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The document discusses the engineering design report for the detailed design, tender preparation and construction supervision of the Addis Ababa - Goha Tsion Road overlay project in Ethiopia.

The project involves overlaying an existing road between Addis Ababa and Goha Tsion in Ethiopia.

The road design uses Ethiopian design standards and considers terrain classification, design vehicle, design speed, horizontal and vertical alignment, road cross section widths and side slopes.



Consultancy Services for the Detailed Engineering

Design, Tender Document Preparation and Construction
Supervision of Addis Ababa Goha Tsion Road Overlay



September 2012

HITCON Engineering
Tel: +251 (0)11 618 3227/28, Fax: +251 (0)11 663 9310, P.O. Box 3097/1250
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Consultancy Services for the Detailed Engineering Design, Tender Documents Preparation and
Construction Supervision of Addis Ababa Goha Tsion Road Overlay Project


1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................................. 1-3

1.1 GENERAL ................................................................................................................................................... 1-3
1.2 OBJECTIVES OF THE SERVICES ..................................................................................................................... 1-3
1.3 BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT .......................................................................................................... 1-4
2 GEOMETRIC DESIGN .................................................................................................................................... 2-5
2.1 ROAD DESIGN STANDARD ......................................................................................................................... 2-5
2.2 TERRAIN CLASSIFICATION ........................................................................................................................... 2-7
2.3 DESIGN VEHICLE ...................................................................................................................................... 2-10
2.4 DESIGN SPEED.......................................................................................................................................... 2-10
2.5 HORIZONTAL ALIGNMENT ......................................................................................................................... 2-11
2.6 VERTICAL ALIGNMENT .............................................................................................................................. 2-24
2.6.1 Gradient ....................................................................................................................................... 2-25
2.6.2 Vertical Curves ........................................................................................................................... 2-25
2.7 ROAD CROSS SECTION WIDTH................................................................................................................. 2-61
2.7.1 Road Width in Rural Section ................................................................................................... 2-61
2.7.2 Road Width in Town Section ................................................................................................... 2-61
2.8 ROAD WIDENING ON CURVES ................................................................................................................. 2-62
2.9 ROAD WIDENING ON HIGH FILL ............................................................................................................... 2-62
2.10 ROAD CROSS FALL .............................................................................................................................. 2-63
2.10.1 Normal Cross-Fall (Camber) ................................................................................................... 2-63
2.10.2 Super-elevation .......................................................................................................................... 2-63
2.11 SIDE SLOPE ........................................................................................................................................... 2-65
2.12 SAFETY AND MISCELLANEOUS DESIGN ASPECT ..................................................................................... 2-65
A. REFLECTIVE TRAFFIC SIGNS ........................................................................................................................... 2-65
B. GUIDE POSTS AND GUARD RAILS ................................................................................................................. 2-65
2.13 EARTHWORKS AND PAVEMENTS QUANTITIES ......................................................................................... 2-66
3 HYDROLOGICAL AND HYDRAULIC STUDY ............................................................................................ 3-67
3.1 INTRODUCTION......................................................................................................................................... 3-67
3.2 OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY.......................................................................................................................... 3-67
3.3 DATA COLLECTION .................................................................................................................................. 3-68
3.4 HYDROLOGICAL AND HYDRAULIC TASKS CARRIED OUT ........................................................................... 3-69
3.5 DELINEATION OF CATCHMENT AREAS ...................................................................................................... 3-69
3.6 DATA ANALYSIS ....................................................................................................................................... 3-69
3.7 HYDROLOGICAL STUDY ............................................................................................................................ 3-72
3.7.1 General Design Consideration for hydrological Study ................................................... 3-72
3.7.2 Rainfall Runoff Model ............................................................................................................... 3-73
3.8 HYDRAULICS ............................................................................................................................................ 3-80
3.8.1 General ........................................................................................................................................ 3-80
EXISTING DRAINAGE CONDITIONS ....................................................................................................................... 3-80
SILTATION ............................................................................................................................................................. 3-80
OVER FLOODING ................................................................................................................................................. 3-81
LONGITUDINAL AND CHANNEL SCOUR AND EROSION ......................................................................................... 3-81
3.8.2 Determination of Capacity of Cross drainage ................................................................. 3-82
GENERAL HYDRAULIC DESIGN COMPUTATION ..................................................................................................... 3-82
CULVERTS ............................................................................................................................................................ 3-82
BRIDGES............................................................................................................................................................... 3-83
DITCHES ............................................................................................................................................................... 3-84
4 STRUCTURAL DESIGN .................................................................................................................................. 4-86

HITCON Engineering i Ethiopian Roads Authority

September 2012
Consultancy Services for the Detailed Engineering Design, Tender Documents Preparation and
Construction Supervision of Addis Ababa Goha Tsion Road Overlay Project

4.1 GENERAL ................................................................................................................................................. 4-86

4.2 DATA COLLECTION .................................................................................................................................. 4-86
4.3 CONDITION AND DESCRIPTION OF EXISTING STRUCTURES ......................................................................... 4-86
4.3.1 Condition of Drainage Structures ......................................................................................... 4-87
4.3.2 General description and Damages of Dubber River Bridge ....................................... 4-108
4.4 REPAIR/REHABILITATION OF EXISTING STRUCTURES .................................................................................. 4-110
4.4.1 Rehabilitation of Culverts ...................................................................................................... 4-110
4.5 NEW CROSSING SITE SELECTION AND DESCRIPTION (FOR NEW BRIDGES) .............................................. 4-110
4.6 PROPOSING THE SPAN WIDTH ................................................................................................................ 4-111
4.7 STRUCTURAL DESIGN STANDARD ............................................................................................................ 4-111
4.8 DETAILED DESIGN OF BRIDGES ................................................................................................................ 4-112
4.8.1 Superstructure design ............................................................................................................. 4-112
4.8.2 Substructure design ................................................................................................................. 4-113
4.9 FOUNDATION INVESTIGATION ................................................................................................................. 4-115
4.9.1 General ...................................................................................................................................... 4-115
4.9.2 Conclusion and Recommendation.................................................................................... 4-115
4.10 MISCELLANEOUS DESIGN ................................................................................................................... 4-115
4.10.1 Bridge Railing ............................................................................................................................ 4-115
4.10.2 Bridge Bearing .......................................................................................................................... 4-115
4.10.3 Deck Drains ............................................................................................................................... 4-115
4.10.4 Deck Joint Seal ......................................................................................................................... 4-115
5 SOILS AND MATERIALS ............................................................................................................................ 5-116
5.1 INTRODUCTION....................................................................................................................................... 5-116
5.1.1 Location and Brief Description of the Project .................................................................. 5-116
5.1.2 Geology ..................................................................................................................................... 5-116
5.1.3 Geographic and Climatic Features of Project Area ..................................................... 5-118
5.2 SOILS AND MATERIALS INVESTIGATION .................................................................................................... 5-118
5.2.1 Test pit logging and sampling .............................................................................................. 5-118
5.2.2 Subgrade Investigation .......................................................................................................... 5-119
5.2.3 Subbase Investigation ............................................................................................................ 5-121
5.2.4 Construction Materials Investigation .................................................................................. 5-121
5.3 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS............................................................................................... 5-124
6 PAVEMENT DESIGN .................................................................................................................................. 6-125
6.1 PAVEMENT PRELIMINARIES ...................................................................................................................... 6-125
6.2 TRAFFIC LOAD ANALYSIS AND SUBGRADE INVESTIGATION ...................................................................... 6-126
7 PAVEMENT SURFACE DISTRESS CONDITION SURVEY ........................................................................ 7-134


9 ASPHALT-OVERLAY DESIGN ................................................................................................................... 9-158

10. APPENDICES........................................................................................................................................... 9-173

HITCON Engineering ii Ethiopian Roads Authority

September 2012
Consultancy Services for the Detailed Engineering Design, Tender Documents Preparation and
Construction Supervision of Addis Ababa Goha Tsion Road Overlay Project


1.1 General

The Ethiopian Roads Authority has entered into contract agreement with HITCON
Engineering to perform the Consultancy Services for the Detailed Engineering Design,
Tender Document Preparation and Construction Supervision of Addis Ababa Goha
Tsion Road Overlay Project. The Consultancy service agreement was signed on
December 09, 2011 and later on the date of notification to commence the services
was given on December 28, 2011.

The road, with a total length of approximately 177.2km is located within the bounds of
the Oromia Regional State.

The following Engineering Design Report shall focus on the detailed engineering design
activities carried out for the project.

1.2 Objectives of the Services

As specified in the Contract the consultancy assignment shall be carried out in two
distinct phases. These are:

Phase I: Detail Engineering Design and Tender Document Preparation;

To develop sound proposals for capacity deficiency, traffic management and

road traffic safety problem.
To carry out Detail Engineering Design.
To prepare complete set of Tender Documents that will serve as a basis for
tendering the project on a procurement method based on International
Competitive Bidding (ICB) or National Competitive Bidding (NCB) as to be
agreed with the client, using FIDIC Conditions of Contract.

Phase II: Construction Supervision;

In this phase, the Supplier is responsible to conscientiously fulfil to the highest
professional standards the role of the Engineer, as defined under the Works Contract
and to supervise construction of the Works (on the behalf of the Employer) throughout
the entire construction time, including the defects Liability (Maintenance) Period, to
ensure that the Works under construction:

are constructed in accordance with the General and Particular Conditions of

Works Contract and the Technical Specifications and Engineering Drawings or
any amendments thereto and meet the standard quality of the end product;
optimize the use of available material resources to minimize costs to the
Employer or to maximize the quality of the Works or to expedite construction and
to optimize the use of natural resources and ensure environmentally as well as
socially sustainable construction: and are constructed within the Contract Price

HITCON Engineering 1-3 Ethiopian Roads Authority

September 2012
Consultancy Services for the Detailed Engineering Design, Tender Documents Preparation and
Construction Supervision of Addis Ababa Goha Tsion Road Overlay Project

and Time for Completion allowed under the Contract or any agreed
amendments thereto.

1.3 Brief Description of the Project

The Addis Ababa - Goha Tsion Road is located in the Federal Government and
Oromiya regional State, in the Northern part of Ethiopia stretching for about 177 km.
The project road starts from the capital and the rural section starts at about km 9 and
passes through towns; Sululta, Chanco, Muketuri, Fiche, Gebre Guracha and ends at
Goha Tsion. The project road is part of the road segment from Addis Ababa
Metema, particularly being part of the Addis Ababa Debere Markos trunk road which
has high traffic volume and load as it is the main corridor of Port Sudan, and additional
traffic load arising from traffic generated as a result of industrial developments along
the road corridor.

The project location map is shown below under Figure 1-1

Figure 1.1: Location Map

End of Project Goha Tsion

Gebre Guracha

Fiche Muke Ture


Start of Project
Addis Ababa

HITCON Engineering 1-4 Ethiopian Roads Authority

September 2012
Consultancy Services for the Detailed Engineering Design, Tender Documents Preparation and
Construction Supervision of Addis Ababa Goha Tsion Road Overlay Project


2.1 Road Design Standard

Basically road design standards are selected based on function and traffic. The
function of the road is determined by the character and anticipated level of service
that the road would render. Typically this relates into categorization or classification of
the road as Trunk, Link, Main Access, Collector and Feeder for which a generic
definition is given indicating its primary function and purpose. The project road is one of
the trunk roads of the country.

Road standards are also selected based on the roads intended capacity to
accommodate traffic. Normally, for high traffic volumes a higher set of design standard
(i.e., wider carriageways, gentle curves, flatter vertical gradient, full overtaking
distances etc.) are associated while the vice versa is true for low traffic.

For the purpose of the determination of the design standard of the project traffic
forecast was carried out dividing the road into two road segments, i.e. Addis Ababa
Chancho (Section I) and Chancho Goha Tsion (Section II). The following tables show
this forecast.

Table 2.1: Projected Traffic, Addis Ababa Chancho Section

Small Truck/ Isuzu
Small Buses12- 25

Medium Bus 25 -
Wagon/ Pick ups
Land Rover/ Sta.

Trucks & Trailer

Large Bus >45

Medium Truck

Heavy Truck
Minibus (12
Small Cars

45 seat




2012 212 395 452 458 44 108 586 242 271 323 3091 0 Years for
2013 225 427 484 490 47 116 642 265 297 354 3346 1 Construction
2014 240 463 519 526 51 124 705 291 326 388 3633 2
2015 255 501 556 563 54 133 771 319 357 425 3934 1
2016 270 539 592 600 58 141 839 347 388 463 4237 2
2017 286 579 630 638 61 150 911 376 421 502 4555 3
2018 302 620 668 677 65 160 987 408 457 544 4889 4
2019 318 664 709 718 69 169 1,068 441 494 588 5238 5
2020 335 709 750 760 73 179 1,152 476 533 635 5601 6
2021 352 755 793 803 77 189 1,240 512 573 683 5979 7
2022 370 803 836 848 81 200 1,332 550 616 734 6371 8
2023 387 853 881 893 86 211 1,428 590 660 787 6776 9
2024 405 904 927 939 90 221 1,527 631 706 842 7193 10
2025 424 957 973 986 95 232 1,630 673 754 899 7622 11
2026 443 1,012 1,022 1,035 99 244 1,741 719 805 959 8080 12
2027 462 1,070 1,072 1,086 104 256 1,856 766 858 1,023 8553 13
2028 482 1,129 1,123 1,138 109 268 1,975 816 913 1,089 9042 14
2029 502 1,190 1,175 1,191 114 281 2,099 867 971 1,157 9546 15
2030 523 1,252 1,228 1,245 120 293 2,227 920 1,030 1,227 10065 16
2031 544 1,316 1,282 1,299 125 306 2,359 974 1,091 1,300 10596 17

HITCON Engineering 2-5 Ethiopian Roads Authority

September 2012
Consultancy Services for the Detailed Engineering Design, Tender Documents Preparation and
Construction Supervision of Addis Ababa Goha Tsion Road Overlay Project

Small Truck/ Isuzu

Small Buses12- 25

Medium Bus 25 -
Wagon/ Pick ups
Land Rover/ Sta.

Trucks & Trailer

Large Bus >45

Medium Truck

Heavy Truck
Minibus (12
Small Cars

45 seat



2032 564 1,381 1,337 1,355 130 319 2,495 1,030 1,154 1,375 11141 18
2033 586 1,448 1,393 1,411 136 333 2,634 1,088 1,218 1,452 11697 19
2034 607 1,515 1,449 1,468 141 346 2,777 1,147 1,284 1,531 12263 20

Table 2.2: Projected Traffic, Chancho GohaTsion Section

Small Truck/ Isuzu

Small Buses12- 25

Trucks and Trailer

Medium Bus 25 -
Wagon/ Pick ups
Land Rover/ Sta.

Large Bus >45

Medium Truck

Heavy Truck
Minibus (12
Small Cars

45 seat




2012 53 255 377 16 20 130 181 150 133 149 1464 0

Years for
2013 56 276 404 17 21 139 198 164 146 163 1584 1
2014 60 299 433 18 23 149 218 180 160 179 1720 2
2015 64 323 463 20 25 160 238 197 175 196 1862 1
2016 68 348 494 21 26 170 259 215 191 213 2005 2
2017 71 374 525 22 28 181 282 233 207 232 2155 3
2018 75 400 558 24 30 192 305 253 224 251 2312 4
2019 80 428 591 25 31 204 330 273 242 271 2476 5
2020 84 457 626 27 33 216 356 295 261 293 2647 6
2021 88 488 661 28 35 228 383 317 281 315 2825 7
2022 92 519 698 30 37 241 411 341 302 339 3009 8
2023 97 551 735 31 39 253 441 365 324 363 3200 9
2024 101 584 773 33 41 266 472 391 347 388 3396 10
2025 106 618 811 34 43 280 504 417 370 415 3597 11
2026 111 654 852 36 45 294 538 446 395 443 3813 12
2027 116 691 894 38 47 308 573 475 421 472 4035 13
2028 121 729 937 40 50 323 610 506 448 502 4265 14
2029 126 768 980 42 52 338 648 537 476 534 4501 15
2030 131 808 1,025 43 54 353 688 570 505 566 4744 16
2031 136 850 1,070 45 57 369 729 604 535 600 4993 17
2032 141 892 1,115 47 59 385 771 639 566 634 5249 18
2033 146 935 1,161 49 62 401 814 674 598 670 5509 19
2034 152 978 1,208 51 64 417 858 711 630 706 5775 20

From the forecasted traffic, the project design traffic volume at opening year (2015), at
5th year (2019), at 10th year (2024), at 15th year (2029) and at 20th year (2034) of the
road would be 3934, 5238, 7193, 9546 and 12263 AADT respectively for Addis Ababa
Chancho section and 1862, 2476, 3396, 4501 and 5775 AADT respectively for Chancho
Goha Tsion section. The design standards required according to the forecasted traffic
of different year are as shown below:

HITCON Engineering 2-6 Ethiopian Roads Authority

September 2012
Consultancy Services for the Detailed Engineering Design, Tender Documents Preparation and
Construction Supervision of Addis Ababa Goha Tsion Road Overlay Project

Section I (Addis Ababa Section II (Chancho Goha

Chancho) Tsion)
Year Required Required
Forecasted Forecasted
Design Design
Standard Standard
3934 DS3 1862 DS3
5th - 2019 5238 DS2 2476 DS3
10th - 2024 7193 DS2 3396 DS3
15th - 2029 9546 DS2 4501 DS3
20th - 2034 12263 DS1 5775 DS2

It can be seen from the above table for the majority of the design period the design
standard of the road for Section I falls in DS2 and Section II falls in DS3. It is known that
the existing standard of the road is DS4 standard. Moreover at some locations, such as
the winding steep road that traverses Entoto Mountain, deviate even from DS4
standard. When standard of an existing road is upgraded to a higher standard there
will be significant changes with respect to geometry (horizontal and vertical alignment
and cross-section) which is basically caused by the increase in the design speed. The
change in geometry in turn calls for significant investment due to the required
reconstruction activity, i.e. earthwork, pavement work as well as drainage facilities. This
would significantly deviate from the scope of overlay design. Based on this prevalent
situation appropriate design adjustments and recommendations are made.

2.2 Terrain Classification

The geometric design elements of a road depend primarily on the terrain through
which the road passes. According to ERA Design Manual, terrain properties are
generally categorized into four classes as follows:

Flat Flat or gently rolling country, which offers few obstacles to

the construction of a road, having continuously unrestricted
horizontal and vertical alignment (transverse terrain slope up
to 5 percent).

Rolling Rolling, hilly or foothill country where the slopes generally rise
and fall moderately and where occasional steep slopes are
encountered, resulting in some restrictions in alignment
(transverse terrain slope from 5 percent to 25 percent).

Mountainous Rugged, hilly and mountainous country and river gorges. This
class of terrain imposes definite restrictions on the standard
of alignment obtainable and often involves long steep
grades and limited sight distance (transverse terrain slope
from 25 percent to 50 percent).

Escarpment In addition to the terrain classes given above, a fourth class

is added to cater to those situations whereby the standards

HITCON Engineering 2-7 Ethiopian Roads Authority

September 2012
Consultancy Services for the Detailed Engineering Design, Tender Documents Preparation and
Construction Supervision of Addis Ababa Goha Tsion Road Overlay Project

associated with each of the above terrain types cannot be

met. We refer to escarpment situations inclusive of
switchback roadway sections, or side hill transverse sections
where earthwork quantities are considerable, with transverse
terrain slope in excess of 50 percent).

Based on the above criteria and using information gathered field investigation as well
as DTM generated from surveying terrain classification is performed for the road
project. However within this classification change in terrain properties at pockets
locations have been observed. At these locations key design parameters (such as
design speed) might differed according to their respective terrain properties.

Terrain Type
From To

0+000 1+200 Mount./Esc.

1+200 2+900 Rolling
2+900 4+500 Flat
4+500 10+500 Rolling
10+500 11+800 Flat
11+800 12+100 Mountainous
12+100 16+000 Rolling
16+000 16+800 Mountainous
16+800 17+100 Rolling
17+100 19+100 Flat
19+100 19+900 Rolling
19+900 21+000 Mountainous
21+000 21+800 Rolling
21+800 23+400 Flat
23+400 25+000 Rolling
25+000 26+700 Mountainous
26+700 27+300 Rolling
27+300 29+000 Mountainous
29+000 30+000 Rolling
30+000 30+500 Mountainous
30+500 32+400 Rolling
32+400 34+000 Mountainous
34+000 34+200 Rolling
34+200 34+900 Flat
34+900 35+400 Rolling
35+400 36+100 Mountainous
36+100 37+400 Rolling
37+400 37+800 Flat
37+800 39+900 Rolling

HITCON Engineering 2-8 Ethiopian Roads Authority

September 2012
Consultancy Services for the Detailed Engineering Design, Tender Documents Preparation and
Construction Supervision of Addis Ababa Goha Tsion Road Overlay Project

Terrain Type
From To

39+900 41+000 Mountainous

41+000 47+000 Rolling
47+000 48+200 Mountainous
48+200 49+100 Flat
49+100 51+000 Rolling
51+000 51+600 Mountainous
51+600 52+000 Rolling
52+000 52+700 Mountainous
52+700 53+800 Rolling
53+800 54+300 Mountainous
54+300 56+000 Rolling
56+000 56+900 Mountainous
56+900 57+500 Rolling
57+500 57+900 Mountainous
57+900 59+500 Rolling
59+500 68+400 Flat
68+400 69+100 Rolling
69+100 77+300 Flat
77+300 79+300 Rolling
79+300 79+800 Flat
79+800 81+800 Rolling
81+800 82+600 Flat
82+600 83+400 Rolling
83+400 84+000 Flat
84+000 85+000 Rolling
85+000 86+600 Flat
86+600 87+400 Rolling
87+400 89+200 Mountainous
89+200 91+000 Rolling
91+000 92+800 Mountainous
92+800 94+500 Rolling
94+500 97+000 Flat
97+000 107+000 Rolling
107+000 110+000 Mountainous
110+000 124+200 Rolling
124+200 130+300 Mountainous
130+300 133+300 Rolling
133+300 134+800 Mountainous
134+800 135+400 Rolling
135+400 136+500 Mountainous
136+500 140+300 Rolling

HITCON Engineering 2-9 Ethiopian Roads Authority

September 2012
Consultancy Services for the Detailed Engineering Design, Tender Documents Preparation and
Construction Supervision of Addis Ababa Goha Tsion Road Overlay Project

Terrain Type
From To

140+300 142+000 Flat

142+000 148+000 Rolling
148+000 152+300 Rolling
152+300 177+000 Flat

2.3 Design Vehicle

It is stated in ERAs geometric design manual that the present fleet in Ethiopia includes
a high number of four-wheel drive utility vehicles and overloaded trucks. Until more
detailed information becomes available regarding the makeup of the vehicle fleet in
Ethiopia, the four design vehicles indicated in the table below should be used in the
control of geometric design.

Table 2.3: Vehicle Fleet

Design Overhang Min.

Overall (m)
Design Vehicle (m) Wheel Design
Vehicle Designati base (m) Turning
Height Width Length Front Rear
on Radius (m)
4x4 Utility
DV1 1.3 2.1 5.8 0.9 1.5 3.4 7.3
Single Unit
DV2 4.1 2.6 11.0 1.5 3.0 6.5 12.8
Single Unit Bus DV3 4.1 2.6 12.1 2.1 2.4 7.6 12.8
Semi-Trailer 4.8+8.4=
DV4 4.1 2.6 15.2 1.2 1.8 13.7
Combination 13.2

It is also indicated that for roads included within DS1 to DS5 design standard the most
restrictive of all that is DV4 (semi-trailer combination) should be used for design.
Therefore since the road is being designed for DS2 and DS3 road standard this
condition has been met.

2.4 Design Speed

Design speed is defined as the speed which is used to determine the various geometric
design features of the roadway, such as horizontal curve radius, maximum gradient,
super elevation, curtailed sight distance and so on. During selection of design speed
factors such as functional classification, topography, adjacent land use and
anticipated operating speed are considered.

The design speed recommended for the different terrain classifications based on ERAs
Geometric Design Standard is as follows:

HITCON Engineering 2-10 Ethiopian Roads Authority

September 2012
Consultancy Services for the Detailed Engineering Design, Tender Documents Preparation and
Construction Supervision of Addis Ababa Goha Tsion Road Overlay Project

Table 2.4: Design Speed Vs Terrain Category as per ERA Design Manual

Terrain Urban/Peri-
Flat Rolling Mountainous Escarpment urban
Design speed
(km/h) for 100 85 70 60 50

In general during the design process it is best to achieve the upper design speeds
whenever it was economically justifiable. However, in this case in order not to abandon
the overlay principle, i.e. avoid earthwork, departure from specified design speeds was
inevitable. In these cases, traffic safety is maintained by advising motorists for speed
changes with advisory or mandatory traffic signs and guiding road furniture as

2.5 Horizontal Alignment

Since this section of the road is being designed in most cases, except the first 28km,
with overlay design principle, it was as much as possible was tried to match the design
centerline with that of the existing road.

Limiting design standard values of ERAs Geometric Design Manual are presented in
the table below.

Table 2.5A: Design Standard for Horizontal Curves DS2 Standard

Curve Urban/Peri-
Flat Rolling Mountainous Escarpment
Elements urban
Design Speed 120 100 85 70 50
Min. radius
630 395 270 175 85
Max super-
8 8 8 8 4
elevation in %

Table 2.5B: Design Standard for Horizontal Curves DS3 Standard

Curve Urban/Peri-
Flat Rolling Mountainous Escarpment
Elements urban
Design Speed 100 85 70 60 50
Min. radius
395 270 175 125 85
Max super-
8 8 8 8 4
elevation in %

HITCON Engineering 2-11 Ethiopian Roads Authority

September 2012
Consultancy Services for the Detailed Engineering Design, Tender Documents Preparation and
Construction Supervision of Addis Ababa Goha Tsion Road Overlay Project

Table 2.6: Horizontal Alignment Design Data and Departures

PI Min. Design
Terrain Design Design Hor. Hor.
RAD. Status
Classification Sta. Speed Curve Curve
0+026.546 1004017.851 469414.661 200 Escarpment DS-2 70 175 200 Ok
0+087.881 1004042.079 469358.272 60 Escarpment DS-2 70 175 60
0+233.116 1004184.891 469316.121 60 Escarpment DS-2 70 175 60
0+343.946 1004236.809 469215.004 50 Escarpment DS-2 70 175 50
0+439.746 1004331.736 469329.007 95 Escarpment DS-2 70 175 95
0+668.574 1004564.375 469345.725 150 Escarpment DS-2 70 175 150
0+828.598 1004684.766 469228.365 600 Escarpment DS-2 70 175 600 Ok
0+949.625 1004756.06 469130.264 80 Escarpment DS-2 70 175 80
1+075.364 1004740.349 469002.497 68 Escarpment DS-2 70 175 68
1+174.675 1004892.451 469026.573 100 Escarpment DS-2 70 175 100
1+565.983 1005120.968 468692.166 300 Rolling DS-2 100 395 300
1+965.061 1005466.757 468488.2 1200 Rolling DS-2 100 395 1200 Ok
2+893.304 1006200.729 467919.605 150 Rolling DS-2 100 395 150
3+134.092 1006414.593 468103.67 5000 Flat DS-2 120 630 5000 Ok
3+243.931 1006499 468173.959 5000 Flat DS-2 120 630 5000 Ok
3+436.375 1006645.901 468298.276 200 Flat DS-2 120 630 200
3+802.687 1006802.5 468631.199 5000 Flat DS-2 120 630 5000 Ok
3+888.751 1006840.061 468708.635 5000 Flat DS-2 120 630 5000 Ok
4+249.035 1006993.046 469034.826 10000 Flat DS-2 120 630 10000 Ok
4+456.947 1007082.424 469222.548 10000 Flat DS-2 120 630 10000 Ok
4+633.871 1007157.682 469382.667 500 Rolling DS-2 100 395 500 Ok
5+114.224 1007434.169 469775.795 120 Rolling DS-2 100 395 120
5+250.322 1007439.447 469914.465 120 Rolling DS-2 100 395 120
5+373.691 1007512.222 470016.586 300 Rolling DS-2 100 395 300
5+516.404 1007563.586 470150.302 200 Urban DS-2 50 85 200 Ok
5+943.090 1007857.224 470461.26 300 Urban DS-2 50 85 300 Ok
6+266.423 1007997.417 470753.493 500 Urban DS-2 50 85 500 Ok
6+683.509 1008258.183 471079.639 120 Urban DS-2 50 85 120 Ok
6+931.464 1008494.26 471161.666 500 Urban DS-2 50 85 500 Ok
7+287.290 1008809.94 471326.138 1500 Urban DS-2 50 85 1500 Ok
7+600.781 1009074.776 471494.025 200 Urban DS-2 50 85 200 Ok
7+815.827 1009193.246 471675.202 300 Urban DS-2 50 85 300 Ok
8+001.022 1009242.062 471854.695 300 Urban DS-2 50 85 300 Ok
8+249.765 1009224.517 472103.822 200 Urban DS-2 50 85 200 Ok

HITCON Engineering 2-12 Ethiopian Roads Authority

September 2012
Consultancy Services for the Detailed Engineering Design, Tender Documents Preparation and
Construction Supervision of Addis Ababa Goha Tsion Road Overlay Project

PI Min. Design
Terrain Design Design Hor. Hor.
RAD. Status
Classification Sta. Speed Curve Curve
8+385.551 1009290.974 472225.938 150 Urban DS-2 50 85 150 Ok
8+593.007 1009245.265 472433.385 200 Urban DS-2 50 85 200 Ok
8+740.546 1009253.372 472581.039 150 Urban DS-2 50 85 150 Ok
8+908.213 1009422.935 472658.456 160 Urban DS-2 50 85 160 Ok
9+222.971 1009662.495 472863.212 500 Urban DS-2 50 85 500 Ok
9+412.121 1009829.74 472952.506 500 Urban DS-2 50 85 500 Ok
9+616.862 1010025.409 473013.736 220 Urban DS-2 50 85 220 Ok
9+740.346 1010149.602 473002.351 450 Urban DS-2 50 85 450 Ok
9+907.251 1010309.576 472953.593 400 Urban DS-2 50 85 400 Ok
10+166.871 1010547.123 472848.672 180 Urban DS-2 50 85 180 Ok
10+320.691 1010702.291 472869.256 400 Urban DS-2 50 85 400 Ok
10+542.025 1010923.43 472854.954 1000 Urban DS-2 50 85 1000 Ok
12+972.504 1013351.527 472965.002 500 Urban DS-2 50 85 500 Ok
14+645.983 1014950.616 473460.821 300 Urban DS-2 50 85 300 Ok
15+159.451 1015464.851 473449.862 200 Urban DS-2 50 85 200 Ok
15+492.449 1015757.698 473287.006 140 Urban DS-2 50 85 140 Ok
15+747.875 1015998.867 473401.32 1500 Rolling DS-2 100 395 1500 Ok
16+040.513 1016249.825 473552.075 120 Mountainous DS-2 85 270 120
16+351.636 1016562.984 473533.913 2000 Mountainous DS-2 85 270 2000 Ok
16+457.997 1016669.002 473525.349 1000 Mountainous DS-2 85 270 1000 Ok
16+602.470 1016813.396 473520.325 180 Mountainous DS-2 85 270 180
17+231.741 1017364.538 473212.547 10000 Flat DS-2 120 630 10000 Ok
17+638.417 1017720.592 473016.049 200 Flat DS-2 120 630 200
17+955.622 1018039.095 472997.86 10000 Flat DS-2 120 630 10000 Ok
18+143.721 1018226.833 472986.205 5000 Flat DS-2 120 630 5000 Ok
18+298.653 1018381.682 472980.853 600 Flat DS-2 120 630 600
18+992.104 1019073.878 472939.138 30000 Flat DS-2 120 630 30000 Ok
19+394.673 1019475.888 472917.908 1000 Rolling DS-2 100 395 1000 Ok
20+180.229 1020260.227 472874.217 160 Mountainous DS-2 85 270 160
20+854.521 1020785.47 473307.352 380 Mountainous DS-2 85 270 380 Ok
21+572.631 1021462.562 473550.78 600 Rolling DS-2 100 395 600 Ok
21+728.566 1021616.417 473577.687 5000 Rolling DS-2 100 395 5000 Ok
22+238.947 1022117.825 473672.975 40000 Flat DS-2 120 630 40000 Ok
22+663.418 1022535.548 473748.381 50000 Flat DS-2 120 630 50000 Ok
23+023.680 1022889.684 473814.543 10000 Flat DS-2 120 630 10000 Ok
23+239.600 1023102.447 473851.341 15000 Flat DS-2 120 630 15000 Ok
23+595.561 1023452.463 473916.132 2000 Rolling DS-2 100 395 2000 Ok
23+771.087 1023625.496 473945.614 300 Rolling DS-2 100 395 300
24+054.264 1023907.559 473913.508 320 Rolling DS-2 100 395 320
24+318.347 1024155.531 474014.544 150 Rolling DS-2 100 395 150

