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Adjudication For Architects and Engineers

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Adjudication for architects

and engineers

John Timpson and Brian Totterdill

Legal Notes by Roger Dyer

Published by Thomas Telford Ltd, 1 Heron Quay, London E14 4JD.

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First published 1999

Appendices 15 are reproduced by kind permission of Her Majesty's Stationery Office.

Appendix 10 is reproduced by kind permission of The Joint Contracts Tribunal (JCT).
Appendix 11 is reproduced by kind permission of The Construction Industry Council (CIC).

A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library.

ISBN: 0 7277 2672 2

# Main text: John Timpson and Brian Totterdill, 1999

# Appendices 15: Crown copyright; Appendix 10: The Joint Contracts Tribunal; Appendix
11: The Construction Industry Council.

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I count it a privilege to have been invited to write a foreword to a

new book, particularly one whose authors are such outstanding
practitioners in their own fields.
Adjudication has been a feature of construction contracts,
particularly subcontracts, for at least 20 years; generally, it has
been confined to dealing with disputes concerning set-off, but, in
more recent years, has been used less and less as ways were found to
avoid implementing adjudicators' decisions. All that has changed;
following the report of Sir Michael Latham, Constructing the team,
Government was persuaded that primary legislation was required to
give all parties to construction contracts a statutory right to have
disputes decided by adjudication, which was to be a rapid and
relatively inexpensive process in all cases. That legislation (the
Housing Grants, Construction and Regeneration Act 1996) is now
in force and disputes are being referred to adjudication.
This book, therefore, could not be more timely. There are many
ideas about what adjudication under the Act is and should be, and,
undoubtedly, the process will develop and its practitioners will
perfect their own expertise; nevertheless, the need for informed
guidance is paramount.
The authorsan architect, an engineer and a barristerall have
extensive experience as arbitrators, and although adjudication is not
arbitration, the techniques and principles of deciding only on the
evidence adduced and respecting the principles of natural justice as
far as possible are common to any process of third party
iv | Adjudication for architects and engineers

Written in an easy-to-read style, this book is comprehensive yet

easily manageable; learned in the true sense. The combined wealth
of experience of the authors is apparent on every page, spiced with
sound legal advice but tempered by lessons learned in long years of
The title of the book implies that this text is relevant only to
architects and engineers. Nothing could be further from the truth;
this book should be an essential companion to all adjudicators,
construction professionals, employers and their advisers, contractors
and subcontractors, and lawyers involved in adjudication. The book
will also be invaluable in the training and continuing professional
development of adjudicators.
I have no hesitation in commending this book to a wide
readership; I know it will find a welcome spot on my own shelves
and, more importantly, on my desk as an essential reference.

Harold Crowter
Chairman, Chartered Institute of Arbitrators
Authors' note

The adjudication process which is discussed in this book is a new

process. Standard forms of contract have been amended and rules
have been published. As experience is gained, the published
amendments and rules are being revised and additional documents
are being published.
The authors had to draw the line between delaying the
publication of this book in order to wait for further published
documents or publishing the book to cover the information which
was already available.
For this reason, the reader must check the current versions of any
contracts or rules, or the Act itself, to see whether or not further
revisions have been made since the date the book was passed for

Glossary xiii

1 Introduction 1
What is Adjudication? 1
The format of this book 8
How to use this book 8

2 Background and development of dispute resolution

in construction 11
Excessive time and cost expended on dispute resolution 11
Dispute resolution systems generally: non-binding or imposed 13
Arbitration 14
Expert resolution and the move away from the impartial
contract administrator 15
Adjudication 15
Adjudication rules 17

3 Resolving disputes by Adjudication 19

Stage 1 before the Adjudication 19
Stage 2 the notice of Adjudication 26
Stage 3 the selection and appointment of the Adjudicator 27
Stage 4 referral of the dispute to the Adjudicator 32
Stage 5 conduct of the Adjudication 36
viii | Adjudication for architects and engineers

4 The Adjudicator's decision 53

Reaching the decision 53
The Adjudicator's decision 56
The purpose of the decision 57
Decisions on liability 58
Decisions on time 59
Decisions on money 61
Decisions on other matters 62
The content and form of the decision 62
The contract between the Parties 63
The Adjudicator's Contract 63
The scope of the issues 63
The events which led up to the Adjudication 64
The actions taken by the Adjudicator 65
Information on which the decision was based 65
Conclusions on points of dispute 66
Reasons 66
Calculations 67
The Decision 68
After the Decision 68
Chapter 4. Appendix: skeleton for Adjudicator's decision 69

5 The Act 73
Section 104: Construction Contracts 74
Section 105: the meaning of `Construction Operations' 75
Section 106: residential occupiers 76
Section 107: agreements in writing 76
Section 108: Adjudication 77
Supplementary provisions 78
Section 115: service of notices 79
Section 116: time periods 79
Section 117: Crown application 79
Enforcement 79
What happens when there is only partial compliance? 80
Comments on non-conforming situations and witness
examination 80
Contents | ix

6 The scheme 85
Notice of intention to seek Adjudication 85
Powers of the Adjudicator 87
Adjudicator's Decision 89
Effects of Decision 89
Comments 90

7 The ICE Conditions of Contract 93

Introduction 93
The application of Adjudication to the ICE Contracts 93
The Adjudication provisions in the ICE Contracts 98
The ICE Adjudication Procedure (1997) 106
The `Blue Form' of Subcontract 122

8 The Engineering and Construction Contract and

other NEC Contracts 127
Introduction 127
The application of Adjudication to the NEC Contracts 127
The amended Adjudication clauses in the Engineering
and Construction Contract 129
The Engineering and Construction Subcontract 139
The Professional Services Contract 140
The Adjudicator's Contract 141

9 JCT Contracts 147

General introduction to JCT Contracts and Adjudication in
JCT 80 147
Settlement of disputes Adjudication arrangements in
JCT 80 (Amendment 18) 150
JCT 80 Standard Form of Building Contract (Private
with Quantities) 157
Further drawings or details 162
JCT Agreement for minor building works incorporating
amendments MW1MW10, 1996 174
x | Adjudication for architects and engineers

JCT standard form of contract with Contractor's design

1981 with supplementary provisions issued February
1988 for Adjudication 181
JCT Intermediate Form of Contract 1984 incorporating
Amendments Nos 17 Inclusive and 9 189
Condition 1: the intentions of the Parties 189
Condition 2: possession and completion 190
Condition 3: control of the Works 191
Condition 4: payment 192
Condition 5: statutory obligations, etc. 193
Condition 6: injury, damage and insurance 193
Condition 7: determination 193
Condition 8: interpretation, etc. 194
Condition 9: Settlement of disputes Arbitration 194

10 `Other contracts' 195

The ACA Form of Building Agreement, Second Edition
1984 195
JCT 1987 Management Contract: Works Contract 1
and Works Contract 2 196

11 Consultant's contracts 197

Introduction 197
Definition of performance and limit of liability 201
Categories of disputes 201
The importance of dispute avoidance 204
The Architects Registration Board 205
Checklist for activities in consultant/employer contracts 205

12 Legal notes 209

The appointment 209
Powers and duties of the Adjudicator 214
Set-off 218
Legal advice for the Adjudicator 219
Leading cases 221
Time limits 224
Contents | xi

Reasons 224
Enforcement and remedies 226
Adjudicator's liability 229
Payment provisions 230
Conclusions 232

Cases referred to 233

Bibliography 235

Appendix 1 Part II: Housing Grants, Construction
and Regeneration Act 1996 237
Appendix 2 The Scheme for Construction Contracts
(England and Wales) Regulations 1998 251
Appendix 3 The Scheme for Construction Contracts
(Scotland) Regulations 1998 267
Appendix 4 The Construction Contracts (England
and Wales) Exclusion Order 1998 283
Appendix 5 The Construction Contracts (Scotland)
Exclusion Order 1998 289
Appendix 6 Amendments to the ICE Conditions of
Contract 6th Edition, to take into
account The Housing Grants,
Construction and Regeneration
Act 1996 (Part II) 295
Appendix 7 The ICE Adjudication Procedure (1997) 307
Appendix 8 Amendments to `Blue Form' of
Subcontract 1991 (for use with the
ICE 6th Edition) 323
Appendix 9 The New Engineering Contract (NEC)
Option Y(UK)2: The Housing Grants,
Construction and Regeneration Act
1996 (Addendum) 341
Appendix 10 The Joint Contracts Tribunal (JCT)
Adjudication Scheme 347
xii | Adjudication for architects and engineers

Appendix 11 The Construction Industry Council

(CIC) Model Adjudication Procedure:
First Edition 397

Index 407

ADR Alternative dispute resolution. Dispute resolution processes

which encourage or facilitate disputants to reach their own solution.
Includes conciliation, mediation, and the `mini-trial'.
Adjudication This is a process in which an impartial person makes
a binding decision on a dispute within a fixed time period.
Adversarial System The system by which the advocates repre-
senting each side adduce arguments to persuade the tribunal that
they have the better legal case. In contrast, the inquisitorial system,
qv, which allows the tribunal to find out as many relevant facts as
possible, is applied in most legal systems on the mainland of Europe.
Affirmation This is used as a substitute for a religious oath when
the witness's beliefs will not permit him to take an oath.
Arbitration A method of resolving disputes between two or more
Parties by reference to one or more persons appointed for that
purpose. If there is written agreement to refer, the arbitration in
England and Wales is normally subject to the Arbitration Act 1996.
Award This is the terminology in arbitration for the decision,
which is reached by the Arbitrator.
Burden of Proof The Party who is making an assertion has to
produce evidence which proves his assertion for the assertion to be
accepted as being true and then the burden shifts to the other Party
to produce contrary evidence to rebut the presumption.
xiv | Adjudication for architects and engineers

Calderbank Letter An offer made in the course of arbitration or

litigation whereby the letter, if properly phrased, has the same effect
on costs as a payment into Court. So called after the matrimonial
case of Calderbank v Calderbank 1976. See also Sealed Offers and
Offers to settle.

Collateral warranties A form of agreement, assurance, etc., which

is independent of, but subordinate to, a contract affecting the same
subject matter.

Common Law The law of the land formulated, developed and

administered by the old common law Courts, that is to say the
decisions of the Courts. Common law has to be distinguished from
equity, statute 1aw, any special law, and the Civil Law (of Rome, i.e.
Continental law).

Conciliation See ADR. In conciliation, the Parties in dispute agree

that a neutral Third Party should help them reconcile their
differences and reach a solution.

Declaratory (Judgement, Award or Decision) A decision which

declares the rights, obligations or liabilities of one or both of the

Discovery (of documents) The process by which the parties to a

dispute disclose to their opponents the documents to which they
have (or have had) access. The principle is the litigants should put
their cards on the table.

Documents only A case (often but not exclusively where only

small sums are disputed) which does not justify the cost of a hearing
or where the case is otherwise self-explanatory on the papers. Such a
procedure is not normally suitable where evidence needs to be
tested by cross-examination.

Further and better particulars Information which is requested by

one party or the other in order to enable him to answer a case which
is not clear from a pleading.
Glossary | xv

Injunction An order or decree by which a Party to an action is

required to do, or to refrain from doing a particular thing.

Inquisitorial This is a procedure used more frequently on the

Continent than in England and Wales by which the Tribunal takes
a much more active part in the proceedings than it does in the
Adversarial system. An Adjudicator fulfils an Inquisitorial role when
he makes positive enquiries into the facts and the law of a case
rather than waiting for the Parties to present their information.

Jurisdiction The competence of a tribunal to entertain an action

or other proceeding. Jurisdiction to determine matters may be
restricted by agreement or statute. Equally, a tribunal may exceed its
jurisdiction by deciding matters beyond its scope.

Mediation See ADR. In mediation, the Parties in dispute agree that

a Third Party should actively assist them to reach a solution. A more
positive approach than conciliation (which see).

Mini-trial See ADR. The Parties in dispute agree that each shall
present its case to a panel or tribunal with authority to negotiate a
settlement. The panel will consist of managerial representatives
from each side with a neutral adviser in the chair. The mini-trial
approach is often adopted for reasons of commercial expediency.

Offers to settle Offers to settle a dispute may be made at any stage

in the process of resolution. They may be open, sealed, or without
prejudice. They may be intended to limit liability of costs.

Order for Directions An order made by a judge or arbitrator or

Adjudicator setting the timetable and procedures for an action or
claim. In Court proceedings, this may follow the issue of a Summons
for Directions.

Pleadings The written or printed statements whereby the parties

to a dispute are required to set out the factual basis of their
respective cases. Normally, these are the claim, the defence, and the
reply, although there are other categories.
xvi | Adjudication for architects and engineers

Precedent The reasoning and judgement of a higher Court in a

preceding case which is binding in similar cases occurring later in
lower Courts.
Privileged Documents Documents withheld on the ground of
some special reason recognised by law, which need not be revealed
to the opposite side and should not be made available to the tribunal
before the substantive decision is handed down.
Quantum The amount of damages or the amount fixed as
compensation for particular losses.
Security for costs A deposit or guarantee given by a Claimant or
Counter Claimant to meet the costs of the Defendant/Respondent if
the claim fails.
Statement of Case The written statement made by a claimant but
which has to be distinguished from a pleading in which evidence
and points of law are not normally allowed.
Statute An act of Parliament.
Statute barred A situation where a claim is beyond the period laid
down in the Limitation Act 1980 as amended by the Latent Damage
Act 1986. Also referred to as being `out of time'.
Third Party A Party who is not one of the two Parties involved in
the proceedings.
Without prejudice A term applied to a privileged offer made by a
Party which prevents that offer being referred to thereafter in
subsequent proceedings. May also be applied to correspondence,
procedures or meetings.

What is Adjudication?
Adjudication was a term used in the Latham Report Constructing the
Team which was published in 1994. The dictionary meaning of
Adjudication focuses on the act of adjudicating or pronouncing
judgement. Sir Michael Latham's intention, so far as dispute
resolution was concerned, was to bring more emphasis on
alternative dispute resolution, conciliation, mediation and a strongly
recommended process called `Adjudication'. The stated intention
was to reduce the confrontational ethos within the industry, reduce
disputes and assist subcontractors particularly, who were at the end
of a long chain when it came to receiving payment.
Adjudication was only one of the measures which Sir Michael
Latham had in mind.
Unfortunately, the Latham Report did not explain what was
meant by the term `Adjudication'. At that time, Adjudication
existed only within the terms of certain construction contracts,
notably the New Engineering Contract, although it also played a
part in `JCT 1981 With Contractor's Design' and in certain sub-
contract documents published in connection with JCT Contracts.
While there have been statutes for a period of about three
centuries defining the activities of an Arbitrator, prior to the
publication of the Act,1 there was no comparable guidance on the

1 When we refer to the `Act' it is to the Housing Grants Construction and Regeneration
Act 1996.
2 | Adjudication for architects and engineers

law and practice of Adjudication in construction contracts. The Act

and the Scheme2 do not go very far in giving a full understanding of
how the process will work. The shortcomings of both the Latham
Report and the Act are covered in Construction Contract Reform: a
plea for sanity, edited by John Uff (The Construction Law Press,
London, 1997).
Previously, the powers and duties of an Adjudicator within a
contract arose from the terms of those particular contracts. We then
had the statutory arrangements of the Act and in particular from
the Scheme which was circulated as a series of drafts intended to be
incorporated in the Act. Neither the Act nor the Scheme spell out
completely how the Adjudication process should work. The full
process can only be derived from an understanding of contract
procedures and dispute resolution processes already established in
law and practice and by implication translating the requirements of
the Act and the Scheme into working arrangements.
In the opinion of the authors, the stated intention and spirit of
the Latham Report (so far as Adjudication was concerned) can be
summed up as follows: two Parties to a contract have their
contractual obligations recorded in writing; if they cannot agree on
how the contract is to be interpreted in the circumstances which
occur, they call in a respected and impartial person who is
knowledgeable about the activities involved and ask him/her to give
a quick working decision on the issue which has arisen. This enables
the contract to continue and if one Party wishes to go on to have a
full Arbitration or Litigation then they can do that at a later date.
A similar concept is embodied in the procedure which is taken
from a roads contract dated 14 November 1824.3 It required that:
Any doubt, decision or question shall be referred to the
decision of two referees, one named and appointed by each
Party. If these two people do not agree and issue their decision

2 When we refer to the `Scheme' it is to the Scheme for Construction Contracts Regulations
1998 which are referred to in the Act.
3 Extracted from A Treatise on Roads by Sir Henry Parnell, 1838.
Introduction | 3

within one month, they nominate a third person and refer the
matter to him. The third person's decision shall be given
within one month of the reference to him and shall be final
and conclusive between the Parties.
Contracts which contained provision for Adjudication before the
Latham Report generally only allowed certain types of dispute to be
referred to Adjudication. `JCT 1981 With Contractor's Design'
included a list of `Adjudication Matters', which could be referred to
an Adjudicator for a decision to be made.
The first edition of the New Engineering Contract included a
provision that if the Contractor was not satisfied with a particular
action, or failure to act, by the Project Manager then the Contractor
could refer the matter to Adjudication. However, the current
revisions to contracts allow for any dispute under the contract, and
sometimes also in connection with the contract, to be referred to
Adjudication. This, of course, is a direct result of the Act. The
experience of the authors is that some disputes are clearly not
suitable for a decision within a very limited time period.
> A dispute which involves the study of complex points of law
cannot be fully analysed, with presentations by both sides,
responses to opposing arguments, answers to queries and then
allow time for the Adjudicator to reach his decision, all within
28 days.
> There is also a group of issues where the consequences of an
Adjudicator reaching some decisions will leave the Parties in a
legal no-man's-land unless the Adjudicator confines his decision
to an award of time or money (which can subsequently be
reversed if the matter goes to Arbitration or Litigation). An
example could be a dispute regarding the structural sufficiency
of a prime, load-bearing element of the building.
> Disputes which may have arisen from a series of events, such as
a matter involving determination, failure to agree the final
account, allegations of professional negligence, or involving
third Party action or expertise such as insurance matters, are
unlikely to be resolved satisfactorily within 28 days.
4 | Adjudication for architects and engineers

> Disputes involving matters such as health and safety, VAT or

taxation may need to be referred to the appropriate authority
rather than to an Adjudicator.
> A Party who has been ordered to pay a large sum of money may
be reluctant to pay if he feels that the decision has been reached
with undue haste, based on an inadequate analysis of the
> Disputes which concern matters such as design or quality of
work will need to be carefully delineated in order to avoid
further problems arising at a later date. The Adjudicator's
decision may be reversed by later Arbitration or Litigation. If
the decision is financial then it can be reversed, provided the
recipient of the finance is still in business. However, a decision
to do something, or to do it in a particular way, may not be
capable of being reversed. The right of the Employer to stipulate
what he requires in a project must be respected, both by the
Adjudicator and by the person who writes the notice which
constitutes the instructions to the Adjudicator.
> Any dispute which has not been fully studied, by both sides,
before submission to the Adjudicator, is likely to result in an
unsatisfactory decision. When a Claimant submits evidence
which has not previously been considered by the Respondent
then the limitation on the time period may prevent the
Adjudicator from receiving properly balanced submissions of
allegation and response.
On the other hand, there is a wide range of disputes which may
be suitable for a fast decision by an Adjudicator:
> single issue disputes for which one submission by each Party can
identify the problem and provide the Adjudicator with the
opposing points of view and all the necessary supporting
> single issue valuations or extensions of time claims
> problems of quality or workmanship for which the question of
compliance with the specification can be determined by a
Introduction | 5

person with the appropriate experience, following a site

> disputes for which a decision on one aspect, such as liability,
would enable the Parties to continue their negotiations on other
matters, such as quantum
> disputes which have already been analysed by both sides and
documents exchanged giving the opposing points of view, so
that the Adjudicator can be asked to decide between the
previously established arguments
> disputes for which the Parties will agree to extend the time
period for as long as is required by the Adjudicator.
At the present time, in relation to construction contracts, the
term, `Adjudication' can have any one of three meanings:
> contract Adjudication within the terms of Adjudication as
embodied in the Contract which do not comply with the
statutory arrangements
> contract Adjudication within the terms of a contract which do
comply with the statutory requirements and
> statutory Adjudication in accordance with the Scheme for
Construction Contracts referred to in the Housing Grants,
Construction and Regeneration Act 1996.
An Adjudicator then, must have regard to the particular contract
arrangements or to the requirements incorporated in the Statutory
scheme in each particular case or the decision may not fully cover, or
may exceed, the matters referred to Adjudication. If the decision
does not deal properly with the matter referred, it may be set aside
by a final decision by Litigation or Arbitration. Since the intention
appears to have been that Adjudication should be available and
accessible to any Parties in a Construction Contract, without
necessarily the employment of lawyers, there is also a danger that
the Parties to a dispute may not fully appreciate the limits of an
Adjudicator's jurisdiction in any particular case, or may not
articulate a particular issue properly. There is also the potential
problem that where the contract contains Adjudication arrange-
6 | Adjudication for architects and engineers

ments which do not comply with the statute, then the Parties may
have the option of Adjudication on any particular point under the
terms of the contract, or under the Scheme. It would also seem to
follow that there could be two tracks of Adjudication, one under the
terms of the contract and one under the Scheme, each with its own
Adjudicator dealing with the same issue but possibly coming to
different decisions. At the time of writing it is not clear how this
point would be resolved.
In general terms, the government's intentions for Adjudication
appear to have been to combine the merits of Arbitration with the
truncated time-scales which would apply to `palm-tree justice'. The
Adjudicator's task therefore must be to attempt to deliver the
advantages of both situations and to avoid the disadvantages of
those same situations. Parties are ill-advised to opt for Adjudication
without taking into account fully the risks inherent in a system
which is not fully codified and which is more likely to be
approximate in its outcome than to produce the fully considered
and thoroughly researched position which Litigation or Arbitration
Parties should expect. A fundamental injustice in the situation is
that an `innocent' Party may be dragged into the procedure with
insufficient time to prepare their case by an ill-informed, or merely
speculative, profit-seeking opponent. As the process would allow the
Adjudication procedure to proceed without proper professional
advice, it is likely that many of the users will embark on
Adjudication with a very imperfect understanding of the contractual
duties, rights and obligations. In order to work effectively, the
process of Adjudication has to be simpler than that which will
typically be encountered in Arbitration, since there is much less
time in which to execute the process. The Adjudicator can only be
expected to deal with one issue at a time and not, as is often the
case in Arbitration, with a whole series of claims and/or counter-
claims. It is also apparent that anomalous positions may arise where
an Adjudicator makes a decision which is eventually reversed by
Arbitration or Litigation but the follow-through events after the
Adjudicator's decision cannot be reversed as they can, for example,
where the decision simply entails an allocation of time or money. An
Introduction | 7

example could be a decision as to whether the quality of piling is in

accordance with the contract or not. If the Adjudicator decides it is,
and an Arbitrator decides it is not when the building is complete,
what does the unfortunate employer do, and what is the position of
the Contractor and indeed of the Consultant?
Several chapters in this book consider the background and
development of Adjudication, explain exactly how Adjudication
may be expected to work, comment on the Act and the Scheme and
review the way in which the process of Adjudication would appear
to work or on the face of it, create problems in ICE and JCT
Contracts, with a brief view of the situation in regard to some other
popular contracts.
The general situation is not assisted by the fact that some legal
advisers appear to be going in for something akin to `genetic
engineering' in their modifications to standard procedures. We also
look at the question of Consultant's Contracts, review some of the
principal rules and procedures which have been published so far. We
have endeavoured to keep the book in the most compact format
which will make it both easily accessible but also cover the subject
sufficiently comprehensively to form a useful reference.
The views expressed are the views of the authors based on their
experience in the industry and are not held out to represent a
definitive explanation of the legal position. The reader who requires
legal advice should obtain it from a legal practitioner.
The diverse nature of disputes arising under what most people
would regard as Construction Contracts proper and Consultant's
Contracts vary considerably, and arrangements which may work
well in one set of circumstances are likely to be ill-suited to another
set of circumstances. If you take, for example, the case of a dispute
over the proper price to be paid for 10 cubic metres of concrete,
placed in quick-sand, following an Engineer's decision under an ICE
Contract, the arguments and factual background will be very
different in complexity to those which are involved in a dispute over
the additional fees claimed under a contract between a building
owner and an Architect, Engineer and Acoustics Expert which
might occur when they are asked to redesign a concert hall for a
8 | Adjudication for architects and engineers

different site other than that originally intended, but in both cases
one of the Parties concerned could invoke the statutory right to
refer the matter to an Adjudicator, who would have to decide the
issue in 28 days (or 42 days with the agreement of the referring

The format of this book

The lack of guidance and a desire to bring about a co-ordinated
approach to Adjudication lead the authors to conclude that a joint
publication, covering both JCT and ICE Contracts and the interest's
of both Architects and Engineers would be beneficial to many
people in the industry. It is not written primarily with a legal
audience in mind. Such publications tend to lapse into terminology
which may be clear to lawyers, but tends to leave technical
practitioners in difficulty. At the same time, there are obviously
legal aspects and Roger Dyer's comments on these areas seemed
essential. Roger Dyer has practised as an Architect as well as a
Barrister and is often involved with a technical as well as a legal
audience, so we were confident that his text would be as accessible
as we had sought to make the rest. The book is based on the law of
England and Wales. Reference is also made to the Scheme for
Scotland in Chapter 6.
The following chapters give the background to Adjudication, our
comments on the application of Adjudication to some of the main
contracts and to professional contracts and we have added such
material as might be useful for reference at the present time.
The authors take the view that dispute avoidance is preferable to
Adjudication, whatever its merits, and we include references to this
aspect in various places.

How to use this book

We anticipate that readers may intend to use this book in at least
four different ways:
Introduction | 9

> by Architects and Engineers in practice, to understand the

process, procedures and Adjudication arrangements generally
> by Employers, Contractors and their advisers, to consider how
Adjudication could, or might be used in the circumstances of a
particular contract situation
> by Adjudicators and Students as an aid to training
> by Adjudicators or Practitioners faced with a particular problem.
In every case we consider it important to read the whole of
Chapters 16 inclusive plus those parts of Chapter 11 which apply
and also Chapter 12 and then pay particular attention to the section
or sections relating to particular contracts, as the consequences of
the Act are often affected by particular contract arrangements.
Background and development of
dispute resolution in construction

The general background to dispute resolution in the construction

industry was referred to in Sir Michael Latham's report Constructing
The Team, published in 1994. It was said that the various factions
within the industry had, by that time, developed an increasingly
confrontational ethos and it was necessary to turn the tide and
improve relationships.

Excessive time and cost expended on dispute

It was not only the construction industry which suffered from what
was seen as increasingly litigious attitudes where the time and cost
of dispute resolution appeared to be rising in an unacceptable
manner. Lord MacKay, the Lord Chancellor at that time, had called
for an increased use of alternative dispute resolution processes: `We
must adapt our remedies to changing circumstances. We must not
allow the burden of going to seek justice to become so great that
instead of guaranteeing freedom it crushes it.' A working Party of
the Bar and the Law Society chaired by Hilary Heilbron QC called
for a radical shake up to reduce delays and provide more user-
friendly justice.1 The following were cited as contributory factors for
the delay or prevention of dispute resolution:

1 Civil Justice on Trial the case for change.

12 | Adjudication for architects and engineers

> Current Court procedures.

> Absence of sufficient emphasis on ADR in legal education and
> Lack of awareness and understanding of ADR techniques and
benefits on the part of lawyers.
> Those conducting Litigation are often relatively junior and lack
the experience or will to open any form of `Without Prejudice'
> The Parties themselves are often inexperienced and do not
realise that it may be unnecessary to pursue a matter through to
> At present there is no stage in the Litigation process at which
settlement is suggested by the Court.
This unsatisfactory situation is slowly changing.2 The 1996
Arbitration Act changed many aspects of the process. Many forms of
building and engineering contracts now include reference to
incorporated rules, and representatives from many sides of the
construction industry have tried to agree a common set of rules for
Arbitration in construction industry disputes. The CIMAR
Arbitration Rules were published in 1998 and could provide more
user-friendly justice. The Construction Industry Council's Adjudi-
cation Rules were derived from CIMAR's recommendations for
In the international field, the World Bank which lends some $20
billion each year, introduced in 1995 mandatory arrangements in its
procurement documents such that in any contract costing over $40
million disputes are to be referred to a three-person disputes review
board. The board is paid a retainer and keeps in touch with the
progress of the works. A similar programme was used recently on the
Severn Bridge Crossing and in other major construction projects.

2 Access to Justice. Final Report by The Right Honourable the Lord Woolf, Master of the
Rolls. HMSO, London, 1996.
Background and development of dispute resolution in construction | 13

Dispute resolution systems generally: non-binding

or imposed
For our purposes we can divide resolution systems into two groups:
first we have what we can call non-binding systems in which the

Systems of imposed Non-binding (ADR) systems

settlement (until agreement obtained)






Figure 1. Systems of dispute resolution

14 | Adjudication for architects and engineers

Parties agree that their dispute will be explored with the assistance
of a Conciliator or a Negotiator or a Mediator or they agree to
participate in a mini-trial. They aim to reach an agreement that will
resolve the dispute, but the process is not binding until the Parties
arrive at an agreement, which they sign and accept as a complete
resolution of the defined problem (see Figure 1). Some complain
that these systems have no `teeth', and do not always work because
the desired mutual agreement is not achieved. Others report
successful cases.
The second group of systems we can call imposed settlement
systems in which the resolution is imposed by law. It is the common
feature of these systems that there is normally an appeal system and
the proceedings are conducted generally in accordance with what
lawyers call `natural justice'. With Adjudication, Latham was
seeking an arrangement which would provide a quick process to
ensure the cash flow for a Contractor in an industry where cash flow
is the life blood, but that such a decision could be superseded by
Arbitration, Litigation or any other process which the Parties agreed
for use in the longer term. It provided a working decision for the

At one time the accepted way of dealing with trade or technical
disputes cheaply, quickly and effectively was to put the matter
before an Arbitrator, someone respected and trusted as an expert in
the relevant area of business. Disputes in the construction industry
have now become more complex with larger amounts of money at
stake and Arbitration is sometimes criticised for being increasingly
slow and expensive. The 1996 Arbitration Act may assist in
overcoming these problems. The balanced outcome of both
Arbitration and Litigation depends not only on the Arbitrator or
Judge, but also on the effectiveness of the lawyers and witnesses who
are involved. All professions contain members with a wide range of
capabilities. The contracts themselves have become more and more
complex. The process became more time consuming, while interest
Background and development of dispute resolution in construction | 15

rates and the risk of late payment became more draconian in their
practical effect.

Expert resolution and the move away from the

impartial contract administrator
In this system an Expert, with a duty of care to both Parties, decides
how the case should be settled. At one time Architects and
Engineers were widely respected and the loss of goodwill occasioned
by a major construction dispute served to discourage serious disputes
but the imbalance in the industry with an increasingly volatile
workload and excessive resources to meet limited demand meant
that Contractors sought to make good their losses by contractual
manipulation. This position was exacerbated by a tendency no
longer to employ Architects or Engineers as impartial Contract
Administrators, but to accept a straight `Employer's representative'
to deal with the Employer's position. All these factors have tended
to favour some Adjudication process, a `quick fix'.

The ICE's New Engineering Contract introduced into ICE contracts
the use of an `Adjudicator'. The JCT Contract which is closest to it
in concept is `JCT 81 With Contractor's Design' (WCD). These two
Contracts are similar in that neither has what was previously and
generally understood as an impartial Architect/Contract Adminis-
trator and in the New Engineering Contract the Parties are
represented by the Employer in the form of a Project Manager and
the Contractor on the other side. In the New Engineering Contract,
if the Contractor disagreed with the action of the Project Manager
then, as part of the machinery of the Contract, an Adjudicator who
has previously been named in the Contract, is called in to reach a
decision. The process involves making a decision on one issue at a
time and is speedy. JCT 81 WCD had a limited role for an
Adjudicator. The Parties could eventually, if necessary, appeal the
Adjudicator's decision by way of Arbitration (see Figure 2). At the
end of 1995 the DETR drafted the first proposals for a Scheme for
16 | Adjudication for architects and engineers

Adjudication under the Act. When these were available for

comment they did what few things have achieved previously: they
united the construction industry in condemnation of the proposals.
Eventually `The Scheme' was withdrawn but the shell of the Act

Systems of imposed Non-binding (ADR) systems

settlement (until agreement obtained)




Final decision



Figure 2. Systems of dispute resolution with final decision following adjudication

Background and development of dispute resolution in construction | 17

was placed on the Statute Book and a further consultation period

ensued. A further draft of the Scheme was introduced in August
1997 and still a further draft of the Scheme was published in
December 1997 in the form of a draft statutory instrument. The
whole process as embodied in the Act and Scheme has been the
subject of considerable criticism on the basis of:
> incomplete information for the industry to assess the draft Act
and Scheme
> insufficient timing in which to make an assessment
> unsatisfactory drafting of the Act and Scheme.

Adjudication rules
During 1997 both the ICE and the JCT worked on drafts for
Adjudication rules which would comply with the Act and mesh with
the particular contracts and these were held in draft until the last
`Scheme' was produced. The various professional bodies also started
to look at their terms of appointment for consultants. Some might
have been willing to allow reference to the Scheme had it generated
more confidence, but this was not the case. The picture to emerge
was that the Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE) would produce
Adjudication rules `ICE Adjudication procedure 1997' related to
their contracts and that Consultant's contracts would either contain
their own Adjudication rules or references to Construction Industry
Council Rules or would rely on the `Scheme'. The JCT drafted
Adjudication rules and RIBA, Architect's Appointment refers to
CIC Adjudication Rules. There was little interest or enthusiasm
from the rank and file who generally regarded the whole subject
with considerable scepticism, or as a bureaucratic aberration.
The whole process is likely to come into operation in the industry
and, among lawyers in particular, with a background of ignorance
and distrust. The authors hope that this book will help to overcome
the ignorance but would not presume to hope to overcome the
Resolving disputes by Adjudication

This chapter, together with Chapter 4, reviews the Adjudication

process from the time when one Party decides to refer a dispute to
Adjudication, through to the decision by the Adjudicator. A typical
sequence of events is shown in Fig. 3. The detailed Adjudication
procedures which are required by particular conditions of contract,
or by the Scheme for Construction Contracts, will be considered in
later chapters.
The Adjudication process is considered in six parts, following the
essential stages of Adjudication:
1. Before the Adjudication.
2. The Notice of Adjudication.
3. The selection and appointment of the Adjudicator.
4. Referral of the dispute to the Adjudicator.
5. Conduct of the Adjudication.
6. The Adjudicator's decision.
Stages 15 are considered in this chapter and stage 6 is covered in
Chapter 4.

Stage 1 before the Adjudication

Before any issue can be referred to Adjudication, there must be a
dispute. Some contracts define what is meant by the word `dispute'
and prescribe a procedure which must be followed before an
objection, a claim, or any other problem can become a dispute.
Other contracts do not define a dispute procedure and the first
indication that a dispute has arisen could be when one Party to the
20 | Adjudication for architects and engineers


Notice of adjudication

Selection, nomination or appointment or

appointment of adjudicator

Referral of dispute to adjudicator

Evidence of fact Legal/contractual

and/or opinion arguments from
from both sides both sides

* Adjudicator ascertains
facts and law

Supports claim Yes Yes

Claim Satisfies burden
on balance of
upheld of proof
No No
Quantum investigated
Claim fails Claim fails
and decided




*Note: adjudicator still has to 'ascertain' even if he receives evidence and arguments.

Figure 3. The Adjudication process

Resolving disputes by Adjudication | 21

Contract issues a notice of intention to refer the dispute to

The fact that an issue can be declared to be a dispute and referred
to Adjudication does not necessarily mean that Adjudication is
the best way forward. The person who is considering the referral
must be satisfied that immediate Adjudication is the best course of
action and is in his or her own best interests. This requires
consideration of the sequence of questions shown in Fig. 4, which is
as follows.
> What is the issue which we are trying to resolve?
> Have I made my views clear to the other side? Do they realise
that the initial problem has become a dispute and I intend to
involve an independent dispute resolver?
> Would further investigation or tests help to clarify the cause of
the problem and resolve the dispute? If so, should the
investigation or tests be carried out before I refer the matter
to Adjudication?
> Will an impartial decision, within a limited time period, be
helpful to the project as a whole?
> Is Adjudication appropriate for this particular problem, or is
there a better way forward? Should I try further negotiation,
mediation or conciliation?
> Would it be better to refer the problem direct to Arbitration? Is
immediate Arbitration permitted by the Contract?
> Is there any procedure which must be followed before the
problem can be referred to Adjudication?
The importance of these questions and their implications for
disputes under particular Conditions of Contract will be considered
in more detail in later chapters of this book.
The execution of a construction contract will always cause
problems and problem situations which require actions by both of
the Parties to the Contract. Any of these situations or actions may
lead to an instruction, request or claim from one Party to the other.
The discussions and negotiations may continue for several years or
22 | Adjudication for architects and engineers

the Parties may quickly reach agreement, decide to drop the matter,
or decide to refer the dispute to a third person.
The decision to refer a problem to Adjudication should not be
taken without proper consideration of the consequences. Adjudica-
tion is, in principle, a procedure which will give an impartial
decision within a limited time period. The decision must be

Dispute arises

Yes Refer to statutory

Is it a statutory matter?

No Negotiation
No Conciliation
Is it suitable for quick,
binding decision?
*** Arbitration **
Yes *** Litigation **

Are you ready to No Prepare

prove case? case


Are there any

pre-qualification Yes Comply with
procedures in requirements


Issue notice
of adjudication


Notes: * maybe, for example, VAT or health and safety

** contract may rule out litigation or early arbitration
*** responding party may demand adjudication.

Figure 4. What is the most appropriate form of dispute resolution?

Resolving disputes by Adjudication | 23

implemented but the implementation may later be reversed by

Arbitration or Litigation. Some of the problems and disputes which
arise in construction may not be suitable for Adjudication, for
> Disputes which comprise several issues may need to be
considered as separate disputes with separate Adjudications,
or as requiring a series of decisions over an extended period.
> Disputes involving complex legal issues are not normally
suitable for Adjudication.
> Disputes which require a decision, the consequences of which
cannot be reversed, such as a matter of termination, alleged
corruption or allegations against a professional person, may not
be suitable for Adjudication.
> Matters such as design or quality, which affect the form of the
completed project and for which the Contract states that one of
the Parties is responsible for the issue of decisions or
instructions, are not suitable for Adjudication. Disputes
concerning the liability for additional costs as a consequence
of such a decision or instruction are more likely to be suitable.
> Matters on which the decision is within the province of some
other person or authority, such as VAT, taxation issues, health
and safety, or any allegation with criminal implications, must be
referred to the proper authority.
When the Party concerned has decided that Adjudication is the
best way forward, it must ensure that the problem has been properly
identified and that the proper procedures have been followed.
In the construction industry there are two categories of
> `contractual Adjudication', which is available because it has
been included in the contract, and
> `statutory Adjudication', which is available because the Act has
established a statutory right to Adjudication.
When a dispute is referred to Adjudication the Referring Party
must be clear whether the reference is being made to a contractual
24 | Adjudication for architects and engineers

procedure or to Adjudication under the statutory scheme, which has

been imposed by the Act.

Contractual adjudication
Most construction contracts include provision for any claims, or
other problems, to be notified when the problem first arises,
negotiated and finally settled in accordance with certain stated
procedures. These procedures may include a process of Adjudica-
The standard forms of contract which are reviewed in this book
have been revised to include the requirements of the Act. However,
the contract for the particular project may have been modified to
suit the requirements of the Employer. If the person considering
Adjudication decides that the relevant contract does comply with
the requirements of the Act then he will proceed with Adjudication
in accordance with the provisions of the contract. As will be seen
later, this will include detailed procedures which are in addition to,
but compliant with, the requirements of the Act.
Many of the standard forms of contract which were written before
the passage of the Act also included provision for Adjudication.
These provisions do not comply with all the requirements of the
Act. While amendments to the standard forms of contract have now
been published there are some contracts which are subject to the
Act, but do not incorporate the amendments, possibly because the
Contract Documents were prepared before the amendments were
published. If, for whatever reason, the Parties have chosen to sign a
contract which incorporates a non-compliant Adjudication proce-
dure, then they are presumably entitled to use that procedure. The
status of the procedure can be compared to any other matter which
depends on the provisions of the Contract. The fact that the
government scheme becomes implied terms in a non-compliant
contract, probably in conflict with other terms, introduces another
source of potential problems.
When the Contract includes a non-compliant Adjudication
procedure the person considering referral to Adjudication has a
Resolving disputes by Adjudication | 25

choice. The dispute may be referred to Adjudication in accordance

with the contract procedures, or he may exercise his right to
Statutory Adjudication under the Act. Clearly, if one Party decides
to invoke non-compliant Adjudication under the contract then the
other Party may decide to exercise his statutory right to
Adjudication under the Scheme. This could result in the confusing
situation that the same dispute is being considered, at the same
time, by different Adjudicators using different procedures!
When considering whether to refer a dispute to Adjudication
under the contract it is necessary to check whether any
requirements or procedures in the contract have been followed.
The contract may impose restrictions on the type of dispute which
can be referred to Adjudication. The procedures may be
incorporated into the contract either directly, or by reference to
one of the published Adjudication Rules or Procedures. The
requirements of the most commonly used standard forms of contract
are reviewed in later chapters of this book.

Statutory adjudication
Statutory Adjudication was created by the Housing Grants,
Construction and Regeneration Act 1996 (the Act). The statutory
rights and procedures are discussed in detail in Chapter 5 and, for
present purposes, it is sufficient to note that any Party to a
construction contract has the right to refer a dispute arising under
the contract for Adjudication. The fact that the non-compliant
contract may include a procedure called Adjudication would not
prevent either party from making use of the government scheme.
When someone decides that they would like to refer a particular
dispute to statutory Adjudication they must first check that the
dispute complies with the necessary provisions laid down in the Act.
The Contract must be in writing and be a construction contract
which is not covered by one of the exclusions which are defined in
the Act, and that the dispute arises under the contract. The
wording in the Act does not cover disputes which are only `in
connection with' rather than `under' the contract. Disputes on
26 | Adjudication for architects and engineers

matters of tort, misrepresentation or some other situations might

only be `in connection with' but not `under' the contract.
Statutory Adjudication will be conducted in accordance with the
Scheme for Construction Contracts (the Scheme) which is reviewed
in Chapter 6.

Stage 2 the notice of Adjudication

For an Adjudication to commence, the person who decides to refer
the dispute to Adjudication must inform the other person of his
intention. This requires a `Notice of Adjudication', from the
`Referring Party' to the `Other Party', who is also known as the
`Responding Party' or `Receiving Party'.
The Notice of Adjudication should always be in writing, to avoid
misunderstanding at a later date, and must comply with any
procedures and format which are stipulated in the Contract or the
Scheme. The Notice should include sufficient information to satisfy
its purpose, which is:
> to inform the recipient Party that the particular dispute is to be
referred to Adjudication
> to give any nominating body and potential Adjudicator basic
information about the dispute
> to initiate the procedure and move on to the next stage.
The Notice of Adjudication only needs to contain sufficient
information for identification and to define the dispute. It should
not include a lengthy justification of the referring Party's point of
view, or copies of previous correspondence. This information will be
submitted at a later stage.
The Adjudicator will then be selected, if not already named in
the Contract, and appointed to give a decision on the matter which
is defined in the Notice of Adjudication. Neither Party will be
permitted to introduce additional issues after the dispute has been
defined. If either Party wishes to have some other matter, either an
additional claim or a counter-claim, considered then they should
Resolving disputes by Adjudication | 27

issue a separate Notice of Adjudication, unless both Parties and the

Adjudicator agree to extend the scope of the Adjudication.
The other Party is then aware of the proposed reference and so
can decide whether to wait for the Adjudication to proceed, or take
some action which might resolve the dispute, or raise some
procedural matter. If the other Party intends to raise any procedural
objection it must be raised immediately, or the right to object may
have been waived. However, any objection will need to be
considered by the Adjudicator and this is obviously not possible
until he has been appointed and received the referral.
Some Contracts also require that the Notice of Adjudication
includes additional information. This may be the names of potential
Adjudicators or further information about the dispute.

Stage 3 the selection and appointment of the

The Adjudicator must be selected and appointed in order that the
Adjudication can commence. A typical sequence of events and
points to be checked is shown in Fig. 5.
Irrespective of whether the Adjudicator is appointed at the start
of the project or when the dispute has arisen, it is essential to find a
suitable person. An Adjudicator must have knowledge and
experience of the type of project and be able to understand the
issue which is the subject of the dispute. He must have been trained
as an Adjudicator, have an adequate knowledge of the particular
form of contract and the law, together with the capability to make a
judgemental decision.
It is always preferable for the Adjudicator to be selected and
agreed by both the Parties to the Contract. Lists of names can be
exchanged and discussed. Each side will strike out names which are
not acceptable, or with whom there is a potential conflict of interest.
The process continues until an Adjudicator is identified who is
willing to take on the commission and is acceptable to both sides.
The problem with trying to agree on the Adjudicator after a
dispute has arisen is that Adjudication procedures allow only a very
28 | Adjudication for architects and engineers


Dispute or difference arises

Under the No
contract? Stop


Contract in No

Contract with
Yes Check
Stop residential
occupier? contract


Application to No No Adjudicator named

Parties agree
appointing on contract and
on adjudicator?
authority willing to act

Yes Yes Yes

Adjudicator appointed

Dispute referred

Yes Adjudicator
Query on

Figure 5. The appointment of the Adjudicator

Resolving disputes by Adjudication | 29

short time period for the selection and appointment, and some
Parties tend to reject any name which has been suggested by the
other side.
Consultants and other people within the construction industry
build personal files of Adjudicators whom they know are capable of
dealing with certain types of dispute. Some organisations, such as
the ICE, publish a list of people who have satisfied their criteria and
passed the training courses. This list is frequently used as a source of
independent professionals, who are not known to either side. Some
organisations who train Adjudicators will offer a service for
nomination or appointment, but do not publish lists from which
the Parties may make their own selection.
In practice, the referring Party does not have to wait until he
issues the Notice before starting the selection process. When
negotiations are showing signs of failure it may be appropriate for the
Parties to discuss the possibility of Adjudication and consider the
names of potential Adjudicators.

The appointment of the Adjudicator

The Adjudicator may be appointed at the start of the contract
period, or when a dispute has arisen and a Notice of Adjudication
has been issued.
Some contracts encourage the appointment of an Adjudicator at
tender stage. He is then available to consider any dispute from the
start of the contract. However, if an Adjudicator is named in the
tender documents he has probably been chosen by the Employer.
While this does not mean that the Adjudicator will be biased in
favour of the Employer he may be thought to be biased. In
particular, if an Employer signs a contract with an organisation to
provide Adjudicators they will almost certainly be seen as having
lost their independence.
The procedure whereby a tenderer can raise objections to the
named Adjudicator does not solve the problem. Tenderers may be
reluctant to risk losing the contract by raising objections to an
Adjudicator who was chosen by the Employer. They are more likely
30 | Adjudication for architects and engineers

to accept the named adjudicator but avoid the use of Adjudication.

A better procedure is for the Employer to name three or four persons
and for the Contractor to select one from the list. Alternatively, the
Adjudicator can be selected immediately after the Contract has
been signed. He is then available almost from the first day and can
be chosen by agreement before hostilities hinder discussion.
Other problems which may arise when the Adjudicator is chosen
and appointed at the start of the project are as follows.
> It is necessary to check that the appointed Adjudicator is still
available when the dispute actually arises. There may have been
changes in his health or circumstances since the appointment.
Adjudication requires intensive activity during a short period
and he may have other commitments which would prevent him
from allocating sufficient time to the Adjudication.
> A possible conflict of interest may have arisen which was not
known when he was appointed.
> A particular dispute may require specialised knowledge which is
not possessed by this Adjudicator.
> If practising Adjudicators are named in a large number of
contracts, or appointed but not used, it becomes impossible for
them to plan their availability for other appointments.
In practice, although some of the standard Forms of Contract
include provision for the Adjudicator to be named at tender stage,
many Employers are not using this facility. The problems of
perceived bias, the need for specialist knowledge and possible
problems of availability can sometimes result in the decision that the
choice will be made when the need arises.
Alternatively, if three or four names are listed in the documents
then the Employer has accepted those names. A contractor referring
a dispute to Adjudication can select a name from the list when the
dispute occurs.
Resolving disputes by Adjudication | 31

Appointment after the Notice of Adjudication

When the Adjudicator is chosen after the Notice of Adjudication
has been issued it is necessary to make a fast selection and
appointment. The time available is restricted and the chances of
Party agreement are reduced.
When the Parties have not been able to agree on the
Adjudicator, the Party who issued the Notice of Adjudication will
apply to an Appointing or Nominating Body. This Body may be
named in the Contract, chosen by agreement, or chosen unilaterally
by the referring Party. Most such bodies have a standard procedure
which includes an application form and a fee for making the
appointment. The application form may also impose conditions,
such as a disclaimer on liability and responsibility for any abortive
fees to the Adjudicator if the Adjudication should not proceed.
They will require a copy of the Notice of Adjudication together with
basic information about the dispute and whether any specialist
qualification is required. However the Nominating Body will not
normally check the validity of the application. The requirement for
a fast appointment does not permit them to spend time considering
legal problems or other documentation.
The procedure for the actual appointment can vary and should be
studied by both Parties and the Adjudicator in order to safeguard
their own interests. An appointment at the start of the project,
without the pressure of an immediate referral, gives time for the
Parties and the Adjudicator to discuss terms and fees. If the
appointment is made after the Notice of Adjudication has been
issued there will probably not be time to agree fee rates before
referral of the dispute to the Adjudicator. Under most contract
procedures, if an appointing body makes the appointment, it will be
in accordance with their standard Terms of Agreement between the
Parties and the Adjudicator. These procedures and agreements are
discussed in later chapters of this book. When the Adjudicator has
been appointed, he will be entitled to a reasonable fee. If there is a
problem with agreement to his fee rate then it will be determined by
the Courts when the Adjudicator sues for his fees.
32 | Adjudication for architects and engineers

Stage 4 referral of the dispute to the Adjudicator

The Act and consequently most Contracts refer to `appointment
and referral', within a stated procedure and time period, as though
they are a single operation. In practice, the action of referral will be
distinct from the act of appointment, although it should happen
immediately after appointment. Referral signals the start of the time
period for the Adjudication. It is important that the actual calendar
date of referral is clear. If there is any possibility of ambiguity a
concerned Party should raise the matter immediately and the
Adjudicator will determine the date. In any event, the Adjudicator
should confirm the referral date immediately he receives the referral
If the Adjudicator has been appointed, but has not received the
necessary information about the dispute, then he cannot start his
work and the time period should not commence. This may be
because the Adjudicator was appointed before the issue of the
Notice of Adjudication, possibly at the start of the project, or it may
be that the referring Party has asked for the appointment, but has
not yet prepared the necessary papers for referral.
Contracts which follow the provisions of the Act must have a
timetable with the object of providing for referral within seven days
of the Notice of Adjudication. If referral takes place after this period
then a question may arise as to whether there is a valid referral. This
will depend on the requirements of the particular procedure.
However, if the referring Party is not ready, or for some reason
decides not to send the documents to the Adjudicator, then he
cannot wait for an indefinite period. The Notice must lapse if the
dispute is not referred within a reasonable, and probably very
restricted, period. The Adjudicator may have to rule on any
The extent of information which must be provided at referral may
be defined in the Adjudication procedure. The referring Party
should send the appropriate documents to the Adjudicator, with a
copy to the other Party and a clear statement that this is referral. If
the Adjudicator considers that the documents submitted are not
Resolving disputes by Adjudication | 33

adequate to constitute referral he will raise the matter with the

referring Party.
Subject to any specific requirements in the Contract, the
documents which are necessary to constitute referral are the Notice
of Adjudication, sufficient information to explain the matter in
dispute, the information on which the Referring Party relies and the
relief which is being sought.

In Adjudication, as with any procedure in which a third person is
appointed to determine matters between two contracting Parties,
there is the possibility of a challenge to the jurisdiction of that
person. The Adjudicator will normally have to rule on his own
jurisdiction, either with the support of the procedures under which
he has been appointed, or for the practical reason of being able to
continue with his work and reach the decision which he has been
appointed to make, or to decide to terminate his appointment.
Ultimately, jurisdiction may need to be determined by the Courts
but, unless the Parties have agreed on an extension to the
Adjudication period, there is no time for a stay to the proceedings in
order to consider a matter of jurisdiction. Any final determination
by the Courts is likely to be a consequence of proceedings for
enforcement, rather than being a reason to delay the Adjudication.
In any event, Adjudication provides an interim decision, which is
binding until the dispute is finally determined by legal proceedings,
by Arbitration or by agreement. Any problem such as jurisdiction
may well be overtaken by a subsequent reference of the dispute itself
to Arbitration or legal proceedings.

The mechanics of referral and response

The actual procedure for referral and response varies in different
Adjudication procedures, but is based on the following.
> The Adjudicator has been appointed and has a copy of the
Notice of Adjudication.
34 | Adjudication for architects and engineers

> The referring Party sends the Adjudicator his `Statement of

Case', with a copy to the other Party.
> The responding Party sends the Adjudicator his response, with a
copy to the referring Party.
Some procedures, including the Scheme, do not give the
responding Party the right to submit a reply to the Statement of
Case. The submission of a response may then depend on the
Adjudicator asking for further information.

The Statement of Case

While a minimum bundle of documents will enable the Adjudicator
to proceed, the referring Party will usually take advantage of the
opportunity to provide a detailed explanation of his case. A well-
argued presentation, including legal or contractual argument backed
by authorities, will inevitably have a persuasive effect on the
Adjudicator. The referring Party has the advantage of choosing
when to refer the dispute to Adjudication and so of taking as long as
he requires to prepare his case. He then has the advantage of being
able to submit the first detailed explanation of the problem. The
advantages of the first submission are such that a Party who is
defending his rejection of a claim may find an advantage in
declaring that there is a dispute and becoming the referring Party in
the Adjudication.
Some Claimants believe that the greater the number of pages, the
more persuasive will be the Statement. This must be a misconcep-
tion. The Statement should be clear and concise and no
Adjudicator will allow himself to be influenced by the mere volume
of paper which is presented by one side. Within the limited time
period the Adjudicator may even reject an excessive volume of
paper and ask for a concise summary of the referring Party's case.
Clarity of communication is essential for a procedure within a
restricted time period.
The Adjudicator will also be aware that, under the provisions of
the Act, the referring Party has been able to choose his time for the
issue of the Notice of Adjudication. He has been able to wait for as
Resolving disputes by Adjudication | 35

long as he considers will help his case in order to conduct

investigations and research, evaluate the consequences of the initial
event, and obtain whatever advice he requires. Under most
standard forms of contract the initial notice of a Claim, or of a
relevant event, must be given within a fixed time period. The
Claimant will give this notice before he is fully aware of all the
consequences of the problem and so it may refer to only a limited
part of the eventual problem.
The Statement of Case should not be restricted rigidly to one side
of the argument. If there has been an exchange of correspondence,
discussions, requests for further information and research or
investigation, then the complete file should be presented to the
Adjudicator. If some information is obviously necessary for the
Adjudicator to understand the Claimant's point of view, such as a
copy of the question which is being answered, then that information
should be included. It is in the best interests of the referring Party
that the Adjudicator achieves a clear understanding of the dispute
as soon as possible during the Adjudication period.
For a detailed presentation of a major dispute, the Statement of
Case may include:
> a brief summary of the dispute and the problem which led to the
> evidence in the form of documents, photographs, witness
statements and/or expert opinion to establish the factual basis of
the claim
> legal and contractual arguments on which the claim is based
with authorities, when available
The referring Party must always bear in mind that someone who
makes an allegation must be ready to prove that allegation.
If the referring Party is anxious to prove its case, it will, while
preparing its Statement of Case:
> make sure of its legal and contractual position before embarking
on the process
> avoid ambiguity so as not to leave any room for doubt
36 | Adjudication for architects and engineers

> check and double check all factual matters

> avoid exaggeration and speculative allegations
> look at every point from the opposite point of view and satisfy
itself that there are no weaknesses in the arguments or evidence
> take specialist advice where necessary
> make sure that the evidence convincingly supports any
allegations or refutations
> have regard to the fact that it is a difficult task to set down
unambiguously exactly what happened and how and why the
case is justified.

Stage 5 conduct of the Adjudication

Timetable for the Adjudication
Immediately the Adjudicator has studied the Statement of Case he
will prepare the provisional timetable for the Adjudication. A
typical programme is shown in Fig. 6. The timetable will show how
he proposes to complete his work within the time period which is
permitted by the contract procedure, based on his assumptions as to
the actions which will be necessary. It will also take into account
any requests from the Parties, together with the requirements of his
own diary. If the contract procedure does not allow specifically for a
response from the responding Party then the Adjudicator may
include a suitable provision.
The Adjudicator will revise the initial timetable as the
Adjudication proceeds and further information becomes available.
The timetable will include a period for the Adjudicator to assess the
information which he has received, to reach his decision and to
prepare his written decision. If, for whatever reason, the time period
becomes unreasonably congested the Adjudicator will ask the
Parties for an extension, in accordance with the provisions of the
Contract. Should either Party refuse to agree to an extension then
the Adjudicator must work within the previous period and take
action to accelerate the timetable. He will draw his own conclusions
as to why the request was rejected.
Resolving disputes by Adjudication | 37

Adjudicator's action Parties action

Claimant refers and sends

statement of claim

Receives claim: confirms and Day 1

considers statementis advice needed?
Drafts programme

Issues directions and sets Day 2

programme all by fax
Further info/docs from
Day 4

Respondant's statement
Day 8
or documents

Any tests Day 9


Days 911

Further info

Days 1221 reserved for further inquiries if necessary Days

and any advice from specialist consultants. 1221

Days 2228 reserved for drafting and delivering decision Days

(with reasons if required under procedure). 2228

Figure 6. A typical programme

Alternatively, if the Parties agree that they would like to defer the
completion of the Adjudication in order to give themselves time for
further investigation or negotiation then the Adjudicator may have
problems fitting the new dates into his diary.
38 | Adjudication for architects and engineers

The response
When the referring Party has sent a Statement of Case to the
Adjudicator, the other Party will want to respond. The response
may need to be submitted within a certain time period which is
stipulated in the contract procedure, or it may follow a direction
from the Adjudicator. If no time period for a response has been laid
down the responding Party should ask for the opportunity to submit
its reply to the Statement of Case. In any event the responding Party
may be determined to give its point of view and will send a response
to suit its own convenience.
The Adjudicator will want to receive any response as quickly as
possible, in order that he can assess both Parties' point of view. The
time period may be a number of days which has been fixed in the
Contract, or by the Adjudicator, but it will inevitably be a very short
period of time. If the Statement of Case is a substantial document,
perhaps extending to numerous files, then the Party preparing the
response may have severe problems in meeting any stipulated date.
The key to a fast response will be to identify the most critical
points and deal with these points first. Consultants who deal with
construction contracts will need to develop systems ready to offer
fast advice to their clients.
If the Adjudication concerns a dispute which has been discussed
and investigated over a considerable period of time then the
response should have been developed during the negotiations. The
Party preparing the response will know all about the initial problem,
have decided to reject the claim and will have made its own
investigations as it considered appropriate. However, if the dispute
has emerged from a simple request and rejection for lack of
justification, the responding Party may have considerable difficulty
in preparing a detailed response within the required time period. If
the referring Party has deliberately created an ambush situation
then the responding Party could be presented with a difficult, or
even impossible, task.
In these circumstances the best course of action may be for the
Party concerned to write to the Adjudicator, with a copy to the
referring Party, explaining the situation. The letter will include a
Resolving disputes by Adjudication | 39

timetable of the development of the dispute and a schedule to show

when each item mentioned in the Statement of Case was first
notified to the other Party. If the Statement of Case includes
allegations and complex evidence which had not previously been
notified then there is a clear justification for further time in which to
prepare the response.
The Adjudicator, due to the time constraints imposed by the
contract procedure, may not be in a position to grant additional
time for the preparation of a response to the Statement of Case. He
is under an obligation to reach his Decision within a fixed time
period. If the referring Party agrees to an extension of the
Adjudication period then the other Party can be given more time
for the response. If the referring Party refuses to agree to more time
then the Adjudicator will draw his own conclusions. The
Adjudicator does have considerable discretion to decide what
weight to assign to the various arguments and evidence which is put
before him. The fact that one Party has deliberately denied the
other Party the opportunity to refute important arguments must
influence the Adjudicator's assessment of the information which has
been presented to him.
The length and detail of the response will depend on the
circumstances of the dispute, but it must include a clear denial of
any allegation and evidence which is refuted. In the circumstances
of Adjudication, an Adjudicator may follow the principle that
`anything not denied is accepted'. It will not be sufficient just to
include a blanket rejection of everything stated in the claim. The
depth and detail of the discussion and alternative propositions must
be at least the equivalent of the evidence which was submitted in
the Statement of Case.
The response to a detailed Statement of Case should include:
> a brief summary of the dispute and the problem which led to the
dispute, explaining the counter point of view and reasons for
rejecting the claim
> legal and contractual counter arguments, with authorities
40 | Adjudication for architects and engineers

> evidence in the form of documents, photographs, witnesses and/

or expert opinion to support any counter arguments and
In its own interests the responding Party will:
> read carefully any claim statement
> deal with the matter thoroughly
> ask for clarification of any ambiguity
> insist that any allegation is supported by evidence, including
details of when and where any alleged events are said to have
taken place
> make sure that it has dealt with every point made or implied
> point out every factual error and collate evidence which will
assist with the Adjudicator's understanding of the case
> consider any contractual or legal point and make sure that
everything which can be rebutted is rebutted
> admit those things which are correct but make it clear exactly
which points are contested
> make sure the record is complete
> if the Claimant has given only half the story, admit that which is
true but explain fully the missing part of the picture, which may
put a different complexion on the whole affair.

