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3B Drug Study 2

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Flores, Mary Jane

Generi Brand Classica Actual Action Rationale Side effect Nursing

c name tion dose Consideration
Cetririzi Citirixine Anthishis Adullts Parient used in the CNS: -Management
ne tamine 5-10 daily histamine treatment of Somnolence,sedati of seasonal and
po receptor hay fever, on perennial
maximum antagonist allergies, CV: Palpitation allergic rhinitis.
dose 20/mg inhibits angioedema, ,edema -Treatment of
day histamine and urticaria. GI:Nausea,diarrhe year round
release and a ,abdominal allergic rhinitis
eosinophil pain ,constipation and
chematoxis Repiratory:Broncho chronicidiopath
during spasm,Pharyngitis ic urticaria in
inflammatio infant
n, leading to
swelling and
y response
Clindam Cleocin Antibiotic Adults and Inhibits used to treat CNS: -Expect to
ycin Dalacin children protein certain types Fatigue,Headache obtain a
C For serious synthesis in of bacterial CV:Hypotension,Th specimen for
infections susceptible infections, rombhoplebitis culture and
150 to 300 bacteria by including EENT:Glossitis sensitivity
mg every binding to infections of ,Metallic,or testing before
hour for the 50s sub the lungs, unpleasant taste giving first
sereve units of skin, blood, with high IV doses dose.
infections bacterial female stomatitis -Use
300 to ribosomes reproductive GI:Abdominal chilndamycin
450mg and organs, and pain,Diarrhea,Esop cautiously in
every 6hr preventing internal hagitis,Nausea,Pse patients who
Children peptide organs. udomembranous have a history
For serous bond colitis ,Vomiting of asthma
infections formation GU:Cervicitis significant and
8to16mg/k which ,Vaginitis and in elderly or
g daily in causes vulvar irritation atopic patient
equally bacterial with vaginal form -Store oral
divided of cells to die. solutions for up
four times. to 2 weeks at
For severe room
infections temperature or
16 to reconstituted
20mg/kg/d parenteral
ay in solutions for up
equally to 24 hours at
divided room.
doses three temperature
times daily -Do not dilute
or four clindamycin
times a phosphate prior
day. to
IM give IM
injection deep
into muscles
mass such as
the gluteus
Ceftriax Rocephin Lincosa Adults: Interfees used to CNS: Chills, -Use
one mide 1 to 2 g with treat many Fever ceftriaxone
antibiotic daily or in bacterial kinds of ,Headache,Hyoert cautiously in
equally cell wall bacterial onia,Reversible patient who are
Pregnanc divided synthesis by infections, hyperactivity hypersensitive
y dose twice inhibiting including seizures to penicillins
Category daily cross linking severe or life- CV: Edema because cross
B maximum of threatening EENT: Glossitis, sensitivity has
4g daily peptidoglyc forms such as Healing loss occurred in
Children: an strands . meningitis. ,Stomatitis about 1to 3
50 to 75mg Peptidoglyc GI: Abdomina percentb of
/kg daily in an makes cramps, such patients .
divided the cell cholestasis, -If possible
doses membrane Diarrhea,elevated ,obtain culture
every 12 hr rigid and liver function test and sensitivity
maximum protective results ,gallbladder results,as
2g daily. without it dysfunction ordered, before
bacterial ,hepatic ,failure giving drug.
cell ruptures ,hepatomegaly,na -Protect powder
and die. usea oral from light.
Prednis Cotalone corticost Adut dose: Inhibiting used to treat CNS: Euphoria , -Give once
olone Delta eroids. Initial dose: neutrophil conditions headache daily doses in
Cortef 5 to 60 mg and such as ,insomnia the morning to
Prelone orally per monocyte arthritis, ,nervousness,Psyc mirror bodys
day. accumulatio blood hosis,Restlessness, normal cortisol
n at disorders, seizures,vertigo secretion.
inflammatio breathing CV: Edema,heart -Inspect
n site and problems, failure,hypertensio injectsble form
suppressing severe n for pariculates
their allergies, skin EENT: Cataracts and
phagocytic diseases, ,exophthalmos,Gla discoloration
and cancer, eye ucoma increased before
bacterial problems, ocular pressure administering.
activity. and immune ENDO: Adrenal -For IM injection
Stabilizing system insufficiency,Cushi shake
lysosomal disorders. ng suspension well
membranes. syndrome,growth before
Suppressing suppression in withdrawing.
antigen children, -Monitor growth
response of hyperglycemia. pattern in
macrophage children
s. prednisolone
may retaral
bone growth.