HITCON Engineering 2-13 Ethiopian Roads Authority

September 2012
Consultancy Services for the Detailed Engineering Design, Tender Documents Preparation and
Construction Supervision of Addis Ababa Goha Tsion Road Overlay Project

PI Min. Design
Terrain Design Design Hor. Hor.
RAD. Status
Classification Sta. Speed Curve Curve
24+813.481 1024507.221 473626.888 1600 Rolling DS-2 100 395 1600 Ok
25+027.317 1024635.747 473455.854 500 Mountainous DS-2 85 270 500 Ok
25+321.056 1024874.087 473282.148 280 Mountainous DS-2 85 270 280 Ok
25+589.581 1025148.173 473275.117 160 Mountainous DS-2 85 270 160
25+894.235 1025392.537 473086.49 800 Mountainous DS-2 85 270 800 Ok
26+052.417 1025525.762 473001.119 280 Mountainous DS-2 85 270 280 Ok
26+264.069 1025743.459 473016.928 120 Mountainous DS-2 85 270 120
26+411.777 1025876.67 472947.962 450 Mountainous DS-2 85 270 450 Ok
26+621.640 1026082.125 472901.881 850 Mountainous DS-2 85 270 850 Ok
27+053.239 1026512.86 472870.998 5000 Rolling DS-2 100 395 5000 Ok
27+428.143 1026887.165 472849.783 1000 Mountainous DS-3 70 175 1000 Ok
27+584.859 1027042.881 472831.962 200 Mountainous DS-3 70 175 200 Ok
27+853.397 1027292.577 472937.234 120 Urban DS-3 50 85 120 Ok
28+269.430 1027641.282 472688.225 500 Urban DS-3 50 85 500 Ok
28+383.491 1027745.613 472641.335 150 Urban DS-3 50 85 150 Ok
28+460.833 1027824.037 472642.816 500 Urban DS-3 50 85 500 Ok
28+699.228 1028060.956 472669.613 5000 Urban DS-3 50 85 5000 Ok
28+917.450 1028278.489 472687.112 800 Urban DS-3 50 85 800 Ok
29+342.896 1028693.9 472779.8 260 Urban DS-3 50 85 260 Ok
29+473.420 1028802.525 472854.355 150 Urban DS-3 50 85 150 Ok
29+618.683 1028852.043 472994.364 300 Urban DS-3 50 85 300 Ok
30+047.445 1028892.685 473421.568 150 Mountainous DS-3 70 175 150
30+209.805 1028997.882 473548.818 155 Mountainous DS-3 70 175 155
30+372.484 1029170.55 473546.535 200 Mountainous DS-3 70 175 200 Ok
30+589.568 1029351.33 473674.339 400 Rolling DS-3 85 270 400 Ok
30+916.859 1029658.713 473788.623 200 Rolling DS-3 85 270 200
31+167.468 1029904.808 473720.896 400 Rolling DS-3 85 270 400 Ok
31+278.412 1030015.348 473709.578 400 Rolling DS-3 85 270 400 Ok
31+502.118 1030226.641 473634.724 500 Rolling DS-3 85 270 500 Ok
31+709.980 1030436.44 473637.747 440 Rolling DS-3 85 270 440 Ok
31+954.923 1030668.914 473555.359 140 Rolling DS-3 85 270 140
32+124.400 1030802.937 473689.78 600 Rolling DS-3 85 270 600 Ok
32+279.531 1030897.535 473812.882 150 Rolling DS-3 85 270 150
32+421.321 1031028.401 473871.381 320 Mountainous DS-3 70 175 320 Ok
32+693.755 1031302.636 473826.359 120 Mountainous DS-3 70 175 120
32+896.199 1031396.28 473636.297 140 Mountainous DS-3 70 175 140
33+038.189 1031557.686 473639.456 600 Mountainous DS-3 70 175 600 Ok
33+164.772 1031681.825 473665.93 600 Mountainous DS-3 70 175 600 Ok
33+449.772 1031966.477 473683.099 125 Mountainous DS-3 70 175 125

HITCON Engineering 2-14 Ethiopian Roads Authority

September 2012
Consultancy Services for the Detailed Engineering Design, Tender Documents Preparation and
Construction Supervision of Addis Ababa Goha Tsion Road Overlay Project

PI Min. Design
Terrain Design Design Hor. Hor.
RAD. Status
Classification Sta. Speed Curve Curve
33+717.486 1031970.58 473995.907 120 Mountainous DS-3 70 175 120
33+843.142 1032128.192 474021.279 500 Mountainous DS-3 70 175 500 Ok
33+922.144 1032203.647 474045.125 500 Mountainous DS-3 70 175 500 Ok
34+116.427 1032393.322 474087.343 200 Rolling DS-3 85 270 200
34+261.403 1032520.227 474158.646 100 Flat DS-3 100 395 100
34+462.596 1032609.912 474341.651 150 Flat DS-3 100 395 150
34+795.048 1032864.502 474557.321 20000 Flat DS-3 100 395 20000 Ok
35+222.816 1033188.496 474836.631 5000 Rolling DS-3 85 270 5000 Ok
35+303.930 1033250.769 474888.61 200 Rolling DS-3 85 270 200
35+400.876 1033335.847 474935.34 160 Mountainous DS-3 70 175 160
35+589.650 1033526.028 474901.934 120 Mountainous DS-3 70 175 120
35+923.043 1033769.105 475144.001 600 Mountainous DS-3 70 175 600 Ok
36+230.578 1034057.22 475260.471 500 Rolling DS-3 85 270 500 Ok
36+376.921 1034186.41 475329.354 500 Rolling DS-3 85 270 500 Ok
36+528.247 1034327.207 475385.024 240 Rolling DS-3 85 270 240
36+830.555 1034466.451 475662.551 115 Rolling DS-3 85 270 115
37+133.403 1034787.216 475535.199 180 Rolling DS-3 85 270 180
37+308.181 1034955.988 475605.022 135 Rolling DS-3 85 270 135
37+464.365 1035015.947 475756.56 120 Flat DS-3 100 395 120
37+907.717 1035466.49 475826.622 130 Rolling DS-3 85 270 130
38+156.027 1035682.21 475694.47 60 Rolling DS-3 85 270 60
38+601.929 1035763.659 476201.827 2000 Rolling DS-3 85 270 2000 Ok
38+984.105 1035851.076 476573.935 600 Rolling DS-3 85 270 600 Ok
39+520.052 1036177.256 477003.933 350 Rolling DS-3 85 270 350 Ok
39+709.815 1036234.97 477186.062 1000 Rolling DS-3 85 270 1000 Ok
39+868.479 1036261.458 477342.733 600 Rolling DS-3 85 270 600 Ok
40+036.452 1036301.533 477505.875 220 Mountainous DS-3 70 175 220 Ok
40+223.298 1036452.742 477624.902 120 Mountainous DS-3 70 175 120
40+338.522 1036438.896 477750.965 300 Mountainous DS-3 70 175 300 Ok
40+472.949 1036456.103 477884.626 1000 Mountainous DS-3 70 175 1000 Ok
40+603.692 1036459.841 478015.398 125 Mountainous DS-3 70 175 125
40+863.449 1036672.137 478178.405 1000 Mountainous DS-3 70 175 1000 Ok
41+020.790 1036786.004 478287.143 2000 Rolling DS-3 85 270 2000 Ok
41+242.700 1036950.777 478435.789 160 Rolling DS-3 85 270 160

HITCON Engineering 2-15 Ethiopian Roads Authority

September 2012
Consultancy Services for the Detailed Engineering Design, Tender Documents Preparation and
Construction Supervision of Addis Ababa Goha Tsion Road Overlay Project

PI Min. Design
Terrain Design Design Hor. Hor.
RAD. Status
Classification Sta. Speed Curve Curve
41+502.908 1037047.718 478679.041 135 Rolling DS-3 85 270 135
41+705.410 1037253.172 478735.637 150 Rolling DS-3 85 270 150
41+887.794 1037433.719 478702.604 180 Rolling DS-3 85 270 180
42+062.169 1037596.854 478773.925 1000 Rolling DS-3 85 270 1000 Ok
42+193.746 1037721.555 478816.077 115 Rolling DS-3 85 270 115
42+483.296 1037749.701 479121.271 110 Rolling DS-3 85 270 110
42+734.612 1038007.34 479202.315 450 Rolling DS-3 85 270 450 Ok
43+148.875 1038326.002 479470.816 750 Rolling DS-3 85 270 750 Ok
43+678.434 1038544.776 479959.465 280 Rolling DS-3 85 270 280 Ok
43+897.409 1038730.753 480083.436 110 Rolling DS-3 85 270 110
44+157.548 1038684.041 480357.289 350 Rolling DS-3 85 270 350 Ok
44+532.857 1038788.105 480720.816 120 Rolling DS-3 85 270 120
44+739.249 1038624.315 480872.183 360 Rolling DS-3 85 270 360 Ok
45+403.417 1038277.026 481439.057 200 Rolling DS-3 85 270 200
45+729.242 1038317.274 481768.159 100 Rolling DS-3 85 270 100
46+024.753 1038031.498 481901.092 120 Rolling DS-3 85 270 120
46+198.780 1038023.212 482089.702 2000 Rolling DS-3 85 270 2000 Ok
46+260.346 1038021.562 482151.247 2000 Rolling DS-3 85 270 2000 Ok
46+380.743 1038015.632 482271.499 2000 Rolling DS-3 85 270 2000 Ok
46+494.402 1038014.351 482385.16 150 Rolling DS-3 85 270 150
46+648.070 1038087.189 482522.722 120 Rolling DS-3 85 270 120
46+879.779 1038333.06 482524.221 150 Rolling DS-3 85 270 150
47+072.557 1038455.358 482686.744 1000 Mountainous DS-3 70 175 1000 Ok
47+190.662 1038531.29 482777.222 250 Mountainous DS-3 70 175 250 Ok
47+333.990 1038580.686 482912.72 120 Mountainous DS-3 70 175 120
47+525.236 1038787.555 482931.824 150 Mountainous DS-3 70 175 150
47+792.737 1039018.488 482790.087 200 Mountainous DS-3 70 175 200 Ok
47+928.586 1039158.54 482841.261 250 Mountainous DS-3 70 175 250 Ok
48+119.603 1039303.779 482966.875 160 Mountainous DS-3 70 175 160
48+256.488 1039430.459 483019.86 350 Flat DS-3 100 395 350
48+374.299 1039522.113 483095.026 120 Flat DS-3 100 395 120
48+481.664 1039632.792 483095.648 160 Flat DS-3 100 395 160
48+671.299 1039801.192 483004.79 1000 Flat DS-3 100 395 1000 Ok

HITCON Engineering 2-16 Ethiopian Roads Authority

September 2012
Consultancy Services for the Detailed Engineering Design, Tender Documents Preparation and
Construction Supervision of Addis Ababa Goha Tsion Road Overlay Project

PI Min. Design
Terrain Design Design Hor. Hor.
RAD. Status
Classification Sta. Speed Curve Curve
49+080.903 1040182.38 482854.48 400 Flat DS-3 100 395 400 Ok
49+462.154 1040563.53 482825.69 1200 Rolling DS-3 85 270 1200 Ok
49+592.832 1040694.266 482829.594 200 Rolling DS-3 85 270 200
49+740.828 1040834.272 482879.686 2000 Rolling DS-3 85 270 2000 Ok
49+976.587 1041053.228 482967.118 150 Rolling DS-3 85 270 150
50+075.521 1041126.869 483034.051 120 Rolling DS-3 85 270 120
50+171.356 1041152.95 483128.181 500 Rolling DS-3 85 270 500 Ok
50+304.581 1041196.571 483254.073 400 Rolling DS-3 85 270 400 Ok
50+478.737 1041201.679 483429.179 120 Rolling DS-3 85 270 120
50+671.296 1041372.527 483538.331 180 Rolling DS-3 85 270 180
51+067.886 1041574.6 483881.429 2000 Mountainous DS-3 70 175 2000 Ok
51+243.003 1041665.355 484031.194 130 Mountainous DS-3 70 175 130
51+343.181 1041661.62 484133.507 1000 Mountainous DS-3 70 175 1000 Ok
51+607.381 1041627.911 484395.611 52 Rolling DS-3 85 270 52
51+604.951 1041785.035 484179.203 80 Rolling DS-3 85 270 80
51+701.880 1041883.804 484162.292 320 Rolling DS-3 85 270 320 Ok
52+008.727 1042190.395 484182.962 65 Mountainous DS-3 70 175 65
52+206.162 1042149.825 484412.542 1000 Mountainous DS-3 70 175 1000 Ok
52+433.317 1042097.757 484633.663 64 Mountainous DS-3 70 175 64
52+603.470 1042357.133 484523.402 120 Mountainous DS-3 70 175 120
52+860.835 1042589.061 484652.86 320 Rolling DS-3 85 270 320 Ok
53+096.868 1042710.999 484859.939 1200 Rolling DS-3 85 270 1200 Ok
53+208.946 1042776.396 484951.05 500 Rolling DS-3 85 270 500 Ok
53+367.507 1042894.357 485057.616 250 Rolling DS-3 85 270 250
53+588.722 1043102.023 485137.358 250 Rolling DS-3 85 270 250
53+867.343 1043381.662 485109.667 250 Mountainous DS-3 70 175 250 Ok
54+134.033 1043629.379 485215.572 500 Mountainous DS-3 70 175 500 Ok
54+227.682 1043707.763 485267.253 300 Mountainous DS-3 70 175 300 Ok
54+362.362 1043821.972 485338.633 600 Rolling DS-3 85 270 600 Ok
54+485.835 1043914.638 485420.576 200 Rolling DS-3 85 270 200
54+830.301 1044255.889 485484.351 125 Rolling DS-3 85 270 125
54+989.217 1044340.808 485626.713 220 Rolling DS-3 85 270 220
55+234.399 1044557.167 485748.244 120 Rolling DS-3 85 270 120
55+425.472 1044571.114 485950.751 120 Rolling DS-3 85 270 120

HITCON Engineering 2-17 Ethiopian Roads Authority

September 2012
Consultancy Services for the Detailed Engineering Design, Tender Documents Preparation and
Construction Supervision of Addis Ababa Goha Tsion Road Overlay Project

PI Min. Design
Terrain Design Design Hor. Hor.
RAD. Status
Classification Sta. Speed Curve Curve
55+679.709 1044757.408 486130.952 250 Rolling DS-3 85 270 250
56+230.183 1045278.338 486314.047 120 Mountainous DS-3 70 175 120
56+427.848 1045312.764 486522.698 120 Mountainous DS-3 70 175 120
56+599.405 1045476.29 486601.035 130 Mountainous DS-3 70 175 130
56+727.236 1045605.069 486581.998 100 Mountainous DS-3 70 175 100
56+944.915 1045692.536 486808.378 75 Rolling DS-3 85 270 75
57+344.201 1046100.988 486688.165 200 Rolling DS-3 85 270 200
57+521.361 1046277.62 486716.974 200 Mountainous DS-3 70 175 200 Ok
57+657.798 1046381.959 486809.617 200 Mountainous DS-3 70 175 200 Ok
57+847.826 1046558.91 486880.751 200 Mountainous DS-3 70 175 200 Ok
57+957.321 1046669.389 486880.158 400 Rolling DS-3 85 270 400 Ok
58+097.702 1046808.645 486898.814 180 Rolling DS-3 85 270 180
58+380.578 1047078.11 486808.022 1000 Rolling DS-3 85 270 1000 Ok
58+521.887 1047207.14 486750.217 500 Rolling DS-3 85 270 500 Ok
58+737.387 1047410.737 486679.504 110 Rolling DS-3 85 270 110
58+980.726 1047483.916 486437.382 100 Rolling DS-3 85 270 100
59+261.528 1047734.392 486299.554 250 Rolling DS-3 85 270 250
59+533.025 1048002.457 486397.864 160 Flat DS-3 100 395 160
59+940.946 1048397.243 486279.555 3000 Flat DS-3 100 395 3000 Ok
60+089.232 1048539.836 486238.863 600 Flat DS-3 100 395 600 Ok
60+579.154 1049027.439 486188.257 4000 Flat DS-3 100 395 4000 Ok
60+851.960 1049299.518 486168.245 5000 Flat DS-3 100 395 5000 Ok
61+047.320 1049494.003 486149.726 5000 Flat DS-3 100 395 5000 Ok
61+668.281 1050111.685 486085.992 600 Flat DS-3 100 395 600 Ok
62+413.762 1050854.206 486156.991 20000 Flat DS-3 100 395 20000 Ok
62+770.728 1051209.436 486192.153 320 Flat DS-3 100 395 320
63+998.827 1052416.846 485963.586 700 Flat DS-3 100 395 700 Ok
64+446.204 1052864.545 485959.049 10000 Flat DS-3 100 395 10000 Ok
66+252.267 1054670.403 485931.864 1200 Urban DS-3 50 85 1200 Ok
66+450.102 1054867.653 485948.301 900 Urban DS-3 50 85 900 Ok
67+000.779 1055417.739 485918.785 280 Urban DS-3 50 85 280 Ok
67+381.339 1055767.627 485765.891 5000 Urban DS-3 50 85 5000 Ok
68+099.148 1056442.453 485520.91 2000 Rolling DS-3 85 270 2000 Ok
68+291.355 1056622.081 485452.519 800 Rolling DS-3 85 270 800 Ok
68+919.301 1057235.518 485317.278 2000 Rolling DS-3 85 270 2000 Ok
69+718.666 1057995.599 485069.255 10000 Flat DS-3 100 395 10000 Ok
70+962.296 1059190.443 484724.224 12000 Flat DS-3 100 395 12000 Ok

HITCON Engineering 2-18 Ethiopian Roads Authority

September 2012
Consultancy Services for the Detailed Engineering Design, Tender Documents Preparation and
Construction Supervision of Addis Ababa Goha Tsion Road Overlay Project

PI Min. Design
Terrain Design Design Hor. Hor.
RAD. Status
Classification Sta. Speed Curve Curve
71+084.322 1059308.051 484691.681 2000 Flat DS-3 100 395 2000 Ok
71+347.118 1059563.863 484631.456 20000 Flat DS-3 100 395 20000 Ok
71+676.586 1059885.146 484558.468 200 Flat DS-3 100 395 200
72+388.628 1060374.702 484035.804 500 Flat DS-3 100 395 500 Ok
72+682.492 1060621.848 483875.603 1000 Flat DS-3 100 395 1000 Ok
72+837.987 1060760.514 483805.023 30000 Flat DS-3 100 395 30000 Ok
73+262.473 1061139.439 483613.7 600 Flat DS-3 100 395 600 Ok
73+800.678 1061563.955 483282.198 1000 Flat DS-3 100 395 1000 Ok
74+237.722 1061936.8 483053.929 2400 Flat DS-3 100 395 2400 Ok
74+822.733 1062415.388 482717.402 600 Flat DS-3 100 395 600 Ok
75+487.257 1063009.59 482419.462 3000 Flat DS-3 100 395 3000 Ok
75+754.316 1063239.585 482283.569 50000 Flat DS-3 100 395 50000 Ok
76+456.314 1063845.109 481928.405 50000 Flat DS-3 100 395 50000 Ok
76+780.622 1064125.72 481765.821 5000 Flat DS-3 100 395 5000 Ok
77+192.842 1064481.496 481557.618 800 Flat DS-3 100 395 800 Ok
77+394.850 1064633.03 481423.243 3000 Rolling DS-3 85 270 3000 Ok
77+643.307 1064822.997 481263.103 4000 Rolling DS-3 85 270 4000 Ok
78+227.652 1065285.5 480905.917 180 Rolling DS-3 85 270 180
78+497.088 1065399.796 480659.706 250 Rolling DS-3 85 270 250
78+801.652 1065619.475 480447.243 220 Rolling DS-3 85 270 220
79+145.910 1065950.126 480343.915 1000 Rolling DS-3 85 270 1000 Ok
79+867.768 1066605.099 480039.991 30000 Rolling DS-3 85 270 30000 Ok
80+084.385 1066802.321 479950.399 110 Rolling DS-3 85 270 110
80+530.567 1067211.226 480147.428 600 Rolling DS-3 85 270 600 Ok
80+752.893 1067428.19 480198.402 2000 Rolling DS-3 85 270 2000 Ok
80+984.052 1067652.752 480253.233 2000 Rolling DS-3 85 270 2000 Ok
81+084.216 1067749.528 480279.067 500 Rolling DS-3 85 270 500 Ok
81+514.701 1068115.892 480507.18 150 Rolling DS-3 85 270 150
81+723.152 1068326.022 480459.58 250 Rolling DS-3 85 270 250
82+331.194 1068925.784 480568.745 800 Flat DS-3 100 395 800 Ok
82+546.177 1069140.615 480580.121 180 Flat DS-3 100 395 180
82+837.947 1069387.433 480740.5 1500 Rolling DS-3 85 270 1500 Ok
83+348.586 1069841.467 480974.455 240 Rolling DS-3 85 270 240
84+507.531 1070994.296 480812.651 460 Rolling DS-3 85 270 460 Ok
85+010.835 1071440.419 480575.987 3000 Flat DS-3 100 395 3000 Ok
85+572.773 1071938.214 480315.268 550 Flat DS-3 100 395 550 Ok
86+135.201 1072501.192 480263.926 580 Flat DS-3 100 395 580 Ok
86+468.192 1072820.781 480369.057 20000 Flat DS-3 100 395 20000 Ok
86+957.428 1073284.524 480524.925 250 Rolling DS-3 85 270 250

HITCON Engineering 2-19 Ethiopian Roads Authority

September 2012
Consultancy Services for the Detailed Engineering Design, Tender Documents Preparation and
Construction Supervision of Addis Ababa Goha Tsion Road Overlay Project

PI Min. Design
Terrain Design Design Hor. Hor.
RAD. Status
Classification Sta. Speed Curve Curve
87+361.108 1073659.009 480348.41 290 Rolling DS-3 85 270 290 Ok
87+588.138 1073731.536 480117.509 75 Mountainous DS-3 70 175 75
87+762.791 1073925.079 480138.539 140 Mountainous DS-3 70 175 140
87+877.249 1074001.51 480231.309 140 Mountainous DS-3 70 175 140
87+985.444 1074098.874 480280.404 300 Mountainous DS-3 70 175 300 Ok
88+777.096 1074622.465 480876.07 74.8 Mountainous DS-3 70 175 75
88+597.531 1074343.4 480280.672 330 Mountainous DS-3 70 175 330 Ok
88+738.380 1074247.791 480176.197 200 Mountainous DS-3 70 175 200 Ok
89+025.700 1074117.106 479919.949 57 Mountainous DS-3 70 175 57
89+084.798 1074367.05 480057.639 5000 Mountainous DS-3 70 175 5000 Ok
89+162.841 1074434.694 480096.568 2000 Mountainous DS-3 70 175 2000 Ok
89+388.304 1074632.733 480204.339 300 Rolling DS-3 85 270 300 Ok
89+602.151 1074844.498 480240.109 120 Urban DS-3 50 85 120 Ok
89+801.644 1074928.383 480025.022 100 Urban DS-3 50 85 100 Ok
90+004.629 1074863.473 479829.628 85 Urban DS-3 50 85 85 Ok
90+117.958 1075018.379 479794.327 140 Urban DS-3 50 85 140 Ok
90+222.864 1075121.644 479818.273 600 Urban DS-3 50 85 600 Ok
90+570.839 1075444.176 479949.415 95 Urban DS-3 50 85 95 Ok
90+975.546 1075246.841 479376.893 360 Rolling DS-3 85 270 360 Ok
91+282.250 1075246.975 479069.075 110 Mountainous DS-3 70 175 110
91+408.620 1075090.452 479043.798 60 Mountainous DS-3 70 175 60
91+508.179 1075008.295 478986.762 80 Mountainous DS-3 70 175 80
91+804.599 1075040.718 478682.835 200 Mountainous DS-3 70 175 200 Ok
91+965.660 1074980.261 478531.437 50 Mountainous DS-3 70 175 50
92+062.206 1075106.411 478505.699 800 Mountainous DS-3 70 175 800 Ok
92+243.584 1075280.253 478453.793 78 Mountainous DS-3 70 175 78
92+396.635 1075241.982 478694.386 120 Mountainous DS-3 70 175 120
92+665.940 1075452.364 478880.082 67 Mountainous DS-3 70 175 67
92+737.947 1075389.968 478579.525 200 Mountainous DS-3 70 175 200 Ok
92+999.014 1075454.396 478324.907 500 Rolling DS-3 85 270 500 Ok
93+210.515 1075458.858 478112.928 10000 Rolling DS-3 85 270 10000 Ok
93+483.308 1075465.786 477840.223 10000 Rolling DS-3 85 270 10000 Ok
93+670.748 1075472.76 477652.912 160 Rolling DS-3 85 270 160
94+087.192 1075814.3 477397.159 150 Rolling DS-3 85 270 150
94+239.650 1075867.411 477251.056 150 Rolling DS-3 85 270 150
94+423.877 1076012.334 477134.007 3000 Rolling DS-3 85 270 3000 Ok

HITCON Engineering 2-20 Ethiopian Roads Authority

September 2012
Consultancy Services for the Detailed Engineering Design, Tender Documents Preparation and
Construction Supervision of Addis Ababa Goha Tsion Road Overlay Project

PI Min. Design
Terrain Design Design Hor. Hor.
RAD. Status
Classification Sta. Speed Curve Curve
94+584.769 1076138.383 477034.018 3000 Flat DS-3 100 395 3000 Ok
95+923.351 1077181.118 476194.671 20000 Flat DS-3 100 395 20000 Ok
96+048.304 1077278.942 476116.928 5000 Flat DS-3 100 395 5000 Ok
96+326.723 1077495.698 475942.189 400 Flat DS-3 100 395 400 Ok
96+802.712 1077782.235 475561.473 5000 Flat DS-3 100 395 5000 Ok
97+004.727 1077901.615 475398.505 1000 Rolling DS-3 85 270 1000 Ok
97+207.968 1078005.036 475223.452 1000 Rolling DS-3 85 270 1000 Ok
97+810.512 1078363.281 474738.859 1200 Rolling DS-3 85 270 1200 Ok
98+118.137 1078507.835 474466.945 500 Rolling DS-3 85 270 500 Ok
98+381.831 1078570.998 474210.275 10000 Rolling DS-3 85 270 10000 Ok
98+566.253 1078612.137 474030.496 600 Rolling DS-3 85 270 600 Ok
99+001.660 1078766.944 473623.382 500 Rolling DS-3 85 270 500 Ok
99+335.663 1078981.842 473365.62 2000 Rolling DS-3 85 270 2000 Ok
99+451.075 1079058.286 473279.148 400 Rolling DS-3 85 270 400 Ok
99+614.144 1079118.548 473126.082 4000 Rolling DS-3 85 270 4000 Ok
99+980.513 1079241.259 472780.861 300 Rolling DS-3 85 270 300 Ok
100+174.676 1079254.53 472586.637 10000 Rolling DS-3 85 270 10000 Ok
100+689.127 1079292.811 472073.612 220 Urban DS-3 50 85 220 Ok
100+807.345 1079369.143 471978.04 5000 Urban DS-3 50 85 5000 Ok
101+652.313 1079901.827 471322.128 5000 Urban DS-3 50 85 5000 Ok
101+693.732 1079927.617 471289.717 1000 Urban DS-3 50 85 1000 Ok
101+881.091 1080047.734 471145.927 5000 Urban DS-3 50 85 5000 Ok
101+973.686 1080106.364 471074.259 20000 Urban DS-3 50 85 20000 Ok
102+690.377 1080618.109 470446.394 650 Urban DS-3 50 85 650 Ok
103+198.146 1080806.243 469973.055 10000 Urban DS-3 50 85 10000 Ok
103+376.128 1080868.973 469806.489 7000 Urban DS-3 50 85 7000 Ok
103+968.607 1081088.352 469256.117 10000 Mountainous DS-3 70 175 10000 Ok
104+104.160 1081137.338 469129.724 10000 Mountainous DS-3 70 175 10000 Ok
104+786.748 1081389.781 468495.532 1000 Mountainous DS-3 70 175 1000 Ok
106+595.809 1081762.352 466724.816 10000 Mountainous DS-3 70 175 10000 Ok
106+834.020 1081806.765 466490.775 10000 Mountainous DS-3 70 175 10000 Ok
107+374.396 1081901.561 465958.778 800 Mountainous DS-3 70 175 800 Ok
107+465.992 1081925.929 465870.427 600 Mountainous DS-3 70 175 600 Ok
107+594.162 1081941.9 465743.104 400 Mountainous DS-3 70 175 400 Ok
107+698.794 1081975.16 465643.626 300 Mountainous DS-3 70 175 300 Ok
107+823.450 1081976.507 465518.211 150 Mountainous DS-3 70 175 150
107+957.396 1082071.182 465416.115 400 Mountainous DS-3 70 175 400 Ok
108+103.842 1082130.662 465280.929 300 Mountainous DS-3 70 175 300 Ok
108+258.791 1082223.499 465156.505 150 Mountainous DS-3 70 175 150
108+349.231 1082311.485 465125.874 600 Mountainous DS-3 70 175 600 Ok
108+458.188 1082411.197 465081.887 160 Mountainous DS-3 70 175 160
108+692.905 1082646.042 465113.899 125 Mountainous DS-3 70 175 125

HITCON Engineering 2-21 Ethiopian Roads Authority

September 2012
Consultancy Services for the Detailed Engineering Design, Tender Documents Preparation and
Construction Supervision of Addis Ababa Goha Tsion Road Overlay Project

PI Min. Design
Terrain Design Design Hor. Hor.
RAD. Status
Classification Sta. Speed Curve Curve
108+962.211 1082649.57 464773.187 320 Mountainous DS-3 70 175 320 Ok
109+650.141 1082928.731 464142.455 160 Mountainous DS-3 70 175 160
110+215.327 1083516.17 464131.054 300 Rolling DS-3 85 270 300 Ok
111+314.313 1083785.917 462994.256 1500 Rolling DS-3 85 270 1500 Ok
113+115.133 1084345.769 461282.597 10000 Rolling DS-3 85 270 10000 Ok
113+385.191 1084433.156 461027.066 1000 Rolling DS-3 85 270 1000 Ok
113+517.305 1084459.055 460897.315 400 Rolling DS-3 85 270 400 Ok
113+783.025 1084435.706 460631.844 10000 Urban DS-3 50 85 10000 Ok
116+289.010 1084231.05 458134.23 30000 Mountainous DS-3 70 175 30000 Ok
116+628.037 1084206.331 457796.103 15000 Mountainous DS-3 70 175 15000 Ok
117+484.065 1084135.766 456942.988 15000 Mountainous DS-3 70 175 15000 Ok
117+712.524 1084114.985 456715.475 200 Mountainous DS-3 70 175 200 Ok
119+696.219 1085167.537 455027.943 160 Mountainous DS-3 70 175 160
120+051.570 1085508.578 454911.455 180 Mountainous DS-3 70 175 180 Ok
120+510.636 1085773.506 454531.141 210 Mountainous DS-3 70 175 210 Ok
121+077.451 1085722.876 453959.894 400 Mountainous DS-3 70 175 400 Ok
122+098.927 1085345.055 453009.898 400 Mountainous DS-3 70 175 400 Ok
124+058.309 1084146.09 451459.153 160 Mountainous DS-3 70 175 160
124+610.034 1084942.29 451395.253 240 Mountainous DS-3 70 175 240 Ok
124+865.158 1084502.996 450886.014 400 Mountainous DS-3 70 175 400 Ok
124+992.248 1084449.221 450770.07 400 Mountainous DS-3 70 175 400 Ok
125+200.032 1084388.977 450571.115 650 Mountainous DS-3 70 175 650 Ok
125+445.763 1084271.955 450354.532 120 Mountainous DS-3 70 175 120
125+623.468 1084070.519 450474.003 2000 Mountainous DS-3 70 175 2000 Ok
125+843.458 1083888.156 450597.105 200 Mountainous DS-3 70 175 200 Ok
125+986.969 1083741.358 450599.604 200 Mountainous DS-3 70 175 200 Ok
126+151.544 1083585.893 450543.15 300 Mountainous DS-3 70 175 300 Ok
126+339.296 1083421.632 450452.008 140 Mountainous DS-3 70 175 140
126+460.307 1083376.34 450335.391 240 Mountainous DS-3 70 175 240 Ok
126+576.137 1083301.884 450245.775 140 Mountainous DS-3 70 175 140
126+722.199 1083292.126 450097.028 90 Mountainous DS-3 70 175 90
126+869.909 1083130.625 450058.394 150 Mountainous DS-3 70 175 150
127+079.532 1083032.797 449862.914 200 Mountainous DS-3 70 175 200 Ok
127+220.153 1082891.475 449815.343 260 Mountainous DS-3 70 175 260 Ok
127+355.570 1082790.964 449722.119 1000 Mountainous DS-3 70 175 1000 Ok
127+525.411 1082678.747 449594.514 350 Mountainous DS-3 70 175 350 Ok
127+629.191 1082588.766 449541.014 180 Mountainous DS-3 70 175 180 Ok
127+716.330 1082540.969 449466.315 145 Mountainous DS-3 70 175 145
127+889.380 1082383.503 449389.714 500 Mountainous DS-3 70 175 500 Ok

