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Standalone Financial Results, Limited Review Report For December 31, 2016 (Result)

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D.panmenr ol colpordte Alfai6

'Ph rcze leeje.hhoy lowed

Ref: CompanvCod. No. s30959

Suh Un,udihd Fin.n.l.l Rslts & ui Ed R.vl4 R...d lor th. du.rtr .nd.d l1n o...nh.r,

i terms of Re3ulation 3l ol sEBl(tisting Oblications and Dis.losure Requn.m.nb)R4ulations,2015,

please find en.bed hrcwith th fo lowiig:

l companylorth.ouanernded 3li De.ember,2016, appded

Unaudited Finan.ialResultsofthe
andskenon r4od bvthe Boardof DircdoEinthelrmeetiryheldon FEhruarv14, 2017

2. limited Review Repoftofthe Companysubmined byourAuditou, M/sOas& Prasadin rcspeciof

!.audit d tinancial Reluhslorlhequaturnded 31!r Decmber, 2016.

r.r DIANA IEA coMPAfl Y tlMlTtD


Rerr Ofr Le Sr HNli rcuse 1.1h F..r, 38 L. Bazar Slr*I Kc krra 7nC Cll
Pr;nc 22ae A.i2 !056 1530 9i Fax 2uA75t-1E f. ct atluscianal' I
treLs re w*w d anar.a n a N Ll5'1!5!18i9lipLC!C2275
Da Y Pwal Aucho/r i.n* i.pon

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com,,y lhhcd (rh. comP:ny') ro
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rqui,em6. ol R.lulation J3 ol rh. stBr lliniis odtariofi ind oi!
r.s,r"tt*, :ors ,iua *rrr' stsl omul, No crR/crD/FAc/622016 d .d t" rur, ?ot5' rirr
naims! 6 lhe re$.Eibrrry ot ih

L w..ond!.td @iew in a(ddai(e w h rh. standard oi Rev ew tn8'semlN isRt)2a10'

rcn P.riorm.d bY ti. rnd'P'id'nr tu
(i.d bv rhe rnn ue of ch.t.r.d Ak&ii.nE dt ladia rh 5 nandtd rquner th3t $ orai rnd
pe d,m ih. rcv'.w to obs'n mod.,a
ot m eid hkn.temeit. A B! i! limired prin v ro iiqunics ol.o
,n. yri.a or@du6.Dtl,.d ro ri..n.rtrdlE rid rhu! ProvLd res.$urin.e iian an.udir' w'
hra notr.nom.dnrudiraidako.dinsJY,ft do mtclp.e*ai audiroDnion

al rhg co@ry h- nd nrd. pdtroo 6. "n or & uitY dbnty n ts/a

br rha ldnr lnd .dYrn6 rndud.

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() ft* cmp'ny h ftd. lol\B e

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!.@!iiins sbnnd rl rcou iisrd
Baed o. our @in.oidd.d 3.b., rlbjBl ro rh. ob6lmrio6 ri o.'atEph I rbd.,

l.ld iroen ii in apprr.'bl. eeitiis {.ndrds p@nb.d under sedioi

tuL 2013, rad u h ,e revrit rul6 ilsuod lheE !n&r .id orhi rc.ofi r?ed a(o! il ii3 ,@li.s
.nd ,.1106 h.! ior dt.l@d rh. iniomnon ruquird to h. dhdoEd ii Eru o, R.3u .tio. 13
ol rhc s6ar (udii! obnrrtunr .nd oixr@rc Rea]k m.ns) i4ur.tio6, 2015 r.!d w h stal
cndlJ o, crR/cfo/fAc/52l206 dat d tr Juu 2016 lidudkB lh. m.i6e. hr uhnh it ir ro b.

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M.mb?6hip N. :c52363

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