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Vapor Compression Refrigeration

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The key takeaways are that vapor-compression refrigeration is the most widely used method for air conditioning and refrigeration. It uses a circulating refrigerant and four main components: a compressor, condenser, expansion valve, and evaporator.

It uses a circulating liquid refrigerant that absorbs heat from the space to be cooled in the evaporator and rejects heat in the condenser. The refrigerant is compressed as a vapor, condenses releasing heat, expands abruptly lowering temperature, and evaporates absorbing heat in the evaporator before repeating the cycle.

The four main components are the compressor, condenser, expansion valve, and evaporator. The compressor raises the refrigerant's pressure and temperature. The condenser releases heat. The expansion valve lowers the refrigerant's pressure and temperature. The evaporator absorbs heat from the space being refrigerated.

Vapor-compression refrigeration

Vapor-compression refrigeration or vapor- single-stage vapor-compression system. All such systems

compression refrigeration system (VCRS),[1] in have four components: a compressor, a condenser, a
which the refrigerant undergoes phase changes, is one thermal expansion valve (also called a throttle valve
of the many refrigeration cycles and is the most widely or metering device), and an evaporator. Circulating
used method for air-conditioning of buildings and refrigerant enters the compressor in the thermodynamic
automobiles. It is also used in domestic and commercial state known as a saturated vapor[2] and is compressed to can therefore cool
refrigerators, large-scale warehouses for chilled or a higher pressure, resulting in a higher temperature as (lose internal
energy) by some
frozen storage of foods and meats, refrigerated trucks well. The hot, compressed vapor is then in the thermo- amount, resulting in
a lowering of its
temperature without
and railroad cars, and a host of other commercial and dynamic state known as a superheated vapor and it is at changing state (i.e.,
condensing) from a
industrial services. Oil reneries, petrochemical and a temperature and pressure at which it can be condensed gas, to a mixture of
saturated vapor and
chemical processing plants, and natural gas processing with either cooling water or cooling air owing across liquid

plants are among the many types of industrial plants the coil or tubes. This is where the circulating refrigerant
that often utilize large vapor-compression refrigeration rejects heat from the system and the rejected heat is
systems. carried away by either the water or the air (whichever
Refrigeration may be dened as lowering the tempera- may be the case). isotherms
ture of an enclosed space by removing heat from that
space and transferring it elsewhere. A device that per- Critical point
forms this function may also be called an air conditioner, Saturated vapor : any compression will
start making it a little by little into liquid
refrigerator, air source heat pump, geothermal heat pump
Heat out
or chiller (heat pump).

1 Description of the vapour- Throttling Compression
compression refrigeration system Evaporation Work in
Liquid Heat in Vapour
Liquid + Vapour
+vap all turns into vapor after
airi passes through it and
V any push decreasing pressure w
of it (saturated liquid)
on is an endothermic
so it steals the energy away
m air A ctitious pressure-volume diagram for a typical refrigeration
cycle so the pressure will
decrease and it will
become partially vapor a
partially liq. but it's all
The condensed liquid refrigerant, in the thermodynamic adiabatic . WHY DOES
decrease? because upo
state known as a saturated liquid, is next routed through an expansion valve the
pressure will decrease a
expansion valve where it undergoes an abrupt reduction in the liquid will evaporate
into a mix of vapour liqu
pressure. That pressure reduction results in the adiabatic mix

ash evaporation of a part of the liquid refrigerant. The

auto-refrigeration eect of the adiabatic ash evaporation
lowers the temperature of the liquid and vapor refrigerant
mixture to where it is colder than the temperature of the
enclosed space to be refrigerated.
The cold mixture is then routed through the coil or tubes
Figure 1: Vapor compression refrigeration in the evaporator. A fan circulates the warm air in the
enclosed space across the coil or tubes carrying the cold
The vapor-compression uses a circulating liquid refrigerant liquid and vapor mixture. That warm air
refrigerant as the medium which absorbs and removes evaporates the liquid part of the cold refrigerant mixture.
heat from the space to be cooled and subsequently At the same time, the circulating air is cooled and thus
rejects that heat elsewhere. Figure 1 depicts a typical, lowers the temperature of the enclosed space to the de-


sired temperature. The evaporator is where the circulat-

ing refrigerant absorbs and removes heat which is sub-
sequently rejected in the condenser and transferred else-
where by the water or air used in the condenser.
To complete the refrigeration cycle, the refrigerant va-
por from the evaporator is again a saturated vapor and is
routed back into the compressor.

