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Curs Engleza Avansati

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How do people travel?

go/ travel
by car by taxi/cab by tram by helicopter
by ship by bicycle by tube/ subway on horseback
by boat by motorbike by bus on foot
by barge by jeep by plane by Frolley bus

1) Name all vehicles that are used:

a) on land b) on the sea c) in the air
2) Name the means of transport:
a) you get in or get out of b) you get on or get off
3) Which of the means of transport is:
- the fastest/the least fast/which is faster than?
- for pleasure?
- romantic?
- old fashioned?

Exercise I: Fill in the gaps with: get in / get out of / get on / get off / catch / miss
a) The train is coming. Hurry up!
Oh, dear! Our luggage is too heavy. Well
b) In England you usually have to queue before you..the bus.
And do I have to ring the bell before I..?
c) Come on, ..the car! Youll be late for school!
Dont worry1 Wellthe car quickly when we arrive and run.

Exercise II: Write the right word/words under each picture: DONT
a) dont turn left WALK
b) turn left
c) walk across the road
d) stop your car
e) dont turn right
f) turn right
g) dont walk across the road
h) dont stop your car
i) dont drive into this street

Exercise III: Read the following text and tick the true sentences.
David Smith lives in a small village near Liverpool. His job is in the centre of London,
almost 400 miles away. Every day David leaves home at five oclock in the morning, drives ten
miles to the local station and takes the 5.40 train. He gets off at Victoria Station at 7.15 and goes by
tube to his office. If there is a delay, he is late for his office. This happens very rarely.

True or false?
a) David Smith lives in London.-..
b) Every day he leaves home at five oclock in the morning and he takes the 5.40 tube.-
c) The means of transport used are: the car, the train, the tube.-..
d) He is seldom late.
Exercise IV: Read the notice board and answer the following questions. Make your own
Airline Flight Number Destination Departure Time
BA 384 London 10:05
KLM 902 Stuttgart 10:26
TAROM 622 Paris 10:35
DELTA 786 New York 10:58

Note: BE = British Airways

KLM = Dutch Airways (Dutch company of flight)
DELTA = American Airways

1. Where is flight 384 going to?

2. Which flight takes off at 10:26?
3. Which airline is flying to London?
4. When does flight 902 take off?
5. Where is KLM flight going to?
6. How many planes take off between 10:05 and 10:58?

Reporter: Everywhere you go in Oxford you bump into a bike. Why are there so many bikes?
Matt: Well, bikes are very cheap to run. Students like bikes and well, its a quick form of
Reporter: Do you have one?
Matt: Of course I do.
Reporter: When do you use it?
Matt: Every day, to go to lectures.
Reporter: What are the advantages of riding a bike?
Matt: I think its not only money. English people are very sporty. We enjoy outdoor life, fresh
air and exercise.
Reporter: Which is your favourite means of transport?
Matt: Umtrains. Yes, definitely trains. I love trains. I like travelling by train. I think its great.
You can get to meet people, admire the countrysideand if you consider pollution they are more
environmentally friendly than cars.
Reporter: How do you usually spend your holidays?
Matt: Camping. We usually hitch.
Reporter: Who is we? Who do you usually go with?
Matt: Well, I have a very close friend. He likes the same things I do.

Task: You have to write an article about a students opinion of diferent means of transport. Report
questions and statements above, using reporting verbs in the past (ask, tell, confess, say,
convince, answer)
Role Play: Kate is in great hurry. She bumps into a boy who proves to be one of her cousins, Josh;
just got off the hovercraft in over. Act out their conversation.
Kate: She apologizes for bumping into Josh; She says hello and asks what Josh is doing in Dover.

Josh - Says he has been on holidays in France.

Kate - Asks how long he was there.
Josh - Says how long. Asks Kate if shes ever been to France.
Kate - Says she went there last summer.
Josh - Says he is going to hitch-hike to London now. Asks Kate to come with him.
Kate - Declines invitation as she was leaving for New York that night. She says she hopes he gets a
lift says good bye.
Josh He says good bye./ Says hell send a postcard from London.

Vocabulary Practice
To travel to ride to drive to run to sail to fly
To travel is the most comprehensive term; He travelled all over the country. The car travels at 60
One can ride (or ride on) a horse, bicycle, a motorcycle as well as in a bus, cart, boat, sidecar of a
motorcycle. He rode 40 miles before he found a gasoline station. The car rides smoothly over
bumps in the road.
A driver drives a car (bus, tram, train) or a horse drawn cart. He drives slowly. My brother will
drive me to the station (in his own car, not in a public vehicle).
To sail means to navigate or to begin a voyage. A ship sails/is sailed along the coast. The ship will
sail on Monday.
A pilot flies a plane.The plane is flying (were flying) high above the mountains.
To run implies regular trips (a regular route) or a certain rate of speed. The car (train, bus,
motorcycle)runs at 60 km. Trolley buses run from 5 a.m. 10.30 p.m. To run may mean to work,
to function;
This car wont run.
Make your own sentences!

Homonyms and homophones

1) Homonyms are words with the same spelling but different meaning.
Eg.: I got 50 p out of the bank.
We sat on the river bank and had a picnic.
Row [ru]: The children stood in a row.
Row [r u]: Hes always having rows with his wife.
2) Homophones are words with the same pronunciation, but different spelling and meaning.
Plain and plane are homophones.
Eg.: A yacht is a boat with a big sail [seil]
I bought this jumper in a sale [seil]
Homophones and homonyms.
Exercise I: In the following sentences there is a word with at least two meanings.
a. My brothers a soldier. Hes on leave at the moment.
b. She gave me some sound advice. Ill certainly follow it.
c. My uncle left me a thousand pounds in his will.
d. Who won the match? It was a draw.
e. Damn. Ive got a parking fine.
f. Im going away on business to a trade fair soon.
g. One swallow doesnt make a summer.
h. I had to buy a special saw to cut through the pipe.

Jokes with homophones and homonyms:

Customer: Waiter! What sort of soup is this?
a) Waiter: Its bean soup sir. - homographes
Customer: I dont care what it was. I want to know what it is now.
b) Teacher: You missed school yesterday, Johnny, didnt you? - homonyms
Johnny: No, not at all.
c)Why is Sunday the strongest day?
Because all the others are weak days.
d) Whats the difference between a ball and a prince?
One is thrown in the air and the other is heir to the throne.
e) What colour would you paint the sun and the wind?
The sun rose and the wind blue.
f) Why did the teacher have to wear sunglasses?
Because his Students were so bright.
g) Why will you never starve in the desert?
Because of the sandwhich is there.
h) What did the salad say to the tomato?
Lettuce get married.


bread salt yoghurt lettuce cake bacon

milk pepper rice pudding sausages chicken potatoes
eggs sugar cheese apples pork pastry
tomatoes butter bananas oranges multon salad
biscuits tea coffee pears veal apple pie
soup juice plums beef venison

Task: Practice vocabulary for learning new words:

Student 1: Do you like yoghurt?
Student 2: Yes I love it/ No I dont. What about you?
Student 1: I like it / I dont like it.

Student 1: Whats your favourite food?

Student 2: I like vegetables, fruit, pizza, pastries.
Student 1: Which foods dont you like?
Student 2: I dont like cheese, yoghurt, salam, lettuce.

Exercise I: Read and write what Tom and Mike want to eat and drink.
Eg.: Tom Food: soup Drink.
Mike Food: Drink

Waiter: Yes, sir.

Tom: Soup, please.
Waiter: Soup.
Tom: And Id like steak and salad, please. Mike?
Mike: Thank you. What would you like to drink?
Tom: A bottle of mineral water, please.
Mike: And a glass of orange juice for me.

Task: Your friend and you are in a restaurant what do you want to drink and eat. (Conversation)

Exercise II: Read the menu. What can somebody who has little money choose?

Vegetables soup 3.50
Chicken soup 6.00

Main courses
Fried chicken 9.75
Roast lamb 10.75
Spaghetti bolognese 7.25
All main courses served with chips and fresh vegetables or mixed salad.

Pancakes 3.75
Fruit cake 4.75
Apple pie 4.60
Ice cream 4.25
Fruit salad 4.50

Ham and salad sandwich 2.75
Hot dog 2.75
Hamburger 3.00
Pizza with ham, cheese, tunny fish,
onion, tomatoes 3.50

Coffee 1.50
Fruit juice 2.00
Orange juice/Peach Juice 1.75
Mineral water 0.90

Task: Read the menu again. Answer the following questions.

a) Which is the most expensive main course?
b) Which is the cheapest dessert?
c) Which is more expensive the vegetable or the chicken soup?
d) What would you like to order?

Exercise III: Planning a menu. Divide the glass into four groups.
Group A: Your uncle and aunt are coming for lunch with their two children, aged six and nine.
Group B: Two old friends, the same age as you are coming for dinner. One of them is vegetarian.
Group C: A potential business client and her/his husband.wife. You need to impress them.
Group D: Two colleagues from work are coming for dinner. They are very health conscious.

Task: Plan a menu for them including starter (first course), main course, dessert.