-Prolonged use
may cause
Aminop Phylocon Broncho Base stimulates is used to CNS: -To determine
hylline tin dilator adjusments the CNS, prevent and Dizziness,fever, peak serum
Truphylli Xanthine on clinical skeletal treat headache,insomni theophylline
ne reponses muscles, wheezing, a, level, draw
monitor and cardiac shortness irritability,restlessn blood sample
serum muscle. It of breath, and ess.seizures 15 to 30
theophyllin relaxes difficulty brea CV: Arrythmias minutes after
e levels certain thing caused hypotensions administering
maintain smooth by asthma, palpitations IV loading
therapeutic muscles in chronic EENT: Bitter after dose.
range of the bronchi, bronchitis, em taste -Give
10-20 produces physema, and RESP: Respiratory immediate
mcg/ml diuresis, other lung arrest,Tachypnea. release and
base and causes diseases. It liquid forms
dosage on an increase relaxes and with food to
lean body in gastric opens air reduce GI upset
mass 127 secretion. passages in -Explain that
mg the lungs, blood test may
aminiphylli making it be needed to
ne easier to monitor drugs
dehydrate breathe. therapeutic
100 mg effects.

Zinc Peditrac Mineral Men and Serves as a used to treat abdominal -Give oral zinc
Sulfate e, and boys 11and cofactorfor zinc pain, vomiting, he supplements
Neotrace electrolyt over 15 mg many deficiency adache, and 1hour before or
-4, e 9 to 12 mg enzymaticre and to feeling tired. 2 to 3hrs after
Multiple replacem Canadian actions. prevention meals at least
Trace ents/sup elemental Requiredfor the conditions 2 hours after
Element, plements zinc daily. normal in those at giving oral iron
Conte- . Pregnant growthand high risk. supplements to
Pak-4 women: tissue prevent
15mg repair,woun decreased zinc
Canadian d healing absorption or
elemental andsense of cpper
zinc daily. taste supplements at
Breastfeedi andsmell. least 6 hours
ng women: before or2
16 to 19 hours after
mg administering
elemental quinolone or
zinc daily. tetracycline
antibiotics to
absorption of
these of drugs.
receiving long
term zinc
therapy for
enema which
may results
from zinc
induced copper
defiency and is
nia and bone
Penicilli Bicillin L- antibiotic Adults and kills It is also used CNs: Confusion fter
nG A, Adolescent susceptible to prevent ,dizziness,dyspnea -Monitor client
Crysticilli s bacteria by infection of ,hallucilations,hea for at least 30
n 20000 to specifically the heart dache,lethargy minutes.
500000 inhibiting (bacterial ,sciatic nerve - Arrange for
units. the endocarditis) irritation ,seizures regular follow-
transpeptid in patients CV: Labile blood up,
Children: ase that with certain pressure including blood
4167 to catalyzes heart palpitations tests, to
15000 the final diseases who EENT: Black hairy evaluate
units/kg step in cell are having tongue ,oral effects.
Every 4hr wall surgery. candidiasis,stomat - Instruct to
6250 to biosynthesis itis ,taste report difficulty
22500 , the cross- pervesion. breathing,
units/kg linking of GI:Abdominal rashes, severe
Every 6hr peptidoglyc pain,diarrhea,elev pain at
or 8333 to an. ated liver function injection site,
30000 test results mouth sores,
units/kg indigestion nausea unusual
every 8hr. pseudomembrano bleeding or
us colitis bruising.
