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ADVANCED ENGLISH B2 Student Worksheet

Module 2 Man & Animal Reading


Before You Read Words

A What do the words in bold mean? Circle the correct answers.
1. The researcher discovered some interesting new facts about animal behavior.
a. scientist b. traveler
2. It was only when the hippopotamus approached us that we realized how big an animal it is.
a. moved away from b. came towards
3. When he was a child, he had a terrifying encounter with a dog, so hes been afraid of dogs since then.
a. experiment b. meeting
4. I dont like people who are cruel to animals. I could never harm an animal.
a. hurt b. help
5. The two elephants are of a different species one is African and the other is Asian.
a. age and size b. kind or type
6. When I was working as a photographer, I witnessed an interesting meeting between a lion and a zebra.
a. saw b. heard about

B What do you understand from the following sentences? Circle the correct answers.
1. The professor did a series of experiments. Some of them took him a long time.
a. The professor did one long experiment.
b. The professor did a set of experiments.
2. Like humans, most mammals need food or water to survive.
a. They will die without it.
b. They will live even if they dont have it.
3. Peter gave us a first-hand account of what he and his friends did on safari.
a. These were experiences he heard from others.
b. These were his personal experiences.
4. Experiments show that some animals help other animals in need.
a. Animals dont help other animals in trouble.
b. Animals in trouble can be helped by other animals.
5. Please accept this as a gift. I really dont expect anything in return.
a. You have to give me something back.
b. You dont have to give me anything.
6. Scientists conduct experiments to find out the answers to things they dont know.
a. They do experiments.
b. They read about experiments.
7. Sheila is such a kind person that she is willing to do a good deed for anyone.
a. She is always happy to do something good for another person.
b. She always thinks good things about other people.
8. My college professor plans to do a study about the behavior of dolphins.
a. My professor plans to do research on the behavior of dolphins.
b. My professor plans to teach a course on the behavior of dolphins.

Reading: Page 1 of 5
ADVANCED ENGLISH B2 Student Worksheet
Module 2 Man & Animal Reading

While You Read

You are going to read four peoples reports of their experiences with animals that helped
people and other animals. Answer the questions by choosing from the sections (A-D).
The sections may be chosen more than once.

Which person:
used to have a negative attitude towards TIP First read the questions
a certain kind of animal? 1
and underline the key words
in each question. Read the
provides more than one example of animals saving
2 four texts, underlining key
information in each text. Then
was convinced by a study they read about in match each question with the
a book? 3 information from the correct text.

was fascinated by a story they heard directly from

someone else? 4

mentions research that didnt take place in

the animals natural environment? 5

changed their mind about why animals might help

people or other animals? 6

tells the story of animals helping a person whose life

was in danger? 7

describes a study where the animals were divided

into two groups by the researchers? 8

provides an example of how animals help

9 Question 9 Look for the report that
other animals from a different social group?
uses a word meaning different
describes experiments in which animals had to do group or kind.
things that were slowly made more difficult? 10

Think About It
 hat information from the four reports was new to you?
What did you already know? Have you changed your own
ideas about any of the animals that you read about?

GLOSSARY vampire bat a bat that sucks blood form make or create a shape
tagging putting a label on intruder person or animal that is not welcome in a certain place
pod a group (of sea animals) trunk the long nose of an elephant

Reading: Page 2 of 5
ADVANCED ENGLISH B2 Student Worksheet
Module 2 Man & Animal Reading

To understand meaning from context:  R  ead the sentence where the word or phrase appears.
I f that doesnt help you, read the sentences before or after it.

Animals Help Out

Human beings feel empathy we understand when others are suffering or are in pain.
Can animals feel the same? Do they help other creatures in need? Read what four people have to say.