Vocabulary Practice

Imperial measures 1 pound = 0,45 kilos

1 pint = 0,56 litres
The following expressions will help you.
Half a pound of (salad)
a pint of (esp. milk, youghurt), beer
a packet of peanuts,
a carton of (cornflakes, porridge oats)
a tin of soup, pineapple compote, coke
a jar of strawberry jam
a tube of rice pudding
a box of eggs
a slice of cheese
a cup of tea, coffee
a glass of juice, water
a loaf of bread
a piece of cake
a kilo of potatoes

Language review
Expressing quantity. There is a difference between mass nouns and count nouns. Mass nouns
cannot usually be made plural. In English having plural in other languages. There are also uncount
nouns mass: cheese, water, ice, snow, time
Count: pen, bottle, tree
Uncount nouns: homework, knowledge, furniture, money luggage, business, information, advice,

Expressions of quantity:
- for count nouns (many, few, a few (some but not many, plenty of, a lot of))
- for uncount nouns (much, little, a little (some but not much, a lot of))

Fill in the gaps with: few, a few, little, a little, much, many, plenty of, a lot of.
a) Shes in her garden but she still wants to buy..roses too.
b) I cant play tennis today. I havejobs to do around the house.
c) Help yourself a whisky. Theres still..left.
d) Nowadayspeople have servants in the house.
e) Do you like hot dogs? Yes I eat quite.
f) My brother drinks toocoffee.
g) Lynn hashomework to do, I dont know why it takes her sotime.
h) did you spend during your holiday? Just.
i) There isnttime left and we still havework to do.
j) Ive got too..information about it, so Im afraid I cant help you.
k) Howbottles of beer did your father buy?

Exercise IV: Work in pair

One of you is feeling very depressed about life. The other is trying to cheer her/him up. Write a
dialogue beginning like this:
A: Im so unhappy. I havent got any friends.
B: Yes. You have. Youve got quite a few.
A: But nobody ever invites me anywhere.
B: But a lot of people really like you.
A: And.
Write about: money, work, boyfriends, girlfriends, health, holidays.
Exercise V: Identify mistakes and correct them.
1. Coffee is important crop in Brazil.
2. I have less opportunities for practice than other students in my class.
3. The surrounding world affects us in more or less direct way.
4. Every students like to have a quiet place to study.
5. The homeworks we had yesterday took us a very long time.
6. She bought many new furniture for her room.
7. That pair of gloves belong to my sister.
8. He bought a new pants last week.
9. Rainy day and Monday morning make me upset.
10. They dont have much possibilities for promotion.


A: Joan, Id like you to try my home made apple pie.
B: Oh, its delicious.
A: Will you have another cup of tea?
B: No thank you, Ive abready had too many cups today.
A: May I offer you this box of chocolates. I cant tell you how gratiful I am for your help.
B: Thank you, theyre my favouritues. You shouldnt bother, though.
A: It was my pleasure.

Task: Offer, then accept or refuse politely.

a) an invitation to a party by a friend
b) a very expensive pair of skis
c) another piece of cake
d) a novel you very much wanted to have
e) a jumper your mother gives you as a present on your birthday.

Eg.: Look at that cake!
It looks very nice.
Whats the m,atter with the fish?
It smells horrible.
Give your own opinions using: very nice, awful, delicious, tasty, wonderful, great.

Give antonyms for:

fat overweight
thick to lose weight
obese to be fit as a fiddle

Writing Practice: Formal and informal letters. Here are two jumbled letters. One is written to a
hotel and the other to a friend.
a) I would like a single room with shower.
b) Im writing to ask you a favour.
c) I dont mind where you put me. Ill sleep anywhere.
d) I have a further request.
e) I would like to make a reservation for a fortnight.
f) I hope the above is convenient.
g) Write soon and let me know.
h) Im coming down to London at the end of the month to go to a conference.
i) Could I have a bite to eat when I arrive?
j) I hope you are well, and that youve recovered from the busy Christmas period.
k) I would be extremely grateful.
l) Could I possibly have a room at the back as I find the front rooms rather noisy.
m) Could you put me up for a few days?
n) Just a sandwich will do.
o) I look forward to your reply.
p) Its the 22nd 24th January.
q) As I will be arriving quite late, could you possibly put a cold buffet in my room on the 22nd?
r) I hope thats all right.
s) Theres something else Id like to ask you.

Fill in: youve read an advertisment offering the job you want. Read the following advertisment:
Pizza Hut is looking for a waiter. If you are young, polite, and energeting come to us! Send your
CV and an application letter to Pizza Hut Piata Romana No. 5, Bucuresti, until the 31st January.
Write a letter applying for this job.
Include in your letter:
- personal details (name, age, school)
- experience (other jobs you had)
A: Begin the letter with:
Dear Sir,
With reference to your advertisment in.(name of a newspaper) of..(date) I
wish to apply for the job. I am still a student and I need to work(in the
afternoon/in the morning/during holidays). I can(take orders/offer suggestions about the
menu/bring the meal and the bill). I think I am(fit/very good/excellent) for this job.
B: End the letter with:
I hope you will takw into consideration my application and call me for an interview.
My address is
Your Sincerely,

Curriculum Vitae (CV exemple)

Place of birth.
Education Studies.
Foreign languages.

III Jobs and Callings

A: Preteach jobs and callings: waiter, cook, driver, hair dresser, shopassistant, economist,
accountant, barber, doctor, teacher, judge, lawyer
Task1: What would you have liked to be?
Give reasons.
Task2: Read the list below and make sentences describing these jobs.
Eg.: A shopassistant is a person who sells goods in astore.
1. taxi driver 3. detective 5. a tailor
2. hair dresser 4. accountant 6. a shoemaker
7. a barber
8. a watchmaker

Exercise I: Read the text and choose the correct answer.

Emil Munteanu works in one of the best restaurants. Hes a waiter. His job is to show people to
their table. He then gives them the menu. Customers choose their food from the menu. Emil takes
the order from his customers and gives it to the chef. Afterwards he takes the food to his customers.
In the end he brings them the bill.

1. Emil works
a) in a restaurant
b) with his brother
c) as a chef

2. Emil takes
a) food to his customers
b) the chef to his customers
c) the customers orders

3. Emil chooses
a)food for his customers
b) a table for the customers
c)a waiter for the customers

This is an activity to integrate reading with speaking

1. Where does Emil work?
2. What is Emils job?
3. What does he give to his customers?
4. Who chooses the food?
5. What does Emil bring to his customers at the end of the meal?

Exercise II: Read about Tim and answer the following questions.
When I leave school Id like to do something with music. I dont waqnt to be a pop singer but
maybe a roadie. Thats a person who helps a band on a tour. I like travelling. My brother Gary
wants to play football for Manchester United. My brother George wants to go to university to be a
1. What would Tim like to do?
2. What does Gary want to do?
3. What would George like to be?

Exercise III: Read the following adds for summer jobs and choose the one you think it fits you.
Then discuss with your paRtner and see what he/she chooses.
1. Come and work for Mc Donalds during the holidays!
2. If you are quick and smiling come to us BP Service Station wanting a window cleaner.
3. Want a baby sitter somebody cool and loving children.

Task: Make your own adds for selling/buying something.

Exercise IV: Role play. After school waiter/waitress you work as a waiter/waitress after school in a
local hotel coffee shop. An American tourist comes in. Complete the dialogue between yourself and
the customer.

Customer: Yes, please.
Customer: A ham sandwich.
Customer: A cake and a cup of coffee.
You: ?
Customer: Well, Id like an ice cream.
Customer: No, the bill, please.

Suggestion: baby sitter, window cleaner, waiter, car washer delivering/selling papers.
Exercise V: Hidden words


Exercise VI: How do you need to be if you want to be a/an (groupwork)

Fill in this chart with your mates by putting a tick in the boxes.

careful clean clever courageous efficient friendly kind polite


A: Read the following sentence and answer the questions that follow:
I wish I could make the world a better place.
a) Is the world (already) a better place?
b) Do you want the world to be a better place?
c) Do I really think I can do it?
d) Does could in the second clause refer to the past or present?

Exercise I: Change these situations into wishes

a) I havent got much money.
b) I am not good at drawing.
c) I cant ski.
d) Its getting colder.
e) I am not going away on holiday.
f) I dont know the answer.
Exercise II: Make a list of the following.
a) two things you dont have but you wish you had
b) two things you cant do but you wish you could
c) two things you dont know but you wish you did
d) two personal characteristics you have but you wish you didnt

Exercise III: The following sentences have been removed from the passage below. Read the
passage and put each of these sentences in the appropriate place.
a) I wish we had better laws to protect our environment.
b) I wish we used less fuel and different kinds of transport.
c) .it shouldnt have happened.