HITCON Engineering 2-22 Ethiopian Roads Authority

September 2012
Consultancy Services for the Detailed Engineering Design, Tender Documents Preparation and
Construction Supervision of Addis Ababa Goha Tsion Road Overlay Project

PI Min. Design
Terrain Design Design Hor. Hor.
RAD. Status
Classification Sta. Speed Curve Curve
128+101.774 1082249.278 449220.193 600 Mountainous DS-3 70 175 600 Ok
128+263.646 1082162.927 449083.204 180 Mountainous DS-3 70 175 180 Ok
128+537.030 1082250.865 448812.804 290 Mountainous DS-3 70 175 290 Ok
128+731.263 1082198.458 448620.692 160 Mountainous DS-3 70 175 160
128+891.974 1082052.025 448538.683 360 Mountainous DS-3 70 175 360 Ok
129+169.290 1081857.252 448340.308 260 Mountainous DS-3 70 175 260 Ok
129+327.637 1081804.241 448189.116 200 Mountainous DS-3 70 175 200 Ok
129+464.348 1081795.52 448052.339 120 Mountainous DS-3 70 175 120
129+703.298 1081557.586 447958.878 120 Mountainous DS-3 70 175 120
129+930.860 1081418.078 448178.189 325 Mountainous DS-3 70 175 325 Ok
130+287.833 1081059.87 448268.586 140 Mountainous DS-3 70 175 140
130+433.481 1080926.088 448200.233 130 Rolling DS-3 85 270 130
130+817.186 1080832.432 447820.56 640 Urban DS-3 50 85 640 Ok
131+874.641 1080420.516 446846.402 240 Mountainous DS-3 70 175 240 Ok
132+292.838 1080437.697 446426.735 800 Mountainous DS-3 70 175 800 Ok
132+479.568 1080479.928 446244.386 850 Mountainous DS-3 70 175 850 Ok
132+840.623 1080501.668 445883.646 280 Mountainous DS-3 70 175 280 Ok
133+142.802 1080390.67 445600.505 400 Mountainous DS-3 70 175 400 Ok
133+298.237 1080309.842 445467.492 400 Mountainous DS-3 70 175 400 Ok
133+375.752 1080278.007 445396.72 600 Mountainous DS-3 70 175 600 Ok
133+456.177 1080240.982 445325.316 500 Mountainous DS-3 70 175 500 Ok
133+556.008 1080206.398 445231.58 2000 Mountainous DS-3 70 175 2000 Ok
133+857.364 1080091.295 444953.061 1000 Mountainous DS-3 70 175 1000 Ok
134+231.654 1079912.705 444624.014 300 Mountainous DS-3 70 175 300 Ok
134+373.525 1079816.369 444519.352 300 Mountainous DS-3 70 175 300 Ok
134+744.192 1079506.802 444314.829 162 Mountainous DS-3 70 175 162
134+913.817 1079920.832 444155.354 300 Rolling DS-3 85 270 300 Ok
135+026.394 1080032.782 444140.391 100 Rolling DS-3 85 270 100
135+293.782 1080220.375 443946.189 140 Rolling DS-3 85 270 140
135+552.493 1080213.242 443680.561 300 Mountainous DS-3 70 175 300 Ok
135+695.437 1080260.524 443544.399 250 Mountainous DS-3 70 175 250 Ok
136+116.899 1080243.014 443122.18 600 Mountainous DS-3 70 175 600 Ok
136+706.666 1080341.424 442540.217 120 Rolling DS-3 85 270 120
137+342.063 1079982.878 442008.995 400 Rolling DS-3 85 270 400 Ok
137+497.550 1079932.525 441861.189 4000 Rolling DS-3 85 270 4000 Ok
137+842.284 1079834.13 441530.775 270 Rolling DS-3 85 270 270 Ok
139+270.975 1080675.448 440352.729 160 Rolling DS-3 85 270 160
139+520.484 1080695.068 440101.37 260 Rolling DS-3 85 270 260

HITCON Engineering 2-23 Ethiopian Roads Authority

September 2012
Consultancy Services for the Detailed Engineering Design, Tender Documents Preparation and
Construction Supervision of Addis Ababa Goha Tsion Road Overlay Project

PI Min. Design
Terrain Design Design Hor. Hor.
RAD. Status
Classification Sta. Speed Curve Curve
140+033.417 1080917.275 439637.66 220 Rolling DS-3 85 270 220
140+656.201 1081441.074 439294.495 490 Flat DS-3 100 395 490 Ok
142+221.309 1082133.889 437883.756 265 Rolling DS-3 85 270 265
143+230.735 1083147.853 437702.765 360 Urban DS-3 50 85 360 Ok
145+150.908 1083940.486 435919.523 310 Urban DS-3 50 85 310 Ok
147+598.861 1085610.392 434128.115 10000 Urban DS-3 50 85 10000 Ok
147+808.794 1085756.601 433977.457 10000 Urban DS-3 50 85 10000 Ok
149+467.324 1086886.215 432763.076 50000 Rolling DS-3 85 270 50000 Ok
150+637.550 1087676.032 431899.582 550 Rolling DS-3 85 270 550 Ok
153+011.653 1090065.347 431728.551 800 Flat DS-3 100 395 800 Ok
157+195.616 1093625.512 429515.795 5000 Flat DS-3 100 395 5000 Ok
157+777.912 1094119.393 429207.332 600 Flat DS-3 100 395 600 Ok
162+058.998 1097106.601 426139.652 600 Urban DS-3 50 85 600 Ok
162+905.147 1097799.075 425652.774 15000 Urban DS-3 50 85 15000 Ok
163+765.734 1098504.913 425160.43 2000 Urban DS-3 50 85 2000 Ok
166+804.153 1100875.32 423259.519 3000 Urban DS-3 50 85 3000 Ok
167+719.341 1101553.945 422645.405 2500 Urban DS-3 50 85 2500 Ok
172+656.100 1105004.479 419114.698 400 Urban DS-3 50 85 400 Ok
173+006.443 1105083.229 418767.424 500 Urban DS-3 50 85 500 Ok
173+782.048 1105080.556 417991.338 360 Urban DS-3 50 85 360 Ok
175+443.231 1106509.837 417079.776 180 Urban DS-3 50 85 180 Ok
176+485.002 1107506.959 417419.857 110 Urban DS-3 50 85 110 Ok
176+757.856 1107741.055 417265.451 300 Urban DS-3 50 85 300 Ok
176+934.166 1107904.918 417199.821 140 Urban DS-3 50 85 140 Ok
177+041.277 1108010.283 417236.856 160 Urban DS-3 50 85 160 Ok
177+131.754 1108101.3 417236.46 35 Urban DS-3 50 85 35

Based on these about 32% of the curves have substandard radius based on DS-2
standard upto km 28 and DS-3 standard for the rest. Some have greatly deviated while
some have deviated with limited amount. Some adjustments have been made at
locations with frequent accident even though the scope of the project is limited.
Furthermore road safety furniture such as signs and guide structures are included in the
design. It is recommended that adjustment should be done on those locations with
deviation during future upgrading.

2.6 Vertical Alignment

Two major aspects of vertical alignment are vertical curvature, which is governed by
sight distance and comfort criteria, and gradients, which are related to vehicle
performance and level of service. There are two types of vertical curves summit (or
crest) and sag (or valley) curves which are introduced at vertical grade changes. The
lengths of vertical curves are controlled by sight distance requirements. However
longer curve lengths are always recommended for better aesthetics and riding

HITCON Engineering 2-24 Ethiopian Roads Authority

September 2012
Consultancy Services for the Detailed Engineering Design, Tender Documents Preparation and
Construction Supervision of Addis Ababa Goha Tsion Road Overlay Project

The selection of the most appropriate vertical alignment design was done with the
following priorities in mind:
Wherever practicable compliance with the ERAs geometric design standards.
To avoid earthworks since the scope of the project in most cases is overlay.
To avoid extension drainage structures and construction of retaining walls for the
same reason mentioned above.

2.6.1 Gradient
ERAs Geometric Design Standard recommends values for maximum grade for DS2 and
DS3 road standard based on terrain and design speed as follows:

Table 2.7: ERAs Maximum Gradient Recommendations for DS2 and DS3 Road Standards

Max. Gradient
Terrain Speed
Desirable Absolute
Flat 100 3 5
Rolling 85 4 6
Mountainous 70 6 8
Escarpment 60 6 8
Escarpment 50 6 8

2.6.2 Vertical Curves

Minimum lengths of crest and sag vertical curves have been recommended based on
design speeds and stopping sight distance requirements. They provide for ride comfort,
appearance, and most importantly, safety. These are usually express in terms of K

ERAs geometric design manual gives minimum lengths based on type of terrains
described with respect to K values are:

Table 2.8A: ERAs K Values for DS2 Road Standard

Flat Rolling Mountainous Escarpment Peri-
Speed in KPH 100 85 70 60 50
Crest Vertical Curve 105 60 31 18 10
Sag Vertical Curve 51 36 25 18 12

Table 2.8B: ERAs K Values for DS3 Road Standard

Flat Rolling Mountainous Escarpment Peri-
Speed in KPH 100 85 70 60 50
Crest Vertical Curve 105 60 31 18 10
Sag Vertical Curve 51 36 25 18 12

HITCON Engineering 2-25 Ethiopian Roads Authority

September 2012
Consultancy Services for the Detailed Engineering Design, Tender Documents Preparation and
Construction Supervision of Addis Ababa Goha Tsion Road Overlay Project

Table 2.9: Vertical Alignment Design Data and Departures

PVI Curve Parameters Grade Check Grade Check

Design Design based on based on k-Value
Crest/ Terrain
Station Level Grade K-Value Lc Standard Speed Desirable Absolute Max. Check
Standard Standard
0+251.348 2833.255 -7.56 220.533 CREST 200 Escarpment DS-2 60 Sub-standard
0+467.105 2816.933 -3.36 42.757 SAG 180 Escarpment DS-2 60
0+752.936 2807.343 -7.37 64.701 CREST 260 Escarpment DS-2 60 Sub-standard
1+000.046 2789.122 -3.58 52.748 SAG 200 Escarpment DS-2 60
1+231.368 2780.836 -7.3 32.24 CREST 120 Rolling DS-2 85 Sub-standard Sub-standard Sub-s.
1+458.009 2764.282 -6.07 80.896 SAG 100 Rolling DS-2 85 Sub-standard Sub-standard
1+553.462 2758.49 -7.31 48.365 CREST 60 Rolling DS-2 85 Sub-standard Sub-standard Sub-s.
1+612.462 2754.178 0 5.473 SAG 40 Rolling DS-2 85 Sub-s.
1+667.409 2754.178 3.55 11.283 SAG 40 Rolling DS-2 85 Sub-s.
1+908.833 2762.737 -1.41 28.274 CREST 140 Rolling DS-2 85 Sub-s.
2+265.720 2757.718 -2.87 68.142 CREST 100 Rolling DS-2 85
2+594.268 2748.276 1.71 43.626 SAG 200 Rolling DS-2 85
3+443.969 2762.811 -0.79 87.886 CREST 220 Flat DS-2 100 Sub-s.
3+718.499 2760.635 -2.04 159.704 CREST 200 Flat DS-2 100
4+202.767 2750.732 -0.34 46.988 SAG 80 Flat DS-2 100 Sub-s.
4+629.787 2749.27 -2.66 146.602 CREST 340 Rolling DS-2 85
4+992.767 2739.609 -1.69 165.417 SAG 160 Rolling DS-2 85
5+326.410 2733.956 -3.56 85.648 CREST 160 Rolling DS-2 85
5+922.237 2712.73 -0.82 51.01 SAG 140 Urban DS-2 50
6+586.764 2707.295 0.66 67.62 SAG 100 Urban DS-2 50
6+854.244 2709.063 1.07 197.81 SAG 80 Urban DS-2 50
6+944.256 2710.022 0.82 329.612 CREST 80 Urban DS-2 50
7+261.138 2712.629 -0.04 346.383 CREST 300 Urban DS-2 50
7+673.687 2712.45 -5.53 61.926 CREST 340 Urban DS-2 50
8+080.823 2689.92 -7.9 84.608 CREST 200 Urban DS-2 50 Sub-standard
8+601.005 2648.838 -6.13 67.759 SAG 120 Urban DS-2 50 Sub-standard
8+814.140 2635.78 1.58 15.567 SAG 120 Urban DS-2 50
8+942.276 2637.807 -0.46 58.817 CREST 120 Urban DS-2 50
9+183.372 2636.702 2.14 46.261 SAG 120 Urban DS-2 50
9+326.092 2639.75 -2.46 34.791 CREST 160 Urban DS-2 50
9+470.209 2636.2 -0.17 48.011 SAG 110 Urban DS-2 50
9+616.028 2635.949 1.68 59.546 SAG 110 Urban DS-2 50

HITCON Engineering 2-26 Ethiopian Roads Authority

September 2012
Consultancy Services for the Detailed Engineering Design, Tender Documents Preparation and
Construction Supervision of Addis Ababa Goha Tsion Road Overlay Project

PVI Curve Parameters Grade Check Grade Check

Design Design based on based on k-Value
Crest/ Terrain
Station Level Grade K-Value Lc Standard Speed Desirable Absolute Max. Check
Standard Standard
9+823.768 2639.429 -0.07 57.223 CREST 100 Urban DS-2 50
9+927.380 2639.354 -2.17 38.202 CREST 80 Urban DS-2 50
10+010.554 2637.552 -0.47 47.114 SAG 80 Urban DS-2 50
10+131.144 2636.987 0.58 133.031 SAG 140 Urban DS-2 50
10+311.325 2638.039 -5.09 17.634 CREST 100 Urban DS-2 50
10+403.443 2633.353 -6.97 37.112 CREST 70 Urban DS-2 50 Sub-standard
10+643.937 2616.583 -2.32 42.984 SAG 200 Urban DS-2 50
11+057.991 2606.976 -0.5 109.989 SAG 200 Urban DS-2 50
11+554.745 2604.483 -0.89 313.145 CREST 120 Urban DS-2 50
11+720.947 2603.012 -0.61 439.358 SAG 120 Urban DS-2 50
11+886.649 2601.998 0.02 94.364 SAG 60 Urban DS-2 50
11+966.172 2602.017 -0.51 112.568 CREST 60 Urban DS-2 50
12+033.347 2601.675 -0.15 137.609 SAG 50 Urban DS-2 50
12+086.170 2601.598 -0.54 128.455 CREST 50 Urban DS-2 50
12+158.131 2601.213 -0.04 161.147 SAG 80 Urban DS-2 50
12+256.654 2601.175 1.36 57.169 SAG 80 Urban DS-2 50
12+677.950 2606.908 -1.37 80.588 CREST 220 Urban DS-2 50
13+073.678 2601.49 -2.25 226.238 CREST 200 Urban DS-2 50
13+269.271 2597.083 -0.35 63.201 SAG 120 Urban DS-2 50
13+508.242 2596.236 0 620.704 SAG 220 Urban DS-2 50
13+714.495 2596.236 -0.97 62.174 CREST 60 Urban DS-2 50
13+937.284 2594.086 0.38 118.787 SAG 160 Urban DS-2 50
14+260.659 2595.321 -0.22 199.92 CREST 120 Urban DS-2 50
14+565.699 2594.655 -4.78 43.8 CREST 200 Urban DS-2 50
14+729.832 2586.802 -1.67 38.493 SAG 120 Urban DS-2 50
14+959.100 2582.98 0.27 30.975 SAG 60 Urban DS-2 50
15+088.369 2583.329 2.01 45.909 SAG 80 Urban DS-2 50
15+180.044 2585.174 -4.22 16.034 CREST 100 Urban DS-2 50
15+360.598 2577.547 -3.58 123.364 SAG 80 Urban DS-2 50
15+470.170 2573.629 -0.67 41.237 SAG 120 Rolling DS-2 85
15+620.830 2572.626 -1.22 250.605 CREST 140 Rolling DS-2 85
15+785.729 2570.607 -0.16 56.398 SAG 60 Rolling DS-2 85
15+848.647 2570.506 -0.93 78.275 CREST 60 Rolling DS-2 85
16+009.047 2569.019 -2.63 70.361 CREST 120 Mountainous DS-2 70
16+134.667 2565.712 -0.86 67.858 SAG 120 Mountainous DS-2 70

HITCON Engineering 2-27 Ethiopian Roads Authority

September 2012
Consultancy Services for the Detailed Engineering Design, Tender Documents Preparation and
Construction Supervision of Addis Ababa Goha Tsion Road Overlay Project

PVI Curve Parameters Grade Check Grade Check

Design Design based on based on k-Value
Crest/ Terrain
Station Level Grade K-Value Lc Standard Speed Desirable Absolute Max. Check
Standard Standard
16+298.875 2564.293 1.24 28.576 SAG 60 Mountainous DS-2 70
16+376.493 2565.252 0.47 104.656 CREST 80 Mountainous DS-2 70
16+502.785 2565.847 -1.41 53.228 CREST 100 Mountainous DS-2 70
16+733.321 2562.602 -0.37 115.965 SAG 120 Mountainous DS-2 70
17+369.590 2560.23 -0.18 1135.512 SAG 220 Flat DS-2 100
17+952.099 2559.187 -1.77 188.413 CREST 300 Flat DS-2 100
18+272.034 2553.52 0.6 50.632 SAG 120 Flat DS-2 100 Sub-s.
18+408.817 2554.339 -0.61 82.799 CREST 100 Flat DS-2 100 Sub-s.
18+500.280 2553.782 0.17 103.221 SAG 80 Flat DS-2 100
18+638.798 2554.012 0.32 776.961 SAG 120 Flat DS-2 100
18+833.187 2554.635 0.52 605.182 SAG 120 Flat DS-2 100
19+087.438 2555.954 0.4 1401.449 CREST 160 Rolling DS-2 85
19+478.925 2557.538 1.62 98.927 SAG 120 Rolling DS-2 85
19+614.309 2559.728 0.59 136.307 CREST 140 Rolling DS-2 85
19+798.552 2560.816 1.29 170.85 SAG 120 Rolling DS-2 85
19+956.647 2562.86 0.92 319.65 CREST 120 Mountainous DS-2 70
20+081.772 2564.008 3.09 46.078 SAG 100 Mountainous DS-2 70
20+229.066 2568.556 1.8 77.37 CREST 100 Mountainous DS-2 70
20+346.211 2570.659 -1.7 34.326 CREST 120 Mountainous DS-2 70
20+480.390 2568.377 1.14 49.204 SAG 140 Mountainous DS-2 70
20+804.001 2572.081 2.24 109.061 SAG 120 Mountainous DS-2 70
21+044.414 2577.478 0.37 160.004 CREST 300 Rolling DS-2 85
21+344.736 2578.589 4.33 40.394 SAG 160 Rolling DS-2 85 Sub-standard
21+476.994 2584.317 3.71 161.142 CREST 100 Rolling DS-2 85
21+637.868 2590.286 -7.37 14.444 CREST 160 Rolling DS-2 85 Sub-standard Sub-standard Sub-s.
21+851.976 2574.513 -2.92 27.012 SAG 120 Flat DS-2 100 Sub-s.
22+015.537 2569.73 1.4 41.652 SAG 180 Flat DS-2 100 Sub-s.
22+239.616 2572.861 -1.92 39.186 CREST 130 Flat DS-2 100 Sub-s.
22+337.521 2570.981 0.26 27.483 SAG 60 Flat DS-2 100 Sub-s.
22+497.620 2571.402 0.86 100.769 SAG 60 Flat DS-2 100
22+607.944 2572.349 0.54 375.825 CREST 120 Flat DS-2 100
22+842.787 2573.615 -0.47 198.008 CREST 200 Flat DS-2 100
23+175.713 2572.047 1.17 146.421 SAG 240 Flat DS-2 100
23+516.255 2576.025 7 34.295 SAG 200 Rolling DS-2 85 Sub-standard Sub-standard Sub-s.
23+731.616 2591.1 0.36 21.079 CREST 140 Rolling DS-2 85 Sub-s.

HITCON Engineering 2-28 Ethiopian Roads Authority

September 2012
Consultancy Services for the Detailed Engineering Design, Tender Documents Preparation and
Construction Supervision of Addis Ababa Goha Tsion Road Overlay Project

PVI Curve Parameters Grade Check Grade Check

Design Design based on based on k-Value
Crest/ Terrain
Station Level Grade K-Value Lc Standard Speed Desirable Absolute Max. Check
Standard Standard
24+003.934 2592.075 1.51 69.287 SAG 80 Rolling DS-2 85
24+124.054 2593.892 0.46 94.653 CREST 100 Rolling DS-2 85
24+319.597 2594.784 -0.15 196.767 CREST 120 Rolling DS-2 85
24+434.761 2594.607 3.8 20.247 SAG 80 Rolling DS-2 85 Sub-s.
24+928.128 2613.343 -1.95 41.736 CREST 240 Mountainous DS-2 70
25+169.213 2608.635 -6.46 44.373 CREST 200 Mountainous DS-2 70 Sub-standard
25+340.464 2597.572 -3.75 44.246 SAG 120 Mountainous DS-2 70
25+438.943 2593.881 -4.15 149.148 CREST 60 Mountainous DS-2 70
25+654.711 2584.926 -0.6 39.478 SAG 140 Mountainous DS-2 70
25+800.242 2584.047 -1.51 65.924 CREST 60 Mountainous DS-2 70
25+877.580 2582.876 -0.97 110.742 SAG 60 Mountainous DS-2 70
25+965.410 2582.022 -2.76 44.707 CREST 80 Mountainous DS-2 70
26+042.860 2579.883 -1.42 44.804 SAG 60 Mountainous DS-2 70
26+246.146 2576.991 0.14 77.012 SAG 120 Mountainous DS-2 70
26+345.724 2577.126 1.15 59.116 SAG 60 Mountainous DS-2 70
26+434.031 2578.142 -1.35 40.005 CREST 100 Mountainous DS-2 70
26+586.647 2576.083 1.05 33.333 SAG 80 Mountainous DS-2 70
26+672.005 2576.98 -4.23 15.138 CREST 80 Rolling DS-2 85 Sub-standard Sub-s.
26+925.109 2566.264 0.02 32.906 SAG 140 Rolling DS-2 85 Sub-s.
27+079.659 2566.296 1.59 89.28 SAG 140 Rolling DS-2 85
27+340.546 2570.441 3.5 52.453 SAG 100 Mountainous DS-2 70
27+431.554 2573.622 1.75 45.756 CREST 80 Mountainous DS-2 70
27+546.788 2575.635 4.08 42.867 SAG 100 Mountainous DS-2 70
27+658.365 2580.187 2.57 53.135 CREST 80 Urban DS-2 50
27+738.510 2582.25 4.21 36.614 SAG 60 Urban DS-2 50
27+812.261 2585.357 1.64 31.12 CREST 80 Urban DS-2 50
27+894.715 2586.711 0.39 63.923 CREST 80 Urban DS-2 50
28+002.490 2587.132 3.29 41.451 SAG 120 Urban DS-2 50
28+122.649 2591.08 5.42 37.443 SAG 80 Urban DS-3 50
28+225.245 2596.643 1.87 22.499 CREST 80 Urban DS-3 50
28+316.698 2598.35 -1.56 29.158 CREST 100 Urban DS-3 50
28+434.865 2596.503 3.95 18.133 SAG 100 Urban DS-3 50
28+617.867 2603.735 7.02 39.108 SAG 120 Urban DS-3 50 Sub-standard
28+867.443 2621.256 -2.71 12.332 CREST 120 Urban DS-3 50
29+020.578 2617.105 -2.93 275.307 CREST 60 Urban DS-3 50

HITCON Engineering 2-29 Ethiopian Roads Authority

September 2012
Consultancy Services for the Detailed Engineering Design, Tender Documents Preparation and
Construction Supervision of Addis Ababa Goha Tsion Road Overlay Project

PVI Curve Parameters Grade Check Grade Check

Design Design based on based on k-Value
Crest/ Terrain
Station Level Grade K-Value Lc Standard Speed Desirable Absolute Max. Check
Standard Standard
29+120.352 2614.183 -3.42 242.834 CREST 120 Urban DS-3 50
29+277.943 2608.789 -1.68 40.207 SAG 70 Urban DS-3 50
29+384.139 2607.003 -0.45 97.207 SAG 120 Urban DS-3 50
29+541.075 2606.301 -0.65 293.772 CREST 60 Urban DS-3 50
29+663.551 2605.503 -2.66 39.845 CREST 80 Urban DS-3 50
29+800.201 2601.869 -1.81 129.104 SAG 110 Urban DS-3 50
29+882.256 2600.386 0.22 24.698 SAG 50 Urban DS-3 50
30+049.434 2600.749 -0.13 142.825 CREST 50 Mountainous DS-3 70
30+118.636 2600.657 2.11 35.636 SAG 80 Mountainous DS-3 70
30+244.870 2603.323 1.47 186.707 CREST 120 Mountainous DS-3 70
30+396.854 2605.556 4.15 52.249 SAG 140 Mountainous DS-3 70
30+574.595 2612.93 0.56 44.639 CREST 160 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-s.
30+781.538 2614.098 1.42 93.126 SAG 80 Rolling DS-3 85
30+898.296 2615.76 -1.4 49.553 CREST 140 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-s.
31+169.591 2611.957 -9.37 22.59 CREST 180 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-standard Sub-standard Sub-s.
31+360.171 2594.1 -8.53 142.179 SAG 120 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-standard Sub-standard
31+507.113 2581.572 -5.63 38.046 SAG 110 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-standard
31+627.920 2574.765 -2.68 20.318 SAG 60 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-s.
31+714.286 2572.449 -6.21 22.693 CREST 80 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-standard Sub-standard Sub-s.
31+901.946 2560.801 -1.6 17.371 SAG 80 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-s.
31+990.924 2559.376 -3.68 38.502 CREST 80 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-s.
32+134.672 2554.087 -1.69 40.258 SAG 80 Rolling DS-3 85
32+248.962 2552.153 -7.02 22.536 CREST 120 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-standard Sub-standard Sub-s.
32+352.325 2544.9 -8.64 36.981 CREST 60 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-standard Sub-standard Sub-s.
32+507.427 2531.5 -6.94 47.057 SAG 80 Mountainous DS-3 70 Sub-standard
32+596.743 2525.302 -4.97 30.454 SAG 60 Mountainous DS-3 70
32+706.498 2519.848 -7.69 22.072 CREST 60 Mountainous DS-3 70 Sub-standard Sub-s.
32+796.071 2512.962 -0.69 11.428 SAG 80 Mountainous DS-3 70 Sub-s.
32+885.835 2512.345 -6.54 13.678 CREST 80 Mountainous DS-3 70 Sub-standard Sub-s.
32+973.147 2506.638 -3.33 24.958 SAG 80 Mountainous DS-3 70 Sub-s.
33+056.907 2503.848 -6.8 23.066 CREST 80 Mountainous DS-3 70 Sub-standard Sub-s.
33+256.913 2490.249 9.69 8.491 SAG 140 Mountainous DS-3 70 Sub-standard Sub-standard Sub-s.
33+521.430 2515.875 6.83 34.958 CREST 100 Mountainous DS-3 70 Sub-standard
33+706.320 2528.498 3.65 63.005 CREST 200 Mountainous DS-3 70
33+889.405 2535.186 1.63 49.427 CREST 100 Mountainous DS-3 70

HITCON Engineering 2-30 Ethiopian Roads Authority

September 2012
Consultancy Services for the Detailed Engineering Design, Tender Documents Preparation and
Construction Supervision of Addis Ababa Goha Tsion Road Overlay Project

PVI Curve Parameters Grade Check Grade Check

Design Design based on based on k-Value
Crest/ Terrain
Station Level Grade K-Value Lc Standard Speed Desirable Absolute Max. Check
Standard Standard
34+015.496 2537.241 4.01 33.559 SAG 80 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-standard Sub-s.
34+121.909 2541.512 3.48 112.994 CREST 60 Rolling DS-3 85
34+252.386 2546.056 1.96 39.349 CREST 60 Flat DS-3 100 Sub-s.
34+329.360 2547.563 4.48 31.758 SAG 80 Flat DS-3 100 Sub-standard Sub-s.
34+513.352 2555.8 4.17 262.893 CREST 80 Flat DS-3 100 Sub-standard
34+605.910 2559.662 5.43 63.79 SAG 80 Flat DS-3 100 Sub-standard Sub-standard
34+703.300 2564.947 2.81 30.562 CREST 80 Flat DS-3 100 Sub-s.
34+781.086 2567.132 5.74 20.438 SAG 60 Flat DS-3 100 Sub-standard Sub-standard Sub-s.
34+945.551 2576.58 3.94 66.423 CREST 120 Rolling DS-3 85
35+135.796 2584.072 5.62 83.35 SAG 140 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-standard
35+363.877 2596.885 7.04 84.355 SAG 120 Mountainous DS-3 70 Sub-standard
35+510.476 2607.206 4.65 62.753 CREST 150 Mountainous DS-3 70
35+714.392 2616.688 7.26 53.649 SAG 140 Mountainous DS-3 70 Sub-standard
35+858.644 2627.16 4.26 26.65 CREST 80 Mountainous DS-3 70 Sub-s.
36+093.961 2637.179 6.55 43.663 SAG 100 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-standard Sub-standard
36+209.234 2644.727 5.37 67.702 CREST 80 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-standard
36+295.737 2649.369 6.31 63.478 SAG 60 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-standard Sub-standard
36+419.115 2657.156 -3.37 16.526 CREST 160 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-s.
36+551.104 2652.708 -3.8 139.141 CREST 60 Rolling DS-3 85
36+618.346 2650.152 -2.16 36.471 SAG 60 Rolling DS-3 85
36+734.344 2647.651 -6.88 25.428 CREST 120 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-standard Sub-standard Sub-s.
36+848.697 2639.789 -7.75 113.896 CREST 100 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-standard Sub-standard
36+947.998 2632.09 -1.05 13.422 SAG 90 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-s.
37+113.405 2630.357 -2 63.319 CREST 60 Rolling DS-3 85
37+221.158 2628.207 -0.21 44.742 SAG 80 Rolling DS-3 85
37+308.964 2628.025 -4.08 20.682 CREST 80 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-standard Sub-s.
37+536.211 2618.764 1.39 25.614 SAG 140 Flat DS-3 100 Sub-s.
37+701.704 2621.065 -0.61 40.024 CREST 80 Flat DS-3 100 Sub-s.
37+910.772 2619.793 -7.94 16.365 CREST 120 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-standard Sub-standard Sub-s.
38+022.923 2610.887 -5.95 30.14 SAG 60 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-standard Sub-s.
38+083.541 2607.28 -9.05 19.333 CREST 60 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-standard Sub-standard Sub-s.
38+202.121 2596.544 -5.12 30.478 SAG 120 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-standard Sub-s.
38+318.235 2590.603 -6.01 112.527 CREST 100 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-standard Sub-standard
38+489.903 2580.294 -0.05 25.2 SAG 150 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-s.
38+669.765 2580.199 7.88 15.118 SAG 120 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-standard Sub-standard Sub-s.

