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Sans 1200 MK

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The document appears to be a standardized specification for civil engineering construction related to kerbing and channelling. It covers materials, construction methods, tolerances and testing.

The document covers materials, plants, construction, tolerances and testing of precast and cast-in-situ concrete kerbing and channelling.

Appendix A lists applicable standards for items like joint sealants, cement, precast concrete, curing compounds and various civil engineering construction standards.

UDC 624 ( 0 8 3 .

7 5 ) SABS 1200 MK-1983






A p p r o v e d by t h e O b t a i n a b l e f r o m the
SOUTH AFRICAN Private B a g X 1 9 1
on 9 N o v e m b e r 1983 0001 R e p u b l i c of South A f r i c a

Telegrams : C o m p a r a t o r , Pretoria
Telex : 3-626-SA
P u b l i s h e d and p r i n t e d i n t h e R e p u b l i c of South A f r i c a
by t h e South A f r i c a n B u r e a u of Standards

ISBN 0-626-06784-7
Gr 6
3 SAUS 1200 MK-1983
Kerbirig and channel1ing


Clause Page Number

1 . scom .......................................................................... 5
2 . INTERPRETATIONS ................................................................ 5
2.1 Supporting Specifications ...................................................... 5
2.2 Application .................................................................... 5
2.3 Definitions .................................................................... 5
3 .3.1 MATERIALS ...................................................................... 5
Concrete ....................................................................... 5
3.2 Precast Kerbing and Channelling ................................................ 5
3.2.1 General ........................................................................ 5
3.2.2 Curved kerbing ................................................................. 5
3.2.3 Strenqth ........................................................................ 5
3.2.4 Approval ....................................................................... 5
3.3 Cast-In-Situ Concrete for Curves of Radius Less Than 1 m ........................ 5
3.4 Brick-On-Edge Kerbing .......................................................... 5
3.5 Expansion Joint Sealant ........................................................ 5
3.6 Mortar ......................................................................... 5
3.7 Concrete for Extruded-In-Situ Kerbing and Channelling
Materials for concrete .............. ..........................
3.7.2 Concrete ............................
Curing Compound .....................
3.9 Bedding Material ....................
Equipment for Machine Placing ....... ..........................................
5 .4.1
CONSTRUCTION ........................ ..........................................
Excavation and Bedding .........................................................
5.2 Precast Concrete Kerbing and Channelling ....................................... 6
5.3 Precast Concrete Chutes on Side Slopes of Fills and Cuts ....................... 6
5.4 Cast-In-Situ Concrete Kerbing and Channelling ..................................
5.5 Cast-In-Situ Concrete Chutes on Side Slopes of Fills and Cuts
5.6 Concrete-Lined Open Drains ..................................................... 7
5.7 Brick-On-Edge Kerbing .......................................................... 7
5.8 Machine Placed (Extruded) Kerbing and Channelling
Type of construction
5.8.2 Weather limitations ............................................................ 7
5.8.3 Subbase preparation ............................................................ 7
5.8.4 Kerbing operation .............................................................. 7
5.8.5 Curing .........................................................................
Backfilling ....................................................................
5.10 Protection .....................................................................
Transition Sections and Inlet and Outlet Structures ...........................
Kerbside Stormwater Catchpits and Inlets ....................................... 8
6 .

TOLERANCES .....................................................................
Concrete Kerbing and Channelling ...............................................

... 6.2 Concrete-Lined Channels and Concrete Chutes .................................... R

I TESTING ........................................................................
Precast Kerbs ..................................................................
7.2 Cast-In-Situ and Extruded Kerbing and Channelliny .............................. 9
7.2.1 General test ........... ....................................................... 9
7.2.2 Alternative tests ...... .......................................................
Responsibility for Costs of Testing. Etc .......................................
8 . MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT .......................................................
....... .......................................................
Basic Principles
8.2 ........ .......................................................
Scheduled Items 9

APPENDIX A . APPLICABLE STANDARDS ... ....................................................... 11

5 SABS 1200 MK-1983
Kerbing and channelling






1.1 This specification covers the construction of mountable, semi-mountable, and barrier kerbing and
channelling, as well as edging and chutes, that are precast or cast in situ by conventional methods or
extruded in situ by means of special plant.

NOTE: The standards referred to in the specification are listed in Appendix A.