1.1 Refrigerants
"Freon" is a trade name for a family of haloalkane
refrigerants manufactured by DuPont and other compa-
nies. These refrigerants were commonly used due to their
superior stability and safety properties: they were not
ammable at room temperature and atmospheric pres- Figure 2: TemperatureEntropy diagram
sure, nor obviously toxic as were the uids they replaced,
such as sulfur dioxide. Haloalkanes are also an order(s)
of magnitude more expensive than petroleum derived
ammable alkanes of similar or better cooling perfor-
Unfortunately, chlorine- and uorine-bearing refrigerants
reach the upper atmosphere when they escape. In the culating refrigerant enters the compressor as a saturated
stratosphere, CFCs break up due to UV radiation, releas- vapor. From point 1 to point 2, the vapor is isentropically
ing their chlorine free radicals. These chlorine free rad- compressed (i.e., compressed at constant entropy) and
icals act as catalysts in the breakdown of ozone through exits the compressor as a superheated vapor.
chain reactions. One CFC molecule can cause thousands press is the same
of ozone molecules to break down. This causes severe From point 2 to point 3, the vapor travels through part volume is decreased
temp is decreased

damage to the ozone layer that shields the Earths surface of the condenser which removes the superheat by cooling Q given out

from the Suns strong UV radiation, and has been shown the vapor. Between point 3 and point 4, the vapor travels
to lead to increased rates of skin cancer. The chlorine through the remainder of the condenser and is condensed
will remain active as a catalyst until and unless it binds into a saturated liquid. The condensation process occurs
with another particle, forming a stable molecule. CFC at essentially constant pressure.
refrigerants in common but receding usage include R-11 Between points 4 and 5, the saturated liquid refriger-
and R-12. ant passes through the expansion valve and undergoes
Newer refrigerants with reduced ozone depletion eect an abrupt decrease of pressure. That process results in
such as HCFCs (R-22, used in most homes today) and the adiabatic ash evaporation and auto-refrigeration of a Vaporizing a liquid in such

HFCs (R-134a, used in most cars) have replaced most portion of the liquid (typically, less than half of the liq- a way absorbs heat and
can cause the surrounding

CFC use. HCFCs in turn are being phased out under the uid ashes). The adiabatic ash evaporation process is area to cool drastically

Montreal Protocol and replaced by hydrouorocarbons isenthalpic (i.e., occurs at constant enthalpy).
so no Q out

(HFCs), such as R-410A, which lack chlorine. However, Between points 5 and 1, the cold and partially vaporized
CFCs, HCFCs, and HFCs all have large global warming refrigerant travels through the coil or tubes in the evapo-
potential. rator where it is totally vaporized by the warm air (from
More benign refrigerants are currently the subject of re- the space being refrigerated) that a fan circulates across
search, such as supercritical carbon dioxide, known as R- the coil or tubes in the evaporator. The evaporator oper-
744.[3] These have similar eciencies compared to ex- ates at essentially constant pressure and boils o all avail-
isting CFC and HFC based compounds, and have many able liquid there after adding 4-8 deg kelvin of superheat
orders of magnitude lower global warming potential. to the refrigerant as a safeguard for the compressor as it
cannot pump liquid. The resulting refrigerant vapor re-
turns to the compressor inlet at point 1 to complete the
thermodynamic cycle.
2 Thermodynamic analysis of the
It should be noted that the above discussion is based
system on the ideal vapor-compression refrigeration cycle which
does not take into account real world items like frictional
The thermodynamics of the vapor compression cycle can pressure drop in the system, slight internal irreversibility
be analyzed on a temperature versus entropy diagram as during the compression of the refrigerant vapor, or non-
depicted in Figure 2. At point 1 in the diagram, the cir- ideal gas behavior (if any).
3.2 Rotary screw compressors 3

3 Types of gas compressors

Main article: Gas compressor 5

The most common compressors used in chillers are 2

reciprocating, rotary screw, centrifugal, and scroll com-
pressors. Each application prefers one or another due 1
to size, noise, eciency and pressure issues. Compres- 4

sors are often described as being either open, hermetic,

or semi-hermetic, to describe how the compressor and/or
motor is situated in relation to the refrigerant being com-
pressed. Variations of motor/compressor types can lead Reciprocating compressor
to the following congurations:

Hermetic motor, hermetic compressor Reciprocating compressors are piston-style, positive dis-
placement compressors.
Hermetic motor, semi-hermetic compressor