HITCON Engineering 2-31 Ethiopian Roads Authority

September 2012
Consultancy Services for the Detailed Engineering Design, Tender Documents Preparation and
Construction Supervision of Addis Ababa Goha Tsion Road Overlay Project

PVI Curve Parameters Grade Check Grade Check

Design Design based on based on k-Value
Crest/ Terrain
Station Level Grade K-Value Lc Standard Speed Desirable Absolute Max. Check
Standard Standard
38+807.731 2591.077 6.49 85.801 CREST 120 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-standard Sub-standard
38+997.371 2603.377 7.76 172.594 SAG 220 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-standard Sub-standard
39+235.676 2621.871 9.68 41.719 SAG 80 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-standard Sub-standard
39+540.701 2651.392 6.27 29.352 CREST 100 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-standard Sub-standard Sub-s.
39+654.999 2658.56 4.54 69.481 CREST 120 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-standard
39+889.538 2669.218 3.21 29.929 CREST 40 Mountainous DS-3 70 Sub-s.
39+955.223 2671.325 5.13 20.788 SAG 40 Mountainous DS-3 70 Sub-s.
40+020.618 2674.681 3.27 48.248 CREST 90 Mountainous DS-3 70
40+150.633 2678.928 0.74 27.652 CREST 70 Mountainous DS-3 70 Sub-s.
40+223.818 2679.466 2.49 28.568 SAG 50 Mountainous DS-3 70
40+301.635 2681.4 -0.71 25.04 CREST 80 Mountainous DS-3 70 Sub-s.
40+377.451 2680.862 -5.93 11.491 CREST 60 Mountainous DS-3 70 Sub-s.
40+429.919 2677.75 -6.72 25.26 CREST 20 Mountainous DS-3 70 Sub-standard Sub-s.
40+469.693 2675.076 -5.82 44.363 SAG 40 Mountainous DS-3 70
40+506.901 2672.91 -5.72 287.889 SAG 30 Mountainous DS-3 70
40+551.224 2670.376 -5.95 129.237 CREST 30 Mountainous DS-3 70
40+584.724 2668.383 -5.18 39.252 SAG 30 Mountainous DS-3 70
40+643.278 2665.347 -8.08 20.754 CREST 60 Mountainous DS-3 70 Sub-standard Sub-standard Sub-s.
40+713.969 2659.638 -8.93 70.152 CREST 60 Mountainous DS-3 70 Sub-standard Sub-standard
40+832.194 2649.079 -7.61 45.359 SAG 60 Mountainous DS-3 70 Sub-standard
40+924.709 2642.04 -5.52 47.882 SAG 100 Mountainous DS-3 70
41+082.734 2633.317 -6.66 105.398 CREST 120 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-standard Sub-standard
41+179.662 2626.863 -5.91 80.45 SAG 60 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-standard
41+275.083 2621.221 -6.78 80.804 CREST 70 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-standard Sub-standard
41+335.003 2617.159 -7.3 76.279 CREST 40 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-standard Sub-standard
41+404.176 2612.107 -5.74 25.612 SAG 40 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-standard Sub-s.
41+451.462 2609.392 -3.34 20.845 SAG 50 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-s.
41+500.939 2607.738 -4.01 60.282 CREST 40 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-standard
41+607.815 2603.456 -5.37 29.259 CREST 40 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-standard Sub-s.
41+663.699 2600.453 -2.67 25.899 SAG 70 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-s.
41+734.388 2598.565 -1.72 52.725 SAG 50 Rolling DS-3 85
41+818.218 2597.121 -6.81 9.82 CREST 50 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-standard Sub-standard Sub-s.
41+909.325 2590.913 -7.83 39.467 CREST 40 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-standard Sub-standard Sub-s.
41+954.793 2587.354 -7.37 87.421 SAG 40 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-standard Sub-standard
42+047.087 2580.552 -6.51 58.106 SAG 50 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-standard Sub-standard

HITCON Engineering 2-32 Ethiopian Roads Authority

September 2012
Consultancy Services for the Detailed Engineering Design, Tender Documents Preparation and
Construction Supervision of Addis Ababa Goha Tsion Road Overlay Project

PVI Curve Parameters Grade Check Grade Check

Design Design based on based on k-Value
Crest/ Terrain
Station Level Grade K-Value Lc Standard Speed Desirable Absolute Max. Check
Standard Standard
42+127.478 2575.319 -8.1 31.379 CREST 50 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-standard Sub-standard Sub-s.
42+174.844 2571.481 -7.5 66.387 SAG 40 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-standard Sub-standard
42+309.318 2561.395 0 8 SAG 60 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-s.
42+413.731 2561.395 4.43 13.53 SAG 60 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-standard Sub-s.
42+495.612 2565.026 -2.1 7.652 CREST 50 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-s.
42+577.205 2563.313 4.32 12.456 SAG 80 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-standard Sub-s.
42+743.791 2570.515 3.61 224.051 CREST 160 Rolling DS-3 85
42+849.300 2574.323 2.72 45.19 CREST 40 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-s.
42+928.778 2576.488 3.11 155.162 SAG 60 Rolling DS-3 85
42+997.476 2578.625 2.83 217.127 CREST 60 Rolling DS-3 85
43+108.188 2581.763 6.45 33.184 SAG 120 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-standard Sub-standard Sub-s.
43+230.921 2589.68 5.69 52.643 CREST 40 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-standard Sub-s.
43+338.868 2595.823 -4.98 14.993 CREST 160 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-standard Sub-s.
43+501.764 2587.709 -0.28 25.508 SAG 120 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-s.
43+695.139 2587.174 4.19 46.974 SAG 210 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-standard
43+919.344 2596.577 6.33 65.509 SAG 140 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-standard Sub-standard
44+080.834 2606.801 5.33 80.177 CREST 80 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-standard
44+195.417 2612.912 3.31 49.482 CREST 100 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-s.
44+311.287 2616.75 3.56 478.298 SAG 120 Rolling DS-3 85
44+424.443 2620.782 6.28 25.74 SAG 70 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-standard Sub-standard Sub-s.
44+507.846 2626.022 3.58 18.517 CREST 50 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-s.
44+572.409 2628.335 -2 12.541 CREST 70 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-s.
44+711.018 2625.564 -5.06 26.164 CREST 80 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-standard Sub-s.
44+833.765 2619.357 -3.02 53.968 SAG 110 Rolling DS-3 85
45+049.434 2612.847 -3.71 188.73 CREST 130 Rolling DS-3 85
45+175.077 2608.189 -2.92 151.481 SAG 120 Rolling DS-3 85
45+294.179 2604.717 -0.08 35.309 SAG 100 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-s.
45+439.953 2604.596 -0.52 276.029 CREST 120 Rolling DS-3 85
45+574.576 2603.899 -2.68 55.42 CREST 120 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-s.
45+739.912 2599.463 -5.11 28.894 CREST 70 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-standard Sub-s.
45+851.122 2593.785 -4.3 174.598 SAG 140 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-standard
46+035.168 2585.864 -7.93 33.09 CREST 120 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-standard Sub-standard Sub-s.
46+179.060 2574.453 -6 41.374 SAG 80 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-standard
46+258.554 2569.686 -0.05 10.089 SAG 60 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-s.
46+329.052 2569.651 5.62 10.576 SAG 60 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-standard Sub-s.

HITCON Engineering 2-33 Ethiopian Roads Authority

September 2012
Consultancy Services for the Detailed Engineering Design, Tender Documents Preparation and
Construction Supervision of Addis Ababa Goha Tsion Road Overlay Project

PVI Curve Parameters Grade Check Grade Check

Design Design based on based on k-Value
Crest/ Terrain
Station Level Grade K-Value Lc Standard Speed Desirable Absolute Max. Check
Standard Standard
46+390.634 2573.114 6.01 155.363 SAG 60 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-standard Sub-standard
46+502.006 2579.807 -0.37 9.403 CREST 60 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-s.
46+585.952 2579.495 -2.67 26.117 CREST 60 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-s.
46+667.031 2577.331 5.06 10.345 SAG 80 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-standard Sub-s.
46+744.673 2581.263 5.54 125.252 SAG 60 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-standard
46+843.982 2586.768 4.51 58.125 CREST 60 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-standard Sub-s.
46+944.247 2591.291 3.25 47.439 CREST 60 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-s.
47+153.411 2598.081 2.32 65.012 CREST 60 Mountainous DS-3 70
47+264.630 2600.665 1.74 172.595 CREST 100 Mountainous DS-3 70
47+423.694 2603.439 0.3 69.333 CREST 100 Mountainous DS-3 70
47+552.991 2603.829 0.99 116.337 SAG 80 Mountainous DS-3 70
47+628.702 2604.578 -0.96 30.75 CREST 60 Mountainous DS-3 70 Sub-s.
47+747.737 2603.433 -0.41 216.121 SAG 120 Mountainous DS-3 70
47+840.936 2603.054 -1.26 70.056 CREST 60 Mountainous DS-3 70
47+926.043 2601.979 0.5 56.609 SAG 100 Mountainous DS-3 70
48+079.405 2602.751 1.47 103.614 SAG 100 Mountainous DS-3 70
48+195.237 2604.452 4.35 34.652 SAG 100 Flat DS-3 100 Sub-standard Sub-s.
48+298.765 2608.96 -1.9 12.788 CREST 80 Flat DS-3 100 Sub-s.
48+447.063 2606.14 -2.7 125.88 CREST 100 Flat DS-3 100
48+585.380 2602.411 -1.86 95.567 SAG 80 Flat DS-3 100
48+707.981 2600.132 -4.73 24.384 CREST 70 Flat DS-3 100 Sub-standard Sub-s.
48+902.987 2590.909 -2.46 44.117 SAG 100 Flat DS-3 100 Sub-s.
49+038.721 2587.566 -0.94 78.943 SAG 120 Flat DS-3 100
49+165.149 2586.374 -0.44 80.144 SAG 40 Rolling DS-3 85
49+229.603 2586.088 -1.45 59.625 CREST 60 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-s.
49+372.981 2584.009 1.64 25.915 SAG 80 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-s.
49+599.371 2587.715 -5.8 9.416 CREST 70 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-standard Sub-s.
49+682.567 2582.892 -4.18 43.331 SAG 70 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-standard
49+788.768 2578.451 -0.68 28.572 SAG 100 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-s.
49+871.194 2577.889 -0.89 187.702 CREST 40 Rolling DS-3 85
49+987.181 2576.851 -6.23 7.501 CREST 40 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-standard Sub-standard Sub-s.
50+057.674 2572.461 -9.97 24.024 CREST 90 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-standard Sub-standard Sub-s.
50+221.222 2556.149 -8.47 66.541 SAG 100 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-standard Sub-standard
50+290.777 2550.257 -7.48 30.14 SAG 30 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-standard Sub-standard Sub-s.
50+324.540 2547.733 -8.21 40.919 CREST 30 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-standard Sub-standard Sub-s.

HITCON Engineering 2-34 Ethiopian Roads Authority

September 2012
Consultancy Services for the Detailed Engineering Design, Tender Documents Preparation and
Construction Supervision of Addis Ababa Goha Tsion Road Overlay Project

PVI Curve Parameters Grade Check Grade Check

Design Design based on based on k-Value
Crest/ Terrain
Station Level Grade K-Value Lc Standard Speed Desirable Absolute Max. Check
Standard Standard
50+406.708 2540.988 0.75 8.926 SAG 80 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-s.
50+479.380 2541.536 5.53 10.463 SAG 50 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-standard Sub-s.
50+520.571 2543.815 2.47 9.796 CREST 30 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-s.
50+591.576 2545.569 3.44 82.188 SAG 80 Rolling DS-3 85
50+674.541 2548.426 0.11 17.988 CREST 60 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-s.
50+761.550 2548.52 -6.66 8.86 CREST 60 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-standard Sub-standard Sub-s.
50+822.233 2544.476 -5.81 35.078 SAG 30 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-standard Sub-s.
50+859.555 2542.308 -6.23 71.827 CREST 30 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-standard Sub-standard
50+930.525 2537.889 -0.07 11.379 SAG 70 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-s.
51+025.359 2537.818 7.11 5.568 SAG 40 Mountainous DS-3 70 Sub-standard Sub-s.
51+158.750 2547.301 8.19 73.901 SAG 80 Mountainous DS-3 70 Sub-standard Sub-standard
51+250.367 2554.806 6.44 39.922 CREST 70 Mountainous DS-3 70 Sub-standard
51+324.424 2559.574 5.78 90.698 CREST 60 Mountainous DS-3 70
51+434.382 2565.926 5.37 49.661 CREST 20 Mountainous DS-3 70
51+457.028 2567.143 6.28 22.009 SAG 20 Mountainous DS-3 70 Sub-standard Sub-s.
51+568.747 2574.162 7.76 40.493 SAG 60 Mountainous DS-3 70 Sub-standard
51+703.051 2584.59 0.54 8.998 CREST 65 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-s.
51+807.930 2585.157 -4.11 21.498 CREST 100 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-standard Sub-s.
51+978.764 2578.134 1.41 14.5 SAG 80 Mountainous DS-3 70 Sub-s.
52+121.636 2580.143 -3.49 14.302 CREST 70 Mountainous DS-3 70 Sub-s.
52+192.073 2577.686 -3.98 80.722 CREST 40 Mountainous DS-3 70
52+260.275 2574.969 0.18 19.202 SAG 80 Mountainous DS-3 70 Sub-s.
52+403.919 2575.231 5.85 10.581 SAG 60 Mountainous DS-3 70 Sub-s.
52+561.841 2584.474 0.9 24.233 CREST 120 Mountainous DS-3 70 Sub-s.
52+680.146 2585.54 2.16 47.62 SAG 60 Rolling DS-3 85
52+767.882 2587.436 1.04 44.646 CREST 50 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-s.
52+864.894 2588.446 2.17 53.145 SAG 60 Rolling DS-3 85
52+964.014 2590.597 1.42 80.308 CREST 60 Rolling DS-3 85
53+023.186 2591.439 1.59 306.335 SAG 50 Rolling DS-3 85
53+118.887 2592.957 -2.17 21.308 CREST 80 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-s.
53+201.304 2591.17 -2.51 176.252 CREST 60 Rolling DS-3 85
53+318.737 2588.224 -0.4 47.499 SAG 100 Rolling DS-3 85
53+398.323 2587.903 -0.51 368.214 CREST 40 Rolling DS-3 85
53+531.534 2587.221 2.66 31.482 SAG 100 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-s.
53+692.240 2591.503 2.14 115.385 CREST 60 Rolling DS-3 85

HITCON Engineering 2-35 Ethiopian Roads Authority

September 2012
Consultancy Services for the Detailed Engineering Design, Tender Documents Preparation and
Construction Supervision of Addis Ababa Goha Tsion Road Overlay Project

PVI Curve Parameters Grade Check Grade Check

Design Design based on based on k-Value
Crest/ Terrain
Station Level Grade K-Value Lc Standard Speed Desirable Absolute Max. Check
Standard Standard
53+780.699 2593.4 1.66 61.604 CREST 30 Rolling DS-3 85
53+829.326 2594.206 -0.59 22.253 CREST 50 Mountainous DS-3 70 Sub-s.
53+930.955 2593.607 0.47 75.343 SAG 80 Mountainous DS-3 70
54+045.684 2594.149 0.58 713.456 SAG 80 Mountainous DS-3 70
54+123.693 2594.605 0.23 84.912 CREST 30 Mountainous DS-3 70
54+162.181 2594.694 2.67 16.389 SAG 40 Mountainous DS-3 70 Sub-s.
54+227.378 2596.436 4.96 17.488 SAG 40 Mountainous DS-3 70 Sub-s.
54+313.905 2600.727 -2.9 15.266 CREST 120 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-s.
54+421.228 2597.613 -6.23 18.022 CREST 60 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-standard Sub-standard Sub-s.
54+553.235 2589.388 -6.74 98.535 CREST 50 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-standard Sub-standard
54+669.513 2581.553 -4.92 93.549 SAG 170 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-standard
54+836.209 2573.35 -6.77 43.261 CREST 80 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-standard Sub-standard Sub-s.
55+062.747 2558.013 -3.55 49.678 SAG 160 Rolling DS-3 85
55+186.288 2553.628 -4.81 35.839 CREST 45 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-standard Sub-s.
55+252.635 2550.44 -2.03 18.014 SAG 50 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-s.
55+399.817 2547.453 -5.17 22.316 CREST 70 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-standard Sub-s.
55+528.074 2540.827 -2.87 43.466 SAG 100 Rolling DS-3 85
55+639.815 2537.625 -3.42 89.78 CREST 50 Rolling DS-3 85
55+685.922 2536.047 -3.17 156.147 SAG 40 Rolling DS-3 85
55+760.520 2533.685 -5.49 25.827 CREST 60 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-standard Sub-s.
55+920.044 2524.928 5.24 17.248 SAG 185 Mountainous DS-3 70 Sub-s.
56+056.594 2532.078 7.58 36.282 SAG 85 Mountainous DS-3 70 Sub-standard
56+187.087 2541.968 9.05 40.7 SAG 60 Mountainous DS-3 70 Sub-standard Sub-standard
56+296.375 2551.862 6.76 30.57 CREST 70 Mountainous DS-3 70 Sub-standard Sub-s.
56+364.611 2556.477 4.12 18.906 CREST 50 Mountainous DS-3 70 Sub-s.
56+547.535 2564.011 5.22 90.897 SAG 100 Mountainous DS-3 70
56+646.849 2569.194 3.08 28.078 CREST 60 Mountainous DS-3 70 Sub-s.
56+719.369 2571.429 3.74 75.631 SAG 50 Mountainous DS-3 70
56+770.157 2573.33 4.68 42.806 SAG 40 Mountainous DS-3 70
56+849.217 2577.028 6.74 48.393 SAG 100 Mountainous DS-3 70 Sub-standard
56+966.939 2584.967 -3.55 9.711 CREST 100 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-s.
57+279.600 2573.855 -4.68 71.086 CREST 80 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-standard
57+415.600 2567.491 -9 23.145 CREST 100 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-standard Sub-standard Sub-s.
57+688.179 2542.959 0 6.667 SAG 60 Mountainous DS-3 70 Sub-s.
57+808.585 2542.959 7.66 13.052 SAG 100 Mountainous DS-3 70 Sub-standard Sub-s.

HITCON Engineering 2-36 Ethiopian Roads Authority

September 2012
Consultancy Services for the Detailed Engineering Design, Tender Documents Preparation and
Construction Supervision of Addis Ababa Goha Tsion Road Overlay Project

PVI Curve Parameters Grade Check Grade Check

Design Design based on based on k-Value
Crest/ Terrain
Station Level Grade K-Value Lc Standard Speed Desirable Absolute Max. Check
Standard Standard
58+077.225 2563.542 4.6 39.142 CREST 120 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-standard Sub-s.
58+193.648 2568.893 8.2 22.192 SAG 80 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-standard Sub-standard Sub-s.
58+357.066 2582.295 0.51 18.214 CREST 140 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-s.
58+488.558 2582.972 3.34 28.293 SAG 80 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-s.
58+620.201 2587.372 5.12 50.524 SAG 90 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-standard
58+746.184 2593.827 0.53 16.344 CREST 75 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-s.
58+860.251 2594.437 4.09 22.484 SAG 80 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-standard Sub-s.
59+025.857 2601.215 2.07 39.478 CREST 80 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-s.
59+135.130 2603.473 4.2 37.459 SAG 80 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-standard
59+207.761 2606.525 3.59 97.968 CREST 60 Rolling DS-3 85
59+308.886 2610.155 0.89 25.884 CREST 70 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-s.
59+376.435 2610.753 1.08 156.298 SAG 30 Rolling DS-3 85
59+404.470 2611.055 0.79 68.749 CREST 20 Rolling DS-3 85
59+461.445 2611.503 0.5 208.815 CREST 60 Rolling DS-3 85
59+532.591 2611.858 -0.45 42.22 CREST 40 Flat DS-3 100 Sub-s.
59+596.813 2611.57 -0.02 139.458 SAG 60 Flat DS-3 100
59+662.724 2611.558 0.5 116.775 SAG 60 Flat DS-3 100
59+752.110 2612.001 -1.08 31.716 CREST 50 Flat DS-3 100 Sub-s.
59+824.089 2611.223 -0.01 65.127 SAG 70 Flat DS-3 100
59+890.253 2611.219 -0.36 167.527 CREST 60 Flat DS-3 100
59+984.982 2610.874 1.07 62.854 SAG 90 Flat DS-3 100
60+069.931 2611.781 0.68 180.304 CREST 70 Flat DS-3 100
60+163.534 2612.417 2.1 56.124 SAG 80 Flat DS-3 100
60+313.091 2615.565 2.19 2195.281 SAG 180 Flat DS-3 100
60+438.521 2618.308 2.52 178.179 SAG 60 Flat DS-3 100
60+529.660 2620.608 0.79 46.051 CREST 80 Flat DS-3 100 Sub-s.
60+681.998 2621.806 1.27 226.106 SAG 110 Flat DS-3 100
60+774.385 2622.982 0.98 239.841 CREST 70 Flat DS-3 100
60+864.289 2623.864 1.54 107.145 SAG 60 Flat DS-3 100
60+958.187 2625.311 0.7 71.634 CREST 60 Flat DS-3 100 Sub-s.
61+019.173 2625.74 0.82 246.818 SAG 30 Flat DS-3 100
61+084.871 2626.282 -0.92 57.226 CREST 100 Flat DS-3 100 Sub-s.
61+191.107 2625.302 2.75 24.531 SAG 90 Flat DS-3 100 Sub-s.
61+294.082 2628.13 1.78 72.566 CREST 70 Flat DS-3 100 Sub-s.
61+364.915 2629.392 1.01 90.489 CREST 70 Flat DS-3 100 Sub-s.

HITCON Engineering 2-37 Ethiopian Roads Authority

September 2012
Consultancy Services for the Detailed Engineering Design, Tender Documents Preparation and
Construction Supervision of Addis Ababa Goha Tsion Road Overlay Project

PVI Curve Parameters Grade Check Grade Check

Design Design based on based on k-Value
Crest/ Terrain
Station Level Grade K-Value Lc Standard Speed Desirable Absolute Max. Check
Standard Standard
61+536.032 2631.117 1.53 189.848 SAG 100 Flat DS-3 100
61+658.066 2632.99 1.41 490.159 CREST 60 Flat DS-3 100
61+809.651 2635.131 0.54 86.061 CREST 75 Flat DS-3 100 Sub-s.
62+176.791 2637.117 1.65 216.301 SAG 240 Flat DS-3 100
62+491.362 2642.309 2.88 178.397 SAG 220 Flat DS-3 100
62+760.183 2650.061 1.14 34.378 CREST 60 Flat DS-3 100 Sub-s.
62+912.328 2651.793 0.24 206.55 CREST 185 Flat DS-3 100
63+072.182 2652.181 0.47 357.877 SAG 80 Flat DS-3 100
63+238.183 2652.955 1 148.526 SAG 80 Flat DS-3 100
63+333.915 2653.917 1.78 142.732 SAG 110 Flat DS-3 100
63+578.682 2658.263 1.24 394.661 CREST 210 Flat DS-3 100
63+757.296 2660.484 1.48 342.645 SAG 80 Flat DS-3 100
63+894.336 2662.508 0.27 66.271 CREST 80 Flat DS-3 100 Sub-s.
64+057.434 2662.948 -1.02 54.449 CREST 70 Flat DS-3 100 Sub-s.
64+247.330 2661.019 -1.22 197.995 CREST 40 Flat DS-3 100
64+386.264 2659.327 -0.98 424.767 SAG 100 Flat DS-3 100
64+474.210 2658.463 -1.22 211.439 CREST 50 Flat DS-3 100
64+567.163 2657.33 -0.81 221.322 SAG 90 Flat DS-3 100
64+653.836 2656.626 -0.63 431.228 SAG 80 Flat DS-3 100
64+768.239 2655.909 -0.75 417.212 CREST 50 Flat DS-3 100
64+860.795 2655.218 -0.37 319.802 SAG 120 Flat DS-3 100
64+977.668 2654.784 -0.11 191.042 SAG 50 Flat DS-3 100
65+023.280 2654.734 -0.23 320.849 CREST 40 Flat DS-3 100
65+076.206 2654.61 0.24 127.043 SAG 60 Flat DS-3 100
65+214.446 2654.939 -0.27 166.38 CREST 85 Flat DS-3 100
65+320.717 2654.649 -0.18 854.489 SAG 80 Flat DS-3 100
65+436.747 2654.441 -0.33 643.726 CREST 100 Flat DS-3 100
65+554.795 2654.046 -0.93 101.396 CREST 60 Flat DS-3 100 Sub-s.
65+605.424 2653.577 -1.09 242.176 CREST 40 Flat DS-3 100
65+673.128 2652.838 -0.71 130.251 SAG 50 Flat DS-3 100
65+772.896 2652.132 -0.84 310.943 CREST 40 Flat DS-3 100
65+874.895 2651.279 -0.88 869.082 CREST 40 Flat DS-3 100
65+921.024 2650.872 -0.45 116.423 SAG 50 Flat DS-3 100
65+980.206 2650.604 -0.4 1141.887 SAG 60 Urban DS-3 50
66+143.835 2649.949 0.1 100.934 SAG 50 Urban DS-3 50

HITCON Engineering 2-38 Ethiopian Roads Authority

September 2012
Consultancy Services for the Detailed Engineering Design, Tender Documents Preparation and
Construction Supervision of Addis Ababa Goha Tsion Road Overlay Project

PVI Curve Parameters Grade Check Grade Check

Design Design based on based on k-Value
Crest/ Terrain
Station Level Grade K-Value Lc Standard Speed Desirable Absolute Max. Check
Standard Standard
66+203.787 2650.006 -0.34 137.554 CREST 60 Urban DS-3 50
66+264.177 2649.8 -0.48 294.42 CREST 40 Urban DS-3 50
66+302.963 2649.615 -0.34 225.697 SAG 30 Urban DS-3 50
66+341.329 2649.483 -0.43 345.01 CREST 30 Urban DS-3 50
66+424.854 2649.123 -1.6 59.735 CREST 70 Urban DS-3 50
66+594.739 2646.4 -1.15 133.918 SAG 60 Urban DS-3 50
66+667.045 2645.565 -0.85 163.17 SAG 50 Urban DS-3 50
66+827.703 2644.202 -2.86 49.781 CREST 100 Urban DS-3 50
67+020.130 2638.704 -1.66 133.797 SAG 160 Urban DS-3 50
67+212.263 2635.512 -0.48 75.93 SAG 90 Urban DS-3 50
67+278.434 2635.197 -0.19 142.289 SAG 40 Urban DS-3 50
67+401.047 2634.958 0.74 85.234 SAG 80 Urban DS-3 50
67+565.904 2636.184 -1.83 31.045 CREST 80 Urban DS-3 50
67+703.148 2633.668 -2.08 158.894 CREST 40 Urban DS-3 50
67+870.968 2630.169 -0.59 120.394 SAG 180 Rolling DS-3 85
68+023.371 2629.27 -0.21 211.134 SAG 80 Rolling DS-3 85
68+162.249 2628.977 0.11 187.927 SAG 60 Rolling DS-3 85
68+277.673 2629.102 -1.3 42.698 CREST 60 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-s.
68+336.659 2628.337 -0.93 108.84 SAG 40 Rolling DS-3 85
68+394.653 2627.798 0.06 70.759 SAG 70 Rolling DS-3 85
68+498.224 2627.86 0.48 283.752 SAG 120 Rolling DS-3 85
68+660.000 2628.641 -0.06 55.534 CREST 30 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-s.
68+696.560 2628.62 -0.43 107.874 CREST 40 Rolling DS-3 85
68+767.081 2628.318 -0.2 223.258 SAG 50 Rolling DS-3 85
68+896.312 2628.054 7.31 18.639 SAG 140 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-standard Sub-standard Sub-s.
69+030.531 2637.861 2.8 17.763 CREST 80 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-s.
69+128.002 2640.593 -0.25 32.77 CREST 100 Flat DS-3 100 Sub-s.
69+328.261 2640.095 -0.77 193.486 CREST 100 Flat DS-3 100
69+557.128 2638.343 -1.65 101.789 CREST 90 Flat DS-3 100 Sub-s.
69+683.212 2636.263 -2.89 64.493 CREST 80 Flat DS-3 100 Sub-s.
69+819.053 2632.337 -1.46 97.968 SAG 140 Flat DS-3 100
70+008.909 2629.563 -0.4 151.434 SAG 160 Flat DS-3 100
70+176.258 2628.886 -0.02 441.528 SAG 170 Flat DS-3 100
70+319.718 2628.858 0.23 278.401 SAG 70 Flat DS-3 100
70+380.084 2628.998 0.12 257.449 CREST 30 Flat DS-3 100

HITCON Engineering 2-39 Ethiopian Roads Authority

September 2012
Consultancy Services for the Detailed Engineering Design, Tender Documents Preparation and
Construction Supervision of Addis Ababa Goha Tsion Road Overlay Project

PVI Curve Parameters Grade Check Grade Check

Design Design based on based on k-Value
Crest/ Terrain
Station Level Grade K-Value Lc Standard Speed Desirable Absolute Max. Check
Standard Standard
70+483.212 2629.117 0.63 270.772 SAG 140 Flat DS-3 100
70+662.362 2630.25 0.98 312.087 SAG 110 Flat DS-3 100
70+851.925 2632.117 2.1 80.376 SAG 90 Flat DS-3 100
71+020.125 2635.657 -0.93 23.081 CREST 70 Flat DS-3 100 Sub-s.
71+114.079 2634.785 -0.56 161.547 SAG 60 Flat DS-3 100
71+230.658 2634.136 0.2 119.027 SAG 90 Flat DS-3 100
71+339.469 2634.353 1.46 94.942 SAG 120 Flat DS-3 100
71+434.524 2635.744 1.09 188.293 CREST 70 Flat DS-3 100
71+518.987 2636.666 0.87 181.22 CREST 40 Flat DS-3 100
71+605.911 2637.423 1.11 167.988 SAG 40 Flat DS-3 100
71+648.833 2637.899 0.23 45.631 CREST 40 Flat DS-3 100 Sub-s.
71+688.423 2637.991 -0.22 66.776 CREST 30 Flat DS-3 100 Sub-s.
71+725.771 2637.91 -1.2 40.503 CREST 40 Flat DS-3 100 Sub-s.
71+782.975 2637.221 -0.73 106.349 SAG 50 Flat DS-3 100
71+889.061 2636.442 1.73 60.848 SAG 150 Flat DS-3 100
72+066.140 2639.507 2.71 81.924 SAG 80 Flat DS-3 100
72+162.580 2642.118 4.74 49.202 SAG 100 Flat DS-3 100 Sub-standard Sub-s.
72+275.939 2647.491 5.6 81.121 SAG 70 Flat DS-3 100 Sub-standard Sub-standard
72+354.633 2651.9 4.94 90.148 CREST 60 Flat DS-3 100 Sub-standard Sub-s.
72+401.482 2654.213 5.48 55.223 SAG 30 Flat DS-3 100 Sub-standard Sub-standard
72+557.292 2662.752 -3.56 23.225 CREST 210 Flat DS-3 100 Sub-standard Sub-s.
72+791.356 2654.416 -3.85 206.928 CREST 60 Flat DS-3 100 Sub-standard
72+880.493 2650.983 -3.26 135.535 SAG 80 Flat DS-3 100 Sub-standard
72+975.859 2647.873 -4.34 55.799 CREST 60 Flat DS-3 100 Sub-standard Sub-s.
73+069.531 2643.811 -3.4 63.997 SAG 60 Flat DS-3 100 Sub-standard
73+129.757 2641.764 -2.86 110.636 SAG 60 Flat DS-3 100
73+229.808 2638.906 -2.1 79.255 SAG 60 Flat DS-3 100
73+313.971 2637.139 -0.88 73.904 SAG 90 Flat DS-3 100
73+461.866 2635.835 1.46 68.285 SAG 160 Flat DS-3 100
73+747.617 2640.011 -1.39 70.088 CREST 200 Flat DS-3 100 Sub-s.
73+895.089 2637.958 -1.45 669.533 CREST 40 Flat DS-3 100
74+018.447 2636.167 -0.77 87.884 SAG 60 Flat DS-3 100
74+170.823 2634.995 -1.27 316.715 CREST 160 Flat DS-3 100
74+343.305 2632.797 -1.12 384.433 SAG 60 Flat DS-3 100
74+446.948 2631.638 -0.49 127.659 SAG 80 Flat DS-3 100

HITCON Engineering 2-40 Ethiopian Roads Authority

September 2012
Consultancy Services for the Detailed Engineering Design, Tender Documents Preparation and
Construction Supervision of Addis Ababa Goha Tsion Road Overlay Project

PVI Curve Parameters Grade Check Grade Check

Design Design based on based on k-Value
Crest/ Terrain
Station Level Grade K-Value Lc Standard Speed Desirable Absolute Max. Check
Standard Standard
74+597.480 2630.898 -0.56 442.471 CREST 30 Flat DS-3 100
74+679.176 2630.441 -0.27 276.881 SAG 80 Flat DS-3 100
74+800.082 2630.114 -0.64 213.61 CREST 80 Flat DS-3 100
74+861.480 2629.718 -0.44 194.379 SAG 40 Flat DS-3 100
74+934.797 2629.396 -0.54 1030.589 CREST 100 Flat DS-3 100
75+100.214 2628.509 -0.62 369.335 CREST 30 Flat DS-3 100
75+194.473 2627.927 -0.52 420.117 SAG 40 Flat DS-3 100
75+243.110 2627.673 -0.64 338.729 CREST 40 Flat DS-3 100
75+374.762 2626.83 0.04 192.032 SAG 130 Flat DS-3 100
75+462.086 2626.862 -0.35 102.339 CREST 40 Flat DS-3 100 Sub-s.
75+570.495 2626.478 -0.27 730.813 SAG 60 Flat DS-3 100
75+625.619 2626.328 -0.31 794.317 CREST 30 Flat DS-3 100
75+663.698 2626.21 -0.13 218.305 SAG 40 Flat DS-3 100
75+757.656 2626.091 -0.47 232.948 CREST 80 Flat DS-3 100
75+858.278 2625.618 -0.04 93.745 SAG 40 Flat DS-3 100
75+920.506 2625.591 0.6 93.069 SAG 60 Flat DS-3 100
75+983.038 2625.967 2.28 38.758 SAG 65 Flat DS-3 100 Sub-s.
76+072.927 2628.015 1.61 134.365 CREST 90 Flat DS-3 100
76+213.986 2630.284 0.95 152.776 CREST 100 Flat DS-3 100
76+399.312 2632.052 0.45 280.478 CREST 140 Flat DS-3 100
76+550.572 2632.74 1.2 188.534 SAG 140 Flat DS-3 100
76+734.635 2634.944 0.79 197.844 CREST 80 Flat DS-3 100
76+852.281 2635.877 0.89 403.374 SAG 40 Flat DS-3 100
76+895.768 2636.265 0.8 448.847 CREST 40 Flat DS-3 100
76+958.151 2636.766 1.13 153.949 SAG 50 Flat DS-3 100
77+026.509 2637.537 0.7 140.636 CREST 60 Flat DS-3 100
77+090.965 2637.989 0.99 207.694 SAG 60 Flat DS-3 100
77+138.938 2638.464 1.39 74.833 SAG 30 Flat DS-3 100
77+170.713 2638.906 1.01 78.209 CREST 30 Flat DS-3 100 Sub-s.
77+211.013 2639.312 0.39 48.905 CREST 30 Flat DS-3 100 Sub-s.
77+271.417 2639.55 0.12 326.092 CREST 90 Rolling DS-3 85
77+353.608 2639.647 -0.46 103.106 CREST 60 Rolling DS-3 85
77+456.215 2639.171 -0.88 190.327 CREST 80 Rolling DS-3 85
77+584.009 2638.041 -1.68 125.527 CREST 100 Rolling DS-3 85
77+729.945 2635.588 3.17 26.824 SAG 130 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-s.

