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Planning For Estidama

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Planning for Estidama

A supplement to Development Review Applications to

address the Community Pearl Rating Requirements
The Intent
The Development Review (DR) Process outlines a clear path for project applications to comply with the mandatory
requirements of the Pearl Rating Systems for Estidama (PRS). This step of the PRS certification process precedes the
Estidama Design and Construction Rating steps, at which point formal Pearl Ratings are awarded. Submission items
required during the Development Review Process are intended to illustrate clear principles and methodologies that
are to be formulated by the applicant team to demonstrate how the mandatory credit requirements will be
addressed at each stage of the review process. The requirements outlined in this Planning for Estidama document
are very important but do not fulfill the complete submittal requirements to obtain a Design Rating. More detailed
submittal requirements are to be addressed at later stages of the review process and are clearly outlined in the
relevant sections of the Pearl Rating System documents.

How to read this Supplement

This document must be read in conjunction with the Development Review Forms A, B and C for each application
type: i.e. (A) Large Development, (B) Medium Development, and (C) Small Development. Note that "Concept
Review" applies only to (A) and (B), not (C).

Figure 1: DR Forms A, B and C

The above forms outline DR submittal requirements related to:

Urban Development Environment
Public Realm Safety & Security
Transportation Development Delivery

Applications addressing the above topics are reviewed by relevant departments in the Urban Planning Council (UPC)
and are also captured as part of the Estidama review for their relevance to applicable Pearl Rating System. In
addition, a number of submittal items are required to document design approaches and strategies in relation to the
following PRS categories:

Integrated Development Process Precious Water

Natural Systems Resourceful Energy
Livable Communities/Buildings/Villas Stewarding Materials

The requirements outlined in this Planning for Estidama document are very important but do not fulfill the complete submittal requirements to obtain a Design Rating.

Page 1
Planning for Estidama or Estidama in the DR process
The DR process aims to set a pathway for compliance with the Required Credits in the applicable Pearl Rating System
for Estidama (PRS). As such, there are submittal requirements for each of the PRS Required Credits. The preparation
of these Development Review submissions process is also meant to support the Integrated Development Process
(IDP), which is the first prerequisite of Estidama certification.

During Development Review, applicants are expected to demonstrate understanding and effective implementation
of IDP from the initial project intent, to the planning of Preliminary Development Options, to selection of a Concept
Plan through fine-tuning of the Detailed Plan. Specifically, IDP would involve:

(1) System Thinking when developing strategies and solutions,

(2) Monitoring of ongoing sustainability performance of the project using an Estidama Framework with clear
vision and objectives and specific indicators and targets, and
(3) True Collaboration and Continuity within the design and development team.

Although successful projects must document an IDP during Development Review, the process should continue after
receipt of the Planning Award. All the required credits, including an IDP, must also be documented at the end of the
Design Stage, when projects apply for a Pearl Design Rating, and the end of the Construction Stage, when projects
apply for a Pearl Construction Rating.

*Buildings only

Figure 2: DR within the project life cycle

The IDP process is one of the mandatory requirements of the Pearl Rating System, but it will also facilitate projects in
striving for a higher sustainability performance, which all projects are encouraged to consider early in the Design
Stage. Applicants are also encouraged to meet with staff members of the UPC to ensure that applications are in
compliance with Planning for Estidama.

The following flowchart illustrates in more detail the IDP process during DR, defining Planning for Estidama

The requirements outlined in this Planning for Estidama document are very important but do not fulfill the complete submittal requirements to obtain a Design Rating.

Page 2
Step 1: UPC Staff explain relevant Estidama policies to the UPC staff
landowner representative, outline the Integrated UPC assigns Pearl
The Information describes
Development Process, and clarify which Pearl Assessor
Estidama Policy,
Meeting Rating System is applicable to the development.
UPC assigns Pearl Assessor.

Step 2: The team is formed. Collaboratively, team Set Estidama Form IDP team and
members have planned for, and are implementing,
The Preliminary Framework organise Process
the IDP.
Development &Workshops

Options An Estidama Framework is set, with clear vision,

objectives, indicators and targets. Assess Assess Comply w/
Natural Urban Regulatory
The team develops an understanding of the site Systems Systems Framework
and projects natural, urban and regulatory
contexts and identified opportunities and Identify Opportunities & Constraints
Develop Preliminary Dev. Options
Initial Development Options are formulated as well
as initial approaches to various urban and technical
strategies. Develop Initial Approach to:
Natural Systems, Livable
Initial assessment of Development Options is Community/Building, Precious
carried out with UPC DR and Estidama staff prior to Water , Resourceful Energy,
submission of Concept Plan (Step 3). Stewarding Materials

Step 3: Team develops a Concept Plan and associated Develop Concept Plan
Concept Strategies.
The Concept
Develop Concept Strategies with
Plan Team continues to implement IDP. A workshop
options for: Natural Systems,
(for Types A & B only) with UPC DR and Estidama staff is held to review
Concept. Livable Community/Building,
Precious Water, Resourceful
Scheme performance is assessed against initial Energy, Stewarding Materials
indicators and targets.

Step 4: Team develops a Detailed Plan and associated Develop Detailed Plan
Detailed Strategies.
The Detailed
Plan Team continues to implement IDP. Develop Detailed Strategies for:
Natural Systems, Livable
Scheme performance is assessed against initial Community/Building, Precious
indicators and targets.
Water, Resourceful Energy,
A plan was developed for the next stages of design,
Stewarding Materials
construction, commissioning and operation.
Assess IDP
Performance Implementation

-Estidama Integrated Development Process during DR-

The requirements outlined in this Planning for Estidama document are very important but do not fulfill the complete submittal requirements to obtain a Design Rating.

Page 3
About the Pearl Rating System for Estidama

The Pearl Rating System (PRS) for Estidama is Abu Dhabi Emirates sustainable development program for the built
environment. The program aims to guide and rate the sustainability performance of a given development
throughout its lifecycle from design through construction to operation. It is comprised of a suite of rating systems
specific to the design and construction of Communities, Building and Villas, as well as the ongoing operation of
Existing Buildings.

The PRS provides guidance and detailed key performance indicators, called Credits, for rating a projects potential
performance in relation to the four pillars of Estidama environmental, economic, cultural and social and the PRS

Integrated Development Process: Encouraging cross-disciplinary teamwork to deliver environmental and

quality management throughout the life of the project.
Natural Systems: Conserving, preserving and restoring the regions critical natural environments and
Livable Communities, Livable Buildings and Livable Villas: Improving the quality of urban settlements and
ensuring quality of outdoor and indoor spaces.
Precious Water: Reducing water demand and encouraging efficient distribution and alternative water
Resourceful Energy: Targeting energy conservation through passive design measures, reduced demand,
energy efficiency and renewable sources.
Stewarding Materials: Ensuring consideration of the whole-of-life cycle when selecting and specifying
Innovating Practice: encouraging innovation to facilitate market transformation.

