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Knowledge in Perception and Illusion

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Knowledge in perception and illusion

Department of Psychology, University of Bristol, 8 Woodland Road, Bristol BS8 1TN, UK

Following Hermann von Helmholtz, who described visual perceptions as unconscious inferences from
sensory data and knowledge derived from the past, perceptions are regarded as similar to predictive
hypotheses of science, but are psychologically projected into external space and accepted as our most
immediate reality. There are increasing discrepancies between perceptions and conceptions with science's
advances, which makes it hard to dene `illusion'. Visual illusions can provide evidence of object knowledge
and working rules for vision, but only when the phenomena are explained and classied. A tentative clas-
sication is presented, in terms of appearances and kinds of causes.
The large contribution of knowledge from the past for vision raises the issue: how do we recognize the
present, without confusion from the past. This danger is generally avoided as the present is signalled by
real-time sensory inputsperhaps agged by qualia of consciousness.

1. I N T E L L IG E NC E A N D K NOW L E D G E the cortex to the lateral geniculate bodies (LGN)

`relay stations' than bottom-up from the eyes (Sillito
Philosophy and science have traditionally separated 1995).)
intelligence from perception, vision being seen as a Errors of perception (phenomena of illusions) can be
passive window on the world and intelligence as active due to knowledge being inappropriate or being misap-
problem-solving. It is a quite recent idea that percep- plied. So illusions are important for investigating
tion, especially vision, requires intelligent problem- cognitive processes of vision. Acceptance that know-
solving based on knowledge. ledge makes a major contribution to human vision is
There is something of a paradox confounding intelli- recent, remaining controversial. This applies even
gence and knowledge, for one thinks of knowledgeable more to the machine vision of articial intelligence.
people as being specially intelligent and yet more Perhaps progress in articial intelligence has been
knowledge can reduce the intelligence needed for delayed through failure to recognize that articial
solving problems. The paradox is resolved, when we potential intelligence of knowledge is needed for
consider two senses of `intelligence': active processing computer vision to be comparable to brains.
of information (as supposedly measured in IQ tests) It was the German polymath, Hermann von Helm-
and available answers (as in `military intelligence') holtz (1821^1894) who introduced the notion that
These senses of `intelligence' have been named by visual perceptions are unconscious inferences (von Helm-
rough analogy with creating and the storing of energy holtz 1866). For von Helmholtz, human perception is
as, potential intelligence and kinetic intelligence (Gregory but indirectly related to objects, being inferred from
1987). The notion is that stored-from-the-past potential fragmentary and often hardly relevant data signalled
intelligence of knowledge, is selected and applied to by the eyes, so requiring inferences from knowledge
solve current perceptual problems by active processing of the world to make sense of the sensory signals.
of kinetic intelligence. The more available knowledge, There are, however, theorists who try to maintain
the less processing is required; however, kinetic intelli- `direct' accounts of visual perception as requiring little
gence is needed for building useful knowledge, by or no knowledge, notably followers of the American
learning through discovery and testing. (The analogy psychologist J. J. Gibson (1904^1979) whose books The
is imperfect because knowledge is not conserved. Perception of the Visual World (1950) and The Senses
Nevertheless, these terms may be useful though, apart Considered as Perceptual Systems (1966) remain inuential.
from secret knowledge, `potential intelligence' is not In place of knowledge and inference, Gibson sees
diminished by use.) When almost complete answers vision as given directly by available information
are available, knowledge takes the dominating role. `picked-up from the ambient array' of light, with what
Then `top-down' becomes more important than he calls `aordances' giving object-signicance to
`bottom-up', which may be so for human vision. patterns of stimulation without recourse to stored
(Remarkably, there are more downwards bres from knowledge or processing intelligence. The `aordance'

Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. B (1997) 352, 1121^1128 1121 & 1997 The Royal Society
Printed in Great Britain
1122 R. L. Gregory Knowledge in perception and illusion

notion might be seen as an extension of the ethologist's

concept of innate `releasers', which trigger innate beha-
viour such as robins responding aggressively to a red
patch. This ts Gibson's `ecological optics'; but how
new objects, such as telephones, are recognized
without acquired knowledge is far from clear. To main-
tain that perception is direct, without need of
inference or knowledge, Gibson generally denied the
phenomena of illusion.
Following von Helmholtz's lead we may say that
knowledge is necessary for vision because retinal
images are inherently ambiguous (for example for size,
shape and distance of objects), and because many prop-
erties that are vital for behaviour cannot be signalled
by the eyes, such as hardness and weight, hot or cold,
edible or poisonous. For von Helmholtz, ambiguities
are usually resolved, and non-visual object properties
inferred, from knowledge by unconscious inductive
inference from what is signalled and from knowledge
of the object world. It is a small step (Gregory
1968a,b, 1980) to say that perceptions are hypotheses,
predicting unsensed characteristics of objects, and
predicting in time, to compensate neural signalling
delay (discovered by von Helmholtz in 1850), so `reac-
tion time' is generally avoided, as the present is
predicted from delayed signals. This has recently been
investigated with elegant experiments by Nijhawan
(1997). Further time prediction frees higher animals
from the tyranny of control by reexes, to allow intelli-
gent behaviour into anticipated futures. Figure 1. Photographs of a rotated hollow mask: (a) and
It is a key point that vision is not only indirectly (b) (black hat) show the front and side truly convex view;
related to objects, but also to stimuli. As Helmholtz (d) (white hat) shows the inside of the mask; it appears
appreciated (Boring 1950, p. 304), this follows from the convex although it is truly hollow; (c) is curiously confusing
law of specic energies, proposed by his teacher, as part of the hollow inside is seen as convex, combined with
Johannes Muller. It is perhaps better named the law of the truly convex face. This is even more striking with the
specic qualities: any aerent nerve signals the same quality or actual rotating mask. Viewing the hollow mask with both
eyes it appears convex, until viewed from as close as a
sensation whatever stimulates it. Thus we see colours not
metre or so. Top-down knowledge of faces is pitted against
only from light but also when the eyes are mechanically bottom-up signalled information. The face reverses each
pressed, or stimulated electrically. We may regard eyes time a critical viewing distance is passed, as `downwards'
and the other sense organs as designed by natural selec- knowledge or `upwards' signals win. (This allows compar-
tion to allow the universal neural code of action ison of signals against knowledge by nulling.)
potentials to signal a great variety of object properties,
routed to specialized brain regions to create qualities of
colour and touch, sounds and so on (colours being
generated by a specialized brain module in area V4 of
the striate cortex (Zeki 1993)). It was clear to Newton The strong visual bias of favouring seeing a hollow
in Opticks (1704) that it is strictly incorrect to say that mask as a normal convex face (gure 1), is evidence for
light is coloured. Rather, light evokes sensations of the power of top-down knowledge for vision (Gregory
colours in suitable eyes and brains. Perceptions, such 1970). (Barlow (1997) takes a more `reductionist' view,
as colours, are psychologically projected into accepted preferring to think of this in terms of redundancies of
external space. This `projection' is demonstrated most bottom-up signals from the eyes. I would limit this to
clearly with retinal photographs of after-images, which very general features, such as properties of edge-signal-
appear on the surfaces of external objects, or are ling giving contrast eects, rather than phenomena
projected into outer darkness. attached to particular objects or particular classes of
An essential problem for vision is perceiving scenes objects, such as faces.) This bias of seeing faces as
and objects in a three-dimensional external world, convex is so strong it counters competing monocular
which is very dierent from the at ghostly images in depth cues, such as shading and shadows, and also
eyes. Some phenomena of illusion provide evidence for very considerable unambiguous information from the
the uses of knowledge for vision; this is revealed when it two eyes signalling stereoscopically that the object is
is not appropriate to the situation and so causes a hollow. (There is a weaker general tendency for any
systematic error, even though the physiology is object to be seen as convex, probably because most
working normally. A striking example is illustrated in objects are convex. The eect is weaker when the mask
the following section. is placed upside down, strongest for a typical face. If the