Open motor (belt driven or close coupled), hermetic 3.2 Rotary screw compressors

Open motor (belt driven or close coupled), semi-

hermetic compressor

Typically in hermetic, and most semi-hermetic compres-

sors (sometimes known as accessible hermetic compres-
sors), the compressor and motor driving the compressor
are integrated, and operate within the refrigerant system.
The motor is hermetic and is designed to operate, and be
cooled by, the refrigerant being compressed. The obvious
disadvantage of hermetic motor compressors is that the
motor drive cannot be maintained in situ, and the entire
compressor must be removed if a motor fails. A further
disadvantage is that burnt out windings can contaminate
whole refrigeration systems requiring the system to be en-
tirely pumped down and the refrigerant replaced.
An open compressor has a motor drive which is outside of
the refrigeration system, and provides drive to the com-
pressor by means of an input shaft with suitable gland
seals. Open compressor motors are typically air-cooled
screw compressor
and can be fairly easily exchanged or repaired without
degassing of the refrigeration system. The disadvantage
Main article: Rotary screw compressor
of this type of compressor is a failure of the shaft seals,
leading to loss of refrigerant.
Rotary screw compressors are also positive displacement
Open motor compressors are generally easier to cool (us-
compressors. Two meshing screw-rotors rotate in oppo-
ing ambient air) and therefore tend to be simpler in de-
site directions, trapping refrigerant vapor, and reducing
sign and more reliable, especially in high pressure appli-
the volume of the refrigerant along the rotors to the dis-
cations where compressed gas temperatures can be very
charge point.
high. However the use of liquid injection for additional
cooling can generally overcome this issue in most her-
metic motor compressors.
3.3 Centrifugal compressors

3.1 Reciprocating compressors Main article: Centrifugal compressor

Main article: Reciprocating compressor Centrifugal compressors are dynamic compressors.

These compressors raise the pressure of the refrigerant

missioning. The type of oil may be mineral or synthetic

to suit the compressor type, and also chosen so as not to
react with the refrigerant type and other components in
the system. In small refrigeration systems the oil is al-
lowed to circulate throughout the whole circuit, but care
must be taken to design the pipework and components
such that oil can drain back under gravity to the com-
pressor. In larger more distributed systems, especially in
retail refrigeration, the oil is normally captured at an oil
separator immediately after the compressor, and is in turn
re-delivered, by an oil level management system, back to
the compressor(s). Oil separators are not 100% ecient
Centrifugal principle so system pipework must still be designed so that oil can
drain back by gravity to the oil separator or compressor.
Some newer compressor technologies use magnetic bear-
by imparting velocity or dynamic energy, using a rotating
ings and require no lubrication, for example the Danfoss
impeller, and converting it to pressure energy.
Turbocor range of centrifugal compressors. Avoiding
the need for oil lubrication and the design requirements
3.4 Scroll compressors and ancillaries associated with it, simplies the design of
the refrigerant system and reduces maintenance require-

5 Control
In simple commercial refrigeration systems the compres-
Figure 4: Operating principle of a Scroll Compressor sor is normally controlled by a simple pressure switch,
with the expansion performed by a capillary tube or sim-
Main article: Scroll compressor ple thermostatic expansion valve. In more complex sys-
tems, including multiple compressor installations, the use
Scroll compressors are also positive displacement com- of electronic controls is typical, with adjustable set points
pressors. The refrigerant is compressed when one spiral to control the pressure at which compressors cut in and
orbits around a second stationary spiral, creating smaller cut out, and temperature control by the use of electronic
and smaller pockets and higher pressures. By the time the expansion valves.
refrigerant is discharged, it is fully pressurized. In addition to the operational controls, separate high
pressure and low pressure switches are normally utilised
3.5 Others to provide secondary protection to the compressors and
other components of the system from operating outside
Main articles: Diaphragm compressor, Axial-ow of safe parameters.
compressor, Diagonal or mixed-ow compressor, Liquid In more advanced electronic control systems the use of
ring compressor and Roots blower oating head pressure, and proactive suction pressure,
control routines allow the compressor operation to be
adjusted to accurately meet diering cooling demands
Diaphragm pump whilst reducing energy consumption.
Axial-ow compressor
mixed-ow compressor 6 Other features and facts of inter-
Liquid ring est
Roots blower
The schematic diagram of a single-stage refrigeration sys-
tem shown in Figure 1 does not include other equipment
items that would be provided in a large commercial or in-
4 Compressor lubrication dustrial vapor compression refrigeration system, such as:

In order to lubricate the moving parts of the compressor, A horizontal or vertical pressure vessel, equipped
oil is added to the refrigerant during installation or com- internally with a demister, between the evaporator
8.2 Disadvantages 5

and the compressor inlet to capture and remove any

residual, entrained liquid in the refrigerant vapor
because liquid may damage the compressor. Such
vapor-liquid separators are most often referred to
as suction line accumulators. (In other indus-
trial processes, they are called compressor suction
drums or knockout pots.)