Within each section there are both Required and Optional Credits and Points are awarded for each Optional Credit
achieved. In order to achieve 1 Pearl rating, all Required Credits must be met. Higher Pearl rating levels require
compliance with all Required Credits along with a minimum number of Optional Credits.

More information about the program is available at

Detailed Estidama Submissions for Development Review

A summary of the Estidama submission items are detailed in Table 1 (Community) and 2 (Building) on the next
pages. The tables list the items specific for Estidama review and as well as items required independently for
Development Review that will support Estidama review.

The requirements outlined in this Planning for Estidama document are very important but do not fulfill the complete submittal requirements to obtain a Design Rating.

Page 4
Table 1. Estidama Submissions for Development Review
Community Rating System
Note these are Development Rating submissions, not final submissions for a Design Rating.
The unlabelled text denotes specific Estidama submission for Development Review.
Page lengths in parentheses indicate the maximum submission for review.
A Type A Development Review requirements also evaluated as part of the Estidama submission.
B Type B Development Review requirements also evaluated as part of the Estidama submission.
C Type C Development Review requirements also evaluated as part of the Estidama submission.
Please do not submit the above Development Review requirements twice.
Req. Credits Pre-Concept Review Concept Review Detailed Review
Estidama Summary
Estidama Summary: Estidama Summary: Estidama Summary: Updated
Narrative summarizing Updated narrative with narrative with supporting plans
urban and technical supporting plans and and graphics summarizing
approach taken. The aim is graphics summarizing urban urban and technical strategies
to illustrate system thinking and technical strategies and chosen. The aim is to illustrate
implemented on the options considered. The aim system thinking implemented
project. (2 Pages). is to illustrate system on the project. (2 Pages)
Supporting plans and thinking implemented on
graphics. the project. (2 Pages)


IDP-R1. Estidama IDP-R1. Estidama IDP-R1. Estidama
Framework Narrative Performance: Updated Performance: Updated
summarizing vision, narrative illustrating project narrative illustrating project
IDP-R1: objectives, indicators and performance in relation to performance in relation to
Integrated targets set jointly by the indicators and targets set. indicators and targets set.
Development design and development (2 Pages) (2 Pages)
Strategy team; initial project
To ensure new performance against IDP-R1. IDP Process Chart: IDP-R1. IDP Process Chart:
development indicators. (2 Pages) Updated Process chart for Updated Process chart for the
adopts an the IDP to illustrate changes IDP to illustrate changes from
Integrated IDP-R1. IDP Process Chart: from the IDP Process Chart the IDP Process Chart
Development Narrative with supporting submitted at Pre-Concept submitted at Concept Review.
Process (IDP) as a chart of team structure Review. (1 Page)
way listing team members and (1 Page)
of attaining their roles; design IDP-R1. IDP Implementation
greater synergy milestones and workshops Strategy: Narrative describing
between project listing participants, goals, the implementation strategy
systems resulting expected outcomes, for transition between project
in high required actions with task stages and project packages
performance assignments; and and hand-over of design
communities. methodology for ensuring process to succeeding design
appropriate stakeholders teams.
are involved. (3 Pages) (2 Pages)

The requirements outlined in this Planning for Estidama document are very important but do not fulfill the complete submittal requirements to obtain a Design Rating.

Page 5
Req. Credits Pre-Concept Review Concept Review Detailed Review
IDP-R2. Draft Sustainable IDP-R2. Draft Sustainable IDP-R2. Sustainable Building
Building Guidelines: Building Guidelines: Guidelines: Narrative outlining
Narrative outlining the Updated narrative outlining the IDP planned for the project
building guidelines being the building guidelines for and building design and
considered for the project, the project, including vision, development teams role as
IDP-R2: including initial vision, targets, and certification part of this process;
Sustainable targets, and certification process. sustainability vision and
Building process. (1 page) objectives for the project; a
Guidelines (1 page) summary of targets for the
To ensure that project (can be in the form of
the design and scorecard(s) highlighting
construction of credits targeted based on the
buildings will Pearl Building Rating System,
contribute to the Pearl Villa Rating System or the
overall Pearl Operational Rating
communitys System, as appropriate); the
sustainability certification process for the
objectives and community and its various
targets. milestones; the owners /
developers quality assurance
procedure for verifying the
requirements have been
implemented. (4 pages)

IDP-R3: IDP-R3. Commitment to Basic

Community- Commissioning: Letter of
Dedicated commitment from the owner
Infrastructure to engage an independent
Basic commissioning agent as part of
Commissioning the project design team
To ensure that throughout the design stages,
the infrastructure to assess performance of
systems perform community-dedicated energy,
as designed, water and waste
thereby Infrastructure. The
protecting Commissioning agent will be
occupant health responsible for overseeing the
and providing commissioning process at
ongoing completion stage.
efficiency. (1 Page)

The requirements outlined in this Planning for Estidama document are very important but do not fulfill the complete submittal requirements to obtain a Design Rating.

Page 6
Req. Credits Pre-Concept Review Concept Review Detailed Review
NS-R1. Natural Systems NS-R1. Natural Systems Key NS-R1. Natural Systems Key
Context: Narrative with performance indicators performance indicators (KPIs):
supporting illustrations (KPIs): Narrative describing Updated assessment of design-
addressing the following in KPIs identified to guide the related KPIs.
relation to the project site, design of the development, (3 Pages)
the area of probable based on the results of the
impact surrounding it, as opportunities and
well as the sub-regional constraints analysis. These
and regional scales: are to include indicators and
Topography; targets relating to the
Geology / following, as a minimum:
geomorphology; Soil;
Soils and geotechnical Flora;
attributes; Fauna;
NS-R1: Natural
Hydrology and Microclimate;
groundwater; Topography and views;
Waste and Drainage;
To ensure that
contamination; Other targets relating to
before the design
Coastal conditions; mitigation of identified
process begins,
Microclimate (such as environmental constraints;
prevailing winds, solar and
orientation and solar Area of site to be
shading); protected, maintained,
Priority species, habitats created or restored.
and ecosystems (both
connected to and
onsite and those Initial assessment of project
on the site are
influenced by the site); against design-related KPIs.
considered and
Flora and fauna (3 Pages)
(including wildlife
corridors, seasonal uses);
Archaeological features.
(7 Pages)

#4 "Development
A Opportunities and
#4 "Development
B Opportunities and
#3 "Development
C Opportunities and

The requirements outlined in this Planning for Estidama document are very important but do not fulfill the complete submittal requirements to obtain a Design Rating.