The Adjudication period

The requirement that the Adjudicator will give a fast decision is an
essential feature of Adjudication. The time period which is available
will depend on the details of the procedure, but it is always restricted
and cannot be unilaterally extended by the Adjudicator. The time
period which is desirable for the Adjudicator to establish all the
relevant facts and law and reach a good decision is a different
matter. This will depend on the details of the dispute and the
actions of the Parties. The Adjudication provisions in the Contract
or in the Act, by fixing the time period, are telling the Adjudicator
to do the best he can, within that time period.
Resolving disputes by Adjudication | 41

Before the advent of the Act, the Contracts which contained

provision for Adjudication incorporated different time periods for
the Adjudicator to reach his decision. A period of about three
months was generally considered to be reasonable.
Contracts which follow the provisions of the Act must have a
basic 28-day period from referral until the Adjudicator reaches his
decision. This is a shorter period than would previously have been
considered reasonable and means that many adjudicators will find
that the period will not give them sufficient time to raise queries,
receive further information and allow each Party to review and
respond to further evidence which has been provided by the other
The 28-day period can be extended by the Parties, provided the
extension is agreed after the dispute has been referred to the
Adjudicator. Provision in the Contract for a longer period would not
comply with the Act. The Adjudicator may extend the time period,
by up to 14 days, with the consent of the referring Party. This
provision gives the Party who initiated the Adjudication the
unilateral right to veto any extension to the time period.
If the Adjudicator finds that the 28-day period is not sufficient for
an adequate review of the dispute then he would ask the Parties to
agree to an extension. The referring Party having already had as
long as he requires to prepare his Statement of Case, it is more likely
to be the preparation of the response that resulted in the need for
the extension. Hence the Adjudicator may require the additional
time in order to be fair to both sides.
If the referring Party refuses to agree to negotiate an extension
and rejects the Adjudicator's request for a 14 day extension then
the Adjudicator will allocate the available time in the best way
possible, which may well be to the disadvantage of the referring
42 | Adjudication for architects and engineers

Actions by the Adjudicator

When the dispute has been referred to the Adjudicator it is for him
to take the initiative and decide what actions he is going to take in
order to reach his decision.
The first task will usually be to check that the matters to be
determined are clearly defined in the Notice of Adjudication. This
may have been checked and confirmed at the appointment stage
but, if there is any possibility of confusion, the Adjudicator may wish
to write to the Parties and confirm his understanding of the
Many of the Adjudication procedures before the publication of
the Act were envisaged to be on a `documents only' basis. Each
disputing Party sent a written statement to the Adjudicator. He
considered these statements and made his decision based on the
information they contained.
The Adjudication procedures which are based on the require-
ments of the Act enable the Adjudicator to take whatever actions
he considers are necessary in order to reach his decision, within wide
limitations. The exact powers will depend on the provisions of the
particular procedure, but typically will include the power:
> to set the timetable for the Adjudication, within the time period
determined by the Contract, or agreed with the Parties
> to take the initiative in ascertaining the facts and the law
> to request further information and clarification of statements
and to set a time for reply
> to require Parties to limit the lengths of written or oral
> to meet and question the Parties and other persons who have
knowledge of the dispute. Some procedures give the Adjudi-
cator the right to meet the Parties separately. Under other
procedures he would try to arrange a joint meeting but could
continue with one Party if the other fails to attend the meeting
> to request the production of documents or the attendance of
people whom he considers could assist
> to visit the site
Resolving disputes by Adjudication | 43

> to obtain specialist advice and require tests or investigations

> to set times or deadlines for any of the above
> to continue the Adjudication and reach a decision even if a
Party fails to co-operate and comply with a request or direction
> to issue such other directions as he considers to be appropriate.
The extent to which the Adjudicator will choose to exercise these
powers will depend on the circumstances of the particular case. The
powers are derived from the Contract and have been accepted by
the Parties, but he has no power to force a reluctant party to comply
or to give directions to third parties.
The first action will be consideration of the programme for the
Adjudication. On the calendar, the Adjudicator may have 28 days,
with the possibility of an extension. The immediate problem is that
Adjudicators lead busy lives, with other engagements in their
diaries. The Adjudicator has agreed to take the case and so will have
a reasonable amount of time available, but this may be restricted to
certain periods or only parts of certain days.
The Adjudicator will study the Statement of Case and set down a
framework for his programme. He may decide to ask for an
immediate response, together with clarification of certain points
from the referring Party. If he decides that a meeting with the
Parties, or a site visit, will be necessary then he must immediately
contact the Parties to agree on a convenient date. If he wants to
question certain people, or consult specialists, then the sooner he
decides what he wants, the easier it will be to make the necessary
arrangements. He then needs sufficient time to consider the results
of any action, instigate possible further action, reconsider the whole
case and write up his decision.
Even the most carefully planned programme can be disrupted by
some unexpected problem, or by dilatory action by a reluctant or
uncooperative Party. An Adjudication period of 28 days can pass
very quickly.
The Act requires the period to be extended by extra days for
Good Friday, Christmas Day and statutory bank holidays, but not
for weekends or days which the industry normally takes as holidays.
44 | Adjudication for architects and engineers

Additional information provided by the Parties

The Adjudicator will have received a Statement of Case from the
referring Party in order to refer the dispute to him and start the
Adjudication. If the Statement of Case does not include sufficient
information then he will raise queries and must consider whether
the document contains sufficient information to constitute referral.
Alternatively, it is possible, but unlikely, that he will decide that the
Statement of Case includes sufficient information for him to
understand both Parties' point of view and reach his decision. The
Adjudicator will generally ask the responding Party to respond to
the Statement of Case, even if the procedures do not include a
specific requirement for a response.
The Adjudicator will then be able to request either Party to
provide additional information. This may be a matter of clarification
of a point which is not clear, authorities and arguments to support a
statement, or the need for specific information which has been
omitted from the previous submissions. In the extreme he may have
to tell the Parties that he cannot understand the case from the
information which they have provided. A request for further
information will not be an opportunity for either Party to develop
new ideas or submit additional claims, counter-claims or set-off
against the claim which is in dispute. The scope of the dispute has
been determined by the Notice of Adjudication.
When the Adjudicator asks for additional information he should
make a specific request and give the date by which he requires an

Meetings with the Adjudicator

The Adjudication procedures which follow the Act generally give
the Adjudicator the right to meet with the Parties. This is an
important provision in that it enables the Adjudicator to discuss the
case with the Parties if he feels that this would assist him in his task.
The Adjudicator will decide whether he requires a meeting.
There is no automatic right for either Party to demand the
opportunity to explain its case in person, or to submit oral evidence
Resolving disputes by Adjudication | 45

from witnesses, although any requests would be considered by the

The reasons for a meeting may include:
> to resolve any queries on jurisdiction, the interpretation of the
Notice of Adjudication or other preliminary matters
> to clarify any points in the Statement of Claim or response
> to visit the site and to inspect any particular part of the Works;
to arrange for tests or opening up of the work and inspect the
> to hear oral evidence
> to discuss queries and resolve any problems which can be sorted
out quicker by discussion than by correspondence.
Within a limited time period it may be difficult to arrange a
convenient date for the meeting so, while it is preferable for the
Adjudicator to meet the Parties together, it may be necessary for
him to arrange separate meetings. The Adjudicator will need to
arrange any meeting on a date to suit his timetable for the
Adjudication. If one Party is unable to attend on that date, and it is
impossible to fix a mutually acceptable date, then the Adjudicator
will hold the meeting with just one Party present.
The Adjudicator should try to give all Parties the opportunity to
attend every meeting. Even if he has the specific power to meet
them separately he should try to arrange for joint meetings and
should keep the other Party informed of what transpires at a
If the documents are complete and appear to give him all the
information he requires then the Adjudicator may decide that a
meeting is not necessary. Meetings are expensive and time
consuming and a meeting would only be arranged if it will serve a
useful purpose.
If the Adjudicator decides to hold a meeting then it should be
arranged as early as possible during the Adjudication period. If there
is a good reason to hold a meeting, then there may be further action
needed to follow up any problems after the meeting. The
Adjudicator will want to resolve any problems as quickly as possible
46 | Adjudication for architects and engineers

and avoid the pressure of unanswered questions towards the end of

the Adjudication period.
A meeting with the Parties will frequently be the easiest way for
the Adjudicator to clarify any points which arise from his study of
the initial submissions. A face to face question and answer session
can resolve problems which would otherwise require a lengthy
sequence of correspondence. A serious problem of jurisdiction or
interpretation of the Notice of Adjudication may require a special
meeting at the start of the Adjudication period.
An Adjudication meeting will generally be more informal than an
Arbitration hearing, but more formal than a site meeting. The
Parties may be represented by their technical or legal advisers.
However, it is the Parties themselves who are in dispute and should
take the leading role before the Adjudicator. The Architect or
Engineer for the Contract may be involved in the subject matter of
the dispute and will be present to assist the Employer, not to
administer the Adjudication. The Adjudicator may ask for other
people to be present in order to clarify particular points. The
Adjudicator has no power to require the presence of any particular
person but any failure to co-operate by either Party will tend to
weaken their case.
While most Adjudication meetings will be discussions to assist
the Adjudicator it is always desirable for the meeting to have a
formal agenda. The Adjudicator must be prepared for a Party to be
uncooperative or aggressive and must be ready to impose his
authority and control the meeting. He may even need to adjourn a
meeting in order to allow the Parties to cool down. If the
Adjudicator decides that oral presentations by the Parties, followed
by evidence from witnesses, would help him to reach his decision
then he would issue appropriate directions to the Parties. The
Parties do not have the right to present witnesses, or to cross-
examine opposing witnesses, and can only do so with the permission
of the Adjudicator. When the Adjudicator decides to question
witnesses himself he must prepare his questions in advance in order
to gain the maximum benefit from the interrogation. If the written
submissions include conflicting statements, or allegations which
Resolving disputes by Adjudication | 47

impinge on the integrity of individuals, then the Adjudicator may

want to question the person concerned. Also, the person concerned
may want the opportunity to state their side of the argument and
clear their name of the allegations. In some circumstances the
Adjudicator or the witness may ask for the evidence to be given on
The problem will always be the time period. It will always be
difficult to organise a series of meetings, or the presence of
witnesses, within a 28-day period. If the Parties agree to an
appropriate extension to this period then the Adjudicator is more
likely to be able to agree to any requests for additional meetings.

Site visits
Construction Adjudication will, by definition, involve construction
problems. While there is a very wide range of disputes which can be
referred to Adjudication, many disputes will involve quality of
workmanship, or something that happened on a construction site.
The type of disputes which are best suited to Adjudication are often
those for which a site visit will enable the Adjudicator to observe
the problem himself. Site visits are therefore an important feature of
many Adjudications and may include inspection of disputed work or
a direction by the Adjudicator to open up work or conduct tests.
The decision as to whether a site visit is necessary must be a
matter for the Adjudicator. However, he will need the agreement of
the Party who controls the site and their co-operation in making the
necessary arrangements. Before deciding to ask for a site visit, the
Adjudicator must consider what he will gain from a visit. A site visit
needs to be planned in advance. It costs money and takes up
valuable time, so should not be required without proper considera-
tion of the benefits.
Normally the site will be under the control of one of the Parties,
so the Adjudicator will ask that Party to make the necessary
arrangements. However, it may be necessary to obtain permission
from another party.
48 | Adjudication for architects and engineers

The Adjudicator should tell the Parties, before the visit, what he
wants to see and what benefit he hopes to derive from the visit. This
will enable the Parties to make the arrangements and to decide what
level of representation they should provide at the visit. The
Adjudicator must avoid the situation in which one Party takes
advantage of the visit by trying to influence him with new
arguments and evidence which has not been given to the other
There will generally be an advantage in combining the site visit
with an Adjudication meeting. If this is the intention then the
Adjudicator should tell the Parties beforehand, so that they can plan
their representation and submissions.

Taking the initiative in ascertaining the facts and the law

The Act requires that a compliant Contract shall enable the
Adjudicator to take the initiative in ascertaining the facts and the
law. The Adjudicator has the power to act on his own initiative, but
is not under any obligation to try to ascertain all the facts and law.
This would not normally be possible in the restricted time period.
For the same reason the Adjudicator is not obliged to conduct a
detailed forensic investigation into the problem which led to the
dispute. For example, to take samples and conduct tests may require
more than 28 days.
In practice, any Adjudicator should exercise some caution in
using his initiative in this way. A Party cannot rely on the
Adjudicator to make good deficiencies in the presentation of its
case. An Adjudicator who investigates and identifies facts which
could have been submitted by the Party who benefits, will be open
to the accusation that he is not impartial.
It can also be argued that to give a decision on a dispute is a
matter of assessing the views of the disputants, rather than finding
the correct solution to the underlying problem. In Adjudication the
Parties should make their own investigations and tests and not rely
on guidance and directions by the Adjudicator.
Resolving disputes by Adjudication | 49

The power to take the initiative enables the Adjudicator to make

his own enquiries and test the opinions and evidence which have
been submitted to him. Enquiries may be made through the Parties,
or direct to an outside source if he considers that this will help him
to reach his decision.

The use of specialist advice

A natural consequence of the power to take the initiative in
ascertaining the facts and the law is the power to consult another
person or organisation for specialist advice. Most Adjudication rules
and procedures allow the Adjudicator to consult a specialist adviser.
The procedures vary and he may need to obtain specific approval for
the cost, or just notify the Parties of his intentions. However, if the
Parties are relying on the Adjudicator to give a decision which they
are obliged to implement, they should also trust him to consult
wisely and with due regard to the cost. The Adjudicator must
remember that, when he consults a specialist, he will be liable to the
specialist for his fees and will have to recover the cost from the
When the Adjudicator consults a specialist, he can only use the
report for advice. The decision must be made by the Adjudicator
himself and not be delegated to the specialist.
The type of specialist, technical or legal, will depend on the
subject of the dispute and the expertise of the Adjudicator. For a
dispute which involves a particular technical subject there is an
obvious value in using an Adjudicator with specialist knowledge of
that subject.
It will always be important for the Adjudicator to send copies of
any specialist reports to the Parties. They will pay for the report so
they will want to see what they are getting for their money. The
report may be useful to help them to understand the cause of the
problem which led to the dispute. Whenever possible they should be
given the opportunity of seeing and commenting on the specialist
report before the Adjudicator reaches his decision. Some Parties will
expect to see any reports as a matter of `natural justice' before the
50 | Adjudication for architects and engineers

Adjudicator's name (an individual)

Reference: 176/JT/Q Address

Date: 12th Oct 1998 Telephone
By fax & by post Fax

Case 176 AB Contractors Ltd v ZQ Dev Ltd

Contract: Of ces at Blogg Street, Smith Town

Adjudicators Direction No. 1:

1. Send representative to attend Adjudicators inspection on site at 10.00
hours on Monday 19th Oct 1998.
Adjudicator will report to foreman on arrival.

Adjudicators signature ______________________

Please acknowledge receipt of this communication

Sent to:
AB Contractors Ltd and to ZQ Dev Ltd
Hope House Big Town House
Hope Street Small Street
Smith Town Small Town
Ref. 1989/JD/BT Ref. 7/21616/DR

Figure 7. The Adjudicator's Direction

Resolving disputes by Adjudication | 51

Adjudicator reaches his decision. In reality there will rarely be time

for alternative reports, unless the Parties agree to an extension of
the Adjudication period. In any event, the Parties had their
opportunity to investigate and commission their own reports before
the dispute was referred to Adjudication.

Actions and directions from the Adjudicator

The Adjudicator is in charge of the Adjudication. He has been
appointed to make a decision and is entitled to receive the co-
operation of the Parties. In order to achieve the result that they
want, each Party should endeavour to provide the Adjudicator with
all the information and assistance which he requires.
The Adjudicator must follow efficient management procedures.
He must treat both Parties fairly and with an equal opportunity to
present their case and answer the allegations which have been made
against them. All documents must be copied to both sides and the
substance of oral information should be confirmed to the other side
if they were not present to hear the evidence.
The Adjudicator must also work within the constraints of the
rules and procedures under which he has been appointed. Different
contracts and different procedures impose different restrictions on
the Parties and the Adjudicator.
For the Adjudicator to complete his work within the permitted
time period he will need to issue Directions to inform the Parties of
his requirements. A typical form for an Adjudicator's Direction is
shown in Fig. 7. These Directions will have the authority of the
contract under which he was appointed, but he has no practical
means of enforcement. If a Party considers that a particular
Direction is unreasonable, or outside his authority, then the
Adjudicator must deal with the objection. If either Party fails to
comply with a Direction, the Adjudicator must continue in the best
way possible. Any such failure will be likely to act against the
interests of the Party who failed to comply.
52 | Adjudication for architects and engineers

The completion of the Adjudication

The Adjudicator has a contract with the Parties under which he has
an obligation to reach a decision on the dispute within a fixed time
period. As discussed earlier, the time period is normally 28 days from
the date on which the dispute was referred to him, unless that
period has been extended.
The Adjudicator will need to allow himself several days for the
action of reaching and writing his decision. Hence his programme
will show that all information from the Parties must have been
received by him by perhaps between five and seven days before the
completion date.
If the Adjudicator receives, or discovers, information after his
stipulated closing date then he must decide whether to make use of
that information. If it seems to him that the information is
significant then he may ask the Parties to agree to an extension of
time. If this is refused then he has no option but to reach his
decision within the stipulated period.
When the Adjudicator has reached and delivered his decision he
has completed his task. Some procedures allow him to correct
clerical errors, but he has no authority to consider additional
evidence or change his decision. If either Party is not satisfied with
the decision then he must refer the dispute to Arbitration or
Litigation, or take any action which is permitted under the law.
There is no point in trying to persuade the Adjudicator to reopen
the Adjudication, unless both Parties agree to some further
procedure and reach a new agreement with the Adjudicator.
The Adjudicator's decision

Reaching the decision

The wording of the Act requires that the Adjudicator `reaches' his
decision within the 28 day, or extended, time period. The need to
inform the Parties of his decision can be considered as a separate
subject. To `reach' the decision seems to imply that he must have
signed and dated his written decision within the stated period.
However, whether a decision which is reached within his mind, but
not actually typed, would comply with the Rules must be open to
Other questions which may arise are whether the Adjudicator
can hold on to his decision until his fees have been paid and what
happens if the decision is late. These matters will be discussed in
later chapters in relation to the specific wording of the Scheme and
the various Adjudication rules and procedures.
The reference to reaching his decision emphasises the importance
of the process by which the Adjudicator makes up his mind and
reaches his decision.
When an adjudicator receives a Statement of Case he will ask
himself the question: `Has the Claimant proved his claim?'. If the
referring Party fails to include a reasonable level of proof in his
Statement of Case then there was really no point in his submitting
the dispute to Adjudication. The same question is asked by an
Architect or Engineer when a contractor submits a claim, but the
Adjudicator may be looking for a different level of proof. If the
54 | Adjudication for architects and engineers

Evidential matters

Does it No
Site inspection
Start support Fails
by adjudicator


Does it No
Start Review factual
support Fails


Does it No
Review opinion
Start support Fails


Review legal/ Does it No

Start contractual support Fails
arguments claim?


Claim established

Decision yes or no

Figure 8. Assessment of case

The Adjudicator's decision | 55

Architect or Engineer is not satisfied with a claim, he will probably

ask the contractor to provide further information `to prove your
claim'. However, a question in general terms, without specifying the
information which is required, may result in the contractor deciding
to refer the problem to Adjudication.
However, when the Adjudicator reaches a decision on a dispute,
he is not just looking at evidence from the claimant. He is looking at
evidence from both sides to the dispute and may work on the
principle of the `balance of probabilities'. If the referring Party has
submitted and justified a reasonable case, but the respondent has
not put forward any logical argument or evidence to refute that case,
then the referring Party will win.
The Adjudicator will analyse the details of the dispute, the points
which are at issue, the allegations which have been made and the
evidence which supports or refutes each allegation. On the basis
that the person who makes an allegation must prove that allegation,
the Adjudicator will come to a decision on each point which is at
The Adjudicator will identify and schedule all the issues of fact
and of law which are disputed. He will then decide the matters of
fact, decide the matters of law, and apply the decided law to the
decided facts. He will then reach his decision on the dispute by a
sequence similar to that shown in Fig. 8.
In practice, the process of reaching a decision will be complex and
require considerable study and thought. The process of analysis of
the provisions of the contract in relation to the decided facts will
not be easy. Many contracts are complex and may not mesh
coherently with the Adjudication process. Other contracts may be
so vague that it will be difficult to interpret them properly. The
Adjudicator may also need to consider the notion of terms which
may be implied into the Contract. For example, a claim for
acceleration costs may rely on an implied term. A decision on
quantum may need to be calculated on a quantum meruit basis.
Most adjudicators start the process of formulating their decision
at a very early stage in the Adjudication. By listing the various
points and building up a logical framework of information on each
56 | Adjudication for architects and engineers

item he will move towards a logical decision. During this process his
thoughts may incline towards one side or the other and the
anticipated `bottom line' may change several times before he reaches
his final decision. This is a common feature of any judicial process
and illustrates the danger of indicating any particular direction
without knowing all the evidence.
The sequence of points to be considered can be summarised:
> reach conclusions on the factual matters
> decide on the merits of any matters of opinion
> reach a conclusion on contractual issues
> apply the contractual conclusions to the decided facts and
favoured opinions to give the decision on liability
> repeat the process if it is necessary to settle matters of quantum
> review the logic in order to confirm the conclusion.

The Adjudicator's decision

The aim of Adjudication is for the Parties to receive an impartial
decision on their dispute, within a fixed time period. The written
decision, which is sometimes known as the `Adjudication' is the
product of the Adjudicator's work. It is what the Parties receive in
exchange for paying his fees.
The Adjudicator's decision is not an arbitral award and will
normally be shorter than an award on a comparable dispute. There
is no standard format or generally agreed list of contents for a
Decision. The Act refers to written contracts and so it is reasonable
to suppose that the Adjudicator's decision will be a written decision.
A skeleton decision is given at the end of this chapter.
The extent of detail in the decision will be decided by the
Adjudicator, subject to any requirements which are imposed by the
applicable procedures. There are numerous items and details which
might be included in a decision and the Adjudicator will decide how
much detail is appropriate for the particular dispute.
A requirement for the decision to include reasons, or other
information, may be included in the Contract, or the Rules or
The Adjudicator's decision | 57

Procedures which apply to the Adjudication, or they may have been

agreed by the Parties and the Adjudicator. During the Adjudication
either Party might ask the Adjudicator for explanations or
calculations concerning a particular aspect of the dispute. Provided
the subject is within the scope of the Adjudication then the
Adjudicator would consider the request.
An Adjudicator's decision can be compared to a technical or
expert report. It must be well written, in clear and concise English,
so as to express the meaning which is intended by the Adjudicator
and enable the Parties to understand that intention. The final
decision must be a logical consequence of the preceding arguments
and the logic must flow consistently through the document. Facts,
opinions and decisions must be clearly differentiated. Liability will
normally be dealt with first, as a separate issue, followed by

The purpose of the decision

The decision must be drafted to serve the purpose for which it is
intended. The Adjudicator's decision may be used for several
different purposes: for immediate use on the project, or for longer
term use, possibly including action in the courts.
The possible uses to which the decision may be put will start with
a requirement for immediate implementation. Whether it will
become involved in future legal action cannot be anticipated, least
of all by the Adjudicator. The Adjudicator cannot anticipate every
possible future problem, but the written decision should include the
basic information which would be required if certain situations
should develop.
The possible purposes and future situations can be summarised as
For immediate use on the project:
> implementation by the Parties
> to assist in resolving future claims and disputes
> to assist with future payment certificates and the final account.
58 | Adjudication for architects and engineers

Use for legal reasons:

> enforcement if either party fails to implement
> an application to the Courts for the decision to be set aside
> any future Arbitration or Litigation
> any third-party liability of the Adjudicator.
The legal aspects and potential problems which may arise in these
situations will be considered in more detail later.
The essential decisions which will have to be made by the
Adjudicator can be separated into matters of liability and quantum.

Decisions on liability
The aim of Adjudication is to obtain a fast decision on a dispute,
which will then be implemented. The decision must be clear as to
what must be done and by whom.
The bottom line, which is what the Parties want, will often be a
matter of quantum. However, in order to decide the quantum, the
Adjudicator must first decide liability. It can be argued that there is
no need for an Adjudicator to state his decision on liability, but just
to state the bottom line. In practice, for the Parties to understand
the decision, and in the event of the occurrence of any of the
situations listed above, a clear decision on liability will be desirable.
In order to reach his decision on liability the Adjudicator will
follow the procedure which has already been described, for his
analysis of the factual and legal situations. For clarity in his own
mind he will need to set down his process of logic and the
application of the law to the facts. He will then decide how much of
this information he will include in his written decision for the
In some cases the Adjudicator may only be asked to decide
liability. The Parties will then negotiate quantum. In other cases he
may consider it desirable to issue his decision in parts, starting with
the decision on liability. However, unless a decision in parts is
permitted by the procedure, it would require the prior agreement of
the Parties. In any event, it may not be a practical proposition unless
The Adjudicator's decision | 59

the parties agree to a time extension for the final part of the
A problem arises if a responding Party dismissed liability and did
not respond on quantum. If the Adjudicator then decides the
liability in favour of the referring Party, he only has one Party's
version of the quantum. If a Claimant's calculations appear reason-
able and have not been reviewed by the other Party then they will
probably be accepted. With the need for a decision on all matters
raised in the Notice of Adjudication, within the time period, there is
no time for a second response on items which were not properly
covered in the initial response.

Decisions on time
Most contracts include a requirement that any claims for an
extension of the contract period shall be submitted and determined
quickly after the delay event. When the Adjudicator is asked to
decide on a claim for an extension of time, the construction will
probably not be complete. Hence, although he will give a definitive
and final decision on that particular issue, it may only be a partial
decision in terms of the Contractor's final entitlement for an exten-
sion of time.
The Adjudicator can only consider the dispute which is before
him, which probably relates to a single delay issue. An Architect or
Engineer may have considered the same issue, but as one part of a
number of delay issues, some of which are the liability of the
Employer and some are the liability of the Contractor. Hence, in
order to implement the Adjudicator's decision, the Architect or
Engineer may need to combine it with other decisions which he has
made himself. If the Contractor is not satisfied with the result then
there could be another Adjudication.
When making a decision on a delay dispute, the Adjudicator
must be careful to state exactly what he is deciding and the basis for
his decision. If a contractor demonstrates to the satisfaction of the
Adjudicator that he is entitled to additional time of, say 10 days,
because a particular item of work was delayed by a particular event,
60 | Adjudication for architects and engineers

then the decision must state this entitlement and no more. To

extend an entitlement due to a particular event into an extension of
the contract period may require additional information, which the
Adjudicator has not been given. There may be other delays, which
are not part of the dispute. Delay events may even occur during the
There may also be problems when the contract allows the contract
administrator to make an interim decision and review that decision
later in the light of subsequent knowledge. The Adjudicator does not
have the power to revise his own decision on a dispute, but would
have the power to consider the new dispute which might arise from
another decision by the contract administrator.
An Adjudicator's decision cannot be reopened and revised either
by the same Adjudicator, or by a different Adjudicator. However,
the dispute could be referred to Arbitration. The decision must be
precise and carefully worded. If the initial dispute is only on the
entitlement to an extension and not on the amount of that
extension then this must be clearly stated in the Notice of Adjudi-
cation. Subsequent submissions cannot change the scope of the
matters in the Notice, without the agreement of all Parties and the
Even if the Adjudicator is satisfied that he has all the information
necessary to calculate an extension to the contract period he may
not be able to determine a new calendar date for completion. There
may be other delays being considered elsewhere which mean that
his calculated calendar date is superseded before he issues his deci-
sion. A decision which gives a definite date for the end of the
contract period may result in problems later. If the Adjudicator
states his decision precisely then the Parties can work out how it
relates to the current completion requirements. If this calculation
results in another dispute then they can refer that dispute to the
Adjudicator and ask him to make a separate decision.
When an Adjudicator has considered and reached a decision on a
delay dispute then there are obvious advantages for the Parties to
agree to appoint the same adjudicator for any subsequent delay
The Adjudicator's decision | 61

Decisions on money
Decisions on quantum will generally be a matter of `A shall pay B
the sum of x' by a stated date.
The extent of calculations which should be given will depend on
the circumstances. If the sum relates to an item, or items, in the Bill
of Quantities, then it will be necessary to explain the relationship
between the Adjudicator's decision and the Bill items, with
calculations as appropriate. This will enable the Parties to establish
what part of the Bill items have been paid and what remains to be
accounted for in the future.
Even if the sum is quite separate from the Bill it may still be
necessary to provide an explanation and calculations. It is possible
that a similar problem will arise again later and knowing how the
Adjudicator arrived at his figure will enable the Parties to avoid
another Adjudication by agreeing to apply the same principles to the
new problem. Also, for the Parties to know the Adjudicator's
decision on each part of a dispute may help them to accept his
decision and avoid future disputes.
In this situation, the referring Party may ask that the Adjudicator
includes the appropriate details in his decision.
The Act states that the Adjudicator's decision is binding until the
dispute is finally determined. Hence, any financial decision must be
paid and any directions for the time or procedure for payment must
be followed. Some contracts and procedures state that a sum
determined must be paid `forthwith' and give requirements for the
mechanism by which the payment should be incorporated into the
contract certification procedure. These requirements are discussed
in the appropriate chapters of this book.
The Adjudicator may also be asked to award interest in his
decision. Adjudication is intended to be a procedure for the fast
determination of disputes, so any entitlement to interest is likely to
be much less than with a longer, more drawn out dispute resolution
process. The Adjudicator does not have a statutory right to award
interest, but some procedures enable him to award either simple or
compound interest, at the rate and for the period which he
considers appropriate.
62 | Adjudication for architects and engineers

Decisions on other matters

An adjudicator should not give decisions on subjects such as design
requirements or whether a particular item of work should remain on
site or be removed and replaced. The Employer's Representative will
give an instruction which, if it is in accordance with the contract,
must be obeyed by the Contractor. The Adjudicator's decision will
concern the financial consequences of that instruction. The
problems which will arise if a dispute on this type of problem is
referred to Adjudication are considered elsewhere in this book.
When, for whatever reason, an adjudicator does give a
declaratory or non-monetary decision the Parties have an obligation
to implement that decision. If one party does not comply then the
other Party may want a monetary alternative. The Adjudicator may
have given this in his decision or it may become the subject of a new

The content and form of the decision

The length and content of the written decision will depend on the
details of the dispute. However, certain basic information should
always be included and the layout of the written decision should
follow a logical sequence.
The preparation of a logical written decision will also help the
Adjudicator to reach a logical conclusion. Some adjudicators start to
prepare their written decision at an early stage during the
Adjudication. This helps them to keep the events in perspective
and to identify any problems. The final conclusion will gradually
emerge during the process of writing the decision. However, if the
Adjudicator changes his opinion during this process it is essential
that he checks to ensure that the final decision is a logical
consequence of the earlier parts of the written decision.
The written decision should include reference to:
1. the contract between the Parties under which the Adjudication
takes place
2. the contract between the Parties and the Adjudicator
3. the scope of the issues which are included in the Adjudication
The Adjudicator's decision | 63

4. the events which led up to the Adjudication

5. the actions taken by the Adjudicator
6. the information upon which the Adjudicator's decision was
7. conclusions on conflicts or allegations, of fact, liability,
interpretation or law
8. calculations
9. the Decision
10. the date for implementation.
It is not normally necessary for copies of other documents to be
appended to the decision. The decision is written for the Parties,
who will already have copies of the relevant documents. If any
problem is referred to legal proceedings then the Party concerned
will provide copies as necessary.

The contract between the Parties

The Adjudicator's decision should start with a reference to the
contract between the Parties. It is not necessary to include a copy of
the contract, just the title and date, any reference and the names of
the Parties.
It must be stated whether the reference to Adjudication is under
a clause of the contract, or under the Scheme. Details of the
Adjudication clause should be given, together with reference to any
applicable Rules or Procedures.

The Adjudicator's Contract

Reference should also be made to the contract between the Parties
and the Adjudicator. The circumstances of the appointment of the
Adjudicator should be described.

The scope of the issues

A problem which may arise with the enforcement of an
Adjudicator's decision is that he has failed to address the correct
64 | Adjudication for architects and engineers

issues. He may have omitted one of the issues from his decision, or
given a decision on an issue which had not been referred to him.
The issues to be decided should have been stated clearly in the
Notice of Adjudication. This was the starting point of the
Adjudication and everything which happened afterwards should
have derived from that Notice. The issues will normally be listed in
the decision, copied from the Notice, so that there can be no
If the extent of the issues has been modified then the details and
circumstances must be clearly explained. The modifications may be
attributable to the following.
> The Notice was not clear and the Adjudicator, or the other
Party, required clarification. Any such clarification must have
been agreed with the Referring Party. If the Adjudicator has not
been able to obtain this agreement then he would give his
interpretation of the Notice.
> The particular Rules or Procedures allow the Adjudicator to
extend the scope of the dispute in the Notice, with or without
the agreement of the Parties. The details and references to any
relevant documents should be clearly stated in the decision.
The reference to the Notice of Adjudication will also enable the
reader to identify this particular Adjudication. Any one contract
may lead to several Adjudications, possibly on similar subjects with
different adjudicators.

The events which led up to the Adjudication

A short summary of the sequence of events which led to the
Adjudication, together a reference to the Statement of Case, will
give readers the background and enable them to understand how
the dispute arose. It may also be necessary to demonstrate that the
Parties have followed any necessary procedures before the reference
to Adjudication. The summary will also help to show that the
Adjudicator has understood the essential points in the dispute.
The Adjudicator's decision | 65

The actions taken by the Adjudicator

The decision should give the complete story of the actions taken by
the Adjudicator, including:
> any objections, to jurisdiction or anything else, showing how the
objection was handled
> requests for additional submissions and information, together
with references to the Parties' response
> meetings with the Parties, naming the people present and any
requests for meetings and agreements that he should meet with
the Parties separately, or with other people
> investigations and tests which he has made and advice which he
has sought, whether he had the specific agreement of the
Parties, the result of the investigations and whether he has
followed the advice
> visits to the site, with details of people present and areas visited
> any other actions that he has taken.
It is not normally necessary to include copies of the various
documents, or fully detailed reports on every action taken. It is
sufficient to show what has been done during the Adjudication,
which will demonstrate that the Adjudication has been properly
conducted, in accordance with the provisions of any applicable
Rules or Procedures.
The parties will normally have been given copies of any
investigation reports or specialist advice as soon as they available
during the Adjudication. If, for any reason, they were not
distributed then copies should be sent with the decision.

Information on which the decision was based

The documents which provided the information on which the
decision was based should be listed. This may just be a matter of
referring to the enclosures with the Statement of Case and
documents received in response to requests for further information.
However the Adjudicator may have received additional information
from other sources.
66 | Adjudication for architects and engineers

A short but comprehensive summary of the information which

has been received will help to demonstrate to the Parties that the
Adjudicator has understood and taken into account their various
submissions and arguments.

Conclusions on points of dispute

Any dispute may include allegations and conflict on matters of fact,
liability and interpretation. The Adjudicator will have to reach a
decision on every significant difference which has emerged during
the Adjudication. The extent to which he states these intermediate
decisions, together with the basis on which he reached each decision
will depend on the circumstances.
Facts, opinions and conclusions must be kept separate and may
need to be written as separate sections of the decision. The
supporting information and any explanations must be clear as to
whether each statement is something which has been stated by
someone else and is either accepted or disputed, is the Adjudicator's
opinion, or is the Adjudicator's conclusion on a matter of fact or

If the contract or the Rules requires the Adjudicator to give reasons
with his decision, or enables a Party to request reasons, then the
Adjudicator must comply with the requirement and consider any
request. If the Rules say that the Adjudicator is not obliged to give
reasons then he must decide how much information to incorporate
into the decision. However, for ease of understanding the decision,
if reasons are given they should be incorporated into the decision
itself and not written as a separate document.
The argument in favour of giving reasons is that the losing Party
is more likely to accept the decision if he is told why he lost and can
see that the decision was reached in a fair and logical manner. On
the other hand, if the losing Party wishes to avoid having to comply
with the decision then the reasons may give him the basis for an
application to the Courts.
The Adjudicator's decision | 67

There is also an argument that reasons are essential as a matter of

justice and this position is discussed in Chapter 12.
From a practical point of view, some explanation and calculation
is essential in order that the decision can be understood and
incorporated into the project administration. A statement such as
`A shall pay B the sum of x' is unlikely to be sufficient. It is
reasonable that A should know why he is being instructed to pay the
money. This will require a simple statement referring to the logic
behind the decision and not a detailed analysis of the merits of the
arguments from both sides and exactly why the submission by one
side was preferred.
The Adjudicator must always avoid the temptation to include
lengthy dialogue, under the guise of reasons, in order to demonstrate
that his own astuteness and skills are superior to those of the Parties
who failed to resolve their dispute.
On balance, the Adjudicator is employed to make a decision and,
provided the decision is clear, there should be no need to justify that
decision by explaining in detail how it was reached. However, while
explanations should be kept to a minimum, the Parties must be able
to understand and implement the decision.

The practical argument in favour of the Adjudicator including his
calculations is stronger than that for giving his reasons. Decisions on
matters of money or time will frequently have to be incorporated
into later valuations or extensions of time. It is therefore essential
that the Adjudicator includes sufficient explanation and calcula-
tions to enable the party representatives to incorporate his figures
into their later calculations.
Either Party may have asked the Adjudicator to include specific
calculations in relation to his acceptance, or part acceptance, of a
particular item or calculation of any time extension or quantum.
68 | Adjudication for architects and engineers

The Decision
The final conclusion must be clearly stated to be the decision on the
dispute which was referred to the Adjudicator and must be capable
of being implemented by the Parties. Sums of money are normally
stated in figures, followed by the sum in words.
Every issue which has been referred to the Adjudicator must be
dealt with as a separate decision. While decisions on particular
issues will have been given in the earlier sections it is useful to give a
summary in the final section. If the Notice of Adjudication or
Statement of Case includes a list of issues which are to be decided
then the summary should incorporate the same list of issues.
The `bottom line' must be clear, must be consistent with earlier
conclusions and must be a logical consequence of the development
of the earlier sections of the Decision.
The Decision must be signed and dated, but it is not normally
necessary for the signature to be witnessed.

After the Decision

The Act states, in Section 108(3), that the Adjudicator's decision
shall be binding until the dispute is finally determined by legal
proceedings, Arbitration or agreement. This does not permit the
Adjudicator to reopen the case or change his decision. If he makes a
mistake, then the Parties have to live with that mistake until it is
changed by one of the other procedures.
Some procedures allow the Adjudicator to correct typing or
clerical errors. The extent of the corrections which are permitted,
together with time limits for the change and whether they must be
requested by a party or can be at the Adjudicator's initiative, vary in
different procedures.
The subject of enforcement of the decision is considered in
Chapter 5.
The Adjudicator's decision | 69

Chapter 4. Appendix: skeleton for Adjudicator's

decision (below and overleaf)

Parties in dispute: Ref:

Referring party name and address

Responding party name and address

Contract: brief description:

Date: ....................

Notice of adjudication reference: ....................

Dated: ....................

Appointment: ....................

Agreement dated: ....................

Adjudication conducted under: ....................

Referral dated: ....................

Referral statement: ....................

70 | Adjudication for architects and engineers

Appendix continued

Quote document received

Quote remedy required

The issues

1. The claim
Quote from document supplied

2. The Response
Quote from document supplied
The Adjudicator's decision | 71

Appendix continued

3. Brief description of actions taken and further information received by

Set out summary

Having considered all that has been put before me and all matters
revealed in my investigation and having considered all these matters
carefully I have reached the


1. Directions on substantive matters of liability, quantum,

conclusions, interest (if applicable), and implementation.
2. Reasons, calculation or explanation (if any).
3. Any directions on payment of Adjudicator's fee.
4. `Bottom line' statement of decision.

Signed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Name and qualifications

The Act

Government orders for the Act, the Scheme, the Scheme for
Scotland and the exemption orders for public finance initiative
(PFI) were brought into force on 1 May 1998. The relevant part of
the Act, namely Part II, is reproduced in full in Appendix 1.
The part of the Housing Grants Construction and Regeneration
Act 1996 dealing with Adjudication is Part II Construction
Contracts and consists of only eight pages covering Sections 104
107 inclusive. While common law may have effectively implied
various terms into contracts, as for example, that the Parties will co-
operate with each other to achieve the objectives of the contract,
the Act represents a further stage of Government interference in
business contracts. The actual Adjudication arrangements are dealt
with only in Section 108 which is less than one page, and most of
the provisions were eventually amplified within the `Scheme', which
was published later. It is made clear that either the contract shall
provide for arrangements for Adjudication in accordance with the
Act or, alternatively, if the contract between the Parties fails to
comply with the Act, in respect of Adjudication arrangements,
Adjudication will be governed by procedures set out in the
`Scheme'. The detailed provisions are not absolutely synonymous
in the Act and Scheme. As the provisions of the Act or Scheme are
mandatory they must be the primary source of reference for
Architects, Engineers and Adjudicators.
Section 104 defines a construction contract, 105 defines the
meaning of `Construction Operations' and 106 makes it clear that
Adjudication does not apply to a contract with a residential occupier
74 | Adjudication for architects and engineers

as defined in that section. Subsequently, PFI contracts or the

relevant parts of contracts, were excluded.
Section 107 makes it clear that provisions are only applicable to
Agreements in Writing: Section 108 covers Adjudication; Sections
109113 are payment provisions and the remaining sections 114
117 are Supplementary Provisions permitting the Minister to make
regulations for the `Scheme'. It also sets out arrangements for the
service of Notices, reckoning periods of time and the application of
the arrangements to the Crown.

Section 104: Construction Contracts

1. The definition of Construction Contracts is very wide and
(a) the carrying out of construction operations
(b) arranging for the carrying out of construction operations by
others under a subcontract
(c) the provision of labour for construction operations.
2. Under the same section it is made clear that references to a
Construction Contract include an agreement to do:
(a) architectural, design, or surveying work
(b) to provide advice on building, engineering, interior or
exterior decoration, or on the laying out of landscape, in
relation to construction operations. Hence it will be seen
that consultant's contracts are covered.
3. A contract of employment is not a construction contract.
4. Where an agreement relates to construction operations and
other matters, this part of the Act applies only to the construc-
tion operations.
5. The Act covers construction operations in England, Wales and
Scotland and has since been extended to include Northern
Ireland. This applies only to contracts entered into after the
commencement of this Part of the Act. This was 1 May 1998.
The Act | 75

Section 105: the meaning of `Construction Operations'

1. The definition of construction operations covers:
(a) construction, alteration, repair, maintenance, extension,
demolition or dismantling of buildings or structures forming,
or to form, part of the land (whether permanent or not)
(b) construction, alteration, repair, maintenance, extension,
demolition or dismantling of any works forming, or to form,
part of the land, including walls, roadworks, power lines,
telecommunication apparatus, aircraft runways, docks and
harbours, railways, inland waterways, pipelines, reservoirs,
water mains, wells, sewers, industrial plant and the
installations for the purposes of land drainage, coast
protection or defence
(c) building services installations generally
(d) external or internal cleaning of buildings and structures, so
far as carried out in the course of their construction,
alteration, repair extension or restoration
(e) preparation and site works including excavation, tunnelling
and boring, etc. and landscaping
( f ) painting or decoration.
2. Under this there are exclusions for:
(a) drilling for oil and gas
(b) extraction of minerals
(c) assembly, installation or demolition of plant and machinery,
nuclear processing and power generation, water and effluent
treatment and the production and processing for bulk
storage of chemicals, pharmaceuticals, oil, gas, steel or food
and drink
(d) the manufacture or delivery of engineering components or
equipment, services installations except where a contract
also provides for their installation
(e) the making and installation of artistic works.
Despite the definitions there are likely to be situations where the
position is not clear. As an example, is the building of a cake factory
a construction contract or is it excluded as an installation for
76 | Adjudication for architects and engineers

processing food? It is not clear whether stained glass windows are

artistic works or not. The Act applies to individual contracts so that
a subcontract may be included although the main contract is

Section 106: residential occupiers

It is made clear that the provisions do not apply to a contract with a
residential occupier. It should be clear, however, that residential
properties constructed by Housing Associations, or Local Autho-
rities or part of a building which will not be in owner occupation,
will be included. The result of all this is that a multi-million pound
residence for a millionaire is excluded from the statutory require-
ment for Adjudication, but a subcontract between the contractor for
such a project and a subcontractor is included within the scope of
the provisions.

Section 107: agreements in writing

1. The construction contract is covered by the Act if it is in
writing, but the definition of what constitutes `in writing' is
extremely wide! It applies:
(a) whether or not it is signed by the Parties
(b) or if the agreement is made by exchange of communications
in writing
(c) if the agreement is evidenced in writing.
2. Where the Parties agree otherwise than in writing by reference
to terms which are in writing, they make an agreement in
3. Alternatively an agreement may be recorded by one of the
Parties or by a third Party.
4. An exchange of written submissions in Adjudication, in which
one Party alleges the existence of agreement not in writing but
not denied by the other Party, constitutes an agreement in
writing. This is a most unusual arrangement.
The Act | 77

5. `In writing' includes being recorded by any other means and

includes, therefore, E-mail and fax.
These are all important provisions affecting the validity of the
reference to Adjudication. An Adjudicator will need to ensure that
his or her appointment, for example, relates to a written contract as
defined by the Act. It may be that the Adjudicator will have to see if
either Party has an objection to his continuing because of some valid
challenge to his jurisdiction.

Section 108: Adjudication

This is the most important section so far as the subject of this book
is concerned. It sets out the right of either Party to a construction
contract to refer disputes to Adjudication. A dispute includes any
differences arising under the contract.
1. Unless the `Scheme' is to come into operation the contract has
to cover various requirements set out under (2) below. Either
Party has the right to give notice of the intention to refer a
dispute to Adjudication at any time.
2. (a) Disputes may be referred to Adjudication before the project
commences on site, since contracts for professional services
are covered by the Act.
(b) The contract must also provide a timetable with the object
of securing the appointment of the Adjudicator and the
referral of the dispute within seven days of such notice.
Appointing or nominating authorities will accept a con-
siderable burden of responsibility on appointing Adjudica-
tors, and will have to be efficient in making appointments.
(c) The contract must require that the Adjudicator reaches a
decision within 28 days of referral, or such longer period as
is agreed by the Parties after the dispute has been referred.
The whole construction industry will have to come to
terms with short, simple referral of disputes, rather than
allowing them to fester.
78 | Adjudication for architects and engineers

(d) The contract should allow the Adjudicator to extend the

period of 28 days by up to 14 days with the consent of the
Party by whom the dispute was referred.
(e) It must also impose a duty on the Adjudicator to act
impartially which implies that an Adjudicator would not
accept an appointment if he or she had a connection with
either Party, or knowledge of the subject matter of the
( f ) The contract must enable the Adjudicator to take the
initiative in ascertaining the facts and the Law.
3. The contract also has to provide that the Adjudicator's decision
shall be binding until the dispute is finally determined by legal
proceedings or by Arbitration, if the contract provides for
Arbitration or the Parties otherwise agree to Arbitration. The
Parties may, however, agree to accept the Adjudicator's decision
as final and binding.
4. The Act requires the contract to give the Adjudicator immunity
as the contract must provide that the Adjudicator is not liable
for anything done or not done in the discharge of his or her
duties unless the act or omission is in bad faith. An agent or
employee of the Adjudicator is similarly protected. The im-
munity does not extend to claims from third Parties.
5. Unless the contract makes provision for all the above minimum
requirements, the `the Scheme for Construction Contracts'
Sections 109113 deal with payment provisions in Construction

Supplementary provisions
Section 114 covers arrangements to be made in respect of `the
Scheme for Construction Contracts'.
4. Where any provisions of the Scheme ... apply by virtue of this
part in default of contractual provision agreed by the Parties,
they have effect as implied terms of the contract concerned.
The Act | 79

That is to say, the contract has to be construed as if they were

written into it.

Section 115: service of notices

1. The Parties are free to agree the manner of service of any notice
or other documents required or authorised to be served. In the
absence of agreement, a notice or other document may be
served on a person by any effective means.

Section 116: time periods

This confirms that time periods are to commence from a specified
date and they shall begin immediately after that date. Christmas
Day, Good Friday and Bank Holiday extend time periods. Other
days which are normally taken as holidays within the industry,
together with weekends, do not extend the time period stated as 28
days and could substantially reduce the number of working days
available within the 28-day period to a smaller number of working
days. There is a special note regarding the equivalent of Bank
Holidays for the Banking and Financial Dealings Act 1971 in

Section 117: Crown application

Contracts entered into or on behalf of the Crown are covered by the

Provisions for enforcement are not particularly well covered in the
Act, except to say that the contract shall provide that the decision
of the Adjudicator is binding until the dispute is finally determined
by legal proceedings, by Arbitration or by agreement.
There is also a reference to an application of the provisions of the
Arbitration Act 1996. The latter eventually emerged in the Scheme
utilising an adaptation of Section 42 of the Arbitration Act in a
80 | Adjudication for architects and engineers

rather complex way to provide enforcement of an Adjudicator's

decision appointed under the Scheme. This particular aspect seems
to have all the hallmarks of a lawyer's bonanza.

What happens when there is only partial compliance?

The Act requires that the Scheme applies if the contract is in
default of provisions required by the Act. What is not clear is what
the position is if the contract is, say, in default of only one of the
provisions and if the missing provision can be imported from the
Scheme or whether the Scheme as a whole has to be used.
Presumably, if both Parties agree on the importation of the missing
item, then that might be the best way forward.
The question also arises as to how an Adjudicator can best ensure
that his fees are going to be paid. One answer might be to
incorporate the amount and allocation of his fees as part of his
Decision, thus if the Decision can be enforced on behalf of one of
the Parties, then the same machinery would also ensure that his fees
could be paid.

Comments on non-conforming situations and witness

Dispute resolution often operates on the borderline between the
chaotic world of real events and the orderly, systematic world of
contracts and systems. The Parties in the cases will be immensely
variable in their approach, in the problems which they have to deal
with, in their understanding of the basic contractual relationships
and in their understanding of actual events, the facts relating to the
matter in dispute. There may be errors in the applications for
appointment, in the appointments and sadly, since we are all
human, in the decisions which Adjudicators make. Nevertheless,
the overriding aim must be to understand what really happened in
any given situation and to bring it into conformity with the contract
or the legal situation. It would be easy to deal with these matters if
they all ran according to the theoretical process but life is more
complicated than that. This part of the chapter seeks to identify
The Act | 81

some strategic lines which the Adjudicator may choose to follow. It

will cover:
> appointments
> obfuscation
> delay and time wasting
> investigations or examination technique
> fraud and allegations of fraud.

Nominating or appointing bodies will not normally have the
appropriate staff or they will not necessarily have the necessary time
to check applications which are made to ensure that they conform
to all the requirements of the Act, Scheme or contract. The
applications themselves may not necessarily be fully coherent or may
be deliberately designed to confuse or create misunderstanding. One
would like to hope that everything will be done in good faith but
this will not necessarily be the case. If there is an obvious lack of
jurisdiction then there will be little point in the Adjudicator
proceeding. The Adjudicator can require the referring Party to
demonstrate how he, the Adjudicator, has jurisdiction and an
inspection of the works will often help to resolve the absence of
clarity in the documentation provided.
There have been suggestions that the Architect or Engineer
named in the contract could also be the Adjudicator because
nothing in the Act prohibits this. The authors disagree with the
suggestion since quite obviously the Adjudicator may be looking at
situations where the contract administrator's decisions may be
included in the substance of the reference or there may even be
suggestions that a decision of the contract administrator has been
influenced by matters where a poor professional performance is at
the root of the dispute. If this latter point is true and the contract
administrator also acted as Adjudicator and his decision was again
influenced by improper conduct, his limited immunity as Adjudi-
cator would be in jeopardy. This could lead to a position where,
82 | Adjudication for architects and engineers

while acting as contract administrator, he would have no duty of

care to the contractor, as Adjudicator he might be found guilty of
bad faith and the limited degree of immunity would disappear.

The key point so far as the Adjudicator is concerned is that the
referring Party has the onus of proof and if the Claimant or referring
Party cannot establish its case and uphold it against all questions,
arguments and conflicting information, then the case will be lost. A
practical problem may be, at its worst, fraud or otherwise
misrepresentation, intentional or unintentional. There may be no
contract even as alleged by the Claimant, there may be various
misrepresentations of the contract's conditions and there be
erroneous or misleading representations of the legal position or
presentations or allegedly expert opinion or there may be a
deliberate smoke screen of obfuscation expressed so as to divert
the Adjudicator's attention into a series of blind alleys. If the
Adjudicator is not clear in his mind, it may be that it would be
helpful for the Adjudicator to take legal advice in these situations as
to the validity of any matter arising.
Experts may need to be asked if their reports or assertions
represent the whole truth of the matters referred to. Watch the
response very intently and carefully and probe any signs of weakness.

Delay and time wasting

One process which is occasionally resorted to is to endeavour to
delay or upset the whole proceedings, to seek extensions of time or
promise later delivery which does not materialise and to add general
confusion to the proceedings. The Adjudicator's response to these
situations must be to endeavour to forestall them, to emphasise time
limits from the first communication and to emphasise the fact that
his period of time in which to deal with the matter is limited by
statute and default of delivery will mean that he has to proceed in
the absence of any Parties response. From the responding Parties'
point of view its interests are best served by delivering its best
The Act | 83

defence at the earlier stage and it may help them to understand that
to neglect to do so is likely to be counter productive to their case
and their interests.

Investigations and examinations

Examination and cross examination of witnesses is a highly skilled
task. What is often deceptive is that to watch a skilled Advocate
conduct an examination or cross examination gives an impression of
simple, smooth flowing and effortless progress. This is usually the end
result of intensive preparation. The preparation of a skeleton with
alternative lines of questions, according to the response to the earlier
questions will help. One Barrister has suggested that for each hour of
cross-examination of a witness he needs two hours of preparation
time beforehand: it will certainly not be wise to plunge into
investigative situations without considerable preparation beforehand.
Adjudication will not necessarily be conducted with the formality of
Arbitration or legal proceedings anyway. Where one has an Adju-
dicator and he does examine a witness with legal representation
present, the examination may become more formal. Except for non-
controversial facts, like the name or address of the witness, leading
questions should not be asked (that is to say questions which suggest
the answer required). This all becomes more important if the two
Parties' lawyers are not present to voice any objection to the manner
in which the examination takes place otherwise the Adjudicator may
find himself accused of bias. Opposing witnesses should be accorded
broadly similar treatment. The purpose of the process is not to make
the Adjudicator look clever it is to find the relevant facts regarding
the case. An Adjudicator will need to take time to carefully note the
answers or he may get carried away asking the questions without
having a note of what has finally transpired with the witnesses
answer. Slow progress is better than superficial but ineffective
On no account should more than one person be allowed to speak
at one time.
84 | Adjudication for architects and engineers

If in fact the Parties are represented by lawyers conducting

examination of witnesses, the authors take the view that the
Adjudicator may make it clear if necessary that excessively
aggressive or flamboyant questioning is undesirable and should be
discouraged. The aim again, is to obtain the evidence of a witness
and not to browbeat him into submission. Some witnesses may be
very evasive and it may be helpful for the Adjudicator to emphasise
that it will assist the Adjudicator to hear the answer to the questions
if the witness actually knows them. A hearing in an Adjudication
should not be allowed to descend into a `Court or star chamber'.
If a session threatens to become disorderly the Adjudicator should
adjourn and state that he will reconvene when all those concerned
behave in an orderly fashion.
However the examination is carried out, the witness may lie and
if there is conflicting evidence the Adjudicator will have to decide
which evidence he prefers. It is at that point that evasive or
doubtfully reliable evidence will be rejected. A liar also needs to
have a good memory and careful comparison of the whole of the
evidence may be illuminating.

Fraud and allegations of fraud

Fraud and allegations of fraud are not a suitable subject for
Adjudicators to deal with. Fraudulent behaviour on the part of an
Adjudicator would constitute `bad faith' under Section 108(4) of
the Act and the Adjudicator would no longer have the protection
from the limited immunity given in Section 108(4).
The scheme

The Scheme for Construction Contracts will only apply where there
are no compliant arrangements in the contract. The Scheme is
reproduced in full as Appendix 2.

Notice of intention to seek Adjudication

A Party to a construction contract may give written Notice of
intention to refer the dispute arising under the contract to
Adjudication. It also has to give notice to every other Party to
the contract. The Notice has to set out briefly:
> description of dispute and the Parties involved
> where and when it has arisen
> nature of redress sought
> names and addresses of Parties to contract including addresses
(or addresses specified for the giving of Notices).
Following that:
(a) the Adjudicator may be agreed by Parties or
(b) the Party giving notice then requests the person written into the
contract to act as the Adjudicator or if he has indicated that he
is unable or unwilling to act, or
(c) requests the nominating body listed in the contract to select a
person as Adjudicator, or
(d) where neither of those options applies, goes to a body holding
itself out as a nominating body to select an Adjudicator. This
has to be accompanied by a copy of the Notice.
86 | Adjudication for architects and engineers

A person requested to act as Adjudicator under (b) above has to

indicate within two days of receiving the request if he will act.
The request referred to must be accompanied by a copy of the
Notice of dispute.
Any person asked to act as Adjudicator has to be a natural
person, not a partnership, firm or body corporate and acts in his
personal capacity. A Party dealing with the matter as Adjudicator
must not have any personal interest in the matter nor be employed
by either of the Parties and must declare any interest (financial or
otherwise) in any matter.
A nominating body or the nominating body referred to as a
fallback situation must appoint within five days of receipt the
request to select a person. The referring Party may agree with the
other Party to appoint another person or request another body in
the list of nominators to select an Adjudicator.
Where an Adjudicator named is named in the contract and
indicates the Party is unable or unwilling to act, there are fallback
arrangements to obtain another Adjudicator. Responses have to be
within two days!
Where an Adjudicator has been selected in accordance with the
earlier procedure the referring Party must, not later than seven days
from the date of the Notice of dispute, refer the dispute in writing to
the Adjudicator. A referral Notice may be accompanied by copies of
or extracts from the contract and such documents as may be
The referring Party must not later than seven days from the date
of the Notice send a copy of the referral Notice together with the
name and address of the person who is to act as Adjudicator to
every other Party to the dispute.
There are then arrangements explaining how related disputes can
be dealt with. The Parties may agree extended time limits.
Where an Adjudicator ceases to act, the arrangements for the
fees incurred so far are set out.
An Adjudicator may resign at any time on giving notice to the
The scheme | 87

Where an Adjudicator ceases to act in the circumstances above,

then there are arrangements for a fresh Notice and a fresh
The Adjudicator must resign if he thinks he is not competent to
decide the newly defined dispute or if he thinks the dispute is the
same or substantially similar to one which has previously referred to
Adjudication and a decision given. An Adjudicator may resign
because there has been a decision or the dispute varies significantly
from what was contained in the referral Notice and for that reason
he is not competent to decide. He is entitled to reasonable payment.
An Adjudicator may act in other contracts in related disputes and
more than one dispute between the Parties with the consent of the
Where the Party to the dispute objects to the appointment of a
particular Adjudicator, the objection does not invalidate the
Adjudicators appointment.
The Parties to the dispute may agree at any time to revoke the
appointment of the Adjudicator but they have to meet reasonable
expenses unless the Adjudicator has defaulted or misconducted
himself. In the absence of such an agreement the Parties are jointly
and severally liable for the costs of the Adjudicator.

Powers of the Adjudicator

The Adjudicator must act impartially and needs to reach his
decision in accordance with the contract and the applicable law and
avoid incurring unnecessary expense.
The Adjudicator in the Scheme, may take the initiative in
ascertaining facts and law and he may:
> decide the procedure to be followed
> request any Party to the contract to supply him with such
documents as he may reasonably require and any written
statement from a Party
> decide a language or languages and whether or not a translation
is required
88 | Adjudication for architects and engineers

> meet and question any of the Parties to the contract and their
> subject to obtaining necessary consents from Third Party, make
visits and inspections whether accompanied by the Parties or
> subject to obtaining necessary consents from the Third Party or
Parties, carry out tests or experiments
> obtain and consider representations or submissions as he
requires; provided that he has notified the Parties of the
intention, appoint experts, assessors or legal advisers
> give Directions as to the time-table for any deadlines or limits to
the length of written documents or oral representations
> issue such other Directions as he considers appropriate.
The Parties have to comply with requests or Directions from the
If a Party fails to comply, the Adjudicator may:
> continue in the absence of the Party or the document or written
> draw such adverse inferences from failure to comply as he thinks
are justified
> make a decision on the basis of the information submitted to
him attaching such weight to evidence submitted outside any
period he has requested.
Subject to agreement between the Parties to the contrary, any
Party in the dispute may be assisted by or represented by Advisers or
representatives whether legally qualified or not.
Where the Adjudicator is considering oral evidence, a Party may
be represented by more than one person unless all Parties agree to
the contrary.
An Adjudicator may consider any relevant information submitted
to him by any Party in dispute and shall make available to them any
information to be taken into account in reaching his decision.
The Adjudicator and any Party to the dispute shall not disclose
any information to any other person if it is indicated as being
The scheme | 89

confidential, except to the extent that it is necessary for the

purposes of the Adjudication.
The Adjudicator has to give his decision not later than 28 days or
42 days with the agreement of the referring Party, or such period
exceeding 28 days as both Parties agree.
Where the Adjudicator fails to deliver his decision within time
limits, any of the Parties may serve a fresh Notice and start again.

Adjudicator's Decision
In his decision, the Adjudicator may order peremptory compliance
with the decision or part of it.
The Adjudicator has to decide the matters in dispute. He may
take into account any other matters which the Parties agree should
be within the scope, including:
(a) review and revise any decision taken or any certificate given by
any person referred to in the contract, UNLESS THE CONTRACT
(b) decide that any of the Parties to the dispute is liable to make a
payment under the contract and when it is due and the final
date for payment
(c) decide the circumstances in which interest (simple or
compound) for what periods and at what rate it should be paid.
In the absence of directions by the Adjudicator relating to the
time for performance of his decision the Parties must comply
immediately on the delivery of the decision.
If requested by any of the Parties to the dispute the Adjudicator is
required to provide reasons.
This requirement is not incorporated in the Act and is not
incorporated in some standard contract provisions.

Effects of Decision
In his decision the Adjudicator may order compliance peremptorily
with his decision or any part of it.
90 | Adjudication for architects and engineers

The decision of the Adjudicator is binding until such time as the

matter is determined by legal proceedings, Arbitration or agreement.
There are references to the 1996 Arbitration Act under Section
42, the effect of which is to treat the Adjudicator's decision in the
same way as a peremptory order from an Arbitrator which, under
Section 42, can be enforced by the courts. It appears that it is
intended to make an Adjudicator's decision enforceable in this way.
The drafting of the Scheme makes the position far from clear, but
if one of the Parties requests a Decision to be marked `PEREMPTORY',
then the Adjudicator can add this word at the top of the decision.
The Parties to the dispute and the Adjudicator may agree over
the amount of and method of determining the Adjudicator's fees
and expenses in default of agreement. On that the Adjudicator
should be entitled to payment of a reasonable amount and the
Adjudicator may decide in what proportion the Adjudicator's fees
are paid by each Party but they are jointly and severally liable.
The Adjudicator is not liable to either of the Parties in respect of
any act or omission unless it is done in bad faith and the same
applies for his agent.

The effect of (a) above means that the detailed form of the contract
becomes even more important than is usually the case, since if a
large number of matters are subject to the decision or certificate as
final or conclusive, few, if any, matters of importance could remain
open for Adjudication.
The Scheme for Scotland is essentially similar to the Scheme for
England and Wales, though there are minor differences in the
It should also be noted that the detailed provisions of the Scheme
and the detailed provisions of the Act are not necessarily the same
in each case and an Adjudicator may be working to different
provisions under the Act and, therefore, under a compliant
contract, or under the Scheme.
The scheme | 91

In the interests of securing the Adjudicator's fees, and if the

enforcement system actually works, it may be a good thing if the
Adjudicator includes the Statement of the Requirement of his fees
as part of the Decision. Thus if the Decision is enforced, then his
requirement for fees can be enforced with it.
The ICE Conditions of Contract

This chapter considers the amendments which have been published
to the ICE Conditions of Contract in order to take into account the
requirements of the Act.
The chapter is divided into four sections:
> The application of Adjudication to the ICE Contracts.
> The Adjudication provisions in the ICE Contracts.
> The ICE Adjudication Procedure (1997).
> The `Blue Form' of Subcontract.

