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GeoMedia Customization Guide

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GeoMedia Customization

Ribbon Bar Customization for Developers

Version 14.00.00

October 2013
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Ribbon Bar Customization for Developers ............................................................................................... 4

Introduction .......................................................................................................................................... 4
Add-on Product Responsibilities ......................................................................................................... 4
Ribbon Bar Customization Topics to Consider ................................................................................... 6

Ribbon Command Buttons and Their Properties .................................................................................... 7

Introduction .......................................................................................................................................... 7
Command Button ................................................................................................................................ 7
Menu Button ........................................................................................................................................ 7
Split Button .......................................................................................................................................... 8
Toggle Button ...................................................................................................................................... 8
Tooltips ................................................................................................................................................ 9

Updating Ribbon Bar Panel Icons When the Application is Reduced Horizontally ........................... 10
Introduction ........................................................................................................................................ 10
Add-on Products Ribbon Resource .XML File Addition ................................................................... 10
Note Regarding My Workflow Functionality ...................................................................................... 12

Changing the Tab Order on the Ribbon Bar........................................................................................... 13

Introduction ........................................................................................................................................ 13
Add-on Ribbon Bar Tab Order .......................................................................................................... 13

Integrating Help for Add-on Products ..................................................................................................... 14

Introduction ........................................................................................................................................ 14
Add-on Product Changes for Centralized Help ................................................................................. 14

Adding Custom Application Commands ................................................................................................ 21

Introduction ........................................................................................................................................ 21
Summary ........................................................................................................................................... 21
Example User Workflow to Add Custom Commands to the Ribbon Bar .......................................... 21
Additional Notes ................................................................................................................................ 22

May 28, 2013 3

GeoMedia Customization

Ribbon Bar Customization for Developers

This document describes how developers can customize the GeoMedia Ribbon bar interface to deploy
Add-on products. The general customization philosophy of the GeoMedia Desktop Ribbon is that there
will be a default Ribbon layout that is delivered for each of the GeoMedia Desktop licensed tiers
GeoMedia Essentials, GeoMedia Advantage, GeoMedia Professional, and GeoMedia Viewer.
Customization capabilities are designed to support the addition to the default Ribbon layouts, not the
alteration to the default Ribbon layout.

Add-on Product Responsibilities

For GeoMedia Desktop, the Add-on product Ribbon resource is loaded directly through the Ribbon bars
LoadFromResource method at application startup. To be able to do this, the Add-on product must:

1. Create a resource only dll that contains:

a. The required ribbon resource.
b. Two image strips that contain the bitmaps used by the ribbon resource for the Large and
Small icons that are displayed on the Ribbon bar.
2. Provide an appcommands.xml file that contains the Add-on command information.
3. Provide a command mapping .xml file that maps the command ProgIDs to the command values
listed in the .mfcribbon-ms file.
4. Create new registry entries to inform GeoMedia where to find these files.

Step 1a: Add-on products can design a Ribbon bar user interface through the Resource View in Visual
Studio 2010, which creates a Ribbon definition XML file (ex: ribbon1.mfcribbon-ms). After the Ribbon bar
is created, you will have to edit the .mfcribbon-ms file through the Solution Explorer view in VS2010.
When you Open this file in VS2010 you can then select Format the whole document on the XML Editor
toolbar to see a readable version of the XML file. At this point the Add-on product should edit the XML file
so it only contains the definition for its Category, Panels, and Elements.

For example, at the top of the ribbon1.mfcribbon-ms XML file the following sections should be removed
before you build the resource:

Near the top of the .xml file and under <RIBBON_BAR>


Ribbon Bar Customization for Developers

Failure to remove this section from the Add-on resource will causes these values to override their
corresponding values in the main GeoMedia resource.

Step 1b: The bitmaps for the Large and Small buttons defined in this resource must contain the bitmaps
for all the commands concatenated together into one Large 32h x Nw image strip and one Small 16h x
Nw image strip. Each individual command button is 32 x 32 for large and 16 x 16 for small.
Examples from GeoMedia 3D:



Step 2: Add-ons will need to provide their application commands .xml and registration information.
Note: This is the same step that was previously performed with the GeoMedia Classic interface.

