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ABCs of Pavement Preservation

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Ontario Hot Mix

Producers Association
The ABCs of
Pavement Preservation changes your approach:
The ABCs of Pavement
Look for and correct small problems before they
Preservation become big ones
Eliminate the "worst first" syndrome
The Right Treatment to the Right Pavement at the Right Time

There is nothing new about pavement preservation and preventive

Pavement Preservation is efficient, effective and economical.
maintenance. People have been filling potholes and repairing
cracks since the first asphalt pavement was laid back in the late save money
1800s. But have we been doing a good job? Probably not and
that's because our maintenance programs have been reactive improve safety
rather than proactive. reduce delays
help pavement last longer
Smile: When the dentist fills a tooth, that's a corrective improve the performance of the entire road network
maintenance technique. When the dental hygienist cleans your
teeth, that's a preventive maintenance technique. Regular visits to
the dentist combined with a "conscientious program of oral
hygiene" - that is a preventive maintenance program.
The ABC's of Pavement Preservation
Preventive maintenance is a strategy - an organized, systematic
approach that maintains or improves the condition of a road and
slows future deterioration. It saves money, improves safety and A. The Right Pavement
rideability and puts a smile on the face of users and owners alike.
B. The Right Time
C. The Right Treatment

If you are filling potholes and repairing major cracks,

it's probably too late.
The ABCs of Pavement Preservation

Pavement Condition

Life Extension Reactive

$1.00 to Preserve
Pavement Condition

Maintenance 40% Drop in Quality Maintain Here

75% of Life
40% Drop in Quality
Time or Traffic 12% Here!
Terminal Serviceability

T0 T1
Pavement Life

The Ontario Hot Mix Producers Association

C. The Right Treatment: There are a number of preventive
Doing it Right maintenance techniques, each of which has been specifically
developed to treat a particular type of distress at a particular level
A. The Right Pavement: Trying to keep track of several of severity.
hundred kilometres of pavement is no easy task but if your Picking the right treatment will depend on:
maintenance program relies on public complaints to identify
defects, you are probably too late. The type of pavement
For the most efficient use of maintenance resources, you need to The type, extent and severity of the pavement distress
look for early indicators of pavement distress - in other words, find
the right pavement for treatment.
The age of the pavement (or the time since the last
major rehabilitation)
An up-to-date pavement condition survey is the first step. The
survey will establish a comprehensive database that identifies the The type of the road - its use, volume, and traffic speed
type of pavement distresses in the road network and evaluates The availability of qualified contractors, construction
those distresses based on severity and extent. technology; materials and qualified agency staff
It's not as onerous a job as it sounds. The tools are already The time of year for maintenance
available. Almost all municipalities in Ontario have a Pavement
Management System in one form or another that can easily How long maintenance will take and the impact it will
incorporate the information needed for a preventive maintenance have on drivers
program in an organized and easily accessible fashion. The pavement quality needed after the pavement has
been treated.
B. The Right Time: The right time for preventive maintenance Remember that selecting the right treatment is as much an
treatments is during the early stages of a pavement's life. You economic decision as a technical one. While the cost of
need to apply preventive maintenance treatments before the preventive maintenance generally pales against the cost of
problem gets out of hand, not after. It makes sense, for example, corrective action needed if distresses are allowed to proceed
to rout and seal before a single crack spreads into multiple cracks. unchecked, the cost and benefits of preventive maintenance
In fact, spending a dollar on preventive maintenance in the tenth treatments should still be analyzed. Estimates of benefits should
year of a pavement's life can save up to five dollars in corrective be based on the extension of the life of the pavement, not on the
maintenance five years later. expected life of the treatment itself.
Knowing when a pavement needs to be treated is one thing. A cost-benefit analysis compares the cost of the
Carrying out the treatment on time and on schedule is another preventive maintenance technique to the expected
matter. When money is tight, preventive maintenance is usually benefit (usually the extension of life of the pavement)
well down on the priority list and often one of the first items
Ranking adds less quantifiable benefits (user costs,
sacrificed in budget cutbacks. Knowing the right time to apply a
preventive maintenance technique is important. Having the funds safety, rideability) to the cost-benefit analysis
to apply that technique at the right time is essential. Dedicated Life cycle costing adds a degree of sophistication to a
funding needs to be part of any preventive maintenance program. cost-benefit analysis by introducing the concept of the
time-value of money.