2.1.1 Where this specification is required for a project, the following specifications shall, inter alia, form
part of the contract document:
a) Project specification;
b) SABS 1200 A or SABS 1200 AA, as applicable;
c) SABS 1200 D or SABS 1200 DA, as applicable;
d) SABS 1200 DM;
e) SABS 1200 G or SABS 1200 GA, as applicable;
f) SABS 1200 ME, SABS 1200 MF, and SABS 1200 MG or SABS 1200 MH, as applicable.
2.1.2 In addition, if work involving stormwater drainage is included in the contract, SABS 1200 LE shall form
part of the contract document.

2.2 APPLICATJON. This specification contains clauses that are generally applicable to the construction of
kerbs and channels. Interpretations and variations of the specification are set out in Portion 2 of the
project specification which precedes this specification in a contract document.

2.3 DEFINITIONS. For the purposes of this specification the definitions and abbreviations given in the
applicable of the specifications listed in 2.1 and the following definition shall apply :
Kerb face or edging face. The front vertical or near vertical face of kerbing or edging that is exposed
after the kerbing or edging has been set or constructed in place for use.

3.1 CONCRETE. All concrete work shall be carried out in accordance with the requirements of SABS 1200 G or
SABS 1200 GA, as applicable.


3.2.1 General. Except where different cross-sectional shapes and dimensions are required in terms of the
project specification or drawings and are so scheduled to match existing styles, precast kerbs and
channels shall comply with the requirements of SABS 927 for quality and shape, shall be of the type and
figure scheduled or given on the drawings, and shall be of nominal length not greater than 1 m.
Short lengths that are required as closures shall be specially cast or saw-cut to the required length.
Broken lengths shall not be used.
3.2.2 Curved Kerbing. Kerbing of radius 1 m and less shall be cast in situ. Units for curved kerbing of
radius greater than 1 m, shall have the following nominal lengths:
Radius, m Nominal length of unit, m
Over Up to and includinq
1 4 0.3
4 20 0.5
20 - 1
3.2.3 Strength. Precast kerbs and channels shall be so manufactured that the transverse strength of each unit
complies with the requirements of SABS 927 and, when a unit is tractured, the broken surface shall
present a clean, homogeneous appearance.
3.2.4 Approval. Samples of units shall be submitted in terms of Subclause 3.1 of SABS 1200 A or Subclause 3.1
of SABS 1200 M, as applicable, for approval before construction is started. Units that are of a lower
standard than the approved samples may be rejected.

3.3 CAST-IN-SITU CONCRETE FOR CURVES OF RADIUS LESS THAN 1 m (see 5.4). Cast-in-situ concrete shall comply
with the relevant requirements of 3.2.1 and 3.2.3.

3.4 BRICK-ON-EDGE KERBING. Bricks for brick-on-edge kerbing shall comply with the relevant requirements of
SABS 227a) for solid Type E face bricks of approved colour and texture and shall have a compressive
strength of at least 25 MPa.

3.5 EXPANSION JOINT SEALANT. Sealant for expansion joints in kerbing shall comply with the relevant
requirements of SABS 110.
Sealant for expansion joints in channelling shall comply with the relevant requirements of BS 2499.

3.6 MORTAR. Mortar shall consist of a 1:3 cement/sand mix. The cement and sand shall comply with 3.7.l(a)
and (b) respectively.


3.7.1 Materials for Concrete. The materials used for concrete for machine placed (extruded) kerbing and
channelling shall comply with the following requirements:
a ) Cement shall be ordinary portland cement or rapid-hardening portland cement complying with the
relevant requirements of SABS 471, and free from deterioration.
a) Revision in course of preparation.
SABS 1200 MK-1983 6
Kerbing and channelling

b) Sand shall comply with the relevant requirements of SABS 1083. Its grading shall be such that easy
and smooth extrusion of dense concrete is ensured.
c) Stone shall comply with the relevant requirements of SABS 1003 for concrete stone of nominal size
13,2 mm.
d) Water shall be of drinking quality unless samples of water from sources that are not of such quality
have been approved by the Engineer.
3.7.2 Concrete. Unless otherwise specified in the project specification, concrete shall comply with
SABS 1200 G or SABS 1200 GA, as applicable, for strength concrete of Grade 25.

3.8 CURING COMPOUND. Where use of a curing compound is approved by the Engineer in terms of 5.8.5, the
compound shall comply with the relevant requirements of ASTM C 309.

3.9 BEDDING MATERIAL. The material on which precast concrete kerbs and channels are bedded, shall consist of
crushed stone, cinders, slag, sand, or other approved porous material having a maximum particle size of
13.2 nun.