MS: Muscle - Instruct to
twitching take
medication as
directed for the
full course of

Acyclovi Zovirax Antiviral, Ayclovir used to treat Dizzness,Headach -Assess lesions

r purine interfees infections e ,Trembling before and
analogue with viral caused by ,Diarrhea,Nausea,V daily during
s DNA herpes omiting,Abdominal therapy.
synthesis. viruses, such pain,Anorexia,Acn -Shake the
Thus, it as genital e,Hives Unusual liquid well
inhibits viral herpes, cold sweating before each
replication , sores, shingle ,Pain,Phlebitis,Loca use to mix the
decreased s, and chicken l pain,Irritation. medication
viral pox. evenly.
shedding -Ayclovir can be
and reduce taken with or
time for wihout food
healing of with full glass
lesions of water
-Follow the
direction on
,even if you
feel better.
Amoxicil Amoxil, antiinfec -Children it acts used to treat -stomach pain, -Determine
lin Polymox, tive; anti weighing through the many nausea, vomiting, previous
Trimox, biotic; a more than inhibition of different diarrhea; hypersensitivity
Wymox minopeni 40kg cell wall types -vaginal itching or reactions to
cillin should be biosynthesis of infection ca discharge; penicillins,
given the that leads to used by -headache; or cephalosporins,
usual adult the death of bacteria, such -swollen, black, or and other
dosage. the as tonsillitis, "hairy" tongue. allergens prior
-Children bacteria. bronchitis, to therapy.
weighing pneumonia, -Lab
less than gonorrhea, tests: Baseline
40kg who and infections C&S tests prior
are able to of the ear, to initiation of
swallow nose, throat, therapy, start
capsules: skin, or drug pending
All doses urinary tract. results;
are worked periodic
out assessments of
depending renal, hepatic,
on the child and
s body hematologic
weight in functions
kilograms. should be
Your doctor made during
will advise prolonged
you how therapy.
much -Monitor for
medicine S&S of an
you should urticarial rash
give to (usually
your baby occurring
or child. within a few
The usual days after start
dose is of drug)
40mg to suggestive of a
90mg for hypersensitivity
each reaction. If it
kilogram of occurs, look for
body other signs of
weight a hypersensitivity
day, given (fever,
in two or wheezing,
three generalized
divided itching,
doses. dyspnea), and
report to
-Report onset
of generalized,
rash (ampicillin
rash) to
diarrhea to rule
nous colitis.

Foronda, Christine
Generic Brand Classicat Actual Action Rationale Side effect Nursing
name ion dose Consideration
Heparin Hep-lock Anti- Initial IV increases used to treat Mild -Lab tests: Baseline
coagulant bolus of 50 the and prevent pain/redness/irritatio blood coagulation
units/kg and inhibitory blood clots in n at the injection site tests, Hct, Hgb,
then 100 action of the veins, may occur. If any of RBC, and platelet
units/kg IV q antithrombi arteries, or these effects persist counts prior to
4 hr, or n III (AT III) lung. It is or worsen, tell your initiation of therapy
20,000 on clotting also used befor doctor or pharmacist and at regular
units/m2 factors XIIa, e surgery to promptly. intervals
per 24 hr by XIa, IXa, Xa reduce the risk throughout
continuous and of blood clots. therapy.
IV infusion. thrombin. -Monitor APTT
This inhibits levels closely.
the -Note: In general,
conversion dosage is adjusted
of to keep APTT
prothrombin between 1.52.5
to thrombin times normal
and control level.
fibrinogen -Draw blood for
to fibrin. It coagulation test 30
also inhibits min before each
platelet scheduled SC or
function. It intermittent IV
may reduce dose and
the activity approximately q4h
of ATIII at for patients
very high receiving
doses. continuous IV
heparin during
dosage adjustment
period. After
dosage is
established, tests
may be done once
-Patients vary
widely in their
reaction to heparin;
risk of hemorrhage
appears greatest in
women, all patients
>60 y, and
patients with liver
disease or renal
-Monitor vital signs.
