraud and human error. Many of the
recent large losses related to derivatives are the direct consequences of
operational failure. Derivative trading is more prone to operational risk than
cash transactions because derivatives are, by their nature, leveraged
transactions. This means that a trader can make very large commitment on
behalf of the bank, and generate huge exposure in to the future, using only
small amount of cash. Very tight controls are an absolute necessary if the
bank is to avoid huge losses.
Operational risk includes fraud, for example when a trader or other
employee intentionally falsifies and misrepresents the risk incurred in a
transaction. Technology risk, and principally computer system risk also fall
into the operational risk category.
Legal risk arises for a whole of variety of reasons. For example,
counterparty might lack the legal or regulatory authority to engage in a
transaction. Legal risks usually only become apparent when counterparty, or
an investor, lose money on a transaction and decided to sue the bank to
avoid meeting its obligations. Another aspect of regulatory risk is the
potential impact of a change in tax law on the market value of a position.
when viewed from these two perspectives is known as 'earnings perspective'
and 'economic value' perspective, respectively.
are generally held till maturity. Thus, while the price risk is the prime
concern of banks in trading book, the earnings or economic value changes
are the main focus of banking book.
In the forex business, banks also face the risk of default of the
counterparties or settlement risk. While such type of risk crystallization does
not cause principal loss, banks may have to undertake fresh transactions in
the cash/spot market for replacing the failed transactions. Thus, banks may
incur replacement cost, which depends upon the currency rate movements.
Banks also face another risk called time-zone risk or Herstatt risk which
arises out of time-lags in settlement of one currency in one center and the
settlement of another currency in another time-zone. The forex transactions
with counterparties from another country also trigger sovereign or country
risk (dealt with in details in the guidance note on credit risk).
The Basle Committee on Banking Supervision proposes to develop
capital charge for interest rate risk in the banking book as well for banks
where the interest rate risks are significantly above average ('outliers'). The
Committee is now exploring various methodologies for identifying 'outliers'
and how best to apply and calibrate a capital charge for interest rate risk for
banks. Once the Committee finalizes the modalities, it may be necessary, at
least for banks operating in the international markets to comply with the
explicit capital charge requirements for interest rate risk in the banking
book. As the valuation norms on banks' investment portfolio have already
been put in place and aligned with the international best practices, it is
appropriate to adopt the Basel norms on capital for market risk. In view of
this, banks should study the Basel framework on capital for market risk as
envisaged in Amendment to the Capital Accord to incorporate market risks
published in January 1996 by BCBS and prepare themselves to follow the
international practices in this regard at a suitable date to be announced by
be of general application for the management of interest rate risk,
independent of whether the positions are part of the trading book or reflect
banks' non-trading activities. They refer to an interest rate risk management
process, which includes the development of a business strategy, the
assumption of assets and liabilities in banking and trading activities, as well
as a system of internal controls. In particular, they address the need for
effective interest rate risk measurement, monitoring and control functions
within the interest rate risk management process. The principles are
intended to be of general application, based as they are on practices
currently used by many international banks, even though their specific
application will depend to some extent on the complexity and range of
activities undertaken by individual banks. Under the New Basel Capital
Accord, they form minimum standards expected of internationally active
banks. The principles are given in Annexure II.
In the case of securities trading businesses: funds/ securities
settlement may not be effected;
it consider merits of having guarantors for some of the obligations. In the
issuer credit rating categories are
a) Counterparty ratings
b) Corporate credit ratings
c) Sovereign credit ratings
The rating process includes quantitative, qualitative, and legal
analyses. The quantitative analyses. The quantitative analysis is mainly
financial analysis and is based on the firms financial reports. The qualitative
analysis is concerned with the quality of management, and includes a
through review of the firms competitiveness within its industry as well as
the expected growth of the industry and its vulnerability to technological
changes, regulatory changes, and labor relations.
represents the expected loss of principal and/ or interest on any business
credit facility. It combines the likelihood of default by a borrower and
conditional severity of loss, should default occur, from the credit facilities
available to the borrower.
