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A Multi-Pattern Matching Algorithm Based On WM Algorithm

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476 Mathematical Foundations of Intelligent Technologies

A Multi-pattern Matching Algorithm Based on WM Algorithm

Genzhen Yu, Qinquan Gao, Fanlin Meng, Changhong Fu, Shunxiang Wu*
Department of Automation
Xiamen University
Xiamen, China

Abstract-The research on the algorithms of pattern-matching is correctly with the idea of jumping ahead of the WM
an important subject in the field of computer study. The algorithm, and then match the text with the idea of rapidly
algorithms can range from single-pattern matching and multi- matching of the AC algorithm which can greatly improve
pattern matching algorithms to extended characters matching the efficiency of the algorithm.
and regular expression. Among the many multi-pattern
matching algorithms, AC algorithm and WM algorithm would II. DESCRIPTION OF AC ALGORITHM
be the two most classical algorithms, but these two algorithms
have their obvious shortcomings. The multi-pattern matching
algorithm proposed in this paper filtrates the texts which do The AC algorithm is the expansion of the KMP
not match correctly with the idea of jumping ahead of the WM algorithm in the case of multi-pattern matching. Its core part
algorithm firstly, and then matches the text with the idea of is that establish the model of AC automaton (DFA), failure
rapidly matching of the AC algorithm which can improve the link and output function in the pre-processing stage,
efficiency of the algorithm. alternately apply the DFA, failure link and output function
in the search stage to reach the effect which is the match of
Keywords-Multi-pattern Matching; AC; WM
not backtracking.
It is supposed that we apply the following pattern strings
I. I NTRODUCTION to match the texts: "he", "she", "his", "hers", the DFA is
The pattern-matching algorithm is one of the key established in the pre-processing stage, and then calculate
technologies which can be applied in the string analysis, the failure links and output functions, the Fig. 1 has shown
intrusion detection, detection of DNA sequence and other the above process. Where: the solid line arrows show the
disciplinary field. The Research of the pattern-matching state transition of the automaton, while the dashed line
algorithm in the world also achieved remarkable arrows show the failure link in which the end state of the
achievements, such as the KMP algorithm [1], the AC substring points at the end state of the suffix of the substring.
algorithm [2], the BM algorithm [3] as well as the WM In addition, the state of two circles shows that the string has
algorithm [4].The matching-pattern also developed from the been successfully matched. As shown in Figure. 1, "h" is the
single-pattern and the multi-pattern to extended characters "sh" the longest suffix, so the failure links of the fourth state
matching, regular expression, approximate matching and so have pointed at the first state.
on. The book which is named the "Flexible pattern matching
in strings"[6] wrote by Gonzalo Navarro and Mathieu
Raffinot described the pattern-matching algorithms which
are the most popular in the world in detail.
The WM algorithm is one of the pattern-matching
algorithms which have the highest efficiency. At present,
many improved algorithms based on the WM algorithm
have been proposed, as Hui Jiang and Yu-hong Zhang [7]
said that there are many methods which can accelerate the
match, such as separating patterns according to their length,
promoting the PREFIX table, improving the HASH table
and so on. The obvious inadequacy of W-M algorithm is
that it is not optimized for the match after finds out the
string list which may be successfully matched. While the
automata model of the A-C algorithm can solve the problem
Figure 1. AC automation.
The AC-WM algorithm proposed in this paper is a
multi-pattern matching algorithm based on the filtering
method. The algorithm skips the texts which do not match
Proceeding of the 10th International Conference on Intelligent Technologies 477