Report fever, drop
in BP, rapid pulse,
and other S&S of
-Observe all needle
sites daily for
hematoma and
signs of
(swelling, heat,
redness, pain).

Potassiu K-Dur, Electrolyt 0.5 to 1 Principal used to prevent nausea,vomiting,gas, -Monitor I&O ratio
m KLor e mEq/kg/dos intracellular or to treat low abdominal pain or and pattern in
Chloride Con, K- e cation; blood levels discomfort, patients receiving
Tab, (maximum essential for of potassium (h And diarrhea. the parenteral
(Kaon dose 30 maintenanc ypokalemia). drug. If oliguria
CL, mEq) e of occurs, stop
Klorvess, potassium intracellular infusion promptly
Slow-K, chloride for isotonicity, and notify
Ten-K, injection transmissio physician.
Klotrix, diluted in an n of nerve -Lab test: Frequent
K-Lyte CL appropriate impulses, serum electrolytes
amount and contraction are warranted.
type of of cardiac, -Monitor patients
solution to skeletal, receiving
be and smooth parenteral
intravenousl muscles, potassium closely
y infuse maintenanc with cardiac
once at a e of normal monitor. Irregular
rate not to kidney heartbeat is usually
exceed 0.3 function, the earliest clinical
to 0.5 and for indication of
mEq/kg/hour enzyme hyperkalemia.
. activity. -Be alert for
Plays a potassium
prominent intoxication
role in both (hyperkalemia, see
formation S&S, Appendix F);
and may result from
correction of any therapeutic
imbalances dosage, and the
in acidbase patient may be
metabolism. asymptomatic.
-The risk of
hyperkalemia with
increases (1) in
older adults
because of
Albumin Albuked- Blood Usual Symptomati used for: Breathing problems -Monitor BP, pulse
5, formerS, Pediatric c relief and Treating a (such as shortness of and respiration,
Albuked- COAGULA Dose for supportive variety of breath, wheezing) and IV albumin flow
25, TORS Burns treatment in conditions, Chills,fever,hives,nau rate. Adjust flow
Albumin AND Albumin 5%: managemen including shock sea,racing rate as needed to
ar-5, ANTOCOA t of shock, due to blood heartbeat,severe avoid too rapid a
Albumin GULANTS; Initial dose: burns, loss in the stomach cramps, rise in BP.
ar-25, BLOOD 10 to 15 mL hypoprothro body, burns, vomiting or -Lab tests: Monitor
Alburx,Al DERIVATI per pound mbinemia, low protein diarrhea,signs of an dosage of albumin
butein, VE; (4.5 to 6.8 adult levels due to allergic reaction using plasma
Buminat PLASMA mL per kg) respiratory surgery or liver (such as skin rash or albumin (normal):
e, VOLUME of body distress failure, and as hives, trouble 3.55 g/dL; total
Flexbumi EXPANDE weight IV is syndrome, an additional breathing, swelling of serum protein
n, R usually cardiopulmo medicine in the lips, mouth, (normal): 68.4
Kedbumi adequate nary bypass surgery. throat, eyelids, g/dL; Hgb; Hct; and
n, accompanie bypass, genitals, hands or serum electrolytes.
Plasbumi d by close acute liver feet,sudden -Observe closely
n-5, surveillance failure, unexpected changes for S&S of
Plasbumi of the child. acute in blood pressure circulatory
n-25 nephrosis, overload and
sequestratio pulmonary edema
n of protein- (see Appendix F). If
rich fluids, S&S appear, slow
erythrocyte infusion rate just
resuspensio sufficiently to keep
n, vein open, and
hypotension report immediately
or shock to physician.
during renal -Observe for
dialysis, bleeding points
hyperbilirubi that did not bleed
nemia and at lower BP with
erythroblast injuries or surgery
osis fetalis. and as BP rises.
-Monitor I&O ratio
and pattern. Report
changes in urinary
output. Increase in
colloidal osmotic
pressure usually
causes diuresis,
which may persist
320 h.