RISK RR Corresponding
Probable S&P or
Moody's Rating
Sovereign 0 Not Applicable
Low 1 AAA
2 AA Investment Grade
3 A
Average 5 BBB-
6 BB+/BB
7 BB-
High 8 B+/B
9 B- Below Investment
10 CCC+/CCC Grade
11 CC-
12 In Default
The steps in the RRS (nine, in our prototype system) typically start
with a financial assessment of the borrower (initial obligor rating), which sets
a floor on the obligor rating (OR). A series of further steps (four) arrive at the
final obligor rating. Each one of steps 2 to 5 may result in the downgrade of
the initial rating attributed at step 1. These steps include analyzing the
managerial capability of the borrower (step 2), examining the borrowers
absolute and relative position within the industry (step 3), reviewing the
quality of the financial information (step 4) and the country risk (step 5). The
process ensures that all credits are objectively rated using a consistent
process to arrive at the accurate rating.
Additional steps (four, in our example) are associated with arriving at a final
facility rating, which may be above OR below the final obligor rating. These
steps include examining third-party support (step 6), factoring in the
maturity of the transaction (step 7), reviewing how strongly the transaction is
structured. (step 8), and assessing the amount of collateral (step 9).
b) Measurement of Default Probability and Recovery Rates.
Credit rating systems can be compared to multivariate credit scoring
systems to evaluate their ability to predict bankruptcy rates and also to
provide estimates of the severity of losses. Altman and Saunders (1998)
provide a detailed survey of credit risk management approaches. They
compare four methodologies for credit scoring:
1. The linear probability model
2. The logit model
3. The probit model
4. The discriminant analysis model
The logit model assumes that the default probability is logistically
distributed, and applies a few accounting variables to predict the default
probability. The linear probability model is based on a linear regression
model, and makes use of a number of accounting variables to try to predict
the probability of default. The multiple discriminant analysis (MDA),
proposed and advocated by Aitman is based on finding a linear function of
both accounting and market based variables that best discriminates between
two groups: firms that actually defaulted and firms that did not default.
The linear models are based on empirical procedures. They are not
found in theory of the firm OR any theoretical stochastic processes for
leveraged firms.
In a bank, an effective credit risk management framework would
comprise of the following distinct building blocks:
Organizational Structure
Operations/ Systems
1. Every bank should have a credit risk policy document approved by the
Board. The document should include risk identification, risk
measurement, risk grading/ aggregation techniques, reporting and
risk control/ mitigation techniques, documentation, legal issues and
management of problem loans.
2. Credit risk policies should also define target markets, risk acceptance
criteria, credit approval authority, credit origination/ maintenance
procedures and guidelines for portfolio management.
1. Each bank should develop, with the approval of its Board, its own
credit risk strategy or plan that establishes the objectives guiding the
bank's credit-granting activities and adopt necessary policies/
procedures for conducting such activities. This strategy should spell
out clearly the organizations credit appetite and the acceptable level of
risk-reward trade-off for its activities.
Organizational Structure
Operations / Systems
A credit risk model seeks to determine, directly or indirectly, the
answer to the following question: Given our past experience and our
assumptions about the future, what is the present value of a given loan or
fixed income security? A credit risk model would also seek to determine the
(quantifiable) risk that the promised cash flows will not be forthcoming. The
techniques for measuring credit risk that have evolved over the last twenty
years are prompted by these questions and dynamic changes in the loan
RBI Guidelines on Credit Risk New Capital Accord: Implications
for Credit Risk Management
1. Standardized and
RBI Guidelines for Credit Risk Management Credit Rating
2. Pricing (credit spread) and specific features of the loan facility. This
would largely constitute transaction-level analysis.
3. Portfolio-level analysis.
Assessing the aggregate risk profile of bank/ lender. These would be relevant
for portfolio-level analysis. For instance, the spread of credit exposures
across various CRF categories, the mean and the standard deviation of
losses occurring in each CRF category and the overall migration of exposures
would highlight the aggregated credit-risk for the entire portfolio of the bank.
