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Protecting Communities in The DRC: Understanding Gender Dynamics and Empowering Women and Men

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Understanding gender dynamics and
empowering women and men

Pauline (name has been changed to protect her identity), 16, with her 14-month old son at their home, pictured in
Dungu, Orientale Province, DRC. Many of IDPs now settled in Dungu, like Pauline, are traumatised from attacks on
their villages and families. Pauline was kidnapped by the LRA and spent two years as a 'wife' to an LRA soldier,
himself kidnapped aged 10. Simon Rawles/Oxfam

Armed conflict has devastated large swathes of the Democratic Republic of

Congo (DRC) since 1997. Civilians in many parts of the eastern provinces
men, women, boys and girls still face constant threats of forced displacement,
sexual violence, abduction, and extortion, not only from militia groups, but in
many cases from those who are mandated to protect them. Deep-seated
attitudes and beliefs continue to perpetuate discrimination and violence against
women. Oxfams protection programme in the DRC aims to strengthen the
ability of communities to advocate for their rights, including the right to
protection from violence and exploitation. Evaluation of the programmes
impact shows that in a situation where so many peoples rights are abused and
violated, empowering women often means including and empowering men in
the humanitarian reponse too. It is also vital to take a sophisticated, context-
specific approach to gender and womens rights, considering short-term,
immediate needs, and longer-term strategic needs together.

Oxfam Programme Insights
Since 1987, armed conflict has devastated large swathes of the Democratic Republic of Congo
(DRC). The situation is fluid and, while exact numbers are disputed, it is clear that hundreds of
thousands of people have lost their lives, and many survivors have fled their homes to other
provinces or to neighbouring countries. Civilians in many parts of the eastern provinces in
particular face constant threats of forced displacement, sexual violence, abduction, and
extortion. They are regularly terrorised, not only by militia groups, but often by the police and
armed forces mandated to protect them.

The conflict continues to stifle the countrys development, particularly standards of education
and health, the development of strong civil society groups, and gender equality. The average
life expectancy is 48 years for women and only 46 for men, and has barely changed since

Weak state authority, the illegal exploitation of mineral wealth, and the ease with which
weapons enter the country has helped fuel cycles of violence, with women, men and children
caught in the crossfire. Civilians in eastern DRC in particular have been targeted by armed
militia. The long-term instability and insecurity has left virtually no industry and limited
opportunities for education and jobs. This provides an economic incentive for many young men
and boys to take up arms, although they are also often forcibly recruited.

Despite the government approving a progressive sexual violence law in 2006 that includes a
broad definition of sexual and gender-based violence, women and men are frequently subject to
sexual violence.

Women face many inequalities in the DRC. They play a very limited role in public life and
constantly confront deep-seated attitudes and beliefs that perpetuate discrimination and gender-
based violence. Following the 2006 elections, women accounted for only 9.4 per cent of seats in
the national Parliament. The adult literacy rate (age 15 and over) is 65 per cent for the whole
population, but 56 per cent for women compared with 78 per cent for men. Women are also
under-represented in paid employment and are often denied rights of inheritance. In 2011, the
maternal mortality rate was 670 per 100,000 live births.
Men and boys account for the majority of deaths that occur during fighting, while women and
girls may be more affected by the broader impact of conflict, including in the aftermath of war,
when repercussions are still being felt. In many societies, they will be made more vulnerable to
the negative effects of conflict due to their unequal status and limited access to services and

2 Protecting Communities in the DRC

Oxfam in the DRC
Oxfam has been working in the DRC since 1961 and has programmes focusing on water and
sanitation, food security and livelihoods, public health, advocacy, education, gender equality,
and protection. In 20067, Oxfam made a strategic commitment to address protection issues
more explicitly and systematically. The programme in the DRC aims to strengthen the capacity
of communities at risk to advocate for their rights and for protection from violence and
exploitation, and to improve survivors access to follow-up care and support (referral). The field
programme is combined with international advocacy and campaigning to ensure that civilians
voices are heard, and to hold those in power government leaders and officials, police, and the
army to account. As it will be some time before the state can properly fulfil its responsibility to
protect civilians, Oxfam also supports communities to prevent and respond to abuse and to
access referral services in a safe and timely manner.

Understanding gender dynamics within communities

Deep-rooted gender inequality is present in communities due to patriarchy and disparate power
relations. Oxfam carries out annual protection surveys of people living in the conflict-affected
areas of eastern DRC, including North and South Kivu and Province Orientale. These surveys
paint a picture of violence and abuse that is highly gendered in terms of its targeting and impact,
both in the short term and longer term.