The application of Adjudication to the ICE Contracts

The ICE family of Conditions of Contract includes:
> The ICE Conditions of Contract for use in connection with
Works of Civil Engineering Construction, 6th Edition. The 5th
Edition is still in use and the 7th Edition is currently being
> The ICE Conditions of Contract for Minor Works, 2nd Edition.
> The ICE Design and Construct Conditions of Contract.
The related Subcontract is:
> The Form of Subcontract for use with the ICE Conditions of
Contract 6th Edition, which is known as the `Blue Form'.
94 | Adjudication for architects and engineers

> Versions of the `Blue Form' are also published for use with the
5th Edition and the Design and Construct Conditions.
The ICE Agreement for Consultancy Work in Respect of
Domestic or Small Works was published in 1997.
The ICE also publish the Engineering and Construction Contract
and the NEC family of Contracts. The Adjudication provisions in
these contracts are reviewed in Chapter 8.
The ICE Conditions of Contract 5th and 6th editions (ICE 5 and
6) and the Minor Works Contract are traditional contracts, between
Employer and Contractor, with the design of the project being
carried out by a Consultant. The Employer appoints the Engineer,
who administers the contract by carrying out the duties which are
specified in the contract, including the issue of additional drawings
and variations, the certification of payments and being a first point
of referral for claims.
In the Design and Construct Contract the design is carried out by
the Contractor; there is no Engineer but the Employer's Repre-
sentative has certain powers and the authority to issue instructions
and approvals.
In any construction contract it is the Employer who has initiated
the project, tells the Contractor what he wants, pays for the work
and finally has to live with the completed project. In the ICE
Contracts the Employer passes his requirements to the Contractor
through the Engineer or the Employer's Representative.
The precise duties and authority of the Engineer and Employer's
Representative are stated in the contract but among other tasks he
> conduct the day to day administration of the project
> issue instructions for variations and give the Employer's require-
ments for the completed project, either as the detailed design or
as a design brief
> certify payments and extensions to the contract period
> check and consent to, approve or reject the programmes,
materials, workmanship and other matters as provided by the
The ICE Conditions of Contract | 95

The ICE Contracts have an established procedure for dealing

with problems and claims, based on administration by the Engineer
or Engineer's Representative. When an independent adjudicator is
imposed on to the project organisation it is inevitable that he will
interfere with the smooth running of the project and the Engineer or
Employer's Representative will need to absorb and co-ordinate the
Adjudicator's decisions with the project administration.
Efficient project administration, absorbing the Adjudicator's
decisions, is essential not only for the completion of the project,
but also because the Adjudicator's decision may only have a
temporary effect. It may be reversed later, by agreement or by an
arbitrator. This may result in a need for dual records, with and
without the Adjudicator's decision.
The problem situations which may arise as a consequence of
Adjudication have already been considered in other chapters. Some
of these typical situations can be reviewed in relation to the relevant
clauses in the ICE Contracts. For simplicity the following notes refer
to clause numbers in ICE 6. Similar principles can be applied to the
relevant clauses in the other ICE Contracts.
Clause 5 requires the Engineer to explain and adjust any
ambiguities or discrepancies in the drawings and other contract
documents and issue appropriate instructions under Clause 13.
While the Clause does not seem to give scope for a dispute on the
meaning of the document, there is certainly scope for disputes on
the consequences of the Clause 13 instruction, which could be
considered by the Adjudicator.
By explaining the discrepancy the Engineer may have unwittingly
made the Employer liable for an additional payment and exposed
himself to criticism from his Client.
Clause 12 concerning adverse physical conditions and artificial
obstructions will certainly give scope for disputes and Adjudication.
The situation that the Adjudicator reaches a different decision to
the Engineer and consequently the Contractor may become entitled
to an additional payment is relatively straightforward. The Employer
pays and decides whether to refer the dispute to Arbitration.
However, if the dispute as referred to the Adjudicator concerns the
96 | Adjudication for architects and engineers

Engineer's instruction or other action under sub-clause (4) then any

contradiction of the Engineer's instruction by the Adjudicator
would have extremely serious consequences, ranging from collapse
of the project to confusion on the site. Hopefully, although the
Adjudicator has the power to `open up, review and revise any
decision, opinion, instruction, direction, certificate or valuation', he
will restrict himself to making decisions on the time and money
consequences. If the Adjudicator did venture into the realms of sub-
clause (4) the Engineer would be bound to intervene. The Engineer
may invoke Clause 13(1) that the Contractor shall take instructions
only from the Engineer, or issue a variation under Clause 51. The
Engineer must retain the last word for engineering instructions.
If the Adjudicator decides a Clause 12 dispute in favour of the
Contractor then the Engineer will be obliged to certify the payment
of a sum of money. If a similar problem occurs later in the same
contract the Contractor will wish to use the previous decision as a
precedent. If the Engineer has decided to accept the Adjudicator's
decision then he may agree to this. However, if the Engineer
believes that the Adjudicator was wrong, then he will maintain his
previous point of view and reject the new claim. If the Employer has
given notice to refer the original dispute to Arbitration then the
Engineer will certainly oppose the new claim. This may result in a
new Adjudication, possibly with a different Adjudicator and a
different decision.
Clause 13 includes the all-important requirements that the
Contractor shall work `in strict accordance with the contract to the
satisfaction of the Engineer', `shall comply with and adhere strictly
to the Engineer's instructions' and `shall take instructions only from
the Engineer'.
Whatever situations may arise as a result of badly worded referrals
and rogue adjudicators, these requirements should enable the
Engineer to keep control of the quality and form of the finished
project. It is clearly essential that Engineers are prepared to act and
issue instructions as appropriate. It is also essential that Employers
recognise the additional administration, changes to cash flow and
The ICE Conditions of Contract | 97

potential for additional arbitrations which may result from these

Clause 39, which gives the Engineer the power to order the
removal of materials or workmanship which are, in his opinion, not
in accordance with the contract, is also a potential source of
The Adjudicator cannot change the opinion of the Engineer. An
opinion is a personal matter and only the person concerned can
change his own opinion. The Adjudicator can `open up, review and
revise' and substitute his own opinion. However, it is suggested that,
taking all factors into consideration, the Contractor should still
remove the rejected materials or workmanship, but would be
entitled to payment for the work.
Clause 44 gives the procedures under which the Engineer can
grant the Contractor an extension of the time for completion of the
Works. The procedure includes, at sub-clause (3) the right to grant
an interim extension, at sub-clause (4) the duty to consider all the
circumstances known at the due date or extended date for
completion of the Works and, at sub-clause (5) the duty to review
all the circumstances at the issue of the Certificate of Substantial
Completion and determine the final extension.
When a dispute concerning extension of time has been referred
to an adjudicator he will make his decision, probably after the
Engineer's interim extension and before the Engineer's final
extension. Clearly the Engineer cannot change the Adjudicator's
decision but there could be a further dispute as to whether the
Engineer's final extension should be increased by the amount of the
Adjudicator's decision. The answer will depend on the circum-
stances but clarity of records, analysis and reasons will be essential.
Virtually any clause in the contract can result in problems,
additional costs and claims from the Contractor. The general
procedure is given at Clause 52(4) and any dispute which arises
under the contract should have gone through the Clause 52(4)
procedure. Sub-clauses 52(4)(e) and (f ) restrict the Contractor's
entitlement to payment if he has failed to follow the correct
98 | Adjudication for architects and engineers

procedures and these restrictions should also apply to any

assessment by an adjudicator.
Most Adjudications will involve a request for payment, for which
the decision may be either zero or a sum of money. Any payment
then needs to be integrated into the contract payment procedure.
This will almost inevitably result in administrative problems. The
Employer is obliged to pay and the Engineer is obliged to incorporate
the payment into the Clause 60 Payment Certificate. How the
Adjudicator's decision fits into the payment procedures will depend
on the circumstances but, if the Employer intends to refer the
dispute to Arbitration it will be important to ensure that this
payment can easily be extracted from the other payments.
If the Engineer strongly disagrees with the Adjudicator's decision
then he may wish to keep the payment separate, so as to keep his
disagreement on record.
Any dispute which follows a notice of determination under
Clause 63 would require very careful consideration. The Adjudi-
cator can `open up, revise and review', but whether he can reinstate
must be open to question. Before giving notice of Adjudication the
referring Party would need to consider his position and decide what
is the best way to resolve the situation. When the Employer has
already entered the site and expelled the Contractor under Clause
63(1), Adjudication is clearly not the appropriate procedure.
However, the Clause 63 procedure requires a sequence of events
before and after the Employer enters the site. A dispute concerning
a specific stage in the process could well be suitable for

The Adjudication provisions in the ICE Contracts

Following the publication of the Act, the ICE Conditions of
Contract Joint Standing Committee (CCSJC) had to decide
whether to publish amendments to the Conditions of Contract, or
whether to retain the previous dispute resolution procedures. If the
contracts did not incorporate the requirements of Section 108 then
a party wishing to refer a dispute to Adjudication would use the
The ICE Conditions of Contract | 99

Scheme. CCSJC decided to publish amendments and also to publish

a separate ICE Adjudication Procedure, which would be incorpo-
rated into the Contracts by reference.
Amendments to each of the ICE Contracts were published in
March 1998 to incorporate the payment and Adjudication
requirements of the Act. The amendments are effectively the same,
with different clause numbers to suit the different contracts. A copy
of the amendment to ICE 6 is included as an Appendix.

The ICE Conditions of Contract 6th Edition

The dispute procedure in ICE 6 is given at Clause 66 and the
procedure before the amendment can be summarised as follows.
> The submission of claims is dealt with separately and a dispute
arises only when a Party serves on the Engineer a Notice of
> The Engineer gives a written decision on the dispute.
> After the Engineer's decision either Party may request the other
Party to agree to refer the dispute to conciliation.
> After the Engineer's decision either Party may refer the dispute
to Arbitration.
The March 1998 amendment includes changes to the Clause 60
payment provisions, to take into account the payment requirements
of the Act, and it also provides for disputes to be referred to
Adjudication. The payment and Adjudication provisions are intended
to comply with the requirements of the Act and so to avoid the
possible imposition of the Scheme for Construction Contracts.
The amended dispute procedure at Clause 66 can be summarised
as follows.
> Either Party is dissatisfied with some action of the Engineer, or
with any other matter.
> The matter of dissatisfaction is referred to the Engineer who
gives a decision.
> If the decision is unacceptable or is not implemented, the
Employer or the Contractor serves a Notice of Dispute.
100 | Adjudication for architects and engineers


Notice of dissatisfaction

Engineers written decision on matter

of dissatisfaction

Decision accepted Stop


Dispute has arisen Stop

notice issued


Notice of adjudication Refer to conciliation

Adjudicator named No No Adjudicator named

in contract in notice

Yes Yes

Adjudicator confirms No No Responding party

willingness to act confirms agreement

Yes Request to appointing Yes



Dispute referred to adjudicator


Figure 9. ICE 6 Commencement of Adjudication

The ICE Conditions of Contract | 101

> Either Party may refer the dispute to conciliation, with the
agreement of the other Party.
> Either Party may refer the dispute to Adjudication at any time.
> Either Party may refer the dispute to Arbitration.
The previous Clause 2(7) which provided for the Contractor to
refer to the Engineer any matter of dissatisfaction with any act or
instruction by the Engineer's Representative has been deleted, as
this procedure is now covered by the revised Clause 66(2)(a).

Clause 66: avoidance and settlement of disputes

The original ICE 6 Clause 66 did not include the Adjudication
provisions which are listed in Section 108 of the Act. Hence, if the
unamended ICE 6 is used for contracts after 1 May 1998 then any
Adjudication would be conducted in accordance with the Scheme.
The amendment to Clause 66 introduces provision for Adjudication
and also revises the overall disputes procedures. The amendment
requires that any Adjudication will be conducted under the ICE
Adjudication Procedure. The procedures that precede the com-
mencement of adjudication are summarised in Fig. 9.
The new dispute procedure is an essential pre-condition for
reference to Arbitration, Adjudication or conciliation. Each of the
stages must be followed if either Party wishes to pursue a claim
through the procedures for the settlement of disputes.
Clause 66(1) is a statement that the procedure applies for the
avoidance and settlement of disputes. The statement adds nothing
to the procedure but seems to be included in order to demonstrate
compliance with the assumed intention of the Act.
Clause 66(2) concerns `matters of dissatisfaction'. Any matter of
dissatisfaction must be referred to the Engineer for a decision. This
reference replaces two of the original referral procedures. The
original Clause 2(7) is replaced by 66(2)(a), although an entitle-
ment has become a requirement. This Clause only applies when the
Contractor is dissatisfied with an action or instruction of the
Engineer's Representative or any other person responsible to the
102 | Adjudication for architects and engineers

Clause 66(2)(b) replaces the previous reference for an Engineer's

decision when the Contractor was not satisfied with an action by the
Engineer. In order to avoid confusion with the requirements of the
Act, the reference to the Engineer now relates to a `matter of
dissatisfaction' rather than a `dispute'. This procedure can be used
by the Employer as well as the Contractor and applies to `any other
matter arising under or in connection with the contract or the
carrying out of the Works' as well as to actions of the Engineer. If
the Employer or the Contractor has a problem which he wishes to
refer to a third person procedure then he must first refer it to the
Engineer for a decision under Clause 66(2).
This requirement has been criticised as a delaying tactic and an
attempt to circumvent the requirement of the Act that a `dispute'
can be referred to Adjudication `at any time'. While it introduces a
procedure before a claim can become a dispute and be referred to
Adjudication it will certainly assist in the speedy and efficient
resolution of claims. Not only will it bring the opportunity for the
Contractor to obtain a fully considered and impartial decision from
the Engineer but it will help to ensure that a matter which is
referred to Adjudication has been properly delineated and that both
sides are aware of the dispute and the logic behind the other side's
point of view.
Clause 66(3) concerns the definition of a dispute. The Clause
starts and finishes with statements that a `dispute' can only exist
when these procedures have been followed. The statutory right to
refer a dispute to Adjudication can therefore only be exercised after
the procedures have been followed and a dispute exists.
Clause 66(3)(a) gives the general requirement that, when a
matter of dissatisfaction has been referred to the Engineer and either
the time for him to give a decision has expired, the decision is
unacceptable or has not been implemented, then either the
Employer or the Contractor can serve on each other and on the
Engineer a Notice of Dispute.
In the situation that the Engineer rejects the request from the
Party who referred the matter to him, the procedure is straightfor-
The ICE Conditions of Contract | 103

ward. The referring Party may be dissatisfied with the rejection and
issue a Notice of Dispute under Clause 66(3).
If the Engineer gives a decision which accepts the submission by
the referring Party, then the other Party can issue a Notice of
Dispute. Alternatively, if the losing Party simply fails to implement
the Engineer's decision, then the referring Party can still issue a
Notice of Dispute. No time is stated for the decision to be
implemented but this will become apparent from the next monthly
payment certificate.
In the situation that the Engineer decides in favour of the
Contractor, but the Employer refuses to pay, the Employer must
take care to observe the new payment procedures as the amended
Clause 60(10). The Engineer will include the consequences of his
decision in the next payment certificate and the Employer will then
need to issue a Notice of Intention to Withhold Payment, not less
than one day before the final date for payment. Failure to issue this
Notice could result in the Contractor being entitled to suspend
performance of his obligations under the contract in accordance
with Section 112 of the Act.
If the Engineer fails to give a decision on the matter of
dissatisfaction by the due date then either Party can issue a Notice
of Dispute.
Clause 66(3)(b) refers only to the special situation when an
Adjudicator's decision has been given, but was not implemented.
The Employer or Contractor can then issue a Notice of Dispute,
without the need to refer the matter of dissatisfaction to the
Engineer. This provision is related to amended Clause 66(9)(a) and
enables a dispute concerning implementation to be referred to the
Courts, without the need to refer to Adjudication or Arbitration.
The Notice of Dispute having been issued, Clause 66(4)(a)
requires that the Employer and the Contractor shall continue to
perform their obligations.
Clause 66(4)(b) requires the Employer and the Contractor to give
effect forthwith to every decision of the Engineer and the
Adjudicator, unless and until it is revised either by agreement or
pursuant to this Clause 66. This confirms a very important principle
104 | Adjudication for architects and engineers

of Adjudication. The Adjudicator's decision must be implemented,

as an obligation under the contract, even if the dispute is going to be
considered elsewhere. If the decision is later revised then the
implementation may have to be reversed. The implications of a
possible reversal of the implementation could be considerable and
should be considered during the Adjudication.
Clause 66(5) enables either the Employer or the Contractor to
refer a dispute to conciliation under the ICE Conciliation
Procedure. This is virtually unchanged from the previous Clause
66, with the additional provision that the Conciliator's recommen-
dation would not become binding if the dispute is referred to
The ICE Conciliation Procedure has been retained, although the
number of alternative procedures has increased. When considering
which procedure to use the Parties must consider the advantages of
conciliation. Disputes which are partly due to a misunderstanding or
communications problem, or where there is still a possibility of a
negotiated settlement, should be referred to conciliation.
Clauses 66(6), (7) and (8) are the Adjudication clauses. They
repeat the wording of Section 108 of the Act and ensure that the
contract complies with the requirements of the Act. Clause
66(6)(a) refers to the ICE Adjudication Procedure. This Procedure
also repeats and amplifies the other requirements and is reviewed
later in this chapter.
Clause 66(9) enables either Party to refer a dispute to Arbitration
and is similar to the previous Clause 66. Clause 66(9)(a) includes
the provision that a dispute arising from failure to give effect to an
Adjudicator's decision cannot be referred to Arbitration. This
enables the concerned Party to refer the matter direct to the Courts.
However, it will still be necessary to declare the failure to implement
as a dispute, under Clause 66(3)(b).
Clause 66(9)(b) stipulates that if no Notice to Refer is served
within three months of an Adjudicator's decision given under
Clause 66(6) then the decision becomes final as well as binding. The
failure to serve the Notice to Refer would be effectively an
The ICE Conditions of Contract | 105

agreement that the Adjudicator's decision has finally determined

the dispute, as Section 108(3) of the Act.

Application to Scotland and Northern Ireland

Clause 67 has also been amended and incorporates provision for
enforcement of the Adjudicator's decision in Scotland.
A new Clause 67(2)(e) has been added and requires the other
Party to consent and take the appropriate action when either the
Employer or the Contractor wishes to register the Adjudicator's
decision in the Books of Council and Session.
When using the amended Conditions of Contract in Northern
Ireland it must be remembered that the order for Northern Ireland
uses different Section numbers to the Act. The Construction
Contracts (Northern Ireland) Order 1997 covers only Part II of the
Act, so Section 108 becomes Section 7.

The ICE Conditions of Contract 5th Edition

An amendment has also been issued for the ICE 5th Edition.
The new Clause 66 and addition to Clause 67 is the same as for
the 6th Edition. The amendment includes the provision for
conciliation, which is new to the 5th Edition and could be an
unexpected bonus from the incorporation of Adjudication.

The ICE Design and Construct Conditions of Contract

An amendment has also been issued to the ICE Design and
Construct Conditions of Contract.
The new Clause 66 and addition to Clause 67 is the same as for
the 6th Edition, except that the Engineer is replaced by the
Employer's Representative, following the procedures in the Design
and Construct Contract.

The ICE Conditions of Contract for Minor Works, 2nd Edition

An amendment has also been issued to the Minor Works Contract,
2nd Edition.
106 | Adjudication for architects and engineers

The existing Clauses 11.211.7 are deleted and replaced by a new

Addendum A.1A.12. The Addendum is the same as the new
Clause 66 for the ICE 6th Edition, with the appropriate changes to
clause numbers. The addition to Clause 12 is the same as the
addition to Clause 67 in the 6th Edition.

The ICE Agreement for Consultancy Work in Respect of Domestic

or Small Works
The dispute procedure is given at the final paragraph of Section E
Payment and other provisions and states: `If any dispute or
difference arises between the Client and the Consultant in
connection with or out of this contract, it shall be settled in
accordance with the Institution of Civil Engineers' Adjudication
Procedure (1997) ...'.
Followed by: `The adjudicator's decision shall be final and binding
upon both the Client and the Consultant.'
The incorporation by reference of the ICE Adjudication
Procedure will comply with the requirements of Section 108 of
the Act and so avoid the Scheme.
This contract allows disputes `in connection with or out of ' the
contract to be referred to Adjudication which is a wider scope than
is permitted in the ICE Procedure. Hence it is necessary to expand
the scope of the Procedure and this has been provided for at
paragraph 9.1 of the Procedure.
However, the requirement that the adjudicator's decision shall be
final and binding may cause problems with the Consultant's PI
Insurers and this point should be checked before signing this

The ICE Adjudication Procedure (1997)

The ICE Adjudication Procedure has been prepared principally for
use with the ICE family of Conditions of Contract. That is, the ICE
Conditions of Contract for use in connection with Works of Civil
The ICE Conditions of Contract | 107

Engineering Construction, 6th edition, the 5th edition where it is

still used, the Design and Construct and the Minor Works
Conditions of Contract.
The amendments to the `Blue Form' of Subcontract also
incorporate the ICE Procedure, but require a change to the
procedure to enable the Contractor to require a Subcontract dispute
to be referred to the same Adjudicator as a connected main
Contract dispute.
If the ICE Procedure is used with other Conditions of Contract it
is necessary to check that the Contract and Procedure are
A copy of The ICE Adjudication Procedure (1997) is included as
an Appendix to this book. The Procedure is divided into nine
sections, which follow the same general sequence as an Adjudica-

Section 1: general principles

Paragraphs 1.11.6 give the important principles which control the
Paragraph 1.1 is a general statement to confirm that the
Adjudication shall be conducted in accordance with the edition of
the ICE Adjudication Procedure which is current at the date of
issue of the Notice of Adjudication and that the Adjudicator shall
be appointed under the Adjudicator's Agreement which forms a
part of the Procedure. The use of the ICE Adjudicator's Agreement
as the Form of Contract between the Adjudicator and the Parties is
important to safeguard the interests of the Parties and the
Adjudicator and to ensure that their Agreement is consistent with
the Procedure.
Paragraph 1.1 also stipulates that, if a conflict arises between the
Procedure and the Contract then the Procedure shall prevail. If the
Procedure is used with an amended ICE, or a non-ICE Contract,
then the Procedure must prevail over any conflicting requirements
in the Contract to ensure that the Adjudication provisions comply
with the requirements of the Act. Hence, if the Parties wish to
108 | Adjudication for architects and engineers

change any part of the Procedure the amendment must be carefully

worded to prevent the change being overruled by paragraph 1.1.
There is no generally accepted definition of Adjudication but
paragraph 1.2 lays down the guiding principle of Adjudication by
requiring the Parties and the Adjudicator to interpret the Procedure
with the object of reaching a `fair, rapid and inexpensive
determination' of the dispute.
The matters that can be referred to Adjudication are restricted to
disputes `under' the Contract, as in the Act. This is not consistent
with the Engineer's decision procedure. The Engineer can consider a
much wider range of claims in connection with, as well as under, the
Contract. This could result in a problem if the responding Party
alleges that the particular dispute being referred to Adjudication was
not under, but only in connection with, the Contract. The
Adjudicator would then have to decide whether the particular
dispute could be referred to him. The decision as to whether a
dispute is under or only in connection with a Contract could raise
legal issues which are not appropriate for consideration in a limited
time period.
Adjudication procedures do not allow any time for the
consideration of preliminary issues before the start of the period
for the Adjudicator to reach his decision. The ICE Procedure does
not specifically empower the Adjudicator to rule on his own
jurisdiction. However, if a point of jurisdiction is raised the
Adjudicator has to decide whether to continue or to stop, so he
is, in effect, ruling on his own jurisdiction. While the Adjudicator
cannot resign, he could make a decision that he does not have
jurisdiction on this particular issue.
Paragraph 1.3 requires the Adjudicator to act impartially, which
follows the Act and the principles of any judicial decision. The
Adjudicator is not specifically required to be `independent' of the
Parties. However, any possible conflict of interest or connection
with the Parties must always be declared before the appointment, in
order to avoid possible accusations, at a later date, of lack of
impartially. The Adjudicator must be very careful not to do
anything which could give an appearance of bias.
The ICE Conditions of Contract | 109

The Adjudicator must also be a `named individual'. This prevents

the appointment of a company as Adjudicator. A fast decision
requires an individual who will administer the Adjudication and
make the decision. When the Parties appoint a named person they
know who they are appointing and who will make the decision. To
appoint a company would mean that the company, not the Parties,
would decide who actually makes the decision. It has been suggested
that a complex dispute, or a series of different disputes arising from
the same Contract, might require a greater range of specialist
knowledge than would be possible for a single person. However, the
Parties are not obliged to appoint the same Adjudicator for every
dispute and the Adjudicator can obtain specialist advice if he
considers it necessary.
For a very large project it might be appropriate to appoint a
dispute board or panel of Adjudicators, but this would be a different
process, with a different contract procedure. The current procedures
for the appointment of Dispute Boards do not comply with the
requirements of the Act. However, Dispute Board procedures,
which do comply with the Act, are likely to be developed very soon.
Paragraph 1.4 follows the Act and enables the Adjudicator to
take the initiative in ascertaining the facts and the law. This gives
the Adjudicator considerable powers, not only to ask questions, but
also to conduct his own research and investigations if he considers
this to be desirable. The use of the word `may', as the word `enable'
in the Act, gives the Adjudicator the power to decide to what
extent it is necessary and practical to exercise this power,
particularly in view of the limited time period within which he
must make his decision. The imposed time period and the
requirement for a rapid and inexpensive determination of the
dispute means that there will always be a limit to the extent to
which the Adjudicator, in practice, can ascertain the facts and the
The second sentence of paragraph 1.4 enables the Adjudicator to
use his own expert knowledge and expertise. The fact of his
particular knowledge is one of the reasons why he was chosen for
the appointment. Adjudication is also stated to be neither an expert
110 | Adjudication for architects and engineers

determination nor an Arbitration, so the Adjudicator is free from

the constraints which apply to those procedures.
Paragraph 1.5 repeats the requirement of the Act that the
Adjudicator's decision shall be binding until the dispute is finally
determined by agreement, Arbitration or Litigation.
Paragraph 1.6 requires the Parties to implement the decision
without delay even if the dispute is referred to Arbitration or
Litigation. If the Adjudicator decides in favour of a Party who is
claiming money then the money moves to that Party during the
period before the dispute is finally determined. This means that, for
example, the Employer would have to refer the Contractor's claim
to Arbitration if he wants to recover money which has been paid as
a consequence of an Adjudicator's decision.
Paragraph 1.6 also requires payment to be made in accordance
with the payment provisions in the Contract, unless otherwise
directed by the Adjudicator. Under the ICE Contracts the payment
will be included in the next certificate, although a problem may arise
for a certificate which is being processed when the decision is issued.
If, for whatever reason, either Party wishes to request any different
procedure they must submit a proposal to the Adjudicator.
The exception to this procedure arises when the dispute concerns
payment of a sum which has been withheld under Section 111 of the
Act. Section 111(4) of the Act requires that, if the Adjudicator
decides that the sum must be paid then payment must be made not
later than seven days from the date of the decision, or the date
which apart from the notice would have been the date for payment,
whichever is the later.
It will generally be necessary for any decision for payment of a
sum of money to be integrated with the valuation of other payments
under the Contract. It may also be desirable for the Adjudication
payment to be highlighted in the payment certificate. If the dispute
is later referred to Arbitration then this would help the Arbitrator if
he decides to revise or cancel the payment in his Award.
By following this procedure the payment ordered by the
Adjudicator may become subject to retention as Clause 60(5).
The ICE Conditions of Contract | 111

Section 2: the Notice of Adjudication

Paragraph 2.1 follows the requirement of the Act and the Contract
that any Party may give notice at any time of its intention to refer a
dispute to Adjudication.
The Notice of Adjudication is prepared by the Party who has
decided to refer the dispute to Adjudication and should include
sufficient information to enable the other Party to identify the
dispute which is being referred.
The Notice of Adjudication must include the details of the
Contract between the Parties, the issues which the Adjudicator is
being asked to decide and the nature and extent of the redress
which is being sought. The ICE has published a standard form for
the Notice of Adjudication.
The referring Party may also include with the Notice the names
and addresses of one or more people, who have agreed to act as
Adjudicator and any one of whom would be acceptable to the
referring Party. These names are then available for selection by the
other Party, in accordance with paragraph 3.2.
The Notice will establish the scope of the Adjudication and
enable potential Adjudicators to decide whether they are willing to
accept the appointment. If a potential Adjudicator feels that the
Notice includes a number of separate issues, which it will be
impossible to deal with in the fixed 28 day period, then he could
raise an objection before agreeing to accept the appointment. The
referring Party may then decide to reissue the Notice for a single
issue. After the Notice has been issued the scope of the matter in
the Adjudication cannot be changed without the agreement of the
Parties and the Adjudicator, as paragraph 5.2.
The scope of the Adjudication is determined by the Notice of
Adjudication, but this must be consistent with the Notice of
Dispute and the original Notice of Dissatisfaction. If the responding
Party believes that the dispute which is being referred to
Adjudication is a different matter to that which was raised with
the Engineer then he should raise the objection as soon as he
receives the Notice of Adjudication. If the referring Party persists
with the referral then the objection should be raised with the
112 | Adjudication for architects and engineers

Adjudicator. The Adjudicator will decide whether he is able to

continue with the Adjudication.

Section 3: the appointment of the Adjudicator

Paragraph 3 gives the different procedures which may be used for
the appointment of the Adjudicator. All these procedures work
under very restricted time periods. To meet the requirements of
Section 108(2)(b) of the Act the Contract must provide a timetable
with the object of securing the appointment of the Adjudicator and
referral of the dispute to him within seven days of the issue of the
Notice. For practical reasons it is also necessary to provide a fallback
procedure in case, for whatever reason, this object is not achieved.
Paragraph 3.1 covers the situations when the Adjudicator has
either been named in the Contract or agreed prior to the issue of the
Notice of Adjudication. When the referring Party issues the Notice
he must send a copy to the named Adjudicator. The Adjudicator
can then confirm that he is available and willing to act for this
dispute. The requirement that the decision must be issued within 28
days imposes a strict discipline on the Adjudicator and it is essential
that anyone who has already been appointed, perhaps some years
earlier, should check their commitments and confirm their
availability. Also, a particular dispute may be very specialised and
the Adjudicator may suggest that a different area of expertise is
required, or his personal circumstances may have changed and so he
is no longer able to act. If the Adjudicator is able and willing he
must confirm his acceptance within four days of the date of issue of
the Notice. If he is not available or does not reply within the four
days then the referring Party must follow an alternative procedure. If
the named Adjudicator has a problem with the 28 day period then
the referring Party can agree to extend the period by 14 days, as
paragraph 5.1. The referring Party can extend his options during the
seven-day period for appointment and referral by checking with a
named Adjudicator before issuing the Notice of Adjudication.
Paragraph 3.2 gives the procedure when the Adjudicator has not
already been appointed but the referring Party has included with the
The ICE Conditions of Contract | 113

Notice the names and addresses of one or more potential

Adjudicators. The other Party can select a name and notify the
referring Party and the selected Adjudicator within four days of the
issue of the Notice. If he does not confirm his selection within this
period then the referring Party must move to the procedure in
paragraph 3.3.
Paragraph 3.3 gives the fallback procedure if the previously
appointed Adjudicator is not available or the Parties have failed to
agree on the selection or an Adjudicator who was selected has failed
to confirm his acceptance. Either Party may then ask an appointing
authority to make the appointment. The request must be made
within a further three days from the four day periods in paragraphs
3.1 or 3.2. The sequence of four days and three days means that the
Parties would have completed their actions within the seven day
period which is stipulated in the Act. No time limit is stated for the
appointment by the appointing authority, which is outside the
control of the Parties. This would normally be within a further five
The appointing authority may be named in the Contract or, if no
name is given, will be The Institution of Civil Engineers. The
request must be made on the appropriate form and be accompanied
by a copy of the Notice of Adjudication and the appropriate fee. A
copy of the ICE application form is provided with the Procedure.
The information required is basically the same as is given in the
Notice. The appointing authority should make the appointment
within a few days and will not check the validity of the request. The
Party making the application is required to confirm that it has
performed any actions which the Contract requires to be taken
before the appointment is requested and that it will meet any
reasonable cost incurred by the appointed person if it is not entitled
to make the application. Any problems or queries will be dealt with
by the Adjudicator after his appointment.
When the ICE have selected the Adjudicator, who will have
confirmed his availability, willingness to act and absence of any
conflict of interest, the applicant is informed, by means of the
114 | Adjudication for architects and engineers

appropriate page of the application form, with copies to the other

Party and the Adjudicator.
Paragraph 3.4 states that the Adjudicator shall be appointed on
the terms and conditions set out in the attached Adjudicator's
Agreement and Schedule. The Parties are required to sign the
Agreement within seven days of being requested to do so. The
Adjudicator has already been appointed, by the Parties or the
appointing authority, and so has an obligation to act and proceed
with the Adjudication. Under the first sentence of paragraph 3.4 he
is entitled to be paid a reasonable fee together with his expenses.
Hence, if either Party fails to sign the Agreement, the Adjudicator's
entitlement to a reasonable fee has been established. The actual
figure for the hourly rate, together with certain other provisions, will
be confirmed in the Agreement.
Paragraph 3.5 gives the procedure if the appointed Adjudicator is
unable to act, or fails to complete the Adjudication. Either Party
may apply to the appointing authority to appoint a replacement
Adjudicator in accordance with the procedure in paragraph 3.3. If
the situation arises due to non-delivery of the decision then the
procedures in paragraph 6.3 will also apply.

Section 4 : referral
Section 108(2)(b) of the Act requires the Contract to provide for
appointment and referral of the dispute to the Adjudicator within
the seven day period following the Notice. This is achieved by the
referring Party sending to the Adjudicator, within two days of
confirmation under 3.1, or notification under 3.2, a full statement of
his case. If the appointment is to be made by an appointing
authority, after the failure of the normal procedure, then the
Statement of Case is to be sent within two days of the appointment.
A copy of the Statement of Case will be sent to the other Party.
The restriction to a two day time period is necessary not only to
comply with the Act but to ensure that the referring Party, having
started the process, does not delay the referral to the Adjudicator.
The Adjudicator has confirmed that he has the time available to
The ICE Conditions of Contract | 115

deal with the matter within the restricted period for the
Adjudication and any delay in referral could move the Adjudication
into a period when he is not available. To comply with the
timetable, the referring Party must have prepared his Statement of
Case before issuing the Notice of Adjudication.
Paragraph 4.1 requires the Statement of Case to include a copy of
the Notice of Adjudication, the Adjudication provision in the
Contract and the information on which the referring Party relies,
including supporting documents. This is the basic information which
is necessary to enable the Adjudicator to start his work.
Paragraph 4.2 fixes the date of referral. This is the date which
starts the 28 day, or extended, period for the Adjudication. Unless
provided otherwise in the Contract it will be the date on which the
Adjudicator receives the documents referred to in paragraph 4.1.
The Adjudicator must confirm having received these documents, so
the date of referral will be established and known to the Parties.
The Adjudicator should also calculate and confirm to the Parties
the calendar date for the end of the 28-day period, taking into
account any additional days for Good Friday, Christmas Day and
any Bank Holidays as stated at Section 116 of the Act.

Section 5 : conduct of the Adjudication

Section 5 stipulates the obligations of the Adjudicator and gives him
the powers which are necessary in order to meet these obligations.
The requirements of the Act form the basis of these obligations and
powers and are amplified as necessary to establish a practical
Paragraph 5.1 sets the time limits for the Adjudicator to reach his
decision and follows Section 108(2) of the Act.
Paragraph 5.2 restricts the matters which can be determined by
the Adjudicator. He is obliged to determine the matters set out in
the Notice of Adjudication and these can only be expanded with
the agreement of the Parties and the Adjudicator. If the
Adjudicator realises that the Statement of Case, or other
submissions, include matters which are outside the scope of the
116 | Adjudication for architects and engineers

Notice of Adjudication then he must either decide not to determine

those matters or obtain the agreement of all Parties to expand the
scope of the Adjudication.
If the responding Party considers that any part of the Statement
of Case is outside the scope of the Notice, or any part of the Notice
is not subject to Adjudication then it must state the objection at the
very beginning of the Adjudication or risk losing the right to object.
The Procedure does not give the Adjudicator the specific power to
decide on his own jurisdiction, or the power to adjourn considera-
tion of the main dispute while considering a question of jurisdiction.
The Adjudicator will have to tackle any question or problem as best
he can. The power to reach a decision on a particular aspect of the
dispute before deciding the main dispute, under paragraph 6.1,
could be useful.
Paragraph 5.3 deals with the powers which are necessary to
enable the Adjudicator to change previous decisions in order to
determine the dispute. The problems which could arise if an
Adjudicator changes the design have been discussed elsewhere in
this book. The final sentence in paragraph 5.3 emphasises that the
Parties retain their powers to vary the contract or the Engineer to
vary the Works in accordance with the Contract. If the Parties have
been clear in their submissions then there should not be any
problem but if, for example, the Engineer considers that the
Adjudicator's interpretation of the Contract would result in the final
works being different to his requirements then he can issue a
variation to ensure that the Works are to his satisfaction. The
consequences of the variation can then be valued in accordance
with contract procedures.
Paragraph 5.3 also makes it clear that the Adjudicator cannot
change the decision of another Adjudicator, which is repeated at
paragraph 6.7. If either Party is not satisfied with an Adjudicator's
decision it must refer the dispute to Arbitration and not try another
Adjudication in the hope of achieving a different result. Obviously
the Adjudicator himself will not know if the same dispute has
previously been referred to another Adjudicator. The Party who
objects to the dispute being reconsidered will need to make a
The ICE Conditions of Contract | 117

submission to the Adjudicator. Failure to draw the Adjudicator's

attention to the problem would, in effect, be an agreement to allow
the Adjudicator to reconsider a previously adjudicated dispute.
Paragraph 5.4 entitles the non-referring Party to submit a
response to the Statement of Case. The response must be submitted
within 14 days of referral, unless this period has been extended by
agreement between the Parties and the Adjudicator. The clear
entitlement to submit a response is essential in order to maintain a
fair balance between the Parties.
The period for this response may be half the total period for the
Adjudication. However the Adjudicator will not sit back and wait
for the response. A properly prepared Statement of Case will enable
him to establish the timetable and plan the actions which may be
appropriate as listed in paragraph 5.5, or for legal or technical advice
under paragraph 5.6, or for joinder under paragraph 5.7.
Paragraph 5.5 gives the Adjudicator complete discretion as to
how to conduct the Adjudication. The powers which are noted and
listed are extremely wide, but are not exhaustive. The complete
generality of the powers are subject to any limitation in the Contract
or the Act.
Paragraph 5.6 requires the Adjudicator to notify the Parties
before he obtains legal or technical advice. This gives the Parties the
opportunity to make alternative proposals if they are concerned
about the value or cost of the Adjudicator's intention.

Section 6 : the decision

Paragraph 6.1 requires the Adjudicator to reach his decision within
28 days, or the period which has been established in accordance
with paragraph 5.1. Having reached his decision he then notifies the
Parties, subject to the lien procedure at paragraph 6.6.
The Adjudicator may reach a decision on different aspects of the
dispute at different times. This power will be useful if the
Adjudicator has been asked to decide on a preliminary issue of
the jurisdiction or scope of the Adjudication. Also, the Parties may
ask for an initial decision on liability. They could then try to agree
118 | Adjudication for architects and engineers

the quantum and refer it to the Adjudicator if they fail to reach

Paragraph 6.1 also states that the question of whether to give
reasons with the decision is a matter to be decided by the
Adjudicator. The Parties may request, but not require, reasons.
However, for the decision to be effective, the Adjudicator will need
to include a certain amount of explanation as to how it was reached
and relates to the contract administration procedures.
Paragraph 6.2 entitles the Adjudicator to direct the payment of
interest as he considers appropriate. The inclusion of compound as
well as simple interest gives the Adjudicator wide powers. However,
the power is only likely to be exercised if a Claimant has asked for
interest and justified his request.
The procedures to be followed if the Adjudicator fails to reach his
decision and notify the Parties in due time are given at paragraphs
6.3 and 6.4. If a decision is given before the dispute is referred to a
replacement Adjudicator then it will still be effective. This does not
give the Adjudicator an automatic right to extend the period. He
will be in breach of his agreement with the Parties. It is a practical
procedure to avoid the need to repeat the whole Adjudication due
to an accidental overrun. If the decision is so late that the dispute
has been referred to the replacement then the original Adjudicator
will not be entitled to any fees. However, if a legal or technical
advisor has been appointed under paragraph 5.6 and the Parties
have received that advice, then the Parties will be responsible for
the fees and expenses of the advisor. This enables the advisor to be
paid and the Parties to make use of the advice in the subsequent
Paragraph 6.5 deals with the payment of fees and expenses. The
Adjudicator does not have the power to direct that either Party shall
pay the costs and expenses of the other Party. This is an important
provision. For either Party to enter an Adjudication thinking that
they could recover legal costs would encourage legal analysis and
argument, in contradiction to the principle that Adjudication
should be `fair rapid and inexpensive', as paragraph 1.2.
The ICE Conditions of Contract | 119

The Adjudicator's fees and expenses will be paid in equal shares

by each Party, unless the Adjudicator directs otherwise.
As noted above, paragraph 6.6 gives the Adjudicator the right to
a lien on his decision, pending payment of his fees and expenses. In
order to exercise this right he must give notice to the Parties prior to
seven days before he is due to reach his decision. If the Adjudicator
is concerned that his fees may not be paid then this is an important
provision. It is for the Adjudicator to decide whether to exercise this
right and whether to discuss the matter with the Parties prior to
exercising the right.
Paragraph 6.7 deals with the enforcement of the decision and
states that the parties are entitled to seek summary enforcement of
the decision. This should be considered in conjunction with the
Clause 66(9) provision that a dispute concerning implementation of
an adjudicator's decision cannot be referred to Arbitration.
Paragraph 6.8 confirms that the Adjudicator's decision shall not
inhibit a Court or arbitrator from determining the Parties rights and
obligations anew. This is consistent with Section 108(3) of the Act
which requires that the decision is binding until the dispute is finally
determined. There is nothing to prevent the Parties from agreeing to
accept the decision as finally determining the dispute, as the second
part of Section 108(3) of the Act.
Paragraph 6.9 enables the Adjudicator to correct the decision,
within the stated time periods, so as to remove any clerical mistake,
error or ambiguity. This power to correct only refers to clerical
problems and would not enable the Adjudicator to change his mind,
or to correct any other error. If the Parties agree that the
Adjudicator has made a mistake then they could agree to change
the decision in a final determination of the dispute under paragraph

Section 7: miscellaneous provisions

Paragraph 7.1 prevents the Adjudicator from being appointed as
arbitrator in any subsequent Arbitration between the Parties under
this Contract, unless the Parties agree. For the same person to serve
120 | Adjudication for architects and engineers

as Adjudicator and arbitrator will generally be unsatisfactory. He

would have preconceived ideas about the case and might be
reluctant to change his previous decision even if additional evidence
showed it to be mistaken. However, there could be circumstances
when the Parties agree to appoint the Adjudicator as arbitrator.
An arbitral appointment by agreement would already have the
agreement of the Parties. However, an appointing authority might
appoint as arbitrator someone who had previously served as
Adjudicator, without being aware of the previous appointment, so
it would be incumbent on the person concerned to refuse the
appointment as arbitrator, or to obtain the agreement of the Parties.
Paragraph 7.2 repeats the requirement of Section 108(4) of the
Act for Adjudicator immunity. The second sentence gives the
Adjudicator additional protection by making the Parties jointly and
severally responsible to save harmless and indemnify him against
claims from third parties. In this context the `third party' is a
separate person, not a `Third Party' who has been joined under
paragraph 5.7.
While this provision would seem to give protection to the
Adjudicator it would be difficult to apply in practice. If a third party
chooses to take action against the Adjudicator then the Adjudicator
himself will need to find a way to claim from the Parties who have
given him the indemnity. It may be necessary for the Adjudicator to
instigate legal proceedings against the parties. The Adjudicator will
certainly incur legal costs even if the indemnity enables him to
recover these costs. However, it would also be very difficult for a
third party to prove a case for damages against the Adjudicator.
Paragraph 7.3 gives immunity to The Institution of Civil
Engineers, its servants and agents.
Paragraph 7.4 requires Notices by recorded delivery to the address
given in the Contract and any agreement to be in writing.
Paragraph 7.5 states that the Procedure shall be interpreted in
accordance with the law of the Contract.
The ICE Conditions of Contract | 121

Section 8: definitions
Section 8 gives the definitions of the terms used with capital letters
in the Procedure.

Section 9: application to particular contracts

Section 9 says that when the Procedure is used with the ICE small
works consultancy agreement the Adjudicator can determine
disputes in connection with or arising out of the Contract. This
qualification is necessary to avoid conflict with this Contract.
If the Parties to a particular contract want the scope of
Adjudication increased to include the other disputes which could
be considered by the Engineer under Clause 66(2) of ICE 6 then a
similar paragraph could be added to Section 9.
Similarly, if the Procedure is to be used with a non-ICE Contract,
it may be necessary to introduce additional Clauses into Section 9.

Adjudicator's Agreement
The ICE Adjudicator's Agreement forms a part of the Adjudication
Procedure, as paragraph 1.1 of the Procedure, and should always be
used when an Adjudicator is appointed under this Procedure. The
Agreement can be used with other rules and procedures, or when
the Adjudication procedures are given in the Contract, but it should
be checked for compatibility with the requirements of the Contract.
If any Party, or the Adjudicator, wants to change any of the
requirements in the Agreement then the change would require the
agreement of all Parties and the Adjudicator. The Adjudicator must
be told of any such changes before he is asked to act as Adjudicator.
The numbered items 13 confirm the rights and obligations of the
Parties and the Adjudicator as in the Procedure. Item 4 is the
confidentiality rule. Complete confidentiality is not always possible,
particularly in the event of enforcement problems, but any Party is
required to obtain the consent of the other Parties, but not of the
Adjudicator, before breaching confidentiality.
Item 5 covers the question of how long the Adjudicator should
retain the documents after the completion of the Adjudication and
122 | Adjudication for architects and engineers

requires that the Adjudicator shall inform the Parties before he

destroys the documents which have been sent to him in relation to
the Adjudication. Hence, if a Party envisages using the same
Adjudicator for another dispute under the same Contract, or some
exceptional circumstance has arisen, then they have the opportunity
to ask the Adjudicator to retain the documents for a further period.
The Agreement is to be signed by all the Parties and the
Adjudicator. If for some reason any Party refuses to sign the
Agreement, which would be a breach of paragraph 3.4 of the
Procedure, that Party will still be jointly and severally liable to pay
the Adjudicator a reasonable fee and expenses, in accordance with
paragraphs 3.4, 6.5 and 6.6.
The Schedule to the Adjudicator's Agreement will be completed
by the Adjudicator inserting his hourly rate, any appointment fee
and whether he is registered for VAT, before the Agreement is sent
to the Parties for signature.
The provision for an appointment fee is appropriate if the
Adjudicator is appointed at the start of the project. However, if he is
required to spend any time for the project before the start of the
Adjudication it is important that time spent is recorded as
chargeable time, in order to avoid it being negated in the final
When the Adjudicator is appointed after the dispute has arisen
then the appointment fee will not be due for payment until half way
through the Adjudication and the Adjudicator will be obliged to
complete his task, even if the fee is not paid.

The `Blue Form' of Subcontract

Revisions to current subcontracts

The following amendments have been published by The Civil
Engineering Contractors Association (CECA):
> Amendments to `Blue Form' of Subcontract 1991. (For use with
the ICE 6th Edition.)
The ICE Conditions of Contract | 123

> Amendments to `Blue Form' of Subcontract 1984. (For use with

the ICE 5th Edition.)
> Amendments to `Blue Form' of Subcontract 1994. (For use with
the ICE Design and Construct.)
These amendments follow the same principles, adjusted to suit
the particular version of the subcontract. The following notes refer
to the amendments to the 1991 Subcontract, for use with the ICE
6th Edition. Reference should be made to the actual amendments
for the full details of each revised clause.
The amendments relate to Clauses 1, 10, 15 and 18.

Clause 1: definitions
A new sub-clause 19(1)(h) has been added to define `insolvent'.
This is necessary to follow Section 113 of the Act, which bans `pay-
when-paid' clauses except when the person who is due to pay the
Contractor becomes insolvent. The definition follows the principles
defined in the Act.

Clause 10: notices and claims

The existing sub-clause 10(2) is deleted and a new sub-clause
inserted. The amendment is necessary because `pay-when-paid'
clauses have been banned by Section 113 of the Act.
New sub-clause 10(2)(a) follows the first part of the existing sub-
clause for the Subcontractor to provide information to the
Contractor in support of any claim from the Contractor to the
Employer on account of adverse physical conditions or artificial
New sub-clause 10(2)(b) requires the Contractor to determine
and notify to the Subcontractor, within 28 days of notification from
the Engineer, the proportion which is due to the Subcontractor of
any sum due to the Contractor. Payment will not be due if the
Employer is insolvent and has failed to make payment to the
124 | Adjudication for architects and engineers

New sub-clause 10(2)(c) requires the Contractor to determine a

fair and reasonable proportion of any extension of time.
New sub-clause 10(2)(d) follows the final part of the existing sub-

Clause 15: payment

The existing clause 15 is deleted and a new clause inserted. The
amendment is necessary to comply with the payment requirements
in Sections 109113 of the Act. The layout and many of the
provisions remain the same as in the existing clause, with
modifications to comply with the requirements of the Act.

Clause 17: Subcontractor's default

The list of reasons for which the Contractor may determine the
Subcontractor's employment is extended by the Subcontractor
being in breach of the Subcontract in suspending performance of his
obligations under the Subcontract.

Clause 18: disputes

Sub-clause 18(1) follows the existing one and requires any dispute
or difference in connection with the Subcontract Works, only
excluding a dispute concerning VAT, to be settled in accordance
with these provisions. This covers a wider range of disputes than
those `under the Contract' which are covered by the Act.
Disputes concerning VAT should presumably be referred to the
Customs and Excise.
Sub-clause 18(2) introduces an important new procedure, as a
precondition to the existence of a dispute.
Sub-clause 18(2)(a) requires the Subcontractor to notify the
Contractor when he is not satisfied with the amount of a payment or
with virtually anything done by the Contractor. The notification
must be in sufficient detail for the Contractor to understand and
consider the Subcontractor's submission.
The ICE Conditions of Contract | 125

Sub-clause 18(2)(b) requires the Contractor to notify the

Subcontractor, as soon as possible, when, in the Contractor's
opinion, any such submission gives rise to a matter of dissatisfaction
under the Main Contract. The Contractor will then pursue the
matter of dissatisfaction, with the co-operation of the Subcon-
tractor. The Sub-clause then states that the Contractor and
Subcontractor agree that no such submission shall constitute or
give rise to a dispute until the matter of dissatisfaction procedure
has been completed.
Sub-clause 18(3) enables either Party to refer the dispute to
conciliation under the ICE Conciliation Procedure.
Sub-clause 18(4)(a) enables either Party to refer the dispute to
Adjudication under the ICE Adjudication Procedure, which is to be
modified as stated at Sub-clause 18(10)(b).
Sub-clauses 18(4)(b)(f ), 18(5) and (6) repeat the requirements
of the Act.
Sub-clauses 18(7), (8) and (9) give the procedure for referring a
dispute to Arbitration.
Sub-clause 18(7)(a) excludes from Arbitration a dispute
concerning failure to give effect to an Adjudicator's decision. This
exclusion enables either Party to apply to the Courts for an Order to
enforce the decision.
Sub-clause 18(10) gives new procedures for co-operation and
connection of Subcontract disputes with Main Contract disputes.
Sub-clauses 18(10)(a) and (b) refer to conciliation or Adjudica-
tion of a Main Contract dispute if the dispute has any connection
with the Subcontract Works. Under 18(10)(a) the Contractor can
require the Subcontractor to provide information and attend
Under 18(10)(b) the Contractor can require the Subcontract
dispute to be referred to the same Conciliator or Adjudicator as the
Main Contract dispute. The use of the same Conciliator or
Adjudicator should ensure that the decisions on the connected
disputes are consistent, but depends on the Conciliator or
Adjudicator accepting the Subcontract appointment. The main
126 | Adjudication for architects and engineers

Contract Conciliator or Adjudicator would not necessarily be aware

of this provision in the Subcontract.
The disputes would be dealt with separately unless the Employer
agreed to them being joined. For Adjudication, such joinder would
require agreement to extend the time period for the Main Contract
Adjudication. However, the joint dissatisfaction procedure should
help to gain the co-operation of all the different people concerned.
Sub-clauses 18(10)(c) and (d) give similar provisions for
Sub-clause 18(10)(11) is a without prejudice provision for
The Second and Third Schedules are amended to suit the new
The Engineering and Construction
Contract and other NEC Contracts

This chapter considers the Adjudication procedures in the
Engineering and Construction Contract and the other standard
forms which comprise the NEC Family of Contracts. These
contracts include the NEC preferred Adjudication procedures in
the Core Clauses, together with optional procedures which take into
account the requirements of the Act.
The chapter is divided into five sections:
> The application of Adjudication to the NEC Contracts.
> The amended Adjudication clauses in the Engineering and
Construction Contract.
> The Engineering and Construction Subcontract.
> The Professional Services Contract.
> The Adjudicator's Contract.

The application of Adjudication to the NEC Contracts

The first edition of the Engineering and Construction Contract was
published in 1993 and was called the New Engineering Contract
(NEC). However, the prefix `new' cannot be used indefinitely and
for the second edition the name was changed to the Engineering
and Construction Contract (ECC). The ECC and its associated
contracts are known as the NEC family of contracts and includes:
128 | Adjudication for architects and engineers

> The Engineering and Construction Contract, second edition

> The Engineering and Construction Subcontract, second edition
> The Professional Services Contract, second edition 1998.
> The Adjudicator's Contract, second edition 1998.
The NEC contracts have always been intended to be non-
adversarial, with the aim of resolving the causes of disputes before
the problem escalates. However, in case any disputes should arise,
the contracts include provision for immediate Adjudication as the
primary dispute resolution procedure. However, although the NEC
Adjudication procedures complied with the recommendations of the
Latham Report they do not comply with the requirements of
Section 108 of the Act.
The NEC first edition included the procedures for the settlement
of disputes at Section 9. The Contractor could ask the Adjudicator
to settle a dispute which arose from an action, or failure to act, by
the Project Manager or Supervisor. In the second edition the
disputes which could be referred to the Adjudicator were extended
to allow either Party to refer a dispute about `any other matter'.
NEC Adjudication was based on the principle that any problem
should be identified and resolved as quickly as possible. The
contract required that the Contractor must notify the Project
Manager within four weeks of becoming aware of the action or
inaction which is disputed. The dispute could then be submitted to
the Adjudicator between two and four weeks after the notification
to the Project Manager. Further information can be submitted
within the next four weeks and the Adjudicator would notify his
decision within a further four weeks. In general terms the NEC
procedure required about three months rather than the 28 day
period stipulated in the Act. The NEC contracts also include
provision for an `early warning meeting', at which the Project
Manager and the Contractor try to find the best technical solution
to any problem before it escalates into a dispute.
The Engineering and Construction Contract | 129

The original NEC Adjudication procedures do not comply with

the `at any time' requirement at Section 108(2)(a) or the `28-day'
requirement at Section 108(2)(c) of the Act.
Also, the NEC Adjudication procedures do not specifically enable
the adjudicator to take the initiative in ascertaining the facts and
the law, as required by Section 108(2)(f ) of the Act. While some
inquisitorial powers might be implied from the requirement that he
acts as an independent adjudicator and not as an arbitrator, the
Guidance Notes to the NEC first edition suggested that he is not
permitted to ascertain additional facts. The Guidance Note to
Clause 90.2 included:
It is important that the Adjudicator has all the relevant
information, to enable him to put himself in the position of the
Project Manager or Supervisor when taking the action which is
disputed. Information which has become available after the
disputed action was taken is not admissible.
The Guidance Note to the ECC second edition omits this
requirement but, at Clause 91.1 emphasises the importance of the
Parties providing full information to the Adjudicator. The Contract
does not specifically allow the Adjudicator to adopt an inquisitorial
The other contracts in the NEC family have always included
similar provisions for Adjudication. While these procedures do not
comply with the requirements of the Act they must, together with
the non-adversarial attitude which is encouraged by the NEC, offer
a better chance of avoiding delays and excessive costs than do the
procedures of Section 108.

The amended Adjudication clauses in the Engineering

and Construction Contract
Following the publication of the Act and the Scheme the NEC
drafting committee decided:
130 | Adjudication for architects and engineers

> that the Adjudication procedure in the ECC second edition is

the preferred procedure and should be retained for international
use; hence, the Core Clauses remain unchanged
> that for contracts which are subject to the Act, the ECC should
incorporate an option which includes the requirements of
Section 108, in order to avoid the Scheme
> that all the necessary provisions should be incorporated into the
contract, rather than by reference to a separate Adjudication
The addendum to the ECC was published in April 1998 as
Option Y(UK)2: The Housing Grants, Construction and Regenera-
tion Act 1996. The addendum includes amendments to comply
with the payment and Adjudication provisions in the Act. Because
the amendments are published as an Option it is necessary to state
in the Contract Data that this Option is to be used. The printed
Core Clauses remain unchanged and Option Y(UK)2 introduces a
new Clause 90 and changes to Clauses 91 and 92. Hence, for NEC
contracts in the UK it will be necessary to `cut and paste', with the
risk of confusion and mistakes.
The Notes for Guidance in Option Y(UK)2 state that the option
is prepared solely for use when the contract is subject to the Act and
that `The option should not be used in other circumstances'.
However, as has been discussed in earlier chapters of this book,
Section 105(2) of the Act excludes certain work from the definition
of what is a construction operation. If the Employer decides that a
particular contract is covered by an exclusion and hence does not
incorporate Option Y(UK)2 he could face problems if the
Contractor, or a Subcontractor, believes that the exclusion does
not apply. The Contractor or Subcontractor might refer a dispute to
Adjudication under the Scheme. Also, the Employer would not
have the benefit of the matter of dissatisfaction procedure.
If there is any doubt about whether the Act applies, and reliance
on Section 105(2) exclusions must always by questionable, then the
Employer should incorporate Option Y(UK)2 into the Contract
The Engineering and Construction Contract | 131

Option Y(UK)2 includes the amended Adjudication provisions at

Clauses Y2.52.7. Clause Y2.5 gives a new Clause 90: Avoidance
and settlement of disputes. The new Clause 90 repeats the
requirements of Section 108 with, in addition, a dissatisfaction
procedure which must be followed before a problem can become a
Clause 90.1 is a general statement that the Parties and the
Project Manager follow this procedure for the avoidance and
settlement of disputes.
The reference to the avoidance of disputes emphasises the
principles of the NEC contracts. The matter of dissatisfaction
requirement provides a procedure for settling problems before they
become formal disputes.
Clause 90.2 requires that if the Contractor is dissatisfied with an
action or failure take action by the Project Manager he must notify
the Project Manager within four weeks of becoming aware of the
action or failure to act. The Contractor and the Project Manager
will then meet, within two weeks of the notification, in order to
discuss and seek to resolve the matter.
This matter of dissatisfaction meeting is a different requirement
to the early warning meeting which is described at Clause 16.
However, as both meetings concern procedures for resolving
problems, one could follow from the other, or in some circumstances
they might even be combined. It is therefore important that a party
giving notice of dissatisfaction ensures that the notice is clear and
This Clause follows the NEC principle that any problem must be
notified and discussed within a fixed time period from the time the
Contractor becomes aware of the problem. The Clause refers to
situations when the Contractor is dissatisfied with an action or
failure to act by the Project Manager, which covers most of the day-
to-day technical and financial problems which arise during a project.
Clause 90.3 requires that if either Party is dissatisfied with any
other matter he must notify the Project Manager and the other
Party within four weeks of becoming aware of the matter. Again,
132 | Adjudication for architects and engineers

within two weeks of the notification, the Project Manager and both
Parties will meet in order to discuss and seek to resolve the matter.
This clause extends the dissatisfaction procedure to cover any
problem which may arise. Unlike the Act, there is no restriction to
problems which are `under' rather than `in connection with' the
Clauses 90.2 and 90.3 require the dissatisfaction to be notified
within four weeks of the Party becoming aware of the problem.
While immediate notification is often desirable in order that a
potential problem can be identified and resolved there will be
situations when, for whatever reason, the Party fails to give notice
within this time period. Confusion may arise when the Project
Manager and the Contractor have exchanged several letters and it is
doubtful whether it is the first letter, or a later letter, which
constitutes the action with which the Contractor is dissatisfied.
However, while a late notification may be a breach of Clause 90.2 or
90.3 and the consequences of the breach will be noted, it seems
unlikely that the notifying Party would lose the right to instigate the
dispute procedure under Clause 90.4.
Clause 90.4 is a clear statement that:
The Parties agree that no matter shall be a dispute unless a
notice of dissatisfaction has been given and the matter has not
been resolved within four weeks. The word dispute (which
includes a difference) has that meaning.
This clause marks the point when a problem or claim becomes a
`dispute'. No notice is required to confirm that a Party is not
satisfied with the result of the meeting or subsequent correspon-
dence but, four weeks after the notice of dissatisfaction, either Party
can decide that the matter has become a dispute. In practice, the
Project Manager should ascertain whether the matter has been
resolved or whether a query, possibly concerning the financial
consequences of the original problem, is still open to be raised as a
dispute at some future date.
The matter of dissatisfaction procedure has been criticised as
causing a four week delay to the start of any Adjudication. It is
The Engineering and Construction Contract | 133

similar to the dissatisfaction procedure in the ICE Contracts except

that NEC endeavours to resolve the matter by discussion rather
than by the Engineer giving a decision. If the procedure has a good
chance of resolving the problem, or at least ensuring that both sides
are prepared, and the Adjudicator has a better chance of reaching a
good logical decision, then a delay of four weeks should not be
Whatever might be said about the dissatisfaction procedure, both
Parties entered into the Contract knowing that it contained this
procedure and that the contract procedure is intended to comply
with the requirements of the Act. For a claimant Party then to try
and avoid the dissatisfaction procedure by requiring immediate
Adjudication under the Scheme would seem to be, at the very least,
an attempt to circumvent the procedure which was agreed when
they entered into the contract.
A more serious potential problem is that failure to follow the
dissatisfaction procedure could result in the loss of the right to refer
a claim to the tribunal, which may be Arbitration or the Courts. The
ECC Core Clause 93 states that a matter cannot be referred to the
tribunal unless it has first been referred to the Adjudicator and, as
has been discussed, reference to the Adjudicator depends on having
followed the dissatisfaction procedure.
Clause 90.5 repeats Section 108(2)(a) and (b) of the Act, that
either Party may give notice to the other Party at any time of his
intention to refer a dispute to Adjudication and the dispute must be
referred to the Adjudicator within seven days of the notice.
The removal of any time period for the notice of Adjudication is a
consequence of the requirements of the Act and is in direct conflict
with one of the primary principles of NEC that any problem should
be tackled and resolved as quickly as possible.
As with the matter of dissatisfaction, the reference to Adjudica-
tion is not restricted to disputes which arise under the contract.
The NEC contracts require that the Adjudicator is named in the
contract between the Parties and is appointed under the NEC
Adjudicator's Contract as soon as the Parties enter into their own
contract. The Adjudication clauses do not therefore need to include
134 | Adjudication for architects and engineers

provision for the selection and appointment of the Adjudicator.

While there is no requirement that the referring Party should check
that the Adjudicator is still available and willing to act, this is
obviously necessary to ensure that the Adjudicator accepts the
referral and completes the Adjudication within the time limits
imposed by the Act.
While the Adjudicator's Contract requires the Adjudicator to
notify the Parties if he becomes aware that he is unable to act as
Adjudicator, there is a distinction between being permanently
unable to act and not being available for a significant part of a
particular 28-day period. It would clearly be prudent for the referring
Party to check the Adjudicator's availability before issuing the
notice of Adjudication, perhaps raising a query during the matter of
dissatisfaction period. As the Adjudicator has already been
appointed it would be logical to defer or extend the 28-day period
to suit his availability.
If, for any reason, the Adjudicator is not named in the Contract
then the Contract Data should include a requirement that the
Clause 92.2 procedure will be used for the appointment of the
original Adjudicator as well as any replacement Adjudicator.
Clause 90.6 requires the referring Party to include with his
submission `information to be considered by the Adjudicator'. Any
further information which either Party wishes to have considered by
the Adjudicator must be submitted within fourteen days of referral.
These procedures rely on co-operation by the Parties. If, for
example, the referring Party only submitted minimum information
with the referral and submitted further information on day 13, the
responding Party would be placed at a severe disadvantage. The
Adjudicator could presumably ask for further information under
Clause 90.8.
Clause 90.7 requires both Parties and the Project Manager to
proceed as though the matter had not been disputed until the
Adjudicator has given his decision.
If the dispute concerns an instruction by the Project Manager
then the instruction must be obeyed and the Adjudicator will be
The Engineering and Construction Contract | 135

considering the consequences, rather than the implementation, of

the instruction.
Clause 90.8 repeats Sections 108(2)(e) and (f ) of the Act
requiring the adjudicator to act impartially and enabling him to take
the initiative in ascertaining the facts and the law.
Unlike other procedures the ECC does not give the Adjudicator
specific powers to take particular actions. Presumably this overall
power would enable the Adjudicator to ask for further information,
to visit the site, to call a meeting and to proceed in the absence of
co-operation from either party. However, as the Adjudicator may
need to wait for 14 days in order to receive basic information from
the Parties he will have a very limited time period in which to take
these actions.
If the matter in dispute was discussed by the Parties and the
Project Manager at the dissatisfaction meeting under Clause 90.2 or
90.3 then any disagreement about the relevant facts and law should
have been identified at that time and so there should be less need
for the Adjudicator to take the initiative.
Clause 90.9 repeats Sections 108(2)(c) and (d) concerning the
28-day period for the Adjudication, with possible extensions.
Clause 90.10 requires the Adjudicator to provide reasons with his
The question of whether or not the Adjudicator should give
reasons is discussed elsewhere in this book. The ECC is unequivocal
on this point and the Adjudicator is obliged to give reasons with his
The Adjudicator's decision is considered at Section 90.2 of the
Guidance Notes to the ECC second edition. The Adjudicator must
include background information, which is basically the same as was
considered in Chapter 4 of this book, and reasons are referred to at
the fifth paragraph which states:
Where contradictory facts are submitted by the parties, the
Adjudicator should state his findings. He should summarise
the arguments submitted to him, and then state his decision
clearly. The Adjudicator is also required to state the reasons
136 | Adjudication for architects and engineers

for his decision. These should show how they led to the
decision reached.
The application of these principles to particular situations still
leaves the details to the discretion of the Adjudicator. It is suggested
that the reasons should be clear but concise, in order to avoid
argument and possible disputes as to the validity of the decision.
Clause 90.11 repeats Section 108(3) of the Act that the
Adjudicator's decision is binding until the dispute is finally settled.
The ECC allows for final determination of a dispute by the tribunal,
which may be Arbitration or the Courts, whichever is stated in the
Contract Data.
Clause 90.12 repeats Section 108(4) of the Act concerning the
Adjudicator's liability. This requirement is repeated at Section 4 of
the Adjudicator's Contract and extended to indemnify the
Adjudicator against third party claims.
When Option Y(UK)2 is used, Clause Y2.6 introduces amend-
ments to Clause 91 and changes the side heading to `Combining
procedures'. The old Clause 91.1 is deleted because it referred to the
submission of information to the Adjudicator, which is now covered
at Clause 90.6.
The new Clause 91.1 allows a subcontractor to attend the
dissatisfaction meeting if the same matter has caused dissatisfaction
under or in connection with the subcontract. When a problem arises
from a subcontract as well as the main contract there will always be
practical difficulties in joining the disputes. For the disputes under
both contracts to be discussed at the same meeting is a good way to
resolve the problem or co-ordinate the potential disputes.
The use of the phrase `under or in connection with' confirms the
wider range of disputes which can be referred to Adjudication under
the ECC, which is an improvement on the basic requirements of the
Clause 91.2 is amended to replace `settles' with `gives his decision
on'. The change in wording is necessary because, under the Act, the
Adjudicator does not settle the dispute. He gives a decision which
may, or may not, be agreed as the final settlement of the dispute.
The Engineering and Construction Contract | 137

Clause 91.2 also enables the Contractor to submit a subcontract

dispute to the Adjudicator at the same time as a main contract
dispute on the same matter. The Adjudicator will then give his
decision on the two disputes at the same time.
Similarly, if the subcontractor acts first with a claim which he
decides to refer to Adjudication then, if the Contractor has a claim
against the Employer on the same matter, he will wish to have it
dealt with in the same Adjudication. As the Adjudicator is appoint-
ed at the start of the contract the same person can be appointed for
the main contract and all subcontracts. By discussing the problem at
the dissatisfaction meeting it is possible to agree that the Adjudi-
cator can be asked to deal with both disputes at the same time.
Clause Y2.7 amends Clause 92 by replacing `settles' with `gives his
decision on', as for Clause 91.2.
Clause 92.1 gives general requirements for the Adjudication,
which have not been changed by the addendum:
> The Adjudicator acts as an independent adjudicator, not as an
Action as an `independent adjudicator' presumably means `in
accordance with the contract provisions for Adjudication'. The
separation from Arbitration is repeated in the next point that the
decision is not an arbitral award.
> The Adjudicator's decision is enforceable as a matter of
contractual obligation and not as an arbitral award.
The procedure for enforcement as a matter of contractual
obligation is not clear. Failure to meet the contractual obligation to
pay money would become a matter of dissatisfaction, which merely
repeats the Adjudication process. Clause 93.1 does not include
failure to implement the Adjudicator's decision as a matter which
can be referred direct to the tribunal. However, if the Adjudicator
failed to give a decision on the implementation dispute then it could
be referred to the tribunal.
138 | Adjudication for architects and engineers

> The Adjudicator's powers include the power to review and

revise any action or inaction of the Project Manager or
Supervisor related to the dispute.
> Any communication between a Party and the Adjudicator is
communicated also to the other Party.
> If the Adjudicator's decision includes assessment of additional
cost or delay caused to the Contractor, he makes his assessment
in the same way as a compensation event is assessed.
This requires the Adjudicator to follow the procedures of Clause
63: Assessing compensation events.
Clause 92.2 gives the procedure for the appointment of a
replacement Adjudicator if the first Adjudicator resigns or is unable
to act. The procedure requires the Parties either to choose the new
Adjudicator jointly, or to accept the choice of the person named in
the Contract Data.
Clause 93 gives the procedures if either Party is not satisfied with
the Adjudicator's decision, or the Adjudicator fails to give a decision
within the time provided by the Contract.
Clause 93.1 enables either party to give notice of his intention to
refer the dispute to the tribunal, which may be either Arbitration or
the Courts, whichever is stated in the Contract Data. The notice
must be given within four weeks of the earlier of the date of
notification of the Adjudicator's decision, or the date when the
period for such notification expired.
A dispute cannot be referred to the tribunal unless it has first
been referred to the Adjudicator.
The Employer is required to include the name and address of the
Adjudicator in the Contract Data. In practice, some Employers
include several names in the Tender Documents from which the
Contractor will choose the Adjudicator, or the choice may be
deferred until names can be discussed with the successful tenderer.
While these alternative procedures ensure the independence and
acceptability of the Adjudicator, the practice of asking several
potential Adjudicators if they are available results in uncertainty
The Engineering and Construction Contract | 139

among practising adjudicators as to whether they will be appointed.