Operational failure risk arises from the potential for failure in the
course of operating the business. A firm uses people, processes and
technology to achieve the business plans, and any one of these factors may
experience a failure of some kind. Accordingly, operational failure risk can be
defined as the risk that there will be a failure of people, processes or
technology within the business unit. A portion of failure may be anticipated,
and these risks should be built into the business plan. But it is
unanticipated, and therefore uncertain, failures that give rise to key
operational risks. These failures can be expected to occur periodically,
although both their impact and their frequency may be uncertain.
The impact or severity of a financial loss can be divided into two
An expected amount
An unexpected amount.
The latter is itself subdivided into two classes: an amount classed as severe,
and a catastrophic amount. The firm should provide for the losses that arise
from the expected component of these failures by charging expected revenues
with a sufficient amount of reserves. In addition, the firm should set aside
sufficient economic capital to cover the unexpected component, or resort to
Operational Risk
Once the transaction is negotiated and a ticket is written, errors can
occur as the transaction is recorded in various systems or reports. An error
here may result in the delayed settlement of the transaction, which in turn
can give rise to fines and other penalties. Further an error in market risk
and credit risk report might lead to the exposures generated by the deal
being understated. In turn this can lead to the execution of additional
transactions that would otherwise not have been executed. These are
examples of what is often called as process risk
The system that records the transaction may not be capable of
handling the transaction or it may not have the capacity to handle such
transactions. If any one of the step is out-sourced, then external dependency
risk also arises. However, each type of risk can be captured either as people,
processes, technology, or an external dependency risk, and each can be
analyzed in terms of capacity, capability or availability
Internal Audit
Business Management Risk Management
Legal Insurance
Operations Finance
1. Policy
35 2.Risk Identification
8. Economic Capital
5. Exposure Management
2. Programming error.
3. Information risk.
4. Telecommunications failure.
operational risk process. The following are the four steps involved in the
1. Input.
2. Risk assessment framework.
3. Review and validation.
4. Output.
1. Input:
The first step in the operational risk measurement process is to gather
the information needed to perform a complete assessment of all significant
operational risks. A key source of this information is often the finished
product of other groups. For example, a unit that supports the business
group often publishes report or documents that may provide an excellent
starting point for the operational risk assessment.
5. Severity assessment
Severity describes the potential loss to the bank given that an
operational risk failure has occurred. It should be assessed for each
identified risk exposure.
6. Combined likelihood and severity into the overall Operational Risk
Operational risk measures are constrained in that there is not usually a
defensible way to combine the individual likelihood of loss and severity
assessments into overall measure of operational risk within a business
unit. To do so, the likelihood of loss would need to be expressed in
numerical terms. This cannot be accomplished without statistically
significant historical data on operational losses.
7. Defining Cause and Effect:
Loss data are easier to collect than data associated with the cause of loss.
This complicates the measurement of operational risk because each loss
is likely to have several causes. This relationship between these causes,
and the relative importance of each, can be difficult to assess in an
objective fashion.
3. Review and validation:
Once the report is generated. First the centralised operational risk
management group (ORMG) reviews the assessment results with senior
business unit management and key officers, in order to finalize the proposed
operational risk rating. Second, one may want an operational risk rating
committee to review the assessment a validation process similar to that
followed by credit rating agencies. This takes the form of review of the
individual risk assessments by knowledgeable senior committee personnel to
ensure that the framework has been consistently applied across businesses,
that there has been sufficient scrutiny to remove any imperfections, and so
on. The committee should have representation from business management,
audit, and functional areas, and be chaired by risk management unit.
4. Output
The final assessment of operational risk will be formally reported to
business management, the centralised risk-adjusted return on capital
(RAROC) group, and the partners in corporate governance such as internal
audit and compliance. The output of the assessment process has two main
1. The assessment provides better operational risk information to
management for use in improving risk management decisions.
2. The assessment improves the allocation of economic capital to better
reflect the extent of the operational riskier, being taken by a business
3. The over all assessment of the likelihood of operational risk & severity
of loss for a business unit can be shown as:
Mgmt. Attention
Medium High
Risk Risk
management of limits will be based on capital, set in such a manner so as to
maximize the risk-adjusted return on capital for the firm.
The firms exposure will be known and disseminated in real time.