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Kmowledge in perception and illusion R. L. Gregory 1123

mask is rotated, or the observer moves, it appears to such as perspective, and is normally applied to the
rotate in the opposite to normal direction, at twice the world of objects but is activated by the patterns of paint.
speed; because distances are reversed motion parallax
becomes eectively reversed. This also happens with a
3. W H AT A R E I L LU S ION S ?
depth-reversed wire cube.)
It is signicant that this, and very many other illu- It is extraordinarily hard to give a satisfactory deni-
sions, are experienced perceptually though the tion of an `illusion'. It may be the departure from
observer knows conceptually that they are illusory reality, or from truth; but how are these to be dened ?
even to the point of appreciating the causes of the As science's accounts of reality get ever more dierent
phenomena. This does not, however, show that know- from appearances, to say that this separation is `illu-
ledge has no part to play in vision. Rather, it shows sion' would have the absurd consequence of implying
that conceptual and perceptual knowledge are largely that almost all perceptions are illusory. It seems better
separate. This is not altogether surprising because to limit `illusion' to systematic visual and other sensed
perception must work extremely fast (in a fraction of a discrepancies from simple measurements with rulers,
second) to be useful for survival, though conceptual photometers, clocks and so on.
decisions may take minutes, or even years. Further, There are two clearly very dierent kinds of illu-
perceptions are of particulars, rather than the general- sions: those with a physical cause and cognitive
ities of conceptions. (We perceive a triangle, but only illusions due to misapplication of knowledge. Although
conceptually can we appreciate triangularity.) Also, if they have extremely dierent kinds of causes, they can
knowledge or belief determined perception we would produce some surprisingly similar phenomena (such as
be blind to the unusual, or the seemingly impossible, distortions of length or curvature), so there are dicul-
which would be dangerous in unusual situations, and ties of classication that require experimental evidence.
would limit perceptual learning. Illusions due to the disturbance of light, between
The distinguished biologist J. Z. Young was a pioneer objects and the eyes, are dierent from illusions due to
who stressed the importance of handling knowledge for the disturbance of sensory signals of eye, though both
understanding brain function, and that there may be a might be classied as `physical'. Extremely dierent
`brain language' preceding spoken or written language. from both of these are cognitive illusions, due to misap-
Thus (Young 1978, p. 56): `If the essential feature of the plied knowledge employed by the brain to interpret or
brain is that it contains information then the task is to read sensory signals. For cognitive illusions, it is useful
learn to translate the language that it uses. But of course to distinguish specic knowledge of objects, from general
this is not the method that is generally used in the knowledge embodied as rules. Either can be mislead in
attempt to understand the brain. Physiologists do not unusual conditions, and so can be revealed by observa-
go around saying that they are trying to translate tion and experiment. An example of misleading specic
brain language. They would rather think that they are knowledge is how a grainy texture is seen as wood,
trying to understand it in the ``ordinary scientic terms though it is a plastic imitation or a picture. More
of physics and chemistry''.' Cognitive illusions reveal dramatic is how a hollow face or mask is seen as
knowledge and assumptions for vision, and perhaps convex (gure 1), because faces are very rarely hollow.
take us close to `brain language', but they must be (Evidently the perceptual hypothesis of a face carries
understood and also classied. Classifying is important the, not always appropriate, knowledge that it is
for the natural sciences: it should be equally important convex.) Examples of misleading rules are the Gestalt
for the `unnatural science' of illusions. laws of `closure', `proximity', `continuity' and the
Classifying must be important for learning and `common fate' of movements of parts of objects
perception, for it is impossible to make inductive gener- (Wertheimer 1923, 1938). When these do not apply illu-
alizations without at least implicit classes. It is also sion can result, because not all objects are closed in
impossible to make deductive inferences, as deductions form, with close-together parts and continuous edges,
are not from facts or events, but from descriptions (in or with parts moving together as leaves of a tree in the
words or mathematics) of real or imaginary members wind. Exceptional objects are mis-seen when Gestalt
of classes. Von Helmholtz's `unconscious inference' for laws are applied, and when perspective rules are
vision was inductive; for example inferring distances applied for atypical objects, such as the Ames window
from perspective and shapes from shading. As there and at projections of pictures.
are frequent exceptions certainty is not attainable.
Thus atypical shapes give systematic errors, when
general rules or specic knowledge are inappropriate 4 . ` I N S -A N D - OU T S '
for these unusual objects or scenes, as shown most To the usual terms `bottom-up' signals and `top-
dramatically by the Ames demonstrations such as the down' knowledge, we add what might be called `side-
Ames window (Ittelson 1952). (This is a slowly rotating ways' rules. Both top-down and sideways are
trapezoid, the shape of a rectangle as viewed from an knowledge; the rst specic (such as faces being
oblique angle. It changes bizarrely in size and form as convex), the second being general rules applied to all
it does not go through the usual perspective transfor- objects and scenes (such as the Gestalt laws and
mations of a familiar rectangle, such as a normal perspective). These are `ins-and-outs' of vision, which
window.) Much the same applies to seeing familiar it might be useful to consider, before attempting to
objects in the very dierent brush strokes of paintings; explain how the visual brain works, with the scheme
this is evidently seen by object knowledge and rules, presented in gure 2.