Page 7
Req. Credits Pre-Concept Review Concept Review Detailed Review
NS-R2&3. Natural Systems NS-R2&3. Natural System
NS-R2: Natural Map: Map identifying areas Design and Management
Systems to be protected; used as Strategy: Narrative describing
Protection mitigation areas; enhanced; the detailed strategy for
To protect remediated; and/or natural systems addressing soil
significant and allocated for habitat creation enhancement, plant selection,
valuable natural or restoration beyond planting, irrigation, pesticide
systems assets mitigation and / or and herbicide avoidance, plant
identified in NS- compensation requirements. establishment, survival,
R1, Natural (1 Page) generation and protection, and
Systems monitoring and maintenance
Assessment. NS-R2&3. Natural System program.
Design and Management (4 Pages)
Strategy: Narrative
describing options and
concept strategy for natural
systems addressing soil
enhancement, plant
selection, planting, irrigation,
pesticide and herbicide
avoidance, plant
NS-R3: Natural
establishment, survival,
Systems Design
generation and protection,
and monitoring and
maintenance program.
(4 Pages)
To minimize
demand for #1 Site Plan #6 Site Design Regulations
resources, #3 Land Use Plan and Guidelines
promote soil #4 At Grade Uses Plan #10 Summary of Public
protection and #13 Marina and Realm Plan
enhancement A Waterfront Plan (if A #11 Public Realm Design
and ensure the applicable) Specifications
long term #33 Proof of
survival and Commencement of
management of Environmental Analysis
landscaped / #1 Site Plan #3 Illustrative Site Plan
habitat areas. #3 Land Use Plan #9 Landscaping Plan
#4 At Grade Uses Plan
B #13 Marina and #3 Illustrative Site Plan
Waterfront Plan (if #9 Landscaping Plan
#33 Proof of
Commencement of
Environmental Analysis

The requirements outlined in this Planning for Estidama document are very important but do not fulfill the complete submittal requirements to obtain a Design Rating.

Page 8
Req. Credits Pre-Concept Review Concept Review Detailed Review
LC-R1: Plan 2030 Note that there are no Estidama-specific submissions beyond Development Review items for
To ensure that all LC-R1, LC-R2, and LC-R3.
development #7 Regulatory #9 Regulatory #3 Density Plan
Compliance A Compliance A #5 Building Typology Plan
supports the A
vision for the
Emirate of Abu
Dhabi, as defined #7 Regulatory #9 Regulatory #2 Development Summary
Compliance Compliance Statistics
by the applicable
Plan 2030,
and/or B
Development #4 Development #2 Development Summary
Code, and/ or Statistics Summary Statistics
Area Plan.

#1 Climate Context #14 Demographic

#2 Urban Systems Analysis
Context #15 Community Facility
#3 Transportation Needs Assessment
Capacity Estimate #20 Transportation
LC-R2: Urban
A #4 Development A Analysis
Opportunities and #33 Proof of
Constraints Commencement of
To ensure that,
#5 Development Environmental Analysis
before the design
Concept Illustrations
process begins, a
#1 Climate Context #14 Demographic
#2 Urban Systems Analysis
understanding of
Context #15 Community Facility
the urban
#3 Transportation Needs Assessment
Capacity Estimate #20 Transportation
influencing the
B #4 Development Analysis
site are
Opportunities and #33 Proof of
considered and B
Constraints Commencement of
#5 Development Environmental Analysis
Concept Illustrations
#1 Existing Services

The requirements outlined in this Planning for Estidama document are very important but do not fulfill the complete submittal requirements to obtain a Design Rating.

Page 9
Req. Credits Pre-Concept Review Concept Review Detailed Review
#5 Development #11 Public Realm #2 Land Use Plan
Concept Illustrations Programme #7 Building Design
#15 Community Facility Regulations and
Needs Assessment Guidelines
#16 Community
Facilities Plan
LC-R3: Provision
#17 Community
of Amenities and
Facilities Plot Plan A
Facilities A
A #18 Community
To ensure that a
Facilities Users Plan
#19 Community Facility
Provision and
amenities and
Management Strategy
#21 Pedestrian and
facilities are
Cyclist Network Plan
accessible to the
greater #5 Development #11 Public Realm #6 Universal Access Plan
population, Concept Illustrations #18 Community Services
affording social
connectivity, #15 Community Facility
interaction and Needs Assessment
shared public #16 Community B
benefit of Facilities Plan
community #17 Community
Facilities Plot Plan
#18 Community
#6 Preliminary Site #6 Universal Access Plan
Facilities Users Plan
Plan #18 Community Services
#19 Community Facility
Provision and
Management Strategy C
#21 Pedestrian and
Cyclist Network Plan

The requirements outlined in this Planning for Estidama document are very important but do not fulfill the complete submittal requirements to obtain a Design Rating.

Page 10
Req. Credits Pre-Concept Review Concept Review Detailed Review
LC-R4. Concept Outdoor LC-R4. Detailed Outdoor
Thermal Comfort Strategy: Thermal Comfort Strategy:
Narrative with supporting Narrative with supporting plan
plan and calculations and calculations describing
describing proposed proposed measures for shading
measures and options for and improving outdoor thermal
LC-R4: Outdoor
shading and improving comfort in priority areas.
Thermal Comfort
outdoor thermal comfort in (5 Pages)
priority areas.
To increase
(3 Pages)
outdoor thermal
comfort during
#4 At Grade Uses Plan #10 Summary of Public
#21 Pedestrian and Realm Plan
months and
Cyclist Network Plan #11 Public Realm Design
reduce thermal
#24 Street Sections Specifications
discomfort A
A #25 Street Design #14 Summary of Multi-
during summer
Audit (if applicable) Modal Transportation Plan
months in public
#15 Transportation Design
spaces and
#4 At Grade Uses Plan #10 Shading Plan
#21 Pedestrian and B
Cyclist Network Plan
B #24 Street Sections #10 Shading Plan
#25 Street Design C
Audit (if applicable)
LC-R5: Minimum LC-R5: Pearl Rated Building
Pearl Rated Targets: Initial calculation of
Buildings Within average targeted Pearl Building
Communities Rating
To reward (2 Pages)
that has a high
proportion of
minimum pearl
building ratings.

The requirements outlined in this Planning for Estidama document are very important but do not fulfill the complete submittal requirements to obtain a Design Rating.

