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INSIDE YOUR Print exclusive SPORTS

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Howdy, Marshall
A real icebreaker
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Roger Ebert
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What’s up
today in ��� won’t appear
We look at the most Live entertainment on Richwoods grad Jenny
in print and e-editions of the Major League biting review Annie’s ����� until later on
our website popular fireworks the riverfront this week- Kistner is getting a
Journal Star. Today some of that Baseball box of ‘Eclipse,’ the new Mailbox? for sale to celebrate end includes Marshall Division 1 hockey
scores and standings. Page D4 July 4. Page A1 scholarship. Page D1
content includes: ‘Twilight’ flick. Page C3 Page C6 Tucker Band. Page C1

Portland police reopening Gore investigation
PORTLAND, ORE. — Police said they are reopening
House OKs sweeping bank rules
Senate vote held up as cial system would be placed on cause joblessness on Main
an investigation into allegations by a Portland HOW THEY VOTED a risk watch in hopes of thwart- Street. No longer will the risky
massage therapist that former Vice President Al Democrats seek support ing the next threat of a financial behavior of the few threaten
Gore groped her at a hotel in 2006. How Illinois’ congressional crisis. the financial stability of our
WASHINGTON, D.C. (AP) — Near- delegation voted on the bill: Obama hailed the vote as “a families, our businesses and
In a brief statement Wednesday, the Portland
ly two years after a Wall Street Democrats — Bean, Y; Costello, Y; victory for every American who our economy as a whole.”
Police Bureau did not say why it was reopening the Davis, Y; Foster, Y; Gutierrez, Y; Halvor-
meltdown left the economy reel- has been affected by the reck- Republicans portrayed the
investigation. Police earlier said they considered son, Y; Hare, Y; Jackson, Y; Lipinski, Y;
ing, the House on Wednesday lessness and irresponsibility bill as a vast overreach of gov-
the case closed because there was no evidence. Quigley, Y; Rush, Y; Schakowsky, Y.
passed a massive overhaul of that led to the loss of millions ernment power that would do
Also on Wednesday, a Gore spokeswoman said Republicans — Biggert, N; Johnson,
financial regulations that would N; Kirk, N; Manzullo, N; Roskam, N; of jobs and trillions in wealth.” little to prevent future bailouts
the former vice president “unequivocally and
AL extend the government’s reach Schock, N; Shimkus, N. The 237-192 House tally broke of failing financial institutions.
emphatically” denies making unwanted sexual GORE from storefront thrifts to the ex- largely along party lines but They complained that it failed
advances toward the woman.
ecutive suites of Manhattan. attracted more support than in to place tighter restrictions on
Senate support for the far-
4 bodies found inside wreckage of missing plane reaching bill remained in flux,
and backing down on a $19 bil- December when no Republicans Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac,
lion tax on big banks and hedge voted for the House version of the mortgage giants forced into
MOIESE, MONT. — Authorities found four bodies inside the wreck- however. The Senate was forced funds. the bill. The new legislation com- huge federal bailouts after their
age of a small plane Wednesday on a rugged hillside in north- to delay its vote to mid-July, de- The legislation, swelling to bines the House bill with one questionable lending helped
western Montana, bringing a tragic end to a 21⁄2-day search for a nying President Barack Obama more than 2,000 pages, would passed by the Senate last month. trigger the housing and eco-
group of friends who went out for an afternoon sightseeing trip a victory before Independence rewrite the nation’s regulatory “Today, I rise with a clear nomic meltdowns.
and never returned. Day. Democrats struggled to books. Simple supermarket message that the party is over,” “This legislation is a clear
Family members awaiting word in Moiese, headquarters of the secure the votes of a handful purchases and exotic deriva- House Speaker Nancy Pelosi attack on capital formation in
National Bison Range, broke down upon hearings of the deaths of Republican senators even tives trades would be subject to declared. “No longer again will America,” said Rep. Eric Can-
of pilot and recent University of Montana graduate Sonny Kless, after meeting their demands new laws. And the entire finan- recklessness on Wall Street tor of Virginia.
law student Brian Williams and newspaper reporters Erika
Hoefer and Melissa Weaver.
A U.S. Homeland Security aircraft discovered a plane matching
the description of the missing 1968 Piper Arrow on Wednesday
afternoon in the remote area about 80 miles south of Kalispell.
An Air Force helicopter flew to the crash site and Sanders

Alex hits
County Undersheriff Rube Wrightsman rappelled from the
helicopter down to the rocky terrain to verify what the searchers
already suspected.