A Maria:
Ive always associated vampire bats with horror stories because they feed on the blood of other animals. However, they
may not deserve such a bad name. The truth is that bats assist their own kind. I participated in research on the behavior
of vampire bats. These bats, which feed on blood at night and return to their group during the day, cannot survive for
long without this food. After tagging each bat for identification, we caught a few bats in the evening and only returned
them to their group after the other bats were back from feeding. We observed that the bats that had just fed began to
give their food to the hungry ones, even though they may have been harming themselves by having less to eat. This is
an example of how animals help other animals.

B David:
 olphins are intelligent mammals that have been known to save the lives of fellow dolphins. If one dolphin cant
come up to the surface of the water to get air, other dolphins will swim under it, pushing it upwards until its head is
above water. Dolphins have also assisted drowning swimmers. I read a fascinating book by a biologist, Maddalena
Bearzi. Bearzis team was studying a pod of dolphins when suddenly a single dolphin left the group and swam out to
sea. The other dolphins set off after it and then stopped to form a ring around a dark object in the water. The object
turned out to be a young woman, who was unconscious. She received emergency treatment and survived. Surely this
story shows that dolphins are capable of empathy, and helping animals and people in trouble.

C Patricia:
I used to think that animals only did good deeds when they got something in return. Now I know I was wrong. In a
study I read online, researchers conducted a series of experiments involving chimpanzees. In one experiment, the
chimps saw a person trying to reach a stick that was in a cage. The stick was too far away for the person to grab, but
was within reach of the chimps. The chimps picked up the stick and handed it to the person although they hadnt
been taught to do this. They helped out even when they didnt receive bananas as a reward. In the next experiment,
the chimps that had been helpful previously were given a more difficult task. They had to climb to an 8-foot-high
platform in order to give a stick to the person who was trying to reach it. Even then, the chimps made an effort to
help. They seemed to enjoy helping out!

D Mark:
 hile writing for my newspaper in Kenya, I met a scientist whod witnessed a fascinating encounter between elephants.
Hed been observing elephants in their natural habitat in the Masai Mara nature reserve. According to his first-hand
account, a local elephant was feeding on some leaves when a different species of elephant approached. The intruder
had injured its trunk and was unable to use it to eat. Unless the injured elephant ate soon, it would not survive. What
happened next surprised the scientist. The elephant didnt chase the stranger away. Instead, it pulled up a small tree
with its trunk and placed it in the other elephants mouth. Whod expect such kind behavior from an animal?

Reading: Page 3 of 5
ADVANCED ENGLISH B2 Student Worksheet
Module 2 Man & Animal Reading

After You Read Words

A Complete the sentences by filling in the word or phrase in each pair.
even though a. The cake looked so delicious that she ate a slice she wasnt hungry.
b. Most people like dolphins they are friendly and intelligent.

treatment a. After you have fed the monkeys, your next is to clean out their cages.
b. After Tom was in a car accident, he was given emergency .

capable of
3. a. Elephants are lifting whole trees.
within reach
b. The dog was tied up and his water bowl wasnt , so he began to bark.
4. a. The university is giving an interesting of lectures on animal behavior.
series The first lecture is tomorrow.
b. Use this book to find information about different of birds.

B Circle the correct answers.

1. We noticed the dolphins for the first time when they came to the surface / ring of the water.
2. I used the Internet to get information about the first-hand account / nature reserve before we went
on safari.
3. According to his observation / identification card, the managers name is George Kelly.
4. I cant do all this work on my own. Could you please assist / suffer me?
5. By the time they pulled the drowning girl out of the water, she was unconscious / impossible
and hardly breathing.
6. Ive always conducted / associated vampire bats with horror movies.
7. Surely / Amazingly you dont believe the story Ive just told you?

Word Expansion
A WORD BUILDING Complete the chart using words from Animals Help Out.

