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The lesson focuses on teaching second grade students about half notes through songs, games, and other kinesthetic activities.

The lesson teaches about half notes and uses songs, movement activities, and games to help students understand and feel what two beats of sound is like.

Activities like the Blue Bird movement activity and the game Who's That Knocking at the Window are used to help convey two beats on one sound and practice half notes.

2nd Grade

Lesson 2-8
Kinesthetic Preparation of Halfnote

Lesson Objectives
1) Preparation of Halfnote,:
Essential Question What does two beats of sound feel like
Activating Strategies Learn Ghost of John, Learn Bluebird, Learn Whos That Knocking at the
Teaching Strategies Perform actions to help convey two beats on one sound using Bluebird
movement activity.
2) Movement Activity; development of movement skills or teaching a new game: Whos That Knocking
at the Window.
3) Practice of Familiar Element:
Teaching Strategies Use bow wow wow to practice the hand signs for do. Practice playing
xylophones on phrase one of bow wow wow.
4) Learning a New Song and/or game to prepare the next element:
Summarizing Strategies The Ghost of Tom, Blue Bird, Whos That Knocking at the Window

Focus Procedures and Activities Standards


Objective 1 The Ghost of Tom CSP: E

1. Teach song while playing piano accomp.
How many phrases did we sing? (4) 1. Students
How many beats per phrase were there? (8) singing
Which phrase do we say only ooo (3 ) alone and
2. Teach motions along with the words to go along with with others.
song (do as Im doing), phrase by phrase. Call up
students to make a circle around me.
Swaying during the first verse
Arms up during second verse
Third verse, eyes closed
Then Shiver with eyes closed for fourth verse.
3. Students perform by themselves

Objective 4 Blue Bird CSP A

1. Teacher sings Blue Bird while students keep the beat
2. Teacher asks questions about Blue Bird.
What came through my window? (blue bird)
What did I ask you to take? (a little partner)
How many phrases did I sing? (4)
How many beats where in each phrase (8)
Tell me, are any of the phrases the same? (2 and 4)
3. Students sing echo phrase by phrase.

Part 1 Kinesthetic Preparation of Halfnote

Objective 1 Blue Bird CSP A

1. Students
1. Teacher sings while students keep the beat sing alone
2. Students Sing while keeping a steady beat on their laps and with
E 3. Students Sing while clapping the rhythm others.
A 4. Teacher points to blue bird representation while class
T sings blue bird.
The beat is represented by the trees, and the
rhythm by the eggs
I need someone to tell me what the rhythm on the
last beat it (rest)
5. Students point to representation of blue bird phrase 2/4
while singing on words, loo, and bop.
6. Students get into two circles and step to the beat of the
7. Teacher stands between the two circles and on Take a
little partner has a person from either group switch

Objective 2 Movement Activity; development of movement skills or teaching a

new game

Game: Whos that Knocking at the Window CSP C

1. Students
1. Teacher sings song while students keep the beat. sing alone
2. Teacher asks questions and with
How many phrases did I sing? (4) others.
What two things am I doing? (Knocking at the
window, tapping at the door)
3. Explain Game Rules
Pick one volunteer to hide their eyes
Pick two volunteers to sing phrase 3 or 4 by
Everyone else sings the first two phrases
If the person guesses correctly, they pick a new
person, if not, they stay the person with their eyes
4. Play a few rounds of the game

Objective 4 Part 2 Practice of do

Rocky Mountain CSP: C 5. Reading
Reading and notating
1. Silently sign phrase 3 of Rocky Mountain (d m s l) music.
See if a student can guess the solfege and sing it by
2. Class sings phrase 3 of Rocky Mountain
3. Write phrase 3 on the board using the staff.
Go over the solfege and where the notes go on the lines

4. Teacher writes solfege steps on board and points to the skips

5. Students play phrase 3 on xylophones

Call up 4 excellent students to play on the xylophons and 4
other students to stand behind for their next turn.
Have students play and the rest of the class sing response
do remember me

Rocky Mountain, Cymbals

1. Students get into groups of two with markers, erasers, boards,

and staff paper sheets.
2. Teacher sings Rocky Mountain phrase 3 do do do do
d m s l
3. Have a student identify solfege (d m s l)
4. Students work together to figure out the notation
5. Students identify for cymbals oh la suzy gal (l l s m d) and