Those who are not selected should be informed as soon as possible.

The Engineering and Construction Subcontract

The Adjudication provisions in the Engineering and Construction
Subcontract follow the same pattern as for the main contract. The
procedure at Section 9 of the second edition is retained for
international use and Option Y(UK)2 has been published as an
Addendum, incorporating the requirements of the Act, for use in
the UK.
The details of the subcontract Adjudication procedure are similar
to the ECC procedure but have been modified to suit the
requirements of the subcontract. There is no Project Manager in
the subcontract so all references to Project Manager are omitted and
the procedure refers only to `the Parties'.
Clause 91 has been amended in the same way as for the main
contract. The new Clause 91.1 provides for a sub-subcontractor to
attend the meeting to discuss a matter of dissatisfaction if the matter
also causes dissatisfaction under or in connection with the sub-
The new Clause 91.3 requires the Subcontractor to attend a
meeting concerning a main contract matter of dissatisfaction if it
also concerns the subcontract.
Clause 91.3 of the second edition now becomes 91.4. This clause
enables the Contractor to submit a subcontract dispute to the main
contract Adjudicator when the same matter is in dispute under both
contracts. The main contract Adjudicator then gives his decision on
the two disputes together. The main contract Adjudicator had
presumably seen the conditions of the main contract before he
accepted the position and so was aware that he might be required to
act for subcontract disputes in this way.
For the combining procedure to work in practice it is important
that the different notices are co-ordinated during the matter of
dissatisfaction period.
140 | Adjudication for architects and engineers

The Contractor is required to include the names and addresses of

both the subcontract Adjudicator and the main contract Adjudi-
cator in the Subcontract Data. The Contractor can name the same
person for both contracts.

The Professional Services Contract

The second edition of the Professional Services Contract (PSC) was
published in July 1998 and Option Y(UK)2 is included in the
printed document. The PSC can be used either as the contract
between Employer and Consultant or as a subcontract between
Consultant and Subconsultant.
The Adjudication provisions in the Core Clauses, for interna-
tional use, and in Option Y(UK)2, for use in contracts which are
subject to the Act, are the same as in the other NEC contracts.
When the PSC is used in the UK, which must be the majority of
the projects for which the contract is used, it will be necessary to
incorporate Clauses 90, 91.1 and 91.3 from the Option with Causes
91.2, 91.4 renumbered from 91.3 and 92 from the Core Clauses.
Care will be needed to avoid confusion and mistakes.
The PSC does not have a Project Manager, so the Adjudication
clauses follow the Subcontract provisions.
As for the ECC, the Employer is required to include the name
and address of the Adjudicator in the Contract Data. If the contract
is a subcontract and the main contract provides for joint
Adjudication of disputes then the name and address of the main
contract Adjudicator must also be included in the Contract Data.
The PSC includes at Clause 81.1 a requirement that the
Consultant shall provide insurance against: `Liability of the
Consultant for claims made against him arising out of his failure
to use the skill and care normally used by professionals providing
services similar to the services.'
The requirement for insurance cover means that any claim for
failure of skill and care will be dealt with by the insurer. This must
inevitably result in delay in dealing with the claim and will probably
result in a lengthy investigation and negotiation.
The Engineering and Construction Contract | 141

In these circumstances the requirement for a dissatisfaction

meeting, followed by an open time period for referral to
Adjudication, as in Option Y(UK)2 seems preferable to the
restricted times for referral to Adjudication under the Core Clauses.

The Adjudicator's Contract

The second edition of the NEC Adjudicator's Contract was
published in June 1998 and so incorporates any changes which
were necessary as a consequence of the Act and the publication of
Option Y(UK)2. The same contract and Form of Agreement are
used for the appointment of the Adjudicator for the main contract,
subcontract and professional services contract, using either the Core
Clauses or Option Y(UK)2. The Adjudicator's Contract could also
be used for the appointment of an adjudicator under other forms of
The Form of Agreement is intended to be signed by the Parties
and the Adjudicator at the commencement of the contract between
the Parties and refers to the attached conditions of contract. If the
Adjudicator's Contract is used when the Adjudicator is appointed
after the dispute has arisen then the Adjudicator should insist, when
he accepts the appointment, that his acceptance is subject to
appointment under this Contract.
A separate Form of Agreement is provided for appointments
under the Scheme. This can used whether or not the Parties are
using an NEC contract. In order to comply with the Scheme any
reference to the contract between the Parties is extended to include
a reference to the Scheme. Also the Adjudicator is given the power
to apportion payment of his fees and expenses in order to follow the
provision in the Scheme
The use of an Adjudicator's Contract under the Scheme could
cause problems, but does have advantages. The Scheme does not
refer to any form of agreement and does not allow the time or
opportunity for the Adjudicator to send his contract to the Parties
for signature before he receives the referral. The procedures for
payment are dealt with in the Scheme, but the Adjudicator will
142 | Adjudication for architects and engineers

need to tell the Parties the figure for his hourly rate. There are other
details which are not dealt with in the Scheme, such as the
indemnity against third-party claims at Clause 4.2 of the
Adjudicator's Contract.
The Conditions of Contract use the same style and phraseology as
the other NEC Documents and comprise five Sections, followed by
the Contract Data:
> general
> adjudication
> payment
> risks
> termination
> contract data.
Clause 1.1 requires the Adjudicator to act impartially and the
Parties and the Adjudicator to act as stated in this contract and in
the contract between the Parties. The Adjudicator has therefore
agreed to follow the Adjudication procedures which are given in the
contract between the Parties or the Scheme.
Clause 1.2 requires the Adjudicator to notify the Parties as soon
as he becomes aware of any potential conflict of interest or that he is
unable to act. Under Clauses 5.1 and 5.2 this notification could
enable the Parties by agreement, or the Adjudicator, to terminate
his appointment.
The notification that he is unable to act is important when an
adjudicator has been appointed for the project and presumably refers
to his being permanently unable to act. This could be followed by
termination and the appointment of a replacement Adjudicator. It
would not be practical for the Adjudicator to notify the parties every
time he is not available for a period of, say, two or three weeks,
although this might render him unable to act in a 28-day
Adjudication. The Adjudicator would probably not even realise
that he was unable to act until he received the notice and dates for
the particular Adjudication.
Clause 1.3 gives definitions and Clause 1.4 lists the items which
are included in the Adjudicator's expenses. In addition to the usual
The Engineering and Construction Contract | 143

communication and travel costs the list includes `charges for help in
an Adjudication'.
The word `help', which is repeated at Clause 2.2, implies a wider
range of assistance than the `specialist advice' which is used in other
Adjudication procedures. The Adjudicator could delegate work to
assistants and charge for their services. The Adjudicator is not
required to notify the Parties when he obtains help, but this would
be a reasonable procedure in order to alert the Parties to the future
Clause 1.5 is the usual singular/plural clause and 1.6 states that
this contract is governed by the law of the contract. The applicable
law is stated in the Contract Data.
Clause 1.7 states that in the event of conflict between this
contract and the contract between the Parties then this contract
prevails. When the contract between the Parties is an NEC contract
then conflict should not arise, but this priority could be important
when the contract is used with other forms of contract between the
Clause 1.8 confirms that the word `Parties' includes an additional
Party who has become a Party to the dispute and is important when
the main contract Adjudicator is also dealing with a dispute from a
Clause 1.9 effectively requires communications to be in writing in
the language of this contract, which is stated in the Contract Data.
The clause also confirms that communications become effective
when received, which can be important when the contract
stipulates time periods for certain actions.
Under Section 2:
> the Adjudicator is required to reach a decision
> the Adjudicator may obtain help from others
> the decision and information are kept confidential
> the Adjudicator keeps the documents until termination.
The first three points are normal for any Adjudication but the
fourth point makes it clear that the Adjudicator only needs to keep
144 | Adjudication for architects and engineers

the documents until the termination date stated in the Contract

Section 3 gives the provisions for payment to the Adjudicator. As
he is appointed for the period of the contract between the Parties
the Adjudicator will send an invoice after each decision on a dispute
has been communicated to the Parties. The Parties will pay the fees
and expenses in equal shares and the Adjudicator does not have the
power to impose an unequal division unless the Parties have agreed.
The invoice must be paid, in the currency stated in the Contract
Data, within three weeks, unless a different period is stated in the
Contract Data. Late payment will attract interest, at the rate stated
in the Contract Data.
Clause 3.5 is effectively a joint and several liability clause. This
avoids the need for the Adjudicator to take legal action against a
Party who fails to pay his fees. Any such action could compromise
the position of the Adjudicator for any future dispute.
Section 4 repeats the requirement of the Act that the
Adjudicator is not liable to the parties except in bad faith. Clause
4.2 requires the Parties to indemnify the Adjudicator against claims
from third Parties.
Section 5 gives the provisions for the termination of this contract.
The Parties can only terminate the appointment of the Adjudicator
by agreement, which prevents a dissatisfied Party from changing the
The Adjudicator, as mentioned already, can terminate his
appointment if he foresees a conflict of interest, or is unable to
act. No explanation or limitation is given as to the reason why he
may be unable to act.
The Adjudicator may also terminate his appointment if he has
not been paid a sum due within five weeks of the date by which the
payment should have been made. As he will presumably have
already asked both parties to pay any outstanding amount he then
has no other option but to take legal action to recover his fees and
so can resign before taking such action. This five weeks, plus the
three weeks in Clause 3.4 gives a period of eight weeks from the
invoice, which is not a very long period, but presumably he will have
The Engineering and Construction Contract | 145

assessed the overall situation before deciding to terminate his

Clause 5.3 states that unless previously terminated, the appoint-
ment terminates at the date stated in the Contract Data. The
Guidance Notes to the Adjudicator's Contract recommends a date
which is one year after the completion of the work in the contract
between the Parties.
The Contract Data give the facts and figures as required in the
contract and which must be agreed between the Parties and the
The Adjudicator's Contract envisages that the Adjudicator is
appointed as soon as the contract between the Parties is agreed and
that he deals with all disputes which arise from that contract.
However, no provision is made for an appointment fee or for any
retainer for keeping himself available. The details of any such fee
and the services for which it is paid would need to be agreed and
added to the contract.
JCT Contracts

General introduction to JCT Contracts and

Adjudication in JCT 80
The following JCT Contracts are reviewed here in relation to
Adjudication where the Rules adopted comply with the Act or the
Scheme applies.
> Adjudication in JCT 80
> JCT 80
> Minor Works
> JCT 81 With Contractor's Design
> IFC 84
> For JCT Management Contract 1987, see Chapter 10.
Most of the issues arising on the various contracts are covered in
JCT 80. Other points, on particular contracts, are dealt with under
each separate contract, but otherwise the generic points are to be
found cross-referenced to JCT 80. For the sake of brevity, the clause
headings are given for main points only. Reference should be made
to the actual contracts for the full text in each case.
Section 108 (1) of the Act gives a Party to a construction
contract the right to refer a dispute ARISING UNDER THE CONTRACT for
Adjudication. It follows that a dispute about the VALIDITY of the
CONTRACT ITSELF is not a matter for Adjudication since it is not a
matter arising under the contract.
148 | Adjudication for architects and engineers

It has to be acknowledged that where the contracts have been

formulated on the basis that they will be administered by an
impartial Architect or Contract Administrator, the imposition of an
additional layer of administrative decision making (by the
Adjudicator) turns an already complex process into a cat's-cradle
of potentially conflicting decisions, and a subsequent paper-chase of
documentation. If the Adjudicator's decision is accepted by all
Parties, it can probably be subsumed into subsequent documenta-
tion, but if it is not, separate chains of documentation recalling both
the Contract Administrator's decisions and the Adjudicator's
decisions will be required.
In either case, a reasoned decision or at least a make-up of any
figures embodied in the decision from the Adjudicator will be
particularly helpful, as it will enable the detailed record of payment
under various headings to be allocated and reconciled in a
provisional final account pending final resolution by Arbitration or
The client will need to decide whether to retain the JCT
Adjudication clause or to exclude Adjudication when the contract
is prepared if the category of work is excluded by the Act.
Where the contract is excluded from Adjudication by statute, as
in the case of a residential occupier, contract documentation will
probably be required which does not contain Adjudication
provisions or the contract will need laborious amendment to
exclude these. Otherwise, Adjudication will have been built into the
contract under the terms agreed by the Parties.
Before referring an issue to Adjudication, it is wise to consider
whether or not Adjudication is the best way forward.
> What is the issue which we want to resolve?
> Have I made my view clear to the other side? Do they realise
that the initial problem has become a dispute?
> Can I prove my case? Would further tests help to identify the
case before the clock starts ticking on the Adjudication period?
> Will an impartial decision, within the limited time, be helpful to
the project as a whole?
JCT Contracts | 149

> Would negotiation, mediation or conciliation be preferable?

> Would it be best to go direct to Arbitration and when would
this be possible?
Refer to Figure 10.

Contractor aware that Party aware of

project manager acted matter of
or failed to act dissatisfaction

4 weeks
Contractor notifies Party notifies
dissatisfaction dissatisfaction to project
to project manager manager and other party

2 weeks
Meeting to discuss and
seek to resolve matter
2 weeks


Meeting succeeds Stop

Dispute arises

Notice of Adjudication
7 days


Notifying party refers

dispute to Adjudicator
14 days


Either party gives further

information to Adjudicator


Figure 10. Adjudication under JCT 80

150 | Adjudication for architects and engineers

Settlement of disputes Adjudication arrangements

in JCT 80 (Amendment 18)
The Contract lists bodies available for the nomination of
Adjudicators. This list will include the RIBA and the ICE but
there are, at the time of writing at least 16 Nominating Bodies.
The Clause in the Contract is number 41A. The first item states
that Clause 41 applies where either Party refers any dispute or
difference arising under the contract to Adjudication.
The Clause which follows can be summarised as falling into five
> Provisions for settling the identity of the Adjudicator.
> The essential actions of the Parties.
> The conduct of the Adjudicator.
> The Adjudicator's fee and reasonable expenses.
> The effect of the Adjudicator's decision.

Provisions for settling the identity of the Adjudicator

Clause 41A.2 states that the Adjudicator to decide the dispute or
difference shall be either an individual agreed by the Parties, or on
the application of the Party who is referring the dispute or difference
to Adjudication, an individual to be nominated by the nominating
body named in the appendix.
In any case, no Adjudicator can be agreed or nominated who is
not willing to execute the standard agreement issued by the JCT for
the appointment of the Adjudicator issued by the JCT and where
the Parties make any other arrangements for the appointment of an
Adjudicator the appointment must be made in sufficient time so
that the dispute or difference can be referred within seven days of
the date of notice to refer. Any application for an Adjudicator to be
nominated must be made with the object of securing appointment
or referral of the dispute to the Adjudicator within seven days of the
intention notice. As soon as agreement is reached by Parties on the
appointment of an Adjudicator or when he has been nominated, the
JCT Contracts | 151

Parties have to execute, with the Adjudicator, the Adjudication

If death or illness or some other reason prevents the Adjudicator
dealing with the matter then a replacement Adjudicator can be
agreed or nominated. Figure 10 should be referred to.
> No Adjudicator can be agreed or nominated under Clause
41A.2.2 who would not execute the standard agreement for the
appointment of an Adjudicator issued by the JCT with the
Parties and
> Where either of the Parties gives notice of their intention to
refer a dispute to Adjudication, then any agreement made by
the Parties on the appointment of an Adjudicator must be
reached and the appointment made in sufficient time so that
the dispute or difference can be referred within seven days of the
date of notice to refer. Also, any application to the nominator
must be made with the object of securing appointment and the
referral of the dispute or difference to the Adjudicator within
seven days of the intention notice. When agreement is reached
by the Parties on the appointment of the Adjudicator or when the
nominator has named the Adjudicator, the Parties are required
to execute with the Adjudicator the Adjudication agreement.
If the Adjudicator is unavailable through death or illness or for
some other reason, Parties may either agree a replacement
Adjudicator or apply for another one to be nominated. Figure 9
should be referred to. The Parties would then have to execute the
JCT Adjudicator Agreement with the replacement Adjudicator.

Essential action by the Parties

Where a matter is to be referred to the Adjudicator then the
referring Party is required to give notice to the other Party of his
intention to refer the dispute which is briefly identified in the notice
within seven days of the notice or the date of execution of the JCT
Adjudication Agreement if this is later. The Party giving the Notice
of Intention is required to refer the dispute or difference to the
152 | Adjudication for architects and engineers

Adjudicator for his decision and is required to include with the

> particulars
> a summary of the contentions to which the matter relates
> a statement of the relief or remedy which is sought
> any material which he requires the Adjudicator to consider.
All this has to be copied, at the same time, to the other Party.
This can be done by delivery, by fax, by registered post or by
recorded delivery. The normal requirement is that when it is by fax
then a copy has to be forwarded by first-class post or delivery and
sent by registered post or recorded delivery and unless there is proof
to the contrary, it shall be deemed to have reached the other Party
within 48 hours of the date of posting (excluding Sundays and
public holidays).

The conduct of the Adjudicator

The Adjudicator's first and immediate action on receipt of the
referral, etc. is to confirm the receipt to the Parties and the Party
not making the referral has seven days from the date of referral to
send a written statement of his contentions on which he relies and
any material which he wishes the Adjudicator to consider.
This is a very sensible arrangement and it should be noted that
neither the Act nor the Scheme provides such positive prompting
for the responding Party to put his side of the case. It is not
incumbent on the respondent to participate in a response anyway,
but it is probably sensible for the Adjudicator to direct the
respondent's attention to the matter in any case and stress the
urgency of the matter.
It is possible, or even probable, that one of the Parties involved in
the Adjudication will be totally ignorant of the whole arrangement
and the Adjudicator will need to be patient and seek to explain
matters to a Party in the contract who is, so to speak, an uninformed
bystander. It will be very important that any explanations which the
Adjudicator gives are accurate and it will probably be best if these
JCT Contracts | 153

are given in writing so that there can be no doubt about what is

written. Like everything else it should be forwarded to BOTH SIDES.
At the same time, the Adjudicator should not actually give any
advice to any Party as this might appear to detract from his impartial
status. It may help the Adjudicator to develop a series of standard
letters, pro formas, acknowledgements, cover sheets, etc. for
decisions and so on. Figure 7 gives a suggested format for an
Adjudicator's Direction. If the case is reasonably close to the
Adjudicator, it may be helpful to hold what an arbitrator would call
a `preliminary meeting' especially if one Party is not a large
organisation. This may assist in sorting out any misconceptions. It
should not be taken for granted that a large organisation will
necessarily be informed about the procedure as they may well
delegate the matter to an uninformed person and the result may be
pathetic, but that is their problem. Any Party can ask a specialist to
represent them and that specialist could be a lawyer, a specialising
Architect or specialising Engineer.
The Adjudicator is required within 28 days of his receipt of the
referral and accompanying documentation to reach his decision and
forthwith send that decision in writing to the Parties. It is confirmed
in the JCT Rules that the Adjudicator is NOT acting as an expert or
arbitrator. The referring Party may consent to the Adjudicator
extending the period of 28 days by up to 14 days, or longer, if both
sides agree a longer period in which to reach the decision. If the case
is complex, the 28 days may be taken up with increasingly intensive
activity. See Figures 6 and 7.
The Adjudicator is not required to give reasons for his decision. It
should be noted that this is a different requirement from that
included in the Scheme. Even though the Adjudicator may not be
required under the terms of the contract to give reasons for his
decision it is probably a good idea that he commits these in writing
to his own records so that he is confident that he has made a logical
decision. The process of drafting the decision TOGETHER WITH THE
REASONS helps to ensure that the logical integrity of the process is
complete and reliable. The reasons can be extracted, if necessary,
from the final document.
154 | Adjudication for architects and engineers



Dispute or difference arises


Party gives notice of

intention to refer
dispute to Adjudication


Application No Parties agree No
named in
to appointing on
contract and
authority Adjudicator?
willing to act
Yes Yes

7 days

No Adjudicator willing to sign

standard agreement?


Adjudicator appointed

Referring party refers dispute to

Adjudicator within 7 days of
notice of intention

Responding party has seven days

to submit statement to Adjudicator


Figure 11. Adjudication under JCT 80 continued

JCT Contracts | 155

Clause 41A 5.5 confirms that the Adjudicator is required to act

impartially and set down his own procedure at his discretion, but
may not prolong the period within which the decision is given and
may take the initiative in ascertaining the facts and the law if he
considers this necessary in respect of the referral which may include:
> using his own knowledge and/or experience
> opening up, reviewing and revising any certificate, opinion,
decision, requirement or notice given or made under the
contract as if no such certificate, opinion, decision, requirement
or notice had been given
> requiring from the Parties further information than that
contained in the notice of referral and its accompanying
documentation or in any written statement provided by the
Parties including the results of any tests that have been made or
of any opening up
> requiring the Parties to carry out tests or additional tests or for
further opening up of work
> visiting the site of the works or any workshop where any work is
being or has been prepared for the contract
> obtaining such information as he considers necessary from any
employee or representative of the Parties provided that before
obtaining information from an employee or Party he is given
prior notice to that Party
> obtaining from others such information and advice as he
considers necessary on technical or legal matters subject to
giving prior notice to the Parties together with the statement or
estimate of the costs involved. The terms of the contract
relating to payment of interest must be taken into consideration
and the Adjudicator may have to decide the circumstances in
which it is paid, the rate of interest and the period over which it
should be calculated.
It should be noted that an Adjudicator acting under JCT 80
is acting under different requirements to those incorporated in
the Scheme in that under Section 20(a) an Adjudicator may not
re-open a decision or certificate which is stated to be final and
156 | Adjudication for architects and engineers

conclusive. This arrangement is not incorporated in JCT Provisions

which specifically say that he may open up, review and revise any
certificate, opinion, decision, requirement or notice or made under
the contract as if no such certificate, opinion, decision, requirement
or notice had been given.
It may be useful to note under what conditions The Scheme
would be used for Adjudication where JCT 80 has been used. This
will probably arise in many instances at first, where out-of-date
contracts have been used. It could also arise where home-made
amendments to a current contract invalidate what would otherwise
be compliant contracts.

The Adjudicator's fee and reasonable expense

It is important to note that the failure of any Party to enter into JCT
Adjudication Agreement or to comply with any requirements of the
Adjudicator does not invalidate the decision of the Adjudicator.
The Parties are required to meet their own costs of the Adjudication
except that the Adjudicator can allocate the costs of any tests or
opening up, if required, as he thinks appropriate. The Adjudicator
in his decision is required to state how payment of his fee and
reasonable expenses are to be apportioned between the Parties and
in default of such statement the Parties bear the Adjudicator's fee
and reasonable expenses in equal proportions.
The Parties are jointly and severally liable to the Adjudicator for
his fee and for all reasonable expenses incurred in dealing with the

The effect of the Adjudicator's decision

The decision of the Adjudicator is binding on the Parties until the
dispute or difference is finally determined by Arbitration or legal
proceedings or by agreement in writing. The Parties are required
`without prejudice' to their rights under the contract to comply with
the decision of the Adjudicator and ensure that the decision is given
effect. If either Party fails to comply with the decisions of the
Adjudicator the other Party is entitled, pursuant to Article 6 of the
JCT Contracts | 157

contract to take proceedings in the Courts to secure compliance

pending any final determination in accordance with Clause 41A.7.1.
The Adjudicator is not liable for anything done or omitted in the
discharge or the purported discharge of his functions as Adjudicator
(unless in bad faith) and this protection from liability is similarly
extended to any employee or agent of the Adjudicator. This does
not give immunity from action by any Third Party who may consider
that his interest has been damaged by the decision.
Under Article 5 according to reference (f ) page 45 of Amend-
ment 18 and guidance notes, the Parties may submit sealed letters
to the Adjudicator to be opened after he has reached his decision, if
they wish him to consider particular matters before reaching his
decision on the apportionment of his fee and reasonable expenses
under Clauses 41A.6.1 and 41A.5.7 on payment of the cost of any
tests or opening up.

JCT 80 Standard Form of Building Contract (Private

with Quantities)
1A. General should be referred to by any Adjudicator
This deals with interpretation and definitions. This should be
referred to by the Adjudicator if any matters in a dispute involve
interpretation or definition of the Conditions of Contract.

2. Contractor's obligations
The Contractor is charged with carrying out and completing the
works in compliance with the Contract Documents using materials
and workmanship of the quality and standards specified. Where and
to what extent the approval of the quality of materials or standards
of workmanship is a matter of the opinion of the Architect such
quality and standards should be `TO THE REASONABLE SATISFACTION OF
THE Architect'.
The whole area of quality of materials and workmanship is a
fertile area for disputes and one which can be quickly referred to
Adjudication. It should be noted that while the Adjudicator can be
158 | Adjudication for architects and engineers

called on to decide if work is to the required standard or not, under

the terms of the contract, the decision should be limited to just that
and the Adjudicator should not go on to decide if work is to be
demolished and replaced or retained. The Architect can still make a
decision as to whether demolition is required and re-building is to
take place for other reasons, regardless of the Adjudicator's decision,
but if the Adjudicator decides that the work which has been
executed is in accordance with the contract, then additional
payment would be due to the Contractor for the additional work. In
such circumstances, for example, the load-bearing capacity of the
work may be the subject of complex design and calculation, but
these matters are not likely to figure directly in the specification in
the contract and the Adjudicator should confine himself to the area
over which he has jurisdiction, the resolution of disputes arising
under the contract between Employer and Contractor. He should
not get involved in design-related decisions, which are outside his
jurisdiction and which could have far-reaching ramifications for
design responsibility. (See also Condition 8 Work, Materials and

3. Contract sum additions or deductions adjustment interim

This deals with questions as to when such amounts shall be
certified. Disputes arising here are suitable for Adjudication.

4. Architect's instructions
To avoid disputes it is desirable to issue as few Instructions as
possible and particularly to avoid Variations. Issues which can arise
> Is the Instruction a Variation?
> Is the Instruction in writing?
> Has the Instruction been complied with?
JCT Contracts | 159

> Is payment to be deducted from the Contractor owing to failure

to comply, leaving restitutional work having been paid for which
has been carried out by others?
> Does the Contract empower the Architect in the particular case
to issue what purports to be an Instruction?
All these points are suitable for Adjudication.

5. Contract documents other documents issue of certificates

Architects/Engineers should note that the Standard Method of
Measurement 7 calls for certain information to be shown either on
location drawings or on further drawings which accompany the Bills
of Quantities including, among other things, location and extent of
existing structures to be demolished and, for the reinforced
concrete, the permissible loads in relating to casting times. The
Architect/Engineer should ensure that what is incorporated by the
Quantity Surveyor in the Contract documents is acceptable from
their points of view.
The custody and provision of certified copies of contract
documents would seem to be straightforward. This clause has been
a focus for disputes. Recent revisions may assist in clarifying the
situation of the Contractor's master programme under and
the Architect's duty to provide further drawings and details, etc.
The recent revision to 5.4.1 `information release schedule' requires
that `except to the extent that the Architect is prevented by the act
or default of the Contractor or any other person for whom the
Contractor is responsible, the Architect shall ensure that copies of
the information referred to in the information Release Schedule is
released at the time stated in the Schedule provided that the
Employer and the Contractor may agree, which agreement shall not
be unreasonably withheld or delayed, to vary such time.
Section 5.4.2 says that: `except to the extent included in the
Information Release Schedule the Architect as and when from time
to time may be necessary without charge to the Contractor shall
provide him with two copies of such further drawings or details
which are reasonably necessary either to explain and amplify the
160 | Adjudication for architects and engineers

Contract Drawings and shall issue such instructions (including both

for in regard to the expenditure of Provisional Sums) to enable the
Contractor to carry out and complete the Works in accordance with
the Conditions ...'.
Contract documents as a whole are essential to define exactly the
scope, quantity and quality of the Works. They will be used:
1. By the Contractor to enable him to understand:
> what he has to do
> where he has to do it
> and when it has to be done.
2. By the Contractor to enable him to know how much he can
charge and when he is to be paid.
3. By the Surveyor to assist in the measurement and valuation of
the works.
4. By the Adjudicator if a dispute arises.
5. By the Arbitrator or Courts if there is subsequent Arbitration or
The documents will also define the extent of the site which is to
be placed in the possession of the contractor and it is important that
any restrictions which will be imposed on the use of the site are
made clear.
Architects/Engineers should note that the Standard Method of
Measurement 7 calls for certain information to be shown either on
location drawings or on further drawings which accompany the Bill
of Quantities including, among other things, location and the
permissible loads in relation to casting times. Drawings or diagrams
may also be included to amplify the information on various other
items. The Architect/Engineer should ensure that any drawings and
information incorporated by the Quality Survey is acceptable from
their point of view.
Further information to be issued at a later date is only used to
amplify that which is contained in the Contract Documents.
Further information provided by other Consultants, Structural,
Mechanical, Electrical or Landscape should be issued and scheduled
by the Architect so that there is a full record of what was issued to
JCT Contracts | 161

the Contractor and when it was issued. Key documents from the
Consultants should have been incorporated, in any case, with the
Contract documents. The Contract does not recognise anyone but
the Architect as the issuing Authority in the Contract and if other
Parties become involved, lines of communication will become
blurred and confusion may result.

Contractor's master programme

Experience shows that the phrase `the Contractor ... shall provide
the Architect ... with two copies of his master programme for the
execution of the works ...' is imprecise. If the circumstances are that
possession of the site follows fairly closely on the execution of the
contract, and there are no special reasons for delay, the master
programme is required within a few days of the execution of the
contract. If it does not arrive then the Architect should request its
delivery. The Architect does not have to `approve' the programme,
and it is probably best if its arrival is acknowledged but no specific
approval is noted. It should be noted if the programme complies
with the contract period. If it does not, it is clearly not acceptable
and the point should be made forthwith.
The progress of the contract should be monitored against the
programme and if there are any lapses or shortcomings these should
be pointed out at the time. These will be useful reference points in
any dispute which may subsequently arise over progress or
completion. It should be noted that both substantially premature
completion, as well as late completion, may have serious implica-
tions for the employer. Premature completion may imply an
accelerated cash flow and late completion will have obvious
problems. Delays in construction projects are notorious areas for
dispute. The master programme is then frequently used to support
various arguments. The preparation of the master programme may
well have been prepared with that sort of scenario in mind. These
issues are likely to result in frequent references to Adjudication. If
disputes arise, the earliest practical referral is probably the most
satisfactory since the cumulative effect of a series of delays or alleged
162 | Adjudication for architects and engineers

delays make it increasingly difficult to properly assess knock-on

effects and resolution becomes increasingly difficult. This is an
aspect of construction where the Architect should seize the
initiative in pin-pointing culpable behaviour on the part of a
dilatory contractor. If the contractor does not agree that his delay is
jeopardising the progress of the works and the eventual completion
date, the Architect should register his difference of opinion and
point out any liquidated and ascertained damages (LAD) provisions
in the contract. Subsequently, when the time for Practical
Completion arises and the works are incomplete, then the
Certificate for Non-completion under Clause 24 should be issued.
This enables the employer to deduct LAD from any subsequent
certificate issued under Clause 30.
The contentious nature of delay makes the whole subject a
suitable subject for Adjudication and early records of the
Contractor's culpable behaviour will strengthen the employer's
hand, but there would be little point in either side invoking
Adjudication before a specific trigger point such as the practical
completion date is reached.

Further drawings or details

Clause 5.4 imposes a duty on the Architect `as and when from time
to time may be necessary the Architect ... shall provide [to the
contractor] two copies of such further drawings or details as are
reasonably necessary, either to explain and amplify the Contract
Drawings or enable the Contractor to carry out and complete the
Works ...'.
It is the Contractor's duty to programme the work. This will be
embodied in the master programme and if it is prepared on a
reasonable basis it will give an indication when further drawings or
details are likely to be necessary taking into account lead-in times.
The Contract will include an `Information Release Schedule'.
It is often instructive to compare both documents and, where
relevant, the state of progress on the site. There is a presumption in
law that the Employer will act (and the Architect acting on his
JCT Contracts | 163

behalf will also act) in such a way as to impart business efficiency to

the performance of the contract. That is to say that the Architect
must be expected to produce information in time for the work to be
done, when it should be done, to achieve reasonable and economic
production of the work. If the information is not produced on time
then the contractor may have proper grounds for an extension to
the contract period (Condition 25). In the event of a dispute
Adjudication may follow. Again, the sooner this type of issue is dealt
with the more efficiently it can be resolved and Adjudication should
assist in pinpointing responsibility at an early stage.

6. Statutory obligations, notices, fees and charges

These matters could, at times, become a disputatious area referable
to Adjudication.

7. Levels and setting out of the Works

No particular comments, except that it is necessary to ensure that
no ambiguities are allowed to confuse the proper setting out. If there
are any disputes arising in these matters, early resolution by
Adjudication may be helpful to all Parties.

8. Work, materials and goods

The phrase `reasonable satisfaction of the Architect', occurs more
than once and the comments in Clause 2.1 are repeated. It should
be noted that the wording is not to the satisfaction of the Architect
but to the reasonable satisfaction of the Architect and that the term
`reasonable' is a matter capable of interminable debate. It should be
noted that the Architect is empowered under Clause 8.4 to issue
instructions in regard to the removal from the site of any work,
materials or goods which is not in conformity with the contract
documents. A bald statement that the work materials or goods is
unsatisfactory is not the same as an instruction to remove work
which is not in conformity with the contract. ICE Contracts seem to
164 | Adjudication for architects and engineers

have a more decisive use of language when they refer to an

Engineer's `decision'.
The issue as to whether the Architect's decision in a particular
case is reasonable or not, may well be the subject of a reference to
Adjudication. Any decision which is made in this area needs to take
account of the whole context of the contract, and the general
character of the building as shown by the Contract Documents. As
an example, in the absence of any other criteria, a bank in the high
street of a large city could be expected to have brickwork of high
quality as compared with the brick wall of a warehouse on an
industrial estate. The type of brick, in one case expensively hand-
made and in the other case a cheap common brick, would also
indicate a reasonable expectation of the finished standard. The
jointing would be expected to be uniform in its general effect in both
cases but with the hand-made brick it might well be variable with
the brick, but still present a general consistency in effect when
viewed from a distance. The necessity for the prior construction of a
sample panel would be more critical for the high street bank than
the other example. The consistency of the mortar colour would be
important in both cases. Aesthetic judgements would probably be
involved, and these may appear to be subjective unless judged
against an approved sample.
If a dispute arose regarding the standard of the facing brickwork,
the professional qualifications of the Adjudicator could influence
the way in which the Parties presented their case to the
Adjudicator. If the Adjudicator was an Architect, it would be
reasonable to expect that he could use his own expertise to assess
the quality of facing brickwork. On the other hand, if the
Adjudicator was a quantity surveyor it might be considered unlikely
that he would have the training and background to assess the
quality particularly the visual quality, of the work personally, and at
least one of the Parties might think it necessary to obtain an
independent and suitably qualified expert to report.
If a dispute arose because the Contractor had laid the bricks frog-
down in contravention of the contract documents, and the
Architect condemned the work, and Adjudication was involved,
JCT Contracts | 165

the arguments that the work would be sufficient for the purpose
would be irrelevant, and the Adjudicator should decide the issue on
the basis of the contractual position, does the work comply with the
Contract or not?

Implied obligations
If the contract Bills do not describe the standards of materials or
goods fully, they should be supplied by the contractor in accordance
with the standards implied by law, that is to say the materials or
goods should be of satisfactory quality. Section 1 of Sale and Supply
of Goods Act 1979 applies. This term of satisfactory quality can
mean fitness for all the purposes for which such goods are commonly
supplied, appearance and finish, safety and durability. However, the
Court of Appeal in Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council and
Frank Haslam Milan & Co Ltd. and M J Gleeson (Northern) Ltd.
[1997] decided that, on the facts of that case, Rotherham did not
rely on the judgment of the contractor in selecting suitable material,
that the Architect had believed that the material specified and
supplied would fulfil the design requirement, and a warranty was not
implied. The more closely the standard of the work can be defined
in the contract documents, the less scope will be available for
disputes to arise, but the possibilities for disputes to arise seems
If Architect's decisions on standards of work are referred to the
decision of an Adjudicator, it may be quite important to establish
early testing arrangements to ensure that the Adjudicator is
acquainted with the results of any necessary tests quickly so that
a decision can be reached within the very limited time scales
allowed where an Architect's decision is being questioned through
Adjudication. The only way in which the necessary evidence may be
available in time is if the Architect, in conjunction with the
employer, organises immediate tests on the item in question, and it
might be necessary to do this before the Adjudication procedure is
166 | Adjudication for architects and engineers

9. Royalties and patent rights

No particular comments.

10. Person in charge

No particular comments.

11. Access for Architect to the Works

No particular comments.

12. Clerk of Works

No particular comments.

13. Variation Instruction Contractor's quotation in compliance

with the instruction
As pointed out earlier it is in the interest of dispute avoidance to
restrict and, wherever possible, to avoid variations. Nevertheless,
disputes over these matters would be suitable for Adjudication.

14. Contract sum

This sets out how the figure can be adjusted in accordance with the
contract. Disputes may arise here and such disputes could be

15. Value Added Tax

The Adjudicator has no role in relation to VAT authorities. There
may be issues which could be adjudicated but not matters involved
in the VAT arrangements themselves.

16. Materials and goods unfixed or off-site

Some issues under this heading could be adjudicated.
JCT Contracts | 167

17. Practical completion and defects liability

Clause 17.1 states that where in the opinion of the Architect
Practical Completion of the works is achieved and, if relevant, the
Contractor complies with Clause 5.9 (supply of as-built drawings,
etc. performance-certified work), he shall forthwith issue a
certificate to that effect. Before issuing a certificate of Practical
Completion an Architect has to be satisfied that the work has been
properly and fully completed in all but minimal respects. JCT 80
requires that under, Clause 6.1 the Contractor shall comply with
any regulation or by-law of any Local Authority, so that it is unlikely
that Practical Completion can be achieved if the building fails to
comply with Building Regulations (see Antino v. Epping Forest
District Council [1997] QBD 53BLR.56). Adjudication concerning
practical completion is likely to be very complicated, and the matter
may be better suited to Arbitration. The question as to what
constitutes practical completion in any particular building would
have to take account of:
> the requirements incorporated in the contract documents
> the nature of the building
> how it was to be used
> the standard of finish
> the operation of any mechanical electrical, safety or security
> the condition of external works and seasonal aspects of
> the removal of any Contractor's temporary accommodation
> making good snagging lists, though there is no obligation on the
Architect to produce these
> damaged work.

Defects liability
Defects, shrinkage and other faults are covered in Clause 17.2 and it
should be noted that defects, shrinkages and other faults which are
covered have to be due to materials or workmanship not in
168 | Adjudication for architects and engineers

accordance with the contract or to frost occurring before practical

completion of the works.
Disputes as to a Contractor's Liability in these areas are a subject
which could well be a matter for Adjudication together with
Architect's Instructions related to same. In such cases the Architect's
dated site notes could be crucial as would dated photographs.
These are all matters which could be referred to Adjudication.

18. Partial possession by Employer

The practical effects of a partial handover and associated matters of
defects and LAD could all lead to Adjudication. A reference of such
matters at the time might have advantages over any delayed

19. Assignment and subcontracts

Disputes arising here could be appropriate for Adjudications.

20. Injury to persons and property and indemnity to the Employer

The Contractor has clear-cut liabilities spelt out.

21. Insurance against injury to persons or property

The consequences of default in these areas are potentially so serious
that it is in the mutual interest of both Employer and Contractor to
ensure that the necessary insurance cover is effected. Contractors of
any standing are likely to have serial policies in force and the most
effective way of ensuring that compliance is covered is for the
Employer's Insurance Broker to meet the Contractor's Insurance
Broker and sort the matters out to their mutual satisfaction, having
regard to the particular clauses in the Contract.
There is also the associated insurance under sub-clause 21.2 for
which the Architect may need to issue instructions.
Any disputes arising under these clauses may be heavily involved
in legal arguments and specialist knowledge and are not necessarily
suited to the truncated time-scale of Adjudication.
JCT Contracts | 169

22. Insurance of the Works

Any disputes arising under the clause may be very heavily involved
in legal arguments and specialist knowledge and are not necessarily
suited to the truncated time scale of Adjudication.

23. Date of possession, completion and postponement

One central concept in JCT Contracts regarding the time for
completion etc. centres on the dates for commencement and
completion and the arrangements for extension of time and
consequent effects affecting the Employer's option to deduct
Liquidated Damages. In order that the Liquidated Damages Clause
may remain intact, even though variations and so on are given
which extend the time needed to complete the work, there are
arrangements embodied in Clause 25 to extend the Contract period
to take account of instructions which are issued and which under
the terms of the Contract qualify for additional time. While the
Clause is often regarded as a Clause which principally benefits the
Contractor, it may also be viewed as an advantageous arrangement
so far as the Employer is concerned because it enables him to retain
the Liquidated Damages arrangements despite variations or changes
in the scope of the work. Liquidated Damages should be a genuine
pre-estimate of the actual damages which are likely to be suffered by
the Employer in the event of work not being completed by the time
stipulated in the Contract and are normally expressed in terms of
cost per day or per week. The alternative to Liquidated Damages is
to leave the Clause blank (not entered as nil) and the employer will
have the option of claiming damages at Common Law and, for that
purpose, proving the actual damages which have been sustained.

24. Damages for non-completion (see also above)

This clause of the Contract is, by its very nature, likely to lead to
controversy and will become from time to time the subject for
By the nature of things, the issue is likely to arise towards the end
of the contract period so that any dispute regarding the
170 | Adjudication for architects and engineers

appropriateness of the imposition of Liquidated and Ascertained

damages by the Employer can encompass matters which have
occurred throughout the duration of the contract. Variations,
delays, arguments over extensions of time, genuine misunderstand-
ings and deliberate confusion can all combine to provide a fertile
field for disputes.
The Contract calls for the Architect to issue a certificate to the
effect that if the Contractor fails to complete the works by the
completion date then the Architect issues a certificate to that effect.
In the case of Jarvis Brent Ltd v. Rowlinson Construction Ltd [1990]
CILL620 it was decided that when, in that case, the owner's
Quantity Surveyor wrote a letter and deductions were made of
Liquidated Damages from the cheques paid to honour Interim
Certificates and in this case it was held that this constituted
`requirements in writing within the meaning of Clause 24.1'.
In arguments on this subject the factual and contractual matrices
are likely to be complex and will require a great deal of time and
effort to untangle. Any allegations which are put forward in the form
of a claim are likely to require considerable research before the
responding Party can answer any charges which are made and it is
difficult to see how Adjudication will provide a level playing field for
such disputes to be resolved as the short timescale may give the
referring Party the advantage of an ambush. It will be very important
that the Architect, as a key player in the scene, maintains full and
easily accessible records. The records, need to be retrieved quickly
and reliably. If they are not, then the Adjudicator will have to reach
a decision before the records are unearthed and it is more likely that
it will go against the Employer and the Employer may seek redress
against the Architect/Engineer.
The possibility of one side mounting an ambush on this subject is
an intrinsic problem with the statutory time limits for Adjudication,
and could make it a very unsatisfactory subject for resolution in this
way. It would be very important that any Adjudicator dealing with
these matters is experienced and knowledgeable in the conditions
and situations arising in the type of work involved in any particular
JCT Contracts | 171

25. Extension of time

Clause 25 sets out in detail the requirement for a notice by the
Contractor of any delay in progress and the fixing of a new
completion date. It also provides a process to review the new
completion date. There is an inherent problem with Adjudication in
that Adjudication can be invoked at any time so that an Architect's
extension of the Contract period under Clause 25 can be reviewed
by the Adjudicator. The provisions in the Act do not provide for
any review of an Adjudicator's decision so that there is a potential
difficulty that if the Adjudicator comes to a decision on the first
Architect's extension of a Contract period, this is, on the face of it,
not a matter which can be re-opened by the Architect. It is
however, possible for the Architect to review his first decision and it
may be that when he undertakes such a review might come to the
same conclusion as the Adjudicator, or he may not. We thus have
the possibility that there will be the Architect's extension of the
Contract period, which will be different to the Adjudicator's
extension of the Contract period and the Architect may review his
first decision which again may be different to the previous decisions
and it would seem that the Adjudicator may be able to come in and
review the Architect's second decision. The possibility of four
different decisions would make an interesting background for an
eventual Arbitration!
The judgment in Balfour Beatty v. Chestermount Properties QBD
[1993] 62 BLR1 gives guidance on the position of extensions of time
where variations have been issued after the completion date has
elapsed, but where the contractor is in a period culpable delay.
Clause 25.4.6 is likely to be a part of Clause which may frequently
be drawn to the attention of an Adjudicator since the argument is
often advanced by Contractors that necessary instructions are
delayed by Architects and when they seek appropriate extensions of
time the Architect is reluctant to grant what they might consider to
be due since by doing so, the Architect will lay himself open to
criticism or possibly claims for compensation from the Employer. It is
also true, of course, that Architects themselves are delayed by
decisions which are not forthcoming from the Employer when they
172 | Adjudication for architects and engineers

are reasonably necessary. The Adjudicator should have no particular

difficulty in dealing with the issue as and when it arises, so long as all
the relevant information is available to him.

26. Loss and expense caused by matters materially affecting

regular progress of the Works
The matters contained within this section of the Contract spring
from many other matters contained elsewhere in the contract and
have to be considered in tandem with the various clauses referred
to. Some sections of the Clause deals specifically with nominated
subcontractors. Agreements between Contractors and subcontrac-
tors will have the same recourse to Adjudication procedures as any
other construction contract and the effect of this may well be to
accelerate consideration of items in the main contract triggered by
Adjudicator's decisions on disputes between Contractor and

27. Determination by Employer and 28. Determination by

Determination tends to be a complex subject in dispute resolution
since it will often involve an assessment of the cumulative effect of a
series of events asserted to have taken place which are argued to
consolidate a particular legal position. The clauses in the contract
lay down a somewhat complicated procedure and procedural
irregularities may again be asserted as preserving or jeopardising a
particular Party's position.
A fair assessment of these complicated matters will almost
certainly involve the fine judgement of complex, detailed matters
and the opportunity for a Respondent in such a case will probably be
prejudiced by the strict time limits imposed by the statute on the
Adjudicator. In the experience of the authors, determination as a
subject matter of dispute is unsuited to Adjudication conducted
under the terms of the 1996 Act.
Repudiations (see CILL March 1997).
JCT Contracts | 173

29. Works by Employer or persons employed or engaged by

No particular comments.

30. Certificates and payments

This covers the arrangements for interim certificates and valuations
and the ascertainment of amounts due in interim certificates. The
arrangements for off-site materials or goods, retention rules and the
final adjustment of the Contract Sum and the issue of the Final
Certificate are set out in very considerable detail. In due course the
Contract Documents themselves are likely to be revised fully to take
account the arrangements for payments contained in the Housing
Grants, etc. Act.
In Page v. Llandaff and Dinas Powis District Council [1901] see
Hudson's Building Contracts 4th edition, it was held that improper
interference by the employer in the surveyor's valuation prevented
the final certificate from being accepted as binding.
In Lubbenham v. South Pembrokeshire District Council [1986] 33
BLR 39 the Architects wrongly deducted money from an interim
certificate. The judge took the view that the Architects, though in
error, were `doing their incompetent best' and decided that the
certificate was not invalidated and that it should be paid as
computed and any error should later be rectified or referred to
Disputes arising under Clause 30 may involve arguments dealing
with various parts of the contract and if the matter is to go to
Adjudication then an Adjudicator most suited to deal with the
matters will need to be matched to the discipline most likely to
throw light on the particular aspects of the particular dispute.

31. Finance (No. 2) Act 1975 statutory tax deduction scheme

No comments.
174 | Adjudication for architects and engineers

32. and 33.

These are numbers not used in the Contract.

34. Antiquities, fossils, antiques and objects of interest

Conservation is a subject of increasing interest to the general public
and is of prime interest to conservationists. Items which turn up on
site as a result of demolition in city centres of historic origin or other
centres can have extensive repercussions on construction pro-
grammes, particularly if the finds come as a complete surprise to
those concerned. Churchyards and burial grounds going back to
Roman times may excite the interests of the Local Planning
Authority. Prior research into the history of the site may assist in
formulating a policy to deal with such matters. The House Builder
magazine for August 1997 contains an account of a typical situation.

JCT Agreement for minor building works incorporating

amendments MW1MW10, 1996
This Contract is noted in Practice Note M2, issued August 1981
revised September 1988 and March 1994 as being generally suitable
for contracts up to the value of 70,000 (1992 prices). The general
pattern of the contract is similar to that of JCT 80 but dispenses
with several detailed provisions to achieve a more compact format
which appears to make it more attractive to many users. The Minor
Works Contract does not contemplate the use of Bills of Quantities
specifically, but a priced specification and a Schedule of Rates are
referred to. There are no detailed arrangements incorporated for the
nomination of Subcontract Works and no provisions for the
consequences of naming subcontractors. Many of the general
comments within the section on JCT 80 apply here again.

Articles 14
Articles 14 deal with the terms of the contract, the Architect/
Contract Administrator and an Arbitration Agreement.
JCT Contracts | 175

1. Intentions of the Parties

Clause 1 sets out the intentions of the Parties with the Contractor's
obligations and the Architect/Contract Administrator's duties.

2. Commencement and completion

The general approach found in JCT 80 is repeated in this document.
Clause 2 deals with commencement and completion dates,
arrangements for any extension of the Contract period, damages for
non-completion, practical completion and defects liability. Disputes
concerning the interpretation of these arrangements frequently arise
and would be suitable for Adjudication.

3. Control of Works, Assignments, subcontracting, etc.

Control of the Works, including Assignment and subcontracting are
covered in Clause 3. It should be noted that Practice Note M2,
comments on the Employer's control of the selection of subcon-
tractors for specialist work and naming of same. There are no
provisions in the form which deal with the consequences of such
naming nor is there any standard form of subcontract which would
be applicable to such selected subcontractors. Disputes concerning
the reasonableness or unreasonableness of withholding consent to a
subcontract could be referred to an Adjudicator. The authors' view
is that the only action open to the Adjudicator, in those
circumstances, would be either to rule that the withholding of
consent was reasonable in the circumstances of the particular case,
or, to award damages if the Adjudicator considered it was
unreasonable in the circumstances, but the computation of any
damages applicable might be a complex matter. We do not consider
that the Adjudicator would have power to issue instructions to
permit subcontracting as that must remain the duty of the
Architect/Contract Administrator and the administration of the
contract is likely to become disorderly if the Adjudicator seeks to
supplant the Architect/Contract Administrator by taking over his
role rather than merely coming to a decision on matters referred to
him from a dispute or difference under the contract.
176 | Adjudication for architects and engineers

The provision that `at all reasonable times' the Contractor should
keep on the works a competent person in charge (3.3), might lead to
a dispute as to what were `all reasonable times', and this point could
come to an Adjudicator. It is a point which should be capable of a
fairly quick decision, but, as always, the onus for proving the case
would be with the referring Party.
The same comment applies to the provision (3.4) that the
Architect/Contract Administrator may (but not unreasonably or
vexatiously) issue instructions regarding the exclusion from the
Works of any person employed therein.
The Architect/Contract Administrator's Instructions and Varia-
tions (3.5 and 3.6) are similar, but not identical with the
arrangements in JCT 80. The provision for variations carry an
obligation to value any direct loss and expense incurred by the
Contractor due to the regular progress of the works being affected by
compliance with any variation instruction or, the price of the
variation may be agreed prior to carrying out a variation instruction.
The latter option has much to recommend it. Disputes arising under
the provisions are clearly possibilities for Adjudication.
Clause 3.7 deals with Provisional Sums. Somewhat surprisingly
disputes appear to arise on occasions over these matters and it is
likely that they would be suitable for Adjudication.

4. Payment
Clause 4.0 deals with Payment Provisions, correction if incon-
sistencies in/or between Contract Drawings, Specification and
Schedules and makes it clear that nothing in those documents
shall override the interpretation of the Conditions. Progress
payments and retention arrangements are set out in 4.2. Disputes
over these points arise from time to time and are suitable matters for
The Penultimate Certificate, to be issued within 14 days of
Practical Completion is dealt with in 4.3. Clause 4.4 details
arrangements for the issue of the Final Certificate, the supply of
documentation required for the computation of the amount to be
JCT Contracts | 177

certified and the payments associated with the Final Certificate.

This process may trigger disputes which could be referred to
Clause 4.5 deals with Contribution, Levy and Tax Changes dealt
with in Part A of the Supplementary Memorandum. Disputes and
Adjudication could arise in this area.
Clause 4.6, Fixed Price arrangements are spelt out, the only
exception to that rule being the provision of matters in Clause 4.5.
The substantial part of the clause would not, in itself, appear to
leave much room for dispute. The main potential for any disputes
arising is likely to come about by ill-considered amendments to the
original document and these could, in turn, give references to

5. Statutory Obligations
Clause 5.0 deals with Statutory Obligations. Sub-clause 5.1 is
headed Statutory Obligations, Notices, Fees and Charges and
requires the Contractor to comply with Statutory matters, Rules,
Orders, Regulations or Bye Laws applicable to the Works. The
Contractor has an obligation to immediately give written Notices
specifying any `divergence' between Statutory requirements and the
requirements of Contract Documents if he finds them. Subject to
that obligation, the Contractor is not liable to the Employer under
the Contract if the Works do not comply with Statutory
requirements, if the work has been carried out to the instructions
of the Architect/contract Administrator. This could, at times,
become a disputatious area referable to Adjudication.
Sub-clause 5.2 deals with Value Added Tax. The Clause makes it
clear that the sum or sums due to the Contractor will be exclusive of
VAT and requires the Employer to pay what is properly chargeable
by the Commissioners of Customs and Excise. The matters are
detailed in the Supplementary Memorandum. Any disputes in this
area would appear to be outside the jurisdiction of an Adjudicator
under the 1996 Housing Grants Construction and Regeneration
178 | Adjudication for architects and engineers

Sub-clause 5.3 Statutory Tax Deduction Scheme is covered by

sub-clause 5.3. This also refers to the Supplementary Memorandum
Part C. The provisions are explained in JCT Practice Note 8(1980).
Any references of disputes to Adjudication from this sub clause and
the Supplementary Memorandum may be limited by the Income
and Corporation Tax Act 1988 or by the Income Tax (subcon-
tractors in the construction industry) Regulations 1985 S.1. No.
1960 or any re-enactment or amendment or remaking thereof.
The sub-clause 5.5 deals with the prevention of corruption.
Under this clause the Employer is entitled to cancel the contract
and recover any loss resulting from the cancellation of the contract.
If the Contractor has offered or given or agreed to give any gift or
consideration to a person, or if the Contractor offended against the
Prevention of Corruption Acts 18891916 or, if the Employer is a
Local Authority, has given any fee or reward, the receipt of which
would contravene Sub-section (2) of Section 117 of the Local
Government Act 1972 or any re-enactment thereof.
Any dispute arising from this section may be open to
Adjudication in theory, but in practice will almost certainly be so
complex legally, that the Adjudicator would need to be a Lawyer
with specialist knowledge of those aspects of law involved. The time
limits, even if extended within the limits of the Act, are probably
quite unrealistic to allow this matter to be dealt with properly in
Adjudication except in the most simple type of dispute.

6. Injury, damage and insurance

Clause 6 deals with injury, damage and insurance. The con-
sequences of default in these areas are potentially so serious that it is
in the mutual interest of both Employer and Contractor to ensure
that the necessary insurance cover is effected. Contractors of any
standing are likely to have serial policies in force and the most
effective way of ensuring that compliance is covered is for the
Employer's Insurance Broker to meet the Contractor's Insurance
Broker and sort the matters out to their mutual satisfaction, having
regard to the particular clauses in the Contract.
JCT Contracts | 179

Clause 6.1 is headed `Injury to or Death of Persons'. `The

Contractor has an obligation and is liable for and shall indemnify the
Employer against any expense, liability, loss, claim or proceeding
whatsoever arising under any statute or at common law in respect of
personal injury to or death of any person whomsoever arising out of
the works, except to the extent that the same is due to any Act or
neglect of the Employer or to any person for whom the Employer is
responsible.' The Contractor is obliged to take out and maintain the
insurance spelt out and cause any Subcontractor to take out and
maintain similar insurance cover.
These requirements are clear obligations and do not require any
instructions by the Architect/Contract Administrator. Failure to
comply with the obligations could have extremely serious con-
sequences. The duties are clear cut and unambiguous. Disputes and
Adjudication are theoretically possible but the risks of any default
are so serious that it is difficult to consider that this would arise,
particularly bearing in mind that under sub-clause 6.4 the Employer
may require the Contractor, and require any Subcontractor to
produce evidence that he might reasonably require in relation to
Clauses 6.1, 6.2 and where applicable 6.3A. Any disputes referred to
an Adjudicator regarding these matters would require an Adjudi-
cator with very specialist detailed insurance and associated legal
expertise, except for the simplest cases.
Clause 6.2 deals with injury or damaged property and clauses
6.3A or 6.3B (and any existing structures) by fire, etc. Clause 6.3A
applies where the Contractor is responsible and 6.3B where the
Employer is responsible for fire insurance and this option is normally
used where any existing structures are involved and where split
responsibility for contiguous or close proximity buildings are best
avoided by extending the same insurance policy to cover both
existing buildings (and perhaps contents) and new work. The
provisions empower the Employer to require evidence of insurance.
Clause 6.4 applies to the above matters. The same comments on
Adjudication under 6.1 apply to 6.2 and 6.3.
Clause 6.4 deals with evidence of insurance to be produced to the
Employer. See above under 6.1, 6.2 and 6.3A or 6.3B above.
180 | Adjudication for architects and engineers

Adjudication regarding disputes under these provisions may be a

theoretical possibility, but in fact, the issues are likely to be
extremely complex and would require very specialised knowledge
and legal expertise.

7. Determination
Clauses under 7 deal with determination. The requirements for
necessary Notices are set out under 7.1, the circumstances under
which the Employer may determine the Contract as set out under
7.2 and the circumstances under which the Contractor can
determine the Contract as set out under 7.3. It is made clear under
7.4 that the provisions of Clauses are without prejudice to
any other rights and remedies which the Contractor may possess.
Determination may become a very disputatious area since the
nature of the matters it deals with are in themselves often
controversial and disputatious. These clearly may, in turn, become
matters referred to an Adjudicator. Experience shows that they tend
to be complex so far as factual matters are concerned, that expert
opinion, if it is involved, may be controversial and that the legal or
contractual arguments involved are likely to be complex as the
whole situation tends to develop out of a sequential series of events.
The cumulative effect of the sequence of events involved may call
for fine judgement on the part of any Adjudicator and in practical
terms, the main difficulty may be in the truncated time scales
imposed by the terms of the Housing Grants, Construction and
Regeneration Act. The time scales negate a level playing field for
the Parties since the first Party to refer the matter has the advantage
of carrying out its research in preparation for the case at its own
pace, thus staging an ambush on the responding Party who has to
work within the time limits of Adjudication. This context makes the
whole subject most unsatisfactory for referral to Adjudication under
the terms of the Act.

8. Supplementary memorandum
No comment.
JCT Contracts | 181

9. Settlement of disputes arbitration

No comment.

JCT standard form of contract with Contractor's design

1981 with supplementary provisions issued February
1988 for Adjudication

This contract includes arrangements for Adjudication which
obviously pre-date the provisions of the Act and the Adjudication
arrangements as then envisaged are set out in clauses S1S7.6
inclusive. If an Adjudication is conducted under the terms of the
CONTRACT ADJUDICATION, the Adjudicator will need to cover
arrangements for indemnity from the Parties in the terms of his
Statutory Adjudication, under the Scheme, should include
indemnity arrangements in any case. Some of the implications
under the new Act are set out on page 2 where both Contract
Adjudication and Statutory Adjudication may apply.
The Articles deal with:
> the Contractor's obligations
> the Contract Sum
> the Employer's Agent
> the Employer's requirements and Contractor's proposals
> the settlement of disputes by Arbitration.


1. Interpretation and definition

Definitions are dealt with in sub-clauses 1.11.3 and may need to be
the first point of call for an Adjudicator where any question of
interpretation and definitions arises.
182 | Adjudication for architects and engineers

2. Contractor's obligations
As this is what is popularly known as a `turnkey' contract, the
Contractor is responsible for the design of the works including
specifications for any kinds and standards of materials of goods and
workmanship so far as is not described or stated in the Employer's
requirements or Contractor's proposals.
It is made clear that nothing contained in the Employer's
requirements or the Contractor's proposals or the contract sum
analysis shall override or modify the application or interpretation of
that which is contained in the articles of agreement, the Conditions
and where applicable the supplementary provisions or the
Appendices. Any divergence between the Employer's Requirements
and the definition of the site boundary has to be corrected by an
instruction issued by the Employer which is deemed to be a change
to which the provisions of clauses 12.412.6 apply. It also calls for
both the Employer and the contractor, where they find any such
divergence as referred to in Clause 2.3.1 to give immediate written
notice to the other.
Where there are any discrepancies within the Employer's
requirements, the Contractor's proposal shall prevail without any
adjustment of the Contract sum. Where the Contractor's proposals
do not deal with any discrepancy within the Employer's require-
ments the Contractor is called upon to inform the Employer in
writing of his proposed amendment to deal with the discrepancy and
the Employer either agrees with that proposal or decides how this
discrepancy shall be dealt with and any agreement or decision has to
be notified by the Contractor and such notification is treated as a
change in the Employer's requirements. If there is a discrepancy
within the Contractor's proposals, the Contractor is asked to inform
the Employer in writing of his proposed amendments to remove the
discrepancy and the Employer decides between the discrepant items
or otherwise may accept the Contractor's proposed amendment.
The Contractor is obliged to comply with the decision or accept and
supply the Employer without cost to the Employer.
JCT Contracts | 183

Contractor's design warranty

Clause 2.5.1 places on the Contractor the same general design
liability that the Employer would have where an Architect or other
appropriate professional designer had supplied the design.
Where a dwelling or dwellings are involved, the Contractor also
carries liability under the Defective Premises Act 1972.
Where the provisions of the Defective Premises Act 1972 are not
involved, provided that such limitation does not apply to any
damages which the Contractor could be required to pay or allow as
liquidated or ascertained damages in the event of failure to complete
the construction of the works by the completion date.
Clause 2.5.4 makes it clear that any design which the Contractor
has prepared or shall prepare or issue for the works, shall include a
reference to any design which the Contractor has caused or shall
cause to be prepared or issued by others.
There are many disputes which could arise under matters covered
by Clause 2. Disputes which arise are almost inevitably likely to be
resolved by Adjudication in the first instance since there is no
traditional Contract Administrator to deal with possible differences
of view.