Page 11
Req. Credits Pre-Concept Review Concept Review Detailed Review
PW-R1,2,& 3. Water PW-R1&2. Water Concept: PW-R1. Detailed Water
Approach: Narrative Narrative describing options Strategy: Narrative describing
outlining the teams and concept strategy for the detailed concept strategy
approach to water, water covering the following for water covering the
covering as a minimum the public realm items: following public realm
following public realm Irrigation; water features; components: irrigation; water
components: Irrigation; district cooling; and features; district cooling; and
water features; district stormwater. (2 Pages) stormwater. (3 Pages)
cooling; and stormwater.
(2 Pages) PW-R1&2. Community PW-R1&2. Community Water
Water Balance: Draft Balance: Updated Community
Community Water Water Calculator detailing
Calculator detailing output output of community water
of community water balance; draft Building and/or
balance; draft Building Villa Water Calculator for each
PW-R1: and/or Villa Water representative building. (Water
Community Calculator for each Calculator .xls)
Water Strategy representative building.
To develop and (Water Calculator .xls)
PW-R1&2. Irrigation Plan:
integrate a
PW-R1&2. Irrigation Plan Updated calculations of total
Initial calculations of total annual average irrigation
water strategy
annual average irrigation demand of external softscape
during the early
demand of external areas (liters/day), including
stages of design
softscape areas (liters/day). plant schedules for landscape
with the goal of
(1 Page) program. (1 Page)
minimizing the
overall water
#1 Site Plan #6 Site Design Regulations
consumption and
#4 At Grade Uses Plan and Guidelines
establishing a
#28 Utility Demand #7 Building Design
project water
Calculations Regulations and
#29 Treated Sewage Guidelines
Effluent (TSE) Analysis #10 Summary of Public
A Realm Plan
#11 Public Realm Design
#16 Utility Demand
#18 Utility Plan
#1 Site Plan #9 Landscaping Plan
#4 At Grade Uses Plan B #19 Utility Demand
#28 Utility Demand Calculations
Calculations #9 Landscaping Plan
B #29 Treated Sewage #19 Utility Demand
Effluent (TSE) Analysis Calculations

The requirements outlined in this Planning for Estidama document are very important but do not fulfill the complete submittal requirements to obtain a Design Rating.

Page 12
Req. Credits Pre-Concept Review Concept Review Detailed Review
PW-R2. Building Water
Strategy: Narrative detailing
the analysis undertaken to
identify the most efficient
measures for reducing water
PW-R2: Building
consumption of buildings
within the community. At a
minimum the analysis must
To focus the
cover the following: fixtures
design and
and fittings, appliances,
landscaping, and heat
team on
rejection. Explanation of
promoting water
mechanism to ensure
conservation in
compliance with building
buildings within
the community.
(2 Pages)

#6 Site Design Regulations

and Guidelines
A #7 Building Design
Regulations and
PW-R3. Water Monitoring and
Leak Detection Strategy:
Narrative detailing the
community water monitoring
and leak detection strategy,
PW-R3: Water covering, at minimum, the
Monitoring and following major uses (where
Leak Detection present):
To reduce loss of Building plots, divided into
water associated occupancy type (office, retail,
with leaks, residential, school etc);
system Irrigation (public realm);
degradation, or District cooling plants;
failure. Water Features (public
realm); and
Any other major community
water requirements (e.g. water
parks etc).
(2 Pages)

The requirements outlined in this Planning for Estidama document are very important but do not fulfill the complete submittal requirements to obtain a Design Rating.

Page 13
Req. Credits Pre-Concept Review Concept Review Detailed Review
RE-R1,2& 3. Energy RE-R1&2. Energy Concept: RE-R1. Energy Detailed
Approach: Narrative Narrative describing options Strategy: Narrative describing
outlining the teams and concept strategy for the detailed strategy for
approach to energy, energy covering the energy covering the following
covering the following at a following at a minimum: at a minimum: climate analysis
minimum: climate response; climate analysis and and response; street
street orientation; building response; street orientation; building
orientation, massing and orientation; building orientation, massing and
layout; and shading orientation, massing and layout; shading strategies;
strategies. layout; shading strategies; district energy systems, and
(3 Pages) district energy systems, and renewable energy systems
renewable energy systems. (4 Pages)
RE-R1: (3 Pages)
Energy Strategy RE-R1&2. Energy RE-R1. Energy Calculations:
To focus the Calculations: Result Updated summary and
design and summary and calculations calculations of the
development of the communitys energy communitys energy
team on energy consumption. At a minimum consumption. At a minimum
conservation this should include the total this should include: Total
through demand annual energy consumption annual energy consumption
reduction and (MWh) of the entire (MWh) of the entire
efficient community as well as each community as well as each
generation and major use category, peak major use category; Peak
distribution, power demand (MW) of the power demand (MW) of the
while making entire community as well as entire community as well as
informed each major use category, each major use category; and
decisions about and the total energy Total energy supplied by onsite
the implications supplied by onsite renewable technologies,
of renewable renewable technologies, expressed as both annual
energy expressed as both annual generation (MWh) and peak
strategies. generation (MWh) and peak generation (MW).
generation (MW). (2 Pages)
(2 Pages)

#28 Utility Demand #5 Building Typology Plan

Calculations #6 Site Design Regulations
and Guidelines
#7 Building Design
A A Regulations and
#16 Utility Demand
#18 Utility Plan

The requirements outlined in this Planning for Estidama document are very important but do not fulfill the complete submittal requirements to obtain a Design Rating.

Page 14
Req. Credits Pre-Concept Review Concept Review Detailed Review
#28 Utility Demand #19 Utility Demand
Calculations B Calculations
#20 Utility Plan

B #19 Utility Demand

C Calculations
#20 Utility Plan

RE-R2. Building Energy

Strategy: Narrative detailing
the analysis undertaken to
RE-R2: Building
identify the most efficient
measures for reducing energy
consumption of buildings
To focus the
within the community. At a
design and
minimum the analysis must
cover the following: Passive
team on
design strategies, Mechanical
and electrical systems, and
Integrated renewable energy
conservation in
generation options.
buildings within
Explanation of mechanism to
the community.
ensure compliance with
building requirements.
(3 Pages)
RE-R3. Energy Monitoring and
Reporting Strategy: Narrative
detailing the community
RE-R3: Energy
energy monitoring and
Monitoring and
reporting strategy covering at a
minimum the following major
To ensure the
provision of
Buildings, divided into
occupancy type (office, retail,
facilities to
residential, school etc);
monitor the
District energy systems;
performance of
Infrastructure lighting (road,
public, traffic lights, signage);
Water pumping;
enabling future
Water treatment systems;
Any other major
understanding of
infrastructure energy
energy use
requirements such as transport
within the
systems (metro) etc.
Any onsite energy generating
systems where applicable.
(3 Pages)

The requirements outlined in this Planning for Estidama document are very important but do not fulfill the complete submittal requirements to obtain a Design Rating.

