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Ancient To Midevil Church History

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Ancient & Medieval Church History, Ch 310

Dr. David Calhoun

Covenant Theological Seminary

Course Information

I. Course Description
This course is a study of Christianity from the Early Church to the dawn of the Reformation with
readings in source materials. It places an emphasis on the uses and applications of church history to life
and ministry, and helps the student to understand the development of Christian thought and the
formulation of doctrine as part of God’s overall pattern of history.

II. Course Objectives

• To gain knowledge of the main events and persons in the course of church history from the early
church to the dawn of the Reformation
• Understanding of the development of Christian thought and the formulation of doctrine
• Appreciation of God’s providence in the overall pattern of history
• Development of the skill of applying church history to contemporary ideas and issues
• (And for some) preparation for presbytery examinations in church history

III. Themes and Keywords

Movements & people; leaders & followers; men & women; bible & theology (with special attention to
the doctrine of grace); spirituality & ministry; walking with God & leading God’s people; evangelism &
missions-the Great Commission.

IV. Texts
These books can be purchased from most Christian booksellers, or you can order them online from the
Covenant Seminary bookstore by visiting or by calling the bookstore at
314-434-0110 (toll-free 877-213-3353).

Course syllabus.
Gonzalez, Justo L. The Story of Christianity, Volume 1: The Early Church to the Dawn of the
Reformation. San Francisco, CA: Harper, 1984.

V. Class Calendar
Lecture 1— Centuries Deep and Continents Wide: The Study of Church History—Gonzalez: chapter 1
Lecture 2— There Went Forth a Stream: The Growth of the Christian Church—Gonzalez: chapters 2-4
Lecture 3— Martyrs Who Have Lived: The Persecutions—Gonzalez: chapters 5, 6, 10 & 12
Lecture 4— Athens and Jerusalem: The Apologists—Gonzalez: chapter 7
Lecture 5— The Rule of Faith: Orthodoxy and Heresy—Gonzalez: chapter 8 (pp. 58-62)
Lecture 6— To Mark a Path: Canon, Creed and Bishops—Gonzalez: chapter 8 (pp. 62-66)
Lecture 7— Witnesses Unto the Truth: The Early Church Fathers—Gonzalez: chapter 9
Lecture 8— Mended Lives: The People of the Early Church—Gonzalez: chapter 11
Lecture 9— In This Sign Conquer: The Church in the Fourth Century—Gonzalez: chapters 13 & 14
Lecture 10— Opus Dei: The Beginnings of Monasticism—Gonzalez: chapter 15
Lecture 11— The Wheat and the Tares: Donatism—Gonzalez: chapter 16 (and review pages 88-90)
Lecture 12— As It was In the Beginning: The Council of Nicea—Gonzalez: chapters 17 & 19
Lecture 13— Three Theologians, Two Emperors, and a Church Council—Gonzalez: chapters 18 & 20
Lecture 14— Ambrose, Jerome, and Chrysostom—Gonzalez: chapters 21-23
©1999, David Calhoun & Covenant Theological Seminary
Ancient & Medieval Church History Course Information, page 2
Lecture 15— The Restless Heart: The Confessions of St. Augustine—Gonzalez: chapter 24 (pp. 207-
Lecture 16— God Himself is Our Power: St. Augustine and the Pelagian Controversy—Gonzalez:
chapter 24 (pp. 212–216)
Lecture 17— The City of God: St. Augustine’s Theology of History—Gonzalez: chapter 25
Lecture 18— Two Whole, Perfect, and Distinct Natures: The Council of Chalcedon—Gonzalez: chapter
27 (pp. 252-257)
Lecture 19— The Early Middle Ages: The Second Five Hundred Years—Gonzalez: chapters 26 & 28
Lecture 20— Age Number Three: Medieval Missions
Lecture 21— The Christianization of Great Britain
Lecture 22— Eternal Wisdom: Learning and Theology
Lecture 23— The Church of the Seven Councils: Eastern Orthodoxy—Gonzalez: chapter 27 (pp. 251-
252 & 262-265)
Lecture 24— The Late Middle Ages: The Third Five Hundred Years
Lecture 25— On Loving God: Medieval Monasticism—Gonzalez: chapters 26 (pp. 238-242), 29 (pp.
277-286) & 31 (pp. 301-307)
Lecture 26— God Wills It: Crusades or Missions?—Gonzalez: chapter 30
Lecture 27— Lux Lucet in Tenebris: The Waldensians
Lecture 28— The Queen of the Sciences: Scholastic Theology—Gonzalez: chapter 31 (pp. 311-323)
Lecture 29— The Angelic Doctor: Thomas Aquinas
Lecture 30— Doing What Lies in You: The Sacramental System
Lecture 31— Between the Hammer and the Anvil: Church and State—Gonzalez: chapters 31 (307-311)
& 32
Lecture 32— Morning Stars: Wycliffe and Hus—Gonzalez: chapter 33 (pp. 346-353)
Lecture 33— The Dignity of Man and the Glory of God: Reform in Italy—Gonzalez: chapters 33 (pp.
353-356) & 34
Lecture 34— Souls of Great Quiet: Mysticism and the Modern Devotion—Gonzalez: chapter 33 (pp.
Lecture 35— The Grass Withers: The Waning of the Middle Ages
Appendix A—(Lecture 36) Catholic World Missions—Gonzalez: chapters 35, 36

VI. About the Professor

Dr. Calhoun’s wide background of study, teaching and ministry experiences enables him to provide
helpful insight into the Christian church of today and throughout the ages. In addition to years of
mission work as both a pastor and Overseas Coordinator of Ministry in Action, Dr. Calhoun also studied
with Dr. Francis Schaeffer at L’Abri’s Farel House in Switzerland. He has recently published a two-
volume work on Princeton Seminary.

©1999, David Calhoun & Covenant Theological Seminary

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