Verb Noun Adjective

assistance / assistant
research 3

harm harmful / harmless

intelligence 6

treat 7

survival / survivor

reward 9

Reading: Page 4 of 5
ADVANCED ENGLISH B2 Student Worksheet
Module 2 Man & Animal Reading

B Complete the sentences with words from Exercise A. Make any necessary changes.
1. There was a terrible accident, but Joe was lucky to be one of the .
2. After she broke her leg, she needed with her shopping.
3. Do you have any documents to prove your , such as a drivers license?
4. The scientist the behavior of animals in their social groups.
5. Why are you afraid of him? He looks .
6. We called the vet to our sick dog.
7. I find my work as a teacher very .
8. Is this a good test of your ? Can it really show how smart you are?

C PHRASAL VERBS: OUT Look at how phrasal verbs with out are used.

The word out can be used with different verbs to create phrases with different meanings.
Notice how out is used in Animals Help Out.
Even then, the chimps made an effort to help. They seemed to enjoy helping out! (helping)
The object turned out to be a young woman, who was unconscious. (found to be)


break out: start suddenly (something dangerous or unpleasant)
come out: give results or information to people
figure out: finally understand someone or something
help out: help someone or something
miss out: not do something that youd enjoy; not have something that others have
run out: be finished or used up so there is none left
set out: start a journey
turn out: be found or discovered surprisingly

Complete the sentences using the phrasal verbs above. Make any necessary changes.
1. When John and Maria arrived in Nepal, they on a 10-day hike.
2. As soon as the fire , we called the fire department.
3. Have the results of the experiment yet? What did they discover?
4. My grandmother tried very hard to how a cellphone works.
5. I cant clean the house on my own. Wont you please ?
6. Sandra was talking to the woman sitting next to her on the bus. It that
they had both gone to the same high school many years before.
7. When I saw that we had of milk, I went to the market to get some more.
8. You should have come to the theater with us. You on an amazing show.

Reading: Page 5 of 5
ADVANCED ENGLISH B2 Student Worksheet
Module 2 Man & Animal Grammar 1

Past Tenses A Complete the sentences. Use Past Simple, Past

Continuous, Past Perfect Simple or Past Perfect
The reports Animals Help Out include many Continuous. Then match each sentence to the
sentences using Past Tenses. correct use (a-j).
The chart below shows more sentences using Past
Tenses. Pay attention to how these tenses are used 1. Last year some psychology students
participated (participate) in
and how the verbs are formed.
an interesting research project. a
Past Simple verb-ed (except irregular verbs)
2. We (watch) the
The animals looked up when they heard us. basketball game at 9:00 p.m. last night.
a. a completed action that took place at a specific 3. The minute he saw the girl in the water, he
time in the past (pull) her onto
b. a sequence of actions in the past, e.g., the main the beach and
events in a narrative (call) for help.
c. past routines or habits
4. Helen (read) her
Past Continuous was / were + verb-ing daughter a story about wild animals when
We were watching the dolphins when one of them suddenly the child began to cry.
swam away. 5. I (travel) around
d. an action in progress at a specific time in the past Kenya on my own for three months when I met
e. two actions taking place at the same time in the past some old friends.
f. an action in progress in the past interrupted by 6. The researcher was tired in the morning
another action because she
g. background information to the main events in a (work) on a report the whole night.
7. While the teacher was talking, the
Past Perfect Simple had + past participle students (take)
The bats had flown away by the time we arrived. notes.

h. an action that happened before another action or 8. The scientist was studying the behavior
before a specific time in the past of zoo animals at night, so he
(leave) for work
Past Perfect Continuous had been + verb-ing
at five every evening.
We were bored because we had been waiting for hours
for the other researchers to come. 9. It was a hot day in the nature reserve. We
(watch) and
i. an action in the past that was still in progress when filming some elephants from our car.
another action took place or interrupted it
j. an action that finished at a particular time in the 10. By the time the police arrived, someone driving
past and the result was still evident at that time by
(already help) us move our car.
Present Perfect Simple / Past Simple
I have broken my leg, so I cant take the dog B Circle the correct answers.
for a walk. (Present Perfect Simple) 1. Jennys lecture on animal behavior was very
I broke my leg yesterday. (Past Simple) interesting because she had researched /
researched the subject for many years.
The Present Perfect Simple may refer to a completed
2. I lived / was living in Australia when a nature
past action, but it is connected to the present. The
focus is not on the time of the action, but on the magazine offered me a job as a wildlife
results of that action and its effects. The Past Simple photographer in Kenya.
refers to an action that took place at a specific time in 3. Ted tried / had tried to help out when he
the past. understood how hard the job was.
4. How long had you been working when you
decided / had decided to take a break?