3. Contract sum additions or deductions adjustment interim

This could be a disputatious area and differences which arise could
be referred to Adjudication.

4. Employer's instructions
This contract differs from most JCT Contracts in that in the absence
of a traditional Contract Administrator the Employer issues
instructions direct. Disputes arising under this clause could be
referred to Adjudication.
184 | Adjudication for architects and engineers

5. Custody and supply of documents

In this case the Contractor is to supply to the Employer copies of
drawing specifications, detailed levels and dimensions, etc. which
the Contractor prepares or uses for the purposes of the works.
Disputes arising under this clause could be referred to Adjudication.

6. Statutory obligations, Notices, fees and charges

The usual requirements carried in other JCT Contracts are included
here. Again Adjudication could be required if there are disputes
under this clause.

7. Site boundaries
The Employer is required to define the boundaries of the site. This is
obviously the only practicable arrangement in the circumstances of
the contract. Disputes which might arise under this clause could be
referred to Adjudication and it would probably be to the benefit of
the Parties if any matters arise that they are dealt with as a matter of

8. Materials, goods and workmanship to conform to description

testing and inspection
This Clause is generally in a similar form to that of Clause 8 Work
Materials and Goods in JCT 80 except that it has to cater for a
situation where there is no specific description or specification in the
same terms that would be available with JCT 80 and there is a
provision that the Contractor shall not substitute anything which is
described within the Employer's requirements without the Employ-
er's consent, though such consent cannot be unreasonably delayed
or withheld and that consent does not relieve the Contractor from
his other obligations.
A similar arrangement deals with workmanship and if there are
no standards, particularly covered then the workmanship has to be
of a standard appropriate for the works. There are provisions that
the Contractor shall provide upon request of the Employer,
JCT Contracts | 185

vouchers to prove that materials and goods comply with the

requirements of Clause 8.1.1. The Employer may issue instructions
requiring the Contractor to open up for inspection and there are
provisions for payment for that unless the inspection or test shows,
that the materials, goods or work are not in accordance with the
Contract. There follow arrangements that any work materials or
good not in accordance with the contract may be removed on
instructions or after the consultation with the Contractor there may
be instructions requiring a change but there are not extensions of
time or additions to the contract sum. A Code of Practice is
appended to the Conditions to cover matters arising under
instructions under Clause 8.3 to open up for inspection or to test.
There are also arrangements for the provisional samples to the

9. Copyright, royalties and patent rights

These provisions follow the provisions of Clause 9 in JCT 80 and
comments regarding Adjudication would apply again here.

10. Person in charge

No particular comment.

11. Access for Employer's Agent, etc. to the Works

No particular comment.

12. Changes in the Employer's requirements and provisional sums

This deals with the definition of the change to the Employer's
requirements, the imposition by the Employer of any obligations or
restrictions in regard to matters set out in Clause on and the execution of completion of the works in a specific
order. Instructions in regard to Provisional Sums and the valuation
of changes in the work and the Valuation Rules generally are also
incorporated in Clauses 12.312.5. Matters in dispute under this
clause could be referred to Adjudication.
186 | Adjudication for architects and engineers

13. Contract Sum

This may not be adjusted or altered in any way whatsoever
otherwise than in accordance with the express provisions of the
conditions. Disputes arising under this clause would be suitable for

14. Value Added Tax Supplemental provisions

No particular comments.

15. Unfixed materials and goods

Generally follows Clause 16 of JCT 80 except that it does not cover
materials and goods which are off site.
Disputes arising here could be adjudicated.

16. Practical completion and defects liability period

This generally follows Clause 18 in JCT 80 and the comments which
apply there would apply here again.

17. Partial possession by Employer

If disputes arose under this clause they would be suitable for

18. Assignment and Subcontracts

This generally follows the equivalent arrangements in Clause 19 of
JCT 80 and comments regarding Adjudication which apply here

19. Fair wages

No particular comment.
JCT Contracts | 187

20. Injury to persons and property and indemnity to Employer

The provisions are generally similar to those in JCT 80 and the same
comments would apply again regarding Adjudication.

21. Insurance against injury to persons or property

The previous comments on this type of insurance under JCT 80
would apply again and the comments about Adjudication are

22. Insurance of the Works

Comments as above.

23. Date of possession, completion and postponement

This generally follows Clause 23 of JCT 80 and the comments made
there would apply here again.

24. Damages for non-completion

In general terms this is similar to Clause 24 in JCT 80, except that it
is a case of the issue of a notice rather than a certificate which the
Architect would issue under JCT 80. The general comments under
JCT 80 in Clause 24 would apply here again.

25. Extension of time

Provisions generally follow the arrangements in Clause 25 of JCT
80. Comments regarding Adjudication under JCT 80 would apply
here again.

26. Loss and expense caused by matters affecting regular progress

of the Works
Again, these generally follow Clause 26 of JCT 80 and the
comments there would follow again.
188 | Adjudication for architects and engineers

27. Determination by Employer and 28. Determination by

These provide provisions generally similar to those covered in JCT
80 and the comments there would apply again.

29. Execution of work not forming part of the Contract

Execution of work not forming part of the contract. Generally
speaking follows Clause 30 payments are similar in kind to Clause
30 in JCT 80 which covers certificates and payments but generally
follows the arrangements of Clause 31 in JCT 80. Comments under
JCT 80 under JCT 80 under the similar section apply here regarding

30. Payments
The arrangements for payments follow the general pattern adopted
in other JCT contracts and the comments under JCT 80 regarding
Adjudication apply here again.

31. Finance (No. 2) Act 1975 statutory tax deduction scheme

No particular comments.

32. Outbreak of hostilities

This deals with the outbreak of hostilities and Clause 33 deals with
the question of war damage. No particular comments.

33. War damage, 34. Antiques and 35. Fluctuations

No particular comments except that if there are disputes in this area
they could be dealt with by Adjudication.

36. Contribution, levy and tax fluctuations

No particular comments.
JCT Contracts | 189

37. Labour and materials, cost and tax fluctuations

The arrangements are set out in considerable detail and in the case
of disputes the matter could be referred to Adjudication.

38. Use of Price Adjustment Formula

Comments as for 39 above.

39. Settlement of disputes Arbitration

No particular comments.

JCT Intermediate Form of Contract 1984 incorporating

Amendments Nos 17 Inclusive and 9
The Intermediate Form of Contract 1984 (IFC 84) follows, in
general, the format of JCT Contracts but is significantly different to
JCT 80 in that the elaborate procedures for subcontracting are
simplified by introducing named persons as subcontractors. The
other general point about IFC 84 is that it tends to be written in
more user friendly language than JCT 80 and is intended for use
with contracts intermediate between those for which JCT 80 are
suitable and the Minor Works form, where the proposed building
works are of simple content involving normally recognised trades
and skills of the industry, without any building service installations
of a complex nature or other specialised work of a similar nature and
where adequately specified or billed documentation is available prior
to the invitation of tenders.
Articles 15 deal respectively with the Contractor's obligations,
the contract sum, the Architect/the Contract Administrator, the
Quantity Surveyor and the settlement of disputes by Arbitration.

Condition 1: the intentions of the Parties

The Contractor's obligations are dealt with in a manner similar to
that in JCT 80. The quantity and quality of work are to be defined
either by Specifications, Schedules of Work or Contract Bills. The
priority of Contract documents makes it clear that nothing
190 | Adjudication for architects and engineers

contained in the Specification/Schedules of Work/Contract Bills

shall over-ride or modify the application or interpretation which is
contained in the Articles, Conditions, Supplemental Conditions or
Instructions as to inconsistencies, errors and omissions are
catered for in 1.4 and 1.5 indicates the Bills of Quantities should
have been prepared in accordance with SMM7.
The Contract documents are directed to remain in the custody of
the Employer but to be available at all reasonable times for
inspection by the Contractor and there is an obligation that the
Architect/Contract Administrator to provide the Contractor, with-
out charge, with one certified copy of the contract documents.
Further drawings and details are to be provided in accordance
with 1.7 and in general terms the same arrangements as included in
JCT 80 at 5 are included here. There are limits to the use of
documents for the purposes of the contract.
Certificates issued by the Architect or Contract Administrator
are issued to the Employer with a duplicate supplied simultaneously
to the Contractor.
Sub-clauses 1.0 and 1.11 deal with unfixed materials of goods and
the passing of property and the arrangements for off site materials
and goods and the passing of property.
Various matters covered by this clause are suitable for Adjudica-

Condition 2: possession and completion

Arrangements for the site to be given into the possession of the
Contractor for the purposes of the works are set out in 2.1 and there
is an obligation on the Contractor to begin and proceed regularly
and diligently with the works to complete the same on or before the
Date of Completion. There are provisions for the Employer to, with
the consent in writing of the Contractor, occupy and use part of the
site for the purposes of the storage of goods or otherwise than before
the issue of the Certificate of Practical Completion. Arrangements
are included for notification to Insurers in such circumstances.
JCT Contracts | 191

Clause 2.2 provides for deferment of possession from the date

stated in Appendix for a period which should not exceed six weeks.
Disputes arising under this clause might be suitable for

Extension of time
The arrangements for extension of time are generally in accordance
with those provisions in Clause 23 of JCT 80. Arrangements for
further delay or extension of time are dealt with in Clause 2.5 and
arrangements for Certificate of Non-completion in 2.6.
Liquidated Damages for Non-completion are spelt out under
Clause 2.7 together with repayment of liquidated damages under
Comments regarding Adjudication are as set out under clause 23
of JCT 80.

Practical completion
Practical completion is covered in 2.9 together with arrangements
for the issue of Certificates to that effect. The comments under
Clause 17 of JCT 80 apply here.

Defects liability
The arrangements for Defects liability generally follows the same
lines as Clause 17 in JCT 80. Many issues could arise under this
clause which could be suitable for Adjudication.

Condition 3: control of the Works

The arrangements and limitations of assignment, and subcontract-
ing, are dealt with under Clauses 3.1, 3.2, 3.2.1 and 3.2.2.

Named persons as Subcontractors

As stated previously the arrangements for naming subcontractors
enables simplified procedures in comparison with those provided in
192 | Adjudication for architects and engineers

JCT 80 and these are set out in detail in Clauses


Contractor's person in charge

This generally follows the arrangements of JCT 80 in Clause 10.

Architects/Contract Administrator's instructions

These are dealt with under Clause 3.5.1. Matters are generally
expressed in somewhat similar terms as those used in Clause 4 of
JCT 80 and the same observations apply. Variations are covered in
Clause 3.6 and follow the provisions generally of JCT 80 in Clause
13. The same observations as those made under JCT 80 at Clause
13 apply here. Instruction to expend provisional sums are dealt with
in 3.8. Levels and setting out are dealt with in 3.9 and are analogous
to those in Clause 7 of JCT 80.
Clerk of Works is dealt with in Clause 3.10 and follows generally
the provision in JCT 80 of Clause 12.
Work not forming part of the contract which is to be carried out
by the Employer or persons employed or engaged by the Employer is
dealt with in Clause 3.11 and is similar in effect to those in Clause
29 of JCT 80.
Instructions as to inspection tests are dealt with in 3.12 and
instructions following failure of work in 3.13.1 and 3.13.2 with
instructions for removal of work, etc. covered in 3.14.1 and 3.14.2
with instructions as to postponement dealt with in 3.15.
Any disputes arising under these matters would be suitable for

Condition 4: payment
Clause 4 deals with payment, the contract sum is defined in 4.1.
The arrangements for interim payment in 4.2 and an interim
payment on Practical Completion in 4.3.
Clause 4.4 makes it clear that where the Employer is not a Local
Authority the Employer's interest in the percentage of the total
JCT Contracts | 193

value, not included in amounts in interim payments to be certified

under Clauses 4.2 and 4.3 shall be regarded as fiduciary as Trustee
and that the Contractors beneficial interest therein remains and
that the Employer only has recourse thereto for any amount to
which he is entitled under the provisions of the contract, to deduct.
Clause 4.5 deals with the computation of the adjusted Contract
Sum. The arrangements for the issue of the Final Certificate in 4.6
and the effect of the Final Certificate is spelt out in 4.7.
The effect of Certificates other than Final Certificate is set out in
4.8 and arrangements for fluctuations in 4.9 and for fluctuations
with named persons in 4.10. Disturbance of the regular progress of
the works is deal with in 4.11 and the matters referred to in 4.11 are
set out in detail in 4.12.
Disputes arising regarding payment would probably be suitable for
Adjudication and, indeed, this was an area originally intended to be
covered in the Latham recommendations.

Condition 5: statutory obligations, etc.

Statutory obligations are set out under Clause 5 together with
arrangements for emergency compliance with same, Value Added
Tax: Supplemental Condition A and the Statutory Tax Deduction
Scheme: Supplemental Condition B. There are no particular
comments on these sections.

Condition 6: injury, damage and insurance

The sub-clauses under this section generally follow the arrange-
ments in JCT 80 and the Minor Works Contract and the comments
there apply again in this case.

Condition 7: determination
> Determination by Employer
> Determination by Contractor.
194 | Adjudication for architects and engineers

These clauses generally follow the pattern established under Clause

27 and 28 of JCT 80 and the comments which apply there apply
again in this case.

Condition 8: interpretation, etc.

Section 8 deals with references to clauses, etc., articles etc, to be
treated as a whole, and definitions. They also cover the terms, the
Architect/the Contract Administrator and the references to priced
specification or priced Schedules of Work. These clauses may need
to be the first port of call for an Adjudicator where disputes arise
which involve interpretation of the contract and the definition of
various parts of the same.

Condition 9: Settlement of disputes Arbitration

No particular comments.
`Other contracts'

The ACA Form of Building Agreement,

Second Edition 1984
This form is intended to be used for a wide range of contracts. It
contains provisions for Adjudication which, obviously, pre-date the
Act. Alternative arrangements for dispute resolution include either
Adjudication, or Arbitration or Litigation.
In this Contract the Adjudicator is intended to be appointed at
the pre-contract stage. If he was called on he was required to give
his decision within five working days. If there was any disagreement
by either of the Parties with the decision the matter could be
referred to Arbitration at the stage when the works were taken over.
The areas which the Adjudicator could deal with included any
dispute or difference concerning:
> any adjustment or alteration of the Contract Sum
> Contractor's extensions of time
> Contractor's compliance with contract documents in the
execution of the works
> either Party's entitlement to terminate the Contractor's
Reasonableness of any Contractor's objection to instructions
regarding named subletting and instructions to permit work or
installations not forming part of the contract by others.
In this context the Adjudicator acts as an Expert and not as an
Arbitrator, and if the Adjudicator does not produce his decision
196 | Adjudication for architects and engineers

within the time limit, the dispute is to be referred to a person to be

agreed between the Parties or nominated by the President or Vice
President of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators.
The arrangement for the Adjudicator in the ACA Form of
contract is now anomalous with regard to the statutory position and
this could lead to serious confusion until the contract is updated in
line with the Act.

JCT 1987 Management Contract: Works Contract 1

and Works Contract 2
The Management Contract is intended for large contracts in which
there will be:
> a professional team
> a Management Contractor employed by the Employer
> a Works Contractor employed by the Management Contractor.
The Management Contract contains two phases: first, the Pre-
construction Period; second, the Construction Period. The Manage-
ment Contractor has certain duties to advise and co-operate with
the professional team during both the Pre-construction Period and
during the Construction Period and receives a fee for both stages.
Both the Management Contractor and the Works Contractor may
have responsibilities for certain design aspects, as well as the
professional team.
There is room for disputes to arise at all those points in which
they may arise in other JCT contracts and in addition to aspects of
design input from either or both the Management Contractor and
the Works Contractor. This means that Adjudication can pass up or
down the contractual chain and laterally into the professional team.
As elsewhere, Adjudication may be suitable to deal with simple
disputes but it is unlikely to be suitable for complex cases and in this
contract many situations are likely to be complex by the very nature
of the arrangements contained therein.
Consultant's contracts

Details of the arrangements for consultants' contracts should be
clarified at the earliest possible stage. Architects or Engineers will
need to be clear if they are offering simply the services of an
Architect or Engineer, or whether they are offering a composite
package of consultants' services. If it is a package of services, then
the question arises as to whether the organisation providing the
services will be a multidisciplinary one, and will provide the whole
package, or if some of the components will be subcontracted and
bought in from other organisations. If the answer to this question is
`yes', then it is important to remember that `pay-when-paid'
arrangements are outlawed by the Construction Act 1996 and
arrangements for subcontractor's fee payment will have to be
honoured by the lead Organisation, even though the Employer has
not yet paid the lead Consultant. The Association of Consultant
Architects' Publication Project Team Guide Lines, which was
updated in 1988 discusses many of the matters arising when a
Project Team are sorting out fees and working relationships.
If there is a dispute between Employer and Consultant and the
dispute goes to Adjudication, the Adjudicator should make a
decision on the basis of the contract arrangements. If the
Consultant is himself preparing the Contract, then it needs to
cover all the necessary points. If the Employer is drafting the
Contract it is necessary to check every point and seek clarification if
198 | Adjudication for architects and engineers

there is doubt, ambiguity or insufficient information on any item. In

either case it would be wise to clear all the items of the Contract
with Professional Indemnity Insurer.
The first stage will probably be to advise generally and
comprehensively on what services and charges are likely to be and
agree as many details as possible with the Employer. The services
which the Consultant is to provide should be defined as precisely as
possible and it should be made clear what other Consultants, Clerk
of Works, Site staff (if any), will be required. The first discussion
should be clarified in a detailed document which follows any
meeting to discuss the arrangements. The consultant should always
draft the detailed arrangements understanding that the employer
may wish, at a later stage to have additional services, which have
not been considered in the inception stage, or may wish to dispense
with some part; and it is useful to have the associated changes spelt
out in the early correspondence so that when any request for
additional services or reduced services arises, immediate reference
can be made to the related charges. If disbursements and expenses
are to be reimbursed, this should be made clear. There should be no
ambiguity or room to interpret the contract as implying that the
consultant will do anything that turns up which the Employer would
like the Consultant to deal with for an all inclusive fee: That may be
the problem with a simple exchange of letters. While it may be
desirable to adopt a `can do' attitude, it is important to see that
payment is made for the services rendered. If each sectional charge
cannot stand alone the point needs to be clarified. As arrangements
for fee payments have become more complex and specifically
tailored to particular job circumstances and increasingly detailed,
special, statutory services are increasingly required and more
sophisticated conditions of engagement have been necessary. It
may be convenient to use standard institutional publications or a
specially generated document giving details for the agreement, but
simply providing a copy of a standard document without details and
specific references may not clarify the actual detailed terms of the
contract between Employer and Consultant, and both Parties may
form different views as to what their particular contract contains.
Consultant's contracts | 199

The ACA published in 1996 a document entitled The Appointment

of a Consultant Architect. This includes a brief reference to
Adjudication where, in the event of a dispute, Adjudication under
the Act occurs. At the time of writing, the RIBA `Form of
Appointment CE/98' appeared to be on course for publication in the
spring of 1998.
If a consultant is uneasy at the prospect of Adjudication,
provision should be made for immediate Arbitration following an
Adjudication, and/or arrangements for conciliation which may be a
more `user friendly' alternative for both Parties.
The following strategic items may need to be considered and
> fees and expenses for a package of services either on a
percentage basis or time charges; if a particular percentage is
quoted and relates to a band of capital cost, the overall cost
level should be specified with a note that the percentage will
vary with the overall cost level
> particular and isolated additional charges for specialist services
or costs associated with collateral warranties
> details of any special arrangements including termination of
> time details for payments and arrangements for fees paid late
(time limit and interest)
> confirmation of lines of communication between Employer and
Consultant; otherwise, where two or more people in the same
organisation are concerned, there is room subsequently to deny
that any other than the current person was authorised to give
> notes of any items of Employer's specific input and a note as to
the timing of these arrangements if it is critical for the project as
a whole
> approximate time periods and indications where uncertainty
may exist, as for example with planning applications, should be
> Adjudication and/or Arbitration arrangements should be set out.
200 | Adjudication for architects and engineers

It is suggested that it would generally be advantageous in a

dispute in a Consultant's contract for the Adjudicator to be of the
same discipline as the Consultant. Adjudication Rules should be set
out in the appointment document. It is important to make sure that
any rules adopted are acceptable to the Professional Indemnity
Insurer or an Adjudicator's decision which goes against the
Consultant may result in liability for payment by the consultant
and the Professional Indemnity Insurer may deny liability. At the
time of writing it has been extremely difficult or impossible to get
clarification as to exactly what Professional Indemnity Insurers will
cover. Points which have emerged are that: (i) Adjudication
arrangements in which the Adjudicator's decision is FINAL and
BINDING are not acceptable and (ii) schemes which allow the
Adjudicator to make a decision on a basis of commercial fairness as
opposed to legal liability are not acceptable.
> Charges for additional services provided by the Consultant if or
when Adjudication occurs on the Employer/Contractor Con-
tracts should be spelt out as time charges.
> If the Architect or Engineer is the lead Consultant, the terms of
agreement, or at least any details of duties or services which
other Consultants are to perform, need to be understood. If any
arrangements are vague or inadequate so far as other
Consultant's duties are concerned, clarification should be
sought from the Employer at the earliest possible stage.
> It should be made clear that any shortcomings in the services
provided by other Consultants are solely the responsibility of the
other Consultant and not the lead Consultant.
The following areas of activity are likely to be encountered by the
Architect or Engineer acting as a lead Consultant in a particular
construction project:
> Initial feasibility
> Preliminary study
> Sketch design
> Developed design
Consultant's contracts | 201

> Working drawings, specification and Bills of Quantities

> Tender procedure
> Contract finalisation
> Site work leading to completion
> Other services.
These are set out in more detail in the checklist at the end of the

Definition of performance and limit of liability

There are differences in the definition of performance normally
applied to professional organisations and Building Contractors
which should be recognised in contracts for professionals. A
professional is normally expected to undertake reasonable skill and
care while a Building Contractor, when providing a `turnkey' or
`package deal' is expected to provide a building which is fit for its
The difference is significant. A professional is unwise to agree to
provide the latter service, not only because it undertakes a
potentially much wider liability, but also because that service will
probably be uninsurable so far as his Professional Indemnity
Insurance policy is concerned. The `turnkey' contract will probably
also contain a considerably larger margin of profit to compensate for
any wider liability.
Any limitations of liability (such as limited to the extent of the
value of the fees) should be spelt out in the contract. These
arrangements may have particular importance if Adjudication
occurs, as the Adjudicator's jurisdiction will be, under the terms
of the Act, limited to disputes arising under the contract.

Categories of disputes
Disputes over professional services tend to fall into one of two
categories; either fees or allegations of professional negligence, or
both. If either of these aspects are referred to Adjudication, the
Adjudicator needs to see that whoever is making a claim establishes
202 | Adjudication for architects and engineers

that claim within the terms of a written contract by legal and

contractual argument or reference and provides the factual evidence
to back it up. In the past many Consultant's contracts have been on
an informal basis or the only definition may have been in a short
letter. It should also be remembered that where there is ambiguity in
these matters, the Courts will tend to interpret them contra
preferentum, that is to say, against the Party who prepared the
document. The Adjudicator will be on firm ground in following that
Traditionally, many professionals have conducted their affairs
with their clients on a less commercial basis than that which is
adopted by construction contractors. One possible effect of
Adjudication will probably be to enforce more precise contractual
arrangements and in doing so induce a more formal and less flexible
relationship and that, in turn, is likely to generate more disputes. In
some cases, where a dispute might have hung around and festered,
Adjudication may bring the issues to a head more quickly and
remove the canker, or reveal, at an early stage, serious problems.
(The sooner the better.)
Where professional negligence is alleged, an Adjudicator and the
Parties may find many difficulties, primarily due to lack of time. The
process is unfortunately, open to abuse by ambush by one side where
the allegations involving a complex build-up of information or
evidence over a long time period, which can be done surreptitiously,
and then sprung on the other side who need to respond very quickly
to enable the Adjudicator to speak within the time limit of the
process. The types of issues involved may cover complex factual
situations, divided expert opinion and elaborate legal arguments and
these have little in common with the original impetus for
Adjudication, which was to safeguard reasonable cash flow in an
industry where cash flow was the life blood.
In cases of this sort, the Adjudicator may feel justified in seeking
agreement from the referring Party for additional time (the Act
allows a further 14 days and this may still be insufficient) and it may
be quite unrealistic to deal with allegations within the limited time
frame. It will probably be found that legislation needs to be amended
Consultant's contracts | 203

to deal with this very intractable type of problem. If this is found to

be the case, write to your MP and tell him or her. Many people have
previously made the point, but the DETR have refused to accept it
in the past.
In any case, Expert opinion will probably be essential, particularly
if the Adjudicator is not qualified in the discipline involved. If
expert opinion, facts and law are held in a fine balance and
presented imperfectly within truncated time-scales, it will need a
very skilled Adjudicator to produce a reliable decision, and the
matter will almost certainly be appealed by the losing Party at the
earliest opportunity. If the Adjudicator is acting under the Scheme,
the consultant should require the Adjudicator to give reasons for his
decision. It is probably important to ask for reasons in any case, but
unless under the Scheme, there is a possibility that reasons may not
be mandatory on request.
The CIC Model Adjudication procedure is a concise procedure,
which is clearly written and is probably best suited to Adjudication
between relatively sophisticated Parties, as would generally be the
case with Consultant's Contracts.
By comparison with other procedures the following points should
be noted:
> Paragraph 17(v) entitled the Adjudicator to meet the Parties
separately. The procedure does not require the Adjudicator to
inform the other Party of the discussions at a private meeting,
but this would obviously be necessary in the interests of fairness
and impartiality as required by paragraphs 1 and 2.
> Paragraph 21 states clearly that `The Adjudicator shall
determine the rights and obligations of the Parties in
accordance with the law of the Contract'.
> The Adjudicator may resign at any time on giving notice in
writing to the Parties in accordance with paragraph 23. No
reasons need to be given for his resignation, but the Parties are
not going to be happy when they have to start again with a
different adjudicator.
204 | Adjudication for architects and engineers

> Paragraph 24 enables the Adjudicator to withhold delivery of

his decision until his fees and expenses have been paid.
> If the decision is late, it will still be effective if it is reached
before the dispute is referred to a replacement Adjudicator.
> It may be necessary to add requirements for reasons in the
reference to CIC Adjudication procedure in contracts.
One effect of Adjudication in professional contracts is that
allegations of professional negligence may first be decided by
Adjudicators and professionals will need to ensure that their
Professional Indemnity Policy will pay out on claims established in
this way. Unless they do, Professional Indemnity Insurance cover
could be worthless, since a professional could become bankrupt if
called upon to meet the claim without insurance backup operation
in force in the first place.

The importance of dispute avoidance

The most positive approach in regard to disputes so far as
Consultant Contracts are concerned and indeed for the whole
process of construction is to adopt more thorough techniques of
Project Management to avoid many of the difficulties which have
arisen in the past.
There are indications that some large and influential clients are
beginning to understand the positive advantages of developing long-
term relationships with professional teams and contractors with
proven track-records. The result may be, that if these trends
continue, cowboy operators will be left with unenlightened
employers where misunderstandings and disputes proliferate, while
enlightened employers and reliable contractors develop smoother,
more efficient, and more profitable contracts. In other words, the
Act may become a watershed in separating the more truly
professional organisations from the rest.
Consultant's contracts | 205

The Architect's Registration Board

The Housing Grants Construction and Regeneration Act 1996 not
only includes the proposals for Adjudication but also contains, in
Part III, arrangements for the Architect's Registration Board to
which allegations may be made that a registered Architect is guilty
of serious professional incompetence. These matters are likely to be
the subject of disagreement and a dispute could arise under a
Construction Contract regarding allegations of serious professional
incompetence, so that this could also be referable to Adjudication.
It is thus possible that the same matters may be referred to different
tribunals at different times or indeed at the same time.
At the time of writing, the Architect's Registration Board do not
appear fully to understand the way in which dispute resolution pro-
cedures operate and what is practicable with regard to their Code.
It is not quite clear why Architects should be singled out for a
further layer of action than those which are available to the other
professions in the Construction Industry. It could well be that those
who are in process of training for professional practice in
construction might wonder what advantage there is in training to
be qualified and registered as an Architect and thereby laying one-
self open to a further layer of disciplinary action. Taking into
consideration with the more commercially oriented horizons of the
Engineering professions which are more likely to enable opportu-
nities to be available for practice abroad and in particular in the
expanding economies of other geographical areas, would lead to the
conclusion that an Engineering qualification is preferable to an
architectural qualification and indeed, currently qualified and
registered Architects might well be considering whether they adopt
a different discipline or title under which to practice.

Checklist for activities in consultant/employer contracts

0.00 General. Only accept liability for `reasonable skill and care',
not, `Fit for Purpose'.
1.00 Initial feasibility
1.01 Initial appointment and briefing by Client.
206 | Adjudication for architects and engineers

1.02 Particular construction methods and services.

1.03 Health and Safety aspects.
1.04 Procurement.
1.05 Initial approach to planning and Building Regulation approval.
1.06 Timetable.
2.00 Preliminary study
2.01 Prepare preliminary scheme and budget.
2.02 Client approval of preliminary scheme and budget.
2.03 Preparation of outline planning application.
3.00 Sketch design
3.01 Evolve scheme to full sketch design.
3.02 Develop estimated cost plan.
3.03 Develop proposals with all Consultants and input from services
3.04 Make informal approach to planning and Building Control
3.05 Develop full application for Planning Authority.
3.06 Client approval of developed sketch scheme.
3.07 Submit full planning application.
4.00 Develop design
4.01 Develop details and check costs.
4.02 Progress arrangements with all Consultants, Health and
Safety, etc. for full detailing and designing.
4.03 Clear proposals with Building Control Authorities.
4.04 Decide Contract/Tender arrangements with Client.
4.05 Client approval of developed design.
5.00 Working drawings, Specification and Bills of Quantities
5.01 Complete working drawings.
5.02 Prepare Specification/Schedules, etc. for Bills of Quantities.
5.03 Harmonise and integrate the Consultant's proposals.
5.04 Check estimates.
5.05 Submit drawings for Building Regulation approval and give any
necessary Notices, etc.
5.06 Clear proposals with any other Authorities (e.g. Finance
provider) concerned in project.
Consultant's contracts | 207

5.07 Obtain Certificates from Consultants that all necessary

preparations have been completed.
5.08 Clarify insurance arrangements with Employer and advise
consultation with his Insurance Broker.
6.00 Tender procedures
6.01 Client approval for Tender or negotiated contract(s).
6.02 Invite Tenders and appraise and report on same.
6.03 Negotiate any relevant item or contract.
6.04 Make any necessary revisions to documentation.
7.00 Tender finalisation
7.01 Client approval and subsequent appointment of Contractor(s).
7.02 Finalise Contract.
7.03 Issue documents and information required by Contract,
Health and Safety and Consultants.
7.04 Insurance and bond arrangements to be cleared by Employer.
8.00 Site work leading to Completion
8.01 Administer Building Contract.
8.02 Monitor progress of Contractors and Consultants with meet-
ings and records, etc. and periodic reviews.
8.03 Inspect work in progress, investigate, make any tests or
investigations. Co-ordinate progress with all Consultants and
Health and Safety representative.
8.04 Issue detailed drawings, Schedules, etc., as necessary.
8.05 Make valuations and certificates as appropriate.
8.06 Issue maintenance documentation, prepare as-built records.
8.07 Notify Client of completion and insurance arrangements, etc.
9.00 Other services
9.01 Project Management.
9.02 Site selection.
9.03 Survey.
9.04 Model making/presentation aids.
9.05 Geotechnical/soil surveys/groundwater-flooding.
9.06 Building appraisal.
9.07 Dilapidation report(s).
9.08 Selection of consultants.
9.09 Fire damage.
208 | Adjudication for architects and engineers

9.10 Fire protection.

9.11 Upgrading existing buildings.
9.12 Investigation of building failures.
9.13 Structural surveys.
9.14 CDM.
9.15 Energy Conservation.
9.16 Sound insulation or acoustic treatment.
9.17 Valuation.
9.18 Furnishing requirements.
9.19 Specialist Engineering or design skills: mechanical handling.
9.20 Conservation: Historic, Ecological, Industrial, Ecclesiastical,
Soil or coastal erosion, water.
9.21 Environmental matters generally.
9.22 Landscape.
9.23 Special planning negotiations.
9.24 Ground contamination and clearance.
9.25 IT applications.
9.26 Dispute Resolution. (Litigation, Arbitration and/or Adjudica-
9.27 Expert Witness work.
9.28 Maintenance manuals.
9.29 Landlord requirements.
9.30 Grant applications.
9.31 Special valuations.
9.32 Extra requirements for insolvency of any other Party.
Legal notes

Any review of the law relating to Adjudication as envisaged in the

new Act must be of necessity extremely limited. It follows that
much of the interest in this facet of Adjudication must be
speculative. This is not only because the Act is a new feature of
the building industry, but because there are inherent features of the
provisions of the Act which, as discussed in the earlier chapters,
leave uncertainties in interpretation and difficulties in the day to
day management of the quasi-judicial functions of the Adjudicator.
Such case law as exists in the narrower practice of Adjudication
under the earlier consensual provisions of the JCT subcontracts and
the like is unlikely to be of much relevance to the statutory
requirements under the new legislation. The Act, while providing
some rigid requirements, leaves much of the implementation of the
provisions to the terms of standard form contracts or to the
government's Scheme. While the Scheme will apply only to those
contracts which do not comply with Section 108 provisions, its
influence will probably bear heavily on legal interpretation of
matters arising from the practice of Adjudication.
Notwithstanding these reservations certain general principles may
be discerned at this stage. The following matters appear to the
authors to be prudent to consider.

The appointment
The Act is silent on questions of appointment. Of course, like
appointments of arbitrators, the appointment may be consensual.
210 | Adjudication for architects and engineers

The Act prescribes such a short time-scale for the appointment to

become effective (the aim being to allow the dispute to be settled
quickly) that, unless the appointment is made before the building
contract is entered into, consensus may rarely be feasible. Even then
the Parties will not be aware whether the Adjudicator would have
appropriate qualifications and would be available when required.
Nevertheless the Scheme makes elaborate provisions whereby
reference may be made to `an Adjudicator nominating body' which
is defined as a body which holds itself out publicly as a body which will
select an Adjudicator when requested to do so. Apart from the fact
the Adjudicator nominating body should not be a natural person nor a
Party to the dispute, there seems to be remarkably little qualification
or control of such bodies; although the debate in committee suggests
that DETR may publish a list of approved bodies later.
It would be prudent for an appointing body to have a panel of
Adjudicators each of whom is properly qualified and ready and
willing to take up the appointment in less than seven days. The
corollary is that the appointing body should equally have
administrative support to give effect to its appointing function
without delay.
On receipt of an application for an appointment the appointing
body may need to discover some details, for example:
> Is the contract controlled by the Act?
> Is there a formulated dispute or difference?
> Is the dispute current?
> What professional qualifications should the Adjudicator have?
> Is the potential appointee available?
> Does that person have any connections with either of the
Parties or the subject matter of the dispute? (The Scheme
requires that the person selected as an Adjudicator shall declare
any interest, financial or otherwise, in any matter relating to the
> Are the contract provisions applicable or does the Scheme apply?
Some institutes already have panels in place but not all will have
the time and/or the resources to check these points. While the
Legal notes | 211

appointing body may not have full authority to make all such
investigations before making the appointment, it may be that its
reputation could be tarnished if proper checks are not made. Many
institutes may consider the use of carefully worded application forms
and standard letters of use to obtain the desired information. Time
limits are likely to prevent the responding Party from making
submissions to the appointing body on the suitability of the
appointee (see below). There may further be occasions when the
operative terms of the contract need to be checked before the
Adjudicator becomes active. These points would have to be
ascertained and checked thoroughly, but quickly, by the appointing
body. If it does not check these points the onus must be on the
appointee to do so without delay and before expense is incurred. It is
important that the potential Adjudicator should be aware that the
appointing body may not have made all inquiries and that therefore
problems (particularly of jurisdiction or bias) could arise. In most
cases it would be sensible not to delay but in others the Adjudicator
should consider his position very carefully.
Section 108 provides that a Party to a construction contract has
the right to refer a dispute, which includes any `difference', arising
under the contract for Adjudication. The inclusion of a difference in
the definition in Section 108 may avoid some of the uncertainties
which have hitherto dogged the arbitral process where in the alleged
absence of a dispute the arbitrator would have been reluctant to act.
Mustill and Boyd suggest that the word `difference' has a wider
scope than `dispute' although they declare that they know of no case
where the distinction has been decisive on an issue of jurisdiction.
Most disputes stem from claims although some disputes come into
existence before a formal contractual claim has been made.
The Act restricts disputes or differences leading to the statutory
Adjudication to those arising `under' the contract. Such disputes
may have a narrower scope than those arising `out of ' a contract.
While terms such as `in connection with' a contract or those `in
relation to' a contract may appear to give a degree of latitude, early
case law relating to arbitration suggests otherwise. Other terms
include `in respect of ' or `with regard to', both of which have in the
212 | Adjudication for architects and engineers

past allowed arbitrators to look beyond the immediate provisions of

the contract.
It is submitted that Adjudication may have a more confined role
than arbitration and that, until Adjudication case law becomes
established, any disputes arising out of collateral matters would be
outside the Adjudicator's jurisdiction. As to any argument that
there may not be a dispute, compare recent case law (for example,
Halki Shipping v. Sopex Oils [1997] 1 WLR 1268, affirmed by the
Court of Appeal, The Times, 19 January 1998) albeit a case on the
provisions for a stay in the 1996 Arbitration Act.
The qualifications of the Adjudicator may often be self-obvious.
In matters of quality under a building contract he would normally be
an Engineer or an Architect, matching the duties of the certifier
under the contract. Equally, in contracts for professional services, it
would not be wise to appoint a professional outside the expertise of
the consultant Party to the dispute unless there are exceptional
circumstances. However there may be occasions when a dispute is so
confined to valuation that another professional would be better suited.
The provisions of the Act set such a tight timescale for the
resolution of the dispute that the prospective Adjudicator must be
able to devote time immediately to the Adjudication process. It is
inevitable that the Adjudicator will want to be intricately involved
in the procedure from the start and must stay available throughout
the period in which the Parties are engaged. The statutory
provisions appear not to contemplate any adjournment unless both
Parties clearly express a wish to delay the process for any reason.
However the Scheme envisages a prolongation of time where the
appointment process fails or where the Adjudicator resigns; in either
case the nomination procedure starts afresh.
The Act expressly imposes a duty on the Adjudicator to act
impartially, as does the Scheme. It is, as the authors see it, essential
in any event that a quasi-judicial function should be exercised
within the rules of natural justice - those basic principles of fair
procedure which demand freedom from interest or bias and the right
to a fair hearing for those who are immediately affected by the
Adjudicator's decision. Thus it may be necessary for any appointing
Legal notes | 213

body to ensure that the appointee has no overt or latent connection

with the Parties or with the contract from which the dispute has
arisen (see above and paragraph 4 of the Scheme) and it would be
wrong for an Adjudicator to proceed if there is any doubt as to his
ability to act impartially.
A further point is that since the Act states that a Party may give
notice at any time of his intention to refer a dispute to arbitration,
there may be rare occasions when the reference may be time-barred
under the Limitation Acts. Equally the provision enables a referring
Party to take time to build up a case against the responding Party to
the latter's disadvantage where the time scales are circumscribed
(see below).
Section 107 requires that the contract is in writing, and examines
the several ways in which an agreement in writing is construed. It is
unnecessary to analyse these interpretations here other than to warn
appointing bodies and future Adjudicators that this is an aspect
which must be ascertained before embarking on an Adjudication
lest the question of the Adjudicator's jurisdiction is raised, whether
promptly or otherwise.
Is it possible for two Adjudications to run simultaneously between
the same Parties? It may be that each Party may serve notice to
appoint on the same dispute but to different appointing bodies.
Equally, the Parties may appoint separate Adjudicators for different
issues. In general terms the law frowns on concurrent dispute
resolution unless there is a clear distinction between the matters in
issue. While there is nothing in the Act or the Scheme to prevent
simultaneous Adjudication, enforcement of incompatible decisions
may create difficulties.
There have been suggestions that the contract Architect or
Engineer may act as the Adjudicator. While it is right that if the
Parties are truly and fully in agreement to that course at the time a
dispute arises there can be no objection, but in most cases the
Architect or Engineer would be ruling on his own actions or
decisions and the law would require him to act fairly and with a
mind that is not closed to argument.
214 | Adjudication for architects and engineers

Powers and duties of the Adjudicator

Inevitably, as with any form of judicial or quasi-judicial decision
making, the Adjudicator must respect and give effect to the
agreements made by the Parties. Although controlled by statute,
Adjudication is a consensual process; it is based on the contract.
Thus any specific terms of the contract cannot be ignored. In
particular it is essential that the Adjudicator should respect any
provisions for finality in the contract. An example which springs to
mind is a provision that a final certificate (in for example the JCT
Standard Form) is final and binding unless challenged within the
period set out in the contract (see Crown Estate Commissioners v.
Mowlem 70 BLR 1). Some commentators have mooted the
proposition that paragraph 20(a) of the Scheme may encourage
the authors of ad hoc contracts to confer finality on any certificates
(including those for interim payments) in order to avoid the
Adjudication provisions. However such measures would be fraught
with difficulties. In any case if the Parties want to go straight to
litigation or arbitration they may do so; the Act only provides a right
(not an obligation) to adjudicate.
There is no provision in the Act for a challenge to the
Adjudicator's jurisdiction. No doubt this is deliberate because such
a challenge would be an obvious target for a reluctant responding
Party and would delay what is meant to be a speedy process. The
Scheme specifically states at paragraph 10 that an objection to the
appointment of a particular Adjudicator shall not invalidate his
appointment. Thus in ordinary circumstances the Adjudicator
facing a challenge to his jurisdiction should continue. It is, though,
important that there should be a mechanism to remove an
unsuitable Adjudicator who fails some of the tests set out in the
Scheme. While the Parties may agree to revoke the appointment
(paragraph 11), it appears that the most swift and effective remedy
where only one Party objects, but where the appointment is clearly
inappropriate or blatantly improper, would be recourse to an
injunction to prevent him from acting.
The Act places emphasis on an expeditious resolution of the
disputes which come to Adjudication. Accordingly it is not
Legal notes | 215

surprising to find that there is an indication that the Adjudicator

may act inquisitorially; Section 108(2)(f ) states that the contract
shall enable the Adjudicator to take the initiative in ascertaining
the facts and the law. While this may be a useful tool, perhaps the
prudent Adjudicator should take care in using this power. The
provision to take the initiative is repeated in paragraph 13 of the
Scheme but has to be compared with the stipulation in paragraph
12(a) that the decision should be reached in accordance with the
applicable law in relation to the contract.
There are inherent hazards to `entering the ring' or appearing not
to comply with the duty placed by the statute on the Adjudicator to
act impartially. The power requires a sensitive and delicate approach
to avoid giving the appearance of siding with one Party. The power
is largely alien to the English legal system (although compare
Section 34(2)(g) of the 1996 Arbitration Act) and it may be that
the Act envisages more of an investigative role such as tracking
down documents or seeing one Party in the absence of the other
(see paragraph 13(c) of the Scheme) rather than cross-examining
those who may appear before him in any oral hearings. In a recent
case (Dyason v. Secretary of State for the Environment, (1998) unrep)
the Court of Appeal gave a reminder that in inquisitorial
proceedings the need to proceed efficiently should not be at the
expense of fairness to the Parties. A fair and thorough investigation
can be expected by a Party who has a right to be heard whichever
procedure is followed. Where the Adjudicator takes evidence he
may, of course, administer the oath if he deems it appropriate. If the
Adjudicator does see one Party in private the other Party must be
kept informed in order to comply with the rules of natural justice.
The Act is silent on an Adjudicator's power to use his own expert
knowledge but it appears that, given the short time scales, he is
bound to make use of his experience even though he may be wise
not to indicate the extent to which he has done so in publishing his
It is obvious from the provisions made in the Act that the
Adjudicator should take a leading role in controlling the procedure.
It is not unlikely that one of the Parties will be recalcitrant and un-
216 | Adjudication for architects and engineers

cooperative. There is no time to wait for the submissions of a Party

in response to an application on a procedural point. One might
expect some reference to the issue of a subpoena to bring forward a
witness or document, but the Act and the Scheme are silent on the
matter, mainly, presumably, in the interests of speed. It may be that
the Adjudicator should continue without such information and
draw his own conclusions.
The underlying thrust of the Scheme (for example paragraph 10)
seems to be that the Adjudicator should proceed, once appointed,
irrespective of the force of any objection to his jurisdiction.
However, it is thought he should take a balanced view and refuse
to act in those cases where it is patently obvious that he could not
act impartially or where it is clear that he does not have proper
expertise. Furthermore, where such problems arise expressly only
because of the terms of the Scheme, common law considerations
suggest that the Adjudicator should bear these matters in mind in
any event.
For these reasons, while the Adjudicator must ensure that no
time should be lost, jurisdictional and procedural considerations may
lead to the conclusion that a preliminary meeting would be
desirable. Such a meeting would enable the Adjudicator to see and
check the contract and to understand what it is the referring Party
seeks. Examination of the scope of the notice will, in most cases,
determine what procedures are most suitable.
Of course, the Adjudicator has power to extend time with the
consent of both Parties. Otherwise, any extension may be made only
within strict limits. He may extend the overall period with the
consent of the Party by whom the dispute was referred. Clearly this
provision is to prevent the responding Party from delaying resolution
of the dispute. The effect of the failure to reach a decision appears
from paragraph 19(2) of the Scheme to allow either Party to serve a
fresh notice and to request another Adjudicator to act.
If the failure to reach that point within the statutory period or the
extended time rests with one of the Parties, it appears that the
intention is that the Adjudicator should give his decision on the
information (however deficient) which he has received. There is no
Legal notes | 217

indication, though, of any penalty which the Adjudicator faces for

his failure to act within the time allowed by the Act. Indeed, Section
108(4) requires the contract to provide that the Adjudicator is not
liable for anything done or omitted in the discharge of his functions.
Even where the Adjudicator's appointment is revoked by the Parties,
he is entitled to the payment of reasonable fees unless due to his
fault or misconduct (paragraph 11(1) where the Scheme applies).
It could be that the lack of a decision from the Adjudicator, while
defeating the object of the strategy envisaged in the Act, could be
remedied by a reference to arbitration. Indeed the first draft
proposals for the Government's Scheme provided for revocation of
the Adjudicator's authority by application to the Court to remove
an Adjudicator. The grounds for doing so would have included the
Adjudicator's refusal or failure to use the necessary despatch in
conducting the proceedings or making a decision.
Paragraph 20(a) of the Scheme grants powers to the Adjudicator
to open up, revise and review any decision or certificate given by the
person named in the contract. These powers had particular
significance until recently when the House of Lords decided that
NRHA v. Crouch (1984) 26 BLR 1 had been wrongly decided. The
position now is that unless the building contract expressly grants
such powers to the Adjudicator, only Adjudicators appointed under
the Scheme may open up and review certificates. The court's powers
to do so are not limited.
The Scheme makes extensive provision for payment of the
Adjudicator. He may set his own fee and is to be entitled to the
payment of such reasonable amount as he may determine. The
Parties are to be jointly and severally liable for any sum which
remains outstanding following the making of any determination
which he makes on how the payment shall be apportioned.
The Scheme is silent on any lien which the Adjudicator may have
in respect of his fees. It is submitted that although the Adjudicator is
required to reach a decision within 28 days after referral, there is no
reason why he should not give notice of his decision within the
required period but not release his decision until paid. An
arbitrator's lien was only given statutory force in the 1996 Act
218 | Adjudication for architects and engineers

but it had been the practice in common law to retain a lien before

It would not be sensible in this chapter to examine all aspects of law
which may arise but there appears to be a strong possibility that
many Adjudicator's decisions might invoke a cross claim from the
responding Party where monies paid or certified are in dispute. Thus
the Adjudicator should be clear as to his powers to reduce any
monies otherwise due in recognition of such a cross claim even
though this may be less important in Adjudication than in
arbitration in view of the continuous review of interim certificates
which the nature and process of Adjudication may offer.
In a series of cases in the 1970s the Courts held that where two
Parties had similar relationships in more than one contract a
defendant was not permitted to set-off monies due under one
contract against those due under another unless the contracts were
so closely linked that it would be fair and equitable to do so. Where
there is only one contract it may be permissible to weigh one claim
against another but this is an area of law which has some pitfalls for
the unwary.
The first question to be addressed is whether the cross claim is an
intrinsic consideration in the issue to be decided or whether it is
simply a separate claim upon which the responding Party seeks a
ruling at the same time. If it is the former then it is clearly right to
weigh both arguments in reaching a decision. However there are
other implications and it is not always possible to draw a line
between those matters which can be taken into account and those
which cannot.
In building disputes it will be apparent that where, for example,
defective work has to be made good, the resulting delay usually leads
to monetary ramifications, as indeed will any cause of delay. Most
Adjudicators will be aware of contract provisions in, say, DOM/1 or
NSC/C subcontracts where set-off is limited by the specific terms,
usually notice in writing. Where such provisions apply but the
Legal notes | 219

limitations are not met it may be possible to raise the law of

abatement, but again that defence is also bounded by strict
limitations. In brief, for a Party to rely on the common law right to
abate the price which is paid for goods supplied or work done, he
must be able to show that the breach of contract relied upon has
directly affected the actual value of the goods or work. (These
principles are explained by the Court of Appeal in Mellowes Archital
Ltd v. Bell Products Ltd (1997) CILL 1320.)
As a rough guide, when faced by a claim to set-off sums otherwise
due to the referring Party, the Adjudicator should first examine the
contract provisions for set-off; if any condition precedent has not
been complied with, the nature of the claim should be reviewed to
see whether extraneous cross claims are made, or whether such cross
claims are fundamental to the main claim. In any event there must
be `a close relationship between the dealings and transactions which
gave rise to the respective claims' (Hanak v. Green 1 BLR 1; and see
also Hargreaves v. Action 2000 62 BLR 72). Secondly, it is submitted
the Adjudicator may need to consider whether the matters on
which the responding Party relies have directly affected the value of
the work itself. It is interesting to note that in Overland Shoes v.
Schenkers (The Times, 26 February 1998) a `no set-off ' clause
satisfied the requirement of reasonableness in the Unfair Contract
Terms Act 1977.
The cross claims may be called counter claims, cross claims or set-
offs, but their effect may depend on their validity, as often what is
termed a counter claim may be, in effect, merely a defence to the
claim dressed up to give it more impact.

Legal advice for the Adjudicator

Most Adjudicators will have comparatively little legal training.
Whereas in arbitration or other similar proceedings the arbitrator
will have the law explained to him by the advocates for the Parties,
in Adjudication the likelihood of oral hearings at which lawyers
address the decision maker is small, despite provisions in the
Scheme for lawyers to represent Parties. At the same time the
220 | Adjudication for architects and engineers

Adjudicator is obliged by the Scheme to carry out his duties in

accordance with any terms of the contract and, as noted above, in
accordance with the applicable law in relation to the contract: see
paragraph 12(a).
As noted above, Section 108(2)(f ) makes provision for the
Adjudicator to take the initiative in ascertaining not only the facts
but also the law. If the amount in dispute warrants sufficient
expenditure, a legal advisor could thus be appointed with the
consent of both Parties, and this is confirmed in paragraph 13(f ) of
the Scheme. Equally, the Adjudicator may seek advice from a
solicitor or a barrister. However, it is submitted that he has a duty to
the Parties to ascertain first the likely fee. In the experience of the
authors, not all solicitors have extensive knowledge of the
intricacies of construction law unless they specialise in that subject.
Most professions in the building industry have Direct Professional
Access to specialist barristers for the purposes of advice.
Many large public reference libraries have a law section.
Alternatively many universities allow access for reference purposes.
The main works on construction law are Keating On Building
Contracts and Hudson's Building and Engineering Contracts.
If individual modern cases are sought these can mainly be found
in Building Law Reports (BLR) or Construction Law Reports (ConLR).
As the name suggests these are a series of volumes several of which
are published each year and each containing a number of recent
cases together with a commentary on each of them.
Many other and older cases are in the Law Reports published by
the Incorporated Council of Law Reporting. Since 1891 these are
confined to the following series:
> Appeal Cases, abbreviated as AC (restricted to House of Lords
or Privy Council decisions);
> Chancery Division, Ch;
> Queen's (or King's) Bench Division, QB or KB; and
> Probate Division, P (since 1972 known as Family, Fam).
These are then referred to by the year of the case, the
abbreviation above and the page number on which the report of
Legal notes | 221

each case starts. Thus, for example, Calderbank v. Calderbank will be

referred to under the reference [1976] Fam 93.
The Council also publishes a weekly series known as Weekly Law
Reports, WLR, and these are usually bound into an annual volume
or volumes. Other privately owned series include: the All England
Law Reports, All ER; Lloyds Law Reports (in which many
arbitration cases are published), Ll L Rep. Reference is made to
all of these in the same way.

Leading cases
Until statutory Adjudication develops, case-law will be limited to
general principles and to disputes under other contract arrange-
ments. There are a few indications, though, of the approach made
by the Courts to this form of dispute resolution; where Adjudication
has been examined by the Courts in the past it has usually arisen
under standard form subcontracts. The following notes of cases, to
which, where possible, the reports in BLR are given for ease of
reference, may give some guidance:

Cameron v. John Mowlem (1990) 52 BLR 24

A decision of an Adjudicator under clause 24 of DOM/1 was
binding only until the determination by the arbitrator on a disputed
claim to a set-off. It was not an award within the meaning of S 26 of
the Arbitration Act 1950 and could not be enforced under that

Drake & Scull v. McLaughlin & Harvey (1992) 60 BLR 102

Another DOM/1 case. In contrast to the above case, it was held
that the only possible reason for refusing to comply with an
Adjudicator's award would be if the Adjudicator had exceeded his
jurisdiction by ordering a deposit which was greater than the
amount due from the contractor to the subcontractor in respect of
which the contractor had exercised the right of set-off. Since the
222 | Adjudication for architects and engineers

obligation to comply with the Adjudicator's decision was a

contractual matter, a mandatory injunction would be granted.

Cape Durasteel v. Rosser and Russell (1995) 46 Con LR

A subcontract made provisions in two parts for the settlement of
disputes. The first sub-clause provided for Adjudication, but the
second took account of a dispute which covered matters which the
main contractor `has or is contemplating referring to arbitration or
Adjudication under the Principal Contract ...'. In deciding whether
the case should be stayed to arbitration the judge examined the
meaning of `Adjudication' and concluded that `Adjudication' taken
by itself meant a process by which a dispute is resolved in a judicial
manner but as yet it had no special meaning in the construction
industry. In this case there was no purpose in ascribing to the Parties
an intention that all their disputes should be submitted to such a
procedure but without the possibility of review or reversal; the judge
was unable to accept that `Adjudication' is a procedure which
cannot be arbitration or that it has an established meaning in
construction contracts which precludes it being an arbitration.

Chatbrown Ltd v. Alfred McAlpine (1986) 35 BLR 44

In considering claims for a set-off against monies due to a
subcontractor for loss and expense, it was held that it was not
sufficient to argue that a liability which could lead to loss and
expense in the future, it was necessary that loss and/or expense
should have actually occurred prior to a notice to that effect. Thus,
while a contractor may be able to claim additional expenses by
reason of disruption at an early stage, delay is likely to present
greater problems and claims are normally for loss and expense
assessed at the end of the main contract period. The case also
demonstrates that the Courts will determine arguable points of law
on an application for summary judgment so long as to do so would
not involve an investigation of contested facts; and in that case the
presence of an arbitration clause makes no difference.
Legal notes | 223

Archital Luxfer v. Dunning (1987) 47 BLR 1

Another of a number of cases on a contractor's claim to set-off
monies otherwise due to a subcontractor. On an application for
summary judgment in respect of set-off, the Court of Appeal held
that where an arbitrator is appointed, mixed questions of law and
fact were pre-eminently a matter for the arbitrator.

As to modern cases concerning damages

Ruxley Electronics v. Forsyth (1993) 66 BLR 23

Where work does not accord with the contract, the measure of
damages is the loss truly suffered by the promisee. It may not always
be the cost of replacement and it would be unreasonable to treat as
a loss the cost of carrying out work which would never in fact be
done. Reasonableness plays a central part in determining the basis of

Murphy v. Brentwood (1991) 50 BLR 1

Although a case concerning housing authorities where claims for
economic loss arise, the case established that the requirements for
the existence of a duty of care are that the loss should be
foreseeable; there should be a special relationship of proximity; there
should be reliance by the plaintiff on the defendant; and the
existence of the duty should be just and reasonable. A residual
liability of public or private defendants may be left where positive
actions or representations amount to a voluntary assumption of
responsibility. One effect is to focus attention on the Defective
Premises Act 1972. There may, though, be a liability in tort where
catastrophic damage has occurred in parts of the whole building
consequent upon defects in another or limited part of the building:
for example, defective electrical work which causes fire in the
building as a whole.
224 | Adjudication for architects and engineers

Time limits
The Act requires the contract to `provide a timetable with the object
of securing the appointment of the Adjudicator and referral of the
dispute to him within 7 days of [the] notice'. However, the notice
may be given at any time. Taken together these provisions may give
rather more scope for setting up the Adjudication process than
appears at first sight.
Thereafter the normal process would require the Adjudicator to
reach his decision within 28 days of the referral to him. That period
may be extended only by the agreement of the Parties, in which case
they have freedom to extend time to suit their purposes; or,
presumably failing agreement, the Party who refers the dispute may
grant the Adjudicator an extension of time limited to 14 days.
There is no doubt that this imposes a heavy burden on the
Adjudicator to complete his decision within the time allowed.
Nevertheless by section 108(4) the Adjudicator is not liable for
anything omitted in the discharge of his functions as Adjudicator.
There is thus no redress for a Party deprived of a decision which
may, in turn, delay progress of the contract works.
Setting the last point aside, it appears that the Adjudicator must
carefully select procedures which will allow each Party's case to be
adequately presented without generating excessive documentation.
Even though he has power under Section 104(2)(f ) to take the
initiative in ascertaining the facts and the law, he should take care
not to shut out vital information which a Party wishes to draw to his
attention, either by way of original submissions or reply to new
points raised by his opponent. On the other hand, paragraph 15 in
the Scheme allows the Adjudicator to proceed ex parte or to draw
inferences from the failure of a Party to comply with a request,
direction or timetable.

The Act makes no provision for the Adjudicator's decision to be
accompanied by reasons, but paragraph 22 of the Scheme requires
the Adjudicator to give reasons if requested to do so by one of the
Legal notes | 225

Parties; and in committee the Minister stated that `it would be

contrary to the principles of natural justice to come up with a
decision without giving the reasons'. If no application is made it may
be wise not to give reasons, but the Adjudicator should consider
carefully whether the circumstances warrant a reasoned decision. In
many instances reasons will not be appropriate, particularly where
the decision is essentially an interim valuation. Nevertheless the
Adjudicator should not be blind to circumstances where reasons are
In recent years the Courts have expressed a predilection for
reasons to be given in many fields. It is sometimes suggested that
there may be an implied right for a Party to be given reasons as part
of the general obligation to let a person know the case he has to
answer where there is a right of appeal. The right to appeal under
the Act is clear (S 108(3)).
Equally it may be necessary as part of the decision making process
to acquaint the Parties with the current state of the decision-
maker's thinking. In some circumstances the Courts may infer from
the absence of reasons that there are no good reasons for a decision.
(See Padfield v. Minister of Agriculture [1968] AC 997.) Finally while
ordinary courtesy may require the giving of reasons, the time within
which the decision should be given suggests that any reasons should
be concise (and precise).

What reasons should be given?

Another way of expressing this question is: what grounds of
challenge may arise? In the GCHQ case Council of Civil Service
Unions v. Minister for the Civil Service [1985] AC 374, Lord Diplock
identified the grounds of challenge into illegality, irrationality and
procedural impropriety.

In the context of decision making, illegality is a way of saying that
the decision maker has got the law wrong. Thus there is a need for
an Adjudicator to check the law in respect of the matters before
226 | Adjudication for architects and engineers

him. Even where a statute confers a wide discretion the Courts will
consider that the discretion has not been properly exercised.

The Courts require that all powers and duties must be exercised
reasonably. That is not to say that the Courts will substitute their
own view of what is reasonable. The only interference on this
ground where a decision `is so outrageous in its defiance of logic or of
accepted moral standards that no sensible person who had applied
his mind to the question to be decided could have arrived at it' (see
the GCHQ case above).

Procedural impropriety
Principally, the decision maker must abide with the rules of natural
justice. There must be no discernible bias either before or during the
decision-making process. The decision must be confined to the
matters before him and the process must accord with any statutory
and contractual provisions.
As with any written decision it must be expressed so as to be
unambiguous, certain, enforceable and it should address all matters
put before the Adjudicator. In respect of this last point it does no
harm to demonstrate in the reasons for the decision that all those
matters have been addressed.

Enforcement and remedies

The Adjudicator will not, normally, be concerned with the
machinery for enforcement of his decision. That will be for the
Parties to pursue. Nevertheless, since many Architects and
Engineers will encounter Adjudication in their capacity as
consultants for Parties to the contract, the following notes may be
of interest.
Whereas the Arbitration Acts set out a series of remedies, the
Act which provides for Adjudication is largely silent. While the
statute sets out a wide discretion for Adjudication, section 108(3)
Legal notes | 227

indicates provision for final determination by legal proceedings, by

arbitration or by agreement. This seems to indicate that the decision
is to be regarded as a temporary finding only. How then can the
Courts be expected to consider an application to enforce an
Adjudicator's decision at an early stage of a building contract? There
are indications of the Court's support for the Adjudication process
in that senior judges have taken part in consultations leading to the
statute and in discussions concerning the Scheme.
Perhaps the most intriguing aspect of potential applications to the
Court from Adjudication will be to see what status the Adjudicator's
decision will have. It is not unlikely that a good number of, if not
most, Adjudications will arise in consequence of interim certificates.
In many cases the decision will be equivalent to or replace the
Architect or Engineer's certificate. The provisional or transient
nature of such certificates have usually been treated with caution by
the Courts, particularly on applications for summary judgement
(Order 14). This approach arises because: first, some contracts have
previously reserved to arbitration the powers to open up, review and
revise any certificates and thus the Courts have been slow to
intervene; secondly, the Courts have recognised that it would
require time to investigate the material leading to the certificate
before it would be known whether it was really open to challenge
and before it would be possible to particularise the matters which
required to be determined (to paraphrase the judgement of Kerr LJ
in C M Pillings v. Kent Investments Ltd (1985) 30 BLR 80 at 94).
Against that background it is more than possible that an application
for summary judgement to enforce an Adjudicator's decision may be
met by an application to stay to arbitration. The Arbitration Act 1996
has strengthened provisions for ensuring that arbitration clauses are
given effect. The first major judicial decision under the 1996
Arbitration Act on an application to stay a case to arbitration (Halki
Shipping v. Sopex Oils see above at paragraph 2.7) robustly supports the
new provisions; while in Channel Tunnel v. Balfour Beatty (1993) 61
BLR 1 the House of Lords upheld an application for a stay to the
Parties' chosen contractual machinery for dispute resolution even
though there was no arbitration clause as such.
228 | Adjudication for architects and engineers

The new clause 41A of the JCT Contract states that the
Adjudicator may take the initiative in ascertaining the facts and the
law as he considers necessary which may include opening up,
reviewing and revising any certificate, etc. Similar provisions are
included in the ICE contract.
Interest has been focused on whether the Courts would want to
discourage protracted legal proceedings during the currency of the
contract works or whether the judiciary would aim for certainty
during that period. Would the Courts be encouraged to defer to the
arbitrator's jurisdiction the task of reviewing a certificate? Two
primary routes have been suggested. One is to seek arbitration on a
single issue, e.g. `Is the Adjudicator's decision enforceable?'.
However, the JCT Adjudication provisions seek enforcement
through litigation while the ICE has amended its contract by the
inclusion of clause 66(9)(a) which now reads: `All disputes arising
under or in connection with the Contract or the carrying out of the
Works other than failure to give effect to a decision of an
Adjudicator shall be finally determined by reference to arbitration.'
One other route to enforcement of an Adjudicator's decision may
be injunctive relief (see Drake & Scull v. McLaughlin above). If so,
the guiding principles to be applied require, among other things,
consideration of the balance of convenience. Again, such an action
may, of course, be met with an application to stay to arbitration.
There is a curious provision in the Scheme whereby the Adjudicator
may, if he thinks fit, order any of the Parties to comply with a
peremptory order, compliance with which is subject to Section 42 of
the Arbitration Act 1996. It has been suggested that the Adjudicator's
decision on the dispute should be issued as a peremptory order to
ensure enforcement. However, it is submitted that it is no part of an
Adjudicator's duties to ensure enforcement when the statute is explicit
in providing final determination by legal proceedings or arbitration. In
any event, Section 42 appears to be directed to interlocutory matters
where there has been default by one of the Parties. It has been
suggested that Section 66 would have been a better vehicle but it
appears that the government made a deliberate decision not to allow
for finality in respect of a process of quick rough justice.
Legal notes | 229

Many of these problems have been resolved as this book was

going to press. In the first major case to consider enforcement of an
adjudicator's decision (Macob Civil Engineering Ltd v Morrison
Construction Ltd) Dyson J. has provided helpful guidance on these
matters. The plaintiff sought to enforce an adjudicator's decision.
The defendant contended that the decision was invalid because of
procedural error in breach of the rules of natural justice, and issued a
summons seeking to stay the plaintiff's proceedings under section 9
of the Arbitration Act 1996, since the contract contained an
arbitration clause. On the natural justice point, he formed the view
that the challenge was hopeless, and that such a construction would
drive a coach and horses through the legislation. Declining to stay
to arbitration, he distinguished between a dispute to the merits of a
decision and a dispute as to the validity of the decision, as in that
case, but added that there was nothing in Halki which prevented the
Court from deciding that the defendant was precluded by its
election from seeking a stay to arbitration under section 9.
In the particular circumstances of the case, Dyson J. found that
the Court could enforce the Adjudicator's decision under section
42, although he said that ordinarily an agreement would exclude
that power. He also considered other routes to enforcement,
including summary judgement or mandatory injunction. He
concluded that it would rarely be appropriate to grant injunctive
relief to enforce an obligation to pay, although different considera-
tions would apply when an adjudicator ordered the performance of
some other obligation.
Thus, section 42 apart, Dyson J. concluded that the usual remedy
for failure to pay in accordance with an adjudicator's decision would
be to issue proceedings claiming the sum due, followed by an
application for summary judgement.