4.1 EQUIPMENT FOR MACHINE PLACING. The Contractor may use any approved machine that is capable of placing in
one continuous operation by means of slipforms, cast-in-situ kerbs and channels that have at least the
same standard of finished appearance and line as can be obtained by the methods specified in 5.4 and with
joints at the intervals specified in 5.4.
In order to ensure that the above requirements are met
a) the machine shall be equipped with one or more automatic sensing devices that control the height,
direction'and cross level of the machine;
b) the height control device shall be calibrated to ensure that the correct level of kerbing or
channelling, as relevant, is maintained;
c) where a machine operates on a ram-propulsion system, the machine shall be fitted with adequate brakes
to ensure full compaction, particularly on downgrades; and
d) sufficient hand tools shall be provided to ensure that the finish of the kerbing or channelling, as
relevant, is within the applicable of the tolerances specified in Clause 6.

5.1 EXCAVATION AND BEDDING. Trenches for kerbing and channelling shall be excavated to the required depth
and all unsuitable material shall be removed and replaced with a layer of approved bedding material (see
3.9) of thickness a t least 70 mm. The bedding shall be compacted and accurately shaped to the required
Excavations for open drains shall be so trimmed to the lines and levels given on the drawings as to
permit accurate construction of the concrete linings. All loose material shall be compacted to a density
of at least 90 % of modified AASHTO maximum density and no concrete shall be placed on uncompacted or
disturbed material. where, in the opinion of the Engineer, the in-situ material is unsuitable, the
Engineer may order that it be removed to the depth required and replaced with selected material compacted
to a density of at least 90 % of modified AASHTO maximum density.
Excavations for chutes shall be neatly trimmed. All loose material shall be compacted to at least 90 %
of modified AASHTO maximum density and where overbreak occurs in hard material, the excavations shall be
backfilled with well punned Grade 15 concrete. If so required by the Engineer, the excavations shall be
taken deeper to accommodate a concrete screed cast to act as a working platiorm for the construction of
the chutes.

5.2 PRECAST CONCRETE KERnING AND CHANNELLING. Precast concrete kerbs and channels shall be laid and bedded
on a 50 mm thick layer of bedding material that complies with 3.9, placed on the compacted subbase or
other formation layer to suit the designated levels of the finished road. The kerbs and channels shall
be laid with close joints (of thickness not exceeding 10 mm) of 3:l sand:cement mortar on the ends, and
neatly pointed with a pointing trowel. The ends of the units shall be well moistened before jointing and
the joints shall be covered and kept moist for at least 48 h after jointing.
Provision shall he made for expansion joints of width at least 12 mm at intervals not exceeding 20 m, and
after the concrete has been allowed to dry thoroughly, the concrete surfaces shall be primed, and the
joints filled with a sealant (see 3.5).
After the grouting of kerb joints has been completed, the kerbs shall be backed with well-punned concrete
of specified strength 15 MPa and the space behind the backing shall be backfilled as specified in 5.9.

5.3 PRECAST CONCRETE CHUTES ON SIDE SLOPES OF FILLS AND CUTS. Precast concrete chutes shall be manufactured
in accordance with the dimensions shown on the drawings, and the units shall fit neatly into each other
as shown on the drawings.
The bottom unit, that is, the unit at the toe of the fill or at the bottom of the cut slope, shall rest
against the outlet structure or footing as shown on the drawings.
The units shall be neatly laid to line and grade from the bottom up so that each consecutive unit fits
neatly into the previous one.
A transition section shall be constructed in situ at the inlet, as shown on the drawings, to lead the
water into the chute.

5.4 CAST-IN-SITU CONCRETE KERBING AND CIlANNELLING. Kerbing and channelling shall he cast in alternate
sections. Except where shorter sections are necessary for closures or where otherwise shown on the
drawings or required by the Engineer, the lengths of sections shall be uniform throughout and equal to
2 m for every 100 mm average thickness OK depth of concrete measured perpendicular to the bed.
Joints between adjacent sections shall be truly perpendicular to the surface of the concrete and at right
angles to the edge of the road.
After concrete has been placed in the foims, it shall be tamped and spaded until mortar entirely covers
the exposed faces. Exposed faces shall then be finished to smooth and even surfaces and edges shall be
rounded to the radii shown on the drawings.
Forms shall not, within a period of 24 h after concrete has been placed, be removed from concrete
surfaces that will be exposed. Minor defects shall be repaired with a 2:l sand:cement mortar.
Plastering will not be permitted on exposed faces and all rejected portions shall be removed and replaced
at the Contractor's expense. Exposed surfaces shall be finished while the concrete is still green by
rubbing the surfaces with a soft brick o r a wooden block that is kept wet, until they are smooth. After
the concrete has been rubbed smooth it shall be rubbed with a thin paste of 1:l sand:cement mortar Until
a uniform colour is obtained. When completed, the sections shall be cured as specified in SABS 1200 G or
SABS 1200 GA, as applicable.
7 SAHS 1200 MK-1983
Kerbing and channelling