Feds recall more kid jewelry due to toxic cadmium

LOS ANGELES — Federal regu-
lators said Thursday they have
found high levels of the toxic
metal cadmium in trinkets that
were distributed for free to chil-
dren at some doctor and dentist
Gulf coast
offices over the past five years. Texas spared direct hit,
The news came as the Con-
sumer Product Safety Com- with no major damage
mission announced a recall of
nearly 70,000 charm bracelets
This image provided by the or injuries reported
U.S. Consumer Product
and rings — the fourth time SAN FERNANDO, MEXICO (AP) UPDATES projected path of storm.
this year that the federal Safety Commission shows
— Hurricane Alex made land-
government has said cheap recalled “Children’s Happy fall on Mexico’s Gulf coast as
Chinese-made jewelry was be- Charm Bracelets.” a powerful Category 2 storm
ing pulled from shelves because Wednesday, spawning torna-
of cadmium, a known carcinogen. does in nearby Texas, forcing
What stood out about this recall was that kids got the items in evacuations in both countries
places where they are taken to stay healthy or get better. and whipping up high waves
The commission said parents should immediately throw away that frustrated oil-spill cleanup
the approximately 66,200 “Children’s Happy Charm Bracelets” efforts and pushed crude onto ASSOCIATED PRESS
bracelets and 2,200 football rings. The agency has not received beaches.
any reports of incidents or injuries involving either product. UNITED STATES UNITED
Children look STATES
out from a convention center being used as a
Alex hit a relatively un- Oil spill Oil spill
populated stretch of coast in Texas shelter several hours before the arrival of Hurricane Alex, the
Oldest U.S. postal worker retires at age 95 Mexico’s northern Tamaulipas
Gulf of Oil rig
first Atlantic hurricane of the year, in Matamoros, northeast-
Gulf of with Oil rig
state about 110 miles south of MEXICO ern Mexico, on the border
MEXICO Texas, on Wednesday.
REDLANDS, CALIF. — It wasn’t Brownsville, Texas, and was Mexico explosion Mexico explosion
snow nor rain nor heat nor pushing inland at 10 mph, the
gloom of night that stopped Hurricane Alex Hurricane Alex
U.S. National Hurricane Center 1 p.m. Wednesday* waves were reported1 p.m. on Wednesday*
the bers after his father decided
Chester Arthur Reed from his said. 7 p.m. 7 a.m. 7 p.m. 7 a.m.
island’s beach. their house might not survive
appointed round. The mail Thurs. Thurs. Thurs. Thurs.
Its heavy rains and 110 mph But officials in Texas said the flood.
handler just felt it was time to winds lashed Mexican fishing the U.S. state had been
call it quits at age 95. Mexico City Mexico Cityspared Gonzales didn’t agree with
villages, whose residents fled a direct hit. No injuries or se- his dad.
The fork lift operator retired inland to the town of San Fer- vere damage were immediately “I think it’s just going to be a
Wednesday as the nation’s nando on buses and in the back 0 500 mi reported. 0 500 mi normal one,” he said.
oldest postal worker, ending a of pickup trucks. 0 500 km *All times CDT 0 500 km Weather
The National *All times CDTSer- The main threat as the hur-
career without taking a single Hundreds of people filled a SOURCES: ESRI; NOAA AP vice downgraded
NOAAstorm ricane
AP begins to fall apart over
sick day. It’s a feat he attributes storm shelter in an auditorium warning for the Texas coast land will be tornadoes, which
to a healthy diet of watermel- in San Fernando. seven fishing villages, with a from hurricane to tropical could last another day or two,
Chester Reed on the job. on, alkaline water and an onion “We didn’t bring anything combined population of about storm strength. hurricane center meteorologist
sandwich with mayo every day. but these clothes,” said evacuee 5,000, were being evacuated. More than 1,000 people in Chris Landsea said.
“If everyone in the nation ate watermelons, they’d get rid of all Carolina Sanchez, 21, motion- The civil defense office in low-lying Hidalgo and Cameron The other big threat is rain,
the doctors,” Reed said. ing to two small plastic bags Matamoros, across the border counties fled to storm shelters. Landsea said. Parts of Mexico
at her feet, as her 3-year-old from Brownsville, said Alex’s More than 1,000 homes were and Texas are expected to get
Democrats considering 4 cities for 2012 convention sister Belen Sanchez Gonzalez rains had already flooded aboutTROPICAL without WEATHER
power late Wednes- 6 to 12 inches of rain, which
WASHINGTON, D.C. — The Democratic Party is considering four clutched a purple and white 30 neighborhoods there and of- day, with the biggest outage could cause flash flooding far-
UPDATES projected path of storm; map
cities to host the 2012 political convention expected to nominate stuffed toy poodle at the storm ficials were using small boats caused not by the storm but ther west, away from the coast.
shelter. Her father, a fisher- It isrescue
to mandatory to include
some all sources
residents. shows
by athe
that ranpath
intoof aHurricane
utility The storm was far from the
President Barack Obama for a second term.
man, was one of many coastal that accompany this graphic when Alex; 1c
Alex spawned two tornadoes pole, American Electric x 2 1/4 inches; 47 mmPower
x 57 mm;Gulf oil spill, but cleanup ves-
Three of the cities — Cleveland, St. Louis and Minneapolis
— are in likely battleground states while a fourth — Charlotte, residents who stayed behind to repurposing
around includingwithspokesman
or editing it for publication.
Brownsville, BC-TropicalAndyWeather;
Heines WJC, PCS; sels were sidelined by the hur-
N.C. — is in the Republican-friendly South. keep watch on their homes and one that flipped over a trailer.ETA 5At p.m.least
</AP>100 families took ricane’s ripple effects. Six-foot
Tim Kaine, the chairman of the Democratic National Commit- possessions. Officials also closed the cause- shelter in a Brownsville high waves churned up by the storm
tee, announced the finalists Wednesday in a message to support- Engineer Abel Ramirez of way to South Padre Island, school. splattered beaches in Louisi-
ers. He plans to send DNC staff to the four cities this summer to San Fernando’s Civil Protec- a popular vacation getaway Sergio Gonzales, 18, arrived ana, Alabama and Florida with
evaluate the sites. tion and Fire Department said off the Texas coast, and 9-foot with nine other family mem- oil and tar balls.
Journal Star news services