Materials Needed Logistical Concerns

Blue bird representation Room for movement activities
Chalkboard and chalk Items at the front of the class for
Erasers distribution.
Boards and staff sheets
National Standards
1. Singing, alone and with others, a varied repertoire of music.
2. Performing on instruments, alone and with others, a varied repertoire of music.
3. Improvising melodies, variations, and accompaniments.
4. Composing and arranging music within specified guidelines.
5. Reading and notating music.
6. Listening to, analyzing, and describing music.
7. Evaluating music and music performances.
8. Understanding relationships between music, the other arts, and disciplines outside the arts.
9. Understanding music in relation to history and culture.
2nd Grade
Lesson 2-9
Aural Awareness Preparation of Halfnote

Lesson Objectives
1) Preparation of Halfnote,:
Essential Question What does two beats of sound sound like?
Activating Strategies Learn
Teaching Strategies Perform actions to help convey two beats on one sound using Bluebird
movement activity.
2) Movement Activity; development of movement skills or teaching a new game: Whos That Knocking
at the Window.
3) Practice of Familiar Element:
Teaching Strategies Use bow wow wow to practice the hand signs for do. Practice playing
xylophones on phrase one of bow wow wow.
4) Learning a New Song and/or game to prepare the next element:
Summarizing Strategies The Ghost of Tom, Blue Bird, Whos That Knocking at the Window

Focus Procedures and Activities Standards


Objective 1 The Ghost of Tom CSP: E

1. Teacher sings and does motions while students do the
motions. 1. Students
2. Teacher and students sing and do motions. singing
3. Review the rules to the ghost of tom. alone and
4. Students make a circle and teacher tries to scare with others.
someone at the end of the song.
5. Play a few rounds

Objective 4 New Song I Had a Dog and His Name was Blue CSP E

I had a dog and his name was blue,

mm mr d r m s s

I had a dog and his name was blue,

Mmmr d r m r r

I had a dog and his name was blue,

M m mr d r m s s

Bet yah five dollars hes a good dog too.

M m m mr d r m r d

Here blue you good dog you!

S m d r r d

Chace the possum up a hollow tree 3X

Best huntin dog you ever did see
Here blue you good dog you.

1. Teacher sings and teaches student song

How many phrases? (5)
How many beats per phrase (4)
Echo sing phrase by phrase.

Part 1 Aural Awareness Preparation of Halfnote

Objective 1 Blue Bird CSP A

1. Students
Review Kinesthetic Awareness sing alone
1. Teacher sings while students keep the beat and with
E 2. Students Sing while keeping a steady beat on their laps others.
A 3. Students Sing while clapping the rhythm
T 4. Teacher points to blue bird representation while class
sings blue bird.
The beat is represented by the trees, and the
rhythm by the eggs
I need someone to tell me what the rhythm on the
last beat it (rest)
5. Students point to representation of blue bird phrase 2/4
while singing on words, loo, and bop.
6. Students get into two circles and step to the beat of the
7. Teacher stands between the two circles and on Take a
little partner has a person from either group switch

Aural Awareness Preparation

1. Sing phrase 2 on loo and ask the following questions
singing in between each time.
How many beats did we keep? (8)
Which beat has no sound? (last one)
Where did we sing the LONGEST sound (at the
On which beats is our longest sound? (1 and 2)
How many beats is our longest sound? (2)
2. Sing phrase 2 with rhythm syllables replacing the half
note with Lo-ong.

Listening Example
In The Hall of the Mountain King by Edvard Grieg
1. Teacher introduces Edvard Grieg as a composer from
2. This is from a collection of pieces of music called Peer
Gynt Suite, and each piece of music tells a different
story. This is one of the more exciting stories.
3. Peer sneaks into the Mountain Kings castle, and this
piece shows him trying to escape from the Mountain King
and his trolls.
4. Students keep a steady beat by tip-toeing silently around
the room and discover where the long sound is in the
phrase (at the end; the last two beats)
Objective 2 Movement Activity; development of movement skills or teaching a
new game

Game: Whos that Knocking at the Window CSP C

1. Students
1. Teacher sings song while students keep the beat. sing alone
2. Teacher asks questions and with
How many phrases did I sing? (4) others.
What two things am I doing? (Knocking at the
window, tapping at the door)
3. Explain Game Rules
Pick one volunteer to hide their eyes
Pick two volunteers to sing phrase 3 or 4 by
Everyone else sings the first two phrases
If the person guesses correctly, they pick a new
person, if not, they stay the person with their eyes
4. Play a few rounds of the game