HITCON Engineering 2-41 Ethiopian Roads Authority

September 2012
Consultancy Services for the Detailed Engineering Design, Tender Documents Preparation and
Construction Supervision of Addis Ababa Goha Tsion Road Overlay Project

PVI Curve Parameters Grade Check Grade Check

Design Design based on based on k-Value
Crest/ Terrain
Station Level Grade K-Value Lc Standard Speed Desirable Absolute Max. Check
Standard Standard
77+889.440 2640.637 1.86 72.627 CREST 95 Rolling DS-3 85
78+001.738 2642.723 2.68 121.995 SAG 100 Rolling DS-3 85
78+078.757 2644.785 2.31 137.619 CREST 50 Rolling DS-3 85
78+218.994 2648.03 -3.73 23.178 CREST 140 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-s.
78+363.644 2642.64 -4.02 276.307 CREST 80 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-standard
78+431.626 2639.91 -3.07 52.673 SAG 50 Rolling DS-3 85
78+597.352 2634.828 5.39 15.371 SAG 130 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-standard Sub-s.
78+719.743 2641.426 2.38 29.936 CREST 90 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-s.
78+815.445 2643.708 0.67 35.062 CREST 60 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-s.
78+971.554 2644.759 -0.03 98.928 CREST 70 Rolling DS-3 85
79+088.035 2644.719 -4.73 17.053 CREST 80 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-standard Sub-s.
79+163.137 2641.17 -6.54 38.665 CREST 70 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-standard Sub-standard Sub-s.
79+328.926 2630.334 -4.17 42.202 SAG 100 Flat DS-3 100 Sub-standard Sub-s.
79+424.067 2626.37 -2.15 42.16 SAG 85 Flat DS-3 100 Sub-s.
79+532.237 2624.044 -0.58 50.837 SAG 80 Flat DS-3 100 Sub-s.
79+665.415 2623.276 0.84 91.746 SAG 130 Flat DS-3 100
79+820.957 2624.583 3.23 54.46 SAG 130 Rolling DS-3 85
79+921.876 2627.84 5.53 30.383 SAG 70 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-standard Sub-s.
79+990.540 2631.638 6.83 30.831 SAG 40 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-standard Sub-standard Sub-s.
80+047.989 2635.561 3.75 19.458 CREST 60 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-s.
80+115.919 2638.105 0.03 16.157 CREST 60 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-s.
80+185.574 2638.127 -0.37 148.496 CREST 60 Rolling DS-3 85
80+310.954 2637.66 -1.86 53.727 CREST 80 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-s.
80+377.998 2636.412 -0.78 46.172 SAG 50 Rolling DS-3 85
80+450.054 2635.851 0.64 42.302 SAG 60 Rolling DS-3 85
80+511.479 2636.244 1.07 93.254 SAG 40 Rolling DS-3 85
80+673.726 2637.978 0.5 105.45 CREST 60 Rolling DS-3 85
80+783.581 2638.527 -1.94 57.308 CREST 140 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-s.
80+946.715 2635.357 -0.93 78.864 SAG 80 Rolling DS-3 85
81+024.882 2634.631 0.62 45.162 SAG 70 Rolling DS-3 85
81+130.000 2635.284 0.92 164.919 SAG 50 Rolling DS-3 85
81+203.346 2635.962 1.92 80.561 SAG 80 Rolling DS-3 85
81+330.548 2638.401 1.18 135.438 CREST 100 Rolling DS-3 85
81+494.066 2640.329 8.08 21.729 SAG 150 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-standard Sub-standard Sub-s.
81+671.814 2654.695 3.57 19.927 CREST 90 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-s.

HITCON Engineering 2-42 Ethiopian Roads Authority

September 2012
Consultancy Services for the Detailed Engineering Design, Tender Documents Preparation and
Construction Supervision of Addis Ababa Goha Tsion Road Overlay Project

PVI Curve Parameters Grade Check Grade Check

Design Design based on based on k-Value
Crest/ Terrain
Station Level Grade K-Value Lc Standard Speed Desirable Absolute Max. Check
Standard Standard
81+788.285 2658.848 2.29 46.914 CREST 60 Flat DS-3 100 Sub-s.
81+962.156 2662.824 0.42 53.477 CREST 100 Flat DS-3 100 Sub-s.
82+092.678 2663.368 1.31 89.964 SAG 80 Flat DS-3 100
82+235.707 2665.236 -0.12 76.944 CREST 110 Flat DS-3 100 Sub-s.
82+396.736 2665.037 0.59 169.114 SAG 120 Flat DS-3 100
82+586.327 2666.148 1.45 115.836 SAG 100 Rolling DS-3 85
82+727.638 2668.196 0.25 50.113 CREST 60 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-s.
82+832.408 2668.46 -2.4 37.752 CREST 100 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-s.
82+982.855 2664.854 -1.87 190.308 SAG 100 Rolling DS-3 85
83+161.011 2661.52 -1.21 180.589 SAG 120 Rolling DS-3 85
83+278.502 2660.102 -3.12 26.184 CREST 50 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-s.
83+348.068 2657.934 -1.81 61.175 SAG 80 Rolling DS-3 85
83+453.334 2656.03 -1.16 123.74 SAG 80 Flat DS-3 100
83+561.574 2654.772 -1.5 353.404 CREST 120 Flat DS-3 100
84+036.142 2647.645 -0.02 202.21 SAG 300 Rolling DS-3 85
84+338.718 2647.59 0.78 74.705 SAG 60 Rolling DS-3 85
84+399.484 2648.067 0.2 86.064 CREST 50 Rolling DS-3 85
84+497.027 2648.266 -0.06 454.921 CREST 120 Rolling DS-3 85
84+579.009 2648.217 -0.21 262.46 CREST 40 Rolling DS-3 85
84+625.669 2648.118 0.01 223.959 SAG 50 Rolling DS-3 85
84+679.813 2648.124 0.63 80.171 SAG 50 Rolling DS-3 85
84+804.745 2648.917 1.56 97.596 SAG 90 Rolling DS-3 85
85+078.363 2653.177 2.2 185.238 SAG 120 Flat DS-3 100
85+167.807 2655.149 1.61 83.663 CREST 50 Flat DS-3 100 Sub-s.
85+264.441 2656.702 1.93 186.002 SAG 60 Flat DS-3 100
85+422.499 2659.752 2.41 314.04 SAG 150 Flat DS-3 100
85+552.270 2662.876 1.6 98.971 CREST 80 Flat DS-3 100 Sub-s.
85+722.126 2665.592 1 167.001 CREST 100 Flat DS-3 100
85+962.977 2668.001 0.67 243.304 CREST 80 Flat DS-3 100
86+194.286 2669.554 0.6 2727.138 CREST 200 Flat DS-3 100
86+368.349 2670.595 -0.12 167.826 CREST 120 Flat DS-3 100
86+464.958 2670.482 0.04 252.714 SAG 40 Flat DS-3 100
86+564.194 2670.523 -0.2 490.147 CREST 120 Rolling DS-3 85
86+656.082 2670.336 0.33 56.344 SAG 30 Rolling DS-3 85
86+698.948 2670.477 0.18 134.537 CREST 20 Rolling DS-3 85

HITCON Engineering 2-43 Ethiopian Roads Authority

September 2012
Consultancy Services for the Detailed Engineering Design, Tender Documents Preparation and
Construction Supervision of Addis Ababa Goha Tsion Road Overlay Project

PVI Curve Parameters Grade Check Grade Check

Design Design based on based on k-Value
Crest/ Terrain
Station Level Grade K-Value Lc Standard Speed Desirable Absolute Max. Check
Standard Standard
86+731.676 2670.536 0.38 147.747 SAG 30 Rolling DS-3 85
86+761.155 2670.649 0.28 200.951 CREST 20 Rolling DS-3 85
86+866.512 2670.948 -0.21 151.723 CREST 75 Rolling DS-3 85
86+940.613 2670.792 0.03 126.187 SAG 30 Rolling DS-3 85
86+973.679 2670.801 -0.25 128.132 CREST 35 Rolling DS-3 85
87+051.341 2670.61 0.22 170.698 SAG 80 Rolling DS-3 85
87+210.280 2670.964 0.95 109.673 SAG 80 Rolling DS-3 85
87+295.139 2671.772 2.31 59.035 SAG 80 Rolling DS-3 85
87+404.098 2674.286 0.72 37.792 CREST 60 Mountainous DS-3 70
87+524.575 2675.153 -5.77 13.09 CREST 85 Mountainous DS-3 70 Sub-s.
87+609.129 2670.271 -6.48 56.299 CREST 40 Mountainous DS-3 70 Sub-standard
87+654.500 2667.329 -7.27 51.22 CREST 40 Mountainous DS-3 70 Sub-standard
87+707.836 2663.454 -7.65 77.247 CREST 30 Mountainous DS-3 70 Sub-standard
87+745.818 2660.547 -7.5 194.61 SAG 30 Mountainous DS-3 70 Sub-standard
87+783.634 2657.711 -6.99 78.032 SAG 40 Mountainous DS-3 70 Sub-standard
87+872.372 2651.511 -7.28 173.418 CREST 50 Mountainous DS-3 70 Sub-standard
87+939.793 2646.606 -5.92 51.81 SAG 70 Mountainous DS-3 70
88+003.938 2642.806 -7.79 26.837 CREST 50 Mountainous DS-3 70 Sub-standard Sub-s.
88+137.440 2632.41 -6.15 61.182 SAG 100 Mountainous DS-3 70 Sub-standard
88+297.484 2622.563 -2.26 20.549 SAG 80 Mountainous DS-3 70 Sub-s.
88+442.773 2619.28 -5.64 23.667 CREST 80 Mountainous DS-3 70 Sub-s.
88+540.968 2613.742 -1.84 18.405 SAG 70 Mountainous DS-3 70 Sub-s.
88+612.625 2612.426 -4.39 27.43 CREST 70 Mountainous DS-3 70 Sub-s.
88+682.171 2609.374 -1.85 23.626 SAG 60 Mountainous DS-3 70 Sub-s.
88+737.449 2608.352 -2.86 39.411 CREST 40 Mountainous DS-3 70
88+854.532 2604.999 -7.93 19.727 CREST 100 Mountainous DS-3 70 Sub-standard Sub-s.
88+986.599 2594.522 -3.98 35.438 SAG 140 Mountainous DS-3 70
89+142.804 2588.301 -3.24 135.105 SAG 100 Mountainous DS-3 70
89+317.519 2582.636 -3.69 331.897 CREST 150 Rolling DS-3 85
89+467.531 2577.094 -7.37 32.633 CREST 120 Urban DS-3 50 Sub-standard
89+591.127 2567.983 -3.61 26.556 SAG 100 Urban DS-3 50
89+725.794 2563.127 -1.78 65.715 SAG 120 Urban DS-3 50
89+849.736 2560.921 -4.9 32.077 CREST 100 Urban DS-3 50
89+928.492 2557.064 -6 36.167 CREST 40 Urban DS-3 50
89+980.013 2553.971 -3.57 24.653 SAG 60 Urban DS-3 50

HITCON Engineering 2-44 Ethiopian Roads Authority

September 2012
Consultancy Services for the Detailed Engineering Design, Tender Documents Preparation and
Construction Supervision of Addis Ababa Goha Tsion Road Overlay Project

PVI Curve Parameters Grade Check Grade Check

Design Design based on based on k-Value
Crest/ Terrain
Station Level Grade K-Value Lc Standard Speed Desirable Absolute Max. Check
Standard Standard
90+097.058 2549.793 -2.1 40.937 SAG 60 Urban DS-3 50
90+202.338 2547.578 -6.35 32.939 CREST 140 Urban DS-3 50 Sub-standard
90+333.447 2539.247 -5.17 50.465 SAG 60 Urban DS-3 50
90+393.850 2536.127 -6.97 33.284 CREST 60 Urban DS-3 50 Sub-standard
90+529.370 2526.684 -2.8 14.392 SAG 60 Urban DS-3 50
90+613.789 2524.321 -5.41 30.619 CREST 80 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-standard Sub-s.
90+806.828 2513.874 -0.86 30.727 SAG 140 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-s.
90+932.360 2512.8 -1.02 473.262 CREST 80 Rolling DS-3 85
91+080.906 2511.278 -1.63 98.542 CREST 60 Mountainous DS-3 70
91+157.430 2510.028 -0.58 57.222 SAG 60 Mountainous DS-3 70
91+227.696 2509.617 -7.29 11.939 CREST 80 Mountainous DS-3 70 Sub-standard Sub-s.
91+403.432 2496.813 0 10.98 SAG 80 Mountainous DS-3 70 Sub-s.
91+516.950 2496.813 7.23 11.06 SAG 80 Mountainous DS-3 70 Sub-standard Sub-s.
91+728.573 2512.12 5.15 86.533 CREST 180 Mountainous DS-3 70
91+890.265 2520.452 10.11 20.165 SAG 100 Mountainous DS-3 70 Sub-standard Sub-standard Sub-s.
91+986.813 2530.215 5.16 16.151 CREST 80 Mountainous DS-3 70 Sub-s.
92+098.293 2535.966 5.38 461.66 SAG 100 Mountainous DS-3 70
92+245.929 2543.902 0.71 21.415 CREST 100 Mountainous DS-3 70 Sub-s.
92+362.255 2544.723 6.48 10.396 SAG 60 Mountainous DS-3 70 Sub-standard Sub-s.
92+462.437 2551.212 7.66 33.741 SAG 40 Mountainous DS-3 70 Sub-standard
92+520.654 2555.673 6.31 51.659 CREST 70 Mountainous DS-3 70 Sub-standard
92+662.497 2564.62 1.97 32.297 CREST 140 Mountainous DS-3 70
92+895.548 2569.218 4.46 56.317 SAG 140 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-standard
93+056.014 2576.373 4.11 170.489 CREST 60 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-standard
93+198.796 2582.237 5.38 47.241 SAG 60 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-standard
93+294.239 2587.369 3.73 36.474 CREST 60 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-s.
93+394.560 2591.113 5.36 86.118 SAG 140 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-standard
93+626.731 2603.552 7.44 28.856 SAG 60 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-standard Sub-standard Sub-s.
93+761.060 2613.542 3.67 26.542 CREST 100 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-s.
93+953.057 2620.587 1.41 70.823 CREST 160 Rolling DS-3 85
94+163.810 2623.559 0.65 65.559 CREST 50 Rolling DS-3 85
94+221.879 2623.935 1.76 53.786 SAG 60 Rolling DS-3 85
94+435.035 2627.693 4.22 40.685 SAG 100 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-standard
94+526.934 2631.572 3.11 72.322 CREST 80 Flat DS-3 100 Sub-standard Sub-s.
94+597.790 2633.779 4.23 35.805 SAG 40 Flat DS-3 100 Sub-standard Sub-s.

HITCON Engineering 2-45 Ethiopian Roads Authority

September 2012
Consultancy Services for the Detailed Engineering Design, Tender Documents Preparation and
Construction Supervision of Addis Ababa Goha Tsion Road Overlay Project

PVI Curve Parameters Grade Check Grade Check

Design Design based on based on k-Value
Crest/ Terrain
Station Level Grade K-Value Lc Standard Speed Desirable Absolute Max. Check
Standard Standard
94+662.087 2636.5 2.99 70.175 CREST 87 Flat DS-3 100 Sub-s.
94+758.405 2639.382 2.28 69.725 CREST 50 Flat DS-3 100 Sub-s.
94+803.063 2640.398 2.95 44.718 SAG 30 Flat DS-3 100 Sub-s.
94+854.388 2641.91 2.75 308.344 CREST 60 Flat DS-3 100
94+934.676 2644.119 3.18 70.25 SAG 30 Flat DS-3 100 Sub-standard
95+042.435 2647.544 1.93 64.165 CREST 80 Flat DS-3 100 Sub-s.
95+215.245 2650.882 1.95 5634.106 SAG 80 Flat DS-3 100
95+288.788 2652.313 2.28 120.934 SAG 40 Flat DS-3 100
95+456.014 2656.12 1.57 184.162 CREST 130 Flat DS-3 100
95+739.080 2660.566 2.07 261.727 SAG 130 Flat DS-3 100
95+882.016 2663.521 1.83 584.171 CREST 140 Flat DS-3 100
95+998.501 2665.65 1.54 315.508 CREST 90 Flat DS-3 100
96+166.740 2668.245 0.69 94.355 CREST 80 Flat DS-3 100 Sub-s.
96+323.524 2669.334 0.2 121.74 CREST 60 Flat DS-3 100
96+382.513 2669.453 0.7 100.782 SAG 50 Flat DS-3 100
96+484.254 2670.163 0.58 330.165 CREST 40 Flat DS-3 100
96+529.685 2670.425 0.79 185.066 SAG 40 Flat DS-3 100
96+577.488 2670.804 0.62 226.015 CREST 40 Flat DS-3 100
96+699.107 2671.553 1.1 256.688 SAG 125 Flat DS-3 100
96+824.421 2672.935 1.86 92.98 SAG 70 Flat DS-3 100
96+974.016 2675.711 3.14 66.286 SAG 85 Rolling DS-3 85
97+053.111 2678.193 3.53 176.347 SAG 70 Rolling DS-3 85
97+183.495 2682.802 2.95 137.936 CREST 80 Rolling DS-3 85
97+293.784 2686.061 4.34 43.472 SAG 60 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-standard
97+378.879 2689.75 3.37 103.113 CREST 100 Rolling DS-3 85
97+484.782 2693.314 3.27 418.561 CREST 40 Rolling DS-3 85
97+600.325 2697.092 3.03 85.075 CREST 20 Rolling DS-3 85
97+699.050 2700.088 3.56 228.601 SAG 120 Rolling DS-3 85
97+797.375 2703.588 3.16 123.663 CREST 50 Rolling DS-3 85
98+086.476 2712.71 4.58 56.171 SAG 80 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-standard
98+184.827 2717.214 2.86 60.961 CREST 105 Rolling DS-3 85
98+278.103 2719.879 4.23 54.691 SAG 75 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-standard
98+387.812 2724.518 3.28 63.35 CREST 60 Rolling DS-3 85
98+449.555 2726.544 3.01 221.691 CREST 60 Rolling DS-3 85
98+560.991 2729.899 2.77 249.149 CREST 60 Rolling DS-3 85

HITCON Engineering 2-46 Ethiopian Roads Authority

September 2012
Consultancy Services for the Detailed Engineering Design, Tender Documents Preparation and
Construction Supervision of Addis Ababa Goha Tsion Road Overlay Project

PVI Curve Parameters Grade Check Grade Check

Design Design based on based on k-Value
Crest/ Terrain
Station Level Grade K-Value Lc Standard Speed Desirable Absolute Max. Check
Standard Standard
98+680.527 2733.21 3.38 114.493 SAG 70 Rolling DS-3 85
98+816.541 2737.809 2.72 90.555 CREST 60 Rolling DS-3 85
98+879.439 2739.519 2.93 143.821 SAG 30 Rolling DS-3 85
98+933.619 2741.105 1.95 71.789 CREST 70 Rolling DS-3 85
99+064.446 2743.659 0.69 55.413 CREST 70 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-s.
99+116.699 2744.019 0.43 114.251 CREST 30 Rolling DS-3 85
99+163.606 2744.219 0.46 1044.271 SAG 40 Rolling DS-3 85
99+252.054 2744.63 0.19 474.98 CREST 130 Rolling DS-3 85
99+382.955 2744.88 -0.46 199.361 CREST 130 Rolling DS-3 85
99+543.441 2744.14 2.7 37.924 SAG 120 Rolling DS-3 85
99+701.404 2748.41 3.66 62.646 SAG 60 Rolling DS-3 85
99+780.018 2751.288 2.85 49.5 CREST 40 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-s.
99+948.236 2756.087 4.75 34.311 SAG 65 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-standard Sub-s.
100+022.363 2759.606 7.39 28.426 SAG 75 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-standard Sub-standard Sub-s.
100+137.870 2768.137 1.21 25.002 CREST 154.371 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-s.
100+274.980 2769.798 2.47 63.346 SAG 80 Rolling DS-3 85
100+384.989 2772.52 2.65 446.759 SAG 80 Rolling DS-3 85
100+446.947 2774.164 3.22 52.652 SAG 30 Rolling DS-3 85
100+588.422 2778.724 4 83.186 SAG 65 Urban DS-3 50
100+675.198 2782.199 2.58 73.616 CREST 105 Urban DS-3 50
100+899.730 2787.988 2.04 334.586 CREST 180 Urban DS-3 50
101+185.672 2793.822 1.83 331.084 CREST 70 Urban DS-3 50
101+324.612 2796.363 1.49 179.49 CREST 60 Urban DS-3 50
101+584.152 2800.242 1.21 243.477 CREST 70 Urban DS-3 50
101+670.477 2801.284 -1.28 36.195 CREST 90 Urban DS-3 50
101+840.237 2799.112 -0.41 69.365 SAG 60 Urban DS-3 50
101+891.387 2798.9 0.17 68.488 SAG 40 Urban DS-3 50
101+984.559 2799.058 3.93 37.226 SAG 140 Urban DS-3 50
102+087.755 2803.114 3.33 CREST 60 Urban DS-3 50 Sub-s.
102+389.166 2820.125 6.58 70.443 SAG 220 Urban DS-3 50 Sub-standard
102+561.742 2830.524 4.17 33.184 CREST 80 Urban DS-3 50
102+720.865 2835.633 1.98 63.919 CREST 140 Urban DS-3 50
102+929.282 2842.98 5.55 50.436 SAG 180 Urban DS-3 50
102+995.988 2846.544 4.82 51.869 CREST 38.109 Urban DS-3 50

HITCON Engineering 2-47 Ethiopian Roads Authority

September 2012
Consultancy Services for the Detailed Engineering Design, Tender Documents Preparation and
Construction Supervision of Addis Ababa Goha Tsion Road Overlay Project

PVI Curve Parameters Grade Check Grade Check

Design Design based on based on k-Value
Crest/ Terrain
Station Level Grade K-Value Lc Standard Speed Desirable Absolute Max. Check
Standard Standard
103+062.128 2849.926 5.75 44.736 SAG 41.834 Urban DS-3 50
103+230.627 2860.484 6.8 159.083 SAG 165.8 Urban DS-3 50 Sub-standard
103+285.613 2864.148 6.08 28.785 CREST 20.472 Urban DS-3 50 Sub-standard
103+387.645 2869.848 4.82 63.036 CREST 80 Urban DS-3 50
103+581.269 2878.488 3.68 105.338 CREST 120 Urban DS-3 50
103+817.928 2888.177 5.2 85.361 SAG 130 Mountainous DS-3 70
103+948.940 2894.193 3.75 76.118 CREST 110 Mountainous DS-3 70
104+254.243 2904.453 2.3 113.629 CREST 165.139 Mountainous DS-3 70
104+599.861 2914.324 4.43 84.355 SAG 180 Mountainous DS-3 70
104+812.547 2922.963 3.11 90.894 CREST 120 Mountainous DS-3 70
104+983.267 2929.468 4.55 114.569 SAG 165 Mountainous DS-3 70
105+306.128 2943.414 3.61 169.006 CREST 160 Mountainous DS-3 70
105+535.055 2950.839 1.94 59.988 CREST 100 Mountainous DS-3 70
105+646.177 2953.113 2.72 38.315 SAG 30 Mountainous DS-3 70
105+687.438 2954.145 2.11 49.086 CREST 30 Mountainous DS-3 70
105+735.350 2955.354 3.1 40.609 SAG 40 Mountainous DS-3 70
105+765.640 2956.219 2.61 61.215 CREST 30 Mountainous DS-3 70
105+814.180 2957.623 3.53 32.369 SAG 30 Mountainous DS-3 70
106+081.331 2966.955 3.17 165.166 CREST 60 Mountainous DS-3 70
106+430.467 2976.5 0.99 64.238 CREST 140 Mountainous DS-3 70
106+595.443 2978.593 1.99 92.23 SAG 91.874 Mountainous DS-3 70
106+739.382 2982.632 4.76 30.594 SAG 84.9 Mountainous DS-3 70
106+877.077 2988.516 3.18 53.571 CREST 84.953 Mountainous DS-3 70
106+964.902 2991.283 3.09 585.525 CREST 52 Mountainous DS-3 70
107+036.602 2993.57 3.3 335.038 SAG 70 Mountainous DS-3 70
107+275.901 2999.664 -0.29 27.847 CREST 100 Mountainous DS-3 70 Sub-s.
107+363.500 3001.594 7 8.228 SAG 60 Mountainous DS-3 70 Sub-standard Sub-s.
107+447.992 3007.135 5.85 56.692 CREST 64.945 Mountainous DS-3 70
107+487.358 3009.662 7.34 20.161 SAG 30 Mountainous DS-3 70 Sub-standard Sub-s.
107+533.567 3013.159 7.81 96.651 SAG 45 Mountainous DS-3 70 Sub-standard
107+620.123 3018.897 3.73 12.27 CREST 50 Mountainous DS-3 70 Sub-s.
107+664.890 3020.745 4.62 44.924 SAG 40 Mountainous DS-3 70
107+753.849 3025.518 7.27 18.885 SAG 50 Mountainous DS-3 70 Sub-standard Sub-s.
107+812.076 3029.505 5.63 18.338 CREST 30 Mountainous DS-3 70 Sub-s.
107+859.818 3032.097 4.98 46.23 CREST 30 Mountainous DS-3 70

HITCON Engineering 2-48 Ethiopian Roads Authority

September 2012
Consultancy Services for the Detailed Engineering Design, Tender Documents Preparation and
Construction Supervision of Addis Ababa Goha Tsion Road Overlay Project

PVI Curve Parameters Grade Check Grade Check

Design Design based on based on k-Value
Crest/ Terrain
Station Level Grade K-Value Lc Standard Speed Desirable Absolute Max. Check
Standard Standard
107+892.738 3034.023 6.88 15.788 SAG 30 Mountainous DS-3 70 Sub-standard Sub-s.
108+022.956 3042.491 5.64 64.395 CREST 80 Mountainous DS-3 70
108+115.928 3048.191 7.92 17.596 SAG 40 Mountainous DS-3 70 Sub-standard Sub-s.
108+264.159 3058.598 4.6 24.126 CREST 80 Mountainous DS-3 70 Sub-s.
108+529.686 3069.54 2.91 88.578 CREST 150 Mountainous DS-3 70
108+574.252 3071.163 4.54 24.418 SAG 40 Mountainous DS-3 70 Sub-s.
108+690.331 3074.849 1.01 25.491 CREST 90 Mountainous DS-3 70 Sub-s.
108+868.051 3080.235 6.14 27.334 SAG 140 Mountainous DS-3 70 Sub-standard
109+018.489 3088.683 4.57 63.991 CREST 100 Mountainous DS-3 70
109+349.660 3101.307 1.77 64.31 CREST 180 Mountainous DS-3 70
109+532.319 3103.599 -0.93 25.885 CREST 70 Mountainous DS-3 70 Sub-s.
109+631.165 3100.982 -5.78 14.438 CREST 70 Mountainous DS-3 70 Sub-s.
109+731.739 3096.546 -1.19 13.079 SAG 60 Mountainous DS-3 70 Sub-s.
109+846.140 3095.78 0.14 67.779 SAG 90 Mountainous DS-3 70
109+923.822 3095.816 -0.57 28.469 CREST 20 Mountainous DS-3 70 Sub-s.
109+965.036 3095.558 -0.81 81.226 CREST 20 Mountainous DS-3 70
110+196.961 3095.478 2.2 39.894 SAG 120 Rolling DS-3 85
110+461.924 3099.025 -0.07 88.107 CREST 200 Rolling DS-3 85
110+695.907 3097.904 -1.43 103.562 CREST 140 Rolling DS-3 85
110+788.133 3096.748 -0.63 50.259 SAG 40 Rolling DS-3 85
110+865.896 3096.08 -1.52 45.092 CREST 40 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-s.
111+003.955 3095.079 0.67 45.678 SAG 100 Rolling DS-3 85
111+125.711 3094.663 -1.8 40.519 CREST 100 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-s.
111+300.842 3092.196 -0.1 47.165 SAG 80 Rolling DS-3 85
111+344.808 3091.663 -2.54 16.389 CREST 40 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-s.
111+465.006 3087.924 -3.91 72.896 CREST 100 Rolling DS-3 85
111+558.964 3083.052 -6.73 30.223 CREST 85 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-standard Sub-standard Sub-s.
111+756.397 3070.606 -5.62 135.259 SAG 150 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-standard
111+938.702 3060.567 -5.14 178.058 SAG 84.309 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-standard
112+164.605 3051.574 -1.86 48.783 SAG 160 Rolling DS-3 85
112+454.050 3046.441 -1 69.455 SAG 60 Rolling DS-3 85
112+723.943 3038.357 -6.13 40.919 CREST 210 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-standard Sub-standard Sub-s.
112+896.814 3029.137 0 7.34 SAG 45 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-s.
113+020.955 3031.454 5.45 15.595 SAG 85 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-standard Sub-s.
113+267.645 3041.044 1.86 59.947 CREST 215 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-s.