There are many similarities in how men and women assess their overall insecurity, but the
causes of insecurity and the type of threats they face abduction, murder, arbitrary arrest,
sexual violence, illegal checkpoints, forced labour are often different. Through these means,
state and non-state parties continue to manipulate and abuse civilians in order to assert their
control. The conflict is very fluid, and although some areas may become more stable, men and
women experience this change differently. Even in areas in close proximity, the short and long-
term impacts of violence and abuse on gender dynamics can vary widely.

Protecting communities in the DRC 3

The shock of conflict, social turmoil, and reorganisation, coupled with the interventions of
external actors such as humanitarian agencies, presents both an opportunity and a threat to the
goal of greater gender equality. Humanitarian agencies need to have a sophisticated
understanding of gender, based on a sound analysis of local gender inequalities and social
relations, to ensure that, as a minimum, their work does not have a negative impact on gender
equality or undermine peoples rights. The armed conflict in the DRC, with its relentless and
brutal targeting of civilians, is exceptionally damaging, and external interventions must be highly
sensitised to the context to avoid inadvertent negative consequences. Conflict and social
breakdown opens up opportunities to challenge traditional gender roles as people develop,
adapt and even adopt new identities.

A strong gender analysis can enable humanitarian responses to go further, and build on the
changes inherent in conflict and social transformation to bring about greater gains for womens
rights and gender equality.

Political and social transformation rarely happens without some form of conflict, and conflict in
itself is not necessarily negative until it turns to violence. Understanding how gender roles
interact with the context is key to contributing to positive change that is sustainable. Not
understanding this, or adopting a simplistic approach, risks doing significant harm. Humanitarian
organisations may be able to contribute significantly to positive outcomes that promote gender
equality by respectfully treating men and women as rights-holders as well as acknowledging the
threats of sexual and other violence that they face, and providing significant safe spaces for
women where they can be free from social constraints that prevent them from speaking in front
of men.

This paper outlines the approach to gender taken by Oxfams protection programme in the
DRC. It explains how the community-led nature of the programme has enabled women and men
to address short-term protection needs as a priority, but also to tackle long-term barriers to
womens rights without this being seen as a threat to men. It describes how the programme was
implemented, through protection committees with equal numbers of male and female members
and womens forums where women could talk freely among women, and promoting access to
referral services. It then presents the programmes achievements, including a reduction in
sexual violence, domestic violence, and early marriage in some communities. Men and women
worked together to change attitudes and beliefs and the programmes approach emphasised
sexual violence as everyones concern, not just a problem for women.

Finally, it makes recommendations for other programmes considering similar work. It argues
that Oxfams aim of putting poor womens rights at the heart of all we do is, in some situations,
only possible when we address mens rights in parallel.

Effects of the conflict on women and men

The war in eastern DRC is notorious for the high levels of sexual violence and brutality inflicted
by those involved in the fighting. A wide range of abuses are being carried out against men,
women, boys, and girls, by armed actors, bandits and criminals, and in some cases by
community members against each other. Men are more at risk of being killed, tortured or
abducted, used for forced labour, or imprisoned. We are frequently told that women are often
less likely than men to be abducted or killed when they go to the fields, but they are at high risk
of rape which often leads to rejection by their husbands. The survival strategies used to avoid
these risks include: choosing not to go to the fields or market, which has serious effects on well-
being and livelihoods; sending women to do such work (which may have other costs, as women
tend to face higher taxes or other unofficial barriers at market); or submitting to an assault,
which, while it may reduce the degree of violence used, can destroy a persons sense of self-
worth. Further coping strategies described by communities were working and moving in groups,
and limiting movement, as well as wearing more layers of clothing in certain areas.

4 Protecting Communities in the DRC

There is also increasing evidence of violent rape and sexual assault against men and boys in
the DRC. According to one community, some victims may have died due to the brutality of the
assault, and survivors are very unlikely to tell anyone or seek help. In order to continue earning
a living, families often have to make the unpalatable choice between women being raped or
men abducted or murdered. Boys are more likely to be forcibly recruited to fight or work as
porters and carriers for armed groups. Girls are frequently subject to sexual exploitation and
forced into early marriage sometimes with the support of their family, because it is seen as a
coping mechanism. While some abuses, such as looting and theft, are indiscriminate of
gender, they have a differential impact on men and women, as traditional gender roles
determine their range of coping strategies and resilience.

Impact of conflict on identity for women and men

The different forms of gender-based violence are linked to traditional roles of men and women,
which often shift during conflict. In the largely patriarchal society that dominated many areas of
eastern DRC before the war, to varying degrees, men were expected to be strong leaders,
provide for and protect their family, as well as being decision-makers at home and in their
community. Women were expected to care for children, prepare food, run the household, and
dig the fields. They were expected to be submissive, and not to take part in public life leaving
them vulnerable to many forms of gender-based violence, as well as denying their economic,
social and political rights.