III. DESCRIPTION OF W-M ALGORITHM has changed which is from right to left. The tables of
SHIFT and PREFIX of the WM algorithm have been altered,
The WM algorithm is the expansion of the BM and the table of HASH has been given up using.
algorithm based on the suffix in the case of multi-pattern There are 65536 different kinds of blocks, and the sizes
matching, the core idea is that the following tables have of the SHIFT table and the PREFIX table are both 256*256.
been established in the pre-processing stage: the table of let all the SHIFT value be m-B+1 firstly, where m is the
SHIFT, the table of HASH and the table of PREFIX. The shortest length of the patterns and B is the length of the
BM algorithm is applied in the process of matching to find block. For each block, if it occurs in some patterns, we mark
out the position where the single character in the pattern the leftest position of its head. We set the SHIFT value as
string, while the WM algorithm is applied to match the the position, if the value of the position is less than the
characters based on the matching block which is the corresponding SHIFT value of the block. The PREFIX
substring of fixed length (the B represents the fixed length value, if the corresponding SHIFT value is zero, is the
in the paper, its value is equal to two or three). Compared to pointer of the corresponding state in the AC machine.
the BM algorithm, the latter has the greater jump after It is supposed that we use pattern strings which are
unsuccessfully matched each time. "action", "section" and "sector" text to match the following
The table of SHIFT has been established firstly. The string:"... disk sector buffer ..."
blocks which length is possible two or three have been The table of SHIFT is as follows:
mapped to the index i of the table of SHIFT with the
function of hash in the patterns P1P2 ... Pn. If the block does Table 1. The table of SHIFT
not appear in any pattern string of the set of the patterns, the SHIFT SHIFT SHIFT
value of the SHIFT [i] is equal to m-B +1, where m is the ac 0 ct mini(1,2) ti mini(2,3)
shortest length of the patterns. If the block appears in the io mini(3,4) on mini(4,5) se 0
some patterns, we should calculate the rightest position q of
the block in the patterns, and then the SHIFT [i] obtains the ec 1 to 3 or 4
minimum between m-q and m-B +1. ELSE 5
The table of HASH has been established secondly. The
value of hash of the block whose length is the B has been The figure of the AC automaton model is as follows:
used as the index, and the HASH [j] is a pointer named the
p which point at initial address of pattern-list which has
the same suffix.
The pointer of HASH [j] points at the list of pattern
strings, and the table of PREFIX at the same time. The
current value of hash of the string which length is the B has
been stored in the table of PREFIX.
The average complexity of the WM algorithm is O (BN
Figure 2. The AC automaton model .
m), where the B is the length of the character block,
while the N is the length of the text, and the m is the
The flowchart of the algorithm is portrayed in Figure. 3.
shortest length of the patterns.


The AC-WM algorithm is base on the WM algorithm,

and combined with the advantages which belong to the idea
of jumping ahead of the WM algorithm as well as the idea
of rapidly matching of the AC algorithm, it greatly improve
the efficiency of the algorithm.
The AC algorithm is based on the prefix algorithms,
while the WM algorithm is based on the suffix algorithm,
the matching process of the both of them is from left to right.
To combine with the advantages of both of them, it should
transform one of them. In this paper, we reserve the AC
machine model and output function, and transform the WM
algorithm, making the WM algorithm into matching
algorithm based on the prefix, and the way of text matching
478 Mathematical Foundations of Intelligent Technologies

Figure 4. The process of the matching.


In order to test the performance of the improved

algorithm, the WM algorithm and AC-WM algorithm which
are programmed and tested in the environment of Microsoft
Visual Studio 2005. The concrete experimental environment
is as follows: the operation system is the windows XP, the
dominant frequency of the system is 1.73GHz, the processor
is the Intel Pentium Dual T2370, and the memory is 1GB.
The character set of the experimental data is the ASCII
set, which size is 256, and the length of text is 1MB.In this
paper, the common pattern strings are extracted from the
Figure 3. The flowchart of the matching. text, and some pattern strings which have the same suffix
are also randomly generated. In the experiment, the length
Figure. 4 shows the process of the algorithm. The of character block is 2.
patterns are action, section and sector, and the The experimental results are shown in Figure. 5.
matched string is disk sector buffer . Firstly, align

the matching window to the rightest 6 characters. Secondly

we can find that the SHIFT value of the head block bu is 5,

so move the matching window 5 characters to the left.

Recursive the above process until the SHIFT value of se

is 0, as depicted in Figure. 4(d). Then align the head of the

AC automation to the left of the matching window, match

the pattern like the AC algorithm, and we can find pattern

sector matched, which is shown in Figure. 4(e). After this,     
move the window to the left by one character and recursive
the process until the text is exhausted.
The average complexity of the AC-WM algorithm is $&:0 :0
also the O (BNm), where the B is the length of the
character block, while the N is the length of the text, and the Figure 5. Performance testing.
m is the shortest length of the patterns.
Proceeding of the 10th International Conference on Intelligent Technologies 479

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algorithms which are highly dependent on the shortest
length of patterns. If it combines with the other advantages
of WM algorithms, the matching efficiency can be further
improved, but it also adds the complexity of the algorithm
in some degree.
On the one hand, we have higher requirements to the
efficiency of pattern matching algorithms with the rapid
increase of information. Therefore, we devoted to
researching the better algorithm in order to meet our needs.
On the other hand, we will further expand the application
domain of pattern matching algorithm.


This Project is supported by the Planning Project of the

National Eleventh-Five Science and Technology
(2007BAK34B04) and the Chinese National Natural
Science Fund (60704042) and Aeronautical Science
Foundation (20080768004) and the Program of 211
Innovation Engineering on Information in Xiamen
University (2009-2011).


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