After the concrete in the alternate sections has set, the exposed end surfaces shall be painted with a
coat of an approved bitumjnous emulsion containing 60 % (m/m) of bitumen, and the emulsion shall be
allowed to set and dry. The intermediate sections shall then be cast and the exposed surfaces finished
off in accordance with the applicable requirements given above.
Guide lines and straight edges shall be used to ensure that the exposed faces of kerbing and channelling
are formed true to line and level.

5.5 CAST-IN-SITU CONCRETE CHUTES ON SIDE SLOPES OF FILLS AND CUTS. Cast-in-situ concrete chutes on side
slopes of fills and cuts together with the inlet and outlet structures, shall be constructed in
accordance with the drawings. The grade of concrete shall be as indicated on the drawings. If so
required by the Engineer, a concrete screed shall first be cast in excavations that cannot be accurately
trimmed. The screed shall be accurately finished to the level of the underside of the chute invert slab
and allowed to set before the invert slab is cast. Where the material being excavated cannot be
accurately trimmed, or where chute sides have to extend above the surface of cut slopes, the outer faces
of the sides shall be cast against formwork.

5.6 CONCRETE-LINED OPEN DRAINS. Where so specified in the project specification and scheduled, the surfaces
on which a concrete lining is to be cast shall, after being trimmed, be covered with a sprayed bitumen
emulsion primer or polyethylene sheeting of nominal thickness 0,25 mm, all joints in the sheeting being
overlapped at least 150 mm. Care shall be taken not to damage the bitumen layer or the polyethylene
sheeting (as relevant) during the placing of reinforcement and during concreting.
Joints in concrete shall be sealed and shall comply with the relevant requirements given in the project
specification or on the drawings, or both. The lining shall be cast in alternate panels and, after the
concrete in the alternate panels has set, the exposed end surfaces shall be painted with bituminous
emulsion as specified in 5.4 for kerbing, channelling, and edging, before the intermediate slabs are
The exposed surfaces of the concrete linings of open drains shall be given a woodfloat surface finish and
the concrete shall be cured as specified in SABS 1200 G or SABS 1200 GA, as applicable.

5.7 BRICK-ON-EDGE KERBING. Except that the width of joints shall not exceed 12 mm, brick-on-edge kerbing
shall be laid and bedded in the manner specified in 5.2, and in such a way that the upper surface is
flush with the surface of the sidewalk.