Adjudicator's liability
There is, of course, a requirement in the statute for the contract to
provide immunity for the Adjudicator in the discharge of his
functions as an Adjudicator. As is well known such a provision
230 | Adjudication for architects and engineers

cannot prevent action against the Adjudicator from anyone who is

not a signatory to the contract but who may be affected by the
Adjudicator's decision. Since most construction industry projects
within the scope of the Act are executed with any number of
subcontractors, not to mention a variety of consultants, the scope
for complaint from those not Parties to the Adjudication could be
Thus the Adjudicator is in a different situation from that of an
arbitrator who now has express immunity under the Arbitration Act
1996. There is therefore no doubt that anyone expecting to practise
as an Adjudicator would be imprudent not to obtain professional
indemnity insurance cover if it is available.
However, while the statute requires contractual immunity, the
Scheme simply states `the Adjudicator shall not be liable ...'. As a
statutory instrument, the Scheme is effectively delegated legislation.
Thus the Adjudicator may be better protected when acting in
compliance with the Scheme than he would be when the contract
has Adjudication provisions which comply with Section 108. The
prudent Adjudicator may insist on a contract for his own
appointment with provisions for his immunity beyond those
incorporated into the Act and/or the Scheme.

Payment provisions
Adjudicators should be aware that the Act makes provision for
payment by instalments, stage payments or other periodic payments
for any work under such contracts that exceed, or are likely to
exceed, 45 days. These, like other parts of the Act, apply also to the
contracts between consultants and their clients.
The Parties are free to agree the amounts of the payments and
the intervals at which, or the circumstances in which, they become
due. If no provision is made in the contract, Part II of the Scheme
will apply. These initial provisions are found in Section 109 of the
Essentially the Scheme sets the `relevant period' between
payments at 28 days. Any interim payment becomes due either
Legal notes | 231

seven days after the end of the relevant period or the making of a
claim by the payee, whichever is the later. Similarly, the final
periodic payment becomes due 30 days after completion of the work
or, again, on a claim by the payee. The final date for any payment is
17 days after it becomes due.
Section 110 and the Scheme require a notice to be served by a
Party who is obliged to make a payment within five days of that
payment becoming due. The notice should set out the amount made
or due to be made, and the basis on which that amount was
calculated. The implication seems to be that neither a cheque nor a
certificate is sufficient in itself unless there is some explanation of
the sum paid.
The other side of the coin is that if the paying Party intends to
withhold payment he has to give notice to that effect not later than
seven days before the final date for payment of any interim or other
payment. The Scheme makes no provision for the contents of the
notice but Section 110(2) sets out three matters which might
prevent a sum from falling due. These are: non-performance of the
contractual obligations; set-off; or abatement. As to set-off and
abatement, see the points referred to above in this chapter.
The remedy for failure to pay, apart from Adjudication itself, lies
in the right to suspend work. Section 112 provides that the right to
suspend depends on three factors:
> a sum of money falling due under the contract
> there being no effective notice of withholding payment, and
> a seven-day notice of the intention to suspend.
Nevertheless, the right to suspend work has to be viewed in the
light of the fact that a judge or arbitrator may disregard the
Adjudicator's decision, and the right of a contractor to direct loss
and expense may be lost.
Finally, the Scheme prohibits `pay-when-paid' provisions in
contracts. Paragraph 9 states that any such arrangements will be
232 | Adjudication for architects and engineers

The Act is one of few statutory interventions into the principle of
freedom of contract in English law. While, for example, The Unfair
Contracts Terms Act 1977 and other such statutes are directed
mainly at the effects of contractual provisions, there are few Acts
which require a contract to include dispute resolution procedures.
No-one is obliged to incorporate an arbitration clause into a
contract; indeed this Act only introduces the requirement by a fall-
back provision (the Scheme). Nevertheless, while the intention of
regular payments in building contracts is to keep the contractor in
funds to finish the work, that may be frustrated by non-payment or
the Architect or Engineer certifies too little. The Act aims to
overcome these difficulties.
Much remains to be clarified about the operation of the Act, and
the extent to which practices in the building industry will have to
change. JCT and ICE contracts now make pragmatic provisions for
the appointment and conduct of Adjudications without recourse to
the Scheme. Only ad hoc or less significant contracts will invoke the
provisions of the Scheme. The major concern, though, is the
uncertainty of enforcement of Adjudicators' decisions and the effect
of those decisions on the subsequent performance of the building
contracts in which there has been an Adjudication.
The Act provides no requirement for Adjudication to be a
condition precedent to arbitration or litigation. Nor is there any
machinery to prevent rolled-up (or global) claims being brought to
Adjudication at an advanced stage of a contract. As noted above
there is no time bar to claims in Adjudication. These may be the
target of amendments to the present Act and Scheme after a
suitable period of use has exposed any shortcomings.
Cases referred to

Antino v. Epping Forest (1991) 53 BLR 56; (1991) 155 JP 663;

(1991) JPN 426; The Times 11 March 1991, DC
Archital Luxfer v. Dunning (1987) 47 BLR 1; [1987] 1 FTLR 372;
(1989) 5 Constr LJ 47, CA
Balfour Beatty v. Chestermount Properties (1993) 62 BLR 1
Calderbank v. Calderbank [1976] Fam 93; [1975] 3 All ER 333,CA
Cameron v. John Mowlem (1990) 52 BLR 24, CA
Cape Durasteel v. Rosser & Russell (1995) 46 ConLR
Channel Tunnel v. Balfour Beatty (1993) 61 BLR 1; [1993] AC 334;
[1993] 2 WLR 262; [1993] 1 All ER 664; [1993] 1 Ll L Rep 291
and others
Chatbrown Ltd v. Alfred McAlpine (1987) 35 BLR 44; (1987) 3
Constr LJ 104; (1988) 11 Con LR 1, CA
Council of Civil Service Unions v. Minister for the Civil Service [1985]
AC 374
Crown Estate Commissioners v. Mowlem (1994) 70 BLR 1
Drake & Scull v. McLaughlin & Harvey (1992) 60 BLR 102
Dyason v. Secretary of State for the Environment (1998) unrep, CA
Halki Shipping v. Sopex Oils (1998) The Times, 19 January 1998 CA
affirming [1997] 1 WLR 1268; (1997) CILL 1278
Hanak v. Green (1958) 1 BLR 1; [1958] 2 QB 9; [1958] 2 WLR
755; [1958] 2 All ER 141, CA
Hargreaves v. Action 2000 (1993) 62 BLR 72; [1993] BCLC 1111
Jarvis Brent Ltd v. Rowlinson Construction Ltd (1990) CILL 620; 6
Constr LJ 192
234 | Adjudication for architects and engineers

Lubbenham v. South Pembrokeshire (1986) 933 BLR 39; (1986) 6

Con LR 85; 2 Constr LJ 111, CA
Mellowes Archital Ltd v. Bell Projects Ltd (1997) CILL 1320
Murphy v. Brentwood (1991) 50 BLR 1; [1991] 1 AC 398; [1990] 3
WLR 414; [1990] 2 All ER 908
Northern Regional Health Authority v. Crouch Construction Ltd (1984)
26 BLR 1; [1984] QB 644; [1984] 2 WLR 676; [1984] 2 All ER
175, CA
Overland Shoes Ltd v. Schenker Ltd (1998) The Times 26 February
Padfield v. Minister of Agriculture [1968] AC 997
Page v. Llandaff & Dinas Powys DC (1901) Hudson 4th edition, Vol
2 p 316
CM Pillings v. Kent Investments Ltd (1985) 30 BLR 80
Rotherham MBC v. Frank Haslam Milan & Co and M J Gleeson
(Northern) Ltd (1996) 78 BLR 1
Ruxley Electronics v. Forsythe (1993) 66 BLR 23; [1994] 1 WLR 650,

Bevin A. Alternative Dispute Resolution. Sweet & Maxwell (1992).

Campbell P. (ed.). Construction Disputes. Whittles Publishing
Cheshire G.C., Fifoot C.H.S. and Furmston M.P. Law of Contract,
12th edn. Butterworths (1991).
Cottam G.D.G. Adjudication under the Scheme for Construction
Contracts, including payment provisions. Thomas Telford, London
Cottam G.D.G. and Hawker G.H. Dispute procedures under ICE
contracts a practical guide. Thomas Telford, London (to be
published 1999).
Dancaster C. and Riches J. Construction Adjudication. LLP (1999).
Fay E. Official Referee's Business, 2nd edn. Sweet & Maxwell (1988).
General Council of The Bar and The Law Society. Civil Justice on
Trial The Case for Change. Report of the Independent Working
Party (1993).
Kendall J. Dispute Resolution: Expert Determination. Longman (1992).
Lupton S. Architect's Guide to Arbitration. RIBA Publications (1997).
Mackie K. ADR Route Map. Centre for Dispute Resolution (1991).
Mustill M.J. and Boyd S.C. Commercial Arbitration, 2nd edn.
Butterworths (1989).
NJCC. Alternative Dispute Resolution. Guidance Note No. 7 (1993).
Reynold M.P. and King P.S.D. The Expert Witness and his Evidence,
2nd edn. Blackwell Scientific (1992).
Timpson J. The Architect in Dispute Resolution. RIBA Publications
236 | Adjudication for architects and engineers

Totterdill B.W. ICE Adjudication Procedure (1997): a user's guide and

commentary. Thomas Telford, London (1998).
Uff J. Construction Contract Reform: A plea for Sanity. Construction
Law Press (1997).
Uff J. Construction Law, 5th edn. Sweet & Maxwell (1991).
Woolf Lord. Access to Justice. Final Report by Right Hon. the Lord
Woolf. HMSO (1996).
Appendix 1
Part II: Housing Grants, Construction
and Regeneration Act 1996

The text of Part II of the Housing Grants, Construction and

Regeneration Act 1996 is reproduced below.

Part II Construction contracts

Introductory provisions
104 Construction contracts
(1) In this Part a ``construction contract'' means an agreement
with a person for any of the following
(a) the carrying out of construction operations;
(b) arranging for the carrying out of construction operations
by others, whether under subcontract to him or
(c) providing his own labour, or the labour of others, for the
carrying out of construction operations.
(2) References in this Part to a construction contract include an
(a) to do architectural, design or surveying work, or
(b) to provide advice on building, engineering, interior or
exterior decoration or on the laying-out of landscape,
in relation to construction operations.
(3) References in this Part to a construction contract do not
include a contract of employment (within the meaning of
the Employment Rights Act 1996).
238 | Adjudication for architects and engineers

(4) The Secretary of State may by order add to, amend or repeal
any of the provisions of subsection (1), (2) or (3) as to the
agreements which are construction contracts for the
purposes of this Part or are to be taken or not to be taken
as included in references to such contracts.
No such order shall be made unless a draft of it has been
laid before and approved by a resolution of each of (sic)
House of Parliament.
(5) Where an agreement relates to construction operations and
other matters, this Part applies to it only so far as it relates
to construction operations.
An agreement relates to construction operations so far as
it makes provision of any kind within subsection (1) or (2).
(6) This Part applies only to construction contracts which
(a) are entered into after the commencement of this Part,
(b) relate to the carrying out of construction operations in
England, Wales or Scotland.
(7) This Part applies whether or not the law of England and
Wales or Scotland is otherwise the applicable law in relation
to the contract.

105 Meaning of ``construction operations''

(1) In this Part ``construction operations'' means, subject as
follows, operations of any of the following descriptions
(a) construction, alteration, repair, maintenance, exten-
sion, demolition or dismantling of buildings, or
structures forming or to form, part of the land (whether
permanent or not);
(b) construction, alteration, repair, maintenance, exten-
sion, demolition or dismantling of any works forming, or
to form, part of the land, including (without prejudice
to the foregoing) walls, roadworks, power-lines, tele-
communication apparatus, aircraft runways, docks and
harbours, railways, inland waterways, pipe-lines, reser-
Appendix 1 | 239

voirs, water-mains, wells, sewers, industrial plant and

installations for purposes of land drainage, coast
protection or defence;
(c) installation in any building or structure of fittings
forming part of the land, including (without prejudice
to the foregoing) systems of heating, lighting, air-
conditioning, ventilation, power supply, drainage,
sanitation, water supply or fire protection, or security
or communications systems;
(d) external or internal cleaning of buildings and structures,
so far as carried out in the course of their construction,
alteration, repair, extension or restoration;
(e) operations which form an integral part of, or are
preparatory to, or are for rendering complete, such
operations as are previously described in this subsection,
including site clearance, earth-moving, excavation,
tunnelling and boring, laying of foundations, erection,
maintenance or dismantling of scaffolding, site restora-
tion, landscaping and the provision of roadways and
other access works;
(f) painting or decorating the internal or external surfaces
of any building or structure.
(2) The following operations are not construction operations
within the meaning of this Part
(a) drilling for, or extraction of, oil or natural gas;
(b) extraction (whether by underground or surface work-
ing) of minerals; tunnelling or boring, or construction of
underground works, for this purpose;
(c) assembly, installation or demolition of plant or machin-
ery, or erection or demolition of steelwork for the
purposes of supporting or providing access to plant or
machinery, on a site where the primary activity is
(i) nuclear processing, power generation, or water or
effluent treatment, or
240 | Adjudication for architects and engineers

(ii) the production, transmission, processing or bulk

storage (other than warehousing) of chemicals,
pharmaceuticals, oil, gas, steel or food and drink;
(d) manufacture or delivery to site of
(i) building or engineering components or equipment,
(ii) materials, plant or machinery, or
(iii) components for systems of heating, lighting, air-
conditioning, ventilation, power supply, drainage,
sanitation, water supply or fire protection, or for
security or communications systems,
except under a contract which also provides for their
(e) the making, installation and repair of artistic works,
being sculptures, murals and other works which are
wholly artistic in nature.
(3) The Secretary of State may by order add to, amend or repeal
any of the provisions of subsection (1) or (2) as to the
operations and work to be treated as construction
operations for the purposes of this Part.
(4) No such order shall be made unless a draft of it has been
laid before and approved by a resolution of each House of

106 Provisions not applicable to contract with residential

(1) This Part does not apply
(a) to a construction contract with a residential occupier
(see below), or
(b) to any other description of construction contract
excluded from the operation of this Part by order of
the Secretary of State.
(2) A construction contract with a residential occupier means a
construction contract which principally relates to operations
on a dwelling which one of the parties to the contract
occupies, or intends to occupy, as his residence.
Appendix 1 | 241

In this subsection ``dwelling'' means a dwelling-house or a

flat; and for this purpose
``dwelling-house'' does not include a building containing
a flat; and
``flat'' means separate and self-contained premises
constructed or adapted for use for residential purposes
and forming part of a building from some other part of
which the premises are divided horizontally.
(3) The Secretary of State may by order amend subsection (2).
(4) No order under this section shall be made unless a draft of it
has been laid before and approved by a resolution of each
House of Parliament.

107 Provisions applicable only to agreements in writing

(1) The provisions of this Part apply only where the construc-
tion contract is in writing, and any other agreement
between the parties as to any matter is effective for the
purposes of this Part only if in writing.
The expressions ``agreement'', ``agree'' and ``agreed'' shall
be construed accordingly.
(2) There is an agreement in writing
(a) if the agreement is made in writing (whether or not it is
signed by the parties),
(b) if the agreement is made by exchange of communica-
tions in writing, or
(c) if the agreement is evidenced in writing.
(3) Where parties agree otherwise than in writing by reference
to terms which are in writing, they make an agreement in
(4) An agreement is evidenced in writing if an agreement made
otherwise than in writing is recorded by one of the parties,
or by a third party, with the authority of the parties to the
(5) An exchange of written submissions in adjudication
proceedings, or in arbitral or legal proceedings in which
242 | Adjudication for architects and engineers

the existence of an agreement otherwise than in writing is

alleged by one party against another party and not denied by
the other party in his response constitutes as between those
parties an agreement in writing to the effect alleged.
(6) References in this Part to anything being written or in
writing include its being recorded by any means.

108 Right to refer disputes to adjudication
(1) A party to a construction contract has the right to refer a
dispute arising under the contract for adjudication under a
procedure complying with this section.
For this purpose ``dispute'' includes any difference.
(2) The contract shall
(a) enable a party to give notice at any time of his intention
to refer a dispute to adjudication;
(b) provide a timetable with the object of securing the
appointment of the adjudicator and referral of the
dispute to him within seven days of such notice;
(c) require the adjudicator to reach a decision within 28
days of referral or such longer period as is agreed by the
parties after the dispute has been referred;
(d) allow the adjudicator to extend the period of 28 days by
up to 14 days, with the consent of the party by whom
the dispute was referred;
(e) impose a duty on the adjudicator to act impartially; and
(f) enable the adjudicator to take the initiative in
ascertaining the facts and the law.
(3) The contract shall provide that the decision of the
adjudicator is binding until the dispute is finally determined
by legal proceedings, by arbitration (if the contract provides
for arbitration or the parties otherwise agree to arbitration)
or by agreement.
The parties may agree to accept the decision of the
adjudicator as finally determining the dispute.
Appendix 1 | 243

(4) The contract shall also provide that the adjudicator is not
liable for anything done or omitted in the discharge or
purported discharge of his functions as adjudicator unless
the act or omission is in bad faith, and that any employee or
agent of the adjudicator is similarly protected from liability.
(5) If the contract does not comply with the requirements of
subsections (1) to (4), the adjudication provisions of the
Scheme for Construction Contracts apply.
(6) For England and Wales, the Scheme may apply the
provisions of the Arbitration Act 1996 with such adapta-
tions and modifications as appear to the Minister making
the Scheme to be appropriate.
For Scotland, the Scheme may include provision
conferring powers on courts in relation to adjudication
and provision relating to the enforcement of the adjudica-
tor's decision.

109 Entitlement to stage payments
(1) A party to a construction contract is entitled to payment by
instalments, stage payments or other periodic payments for
any work under the contract unless
(a) it is specified in the contract that the duration of the
work is to be less than 45 days, or
(b) it is agreed between the parties that the duration of the
work is estimated to be less than 45 days.
(2) The parties are free to agree the amounts of the payments
and the intervals at which, or circumstances in which, they
become due.
(3) In the absence of such agreement, the relevant provisions of
the Scheme for Construction Contracts apply.
(4) References in the following sections to a payment under the
contract include a payment by virtue of this section.
244 | Adjudication for architects and engineers

110 Dates for payment

(1) Every construction contract shall
(a) provide an adequate mechanism for determining what
payments become due under the contract, and when,
(b) provide for a final date for payment in relation to any
sum which becomes due.
The parties are free to agree how long the period is to be
between the date on which a sum becomes due and the final
date for payment.
(2) Every construction contract shall provide for the giving of
notice by a party not later than five days after the date on
which a payment becomes due from him under the
contract, or would have become due if
(a) the other party had carried out his obligations under the
contract, and
(b) no set-off or abatement was permitted by reference to
any sum claimed to be due under one or more other
specifying the amount (if any) of the payment made or
proposed to be made, and the basis on which that
amount was calculated.
(3) If or to the extent that a contract does not contain such
provision as is mentioned in subsection (1) or (2), the
relevant provisions of the Scheme for Construction
Contracts apply.

111 Notice of intention to withhold payment

(1) A party to a construction contract may not withhold
payment after the final date for payment of a sum due under
the contract unless he has given an effective notice of
intention to withhold payment.
The notice mentioned in section 110(2) may suffice as a
notice of intention to withhold payment if it complies with
the requirements of this section.
Appendix 1 | 245

(2) To be effective such a notice must specify

(a) the amount proposed to be withheld and the ground for
withholding payment, or
(b) if there is more than one ground, each ground and the
amount attributable to it,
and must be given not later than the prescribed period
before the final date for payment.
(3) The parties are free to agree what that prescribed period is
to be.
In the absence of such agreement, the period shall be that
provided by the Scheme for Construction Contracts.
(4) Where an effective notice of intention to withhold payment
is given, but on the matter being referred to adjudication it
is decided that the whole or part of the amount should be
paid, the decision shall be construed as requiring payment
not later than
(a) seven days from the date of the decision, or
(b) the date which apart from the notice would have been
the final date for payment,
whichever is the later.

112 Right to suspend performance for non-payment

(1) Where a sum due under a construction contract is not paid
in full by the final date for payment and no effective notice
to withhold payment has been given, the person to whom
the sum is due has the right (without prejudice to any other
right or remedy) to suspend performance of his obligations
under the contract to the party by whom payment ought to
have been made (``the party in default'').
(2) The right may not be exercised without first giving to the
party in default at least seven days' notice of intention to
suspend performance, stating the ground or grounds on
which it is intended to suspend performance.
(3) The right to suspend performance ceases when the party in
default makes payment in full of the amount due.
246 | Adjudication for architects and engineers

(4) Any period during which performance is suspended in

pursuance of the right conferred by this section shall be
disregarded in computing for the purposes of any contrac-
tual time limit the time taken, by the party exercising the
right or by a third party, to complete any work directly or
indirectly affected by the exercise of the right.
Where the contractual time limit is set by reference to a
date rather than a period, the date shall be adjusted

113 Prohibition of conditional payment provisions

(1) A provision making payment under a construction contract
conditional on the payer receiving payment from a third
person is ineffective, unless that third person, or any other
person payment by whom is under the contract (directly or
indirectly) a condition of payment by that third person, is
(2) For the purposes of this section a company becomes
(a) on the making of an administration order against it
under Part II of the Insolvency Act 1986,
(b) on the appointment of an administrative receiver or a
receiver or manager of its property under Chapter I of
Part III of that Act, or the appointment of a receiver
under Chapter II of that Part,
(c) on the passing of a resolution for voluntary winding-up
without a declaration of solvency under section 89 of
that Act, or
(d) on the making of a winding-up order under Part IV or V
of that Act.
(3) For the purposes of this section a partnership becomes
(a) on the making of a winding-up order against it under
any provision of the Insolvency Act 1986 as applied by
an order under section 420 of that Act, or
Appendix 1 | 247

(b) when sequestration is awarded on the estate of the

partnership under section 12 of the Bankruptcy (Scot-
land) Act 1985 or the partnership grants a trust deed
for its creditors.
(4) For the purposes of this section an individual becomes
(a) on the making of a bankruptcy order against him under
Part IX of the Insolvency Act 1986, or
(b) on the sequestration of his estate under the Bankruptcy
(Scotland) Act 1985 or when he grants a trust deed for
his creditors.
(5) A company, partnership or individual shall also be treated
as insolvent on the occurrence of any event corresponding
to those specified in subsection (2), (3) or (4) under the law
of Northern Ireland or of a country outside the United
(6) Where a provision is rendered ineffective by subsection (1),
the parties are free to agree other terms for payment.
In the absence of such agreement, the relevant provisions
of the Scheme for Construction Contracts apply.

Supplementary provisions
114 The Scheme for Construction Contracts
(1) The Minister shall by regulations make a scheme (``the
Scheme for Construction Contracts'') containing provision
about the matters referred to in the preceding provisions of
this Part.
(2) Before making any regulations under this section the
Minister shall consult such persons as he thinks fit.
(3) In this section ``the Minister'' means
(a) for England and Wales, the Secretary of State, and
(b) for Scotland, the Lord Advocate.
(4) Where any provisions of the Scheme for Construction
Contracts apply by virtue of this Part in default of
248 | Adjudication for architects and engineers

contractual provision agreed by the parties, they have effect

as implied terms of the contract concerned.
(5) Regulations under this section shall not be made unless a
draft of them has been approved by resolution of each
House of Parliament.

115 Service of notices, &c

(1) The parties are free to agree on the manner of service of any
notice or other document required or authorised to be
served in pursuance of the construction contract or for any
of the purposes of this Part.
(2) If or to the extent that there is no such agreement the
following provisions apply.
(3) A notice or other document may be served on a person by
any effective means.
(4) If a notice or other document is addressed, pre-paid and
delivered by post
(a) to the addressee's last known principal residence or, if
he is or has been carrying on a trade, profession or
business, his last known principal business address, or
(b) where the addressee is a body corporate, to the body's
registered or principal office,
it shall be treated as effectively served.
(5) This section does not apply to the service of documents for
the purposes of legal proceedings, for which provision is
made by rules of court.
(6) References in this Part to a notice or other document
include any form of communication in writing and
references to service shall be construed accordingly.

116 Reckoning periods of time

(1) For the purposes of this Part periods of time shall be
reckoned as follows.
Appendix 1 | 249

(2) Where an act is required to be done within a specified

period after or from a specified date, the period begins
immediately after that date.
(3) Where the period would include Christmas Day, Good
Friday or a day which under the Banking and Financial
Dealings Act 1971 is a bank holiday in England and Wales
or, as the case may be, in Scotland, that day shall be

117 Crown application

(1) This Part applies to a construction contract entered into by
or on behalf of the Crown otherwise than by or on behalf of
Her Majesty in her private capacity.
(2) This Part applies to a construction contract entered into on
behalf of the Duchy of Cornwall notwithstanding any
Crown interest.
(3) Where a construction contract is entered into by or on
behalf of Her Majesty in right of the Duchy of Lancaster,
Her Majesty shall be represented, for the purposes of any
adjudication or other proceedings arising out of the contract
by virtue of this Part, by the Chancellor of the Duchy or
such person as he may appoint.
(4) Where a construction contract is entered into on behalf of
the Duchy of Cornwall, the Duke of Cornwall or the
possessor for the time being of the Duchy shall be
represented, for the purposes of any adjudication or other
proceedings arising out of the contract by virtue of this Part,
by such person as he may appoint.

Source: The Housing Grants, Construction and Regeneration Act

1996. HMSO, London, 1996.
Appendix 2
The Scheme for Construction Contracts
(England and Wales) Regulations 1998

The text of the above is reproduced below.

Citation, commencement, extent and interpretation

1. (1) These Regulations may be cited as The Scheme for
Construction Contracts (England and Wales) Regulations
1998 and shall come into force at the end of the period of 8
weeks beginning with the day on which it is made (the
``commencement date'').
(2) These Regulations shall extend only to England and Wales.
(3) In these Regulations, ``the Act'' means the Housing Grants,
Construction and Regeneration Act 1996.

The Scheme for Construction Contracts

2. Where a construction contract does not comply with the
requirements of section 108(1) to (4) of the Act, the
adjudication provisions in Part 1 of the Schedule to these
Regulations shall apply.
3. Where
(a) the parties to a construction contract are unable to reach
agreement for the purposes mentioned respectively in
sections 109, 111 and 113 of the Act, or
(b) a construction contract does not make provision as required
by section 110 of the Act,
252 | Adjudication for architects and engineers

the relevant provisions in Part II of the Schedule to these

Regulations shall apply.
4. The provisions in the Schedule to these Regulations shall be the
Scheme for Construction Contracts for the purposes of section
114 of the Act.

Part I. Adjudication
Notice of Intention to seek Adjudication
1. (1) Any party to a construction contract (the ``referring party'')
may give written notice (the ``notice of adjudication'') of his
intention to refer any dispute arising under the contract to
(2) The notice of adjudication shall be given to every other
party to the contract.
(3) The notice of adjudication shall set out briefly
(a) the nature and a brief description of the dispute and of
the parties involved.
(b) details of where and when the dispute has arisen,
(c) the nature of the redress which is sought, and
(d) the names and addresses of the parties to the contract
(including, where appropriate, the addresses which the
parties have specified for the giving of notices).
2. (1) Following the giving of a notice of adjudication and subject
to any agreement between the parties to the dispute as to
who shall act as adjudicator
(a) the referring party shall request the person (if any)
specified in the contract to act as adjudicator, or
(b) if no person is named in the contract or the person
named has already indicated that he is unwilling or
unable to act, and the contract provides for a specified
nominating body to select a person, the referring party
shall request the nominating body named in the
contract to select a person to act as adjudicator, or
(c) where neither paragraph (a) nor (b) above applies, or
where the person referred to in (a) has already indicated
Appendix 2 | 253

that he is unwilling or unable to act and (b) does not

apply, the referring party shall request an adjudicator
nominating body to select a person to act as
(2) A person requested to act as adjudicator in accordance with
the provisions of paragraph (1) shall indicate whether or not
he is willing to act within two days of receiving the request.
(3) In this paragraph, and in paragraphs 5 and 6 below, an
``adjudicator nominating body'' shall mean a body (not
being a natural person and not being a party to the dispute)
which holds itself out publicly as a body which will select an
adjudicator when requested to do so by a referring party
3. The request referred to in paragraphs 2, 5 and 6 shall be
accompanied by a copy of the notice of adjudication.
4. Any person requested or selected to act as adjudicator in
accordance with paragraphs 2, 5 or 6 shall be a natural person
acting in his personal capacity. A person requested or selected
to act as an adjudicator shall not be an employee of any of the
parties to the dispute and shall declare any interest, financial or
otherwise, in any matter relating to the dispute.
5. (1) The nominating body referred to in paragraphs 2(1)(b) and
6(1)(b) or the adjudicator nominating body referred to in
paragraphs 2(1)(c), 5(2)(b) and 6(1)(c) must communicate
the selection of an adjudicator to the referring party within
five days of receiving a request to do so.
(2) Where the nominating body or the adjudicator nominating
body fails to comply with paragraph (1) the referring party
(a) agree with the other parties to the dispute to request a
specified person to act as adjudicator, or
(b) request any other adjudicator nominating body to select
a person to act as adjudicator.
(3) The person requested to act as adjudicator in accordance
with the provisions of paragraphs (1) or (2) shall indicate
254 | Adjudication for architects and engineers

whether or not he is willing to act within two days of

receiving the request.
6. (1) Where another adjudicator who is named in the contract
indicates to the parties that he is unable or unwilling to act
or where he fails to respond in accordance with paragraph
2(2), the referring party may
(a) request another person (if any) specified in the contract
to act as adjudicator or
(b) request the nominating body (if any) referred to in the
contract to select a person to act as adjudicator, or
(c) request any other adjudicator nominating body to select
a person to act as adjudicator.
(2) The person requested to act in accordance with the
provisions of paragraph (1) shall indicate whether or not
he is willing to act within two days of receiving the request.
7. (1) Where an adjudicator has been selected in accordance with
paragraphs 2, 5 or 6, the referring party shall, not later than
seven days from the date of the notice of adjudication, refer
the dispute in writing (the ``referral notice'') to the
(2) A referral notice shall be accompanied by copies of, or
relevant extracts from, the construction contract and such
other documents as the referring party intends to rely upon.
(3) The referring party shall, at the same time as he sends to the
adjudicator the documents referred to in paragraphs (1) and
(2), send copies of those documents to every other party to
the dispute.
8. (1) The adjudicator may, with the consent of all the parties to
those disputes, adjudicate at the same time on one or more
disputes under the same contract.
(2) The adjudicator may, with the consent of all the parties to
those disputes, adjudicate at the same time on related
disputes under different contracts, whether or not one or
more of those parties is a party to those disputes.
Appendix 2 | 255

(3) All the parties in paragraphs (1) and (2) respectively, may
agree to extend the period within which the adjudicator
may reach a decision in relation to all or any of these
(4) Where an adjudicator ceases to act because a dispute is to
be adjudicated on by another person in terms of this
paragraph, that adjudicator's fees and expenses shall be
determined in accordance with paragraph 25.
9. (1) An adjudicator may resign at any time on giving notice in
writing to the parties to the dispute.
(2) An adjudicator must resign where the dispute is the same or
substantially the same as one which has previously been
referred to adjudication, and a decision has been taken in
that adjudication.
(3) Where an adjudicator ceases to act under paragraph 9(1)
(a) the referring party may serve a fresh notice under
paragraph 1 and shall request an adjudicator to act in
accordance within paragraphs 2 to 7; and
(b) if requested by the new adjudicator and insofar as it is
reasonably practicable, the parties shall supply him with
copies of all documents which they had made available
to the previous adjudicator.
(4) Where an adjudicator resigns in the circumstances referred
to in paragraph (2), or where a dispute varies significantly
from the dispute referred to him in the referral notice and
for that reason he is not competent to decide it, the
adjudicator shall be entitled to the payment of such
reasonable amount as he may determine by way of fees
and expenses reasonably incurred by him. The parties shall
be jointly and severally liable for any sum which remains
outstanding following the making of any determination on
how the payment shall be apportioned.
10. Where any party to the dispute objects to the appointment of a
particular person as adjudicator, that objection shall not
256 | Adjudication for architects and engineers

invalidate the adjudicator's appointment nor any decision he

may reach in accordance with paragraph 20.
11. (1) The parties to a dispute may at any time agree to revoke the
appointment of the adjudicator. The adjudicator shall be
entitled to the payment of such reasonable amount as he
may determine by way of fees and expenses incurred by him.
The parties shall be jointly and severally liable for any sum
which remains outstanding following the making of any
determination on how the payment shall be apportioned.
(2) Where the revocation of the appointment of the adjudi-
cator is due to the default or misconduct of the adjudicator,
the parties shall not be liable to pay the adjudicator's fees
and expenses.
Powers of the adjudicator
12. The adjudicator shall
(a) act impartially in carrying out his duties and shall do so in
accordance with any relevant terms of the contract and
shall reach his decision in accordance with the applicable
law in relation to the contract; and
(b) avoid incurring unnecessary expense.
13. The adjudicator may take the initiative in ascertaining the facts
and the law necessary to determine the dispute, and shall decide
on the procedure to be followed in the adjudication. In
particular he may
(a) request any party to the contract to supply him with such
documents as he may reasonably require including, if he so
directs, any written statement from any party to the
contract supporting or supplementing the referral notice
and any other documents given under paragraphs 7(2),
(b) decide the language or languages to be used in the
adjudication and whether a translation of any document
is to be provided and if so by whom,
(c) meet and question any of the parties to the contract and
their representatives,
Appendix 2 | 257

(d) subject to obtaining any necessary consent from a third

party or parties, make such site visits and inspections as he
considers appropriate, whether accompanied by the parties
or not,
(e) subject to obtaining any necessary consent from a third
party or parties, carry out any tests or experiments,
(f) obtain and consider such representations and submissions as
he requires, and, provided he has notified the parties of his
intention, appoint experts, assessors or legal advisers,
(g) give directions as to the timetable for the adjudication, any
deadlines, or limits as to the length of written documents or
oral representations to be complied with, and
(h) issue other directions relating to the conduct of the
14. The parties shall comply with any request or direction of the
adjudicator in relation to the adjudication.
15. If, without showing sufficient cause, a party fails to comply with
any request, direction or timetable of the adjudicator made in
accordance with his powers, fails to produce any document or
written statement requested by the adjudicator or in any other
way fails to comply with a requirement under these provisions
relating to the adjudication, the adjudicator may
(a) continue the adjudication in the absence of that party or of
the document or written statement requested,
(b) draw such inferences from that failure to comply as
circumstances may, in the adjudicator's opinion, be
justified, and
(c) make a decision on the basis of the information before him
attaching such weight as he thinks fit to any evidence
submitted to him outside any period he may have requested
or directed.
16. (1) Subject to any agreement between the parties to the
contrary and to the terms of paragraph (2) below, any party
to the dispute may be assisted by, or represented by such
258 | Adjudication for architects and engineers

advisers or representatives (whether legally qualified or not)

as he considers appropriate.
(2) Where the adjudicator is considering oral evidence or
representations, a party to the dispute may not be
represented by more than one person, unless the adjudi-
cator gives directions to the contrary.
17. The adjudicator shall consider any relevant information
submitted to him by any of the parties to the dispute and shall
make available to them any information to be taken into
account in reaching his decision.
18. The adjudicator and any party to the dispute shall not disclose
to any other person any information or document provided to
him in connection with the adjudication which the party
supplying it has indicated is to be treated as confidential, except
to the extent that it is necessary for the purposes of, or in
connection with, the adjudication.
19. (1) The adjudicator shall reach his decision not later than
(a) twenty eight days after the date of the referral notice
mentioned in paragraph 7(1), or
(b) forty two days after the date of the referral notice if the
referring party so consents, or
(c) such period exceeding twenty eight days after the
referral notice as the parties to the dispute may, after
the giving of that notice, agree.
(2) Where the adjudicator fails, for any reason, to reach his
decision in accordance with paragraph (1)
(a) any of the parties to the dispute may serve a fresh notice
under paragraph 1 and shall request an adjudicator to
act in accordance with paragraphs 2 to 7; and
(b) if requested by the new adjudicator and insofar as it is
reasonably practicable, the parties shall supply him with
copies of all documents which they had made available
to the previous adjudicator.
Appendix 2 | 259

(3) As soon as possible after he has reached a decision, the

adjudicator shall deliver a copy of that decision to each of
the parties to the contract.

Adjudicator's decision
20. The adjudicator shall decide the matters in dispute. He may
take into account any other matters which the parties to the
dispute agree should be within the scope of the adjudication or
which are matters under the contract which he considers are
necessarily connected with the dispute. In particular, he may
(a) open up, revise and review any decision taken or any
certificate given by any person referred to in the contract
unless the contract states that the decision or certificate is
final and conclusive,
(b) decide that any of the parties to the dispute is liable to make
a payment under the contract (whether in sterling or some
other currency) and, subject to section 111(4) of the Act,
when that payment is due and the final date for payment,
(c) having regard to any term of the contract relating to the
payment of interest decide the circumstances in which, and
the rates at which, and the periods for which simple or
compound rates of interest shall be paid.
21. In the absence of any directions by the adjudicator relating to
the time for performance of his decision, the parties shall be
required to comply with any decision of the adjudicator
immediately on delivery of the decision to the parties in
accordance with this paragraph.
22. If requested by one of the parties to the dispute, the adjudicator
shall provide reasons for his decision.

Effects of the decision

23. (1) In his decision, the adjudicator may, if he thinks fit, order
any of the parties to comply peremptorily with his decision
or any part of it.
260 | Adjudication for architects and engineers

(2) The decision of the adjudicator shall be binding on the

parties, and they shall comply with it until the dispute is
finally determined by legal proceedings, by arbitration (if the
contract provides for arbitration or the parties otherwise
agree to arbitration), or by agreement between the parties.
24. Section 42 of the Arbitration Act 1996 shall apply to this
Scheme subject to the following modifications
(a) in subsection (2) for the word ``tribunal'' wherever it
appears there shall be substituted the word ``adjudicator'',
(b) in subparagraph (b) of subsection (2) for the words ``arbitral
proceedings'' there shall be substituted the word ``adjudication'',
(c) subparagraph (c) of subsection (2) shall be deleted, and
(d) subsection (3) shall be deleted.
25. The adjudicator shall be entitled to the payment of such
reasonable amount as he may determine by way of fees and
expenses reasonably incurred by him. The parties shall be jointly
and severally liable to pay any sum which remains outstanding
following the making of any determination on how the payment
shall be apportioned.
26. The adjudicator shall not be liable for anything done or omitted
in the discharge or purported discharge of his functions as
adjudicator unless the act or omission is in bad faith, and any
employee or agent of the adjudicator shall be similarly protected
from liability.

Part II. Payment

Entitlement to and amount of stage payments
1. Where the parties to a relevant construction contract fail to
(a) the amount of any instalment or stage or periodic payment
for any work under the contract, or
(b) the intervals at which, or circumstances in which, such
payments become due under that contract, or
Appendix 2 | 261

(c) both of the matters mentioned in sub-paragraphs (a) and

(b) above, the relevant provisions of paragraphs 2 to 4 below
shall apply.
2. (1) The amount of any payment by way of instalments or stage
or periodic payments in respect of a relevant period shall be
the difference between the amount determined in accor-
dance with sub-paragraph (2) and the amount determined
in accordance with sub-paragraph (3).
(2) The aggregate of the following amounts
(a) an amount equal to the value of any work performed in
accordance with the relevant construction contract
during the period from the commencement of the
contract to the end of the relevant period (excluding
any amount calculated in accordance with sub-
paragraph (b)),
(b) where the contract provides for payment for materials,
an amount equal to the value of any materials
manufactured on site or brought onto site for the
purposes of the works during the period from the
commencement of the contract to the end of the
relevant period, and
(c) any other amount or sum which the contract specifies
shall be payable during or in respect of the period from
the commencement of the contract to the end of the
relevant period.
(3) The aggregate of any sums which have been paid or are due
for payment by way of instalments, stage or periodic
payments during the period from the commencement of
the contract to the end of the relevant period.
(4) An amount calculated in accordance with this paragraph
shall not exceed the difference between
(a) the contract price, and
(b) the aggregate of the instalments or stage or periodic
payments which have become due.
262 | Adjudication for architects and engineers

Dates for payment

3. Where the parties to a construction contract fail to provide an
adequate mechanism for determining either what payments
become due under the contract, or when they become due for
payment, or both, the relevant provisions of paragraphs 4 to 7
shall apply.
4. Any payment of a kind mentioned in paragraph 2 above shall
become due on whichever of the following dates occurs later
(a) the expiry of 7 days following the relevant period mentioned
in paragraph 2(1) above, or
(b) the making of a claim by the payee.
5. The final payment payable under a relevant construction
contract, namely the payment of an amount equal to the
difference (if any ) between
(a) the contract price, and
(b) the aggregate of any instalment or stage or periodic
payments which have become due under the contract,
shall become due on the expiry of
(a) 30 days following completion of the work, or
(b) the making of a claim by the payee,
whichever is the later.
6. Payment of the contract price under a construction contract (not
being a relevant construction contract) shall become due on
(a) the expiry of 30 days following the completion of the work, or
(b) the making of a claim by the payee
whichever is the later.
7. Any other payment under a construction contract shall become
(a) on the expiry of 7 days following the completion of the work
to which the payment relates, or
(b) the making of a claim by the payee,
whichever is the later.
Appendix 2 | 263

Final date for payment

8. (1) Where the parties to a construction contract fail to provide
a final date for payment in relation to any sum which
becomes due under a construction contract, the provisions
of this paragraph shall apply.
(2) The final date for the making of any payment of a kind
mentioned in paragraphs 2, 5, 6 or 7, shall be 17 days from
the date that payment becomes due.

Notice specifying amount of payment

9. A party to a construction contract shall, not later than 5 days
after the date on which any payment
(a) becomes due from him, or
(b) would have become due, if
(i) the other party had carried out his obligations under the
contract, and
(ii) no set-off or abatement was permitted by reference to any
sum claimed to be due under one or more other contracts,
give notice to the other party to the contract specifying the
amount (if any) of the payment he has made or proposes to
make, specifying to what the payment relates and the basis on
which that amount is calculated.

Notice of intention to withhold payment

10. Any notice of intention to withhold payment mentioned in
section 111 of the Act shall be given not later than the
prescribed period, which is to say not later than 7 days before
the final date for payment determined either in accordance with
the construction contract, or where no such provision is made
in the contract, in accordance with paragraph 8 above.

Prohibition of conditional payment provisions

11. Where a provision making payment under a construction
contract conditional on the payer receiving payment from a
264 | Adjudication for architects and engineers

third person is ineffective as mentioned in section 113 of the

Act, and the parties have not agreed other terms for payment,
the relevant provisions of
(a) paragraphs 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9 and 10 shall apply in the case of a
relevant construction contract, and
(b) paragraphs 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 shall apply in the case of any
other construction contract.

12. In this Part of the Scheme for Construction Contracts
``claim by the payee'' means a written notice given by the party
carrying out work under a construction contract to the other
party specifying the amount of any payment or payments which
he considers to be due and the basis on which it is, or they are
``contract price'' means the entire sum payable under the
construction contract in respect of the work;
``relevant construction contract'' means any construction
contract other than one which specifies that the duration of
the work is to be less than 45 days, or in respect of which the
parties agree that the duration of the work is estimated to be less
than 45 days;
``relevant period'' means a period which is specified in, or is
calculated by reference to the construction contract or where no
such period is so specified or is so calculable, a period of 28 days:
``value of work'' means an amount determined in accordance
with the construction contract under which the work is
performed or where the contract contains no such provision,
the cost of any work performed in accordance with that contract
together with an amount equal to any overhead or profit
included in the contract price;
``work'' means any of the work or services mentioned in section
104 of the Act.
Appendix 2 | 265

Explanatory note
(This note is not part of the Order)
Part II of the Housing Grants, Construction and Regeneration Act
1996 makes provision in relation to construction contracts. Section
114 empowers the Secretary of State to make the Scheme for
Construction Contracts. Where a construction contract does not
comply with the requirements of sections 108 to 111 (adjudication
of disputes and payment provisions), and section 113 (prohibition of
conditional payment provisions), the relevant provisions of the
Scheme for Construction Contracts have effect.
The Scheme which is contained in the Schedule to these
Regulations is in two parts. Part I provides for the selection and
appointment of an adjudicator, gives powers to the adjudicator to
gather and consider information, and makes provisions in respect of
his decisions. Part II makes provision with respect to payments
under a construction contract where either the contract fails to
make provision or the parties fail to agree
(a) the method for calculating the amount of any instalment, stage
or periodic payment,
(b) the due date and the final date for payments to be made, and
(c) prescribes the period within which a notice of intention to
withhold payment must be given.
Appendix 3
The Scheme for Construction Contracts
(Scotland) Regulations 1998

The text of the above is reproduced below.

Citation, commencement and extent

1. (1) These Regulations may be cited as the Scheme for
Construction Contracts (Scotland) Regulations 1998 and
shall come into force at the end of the period of 8 weeks
beginning with the day on which they are made.
(2) These Regulations extend to Scotland only.

2. In these Regulations, ``the Act'' means the Housing Grants,
Construction and Regeneration Act 1996.

The Scheme for Construction Contracts (Scotland)

3. Where a construction contract does not comply with the
requirements of subsections (1) to (4) of section 108 of the Act,
the adjudication provisions in Part I of the Schedule to these
Regulations shall apply.
4. Where
(a) the parties to a construction contract are unable to reach
agreement for the purposes mentioned respectively in
sections 109, 111 and 113 of the Act; or
268 | Adjudication for architects and engineers

(b) a construction contract does not make provision as required

by section 110 of the Act,
the relevant provisions in Part II of the Schedule to these
Regulations shall apply.
5. The provisions in the Schedule to these Regulations shall be the
Scheme for Construction Contracts (Scotland) for the purposes
of section 114 of the Act.

Part I. Adjudication
Notice of intention to seek adjudication
1. (1) Any party to a construction contract (``the referring party'')
may give written notice (``the notice of adjudication'') of his
intention to refer any dispute arising under the contract to
(2) The notice of adjudication shall be given to every other
party to the contract.
(3) The notice of adjudication shall set out briefly
(a) the nature and a brief description of the dispute and of
the parties involved;
(b) details of where and when the dispute has arisen;
(c) the nature of the redress which is sought; and
(d) the names and addresses of the parties to the contract
(including, where appropriate, the addresses which the
parties have specified for the giving of notices).
2. (1) Following the giving of a notice of adjudication and subject
to any agreement between the parties to the dispute as to
who shall act as adjudicator
(a) the referring party shall request the person (if any)
specified in the contract to act as adjudicator;
(b) if no person is named in the contract or the person
named has already indicated that he is unwilling or
unable to act, and the contract provides for a specified
nominating body to select a person, the referring party
shall request the nominating body named in the
contract to select a person to act as adjudicator; or
Appendix 3 | 269

(c) where neither head (a) nor (b) above applies, or where
the person referred to in (a) has already indicated that
he is unwilling or unable to act and (b) does not apply,
the referring party shall request an adjudicator nomi-
nating body to select a person to act as adjudicator.
(2) A person requested to act as adjudicator in accordance with
the provisions of sub-paragraph (1) shall indicate whether
or not he is willing to act within two days of receiving the
(3) In this paragraph, and in paragraphs 5 and 6 below, ``an
adjudicator nominating body'' shall mean a body (not being
a natural person and not being a party to the dispute) which
holds itself out publicly as a body which will select an
adjudicator when requested to do so by a referring party.
3. The request referred to in paragraphs 2, 5 and 6 shall be
accompanied by a copy of the notice of adjudication.
4. Any person requested or selected to act as adjudicator in
accordance with paragraphs 2, 5 or 6 shall be a natural person
acting in his personal capacity. A person requested or selected
to act as an adjudicator shall not be an employee of any of the
parties to the dispute and shall declare any interest, financial or
otherwise, in any matter relating to the dispute.
5. (1) The nominating body referred to in paragraphs 2(1)(b) and
6(1)(b) or the adjudicator nominating body referred to in
paragraphs 2(1)(c), 5(2)(b) and 6(1)(c) must communicate
the selection of an adjudicator to the referring party within
five days of receiving a request to do so.
(2) Where the nominating body or the adjudicator nominating
body fails to comply with sub-paragraph (1), the referring
party may
(a) agree with the other party to the dispute to request a
specified person to act as adjudicator; or
(b) request any other adjudicator nominating body to select
a person to act as adjudicator.
270 | Adjudication for architects and engineers

(3) The person requested to act as adjudicator in accordance

with the provisions of sub-paragraph (1) or (2) shall indicate
whether or not he is willing to act within two days of
receiving the request.
6. (1) Where an adjudicator who is named in the contract
indicates to the parties that he is unable or unwilling to act,
or where he fails to respond in accordance with paragraph
2(2), the referring party may
(a) request another person (if any) specified in the contract
to act as adjudicator;
(b) request the nominating body (if any) referred to in the
contract to select a person to act as adjudicator; or
(c) request any other adjudicator nominating body to select
a person to act as adjudicator.
(2) The person requested to act in accordance with the provisions
of sub-paragraph (1) shall indicate whether or not he is willing
to act within two days of receiving the request.
7. (1) Where an adjudicator has been selected in accordance with
paragraphs 2, 5 or 6, the referring party shall, not later than
seven days from the date of the notice of adjudication, refer
the dispute in writing (``the referral notice'') to the adjudicator.
(2) A referral notice shall be accompanied by copies of, or
relevant extracts from, the construction contract and such
other documents as the referring party intends to rely upon.
(3) The referring party shall, at the same time as he sends to the
adjudicator the documents referred to in sub-paragraphs (1)
and (2), send copies of those documents to every other
party to the dispute.
8. (1) The adjudicator may, with the consent of all the parties to
those disputes, adjudicate at the same time on more than
one dispute under the same contract.
(2) The adjudicator may, with the consent of all the parties to
those disputes, adjudicate at the same time on related
disputes under different contracts, whether or not one or
more of those parties is a party to those disputes.
Appendix 3 | 271

(3) All the parties in sub-paragraphs (1) and (2) respectively

may agree to extend the period within which the
adjudicator may reach a decision in relation to all or any
of these disputes.
(4) Where an adjudicator ceases to act because a dispute is to
be adjudicated on by another person in terms of this
paragraph, that adjudicator's fees and expenses shall be
determined and payable in accordance with paragraph 25.
9. (1) An adjudicator may resign at any time on giving notice in
writing to the parties to the dispute.
(2) An adjudicator must resign where the dispute is the same or
substantially the same as one which has previously been
referred to adjudication, and a decision has been taken in
that adjudication.
(3) Where an adjudicator ceases to act under sub-paragraph
(a) the referring party may serve a fresh notice under
paragraph 1 and shall request an adjudicator to act in
accordance with paragraphs 2 to 7; and
(b) if requested by the new adjudicator and insofar as it is
reasonably practicable, the parties shall supply him with
copies of all documents which they had made available
to the previous adjudicator.
(4) Where an adjudicator resigns in the circumstances men-
tioned in sub-paragraph (2), or where a dispute varies
significantly from the dispute referred to him and for that
reason he is not competent to decide it, that adjudicator's
fees and expenses shall be determined and payable in
accordance with paragraph 25.
10. Where any party to the dispute objects to the appointment of a
particular person as adjudicator, that objection shall not
invalidate the adjudicator's appointment nor any decision he
may reach in accordance with paragraph 20.
11. (1) The parties to a dispute may at any time agree to revoke the
appointment of the adjudicator and in such circumstances
272 | Adjudication for architects and engineers

the fees and expenses of that adjudicator shall, subject to

sub-paragraph (2), be determined and payable in accor-
dance with paragraph 25.
(2) Where the revocation of the appointment of the adjudi-
cator is due to the default or misconduct of the adjudicator,
the parties shall not be liable to pay the adjudicator's fees
and expenses.

Powers of the adjudicator

12. The adjudicator shall
(a) act impartially in carrying out his duties and shall do so in
accordance with any relevant terms of the contract and
shall reach his decision in accordance with the applicable
law in relation to the contract; and
(b) avoid incurring unnecessary expense.
13. The adjudicator may take the initiative in ascertaining the facts
and the law necessary to determine the dispute, and shall decide
on the procedure to be followed in the adjudication. In
particular, he may
(a) request any party to the contract to supply him with such
documents as he may reasonably require including, if he so
directs, any written statement from any party to the
contract supporting or supplementing the referral notice
and any other documents given under paragraph 7(2);
(b) decide the language or languages to be used in the
adjudication and whether a translation of any document
is to be provided and, if so, by whom;
(c) meet and question any of the parties to the contract and
their representatives;
(d) subject to obtaining any necessary consent from a third
party or parties, make such site visits and inspections as he
considers appropriate, whether accompanied by the parties
or not;
(e) subject to obtaining any necessary consent from a third
party or parties, carry out any tests or experiments;
Appendix 3 | 273

(f) obtain and consider such representations and submissions as

he requires, and, provided he has notified the parties of his
intention, appoint experts, assessors or legal advisers;
(g) give directions as to the timetable for the adjudication, any
deadlines, or limits as to the length of written documents or
oral representations to be complied with; and
(h) issue other directions relating to the conduct of the
14. The parties shall comply with any request or direction of the
adjudicator in relation to the adjudication.
15. If, without showing sufficient cause, a party fails to comply with
any request, direction or timetable of the adjudicator made in
accordance with his powers, fails to produce any document or
written statement requested by the adjudicator, or in any other
way fails to comply with a requirement under these provisions
relating to the adjudication, the adjudicator may
(a) continue the adjudication in the absence of that party or of
the document or written statement requested;
(b) draw such inferences from that failure to comply as may, in
the adjudicator's opinion, be justified in the circumstances;
(c) make a decision on the basis of the information before him,
attaching such weight as he thinks fit to any evidence
submitted to him outside any period he may have requested
or directed.
16. (1) Subject to any agreement between the parties to the
contrary and to the terms of sub-paragraph (2), any party to
the dispute may be assisted by, or represented by, such
advisers or representatives (whether legally qualified or not)
as he considers appropriate.
(2) Where the adjudicator is considering oral evidence or
representations, a party to the dispute may not be
represented by more than one person, unless the adjudi-
cator gives directions to the contrary.
274 | Adjudication for architects and engineers

17. The adjudicator shall consider any relevant information

submitted to him by any of the parties to the dispute and shall
make available to them any information to be taken into
account in reaching his decision.
18. The adjudicator and any party to the dispute shall not disclose
to any other person any information or document provided to
him in connection with the adjudication which the party
supplying it has indicated is to be treated as confidential, except
to the extent that it is necessary for the purposes of, or in
connection with, the adjudication.
19. (1) The adjudicator shall reach his decision not later than
(a) twenty eight days after the date of the referral notice
mentioned in paragraph 7(1);
(b) forty two days after the date of the referral notice if the
referring party so consents; or
(c) such period exceeding twenty eight days after the
referral notice as the parties to the dispute may, after
the giving of that notice, agree.
(2) Where the adjudicator fails, for any reason, to reach his
decision in accordance with sub-paragraph (1)
(a) any of the parties to the dispute may serve a fresh notice
under paragraph 1 and shall request an adjudicator to
act in accordance with paragraphs 2 to 7; and
(b) if requested by the new adjudicator and insofar as it is
reasonably practicable, the parties shall supply him with
copies of all documents which they had made available
to the previous adjudicator.
(c) As soon as possible after he has reached a decision, the
adjudicator shall deliver a copy of that decision to each
of the parties to the contract.

Adjudicator's decision
20. (1) The adjudicator shall decide the matters in dispute and may
make a decision on different aspects of the dispute at
different times.
Appendix 3 | 275

(2) The adjudicator may take into account any other matters
which the parties to the dispute agree should be within the
scope of the adjudication or which are matters under the
contract which he considers are necessarily connected with
the dispute and, in particular, he may
(a) open up, review and revise any decision taken or any
certificate given by any person referred to in the
contract, unless the contract states that the decision or
certificate is final and conclusive;
(b) decide that any of the parties to the dispute is liable to
make a payment under the contract (whether in sterling
or some other currency) and, subject to section 111(4)
of the Act, when that payment is due and the final date
for payment;
(c) having regard to any term of the contract relating to the
payment of interest, decide the circumstances in which,
the rates at which, and the periods for which simple or
compound rates of interest shall be paid.
21. In the absence of any directions by the adjudicator relating to
the time for performance of his decision, the parties shall be
required to comply with any decision of the adjudicator
immediately on delivery of the decision to the parties in
accordance with paragraph 19(3).
22. If requested by one of the parties to the dispute, the adjudicator
shall provide reasons for his decision.

Effects of the decision

23. (1) In his decision, the adjudicator may, if he thinks fit, order
any of the parties to comply peremptorily with his decision
or any part of it.
(2) The decision of the adjudicator shall be binding on the
parties, and they shall comply with it, until the dispute is
finally determined by legal proceedings, by arbitration (if the
contract provides for arbitration or the parties otherwise
agree to arbitration), or by agreement between the parties.
276 | Adjudication for architects and engineers

24. Where a party or the adjudicator wishes to register the decision

for execution in the Books of Council and Session, any other
party shall, on being requested to do so, forthwith consent to
such registration by subscribing the decision before a witness.
25. (1) The adjudicator shall be entitled to the payment of such
reasonable amount as he may determine by way of fees and
expenses incurred by him and the parties shall be jointly and
severally liable to pay that amount to the adjudicator.
(2) Without prejudice to the right of the adjudicator to effect
recovery from any party in accordance with sub-paragraph
(1), the adjudicator may by direction determine the
apportionment between the parties of liability for his fees
and expenses.
26. The adjudicator shall not be liable for anything done or omitted
in the discharge or purported discharge of his functions as
adjudicator unless the act or omission is in bad faith, and any
employee or agent of the adjudicator shall be similarly protected
from liability.

Part II. Payment

Entitlement to and amount of stage payments
1. Where the parties to a relevant construction contract fail to
(a) the amount of any instalment or stage or periodic payment
for any work under the contract;
(b) the intervals at which, or circumstances in which, such
payments become due under that contract; or
(c) both of the matters mentioned in sub-paragraphs (a) and
the relevant provisions of paragraphs 2 to 4 shall apply.
2. (1) The amount of any payment by way of instalments or stage
or periodic payments in respect of a relevant period shall be
the difference between the amount determined in accor-
dance with sub-paragraph (2) and the amount determined
in accordance with sub-paragraph (3).
Appendix 3 | 277

(2) The aggregate of the following amounts:

(a) an amount equal to the value of any work performed in
accordance with the relevant construction contract
during the period from the commencement of the
contract to the end of the relevant period (excluding
any amount calculated in accordance with head (b));
(b) where the contract provides for payment for materials,
an amount equal to the value of any materials
manufactured on site or brought onto site for the
purposes of the works during the period from the
commencement of the contract to the end of the
relevant period; and
(c) any other amount or sum which the contract specifies
shall be payable during or in respect of the period from
the commencement of the contract to the end of the
relevant period.
(3) The aggregate of any sums which have been paid or are due
for payment by way of instalments, stage or periodic
payments during the period from the commencement of
the contract to the end of the relevant period.
(4) An amount calculated in accordance with this paragraph
shall not exceed the difference between
(a) the contract price; and
(b) the aggregate of the instalments or stage or periodic
payments which have become due.

Dates for payment

3. Where the parties to a construction contract fail to provide an
adequate mechanism for determining either what payments
become due under the contract, or when they become due for
payment, or both, the relevant provisions of paragraphs 4 to 7
shall apply.
4. Any payment of a kind mentioned in paragraph 2 above shall
become due on whichever of the following dates occurs later
278 | Adjudication for architects and engineers

(a) the expiry of seven days following the relevant period

mentioned in paragraph 2(1); or
(b) the making of a claim by the payee.
5. The final payment payable under a relevant construction
contract, namely the payment of an amount equal to the
difference (if any) between
(a) the contract price; and
(b) the aggregate of any instalment or stage or periodic
payments which have become due under the contract,
shall become due on
(i) the expiry of thirty days following completion of the
work; or
(ii) the making of a claim by the payee,
whichever is the later.
6. Payment of the contract price under a construction contract
(not being a relevant construction contract) shall become due
(a) the expiry of thirty days following the completion of the
work; or
(b) the making of a claim by the payee,
whichever is the later.
7. Any other payment under a construction contract shall become
due on
(a) the expiry of seven days following the completion of the
work to which the payment relates; or
(b) the making of a claim by the payee,
whichever is the later.

Final date for payment

8. (1) Where the parties to a construction contract fail to provide
a final date for payment in relation to any sum which
becomes due under a construction contract, the provisions
of this paragraph shall apply.
Appendix 3 | 279

(2) The final date for the making of any payment of a kind
mentioned in paragraphs 2, 5, 6 or 7 shall be 17 days from
the date that payment becomes due.

Notice specifying amount of payment

9. A party to a construction contract shall, not later than 5 days
after the date on which any payment
(a) becomes due from him; or
(b) would have become due, if
(i) the other party had carried out his obligations under
the contract; and
(ii) no set-off or abatement was permitted by reference to
any sum claimed to be due under one or more other
give notice to the other party to the contract specifying the
amount (if any) of the payment he has made or proposes to
make, specifying to what the payment relates and the basis on
which that amount is calculated.

Notice of intention to withhold payment

10. Any notice of intention to withhold payment mentioned in
section 111 of the Act shall be given not later than the
prescribed period, which is to say not later than seven days
before the final date for payment determined either in
accordance with the construction contract or, where no such
provision is made in the contract, in accordance with paragraph

Prohibition of conditional payment provisions

11. Where a provision making payment under a construction
contract conditional on the payer receiving payment from a
third person is ineffective as mentioned in section 113 of the
Act and the parties have not agreed other terms for payment,
the relevant provisions of
280 | Adjudication for architects and engineers

(a) paragraphs 2, 4, 5 and 7 to 10 shall apply in the case of a

relevant construction contract; and
(b) paragraphs 6 to 10 shall apply in the case of any other
construction contract.