Grammar: Page 1 of 4
ADVANCED ENGLISH B2 Student Worksheet
Module 2 Man & Animal Grammar 1

C Complete the sentences with the Past Simple or Present Perfect Simple form of the verbs.
1. a. It (rain) a lot yesterday, so we didnt go cycling as we had planned.
b. It (rain) a lot today, so the roads are too wet to go cycling.
2. a. The train (just leave). Well have to wait for the next one.
b. The train (leave) a few minutes ago. I woke up too late to make it to the
station on time.
3. a.  you (see) the program Animal World on TV
last night?
b.  you (see) the program Animal World?
What do you think of it?
4. a. I (not enjoy) any of the books I (read) recently.
Can you recommend anything?
b. I (not enjoy) the book I (read) last week.
I dont recommend it.

D Complete the sentences with the correct past form of the verbs.
1. As David and Jenny (walk) towards their house, they
(see) smoke rising over their roof.
2. The roads (be) icy and dangerous because it
(snow) all night.
3. Why you (not answer) your phone last night?
I was exhausted because I (swim) all afternoon.
4. His new book was very interesting. I (not know) he
(research) this topic.
5. We saw that it (rain), so we (take) an umbrella
when we left the house.
6. She (not look) surprised when she saw me. Maybe someone
(tell) her to expect me.
7. It was a beautiful Sunday morning and the sun (shine), so I
(decide) to go for a walk.
8. While they (watch) TV, I (work) at the computer.
9. On my way to the job interview, I (realize) that I
(not bring) an important document with me that I needed.
10. We (drive) through the nature reserve when we
(see) a family of chimps playing under the trees.

E Complete the paragraph with the correct past form of the verbs.

I woke up one morning to hear my dog Laika barking out in the garden. Her barking

(become) louder and more anxious and I realized that she
(try) to tell me something. Hurrying outside, I
(find) her near our fence. On the path on the other side of the
fence, a small turtle 4 (lie) on its back helplessly. The turtle
(obviously make) its way from a field nearby and
(fall) down two stairs in the middle of the path. Of course
I 7
(rescue) it and 8 (set) it free
in the field. As soon as Laika 9
(understand) that I
(deal with) the situation, she 11 (calm)
down. She 12 (achieve) her goal of helping out an animal in need!

Grammar: Page 2 of 4
ADVANCED ENGLISH B2 Student Worksheet
Module 2 Man & Animal Grammar 2

used to / would A Complete the sentences with the correct form of

used to or would. Then match each sentence to
The reports Animals Help Out have an example the rule that applies (a-g). Sometimes more than
of the use of used to. one answer is possible.
Used to and would describe habits or actions that
happened in the past and dont happen anymore. 1. When we were doing a study on wildlife, we
used to / would get up early to
Used to also shows past states or situations that
dont exist anymore. observe the animals. a/g