Page 15
Req. Credits Pre-Concept Review Concept Review Detailed Review
SM-R1: CCA SM-R1. Material Approach SM-R1. Material Strategy for
Treated Timber for public realm and public realm and
Elimination infrastructure: Narrative infrastructure: Narrative
To minimize toxic describing the teams including schedule of materials
effects of approach for material to be used and specifications
chromated selection and procurement for public realm and
copper arsenate for public realm and infrastructure items.
(CCA) treated infrastructure items. (3-4 Pages)
timber on people (2-3 Pages)
and the
SM-R2&3. Waste SM-R2&3. Waste Concept: SM-R2&3. Waste Detailed
Approach: Narrative Narrative describing options Strategy: Narrative describing
providing a review of for diverting construction, the detailed strategy for
SM-R2: Basic existing and planned waste demolition and operational diverting construction,
Construction management infrastructure waste from landfill and demolition and operational
Waste and programs available incineration. waste from landfill and
Management from the appropriate (2 Pages) incineration. (3 Pages)
authority and the teams
& approach to waste, covering SM-R2&3. Waste SM-R2&3. Waste Calculations:
construction demolition and Calculations: Result Updated result and
SM-R3: Basic operational waste summary and calculations calculations of annual
Operational management. (2 Pages) for the different options estimates of construction,
Waste considered of annual demolition and operational
Management estimates of construction, waste generated and diverted
demolition and operational from landfill and incineration.
To reduce the waste generated and The minimum diversion rate to
long-term diverted from landfill and target should be 50% for
environmental incineration. The minimum construction and demolition
diversion rate to target waste and 40% by weight or
should be 50% for volume of the total operational
associated with construction and demolition waste generated at full
construction and waste and 40% by weight or occupancy. (2 Pages)
operational volume of the total
waste collection, operational waste
transport and generated at full occupancy.
(2 Pages)

The requirements outlined in this Planning for Estidama document are very important but do not fulfill the complete submittal requirements to obtain a Design Rating.

Page 16
Req. Credits Pre-Concept Review Concept Review Detailed Review
SM-R2&3. Waste SM-R2&3. Waste
Management Facilities Management Facilities Plan:
Plan: Illustrations indicating Updated illustrations indicating
possible location of location and dimensions of the
proposed waste proposed waste management
management facilities facilities (collection, storage for
(collection, storage for recyclables, general waste and
recyclables, general waste hazardous waste and
and hazardous waste and treatment facilities) and
treatment facilities) and vehicle access areas designed
vehicle access areas to ensure adequate space for
designed to ensure maneuvering delivery and
adequate space for waste removal vehicles.
maneuvering delivery and (3-4 Pages)
waste removal vehicles.
(2-3 Pages)
#16 Utility Demand
#28 Utility Demand Calculations
A Calculations A #18 Utility Plan
#30 Utility Plan

#28 Utility Demand #19 Utility Demand

Calculations Calculations
#30 Utility Plan #20 Utility Plan

#19 Utility Demand

#20 Utility Plan

The requirements outlined in this Planning for Estidama document are very important but do not fulfill the complete submittal requirements to obtain a Design Rating.

Page 17
Table 2. Estidama Submissions for Development Review
Building Rating System
Note these are Development Rating submissions, not final submissions for a Design Rating.
The unlabelled text denotes specific Estidama submission for Development Review
Page lengths in parentheses indicate the maximum submission for review.
A Type A Development Review requirements also evaluated as part of the Estidama submission.
B Type B Development Review requirements also evaluated as part of the Estidama submission.
C Type C Development Review requirements also evaluated as part of the Estidama submission.
Please do not submit the above Development Review requirements twice.

Req. Credits Pre-Concept Review Concept Review Detailed Review

Estidama Summary
Estidama Summary: Estidama Summary: Estidama Summary: Updated
Narrative summarising Narrative with supporting narrative with supporting plans
sustainability approach plans and graphics and graphics summarising
taken. The aim is to summarising sustainability sustainability strategies
illustrate system thinking approach and options pursued. The aim is to illustrate
implemented on the project. considered. The aim is to system thinking implemented
(2 Pages) Supporting plans illustrate system thinking on the project. (2 Pages)
and graphics. implemented on the
project. (2 Pages)


IDP-R1. Estidama IDP-R1. Estidama IDP-R1. Estidama
Framework Narrative Performance: Updated Performance: Updated
summarizing vision, narrative and scorecard narrative and scorecard
IDP-R1: objectives, indicators and illustrating project illustrating project
Integrated To targets set jointly by the performance in relation to performance in relation to
ensure new design and development indicators and targets set. indicators and targets set.
development team; initial project (1-2 Pages) (1-2 Pages)
adopts the performance against
Integrated indicators. (2 Pages) IDP-R1. IDP Process Chart: IDP-R1. IDP Process Chart:
Development Updated Process chart for Updated Process chart for the
Process (IDP) as a IDP-R1. IDP Process Chart: the IDP to illustrate IDP to illustrate changes from
way of attaining Narrative with supporting changes from the IDP the IDP Process Chart
greater synergy chart of team structure, Process Chart submitted at submitted at Concept Review.
between project team members and their Pre-Concept Review. (1 Page)
systems, roles; design milestones and (1 Page)
resulting in high workshops listing IDP-R1. IDP Implementation
performance participants, goals, expected Strategy: Narrative describing
Development outcomes, required actions the implementation strategy
Strategy with task assignments; and for transition between project
buildings. method for ensuring stages and project packages
appropriate stakeholders and hand-over of design
are involved. (3 Pages) process to succeeding design
teams. (2 Pages)

The requirements outlined in this Planning for Estidama document are very important but do not fulfill the complete submittal requirements to obtain a Design Rating.

Page 18
Req. Credits Pre-Concept Review Concept Review Detailed Review
IDP-R2. Draft Tenant Fit- IDP-R2. Draft Tenant Fit- IDP-R2. Outline Tenant Fit-Out
Out Design & Construction Out Design & Construction Design & Construction Guide:
Guide: Narrative outlining Guide: Updated narrative Narrative outlining the tenant
the tenant fit-out guidelines outlining the tenant fit-out fit-out design and construction
being considered for the guidelines for the project, guidelines being considered for
project, including initial including vision, targets, the project, addressing:
IDP-R2: Tenant vision, targets, and and certification process. The IDP planned for the
Fit-Out Design & certification process. (1 page) project and building design and
Construction (1 page) development teams role as
Guide part of this process;
To ensure that Sustainability vision and
the design and objectives for the project;
construction of Summary of targets for the
interior space fit- project in the form of PRS
out Scorecard highlighting credits
will contribute to targeted;
the overall Initial technical guidance;
projects Certification process for the
sustainability building and its various
objectives and milestones;
targets. The owners / developers
quality assurance procedure for
verifying the requirements
have been implemented.