The conflict has, however, significantly changed these traditional gender roles. Women report
that taking part in the various committees set up by NGOs has given them the opportunity to
participate in decision-making in their households and communities. Displacement towards
urban and peri-urban centres and nearer main roads, introduced new ideas to men and women
in previously relatively isolated communities. Perhaps more significantly, as men and women
adopt new survival strategies, some women have started to play a more leading role in the
family and community. In many cases, as employment opportunities and paid work have
become scarcer, men moving around have been more at risk of being accused of being in
militias. Women have started to play a more important role in providing for the household, often
through cultivation or small-scale trade. Although increased mobility can put women at risk, if
they are able to work and trade in a way that gives them economic power, this can increase
their decision-making power in the household. Womens associations and solidarity groups
have enabled women to develop more self-confidence. While the transformational impact of the
conflict and humanitarian response on gender relations has varied in each area, it has
frequently offered opportunities for women to participate further in the political, cultural and
economic life of their community.

However, this new role for women has, in many cases, been paralleled by a diminished sense
of self-worth among civilian men. Humanitarian interventions have primarily focused on
opportunities economic, social and political for women, without creating positive
opportunities for men, at a time when alternatives to participation in armed violence are needed
more than ever, particularly for young, unemployed men. Violent conflict clearly affords certain
privileges, and values ideas of manhood that are associated with aggression, physical power
and violence ideals that devalue and belittle other, more positive models of manhood.

Conflicts in Africas Great Lakes Region have been the focus of some excellent and ground-
breaking research on gender roles, and sexual and other gender-based violence. However, this
has not always translated into policy and practice. In narratives of sexual violence in the DRC,
women have been simplistically presented as victims and men as criminals or perpetrators of
abuse. This has overlooked the fact that men are also subject to sexual and other violence, and
denied other roles for women besides victimhood. These portrayals have had a negative
impact on community dynamics, creating conflict and hostile relations between some men and
women, and reinforcing the idea of militarised masculinity and other gender stereotypes that
perpetuate inequality. Mens sense of identity has also been altered and frequently undermined

Protecting communities in the DRC 5

by the war. As it has become impossible to fulfil pre-war ascribed gender roles, the conflict has
triggered a crisis of masculinity that has, at times, been exacerbated by aid agencies almost
exclusive focus on women. NGOs working exclusively to valorise womens rights have done
harm, and risk continuing to do so, if they do not address this crisis of masculinity and the rights
of men who have also been abused during the conflict.


In 20067, Oxfam made a strategic commitment to address protection issues more explicitly
and systematically in its humanitarian programming in the DRC. It began by building the
capacity of field teams, developing practical tools for safe programming, and undertaking
protection surveys in the communities where Oxfam GB was already working. From this base,
protection work in the DRC gradually developed and has expanded to become Oxfams largest
protection programme, with an annual budget of $1.8m, and 21 staff working with 10 partner
organisations. Initially, Oxfam worked with larger partner organisations that did not have
community links, but now works with partners operating at a smaller scale and at a more local
level. The partnership is particularly productive when partner staff come from and live among
target communities, and when the partner has a long history of acceptance in these
communities both by authorities and by women and men in the communities.

Oxfam started conducting protection surveys in the DRC in 2007. The surveys collect general
information about how the conflict has affected people and what strategies they use to cope.
But they have also highlighted the inability of many communities to mobilise for their own
security, the difficulty of accessing authorities and officials, and the lack of information about
where to go for help when there is a problem.

Oxfam and its partner staff help conflict-affected communities identify the main threats they
face, and actions they can take to mitigate these threats. Staff facilitate links with local
authorities, and provide training to civilians and authorities on legal standards and laws relating
to protection issues. They map and assess local referral structures, particularly for medical and
psychosocial services; publicise this information; and try to find ways to improve relationships
between service providers and potential clients. It is planned that these activities will continue.

Protection committees
Protection committees are central to the programme, and as of mid-2012, 56 committees had
been set up. They respond to emergency needs in their communities but also link humanitarian
needs to longer-term development, supporting state actors and others with protection
obligations such as armed groups to fulfil their obligations. Interventions must be carefully
managed to ensure that emergency needs are met, without substituting for the state or
community more than necessary. Although the committees are not intended to be permanent
parallel structures, they may well evolve into some form of civil society group, maintaining the
role of interlocutor between the state and population, while also holding officials to account. The
training, information exchange with civil society groups and alliances, skills, experience, and
confidence that those associated with the committees develop will be sustained beyond the end
of the intervention.