Part 2 Practice of do
5. Reading
Objective 3 During Aural Awareness practice the following skill areas: and notating
Reading music.
T Students identify the following phrases and the song that they
come from:
Figure out what song the pattern is from
Sing the song
Figure out the solfege, then entire class sings solfege
Write solfege names on board and fill in notes as we go

Pattern One

Bow Wow Wow OR Wallflowers

Pattern Two

Rocky Mountain

Pattern Three

Button You Must Wander

Pattern Four

The Kings Land

Students grab markers, boards, erasers, and staffs
Students aurally identify do in the following pattern (beat three)
and write it on the staff:

s m d
Students aurally identify do in the following pattern (beat three)
and write it on the staff:

s s d

Students aurally identify do in the following pattern (beat four)

and write it on the staff:

l s m d

Students aurally identify do in the following pattern (beat three)

and write it on the staff:

l s d

Students vocally improvise short descending musical motives
using la, sol, mi, and do, but changing the rhythms.


l s m d

l l s m d

Materials Needed Logistical Concerns

Blue bird representation Room for movement activities
Chalkboard and chalk MP3 or video up
Mountain King
National Standards
1. Singing, alone and with others, a varied repertoire of music.
2. Performing on instruments, alone and with others, a varied repertoire of music.
3. Improvising melodies, variations, and accompaniments.
4. Composing and arranging music within specified guidelines.
5. Reading and notating music.
6. Listening to, analyzing, and describing music.
7. Evaluating music and music performances.
8. Understanding relationships between music, the other arts, and disciplines outside the arts.
9. Understanding music in relation to history and culture.
2nd Grade
Lesson 2-10
Visual Awareness Preparation of Halfnote

Lesson Objectives
1) Preparation of Halfnote,:
Essential Question What does two beats of sound sound like?
Activating Strategies Learn
Teaching Strategies Perform actions to help convey two beats on one sound using Bluebird
movement activity.
2) Movement Activity; development of movement skills or teaching a new game: Whos That Knocking
at the Window.
3) Practice of Familiar Element:
Teaching Strategies Use to practice the hand signs for do. Practice playing xylophones on
phrase one of bow wow wow.
4) Learning a New Song and/or game to prepare the next element:
Summarizing Strategies Let Us Chase the Squirrel

Focus Procedures and Activities Standar


Objective 1 I Had a Dog and His Name was Blue CSP E

Students sing first verse and learn new verse, then they make up 1.
their own verses. Kids create one phrase to sing three times and a Students
related phrase for the fourth one. singing
alone and
Objective 4 New Song: Let us chase the squirrel CSP D with
1. Teacher sing songs and students keep beat
2. Teacher asks questions
How many phrases? (4)
How many beats per phrase (4)
What is a hickory? (tree)
3. Students echo sing phrase by phrase

Part 1 Visual Awareness Preparation of Halfnote

Objective 1 Blue Bird CSP A

Review Kinesthetic Awareness Students
1. Teacher sings while students keep the beat sing alone
E 2. Students Sing while keeping a steady beat on their laps and with
A 3. Students Sing while clapping the rhythm others.
T 4. Teacher points to blue bird representation while class sings
blue bird.
The beat is represented by the trees, and the rhythm
by the eggs
I need someone to tell me what the rhythm on the last
beat it (rest)
5. Students point to representation of blue bird phrase 2/4
while singing on words, loo, and bop.
6. Students get into two circles and step to the beat of the
7. Teacher stands between the two circles and on Take a
little partner has a person from either group switch spots.

Review Aural Awareness

1. Sing phrase 2 on loo and ask the following questions
singing in between each time.
How many beats did we keep? (8)
Which beat has no sound? (last one)
Where did we sing the LONGEST sound (at the
On which beats is our longest sound? (1 and 2)
How many beats is our longest sound? (2)
2. Sing phrase 2 with rhythm syllables replacing the half note
with Lo-ong.

Visual Awareness Preparation

1. Students get laminated beat bar sheet and 16 unifix cubes.
Tell students to put two in each beat.
2. Students sing phrase 2 and remove cubes from the beat
with rest.
3. Students sing phrase 2 and combine the first two beats for
the long sound.
4. Students sing phrase 2 and separate cubes for ta-di.
5. Students point and sing
6. Students point and think the rhythm in their heads.