On the 23rd of September 1999 the tanker Exon Valdez set off from the port of Valdez in Alaska. As
the tanker made its way through Berring Sea, it hit rocks which made ten holes in the bottom of the
tanker. Immediately oil began to leak. Millions of gallons spread on the clear waters of Bering Sea
and on the shore line of Alaska. The oil spill killed hundreds of animals and thousands of birds.
Everybody agreed that(1)..
People dont do , cant do, or , which is worse, pretend that they cannot do more to prevent
accidents that spoil the environment. Ship companies, for instance, still dont want to spend more
money to put extra lining in the bottom of their ships and legally no one can stop them.(2)..
We need millions of gallons of oil each day, most of it for cars. Thats why oil companies are
always looking for oil and pumping out more and more of it.(3)..Moreover we should
consider using buses & trains more often than individual cars.
Task: Give opinions on the text above. Discuss pollution of the seas and oceans. Use if I were in
the governmentto give your opinions.


A: Discussion points
a) What kind of entertainment do you enjoy most?
b) How often do you go to the cinema, theatre, opera, concerts?
c) Do you always associate laughter with entertainment?

Exercise I: Work in pairs; Fill the blanks with suitable words to complete the following phone
A: Hello Andreea. Its John(1)..are you(2)..tonight?
B: Hi John. Im not really busy. Why do you(3).?
A: I was thinking about (4).(5)this evening. Do
you fancy coming along?
B: Sounds(6)..a good idea. What do you have in mind?
A: Im not sure, really. Ive heard the newspapers and there are(7)of good
films(8) the moment. What about The Firm starring Tom Cruise?
B: Mmm..thats a possibility. But Id(9).something else.
A: How about going to a concert? Theres a symphony concert with the Bucharest Philharmonic at
the Royal Hall and a grand(10).gala at National Theatre.
B: Id like that very much but isnt it too late to get tickets for tonight?
A: Yes, I guess so.(11).about Agatha Cristies The Mousetrap.
B: Well Im not of a theatre(12).but I enjoy a good play.(13)..Id
sooner see Richard III with Marcel Iures. I(14).him and Ive heard its a very good
A: (15)! Wheres that on?
B: Theyre(16).it at the Odeon Theatre at 7.30 tonight.
A: That settles it then. Ill meet you in front of the theatre at 6.30.
B: Isnt it a bit too early.
A: Well, I thought maybe we(17)..have a cup of coffee first.
B: All right. Lets make it 6.30.
A: Lovely! See you then.
B: See you.

Useful Language
Suggesting Accepting/Refusing(Blocking)
Hey, were going. Great!Lovely!Smashing!
Do you fancy coming Informal That seems/sounds like a
with us? very good idea.
Lets goshall we? That would be very nice
What about going to? I dont see why not
I tell you what well.. Id like nothing better!
Shall we go to I would very much, thank you.
We might/could go Were looking forward to.
You might like to. Id love to come but..
Would it be an idea to.. Thats not for me, thnak you.
Id like to suggest Formal I think thats too boring/expensive
Well, thats not exactly my cup of tea.
It was nice of you to suggest it, but..

Why dont you come with us..?
Im afraid I wont be able to..? Informal
Come..with us, will you?
Would you like to come along?
Would you like to join me for..?
Wed be very pleased if you could
Wed be delighted if you were able to.. Formal

Exercise II. Work in pairs. One of you suggests several ways of spanding the weekend together; the
other blocks each of them succesively, giving his/her reasons, until he/she finally has to agree.

Grammar Practice
Specific Determiners: the, this/these/that/those/my/your/his/her..
General Determiners: a, an, all, another, any, both, each, either, enough, every, few, fewer, less,
little, many, more, most, much, neither, no, other, several, some.
Most general determiners can also be pronouns. Say which of the underlined words from the
sentences below are determiners and which pronouns.
1) You told me both albums were in the top drawer but couldnt find either.
2) Some of them had lost all hope of playing in a Hollywood film.
3) Dont worry, youll get one each.
4) Sorry, I didnt have enough time to book seats for the theatre.
5) Bring your own walkman if you have one.
6) We all went to see the new Pink Floyd Concert.
7) The truth is they both wanted to play the part of Romeo.
8) Dont tell me it wasnt enough!
9) Id gladly lend you my opera glasses but I havent got any.
10) There were people I knew on either side of the Island.

Exercise II: Fill in with appropriate pronouns: some, neither, all, each, any, either, every, none.
1) There ismoney in bank. You can have it.
2) The teacher talked withparent.
3) .of you can do it.
4) Did you read..of the books the teacher recommended?
5) .. of you could answer this question.
6) of them wanted to try.
7) Have you got ..?
8) Have you seenof them?
9) .pupil must do his homework.
10) Ive read..about this subject.
11) .of them is right.
12) is so blind as those who will not see.

POSSIBILITY: The speaker thinks: This is a possibility
a) He may be on the next bus (He is seldom late)
b) He might not know were waiting for him (more remote possibility)

A: Wheres Liz?
B: I dont know. She might be in the kitchen or bedroom.
A: Why isnt ted at school?
B: I dont know. He might be ill.
A: Whats wrong? Shes already an hour late.
B: She may have an accident (past possibility + perfect infinitive)
A: You should have driven more carefully. You might have had an accident.
B: Yes I might but I didnt.

CAN expressing possibility.
A: Dont light this match in this chemical factory.
B: Why?
A: It can cause an explosion.
A: Can the wiews of the accident be true?
B: I dont know. The source is not very reliable.

Impossibility expressed by CAN/ COULD.

The speaker thinks: Thats impossible!
A: Im so hungry.
B: You cant be hungry. Youve just had your dinner.
A: Where is Mary?
B: Shes typing a letter.
A: She cant be typing. She cant type.
A: John told me about the news on the radio!
B: He couldnt have heard the news. He was sleeping at the hour.

Probability expressed by Must/Should.The speaker thinks: Im sure it is.

A: You must be Pams sister.
B: Whys that?
A: You look just like her.

A: The baby is crying. Why Angela?

B: It must be hungry.

A: Our guests must be home by now.

B: How do you know?
A: Well, they have a fast car and dont live far.

A: Our guests should be home by now.
B: Well..
A: Youre right. Im not sure if Im right. They live rather far and dont have a fast car.

Exercise I: Finish each sentence below with two possible endings on the right.
1. The light in her bedroom is on so a)..they cant be policemen.
2. Tom and Liz never wear uniforms so.. b) ..they must be at home.
3. She isnt at school so. c)..she cant be a sleep.
4. I can hera music at the neighbours so.. d) .she might be ill.
5. This film has had a long run.. e)..they must be awake.
6. She has left home rather late for the airport so.. f)..she might be on holiday.
g)..she must be in.
h)..they cant be compulsary in their school.
i).she must have missed the plane.
j).it must get an Oscar.
k).she cant have caught it.
l)you cant have heard of it.


A: Discussion points
1) Do you agree with the idea expressed by the proverb Prevention is the better than cure.
2) What does being healthy mean to you?
3) Is there a direct connection between health and looks?
4) Mention all the parts of body you know.

Exercise I: Complete the following sentences using a verb ( in the appropiate tense) which denotes
a part of the body.
Eg.: You have no money. Face the facts. You cant go on spending money as though you were a
a) Could youme that book on the table next to you?
b) In the final minutes of the football match, Robsonthe ball into the back of the net.
c) After his fathers death, tom had tothe responsabilities for his familys debts.
d) She.the material gently. It felt as smooth as silk.
e) I ran out of petrol on the motorway, so I had to.a lift to the nearest petrol station.
f) Shethe car carefully out of the garage and drove off.
g) The child..the chocolate cake.

I Suggestions: to finger, to face, to head, to hand, to nose, to eye, to thumb.

Exercise II: Add the names of appropiate parts of the body to the following physical complaints.
pain (in the)
a sore.

Exercise III: Match the illness with parts of the body affected by them.
1) hepatitis [heptits] a) lungs
2) pneumonia [nji:muni] b) heart
3) ulcer [ lsr] c) kidneys
4) nephritis [nefrits] d) stomach
5) rheumatism [ru:mtizm] e) tonsils
6) high blood pressure f) joints
7) appendicitis [pendsitis] g) appendix
8) tonsilitis [t nsilitis] h) liver

Exercise IV Read and match the following symptoms to the possible diagnosis and remedies.
Patient Doctor
1. I cant remember the last time I had a good a) I dont think its a severe skin disease. Ill
nights sleep. I usually stay awake and count you out a prescription for an ointment that
sheep but it never helps. stop the itching.

2. My eyes have been aching for a few days b) Luckily nothing is broken. But youve
and it is as if I had grains of dust inside them. you ankle its going to be painful for a while.
and then everything is blurred and I feel dizzy. give you some ainkillers and youll need a
and crutches to help you walk.

3. I fell down the stairs the other day and now c) Well have to see what the real causes of
my ankle is all swollem and painful. I cant insomnia are. For the moment Ill have to
even touch the ground with my right leg. some sleeping pills to help you get a good

4. I have a rash on my chest and I cant stop d) It might be conjunctivitis. The drops is this
scratching. I dont recall being allergic to anything prescription should help you see clearly again
Could it be a skin disease. get rid of the irritating sensation.

Exercise V : Write short dialogues for some of the following situations. Include modal verbs.