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1124 R. L. Gregory Knowledge in perception and illusion

visual agnosias may help to reveal perceptual classes

conceptual knowledge
(Humphreys & Riddock 1987a,b; Sacks 1985).
We suggest four principal kinds of causes: the rst
two lying broadly within physics; the last associated
perceptual knowledge feedback with knowledge, and so perhaps with `brain language'.
from The rst is optical disturbance intervening between the
top-down object and the retina. The second is disturbed neural
sensory signals. The third and fourth are extremely
r dierent from these, as they are cognitive and so
u sideways hypothesis output knowledge-based, for making sense of neural signals.
e generator
(Thus writing is meaningless without semantic know-
s objects ledge called up by words, organized by syntactic
explored structures of grammar.)
bottom-up Adding the kinds of appearances (named from errors
of language as in table 1), we arrive at something like
signal processing table 2 for classifying visual illusions. One illustrative
example is given for each class, under the major divi-
sion between (physical) optical and neural signal
reality? disturbances and (cognitive) general rules and specic
knowledge. When any are inappropriate, characteristic
Figure 2. Tentative `at box' of vision. As usual, signals phenomena of illusion may occur.
from the eyes and the other senses are `bottom-up'. Concep- No doubt some attributions will be controversial;
tual and perceptual object knowledge are shown in separate they are not intended to be set in stone. The task is to
`top-down' boxes. Knowledge as embodied in the general develop `litmus test' experimental criteria for assigning
rules, is introduced `sideways'. Perceptual learning seems the phenomena to their proper classes of appearances
to work largely by feedback from behaviour. and causes. It is entirely possible that dierent classes
will be needed as understanding advances. We reach
complicated issues, but some of them are summarized
5. C L A S S I F Y I NG I L LU S ION S (i) Mist. Any loss of information may increase uncer-
Appearances of illusions fall into classes which may tainty and produce ambiguities.
be named quite naturally from errors of language: (ii) Mirage. Refraction of light between the object and
ambiguities, distortions, paradoxes, ctions. It may be the eyes displaces objects or parts of objects, as for
suggestive that these apply both to vision and to mirages, or a spoon bent in water. (Conceptual under-
language, because language possibly grew from pre- standing does not correct these distortions, though
human perceptual classications. This would explain motor performance may adapt, as for diving birds
why language developed so rapidly in biological time, catching sh.)
if based on a take-over from pre-human classication (iii) Looking-glass. One sees oneself double: through the
(especially of objects and actions) for intelligent vision glass, as a kind of ghost; yet one knows one is in front of
(Gregory 1971). Could this be Chomsky's innate `deep it. So perception and conception separate. (This may
structure' of the grammar of languages (cf. Pinker
1994)? In any case, this is illustrated in table 1.
To classify causes we need to explain the phenomena. Table 1. Illusions and language
There is no established explanation for many illusions,
but even a tentative classication may suggest where to illusion
look for answers and may suggest new experiments. We kinds appearances sentence errors
need `litmus test' criteria for each example, but so far
ambiguities Necker Cube people like us
these hardly exist. There are, however, various experi- distortions Muller^Lyer he's miles taller than her
mental tests (especially using phenomena of ambiguity paradoxes Penrose triangle she's a dark haired blonde
to separate the bottom-up signal from top-down or ctions faces-in-the-re they live in a mirror
sideways cognitive errors), and selective losses of the