Objective 2 Movement Activity; development of movement skills or teaching a

new game

Game: The Ghost of Tom CSP: E

1. Teacher sings and does motions while students do the Students
motions. sing alone
2. Teacher and students sing and do motions. and with
3. Review the rules to the ghost of tom. others.
4. Students make a circle and teacher tries to scare someone
at the end of the song.
5. Play a few rounds

Part 2 Practice of do
5. Reading
Objective 3 During Aural Awareness practice the following skill areas: and
T Writing music.
Button You Must Wander
Students get boards, markers, erasers, and staffs.
Teacher sings phrase by phrase on a neutral syllable and students
write down the notation.

Between each phrase, have a student write each phrase when they
get it right.

Teacher writes a four beat phrase on the board using d, r, m, s, and
Have each student write down their own phrase using four quarter
notes and our known notes

Call on students to sight-read phrase on solfege and handsigns

Then if they are right, have them write another phrase using the
solfege d r m s and l on quarter notes.

Materials Needed Logistical Concerns

Blue bird representation Room for movement activities
Chalkboard and chalk
Boards, Erasers, Markers, Staves.
Unifix Cubes and Beat Sheets
National Standards
1. Singing, alone and with others, a varied repertoire of music.
2. Performing on instruments, alone and with others, a varied repertoire of music.
3. Improvising melodies, variations, and accompaniments.
4. Composing and arranging music within specified guidelines.
5. Reading and notating music.
6. Listening to, analyzing, and describing music.
7. Evaluating music and music performances.
8. Understanding relationships between music, the other arts, and disciplines outside the arts.
9. Understanding music in relation to history and culture.
2nd Grade
Lesson 2-11
Presentation of Halfnote

Lesson Objectives
1) Preparation of Halfnote,:
Essential Question What does two beats of sound sound like?
Activating Strategies Learn
Teaching Strategies Perform actions to help convey two beats on one sound using Bluebird
movement activity.
2) Movement Activity; development of movement skills or teaching a new game: Whos That Knocking
at the Window.
3) Practice of Familiar Element:
Teaching Strategies Use to practice the hand signs for do. Practice playing xylophones on
phrase one of bow wow wow.
4) Learning a New Song and/or game to prepare the next element:
Summarizing Strategies Let Us Chase the Squirrel

Focus Procedures and Activities Standards


Objective 1 Let us chase the squirrel CSP D

1. Sing through song
2. Learn Game for song 1. Students
Student create two lines of equal length singing alone and
facing each other, then hold hands in an with others.
Student at one end of the line move to the
front on the words Let us.
Make sure every student gets a turn to go
Play a few rounds.

Objective 4 New Song Are You Sleeping CSP D

1. Teacher sings song and students keep the beat
2. Teacher asks question about song and sings again
Who is this song about? (Brother John)
What sound do the bells make at the end?
(Ding, Dong, Ding)
3. Students echo sing phrase by phrase

Part 1 Presentation of Halfnote

Objective 1 Blue Bird CSP A

1. Students sing
Review Kinesthetic Awareness alone and with
1. Teacher sings while students keep the beat others.
E 2. Students Sing while keeping a steady beat on their
A laps
T 3. Students get into two circles and step to the beat of
the song.
4. Teacher stands between the two circles and on
Take a little partner has a person from either group
switch spots.

Review Aural Awareness

1. Sing phrase 2 on loo and ask the following
questions singing in between each time.
How many beats did we keep? (8)
Which beat has no sound? (last one)
Where did we sing the LONGEST sound (at the
On which beats is our longest sound? (1 and 2)
How many beats is our longest sound? (2)
2. Sing phrase 2 with rhythm syllables replacing the
half note with Lo-ong.

Review Visual Awareness

1. Make one example at the front of the room with
students help.

Presentation of Halfnote

Stage One: Label the sound

When we have one sound over one beat we call it a quarter
note. When we have one sound over two beats we call it a
halfnote. When we have a half note, the rhythm syllable we
use for it is ta-a and it goes over two beats. Heres what blue
bird sounds like with the added halfnote. Listen.

Sing phrase 2 Blue Bird on rhythm syllables

Ta-a ta-di ta-di ta ta ta

Students echo first with rhythms back.