Conversation: At the doctors

A; Ive got a cough and I cant sleep at night.
B: Well, you should stop smoking. Ill give you a prescription for some cough medicine, and you
must take it three time a day.
A: Thank you doctor. Shall I come back if it doesnt clear up?
B: Only if absolutely necessary.
- in a hotel reception
- in a restaurant
- in a travel agency

A: Whats the matter, Bob?

B: Mm, Ive got a sore throat.
A: Uh, Im sorry to hear that. Is it very bad?
B: Yes, its terrible.
A: You should drink some hot tea.

A: Why are your eyes as red as a tomato?

B: Ive been travelling in a smoker carriage.
C: Ive been peeling onions.
S: Ive been watching a drama on TV.
A: Why are your hands as cold as ice?
A: Why are you as thin as a rake?
A: Why is your face as white as a sheet?
A: Why are your legs as heavy as lead?

Task: Make similar conversations.

Exercise VI: Choose the right meaning for the phrases underlined.
1) You look a little bit under the weather. Whats the matter with you?
a) quite unhappy b) in a bad mood c) not too well
2) I cant believe hes been taken so seriously ill. He has always been as fit as a fiddle.
a) very optimistic b) very healthy c) extremely hard working
3) When I met her she was a bit off colour; She must have been sick or something
a) slightly ill b) very tired c) feverish
4) See? Hes as right as rain again and last week there was little hope he would make it.
a) competely recovered b) seriously ill c) in bad shape

Exercise VII: Match the following and make up proverbs

a) An apple a day 1) perfect
b) In every art 2) keeps the doctor away
c) The last drop 3) nor on old enemy
d) Trust not a new friend 4) makes the cup rin over
e) Everything 5) proves the rule
f) The exception 6) will sink a great ship
g) A good name is 7) has an end
h) A small leak 8) who laughs last
i) Practice makes 9) some are otherwise
j) He laughs best 10) it is good to have a master
k) Some are wise and 11) better than riches

Grammar Focus
Relative Pronouns: can be omitted when they are the objects of the clause.
Eg.: The bicycle (that) you sold me has broken.
Whom is very formal and mainly used in written English
Eg.: The man to whom I spoke is my neighbour.
The man who I spoke to is my neighbour.
Whose can refer to both people & things. It cant be omitted.
Eg.: The woman whose dog ran away is very sad.
The house whose roof has collapsed was new.

Who, whose, whom, what, which are also used as interrogative pronouns. Sometimes ever is added
to what, which, who to emphasize a feeling of surprise, anger.

Eg.: Whoever heard of a white elephant?

Whatever does she still want to add?
Whichever book do you want to buy this time?
Exercise I: Put in what, that, which. Note that which can be used to refer back to a whole sentence.
Eg.: He passed his Anatomy exam, which surprised everybody.
1) The thingrelly upsets me is the way he speaks to his patients.
2) It snowed a lot overnight..made it difficult for the ambulance to get there.
3) Dont worry, you can have everythingis in the fridge.
4) He told me he admired her charity work, was not quite true.
5) Thanks doctor, thats exactly..I wanted to hear.
6) Im sorry about..I said to you last night.
7) .concerns me most is the pain in my side.
8) She said shed been workink on the tests for monthswas unbelievable.
9) Good health is all.matters.
10) I believe she gave an accurate account of.happened.


Exercise II: Kay and Jerry are at Mega Image supermarket. They want to buy food and drink for a

Kay: Well, Jerry, lets see what we need2-3 chicken, salami, chesse, vegetables
Jerry: Look, Kay there are some big tomatoes and look at those green peppers.
Kay: Fine, may I suggest we buy 2 kilos of each? How much are they?
Jerry: 5000 lei/kg. Not very cheap. I think 1 kilo of each is enough. How about some oranges?
They look ripe and juicy. Can we have a look at them?
Kay: Certainly. Thats why we are in a supermarket.
And, Jerry, we also need some 20 bottles of coke and beer.
Jerry: OK, lets buy!

- The teacher should read the conversation (or another person should read it for the students to get
used to other types of pronunciation)
Task1: While listening to the dialogue, students must underline the words they hear from the box:
Chicken, pork, veal, salami, bacon, ham, cheese, supermarket, money, cheap, expensive, oranges,
ripe, beer, juicy, coke, bottle, milk, glass, wine, coffee.

Task2: Tick the correct answer.

1) Kay and Jerry want to buy clothes for a party.
2) They see fine tomatoes and peppers at the supermarket.
3) The oranges they want to buy look ripe and juicy.
4) They decide to buy 10 bottles of coke and beer.

Task3: Complete the following sentences after you have listened to the dialogue:
1) Kay and Jerry are at..
2) We need 2-3., salami, vegetables.
3) Look, Kay, there are some big..and look at those green..
4) How.are they?
5) We also need some 20ofand beer.

Exercise III: Role play. After they bought the necessary food and drink Kay and Jerry go to
another store to buy some fancy clothes for the party. Role play their conversation (or your
conversation) at the store using the following words or phrases:
Leather, trousers, mini skirt, woolen skirt, kaki blouse, loose jacket, black boots, higheeled
shoes, brown lipstick, very expensive, quite cheap, too long, too tight, fashinable dont like it, crazy
about it

Exercise IV: Guess work. Fill in the text below with your suggestion:
In big American grocery stores like Biggs and Safeway different items are displayed on shelves in
special sections of the store. For instance, can be bought at the bakery
counter. At the dairy counter customers buy..Children prefer the bakery which
displaysThere are also delicatessen counters where you can find..We the meat the poultry counter the fish counter. In the produce section, there is a large variety of fruits and
vegetables like

Exercise V: Choose the right word in the brackets:

a) If you go to the greengrocers you can buy (bread, vegetables)
b) If you go to the bakers you can buy (oranges, muffins)
c) If you go to the grocers you can buy (spaghetti, flowers)
d) If you go to the supermarket you can buy (vegetables, T shirts)
e) Mr Jones, the greengrocer says that he hasnt got any (cigarettes, tangerines) today.
f) You see many books in the (garden, bookshop)
g) At a sweet shop you can buy (flowers, chocolate)
h) At a florits you can buy (cigarettes, flowers)
i) If you enter a tobacconists you see (T shirts, cigarettes, lighters)
j) They prefer doing their shopping at a (grocers, supermarket)
k) If you need meat you can go to the (bakers, butchers)
l) When you need some pills you can buy them at the (grocers, chemists)

Exercise VI: Read the following add and then specify to what product refers.
A unique taste. A unique form!
Task1: Make your own advertisment!

Exercise VII: Read the following text and say whether the sentences are true or false:
Claudia Norton works as a checker at the checkout counter in a grocery store. She works five days a
week, eight hours a day. Her job is to charge customers for groceries. Then she collects the money
from the customer.

1. Claudia works in a backery store.

2. She works six days a week.
3. Her job is to change customers for groceries.
4. She collects money from her friends.

Task I: Imagine youre Claudia Norton; youre at the checkout counter. One of your customers is
dissatisfied with the prices of some groceries. Imagine a conversation. In pairs or groups buy things
from each other. Here you have a model.

You: Have you got any carrots?

Your partner: Yes, I have. How much do you want/
You: Id like 3 bunches, please. How much do they cost?
Your partner: They are 500 lei each bunch or 1500 lei/kg
You: Can I have then only 2 bunches/
Your partner: Here you are. They are 1000 lei altogether.
You: Thank you.
Exercise VIII: Match vegetables with their colours
red lettuce
orange cress
brown radish
pink cabbage
blue Brussels sprout
grey runner bean
white cauliflower
black beetrool
yellow cucumber
purple marrow

Ask questions: Which five vegetables are often eaten in salads?

Exercise VII: Translate into English the sentences given below:

Ma intereseaza un costum de strada (business suit), aveti asa ceva? Vad pe manechin
(dummy) un cojoc (sheepskin coat), l-as putea proba(to try on)? Cat costa mantoul de blana de
vulpe argintie (silver fox fur coat), (it took my fancy), mi-a cazut la inima. Cam scumpa, nu? Intr-
adevar multi bani, dar face (it it dear, but it pays/you get your money worth) Am vazut in vitrina o
pereche de pantofi si o geanta cu care se asorteaza (to match/go with). Sunt de piele? Le-as putea
vedea mai de aproape? Toate articolele de imbracaminte din vitrina nu sunt, deocamdata, de
vanzare. Sunt pentru dcor (to put up for sale; for show) Pardesiul in carouri (check overcoat) nu-mi
vine bine (to fit well); este cam stramt/prea larg (tight/loose). Putem face orice modificari
(alterarion) in timp ce asteptati/repede(to short notice). O palarie de Panama, va rog. Ce
marime/numar?(what size do you take inyour hats, shoes) Imi place modelul (pattern) dar stofa
aceasta nu se sifoneaza? /nu intra la spalat?/nu se decoloreaza?/(to crease/to shrink/to lose colour)?
Costume de baie pentru femei (slips, bikini) gasiti la raionul de galanterie pentru femei; rochite, la
raionul de confectii pentru copii (ladies hasiery department/childrens ready made department).
Aveti cumva umbrele telescopice (Tom Thumb umbrella?)La ocazii speciale precum receptii,
dineuri, ceremonii politetea obliga (good manners/courtesy/to demand) sa ne imbracam de acord cu
regulile statornicite (according to established rules; etiquette). Doamnele si domnisoarele (young
ladies) poarta (will wear) toalete elegante (stylish/fashinable toilette), pantofi cu tocuri inalte (high
heeled shoes) blanuri (furs) si desigur bijuterii de tot felul(of every description). Domnii, costume
de culoare inchisa, de la caz la caz (as the case may stand) smoching, mai rar frac si uneori pantofi
de lac (dinner jacket, tails/swallow tailored coat; patent leather shoes) Si atentie (And mind you!)
O camasa de un alb imaculat si papion este absolut necesara! (An immaculate white shirt and a
(butterfly bow) one cannot so without!)


