Question & Answer Set-11
Question & Answer Set-11
Question & Answer Set-11
Metal working: deformation processing: Cold working & annealing: recovery, re-crystallization & grain
growth, phenomenological & mechanistic approaches
4 cm
7. Count the number of grains (F), number of edges (E) and number of points (P) in the
microstructure given above. State the type of relationship these must follow.
8. Describe how by cold work & annealing the following microstuctures can be developed in a
single phase alloy (a) fine grain structure (b) coarse grain structure
9. Suggest at least two methods to know if steel sheet has preferred orientation.
1. Advatages: Hotworking is done above recrystallisation temperature where flow stress is very
low therefore it is possible to give large deformation with minimum effort ( energy rquired is
less). No futher heat treatment is required. Product is in annealed / normalised state. Limitation:
Metal tends to oxidise. Scaling leads to loss of material. Tool life is shortened because of
abrasive scale, high temperature and lack of lubrication. Poor surface finish & difficulty in
precise guage control. It is quite common to pickle hot rolled sheets before cold rolling.
2. Advantages: Good surface finish & precise guage control. Gives higher strength. Limitation:
needs intermediate annealing because of work hardening, deformation / pass is limited by flow
stress which increases with deformation, more energy intensive, needs more powerful
equipment, Makes the material anisotropic.
3. Work done per unit volume =
2 2 66/!"
where is efficiency. Stress required = 66MPa. Force = stress x area = 66 # % # 0.25
3.24 *
4. Strain in a single pass is = 2 . Using this it can be shown that diameter after
nth pass is given by + ,-. /
. Therefore number of pass = 0 .2 .
9.3. This means successive dies sholud be so chosen that in 10 passes the wire could be drawn.
5. During rolling contact length with roll surface is a function of reduction per pass. Let this be l
and plate thichness be t. The ratio = l/t gives an idea about the deformation zone. If >> 1
deformation will be inhomogeneous. This would result in residual stresses and may lead to
cracking. On the other hand if D << 1 there will be too much of friction between work piece and
the roll. For a given plate thickness the former represents large deformation where as the latter
represents small deformation. The optimum rolling schedule is some where in between.
6. Note that a large number indicates fine grain structure where as a small number denotes coarse
grain structure. The above stucture appears to be coarse. Measurement shows following result.
N = 3.2
7. Number of grains F = 18, E = 39 & P = 22: It follows the relation P+F = E+1. This is a 2-D form of
Euler rule in Topology (There is a striking similarity with phase rule). If you count the number of
corners, faces & edges of the following 3D shapes you get the Eulers rule (a) Tetrahedron (b)
Cube (c) Octahedron
9. Preferred orientation would give different properties along different direction. Measurement of
elastic modulus along diffent direction is a common method to determine anisotropy. It can also
be established by direct measurement of crystal orientation by X-Ray diffraction technique or
SEM using EBSD (Electron Back Scattered Diffraction) .