Step 3: Add-ons will need to generate the .xml file for the ProgID To resource Value mappings. The
schema for this is defined in Mappings.xsd.

The resulting .xml should look something like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<CommandMapping xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="http:/
/" version="1.0">
<Category name="RibbonTab1">
<Category name="RibbonTab2">

May 28, 2013 5

GeoMedia Customization

Step 4: Add-ons will need to create registry entries similar to what was done in earlier versions of
GeoMedia, so GeoMedia will know where to find their .xml files, .dlls, etc. The format is:

where GeoMediaTierName can be one of the following:
GeoMedia Professional
GeoMedia Advantage
GeoMedia Essentials
Add-ons will need to create registry entries under every GeoMedia tier it needs to run with.

NOTE: For 32bit systems the registration does not go under the Wow6432Node hive. Ex:

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Intergraph\GeoMedia Professional\14.00\

ApplicationCommands key (this section is same as GeoMedia Classic)

o Unique Application key. Ex: GeoMedia3D
Location path to the folder containing the XML configuration files for the add-on
products commands (appcommands1.xml, appcommands2.xml )
AppCmdDllPath path to the folder containing the DLL files that implement the
commands listed in the XML files (and bitmaps) above.

RibbonCategories key (this is new and at the same level as ApplicationCommands)

o Unique Application key. Ex: GeoMedia3D
Resource Full path to resource containing the simplified version of the Ribbon Bar
resource and the Small and Large Image bitmaps needed by the Ribbon Bar (Step1
CommandMappings Full path to the XML that contains the ProgID to Ribbon Bar
resource Value mapping for the commands in each category (Step3 above).
RibbonResourceID The numeric value assigned to your ribbon resource. This can
be found in your resource.h file. For example, the GeoMedia 3D ribbon resource is
IDRGM3D_RIBBON and the value for this in resource.h is 306. 306 would be the
value to put here.

Ribbon Bar Customization Topics to Consider

The Add-on application commands are serialized during application startup. The mappings .xml
file is used by GeoMedia Framework to replace the IDs in the Add-on ribbon resource with the
real command IDs that GeoMedia will need to use.
Anytime you use Visual Studio to edit your Ribbon it will re-add the header elements you
removed earlier in Step 1a. Therefore you will need to re-edit the .xml to remove the header
elements again.
Add-ons products should make sure there are no duplicate IDs inside a single ribbon resource.
The use of mnemonics is different on the Ribbon, where multiple characters can be assigned for
access keys. Whenever there are access keys that use multiple characters that use the same first
character, they must always be followed by a unique second character. You cannot have three
commands that have the same first character for their access key, where two of them use two
characters for access keys and the other uses a single character for its access key.

Ribbon Command Buttons and Their Properties

Ribbon Command Buttons and Their Properties

The Ribbon bar provides several options to choose from for command button types including command,
menu, split, and toggle. Each of these button types offers a unique behavior which is suitable for different
aspects of the Ribbon bar user interface.

Command Button
A command button is a button that starts an action. The Measure Angle, Styles, and Edit Geometry
commands are examples of a command button.

When a command button is defined, the Menu Items property in Visual Studio is defined as Empty.

Menu Button
A menu button is a button that contains a drop-down list of commands. A chevron graphic appears on the
button to indicate there are additional options to select from. The Legends and Arrange Windows
commands are examples of a menu button.

May 28, 2013 7

GeoMedia Customization

When a menu button is defined, the Menu Items property in Visual Studio indicates a Collection. Each of
the available commands can then specify their own unique caption, ID, prompt, index, and key definitions.