HITCON Engineering 2-49 Ethiopian Roads Authority

September 2012
Consultancy Services for the Detailed Engineering Design, Tender Documents Preparation and
Construction Supervision of Addis Ababa Goha Tsion Road Overlay Project

PVI Curve Parameters Grade Check Grade Check

Design Design based on based on k-Value
Crest/ Terrain
Station Level Grade K-Value Lc Standard Speed Desirable Absolute Max. Check
Standard Standard
113+426.565 3043.506 1.03 143.883 CREST 120 Rolling DS-3 85
113+600.214 3044.545 0.09 170.637 CREST 160 Urban DS-3 50
113+834.951 3045.825 1.61 92.095 SAG 140 Urban DS-3 50
113+927.480 3047.207 1.06 72.343 CREST 40 Urban DS-3 50
114+299.184 3053.413 2.29 301.826 SAG 370 Urban DS-3 50
115+209.861 3077.46 3.05 1117.073 SAG 850 Urban DS-3 50
115+547.629 3086.919 1.9 126.539 CREST 145 Urban DS-3 50
115+829.885 3090.597 -0.35 66.747 CREST 150 Urban DS-3 50
115+965.935 3088.481 -3.09 43.776 CREST 120 Urban DS-3 50
116+084.413 3084.375 -4.08 90.524 CREST 90 Urban DS-3 50
116+221.205 3078.603 -4.55 170.969 CREST 80 Mountainous DS-3 70
116+315.413 3074.063 -5.39 71.107 CREST 60 Mountainous DS-3 70
116+405.542 3068.979 -6.14 80.701 CREST 60 Mountainous DS-3 70 Sub-standard
116+599.395 3066.268 4.07 17.635 SAG 180 Mountainous DS-3 70 Sub-s.
116+826.113 3074.264 1.73 44.787 CREST 105 Mountainous DS-3 70
116+940.635 3076.842 3.45 40.637 SAG 70 Mountainous DS-3 70
117+004.658 3078.931 2.26 16.888 CREST 20 Mountainous DS-3 70 Sub-s.
117+050.095 3079.765 0.31 10.258 CREST 20 Mountainous DS-3 70 Sub-s.
117+093.857 3079.845 -0.26 35.104 CREST 20 Mountainous DS-3 70
117+136.234 3079.935 1.72 10.109 SAG 20 Mountainous DS-3 70 Sub-s.
117+180.841 3080.681 1.5 91.36 CREST 20 Mountainous DS-3 70
117+220.912 3081.173 0.4 18.055 CREST 20 Mountainous DS-3 70 Sub-s.
117+311.043 3081.668 0.86 130.199 SAG 60 Mountainous DS-3 70
117+466.312 3081.279 -1.36 69.869 CREST 155 Mountainous DS-3 70
117+528.180 3080.521 -0.8 53.79 SAG 30 Mountainous DS-3 70
117+655.234 3080.96 1.85 41.404 SAG 110 Mountainous DS-3 70
117+826.175 3081.687 -1.9 34.626 CREST 130 Mountainous DS-3 70
118+007.452 3077.093 -3.34 111.548 CREST 160 Mountainous DS-3 70
118+198.456 3070.413 -3.66 585.744 CREST 190 Mountainous DS-3 70
118+699.892 3045.019 -6.89 135.111 CREST 436.162 Mountainous DS-3 70 Sub-standard
119+460.614 3014.069 -0.76 114.206 SAG 700 Mountainous DS-3 70
120+048.087 3001.5 -3.82 173.207 CREST 530 Mountainous DS-3 70
120+169.868 2998.759 0 26.184 SAG 100 Mountainous DS-3 70
120+400.681 3001.661 4.15 33.772 SAG 140 Mountainous DS-3 70
120+616.396 3009.022 2.17 80.941 CREST 160 Mountainous DS-3 70

HITCON Engineering 2-50 Ethiopian Roads Authority

September 2012
Consultancy Services for the Detailed Engineering Design, Tender Documents Preparation and
Construction Supervision of Addis Ababa Goha Tsion Road Overlay Project

PVI Curve Parameters Grade Check Grade Check

Design Design based on based on k-Value
Crest/ Terrain
Station Level Grade K-Value Lc Standard Speed Desirable Absolute Max. Check
Standard Standard
120+817.663 3012.552 0.98 117.46 CREST 140 Mountainous DS-3 70
121+019.901 3014.302 0.41 141.714 CREST 80 Mountainous DS-3 70
121+171.575 3015.925 1.74 112.764 SAG 150 Mountainous DS-3 70
121+579.718 3026.485 3.64 190.6 SAG 362.543 Mountainous DS-3 70
121+867.221 3038.312 5.33 94.907 SAG 160 Mountainous DS-3 70
122+188.314 3053.408 4.03 237.943 CREST 310 Mountainous DS-3 70
122+424.896 3061.989 3.17 255.469 CREST 220 Mountainous DS-3 70
122+774.242 3072.463 2.43 217.539 CREST 160 Mountainous DS-3 70
123+105.782 3080.196 1.78 153.113 CREST 100 Mountainous DS-3 70
123+599.597 3095.439 4.59 162.968 SAG 459 Mountainous DS-3 70
123+834.027 3107.1 5.73 137.291 SAG 156.361 Mountainous DS-3 70
124+263.527 3109.274 -4.96 39.286 CREST 420 Mountainous DS-3 70
124+513.382 3103.066 1.91 26.219 SAG 180 Mountainous DS-3 70
125+204.019 3105.239 -6.56 30.718 CREST 260 Mountainous DS-3 70 Sub-standard Sub-s.
125+545.159 3088.807 1.92 16.514 SAG 140 Mountainous DS-3 70 Sub-s.
125+667.194 3092.537 4.23 51.972 SAG 120 Mountainous DS-3 70
125+769.453 3098.295 9 12.572 SAG 60 Mountainous DS-3 70 Sub-standard Sub-standard Sub-s.
125+888.626 3105.034 -0.97 8.02 CREST 80 Mountainous DS-3 70 Sub-s.
125+992.132 3106.479 3.93 20.394 SAG 100 Mountainous DS-3 70 Sub-s.
126+128.315 3108.71 -2.31 16.014 CREST 100 Mountainous DS-3 70 Sub-s.
126+230.361 3108.844 2.68 20.045 SAG 100 Mountainous DS-3 70 Sub-s.
126+403.095 3109.782 -3.22 21.212 CREST 125 Mountainous DS-3 70 Sub-s.
126+685.574 3096.467 -10.26 17.033 CREST 120 Mountainous DS-3 70 Sub-standard Sub-standard Sub-s.
126+802.414 3087.956 -3.3 14.37 SAG 100 Mountainous DS-3 70 Sub-s.
126+902.944 3082.52 -8.59 15.131 CREST 80 Mountainous DS-3 70 Sub-standard Sub-standard Sub-s.
126+967.334 3077.307 -7.53 56.52 SAG 60 Mountainous DS-3 70 Sub-standard
127+039.516 3071.712 -8.33 50.009 CREST 40 Mountainous DS-3 70 Sub-standard Sub-standard
127+168.320 3065.862 -0.33 15.258 SAG 122 Mountainous DS-3 70 Sub-s.
127+276.317 3062.215 -6.91 15.21 CREST 100 Mountainous DS-3 70 Sub-standard Sub-s.
127+346.175 3057.518 -6.48 140.003 SAG 60 Mountainous DS-3 70 Sub-standard
127+416.028 3052.818 -7.06 103.188 CREST 60 Mountainous DS-3 70 Sub-standard
127+561.728 3045.905 -1.19 19.6 SAG 115 Mountainous DS-3 70 Sub-s.
127+662.682 3042.204 -8.33 9.815 CREST 70 Mountainous DS-3 70 Sub-standard Sub-standard Sub-s.
127+727.223 3037.423 -5.36 13.512 SAG 40 Mountainous DS-3 70 Sub-s.
127+768.670 3034.823 -7.25 21.244 CREST 40 Mountainous DS-3 70 Sub-standard Sub-s.

HITCON Engineering 2-51 Ethiopian Roads Authority

September 2012
Consultancy Services for the Detailed Engineering Design, Tender Documents Preparation and
Construction Supervision of Addis Ababa Goha Tsion Road Overlay Project

PVI Curve Parameters Grade Check Grade Check

Design Design based on based on k-Value
Crest/ Terrain
Station Level Grade K-Value Lc Standard Speed Desirable Absolute Max. Check
Standard Standard
127+893.052 3025.491 -8.04 101.169 CREST 80 Mountainous DS-3 70 Sub-standard Sub-standard
128+233.428 2997.97 -8.36 312.53 CREST 100 Mountainous DS-3 70 Sub-standard Sub-standard
128+572.381 2969.685 -8.27 1097.619 SAG 100 Mountainous DS-3 70 Sub-standard Sub-standard
129+021.460 2933.211 -7.18 110.158 SAG 120 Mountainous DS-3 70 Sub-standard
129+164.841 2921.878 -9.26 48.02 CREST 100 Mountainous DS-3 70 Sub-standard Sub-standard
129+267.641 2914.026 -5.93 29.986 SAG 100 Mountainous DS-3 70
129+333.471 2909.984 -6.63 56.734 CREST 40 Mountainous DS-3 70 Sub-standard
129+392.873 2906.52 -4.73 26.307 SAG 50 Mountainous DS-3 70
129+453.726 2902.809 -7.5 21.625 CREST 60 Mountainous DS-3 70 Sub-standard Sub-s.
129+600.157 2894.744 -1.94 18.854 SAG 105 Mountainous DS-3 70 Sub-s.
129+668.625 2892.282 -5.72 15.837 CREST 60 Mountainous DS-3 70 Sub-s.
129+764.518 2886.219 -8.02 21.769 CREST 50 Mountainous DS-3 70 Sub-standard Sub-standard Sub-s.
129+821.700 2882.189 -5.79 22.445 SAG 50 Mountainous DS-3 70 Sub-s.
129+929.233 2875.014 -7.68 52.907 CREST 100 Mountainous DS-3 70 Sub-standard
130+080.255 2864.62 -4.66 26.449 SAG 80 Mountainous DS-3 70
130+158.268 2861.917 0 8.586 SAG 40 Mountainous DS-3 70 Sub-s.
130+225.157 2862.455 2.69 14.862 SAG 40 Mountainous DS-3 70 Sub-s.
130+379.852 2863.581 -1.65 32.256 CREST 140 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-s.
130+479.877 2863.556 1.6 30.785 SAG 100 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-s.
130+622.992 2865.59 1.09 196.592 CREST 100 Rolling DS-3 85
130+808.115 2869.114 3.1 74.789 SAG 150 Urban DS-3 50
130+908.234 2871.652 1.22 32.029 CREST 60 Urban DS-3 50
131+098.019 2872.852 -0.02 144.471 CREST 180 Urban DS-3 50
131+569.775 2867.595 -2.47 171.304 CREST 420 Urban DS-3 50
131+712.429 2863.822 -2.92 249.228 CREST 110 Urban DS-3 50
131+835.180 2861.156 -1.39 78.824 SAG 120 Mountainous DS-3 70
131+950.868 2857.871 -4.3 39.536 CREST 115 Mountainous DS-3 70
132+327.441 2844.603 -2.58 197.05 SAG 340 Mountainous DS-3 70
132+433.943 2840.161 -6.82 18.855 CREST 80 Mountainous DS-3 70 Sub-standard Sub-s.
132+529.546 2832.8 -8.92 38.073 CREST 80 Mountainous DS-3 70 Sub-standard Sub-standard
132+757.498 2816.648 -4.74 47.805 SAG 200 Mountainous DS-3 70
132+858.533 2811.043 -7.47 21.975 CREST 60 Mountainous DS-3 70 Sub-standard Sub-s.
132+941.641 2804.657 -7.92 178.033 CREST 80 Mountainous DS-3 70 Sub-standard
133+105.312 2792.568 -5.74 36.782 SAG 80 Mountainous DS-3 70
133+156.588 2789.275 -8.07 12.91 CREST 30 Mountainous DS-3 70 Sub-standard Sub-standard Sub-s.

HITCON Engineering 2-52 Ethiopian Roads Authority

September 2012
Consultancy Services for the Detailed Engineering Design, Tender Documents Preparation and
Construction Supervision of Addis Ababa Goha Tsion Road Overlay Project

PVI Curve Parameters Grade Check Grade Check

Design Design based on based on k-Value
Crest/ Terrain
Station Level Grade K-Value Lc Standard Speed Desirable Absolute Max. Check
Standard Standard
133+291.370 2778.293 -8.8 40.763 CREST 30 Mountainous DS-3 70 Sub-standard Sub-standard
133+332.093 2774.853 -8.08 55.398 SAG 40 Mountainous DS-3 70 Sub-standard Sub-standard
133+366.168 2772.084 -8.19 275.81 CREST 30 Mountainous DS-3 70 Sub-standard Sub-standard
133+599.559 2751.417 -9.6 155.579 CREST 220 Mountainous DS-3 70 Sub-standard Sub-standard
133+794.603 2733.654 -8.22 101.337 SAG 140 Mountainous DS-3 70 Sub-standard Sub-standard
134+156.257 2709.48 -4.32 73.07 SAG 285 Mountainous DS-3 70
134+248.261 2704.095 -8.35 17.386 CREST 70 Mountainous DS-3 70 Sub-standard Sub-standard Sub-s.
134+359.737 2694.716 -8.64 168.329 CREST 50 Mountainous DS-3 70 Sub-standard Sub-standard
134+407.856 2690.544 -8.77 160.609 CREST 20 Mountainous DS-3 70 Sub-standard Sub-standard
134+552.883 2680.987 -3.5 22.782 SAG 120 Mountainous DS-3 70 Sub-s.
134+616.943 2678.212 -5.28 33.811 CREST 60 Mountainous DS-3 70
134+719.914 2673.307 -3.52 34.096 SAG 60 Mountainous DS-3 70
134+774.188 2670.657 -6.48 16.86 CREST 50 Mountainous DS-3 70 Sub-standard Sub-s.
135+005.060 2659.45 -2.31 43.114 SAG 180 Rolling DS-3 85
135+210.732 2653.875 -3.97 60.245 CREST 100 Rolling DS-3 85
135+359.166 2646.034 -8.31 20.73 CREST 90 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-standard Sub-standard Sub-s.
135+465.174 2638.619 -5.38 32.418 SAG 95 Mountainous DS-3 70
135+590.920 2633.353 -0.39 12.025 SAG 60 Mountainous DS-3 70 Sub-s.
135+739.500 2629.785 -4.66 32.763 CREST 140 Mountainous DS-3 70
135+837.611 2625.05 -5.47 49.244 CREST 40 Mountainous DS-3 70
135+882.722 2622.71 -4.83 61.952 SAG 40 Mountainous DS-3 70
135+913.238 2621.193 -5.26 46.738 CREST 20 Mountainous DS-3 70
135+996.593 2616.88 -4.92 119.099 SAG 40 Mountainous DS-3 70
136+030.846 2615.345 -3.41 13.25 SAG 20 Mountainous DS-3 70 Sub-s.
136+176.878 2608.571 -6.67 33.715 CREST 110 Mountainous DS-3 70 Sub-standard
136+309.795 2601.159 -3.03 21.944 SAG 80 Mountainous DS-3 70 Sub-s.
136+454.447 2596.339 -4.13 72.523 CREST 80 Mountainous DS-3 70
136+505.478 2594.137 -4.6 85.504 CREST 40 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-standard
136+551.362 2591.783 -6.22 18.448 CREST 30 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-standard Sub-standard Sub-s.
136+620.128 2588.748 0 6.426 SAG 40 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-s.
136+729.679 2589.84 3.64 16.477 SAG 60 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-s.
137+125.179 2598.875 -1.24 45.093 CREST 220 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-s.
137+300.502 2597.433 0.22 68.744 SAG 100 Rolling DS-3 85
137+362.032 2597.096 -1.35 38.219 CREST 60 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-s.
137+435.900 2596.027 -1.82 64.612 CREST 30 Rolling DS-3 85

HITCON Engineering 2-53 Ethiopian Roads Authority

September 2012
Consultancy Services for the Detailed Engineering Design, Tender Documents Preparation and
Construction Supervision of Addis Ababa Goha Tsion Road Overlay Project

PVI Curve Parameters Grade Check Grade Check

Design Design based on based on k-Value
Crest/ Terrain
Station Level Grade K-Value Lc Standard Speed Desirable Absolute Max. Check
Standard Standard
137+493.086 2595.128 -1.12 57.081 SAG 40 Rolling DS-3 85
137+533.689 2594.721 -0.66 43.636 SAG 20 Rolling DS-3 85
137+575.328 2594.54 0.27 21.553 SAG 20 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-s.
137+720.950 2595.915 2.23 50.926 SAG 100 Rolling DS-3 85
137+757.253 2596.682 1.79 45.346 CREST 20 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-s.
137+784.714 2597.256 2.45 38.142 SAG 25 Rolling DS-3 85
137+870.392 2598.376 -0.81 18.414 CREST 60 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-s.
138+143.641 2594.271 -2.91 85.692 CREST 180 Rolling DS-3 85
138+340.397 2588.151 -4.88 20.344 CREST 40 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-standard Sub-s.
138+383.392 2586.013 -5.15 108.782 CREST 30 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-standard
138+427.409 2584.039 -3.19 15.3 SAG 30 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-s.
138+576.011 2580.069 -2.09 126.606 SAG 140 Rolling DS-3 85
138+762.667 2576.816 -0.81 78.064 SAG 100 Rolling DS-3 85
138+865.449 2575.711 -1.73 64.881 CREST 60 Rolling DS-3 85
139+192.637 2575.427 2.11 72.921 SAG 280 Rolling DS-3 85
139+289.182 2577.111 0.7 35.504 CREST 50 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-s.
139+410.214 2577.313 -0.92 49.409 CREST 80 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-s.
139+482.646 2576.728 -0.65 224.935 SAG 60 Rolling DS-3 85
139+554.949 2576.15 -1.01 167.044 CREST 60 Rolling DS-3 85
139+607.181 2575.789 -0.34 75.163 SAG 50 Rolling DS-3 85
139+779.365 2574.872 -0.88 222.983 CREST 120 Rolling DS-3 85
139+829.570 2574.462 -0.72 244.037 SAG 40 Rolling DS-3 85
139+890.638 2574.086 -0.4 125.6 SAG 40 Rolling DS-3 85
139+966.057 2573.72 -0.61 281.371 CREST 60 Rolling DS-3 85
140+046.496 2572.775 -2.42 27.649 CREST 50 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-s.
140+162.241 2569.885 -2.85 93.15 CREST 40 Rolling DS-3 85
140+248.594 2567.775 -1.97 90.865 SAG 80 Rolling DS-3 85
140+587.060 2563.557 -0.22 159.754 SAG 280 Flat DS-3 100
140+944.216 2563.202 0.31 301.129 SAG 160 Flat DS-3 100
141+209.939 2563.995 0.06 119.192 CREST 30 Flat DS-3 100
141+404.818 2564.59 0.85 151.199 SAG 120 Flat DS-3 100
141+505.520 2564.975 -0.1 105.002 CREST 100 Flat DS-3 100
141+679.278 2563.871 -1.43 104.837 CREST 140 Flat DS-3 100 Sub-s.
141+846.031 2562.279 -0.44 160.482 SAG 160 Flat DS-3 100
142+172.048 2562.064 0.37 372.936 SAG 300 Rolling DS-3 85

HITCON Engineering 2-54 Ethiopian Roads Authority

September 2012
Consultancy Services for the Detailed Engineering Design, Tender Documents Preparation and
Construction Supervision of Addis Ababa Goha Tsion Road Overlay Project

PVI Curve Parameters Grade Check Grade Check

Design Design based on based on k-Value
Crest/ Terrain
Station Level Grade K-Value Lc Standard Speed Desirable Absolute Max. Check
Standard Standard
142+365.730 2562.748 0.07 66.421 CREST 20 Rolling DS-3 85
142+543.857 2564.671 2.19 80.145 SAG 170 Rolling DS-3 85
142+628.773 2566.499 1.99 150.773 CREST 30 Rolling DS-3 85
142+724.717 2568.479 2.23 253.565 SAG 60 Urban DS-3 50
142+770.485 2569.455 2.01 184.464 CREST 40 Urban DS-3 50
142+846.671 2570.971 1.91 303.775 CREST 30 Urban DS-3 50
142+870.000 2571.414 1.89 861.749 CREST 20 Urban DS-3 50
142+890.349 2571.796 1.87 1109.23 CREST 20 Urban DS-3 50
143+013.609 2573.395 0.46 70.934 CREST 100 Urban DS-3 50
143+068.281 2573.561 0.03 93.73 CREST 40 Urban DS-3 50
143+158.505 2573.506 -0.39 93.753 CREST 40 Urban DS-3 50
143+233.584 2573.115 -0.87 84.681 CREST 40 Urban DS-3 50
143+331.186 2572.162 -1.26 140.257 CREST 55 Urban DS-3 50
143+378.324 2571.541 -1.54 70.39 CREST 20 Urban DS-3 50
143+428.694 2570.807 -1.33 185.124 SAG 40 Urban DS-3 50
143+566.656 2568.88 -1.81 82.356 CREST 40 Urban DS-3 50
143+707.729 2566.642 -1.36 307.458 SAG 140 Urban DS-3 50
143+919.063 2563.474 -1.73 425.736 CREST 160 Urban DS-3 50
144+129.109 2560.666 -0.69 153.952 SAG 160 Urban DS-3 50
144+235.685 2559.848 -1.01 156.113 CREST 50 Urban DS-3 50
144+311.112 2559.097 -0.92 320.896 SAG 30 Urban DS-3 50
144+376.144 2558.4 -1.41 81.267 CREST 40 Urban DS-3 50
144+493.443 2556.43 -2.2 101.893 CREST 80 Urban DS-3 50
144+589.491 2554.709 -0.9 46.213 SAG 60 Urban DS-3 50
144+644.125 2554.432 0.17 37.325 SAG 40 Urban DS-3 50
144+699.432 2554.442 -0.25 93.927 CREST 40 Urban DS-3 50
144+732.316 2554.404 0.05 98.144 SAG 30 Urban DS-3 50
144+831.679 2554.395 -0.1 521.155 CREST 80 Urban DS-3 50
144+900.120 2554.348 -0.01 559.005 SAG 50 Urban DS-3 50
144+940.959 2554.29 -0.37 84.245 CREST 30 Urban DS-3 50
144+970.000 2554.199 -0.21 130.672 SAG 20 Urban DS-3 50
144+991.645 2554.077 -0.97 26.447 CREST 20 Urban DS-3 50
145+142.194 2553.436 1.77 21.922 SAG 60 Urban DS-3 50
145+280.850 2555.546 1.09 147.789 CREST 100 Urban DS-3 50
145+485.356 2551.67 -7.63 16.056 CREST 140 Urban DS-3 50 Sub-standard

HITCON Engineering 2-55 Ethiopian Roads Authority

September 2012
Consultancy Services for the Detailed Engineering Design, Tender Documents Preparation and
Construction Supervision of Addis Ababa Goha Tsion Road Overlay Project

PVI Curve Parameters Grade Check Grade Check

Design Design based on based on k-Value
Crest/ Terrain
Station Level Grade K-Value Lc Standard Speed Desirable Absolute Max. Check
Standard Standard
145+697.357 2537 -5.75 85 SAG 160 Urban DS-3 50
145+863.524 2532.883 1.04 23.558 SAG 160 Urban DS-3 50
145+983.271 2534.581 2.16 71.42 SAG 80 Urban DS-3 50
146+127.735 2537.597 1.94 456.252 CREST 100 Urban DS-3 50
146+338.193 2545.104 6.21 37.504 SAG 160 Urban DS-3 50 Sub-standard
146+443.385 2550.114 2.83 26.593 CREST 90 Urban DS-3 50
146+558.918 2554.904 6.21 26.573 SAG 90 Urban DS-3 50 Sub-standard
146+662.188 2559.716 0.86 11.216 CREST 60 Urban DS-3 50
146+835.338 2560.934 0.31 180.012 CREST 100 Urban DS-3 50
146+957.193 2561.347 0.49 218.851 SAG 40 Urban DS-3 50
147+001.827 2561.538 0.35 285.423 CREST 40 Urban DS-3 50
147+088.513 2562.147 1.11 105.063 SAG 80 Urban DS-3 50
147+193.911 2563.236 0.7 96.251 CREST 40 Urban DS-3 50
147+235.026 2563.623 1.2 79.987 SAG 40 Urban DS-3 50
147+701.277 2566.368 -2.85 34.556 CREST 140 Urban DS-3 50
147+871.494 2561.452 -3.04 315.666 CREST 60 Urban DS-3 50
147+910.051 2560.008 -4.85 16.647 CREST 30 Urban DS-3 50
148+079.634 2552.698 -3.33 79.252 SAG 120 Rolling DS-3 85
148+242.407 2548.421 -1.9 111.505 SAG 160 Rolling DS-3 85
148+380.576 2546.807 -0.07 60.025 SAG 110 Rolling DS-3 85
148+537.309 2548.267 2.17 62.761 SAG 140 Rolling DS-3 85
148+820.978 2558.534 7.66 27.278 SAG 150 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-standard Sub-standard Sub-s.
149+057.301 2572.912 3.51 43.372 CREST 180 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-s.
149+208.271 2577.709 2.24 62.805 CREST 80 Rolling DS-3 85
149+468.499 2583.15 1.68 251.47 CREST 140 Rolling DS-3 85
149+646.926 2585.783 1.07 193.958 CREST 120 Rolling DS-3 85
149+888.864 2587.101 -0.19 158.756 CREST 200 Rolling DS-3 85
150+393.006 2587.017 0.7 222.8 SAG 200 Rolling DS-3 85
150+499.668 2588.032 1.23 189.281 SAG 100 Rolling DS-3 85
150+596.418 2589.35 1.55 251.31 SAG 80 Rolling DS-3 85
150+676.538 2590.47 0.94 65.449 CREST 40 Rolling DS-3 85
150+859.472 2591.728 0.02 108.92 CREST 100 Rolling DS-3 85
151+044.118 2589.936 -2.59 53.568 CREST 140 Rolling DS-3 85 Sub-s.
151+228.649 2584.93 -3.04 225.569 CREST 100 Rolling DS-3 85
151+456.757 2578.585 -2.07 123.752 SAG 120 Rolling DS-3 85

HITCON Engineering 2-56 Ethiopian Roads Authority

September 2012
Consultancy Services for the Detailed Engineering Design, Tender Documents Preparation and
Construction Supervision of Addis Ababa Goha Tsion Road Overlay Project

PVI Curve Parameters Grade Check Grade Check

Design Design based on based on k-Value
Crest/ Terrain
Station Level Grade K-Value Lc Standard Speed Desirable Absolute Max. Check
Standard Standard
151+511.129 2577.508 -1.84 173.202 SAG 40 Rolling DS-3 85
151+698.621 2574.14 -1.69 673.515 SAG 100 Rolling DS-3 85
152+002.508 2573.268 1.35 92.114 SAG 280 Rolling DS-3 85
152+160.820 2575.536 1.67 252.354 SAG 80 Rolling DS-3 85
152+794.117 2580.456 -0.79 187.147 CREST 460 Flat DS-3 100
153+101.131 2578.421 -0.44 626.884 SAG 220 Flat DS-3 100
153+463.903 2576.411 -0.7 1210.764 CREST 320 Flat DS-3 100
153+688.314 2574.575 -1.36 122.428 CREST 80 Flat DS-3 100
153+946.015 2570.125 -2.48 150.953 CREST 170 Flat DS-3 100
154+239.474 2562.54 -2.71 1205.754 CREST 270 Flat DS-3 100
154+307.982 2560.469 -3.38 96.831 CREST 65 Flat DS-3 100 Sub-standard Sub-s.
154+519.345 2553.505 -2.61 58.373 SAG 45 Flat DS-3 100
154+571.630 2552.258 -2.14 108.298 SAG 50 Flat DS-3 100
154+649.826 2550.638 -1.96 318.018 SAG 60 Flat DS-3 100
154+860.652 2544.598 -5.15 37.537 CREST 120 Flat DS-3 100 Sub-standard Sub-standard Sub-s.
155+010.740 2538.412 -2.57 46.536 SAG 120 Flat DS-3 100 Sub-s.
155+291.524 2534.528 0 101.123 SAG 260 Flat DS-3 100
155+354.570 2534.647 0.48 103.505 SAG 50 Flat DS-3 100
155+876.444 2539.227 2.36 116.781 SAG 220 Flat DS-3 100
156+251.790 2547.1 1.7 449.025 CREST 300 Flat DS-3 100
156+946.473 2553.25 -1.35 121.485 CREST 370 Flat DS-3 100
157+194.011 2549.185 -2.25 176.688 CREST 160 Flat DS-3 100
157+333.256 2545.994 -2.51 157.226 CREST 40 Flat DS-3 100
157+539.974 2541.526 -1.31 100.195 SAG 120 Flat DS-3 100
157+717.477 2539.475 -0.96 460.822 SAG 160 Flat DS-3 100
157+882.051 2539.372 1.15 66.059 SAG 140 Flat DS-3 100
157+984.262 2540.812 1.73 155.546 SAG 90 Flat DS-3 100
158+079.771 2542.763 2.47 108.578 SAG 80 Flat DS-3 100
158+362.435 2550.768 3.29 305.699 SAG 250 Urban DS-3 50
158+555.362 2556.367 2.3 151.142 CREST 150 Urban DS-3 50
158+705.425 2559.878 2.56 188.723 SAG 50 Urban DS-3 50
158+795.812 2562.205 2.62 637.159 SAG 40 Urban DS-3 50
158+908.496 2565.003 2.1 113.755 CREST 60 Urban DS-3 50
158+970.796 2566.304 2.07 1733.11 CREST 40 Urban DS-3 50
159+111.967 2569.257 2.13 1886.121 SAG 100 Urban DS-3 50

HITCON Engineering 2-57 Ethiopian Roads Authority

September 2012
Consultancy Services for the Detailed Engineering Design, Tender Documents Preparation and
Construction Supervision of Addis Ababa Goha Tsion Road Overlay Project

PVI Curve Parameters Grade Check Grade Check

Design Design based on based on k-Value
Crest/ Terrain
Station Level Grade K-Value Lc Standard Speed Desirable Absolute Max. Check
Standard Standard
159+442.605 2575.203 -0.04 46.173 CREST 100 Urban DS-3 50
159+761.789 2574.357 -1.07 136.394 CREST 140 Urban DS-3 50
159+961.692 2572.182 -1.21 417.75 CREST 60 Urban DS-3 50
159+996.205 2571.773 -1.13 259.49 SAG 20 Urban DS-3 50
160+198.151 2568.663 -2.23 136.853 CREST 150 Urban DS-3 50
160+251.598 2567.457 -2.3 551.91 CREST 40 Urban DS-3 50
160+364.096 2565.087 -1.68 111.769 SAG 70 Urban DS-3 50
160+435.592 2564.059 -1.11 106.092 SAG 60 Urban DS-3 50
160+969.720 2558.462 -0.7 388.451 SAG 160 Urban DS-3 50
161+454.336 2554.056 -1.21 780.85 CREST 400 Urban DS-3 50
161+563.098 2552.369 -1.95 134.596 CREST 100 Urban DS-3 50
162+066.608 2546.046 -0.11 205.681 SAG 380 Urban DS-3 50
162+429.730 2545.707 0 742.745 SAG 80 Urban DS-3 50
162+789.110 2545.416 -0.3 668.474 CREST 200 Urban DS-3 50
163+135.576 2544.273 -0.49 631.753 CREST 120 Urban DS-3 50
163+239.587 2544.266 0.51 100.099 SAG 100 Urban DS-3 50
163+379.960 2545.057 0.75 250.553 SAG 60 Urban DS-3 50
163+495.893 2546.018 0.93 560.416 SAG 100 Urban DS-3 50
163+659.364 2546.997 0.25 236.446 CREST 160 Urban DS-3 50
163+877.315 2547.019 -0.41 241.381 CREST 160 Urban DS-3 50
164+014.186 2546.264 -0.96 126.145 CREST 70 Urban DS-3 50
164+122.215 2545.051 -1.31 291.094 CREST 100 Urban DS-3 50
164+369.761 2542.066 -0.99 505.941 SAG 160 Urban DS-3 50
164+556.636 2540.38 -0.66 299.649 SAG 100 Urban DS-3 50
164+622.326 2540.039 -0.35 196.216 SAG 60 Urban DS-3 50
164+735.979 2539.73 -0.05 199.161 SAG 60 Urban DS-3 50
164+864.321 2539.828 0.28 304.873 SAG 100 Urban DS-3 50
165+020.275 2540.495 0.59 479.407 SAG 150 Urban DS-3 50
165+319.929 2541.972 0.17 336.08 CREST 140 Urban DS-3 50
165+565.916 2541.713 -0.68 186.765 CREST 160 Urban DS-3 50
165+839.433 2541.385 1.31 77.955 SAG 155 Urban DS-3 50
165+989.386 2543.893 2.09 177.901 SAG 140 Urban DS-3 50
166+162.761 2546.535 0.78 114.185 CREST 150 Urban DS-3 50
166+427.478 2548.758 1.01 602.023 SAG 140 Urban DS-3 50
166+649.689 2550.604 0.51 319.737 CREST 160 Urban DS-3 50

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PVI Curve Parameters Grade Check Grade Check