2. I never like bats,

used to + base form of the verb but since Ive learned about them, Im no
longer afraid of them.
We used to study for tests from this book, but now
everythings online.
3. When the kids were younger, we
a. past habits or actions that happened regularly often take them
in the past and no longer happen to the science museum.
b. past states or situations
4.  you
didnt use to + base form of the verb / listen to the
never used to + base form of the verb sounds of the animals at night?
They never used to visit us, even when they could have.
5. I think that
c. past habits or actions that didnt happen or never biology was boring, but the new course Im
happened taking has made me change my mind.
d. past states or situations that didnt happen or never
happened 6.  you
enjoy traveling
Did use to + base form of the verb when you worked as a nature photographer?
Which library did you use to go to when you lived here?
e. questions about past habits or actions 7. We (not) go to
f. questions about past states or situations the theater as often as weve been doing since
moving to New York.
would + base form of the verb
Our professor would usually start the lesson with a B Check (3) the sentences that describe what you
joke. What a pity he left! used to or would do, or what you used to be
g. past habits or actions that happened regularly
in the past and no longer happen
I used to be afraid of the dark.
would with this meaning is not used in negative
sentences or questions 2. 
I would often go to the movies with friends.
would + base form of the verb is not used to
describe past states or situations
I used to like going on picnics with my family.
Note: The Past Simple can also be used instead of used
to or would.
I used to watch a lot of TV, but now I dont
have time.

I would often take our dog on long walks.

I didnt use to know many people in this
neighborhood when we moved here.

I didnt use to speak English as well as I do

Grammar: Page 3 of 4
ADVANCED ENGLISH B2 Student Worksheet
Module 2 Man & Animal Grammar 2

C Complete the sentences by using the words in parentheses.

1. Margie baking until she started watching some cooking shows on TV.
(never / use / like)
2. Until he became a member of our hiking group, Pete hiking on his own.
(would / go)
3. basketball when you were in high school? (use / play)
4. Even when his English wasnt so good, John in class discussions.
(use / participate)
5. Ronny suits until he started working as a financial adviser for a big company.
(not use / wear)
6. Didnt you in this neighborhood before you moved to Los Angeles?
(use / live)
7. Where before you joined our research group? (use / work)
8. When Jane lived next door, we her for dinner. (would / often / invite)

D Complete the second sentence in each pair so that it has the same meaning as the first. Use the correct form
of used to + base form of the verb or would + base form of the verb. Sometimes both are possible.
1. Julia was a part-time secretary for many years, but now she works full-time.
Julia used to be a part-time secretary for many years, but now she works full-time.
2. When we lived in Denver, we went skiing much more often than we do now.
When we lived in Denver, we skiing much more often than we do now.
3. Even when John had a better camera, he didnt take great pictures.
Even when John had a better camera, he great pictures.
4. Did you enjoy going on vacation to Florida every year?
 you going on vacation to Florida every year?
5. I thought he was a great writer until I read his latest book.
I he was a great writer until I read his latest book.
6. How often did you visit your mother when she lived overseas?
How often your mother when she lived overseas?
7. We didnt see them often, even when they lived in the neighborhood.
We them often, even when they lived in the neighborhood.
8. Ken never enjoyed working with animals, although he told us he did.
Ken working with animals, although he told us he did.

E Look at your answers in Exercise B and add two things you used to do or would do and no longer do.
Write them below.

Grammar: Page 4 of 4
ADVANCED ENGLISH B2 Student Worksheet
Module 2 Man & Animal Listening

STRATEGY Read the sentences carefully and look for clues that will help you predict the specific type of
information to listen for.

An Interview
A You will hear an interview with a young woman called Mika Lawrence, who volunteered
at an animal refuge called Parque Ambue Ari in Bolivia. Look at the picture and discuss
what volunteers at an animal refuge do.

B Listen to the interview. For questions 1-10, complete the sentences.

TIP Answers are one to
Mika went to the animal refuge because she wants to be three words long. Listen for
the exact words you need.
a 1 .

Volunteers are expected to stay a minimum of 2 at the refuge.

Some of the animals at the refuge used to perform in 3 .

Animals that are new to the refuge are put 4 for a while.

Part of the work of some volunteers includes exercising the 5 .

Apart from caring for animals and cleaning up, volunteers also do
Question 6 The jobs that the
6 and build cages. volunteers do are mentioned in a
different order in the recording.
Long clothes helped protect the volunteers from 7 .

In Bolivia, most of the rainfall is from 8 to April. Question 8 The clues in the
sentence tell you to listen for a
Mika worked mainly with 9 . specific month. Several months
are mentioned, so listen carefully
The volunteers money covers their stay and also helps with
for the month when the rainfall
10 of running the refuge. begins in Bolivia.