Split Button
A split button is a command button with a menu attached. These buttons will behave differently
depending upon what part of the button is selected, and because of this have a different appearance than
command buttons and menu buttons. Large buttons are split in half horizontally, whereas small buttons
are split vertically on the right side of the button. A chevron graphic appears on the split side of the
button to indicate which side brings up a command menu; the other side invokes a command. Split
buttons provide the opportunity to combine a default command option while still offering alternative
options within a single button on the Ribbon. The Measure Distance/Area, Display Location, and New
Map Window commands are examples of a split button.

When a split button is defined, the Split Mode property in Visual Studio indicates True, the Menu Items
property indicates a Collection. Each of the available commands can then specify their own unique
caption, ID, prompt, index, and key definitions.

Toggle Button
A button that appears pressed or not pressed. Inside Fence, Polygonal Selection, View Precision
Coordinates, and Toggle Dynamic Labeling commands are examples of a toggle button

The schema for the application command XML configuration files has been updated to support toggle
buttons. Refer to Adding Custom Application Commands for details on how to define toggle buttons.

Ribbon Command Buttons and Their Properties

The Ribbon bar provides the capability to display expanded tooltips to the user, which typically include the
command name in bolded text followed by a descriptive summary of the command.

Tooltips are defined through the Prompt property in Visual Studio. To indicate the command name in
bolded text, append the name of the command followed by a backslash \n. For example, the Prompt
property indicated for the Edit Geometry command is:

Modify the geometry of existing data. \nEdit Geometry

May 28, 2013 9

GeoMedia Customization

Updating Ribbon Bar Panel Icons When the

Application is Reduced Horizontally
If the <IMAGE> Ribbon bar element is not defined, then no icon is displayed when the application is
reduced in size horizontally. This typically results in a default green ball icon being displayed. For

This section discusses how to specify an appropriate icon to depict the group of commands that are
resident on the panel when the application is reduced in size. For example:

Add-on Products Ribbon Resource .XML File Addition

In each Add-on products ribbon resource .xml file,

(1) Add the <IMAGE></IMAGE> section where the bitmap containing the small icons for the add-
on product ribbon panels is specified. For example, for GeoMedia 3D,

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>



Updating Panel Icons When the Application is Reduced

Where IDB_3D_SMALL represents the following bitmap in the GeoMedia 3D ribbon resource:

(2) Inside each <PANEL></PANEL> section, specify the image index that is used as the panel
icon from the above bitmap. For example, for GeoMedia 3D,


<NAME>Flight Paths</NAME>



May 28, 2013 11

GeoMedia Customization

For example, when the application is reduced horizontally the panels on the GeoMedia 3D tab would now
look like this:

Note: There are situations where reducing the appication horizontally will eliminate the display of the
entire Ribbon instead of displaying a panel icon. This generally occurs on panels that have minimal
amount of commands defined on them and/or when tabs have a minimal amount of panels defined. In the
example illustrated above for GeoMedia 3D, the Preferences panel never converts its display to a panel
icon as it is being reduced in size. In this case, the Ribbon will disappear before that happens.

Note Regarding My Workflow Functionality

With this panel icon change, there is no impact on normal My Workflow functionality (Add, Remove, Load,
Save). However, the panels on My Workflow tab will have no panel icon defined as they come from
different tabs. Therefore when the application is reduced in size, the green ball icons will still show for
each panel on the My Workflow tab. For example:

Changing the Tab Order on the Ribbon Bar

Changing the Tab Order on the Ribbon Bar

By default, Add-on Ribbon tabs are added to the end of the GeoMedia Ribbon bar. This section describes how
to change the order of the Add-on Ribbon tabs on the GeoMedia Ribbon bar.

Add-on Ribbon Bar Tab Order

The tab order of GeoMedia Add-ons is specified in the registry under

where GeoMediaTierName can be one of the following:
GeoMedia Professional
GeoMedia Advantage
GeoMedia Essentials

NOTE: For 32bit systems the registration does not go under the Wow6432Node hive. Ex:

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Intergraph\GeoMedia Professional\14.00\RibbonCategories\

If the Add-on keys listed under RibbonCategories have a corresponding priority string value listed under
RibbonCategories, then the Ribbon tabs will be displayed in the order specified by the value. If the Add-on
does not have a priority string value listed then its Ribbon tab will be displayed last in alphabetical order of
other Add-ons that also do not have a priority specified.