Table 2. Illusions classied by appearances and causes

physics knowledge

kinds optics signals rules objects

ambiguity 1 mist 5 retinal rivalry 9 gure-ground 13 hollow face
distortion 2 mirage 6 Cafe wall 10 Muller^Lyer 14 size^weight
paradox 3 looking-glass 7 rotating spiral 11 Penrose triangle 15 Magritte mirror
ction 4 rainbow 8 after-images 12 Kanizsa triangle 16 faces in the re

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(a) be the origin of notions of mind separate from body, i.e.

dualism (Gregory 1997).)
(iv)Rainbow. An illusionwhen it is seenasanobject, with
stone, when approached, it moves away and can never be
touched.Withthis in mind it is not illusory.)
(v) Retinal rivalry. Small horizontal separations of
corresponding points of the eyes' images are `fused',
and signal depth stereoscopically. At angles greater
than about 18 (Panum's limit) fusion breaks down, and
perception shifts and changes in bizarre ways.
(vi) Cafe wall. The rows of `tiles' (gure 3a) with
alternate rows displaced by half a cycle, appear as long
alternating wedges. This lacks perspective, or other
depth cues. Unlike the distortions of point 10 below, it
depends critically on luminances, disappearing when
the neutral `mortar' lines are brighter than the light,
or dimmer than the dark tiles. It appears to violate
Curie's principle that systematic asymmetry cannot be
generated from symmetry; but there are two processes:
small wedges are produced by local asymmetry where
there is luminance contrast of light ^ dark half tiles and
these small wedges integrate along the rows, to form
long wedges (Gregory & Heard 1979).
(vii) Rotating spiral (after-eect of movement). The
spiral expands yet, paradoxically, does not change size.
The adapted motion channel gives conicting evidence
with unadapted position signals.
(viii) After-images. These are almost entirely due to
(b) local losses of retinal visual pigments, from intense or
prolonged stimulation.
(ix) Figure-ground. The primary decision: which
shapes are objects and which are spaces between
objects. This seems to be given by general rules of clo-
sure and so on. (These rules cannot always make up the
brain's mind.)
(x) Muller ^ Lyer (Ponzo, Poggendor, Orbison, Her-
ing and many other illusions) seem to be due to
perspective, or other depth cues, setting constancy scal-
ing inappropriately, e.g. when depth is represented on
the plane of a picture. Scaling can be set bottom-up
(c) from depth cues, though depth is not seen, e.g. when
countermanded by the surface texture of a picture
(Gregory 1963). The distortions disappear when these
gures are presented and seen in true depth: corners
for the Muller ^ Lyer and parallel receding lines for the
Ponzo, etc. (Gregory & Harris 1975).
(xi) Penrose impossible triangle. When a simple closed
Figure 3. Three distortions. (a) Cafe wall. This symmetrical gure or object, seen from a critical position, has fea-
pattern produces asymmetrical long wedges. (It seems to tures lying at dierent distances but that touch in a
violate Curie's principle that states that systematic asym- picture, or retinal image, the visual system accepts a
metry cannot be generated from symmetry. Two processes rule that they are the same distance. This false assump-
are involved: local asymmetries of contrast between half - tion generates a rule-based paradoxical perception.
`tiles' integrate along the rows, to form the asymmetry of
the long wedges.) Unlike cognitive distortions this evidently
retinal eect depends lawfully on the brightness contrasts.
It is a `neural signal' distortion. (b) Muller^Lyer. The ground texture is removed. Actual corners giving the same
shaft of the outgoing arrow-heads appears longer than for retinal images and seen in depth have no distortion. The
the ingoing heads. These gures give the same retinal distortion is due to perspective depth triggering constancy
images as outside and inside corners (e.g. of a house and a scaling. (c) Size^weight. The smaller object feels heavier,
room). They are perspective drawings of corners, but may though both are the same scale weight. From knowledge
not appear in depth. The notion is that these perspective that larger objects are generally heavier, the muscles are
depth-cues trigger size scaling inappropriately to the set in this expectation, but here it is surprisingly incorrect
picture-plane. They do appear in depth when the back- as the objects have the same weight.