Ravelling: the separation of the surface aggregate from the asphalt binder usually due to oxidation. Surface treatments

The ABCs of Pavement Preservation

Signs of Distress

are indicated.
Bleeding or flushing: excess asphalt cement on the surface of the road. Caused by excessive amounts of liquid
asphalt binder or densification due to heavy traffic. Usually seen in hot weather. A seal coat can help.
Rutting: longitudinal deformation of the pavement caused by heavy traffic. May be corrected by milling, overlays and
Corrugation or washboarding: transverse deformation of pavement caused by poor compaction technique or
shifting of the subgrade. Cannot be fixed by preventive maintenance methods.
Fatigue or alligator cracking: interconnected cracking with a pattern resembling the hide of an alligator. Caused by
base failure. Mild cases of alligatoring with minimal base involvement can be treated with slurry seals.
Potholing: bowl-shaped holes of various size in the pavement. Potholes generally start as small localized spots of
alligator cracking or surface disintegration combined with a weak base. As moisture infiltrates the area, small pieces of
asphalt and base are dislodged and pop out under traffic. Good preventive maintenance techniques can eliminate
problems before the pothole forms. Otherwise, clean and fill.
Polishing: a smooth slippery surface produced as the aggregate is worn by traffic. Grind, surface treat or overlay
depending on severity.
Reflective cracking: cracks in the surface of the pavement due to underlying cracks in the pavement. Cannot be fixed
by surface treatment.
Edge cracking: longitudinal or crescent shaped cracks within the first 30 cms of the pavement edge. Treat with
sealants or seals.

Celebrating Over 25 Years of Paving Excellence

A Stitch in Time

Pavement Treatment Selection Guide


Crack Sealing

Cold In-Place
Thin Hot Mix

Hot In-Place

Slurry Seal
Chip Seals
Sand Seal

Fog Seal


Traffic (ADT)1, 2
1000 4000         
Ruts 5mm 25mm         
Surface Bleeding         
Condition Variable         
Portland Cement
Concrete pavement         
Ravelling Moderate         
Potholes Moderate         
Texture Rough         
Ride Poor         
Drainage Poor         
Snow Plow Damage High         
Skid Resistance Low         

 = Recommended
 = Provisionally recommended (dependant on road conditions)
 = Not recommended
This table provides general guidelines only. Each road should be assessed for the causes of distress and condition
before a specific treatment is selected. Chart recommendations assume good quality design and construction.
(Developed by Ontarios Asphalt Emulsion Manufacturers)

1 Truck traffic as a percentage of ADT should be considered

2 When treatment used in conjunction with HMA overlay

The Ontario Hot Mix Producers Association


Hot Mix Overlay Crack Sealing

Placing a layer of hot mix over existing pavement. Thin overlays Routing, cleaning and filling the crack with sealant. Moisture
are at least 40mm thick if conventional asphalt is used but thinner infiltration is the primary cause of pavement deterioration Crack
overlays can be laid with specialized mixes. The most common sealing prevents water and debris from entering a crack. 'Crack
rehabilitation technique (as opposed to preventive maintenance Filling" does not involve routing and does not fully seal the crack.
technique) is a similar form of hot mix overlay. Commonly known
as "Shave and Pave", the process involves the contractor milling
and replacing up to 80mm of asphalt. Thicker overlays can extend prevents moisture and debris from getting into cracks
the life of a pavement by between 15 and 20 years. prevents water damage to the pavements structure
Benefits: extends pavement life by 3 5 years
provides new waterproof surface Selection and Application: use for cracks less than 25mm
mitigates surface ravelling wide, spaced uniformly along the pavement and with limited edge
deterioration. Use Crack Filling for older pavements with wider,
seals small cracks more random cracking. Best applied during cool dry weather
improves ride quality and corrects surface irregularities (0C - 15C) when cracks are almost fully open.

improves surface friction Service Life: 3 5 years

Selection and Application: used on stable pavements with a

sound base, but have a surface which exhibits minor surface Chip Seals
distresses such as cracking, rutting, ravelling and roughness. Can
A uniform application of asphalt emulsion to a prepared pavement
be used to strengthen pavements. Do not use on pavements
surface followed by a rolled aggregate cover (OPSS 304 Class 1-
showing structural distress or pavement failure. Defects will
6 Surface Treatments). Can postpone the need for heavier surface
quickly reflect through the new surface.
treatments or resurfacing for 2 to 4 years.
Service Life: 8 14 years Benefits:
improves surface friction
Fog Seal slows surface ravelling and oxidation
A light application of diluted slow-setting emulsion. corrects minor deformations and seals small cracks
Benefits: provide temporary cover for a base course until the
final asphalt courses can be placed
rejuvenates dry and brittle asphalt surfaces
seals very small cracks and surface voids Selection and Application: Provides an economical all-
weather surface for light to medium traffic (polymer-modified
slows the rate of weathering and oxidation emulsions and high quality aggregates should be used for higher
Selection and Application: Use on structurally sound traffic volume applications). Must be applied to structurally sound
pavements to improve surface conditions on pavements showing pavements.
signs of minor cracking, weathering, segregation or ravelling. Service Life: 5 7 years for chip seals; 2 4 years for sand
Service Life: 1 2 years seals