5.8.1 Type of Construction. Extruded concrete kerbing and channelling shall be constructed to the profile
detailed on the drawing, by means of machines that comply with 4.1, and using materials that comply with
5.8.2 Weather Limitations. Extruded concrete kerbing and channelling shall not be placed
a) while rain is falling or when it is likelyothat rain will fall:
b) when the air temperature is at or bglow 5 C or if, in the opinion of the Engineer, the air
temperature is likely to drop below 5 C within the next 24 h;
c) when the temperature is above 40 OC on a calm day or above 30 C on a windy day, unless special
approved precautions against drying out are taken.
5.8.3 Subbase Preparation. The width of the subbase shall extend at least 500 mm beyond the front- face of the
kerbing or beyond the inside edge of the channelling, as relevant, and shall be sufficient to allow the
kerbing/channelling machine to operate on a iirm foundation.
After the subbase has been finished true to line and level, the foundation for the kerbing or
channelling, or both, shall be excavated accurately so that there is a clearance of at least 10 mm
between the underside of the kerb or channel mould and the subbase. Irregularities in the true line and
level of the subbase shall be rectified with concrete supplied and laid by the Contractor at his own
expense. Such concrete shall comply in all respects with the requirements given in 3.1.
A sufficient number of pegs shall be inserted by the Contractor to ensure that the finished kerbing or
channelling, as relevant, is true to line and level.
5.8.4 Kerbing Operat&. No concrete shall be placed until the length of subbase prepared has been inspected
by the Engineer and approved.
Concrete shall be deposited in the machine as quickly as possible after mixing, and placed and compacted
or vibrated by proper tools or apparatus to ensure proper compaction and shape after placing, and to
ensure that a minimum of air is retained in the concrete.
Once concrete has been placed it shall not be disturbed. The placing of concrete shall be carried out as
continuously as possible in order to avoid unnecessary joints.
When concrete placing is to be interrupted long enough for an initial set to take place, an open
expansion joint of width at least 5 mm shall be formed at that point as a clear cut through the section.
The final finished surface shall be steel floated and free of honeycombing and other imperfections. All
concrete that cannot be placed shall be removed from the Site.
Gaps of width 5 - 10 nun shall be cut into the wet concrete at intervals not greater than 2 m on straights
and curves of radius yreater than 20 m. The gaps shall be cut on the exposed faces and approximately
80 X through the concrete section. On curves of radius greater than 4 m but not greater than 20 m, gaps
shall be cut at intervals not greater than 900 nun, and on curves of radius 2- 4 m at intervals not
greater than 600 mm.
5.8.5 Curing. Curing of concrete kerbing and channelling shall commence as soon as the concrete has hardened
sufficiently to ensurc that the surface will not be marked or stained in any way.
Unless otherwise authorised by the Engineer, curing shall be carried out continuously for 7 d. Curing
shall be done either by covering the exposed surfaces of the concrete with sand or cotton or jute mats,
the sand or mats being kept continuously wet, or, where approved by the Engineer, by the application of
a single coat of liquid membrane-forming curing compound (see 3.8).
5.9 BACKFILLTNG. After the concrete work specified in the applicable of 5.2-5.8 has heen completed, the
spaces shall be backfilled with approved material to pavement or shoulder level, as applicable. Such
backfill shall be placed in layers not exceeding 150 mm and each layer shall be watered and thoroughly
compacted to at least 90 % of modified AASHTO maximum density, before the next succeeding layer is
In the case of kerbs, except where they are constructed in cut, the compacted backfill shall extend for a
distance of 0 . 5 m behind the kerb face.
Where kerbs and channels are laid after construction of the base, the spaces between the concrete and
adjoining base shall be backfilled with premixed bituminous material.
In the case of chutes, t.he compacted backfill shall be level with the side slope.
SABS 1200 MK-1983 8
Kerbing and channelling

5.10 PROTECTION. Care shall he taken during transporting and laying to protect all precast units against
chipping and breakage. Broken or badly chipped sections shall not be used and shall be removed from the
Site and replaced with undamaged units.
Concrete kerbing and channelling as well as other structures adjacent to the road shall be protected from
discoloration when bitumen is being sprayed or asphalt is being placed. Where bitumen is to be sprayed,
all kerbing and channelling shall he completely covered with polyethylene sheeting of thickness at least
0.25 mm or with other acceptable sheeting and anchored with stones and sand to prevent the sheeting from
lifting during windy conditions. Work that has become discolored by bitumen shall be broken down and
replaced, unless all such bitumen is so removed that no discoloration is visible. Painting over
discolored sections will not be acceptable.

5.11 TRANSITION SECTIONS AND INLET AND OUTLET STRUCTURES. Transition sections of kerbing, kerbing channelling
combinations, and concrete-lined channels shall, as far as is practicable, be constructed to the same
standards and using the same methods specified for uniform sections. Such sections may be either precast
or cast-in-situ units.
Inlet and outlet structures may be of precast or partially precast concrete units or they may be of
cast-in-situ concrete. Components such as grids, covers, and frames shall comply with the details shown
on the drawings and with the requirements of the project specification.

5.12 KERBSIDE STORMWATER CATCHPITS AND INLETS. The relevant requirements Of SABS 1200 LE shall apply to
stormwater catchpits and inlets.

