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Standalone Financial Results, Limited Review Report For December 31, 2016 (Result)

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Ref : GEN 16/2016 -2017/7 10th February, 2017

The Secretary,
Bombay Stock Exchange Ltd.,
Phiroze Jeejeebhoy Towers,
Dalal Street,
MUMBAI 400 001.

Manager - Listing Department,

National Stock Exchange of India Ltd.,
Exchange Plaza , 5th Floor,
Plot No.C/1, `G' Block,
Bandra - Kurla Complex,
Bandra (E),
MUMBAI 400 051.

Dear Sirs,

Sub : Submission of Unaudited Financial Results for the quarter ending 31st December,
2016 under Regulation 33 of the SEBI (LODR) Regulations, 2015.

Please find enclosed the Unaudited Financial Results of the Corporation for the quarter
ended 31st December, 2016 which was approved at the meeting of the Board of Directors
held today, the 10th February, 2017.

The Limited Review Report of the Auditors on the aforesaid results is also enclosed.

The Results are also being uploaded on our website

Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,
For The Bombay Burmah Trading
C orpora ti on L,td ., ; : us ,;
j)-/ 1_r

N. H. Datanwala
Vice President Corporate &
Company Secretary.

Encl : As above.
Registered Office . 9, Wallace Street, Fort, Mumbai 400 001.
CIN L99999MH1863PL0000002

Rupees in Lakhs

Statement of Unaudited Standalone Financial Results for the Quarter and Nine months ended 31st December, 2016
3 Preceding Corresponding Year to date Year to date

months 3 months 3 months figures for figures for the

ended ended ended in the current period previous year

Particulars 31st 30th previous year ended ended 31st
December September 31st December 31st December December
2016 2016 2015 2016 2015
Unaudited Unaudited
Unaudited Unaudited Unaudited
(Refer Note 2) (Refer Note 2)

1 Income from Operations

(a) Gross Sales / Income from Operations 6,445.26 6,882.43 5,492.92 20,052 66 18,431.58

(b) Other Operating Income 23428 471.91 88.36 728 19 523.43

Total income from Operations ( net) 6 , 679 . 54 7354.34 5 581 . 28 20 780 . 85 18 955.01

2 Expenses
a) Cost of materials consumed 1,958.29 2,08325 2,546.19 6,168.25 6.684.13
b) Purchase of stock-in-trade 61.03 67 60 58.62 184.87 147.66
c) Changes in Inventories of finished goods,work-in-progress and stock-in-trade (399.63) 3,387.58 1.03919
1,20919 1,758.97
(including bio-logical assets)
d) Employees benefits expense 1,776.55 1,809.23 1.831.73 5,399.40 5,25697
e) Depreciation and amorisation expenses 20122 182 63 183.41 572.12 519 09
f) Excise duty 209.43 207 19 186.29 647.54 500 49
g) Other expenses 1,792 68 1,803.27 1,669.82 5,569.14 5.40742
Total expenses 7,210, 39 7 912 . 14 6 , 076 . 43 21 928.90 19 555.05

3 Loss from operations before other income , finance costs and exceptional items
( 530.85 ) ( 557.80) (495.15 ) ( 1,148 . 05) (600.04)

4 Other Income 1,98168 452.64 487.33 2,939.93 1.462.94

5 Profit / (Loss) from ordinary activities before finance costs and exceptional
1,452 . 83 (105 . 16) (7.82 ) 1,791 . 88 862.90
items (3+4)

6 Finance costs 829.75 892.62 876.48 2,53333 2509 52

7 Profit I (Loss) from ordinary activities after finance costs but before exceptional
623.08 ( 997.78 ) ( 884.30 ) ( 741.85 ) ( 1,646.62)
items (5-6)

8 Exceptional Items - - - - -

9 Profit I ( Loss ) from ordinary activities before tax (7 + 8) 623 . 08 (997 . 78) (884 .30) (741. 85) (1,646.62)

10 Tax expense 8473 - - 84.73

11 Net Profit / (Loss) from Ordinary Activities after tax (9-10 ) 538.35 ( 997.78 ) ( 884.30 ) ( 826.58) (1,646.62)

12 Extraordinary items - - - - -

13 Net Profit/(Loss) for the period ( 11+12 ) 538.35 (997.78 ) ( 884.30 ) ( 826.58 ) ( 1,646.62)

14 Other Comprehensive Income ( net of tax ) ( 1,040 . 38) 1,232.12 121.35 (85 . 65) 40.56
A. Items that will not be reclassified to profit or loss
Changes in fair value of investment in equity shares (1,03756) 1,230.24 16105 (101.89) 12045
Actuarial gains/losses - - (22.42) - (67 25)
Tax on fair value measurement of equity shares - - - - -
B. Items that will be reclassified to profit or loss
Remeasurement of net defined Benefit Liability 17.18 17.18 - 51.54 -
Revaluation reserve - - - - -
Tax on Remeasurement of net defined Benefit Liability - - - - -
Changes in foreign currency translation reserve (20,00) (15.30) (19.28) (35.30) (12.64)