Design Design based on based on k-Value
Crest/ Terrain
Station Level Grade K-Value Lc Standard Speed Desirable Absolute Max. Check
Standard Standard
166+779.622 2551.172 0.32 526.34 CREST 100 Urban DS-3 50
166+855.100 2551.14 -0.46 89.213 CREST 70 Urban DS-3 50
167+109.759 2549.597 -1.12 167.735 CREST 110 Urban DS-3 50
167+299.511 2547.893 -0.47 200.913 SAG 130 Urban DS-3 50
167+414.308 2547.422 -0.33 695.604 SAG 100 Urban DS-3 50
167+545.038 2546.014 -1.83 86.462 CREST 130 Urban DS-3 50
167+667.715 2543.635 -2.16 245.563 CREST 80 Urban DS-3 50
167+942.489 2538.639 -1.18 193.251 SAG 190 Urban DS-3 50
168+067.650 2537.138 -1.26 812.597 CREST 70 Urban DS-3 50
168+201.974 2535.498 -1.18 1527.623 SAG 130 Urban DS-3 50
168+359.267 2533.606 -1.26 1189.716 CREST 100 Urban DS-3 50
168+431.920 2532.65 -1.42 306.382 CREST 50 Urban DS-3 50
168+567.495 2530.745 -1.36 1254.604 SAG 80 Urban DS-3 50
168+610.293 2530.154 -1.42 505.088 CREST 30 Urban DS-3 50
168+702.420 2528.932 -1.21 375.062 SAG 80 Urban DS-3 50
169+093.007 2519.258 -4.52 90.641 CREST 300 Urban DS-3 50
169+352.442 2508.508 -3.5 186.845 SAG 190 Urban DS-3 50
169+528.066 2504.302 -1.22 74.538 SAG 170 Urban DS-3 50
169+839.427 2503.687 1.67 76.171 SAG 220 Urban DS-3 50
170+328.336 2516.514 4.58 109.823 SAG 320 Urban DS-3 50
170+611.679 2526.138 1.78 85.599 CREST 240 Urban DS-3 50
170+993.582 2529.963 -0.14 161.563 CREST 310 Urban DS-3 50
171+341.110 2526.763 -1.89 176.792 CREST 310 Urban DS-3 50
171+556.015 2523.289 -1.15 216.41 SAG 160 Urban DS-3 50
171+707.478 2522.619 0.5 78.505 SAG 130 Urban DS-3 50
171+908.477 2523.362 -0.17 119.087 CREST 80 Urban DS-3 50
172+095.661 2522.5 -0.9 205.72 CREST 150 Urban DS-3 50
172+324.826 2521.389 0.05 211.241 SAG 200 Urban DS-3 50
172+721.816 2522.701 0.75 458.473 SAG 320 Urban DS-3 50
172+906.220 2523.458 -0.03 206.261 CREST 160 Urban DS-3 50
173+070.664 2522.468 -1.38 103.953 CREST 140 Urban DS-3 50
173+207.261 2520.411 -1.82 179.738 CREST 80 Urban DS-3 50
173+272.885 2519.434 -1.1 82.823 SAG 60 Urban DS-3 50
173+501.011 2516.788 -1.39 342.946 CREST 100 Urban DS-3 50
173+871.969 2507.336 -4.26 104.552 CREST 300 Urban DS-3 50

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PVI Curve Parameters Grade Check Grade Check

Design Design based on based on k-Value
Crest/ Terrain
Station Level Grade K-Value Lc Standard Speed Desirable Absolute Max. Check
Standard Standard
174+184.392 2497.185 -1.39 76.861 SAG 220 Urban DS-3 50
174+443.502 2494.676 -0.01 115.82 SAG 160 Urban DS-3 50
174+467.886 2494.709 0.35 55.626 SAG 20 Urban DS-3 50
174+530.337 2495.133 2.43 9.616 SAG 20 Urban DS-3 50 Sub-s.
174+616.844 2497.379 3.08 68.589 SAG 45 Urban DS-3 50
174+686.604 2499.876 4.15 60.89 SAG 65 Urban DS-3 50
174+822.422 2505.161 2.98 51.268 CREST 60 Urban DS-3 50
175+104.541 2506.551 -2.87 41.053 CREST 240 Urban DS-3 50
175+211.461 2503.298 -3.37 149.472 CREST 75 Urban DS-3 50
175+244.587 2502.134 -3.69 92.619 CREST 30 Urban DS-3 50
175+574.716 2493.3 -1.11 100.72 SAG 260 Urban DS-3 50
175+681.554 2491.936 -1.55 180.187 CREST 80 Urban DS-3 50
175+722.765 2491.317 -1.44 360.994 SAG 40 Urban DS-3 50
175+792.845 2490.269 -1.63 220.741 CREST 40 Urban DS-3 50
175+831.081 2489.661 -1.53 321.978 SAG 30 Urban DS-3 50
175+856.039 2489.401 -0.31 16.303 SAG 20 Urban DS-3 50
176+311.631 2487.633 -1.25 84.839 CREST 80 Urban DS-3 50
176+413.006 2486.076 -2.7 27.508 CREST 40 Urban DS-3 50
176+465.797 2484.256 -4.67 20.331 CREST 40 Urban DS-3 50
176+546.827 2480.773 -3.92 106.359 SAG 80 Urban DS-3 50
176+710.303 2475.642 -1.8 56.546 SAG 120 Urban DS-3 50
176+833.512 2472.06 -5.22 23.375 CREST 80 Urban DS-3 50
176+940.144 2467.536 -1.75 17.31 SAG 60 Urban DS-3 50
176+994.359 2466.318 -3.54 16.785 CREST 30 Urban DS-3 50
177+035.683 2464.633 -4.65 35.964 CREST 40 Urban DS-3 50
177+086.401 2462.339 -4 30.911 SAG 20 Urban DS-3 50
177+136.080 2460.336 -4.14 147.135 CREST 20 Urban DS-3 50

Based on these about 18% of the grades are substandard based on desirable grade standard and 7% based on absolute
maximum gradient. About 27% of the vertical grades are substandard based on their K-values. Increment of length of vertical
curve has been made at some locations to improve K-values even though the scope of the project is limited. It is recommended
that adjustment should be done on those locations with deviation during future upgrading.

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September 2012
Consultancy Services for the Detailed Engineering Design, Tender Documents Preparation and
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2.7 Road Cross Section Width

2.7.1 Road Width in Rural Section

The following table shows carriage way and shoulder width for various design standards

Table 2.10A: Carriage Way and Shoulder Width

Terrain ERA
Classification c/w* sh*
Flat/Plain 7.3 3
Rolling 7.3 3
Hilly/Mountainous 7.3 0.5 2.5
Escarpment 7.3 0.5 2.5

Table 2.10B: Carriage Way and Shoulder Width

Terrain ERA
Classification c/w* sh*
Flat/Plain 7 1.5 3++
Rolling 7 1.5 3++
Hilly/Mountainous 7 0.5 1.5
Escarpment 7 0.5 1.5
c/w* Carriage way width in meters
Sh* Single side soft shoulder width in meters
++ The actual shoulder width provided shall be
determined from an assessment of the total traffic
flow and level of non-motorized traffic for each road

Since the project road has 7m of carriage way and 1.5m shoulder width on each side,
the same was adopted in order to avoid major reconstruction resulting from widening
and to fulfill the overlay design principle.

2.7.2 Road Width in Town Section

All towns within the project length have no pedestrian walkway. Moreover some lack
parking lane. These in effect produced constrained traffic movement within towns
which in turn is a cause for traffic accidents. Therefore even though the scope of the
road in most cases (except the first 28km) is overlay, in some of the towns listed below
(which have considerable congestion of traffic), provision of proper parking lane as
well as walkway is proposed.

Table 2.11: List of Towns with Proposed Provision of Parking Lane and Walkway

Town Name
Beg. End

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Sululta 5+500 15+500

Chancho 27+600 30+000
Mukature 66+000 67+900
Debre Tsige 89+400 90+600
Fiche 100+600 103+600
Anbiso 113+550 116+200
Alidoro 130+750 131+800
Gebere Guracha 142+700 147+900
Tulumiki 158+100 161+300
Goha Tsion 171+700 176+720

2.8 Road Widening on Curves

Curve widening is applied to horizontal curves with small radii so that the operating
conditions are compatible with those on large radii curves or straights. In accordance
with ERAs geometric design standard and design practice, widening is applied on
both sides of the curve for the full length of the fully super-elevated section and
tapered back to standard road width along the super-elevation runoff length.

Table 2.12: ERAs Geometric Design Manual Widening Due to Curvature

Radius of Curve (m) Curve Widening (m)

>250 0.0
120-250 0.6
60-120 0.9
40-60 1.2
20-40 1.5
<20 *

Within this section since all radius of the curves are greater than 250m widening to
curvature is not required.

2.9 Road Widening on High Fill

Normally, fill widening is applied at high fill areas for psychological comfort of drivers. It
is applied to either or both sides where required and will be added to curve widening
values, if any. The height of fills is measured vertically from edge of shoulder to toe of

Table 2.13: ERAs Geometric Design Manual Widening Due to Fill

Height of Fill (m) Fill Widening (m)

0.0 3.0
3.1 6.0 0.30
6.1 9.0 0.60
Over 9.0 0.90

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2.10 Road Cross Fall

2.10.1 Normal Cross-Fall (Camber)

Values of recommended camber by ERAs geometric design standards for the straight
stretches are as follows:

Table 2.14: Camber

Camber (%)

Paved c/w 2.5

Shoulder(soft) 4

2.10.2 Super-elevation
Super-elevation rate is provided as per ERAs manual. The super elevation runoff is
placed on spiral curves. The following table shows the super-elevation rates and length
of run-off used for design.

Table 2.15A: Super-elevation Rates and Length of Run-Off: 8%

Radius Design speed (Km/hr)

(m) 30 40 50 60 70 85 100 120
3000 NC NC NC NC NC NC RC 2.4
2500 NC NC NC NC NC RC 2.1 2.9
2000 NC NC NC NC NC 2.2 2.6 3.5
1500 NC NC NC NC RC 2.5 3.4 4.6
1400 NC NC NC RC 2.1 2.6 3.6 4.9
1300 NC NC NC RC 2.2 2.8 3.8 5.2
1200 NC NC NC RC 2.4 3.0 4.1 5.6
1000 NC NC RC 2.2 2.8 3.5 4.8 6.5
900 NC NC RC 2.4 3.1 4.2 5.2 7.1
800 NC NC RC 2.7 3.4 4.6 5.7 7.6
700 NC RC 2.2 3.0 3.8 5.1 6.3 8.0
600 NC RC 2.6 3.4 4.3 6.5 6.9
500 NC 2.2 3.0 3.9 4.9 7.2 7.6
400 RC 2.7 3.6 4.7 5.7 7.8 8.0
300 2.1 3.4 4.5 5.6 6.7 8.0
250 2.5 4.0 5.1 6.2 7.3
200 3.0 4.6 5.8 7.0 7.9
175 3.4 5.0 6.2 7.4 8.0
150 3.8 5.4 6.7 7.8
140 4.0 5.6 6.9 7.9
130 4.2 5.8 7.1 8.0

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Radius Design speed (Km/hr)

(m) 30 40 50 60 70 85 100 120
120 4.4 6.0 7.3
110 4.7 6.3 7.6
100 4.9 6.5 7.8
90 5.2 6.9 7.9
80 5.5 7.2 8.0
70 5.9 7.5
60 6.4 7.8
50 6.9 8.0
40 7.5
30 8.0

Table 2.15B: Super-elevation Rates and Length of Run-Off: 4%

Radius Design speed (Km/hr)

(m) 30 40 50 60 70 85 100
2500 NC NC NC NC NC RC 2.2
2000 NC NC NC NC NC 2.1 2.6
1500 NC NC NC NC RC 2.2 2.7
1400 NC NC NC NC RC 2.3 2.8
1300 NC NC NC NC RC RC 2.9
1200 NC NC NC RC RC 2.7 3.2
1000 NC NC NC RC 2.2 2.9 3.4
900 NC NC RC 2.1 2.4 3.2 3.5
800 NC NC RC 2.3 2.5 3.4 3.7
700 NC NC RC 2.5 2.7 3.5 3.9
600 NC RC 2.1 2.7 2.9 3.7 4.0
500 NC RC 2.3 2.9 3.1 3.9
400 NC 2.1 2.5 3.3 3.4 4.0
300 RC 2.3 2.8 3.6 3.8
250 RC 2.6 3.0 3.8 3.9
200 2.3 2.8 3.3 3.9
175 2.4 2.9 3.5 4.0
150 2.5 3.1 3.7
140 2.6 3.2 3.8
130 2.6 3.3 3.8
120 2.7 3.4 3.9
110 2.8 3.5 4.0
100 2.9 3.6 4.0
90 3.0 3.7
80 3.2 3.8
70 3.3 3.9
60 3.5 4.0
50 3.7

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Radius Design speed (Km/hr)

(m) 30 40 50 60 70 85 100
40 3.9

2.11 Side Slope

The selection of side slopes is dependent upon stability, height of fill or cut and type of
material. Cut and fill slopes that are used for design are summarized in the table below.

Table 2.16: Slope Ratio Table

Height of Slope
Material Slope in Fill (H:V) Slope in Cut (H:V)
0.0 1.0 3:1 3:1
Earth or Soil 1.0 2.0 2:1 2:1
> 2.0 1.5:1 1.5:1
0.0 2.0 6:1
Black Cotton Soil -
> 2.0 4:1
0.0 2.0 0.5:1
Rock -
Over 2.0 0.25:1

Moreover for those sections with rock cut higher than 10m as well as for all sections with
cross sectional slope greater than 25% benching for 3m width is applied.

2.12 Safety and Miscellaneous Design Aspect

Though the safety of the road is as much as possible met by considering the
appropriate standard design of the vertical and horizontal alignment, the provision of
reflective traffic signs and guide structures helps drivers to anticipate the property of
the road ahead thereby helping maintain utmost safety of the road users. Inventory of
existing road safety furniture has been done so that to determine the extent and
location of additional furniture would be required.

a. Reflective Traffic Signs

Reflective traffic signs will be provided, if there is no existing sign provision or is

completely damaged, for the subject project according to the criteria stipulated in
ERA Design Manuals. Hence, reflective traffic signs are provided ahead of sharp curves,
road intersections, steep grades, pedestrian crossings, villages and town entry, for
speed limit, etc.

b. Guide Posts and Guard Rails

Guideposts as well as guard rails will be provided, if there is no existing guide structure
or is completely damaged, according to the criteria mentioned in ERA design manual
as well as by applying recognized design practices. With this in mind guide posts
and/or guard rails are provided in high fill areas, sharp curves, approaches to
structures, etc.

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2.13 Earthworks and Pavements Quantities

Using the surveying data collected from ground survey by total station, the digital
ground model is developed after importing the raw data in the design software.
Afterwards the horizontal and vertical alignments are designed. Following these,
templates are generated every 20 meters from which earthwork and pavement
quantities are computed using end area method with the help of the software.

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3.1 Introduction

This part of report deals with the problems observed during field visit to the project,
analyses result and proposed drainage solution for the Road project. The study is
initiated to identify the structural and drainage problems observed on the project and
gives possible solution. The problems observed are of different kinds like, siltation,
erosion effect, overtopping & scouring etc... Each problem needs special treatment
according to the cause which created the damage in a way which is effective and
relatively economical treatment.

The causes for each problem observed is as much as possible described to equip the
contractor with a good understanding which enables to take the remedial measures.

3.2 Objective of the study

The purpose of this study is to carry out hydrological & hydraulic survey of bridges,
Culverts, and side ditches & other water courses to study their capacity (water mark
during field visit), scouring effects and siltation problems of these structures & propose
drainage solution for the identified problems

During the study the following tasks were carried out:

Drainage condition survey of the project road

Identification of Drainage problems of structures (over flooding, scouring,
siltation etc.)
Further identifications of different sections of the road route with unstable
hydrological condition (seasonal swamp and inundated sections), causes of
instability and mitigation measure is proposed and remaining activities are
Propose solution for all Identified problems

Almost all the structures has been inspected by the Hydrologist and the Bridge Engineer
to ascertain the following information

Adequacy of the waterway provided for existing structure.

Structural soundness of the Cross drainage.
Requirement of repair work and other protection works.
Estimation of HFL from Local Enquiry
Information about velocity of flow and presence of floating debris etc.
Extent of backwater or affluxes.
Skew angle crossing, measured in relation to the direction of flow.
Information about Scour or Sedimentation
Meandering of the river and approximate width, depth and Low water level
(LWL) in the flow channel.
Information about bed form and flood plain characteristics.

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Information about the stream channel, i.e. boulder, flashy, well defined,
presence of pools, weeds growth and bushes in the channels has been

3.3 Data Collection

Topography and Land Use

The terrain classification is made based on the specification, which is commonly used
by most manuals in the country, i.e. 0 - 10% for flat to rolling terrain, 10% - 20% for hilly
terrain and > 21% for mountainous terrain.

Based on the above terrain classification criteria, the project road is classified into flat,
rolling, hilly & mountainous terrains as shown in Appendix 2.

The soil type & vegetation cover of the catchments are also incorporated in Appendix

The project area is located on the highlands of the Ethiopian plateau, i.e. having
altitude over 2000. Therefore the project area is considered Dega. The effective
temperature is lower than 250c, which is good and most of the time comfortable.

The project area gets mean annual rainfall in the range of 918 - 1567mm, and the rainy
period is between June through September, although occasional shower is expected
in the months of March, April, May, October and November.

The mean monthly rainfall is maximum during the months of July and August i.e. 250mm
and 280mm and it is minimum during the months of November and December i.e.
8mm and 9mm respectively.

Table 4.1: Mean Monthly Rainfall (mm) of the Project Area

Month Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec
Rainfall 17.6 39.7 68.5 91.3 77.3 119.2 253.6 279.6 172.9 39.2 8.1 9.2

For the project area, the monthly temperature is maximum during the months of March
through May, about 27.50c, and it is minimum in the months of November through
January, 4.70c.

Table 4.2: Monthly Maximum and Minimum Temperature (0C) for the Area

Month Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec
Max. 25.1 26.0 27.0 27.2 2709 24.4 22.3 21.3 23.1 24.4 24.7 24.4
Min. 4.7 5.5 8.7 9.4 9.7 8.9 9.1 9.3 8.7 6.5 4.7 4.7

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3.4 Hydrological and Hydraulic Tasks Carried out

Collection of Existing Data

Topographical maps, 1:50.000 scale
Land use Map of Ethiopia
Provisional Soil Association Map of Ethiopia Recommendations
Rainfall data
Initial Field Investigations
Field inspection of all potential sites for cross drainage structures
Hydrologists observations, measurements, interviews, notes, photographs, video
Calculations and Evaluations
Analysis of hydrological and hydraulic data
Determination of design discharge for all structures
Draft Hydrological and Hydraulic Report
Field check of recommended structures
Final Field Investigations
Inspection of final sites for drainage structures
Field check of recommendations for drainage structures
Adjustments according to realignments etc;
Update of Draft Report according to field observations

3.5 Delineation of Catchment Areas

A terrain model covering the catchment areas of interest for the road project was
established using SRTM 30 m digital elevation data, downloaded from the Consortium
for Spatial Information, CGIAR-CSI. The DEM has been used for delimitation of all
catchment areas and the drainage network.

Delineated catchment area map is presented in Appendix 8.

All geo-referenced information used by the hydrologists has been assembled using
Google Earth, primarily:

Scanned topographical maps in scale 1:50.000 covering the area;

Land Use Map of Ethiopia;
Provisional Soil Association Map of Ethiopia;
GPS-waypoints and tracks registered by the hydrologists;
Location of sites investigated;
Location of photographs and video-clips taken during field inspections;
Road alignment.

3.6 Data Analysis

In order to apply the available rainfall data for the computation of discharges, the
readily available and collected rainfall data were analyzed and processed as
discussed in the following sections.

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Probabilistic exploration of maximum annual rainfall

The analysis and processing will be aimed at determination of appropriate intensity
duration relationship applicable for the project road. Using the short period data to be
obtained for the project will be used to establish intensity-duration curve. From rainfall
data with duration of 0.17, 0.33, 0.50, and 24 hours collected from the NMSA by
developing the trend line of the intensity-duration curve, the trend equation applicable
for project is developed.

The rainfall depth computation for the return periods of 100, 50, 25, 10, 5 years of the
respective rain gauge stations is carried out using the following relationship:

hT X avg KT *

Where hT = Rainfall depth at return period T years

Xavg = Mean value of rainfall data (hourly or daily)
= Standard deviation
KT = Gumbels distribution frequency factor

1 in
And X Xi
n i 1
Xi X
n 1

Where Xi =hydrological data rainfall depths)

n = total number of individual data

Rainfall-Duration relationship
For rainfall intensity duration curve computation, rainfall data of A.A. and Fiche
Metrological Stations are used, whichever is closer to the project areas.

Using Gumbel probabilistic methods of analysis the value h and I for different return
periods, which are rainfall in mm and rainfall intensity (mm/hr), are given for different
duration as shown in tables below.

Table 4.3: Rainfall Depth for Different Duration and Different Return Period

Rainfall depth, h [mm]

Duration Return period
5 year 10 year 25 year 50 year 100 year
10.0 minute 14.9 17.0 19.6 21.6 23.5
20.0 minute 22.0 23.8 26.1 27.8 29.4
30.0 minute 27.6 30.2 33.4 35.9 38.3
60.0 minute 35.3 40.1 46.1 50.5 54.9

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Table 4.4: Rainfall Intensity for Different Duration and Different Return Period

Rainfall depth, h [mm]

Duration Return period
5 year 10 year 25 year 50 year 100 year
10.0 minute 89.7 102.1 117.7 129.3 140.9
20.0 minute 66.0 71.4 78.2 83.3 88.3
30.0 minute 55.1 60.3 66.9 71.8 76.6
60.0 minute 35.3 40.1 46.1 50.5 54.9

Taking into account the values for the project area, the following relationships between
rainfall h (in mm) and duration T (in minutes) were determined for different return

h50 = 6.891*T0.4827
h25 = 6.3581*T0.4829
h10 = 5.6354*T0.4834
h5 = 5.0591*T0.4839

The following relationships between rainfall intensity I (in mm/hour) and duration T (in
minutes) correspond to those above indicated:

I100 = 445.15*T 0.5175

I50 = 413.11*T 0.5170
I25 = 380.71*T-0.5164
I10 = 338.05*T-0.5165
I5 = 304.24*T-0.5168

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3.7 Hydrological study

3.7.1 General Design Consideration for hydrological Study

Design Frequency or Return Period

Since it is not economically feasible to design a structure for the maximum runoff a
watershed is capable of producing, a design frequency must be established
according to the cost, potential flood hazard to property, expected level of service,
political considerations, and budgetary constraints, and considering the magnitude
and risk associated with damages from inundation. Design Frequency or return period is
indicative of the frequency with which a certain magnitude of rainfall/runoff occurs in
that period.

The number of times a flood of a given magnitude can be expected to occur on

average over a long period of time. Design frequency can be expressed with
probability. The probability of being equal or exceeded in any year can be defined by
the following expression.

P( X X T )
P = Frequency Exceedance
T = Occurrence of design flood exceeded or equalled once (Return
period), in years

The ERA DDM is recommended different design frequency based on the road
standards. The subjected road under study is DS2 for the part upto Chancho and DS3
for the rest. Hence, the recurrence interval values which are given the table below are
used for hydraulic design of drainage structures as per recommendation of the

Table 4.6: Recurrence Interval for Drainage Structures Design

Return period Return period

Structure Type for DS1/DS2 for DS3/DS4
(Year) (Year)
Culvert, pipe (see Note) Span<2m 25 10
Culvert, 2m<Span <6m 50 25
Short Span Bridges 6m<Span<15m 50 50
Medium Span Bridges
100 50
Long Span Bridges, Spans>50m 100 100
Check/Review Flood 100 100

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Method of Design Flood Computation

As per ERA DDM recommendations, the design discharge is computed using rational
method for catchments area equal to or less than 0.5 km2 and Soil Conservation
Services (SCS) unit hydrograph method for catchments area greater than 0.5 km2.
There are no gauged data in any of the streams in the project road.

3.7.2 Rainfall Runoff Model

As mentioned above rational formula & SCS Model are adopted for the peak flood
computation. The basic principles of the methods and the procedures adopted in the
computation of design flood are discussed in the following subsections.

Rational Methods
The rational methods of estimating design flood on small watershed is based, in
concept, on the criterion that storms of uniform intensity distributed evenly over the
basin, maximum rate of runoff equal to a certain percentage of rainfall intensity occurs
when the entire basin area is contributing at the outlet. This condition met after the
elapsed time Tc, time of concentration. The equation of rational formula is function of
Catchment area, runoff coefficient and time of concentration. The equation is
expressed as:

Qd = 0.278 C Cf I A
Qd = Design Discharge m3/sec
Cf = Frequency factor
C =Runoff Coefficient
A =Drainage area (km2)
I=Rainfall Intensity for duration equal to time of concentration

This method is adopted for catchments area up to 0.5km2. The parameters which are
used in the computation of design flood using rational formula are discussed as follows.

I. Runoff Coefficient and frequency factors

Runoff coefficient of the watershed depends on slope/terrain characteristics,
permeability and land use/cover of catchments area. Frequency factor and
Runoff coefficient are given in tables below.

Table 4.7: Frequency factor, Cf

Return Period Cf
5 1.00
10 1.00
25 1.10

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Table 4.8: Runoff Coefficient for Rural Area

Factor Description
<3.5% flat 0.05
Average 3.5%-10% Flat to moderate 0.10
Cs Slope of 10%-25% 0.15
Catchment 25%-35% hilly 0.20
>35% Mountainous 0.25
Well drained soil e.g. Sand & Gravel 0.05
Fair drainage soil e.g. Sand & 0.10
Gravel with fines Poor drainage soil 0.15
Permeability e.g. Silt 0.25
of Soil Impervious soil e.g. Clay, organic 0.50
silts & clay 0.40
Water-logged black cotton soil
Dense forest / thick bush 0.05
Sparse forest /dense grass 0.10
Grass land / scrub 0.15
Cv Vegetation
Cultivation 0.20
Sparse grass land 0.25
Barren 0.30
C = 0.60 (Cs + Cp + Cv) for contoured cultivated land and
for lake, swamps and dams C=Cs + Cp + Cv

II. Rainfall Intensity

As it was discussed, short duration of rainfall data of the project area (hourly) is
developed as shown in section 1.6 above for the site specific Intensity-
Frequency Duration (IDF) Curve of the project area. Hence, these values are
used for rainfall intensity determination (for given time of concentration).

III. Time of Concentration

Time of concentration is the time required for water to flow from hydraulically
remote point of catchments area to the point under investigation. The most
intense rainfall that contributes at drainage structures crossing will be that the
duration equal to the time of concentration.

The time of concentration is the sum of sheet flow travel time, shallow
concentrated flow travel time and open channel flow travel time. Sheet flow
occurs in the upper reaches of the watershed. Such flow occurs over short
distance and at shallow depths prior to the point where topographic and
surface characteristics cause the flow to concentrate in rills and swales.
Concentrated flow is the runoff that occurs in rills and swales with depth on the
order of 0.04m to 0.10m where as depth of sheet flow is 0.02 and 0.03m or less.
Velocity in the open channels is usually determined assuming bank-full depth.

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Sheet flow travel time is computed using Mannings kinematics equation

0.091 nL
P2 0.5 s 0.4
Tt = travel time, hr
n =Mannings roughness coefficient (given the table below)
L = flow length, m
P2 =2-years, 24 hours rainfall, mm
S =Land slope, m/m

Table 4.9: Roughness Coefficients (Mannings n) for Sheet Flow

Surface Description n1
Smooth surfaces (concrete, asphalt, 0.011
gravel, or bare soil)
Fallow (no residue) 0.05
Cultivated soils:
Residue cover < 20% 0.06
Residue cover > 20% 0.17
Short grass 0.15
Dense Grasses 0.24
Range (natural) 0.13
Light underbrush 0.4
Dense underbrush 0.8
The n values are a composite of information compiled by Engman (1986).
When selecting n, consider cover to a height of about 0.03 m. This is the only
part of the plant cover that will obstruct sheet flow.
Source: ERA Design Drainage Manual

Travel time for shallow concentrated flow is determined from average velocity
computed in from the following expression

V 4.9178( s) 0.5 For unpaved channel

V 6.1961( s) 0.5
For paved channel

The above equations is based on the solution Mannings equation with the
following assumption
n =0.050 and r =0.12 for unpaved area and
n =0,025 and r =0.06 for paved area

Then the travel time of sheet flow is computed using

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Tt =travel time of the sheet flow, second
L = flow length, meter
V = average velocity in m/s computed by the above

When cross sectional information of the open channel (stream cross section
parameter for the entire reach) is acquired, the average velocity of the open
channel flow can be calculated using Mannings equation.

1 2 / 3 1/ 2
V r s
V = Average velocity, m/s
r =Hydraulic radius, m (equal to A/Pw)
A =Cross section area of the flow, m2
Pw =Wetted perimeter, m
S =Slope of the hydraulic grade line, m/m
n =Mannings roughness coefficient

The travel time can be computed for each stream segment from average
velocity of flow computed using the above expression and reach length.

As it is known, the cross section of the stream varies along reach for large
catchments area. Acquiring the cross sectional information of the stream along
entire length is difficult (it varies). But Kirpichs equation for time of concentration
computation in the open channel depends only on the stream length and
stream slope. These parameters can be easily determined on the topographic
map. Hence, Kirpichs equation was used for time of computation in open
channel with caution for large catchments (long stream length) in order not to
under estimate the time of concentration. Depending on the slope of the river,
the time of concentration is computed on reach bases

i n 0.77
0.00032 Li
Tc 0.385
i 1 Si
Tc =Time of concentration, in hr
Li =Length of stream segment, in m
Si = Slope equal to H/L, where H is the difference in
elevation between in the segment (reach), in m

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For small catchments areas, where the maximum elevation difference of the
watershed could not be determined on the available map scale. The velocity
method is adopted. It is based on the concept of travel time (Tv) for a flow
segment is a function of length of flow (L) and the velocity. The following
equations were used:

60 * V

TC = Time of concentration [minutes]
L = Distance from remote point to the point of crossing [m]
V = Average velocity [m/sec] (Table below)

Table 4.10: Average velocity for ground type and terrain condition

Average Velocity in meter per second

Ground Type / Cover Terrain Condition
Very flat Flat Rolling Hilly Mountainous
Wood land 0.15 0.30 0.50 0.55 0.95
Bare soil 0.60 1.00 1.30 1.60 2.00
Cultivated 0.30 0.61 0.92 1.20 1.45
Rocky area 1.00 1.30 1.60 2.00 2.40
Grass land 0.20 0.40 0.75 0.95 1.20
Bushes & shrubs 0.18 0.35 0.67 0.75 1.10
Source ERA/TCDE design manual

The result of hydrological design /peak flood computation using rational formula is
presented in Appendix 2.

SCS Unit Hydrograph Method

The basic principles of the method and the procedures adopted in the computation of
design flood are discussed in the following subsections.

The US Soil Conservation Service has developed this method, which is applicable for
major catchments. The inputs for peak discharge estimation includes variables reflect
the size of the contributing areas, the amount of rainfall, the potential watershed
storage, and the time-area distribution of the watershed.

The SCS runoff equation is a method of estimating direct runoff from 24-hour or 1-day
storm rainfall. The equation is:

P 0.2 S 2
P 0.8 S

PC=direct runoff (mm)
P=design rainfall (mm)
S =potential infiltration or potential maximum soil water retention

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The potential maximum soil water retention, S, is related to hydrologic soil properties,
land cover and management conditions as well as, the soil moisture status of the
catchments prior to rainfall event and expressed by a dimensionless response index
termed the catchments curve number (CN).

The CN and S are related as follows:

S 254

The CN number is selected according to the soil, moisture and the land cover of the
watershed area.

By fractioning the catchments into homogeneous sub-areas characterized by their

individual CN-value, a global CN-value has been determined for each catchment

Soil Type, Vegetation and Land Use

The runoff conditions related to soil and cover have been determined for each
individual catchment area.
The soils in the project area generally belong to Hydrologic Soil Group B, soils having
a moderately low runoff potential due to moderate infiltration rates. These soils
primarily consist of moderately deep to deep, moderately well to well drained soils
with moderately fine to moderately coarse textures.
Vegetation and land use characteristics have been analyzed in accordance with the
classification indicated in the Land Use Map of Ethiopia. Delimitation of the land use
units has been performed by use of satellite imagery. For a given catchment, the area
has generally been fractioned into homogeneous sub areas based on the following
combinations of soil group and land use:

The curve numbers/ runoff coefficient depends on the soil type as well as land use of
the watershed as shown in table below

Table 4.11: SCS Curve Number (CN) for relevant combinations of soil type and
land use

Soil Type Land Use Map Reference CN

B Open grass land 9.1 79
B cultivated 2.3 81
B grassland 9.3 73
Dense mixed
B forest 4.2 66
B Open woodland 5.2 73
Source ERA DDM, 2002

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By fractioning the catchments into homogeneous sub-areas characterized by their

individual CN-value, a global CN-value has been determined for each catchment

Peak Discharge

The SCS Unit Hydrograph method peak rate of flow is computed using the following

0.2083 A PC 0.2083 A PC
0.5 TC 0.6 TC

tp = time to peak (hrs) = 0.5 TC0.5 + 0.6 TC
Qp = peak discharge (m3/sec)
A = catchments area (km2)
PC = storm flow depth or direct runoff (mm)
TC = concentration time (hrs)

The discharge computation of the crossing structures using SCS method is given in
Appendix 3.