Teacher sings on neutral syllable and students echo back in

rhythm sylablles.

Have between 4 and 8 students perform it by themselves if

they want to.

Stage Two: Present the Notation

Whenever we have a half note, or a note that is over two
beats, we draw it like this. It has a head and a stem just like
our quarter notes, but the halfnote has an empty center. We
know that it has two beats.

Draw notation on the board, then add the rest of phrase 2

from blue bird with help from students. Then sing.

Assessment Assessment of do
Students write out the music from Rocky Mounting on

Materials Needed Logistical Concerns

Blue bird representation Room for movement activities
Chalkboard and chalk
Boards, Erasers, Markers, Staves.
Unifix Cubes and Beat Sheets
National Standards
1. Singing, alone and with others, a varied repertoire of music.
2. Performing on instruments, alone and with others, a varied repertoire of music.
3. Improvising melodies, variations, and accompaniments.
4. Composing and arranging music within specified guidelines.
5. Reading and notating music.
6. Listening to, analyzing, and describing music.
7. Evaluating music and music performances.
8. Understanding relationships between music, the other arts, and disciplines outside the arts.
9. Understanding music in relation to history and culture.
2nd Grade
Lesson 2-12
Initial Practice of Halfnote

Lesson Objectives
1) Preparation of Halfnote,:
Essential Question What does two beats of sound sound like?
Activating Strategies Learn
Teaching Strategies Perform actions to help convey two beats on one sound using Bluebird
movement activity.
2) Movement Activity; development of movement skills or teaching a new game: Whos That Knocking
at the Window.
3) Practice of Familiar Element:
Teaching Strategies
4) Learning a New Song and/or game to prepare the next element:
Summarizing Strategies Let Us Chase the Squirrel

Focus Procedures and Activities Standards


Objective 1 Are You Sleeping CSP D

1. Teacher sings song and students keep the beat
2. We can sing this song in what we call a canon, 1. Students
which means that two or more groups can start at singing alone and
different times and the song will still work. Lets say with others.
one group is you the students, and the other group
is just me. We can sing it at different times and it still
works! Lets start with you.
3. Students sing the song in canon with teacher after
eight beats

Objective 4 New Song: Cripple Creek CSP: C

1. Students sing and keep a steady beat

2. Ask question
How many phrases? (2)
How many beats per phrase? (8)

Review Presentation

Objective 1 Blue Bird CSP A

Presentation of Halfnote

E Stage One: Label the sound

A When we have one sound over one beat we call it a quarter
T note. When we have one sound over two beats we call it a
halfnote. When we have a half note, the rhythm syllable we
use for it is ta-a and it goes over two beats. Heres what blue
bird sounds like with the added halfnote. Listen.

Sing phrase 2 Blue Bird on rhythm syllables

Ta-a ta-di ta-di ta ta ta

Students echo first with rhythms back.

Teacher sings on neutral syllable and students echo back in
rhythm sylablles.

Have between 4 and 8 students perform it by themselves if

they want to.

Stage Two: Present the Notation

Whenever we have a half note, or a note that is over two
beats, we draw it like this. It has a head and a stem just like
our quarter notes, but the halfnote has an empty center. We
know that it has two beats.

Draw notation on the board, then add the rest of phrase 2

from blue bird with help from students. Then sing.

Initial Practice

Transition to ghost of john

Wouldnt it be chilly with no sin on?

Write it out in traditional notation

Transition to Blue
I had a dog and his name was blue
Write it out in trad. Notation

Mfs mfs
Transition to Are You Sleeping
Brother john, brother john
Write it out in trad. Notation

Play a game from known repertoire.

Objective 2
If time, have students pick a game and play until the end of the

Materials Needed Logistical Concerns

Blue bird representation Room for movement activities
Chalkboard and chalk
Boards, Erasers, Markers, Staves.
Unifix Cubes and Beat Sheets
National Standards
1. Singing, alone and with others, a varied repertoire of music.
2. Performing on instruments, alone and with others, a varied repertoire of music.
3. Improvising melodies, variations, and accompaniments.
4. Composing and arranging music within specified guidelines.
5. Reading and notating music.
6. Listening to, analyzing, and describing music.
7. Evaluating music and music performances.
8. Understanding relationships between music, the other arts, and disciplines outside the arts.
9. Understanding music in relation to history and culture.

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