May 28, 2013 13

GeoMedia Customization

Integrating Help for Add-on Products

GeoMedia Add-on products can have their Help command on their ribbon tabs. For example:

GeoMedia Add-on products can also have their Help command centralized under the File tab of the
GeoMedia ribbon. This section describes what an Add-on needs to do to include their Help command
under the File tab.

Add-on Product Changes for Centralized Help

Each add-on product will create a .reg file that specifies the information needed for integrating their Help

Note: For consistency, use the same Access Key definitions for the 2 tier level of Help on the Ribbon

that is used for the corresponding product tabs. The Access Key definitions provided in this document
represent an example.

The format of the .reg file:

Each add-on product creates a subkey under the

elp]. For example, [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Intergraph\GeoMedia
Professional\14.00\Help\GeoMedia Transportation Manager].
o Under [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Intergraph\GeoMedia
Professional\14.00\Help\Add-on Product Name], create new string value for Add-on
product access keys. For example,

Name Data Description

The 2 tier access key for the specific
add-on product. GN here is the access
Access Keys GN
keys for GeoMedia Transportation

Under [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Intergraph\GeoMedia
Professional\14.00\Help\Add-on Product Name], further create subkey entries for each Help
related command. For example,
Professional\14.00\Help\GeoMedia Transportation Manager\About].

Integrating Help for Add-on Products

Under [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Intergraph\GeoMedia
Professional\14.00\Help\ Add-on Product Name\Help Command Name], create new string values.
For example,

Name Data Description

The command ProgID. If it is empty, then
CmdProgID CmdProgID the HelpFileLocation has to be populated
with the full path of the Help File (.chm).

DisplayName DisplayName The command display name on the ribbon.

The full path of the Help File (.chm). If the

HelpFileLocation HelpFileLocation CmdProgID is populated, the
HelpFileLocation value will be empty.

Determines which pre-defined icon to use.

The available value enum:

IconCategory IconCategory


AccessKeys AccessKeys The 3 tier access keys.

May 28, 2013 15

GeoMedia Customization

Examples of the add-on .reg file:

(1) GeoMedia 3D :
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

Professional\14.00\Help\GeoMedia 3D ] "AccessKeys"="3D"

Professional\14.00\Help\GeoMedia 3D\About]

Professional\14.00\Help\GeoMedia 3D\Help]

Professional\14.00\Help\GeoMedia 3D\Learning]

Integrating Help for Add-on Products

(2) GeoMedia Transportation Manager:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

Professional\14.00\Help\GeoMedia Transportation Manager]

Professional\14.00\Help\GeoMedia Transportation Manager\About]

Professional\14.00\Help\GeoMedia Transportation Manager\Help]
"HelpFileLocation"="C:\Program Files (x86)\Intergraph\GeoMedia Transportation

May 28, 2013 17

GeoMedia Customization

After all the changes are in place, GeoMedias centralized Help would look like (2 tier):

Integrating Help for Add-on Products

And the 3 tier (for GeoMedia Professional):

Note: For localization purpose, each add-on product needs to reflect the creation of the localized
registries about Help in the corresponding language-specific .reg file in its Localized version.

May 28, 2013 19

Adding Custom Application Commands

Adding Custom Application Commands

This section describes how custom application commands can be added to the GeoMedia Ribbon bar to
support end-user customization.

The GeoMedia Command Wizard continues to be used to create custom application commands. The
InstallAppCmd utility has been enhanced to support expanded tooltips and toggle buttons on the Ribbon
interface. When custom application commands have been installed and registered, GeoMedia will place
these commands on the "My Workflow" tab in a group named "Custom". These commands can then be
accessed by the Quick Access Toolbar dialog or the Customize Ribbon dialog for further customization
placement options within the Ribbon interface.