Committee members are elected through community assemblies that select six men and six
women. Alongside these, a separate womens forum is established, made up of women who are
members of existing associations or groups such as choirs, parentteacher associations, or
community health workers again, to avoid creating parallel structures. Such groups are
essential because, if women are to be able to affect activities and protection committee
decisions, a separate forum at which they can discuss their needs and issues has to be

6 Protecting Communities in the DRC

established. The womens forum meets regularly and feeds views into the protection committee,
influencing its work and any decisions made.

In this vast rural country with very little road infrastructure and limited mobile networks in many
areas, to ensure that the programme reaches a broad geographical area, community outreach
workers (agents du changement) or Change Agents are also recruited, usually 10 men and 10
women in each area. The structure of the programme, centred on the protection committee, is
designed to support women to prioritise their own issues (through the womens forums) without
excluding men and their needs, and while ensuring that the programme can reach locations that
are difficult to access.

The first step in any community is to collectively and inclusively identify the main protection
threats. This is done by the womens forums and agents du changement separately, who then
input into the protection committee. The protection problems identified by men and women, in
both mixed and single-sex groups, are sometimes the same, but there are also some notable
differences. Men often focus on immediate threats such as looting, the presence of armed
groups, arbitrary arrest, forced labour, and sexual violence, whereas women often cite looting,
sexual violence, and illegal taxes and checkpoints among the key immediate threats, but they
are more likely to voice concerns about longer-term or strategic needs too. These include
inheritance rights (a key concern for women, who often do not know how to ensure that their
husbands land is inherited by their children rather than reclaimed by his family), domestic
violence, marriage registration (because prohibitively expensive registrations have resulted in
unregistered marriages and a consequent lack of rights when relationships breakdown), child
labour, and girls rights to education. Where men and women raise similar issues, this can
create a sense of shared ownership of the problem, and a base on which issues that are
specific to women or any other group that faces discrimination (e.g. displaced people) can
be jointly addressed.

All priorities put forward are discussed by members of the protection committee, who reach
agreement on what the problems are and identify actions to prevent and respond to specific
problems or abuses, such as the unlawful detention of children, or illegal checkpoints.

Having equal numbers of men and women on the protection committees and among agents du
changement is a symbolic nod towards gender equity, but risks being tokenistic if womens
participation is not meaningful. An internal review of the programmes implementation in May
2012 in more remote and insecure areas found that even formal parity was not achieved on
committees in those areas where womens and girls rights were most severely curtailed. Oxfam
is now considering how to respond to this situation. The separate space within the womens
forum allows them also to focus on their priorities and provides an opportunity for them to
express themselves more freely on matters that are important to them, but on which they are
rarely consulted.

Following an earlier external evaluation in April 2011, the programme increased its allocation of
resources to issues that women prioritise and created more space to work with women, while
ensuring that problems specific to or prioritised by men were included and that men remained
fully engaged with programme activities. As protection committees have been established in
different communities, it has initially been important to address issues that men and women feel
are the most pressing on which there is usually some consensus. As the programme has
become more established, and a level of trust and mutual respect has developed between the
committee members men and women and the partner organisation, there has generally
been more scope for addressing womens issues directly, as well as more structural issues.

Occasionally, the womens forums have invited men to present at meetings. This has been
particularly appreciated when, for example, men from the local authorities have been able to
answer questions on issues such as inheritance. Elsewhere, men have played a more active
role in womens groups, recognising that womens problems are not just for women but for the
whole community their priorities need to be addressed by both men and women.

Protecting communities in the DRC 7

Womens forums
In some areas, very few women were interested in taking part in the protection committees
because, culturally, they are not permitted to stand up and speak in front of a man. In these
areas, the womens forum plays an important role as a space that is more accessible and open
to them: this is where women can talk freely among other women and with someone from the
outside the community. The womens forums mean that women are not pressurised to talk in
front of men before they are ready, but have time and space to build their confidence. Women
who initially felt that they would not dare to talk in front of a man have ended up being active
members of the protection committee. They say that one of the elements they appreciate most
is the opportunity to approach local authorities about the difficulties in their lives.

Men and women involved in the protection programme jointly decide what they would like to
focus on. This offers men the opportunity to get involved with protection problems often seen
exclusively as womens issues, which was what one man in Beni territory described as the
main benefit of the project for him. It also shows men and women that women can be active in
areas more traditionally associated with men, such as negotiating with authorities and
representatives of the state. As one woman put it, We cannot wait for others to defend us. Our
security depends on us. At times, women have identified the protection of male family and
community members husbands, fathers, brothers and sons as their main priority when their
safety has been specifically threatened.