This submission is only required

for Core & Shell projects
(5 Pages)
IDP-R3: Basic IDP-R3. Commitment to Basic
Commissioning Commissioning: Letter of
To ensure that commitment from the owner
the building to engage an independent
performs as commissioning agent as part of
designed to the project design team
protect occupant throughout the design stages.
health and The Commissioning agent will
provide comfort be responsible for overseeing
and ongoing the commissioning process at
building completion stage.
efficiency. (1 Page)

The requirements outlined in this Planning for Estidama document are very important but do not fulfill the complete submittal requirements to obtain a Design Rating.

Page 19
Req. Credits Pre-Concept Review Concept Review Detailed Review
NS-R1. Natural Systems NS-R1. Natural Systems NS-R1. Natural Systems Key
Context: Narrative with Key performance performance indicators (KPIs):
supporting illustrations indicators (KPIs): Narrative Updated assessment of design-
addressing the following in describing KPIs identified to related KPIs.
relation to the project site, guide the design of the (3 Pages)
the area of probable impact development, based on the
surrounding it, as well as the results of the opportunities
sub-regional and regional and constraints analysis.
scales: These are to include
Topography; indicators and targets
Geology / geomorphology; relating to the following, as
Soils and geotechnical a minimum:
NS-R1: Natural attributes; Soil;
Systems Hydrology and Flora;
Assessment groundwater; Fauna;
To ensure that at Waste and contamination; Microclimate;
the Coastal conditions; Topography and views;
commencement Microclimate (such as Drainage;
of the design prevailing winds, solar Other targets relating to
process, the orientation and solar mitigation of identified
environmental shading); environmental constraints;
baseline Priority species, habitats and
conditions and ecosystems (both onsite Area of site to be
surrounding, and those influenced by the protected, maintained,
connected to and site); created or restored.
on the site are Flora and fauna (including
considered and wildlife corridors, seasonal Initial assessment of
assessed. uses); project against design-
Archaeological features. related KPIs.
(7 Pages) (3 Pages)

#4 "Development
A Opportunities and
#4 "Development
B Opportunities and
#3 "Development
C Opportunities and

The requirements outlined in this Planning for Estidama document are very important but do not fulfill the complete submittal requirements to obtain a Design Rating.

Page 20
Req. Credits Pre-Concept Review Concept Review Detailed Review
NS-R2&3. Natural Systems NS-R2&3. Natural System
Map: Map identifying areas Design and Management
NS-R2: Natural
to be protected; used as Strategy: Narrative describing
mitigation areas; the detailed strategy for
enhanced; remediated; natural systems addressing soil
To protect
and/or allocated for habitat enhancement, plant selection,
significant and
creation or restoration planting, irrigation, pesticide
valuable Natural
beyond mitigation and / or and herbicide avoidance, plant
Systems assets
compensation req'mts. establishment, survival,
identified in NS-
(1 Page) generation and protection, and
R1 Natural
monitoring and maintenance
NS-R2&3. Natural System program.
Design and Management (4 Pages)
Strategy: Narrative
describing options and
concept strategy for
natural systems addressing
soil enhancement, plant
selection, planting,
irrigation, pesticide and
herbicide avoidance, plant
establishment, survival,
NS-R3: Natural generation and protection,
Systems Design and monitoring and
and maintenance program.
Management (4 Pages)
To minimize #1 Site Plan #6 Site Design Regulations
demand for #3 Land Use Plan and Guidelines
resources, #4 At Grade Uses Plan #10 Summary of Public
promote soil #13 Marina and Realm Plan
protection and Waterfront Plan (if #11 Public Realm Design
enhancement applicable) Specifications
and #33 Proof of
ensure the long Commencement of
term survival and Environmental Analysis
management of #1 Site Plan #3 Illustrative Site Plan
landscaped/habit #3 Land Use Plan B #9 Landscaping Plan
at areas. #4 At Grade Uses Plan
#13 Marina and #3 Illustrative Site Plan
B Waterfront Plan (if #9 Landscaping Plan
#33 Proof of C
Commencement of
Environmental Analysis

The requirements outlined in this Planning for Estidama document are very important but do not fulfill the complete submittal requirements to obtain a Design Rating.

Page 21
Req. Credits Pre-Concept Review Concept Review Detailed Review
LBo-R1: Plan Note that there are no Estidama-specific submissions beyond Development Review items for
2030 LBo-R1 and LBo-R2.
To ensure that all
#7 Regulatory #9 Regulatory #2 Land Use Plan
new development
A Compliance A Compliance A #3 Density Plan
supports the
#5 Building Typology Plan
vision for the
Emirate of Abu
Dhabi, #7 Regulatory #9 Regulatory #2 Development Summary
as defined by the Compliance Compliance Statistics
applicable Plan B B
2030, and/or
Development B
Code, and/ or #4 Development #2 Development Summary
Area Plan. C Statistics Summary C Statistics

#1 Climate Context #14 Demographic

#2 Urban Systems Analysis
Context #15 Community Facility
LBo-R2: Urban #3 Transportation Needs Assessment
Systems Capacity Estimate A #20 Transportation
Assessment #4 Development Analysis
To ensure that, Opportunities and #33 Proof of
before the design Constraints Commencement of
process begins, a #5 Development Environmental Analysis
thorough Concept Illustrations
understanding of #1 Climate Context #14 Demographic
the #2 Urban Systems Analysis
project site is Context #15 Community Facility
developed within #3 Transportation Needs Assessment
its urban context Capacity Estimate #20 Transportation
to better inform #4 Development Analysis
project Opportunities and B #33 Proof of
programming, Constraints Commencement of
connectivity and #5 Development Environmental Analysis
built form. Concept Illustrations
#1 Existing Services

The requirements outlined in this Planning for Estidama document are very important but do not fulfill the complete submittal requirements to obtain a Design Rating.