The weather is the most important topic in Great Britain. Do not be misled by the statement used
when wanting to describe someone as exceptionally dull. He is the type who would discuss the
weather with. In England this is an ever interesting topic and you must be good at discussing the

For good weather For bad weather

Lovely day isnt it? Nasty day isnt it?

Isnt it beautiful? Isnt it dreadful?
The sun. The rain.I hate rain.
Isnt it gorgeous? I dont like it at all. Do you.?
Wonderful, isnt it? Fancy such a day in July.
Its so nice and hot.. Rain in the morning, then a bit of sunshine, and
Personally I think its so nice then rain, rain, rain, all day long.
When its hot-isnt it?
I adore it, dont you?
For both types of weather
I remember exactly the same July day in 1936.
Ye , I remember too.
Or was it in 1928?
Yes, it was.
Or in 1939?
Yes, thats right!

Observe the last few sentences of the conversation. A very important rule emerges from it. You must
never contradict anybody when discussing the weather. Should it hail and snow, should hurricanes
uproot the trees from the sides of the road and should someone remark to you! Nice day isnt it?-
answer without hesitation Isnt it lovely?
This conversation above would do wonderfully for any ocassin. If you do not say anything else for
the rest of your life, just repeat this conversation; you still have the chance of passing as a
remarkable witty man of sharp intellect keen observation and extremely pleasant manners.

Discussion points:
a) Do you intend to follow this advice if you go to England? Why? Why not?
b) Why do you think English people speak so much about the weather?

Exercise I: Role play: Keeping in mind the information and advice in the text above act the
following parts with your partner. Two people meet at the bus stop near their house:
A: is willing to find out details about last nights incident in the neighbouhood. There was the noise
of shouting and quarrelling. He is sure B knows more about it and insists on being told everything.
B: is trying to avoid the embarrasssing conversation. Eventually he switches the conversation to the

Exercise II: Write a short weather forecast. It should be ready for radio broadcast. You should
mention temperature conditions of the sky, time of day, wind or rain.

Exercise III: Translate into English:

Ceasul a stat, s-a oprit la 7; sa fi uitat sa-l intorc (might I possibly; to forget; to wind it up)?
Trebuie sa reparam (to get/to have/to mend the pendulum clock). Ceasul pe care-l poarta Ana acum
i-a fost daruit de sotul ei inca de cand erau logoditi. Fii atent. Se da la radio ora exacta (There is the
time signal). Incearca sa fii punctuala stii ca nu-mi place sa astept, ori si cine ar fi. E cale lunga
pana la.aproape o ora de mers pe jos/cu masina/(an hours walk/drive). Secundarul (la un
ceas ) arata/indica (to point to) fiecare din cele 60 de secunde ale unui minut. Si acum sa plecam,
este trecut de ora opt; daca nu ne vom grabi pierdem masa de seara. Sa fie atat de tarziu? Sa fi stiut
ce ora este, nu stateam la taclale(to have a chat with) cu ei, dar n-am stiut. Vreti sa-mi spuneti, va
rog cat este ceasul? Este 12 fix!
La noi in tara, primavara vine in jurul(to come in/above) datei de 21 Martie. Vremea este
foarte schimbatoare in acest anotimp; uneori este frumos, alteori ploua sau chiar ninge. Priveste:
Ploua iar. Ploua de o ora. Ploaia a incetat; cerul se insenineaza (to clear up). Soarele rasare mai
devreme si apune din ce in ce mai tarziu. Vor fi stele la noapte. Dupa lunile geroase (frosty) de
iarna, natura se trezeste la viata (to wake up and live). Pomii inverzesc (to get green), rasar pe
ramuri frunze (to come out); mugurii devin flori. Odata cu primele raze ale soarelui incep sa se arate
(to peep out) ghioceii. Cand si cand (now and then) se aude ciripitul (twitter) pasarelelor. Ieri a fost
o zi minunata. Pe ogoare sa ara si sa insamanteaza semintele (to plough the soil/to sow/to seid).
Verile, in general vorbind sunt foarte calduroase; uneori caldura este inabusitoare (sultry); alteori,
din senin, cerul se acopera cu (will cover with) nori amenintatori (threatening) adesea urmati de
averse (shower). Cand pe cer se raspandesc nori negri desi, vremea se strica (to break) si mai mult
decat probabil(more than likely) ne putem astepta la o furtuna cu tunete si fulgere (thunder storm).
Ploua cu galeata (..cats&dogs). Masinile recolteaza (reap) granele. Fie ploaie, fie vreme buna (rain
or shine) vara este anotimpul preferat de cei in vacanta sau concediu (on leave), de indragostitii de
drumetie(wandering). Nici razele soarelui nu ne mai incalzesc cum obisnuiau, nici lumina soarelui
nu mai are stralucirea de pana nu de mult, toamna. Nu mai departe decat ieri (but..) am fost prins de
ploaie si uadat pana la piele ( to catch/in the rain/to wet to the skin). O ceata deasa se raspandeste
peste oras; nu se poate vedea la doi pasi (three steps ahead) din cauza vizibilitatii reduse,
automobilele abia se tarasc de-a lingul drumului (to crawl along/poor visibility). De catva timp (for
some time past) bat vanturi reci dinspre nord. Ultimele flori se ofilesc, cad (to fall off) frunzele
pomilor, se apropie iarna (to draw near). Ar fi insa gresit sa se creada ca zilele insorite au intrat in
sac (to come to the end of ones tether). Toamna sunt (It is in autumn that) zilele cele mai frumoase
ale anului chiar daca sunt doar cateva (but a few). Ninge! Din cer cad fulgi mari de zapada, iarna
reintra in drepturile sale (to come into ones own). Cat vezi cu ochii (As far as the eye can reach), to
ce se vede (everything in sight) este acoperit de un strat de zapada (layer). Este prima ninsoare din
acest anotimp (snowfall). Ici si colo sunt portiuni alunecoase (slippery patches); baga de seama sa
nu aluneci (mind you; to slip ones foot), sa cazi si sa te ranesti. In cuda frigului, copiilor le place
iarna; ei fac oameni de zapada, se bat (to throw one another) cu bulgari de zapada, patineaza, se dau
pe gheata (to slide on the ice); cei mari (grown ups) se amuza si ei in felul lor; se plimba cu sania
sleigh) ,schiaza

Exercise IV: Do you believe in lucky stars?

a) What sign are you? (Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, Aries, Taurus, Gemini, ancer, Leo, Virgo,
Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius)
b) What are the main features characteristing your behaviour?
c) Discuss to what extent these features are true about you and the others in your group.
d) Try to guess what sign your teacher and classmates are. Ask for confirmation.

Grammar Focus: Will/would as modal verbs

-express predicatibility and volition

will would
To express predictability It will rain during the night. The weather experts said it would
a) concerning a future state of rain during the night(future in the
affairs past)
- about a present state of affairs The door bell is ringing; That This would be the house where
will be the postman the writer spent his childhood.

- regarding a habitual state of Boys will be boys. In spring birds would return to
affairs their nests(characteristic
behaviour in the past)
- to express volition I will marry her if she will have He said he would marry her right
a) weak volition me. away if she would have him.
b) insistence (strong volition) I will go to the dance and no one We all tried to stop him but he
shall stop me (determination) would go swimming in
He will go swimming in dangerous waters.
dabgerous waters (obsinacy)
c) intention The phone is ringing. Ill get it. We heard the phone ring and he
said he would get it.
Exercise I: Rephrase using will:
Eg.: Im sure this is the house where Ion Creanga lived.
This will be the house where Creanga lived.

1) Im certain you remember I spoke to you about it last week.

2) Im positive these are the school books Creanga wrote.
3) Im sure the shop sells souvenirs.
4) I am sure you are familiar with Creangas stories.

Exercise II: Use will according to the pattern

Eg.: Its her habbit to talk for hours about clothes and films.
She will talk for hours about

1) Its her habbit to get up at down.

2) Frequently she goes to market first thing in the morning.
3) Its her habbit to argue about prices with the farmers.
4) Often she doesnt speak to me and then shes very friendly.

Exercise III: Use would for characteristic behaviour in the past.

1) No wonder the house is cold! You always go out and leave the doors open!
2) My headmaster had great authority. Whenever he spoke everyone used to listen attentively.
3) When he had a problem to solve, he always worked at it until he found an answer.
4) My sister persistently leaves things where other people can fall over them!