Referral: access to services for women and men

An important aim of the programme is to help people affected by violence and abuse to access
information and services that can help them. Staff provide information on abuses such as forced
labour and unlawful detention, and promote informed self-referral to medical, psychosocial and,
occasionally, legal services. The model of referral does not solely focus on sexual violence,
unlike many other projects in the DRC, but provides support to men, women, boys and girls
affected by violence and abuse, whether rape, torture, beatings, or other human rights
violations. Oxfam is further developing its approach to informed self-referral, given it does not
provide specialist services (e.g. medical or psychosocial) and does not have the expertise to
carry out case management, but does want to improve safe, timely access to such services.
Two pilot projects under way in 2012 (one in the DRC, and one in Yemen ) further developed
this approach, which needs to be appropriate to the context, complement the other services
available in the area, and link with existing referral networks.

Referral pathways in the DRC tend to focus on sexual violence indeed, the term referral has
become synonymous with the medical, psychosocial and judicial support package promoted by
the government programme, and almost exclusively targeted at women and girl survivors of
sexual violence. Undoubtedly, there is a great need for these services. However, communities
cite many different types of abuse, often gendered, but not necessarily sexual. One committee
member pointed out that if a married couple were attacked, during which the wife were raped
and the husband tortured, it would make no sense to only help the wife get the care she

During discussions about whether protection committees should help survivors with transport to
life-saving medical services, committee members were adamant that the resources should be
used for men and women. Moreover, they felt frustrated that several NGO projects support
transport for women survivors, but very few for men. Statistics gathered as part of an internal
evaluation show that approximately 80 per cent of people benefiting from this support are
women, but a significant 20 per cent are men. Therefore, the inclusion of men has brought
about greater joint action on gender issues and more buy-in from men without losing sight of the
greater need for women and girls to access such services. The prevalence of sexual violence
against men and boys, which often forms part of what is reported as torture, means it is

8 Protecting Communities in the DRC

important not to make assumptions about who needs access to emergency services. Another
woman told us, Our men are victims of this war too.

There is a clear dissonance between the way people describe and experience acts of violence
and abuse and the way services are provided by humanitarian actors or prioritised by donors.
Rarely do the communities needing these services fit neatly into the pigeon holes created by
institutionalised checkboxes and categorisations such as rape victim. A woman who has been
raped may also be the mother of a child that has been abducted, and a wife whose husband
had been tortured each one dealing with the pain of seeing a loved one suffer as well as their
own pain. Thus, the open access of the referral system is a deliberate and conscious choice by
Oxfams programme in response to the way people have described their experience and
support needs.

Programme impacts
The impacts of protection programmes are often hard to gauge due to the multiple factors
affecting the situation and the difficulty in identifying any form of causal chain. An external
evaluation of Oxfams DRC programme found that successes cited by committee members
were not always recognised or agreed with by other community members; likewise, measuring
a concept as complex as empowerment which includes subjective feelings of self-worth and
confidence is never easy. However, feedback from communities, including statistical data, has
identified some tangible positive changes. It also suggests that the broader approach to gender
recognising the impact of conflict on men, and not just in an instrumental way to improve the
situation for women has brought about positive results, strengthening womens feelings of
security and empowerment that can contribute to achieving broader transformational change.

It is particularly difficult to assess the impact of this kind of programme on taboo and under-
reported issues for example, sexual violence (although fewer cases of reported rape might be
considered a positive indicator). However, evidence suggests that, as taboos are gradually
broken down, this may lead to more reporting of rape and other sexual violence. It is important
to emphasise that the situation in eastern DRC is very localised and there can be surprising
differences in communities that are relatively close to each other for example, because of the
presence of different armed groups in some areas and the different behaviours and strategies
people use to mitigate risks. In many locations, committee and some community members tell
us that the number of rapes has gone down.

Despite the difficulty in assessing impact, an internal evaluation in 2012 found a reduction in
sexual violence in 6 of the 11 communities surveyed. In many locations, committee members
and other members of the community reported that the number of rapes had gone down.
Domestic violence had reduced in six communities and early marriage in two, while in eight
communities, gender relationships were felt to be more equal. Four communities reported an
increase in girls and womens enrolment in education. In one area, committee members carried
out an awareness-raising campaign that resulted in a reduction in instances of men rejecting
their wives because they had been raped, and greater understanding of the need for urgent
medical care. In one community, men reported providing shelter for displaced women who had
been raped and subsequently abandoned by their husbands. This change was attributed to men
and women working together to change attitudes and beliefs, and an approach that emphasises
sexual violence not as a problem for women, but for the whole community and therefore
everyones concern.