15 Total Comprehensive Income ( after tax) (502.03 ) 234.34 ( 762.95 ) ( 912.23) (1,606.06)

16 Paid-up equity share capital (Face value of the Share - Rs.2/-) 1,395.44 1,39544 1,395.44 1,39544 1,395.44

17.i Earnings per share ( before extraordinary items)

(of Rs . 2/- each ) ( not annualised)
a) Basic 0.77 (143) (1.27) (118) (2.36)
b) Diluted 0.77 (1.43) (1.27) (1.18) (2.36)

17.ii Earnings per share ( after extraordinary items)

(of Rs . 2/- each ) ( not annualised)
a) Basic 0.77 (1.43) (1.27) (1.18) (2.36)
b) Diluted 0.77 (1.43) (1 27) (1.18) (2.36)
Segment Wise Revenue , Results , Assets , Liabilities and Capital Employed
Ru pees in Lakhs
3 Preceding Corresponding Year to date Year to date
months 3 months 3 months figures for figures for the
ended ended ended in the current period previous year
Particulars 31st 30th previous year ended ended 31st
December September 31st December 31st December December
2016 2016 2015 2016 2015
Unaudited Unaudited
Unaudited Unaudited Unaudited
Refer Note 2) (Refer Note 2)

1 Segment Revenue
a) Plantations (Tea) 2,050.49 2,212.93 2134.76 6,444.56 6,553.75
b) Plantations (Coffee) 1,365.33 1,501.19 253.06 4,122.93 2,574.65
c) Auto Electrical Components 2,680.65 2,766.98 2,461.51 8,129.00 7,683.11
d) Investments 383.63 527.86 401.91 1,298.13 1,441.34
e) Healthcare 609.20 626.87 585.67 1,828.26 1,774.64
f) Others 166.96 171.15 131.70 490.94 390.46
g) Unallocated 1.406.96 - - 1,406.96 -
Total 8,663.22 7,806 . 98 6,068.61 23 , 720.78 20,417.95
Less : Inter Segment Revenue - - - - -
Net Revenue from Operations 8,663.22 7,806 . 98 6,068 . 61 23 , 720.78 20, 417.95

2 Segment Results
a) Plantations (Tea) (404.51) (750.02) (736.93) (1,181.55) (1,506.54)
b) Plantations (Coffee) 13.36 40.39 171.80 98.37 475.82
c) Auto Electrical Components 318.94 341.30 284.82 938.56 887.20
d) Investments 383.63 527.86 401.91 1,298.13 1,441.34
e) Healthcare 98.05 126.14 119.80 334.59 385.26
0 Others 44.30 57.50 135.96 185.43 267.78
g) Unallocated 1,406.96 - 1,406.96 -
Total 1,860 . 73 343 .17 377. 36 3,080 .49 1,950.86
Less i) Interest (829.75) (892.62) (876.48) (2,533.73) (2,509.52)
ii) Other Un-allocable expenditure net (407.90) (448.33) (385.18) (1,288.61) (1,087.96)
Total Profit / ( Loss ) before Tax 623.08 (997.78) (884.30 ) ( 741.85 ) ( 1,646.62)

3 Segment Assets
a) Plantations (Tea) 7,730.33 8.363.99 7,332.11 7,730.33 7,332.11
b) Plantations (Coffee) 5,539.91 6,766.06 8,325.32 5.539.91 8,325.32
c) Auto Electrical Components 6,352.19 6.473.38 6,815.02 6.352.19 6,815.02
d) Investments 33,089.47 34.128.51 38,837.87 33,089.47 38,837.87
e) Healthcare 1,395.83 1,280.87 1,458.95 1,395.83 1,458.95
f) Others 3.040.29 3,053.23 2,943.45 3,040.29 2,943.45
g) Unallocated 8.664.46 4.603.28 4,992.87 8,664.46 4,992.87
Total Segment Assets 65, 812.48 64 , 669.32 70 , 705.59 65, 812.48 70, 705.59