WHERE TO REACH US Gigantic oil skimmer

Subscriber services
(309) 686-3161
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Forum 686-3135
heads to Gulf spill
City/Metro and Regional
Classified Advertising
(309) 686-3060
686-3114 Photos and graphics
‘A Whale’ could suck up with oil and tar balls the size
of apples. The rough seas forced
Entertainment 686-3262
(800) 322-4200
Fax news and letters
Photo Reprint info 21 million gallons of most smaller skimming boats
Display Advertising 686-3109 into port for a second consecu-
(309) 686-3170 686-3296
KJS 686-3157 Religion 686-3157 fouled water per day tive day, putting many cleanup
Customer Service crews at a standstill.
24/7 Lifestyles Features Social Notes 686-3246 NEW ORLEANS (AP) — With The ship looks like a typical
at 686-3249 Sports 686-3214 hurricane-whipped waves push- tanker, but it takes in contami-
Neighbors 686-3119 (800) 327-8283 ing more oil onto the Gulf of
Mailing Address nated water through 12 vents on
1 News Plaza, Peoria IL Newspapers in Education
Sports Fax 686-3205 Mexico’s once-white beaches, either side of the bow. The oil is
61643 686-3027 the government pinned its lat-
Sunday 686-3157 then supposed to be separated
Internet Address Obituaries 686-3115 est cleanup hopes Wednesday from the water and transferred (800) 624-8294 Web Editor 686-3243 on a huge new piece of equip- to another vessel. The water is
ment: the world’s largest oil- channeled back into the sea.
skimming vessel. But the ship has never been
USPS 427-740 The Taiwanese-flagged tested, and many questions
Published daily at 1 News Plaza, Peoria, IL former tanker named the “A remain about how it will oper-
61643 by the Peoria Journal Star Inc. Whale” is the length of 31⁄2
Classified want ads ... 686-3060 ate. For instance, the seawater
Member of the Audit Bureau of Circulation. football fields and stands 10 retains trace amounts of oil,
The Associated Press is entitled exclusively to the use or
republication of all the local news printed in this newspaper.
CUSTOMER SERVICE CENTER stories high. It just emerged even after getting filtered, so
Hours: 5:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Monday-Friday from an extensive retrofitting
To best serve subscribers in various areas of our circulation, 5:30 a.m. to noon Saturday-Sunday ... 686-3161 the Environmental Protection
different editions of the paper may contain different news
Toll Free ... (800) 322-0804 to prepare it specifically for the Agency will have to sign off on
items. Also, at the specific request of certain advertisers,
some published advertisements and preprinted advertising Gulf, where officials hope it will allowing the treated water back
inserts may be limited to certain geographic areas. The Journal Star
uses recycled
be able to suck up as much as into the Gulf.
A GateHouse Media, Inc. publication with periodical postage
paid at Peoria, IL
paper and soyoil.
21 million gallons of oil-fouled “This is a no-brainer,” Over-
POSTMASTER: Send change of address to Peoria Journal water per day. ton said. “You’re bringing in re-
Star, 1 News Plaza, Peoria, IL 61643 “It is absolutely gigantic. It’s ally dirty, oily water and you’re
SUBSCRIPTION RATES unbelievable,” said Louisiana putting back much cleaner
WEEKLY RATES State University environmental water.”
8 Wk. 13 Wk. 26 Wk. 52 Wk. NEWSTAND: sciences professor Ed Overton,
Mon.-Fri., single copy $1.00
The vessel, owned by the
Billing Billing Billing Billing who saw the ship last week in Taiwanese shipping firm TMT
7-Day $5.00* $5.00* $5.00* $4.75 Saturday, single copy $1.25
Norfolk, Va. Group, was completed as a tank-
Mon - Sat $3.65 $3.65 $3.65 $3.65 Sunday, single copy $2.00
Mon - Fri $2.60 $2.60 $2.60 $2.60 As the monstrous vessel er earlier this year in South Ko-
Sat & Sun** $3.00* $3.00* $3.00* $3.00* BY U.S. MAIL: made its way toward the Gulf rea. But after the Gulf spill, the
Sunday Only** $2.00* $2.00* $2.00* $2.00* Rates for delivery by U.S. Mail Coast, large waves churned up
vary by Billing Schedule. For company’s CEO and founder,
*MOTOR ROUTES add .10 per week specific details, please call the by distant Hurricane Alex left Nobu Su, ordered it changed
**Includes Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year’s days Customer Service Center. Alabama beaches splattered into a giant skimmer.

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