The protection committees, womens forums, and agents du changement have carried out
awareness-raising and training on a number of other issues relating to gender roles. Although it
is very difficult to measure, reports from committees and community members in Haut-Ul,
Province Orientale, imply that the project is having a positive effect on reducing intimate partner
violence. The same communities reported a reduction in drunkenness, which had been
identified by the womens forum in Beni territory as a key contributing factor in domestic

Protecting communities in the DRC 9

violence, as well as issues relating to womens uneven workload and a general lack of
productivity among men. The committee persuaded the customary chief to ban drinking in the
morning and, as a result, men are now helping women in the fields. In another area, when
women gave birth, they used to be put aside from their families for some time afterwards, and
the husband took a second wife. Anecdotal reports suggest that this practice is now less
common, and, in some areas, there has been a reduction in early marriage: Since the womens
forum has been acting, early marriage is also going down (male committee member in Kitutu).

Oxfams protection programme in the DRC is not a gender or womens rights programme in
the traditional sense (i.e. it does not specifically aim to bring about changes in gender
relationships or womens rights), and while its protection objectives have primary goals
regarding womens participation and representation, it is not a programme that has primarily
focused on womens rights. Positive changes in relationships between women and men have
been an additional outcome. The programme has, however, taken a strong gender approach,
particularly upholding Oxfams aim to put poor womens rights at the heart of all we do.

Changes in attitudes and beliefs about gender roles are hard to assess and can take
considerable time. The programme has learned to celebrate small victories, while not over-
estimating its potential impact. Small victories can still be significant and life-changing at a
grassroots and individual level, when people are able to realise their rights. One older woman in
a community that had been isolated for a long time during the war told how the programme had
allowed her to sit down next to a man: Before, I could not speak in front of men. Now, we eat
together. Even when 10 men are seated together discussing, they are polite to me.

More generally, the approach seems to have had a positive impact on womens empowerment,
feelings of confidence and self-worth, and particularly their participation in community affairs:

The activities with the community protection committee taught us that women are equal to men.
What men can do, women can do. We saw that women can also be leaders. (Female
committee member in Cifunzi)

I got married very young. I didnt know that women could sit and talk to people the way that we
are doing right now. We had shadows in our eyes. But now we talk even to local authorities, and
even to the military.

Before, custom was considered to be above women, according to tradition. In some families,
women were not allowed to speak. But with the training that women have received through this
programme, they can go to the customary chief to lift some discriminatory practices against
women. (Female committee member in Kalega, displaced to Cifunzi)

Humanitarian actors often underestimate the social effects of their interventions, which can be
negative as well as positive. During recent research, men and women in eastern DRC reported
that one of the key benefits they have gained from taking part in training organised by the
programme is that they met different people. The social capital that is created during the training
will last beyond the programmes lifetime. Many of the respondents in the May 2012 evaluation
also cited an improvement in relations with local authorities as one of the programmes most
significant achievements. Citizens and duty-bearers alike reported this.

The type of analysis used in protection work is very effective when used properly in
identifying gender differences and analysing gender relations. The programme tackles serious
abuse and violence, but has not singled out violence against women and girls at the expense of
addressing other forms of violence affecting men and boys. Nonetheless, two-thirds of its
beneficiaries are women, and there have been tangible gains in womens representation,
leadership, political engagement at a local level, and the broader promotion of gender equality.

10 Protecting Communities in the DRC

Gains have varied across the DRC because context and opportunities to create change differ
greatly. As the recent evaluation report (May 2012) puts it:

The programmes approach, which is, in essence, a rights-based approach that places
special emphasis on womens rights, means that each group of committee members
can join for reasons that are of personal interest and relevance to them. In this
approach, womens rights are not positioned as being in opposition to human rights but
rather as an integral component of them. Put another way, the men in the communities
do not feel threatened by the emphasis on womens rights but rather see womens
rights as contributing to their overall goal of civilian protection. Moreover, women also
feel engaged by issues that are specific to women but also note the importance of and
contribute to efforts that enhance mens protection and the protection of the entire

The evaluation also highlighted the need to address the wider barriers to womens participation
and empowerment for instance, through facilitating greater access to literacy training, which
would link the intervention to longer-term programming. It also recommended an increase in
specific resourcing and support for womens forums, in particular through locally recruited
female resource people and exchange activities between communities.

The programmes achievements were rooted in the following factors.