Page 22
Req. Credits Pre-Concept Review Concept Review Detailed Review
LBo-R3. Concept Outdoor LBo-R3. Detailed Outdoor
Thermal Comfort Strategy: Thermal Comfort Strategy:
Narrative with supporting Narrative with supporting plan
plan and calculations and calculations describing
describing proposed proposed measures for shading
measures and options for and improving outdoor thermal
LBo-R3: Outdoor shading and improving comfort in priority areas.
Thermal Comfort outdoor thermal comfort in (5 Pages)
Strategy priority areas.
To increase (3 Pages)
outdoor thermal
comfort during #4 At Grade Uses Plan #10 Summary of Public
transition months #21 Pedestrian and Realm Plan
and reduce Cyclist Network Plan #11 Public Realm Design
thermal #24 Street Sections Specifications
discomfort during #25 Street Design Audit #14 Summary of Multi-
summer months (if applicable) Modal Transportation Plan
in public spaces #15 Transportation Design
and walkways. Specifications
#4 At Grade Uses Plan #10 Shading Plan
#21 Pedestrian and B
Cyclist Network Plan
B #10 Shading Plan
#24 Street Sections
#25 Street Design Audit C
(if applicable)
LBi-R1. Healthy Ventilation LBi-R1. Healthy Ventilation
Delivery: Narrative Delivery: Narrative and
describing observational supporting plan(s) describing
LBi-R1: Healthy
study of local air quality the teams strategy for
undertaken including ensuring the following:
photographs of the minimum separation
To protect the
surrounding sources of distances between air intakes
quality of air
pollutant emissions. and any exhausts or discharge
drawn into
(3 Pages) points comply with ASHRAE
buildings for
62.1.2007 or local code
ventilation and to
whichever is more stringent
ensure minimum
all exhausts are located
delivery of
outside the public realm or as
outdoor fresh air.
defined by local code
whichever is more stringent.
(4 Pages)

The requirements outlined in this Planning for Estidama document are very important but do not fulfill the complete submittal requirements to obtain a Design Rating.

Page 23
Req. Credits Pre-Concept Review Concept Review Detailed Review
LBi-R2. Smoking Control: LBi-R2. Smoking Control: LBi-R2. Smoking Control:
Letter of Commitment from Narrative and supporting Narrative and supporting
the developer / owner to plan(s) describing the plan(s) describing the teams
control smoking in the teams concept strategy for detailed strategy for controlling
development through: controlling smoking in the smoking in the development,
establishment of a no development, covering the covering the following at a
smoking policy (including in following at a minimum: minimum:
LBi-R2: Smoking car parks); provision of dedicated provision of dedicated
Control provision of dedicated external smoking areas; external smoking areas;
To eliminate or external smoking areas; provision of smoke free provision of smoke free zones
minimize provision of smoke free zones around entrances, air around entrances, air intakes
exposure of zones around entrances, air intakes and operable and operable windows;
building intakes and operable windows; provision of appropriate
occupants to the windows; provision of appropriate signage; and
harmful effects of training of security staff; signage; and appropriate sealing of
tobacco smoke. provision of appropriate appropriate sealing of residential units (for residential
signage and residential units (for components only where
appropriate sealing of residential components applicable).
residential units (for only where applicable). (3 Pages)
residential components only (3 Pages)
where applicable).
(1 Page)

LBi-R3: LBi-R3. Legionella Prevention:

Legionella Narrative and supporting plan
Prevention drawings describing all water
To manage the based systems considered
risk of Legionella necessary to be included in a
in water based Legionella Management Plan.
building systems. (2 Pages)

The requirements outlined in this Planning for Estidama document are very important but do not fulfill the complete submittal requirements to obtain a Design Rating.

Page 24
Req. Credits Pre-Concept Review Concept Review Detailed Review
PW-R1: PW-R1. Water Approach: PW-R1. Water Concept: PW-R1. Detailed Water
Minimum Narrative outlining the Narrative describing Strategy: Narrative describing
Interior Water teams approach to reducing options and concept for the detailed concept strategy
Use Reduction building water consumption. reducing water for reducing water
To develop and At a minimum the analysis consumption. At a consumption. At a minimum
implement a must cover the following: minimum the analysis must the analysis must cover the
comprehensive fixtures and fittings, cover the following: following: fixtures and fittings,
water strategy appliances and landscaping fixtures and fittings, appliances and landscaping and
during the early and heat rejection. appliances and landscaping heat rejection.
stages of (1-2 Pages) and heat rejection. (3-4 Pages)
design as a tool (2 Pages)
to minimize the
projects interior PW-R1&2. Water PW-R1&2. Water Calculator
potable water Calculator Draft Building Water Calculator
consumption. Draft Building Water confirming that the buildings
Calculator confirming that predicted interior potable
the buildings predicted water consumption is no
interior potable water greater than the baseline
consumption is no greater building interior potable water
than the baseline building consumption using efficiency
interior potable water measures only.
consumption using (Water Calculator .xls)
efficiency measures only.
(Water Calculator .xls)

PW-R1&2. Irrigation Plan PW-R1&2. Irrigation Plan

Initial calculations of total Updated calculations of total
annual average irrigation annual average irrigation
demand of external demand of external softscape
softscape areas (liters/day) areas (liters/day), including
(1 Page) plant schedules for landscape
program. (1 Page)

A #1 Site Plan A #6 Site Design Regulations

#4 At Grade Uses Plan and Guidelines
#28 Utility Demand #7 Building Design
Calculations Regulations and Guidelines
#29 Treated Sewage #10 Summary of Public
Effluent (TSE) Analysis Realm Plan
#11 Public Realm Design
#16 Utility Demand
#18 Utility Plan

The requirements outlined in this Planning for Estidama document are very important but do not fulfill the complete submittal requirements to obtain a Design Rating.

Page 25
Req. Credits Pre-Concept Review Concept Review Detailed Review
B #1 Site Plan B #9 Landscaping Plan
#4 At Grade Uses Plan #19 Utility Demand
#28 Utility Demand Calculations
Calculations #9 Landscaping Plan
#29 Treated Sewage #19 Utility Demand
Effluent (TSE) Analysis C Calculations

PW-R2. Water Monitoring and

Leak Detection Strategy:
PW-R2: Exterior Narrative detailing the building
Water water monitoring and leak
Monitoring detection strategy.
To encourage the Explanation of mechanism to
provision of ensure compliance with
metering building requirements,
facilities on all covering, at minimum, the
exterior water following major uses (where
uses enabling present):
effective Heat rejection;
management of External hose bibs;
outdoor water Irrigation systems;
consumption and Swimming pools; and
prevention of Water features.
leaks. (2 Pages)

The requirements outlined in this Planning for Estidama document are very important but do not fulfill the complete submittal requirements to obtain a Design Rating.