12. In this Part
``claim by the payee'' means a written notice given by the party
carrying out work under a construction contract to the other
party specifying the amount of any payment or payments which
he considers to be due, specifying to what the payment relates
(or payments relate) and the basis on which it is, or they are,
``contract price'' means the entire sum payable under the
construction contract in respect of the work;
``relevant construction contract'' means any construction
contract other than one
(a) which specifies that the duration of the work is to be less
than 45 days; or
(b) in respect of which the parties agree that the duration of the
work is estimated to be less than 45 days;
``relevant period'' means a period which is specified in, or is
calculated by reference to, the construction contract or, where
no such period is so specified or is so calculable, a period of 28
``value of work'' means an amount determined in accordance
with the construction contract under which the work is
performed or, where the contract contains no such provision,
the cost of any work performed in accordance with that contract
together with an amount equal to any overhead or profit
included in the contract price;
``work'' means any of the work or services mentioned in section
104 of the Act.
Appendix 3 | 281

Explanatory Note
(This note is not part of the Regulations)

Part II of the Housing Grants, Construction and Regeneration Act

1996 makes provision in relation to construction contracts. Section
114 empowers the Lord Advocate to make the Scheme for
Construction Contracts (as regards Scotland). Where a construc-
tion contract does not comply with the requirements of sections 108
to 111 (adjudication of disputes and payment provisions), and
section 113 (prohibition of conditional payment provisions), the
relevant provisions of the Scheme for Construction Contracts have
The Scheme which is contained in the Schedule to these
Regulations is in two parts. Part I provides for the selection and
appointment of an adjudicator, gives powers to the adjudicator to
gather and consider information, and makes provisions in respect of
his decisions. Part II makes provision with respect to payments
under a construction contract where either the contract fails to
make provision or the parties fail to agree
(a) the method for calculating the amount of any instalment, stage
or periodic payment;
(b) the due date and the final date for payments to be made; and
(c) the prescribed period within which a notice of intention to
withhold payment must be given.
Appendix 4
The Construction Contracts (England
and Wales) Exclusion Order 1998

The text of the above is reproduced below.

Citation, commencement and extent

1. (1) This Order may be cited as the Construction Contracts
(England and Wales) Exclusion Order 1998 and shall come
into force at the end of the period of 8 weeks beginning with
the day on which it is made (``the commencement date'').
(2) This Order shall extend to England and Wales only.

2. In this Order, ``Part II'' means Part II of the Housing Grants,
Construction and Regeneration Act 1996.

Agreements under statute

3. A construction contract is excluded from the operation of Part
II if it is
(a) an agreement under section 38 (power of highway
authorities to adopt by agreement) or section 278 (agree-
ments as to execution of works) of the Highways Act 19801;

1 1980 c.66: section 38 was amended by and section 278 substituted by the New Roads
and Street Works Act 1991 (c.22) sections 22 and 23.
284 | Adjudication for architects and engineers

(b) an agreement under section 106 (planning obligations),

106A (modification or discharge of planning obligations) or
299A (Crown planning obligations) of the Town and
Country Planning Act 19902;
(c) an agreement under section 104 of the Water Industry Act
19913 (agreements to adopt sewer, drain or sewage disposal
works); or
(d) an externally financed development agreement within the
meaning of section 1 of the National Health Service
(Private Finance) Act 19974 (powers of NHS Trusts to
enter into agreements).

Private finance initiative

4. (1) A construction contract is excluded from the operation of
Part II if it is a contract entered into under the private
finance initiative, within the meaning given below.
(2) A contract is entered into under the private finance
initiative if all the following conditions are fulfilled
(a) it contains a statement that it is entered into under that
initiative or, as the case may be, under a project
applying similar principles;
(b) the consideration due under the contract is determined
at least in part by reference to one or more of the
(i) the standards attained in the performance of a
service, the provision of which is the principal
purpose or one of the principal purposes for which
the building or structure is constructed;
(ii) the extent, rate or intensity of use of all or any part
of the building or structure in question; or

2 1990 c.8: section 106 was substituted and the other sections inserted by section 12 of
the Planning and Compensation Act 1991 (c.34).
3 1991 c.56.
4 1997 c.56.
Appendix 4 | 285

(iii) the right to operate any facility in connection with

the building or structure in question; and
(c) one of the parties to the contract is
(i) a Minister of the Crown;
(ii) a department in respect of which appropriation
accounts are required to be prepared under the
Exchequer and Audit Departments Act 18665;
(iii) any other authority or body whose accounts are
required to be examined and certified by or are
open to the inspection of the Comptroller and
Auditor General by virtue of an agreement entered
into before the commencement date or by virtue of
any enactment;
(iv) any authority or body listed in Schedule 4 to the
National Audit Act 19836 (nationalised industries
and other public authorities);
(v) a body whose accounts are subject to audit by
auditors appointed by the Audit Commission;
(vi) the governing body or trustees of a voluntary
school within the meaning of section 31 of the
Education Act 19967 (county schools and volun-
tary schools), or
(vii) a company wholly owned by any of the bodies
described in paragraphs (i) to (v).

5 1866 c.39.
6 1983 c.44: amended by the Telecommunication Act 1984; (c.12) Schedule 7, Part III,
the Oil and Pipelines Act 1985 (c.12) Schedule 4, Part II; the Broadcasting Act 1990,
(c.42) Schedule 20, paragraph 36, S.I. 1991/510, article 5(4) and the Coal Industry Act
1994, (c.21) Schedule 9, paragraph 29.
7 1996 c.56.
286 | Adjudication for architects and engineers

Finance agreements
5. (1) A construction contract is excluded from the operation of
Part II if it is a finance agreement, within the meaning given
(2) A contract is a finance agreement if it is any one of the
(a) any contract of insurance;
(b) any contract under which the principal obligations
include the formation or dissolution of a company,
unincorporated association or partnership;
(c) any contract under which the principal obligations
include the creation or transfer of securities or any right
or interest in securities;
(d) any contract under which the principal obligations
include the lending of money;
(e) any contract under which the principal obligations
include an undertaking by a person to be responsible as
surety for the debt or default of another person,
including a fidelity bond, advance payment bond,
retention bond or performance bond.

Development agreements
6. (1) A construction contract is excluded from the operation of
Part II if it is a development agreement, within the meaning
given below.
(2) A contract is a development agreement if it includes
provision for the grant or disposal of a relevant interest in
the land on which take place the principal construction
operations to which the contract relates.
(3) In paragraph (2) above, a relevant interest in land means
(a) a freehold; or
(b) a leasehold for a period which is to expire no earlier
than 12 months after the completion of the construc-
tion operations under the contract.
Appendix 4 | 287

Explanatory Note
(This note is not part of the Order)
Part II of the Housing Grants, Construction and Regeneration Act
1996 makes provision in relation to the terms of construction
contracts. Section 106 confers power on the Secretary of State to
exclude descriptions of contracts from the operation of Part II. This
Order excludes contracts of four descriptions.
Article 3 excludes agreements made under specified statutory
provisions dealing with highways works, planning obligations,
sewage works and externally financed NHS Trust agreements.
Article 4 excludes agreements entered into by specified public
bodies under the private finance initiative (or a project applying
similar principles). Article 5 excludes agreements which primarily
relate to the financing of works. Article 6 excludes development
agreements, which contain provision for the disposal of an interest
in land.
Appendix 5
The Construction Contracts (Scotland)
Exclusion Order 1998

Citation, commencement and extent

1. (1) This Order may be cited as the Construction Contracts
(Scotland) Exclusion Order 1998 and shall come into force
at the end of the period of 8 weeks beginning with the day
on which it is made.
(2) This Order shall extend to Scotland only.

2. In this Order, ``Part II'' means Part II of the Housing Grants,
Construction and Regeneration Act 1996.

Agreements under statute

3. A construction contract is excluded from the operation of Part
II if it is
(a) an agreement under section 48 (contributions towards
expenditure on constructing or improving roads) of the
Roads (Scotland) Act 19841;
(b) an agreement under section 75 (agreements regulating
development or use of land) or 246 (agreements relating to

1 1984 c.54.
290 | Adjudication for architects and engineers

Crown land) of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland)

Act 19972;
(c) an agreement under section 8 (agreements as to provision of
sewers, etc. for new premises) of the Sewerage (Scotland)
Act 19683; or
(d) an externally financed development agreement within the
meaning of section 1 (powers of NHS Trusts to enter into
agreements) of the National Health Service (Private
Finance) Act 19974.

Private finance initiative

4. (1) A construction contract is excluded from the operation of
Part II if it is a contract entered into under the private
finance initiative, within the meaning given below.
(2) A contract is entered into under the private finance
initiative if all the following conditions are fulfilled:
(a) it contains a statement that it is entered into under that
initiative or, as the case may be, under a project
applying similar principles;
(b) the consideration due under the contract is determined
at least in part by reference to one or more of the
(i) the standards attained in the performance of a
service, the provision of which is the principal
purpose or one of the principal purposes for which
the building or structure is constructed;
(ii) the extent, rate or intensity of use of all or any part
of the building or structure in question; or
(iii) the right to operate any facility in connection with
the building or structure in question; and
(c) one of the parties to the contract is

2 1997 c.8.
3 1968 c.47.
4 1997 c.56.
Appendix 5 | 291

(i) a Minister of the Crown;

(ii) a department in respect of which appropriation
accounts are required to be prepared under the
Exchequer and Audit Departments Act 18665;
(iii) any other authority or body whose accounts are
required to be examined and certified by or are
open to the inspection of the Comptroller and
Auditor General by virtue of an agreement entered
into before the date on which this Order comes
into force, or by virtue of any enactment;
(iv) any authority or body listed in Schedule 4
(nationalised industries and other public autho-
rities) to the National Audit Act 19836;
(v) a body whose accounts are subject to audit by
auditors appointed by the Accounts Commission
for Scotland;
(vi) a water and sewerage authority established under
section 62 (new water and sewerage authorities) of
the Local Government etc. (Scotland) Act 19947;
(vii) the board of management of a self-governing
school within the meaning of section 1(3) (duty
of Secretary of State to maintain self-governing
schools) of the Self-Governing Schools, etc.
(Scotland) Act 19898; or
(viii) a company wholly owned by any of the bodies
described in heads (i) to (v) above.

5 1866 c.39.
6 1983 c.44: amended by the Telecommunications Act 1984 (c.12), Schedule 7, Part III;
the Oil and Pipelines Act 1985 (c.12), Schedule 4, Part II; the Broadcasting Act 1990
(c.42), Schedule 20, paragraph 36, S.I. 1991/510, article 5(4) and the Coal Industry Act
1994 (c.21), Schedule 9, paragraph 29.
7 1994 c.39.
8 1989 c.39.
292 | Adjudication for architects and engineers

Finance agreements
5. (1) A construction contract is excluded from the operation of
Part II if it is a finance agreement, within the meaning given
(2) A contract is a finance agreement if it is any one of the
(a) any contract of insurance;
(b) any contract under which the principal obligations
include the formation or dissolution of a company,
unincorporated association or partnership;
(c) any contract under which the principal obligations
include the creation or transfer of securities or any right
or interest in securities;
(d) any contract under which the principal obligations
include the lending of money;
(e) any contract under which the principal obligations
include an undertaking by a person to be responsible as
surety for the debt or default of another person,
including a fidelity bond, advance payment bond,
retention bond or performance bond.

Development agreements
6. (1) A construction contract is excluded from the operation of
Part II if it is a development agreement, within the meaning
given below.
(2) A contract is a development agreement if it includes
provision for the grant or disposal of a relevant interest in
the land on which take place the principal construction
operations to which the contract relates.
(3) In paragraph (2) above, a relevant interest in land means
(a) ownership; or
(b) a tenant's interest under a lease for a period which is to
expire no earlier than 12 months after the completion
of the construction operations under the contract.
Appendix 5 | 293

Explanatory note
(This note is not part of the Order)
Part II of the Housing Grants, Construction and Regeneration Act
1996 makes provision in relation to the terms of construction
contracts. Section 106 confers power on the Secretary of State to
exclude descriptions of contracts from the operation of Part II. This
Order excludes, as regards Scotland, contracts of four descriptions.
Article 3 excludes agreements made under specified statutory
provisions dealing with works relating to roads, planning obligations,
sewerage works and externally financed NHS Trust agreements.
Article 4 excludes agreements entered into by specified public
bodies under the private finance initiative (or a project applying
similar principles). Article 5 excludes agreements which primarily
relate to the financing of works. Article 6 excludes development
agreements, which contain provision for the disposal of an interest
in land.
Appendix 6
Amendments to the ICE Conditions of
Contract 6th Edition to take into
account The Housing Grants,
Construction and Regeneration Act
1996 (Part II)

The Sponsoring Bodies of the Conditions of Contract and Forms of

Tender, Agreement, Bond, and Contract Schedule for use in
connection with Works of Civil Engineering Construction have
approved amendments to cover the introduction of the Housing
Grants, Construction and Regeneration Act 1996 (``the Act'').
It is recommended that these amendments are incorporated into
the ICE Conditions of Contract 6th Edition (January 1991), the
Corrigenda (August 1993), Guidance Note (March 1995) and
Amendments (Reference ICE/6th Edition/Tax/February 1998). The
6th Edition was reprinted in November 1995 and November 1997.

Notes for Guidance

Clause 60
Payment Provisions
The payment provisions have been amended to take account of the
requirements of ss. 109111 of the Act with respect to timing and
the provision of information.
The traditional procedures for payment against interim and final
certificates are retained. The date for the commencement of
296 | Adjudication for architects and engineers

submission of monthly statements under Clause 60(1) is defined as

within one month after the Works Commencement Date (s.
Clause 60(2) requires the Engineer to certify within 25 days of
delivery of the Contractor's monthly statement, so that payment
can take place within 28 days of such delivery. Payments become
due upon certification and the ``final date for payment'' (s.
110(1)(b)) is within 28 days of delivery of the monthly statement.
Similar provisions have been inserted in Clause 60(4) with regard to
the final account.
Clause 60(9) provides that the Engineer's certificate shall also
serve as the Employer's notification to the Contractor of the amount
to be paid and its basis of calculation (s. 110(2)), the words of the
Section now appearing in the Clause. In sending the certificate to
the Contractor ``on the Employer's behalf '' the Engineer is acting as
the Employer's agent for this purpose. The certificate must be issued
at least three days before the ``final date for payment'' (s. 110(1)).
Clause 60(10) requires the Employer to notify the Contractor if
payment is to differ from that certified not less than one day before
the ``final date for payment'' (i.e. not later than the 27th day after
delivery of the monthly statement (s. 111)). Failure to pay in full in
the absence of such timely notice may entitle the Contractor to
suspend performance for non-payment (s. 112).

Clause 66
The purpose of the revised Clause is to overcome where possible the
causes of disputes and in those cases where disputes are likely still to
arise to facilitate their clear definition and early resolution preferably
by agreement. Where agreement is not reached the procedure set
out in Clause 66 shall apply for the avoidance and settlement of

Reference on dissatisfaction
Clause 66(2) provides that if at any time the Employer or the
Contractor is dissatisfied with any decision opinion instruction
Appendix 6 | 297

direction certificate or valuation of the Engineer or with any other

matter in connection with or arising out of the Contract or the
carrying out of the Works the matter has to be referred to and
settled by the Engineer.
If either party is dissatisfied with the Engineer's decision or if a
decision has not been given within the time allowed either party
may serve a Notice of Dispute.

Settlement of disputes
The disputes procedure now includes options for conciliation or
adjudication before there is a reference to arbitration. It is
anticipated that most disputes or differences will be dealt with as
soon as possible after they arise. With the potential for the prompt
settlement of many minor disputes or differences that can arise on a
Contract this should lead to considerable savings in time and cost.
After service of a Notice of Dispute the dispute can be considered
under the provisions of the Institution of Civil Engineers'
Conciliation Procedure 1994 or, after Notice of Adjudication has
been given, may be referred to an adjudicator under the terms of the
These two alternatives provide a route to a speedy settlement of
most disputes.
If the recommendation of a conciliator or the decision of an
adjudicator is not acceptable to either party, or if the parties at any
time so decide, the dispute may be referred directly to arbitration by
one party serving on the other party a written Notice to Refer. The
reference shall be conducted in accordance with the procedure set
out in the Appendix to the Form of Tender or any amendment or
modification being in force at the time of the appointment of the

In accordance with the Act an adjudicator is empowered to deal
with disputes arising under the Contract.
298 | Adjudication for architects and engineers

The statutory requirements set out in ss. 108(1) to 108(4) of the

Act appear in Clause 66(6). The Contract incorporates by reference
the ICE Adjudication Procedure (1997) (or any amendment or
modification in force at the time of the Notice of Adjudication).
Following a Notice of Adjudication, 7 days are allowed for
appointing the adjudicator and referring the dispute to him,
whereupon he is given 28 days (or such other period as may be
permitted) in which to reach his decision.
Once a decision has been reached and notified to the parties it
becomes binding unless and until the dispute (not the decision) is
referred to arbitration.
A failure to give effect to a decision is excluded from the
arbitration agreement leaving the parties free to seek enforcement
through the courts.
If a dispute on which a decision has been given is not referred to
arbitration by issuing a Notice to Refer under Clause 66(9) within
three months of the giving of the decision, that decision becomes
final as well as binding and cannot thereafter be challenged.

Consequential Amendments
Save for the deletion of Clause 2(7) and some re-numbering of
Clauses, the only small consequential amendment is that Clause
1(6) includes the substance of s. 107, in particular s. 107(6). The
addition to Clause 44(1) meets the requirements of s. 112 of the
Act. Also as a consequence of the Arbitration Act 1996 coming into
force, Clause 67 has been suitably amended.

CCSJC opinions
The ICE Conditions of Contract Standing Joint Committee is
constituted of members appointed by the sponsors of the ICE
Conditions of Contract: The Institution of Civil Engineers, The
Association of Consulting Engineers and The Civil Engineering
Contractors Association1, and its function is to keep the use of the
ICE Forms of Contract under review. The Terms of Reference of the
CCSJC exclude the provision of any legal interpretation.
Appendix 6 | 299

Amendments to the ICE Conditions of

Contract 6th Edition
Clause 1. Definitions and interpretation
Delete existing Clause 1(6) and insert new Clause 1(6) below:

Communications in writing
``(6) Communications which under the Contract are required to
be ``in writing'' may be handwritten typewritten or printed and sent
by hand post telex cable facsimile or other means resulting in a
permanent record.''

Clause 2. Engineer and Engineer's Representative

Delete existing Clause 2(7) and renumber existing Clause 2(8) to

Clause 44. Commencement time and delays

Renumber existing Clause 44(1)(e) to 44(1)(f) and insert new
``(e) any delay impediment prevention or default by the Employer

Clause 60. Certificates and payment

Delete the existing first paragraph of Clause 60(1) and replace with
new first paragraph below:
``(1) Unless otherwise agreed the Contractor shall submit to the
Engineer at monthly intervals commencing within one month after
the Works Commencement Date a statement (in such form if any as
may be prescribed in the Specification) showing''
Delete existing Clause 60(2) and replace with new Clause 60(2)
``Monthly payments
(2) Within 25 days of the date of delivery of the Contractor's
monthly statement to the Engineer or the Engineer's Repre-
300 | Adjudication for architects and engineers

sentative in accordance with sub-clause (1) of this clause the

Engineer shall certify and within 28 days of the same date the
Employer shall pay to the Contractor (after deducting any
previous payments on account)
(a) the amount which in the opinion of the Engineer on the
basis of the monthly statement is due to the Contractor on
account of sub-clauses (1)(a) and (1)(d) of this Clause less a
retention as provided in sub-clause (5) of this Clause and
(b) such amounts (if any) as the Engineer may consider proper
(but in no case exceeding the percentage of the value stated
in the Appendix to the Form of Tender) in respect of sub-
clauses (1)(b) and (1)(c) of this Clause.
The payments become due on certification with the final date for
payment being 28 days after the date of delivery of the Contractor's
monthly statement.
The amounts certified in respect of Nominated Sub-contracts
shall be shown separately in the certificate.''
Delete the existing last paragraph of Clause 60(4) and replace
with a new last paragraph below:
``Such amount shall subject to Clause 47 be paid to or by the
Contractor as the case may require. The payment becomes due on
certification. The final date for payment is 28 days later.''
Delete the existing first paragraph of Clause 60(6)(c) and replace
with a new first paragraph below:
``(c) At the end of the Defects Correction Period or if more than
one the last of such periods the final date for payment of the
remainder of the retention money to be paid to the Contractor is 14
days later notwithstanding that at that time there may be
outstanding claims by the Contractor against the Employer.''
Delete existing Clauses 60(9) and (10) and replace with new
Clauses 60(9) and (10) below:
``Certificates and payment notices
(9) Every certificate issued by the Engineer pursuant to this Clause
shall be sent to the Employer and on the Employer's behalf to
the Contractor. By this certificate the Employer shall give
Appendix 6 | 301

notice to the Contractor specifying the amount (if any) of the

payment proposed to be made and the basis on which it was
Notice of intention to withhold payment
(10) Where a payment under Clause 60(2) or (4) is to differ from
that certified or the Employer is to withhold payment after the
final date for payment of a sum due under the Contract the
Employer shall notify the Contractor in writing not less than
one day before the final date for payment specifying the
amount proposed to be withheld and the ground for
withholding payment or if there is more than one ground
each ground and the amount attributable to it.''

Clause 66. Avoidance and settlement of disputes

Delete existing Clauses 66(1)(9) and replace with new Clauses
66(1)(12) below:
``Avoidance of disputes
(1) In order to overcome where possible the causes of disputes and
in those cases where disputes are likely still to arise to facilitate
their clear definition and early resolution (whether by
agreement or otherwise) the following procedure shall apply
for the avoidance and settlement of disputes.
Matters of dissatisfaction
(2) If at any time
(a) the Contractor is dissatisfied with any act or instruction
of the Engineer's Representative or any other person
responsible to the Engineer or
(b) the Employer or the Contractor is dissatisfied with any
decision opinion instruction direction certificate or
valuation of the Engineer or with any other matter
arising under or in connection with the Contract or the
carrying out of the Works
the matter of dissatisfaction shall be referred to the Engineer who
shall notify his written decision to the Employer and the Contractor
within one month of the reference to him.
302 | Adjudication for architects and engineers

(3) The Employer and the Contractor agree that no matter shall
constitute nor be said to give rise to a dispute unless and until
in respect of that matter
(a) the time for the giving of a decision by the Engineer on a
matter of dissatisfaction under Clause 66(2) has expired
or the decision given is unacceptable or has not been
implemented and in consequence the Employer or the
Contractor has served on the other and on the Engineer
a notice in writing (hereinafter called the Notice of
Dispute) or
(b) an adjudicator has given a decision on a dispute under
Clause 66(6) and the Employer or the Contractor is not
giving effect to the decision, and in consequence the other
has served on him and the Engineer a Notice of Dispute
and the dispute shall be that stated in the Notice of Dispute. For the
purposes of all matters arising under or in connection with the
Contract or the carrying out of the Works the word ``dispute'' shall
be construed accordingly and shall include any difference.
(4) (a) Notwithstanding the existence of a dispute following the
service of a Notice under Clause 66(3) and unless the
Contract has already been determined or abandoned the
Employer and the Contractor shall continue to perform
their obligations.
(b) The Employer and the Contractor shall give effect
forthwith to every decision of
(i) the Engineer on a matter of dissatisfaction given
under Clause 66(2) and
(ii) the adjudicator on a dispute given under Clause
unless and until that decision is revised by agreement of
the Employer and Contractor or pursuant to Clause 66.
(5) (a) The Employer or the Contractor may at any time before
service of a Notice to Refer to arbitration under Clause
Appendix 6 | 303

66(9) by notice in writing seek the agreement of the

other for the dispute to be considered under the
Institution of Civil Engineers' Conciliation Procedure
(1994) or any amendment or modification thereof being
in force at the date of such notice.
(b) If the other party agrees to this procedure any
recommendation of the conciliator shall be deemed to
have been accepted as finally determining the dispute by
agreement so that the matter is no longer in dispute
unless a Notice of Adjudication under Clause 66(6) or a
Notice to Refer to arbitration under Clause 66(9) has
been served in respect of that dispute not later than 1
month after receipt of the recommendation by the
dissenting party.
(6) (a) The Employer and the Contractor each has the right to
refer a dispute as to a matter under the Contract for
adjudication and either party may give notice in writing
(hereinafter called the Notice of Adjudication) to the
other at any time of his intention so to do. The
adjudication shall be conducted under the Institution of
Civil Engineers' Adjudication Procedure (1997) or any
amendment or modification thereof being in force at the
time of the said Notice.
(b) Unless the adjudicator has already been appointed he is
to be appointed by a timetable with the object of securing
his appointment and referral of the dispute to him within
7 days of such notice.
(c) The adjudicator shall reach a decision within 28 days of
referral or such longer period as is agreed by the parties
after the dispute has been referred.
(d) The adjudicator may extend the period of 28 days by up
to 14 days with the consent of the party by whom the
dispute was referred.
(e) The adjudicator shall act impartially.
304 | Adjudication for architects and engineers

(f) The adjudicator may take the initiative in ascertaining

the facts and the law.
(7) The decision of the adjudicator shall be binding until the
dispute is finally determined by legal proceedings or by
arbitration (if the contract provides for arbitration or the
parties otherwise agree to arbitration) or by agreement.
(8) The adjudicator is not liable for anything done or omitted in
the discharge or purported discharge of his functions as
adjudicator unless the act or omission is in bad faith and any
employee or agent of the adjudicator is similarly not liable.
(9) (a) All disputes arising under or in connection with the
Contract or the carrying out of the Works other than
failure to give effect to a decision of an adjudicator shall
be finally determined by reference to arbitration. The
party seeking arbitration shall serve on the other party a
notice in writing (called the Notice to Refer) to refer the
dispute to arbitration.
(b) Where an adjudicator has given a decision under Clause
66(6) in respect of the particular dispute the Notice to
Refer must be served within three months of the giving of
the decision otherwise it shall be final as well as binding.
Appointment of arbitrator
(10) (a) The arbitrator shall be a person appointed by agreement
of the parties.
President or Vice-President to act
(b) If the parties fail to appoint an arbitrator within one
month of either party serving on the other party a notice
in writing (hereinafter called the Notice to Concur) to
concur in the appointment of an arbitrator the dispute
shall be referred to a person to be appointed on the
application of either party by the President for the time
being of the Institution of Civil Engineers.
(c) If an arbitrator declines the appointment or after
appointment is removed by order of a competent court
Appendix 6 | 305

or is incapable of acting or dies and the parties do not

within one month of the vacancy arising fill the vacancy
then either party may apply to the President for the time
being of the Institution of Civil Engineers to appoint
another arbitrator to fill the vacancy.
(d) In any case where the President for the time being of the
Institution of Civil Engineers is not able to exercise the
functions conferred on him by this Clause the said
functions shall be exercised on his behalf by a Vice-
President for the time being of the said Institution.
Arbitration procedure and powers
(11) (a) Any reference to arbitration under this Clause shall be
deemed to be a submission to arbitration within the
meaning of the Arbitration Act 1996 or any statutory re-
enactment or amendment thereof for the time being in
force. The reference shall be conducted in accordance
with the procedure set out in the Appendix to the Form
of Tender or any amendment or modification thereof
being in force at the time of the appointment of the
arbitrator. Such arbitrator shall have full power to open
up review and revise any decision opinion instruction
direction certificate or valuation of the Engineer or an
(b) Neither party shall be limited in the arbitration to the
evidence or arguments put to the Engineer or to any
adjudicator pursuant to Clause 66(2) or 66(6) respec-
(c) The award of the arbitrator shall be binding on all parties.
(d) Unless the parties otherwise agree in writing any
reference to arbitration may proceed notwithstanding
that the Works are not then complete or alleged to be
(12) (a) No decision opinion instruction direction certificate or
valuation given by the Engineer shall disqualify him from
306 | Adjudication for architects and engineers

being called as a witness and giving evidence before a

conciliator adjudicator or arbitrator on any matter
whatsoever relevant to the dispute.
(b) All matters and information placed before a conciliator
pursuant to a reference under sub-clause (5) of this
Clause shall be deemed to be submitted to him without
prejudice and the conciliator shall not be called as
witness by the parties or anyone claiming through them
in connection with any adjudication arbitration or other
legal proceedings arising out of or connected with any
matter so referred to him``.

Clause 67. Application to Scotland and Northern

Clause 67(2)(b), line 1: delete ``Arbitration Acts'' and replace with
``Arbitration Act 1996''
Clause 67(2)(c), line 2: delete ``(1983)'' and replace with ``(1997)'';
line 3, delete ``and''
Clause 67(2)(d), line 4: delete ``case''. and replace with ``case and''
Insert new Clause 67(2)(e) below:
``(e) where the Employer or the Contractor wishes to register the
decision of an adjudicator in the Books of Council and Session for
preservation and execution the other party shall on being requested
to do so forthwith consent to such registration by subscribing the
said decision before a witness''.
Clause 67(3): lines 3 and 4, delete all after ``Northern Ireland''
Delete existing Clause 67(4)

Appendix Part 1. Form of Tender (Appendix)

21 The Arbitration Procedure to be used is (Clause 60(11)(a))
(a) The Institution of Civil Engineers' Arbitration Procedure
(1997)g or
(b) The Construction Industry Model Arbitration Rulesg
Delete as appropriate
Appendix 7
The ICE Adjudication Procedure (1997)

The ICE Adjudication Procedure (1997)
1. General principles
2. The Notice of Adjudication
3. The appointment of the Adjudicator
4. Referral
5. Conduct of the Adjudication
6. The Decision
7. Miscellaneous provisions
8. Definitions
9. Application to particular contracts

Adjudicator's Agreement
Schedule to the Adjudicator's Agreement

Sample documents
Notice of Adjudication
Application for the Selection/Appointment of an Adjudicator
308 | Adjudication for architects and engineers

The Adjudication Procedure (1997) has been produced by The
Institution of Civil Engineers through its Conciliation and
Adjudication Advisory Panel. It was drafted by Mr Brian Totterdill
with the assistance of Mr Guy Cottam.
Members of the Conciliation and Adjudication Advisory Panel
Mr B W Totterdill BSc(Hons)(Eng) CEng FICE FIStructE FIPENZ
FCIArb MAE FFB (Chairman)
Mr G D G Cottam BSc(Eng) CEng FICE FIEI FCIArb MAE
Mr I G Forrest EurIng CEng MICE Dip Arb FCIArb
Mr G F Hawker TD BSc(Eng) FEng FICE CEng FIEI FIStructE
MSocIS(France) MConsE FCIArb EurIng Barrister
Mr D G Loosemore CEng MICE ACIArb FInstCES
Mr T W Weddell BSc CEng DIC FICE FIStructE ACIArb

ICE Secretariat
Mrs E A Stanton (Secretary)
Mr F N Vernon BSc(Eng) CEng MICE (Technical Adviser)
Appendix 7 | 309

Although this Procedure (approved November 1997) has been

prepared by The Institution of Civil Engineers principally for use
with the ICE family of Conditions of Contract it may be suitable for
use with other contracts.

The Institution of Civil Engineers'


1. General principles
1.1 The adjudication shall be conducted in accordance with the
edition of the ICE Adjudication Procedure which is current
at the date of issue of a notice in writing of intention to refer
a dispute to adjudication (hereinafter called the Notice of
Adjudication) and the Adjudicator shall be appointed
under the Adjudicator's Agreement which forms a part of
this Procedure. If a conflict arises between this Procedure
and the Contract then this Procedure shall prevail.
1.2 The object of adjudication is to reach a fair, rapid and
inexpensive determination of a dispute arising under the
Contract and this Procedure shall be interpreted accord-
1.3 The Adjudicator shall be a named individual and shall act
1.4 In making a decision, the Adjudicator may take the
initiative in ascertaining the facts and the law. The
adjudication shall be neither an expert determination nor
an arbitration but the Adjudicator may rely on his own
expert knowledge and experience.
1.5 The Adjudicator's decision shall be binding until the
dispute is finally determined by legal proceedings, by
310 | Adjudication for architects and engineers

arbitration (if the Contract provides for arbitration or the

Parties otherwise agree to arbitration), or by agreement.
1.6 The Parties shall implement the Adjudicator's decision
without delay whether or not the dispute is to be referred to
legal proceedings or arbitration. Payment shall be made in
accordance with the payment provisions in the Contract, in
the next stage payment which becomes due after the date of
issue of the decision, unless otherwise directed by the
Adjudicator or unless the decision is in relation to an
effective notice under Section 111(4) of the Act.

2. The Notice of Adjudication

2.1 Any Party may give notice at any time of its intention to
refer a dispute arising under the Contract to adjudication by
giving a written Notice of Adjudication to the other Party.
The Notice of Adjudication shall include:
(a) the details and date of the Contract between the
(b) the issues which the Adjudicator is being asked to
(c) details of the nature and extent of the redress sought.

3. The appointment of the Adjudicator

3.1 Where an Adjudicator has either been named in the
Contract or agreed by the Parties prior to the issue of the
Notice of Adjudication, the Party issuing the Notice of
Adjudication shall at the same time send to the Adjudicator
a copy of the Notice of Adjudication and a request for
confirmation, within four days of the date of issue of the
Notice of Adjudication, that the Adjudicator is able and
willing to act.
3.2 Where an Adjudicator has not been so named or agreed,
the Party issuing the Notice of Adjudication may include
with the Notice the names of one or more persons with
their addresses who have agreed to act, any one of whom
Appendix 7 | 311

would be acceptable to the referring Party, for selection by

the other Party. The other Party shall select and notify the
referring Party and the selected Adjudicator within four
days of the date of issue of the Notice of Adjudication.
3.3 If confirmation is not received under paragraph 3.1 or a
selection is not made under paragraph 3.2 or the
Adjudicator does not accept or is unable to act, then either
Party may within a further three days request the person or
body named in the Contract or if none is so named The
Institution of Civil Engineers to appoint the Adjudicator.
Such request shall be in writing on the appropriate form of
application for the appointment of an adjudicator and
accompanied by a copy of the Notice of Adjudication and
the appropriate fee.
3.4 The Adjudicator shall be appointed on the terms and
conditions set out in the attached Adjudicator's Agreement
and Schedule and shall be entitled to be paid a reasonable
fee together with his expenses. The Parties shall sign the
agreement within seven days of being requested to do so.
3.5 If for any reason whatsoever the Adjudicator is unable to
act, either Party may require the appointment of a
replacement adjudicator in accordance with the procedure
in paragraph 3.3.

4. Referral
4.1 The referring Party shall within two days of receipt of
confirmation under 3.1, or notification of selection under
3.2, or appointment under 3.3 send to the Adjudicator, with
a copy to the other Party, a full statement of his case which
should include:
(a) a copy of the Notice of Adjudication;
(b) a copy of any adjudication provision in the Contract,
(c) the information upon which he relies, including
supporting documents.
312 | Adjudication for architects and engineers

4.2 The date of referral of the dispute to adjudication shall be

the date upon which the Adjudicator receives the
documents referred to in paragraph 4.1. The Adjudicator
shall notify the Parties forthwith of that date.

5. Conduct of the adjudication

5.1 The Adjudicator shall reach his decision within 28 days of
referral, or such longer period as is agreed by the Parties
after the dispute has been referred. The period of 28 days
may be extended by up to 14 days with the consent of the
referring Party.
5.2 The Adjudicator shall determine the matters set out in the
Notice of Adjudication, together with any other matters
which the Parties and the Adjudicator agree should be
within the scope of the adjudication.
5.3 The Adjudicator may open up, review and revise any
decision (other than that of an adjudicator unless agreed by
the Parties), opinion, instruction, direction, certificate or
valuation made under or in connection with the Contract
and which is relevant to the dispute. He may order the
payment of a sum of money, or other redress but no decision
of the Adjudicator shall affect the freedom of the Parties to
vary the terms of the Contract or the Engineer or other
authorised person to vary the Works in accordance with the
5.4 The other Party may submit his response to the statement
under paragraph 4.1 within 14 days of referral. The period of
response may be extended by agreement between the
Parties and the Adjudicator.
5.5 The Adjudicator shall have complete discretion as to how
to conduct the adjudication, and shall establish the
procedure and timetable, subject to any limitation that
there may be in the Contract or the Act. He shall not be
required to observe any rule of evidence, procedure or
Appendix 7 | 313

otherwise, of any court. Without prejudice to the generality

of these powers, he may:
(a) ask for further written information;
(b) meet and question the Parties and their representatives;
(c) visit the site;
(d) request the production of documents or the attendance
of people whom he considers could assist;
(e) set times for (a)(d) and similar activities;
(f) proceed with the adjudication and reach a decision
even if a Party fails:
(i) to provide information;
(ii) to attend a meeting;
(iii) to take any other action requested by the
(g) issue such further directions as he considers to be
5.6 The Adjudicator may obtain legal or technical advice
having first notified the Parties of his intention.
5.7 Any Party may at any time ask that additional Parties shall
be joined in the Adjudication. Joinder of additional Parties
shall be subject to the agreement of the Adjudicator and the
existing and additional Parties. An additional Party shall
have the same rights and obligations as the other Parties,
unless otherwise agreed by the Adjudicator and the Parties.

6. The Decision
6.1 The Adjudicator shall reach his decision and so notify the
Parties within the time limits in paragraph 5.1 and may
reach a decision on different aspects of the dispute at
different times. He shall not be required to give reasons.
6.2 The Adjudicator may in any decision direct the payment of
such simple or compound interest at such rate and between
such dates or events as he considers appropriate.
6.3 Should the Adjudicator fail to reach his decision and notify
the Parties in the due time, either Party may give seven days
314 | Adjudication for architects and engineers

notice of its intention to refer the dispute to a replacement

adjudicator appointed in accordance with the procedures in
paragraph 3.3.
6.4 If the Adjudicator fails to reach and notify his decision in
due time but does so before the dispute has been referred to
a replacement adjudicator under paragraph 6.3, his decision
shall still be effective.
If the Parties are not so notified then the decision shall be
of no effect and the Adjudicator shall not be entitled to any
fees or expenses, but the Parties shall be responsible for the
fees and expenses of any legal or technical adviser appointed
under paragraph 5.6 subject to the Parties having received
such advice.
6.5 The Parties shall bear their own costs and expenses incurred
in the adjudication. The Parties shall be jointly and
severally responsible for the Adjudicator's fees and ex-
penses, including those of any legal or technical adviser
appointed under paragraph 5.6, but in his decision the
Adjudicator may direct a Party to pay all or part of his fees
and expenses. If he makes no such direction the Parties
shall pay them in equal shares.
6.6 At any time until seven days before the Adjudicator is due
to reach his decision, he may give notice to the Parties that
he will deliver it only on full payment of his fees and
expenses. Any Party may then pay these costs in order to
obtain the decision and recover the other Party's share of
the costs in accordance with paragraph 6.5 as a debt due.
6.7 The Parties shall be entitled to the relief and remedies set
out in the decision and to seek summary enforcement
thereof, regardless of whether the dispute is to be referred to
legal proceedings or arbitration. No issue decided by an
adjudicator may subsequently be laid before another
adjudicator unless so agreed by the Parties.
6.8 In the event that the dispute is referred to legal proceedings
or arbitration, the Adjudicator's decision shall not inhibit
Appendix 7 | 315

the court or arbitrator from determining the Parties' rights

or obligations anew.
6.9 The Adjudicator may on his own initiative, or at the request
of either Party, correct a decision so as to remove any
clerical mistake, error or ambiguity provided that the
initiative is taken, or the request is made within 14 days of
the notification of the decision to the Parties. The
Adjudicator shall make his corrections within seven days
of any request by a Party.

7. Miscellaneous provisions
7.1 Unless the Parties agree, the Adjudicator shall not be
appointed arbitrator in any subsequent arbitration between
the Parties under the Contract. No Party may call the
Adjudicator as a witness in any legal proceedings or
arbitration concerning the subject matter of the adjudica-
7.2 The Adjudicator shall not be liable for anything done or
omitted in the discharge or purported discharge of his
functions as Adjudicator unless the act or omission is in bad
faith, and any employee or agent of the Adjudicator shall be
similarly protected from liability. The Parties shall save
harmless and indemnify the Adjudicator and any employee
or agent of the Adjudicator against all claims by third
parties and in respect of this shall be jointly and severally
7.3 Neither The Institution of Civil Engineers nor its servants
or agents shall be liable to any Party for any act, omission or
misconduct in connection with any appointment made or
any adjudication conducted under this Procedure.
7.4 All notices shall be sent by recorded delivery to the address
stated in the Contract for service of notices, or if none, the
principal place of business or registered office (in the case of
a company). Any agreement required by this Procedure
shall be evidenced in writing.
316 | Adjudication for architects and engineers

7.5 This Procedure shall be interpreted in accordance with the

law of the Contract.

8. Definitions
8.1 (a) The ``Act'' means the Housing Grants, Construction
and Regeneration Act 1996.
(b) The ``Adjudicator'' means the person named as such in
the Contract or appointed in accordance with this
(c) ``Contract'' means the contract or the agreement
between the Parties which contains the provision for
(d) ``Party'' means a Party to the Contract and references to
either Party or the other Party or Parties shall include
any additional Party or Parties joined in accordance
with this Procedure.

9. Application to particular contracts

9.1 When this Procedure is used with The Institution of Civil
Engineers' Agreement for Consultancy Work in Respect of
Domestic or Small Works, the Adjudicator may determine
any dispute in connection with or arising out of the

A copy of the appropriate form for applying for the selection/

appointment of an Adjudicator by The Institution of Civil Engineers
may be obtained from:
The Dispute Administration Service, The Institution of Civil
Engineers, One Great George Street, Westminster, LONDON
Telephone: +44 - (0)171 - 222 - 7722
Facsimile: +44 - (0)171 - 222 - 1403.
Appendix 7 | 317

Adjudicator's agreement

THIS AGREEMENT is made on the ............ day of .................... 19..

between (the first Party):

and (the second Party):


and (where there is a third Party):


(hereinafter called ``the Parties'') of the one part and:


(hereinafter called ``the Adjudicator'') of the other part.

Disputes or differences may arise/have arisen* between the Parties under a

Contract dated ................... and
known as:

and these disputes or differences shall be/have been* referred to adjudication in

accordance with The Institution of Civil Engineers' Adjudication Procedure (1997)
(hereinafter called ``the Procedure'') and the Adjudicator has been requested to
* Delete as necessary
IT IS NOW AGREED as follows:
1. The rights and obligations of the Adjudicator and the Parties shall be as set
out in the Procedure.
2. The Adjudicator hereby accepts the appointment and agrees to conduct the
adjudication in accordance with the Procedure.
3. The Parties bind themselves jointly and severally to pay the Adjudicator's fees
and expenses in accordance with the Procedure as set out in the attached
4. The Parties and the Adjudicator shall at all times maintain the confidentiality
of the adjudication and shall endeavour to ensure that anyone acting on their
behalf or through them will do likewise, save with the consent of the other
Parties which consent shall not be unreasonably refused.
5. The Adjudicator shall inform the Parties if he intends to destroy the
documents which have been sent to him in relation to the adjudication and he
shall retain documents for a further period at the request of either Party.
318 | Adjudication for architects and engineers

Signed on behalf of:

First Party:




Second Party:




Third Party (where there is a third Party):







Appendix 7 | 319


1. The Adjudicator shall be paid at the hourly rate of in respect of all time
spent upon, or in connection with, the adjudication including time spent
2. The Adjudicator shall be reimbursed in respect of all disbursements properly
made including, but not restricted to:
(a) Printing, reproduction and purchase of documents, drawings, maps,
records and photographs.
(b) Telegrams, telex, faxes, and telephone calls.
(c) Postage and similar delivery charges.
(d) Travelling, hotel expenses and other similar disbursements.
(e) Room charges.
(f) Charges for legal or technical advice obtained in accordance with the
3. The Adjudicator shall be paid an appointment fee of . This fee shall
become payable in equal amounts by each Party within 14 days of the
appointment of the Adjudicator. This fee will be deducted from the final
statement of any sums which shall become payable under item 1 and/or item 2
of this Schedule. If the final statement is less than the appointment fee the
balance shall be refunded to the Parties.
4. The Adjudicator is/is not* currently registered for VAT.
5. Where the Adjudicator is registered for VAT it shall be charged additionally
in accordance with the rates current at the date of invoice.
6. All payments, other than the appointment fee (item 3) shall become due
seven days after receipt of invoice, thereafter interest shall be payable at 5%
per annum above the Bank of England base rate for every day the amount
remains outstanding.

* Delete as necessary
320 | Adjudication for architects and engineers
Appendix 7 | 321
322 | Adjudication for architects and engineers
Appendix 8
Amendments to `Blue Form' of
Subcontract 1991 (for use with the
ICE 6th Edition)

Clause 1
Add new sub-clause 1(1)(h):
``insolvent'' has the following meaning. A company becomes
insolvent on the making of an administration order against it under
Part II of the Insolvency Act 1986, on the appointment of an
administrative receiver or a receiver or manager of its property
under Chapter I of Part III of that Act, or the appointment of a
receiver under Chapter II of that Part, on the passing of a resolution
for voluntary winding up without a declaration of solvency under
section 89 of that Act, or on the making of a winding-up order
under Part IV or V of that Act. A partnership becomes insolvent on
the making of a winding-up order against it under any provision of
the Insolvency Act 1986 as applied by an order under section 420 of
that Act, or when sequestration is awarded on the estate of the
partnership under section 12 of the Bankruptcy (Scotland) Act
1895 or the partnership grants a trust deed for its creditors. An
individual becomes insolvent on the making of a bankruptcy order
against him under Part IX of the Insolvency Act 1986, or on the
sequestration of his estate under the Bankruptcy (Scotland) Act
1895 or when he grants a trust deed for his creditors. A company,
partnership or individual shall also be treated as insolvent on the
occurrence of any event corresponding to those specified above
324 | Adjudication for architects and engineers

under the law of Northern Ireland or of a country outside the

United Kingdom.

Clause 10
Delete Sub-Clause 10(2) and insert the following:
10. (2) (a) Subject to the Subcontractor's complying with this
sub-clause 10(2), the Contractor shall take all
reasonable steps to secure from the Employer such
contractual benefits, if any, as may be claimable in
accordance with the Main Contract on account of
any adverse physical conditions or artificial ob-
structions that may affect the execution of the
Subcontract Works and the Subcontractor shall in
sufficient time afford the Contractor all information
and assistance that may be requisite to enable the
Contractor to claim such benefits.
(b) Where the Contractor has claimed additional
payment under the Main Contract on account of
adverse physical conditions or artificial obstructions
affecting the execution of the Subcontract Works
and the Engineer has determined a sum due to the
Contractor by reason of such conditions or
obstructions, the Contractor shall within 28 days
from such determination by the Engineer determine
and notify in writing to the Subcontractor such
proportion of any such sum which it is in all the
circumstances fair and reasonable to pay to the
Subcontractor. Provided that the Contractor shall
have no liability to make any such payment to the
Subcontractor to the extent that the Engineer has
determined a sum due to the Contractor by reason
of adverse physical conditions or artificial obstruc-
tions but the Employer is insolvent and has failed to
make payment to the Contractor in respect of such
Appendix 8 | 325

(c) Where the Contractor has claimed an extension of

time under the Main Contract on account of
adverse physical conditions or artificial obstructions
affecting the execution of the Subcontract Works
and the Engineer has determined an extension of
time to which the Contractor is entitled by reason
of such conditions or obstructions, the Contractor
shall determine such proportion of any such
extension which it is in all the circumstances fair
and reasonable to pass on to the Subcontractor.
(d) Save as aforesaid the Contractor shall have no
liability to the Subcontractor in respect of any
condition, obstruction or circumstance that may
affect the execution of the Subcontract Works and
the Subcontractor shall be deemed to have satisfied
himself as to the correctness and sufficiency of the
Price to cover the provision and doing by him of all
things necessary for the performance of his obliga-
tions under the Subcontract. Provided always that
nothing in this Clause shall prevent the Subcon-
tractor claiming for delays in the execution of the
Subcontract Works solely by the act or default of
the Main Contractor on the ground only that the
Main Contractor has no remedy against the
Employer for such delay.

Clause 15
Delete existing clause and insert the following:
15. (1) (a) The Subcontractor shall not less than 7 days before
the date specified in the First
Schedule (the ``Specified Date'') or otherwise as
agreed submit to the Contractor a written state-
ment of the value of all work properly done under
the Subcontract and of all materials delivered to the
Site for incorporation in the Subcontract Works
326 | Adjudication for architects and engineers

and if allowable under the Main Contract the value

of off-site materials for incorporation in the
Subcontract Works at the date of such statement.
The statement shall be in such form and contain
such details as the Contractor may reasonably
require and the value of work done shall be
calculated in accordance with the rates and prices,
if any, specified in the Subcontract, or if there are
no such rates and prices, then by reference to the
(b) The statement submitted by the Subcontractor as
provided in the preceding sub-clause shall consti-
tute a ``valid statement'' for the purposes of this
Clause but not otherwise.
(2) (a) The Contractor shall make applications for pay-
ment in accordance with the Main Contract and
subject to the Subcontractor having submitted a
valid statement shall include in such applications
claims for the value of work and materials set out in
such statement.
(b) In any proceedings instituted by the Contractor
against the Employer to enforce payment of monies
due under any certificate issued by the Engineer in
accordance with the provisions of the Main
Contract there shall be included all sums certified
and unpaid in respect of the Subcontract Works.
(3) (a) Within 35 days of the Specified Date or otherwise
as agreed but subject as hereinafter provided, there
shall be due to the Subcontractor in respect of the
value of the work and materials if included in a
valid statement payment of a sum calculated and
determined by the Contractor in accordance with
the rates and prices specified in this Subcontract, or
by reference to the Price, as the case may require,
but subject to a deduction of previous payments
Appendix 8 | 327

and of retention monies at the rate(s) specified in

the Third Schedule hereto until such time as the
limit of retention (if any) therein specified has been
reached. The Contractor shall notify the Subcon-
tractor in writing of the amount so calculated and
determined within 35 days of the Specified Date.
The final date for payment shall be 3 days later.
(b) Subject to Clauses 3(4), and 10(3) and 17(3) and
as hereinafter provided and without prejudice to
any rights which exist at Common Law the
Contractor shall be entitled to withhold or defer
payment of all or part of any sums otherwise due
pursuant to the provisions hereof where:
(i) the amounts or quantities included in any
valid statement together with any other sums
to which the Subcontractor might otherwise
be entitled do not exceed the minimum
amount stated in the Third Schedule, or
(ii) the amounts or quantities included in any
valid statement together with any sums which
are the subject of an application by the
Contractor in accordance with Clause 15(2)
are insufficient to justify the issue of an
interim certificate by the Engineer under the
Main Contract, or
(iii) the amounts or quantities included in any
valid statement are not certified in full by the
Engineer, providing such failure to certify is
not due to the act or default of the
Contractor, or
(iv) the Contractor has included the amounts or
quantities set out in the valid statement in his
own statement in accordance with the Main
Contract and the Engineer has certified but
the Employer is insolvent and has failed to
328 | Adjudication for architects and engineers

make payment in full to the Contractor in

respect of such amounts or quantities, or
(v) a dispute arises or has arisen between the
Subcontractor and the Contractor and/or the
Contractor and the Employer involving any
question of measurement or quantities or any
matter included in any such valid statement.
(c) Any payment withheld under the provisions of sub-
clauses (b) (iii), (iv) or (v) above shall be limited to
the extent that the amounts in any valid statement
are not certified, not paid by the Employer or are
the subject of a dispute as the case may be.
(d) The provisions of this Clause with regard to the
time for payment shall not apply to the amounts or
quantities in any valid statement by the Subcon-
tractor which are included in the Contractor's
statement of final account to the Employer under
the provisions of the Main Contract. In respect of
any such amounts or quantities the Contractor shall
determine and notify in writing to the Subcon-
tractor the amount due to the Subcontractor,
within 28 days of the issue by the Engineer of a
certificate stating the amount due to or from the
Contractor pursuant to the Main Contract Condi-
tions in respect of the Contractor's statement of
final account. Payment of the amount determined
by the Contractor shall be due to the Subcontractor
upon such determination and notification. The
final date for payment shall be 7 days later.
Provided that the Contractor shall have no liability
to make such payment of such amount to the
extent that the Engineer has certified such amount
or any part thereof pursuant to the provisions of the
Main Contract, but the Employer is insolvent and
Appendix 8 | 329

has failed to make payment in full to the Contractor

in respect of such certified amount.
(e) In the event of the Contractor failing to make
payment of any sum properly due and payable to
the Subcontractor, the Contractor shall pay to the
Subcontractor interest on such overdue sum at the
rate payable by the Employer to the Contractor
under the provisions of the Main Contract.
Provided that where the Contractor fails to make
payment of any sum properly due and payable to
the Subcontractor and where the Engineer has
certified such amount or any part thereof pursuant
to the provisions of the Main Contract, then to the
extent that the Employer is insolvent and has failed
to make payment to the Contractor in respect of
such certified amount, the Contractor shall have no
obligation to pay interest to the Subcontractor.
(f) Notwithstanding sub-clause (e) the Subcontractor
shall be paid any interest actually received by the
Contractor from the Employer which is attributable
to monies due to the Subcontractor.
(4) The Contractor shall have power to omit from any
determination of the value of work and materials
included in a valid statement the value of any work
done, goods or materials supplied or services rendered
with which he may for the time being be dissatisfied and
for that purpose or for any other reason which to him
may seem proper may delete, correct or modify any sum
previously determined by him as due for payment to the
(5) (a) Within 35 days of the issue by the Engineer of a
Certificate including an amount in respect of
payment to the Contractor of the first half of the
retention monies or where the Main Works are to
be completed by sections for any section in which
330 | Adjudication for architects and engineers

the Subcontract Works are comprised there shall be

due to the Subcontractor the first half of the
retention monies under this Subcontract and the
Contractor shall so notify the Subcontractor in
writing. The final day for payment shall be 7 days
later. Provided that the Contractor shall have no
liability to make such payment if the Employer is
insolvent and has failed to release the first half of
the retention monies due under the Main Contract.
(b) Within 28 days of the date of issue of the Defects
Correction Certificate under the Main Contract,
there shall be due to the Subcontractor the second
half of the retention monies under this Subcon-
tract. The Contractor shall so notify the Subcon-
tractor in writing within the same 28 day period.
The final date for payment shall be 7 days later.
Provided that the Contractor shall have no liability
to make such payment if the Employer is insolvent
and has failed to release the second half of the
retention monies due under the Main Contract.
(6) Within three months after the Subcontractor has finally
performed his obligations under Clause 13 (Outstanding
Work and Defects), or within 14 days after the
Contractor has recovered full payment under the Main
Contract in respect of the Subcontract Works, whichever
is the sooner and provided that one month has expired
since the submission by the Subcontractor of his valid
statement of final account to the Contractor, the
Contractor shall determine the amount finally due under
the Subcontract from the Contractor to the Subcon-
tractor or from the Subcontractor to the Contractor as
the case may be, after giving credit to the Subcontractor
for the Price and/or any other sums that may have
become due under the Subcontract and after giving
credit to the Contractor for all amounts previously paid
Appendix 8 | 331

by the Contractor and for all sums to which the

Contractor is entitled under the Subcontract. The
Contractor shall notify the Subcontractor in writing of
the amount so determined within the same period. The
final date for payment shall be 7 days later.
Provided always that if the Contractor shall have been
required by the Main Contract to give to the Employer or
to procure the Subcontractor to give to the Employer any
undertaking as to the completion or maintenance of the
Subcontract Works, the Subcontractor shall not be
entitled to payment under this Subcontract until he has
given a like undertaking to the Contractor or has given
the required undertaking to the Employer, as the case
may be.
(7) The Contractor shall not be liable to the Subcontractor
for any matter or thing arising out of or in connection
with this Subcontract or the carrying out of the
Subcontract Works unless the Subcontractor has made
written claim in respect thereof to the Contractor before
the Engineer issues the Defects Correction Certificate in
respect of the Main Works, or, where under the Main
Contract the Main Works are to be completed by
sections, the Defects Correction Certificate in respect of
the last of such sections in which the Subcontract Works
are comprised.
(8) Every written notification given by the Contractor to the
Subcontractor of amounts of payments due to the
Subcontractor under this Subcontract shall specify the
amount (if any) of the payment made or proposed to be
made and the basis on which that amount was
(9) In the event of the Contractor withholding any payment
after any final date for payment hereunder, he shall notify
the Subcontractor of his reasons in writing not less than
one day before the final date for payment specifying the
332 | Adjudication for architects and engineers

amount proposed to be withheld and the ground for

withholding payment or if there is more than one ground
each ground and the amount attributable to it.

Clause 17
At sub-clause 17(1), after ``(1) If: '', add a new sub-clause:
``(a) the Subcontractor is in breach of the Subcontract in
suspending performance of his obligations under the
Subcontract; or''.
Renumber the existing sub-clauses (a) to (e) as (b) to (f).

Clause 18
Delete existing Clause and insert the following:
18. (1) If any dispute or difference shall arise between the
Contractor and the Subcontractor in connection with or
arising out of the Subcontract, or the carrying out of the
Subcontract Works (excluding a dispute concerning
VAT but including a dispute as to any act or omission of
the Engineer) whether arising during the progress of the
Subcontract Works or after their completion it shall be
settled in accordance with the following provisions.
(2) (a) Where the Subcontractor seeks to make a submis-
sion that payment is due of any amount exceeding
the amount determined by the Contractor as due to
the Subcontractor, or that any act, decision,
opinion, instruction or direction of the Contractor
or any other matter arising under the Subcontract is
unsatisfactory, the Subcontractor shall so notify the
Contractor in writing, stating the grounds for such
submission in sufficient detail for the Contractor to
understand and consider the Subcontractor's sub-
(b) Where in the opinion of the Contractor such a
submission gives rise to a matter of dissatisfaction
under the Main Contract, the Contractor shall so
Appendix 8 | 333

notify the Subcontractor in writing as soon as

possible. In that event, the Contractor shall pursue
the matter of dissatisfaction under the Main
Contract promptly and shall keep the Subcontrac-
tor fully informed in writing of progress. The
Subcontractor shall promptly provide such informa-
tion and attend such meetings in connection with
the matter of dissatisfaction as the Contractor may
request. The Contractor and the Subcontractor
agree that no such submission shall constitute nor
be said to give rise to a dispute under the
Subcontract unless and until the Contractor has
had the time and opportunity to refer the matter of
dissatisfaction to the Engineer under the Main
Contract and either the Engineer has given his
decision or the time for the giving of a decision by
the Engineer has expired.
(3) (a) The Contractor or the Subcontractor may at any
time before service of a Notice to Refer to
arbitration under sub-clause 18(7) by notice in
writing seek the agreement of the other for the
dispute to be considered under the Institution of
Civil Engineers' Conciliation Procedure (1994) or
any amendment or modification thereof being in
force at the date of such notice.
(b) If the other party agrees to this procedure any
recommendation of the conciliator shall be deemed
to have been accepted as finally determining the
dispute by agreement so that the matter is no longer
in dispute unless a Notice of Adjudication under
sub-clause 18(4) or a Notice to Refer to arbitration
under sub-clause 18(7) is served within 28 days of
receipt by the dissenting party of the conciliator's
334 | Adjudication for architects and engineers

(4) (a) The Contractor and the Subcontractor each has

the right to refer any dispute under the Subcontract
for adjudication and either party may at any time
give notice in writing (hereinafter called the Notice
of Adjudication) to the other at any time of his
intention to refer the dispute to adjudication. The
Notice of Adjudication and the appointment of the
adjudicator shall, save as provided under sub-clause
18(10)(b), be as provided at paragraphs 2 and 3 of
the Institution of Civil Engineers' Adjudication
Procedure (1997). Any dispute referred to adjudi-
cation shall be conducted in accordance with the
Institution of Civil Engineers' Adjudication Proce-
dure (1997) or any amendment or modification
thereof being in force at the time of the appoint-
ment of the adjudicator.
(b) Unless the adjudicator has already been appointed
he is to be appointed by a timetable with the object
of securing his appointment and referral of the
dispute to him within 7 days of such notice.
(c) The adjudicator shall reach a decision within 28
days of referral or such longer period as is agreed by
the parties after the dispute has been referred.
(d) The adjudicator may extend the period of 28 days
by up to 14 days with the consent of the party by
whom the dispute was referred.
(e) The adjudicator shall act impartially.
(f) The adjudicator may take the initiative in ascer-
taining the facts and the law.
(5) The decision of the adjudicator shall be binding until the
dispute is finally determined by legal proceedings or by
arbitration (if the Subcontract provides for arbitration or
the parties otherwise agree to arbitration).
(6) The adjudicator shall not be liable for anything done or
omitted in the discharge or purported discharge of his
Appendix 8 | 335

functions as adjudicator unless the act or omission is in

bad faith and any employer or agent of the adjudicator
shall similarly not be liable.
(7) (a) All disputes arising under or in connection with the
Subcontract, other than failure to give effect to a
decision of an adjudicator, shall be finally deter-
mined by reference to arbitration. The party seeking
arbitration shall serve on the other party a notice in
writing (called the Notice to Refer) to refer the
dispute to arbitration.
(b) Where an adjudicator has given a decision under
sub-clause 18(4) in respect of the particular dispute
the Notice to Refer must be served within three
months of the giving of the decision, otherwise it
shall be final as well as binding.
(c) The date upon which the Notice to Refer is served
shall be regarded as the date upon which the
arbitral proceedings are commenced.
(8) (a) The arbitrator shall be a person appointed by
agreement of the parties.
(b) If the parties fail to appoint an arbitrator within 28
days of either party serving on the other party a
notice in writing (hereinafter called the Notice to
Concur) to concur in the appointment of an
arbitrator the dispute shall be referred to a person
to be appointed on the application of either party by
the President for the time being of the Institution of
Civil Engineers.
(c) If an arbitrator declines the appointment or after
appointment is removed by order of a competent
court or is incapable of acting or dies and the parties
do not within one month of the vacancy arising fill
the vacancy then either party may apply to the
President for the time being of the Institution of
336 | Adjudication for architects and engineers

Civil Engineers to appoint another arbitrator to fill

the vacancy.
(d) In any case where the President for the time being
of the Institution of Civil Engineers is not able to
exercise the functions conferred on him by this
clause the said functions shall be exercised on his
behalf by a Vice-President for the time being of the
said Institution.
(9) (a) Any reference to arbitration under this clause shall
be deemed to be a submission to arbitration within
the meaning of the Arbitration Act 1996 or any
statutory re-enactment or amendment thereof for
the time being in force. The reference shall be
conducted in accordance with the procedure set
out in the Second Schedule or any amendment or
modification thereof being in force at the time of
the appointment of the arbitrator. In the event of
any inconsistency between the procedure set out in
the Second Schedule and this Clause, this Clause
shall prevail.
(b) Neither party shall be limited in the arbitration to
evidence or argument put to any adjudicator
pursuant to sub-clause 18(4).
(c) The award of the arbitrator shall be binding on the
(d) Unless the parties otherwise agree in writing any
reference to arbitration may proceed notwithstand-
ing that the Subcontract Works are not then
complete or alleged to be complete.
(e) The arbitrator shall have full power to open up,
review and revise any decision, opinion, instruction,
direction or valuation of the Contractor or an
(10) (a) If, when a dispute in connection with the Main
Contract (hereinafter called a Main Contract
Appendix 8 | 337

Dispute) is referred to a conciliator or an adjudi-

cator under the Main Contract, and the Contractor
is of the opinion that the Main Contract Dispute
has any connection with the Subcontract Works
then the Contractor may by notice in writing
require that the Subcontractor shall as soon as is
practicable provide such information and attend
such meetings in connection with the Main
Contract Dispute as the Contractor may request.
(b) If a Main Contract Dispute has been referred to
conciliation or adjudication under the Main Con-
tract and the Contractor is of the opinion that the
Main Contract Dispute has any connection with a
dispute which is to be (but has not yet been)
referred for conciliation or adjudication under this
Subcontract (hereinafter called a Connected Dis-
pute), the Contractor may by notice in writing
require that the Connected Dispute be referred to
the conciliator or adjudicator to whom the Main
Contract Dispute has been referred.
(c) If the Contractor is of the opinion that a Main
Contract Dispute has any connection with a dispute
in connection with the Subcontract (hereinafter
called a Related Subcontract Dispute) and the
Main Contract Dispute is referred to an arbitrator
under the Main Contract, the Contractor may by
notice in writing require that the Subcontractor
provide such information and attend such meetings
in connection with the Main Contract Dispute as
the Contractor may request. The Contractor may
also by notice in writing require that any Related
Subcontract Dispute be dealt with jointly with the
Main Contract Dispute and in like manner. In
connection with any Related Subcontract Dispute
the Subcontractor shall be bound in like manner as
338 | Adjudication for architects and engineers

the Contractor by any award by an arbitrator in

relation to the Main Contract Dispute.
(d) If a dispute arises under or in connection with the
Subcontract (hereinafter called a Subcontract
Dispute) and the Contractor is of the opinion that
the Subcontract Dispute raises a matter or has any
connection with a matter which the Contractor
wishes to refer to arbitration under the Main
Contract, the Contractor may by notice in writing
require that the Subcontract Dispute be finally
determined jointly with any arbitration to be
commenced in accordance with the Main Contract.
In connection with the Subcontract Dispute, the
Subcontractor shall be bound in like manner as the
Contractor by any award by an arbitrator concern-
ing the matter referred to arbitration under the
Main Contract.
(11) All matters and information placed before a conciliator
pursuant to a reference under sub-clause 18(3) shall be
deemed to be submitted to him without prejudice and
the conciliator shall not be called as witness by the
parties or anyone claiming through them in connection
with any adjudication, arbitration or other legal proceed-
ings arising out of or connected with any matter so
referred to him.