The ABCs of Pavement Preservation

Slurry Seal
A cold mix paving technique using a mixture of dense-graded
aggregate, asphalt emulsion, water, and mineral fillers.
improves surface friction
slows surface ravelling and seals small cracks
improves ride quality and corrects surface
Michigan's goal is Selection and Application: use on stable pavements with a
sound base showing minor surface distresses such as
a model of clarity: cracking, rutting, ravelling and roughness. Do not use on
pavements with structural distress, as cracks will quickly
Keep good roads good. reflect through new surface. Minimum thickness is 9.5mm.
Service Life: 4 7 years

Micro-surfacing Hot in Place Recycling

The application of a cold mix of dense-graded aggregate, Heating the existing pavement and reblending the asphalt.
polymer modified asphalt emulsion, water, and mineral fillers. Rejuvenators and virgin hot mix may be added. Typical
Capable of filling wheel ruts up to 40mm deep when the thickness: 25 - 50 mm.
pavement has stabilized and is not subject to plastic Benefits:
provides new waterproof surface
slows surface ravelling
improves surface friction
seals small cracks
slows surface ravelling and seals small cracks
improves ride quality and corrects surface
improves ride quality and corrects surface irregularities
improves surface friction
Selection and Application: Used on stable pavements
with a sound base that have minor surface distresses such as Selection and Application: used on stable pavements
cracking, rutting, ravelling and roughness. Can be used to with a sound base, but have a surface which exhibits minor
correct rutting. Do not use on pavements showing structural surface distresses such as cracking, rutting, ravelling and
distress or pavement failure. Defects will quickly reflect roughness. Can be used to strengthen the pavement when
through new surface. applied in conjunction with an HMA overlay. Do not use on
Service Life: 5 7 years pavements showing structural distress or pavement failure.
Defects will quickly reflect through the new surface.
Service Life: 5 12 years
Cold In-Place
Reprocesses existing pavements in-situ to a depth of 100 mm.
Typically overlaid with one or two lifts of HMA to produce a
Cold Planing or Milling
sound pavement structure. All cold in-place work should be Removes bumps, ruts and irregularities, restores the profile
completed with an appropriate wearing surface. and leaves a uniform, textured surface.
Benefits: Benefits:
uses 100% existing aggregates and asphalt improves ride quality and corrects surface
mitigates reflective cracking irregularities
improves surface friction
corrects cross fall and longitudinal grades of
existing pavements Selection and Application: Cold plane before applying a
recommended resurfacing product. A tack coat should be
Selection and Application: use on stable pavements with
applied to all milled surfaces prior to paving the new riding
a sound base showing surface distresses such as cracking,
rutting, ravelling and roughness. For light to medium traffic, a
surface treatment such as chip seal is sufficient. For heavier Service Life: Typically resurfaced within 48 hours. When
overlaid with HMA, service life is similar to mill and overlay
The ABCs of Pavement Preservation

traffic, at least one overlay is recommended.

Service Life: 10 12 years

Cape Seal
A chip seal followed by a slurry seal. Stronger than a chip seal
People are prepared to
spend money to
improves surface friction
maintain their cars.
slows surface ravelling, seals small cracks
improves ride quality and corrects surface
Why wouldn't they be
equally prepared to spend irregularities

money to maintain their roads? Selection and Application: use on stable pavements with
a sound base showing minor surface distresses such as
cracking, rutting, ravelling and roughness. Do not use on
pavements with structural distress, as cracks will quickly
reflect through new surface.
Service Life: 5 7 years

The Ontario Hot Mix Producers Association


Developing a Preventive Proving the case

Maintenance Program
Michigan's Department of Transportation established its
preventive maintenance program in 1992 with the express goal of
When Canadian municipalities were asked in a recent survey "how
"keeping good roads good."
do you select projects for preventive maintenance and
rehabilitation", one-third said they use the "worst-first" criteria. In the first five years of the program, the Michigan DOT spent
US$80 million on preventive maintenance. Was it worth it? The
That is a stunning admission. Preventive maintenance doesn't just
Michigan taxpayers think so. Without the preventive maintenance
happen. Like all good programs it needs organization and it needs
program, according to one study, the state would have had to
spend $700 million on rehabilitation to bring the roads up to the
1. Establish the management aspects of the program: same condition.
Preventive maintenance is a way of technical thinking, financial Georgia spends between US$70 million and $80 million a year on
planning and budgeting. preventive maintenance. The state is committed to rehabilitating
10% of the network every year and resurfacing the entire network
Use a simple goal to maintain focus and a sense of purpose.
every 10 years. A study showed that between 1992 and 1997, the
smoothness of asphalt pavements in Georgia improved by 300%.
2. Establish the technical aspects of the program:
Municipalities across Ontario such as Toronto and Ottawa that
A good preventive maintenance program should fold neatly into a have implemented preventive maintenance strategies are
Pavement Management System. Develop guidelines for anticipating similar benefits and are now documenting their
evaluating pavement conditions, predicting pavement programs to help sell their strategies to the taxpayer.
performance and setting priorities. All maintenance and
rehabilitation actions must be co-ordinated and in sync.