Exercise IV: Complete each short dialogue using will together with one of the verbs in the list.
Seat, bear, fit, reach, suit, work

1) Is that ladder long enough? Oh, yes! Itup to the roof.

2) Is it safe to walk on the ice? Oh, yes! It.your weight easily.
3) Why havent you opened the door? This key.the lock.
4) Shall we say 6.30? Yes, that timeme perfectly.
5) Whats wrong with that machine? I dont know. It simply

Exercise V: Use wont/wouldnt to express refusal

1) Mary refuses to wear a hat in spite of the cold.

2) Tom is unwilling to make a serious effort.
3) The old lady argued with him, but he refused to listen the reason.
4) I refuse to fill in another form.
5) When I got a low mark at school, mother refused to speak to me for days.
6) He had a wound that didnt heal.

Exercise VI: You and your friend are going on a long holiday you offer to help your friend.

1. Your friend: Goodness I must telephone my friends about the maps.

You: Ill telephone them for you.
2. Your friend: Oh, thanks. And then I must borrow a guidebook from the library.
You: .
3. Your friend: Will you? Thanks. And I must get the tickets, too.
You: ..
4. Your friend: Oh, thank you. And I mustnt forget to buy a new film for my camera.
You: ..
5. Your friend: Thanks. Oh, yes. There are the suitcase to get down from the attic.
6. Your friend: Oh, would you? I must go to the chemists you see.
You: ..
7. Your friend: Oh, you are kind. Now what am I going to do?

Exercise VII: Fill in the blanks with will or would.

1. No matter how hard he tried, the engine.not start.

2. Its no good phoning him at his office. He.. be on his way home now.
3. you have dinner with me tomorrow, Christine? He asked.
4. as youre told.
5. He told me he would be glad if I.come.

Exercise VIII: Emphasize the adverbs or phrases underlined by placing them first in the sentence
and making other necessary changes.

1. I had never before been sent such an invitation.

2. Jack had hardly left the house when the storm broke.
3. They had no sooner got into the house than the phone rang.
4. He had hardly asked his questions when she answered them.
5. The band no sooner begun to play than he went away.
6. He had uhardly taken his hat off when she began to read.
7. She sang so beautifully that the audience the letter burst into loud applause.
8. We dropped no hint about the state of her health.

Exercise IX: Respond to these sentences.

Eg.: He prepared his exam by fits and starts. He must have failed.

1. This film has had a long run. It

2. Why are you worried? Hes an excellent driver. He.
3. She has left home rather late for the airport. She.
4. Certainly there arent at home on such a fine day. They.
5. Im surprised. Tom missed the concert yesterday evening. He..
6. I was the last to leave home so Jane..
7. The lecture is very interesting but Margaret isnt listening. She..

Exercise X: Fill in with may or might.

1. It..rain in the afternoon, the sky is overcast.

2. Its already 5 oclock. The here any moment now.
3. I dont think. Shebe able to finish her work.
4. If we wave to him he.give us a lift.
5. Why dont you insist? They..change their mind.
6. I dont think I have any chance of succes but Ias well try.
7. They returned earlier than I expected. The weather .have been bad.
8. Why did you drive in that fog? You.have had a serious acident.
9. If he had not been careful hehave got hurt.
10. He has not reached the chalet yet. He.have got lost.
11. We did not see much of him last month. He.have been very busy.
Exercise XI: Pair the phrasal verbs with corresponding explanation.
a) to fall through 1) to make feel happier
b) to carch up with 2) to complete
c) to bring up 3) to renovate
d) to carry out 4) to make neat
e) to set out 5) to continue
f) to give up 6) to find or meet by chance
g) to call on 7) to visit
h) to get on with 8) to begin a journey
i) to come across 9) to be on good terms
j) to keep on 10) to educate
k) to do up 11) to put into practice, to execute
l) to tidy up 12) to fail
m) to touch up 13) to stop doing something
n) to clear out 14) to do all the work that has not been done
o) to finish off 15) to make small changes (renewing paint)
p) to cheer up 16) to throw away unwanted things

Exercise XII: Language Functions. Look at this picture of men busy building a factory and note
what they are saying and doing.

Grammar Review: Order, Request, Advice, Obligation, Invitation,.

I Read the text:

Dan: I wonder if you have plans for Saturday night, Lucy.
Lucy: No, nothing special.
Dan: An excellent dance group from Mexico is performing here now. I have tickets for Saturday.
Would you like to go?
Lucy: Id like to go very much. Ive heard they are wonderful dancers.
Dan: Good! The performance starts at eight thirty so I should come for you by 8 oclock,
shouldnt I?
Lucy: Yes, I think so. The traffic may be heavy at that hour.
Dan: Id rather take a taxi; then I wont have to park.
Lucy: Fine! We mustnt miss any of the programme!
Dan: No. Perhaps I ought to come about 7.30. That will give us plenty of time and we wont hurry.
Lucy: Thats a good idea. Would you mind ringing me up when you leave home.
Dan: All right. Ill see you on Saturday evening then. Good bye, now.
Lucy: Good bye.

Group the different statements in the text under the corresponding headings:
Request / Advice / Obligation / Absence of Obligation / Invitation

II a) The way of expressing command (order) may vary from the imperative to polite request:
Plain order: Return this book tomorrow!

Order insisting on obligation to be fulfilled:

You are to return this book tomorrow1
You must return this book tomorrow!

Formula mainly used in regulations:

Books shall be returned in ten days.
You shall return this book tomorrow1
Order softened to a request:
You will return this book tomorrow!

Task I: Build up sentences to illustrate different types of commands.

c) Turn the following commands into request according to the models:

Come in! Come in, wont you?

Shut the window1 Shut the window, please!
Help me with these parcels! Help me with these parcels, will you?
Dont open that door! Dont open that door, please!

1) Have a cup of tea.

2) Help Mary with her luggage!
3) Sit down.
4) Switch off the television!
5) Dont speak so loud!
6) Be quiet for a moment!

III. Here are the most usual forms of request:

Will you play your new record for me?

Wont you have some more cake?
Would you ring me up a little later?
Would you be so kind as to help me with these parcels?
Would you mind waiting for a few minutes?
Could you pass me the dictionary please?(informal)

Use these formulas to make up polite request:

Ask somebody to come back an hour later;
- not to smoke in this room;
- to lend you a dictionary for a few days;
- to pass you the salt;
- to help you carry a heavy box;
- to go with you to a pop music concert;
- to switch on the television;
- not to speak so loud in the reading room.

IV. 1. Make up a list of your obligations at home.

2 2.Suppose a friend of yours has caught a bad cold. What is he not permitted to do?
3 3.Respond to the following question according to the model:
Must you leave so soon?
Yes Ive got to write an exercise.

1) Must you leave by plane?

2) Must he go out in the afternoon?
3) Must you take this exam?
4) Must she stay at home this week end?
5) Must they work till late in the evening?
6) Must you travel by ship?
4.Give a short answer to these questions. Refer to obligations in the future.
Model: Did you have to write a translation yesterday?
No, but Ill have to next week.

1) Did he have to go on an English course last year?

2) Did you have to do the shopping yesterday?
3) Did you have to spend a lot of money on books last year?
4) Did she have to go on a diet last month?
5) Did they have to travel by plane to London last year?

V. a) Give an answer to these questions. Motivate your answer.

Model: Need he come too?
a. No he mustnt. Only a limited number of specialists in the field are allowed to participate in the
b. No he neednt. He has already finished his work.

1) Need he inform his sister about the accident?

2) Need she sit up late again this evening?
3) Need they pay him a visit at the hospital?
4) Need your brother train everyday for the coming competition?
5) Need you go home right now?
6) Need the Jones buy a larger flat?

c) Read these sentences and mark by a the sentences referring to an action thought unnecessary but
performed and mark by b the sentences referring to an action considered necessary and not

1) You neednt have lent him your dictionary. He has one of his own.
2) They went to the seaside at the end of the tourist season so they didnt have to book rooms in
3) I didnt have to use my key as the car was unlocked.
4) You neednt have put sugar in your tea as I had already sweetened it.
5) I didnt need to leave the party very soon because a friend of mine promised to give me a lift.
6) She didnt have to book a room at a hotel as her friend put her up for a few days.
7) She neednt have hurried; there was plenty of time to the beginning of the show.

VII Combine the pairs according to the model:

To do some typing get started
I have some typing to do.
Then you should get started.
a) a lot of letters to answer use a typewriter
b) some free time visit an exhibition
c) an important appointment be on time
d) a very bad cough see a doctor
e) some work to do stay at home
f) some washing to do start right now

VIII Disagree with the following statement. Start your sentences with a formula of disagreement:
Its out of the question; I am afraid I cant; I cant possibly.
Model: You should stop working, its late;
Its out of the question. I must make up for the lost time.
1) You should go to that party.
2) Alec should return on Monday from his study tour.
3) You should give her a lift.
4) She should finish the translation by the end of the week.
5) She should go to the club more often.
6) They should remain in the mountain resort for another week.