Listening: Page 1 of 1
ADVANCED ENGLISH B2 Student Worksheet
Module 2 Man & Animal Speaking

Personal Interview
TIP When giving personal
A Do you enjoy talking about yourself? What do you enjoy talking about information, try to say some
the most your family, how you spend your free time, etc.? interesting things about yourself,
but dont prepare a speech.
INTERACTING Match the questions to the answers to create a dialogue.
Pay attention to the expressions in bold. Then practice the dialogue with a partner.
1. Do you come from a large family?
2. How do you like to spend your evenings?
3. What do you usually do when you go out with friends?
4. What kind of music do you like?
a. I like almost all kinds of music, but I have to admit my favorite now is jazz. I first became
interested in jazz about two years ago when a friend took me to a jazz club and I loved it.
b. During the week I spend a lot of time reading and studying Ive been very busy lately
preparing for exams. But on weekends I always take some time to relax and go out with friends.
c. Not really. I have an older brother and a younger sister. Where I grew up, most families had only
two or three children.
d. It depends on a lot of different things like our mood or how much money we want to spend. We
usually go to a movie or go to a club.

TOPIC VOCABULARY Complete the interview with the words below. Then practice the dialogue
with a partner.
make an effort do chores really appreciate manage on my own take after
sense of humor tend to special occasions in terms of personality childhood

Q: Who do you 1 in your family?

A: Everyone says I look a lot like my father, but 2 Im more like my

mother. We 3 enjoy the same things like foods and movies, and
we have the same 4 .

Q: Tell me about your 5 were your parents strict with you?

A: When I was growing up, I thought they were strict. They made us 6
around the house. But when I left home I was able to 7 much better
than a lot of my friends. So now I 8 everything my parents did.

Q: How often do you get together with your family?

A: We 9 to get together for holidays and 10 .

YOUR TASK Take turns interviewing a partner, asking and answering questions from
Exercises B and C. Use some of the words and expressions from both Exercises.

Speaking: Page 1 of 1
ADVANCED ENGLISH B2 Student Worksheet
Module 2 Man & Animal Writing

For and Against Essay

1. Look at the title of the model essay. What issue is being discussed?

2. Skim the model essay. Circle the arguments in favor of and against the issue. Which argument do you
agree with?

3. What is the writers opinion on this issue?

PLAN Do Endangered Animals Belong in Zoos?

Paragraph 1
Zoos provide enjoyment for millions of visitors. They also claim that they are saving
endangered species from extinction. But is this really true?

On the one hand, zoos are a safer place than the wild for an endangered animal. Zoo
Paragraph 2 animals are protected from predators and are well taken care of. In addition, many
2 major zoos have special conservation programs to breed and raise endangered
animals with the goal of returning them to the wild. As a result, the wild animal
population should grow.

Paragraph 3 On the other hand, the value of zoo breeding programs is uncertain. Research
shows that these expensive breeding programs are not very successful. Surely
it would be better to invest the money in stopping the destruction of the natural
habitats of these wild animals.

In conclusion, its true that endangered animals living in a zoo receive proper care
Paragraph 4
and live longer. This, however, does not ensure that the species will survive. I believe
it would be better to use the money to protect the surroundings of the endangered
animals still living in the wild.

1. The model essay is made up of four paragraphs. In the above plan, label (a-d) the paragraph that
a. presents the other side of the argument.
b. states the writers opinion and sums up the reasons for it.
c. presents one side of the argument.
d. introduces the issue.
2. In which paragraph would each of these sentences fit in the essay?
a. In some zoos, animals enjoy natural surroundings and receive excellent care.
b. Zoos educate the public about animals in the wild.
c. In my opinion, they definitely shouldnt be locked up in zoos.