Large commercial or industrial refrigeration systems

may have multiple expansion valves and multiple
evaporators in order to refrigerate multiple enclosed
spaces or rooms. In such systems, the condensed
liquid refrigerant may be routed into a pressure ves-
sel, called a receiver, from which liquid refrigerant
is withdrawn and routed through multiple pipelines Figure 5: Commercial water-cooled liquid chiller installation for
to the multiple expansion valves and evaporators. building air conditioning
Filter Dryers, installed before the compressors to
catch any moisture or contaminants in the system
and thus protect the compressors from internal dam-
Ecient up to 60% of Carnots theoretical limit (as
evaluated in ASHRAE testing conditions: evapora-
Some refrigeration units may have multiple stages tion temperature of 23.3 C, condensing temper-
which requires the use of multiple compressors in ature of 54.4 C, and ambient temperature of 32
various arrangements.[4] C) based on some of the best commercially avail-
able compressors, as produced by manufacturers
Danfoss, Matsushita, Copeland, Embraco, Bristol
The cooling capacity of refrigeration systems is often de-
and Tecumseh. However, many refrigeration sys-
ned in units called tons of refrigeration. The most
tems use compressors that have lower eciencies of
common denition of that unit is: 1 ton of refrigeration
between 40-55%, since the 60% ecient ones cost
is the rate of heat removal required to freeze a short ton
almost twice as much as the lower eciency ones.
(i.e., 2000 pounds, 907.2 kg) of water at 32 F (0 C)
in 24 hours. Based on the heat of fusion for water being
144 Btu per pound, 1 ton of refrigeration = 12,000 Btu/h
= 12,660 kJ/h = 3.517 kW. Most residential air condi-
tioning units range in capacity from about 1 to 5 tons (3.5
- 18 kW) of refrigeration. 8.2 Disadvantages
A much less common denition is: 1 tonne of refrigera-
tion is the rate of heat removal required to freeze a metric Many systems still use HCFC refrigerants, which con-
ton (i.e., 1000 kg) of water at 0 C in 24 hours. Based tribute to depletion of the Earths ozone layer. In coun-
on the heat of fusion being 334.9 kJ/kg, 1 tonne of re- tries adhering to the Montreal Protocol, HCFCs are due
frigeration = 13,954 kJ/h = 3.876 kW. As can be seen, to be phased out and are largely being replaced by ozone-
the denition of 1 tonne of refrigeration in metric units friendly HFCs. However, systems using HFC refriger-
is 10 percent larger than 1 ton of refrigeration using old ants tend to be slightly less ecient than systems using
imperial units. HCFCs. HFCs also have an extremely large global warm-
ing potential, because they remain in the atmosphere for
many years and trap heat more eectively than carbon
7 Applications dioxide.
With the ultimate phasing out of HCFCs already a cer-
8 Economic analysis tainty, alternative non-haloalkane refrigerants are gain-
ing popularity. In particular, once-abandoned refrig-
erants such as hydrocarbons (butane for example) and
8.1 Advantages CO2 are coming back into more extensive use. For
example, Coca-Cola's vending machines at the 2006
Very mature technology. FIFA World Cup in Germany used refrigeration utilizing
Relatively inexpensive. CO 2. Ammonia (NH3 ) is one of the oldest refrigerants,
with excellent performance and essentially no pollution
Can be driven directly using mechanical energy (wa- problems. However, ammonia has two disadvantages: it
ter, car/truck motor) or with electrical energy. is toxic and it is incompatible with copper tubing.[7]

Ferdinand Carr's ice-making device.