Example User Workflow to Add Custom Commands to the Ribbon Bar

Step 1: User creates a custom application command.

The GeoMedia Command Wizard is used to create custom application commands for the Ribbon
interface in the same manner in which it was used for the Classic interface.
Existing VB6 application commands should still work with GeoMedia 2014. However since
GeoMedia 2014 has been recompiled using Visual Studio 2010 and uses .NET 4.0, it is
recommended that existing C++/C# custom application commands be rebuilt with Visual Studio

Step 2: Run InstallAppCmd utility with the /r option to register the custom application commands as
Ribbon commands.

InstallAppCmd command syntax:

C:\>InstallAppCmd /h | [/s] [/u] [/r] [/prod <product_name>] /cmdset <command_name>

/loc <xml_folder> /dll <dll_folder>

Note: The Command Wizard will also register the application command when it creates the
command. However, InstallAppCmd also needs to be run with the /r option specified before the
command is added to the Ribbon bar.
Running InstallAppCmd without the /r option will remove the commands from Ribbon bar.

Step 3: Run GeoMedia 2014. The custom application commands will appear on the My Workflow tab.

May 28, 2013 21

GeoMedia Customization

Additional Notes
InstallAppCmd will register application commands under the ApplicationCommands key as

where GeoMediaTierName can be one of the following:
GeoMedia Professional
GeoMedia Advantage
GeoMedia Essentials
Add-on products will need to create registry entries under every GeoMedia product tier where the custom
application command is expected to be exposed.

NOTE: For 32bit systems the regisration does not go under the Wow6432Node hive.

The /prod option should match the GeoMediaTierName listed under the Intergraph key.
InstallAppCmd should be run for each product tier where the custom application command is expected to
be exposed. If the /prod option is not specified then the Application Command will be added to the
currently configured tier.

command_name is what is specified for the /cmdset option.

The following values will be under each command_name:

Location path to the folder containing the XML configuration files for the application commands
(appcommands1.xml, appcommands2.xml, etc) Same as GeoMedia Classic interface
AppCmdDllPath path to the folder containing the DLL files that implement the commands listed in
the XML files (and bitmaps). Same as GeoMedia Classic interface.
RibbonCmd: 1 = Add to ribbon bar / 0 = do not add to ribbon bar. New for GeoMedia Ribbon

The schema for the application command XML configuration files has changed and is defined in
gmappcmd.xsd. New optional elements have been added to support the Ribbon interface. The
application command xml configuration files will need to be edited to add any of the new optional
elements. The ribbon framework will use the following entries when creating the new command
o ProgID this is used to generate the proper command ID
o Description this is used for the command text displayed for the button
o Tooltip this is used for the button tooltip. If the separator \n is included in the tooltip
text then the part following the separator is used for the first bold line of the tooltip and
the first part (before the separator) is used the body text below it.
o BitmapRootFileName this is used to specify the bitmap that will be used when
displaying the button. For details, see Choose Custom Bitmaps section of GeoMedia
Command Wizard Help for details.

Adding Custom Application Commands

o GUIUpdateType this long value is used in conjunction with GUIUpdateMask and

GUIUpdateString to indicate if and when the button should behave as a toggle button
(enabled only & pressed and enabled. The value specified by GUIUpdateType specifies
whether it should be based on user preference, session preference, document property
or visibility of dockable control.
0 None
1 By user preference
2 By session preference
4 By document property
8 By dockable control visible
o GUIUpdateString this string value is used to specify which property/preference value
to use from the specified GUIUpdateType value.
o GUIUpdateMask this is used to specify the mask that should be applied to the
specified property/preference value to set whether the button is to be pressed.

The following default behavior cannot be changed in the Ribbon bar at this time.
o All custom commands are placed in the Custom panel of the My Workflow tab.
o When GeoMedia starts up, the Custom panel will be the last panel on the tab after any
commands that were added by using the Add to My Workflow command.

May 28, 2013 23

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