6.1 CONCRETE'KERBING AND CHANNELLING. Concrete kerbing and channelling shall be so constructed as to present
straight lines and smooth curves that are acceptable to the Engineer and the dimensions and alignments
shall be within the following tolerances:

Permissible deviation, mm
Degree of accuracy
a) Horizontal alignment
1) Deviation of any edge, centreline, or vertical surface
from specified position ..................................
2) Deviation of any edge, centreline, or vertical surface
from specified alignment, when taken over any section of
lenqth exceedinq 10 m ....................................
b) Gert.ica1 alignment and level
1) Deviation of inside edge of channelling from designated
finished road level ......................................
2) Deviation of invert level of each channel and drain and
0, -10

top of kerbing from required level, subject to there being

no adverse grade ......................................... -t10 *
c) Trueness of straight exposed surfaces
Surface irregularities, when tested with a 3 m straight
edqe .....................................................
d) Cross-sectional dimensions
-+6 *
Cross-sectional dimensions related to specified dimensions
(except that the underside of channelling may extend up to
25 nun below the level at which it would have the required
thickness) ............................................... -+6
Stated in project specification, if required.

6.2 CONCRETE-LINED CHANNELS AND CONCRETE CHUTES. Concrete-lined channels and concrete chutes shall be
constructed to within the following tolerances:

Permissible deviation, mm
Degree of accuracy
I I I1 I11
a) Horizontal alignment
Deviation of each channel and chute trom the specified
msition of each edqe or the centreline
b) Vertical alignment
.................. * -+25 *
Invert level of any concrete-lined open channel from the
designated level, subject to there being no adverse grade. * -+25 *
c) Trueness of exposed surfaces
Surface irregularities on each exposed surface when tested
with a 3 m straight edge .................................
d) Cross-sectional dimensions
* -+10 *
1) Cross-sectional dimensions related to specified
dimensions, except that any thickness of m r e than 10 mm
in excess of the specified thickness may be disregarded ... *
2) Average thickness of any invert or side slab related to
specified thickness (applicable to any complete slab or
any slab section having a surface area of 10 m2 or more). . I (NO upper limit:
1 Stated in project specification, if required.

7.1 PRECAST KERBS. The Engineer may order any precast kerb units that have been delivered or installed and
that do not appear to him to be of the same quality as the approved samples (see 3.21, to be inspected
and tested in accordance with SABS 927.
9 SABS 1200 MK-1983
Kerbing and channelling


7.2.1 General Test. During the casting or extruding of kerbing or channelling, the Engineer may order the
Contractor to place a 1,5 m length of bond breaker (such as plastics sheeting) immediately ahead of the
work, and to make joints in such a way that a 1 m length of the selected length of kerb or channel may be
cut as specified in 5.8.4 for testing (after the curing of the relevant section of kerbing or channelling
is complete) in accordance with SABS 927. The rate of such testiiig may be up to six 1 m samples per
1 000 m of kerbiny or channelling.
7.2.2 Alternative Tests The Engineer may vary the method of testing in successive 1000 m lengths by ordering, in lieu of
transverse strength tests, cube or core crushing tests as specified in Cubes shall be made with concrete taken from the mixer or from any part of the work, as ordered. Cores
shall be taken from the cast or extruded kerbs or channels and tested in accordance with SABS Method 865.
If, after a set of three cubes or cores has been tested in an approved laboratory, the average crushing
strength is found to be less than 22 MPa (i.e. less than 25-3 MPa) the concrete work represented by the
cubes or cores will be rejected.

7.3 RESPONSIBILITY FOR COSTS OF TESTING, ETC. In the case of tests carried out in terms of 7.1 or 7.2. as
applicable, the cost of preparing test specimens, testing, and making good shall be borne
a) by the Contractor if the results of the test show that the material represented by the test sample
does not comply with the requirements of the specification; and
b) by the Employer if the results of the test show that the said material complies with the said


8.1.1 Each type, shape, and size of kerb and channel will be measured linearly along the face. No deductions
will be made for catchpits, etc.
8.1.2 Separate items will be scheduled according to sizes, ranges of radii, and types of bedding.
8.1.3 The rates shall cover the cost of all operations necessary to complete the item scheduled.


8.2.1 Concrete Kerbing (Grade of concrete for cast-in-situ concrete and type and figure or drawing number
stated) ................................................................................. Unit: m
a) Straight and curved kerbing will be measured separately in the categories set out in 3.2.2.
b) The unit rate for precast kerbing shall cover the cost of supply of all materials for the kerbing and
bedding, and for bedding, jointing, excavation, compacting, testing in terms of 7.2, and for all labour
in laying and jointing, together with all backfilling, compacting, and removal of excess material.
c) The rates for cast-in-situ concrete, whether used with precast kerbing or machine placed extruded-in-
situ kerbing, shall cover the cost of formwork in addition to the applicable items enumerated above.
d) The unit rates for brick-on-edge kerbing shall cover the cost of supply of all bricks and concrete for
bedding in addition to the applicable items enumerated above.
e) The unit rates for extruded-in-situ kerbing shall cover the cost of additional subbase, if any, (see
NOTE below) required for the operation of the kerbing machine, excavation and trimming of the subbase as
specified in 5.8.2, supply and delivery of concrete to Site, placing of extruded kerbing section,
provision and use of kerbing machine, finishing with slurry topping where required, cutting of joints,
testing at a rate of 6 tests per 1000 m and as specified in Clause 7.2, curing, backfilling, compacting,
and removal of excess material.

