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The Public Servant (Mind Map)

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Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. Popular Ministry for Higher Education.

idad Nacional Experimental Simón Rodríguez Núcleo Valles del Tuy. Career: Manage
ment. Series: General. Course: Public Administration. Section: B.
.:: The Public Servant::. (Unit VI)
Facilitator: Mr. Anggy Rodriguez.
I n t e g r a n t e s: Arias, Carlos. C.I. V-10 883 .. 247. Gonzalez, Melitza. C
.I. V-16,093,009. Cubiano, Bahesa. C.I. V-18,389,631
Labor Contract
Public Officials
Law on Civil Service Statute
Ethics, Morals and Values
Code of Ethics for Public Officials
Any person who performs public functions
In a state entity
Built by appointment or other legal proceeding
Legislative or judicial
By Staff pay fees or merely temporary and accidental career
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Political actors.
Agreement between employer and employee
In which the worker is obliged to provide certain services on behalf of the empl
oyer and under his supervision
Contract Type: Fixed
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In exchange for a fee
Labor Contract
Article 39 prescribes that in any case the contract may become a way of joining
the Civil Service
The odd jobs do not require accidental or transitory employment contract.
The exercise of public power leads
d sab l to put ylidene ndividu i Res
Abuse or misuse of power
Or violation of this Constitution or the law
Responsibility of Public Officials
Any public official or public servant who, by reason of his office, inflicts mis
treatment or physical or mental suffering to any person or instigates or tolerat
es such treatment, shall be punished according to law.
Any act on the exercise of public power that violates or encroaches upon the rig
hts guaranteed by this Constitution and the law is void, and public officials an
d government employees * ordering or implementing criminal liability, civil and
administrative, as appropriate, without used as an excuse them orders.
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Acquired, assimilated and practiced in a strictly rational or conscious
Set of principles, values, customs and rules of conduct
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Acquired and assimilated the environment (home, school, church, community).
It is for the free and conscious exercise of reason to justify our actions from
the point of view of good and evil.
Ethics, Morals and Values
They are qualities or behavior patterns that can be estimated and charged, in pu
rsuit of moral good.
Aesthetic values • Harmony • Beauty • Elegance • Civility • Social values Solida
rity • Courtesy • Friendship • Agreeableness • Respect • Citizenship • Decency •
Kindness • Success • Prestige
Moral Values • Justice • humility • Truth • Loyalty • Wisdom • Grace • Kindness
• Honesty • Honesty • Respect Life • Altruism
Religious values • Holiness • Pity • Forgiveness • Chastity • Charity • Love you
r neighbor • Mercy • Purity • Modesty • Gentleness • Patience
It depends mainly a feeling of respect for the moral authority from which they c
Moral precepts:
• Respect other people's lives • Respect • Do not lie • Do not wish evil to othe
rs • Comply with the covenants and promises
1. To safeguard at all times and in each of their performances, the interests of
the State and the preservation of public property.
2. Act in strict accordance with the laws and all other rules and instructions t
hat should govern their behavior in the full realization of all tasks assigned.
Code of Ethics for Public Officials
3. Devote all their efforts to comply with maximum efficiency and highest effici
ency, the task he is assigned.
4. Activities shall be maintained for personal and institutional collaboration i
n improving public administration and in particular, the body where it provides
5. Refusing to clear strongly maintaining relationships or interests with people
or organizations that are incompatible with their duties and powers and functio
ns as are assigned.
6. Proceed with objectivity and fairness in all decisions taken are appropriate
and the issues on which to intervene. 8. Adjust their behavior strictly and with
out exception, in favor of transparency in public administration and booking mai
ntaining confidentiality of information in those exceptional cases where disclos
ure is prohibited, by reason of the higher public interest, expressly and tempor
Code of Ethics for Public Officials
7. Reject any event or circumstance and not seek any circumstances, for themselv
es or for others, payments, benefits or privileges on the occasion of the servic
es to be rendered.
9. Report to the competent authority and reject any activity contrary to the pro
per management of funds and the public interest.
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10. Treat citizens and public officials with absolute respect and strict adheren
ce to the law, giving their services and cooperation in an efficient, timely and
relevant, without abusing in any way the authority and powers conferred upon th
e occasion of charge to play.
The President would direct the Public Service in the National Executive. Govern
public employment relations between public officials and national public adminis
trations, state and municipal
The public service management provides for: • Executive Vice President. • Minist
ers. • Governors. • Mayors. Governors and mayors shall exercise the leadership o
f the civil service in the states and municipalities.
Law on Civil Service Statute
Official Gazette September 6, 2002
The personnel management system, which includes human resource planning, recruit
ment processes, selection, admission, induction, training and development, caree
r planning, merit evaluation, promotion, transfer, transfer, valuation and class
ification of positions , salary scales, permits and licensing, discipline and st
andards for removal.
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The Ministry of Planning and Development to assist the President in the exercise
of the powers granted them by him, and to evaluate, approve and monitor the imp
lementation of policies on civil service through the adoption of the plans.
Labor Contract
Public Officials
Law on Civil Service Statute
Ethics, Morals and Values
Code of Ethics for Public Officials

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