-Withhold fluids
completely during
succeeding 8 h,
when albumin is
Co- Moclav Amoxicilli Under 40kg, Known or to treat skin rash, itching or -inflammation of
Amoxicla 1gm, n- 20mg/5mg suspected bacterial hives, has problems blood vessels
v Amoclav potassiu to amoxicillin- infections. It is breathing or seems (vasculitis) which
375, m 60mg/15mg resistant prescribed for short of breath or is may be visible as
Amoclav clavulana /kg daily in infections sinus wheezing, or if their red or purple raised
600, te three including infections, face, throat, lips or spots on the skin
Amoclav Combinati divided respiratory urine tongue start to swell, but can affect
625,Amo on doses at tract skin infections, skin they may be allergic other parts of the
clav start of and soft infections, joint to co-amoxiclav. body
forte, meals for up tissue , infections and -fever, joint pain,
demoxil to 14 days, genitourinar some dental swollen glands in
forte, then review y and ear infections. the neck, armpit or
Demoxil (<2 years, ,nose and groin
plus 375, max trhoat -Swelling,
Demoxil 40mg/10mg infections. sometimes of the
plus 625, /kg daily); face or mouth
Fimoxycl 40kg, as (angioedema),
av 1200, adult. Under causing difficulty in
Fimoxycl 6 years, use breathing
av 375, susp. -allergic acute
Fimoxycl cardiac syndrome
av 600, (kounis syndrome)
Fimoxycl -Contact a doctor
av 625, immediately if you
Moxaclav get any of these
, symptoms. Stop
Moxaclav taking Co-
1gm, amoxiclav.
Hydrocor Cortef Pharmaco 20-240 Enters used to treat Aggression, anxiety, Before
tisone logic mg/day in target cells many different blurred vision, - Assess for
class single dose and binds to conditions such decrease in the contraindications.-
Adrenal or divided cytoplasmic as allergic amount of urine, Assess body
cortical dose receptor; disorders, skin dizziness, dry mouth, weight, skin
steroid Availability initiates conditions, fast, slow, pounding, color,V/S,
Corticoste Tablets: many ulcerative or irregular heartbeat urinalysis, serum
roid 5,10,20 mg complex colitis, arthritis, or pulse, headache, electrolytes-rays,
Glucocorti Oral that are lupus, irregular heartbeats, CBC.- Arrange for
coid suspension: responsible psoriasis, or irritability, mental increased dosage
10mg/5ml; for its anti- breathing depression, mood when patient is
Therapeu injection: inflammator disorders. changes, subject to unusual
tic Class 25,50mg/ml y, nervousness, noisy, stress.- Do not give
Hormone , immunosup rattling breathing, live vaccines with
100,200,50 pressive( gl numbness or tingling immunosuppressiv
0,1000 ucocorticoid in the arms or legs, e doses of
mg/vial ) and salt pounding in the ears, hydrocortisone.-
retaining restlessness, Observe the 15
(mineraloco shaking, swelling of rights of drug
rticoid) the fingers, hands, administration.
actions. feet, or lower legs,
trouble thinking,
speaking, or walking, During
trouble breathing, - Give daily before
troubled breathing at 9am to mimic
rest, trouble normal peak
sleeping, weight gain diurnal
levels.- Space
multiple doses
evenly throughout
the day.- Use
minimal doses for
minimal duration to
minimize adverse
effects.- Do not
give IM injections if
patient has
purpura.- Taper
doses when
discontinuing high-
dose or long-term
- Monitor client for
at least
Educate client on
the side effects of
the medication and
what to expect.-
Instruct client to
report pain at
injection site.-
Instruct client to
take drug exactly
Dispose of used
materials properly.-
Document that
drug has been
Multivita Metanx, vitamin 1 Tab Dietary used to provide GU: Urine -Lab tests: Periodic
min Folbic, and supplement vitamins that discoloration , MISC: Hct & Hgb, serum
Rena- mineral for the are not taken in allergic reactions to electrolytes.Monito
Vite, combinati treatment through the preservatives , r for S&S of acute
Nephro- ons and diet. additives or hemolytic anemia,
Vite prevention Multivitamins colorants. sickle cell crisis.