NOTE: For the purposes of determining "additional subbase" for extruded-in-situ kerbing, the width of
subbase measured and paid as subbase in terms of Clause 8 of SABS 1200 ME will extend to 0,5 m behind the
front face of the kerb.
8.2.2 Concrete Kerbing and Channelling C o m b b (Grade of concrete indicated for cast-in-situ concrete and type
and figure or drawing number stated) .................................................... Unit: m
a) Straight and curved kerbing and channelling will be measured separately in the categories set out in
b) The rate shall cover the cost of all the applicable operations specified in 8.2.l(b), (c),and (e).
8.2.3 Variation of Tests on Extruded Kerbinp (see 7.2.1 and 8.2.1)
a) Transverse strength test (provisional)................................................ Unit: No.
b) Set of 3 cubes (provisional).......................................................... Unit: No.
c) Set of 3 cores (provisional).. ........................................................ Unit: NO.
A test the results of which show that the kerbing fails to comply with the requirements of the
specification, will not be measured for payment.
In the case of (a) above, adjustment of compensation will be made as follows:
1) As a payment to the Contractor under (b) or (c) above in respect of each set of 3 cube tests or set of
3 core tests, as applicable, that have been ordered in writing by the Engineer; and
2) As a refund by the Contractor in respect of each reduction in the number of tests below 6 per l o o 0 m
of kerbing or channelling as specified in 7.2.1, regardless of whether such decrease results from a
decrease in the frequency ordered by the Engineer or from faulty workmanship on the part of the
The unit rate shall cover all costs of preparing a test specimen or a set of 3 specimens, as applicable,
testing, and making good.
8.2.4 Depressed Kerbs ......................................................................... Unit: m
Depressed kerbs will be measured linearly from the start of the depression to the point at which the kerb
returns to its normal height, and will be paid for as an extra-over on kerbing of normal height.
The unit rate shall cover the cost of all labour, material, and other things necessary for the extra
depth of excavation, concrete, and special setting.
8.2.5 Chutes ..................................................................................
Chutes will be measured linearly on the slope.
Unit: m

The rate shall cover the cost of all the applicable operations specified in 8.2.1.
8.2.6 Ancillaries Inlet, outlet, transition, and similar structures (measured as unit structures - refer to type drawinq
for structure and grade of concrete) ........................................... Unit: No.
The unit rate shall cover the cost of all excavation, trimming, formwork, concrete, backfillinq, and
removal of excess material, and also such accessories as grids, etc., as may be detailed on th; type
SABS 1200 MX-1983 10
Kerbing and channelling Inlet, outlet, transition, and similar structures [measured by components)

a) 1) Excavation, restricted, in all materials
2) Extra-over for intermediate material
.................................................Unit: m-
Unit: m

3 ) Extra-over for hard rock material

b) Concrete (grade stated)
.............................................................. Unit: m 3
Unit: m 3
c) Formwork (surface finish stated)
d) Other components (named)
............................................................. Unit: m 2
Unit: NO.
Excavation, including the removal of unsuitable ground and backfilling with suitable material, will be
measured as stated for the relevant items of SABS 1200 D or SABS 1200 DA, as applicable. No extra
payment will be made in respect of any soil or gravel backfilling, additional concrete, or mass concrete
backfilling required because of overbreak or unavoidable unevenness of the excavations in difficult
ground, and the cost thereof shall be covered by the rate far excavation.
Concrete and formwork will be measured as stated for the relevant items of SABS 1200 G or SABS 1200 GA,
as applicable.
The rate for (d) above shall cover the cost of procuring, furnishing, and installing the components,
including any painting or protective coating specified in the project specification or shown an the
8.2.7 Trimming of Excavations for Concrete-Lined Open Drains in
a) Soft material ........................................................................
b) Intermediate material ................................................................ Unit: m
Unit: m 2

c) Hard material ........................................................................ Unit: m2