IX. Comment on the following statements according to the model:

Ann looks pale & tired.
Obligation (by the speaker): She must get some rest.
She should take more exercise.
She should not stay indoors all day.
Advice: She ought to take a holiday.
She ought not to go to bed so late.
Strong recomandation: She had better see a doctor.

1) My tape recorder has been out of order for a week now.

2) Tom has written a very poor test in English.
3) Robert has had another car accident.
4) Dan is in London for the first time.
5) I have lost my papers.
6) She needs some rest.

X. Complete the following sentences with:

shouldnt have + past participle
should have + past participle

Model: How careless of you to have forgotten about the appointment.

You should have seen the doctor at 4 oclock in the afternoon.
Im surprised she didnt go to the concert. She..
She shouldnt have missed it.

1) How careless of you to have forgotten about our arrangement. We

2) The news upsets you. They
3) Im not surprised our team did not win the match. They.
4) Why does yor room look so untidy?You.
5) You know your sister is trying to get some rest and your radio is at the loudest again. You.
6) How careless of you to have forgotten about your best friends birthday. You.
7) How nice of you to have brought all these dictionaries to me but you really.

Task: 1) Imagine a story which must end with the sentence:

a) I neednt have worried about Nell being one hour late for dinner that evening.
b) I didnt have to carry a lot of luggage with me on that holiday.

2)A friend wants you to go out with him and see a film. You have a lot of work to do and you
politely refuse his invitation by telling hiom what you have to do. Write a dialogue.
3) A friend of yours is going for the first time on a long trip in the mountains. Write as a letter, the
advice you would give him.


1.Iron 6. Kitchen scales 11. Gas cooker
2. Washing machine 7. Hoover 12. Filter coffee maker
3. Microwave oven 8. Fridge 13. Mincer
4. Rubbish bin 9. Mixer 14. Grater
5. Dish washer 10. Freezer 15. Toaster

Data Bank

rubbish bin = deposit rubbish

dishwasher = do the washing up, wash the dishes
gas cooker = cook and bake
toaster = toast bread
freezer = freeze and keep food fresh for a long time
fridge = keep food fresh and cool
washing mashine = wash laundry and clothes
mincer = mince meat
iron = iron shirts, blouses
mixer/blender = mix ingredients to make icecream
grater = grate cheese, carrots, apples
kitchen scales = weigh fruit, flour
hoover/vacuum cleaner = clean carpets
filter coffe maker = make coffee

Task I: Compare the home appliances you have learned about considering size, price, usefulness
and age. Here are some adjectives for you to use: small, modern, expensive, cheap, good, light,

Model: A washing machine is bigger than a hoover, but a fridge is the biggest of all machines in the

Exercise I: Grandma is old and she has never seen a dish washer or a microwave. She wants to wash
some of her clothes. Read her conversation with her granddaughter and answer the question below:
1) What is the dishwasher for?
2) What is the microwave used for?
3) What shall I do with my clothes?
4) What does Jane answer?

Note: Repeat the conversation with different intonations ( the conversation will be read as if a tape
is played) different students/teacher.

Jane: What are you doing Grandma?

Grandma: Well, Ive just put things in the machine to wash them but I dont know how to start it.
Shall I press this button here?
Jane: Oh! No, no! Wait a moment! Thats a dishwasher. You cant wash your things in it.
Grand,a: Oh really? Whats it for then?
Jane: Its for washing dishes, of course.
Grandma: Oh dear! O.K. Ill try this one. It looks smaller butI dont have too many things to wash.
Jane: wait! Dont do that, Grandma! Thats a microwave oven. The one in the corners a washing
machine. Its for washing laundry.
Grandma: Oh, I see. Anyway, tell me whats that microbabe used
Jane: Oh, Grandma! Youre impossible! Its not a microbabe, but a microwave oven used for
cooking, baking and heating food.

Grammar Pill
When we want to find out what we can do with something we can ask and answer in the
following ways:
What is it for Its for boiling things in
For + V + ing
What is it used for
Used for + V + ing Its used for ironing things with.
Used + to + V Its used to iron things with.

Task I: Work in pairs. Talk about each of your home aplliances:

Eg.: Whats a fridge used for?
Its used for keeping food fresh and cool.
Use the cues from the Data Bank

Exercise II: Jane wants to make some icecream for her grandmas birthday party. She doesnt
know the recipe so she calls Sue. Read their conversation and fill in the grids with the necessary
ingredients, cutlery items and devices.

Ingredients Cutlery + devices

300 g
.100 g
..250 ml
250 ml

Jane: Hello! Is that you, Sue?

Sue: Yes, speaking. Whats up, Jane?
Jane: Oh, youve recognized me.
Sue: Of course, I have.
Jane: How listen, Sue, Im in a hurry and I need your help.
Sue: No problem. Thats what friends are for. Whats it all about?
Jane: You know, tomorrows my Grandmas birthday and I want to surprise her and make that
chocolate icecream I enjoyed so much at your party. Can you tell me the recipe, please?
Sue: Sure, I can. Are you ready to take it down?
Jane: Yes, Im all ears.
Sue: O.K. Write down the ingredients first. Sugar: 300 g, chocolate: 100 g, 4 yalks, milk: 250 ml,
milk cream: 250 ml. Got it?
Jane: Yes, go on.
Sue: Pour the milk into a pot and boil it. Melt the chocolate in the boiled milk and add sugar. Hello!
Are you listening?
Jane: Yes, yes. I can hear you all right.
Sue: Good. Now take a bowl and start mixing the yolks with the mixer. While mixing the yolks add
the chocolate and the milk little by little. When youre finished, pour the mixture back into the pot
and put it in a bigger pot with boiling water. Stir the mixture with a spoon until it gets thick enough
to stick to the spoon. Take it off the cooker and add the milkcream. Mix well, then pour it into the
icecream box and put it in the freezer for 3 4 hours. Thats all.
Jane: Thanks a lot, Sue. Im sorry I caused you all this trouble.
Sue: Forget it! No trouble at all. I hope everybody will enjoy it.
Jane: I am sure they will. Thanks again. Bye bye!
Sue: Bye!

Task I: write the recipe for your favourite cake, ice cream pudding etc.

Pre teaching activity. Ask your partner how she/he feels about gardening and report to the class.
Eg.: Mary says she really loves gardening.

Activity I: Read this newspaper article and suppose you have been an eye witness yourself to
such an archeological discovery.

Journalist prepares a news item for the local radio station interviews. He will ask everybody
History Teacher: Its the event of his life and it offers him the possibility to explain the subject in his

Housewife is convinced it has all to do with supernatural things. She is very frightened.

Mr Palmer has found a vase worth 4 000 $. Mr Palmer has a beautiful garden and lawn in
front of his house. He was digging in the garden the other day when his spade struck against
something hard. He used his hoe to undug the hard object. It was a gold vase at least 3 500 years
old. Now the government is going to pay Mr Palmer 4 000 $ and the vase will go to a museum. Its
the best thing that has ever happened to me said Mr Palmer.

Task I: Write three paragraphs expressing the three points of view: Consider:
1. What the journalist will tell his listeners.
2. What the history teacher will tell his students.
3. What the housewife will tell her neighbours.

Exercise III: Read the text below and tick the sentences in the table as TRUE OR FALSE, then in
pairs correct the false statements.

Most British families like to have their own houses in the suburbs of a big city. The
traditional British house has a garden in two parts, one in front of the house and the other at the
back, so that two parts are known as the front and black gardens. The lawn with flowerbeds round
or beyond it is the part of the garden nearest the house so that it can be seen from the windows and
used as a kind of outdoor sitting room. Vegetables are usually grown in a special part of the garden
where they are not so visible as the lawn and the flowerbeds.
The lawn is the main part of a British garden because the rather wet summers mean that the
grass is green and fresh throughout the year and it always provides the best setting for flowers.
Lawn are easy to lay out. If grass seed is sown in early spring or autumn, it will grow into a thick
green carpet within a few weeks. The grass of a lawn shout be cut regulary during the summer to
keep it even, and weeds should be removed in order not to spoil the growth of the grass and make it
look untidy.

Gardening True False

1. A traditional English house has a front garden with a lawn
and a back garden.
2. The lawn is for from the house so you cannot see it from
the window.
3. The back garner can be used as an outdoor sitting room
in hot summers.
4. Vegetables are grown in the back garden where they are not so
visible as the flowerbeds.
5. The lawn is green only in summer.
6. It is easy to lay out lawns.
7. Grass seed is sown in late spring.
8. Grass should be kept short and wen.

Exercise I: Do you have your own garden? (In the countryside?)

Does your garden look like the British gardens?
What kinds of flowers do you grow in your garden? (Consider the flower beds and the
flowering shrubberies)

Exercise II: Consider the text above and find the antonyms of the following words:
1) beyond 2) nearest 3) visible 4) easy 5) lay out 6) thick 7) growth 8) untidy 9) shallow 10)

Exercise III: Comment on the following negative statements. Use the cues in brackets and as if
clauses in your sentences.
Model: He hasnt understood you (look at me) youre right but he looks at me as if he had
understood me.