Addressing women and mens rights as equally important.
Providing a space (the protection committee) for women and mens concerns to be voiced,
that promotes shared ownership, and where issues identified by men and women are
understood holistically in terms of their wider impact on the community.
Acknowledging the abuses and violence perpetrated against men as well as women, their
specific needs for care and support, and the positive role they play in supporting and
representing their communities.
Establishing a strong womens forum that provides a safe space for women to discuss
problems, and where they can gain confidence in a supportive environment.
Promoting discussion about how rape and other forms of sexual and gender-based violence
affect whole communities.
Developing a code of conduct for each committee and thereby creating a safe space for men
and women to discuss gender issues together.
Promoting opportunities for men and women to have better access to local authorities
separately and together.
The community-led nature of the programme allows men and women to address immediate,
short-term protection needs as a priority, but also longer-term barriers to womens rights and
without these being seen as a threat to men.
Celebrating small victories that are, after all, significant and life-changing for the individual
(or individuals) involved.

In conflict settings, Oxfams aim of putting poor womens rights at the heart of all we do means
taking a sophisticated, intelligent and context-specific approach to gender and womens rights.
When a humanitarian crisis occurs, agencies need to respond rapidly. But adopting a simplistic
attitude to womens participation without understanding complex local dynamics and the impact
of the proposed intervention on women and mens identity risks doing more harm than good, or
creating programmes with inevitably unsustainable impacts. In a situation where so many

Protecting communities in the DRC 11

peoples rights are being abused and violated, empowering women in ways that are safe and
sustainable often requires including and empowering men in the response too. Short-term and
long-term needs must be considered together, and different strategies adopted to achieve the
strongest overall result. Social change such as improving gender relations takes time, and the
experience of Oxfams protection programme in the DRC shows that it is important to plan
stages for relationship-building that leads to attitudinal change. As the protection committees
became more established and male and female committee members developed mutual trust, it
became more feasible to address womens issues directly and also to focus on long-established
structural issues such as inheritance rights.

Some recommendations:
All interventions should start with a gender analysis. This would ideally be part of the initial
needs assessment, based on discussions with a broad range of community representatives.
This should include a nuanced and sophisticated understanding of gender dynamics and go
beyond simplistic generalisations. Avoid preconceived ideas about gender, and listen.
Expect it to be complicated, gender relations often are. The gender analysis should consider
the different circumstances, impacts of the crisis, coping strategies, and resilience of men,
women, boys and girls. In most cases, gender inequality means that women and girls face
very specific threats and are particularly vulnerable. However, they are not a homogenous
group and certain people may be disproportionally affected or targeted if they are from an
ethnic minority group or are internally displaced or refugees. In conflict settings, groups that
would not normally be priorities for aid agencies such as fit and healthy young men may
be at high risk of violence and life-threatening danger, and their needs should be considered
as part of the response.
Data collection, information and analysis should be broken down by gender but also by other
significant factors such as ethnicity, age, tribal or political affiliation, and so on.
The gender analysis should help to establish whether the agency should or should not
directly target men or women. In some situations, targeting women directly may have
inadvertent negative consequences. In others, achieving goals linked to womens
empowerment and gender equality may be more likely if activities target men. Interventions
may target young men and boys directly for example, when they need assistance to avoid
forced recruitment into militias, or are at risk of banditry.
The issues that men face should be addressed at the same time as those affecting women.
Due to womens subordinate role in the household, they are unlikely to achieve any
sustainable gains if humanitarian interventions focus exclusively on issues affecting them at
the expense of those affecting men. Men, and possibly some women, will not take the NGO,
or the women involved in the project, seriously. In addition, this runs the risk of creating a
backlash or negative consequences for the women involved.
In many conflict situations, a very aggressive, militarised masculinity is promoted as an ideal,
and men who do not conform to this ideal may be at risk. Aid agencies can support men and
boys who are taking positive action to support their communities and who promote gender
equality and more positive ideals of manhood as a long-term goal.
Separate spaces should be established where women can come together and talk. It may be
an off-shoot of an existing community group such as a water committee or producers
association. It should not be prioritised over men, but should work with them.
We should think of the impact of our interventions in the long term as well as the short term.
It may be culturally inappropriate to target women directly in the short term, or they may lack
the confidence to take on leadership or representational roles at the outset. But over the
course of the project we should ensure that there are forums where womens voices can be
heard and they can take steps for their own empowerment. These should be negotiated with
men, and ultimately bring men and women together in more equal forums, supporting
womens access to local decision-makers. We may not achieve this over the lifetime of a

12 Protecting Communities in the DRC

humanitarian project, but we can work in ways that introduce ideas of gender equality and
establish building blocks for future interventions.
Monitoring processes should involve men and women, and boys and girls, in separate
groups, in a confidential setting, with someone of the same sex. Throughout the project, it is
important to ask them what is changing for them, what they think the risks are, and what
could be done to mitigate these risks. Feed their views back into the project to strengthen
future planning and implementation.
Code of conduct training for all staff, and where possible community committees, is essential
for promoting a safe space where sexual abuse and exploitation of women or girls, or men or
boys, is not tolerated.
Assume that sexual and gender-based violence is going on and that women, men, girls
and boys may be experiencing such violence. Consider establishing a system to help people
get safe and timely access (referral) to relevant care and support services such as medical
While it may be difficult to achieve in some cultures and societies, having female staff on the
project team is a very effective way of promoting womens empowerment.