machine followed in 1854. Harrison also introduced

commercial vapour-compression refrigeration to brew-
eries and meat packing houses, and by 1861, a dozen of
his systems were in operation in Australia and England.
The rst gas absorption refrigeration system using
Schematic of Dr. John Gorries 1841 mechanical ice machine.gaseous ammonia dissolved in water (referred to as aqua
ammonia) was developed by Ferdinand Carr of France
in 1859 and patented in 1860. Carl von Linde, an engi-
9 History neering professor at the Technological University Munich
in Germany, patented an improved method of liquefying
In 1805, the American inventor Oliver Evans described a gases in 1876. His new process made possible using gases
closed vapor-compression refrigeration cycle for the pro- such as ammonia, sulfur dioxide (SO2) and methyl chlo-
duction of ice by ether under vacuum. Heat would be re- ride (CH3 Cl) as refrigerants and they were widely used
moved from the environment by recycling vaporized re- for that purpose until the late 1920s.
frigerant, where it would move through a compressor and
condenser and would eventually revert to a liquid form in
order to repeat the refrigeration process over again. How- 10 See also
ever, no such refrigeration unit was built by Evans.[8]
In 1834, an American expatriate to Great Britain, Jacob Absorption refrigeration or Einstein refrigerator or
Perkins, built the rst working vapor-compression refrig- Gas absorption refrigerator
eration system in the world.[9] It was a closed-cycle that
could operate continuously, as he described in his patent: Air conditioning
Flash evaporation
I am enabled to use volatile uids for the pur-
pose of producing the cooling or freezing of Heat pump
uids, and yet at the same time constantly con- HVAC - heating, ventilation, and air conditioning
densing such volatile uids, and bringing them
again into operation without waste. Magnetic refrigeration
His prototype system worked although it did not succeed
commercially.[10] Refrigeration cycle
A similar attempt was made in 1842, by American physi- Phase diagram - diagram over solid-liquid-gas vs
cian, John Gorrie,[11] who built a working prototype, pressure-temperature
but it was a commercial failure. American engineer
Alexander Twining took out a British patent in 1850 for
a vapour compression system that used ether. 11 References
The rst practical vapor compression refrigeration sys-
tem was built by James Harrison, a British journalist who [1] Y.V.C. Rao (2003). An Introduction to Thermodynamics
had emigrated to Australia.[12] His 1856 patent was for a (2nd ed.). Universities Press. ISBN 978-81-7371-461-0.
vapour compression system using ether, alcohol or am- [2] Saturated vapors and saturated liquids are vapors and liq-
monia. He built a mechanical ice-making machine in uids at their saturation temperature and saturation pres-
1851 on the banks of the Barwon River at Rocky Point in sure. A superheated vapor is at a temperature higher than
Geelong, Victoria, and his rst commercial ice-making the saturation temperature corresponding to its pressure.

[3] - Everything R744, The Natural Refrigerant

R744 (CO)2 , 2006-2012

[4] Vapor-Compression Refrigeration Cycles, Schematic di-

agrams of multi-stage units, Southern Illinois University
Carbondale, 1998-11-30

[5] Schmidt, R.R. and Notohardjono, B.D. (2002), High-end

server low-temperature cooling, IBM Journal of Research
and Development, Vol. 46, Issue 6, pp.739-751.

[6] 2006 Environmental Performance, the Coca-Cola Com-

pany (scroll down to pdf page 6 of 9 pdf pages).

[7] - Ammonia Refrigeration - Properties of Am-

monia, 2011

[8] Colin Hempstead and William E. Worthington (Editors)

(2005). Encyclopedia of 20th-Century Technology, Vol-
ume 2. Taylor& Francis. ISBN 1-57958-464-0.

[9] Robert T. Balmer (2011). Modern Engineering Thermo-

dynamic. Academic Press. ISBN 978-0-12-374996-3.

[10] Burstall, Aubrey F. (1965). A History of Mechanical En-

gineering. The MIT Press. ISBN 0-262-52001-X.

[11] Improved process for the articial production of ice,

U.S. Patent Oce, Patent 8080, 1851

[12] Harrison Refrigerator Model.

12 Further reading
Yunus A. Cengel and Michael A. Boles (2008).
Thermodynamics: An Engineering Approach (6th
ed.). McGraw-Hill. ISBN 0-07-352921-4.

13 External links
The ideal vapor compression refrigeration cycle,
University of Nevada (US)

The Refrigeration Cycle: Central Air Conditioner

For Homeowners

The Refrigeration Cycle, from HowStuWorks

Scientic papers about CO2 heat pumps / refrigera-

14 Text and image sources, contributors, and licenses

14.1 Text
Vapor-compression refrigeration Source: Contribu-
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14.2 Images
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File:Refrigeration.png Source: License: CC-BY-SA-3.0 Con-
tributors: Originally from en.wikipedia; description page is/was here. Original artist: Original uploader was Keenan Pepper at en.wikipedia
File:RefrigerationTS.png Source: License: CC-BY-SA-3.0
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License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Contributors: Own work Original artist: Cmglee
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cense: Public domain Contributors: Own work Original artist: Kbentekik at Dutch Wikipedia

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