GLOSSARY extinction when a type of animal no longer exists

Writing: Page 1 of 2
ADVANCED ENGLISH B2 Student Worksheet
Module 2 Man & Animal Writing

STRATEGY To write a good for and against essay, begin each paragraph with a topic sentence and use linking
words to contrast your ideas.


breed (v) population (n)
often begins with a topic sentence. This
sentence tells the reader what the paragraph claim (v) successful (adj)
is about. conservation program surroundings (n)
destruction (n) uncertain (adj)
1. Underline the topic sentence in the third
paragraph. What is the paragraph about? endangered animal value (n)
Circle the correct answer. in the wild
a. The success of zoo breeding programs.
1. Which of the sentences are in favor of
b. The doubts about zoo breeding programs. keeping endangered animals in zoos and
c. Suggestions for how to improve zoo which are against?
breeding programs.
a. Zoos help people become aware of the
 problems that endangered animals face
Linking words make the connection between in the wild.
your ideas clear to the reader. b. Many zoos have successful programs
which breed endangered species.
On the one hand, On the other hand, However,
These are followed by a complete sentence.
c. Elephants, for example, need to live in
Although, Even though, While, Whereas
their natural surroundings so there is
These are followed by subject + verb, + a complete
no value in locking them up in zoos.
Despite, In spite of
These are followed by a noun phrase, + a complete 2. Write two sentences: one in favor of keeping
sentence. endangered animals in zoos and one against.
Use the Topic Vocabulary.
2. Find and circle the linking words in the model

3. Complete the sentences with suitable linking
words from the list above. There may be more E 
YOUR TASK Write a for and against essay in
than one correct answer. 140-190 words. Use the useful expressions to
 a.  zoos play an important help you.
role in protecting endangered species, these Endangered animals should be kept in zoos.
animals should be in their natural habitat.
Do you agree?
b.  the number of
conservation programs, research shows that
these programs are not very successful. USEFUL EXPRESSIONS
c. There are still zoos around the world where I believe that ... Some people
animals live in the most terrible conditions. In conclusion, ... believe that ...
, there are also truly
In my opinion, ... To sum up, ...
animal-friendly zoos, especially in the U.S.A.

1. I followed the plan. 4. I used appropriate vocabulary.
2. I wrote a topic sentence for each paragraph. 5. I checked my spelling and grammar.
3. I used linking words for contrasting ideas. 6. I expressed my opinion clearly.

Writing: Page 2 of 2
ADVANCED ENGLISH B2 Student Worksheet
Module 2 Man & Animal Assessing Your Learning
A Check (3) whether you know the meanings of the words and phrases you learned in this module.
Use a dictionary to find the meanings of words and phrases you still dont know.

approach (v) ring (n)
I first became interested in
associate (v) series (n)
I have to admit
capable (of) (adj) species (n)
I spend a lot of time
conduct (v) study (n)
It depends on
do a good deed suffer (v)
Ive been very busy lately
encounter (n) surely (adv)
Not really.
even though surface (n)
first-hand account task (n) TOPIC VOCABULARY
in need unconscious (adj) childhood (n)
in return within reach do chores
nature reserve witness (v) in terms of personality
make an effort
WORD EXPANSION manage on my own
Word Building really appreciate
Verb Noun Adjective sense of humor
special occasion
assistance /
assist --- take after (phr v)
tend (to) (v)
harmful /
harm harm

identification / WRITING
identify ---
--- intelligence intelligent
breed (v) population (n)
research / claim (v) successful (adj)
research ---
conservation program surroundings (n)
reward reward rewarding destruction (n) uncertain (adj)
survive survival / survivor --- endangered animal value (n)
in the wild
treat treatment ---
Phrasal Verbs: out
I believe that ...
break out miss out In conclusion, ...
come out run out In my opinion, ...
figure out set out Some people claim that ...
help out turn out To sum up, ...

B These are the grammar topics you learned in this module. Check (3) those you
feel you know well and those you need to practice more.


know well need to practice know well need to practice

For further practice, go to the Grammar Index.

Assessing Your Learning: Page 1 of 1

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