Protecting communities in the DRC 13

According to the World Development Report 2012, women in the DRC now have lower life expectancy than two
decades ago, at 49 instead of 50. See: The World Bank (2011) World Development Report 2012: Gender
Equality and Development, Washington DC: The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development/The
World Bank, p.384
Gender Action for Peace and Security (GAPS) UK (2009) Global Monitoring Checklist on Women, Peace, and
Security: Afghanistan, Democratic Republic of Congo, Nepal, Northern Ireland, Sri Lanka, GAPS UK, London,
available from: (last accessed 6 September 2012)
Education for All Global Monitoring Report 2011,
International Human Development Indicators (UNDP),
C. M. Ormhaug, P. Meier, and H. Hernes (2009) 'Armed conflict deaths disaggregated by gender', PRIO Paper, Oslo:
Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO)
In times of economic hardship, family members may encourage girls into sexually exploitative relationships.
Community members explain that inexperienced and nave girls can quite easily be exploited by men offering
promises and cheap trinkets. In areas where rape is a daily threat for adolescent girls, families may push for
early marriage, as a girl who has been raped may not be considered marriageable, or in the belief that once
married, she will be at less risk of exploitation or sexual violence.
In isolated communities, this dominant model frequently went unchallenged.
See D. Lwambo (2013) Before the war, I was a man: men and masculinities in Eastern DR Congo, Gender and
Development 21(1), forthcoming.
C. Dolan (2010) War is not yet over: Community Perceptions of Sexual Violence and its Underpinnings in Eastern
DRC, London: International Alert; M. E. Baaz and M. Stern, The Complexity of Violence: A Critical Analysis of
Sexual Violence in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Sida Working Paper on Gender based Violence,,
2010,, htt:p://; The Refugee Law Project, Faculty of Law, Makerere University, Nobody is
Immune: Gender Against Men, film documentary ,
Women, girls, boys and men have immediate, practical survival needs particularly in humanitarian crises. They
also have longer-term strategic needs linked to changing the circumstances of their lives and realizing their hu-
man rights... Practical needs focus on the immediate condition of women and men. Strategic needs concern their
relative position in relation to each other... IASC guidelines, The basics on gender in emergencies, p.3
Oxfam is developing a model for referral to ensure that the communities it works with can access services not
provided by Oxfam itself, such as medical clinics. In order to avoid taking on roles and responsibilities for which
Oxfam is not equipped or skilled, such as case management, the primarily model has been through the
proactive dissemination of information to promote informed self-referral. However, this model will undergo
further development in 2012.
The DRC project was concluding at the time of writing, and the project in Yemen was scheduled to begin in
September 2012.
Focus group with women, Rambo, Kalonge
The programme is currently examining how to broach the subject of sexual violence against men a subject that
is very much taboo.
For example, an external evaluation found that whereas committee members felt they had had a positive impact
on the number of illegal checkpoints, community members described these as having multiplied in the same

This may be a result of the customary practice of condemning rape but resolving it through the, usually forced,
marriage of a survivor to their rapist. People have not necessarily perceived this as something wrong or abusive.
The May 2012 evaluation received similar statements on drunkenness as a factor in domestic violence from
womens forums and protection committees in parts of South Kivu and Province Orientale as well.

14 Protecting Communities in the DRC

Oxfam GB, October 2012

This paper was written by Emma Fanning and Rachel Hastie. Oxfam acknowledges the assistance of
Robyn Baron, Carol Brady, Stephanie de Chassy, Tess Dico Young, Thomas Fuller, Claire Harvey, Ellie
Kemp, Ines Smyth, and Nigel Timmins.

This publication is copyright but the text may be used free of charge for the purposes of advocacy,
campaigning, education, and research, provided that the source is acknowledged in full. The copyright
holder requests that all such use be registered with them for impact assessment purposes. For copying in
any other circumstances, or for re-use in other publications, or for translation or adaptation, permission
must be secured and a fee may be charged. Email

The information in this publication is correct at the time of going to press.

Published by Oxfam GB under ISBN 978-1-78077-189-2 in October 2012.

Oxfam GB, Oxfam House, John Smith Drive, Cowley, Oxford, OX4 2JY, UK. Oxfam GB is a member of
Oxfam International.

Oxfam is an international confederation of 17 organizations networked together in 92 countries, as part of
a global movement for change, to build a future free from the injustice of poverty.

Protecting communities in the DRC 15

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