3. Determine maintenance needs: Selling the Case

A condition survey shouldn't just tell you which pavements have
Just as it takes consistent preventive maintenance to keep roads
problems that need correcting today. It should also tell you which
in good condition, it takes consistent funding to keep a preventive
pavements need treatment today to avoid problems tomorrow.
maintenance program in good shape. And therein lies the
4. Provide a framework for treatment selection:
Municipal engineers and road superintendents know how
There is no shortage of preventive maintenance techniques. important a pavement preservation program is. They know that
Picking the right one at the right time and at the right cost is what treating small problems before they become big problems is a
engineering is all about. Whether it is based on life cycle costing, smart and responsible way to spend taxpayers' money. But even
decision trees or any number of other analytical tools, make sure though the benefits are impressive (less expensive treatments,
that you use a consistent, logical framework to decide what to do. longer pavement life, less user delays), they won't sell themselves.

5. Set priorities:
Selling it to the Public: When it comes to roads, people tend
If you didn't have a budget, you wouldn't need to set priorities. to think locally not globally. It is the pothole at the end of the
Life's not like that. Set priorities so that the most important tasks driveway, the rough pavement near the school and the ruts in the

The ABCs of Pavement Preservation

don't get lost in the shuffle. nearby intersection that they are concerned about and that puts
municipal engineers on the spot.
6. Monitor, Measure and Assess: Preventive maintenance is all about fixing small problems before
Is it working? There is only one way to find out. Monitoring and they become big problems and small problems are not always
measuring the program allows you to make sure that you are easy for the untrained eye to spot. People are understandably
picking the right treatments for your particular situation and sceptical when they see a crew working on a road that appears
conditions and that those treatments are, indeed, meeting the to be in good condition while ignoring a rough patch of road right
objectives. If they are, you have all the evidence you need to keep outside their driveway. Faced with vociferous complaints, it's all
the program (and the funding) going. If they are not, then make the too easy to fall back on the "worst-first" syndrome.
adjustments needed.
Fortunately, the public is more than capable of being sensible and
Measurable goals: sympathetic when presented with the facts. People know how
important a well-maintained road network is for their community
pavement condition
and they also know the importance of spending tax dollars wisely.
average rating
Measuring and assessing the program provides the facts. Good
percent of pavements in condition category communication makes sure that the public understands them.
cost savings
Continued on next page...

Celebrating Over 25 Years of Paving Excellence

Selling it to the Administration: When budgets get tight (and
that's most of the time), it's easy to sacrifice long-term returns for Pavement Rehabilitation
short-term needs. Easy but not necessarily wise. If a program
such as preventive maintenance that depends on continuity is Preventive maintenance is an essential tool for extending the life
delayed or curtailed, it can nullify years of hard won success. of a pavement. Used early in a pavement's life, preventive
maintenance corrects small problems before they become big
Preventive maintenance can only work if the program is applied problems, saves money, reduces delays and improves safety
consistently and the program can only be applied consistently if and rideability.
there is a sustained, predictable level of funding.
Preventive maintenance is, however, only one of the tools that
Can politicians be persuaded? Given the evidence that a relatively municipal engineers have at their disposal for maintaining and
small expenditure in preventive maintenance can save enormous preserving the road network. Preventive maintenance corrects
sums of money in a relatively short time, there is no reason why small problems. It cannot be used to fix major problems that all
they shouldn't be. Politicians make long term decisions all the roads experience as they wear. For that you need pavement
time and most are fully prepared to make the right choices. After rehabilitation.
all, there is always life after the next election.
All roads (other than those designed specifically as "perpetual
pavements") will require rehabilitation as they get close to the
end of their useful life and, as with preventive maintenance,
there are a number of techniques and strategies that engineers
and contractors can use to ensure that an asphalt pavement
provides the best possible value for the taxpayers and users of
the road network.
For the latest information on pavement rehabilitation, call the
Ontario Hot Mix Producers for the ABCs of Pavement
The ABCs of Pavement Preservation

The Ontario Hot Mix Producers Association

365 Brunel Road, Unit 4, Mississauga, ON L4Z 1Z5
Phone: 905.507.3707 Fax: 905.507.3709
web site: email:

The Fine Print: This brochure is designed as a general guide to pavement preservation. It is not a design manual. Professional engineers
should be consulted to ensure that pavements are not only designed functionally but also economically to fit your budget requirements.

Issue 1.0, February 2004

The Ontario Hot Mix Producers Association

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