of vitamin are also used Patient & Family
deficiencies. to treat vitamin Education
These deficiencies (la -High doses of
vitamins are ck of vitamins) vitamin C are not
necessary caused by recommended
for normal illness, during pregnancy.
growth and pregnancy, -Take large doses of
developmen poor nutrition, vitamin C in
t . Many act digestive divided amounts
as disorders, and because the body
coenzymes many other uses only what is
or catalysts conditions. needed at a
in numerous particular time and
metabolic excretes the rest in
processes urine.
-Megadoses can
interfere with
absorption of
vitamin B12.Note:
Vitamin C increases
the absorption of
iron when taken at
the same time as
iron-rich foods
-do not breast feed
while taking this
drug without

Ascorbic Vitamin Vitamins Oral, IM, IV, Attributed also helps the GI: Lab tests: Periodic
Acid C, Ester- subcutaneo to two of its body absorb Nausea,vomiting,hea Hct& Hgb,
C, usly: 500 functions. It iron, which is rtburn, diarrhea. serumelectrolytes.
Vitamin mg every 6 is a water- needed for Hematologic: Monitor for S&S of
C TR, to 8 hours. soluble red blood cell Acute hemolytic acute
Ascorbic chain production. anemia (patients hemolyticanemia,
, Fero- breaking Ascorbic acid is with deficiency of sickle cellcrisis.
Grad- antioxidant . used to treat G6PD); sickle Patient &
500, As an and cellcrisis. FamilyEducation
Vitelle antioxidant, prevent vitamin CNS: Take large doses of
Irospan, it scavenges C deficiency. Headache (high vitamin in divided
Ferrex free radicals doses). amounts because
150 Plus, and reactive Urogenital: the body uses only
Niferex- oxygen Urethritis, what is needed at
150, molecules, dysuria,crystalluria particular time and
Rexavite which are (highdoses). excretes the rest in
150, Fe- produced Other: urine.
Tinic 150 during Mild soreness at Mega doses can
metabolic injection site; interfere with
pathways of dizziness and absorption of
detoxificatio temporary faintness vitamin
n. with rapid 12
IVadministration .Note: Vitamin C
increases the
absorption of iron
when taken at the
same time as iron-
rich foods

Terbutali Generic Autonomi PO <12 y, Synthetic used to prevent Difficulty sleeping; -Assess vital signs:
ne only. No c nervous 0.05 mg/kg adrenergic and treat dizziness; Baseline pulse and
brands system q8h, stimulant wheezing, drowsiness; BP and before each
available agent; gradually with shortness headache; nausea; dose. If
. Beta increase up selective of breath, and nervousness. significantly altered
adrenergi to 0.15 beta2- and chest tightness Severe allergic from baseline level,
c Agonist; mg/kg q8h negligible caused reactions (rash; consult physician.
Bronchodi (max: 5 beta1- by asthma, hives; itching; Cardiovascular
lator mg/d) SC agonist chronic increased difficulty adverse effects are
Prototype 0.0050.01 (cardiac) bronchitis, breathing; tightness more apt to occur
: mg/kg activity. and emphysem in the chest; swelling when drug is given
Albuterol (max: 0.4 Exerts a. of the mouth, face, by SC route or it is
mg) q15 preferential lips, or tongue); used by a patient
20min times effect on burning, numbness, with cardiac
2 doses beta2 or tingling; chest arrhythmia.
receptors in pain or discomfort; -Most adverse
bronchial fast or irregular effects are
smooth heartbeat; transient, however,
muscles, hallucinations; rapid heart rate
inhibits muscle pain, may persist for a
histamine weakness, or relatively long
release from cramping; pain, time.
mast cells, redness, or swelling -Be aware that
and at the injection site; onset and degree
increases pounding in the of effect and
ciliary chest; seizures; incidence and
motility. severe or persistent severity of adverse
headache or effects of SC
dizziness; tremors; formulation
wheezing. resemble those of
-Aerosolized drug
produces minimal
cardiac stimulation
or tremors.