4 Segment Liabilities
a) Plantations (Tea) 1,020.55 1.280.61 1,507.29 1.020.55 1,507.29
b) Plantations (Coffee) 176.12 350.54 210.90 176.12 210.90
c) Auto Electrical Components 1.220.69 2.078.10 1,563.74 1.220.69 1,563.74
d) Investments 4,000.00 4,000.00 4,500.00 4,000.00 4,500.00
e) Healthcare 285.66 220.24 202.29 285.66 202.29
f) Others 56.21 42.16 107.38 56.21 107.38
g) Unallocated 33.359.73 30,485.74 28,842.79 33359.73 28,842.79
Total Segment Liabilities 40,118 . 96 38,457.39 36,934.39 40,118.96 36,934.39

5 Capital Employed
(Segment Assets Less Segment Liabilities)
a) Plantations (Tea) 6,709.78 7,083.38 5,824.82 6,709.78 5,824.82
b) Plantations (Coffee) 5,363.79 6,415.52 8,114.42 5,363.79 8,114.42
c) Auto Electrical Components 5,131.50 4,395.28 5,251.28 5,131.50 5,251.28
d) Investments 29,089.47 30,128.51 34,337.87 29,089.47 34,337.87
e) Healthcare 1,110.17 1,060.63 1,256.66 1,110.17 1,256.66
f) Others 2,984.08 3,011.07 2,836.07 2,984.08 2.836.07
g) Unallocated (24,695 27) (25.882.46) (23.849 92) (24,695 27) (23.849 92)
Total Capital Employed 25,693.52 26,211.93 33,771.20 25,693.52 33.771.20
Notes :

1 The above financial results have been reviewed by the Audit Committee and having been recommended by it to the Board for
approval, were approved by the Board at its meeting held on 10 February 2017.

2 Reconciliation of net loss as previously reported on account of transition from the previous Indian GAAP to Ind AS for the quarter
and nine months ended 31 December 2015:
Rupees in Lakhs

Quarter ended Nine Months

Sr. 31/12/2015 ended 31/12/2015
Unaudited Unaudited
Net loss for the period under Previous Indian GAAP ( 1 , 032. 54 ) ( 1 , 690.56 )
a On account of depreciation and amortisation 17.59 52.61
b On account of reco nition of bio-logical assets at fair value 109.80 4.10
(c) 7n -account o acturial (loss /gain on employement benefit recognised in ter (5.83) 39.00
Comprehensive Income
d On account of recognition of mark to market loss on forward contracts 90.18 67.25
e Other Ind AS adjustments 28.32 5.60
Net loss for the period under Ind AS (884 . 30 ) ( 1 , 646.62)
Other Comprehensive Income (net of tax) 121.35 40.56
Total Com p rehensive Income for the p eriod (762.95) ( 1 ,606.06)

3 Out of the expenditure of Rs.1,073.21 Lakhs (Previous period Rs.1,175.81) incurred during the nine months ended 31 December
2016 at coffee estates, an amount of Rs. 1.005.76 Lakhs (Previous period Rs. 816.79 Lakhs) has been charged to Profit & Loss
Account for the quarter ended 31 December 2016, balance has been carried forward and will be accounted against the coffee crop
of the next quarter.

4 Although there has been no increase in remuneration paid to the Managing Director, Mr. Ness Wadia for Financial Year 2015-16, in
view of inadequacy of Profits , the Corporation has made an application to the Central Government for approval to the payment of
Rs. 289 . 98 lakhs (excluding retirals of Rs.58 . 75 lakhs) for the year as it is in excess of the limits prescribed by Schedule V of the
Companies Act, 2013.

5 Other Income for the quarter ended and nine months ended 31 December 2016 includes Profit from Sale of Flat amounting to Rs.
1,406.96 lakhs.