Page 26
Req. Credits Pre-Concept Review Concept Review Detailed Review
RE-R1. Energy Concept: RE-R1. Energy Detailed
Narrative describing Strategy: Narrative describing
options and concept the detailed strategy for energy
strategy for energy covering the following at a
covering the following at a minimum: climate analysis and
minimum: climate analysis response; street orientation;
and response; street building orientation, massing
orientation; building and layout; shading strategies;
orientation, massing and building energy systems, and
layout; shading strategies; renewable energy approach.
building energy systems, (4 Pages)
and renewable energy
RE-R1: Minimum
approach. RE-R1. Energy Calculations:
(3 Pages) Updated result summary and
calculations of the buildings
To create a
RE-R1. Energy Calculations: energy consumption. At a
decision-support RE-R1. Energy Approach:
Result summary and minimum this should include:
tool to assist the Narrative outlining the
calculations of the Total annual energy
project team in teams approach to energy,
buildings energy consumption (MWh) of the
making informed covering the following at a
consumption. At a building; peak power demand
decisions about minimum: climate response;
minimum this should (MW); and total energy
the options, street orientation; building
include the total annual supplied by onsite renewable
implications and orientation, massing and
energy consumption technologies, expressed as
benefits of layout; and shading
(MWh) of the building, both annual generation (MWh)
various aspects strategies.
peak power demand (MW), and peak generation (MW).
of the building (3 Pages)
and the total energy (2 Pages)
design in order to
supplied by onsite
achieve a
renewable technologies,
minimum level of
expressed as both annual
energy efficiency.
generation (MWh) and
peak generation (MW).
(2 Pages)

#28 Utility Demand #5 Building Typology Plan

Calculations #6 Site Design Regulations
and Guidelines
#7 Building Design
Regulations and Guidelines
#16 Utility Demand
#18 Utility Plan

The requirements outlined in this Planning for Estidama document are very important but do not fulfill the complete submittal requirements to obtain a Design Rating.

Page 27
Req. Credits Pre-Concept Review Concept Review Detailed Review
#28 Utility Demand #19 Utility Demand
Calculations B Calculations
#20 Utility Plan
#19 Utility Demand
C Calculations
#20 Utility Plan

RE-R2. Energy Monitoring and

RE-R2: Energy Reporting Strategy: Narrative
Monitoring and detailing the building energy
Reporting monitoring and reporting
To encourage the strategy covering at a minimum
provision of 90% of the estimate annual
metering energy consumption of each
facilities that fuel type and the following
allow the energy major uses:
performance of Cooling installations
the building to be comprising one or more units
recorded and feeding a common distribution
monitored to circuit (>20 kW);
allow future Motor control centres
improvement and providing power to HVAC
understanding of equipment (>10 kW);
the use of energy Final electrical distribution
in buildings. boards (power/lighting) (>10
kW) (3 Pages)
RE-R3: Ozone RE-R3: Ozone Impacts of
Impacts of Refrigerants & Fire
Refrigerants & Suppression Systems:
Fire Narrative describing how the
Suppression project will meet the credit
To promote the
selection of
refrigerants and
fire suppression
systems that
impacts on the

The requirements outlined in this Planning for Estidama document are very important but do not fulfill the complete submittal requirements to obtain a Design Rating.

Page 28
Req. Credits Pre-Concept Review Concept Review Detailed Review
SM-R1: SM-R1. Material Approach: SM-R1. Material Strategy:
Hazardous Narrative describing the Narrative including schedule of
Materials teams approach for materials to be specified and
Elimination material selection and used. (2 Pages)
To eliminate procurement. (2 Pages)
exposure of
occupants to
asbestos and
minimize toxic
effects of
copper arsenate
(CCA) treated
timber on people
and the

The requirements outlined in this Planning for Estidama document are very important but do not fulfill the complete submittal requirements to obtain a Design Rating.

Page 29
Req. Credits Pre-Concept Review Concept Review Detailed Review
E7. Waste Approach: SM-R2. Waste Concept: SM-R2. Waste Detailed
Narrative providing a review Narrative describing Strategy: Narrative describing
of existing and planned options for diverting the detailed strategy for
waste management construction, demolition diverting construction,
SM-R2: Basic infrastructure and programs and operational waste demolition and operational
Construction available from the from landfill and waste from landfill and
appropriate authority and incineration. incineration.
the teams approach to (2 Pages) (3 Pages)
Management waste, covering
construction demolition and SM-R2. Waste SM-R2. Waste Calculations:
operational waste Calculations: Result Detailed result and calculations
management. (2 Pages) summary and calculations of annual estimates of
SM-R3: Basic
for the different options construction, demolition and
considered of annual operational waste generated
estimates of construction, and diverted from landfill and
demolition and operational incineration. The minimum
waste generated and diversion rate to target should
To reduce the
diverted from landfill and be 30% for construction and
long-term incineration. The minimum demolition waste and 40% by
environmental diversion rate to target weight or volume of the total
impacts should be 30% for operational waste generated at
associated with construction and full occupancy. In the case of
construction and demolition waste and 40% multi-residential buildings, the
by weight or volume of the percentage of operational
total operational waste waste diversion should be 30%.
waste collection, generated at full (2 Pages)
transport and occupancy. In the case of
disposal. multi-residential buildings,
the percentage of
operational waste
diversion should be 30%.
(2 Pages)

The requirements outlined in this Planning for Estidama document are very important but do not fulfill the complete submittal requirements to obtain a Design Rating.

Page 30
Req. Credits Pre-Concept Review Concept Review Detailed Review
SM-R2. Waste SM-R2. Waste Management
Management Facilities Facilities Plan: Illustrations
Plan: Illustrations indicating location and
indicating possible location dimensions of the proposed
of proposed waste waste management facilities
management facilities (collection, storage for
(collection, storage for recyclables, general waste and
recyclables, general waste hazardous waste and
and hazardous waste and treatment facilities) and vehicle
treatment facilities) and access areas designed to
vehicle access areas ensure adequate space for
designed to ensure maneuvering delivery and
adequate space for waste removal vehicles.
maneuvering delivery and Measurement of distances to
waste removal vehicles. waste collection points for
(3 Pages) residents not exceeding 30m.
(4 Pages)

#28 Utility Demand #16 Utility Demand

A Calculations A Calculations
#30 Utility Plan #18 Utility Plan
#19 Utility Demand
#28 Utility Demand #20 Utility Plan
B Calculations
#19 Utility Demand
#30 Utility Plan
#20 Utility Plan

2-Pearl Compliance
As of September, 2 Pearl Compliance: 2 Pearl Compliance: Updated
2010, some Narrative and scorecard narrative and scorecard of
building projects outlining a credit pathway credit pathway for achieving 2
funded by the for achieving 2 Pearls, Pearls, including buffer; status
government are including a buffer to allow description for targeted credits.
mandated to for design and review (2 Pages)
achieve a 2 Pearl contingencies.
rating, as an (2 Pages)
example for
other projects.

The requirements outlined in this Planning for Estidama document are very important but do not fulfill the complete submittal requirements to obtain a Design Rating.

Page 31
Version 1 August 2010

Abu Dhabi Urban Planning Council

62221 . P.O.Box 62221
Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
Tel: +971 2 409 6000
Fax: +971 2 443 9443

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