Evaluating the risk of a specific deal will take into account its effect on the
firms total risk exposure, rather than simply the exposure of the individual
Banks that dominate this technology will gain a tremendous
competitive advantage. Their information technology and trading
infrastructure will be cheaper than todays by orders of magnitude.
Conversely, banks that attempt to build this infrastructure in-house will
become trapped in a quagmire of large, expensive IT departments-and poorly
supported software.
The successful banks will require far fewer risk systems. Most of which
will be based on a combination of industry standard, reusable, robust risk
software and highly sophisticated proprietary analytics. More importantly,
they will be free to focus on their core business and offer products more
directly suited to their customers desired return to risk profiles.
Study of Operational Risk at Punjab National Bank
Operational Risk
Punjab National Bank is exposed to many types of operational risk.
Operational risk can result from a variety of factors, including:
1. Failure to obtain proper internal authorizations,
2. Improperly documented transactions,
3. Failure of operational and information security procedures,
4. Computer systems,
5. Software or equipment,
6. Fraud,
7. Inadequate training and employee errors.
PNB attempts to mitigate operational risk by maintaining a comprehensive
system of internal controls, establishing systems and procedures to monitor
transactions, maintaining key backup procedures and undertaking regular
contingency planning.
I. Operational Controls and Procedures in Branches
PNB has operating manuals detailing the procedures for the processing of
various banking transactions and the operation of the application software.
Amendments to these manuals are implemented through circulars sent to all
When taking a deposit from a new customer, PNB requires the new customer
to complete a relationship form, which details the terms and conditions for
providing various banking services.
Photographs of customers are also obtained for PNBs records, and specimen
signatures are scanned and stored in the system for online verification. PNB
enters into a relationship with a customer only after the customer is properly
introduced to PNB. When time deposits become due for repayment, the
deposit is paid to the depositor. System generated reminders are sent to
depositors before the due date for repayment. Where the depositor does not
apply for repayment on the due date, the amount is transferred to an
overdue deposits account for follow up.
PNB has a scheme of delegation of financial powers that sets out the
monetary limit for each employee with respect to the processing of
transactions in a customer's account. Withdrawals from customer accounts
are controlled by dual authorization. Senior officers have delegated power to
authorize larger withdrawals. PNBs operating system validates the check
number and balance before permitting withdrawals. PNBs banking software
has multiple security features to protect the integrity of applications and
PNB gives importance to computer security and has s a comprehensive
information technology security policy. Most of the information technology
assets including critical servers are hosted in centralized data centers, which
are subject to appropriate physical and logical access controls.
branches. PNB has centralized operations at regional processing centers
located at 15 cities in the country. These regional processing centers process
clearing checks and inter-branch transactions, make inter-city check
collections, and engage in back office activities for account opening, standing
instructions and auto-renewal of deposits.
PNB has centralized transaction processing on a nationwide basis for
transactions like the issue of ATM cards and PIN mailers, reconciliation of
ATM transactions, monitoring of ATM functioning, issue of passwords to
Internet banking customers, depositing post-dated cheques received from
retail loan customers and credit card transaction processing. Centralized
processing has been extended to the issuance of personalized check books,
back office activities of non-resident Indian accounts, opening of new bank
accounts for customers who seek web broking services and recovery of
service charges for accounts for holding shares in book-entry form.
V. Audit
The Internal Audit Group undertakes a comprehensive audit of all business
groups and other functions, in accordance with a risk-based audit plan. This
plan allocates audit resources based on an assessment of the operational
risks in the various businesses. The Internal Audit group conceptualizes and
implements improved systems of internal controls, to minimize operational
risk. The audit plan for every fiscal year is approved by the Audit Committee
of PNBs board of directors. The Internal Audit group also has a dedicated
team responsible for information technology security audits. Various
components of information technology from applications to databases,
networks and operating systems are covered under the annual audit plan.
Galai, Mark, Crouny , Risk Management, second edition.
Bhole L. M, Financial Institutions and Markets Structure,
Growth and Innovations, fourth edition.
Gleason T .James, Risk. The new Management Imperative in
Finance, fourth edition
Saunders Anthony, Credit Risk Management, second edition.
Schleiferr Bell, Risk Management, third edition.