6 The figures for the previous period have been regrouped wherever necessary.

On behalf of the Board of The Bombay Burmah Trading Corporation , Limited

Mumbai. Ness Wadia

10 February 2017 Managing Director

I ^c: r
Registered Office : 9, Wallace Street, Fort, Mumbai 400 001.
CIN : L99999MH1863PL0000002

Rupees in Lakhs

Preceding Corresponding Year to date Year to date

Quarter 3 months 3 months figures for figures for the
Particulars ended ended ended in the current period previous year
31st 30th previous year ended ended
December September 31st December 31st December 31st December
2016 2016 2015 2016 2015

Total income from operations (net) 8,663.22 7.806.98 6,068.61 23,720.78 20.417.95

Net Profit/(Loss) from ordinary activities after tax 538.35 (997.78) (884.30) (826.58) (1.646.62)

Net ProfiU(Loss) for the period after tax (after extraordinary items) 538.35 (997.78) (884.30) (826.58) (1,646.62)

Equity Share Capital 1,395.44 1.395.44 1,395.44 1,395.44 1,395.44

Earnings per share (before extraordinary items) (of Rs.2/- each)

Basic 0.77 (1.43) (1.27) (1.18) (2.36)

Diluted 0.77 (1.43) (1.27) (1.18) (2.36)

Earnings per share (after extraordinary items) (of Rs.2/- each)

Basic 0.77 (0.53) (1.27) (1.18) (2.36)

Diluted 0.77 (0.53) (1.27) (1.18) (2.36)

Notes :
1) The above financial results have been reviewed by the Audit Committee and having been recommended by it to the Board for approval, were approved by the Board
at its meeting held on 10 February 2017.

2) The Company has adopted the Indian Accounting Standards (Ind AS) from 1 April 2016 and these financials results have been prepared in accordance with the
recognition and measurement principles laid down in Ind AS 34 - Interim Financial Reporting prescribed under Section 133 of the Companies Act, 2013 read with the
relevant rules issued thereunder and other accounting principles generally accepted in India.

3) The above is an extract of the detailed format of Quarterly Financial Results filed with the Stock Exchanges under Regulation 33 of the SEBI (Listing and Other
Disclosure Requirements) regulations, 2015. The full format of the Quarterly Financial results are available on and and on the
Corporation's web site

On behalf ofard of The Bombay Burmah Trading Corporation. Limited

Mumbai. + - Ndss Wadia

10 February 2017 ='4 -r ,,, ' ^'f Managing Director

B S R & Co. LLP
Chartered Accountants
5th Floor, Lodha Excelus, Telephone +91 (22 ) 4345 5300
Apollo Mills Compound Fax +91 ( 22) 4345 5399
N. M. Joshi Marg , Mahalaxmi
Mumbai - 400 011

Limited Review Report on Quarterly and Year to Date unaudited Financial Results of The
Bombay Burmah Trading Corporation, Limited pursuant to the Regulation 33 of the SEBI
(Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015

To The Board of Directors of

The Bombay Burrnah Trading Corporation, Limited
We have reviewed the accompanying statement of unaudited financial results ('the Statement') of
The Bombay Burmah 'T'rading Corporation, Limited ("the Company") for the quarter and nine
months ended 31 December 2016, attached herewith, being submitted by the Company pursuant to
the requirements of Regulation 33 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements)
Regulations. 2015.

This Statement is the responsibility of the Company's Management and has been approved by the
Board of Directors in their meeting held on 10 February 2017. Our responsibility is to issue a report
on the Statement based on our review.

We conducted our review in accordance with the Standard on Review Engagement (SRC) 24 10,
"Review of Interim Financial Information Per,forni d by the Independent Auditor of the Entit)
issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India. This Standard requires that we plan and
perform the review to obtain moderate assurance as to whether the financial results are free of
material misstatement. A review is limited primarily to inquiries of Company personnel and
analytical procedures applied to financial data and thus provides less assurance than an audit. We
have not performed an audit and accordingly, we do not express an audit opinion.

Based on our review conducted as above, nothing has come to our attention that causes us to believe
that the accompanying Statement prepared in accordance with applicable accounting standards i.e.
Ind AS prescribed under Section 133 of the Companies Act. 2013, read with relevant rules issued
thereunder and other recognized accounting practices and policies has not disclosed the information
required to be disclosed in terms of Regulation 33 of the SI;BI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure
Requirements) Regulations, 2015 and SEBI Circular dated 5 July 2016 including the manner in
which it is to be disclosed, or that it contains any material misstatement.

For B S R & Co. LLP

( 'hcntered Accountants
Firm's Registration No: 101248
-148W/ W- 10

Vijay Mathur
Mumbai Partner
10 February 2017 Membership No: 046476

B S R & Co (a partnership firm with Registered Office:

Registration No. 5A61223 ) converted into 5th Floor, Lodha Excelus
B S R & Co . LLP (a Limited Liability, Partnership Apollo Mills Compound
with LLP Registration No. AAB-8181 ) N. M. Joshi Marg , Mahalaxmi
with effect from October 14, 2013 Mumbai - 400 011. India

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