The area measured will be the plan area of the surface of the excavation trimmed to receive concrete.
The rate shall cover the cost of all labour, plant, materials, and other incidentals necessary to trim
excavations for open drains to the standard of finish required for the construction of concrete linings.
All excavation, including the removal of unsuitable ground and backfilling with suitable material, will
be measured as stated for the relevant items of SABS 1200 D or SABS 1200 DA, as applicable. Payment
will distinguish between trimming in soft material and trimming in hard material as defined in
SABS 1200 D or SABS 1200 DA, as applicable. No extra payment will be made in respect of any soil or
gravel backfilling, additional concrete, or mass concrete backfilling required because of overbreak or
unavoidable unevenness of the excavations in difficult ground, and the cost thereof shall be covered by
the rate for trimming.
8.2.8 Cast-In-situ Concrete Lining to Open Drains (concrete grade and type of drain stated) ...
Unit: m
Measurement and payment for concrete will be as specified in SABS 1200 G or SABS 1200 GA, as applicable,
but the rate shall also cover the painting of open joint surfaces where so specified.
8.2.9 Formwork to Cast-In-Situ Concrete Lining of Open &D (smooth surface finish)
a) To sides with formwork on the internal face only ...........................................
b) To sides with formwork on both internal and external faces (each face measured)
Unit: m2
Unit: m

c) To ends of slabs ..................................................................... Unit: m

Measurement and payment for formwork will be as specified in SABS 1200 G or SABS 1200 GA, as applicable.
Formwork under item (a) above will be measured and paid for only if the side slope of the slabs is
steeper than 1 vertical to 2 horizontal and the slabs cannot be constructed without formwork even when a
stiff concrete mix is used. Should the Contractor elect to use precast side slabs, payment will be made
for formwork as if cast-in-situ concrete had been used.
8.2.10 Sealed Joints in Concrete Lining of Open Drains (refer to type drawing) .................
The length measured for payment will be that of the completed joint of each size and type.
Unit: m

The rate shall cover the cost of supplying the materials, labour, formwork, and incidentals necessary to
complete the joint as shown on the drawings or specified in the project specification.
8.2.11 Concrete Screed or Backfill Below Chute (grade of concrete stated) ......................
Unit: m 3
The volume measured for payment will be that of the concrete screed or backfill ordered by the Engineer
and placed below chutes.
The rate shall cover the cost of procuring, furnishing, and placing the concrete screed or backfill, as
8.2.12 Steel Reinforcement ..................................................................... Unit: t
Measurement and payment will be in accordance with the provisions of SABS 1200 G or SABS 1200 GA, as
applicable. 2
8.2.13 sprayed Bitumen Emulsion Primer or Polyethylene Sheeting for Concrete-Lined Open Drains.. Unit: m
The area measured for payment will be that of the open drain to be concreted.
The rate shall cover the cost of procuring, furnishing, and applying the sprayed bitumen emulsion primer
or polyethylene sheeting, as scheduled.
., SABS 1200 MK-1983
Kerbing and channelling


Reference is made to the latest edition of the following standards:

ASTM C 309 Liquid membrane-forming compounds for curing concrete

BS 2499 Hot applied joint sealants for concrete pavements
SABS 110 Sealing compounds for the building industry, two-component, polysulphide base
SABS 227 Burnt clay masonry units (Revision in course of preparation)
SABS 471 Portland cement (ordinary, rapid-hardening, and sulphate-resisting)
SABS 927 Precast concrete kerbs and channels
SABS 1083 Aggregates from natural sources
SABS 1200 A Civil engineering construction : General
SABS 1200 AA Civil engineering construction : General (small works)
SABS 1200 D Civil engineering construction : Earthworks
SABS 1200 DA Civil engineering construction : Earthworks (small works)
SABS 1200 DM Civil engineering construction : Earthworks (roads, subgrade)
SABS 1200 G Civil engineering construction : Concrete (structural)
SABS 1200 GA Civil engineering construction : Concrete (small works)
SABS 1200 LE Civil engineering construction : Stormwater drainage
SABS 1200 ME Civil engineering construction : Subbase
SABS 1200 MF Civil engineering construction : Base
SVS 1200 MG Civil engineering construction : Bituminous surface treatment
SABS 1200 MH Civil engineering construction : Asphalt base and surfacing
SABS Method 865

ISBN 0-826-08784-7

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