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1126 R. L. Gregory Knowledge in perception and illusion

(xii) Kanizsa triangle and many other illusory contours A `downwards' loop is also shown, from the
and surfaces. Some are due to `postulating' a nearer prevailing perceptual hypothesis, aecting bottom-up
occluding surface, to `explain' surprising gaps (Gregory signal processing. This may be demonstrated by the
1972; Petry et al. 1987). change of apparent brightness with depth-reversal of
(xiii) Hollow face. This illustrates the power of prob- the Mach's corner illusion (gure 5). Though as
abilities (and so knowledge) for object perception Barlow points out (personal communication, 1997) this
(gure 1). is not necessarily the explanation; it requires experi-
(xiv)Size ^ weightillusion. Small objects feel heavier than ments.
larger objects of the same scale weight; muscles are set by
knowledge-based expectation that the larger will be hea-
6 . QUA L I A
vier, which is generally, though not always true.
(xv) Magritte mirror. Rene Magritte's painting La repro- Most mysterious of all brain phenomena is
duction interdite (1937) shows a man facing a mirror, but the consciousness, especially how sensations, qualia, are
back of his head appears in the glass.This looks impossible produced and their possible uses.
from ourknowledge of mirrors (Gregory1997). In the account given here, perception depends very
(xvi) Faces-in-the-re, ink blots, galleons in the clouds largely on knowledge (specic `top-down' and general
and so on, show the dynamics of perception. Hypotheses `sideways' rules), derived from past experience of the
are generatedthat go fancifully beyondthe evidence. individual and from ancestral, sometimes even pre-
The Cafe wall distortion, due to disturbed neural human experience. So perceptions are largely based on
signals, is shown in gure 3a, for comparison with the the past, but recognizing the present is essential for
knowledge rules-distortion of the Muller^ Lyer distor- survival in the here and now.
tion (gure 3b) and the specic-knowledge distortion The present moment must not be confused with the
of the size ^ weight illusion (gure 3c). They may past, or with imagination, i.e. as indeed one appreciates
appear similar (all being distortions) but their causes when crossing a busy road. So, although knowledge
are fundamentally dierent. from the past is so important, it must not obtrude into
We may develop the `at box' of ins-and-outs (gure the present. Primitive non-cognitive animals have no
2) to a fuller `black box' (gure 4), These diagrams do such danger of confusion, as their present is simply
not attempt to show anatomical paths or brain regions, signalled by real-time aerent inputs. Time-confusion
but rather, functional ins-and-outs of vision. is likely only for `higher' animals, especially humans,

conceptual knowledge

feedback learning
from failures
and successes
i n gt
perceptual knowledge fla t?
top-down ali

l sideways output to behaviour
objects explored

signal processing top-down loop
(many channels)

from the eyes

sensed reality

Figure 4. Ins-and-outs: black box of vision. The scheme of gure 2 with additions: set, for selecting needed knowledge;
qualia, perhaps for signalling the present.

Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. B (1997)

Kmowledge in perception and illusion R. L. Gregory 1127

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Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. B (1997)

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