-Be aware that
muscle tremor is a
fairly common
adverse effect that
appears to subside
with continued use.
-Monitor for
symptoms of
hypoglycemia in
neonates born of a
mother who used
terbutaline during
-Monitor patient
being treated for
premature labor for
CV S&S for 12 h
after drug is
Report tachycardia
Lansopra Prevacid, proton Less than or inhibits the is used to treat Diarrhea, abdominal -Monitor I&O ratio.
zole Prevacid pump equal to 30 stomach's and prevent pain, or headache Fluid restriction
SoluTab, inhibitors kg: 15 mg production stomach and may occur. If any of may be necessary.
orally once of acid. intestinal these effects persist Consult physician.
a day ulcers, erosive or worsen, tell your -If using this drug
-Greater esophagitis (da doctor or pharmacist to treat H pylori,
than 30 kg: mage to the promptly.Tell your tell patients that it
30 mg orally esophagus doctor right away if is important to
once a day from stomach you have any serious complete the full
-Duration of acid), and side effects, regimen.
therapy: Up other including: symptoms -Instruct patients to
to 12 weeks conditions of a low magnesium seek medical
12 to 17 involving blood level (such as attention if
years: excessive unusually signs/symptoms of
Recommend stomach acid fast/slow/irregular hypersensitivity,
ed dose: 15 such heartbeat, persistent Clostridium
mg orally as Zollinger- muscle spasms, difficile, or
once a day Ellison seizures). systemic
-Duration of syndrome cutaneous lupus
therapy: Up erythematosus
to 8 weeks occur.
-Inform patients
that this drug may
cause drowsiness,
dizziness, vertigo,
and/or visual
disturbances. They
should avoid
driving or
machinery until the
full effects of the
drug are seen.
-Advise patients to
speak to their
healthcare provider
if they become
pregnant, intend to
become pregnant,
or are

Espares, Nikkie
Generi Brand Classicati Actual Action Rationale Side effect Nursing
c name on dose Consideration
Amikaci Amki Aminoglyc Adult dose Inhibits used to Ototoxicity:Toxic -Obtain specimen
n ,Amkin osied for protein prevent or effects on the for culture an
Sulfate pediatric antibiotic bacteremia synthesis treat a wide eight cranial sensitivity test
15 to 22.5 by variety of nerve can results before giving first
mg\kgday binding bacterial in hearing dose.Therapy may
IV or IM in directly infections. loss,loss of begin awaiting the
1 to3 to the balance or both results
divided 30S Neurotoxicity- -Evaluate patients
doses ribosoma Neuromuscular hearing before and
depending l subunit Blockage :Acute during therapy if
on severity bacterici muscular he will be
of dal paralysis an receiving drug for
infection[ini apneacan occur longer than 2
tial following week.Notify
maximum treatment with prescriber if
of 1.5g\ aminoglycoside patient has
day,then drugs.Nephrotoxi tinnitus,vertigo,or
adjust city hearing loss.weigh
dosed Elavation of patient and review
based on serum creatine renal functon
dosaged albumunuria stuies before
presence of red theraphy begins.
and white -Correct
cells,casts,azote dehyration before
mia, and oliguria theraphy because
have been of increase risk of
reported toxicity.
Others: -Obtain blood for
Skin rashes peak level 1 hour
Drug I.M injection and
fever,hedache,pa 30 1 hour
resthesia,tremor, after IV ends.
Domperi Monitiliu Anti- 10mg tab. Antidopa used to Headache,izzines Teachig poinsts ;
done m nausea minergic treat: ,dry -proper dosing ;
medicine -nausea and mouth,nervousn Misse dose;
vomiting. ess,flushing,or Take a soon as
-complaints irritability,may possible ;not
of the occur the first taking if almost
stomach, several days as time for next
which occur your body adjust schedule dose ;not

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