Second Schedule
Add at end:
(D) Arbitration procedure:*
Add footnote to ``Arbitration procedure'': ``*Insert Main Contract
arbitration procedure or other as desired.''
Appendix 8 | 339

Third Schedule
Add after ``The Price''1 a footnote, to read: ``1 Where payment is to
be made by reference to the Price, set out here stage payment dates
or milestone events.''
Add at end:
(D) Minimum payment amount.2 Add a footnote to read ``2See
Clause 15(3)(b)(i).''
Appendix 9
The New Engineering Contract (NEC)
Option Y(UK)2: The Housing Grants,
Construction and Regeneration Act
1996 (Addendum)

Y2.1 In this Option

> the Act means The Housing Grants, Construction and
Regeneration Act 1996 and
> periods of time stated in days are reckoned in accordance with
Section 116 of the Act.
Y2.2 Clause 51 is amended as follows:
Clause 51.1 the first sentence is deleted and replaced with
the following sentence:
`The Project Manager certifies a payment on or before the
date on which a payment becomes due.'
Clause 51.2 the first sentence is deleted and replaced with
the following sentence:
`Each certified payment is made on or before the final date
for payment.'
Y2.3 The following clauses are added
Dates for Payment 56
56.1 For the purpose of Sections 109 and 110 of the Act,
342 | Adjudication for architects and engineers

> the Project Manager's certificate is the notice of payment from

the Employer to the Contractor specifying the amount (if any) of
the payment made or proposed to be made, and the basis on
which that amount was calculated,
> the date on which a payment becomes due is seven. days after
the assessment date and
> the final date for payment is
? twenty one days or
? if a different period for payment is stated in the Contract
Data, the period stated
after the date on which the payment becomes due.
56.2 If the Employer intends to withhold payment after the final
date for payment of a sum due under this contract, he
notifies the Contractor not later than seven days (the
prescribed period) before the final date for payment by
> the amount proposed to be withheld and the ground for
withholding payment or
> if there is more than one ground, each ground and the amount
attributable to it.
Y2.4 The following is added to clause 60

60.7 Suspension of performance is a compensation event if the

Contractor exercises his right to suspend performance under
the Act.

Y2.5 Clause 90 is deleted and replaced by the following:

Avoidance and settlement of disputes
90.1 The Parties and the Project Manager follow this procedure
for the avoidance and settlement of disputes.

90.2 If the Contractor is dissatisfied with an action or a failure to

take action by the Project Manager, he notifies his
dissatisfaction to the Project Manager no later than
Appendix 9 | 343

> four weeks after he became aware of the action or

> four weeks after he became aware that the action had
not been taken.
Within two weeks of such notification of dissatisfaction, the
Contractor and the Project Manager attend a meeting to
discuss and seek to resolve the matter.
90.3 If either Party is dissatisfied with any other matter, he
notifies his dissatisfaction to the Project Manager and to the
other Party no later than four weeks after he became aware
of the matter. Within two weeks of such notification of
dissatisfaction, the Parties and the Project Manager attend a
meeting to discuss and seek to resolve the matter.

90.4 The Parties agree that no matter shall be a dispute unless a

notice of dissatisfaction has been given and the matter has
not been resolved within four weeks. The word dispute
(which includes a difference) has that meaning.

90.5 Either Party may give notice to the other Party at any time
of his intention to refer a dispute to adjudication. The
notifying Party refers the dispute to the Adjudicator within
seven days of the notice.

90.6 The Party referring the dispute to the Adjudicator includes

with his submission information to be considered by the
Adjudicator. Any further information from a Party to be
considered by the Adjudicator is provided within fourteen
days of referral.

90.7 Unless and until the Adjudicator has given his decision on
the dispute, the Parties and the Project Manager proceed as
if the action, failure to take action or other matters were not

90.8 The Adjudicator acts impartially. The Adjudicator may take

the initiative in ascertaining the facts and the law.
344 | Adjudication for architects and engineers

90.9 The Adjudicator reaches a decision within twenty eight days

of referral or such longer period as is agreed by the Parties
after the dispute has been referred. The Adjudicator may
extend the period of twenty eight days by up to fourteen
days with the consent of the notifying Party.

90.10 The Adjudicator provides his reasons to the Parties and to

the Project Manager with his decision.

90.11 The decision of the Adjudicator is binding until the dispute

is finally determined by the tribunal or by agreement.

90.12 The Adjudicator is not liable for anything done or omitted in

the discharge or purported discharge of his functions as
adjudicator unless the act or omission is in bad faith and any
employee or agent of the Adjudicator is similarly protected
from liability.

Y2.6 Clause 91 is amended as follows:

Side heading: `The adjudication' is replaced with `Combining
Clause 91.1 is deleted and replaced by the following:
91.1 If a matter causing dissatisfaction under or in connection
with a subcontract is also a matter causing dissatisfaction
under or in connection with this contract, the subcon-
tractor may attend the meeting between the Parties and the
Project Manager to discuss and seek to resolve the matter.

Clause 91.2 line 4 `settles' is replaced with `gives his decision on'

Y2.7 Clause 92 is amended as follows:

Clause 92.1 line 1 `settles' is replaced with `gives his decision on'
Clause 92.2 line 6 `settle' is replaced with `decide on'
Clause 92.2 line 7 `had not been settled' is replaced with `a
decision had not been given'
Appendix 9 | 345

Y2.8 Contract Data Part 1 Optional statements

The fifth optional statement is deleted and replaced by the
`If the period for payment is not twenty one days

The period within which payments are made is . . . days'

Appendix 10
The Joint Contracts Tribunal (JCT)
Adjudication Scheme

Standard Form of Building Contract 1980 Edition

With and Without Quantities versions
(Incorporating Amendments 1 to 13 and 15 and
including Amendments 14, 16 and 17)

Amendment 18
and Guidance Notes

Issued April 1998

Amendments arising out of proposals in

`Constructing the Team'
by Sir Michael Latham (the `Latham Report') issued July

Amendments to comply with the provisions of the

Housing Grants, Construction and Regeneration Act
1996: Part II Construction Contracts

Amendments arising from 1996 Act are marked >

348 | Adjudication for architects and engineers

Amendment 18 consists of 22 items making the amendments
referred to below:
Item Clause etc.
1 Articles Addition to Second recital: priced Activity
Additional recital (Sixth: Fifth in XQ): provision
to Contractor of an Information Release
Additional recital (Seventh: Sixth in XQ): bond
New Article 5: reference to adjudicator.
Revised Article 5 re-numbered as Article 7A:
disputes or difference arbitration `JCT 1988
edition of the Construction Industry Model
Arbitration Rules (CIMAR)' and as Article
7B legal proceedings.
2 1.3 Additional definitions.
3 New clause 1.5:
Giving or service of notices or other documents.
New clause 1.6:
Reckoning periods of days.
New clause 1.7:
Employer's Representative.
New clause 1.8:
Applicable law.
4 5.4 Drawings or details:
revised clause Information Release Schedule.
20 41 New clause 41A: `Adjudication'; revised clause
41, re-numbered as clause 41B `Arbitration',
new clause 41C, `Legal Proceedings'.
21 Appendix Additional entries pursuant to items 1, 12, 13, 14
and 20.
22 VAT Consequential amendments.
Appendix 10 | 349

Guidance Notes

followed by:

Example of priced Activity Schedule (see item 13)

Text of JCT Adjudication Agreement

Advice on the choice between arbitration and litigation (see

item 20)

Amendments to clause 41A where the parties wish to name an

Adjudicator in the Contract (see item 20)

Text of JCT Adjudication Agreement (Named)

350 | Adjudication for architects and engineers

1: Articles of Agreement

At the end of the Second recital insert:

[b.2] and has provided the Employer
with a priced Activity Schedule;
Insert additional recitals (Fifth and
Sixth in XQ):
[b.2] the Employer has provided the Con-
Sixth tractor with a schedule (`Information
Release Schedule') which states what
information the Architect will release
and the time of that release;
Seventh if the Employer requires any bond to be
on terms other than those agreed
between the Joint Contracts Tribunal
and the British Bankers' Association the
Contractor has been given copies of
these terms;
Insert footnote [b.2];
[b.2] Delete if not provided.
> Insert as Article 5:
> Article 5
Dispute or If any dispute or difference arises under
difference this Contract, either Party may refer it to
Adjudication adjudication in accordance with clause
Delete the existing Article 5 and insert
additional Articles 7A and 7B:
Article 7A
Appendix 10 | 351

Dispute or Where the entry in the Appendix stating

difference that `clause 41B applies' has not been
arbitration deleted then, subject to Article 5, if any
dispute or difference as to any matter or
thing of whatsoever nature arising under
this Contract or in connection there-
with, except in connection with the
enforcement of any decision of an
Adjudicator appointed to determine a
dispute or difference arising thereunder,
shall arise between the Parties either
during the progress or after the comple-
tion or abandonment of the Works or
after the determination of the employ-
ment of the Contractor except under
clause 31 (statutory tax deduction scheme)
to the extent provided in clause 31.9, or
under clause 3 of the VAT Agreement,
it shall be referred to arbitration in
accordance with clause 41B and the JCT
1998 edition of the Construction
Industry Model Arbitration Rules
(CIMAR). [g.3]

Article 7B
Dispute or Where the entry in the Appendix stating
difference that `clause 41B applies' has been
legal deleted, then, subject to Article 5, if any
proceedings dispute or difference as to any matter or
thing of whatsoever nature arising under
this Contract or in connection therewith
shall arise between the Parties either
during the progress or after the comple-
tion or abandonment of the Works or
352 | Adjudication for architects and engineers

after the determination of the employ-

ment of the Contractor it shall be
determined by legal proceedings and
clause 41C shall apply to such proceed-
Use of Amendment 18
Either amend the Form of Con-
tract in accordance with
Amendment 18 and exe-
cute the Contract as so
amended. Each amend-
ment should be initialled
by or on behalf of the
or cut out the following
pages 5 to 31 and attach
to the Form of Contract;
and insert in the Articles
an additional article
which states:
*Article. . .
`Amendment 18 The conditions shall
incorporation have effect as
modified by the
amendments in
Amendment 18
attached hereto.'
*Allocate the next
available article
If users only wish to incorporate the
amendments which arise from the
Appendix 10 | 353

Housing Grants, Construction and Re-

generation Act 1996: Part II Construc-
tion Contracts they should:
Either amend the Form of Con-
tract in accordance with
Amendment 18 marked
> and execute the Con-
tract as so amended. Each
amendment should be
initialled by or on behalf
of the parties.
or cut out the following
pages 5 to 31, delete all
amendments not marked
> and insert in the Arti-
cles an additional article
which states:
*Article. . .
`Amendment 18 The Conditions shall
incorporation have effect as
modified by the
amendments in
Amendment 18
attached hereto.'
*Allocate the next
available article
Insert footnote [g.3]:
[g.3] The JCT 1998 edition of the
Construction industry Model Arbitra-
tion Rules (CIMAR) contain procedures
for beginning an arbitration and the
354 | Adjudication for architects and engineers

appointment of an arbitrator, the con-

solidation or joinder of disputes includ-
ing related disputes between different
parties engaged under different contracts
on the same project, and for the conduct
of arbitral proceedings. The objective of
CIMAR is the fair, impartial, speedy,
cost effective and binding resolution of
construction disputes. The JCT 1998
edition of the Construction Industry
Model Arbitration Rules (CIMAR)
includes additional rules concerning
the calling of preliminary meetings and
supplemental and advisory procedures
which may, with the agreement of the
parties, be used with Rules 7 (short
hearing), 8 (documents only) or 9 (full
Local Authorities versions only:
in footnote [c] delete `Architects
Registration Acts 1931 to 1969' and
insert `Architects' Act 1997'.

2: Clause 1.3 Definitions

Insert in alphabetical order the following

Activity the schedule of activities as
Schedule: attached to the Appendix
with each activity priced
and with the sum of those
prices being the Contract
Appendix 10 | 355

Sum excluding provi-

sional sums, prime cost
sums and any Contrac-
tor's profit thereon [and
the value of work for
which Approximation
Quantities are included
in the Contract Bills]: see
clause 30.2.1.
Words in [square brackets] = With
Quantities only
> Adjudication see clause 41A.2.1.

> Adjudicator: any individual appointed

pursuant to clause 41A
as the Adjudicator.
Information the schedule referred to
Release in the Sixth recital or as
Schedule: varied pursuant to clause
> Party: The Employer or the
Contractor named as the
Employer or the Con-
tractor in the Articles of
> Parties: The Employer and the
Contractor named as the
Employer and the Con-
tractor in the Articles of
356 | Adjudication for architects and engineers

Price see clause

Statement: Alternative A.

> Public Christmas Day, Good

Holiday: Friday or a day which
under the Banking and
Financial Dealings Act
1971 is a bank holiday.
Valuation: A valuation by the
Quantity Surveyor pur-
suant to clause
Alternative B or the
amount of any Price
Statement or any part
thereof accepted pur-
suant to clause
paragraph A2 or
amended Price Statement
or any part thereof ac-
cepted pursuant to clause paragraph
Insert footnote [g.4]
> [g.4] Amend as necessary if different
Public Holidays are applicable.

19: Clause 38 Fluctuations: Contribution, levy and

tax fluctuations: Landfill tax

After clause 38.2.2 insert:

Landfill tax 38.2 .3. 1 The prices contained in the Con-
tract Bills are [XQ: The Contract
Appendix 10 | 357

Sum is] based upon the incidence

and rate of landfill tax (as referred
to in the Finance Act 1996) on
waste deposited on a licensed land-
fill site and for which at the Base
Date the landfill site operator is
accountable to HM Customs and
.3. 2 If in respect of waste arising out of
the carrying out and completion of
the Works which the Contractor
after the Base Date deposits on a
licensed landfill site the price
charged by the operator of that site
to the Contractor for such deposit
is increased or decreased by reason
only of a change in the incidence
or rate of landfill tax effective after
the Base Date from what would
have been charged before that
effective date the net amount of
that increase or decrease shall, as
the case may be, be paid to or
allowed by the Contractor.
.3. 3 No payment pursuant to clause shall be made if the
Contractor could reasonably be
expected to have disposed of the
waste other than to a licensed
landfill site.
Consequential amendment
38.4.1 After clause insert:
`.1 .4 clause 38.2.3'
358 | Adjudication for architects and engineers

and re-number clause as

20: Clause 41 Settlement of disputes Arbitration

Re-draft the heading:

`Part 4: Settlement of disputes
Adjudication Arbitration Legal
Insert new clause 41A:
> 41A Adjudication
Application 41A.1 Clause 41A applies where, pursuant to
of clause 41A Article 5, either Party refers any dispute
or difference arising under this Contract
to adjudication.
Identity of 41A.2 The Adjudicator to decide the dispute or
Adjudicator difference shall be either an individual
agreed by the Parties or, on the appli-
cation of either Party, an individual to be
nominated as the Adjudicator by the
person named in the Appendix (`the
nominator'). Provided that [y.1]
41A.2 .1 no Adjudicator shall be agreed or
nominated under clause 41A.2.2 or
clause 41A.3 who will not execute
the Standard Agreement for the
appointment of an Adjudicator
issued by the Joint Contracts
Tribunal (the `JCT Adjudication
Agreement') with the Parties, [y.1]
Appendix 10 | 359

41A.2 .2 where either Party has given notice

of his intention to refer a dispute to
adjudication then
any agreement by the Parties on
the appointment of an Adjudicator
must be reached with the object of
securing the appointment of, and
the referral of the dispute or
difference to, the Adjudicator
within 7 days of the date of the
notice of intention to refer (see
clause 41A.4.1);
any application to the nominator
must be made with the object of
securing the appointment of, and
the referral of the dispute or
difference to, the Adjudicator
within 7 days of the date of the
notice of intention to refer;
41A.2 .3 upon agreement by the Parties on
the appointment of the Adjudica-
tor or upon receipt by the Parties
from the nominator of the name of
the nominated Adjudicator the
Parties shall thereupon execute
with the Adjudicator the JCT
Adjudication Agreement.
Insert new footnotes:
[y.1]: The nominators named in the
Appendix have agreed with the Joint
Contracts Tribunal that they will comply
with the requirements of clause 41A on
the nomination of an adjudicator
360 | Adjudication for architects and engineers

including the requirement in clause

41A.2.2 for the nomination to be made
with the object of securing the appoint-
ment of, and the referral of the dispute
or difference to, the Adjudicator within
7 days of the date of the notice of
intention to refer; and will only nomi-
nate adjudicators who will enter into the
`JCT Adjudication Agreement'.
The JCT Adjudication Agreement,
whose text is set out in the Guidance
Notes to this Amendment, is available
from the retailers of JCT Forms.
Death of 41A.3 If the Adjudicator dies or becomes ill or
Adjudicator is unavailable for some other cause and
inability to is thus unable to adjudicate on a dispute
adjudicate or difference referred to him, the Parties
may either agree upon an individual to
replace the Adjudicator or either party
may apply to the nominator for the
nomination of an adjudicator to adjudi-
cate that dispute or difference; and the
Parties shall execute the JCT Adjudica-
tion Agreement with the agreed or
nominated Adjudicator.
Dispute or 41A.4 .1 When pursuant to Article 5 a Party
difference requires a dispute or difference to
notice of be referred to adjudication then
intention to that Party shall give notice to the
refer to other Party of his intention to refer
Adjudication the dispute or difference, briefly
referral identified in the notice, to adjudi-
cation. Within 7 days from the
date of such notice or the
Appendix 10 | 361

execution of the JCT Adjudication

Agreement by the Adjudicator if
later, the Party giving the notice of
intention shall refer the dispute or
difference to the Adjudicator for
his decision (`the referral'); and
shall include with that referral
particulars of the dispute or differ-
ence together with a summary of
the contentions on which he relies,
a statement of the relief or remedy
which is sought and any material
he wishes the Adjudicator to con-
sider. The referral and its accom-
panying documentation shall be
copied simultaneously to the other
41A.4 .2 The referral by a Party with its
accompanying documentation to
the Adjudicator and the copies
thereof to be provided to the other
Party shall be given by actual
delivery or by FAX or by registered
post or recorded delivery. If given
by FAX then, for record purposes,
the referral and its accompanying
documentation must forthwith be
sent by first class post or given by
actual delivery. If sent by registered
post or recorded delivery the re-
ferral and its accompanying docu-
mentation shall, subject to proof to
the contrary, be deemed to have
been received 48 hours after the
date of posting subject to the
362 | Adjudication for architects and engineers

exclusion of Sundays and any

Public Holiday.
Conduct of 41A.5 .1 The Adjudicator shall immediately
the upon receipt of the referral and its
Adjudication accompanying documentation
confirm the date of that receipt to
the Parties.
41A.5 .2 The Party not making the referral
may, by the same means stated in
clause 41A.4.2, send to the Ad-
judicator within 7 days of the date
of the referral with a copy to the
other Party, a written statement of
the contentions on which he relies
and any material he wishes the
Adjudicator to consider.
41A.5 .3 The Adjudicator shall within 28
days of his receipt of the referral
and its accompanying documenta-
tion under clause 41A.4.1 and
acting as an Adjudicator for the
purposes of S.108 of the Housing
Grants, Construction and Regen-
eration Act 1996 and not as an
expert or an arbitrator reach his
decision and forthwith send that
decision in writing to the Parties.
Provided that the Party who has
made the referral may consent to
allowing the Adjudicator to extend
the period of 28 days by up to 14
days; and that by agreement be-
tween the Parties after the referral
has been made a longer period than
Appendix 10 | 363

28 days may be notified jointly by

the Parties to the Adjudicator
within which to reach his decision.
41A.5 .4 The Adjudicator shall not be
obliged to give reasons for his
41A.5 .5 In reaching his decision the
Adjudicator shall act impartially,
set his own procedure and at his
absolute discretion may take the
initiative in ascertaining the facts
and the law as he considers neces-
sary in respect of the referral which
may include the following:
.5 .1 using his own knowledge and/or
.5 .2 opening up, reviewing and revising
any certificate, opinion, decision,
requirement or notice issued given
or made under the Contract as if
no such certificate, opinion, deci-
sion, requirement or notice had
been issued given or made;
.5 .3 requiring from the Parties further
information than that contained in
the notice of referral and its
accompanying documentation or in
any written statement provided by
the Parties including the results of
any tests that have been made or of
any opening up;
364 | Adjudication for architects and engineers

.5 .4 requiring the Parties to carry out

tests or additional tests or to open
up work or further open up work;
.5 .5 visiting the site of the Works or any
workshop where work is being or
has been prepared for the Contract;
.5 .6 obtaining such information as he
considers necessary from any
employee or representative of the
Parties provided that before
obtaining information from an
employee of a Party he has given
prior notice to that Party;
.5 .7 obtaining from others such infor-
mation and advice as he considers
necessary on technical and on legal
matters subject to giving prior
notice to the Parties together with
a statement or estimate of the cost
.5 .8 having regard to any term of the
contract relating to the payment of
interest, deciding the circumstances
in which or the period for which a
simple rate of interest shall be paid.
41A.5 .6 Any failure by either Party to enter
into the JCT Adjudication Agree-
ment or to comply with any
requirement of the Adjudicator
under clause 41A.5.5 or with any
provision in or requirement under
clause 41A shall not invalidate the
decision of the Adjudicator.
Appendix 10 | 365

41A.5 .7 The Parties shall meet their own

costs of the Adjudication except
that the Adjudicator may direct as
to who should pay the cost of any
test or opening up if required
pursuant to clause 41A.5.5.4.
Adjudicator's 41A.6 .1 The Adjudicator in his decision
fee and shall state how payment of his fee
reasonable and reasonable expenses is to be
expenses apportioned as between the Parties.
payment In default of such statement the
Parties shall bear the cost of the
Adjudicator's fee and reasonable
expenses in equal proportions.
41A.6 .2 The Parties shall be jointly and
severally liable to the Adjudicator
for his fee and for all expenses
reasonably incurred by the
Adjudicator pursuant to the
Effect of 41A.7 .1 The decision of the Adjudicator
Adjudicator's shall be binding on the Parties until
decision the dispute or difference is finally
determined by arbitration or by
legal proceedings or by an agree-
ment in writing between the Par-
ties made after the decision of the
Adjudicator has been given. [y.2]
41A.7 .2 The Parties shall, without prejudice
to their other rights under the
Contract, comply with the deci-
sions of the Adjudicator; and the
Employer and the Contractor shall
366 | Adjudication for architects and engineers

ensure that the decisions of the

Adjudicator are given effect.
41A.7 .3 If either Party does not comply
with the decision of the Adjudica-
tor, the other Party shall be
entitled to take legal proceedings
to secure such compliance pending
any final determination of the
referred dispute or difference pur-
suant to clause 41A.7.1.
Insert new footnote:
[y.2] The arbitration or legal proceed-
ings are not an appeal against the
decision of the Adjudicator but are a
consideration of the dispute or difference
as if no decision had been made by an
Immunity 41A.8 The Adjudicator shall not be liable
for anything done or omitted in the
discharge or purported discharge of his
functions as Adjudicator unless the act
or omission is in bad faith and this
protection from liability shall similarly
extend to any employee or agent of the
Delete clause 41 and insert clause 41B:
41B Arbitration
A reference in clause 41B to a Rule or
Rules is a reference to the JCT 1998
edition of the Construction Industry
Model Arbitration Rules (CIMAR)
current at the Base Date.
Appendix 10 | 367

41B.1 .1 Where pursuant to Article 7A

either Party requires a dispute or
difference to be referred to arbi-
tration then that Party shall serve
on the other Party a notice of
arbitration to such effect in accor-
dance with Rule 2.1 which states:
`Arbitral proceedings are begun in
respect of a dispute when one party
serves on the other a written notice
of arbitration identifying the dis-
pute and requiring him to agree to
the appointment of an arbitrator;'
and an arbitrator shall be an individual
agreed by the parties or appointed by the
person named in the Appendix in
accordance with Rule 2.3 which states:
`If the parties fail to agree on the
name of an arbitrator within 14
days (or any agreed extension)
(i) the notice of arbitration is
served, or
(ii) a previously appointed arbitra-
tor ceases to hold office for any
reason, either party may apply for
the appointment of an arbitrator to
the person so empowered.'
By Rule 2.5:
`the arbitrator's appointment takes
effect upon his agreement to act or
368 | Adjudication for architects and engineers

his appointment under Rule 2.3,

whether or not his terms have been
41B.1 .2 Where two or more related arbitral
proceedings in respect of the
Works fall under separate arbitra-
tion agreements Rules 2.6, 2.7 and
2.8 shall apply thereto.
41B.1 .3 After an arbitrator has been ap-
pointed either Party may give a
further notice of arbitration to the
other Party and to the Arbitrator
referring any other dispute which
falls under Article 7A to be
decided in the arbitral proceedings
and Rule 3.3 shall apply thereto.
41B.2 Subject to the provisions of Article 7A
and clause 30.9 the Arbitrator shall,
without prejudice to the generality of his
powers, have power to rectify this
Contract so that it accurately reflects the
true agreement made by the Parties, to
direct such measurements and/or valua-
tions as may in his opinion be desirable
in order to determine the rights of the
Parties and to ascertain and award any
sum which ought to have been the
subject of or included in any certificate
and to open up, review and revise any
certificate, opinion, decision, require-
ment or notice and to determine all
matters in dispute which shall be sub-
mitted to him in the same manner as if
Appendix 10 | 369

no such certificate, opinion, decision,

requirement or notice had been given.
41B.3 Subject to clause 41B.4 the award of
such Arbitrator shall be final and bind-
ing on the Parties.
41B.4 The Parties hereby agree pursuant to
Section 45(2)(a) and Section 69(2)(a)
of the Arbitration Act, 1996, that either
Party may (upon notice to the other
Party and to the Arbitrator):
41B.4 .1 apply to the courts to determine
any question of law arising in the
course of the reference; and
41B.4 .2 appeal to the courts on any ques-
tion of law arising out of an award
made in an arbitration under this
Arbitration Agreement.
41B.5 The provisions of the Arbitration Act
1996 or any amendment thereof shall
apply to any arbitration under this
Contract wherever the same, or any part
of it, shall be conducted. [y.3]
41B.6 The arbitration shall be conducted in
accordance with the JCT 1998 edition of
the Construction Industry Model Arbi-
tration Rules (CIMAR) current at the
Base Date. Provided that if any amend-
ments to the Rules so current have been
issued by the Joint Contracts Tribunal
after the Base Date the Parties may, by a
joint notice in writing to the Arbitrator,
state that they wish the arbitration to be
370 | Adjudication for architects and engineers

conducted in accordance with the Rules

as so amended.
Insert revised footnote:
[y.3] It should be noted that the
provisions of the Arbitration Act 1996
do not extend to Scotland. Where the
site of the Works is situated in Scotland
then the forms issued by the Scottish
Building Contract Committee which
contain Scots proper law, adjudication
and arbitration provisions are the
appropriate documents. The SBCC
issues guidance in this respect.
Consequential amendments
1.3 In the definition of Arbitrator delete
`clause 41' and insert `clause 41B'
4.2 Lines 5 to 7 delete the words in brackets
and insert between the brackets:
`neither party before such compli-
ance having invoked the relevant
procedures under the Contract to
the resolution of disputes or differ-
ences in order that it may be
decided whether the provision
specified by the Architect
empowers the issue of the said
8.4.1 Delete the existing text and insert:
`notwithstanding the power of the
Architect under clause 8.4.2 issue
instructions in regard to the
Appendix 10 | 371

removal from the site of all or any

of such work, materials or goods;
31.9 Line 1 delete `The provisions of article 5'
and insert `The relevant procedures
applicable under the Contract to the
resolution of disputes or differences'
Delete existing side heading and insert:
Application of dispute procedures
After clause 41B insert:
41C Legal Proceedings
41C.1 When any dispute or difference is to be
determined by legal proceedings, then
insofar as the Conditions provide for the
issue of a certificate, or the expression of
an opinion or the giving of a decision,
requirement or notice such provision
shall not prevent the Court, in deter-
mining the rights and liabilities of the
Parties hereto, from making any finding
necessary to establish whether such
certificate was correctly issued or
opinion correctly expressed or decision,
requirement or notice correctly given on
the facts found by the Court; nor shall
such provision prevent the Court estab-
lishing what certificate ought to have
been issued or what other opinion
should have been expressed or what
other decision, requirement or notice
should have been given as if no certifi-
cate, opinion, decision, requirement or
372 | Adjudication for architects and engineers

notice had been issued, expressed or

> Adjudication 41A.2 President or a Vice-Presi-
nominator of Adjudicator dent or Chairman or a
(if no nominator is Vice-Chairman:
selected the nominator * Royal Institute of British
shall be the President or a Architects
Vice-President of the * Royal Institution of
Royal Institute of British Chartered Surveyors
Architects) * Construction Confed-
* National Specialist Con-
tractors' Council

Settlement of disputes 41B.1 President or a Vice-Presi-

Arbitration appointor dent:
(if no appointor is * Royal Institute of British
selected the appointor Architects
shall be the President or a * Royal Institution of
Vice-President of the Chartered Surveyors
Royal Institute of British * Chartered Institute of
Architects) Arbitrators

* Delete all but one

22: Consequential amendments:

Supplemental Provisions (the VAT

Clause 5 Delete side heading and insert `Awards

in dispute procedures'
Line 1 delete `under article 5' and insert
`pursuant to article 7A'
Appendix 10 | 373

Line 1 delete `a court' and insert `legal

Line 2 delete `court proceedings' and
insert `legal proceedings'
Clause 6 Line 1 delete `article 5' and insert
`article 7A'

Local Authorities versions only

In this Amendment 18 the term `the

Architect' wherever appearing is deemed
to have been deleted and the term `the
Architect/the Contract Administrator' is
deemed to have been substituted.
Guidance Notes
on items 1 to 22 in Amendment 18 to
the Standard Form of Building Con-
tract 1980 Edition With and Without
Quantities versions
Note: Unless otherwise stated a reference to
`the Act' in these Notes is to the
Housing Grants, Construction and
Regeneration Act 1996, Part II
Construction Contracts.
Item No.

1: Articles of Agreement

For comment on the addition to the

Second recital see the Guidance Note
on item 13; on the new Sixth recital see
374 | Adjudication for architects and engineers

the Guidance Note on item 4; on the

new Seventh recital see items 12 and 14;
and on the new text for Article 5 and
the additional Articles 7A and 7B, see
the Guidance Notes on item 20.

2: Clause 1.3 Definitions

The items in the Amendment to which

these additional definitions relate are:
Activity Schedule: item 13
and Adjudicator: item 20
Information Release
Schedule: item 4
Party and Parties: item 20
Price Statement: item 5
re-drafted clause
Public Holiday: item 3 new
clause 1.6
Any necessary comment on these defi-
nitions is included in the guidance on
the item to which the definitions relate.
Appendix 10 | 375

3: Clause 1 Interpretation, definitions etc.: new

1.5 Service of notices or other
1.6 Reckoning period of days
1.7 Employers' Representative
1.8 Applicable law

Clause 1.5 is included to give effect to

S.115 of the Act which provides:
Service of 115. (1) The parties are
notices, etc. free to agree on the man-
ner of service of any notice
or other document re-
quired or authorised to be
served in pursuance of the
construction contract or
for any of the purposes of
this Part.
(2) If or to the extent that
there is no such agreement
the following provisions
(3) A notice or other
document may be served
on a person by any effec-
tive means.
(4) If a notice or other
document is addressed,
pre-paid and delivered by
(a) to the addressee's last
known principal residence
376 | Adjudication for architects and engineers

or, if he is or has been

carrying on a trade, pro-
fession or business, his last
known principal business
address, or
(b) where the addressee is
a body corporate, to the
body's registered or princi-
pal office,
it shall be treated as effec-
tively served.
(5) This section does not
apply to the service of
documents for the pur-
poses of legal proceedings,
for which provision is made
by rules of court.
(6) References in this Part
to a notice or other docu-
ment include any form of
communication in writing
and references to service
shall be construed accord-
The Conditions in certain clauses e.g.,
in clause 27.1 and in clause 41A.4.2 (see
item 18) prescribe the manner of service
of the documents referred to; and this is
permitted by S.115(1). Clause 1.5 only
therefore applies where no manner of
service is prescribed in the Conditions,
e.g., the issue of the Architect's instruc-
tion under clause 4.1.1, the provision of
the Contractor's Statement under clause
42.4. In these circumstances service has
Appendix 10 | 377

to be by `any effective means'; and if

served as described in clause 1.5 then
that is an `effective means' though any
other means that are effective are
equally valid.
Clause 1.6 is included to give partial but
extended effect in the Conditions to
S.116 of the Act; it is `partial' in that it
applies only to periods of days and
`extended' in that it applies to matters
outside the scope of Part II of the Act.
S.116 provides:
Reckoning 116. (1) For the purposes
periods of this Part periods of time
of time shall be reckoned as
(2) Where an act is
required to be done within
a specified period after or
from a specified date, the
period begins immediately
after that date.
(3) Where the period
would include Christmas
Day, Good Friday or a day
which under the Banking
and Financial Dealings Act
1971 is a bank holiday in
England and Wales or,
as the case may be, in
Scotland, that day shall
be excluded.
378 | Adjudication for architects and engineers

The clause only applies to `periods of

days' e.g., clause 28.2.3 (period of
continuance of a specified default or
specified suspension event), clause in item 11 (calculation of the
final date for payment of an Interim
Certificate). Where periods are ex-
pressed in periods other than days, e.g.,
the length of the Defects Liability Period
under clause 17.2 and the relevant
Appendix entry, the period under clause for the Contractor to provide all
documents necessary for the adjustment
of the Contract Sum, then, in the event
of any dispute over the matter, to the
extent that the dispute relates to matters
within Part II of the Act S.116 will apply
in reckoning the commencement and
expiry of the period.

20: Clause 41 Settlement of disputes Arbitration

Part 4 has been extensively amended as

a result of:
(a) the statutory right given by
S.108(1) of the Act to a party to a
construction contract to refer a
dispute or difference arising under
the contract for adjudication; see
also Article 5;
(b) a decision of the Tribunal's con-
stituent bodies to give a choice to
the parties of omitting the agree-
ment to take disputes to arbitration
Appendix 10 | 379

so that disputes would be the

subject of legal proceedings; see
Article 7B;
(c) the provisions of the Arbitration
Act 1996 and the decision to
replace the current JCT Arbitra-
tion Rules by the `JCT 1998 edition
of the Construction Industry
Model Arbitration Rules
Adjudication Ss.108(1) to (5) of the Act provide:
Right to 108. (1) A party to a
refer construction contract has
disputes to the right to refer a dispute
adjudication arising under the contract
for adjudication under a
procedure complying with
this section.
For this purpose `dispute'
includes any difference.
(2) The contract shall
(a) enable a party to give
notice at any time of his
intention to refer a dispute
to adjudication;
(b) provide a timetable
with the object of securing
the appointment of the
adjudicator and referral of
the dispute to him within 7
days of such notice;
380 | Adjudication for architects and engineers

(c) require the adjudicator

to reach a decision within
28 days of referral or such
longer period as is agreed
by the parties after the
dispute has been referred;
(d) allow the adjudicator to
extend the period of 28
days by up to 14 days, with
the consent of the party by
whom the dispute was
(e) impose a duty on the
adjudicator to act impar-
tially; and
(f) enable the adjudicator
to take the initiative in
ascertaining the facts and
the law.
(3) The contract shall
provide that the decision
of the adjudicator is bind-
ing until the dispute is
finally determined by legal
proceedings, by arbitration
(if the contract provides
for arbitration or the par-
ties otherwise agree to
arbitration), or by agree-
The parties may agree to
accept the decision of the
adjudicator as finally
determining the dispute.
Appendix 10 | 381

(4) The contract shall also

provide that the adjudica-
tor is not liable for any-
thing done or omitted in
the discharge or purported
discharge of his functions
as adjudicator unless the
act or omission is in bad
faith, and that any em-
ployee or agent of the
adjudicator is similarly
protected from liability.
(5) If the contract does not
comply with the require-
ments of subsections (1) to
(4), the adjudication pro-
visions of the Scheme for
Construction Contracts
As the new Article 5 and clause `41A
Adjudication' comply with Ss. 108(1) to
(4), S.108(5) will not therefore be
applicable to the Standard Form 1980
The following points should be noted:
(a) By Article 5 either Party (a new
defined term in item 2 of Amend-
ment 18) by notice to the other
Party may refer a dispute or
difference to Adjudication; such
reference does not require an
agreement between the Parties.
The Adjudication is then carried
out under the terms of clause 41A.
382 | Adjudication for architects and engineers

Article 5 follows S.108(1) in giving

a right to refer to adjudication a
dispute arising `under' the Con-
tract. Leading Counsel referred to
the use of the term `under' in the
Section and contrasted that with
the phrase used in Article 7A (and
in the pre-Amendment 18 Article
5) Arbitration any dispute . . .
arising under this Contract or in
connection therewith'. He advised
that disputes as to, for example, the
existence of a contract or the right
to sue for misrepresentation would
be outside the jurisdiction of an
Adjudicator pursuant to S.108(1)
and to Article 5 as not arising
`under' the Contract.
(b) The appointment of the Adjudica-
tor is either by agreement between
the Parties or by either party
applying to the nominating body
named in the Appendix (see item
21) to nominate an Adjudicator:
clause 41A.2.
The nominating bodies have each
agreed to nominate in accordance
with the time table for appoint-
ment in clause 41A which reflects
the time table in S.108; and only to
nominate persons who will enter
into the JCT Standard Agreement
for the appointment of an Adjudi-
cator (the `Adjudication Agree-
ment'). A copy of this Agreement
Appendix 10 | 383

is reproduced on pages 4952 of

these Notes. An Adjudicator
agreed by the Parties must also
have agreed to enter into the
Adjudication Agreement.
If the Parties wish to name an
Adjudicator in the Contract then
amendments to clause 41A are
required as set out on pages 5556
of this Note. A version of the
Adjudication Agreement for use
with a named Adjudicator is set
out on pages 5760 of this Note.
(c) The Adjudication Agreements
state the fee of the Adjudicator
which is either a lump sum or an
hourly rate.
(d) The next step after a Party has
given notice of his intention to
refer a dispute to adjudication is for
that Party to refer the dispute or
difference to the Adjudicator. The
details in clause 41A.4 of this
referral must be followed as they
are in compliance with the
requirements of S.108(2).
(e) The conduct of the Adjudication
including the time for the Adjudi-
cator to give his decision is set out
in clause 41A.5 which complies
with S.108. The Tribunal has
provided in clause 41A.5.3 that the
28 day period for the Adjudicator
to reach his decision is to run from
384 | Adjudication for architects and engineers

the date of receipt by the Adjudi-

cator of the referral notice which
the Adjudicator under clause
41A.5.2 has to confirm to the
Parties. This appeared to the
Tribunal to be a realistic and
practicable method of dealing with
any problems of delay outside the
control of the Parties (e.g. postal
strikes) while not conflicting with
S.108(2) of the Act. Particular
attention is called to clause
41A.5.3 which states that the
Adjudicator, in carrying out the
Adjudication and giving his deci-
sion, is `acting as an Adjudicator
for the purposes of S.108 of `the
Housing Grants, Construction and
Regeneration Act 1996' and not as
an expert or an arbitrator'; and to
clauses 41A.5.5.1 to .8.
(f ) The Adjudicator is entitled to his
fee and to `reasonable expenses';
and the liability of the Parties for
payment of the Adjudicator is
stated in clause 41A.6. The Par-
ties may submit sealed letters to
the Adjudicator, to be opened after
he has reached his decision, if they
wish him to consider particular
matters before reaching his deci-
sion on apportionment of his fee
and reasonable expenses under
clause 41A.6.1 and under clause
Appendix 10 | 385

41A.5.7 on payment of the cost of

any test or opening up.
(g) Clause 41A.7 Effect of Adjudica-
tor's decision follows the provi-
sions of S.108(3). The important
footnote [y.2] stresses that any
arbitration or legal proceedings
finally to settle the dispute or
difference are not an appeal from
the Adjudicator's decision; they
will be a new hearing of the dispute
or difference.
(h) Clause 41A.7.3 specifically
provides that if a Party does not
comply with an Adjudicator's
decision the other Party can take
legal proceedings. Article 7A, the
arbitration agreement of the Par-
ties, specifically excepts from the
right to refer any dispute or differ-
ence to arbitration a dispute or
difference `in connection with the
enforcement of any decision of an
Adjudicator'. Thus even if the
Parties have retained arbitration
for the determination of disputes,
the inclusion of this exception has
removed from the arbitration
agreement the enforcement of
Adjudicator's decisions and the
arbitration agreement could not be
used to stay legal proceedings in
the courts for such enforcement.
(i) Clause 41A.8 complies with
S.108(4) of the Act.
386 | Adjudication for architects and engineers

Text of JCT Adjudication Agreement

JCT Adjudication Agreement

This Agreement

is made on the _____day of _____________ 19___

BETWEEN (`the Contracting Parties')

Insert names and (1)

addresses of the _______________________________________
Contracting Parties


and (`the Adjudicator')

Insert name and _______________________________________
address of _______________________________________
Appendix 10 | 387


the Contracting Parties have entered into a

*Contract/Sub-Contract/Agreement (the `contract') for

Brief description of the

works/the sub-contract

on the terms of

Insert the title of the JCT

Agreement and any
amendments thereto
incorporated therein

in which the provisions on adjudication (`the Adjudication

Provisions') are set out in clause ________

And Whereas
a dispute or difference has arisen under the contract which the
Contracting Parties wish to be referred to adjudication in
accordance with the said Adjudication Provisions.

*Delete as appropriate.
388 | Adjudication for architects and engineers

Now it is agreed that

Appointment and acceptance

1. The Contracting Parties hereby appoint the Adjudicator and

the Adjudicator hereby accepts such appointment in respect of
the dispute briefly identified in the attached notice.

Adjudication Provisions

2. The Adjudicator shall observe the Adjudication Provisions as if

they were set out in full in this Agreement.

Adjudicator's fee and reasonable expenses

3. The Contracting Parties will be jointly and severally liable to the

Adjudicator for his fee as stated in the Schedule hereto for
conducting the adjudication and for all expenses reasonably
incurred by the Adjudicator as referred to in the Adjudication

Unavailability of Adjudicator to act on the referral

4. If the Adjudicator becomes ill or becomes unavailable for some

other cause and is thus unable to complete the adjudication, he
shall immediately give notice to the Contracting Parties to such


5. .1 The Contracting Parties jointly may terminate the Adjudica-

tion Agreement at any time on written notice to the
Adjudicator. Following such termination the Contracting
Parties shall, subject to clause 5.2, pay the Adjudicator his fee
Appendix 10 | 389

or any balance thereof and his expenses reasonably incurred

prior to the termination.
.2 Where the decision of the Contracting Parties to terminate
the Adjudication Agreement under clause 5.1 is because of a
failure by the Adjudicator to give his decision on the dispute or
difference within the time-scales in the Adjudication Provisions
or at all, the Adjudicator shall not be entitled to recover from
the Contracting Parties his fee and expenses.

As Witness
the hands of the Contracting Parties and the Adjudicator

Signed by or on behalf of:

the Contracting Parties

(1) _______________________________________________

in the presence of ___________________________________

(2) _______________________________________________

in the presence of ___________________________________

Signed by:

the Adjudicator

in the presence of ___________________________________


Fee The lump sum fee is _________________

The hourly rate is ___________________
390 | Adjudication for architects and engineers

Delete the entry with reference to clause 41A.2.

Insert an additional entry:

Adjudication 41A.2 Name and address of Adjudicator

Fee of Adjudicator
*Lump sum _______

*Hourly rate _______

*Complete as applicable
Appendix 10 | 391

Text of JCT Adjudication Agreement

JCT Adjudication Agreement

for an ADJUDICATOR NAMED in a Contract/Sub-Contract/

This Agreement

is made on the _____day of _____________ 19___

BETWEEN (`the Contracting Parties')

Insert names and

addresses of the
Contracting Parties






392 | Adjudication for architects and engineers



and (`the Adjudicator')

Insert name and

address of






the Contracting Parties have named the Adjudicator in the said


Brief description of
the works/the sub-
contract works
Appendix 10 | 393





on the terms of

Insert the title of the

JCT Contract/Sub-
and any amendments
thereto incorporated




in which the provisions on adjudication (`the Adjudication

Provisions') are set out in clause ________
394 | Adjudication for architects and engineers

And Whereas
a dispute or difference has arisen under the contract which the
Contracting Parties wish to be referred to adjudication in
accordance with the said Adjudication Provisions.

*Delete as appropriate.

Now it is agreed that

Appointment and acceptance

1. The Contracting Parties hereby appoint the Adjudicator and

the Adjudicator hereby accepts such appointment in respect of
any dispute that may arise on the said contract and the
Adjudicator will use his best endeavours to be available to
consider any referral to him by either party to the contract.y If a
dispute or difference arises under a nominated or named sub-
contract entered into pursuant to the aforementioned contract
which the parties to such sub-contract require to be referred to
adjudication, the Adjudicator will, if so required, execute an
agreement in similar terms to this Agreement to act as
Adjudicator thereon.

Adjudication Provisions

2. The Adjudicator shall observe the Adjudication Provisions as if

they were set out in full in this Agreement.

Adjudicator's fee and reasonable expenses

3. The Contracting Parties will be jointly and severally liable to the

Adjudicator for his fee as stated in the Schedule hereto for

y Delete if the contract is in respect of a sub-contract.

Appendix 10 | 395

conducting the adjudication and for all expenses reasonably

incurred by the Adjudicator as referred to in the Adjudication

Unavailability of Adjudicator to act on the referral

4. If the Adjudicator becomes ill or becomes unavailable for some

other cause and is thus unable to complete the adjudication he
shall immediately give notice to the Contracting Parties to such


5. .1 The Contracting Parties jointly may

.1 terminate the Adjudication Agreement at any time on
written notice to the Adjudicator;
.2 terminate an adjudication at any time and immediately give
written notice to the Adjudicator thereof.
Following such termination the Contracting Parties shall,
subject to clause 5.2, pay the Adjudicator his fee or any balance
thereof and his expenses reasonably incurred prior to the
.2 Where the decision of the Contracting Parties to terminate
the Adjudication Agreement under clause 5.1 is because of a
failure by the Adjudicator to give his decision on the dispute or
difference within the time-scales in the Adjudication Provisions
or at all, the Adjudicator shall not be entitled to recover from
the Contracting Parties his fee and expenses.
396 | Adjudication for architects and engineers

As Witness
the hands of the Contracting Parties and the Adjudicator

Signed by or on behalf of:

the Contracting Parties

(1) _______________________________________________

in the presence of ___________________________________

(2) _______________________________________________

in the presence of ___________________________________

Signed by:

the Adjudicator

in the presence of ___________________________________


Fee The lump sum fee is _________________

The hourly rate is ___________________
Appendix 11
The Construction Industry Council (CIC)
Model Adjudication Procedure: First

General principles
1. The object of adjudication is to reach a fair, rapid and
inexpensive decision upon a dispute arising under the Contract
and this procedure shall be interpreted accordingly.

2. The Adjudicator shall act impartially.

The Adjudicator's role

3. The Adjudicator may take the initiative in ascertaining the facts
and the law. He may use his own knowledge and experience.
The adjudication shall be neither an arbitration nor an expert

Decision binding in interim

4. The Adjudicator's decision shall be binding until the dispute is
finally determined by legal proceedings, by arbitration (if the
contract provides for arbitration or the parties otherwise agree
to arbitration), or by agreement.
398 | Adjudication for architects and engineers

Implementation of the decision

5. The Parties shall implement the Adjudicator's decision without
delay whether or not the dispute is to be referred to legal
proceedings or arbitration.

6. If this procedure is incorporated into the Contract by reference,
the reference shall be deemed to be to the edition current at the
date of the Notice.

7. If a conflict arises between this procedure and the Contract,
unless the Contract provides otherwise, this procedure shall

Appointment of the Adjudicator

Notice of adjudication
8. Either Party may give notice at any time of its intention to refer
a dispute arising under the Contract to adjudication by giving a
written Notice to the other Party. The Notice shall include a
brief statement of the issue or issues which it is desired to refer
and the redress sought. The referring Party shall send a copy of
the Notice to any adjudicator named in the Contract.

Time for appointment and referral

9. The object of the procedure in paragraphs 1014 is to secure the
appointment of the adjudicator and referral of the dispute to
him within 7 days of the Notice.

10. If an adjudicator is named in the Contract, he shall within 2
days of receiving the Notice confirm his availability to act. If no
Appendix 11 | 399

adjudicator is named, or if the named adjudicator does not so

confirm, the referring Party shall request the body stated in the
Contract, if any, or if none, the Construction Industry Council,
to nominate an Adjudicator within 5 days of receipt of the
request. The request shall be in writing, accompanied by a copy
of the Notice and the appropriate fee. Alternatively the Parties
may, within 2 days of the Notice, appoint the Adjudicator by

Adjudicator unable to act

11. If, for any reason, the Adjudicator is unable to act, or fails to
reach his decision within the time required by this procedure,
either Party may request the body stated in the Contract, if any,
or if none, the Construction Industry Council, to nominate a
replacement adjudicator.

Adjudicator's terms and conditions

12. Unless the Contract provides otherwise, the Adjudicator shall
be appointed on the terms and conditions set out in the
attached Agreement and shall be entitled to a reasonable fee
and expenses.

Objection to appointment
13. If a Party objects to the appointment of a particular person as
adjudicator, that objection shall not invalidate the Adjudica-
tor's appointment or any decision he may reach.

Conduct of the Adjudication

Statement of case
14. The referring Party shall send to the Adjudicator within 7 days
of the Notice (or as soon thereafter as the Adjudicator is
appointed) and copy to the other Party, a statement of its case
including a copy of the Notice, the Contract, details of the
circumstances giving rise to the dispute, the reasons why it is
400 | Adjudication for architects and engineers

entitled to the redress sought, and the evidence upon which it


Date of referral
15. The date of referral shall be the date on which the Adjudicator
receives this statement of case.

Period for decision

16. The Adjudicator shall reach his decision within 28 days of the
date of referral, or such longer period as is agreed by the Parties
after the dispute has been referred. The Adjudicator may
extend the period of 28 days by up to 14 days with the consent
of the referring Party.

17. The Adjudicator shall have complete discretion as to how to
conduct the adjudication, and shall establish the procedure and
timetable, subject to any limitation there may be in the
Contract or the Act. He shall not be required to observe any
rule of evidence, procedure or otherwise, of any court or
tribunal. Without prejudice to the generality of these powers, he
(i) request a written defence, further argument or counter
(ii) request the production of documents or the attendance of
people whom he considers could assist
(iii) visit the site
(iv) meet and question the Parties and their representatives
(v) meet the Parties separately
(vi) limit the length or time for submission of any statement,
defence or argument
(vii) proceed with the adjudication and reach a decision even if
a Party fails to comply with a request or direction of the
Appendix 11 | 401

(viii) issue such further directions as he considers to be


Parties to comply
18. The Parties shall comply with any request or direction of the
Adjudicator in relation to the adjudication.

Obtaining advice
19. The Adjudicator may obtain legal or technical advice, provided
that he has notified the Parties of his intention first. He shall
provide the Parties with copies of any written advice received.

Matters to be determined
20. The Adjudicator shall decide the matters set out in the Notice,
together with any other matters which the Parties and the
Adjudicator agree shall be within the scope of the adjudication.

Adjudicator to apply the law

21. The Adjudicator shall determine the rights and obligations of
the Parties in accordance with the law of the Contract.

Joining third parties

22. Any Party may at any time ask that additional parties shall be
joined in the adjudication. Joining of additional parties shall be
subject to the agreement of the Adjudicator and the existing
and additional parties. An additional party shall have the same
rights and obligations as the other Parties, unless otherwise
agreed by the Adjudicator and the Parties.

23. The Adjudicator may resign at any time on giving notice in
writing to the Parties.
402 | Adjudication for architects and engineers

The Decision
24. The Adjudicator shall reach his decision within the time limits
in paragraph 16. The Adjudicator may withhold delivery of his
decision until his fees and expenses have been paid. He shall not
be required to give reasons.

Late decisions
25. If the Adjudicator fails to reach his decision within the time
permitted by this procedure, his decision shall nonetheless be
effective if reached before the referral of the dispute to any
replacement adjudicator under paragraph 11 but not otherwise.
If he fails to reach such an effective decision, he shall not be
entitled to any fees or expenses (save for the cost of any legal or
technical advice subject to the Parties having received such

Power to open up certificates

26. The Adjudicator may open up, review and revise any certificate,
decision, direction, instruction, notice, opinion requirement or
valuation made in relation to the Contract.

27. The Adjudicator may in any decision direct the payment of such
simple or compound interest from such dates, at such rates and
with such rests, as he considers appropriate.

28. The Parties shall bear their own costs and expenses incurred in
the adjudication.
Appendix 11 | 403

Adjudicator's fees and expenses

29. The Parties shall be jointly and severally liable for the
Adjudicator's fees and expenses, including those of any legal
or technical adviser appointed under paragraph 19, but the
Adjudicator may direct a Party to pay all or part of the fees and
expenses. If he makes no such direction, the Parties shall pay
them in equal shares. The Party requesting the adjudication
shall be liable for the Adjudicator's fees and expenses if the
adjudication does not proceed.

30. The Parties shall be entitled to the redress set out in the
decision and to seek summary enforcement, whether or not the
dispute is to be finally determined by legal proceedings or
arbitration. No issue decided by the Adjudicator may subse-
quently be referred for decision by another adjudicator unless so
agreed by the Parties.

Subsequent decision by arbitration or court

31. In the event that the dispute is referred to legal proceedings or
arbitration, the Adjudicator's decision shall not inhibit the right
of the court or arbitrator to determine the Parties' rights or
obligations as if no adjudication had taken place.

Miscellaneous provisions
Adjudicator not to be appointed arbitrator
32. Unless the Parties agree, the Adjudicator shall not be appointed
arbitrator in any subsequent arbitration between the Parties
under the Contract. No Party may call the Adjudicator as a
witness in any legal proceedings or arbitration concerning the
subject matter of the adjudication.
404 | Adjudication for architects and engineers

Immunity of the Adjudicator

33. The Adjudicator is not liable for anything done or omitted in
the discharge or purported discharge of his functions as
Adjudicator (whether in negligence or otherwise) unless the
act or omission is in bad faith, and any employee or agent of the
Adjudicator is similarly protected from liability.

34. The Adjudicator is appointed to determine the dispute or
disputes between the Parties and his decision may not be relied
upon by third parties, to whom he shall owe no duty of care.

Proper law
35. This procedure shall be interpreted in accordance with the law
of England and Wales.

`Act' means the Housing Grants, Construction and Regenera-
tion Act 1996.
`Adjudicator' means the person named as such in the Contract
or appointed in accordance with this Procedure.
`Contract' means the contract between the Parties which
contains the provision for adjudication.
`Notice' means the notice given under paragraph 8.
`Party' means a party to the Contract, and any additional parties
joined under paragraph 22. `Referring Party' means the Party
who gives notice under paragraph 8.
Appendix 11 | 405
406 | Adjudication for architects and engineers

ACA contracts 195196 architect 78, 15, 46, 53, 55, 59, 73,
adjudication process 2, 15, 19, 33, 55, 81, 148, 153, 157168, 170171,
137, 212, 224, 227 173, 175176, 183, 187, 190, 194,
ADR 12 197, 200, 205, 212213, 227, 232
adverse inferences 88 architect's appointment 17, 199
advisers 7, 9, 46, 88 artistic works 7576
agenda 46
allegations 3, 22, 36, 3940, 4647, background and development 7, 11
51, 55, 63, 66, 81, 84, 170, 201205 bias 2829, 83, 212, 226
alternative dispute resolution 1, 11 blue form 9394, 107, 122123
ambiguity 31, 35, 40, 119, 198, 202 boring 75
appointing authorities 77 building services 75
appointment of adjudicator 19,
calculations 57, 59, 61, 63, 67
2728, 3031, 63, 77, 87, 112, 134,
cash flow 14, 97, 161, 202
141, 144, 150151, 224
checklist 201, 205
appointments 29, 77, 8081, 141, CIC adjudication rules 17
209 CIMAR arbitration rules 12
arbitration 26, 12, 1415, 2122, clerical errors 52, 68
32, 52, 58, 60, 68, 7879, 89, coast protection 75
96101, 104, 110, 116, 119, coastal defence 75
125126, 133, 136, 138, 148149, conciliation 1, 21, 100101,
156, 160, 167168, 171, 173174, 104105, 125126, 149, 199
181, 189, 194195, 199200, 208, conciliator 13, 104, 125126
211214, 217, 219, 222, 226229, conduct of adjudication 232
232 conflicting decisions 148
Arbitration Act 1996 12, 14, 79, 90, constructing the team 1, 11
212, 215, 227, 229230 consultant's contracts 7, 17, 74, 197,
arbitrator 1, 7, 14, 90, 110, 119120, 202203
137, 153, 196, 209, 211, 219, 221, contract adjudication 5, 126, 139,
223, 228, 230231 181
408 | Adjudication for architects and engineers

contractual adjudication 2223 E-mail 77

corruption 22, 178 enforcement 32, 51, 58, 63, 68, 79,
court procedures 11 90, 105, 119, 121, 137, 213, 226,
cross examination 83 228229, 232
engineer 79, 15, 46, 53, 55, 59, 73,
81, 94, 96103, 108, 111, 116, 121,
deadlines 43, 88
133, 153, 159160, 197, 200,
decision 27, 1415, 17, 19, 2122,
212213, 227, 232
25, 27, 29, 32, 36, 3943, 4647,
evidence 4, 3536, 3940, 4647, 50,
5053, 5563, 6568, 71, 78,
52, 55, 84, 88, 120, 165, 179, 202,
8081, 87, 89, 91, 96, 98, 100,
102106, 108110, 112, 116119,
examination 8081, 8384, 216
125, 133, 135139, 143, 148, 150,
excavation 75
153, 156158, 164165, 171, 175,
expert 7, 1415, 82, 88, 153, 164,
195, 197, 203, 216217, 221,
expert opinion 35, 40, 82, 180,
delay 11, 5960, 8182, 115, 129,
132, 138, 140, 161162, 170171,
extensions of time 4, 67, 82,
191, 218, 222
170171, 185, 195
delivery of engineering components or
extensions of time period 5, 32, 36,
equipment 75
41, 86, 126
demolition 75, 158, 174
external or internal cleaning 75
design 1, 34, 15, 22, 74, 94, 116,
extraction of minerals 75
158, 182183, 196, 201, 206, 208
determination 3, 32, 61, 108110, fax 77, 152
119, 136, 172, 180, 188, 193, 217, fees 7, 30, 50, 53, 56, 80, 86, 90,
221, 227 118119, 141, 144, 163, 177, 184,
dispute 1, 34, 7, 1315, 1922, 197, 199, 201, 204, 217
2425, 2729, 3233, 35, 3839, food 7576
41, 44, 48, 50, 5657, 60, 62, 64, format 8, 25, 56, 153, 174, 189
66, 69, 77, 80, 85, 87, 89, 96, framework 43, 55
98104, 106, 108109, 111112,
119, 124125, 128, 131133, gas 75
136139, 144, 147, 150, 157, 161,
163164, 168169, 173, 175178, health and safety 4, 22, 206207
181, 183, 185, 189, 194, 196197, holidays 43, 79, 115
199201, 204205, 208, 210213,
218, 222 ICE 17, 94, 104, 106107, 111, 113,
disputes suitable for a decision 4 121, 123, 150, 228
disputes unsuitable for a decision 3 ICE conditions 9394, 99100,
documents only 42 105106
drilling for oil and gas 75 ICE contracts 78, 15, 9394, 96,
drink 75 99100, 110, 133, 163, 232
Index | 409

immunity 78, 8182, 84, 120, 157, management 51, 147, 209
229230 master programme 159, 161162
implied term 23, 55, 78 mediation 1, 21, 149
industrial plant 75 mediator 13
inland waterways 75 mini-trial 13
inspection 5, 47, 81, 88, 184185, minor works contract 94, 105, 174,
190, 192 193
insurance 3, 140, 168169, 178179, misrepresentation 25, 82
187, 193, 204, 207, 230 natural justice 14, 50, 212, 215,
interest 14, 71, 144, 155, 157, 199, 225226
210, 212 NEC contracts 127128, 130131,
interim decision 32, 60 133, 140
interpretation 4546, 6364, 66, 116, negotiations 5, 21, 28, 208
157, 175176, 181, 190, 194, 209, negotiator 13
213 new engineering contract 1, 3, 15,
interrogation 46 127
investigation 21, 35, 3738, 48, 65, nominating authorities 77
71, 81, 83, 109, 140, 207208, 215, non-binding systems 13
222 non-compliant procedures 23
non-conforming situations 80
JCT 80 147, 149, 155157, 167, notice 4, 1920, 25, 2728, 3031,
174176, 184194 33, 35, 46, 5960, 64, 6869, 77,
JCT 81 3, 15, 147 79, 8587, 89, 100, 103104, 111,
JCT contracts 1, 7, 147, 169, 119, 123, 131132, 138, 151,
183184, 188189, 196 155156, 163, 171, 177, 182, 184,
jurisdiction 5, 32, 4546, 65, 77, 81, 187, 216, 222, 229, 231
108, 116117, 158, 177, 201, nuclear processing 75
211214, 216, 221, 228
obfuscation 8182
objections 28, 31, 65
land drainage 75
oil 75, 212, 227
Latham report 12, 128
one issue 6, 15
legal aspects 8, 58
open up 47, 9799, 156, 185, 217,
legal notes 209
liability 5, 22, 5659, 63, 66, 71, 117,
opinions 50, 5657, 66
136, 144, 157, 167, 175, 179, 183,
oral evidence 4445, 88
191, 200201, 205, 222223, 229
limitation of time 68, 82, 89, 115, painting or decoration 75
134, 170, 172, 178, 180, 211, 224 payments 94, 99, 110, 173, 177, 183,
limits 5, 88, 190, 216 188, 193, 198199, 230, 232
liquidated and ascertained peremptory 8990, 229
damages 162, 170 PFI schemes 73
Lord Chancellor 11 pharmaceuticals 75
410 | Adjudication for architects and engineers

piling 7 rules 7, 12, 17, 51, 53, 56, 6366,

pipelines 75 121, 153, 173, 177, 200, 212, 215,
power generation 75 226
power lines 75
preparation and site works 75 scheme 2, 56, 1517, 2325, 33, 53,
presentations 3, 46, 82 63, 7374, 7781, 85, 87, 90,
production and processing for bulk 100101, 106, 129, 133, 141142,
storage of chemicals 75 152153, 155, 178, 181, 193, 203,
professional negligence 3, 201202, 209210, 212214, 216217, 220,
204 227232
project manager 3, 15, 128129, scheme for Scotland 8, 73, 90
131132, 134135, 138140 services and installations 75, 189
sewers 75
quality 4, 22, 97, 157, 160, 164165, single issue disputes 4
189, 212 site visits 47
quality of workmanship 47 SMM7 190
quantum 5, 5559, 61, 67, 71, 118 specialist advice 36, 43, 50, 65, 109,
quantum meruit 55 143
statement of case 33, 3536, 3839,
railways 75 44, 53, 65, 68, 114, 116117
reasons 39, 45, 56, 58, 6667, 71, 89, statutory adjudication 5, 22, 2425,
98, 112, 118, 124, 135136, 153, 181, 211, 221
161, 203, 215, 224226 steel 75
redress 85, 111, 170, 224 subcontractors 1, 172, 174175, 189,
referral 20, 27, 3032, 44, 69, 94, 191, 230
101, 112, 114115, 134, 141, 150, subcontracts 122, 137, 168, 186, 209,
152, 155, 161, 224 218, 221
referral of dispute 19, 24, 3031, 77, submission 4, 33, 46, 48, 65, 67, 88,
112 100, 103, 117, 124125, 134, 136,
referring party 8, 22, 25, 28, 3133, 224
35, 39, 41, 44, 53, 59, 61, 69,
8182, 86, 99, 103, 111112, telecommunication 75
114115, 134, 151, 153, 170, 176, tests 21, 43, 45, 4748, 65, 88, 148,
202, 213, 219 155157, 165, 192, 207, 214
reservoirs 75 third parties 43, 78, 120, 144
residential occupier 73, 76, 148 third party 3, 76, 88, 120, 136, 157
residential properties 76 timetable 31, 36, 39, 42, 77, 112,
responding party 25, 33, 36, 38, 40, 117, 206, 224
44, 59, 69, 108, 111, 116, 134, 152, time wasting 8182
170, 180, 211, 214, 218 tunnelling 75
restoration 75 unamended contracts 101
reveal 202
risks 6, 142, 179 valuations 4, 67, 173, 207208
Index | 411

VAT 4, 22, 122, 124, 166, 177 wells 75

without prejudice 12, 126, 156, 180
water and effluent treatment 75
witness statements 35
water mains 75
WCD 15

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