1) He is not a teacher yet (act)

2) Linda has never been to London (talk)
3) My friend was not surprised at the news (look)
4) They did not know why Mary was alte (talk)
5) We have not known each other long (feel)
6) I am not a child any more (treat)
7) I dont like the apple pie (smell)

Exercise IV: Mention what kind of Dish, Cigarettes, Beer, Cheese and Coffee you prefer. Use the
following adjectives correctly: light, leavy, strong, weak, mild.

Exercise V: Fill in the matrix; tick the correct ones, indicate the doubtful ones with a question
mark and the unacceptable ones with a cross..

a laugh a smoke an experience a trip


Exercise VI: A word may have different opposites in different contexts. What are the opposites of
light, rough, hard, and high in these phrases:

1) light bag 1) rough sea 1) high marks

2) light wind 2) rough texture 2) high building
3) ligh colours 3) rough person 3) high price
4) rough area 4) high temperature
5) high winds

1) hard exam
2) hard work
3) hard journey
4) hard drugs
Exercise VII: Toms Grandfather is a very good gardener. He is now telling Tom about his garden
tools and what fill in the missing information.

Tom: Grandpa, you promised to tell me everything about your garden tools and what you use them
for. Do you need many tools?
Grandpa: Well, Tommy, you know..there are lots of tools a good gardener needs but what you
really cant do without is a spade, a fork, a rake, a hoe and a wheelbarrow.
Tom: I see. What do you do with the spade?
Grandpa: A spade is used for digging so it must have a clean, sharp edge that cuts the soil easily.
Tom: What about the rake.
Grandpa: The rake is very important. It is used for smoothing the soil after it has beeen dug or for
gathering leaves and cut grass.
Tom: Dont you ever gather the leaves with a fork?
Grandpa: No, never. As I said, you gather the leaves with the rake, then you handle them with a
fork and load them onto the wheelbarrow.
Tom: Oh, now I know what you do with the wheelbarrow. You carry the leaves to a safe place, pile
them up and burn them.
Grandpa: Thats right, Tom. Youre a quick learner.
Tom: Oh, thank you, Grandpa. By the way, you havent told me anything about the hoe.
Grandpa: Oh, yes, the hoe. Well the hoe is used for uprooting weeds and for breaking up the surface
of the soil.
Tom: Thank you very much, Grandpa.
Grandpa: Youre welcome, Tom. Im sure youll be a very good gardener.

Exercise VIII:
1. A good gardener cant do without.,,
2. used for digging so it must have a sharp edge thatthe
3. used for smoothing the..after it has been..or for
4. Theis used for..leaves and loading them into
5. You carry the leaves to a.palce, pile
6. used for..weeds and.up theof the

Exercise IX: Here are some of the activities the farmers do. Decide upon the activities that belong
to each season and fill in the boxes (some phrases may appear in 2 boxes)

- baling the dried grass

Spring - ploughing the land
- binding the corn into sheaves
- repairing agricultural machines
- fertilizing the soil
Summer - planting seeds (sowing)
- using chemicals to kill weeds
- threshing the crop
Autumn - storing the hay in the barn for winter
- selling the crop
- shearing the sheep
- preserving fruit and vegetables
- spinning the wool
- muck spreading
- mucking out

Exercise IX: Match the beginings and endings of these sentences:

1) Every year supllies machines, seeds, chemicals, a) .could have been harvested sooner
fertilizers and fuels
2) In some years, grain market prices. b) may be reduced
3) The rent for the land. c)must be bought
4) If the crop is lost because of the weather, expenses d)has to be paid
5) During a storm, animals e)will be sent back by the factory
6) Had there been enough machines last year, the crop.. f)might be killed
7) And the white sheep g)..cannot be paid
8) If the yarn is not good for weaving, it h) should have been sheared in time
so they didnt wander out of the barn in the cold.


Pre teaching activity: 1) What activities does housekeeping involve? Make a list
2) Who does most the housekeeping in your home?
3) Which of the household duties in the list below do you usually do? Who does the other ones?

Mending shaking carpets sewing

Ironing paying bills washing up
Washing laundry taking garbage out tidying
Walking dogs scrubbing floors sweeping
Shopping cooking cleaning windows
Dusting hoovering drying

Exercise I: Which of them have you done today?

Which of them havent you done yet?
Write sentences like:
Ive walked my dog today but I havent washed it yet.
Ive paid my electricity bills but I havent paid the phone bills.

Exercise II: Household duties people hate doing are called chores . What are your chores? Express
your own opinions about household duies.

Exercise III: Make conversations like this:

Eg.: A: When did Grandma start doing the washing up?
B: Five minutes ago.
A: Oh, she hasnt been washing up for a long time, has she? How many dishes has she
B: Well, she has washed ten plates and five glasses so far.
A: Do you think shell mind sewing my blue jumper?
B: I dont know.
A: You know, sewing is my chore. You know I hate it

Exercise IV: Read the conversation below and fill in the table.

Reporter: Mrs Smith could you tell our listeners how long youve been a housewife?
Mrs Smith: know.I can say Ive been a housewife since I got married, that is.for
over ten years now.
Reporter: Thank you, Mrs Smith, er.dont you find it a bit tiring and.well even boring to do
all the house hold chores after a days work?
Mrs Smith: Now, wait a minute. What chores are you talking about? This is the end of the 20 th
century, isnt it?
Reporter: Yes, knowdoing all the cooking is.
Mrs Smith: Cooking? Thats a piece of cake. I have all sorts of modern devices..potato and
carrot peelers vegetable slicers and.of course..a robot.
Reporter: O.K. However, were sure you hate doing the washing up.
Mrs Smith: Of course, I hate it. Thats why I dont do it. The dishwasher does it.
Reporter: I see. How about washingYou know theres always the laundry and then.the
Mrs Smith: thats no problem at all. My washing machine makes all my laundry snow white. As
for ironing.well..with my new steam iron.ironing is a real pleasure. I love it.
Reporter: Youre wonderful, Mrs Smith, you never give up. Now, tell us, how do you manage all
the scrubbing window cleaning and painting when its time for spring cleaning?
Mrs Smith: You wont catch me with that, for sure. With all the good brushes, good detergents and
other modern devices, such as the window cleaner Ive got, I get everything clean and shining in the
shortest possible time. Believe me, house keeping is so easy, after all.
Reporter: Thank you very much, Mrs Smith. Youve been quite convincing. We hope.

Chore Opinion Argument

piece of cake

steam iron
spring cleaning

Exercise V: Make your own dialogue tilling what machines do you use for the household duties?
You may discuss with a group partner or imagine a conversation with one of your neighbours.

Exercise VI: Suppose your grandma has never used a washing machine before. Read the following
instructions, then tell her what to do.

Programming your Washing Machine

1. Make sure that your machine is supplied with water and electricity by plugging it in and turning
the water tap on. The ON/OFF must be in the OFF position (depressed).
2. Load in the laundry and turn the programme selector button (clockwise only!) to the required/
programme according to the table of programmes.
3. Put detergents & additives in the special drawer.
4. Check the table of programmes again and turn the temperature selector to the position of your
5. Press the ON/OFF button. Presently you will hear the water entering your machine.
6. The programme selctor will turn clockwise automatically until the prigramme is complete.

Exercise I: Write your own instructions for one of the appliances you have at home.

Grammar Review
Neither and either are used in negative tags.
Eg.: John speaks French and so does Mary.
John doesnt speak French and neither does Mary.
John doesnt speak French and Mary doesnt either.

Exercise I:
a) Bill drives carefully and Ben does too. (Simon/Jack)
b) Lucy was going to leave and so was Gill (Mark/Henry)
c) Mary will wait and so will Sheila (Sally/Patricia)
d) Ed worked in a garage during the holidays and Paul did too (Mark/Frank)
e) Amy has been the folk art exhibition and Maud has too (Lisa/Linda)
f) Bob is watching the ballet show on T.V. and Ann is too (Henry/Randy)
g) My brother went camping and so did I (my mother/my sister)

Exercise II: Render the contents of the following sentences using affirmative or negative tags.
Models: Both Jack and Mark attended the football match.
Jack attended the football match and so did Mark (Mark did too)
Neither Linda nor her sister can drive a scooter.
Linda cannot drive a scooter and neither can her sister (and her sister cant either)
1) Both the oranges and the strawberries taste delicious.
2) Neither planes nor helicopters can land when the fog is thick.
3) Neither Hindi nor Japanese are easy to learn.
4) Both Beethoven and Schumann are German composers.
5) Both Dan and Maria attend courses at the Peoples University.

Exercise III:
a) Give short negative answers to theese questions using: nobody, no one, nothing, nowhere,
neither (of the two), none (of all)
What are you doing right now?
Which of these two films would you like to see?
How many of these stamps are Johns?
Where did you go for the weekend?
Which of these two men am I supposed to address?
Who told you to come so early?
Which of all these exercises seems difficult to you?
b) Make the sentences negative without changing the form of the verb but making all other
necessary changes:
I met both of them.
All of us know the way to the chalet.
Anyone will tell you this.
I think either of you will be able to do it.
Each of the students has already bought this dictionary.
Have you any interesting books to read? Yes I have.
Somebody agreed to his proposal.

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