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3.8 Hydraulics

3.8.1 General
The amount of runoff expected from the drainage area that crosses the route is
determined in the previous section. The next step is to design appropriate drainage
facilities that adequate, economical and sustainable drainage system that suite the
site peculiar conditions. This section presents hydraulic design and selection of
appropriate drainage structure type.

Existing Drainage Conditions

The section of the project road have better condition paved existing road.

The section of the project road feature generally rolling & mountainous topography
which in turn cause a concentrated flow as stream or river in most of its sections as
described in Appendix 2.

The discharges for a few crossings must have been underestimated in the design of
these structures as the downstream and upstream sides of the structures scoured
significantly. Thus, a few existing culvert sizes are replaced as shown in Appendix 7.

Generally for the condition surveys of the existing structures has been incorporated
in the report & the detailed structures schedules are presented in Appendix 7.

Measure Identified Existing Drainage problems during the study for the project road
Few of the major identified drainage problems during our study for the section road
are the following

a. Siltation
b. Over flooding
c. Scouring & Erosion

Deposition tends to occur as the velocity of sediment transporting streams
decreases. Excessive quantities of sediment cause structure under capacity &
finally over toping

In this study section, the general soil type is clay & silt type & the land use is farming
with flat topography & consequently siltation of the structures is one of the major
drainage problems

The identified siltation problems for the section during field visit with the assumed silt
percentage is indicated in Appendix 7 of the report.

The general proposed siltation remedial measure is cleaning before every rainy
season begins and supervising at least twice during the duration of the rainy

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Over Flooding
From observed water marks during site visit, analyses result & local consultation
Overtopping during rainy season at a few crossings were occurring as shown in
Appendix 7.

Big Catchment of these crossings observed on the 1:50,000 scale topo map, but
most of the outlets of these crossings are highly scoured due to constriction of flow.
From the observed over flooding; Rise of Embankment height & Provision of
adequate size opening structures could be the drainage solution

Detail hydrological & hydraulic analyses has been done as shown in Appendix 2
though Appendix 7 of this report & appropriate crossing structures proposed
following the procedures stipulated in ERA Drainage Design Manual (2002)

Longitudinal and Channel Scour and Erosion

The scoured outlets, inlets & channels of the crossings & longitudinal drains are to
be protected up to the adjacent ground levels to prevent the start of erosion by
movement from the flow water. All new road embankments are to be grassed
(hydro-seeded) and top-soiled to an acceptable cover to alleviate scour and

Special protection is required in the d/s of a few crossings as deep erosion formed
because mainly erodible nature of the soil & absence of the protection outlet
system as shown in Appendix 7. The proposed protection will either be fill of big size
boulders at spacing to accumulate silt and protect further erosion or spoil material
to the formed gully, or a combination of both depending on the extent and
severity of the erosion. Areas of specific interest of crossings at the outlets where
extensive erosion has taken place and proposed mitigation measure are given in
Appendix 7.

The mitigation measure for such problem is combination of fill of Boulders at

spacing, plantation & other retaining structures as mentioned above. For the high
depth gully, other alternative is to fill-in the gully with non-expansive soil until it
reaches the original embankment slope or propose paved ditch. Further the side
ditch should discharge to rock lined cascades on the newly filled sloping
embankment until it reaches the bottom of the natural embankment. At the
bottom of the natural embankment where the cascade finishes, provision for
appropriate energy dissipater is required.

Generally Identified Drainage problems of the study section & proposed drainage
solutions for maintenance purpose are presented in Appendix 7

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3.8.2 Determination of Capacity of Cross drainage

General hydraulic Design Computation

The drainage areas that cross the route traverses are characterized by flat to
rolling, rolling, & mountainous topography. In flat terrain the drainage divides are
not well defined and therefore, culverts are proposed at spacing and designed for
least disruption of the existing flow distribution.

If allowable headwater is selected without considering upstream storage, it will

make the project costly over-design of both the culvert and outlet protection may
result, the selection of allowable headwater considers amount of temporary
storage involved on the upstream side i.e. the design discharge takes this in

In designing of opening area of the drainage structures, the effects of temporary

upstream pounding caused by the backwater of the structures are considered.
Otherwise, the hydraulic design is result in conservative design if upstream storages
are not considered in the area.

Temporary upstream storage creates deposition of silt in upstream side and

allowance for siltation is considered in the opening area design drainage

The size of culverts were determined to produce the design discharge to an

acceptable upstream water level i.e. the elevation of upstream pounding should
not cause unacceptable damage or adverse effect to adjacent property.
The headwater is not allowed to be higher than shoulder or would be 30 mm below
the edge of the shoulder

The headwater is not allowed to be higher than the low point in the road grade
The minimum size of pipe culvert dimension would be 36 (910mm) taking
considering siltation rate and easiness for maintenance and clearing.

The culverts are located to fit natural channels as much as possible.

The slope of the culverts is maintained to be the same as the natural ground

A complete theoretical analysis of the hydraulics of a particular culvert is time-
consuming and complex. However, under most conditions, a simplified procedure
can be used to determine the type of flow control and corresponding headwater
elevation that exist at a culvert for the chosen design flow for the analysis and
design. The designs of culverts are carried out based on the procedures stipulated
on the ERADDM. Opening area culverts were designed hydraulically to pass the
predetermined discharge safely taking in to account the above design

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Culverts are operating under inlet and outlet control. For culvert with inlet control,
the headwater (HW) design charts (monograph 7.1, 7.2 and 7.6 from ERADDM)
were used. For culvert with outlet control, the following expression were used

19.6n2 L v 2
H = Hv+He+Hf = 1 ke
R1.33 2 g

Hv = Velocity head (exist loss) =

19.6n 2 L v 2
Hf = friction loss =
R1.33 2 g

He = Entrance loss = K e
Ke = entrance loss coefficient
n = Mannings friction coefficient
L = Length of the barrel (m)
R = Hydraulic radius (m)
V = Mean velocity of flow in the culvert barrel, m/s

The results of the computations of culverts are given in Appendix 4 & culver
schedules are presented table as Appendix 7.


Bridge Waterway and Back water

Bridge is designed hydraulically to accommodate the peak flood without excessive

restricting the flow of the stream or incurring damage either to the structure or the
surround land for replaced bridge. Due to consideration is paid to ensure restricting
the flow does not causes backwater above the limit given in the manual or scour
that may damage the structure.

The span and height of the streams/Rivers is determined based on the stream/River
parameters. Constriction of flow width is avoided for crossings having erodible bed

For defined channel the bridges waterways are determined as follows

A discharge rating curve was developed based on the river geometry, roughness
coefficient and slope of riverbed for defined cross sections. After developing a

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stage-discharge curve crossing, the stage, which corresponds to the design

discharge, taken as normal water level or high water mark. Mannings equation is
used for developing a stage discharge curve at bridge crossing.

Then the backwater for different opening area (bridge span) was determined using
expression below. The span with backwater less than the maximum allowed (0.5m)
were taken at least minimum bridge span from hydraulic point of view. And normal
depth obtained from rating curve is considered as high water mark. The following
expression is used for backwater computation if there is constriction width of the

Vn 2
2 A 2 A 2 V 2
h1 * K * 1 n 2 n 2 n 2
2g A4 A1 2 g
h1* = total backwater, m
K* = total backwater coefficient

1 = Kinetic energy coefficient =

qv 2
An2 = Gross water area in constriction measured below normal
stage, m2
Vn2 = Average velocity in constriction* or Q/An2, m/s
A4 = Water area at section 4 where normal stage is re-established,
A1 = total water area at section 1, including that produced by the
backwater, m2

Stream crossing at proposed bridge is located in alluvial deposits (erodible

material). The un-constricted flow width is selected. Therefore, the backwater is
within the limit specified in the manual.

The foundation of all rivers at the crossings is rock, in which it shows scouring is not
serious problem. To avoid localized scouring in the joint of the rock constriction of
channel is avoided.

The detail Hydraulic computation of bridges is presented in Appendix 5 of the


Ditches are provided to intercept and dispose runoff safely as fast as possible
without damaging/eroding the road section. In this project trapezoidal type in rural
areas & paved rectangular type in urban sections are proposed on the cut
sections of the road to intercept the longitudinal flow of the road based on the
amount of flow.

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Design discharge in the ditches is calculated, considering a return period of 5

years, with the rational formula as explained in pervious section.
QT = Peak Discharge in m3/s for T years return period.
C = Runoff coefficient,
A = Area (km2) of the basin intercepted by the ditch
I = Rainfall intensity with return period of 5 years, and duration
equal to the concentration time Tc
Tc = Concentration time Tc (hours),

The Manning formula was used for ditch cross section area design

2 1
QT A R 3 S 2 A V
QT=Capacity of ditch for 10 years return period flood [m3/sec]
A =Cross sectional area of the ditch [m2]
V = Velocity of flow [m/sec]
R = Hydraulic radius A/P where P is the wetted perimeter in m and
A is the area in m2
S=Average longitudinal slope [m/m]

Based on the slope and flow velocity, ditch lining may be required in some
sections. However, the maximum length of the ditch shall be checked for design
discharge in order not flow velocity should not exceed the maximum permissible
velocity. If the velocity exceeds, relief structures shall be provided. Limiting values
for the velocity of flow in the ditch to prevent scour, together with the
corresponding roughness coefficients for the different types of ditch materials,
which are normally encountered are given in the Table below:

Table 4.12: Maximum permissible Velocities in erodible ditches and

corresponding roughness coefficients

Max. Permissible Roughness

Ditch material
velocity [m/sec] coefficient n
Sand, loam, fine gravel and volcanic
0.6 0.022
1.1 0.020
Stiff clay
1.5 0.025
Coarse gravel
2.0 0.040
Conglomerate, hard shale & soft rock
5.0 0.040
Hard rock
3.0 0.025
5.0 0.017

The detail ditch schedules are incorporated in Appendix 6 & Appendix 7 of this report.

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4.1 General

This section of Hydrological, Hydraulics and Structures Report describes the activities
performed in the structural design process of major and minor drainage structures as
well as retaining walls and miscellaneous items. Findings of the Consultant during the
condition survey of existing drainage structures and site selection of new bridges are
also summarized in the report. The design standards used, decisions made based on
the findings of detail field investigations of both major and minor drainage structures;
geometrical parameters of the existing structures as well as structural computations
made through the detail design process are also incorporated in the report. Design
calculation sheets of structural components are attached as Appendix.

4.2 Data Collection

Based on the design stage of the project, several site visits were made to collect
relevant data to be used in the design of drainage structures either for replacement
due to inadequacy, widening around town section and identification of major defects
on all drainage structure for rehabilitation works along the route under consideration.

For data submission for the construction crews of Era Road Construction Corporation,
the project was separated into three lots during design stage services. Lot-1 is from
Addis Chancho (0+000-28+700), Lot-2 from Chancho-Fitchie (i.e 28+700-102+000) and
Lot-3 from Fitchie-Gewatsion (i.e. 102+000-177+149.67).

During the inception stage of the design, a sort of detailed structural reconnaissance
survey was conducted, to gather information regarding general condition, major
observed defects of existing structures, total number and types of existing drainage
structures so as to appreciate the workload concerning design of drainage structures
along existing and new alignment of the subject road on this overlay project.

Other site visits were also conducted to collect data regarding the detail condition of
drainage structures and to select new crossing sites for those bridges and culverts,
which were found to be replaced due to inadequacy, sever damage and other
reasons. The detail condition survey of bridges and other drainage structures was
important in that it was possible to critically evaluate existing structures so as to decide
whether these structures shall be incorporated in the design of the new overlay road or
shall be replaced by new ones due to various reasons.

The findings of the Consultant during the detail condition survey and site selection
stages of design are described in the following sections of the report.

4.3 Condition and Description of Existing Structures

Condition survey of existing drainage structures is performed in view of investigating

ways in which it might be possible to incorporate existing drainage structures in the new
design of the road so as to utilize the asset value of these drainage structures.

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Accordingly, the condition of minor and major drainage structures was investigated to
decide on the type and extent of maintenance measures that shall be taken or the
way they are to be replaced by new ones, if replacing these structures is justifiable
based on objective realities like hydraulic insufficiency, observed sever damages and
realignment of the road due to geometric refinement of the existing road.

During the condition survey, the Consultant observed the condition of inlet and outlet
channels, paved waterways, end walls, barrels and ancillary components of minor
drainage structures. The condition of banks and beds of rivers, substructures like
Superstructure, abutments, wing walls, piers, bearings, joints, railings and other
components of major drainage structure were also observed and their conditions are
recorded so as to make use of these records in the decision making process during the
design adjustment of these drainage structures.

It is not only the condition of existing drainage structures but their dimensions are also
important factors that shall be considered to check their suitability to be incorporated
in the new design of the road. Therefore, the Consultant had measured every
dimension like, their span length, height or diameter, total width, all dimensions of end
structures etc.

The detail conditions of major and minor drainage structures available along the
subject road are as shown in the next section.

4.3.1 Condition of Drainage Structures

According to ERAs bridge design manual, drainage structures with 6m or above
clear span are defined as Major drainage structures or Bridges, while those
below 6m are considered as minor drainage structures. Accordingly the existing
road traverses a total of three hundred seventy four existing drainage structures
along its route. This structure consists of three hundred sixty minor drainages and
fourteen major drainage structures including Sibilu and Ejere rivers. The entire
rivers flow either to the Awash or Abay river basins depending upon its location.
All other drainage areas require minor and medium size cross drainage
structures and some of them flows from left to right and some of them flows from
right to left depending on the topographic location of the stream.

Therefore, with respect to drainage the alignment requires minor and medium
size drainage structures if exiting structures need to be replaced or enlarged by
either realignment of its approach geometry or by inadequacy confirmed by
hydrology/hydraulics findings or found during detailed site reconnaissance

During the site visit period, all existing drainage structures were assessed
physically. The conditions are surveyed and general recommendations are
given though the recommendation will be verified based on detailed
hydrological study and hydraulic analysis.

As discussed above the route Addis Ababa Goha Tsion covers about length of
177.150Km. There are about 374 cross drainage structures were identified on this
route. Fourteen bridge, Two hundred Forty Nine RC slab culverts, Ninety Five

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reinforced concrete box culvert, Three corrugated steel pipe, Six masonry Arch
culvert and four reinforced concrete pipes.

After fifteen days detail structural and hydraulic investigation along the project
route, the site visit team identified the following general problem on the existing
374 cross drainage structures along the subject road segments.

Silted up structures due to under sizing

Siltation problem due to placing of the structures below the natural
ground level
Small size drainage structures ( size less than even 0.6m) which are not
convenient for clearing the incoming floods and transported debris
through it during rainy season
One severely damaged Bridge due to over deflection.
Scouring of substructures of major drainage structure due to luck of
maintenance during the last upgrading of this road
Reported overtopping of some of major and minor structure due to
Required widening of structures in some of the town section.
Replacement requirement of some minor structure due to realignment of
the road due to refinement of the route from geometric point of view.

The condition of the existing structures are summarized and presented in the
table below at this stage based the initial field visit for the inception report
preparation and based on the hydrological study and hydraulic analysis.

Condition Survey of Major and Minor Drainage Structures

Existing Dimensions


Flow Dir.

Height, m
Width, m

Other Recommendations
No Cell

based on Field Inspection

Channel about 10% silt

1 469395 1004168 L to R SC 1 0.8 0.8
clearing required
Inlet side about 5m length
channel shaping with
concrete paved trapezoidal
2 469255 1004225 L to R SC 1 2 1 ditch required to properly
guide the catchment flow to
the opening & silt clearing
required (about 50%silted)
Inlet side about 4m length
channel shaping with
trapezoidal paved ditch
3 469250 1004265 L to R SC 1 1.5 1.2
required to properly guide
the catchment flow to the
Inlet side about 3m length
4 469333 1004454 L to R SC 1 1.5 1.2 channel shaping with
trapezoidal paved ditch

HITCON Engineering 4-88 Ethiopian Roads Authority

September 2012
Consultancy Services for the Detailed Engineering Design, Tender Documents Preparation and
Construction Supervision of Addis Ababa Goha Tsion Road Overlay Project

Condition Survey of Major and Minor Drainage Structures

No. Existing Dimensions


Flow Dir.

Height, m
Width, m
Other Recommendations

No Cell
based on Field Inspection

required to properly guide

the catchment flow to the
culvert 100%silted inlet end
should be with Type B end
wall & Inlet side about 3m
length channel shaping with
5 469188 1004706 L to R SC 1 1.5 1.2
trapezoidal paved ditch
required to properly guide
the catchment flow to the
Inlet side about 4m length
channel shaping with
trapezoidal paved ditch
6 469064 1004745 L to R SC 1 1.5 1.2
required to properly guide
the catchment flow to the
Channel about 80% silt
7 469006 1004818 L to R SC 1 1 1 clearing required, location
should be 15m back @ 0+989
Channel about 80% silt
8 468828 1005017 L to R SC 1 1 1
clearing required
Inlet side bush clearing
9 468787 1005047 L to R SC 1 1.5 1
Channel about 60% silt
10 468756 1005073 L to R BC 2 0.5 0.5 clearing & u/s bush clearing
Right side channel silt
11 468641 1005186 L to R Bridge 1 6 2
clearing required
12 468417 1005546 L to R SC 1 2 1 Channel silt clearing required
Inlet side existing catch pit
height should be lowered by
at least 0.5m as it is blocking
13 468298 1005707 L to R BC 2 0.5 0.5 the natural flow & inlet side
about 3m length concrete
paved water way required to
guide the flow
Inlet side existing catch pit
height should be lowered by
at least 0.5m as it is blocking
14 468088 1005978 L to R SC 1 1.5 1.5 the natural flow & inlet side
about 3m length concrete
paved water way required to
guide the flow
Inlet side about 3m length
channel shaping with
15 468049 1006024 L to R BC 1 0.5 0.5 trapezoidal paved ditch
required to properly guide
the catchment flow to the

HITCON Engineering 4-89 Ethiopian Roads Authority

September 2012
Consultancy Services for the Detailed Engineering Design, Tender Documents Preparation and
Construction Supervision of Addis Ababa Goha Tsion Road Overlay Project

Condition Survey of Major and Minor Drainage Structures

No. Existing Dimensions


Flow Dir.

Height, m
Width, m
Other Recommendations

No Cell
based on Field Inspection

proposed opening
Left side Paved trapezoidal
16 468031 1006048 L to R BC 2 0.5 0.5
ditch in the section required
Left side Paved trapezoidal
17 467949 1006243 L to R CSP 2 0.61 ditch required up to this
Channel about 60% silt
18 468971 1006973 L to R BC 2 0.5 0.5
clearing required
Channel about 10% silt
19 469702 1007389 L to R BC 2 0.5 0.5
clearing required
Inlet should be with type B
end wall to properly direct
20 470013 1007520 L to R BC 1 0.5 0.5
the longitudinal flow to the
Channel about 10% silt
21 470464 1007866 L to R BC 2 0.6 0.6
clearing required
22 470956 1008169 L to R BC 2 0.6 0.6 Good Condition
Inlet should be with type B
23 471947 1009244 L to R BC 1 0.6 0.6 end wall & culvert about
50%silted,clearing required
Inlet should be with type B
24 472471 1009255 L to R BC 2 0.6 0.6 end wall & culvert
100%silted,clearing required
Outlet scour protection with
25 472630 1009372 L to R SC 1 1.5 1.5 boulders required (about
50m3 packed fill of boulder)
Channel about 70% silt
26 472824 1009626 L to R AC 1 2 1.2
clearing required
27 472969 1009907 L to R AC 1 1.2 1.2 Good Condition
Channel about 10% silt
28 473001 1010019 L to R BC 1 0.6 0.6
clearing required
Channel about 10% silt
29 472945 1010311 L to R BC 1 0.6 0.6
clearing required
Channel about 10% silt
30 472898 1010421 L to R BC 1 0.6 0.6
clearing required
Left side 10m length & 24"
31 472855 1010519 L to R BC 1 0.6 0.6 dia. crossing pipe required
for the existing junction road
Channel about 10% silt
32 472888 1011773 L to R SC 2 1.5 1
clearing required
33 472912 1012342 L to R AC 3 1.1 1.8 Good Condition
Outlet channel blocked by
masonry fence, opening the
34 472921 1012471 L to R AC 1 2.1 1
fence with the channel size
Outlet channel blocked by
35 472922 1012499 L to R BC 2 0.6 0.6 fence, opening the fence
with the channel size

HITCON Engineering 4-90 Ethiopian Roads Authority

September 2012
Consultancy Services for the Detailed Engineering Design, Tender Documents Preparation and
Construction Supervision of Addis Ababa Goha Tsion Road Overlay Project

Condition Survey of Major and Minor Drainage Structures

No. Existing Dimensions


Flow Dir.

Height, m
Width, m
Other Recommendations

No Cell
based on Field Inspection

outlet about 20m length
36 472927 1012567 L to R SC 1 1 0.8
channelization required
Channel about 10% silt
37 472971 1013371 L to R AC 1 1.5 1
clearing required
outlet about 50m length
38 473065 1013685 L to R BC 1 0.6 0.6
channel excavation required
39 473179 1013994 R to L Bridge 1 6 3 Main Channel
U/s about 50m length and
6m width paved channel
40 473187 1014022 R to L Bridge 1 10 3 training work to this crossing
required from the main
Channel about 10% silt
41 473256 1014239 R to L SC 2 3 1.6
clearing required
Both side Longitudinal drain
42 473466 1015291 R to L Bridge 1 9 3 inside Sululta required up to
this location
Outlet scour protection with
concrete paved waterway
43 473342 1015838 R to L BC 1 0.6 0.6
of minimum 4m length
44 473565 1016266 R to L BC 1 0.6 0.6 Good Condition
45 473548 1016579 R to L AC 1 3 3 Good Condition
Overtopping observed from
46 473533 1016816 R to L SC 1 5 3 local consultation and
Analyses result
47 473393 1017074 R to L BC 2 0.6 0.6 Good Condition
Channel about 10% silt
48 473355 1017139 R to L SC 1 1 1.1
clearing required
Channel about 10% silt
49 473287 1017258 R to L SC 1 1.9 1.5
clearing required
50 473181 1017449 R to L BC 2 0.6 0.6 Good Condition
Channel about 6m length for
51 473073 1017642 R to L SC 1 1.5 1.1 the scoured section properly
paving required
BC & Inlet side 3m length concrete
52 473000 1018340 R to L (2x1)SC+2(0.6x0.6)BC
SC paved waterway required
Inlet side 3m length concrete
53 472997 1018371 R to L BC 3 0.6 0.6
paved waterway required
Channel about 10% silt
54 472992 1018505 R to L SC 1 3 1
clearing required
55 472978 1018675 R to L SC 1 2.1 1.5 Good Condition
Inlet side existing catch pit
height should be lowered by
56 472907 1019880 R to L SC 1 2 1 atleast 0.5m as it is blocking
the natural flow & outlet
channel excavation for

HITCON Engineering 4-91 Ethiopian Roads Authority

September 2012
Consultancy Services for the Detailed Engineering Design, Tender Documents Preparation and
Construction Supervision of Addis Ababa Goha Tsion Road Overlay Project

Condition Survey of Major and Minor Drainage Structures

No. Existing Dimensions


Flow Dir.

Height, m
Width, m
Other Recommendations

No Cell
based on Field Inspection

about 50m length required

Inlet side about 15m length
channel shaping with
trapezoidal paved ditch
required to properly guide
57 473102 1020513 R to L SC 1 1.5 1.5
the catchment flow to the
opening & outlet about 15m2
length concrete paved
waterway required
58 473158 1020582 R to L SC 1 1 1 Good Condition
59 473432 1021105 R to L SC 1 2 1.5 Good Condition
60 473642 1021907 R to L BC 3 0.6 0.6 Good Condition
61 473695 1022195 R to L BC 1 0.6 0.6 Good Condition
62 473728 1022381 R to L SC 2 5 2 Good Condition
63 473755 1022521 R to L SC 1 4 2 Good Condition
64 473853 1023054 R to L SC 1 2 1 Structure is inadequate
65 473950 1023660 R to L BC 1 0.6 0.6 Good Condition
Channel about 10% silt
66 473931 1023814 R to L BC 1 0.6 0.6
clearing required
Outlet scour protection with
67 474004 1024115 R to L SC 1 3 1 rock riprap required (about
35m2 packed fill of boulder)
outlet about 10m length
68 473940 1024240 R to L SC 1 2 1
channelization required
Inlet side existing catch pit
height should be lowered by
at least 0.5m as it is blocking
69 473753 1024405 R to L BC 1 0.6 0.6
the natural flow & outlet
channel excavation for about
10m length required
Inlet should be with type B
end wall & Inlet approach
70 473349 1024798 R to L BC 1 0.6 0.6
Guatsion side about 10m
length ditch paving required
outlet about 20m length
71 473225 1025233 R to L SC 1 4 1.2
channelization required
72 473095 1025394 R to L BC 1 0.6 0.6 Good Condition
73 473021 1025766 R to L SC 1 2 1 Good Condition
74 472997 1025803 R to L BC 1 0.6 0.6 Good Condition
outlet about 3m length
75 472922 1026045 R to L BC 1 0.6 0.6 concrete paved waterway
D/S Jet flow due to
76 472885 1026552 R to L BC 1 4 3
constriction observed
outlet about 20m length
77 472901 1027175 R to L BC 1 0.6 0.6
channelization required
Inlet about 5m length
78 472934 1027295 R to L SC 1 3 1
channel shaping with

HITCON Engineering 4-92 Ethiopian Roads Authority

September 2012
Consultancy Services for the Detailed Engineering Design, Tender Documents Preparation and
Construction Supervision of Addis Ababa Goha Tsion Road Overlay Project

Condition Survey of Major and Minor Drainage Structures

No. Existing Dimensions


Flow Dir.

Height, m
Width, m
Other Recommendations

No Cell
based on Field Inspection

concrete paved waterway

outlet about 10m length
79 472899 1027364 R to L BC 1 0.6 0.6
channelization required
Channel about 10% silt
80 472857 1027425 R to L SC 1 1.5 1
clearing required
Channel about 10% silt
81 472791 1027517 R to L SC 1 0.8 0.6
clearing required
82 472655 1027786 R to L BC 1 0.6 0.6 Good Condition
83 472660 1027878 R to L BC 1 0.6 0.6 Good Condition
Inlet should be with type B
endwall & Out scour
84 472674 1027945 R to L BC 1 0.6 0.6
protection with rock riprap
Inlet should be with type B
85 472680 1028014 R to L BC 1 0.6 0.6 endwall & culvert silt clearing
required (100%clocked)

Lot-2 (Chancho-Fichie) 28+700 - 102+000

Channel about 10% silt

86 472802 1028709 R to L SC 1 1.5 1
clearing required
Channel about 10% silt
87 472934 1028843 R to L SC 1 1.5 1
clearing required
Both side Longitudinal drain
88 473288 1028869 R to L Bridge 1 9 3 inside Chancho required up
to this location
Inlet & outlet channel
89 473498 1028940 R to L SC 1 3 1.5 shaping with concrete
paved waterway required
Inlet side existing catch pit
height should be lowered by
90 473695 1029376 R to L SC 1 2 1
at least 0.5m as it is blocking
the natural flow
Inlet side existing catch pit
height should be lowered by
91 473782 1029614 R to L SC 1 1.5 1
at least 0.5m as it is blocking
the natural flow
Outlet scour protection with
92 473630 1030326 L to R SC 1 2 1.5 rock riprap required (about
12m2 packed fill of boulder)
Outlet scour protection with
93 473713 1031348 L to R SC 1 2 1 rock riprap required (about
12m2 packed fill of boulder)
94 473635 1031484 L to R SC 1 2 1 Good Condition
95 473696 1031759 R to L Bridge 1 12 6 Good Condition
96 474053 1032262 L to R SC 1 2 1 Good Condition
Outlet about 50m length
97 474757 1033106 L to R SC 1 2 1
channelization required

HITCON Engineering 4-93 Ethiopian Roads Authority

September 2012
Consultancy Services for the Detailed Engineering Design, Tender Documents Preparation and
Construction Supervision of Addis Ababa Goha Tsion Road Overlay Project

Condition Survey of Major and Minor Drainage Structures

No. Existing Dimensions


Flow Dir.

Height, m
Width, m
Other Recommendations

No Cell
based on Field Inspection

Inlet side existing catch pit

height should be lowered by
98 474906 1033475 L to R SC 1 2 1 at least 0.5m & outlet scour
protection with rock riprap
Channel about 10% silted &
99 475137 1033784 L to R SC 1 2 1
clearing required
Outlet about 20m length
100 475185 1033884 L to R SC 1 2 1
channelization required
Inlet side existing catch pit
height should be lowered by
101 475622 1034454 R to L SC 1 2 1 at least 0.5m & outlet scour
protection with rock riprap
Inlet side existing catch pit
height should be lowered by
102 475621 1034598 R to L SC 1 2 1 at least 0.5m & outlet scour
protection with gabion wall
on both side required
Outlet about 10m length
103 475570 1034830 R to L BC 1 0.6 0.6
channelization required
104 476236 1035757 R to L Bridge 1 7 4 Good Condition
105 476629 1035906 L to R BC 2 0.6 0.6 Good Condition
Outlet about 10m length
106 476690 1035948 L to R SC 1 1 1
channelization required
107 478321 1036831 L to R BC 1 0.6 0.6 Good Condition
Outlet about 10m length
108 478410 1036927 L to R SC 1 2 1
channelization required
Outlet about 20m length
109 478588 1037018 L to R BC 1 0.6 0.6
channelization required
110 479035 1037718 R to L Bridge 1 7 6 Good Condition
111 479166 1037839 R to L SC 1 2 1.5 Good Condition
112 479435 1038254 R to L BC 1 0.6 0.6 Good Condition
113 479854 1038482 R to L SC 1 4 3 Good Condition
114 479895 1038500 R to L SC 1 2 2 Good Condition
Inlet side existing catch pit
115 481324 1038340 R to L SC 1 3 1.5 height should be lowered by
at least 0.5m
116 481455 1038277 R to L SC 1 1.5 1.5 Good Condition
Inlet should be with type B
end wall & culvert silt
clearing required
117 481796 1038249 R to L BC 1 0.6 0.6
(100%clocked)& outlet about
20m length channelization
D/S Jet flow due to
118 482186 1038003 R to L Bridge 1 7 6
constriction observed
119 482532 1038120 R to L SC 1 1.5 1.5 D/S Jet flow due to

HITCON Engineering 4-94 Ethiopian Roads Authority

September 2012
Consultancy Services for the Detailed Engineering Design, Tender Documents Preparation and
Construction Supervision of Addis Ababa Goha Tsion Road Overlay Project

Condition Survey of Major and Minor Drainage Structures

No. Existing Dimensions


Flow Dir.

Height, m
Width, m
Other Recommendations

No Cell
based on Field Inspection

constriction observed
Outlet about 30m length
120 482773 1038511 R to L BC 1 0.6 0.6
channelization required
121 482903 1038575 R to L SC 1 1.5 2.5 Good Condition
122 482898 1038860 R to L BC 1 0.6 0.6 Good Condition
Outlet scour protection with
123 482877 1039186 R to L BC 1 0.6 0.6 rock riprap required (about
12m2 packed fill of boulder)
124 482942 1039262 R to L SC 1 1 1 Good Condition
Outlet about 20m length
125 483081 1039640 L to R BC 1 0.6 0.6
channelization required
126 482904 1040095 R to L SC 1 1 1.2 Good Condition
127 482844 1040464 R to L SC 1 0.8 1.2 Good Condition
128 482893 1040841 R to L SC 1 1 1.2 Good Condition
129 483399 1041190 R to L SC 1 3 3.5 Good Condition
130 483804 1041509 R to L SC 1 4 7 Good Condition
Outlet scour protection with
131 484235 1041757 R to L SC 1 0.8 1.2
rock riprap required
Outlet about 30m length
132 484199 1042143 R to L BC 1 0.6 0.6
channelization required
Outlet about 30m length
133 484220 1042165 R to L BC 1 0.6 0.6
channelization required
Inlet side existing catch pit
134 484491 1042126 R to L SC 1 3 2 height should be lowered by
at least 0.5m
Inlet side channel shaping
135 484593 1042142 R to L Bridge 1 7 7
Inlet side existing catch pit
136 484562 1042407 R to L SC 1 1.2 1 height should be lowered by
at least 0.5m
Outlet about 50m length
137 484785 1042658 R to L SC 1 0.8 0.8
channelization required
138 485039 1042859 R to L SC 1 1 1.5 Good Condition
139 485122 1043027 R to L SC 1 0.9 0.8 Good Condition
Inlet side existing catch pit
140 485180 1043516 R to L SC 1 4 1.5 height should be lowered by
at least 0.5m
Inlet side existing catch pit
141 485252 1043668 R to L BC 1 0.6 0.6 height should be lowered by
at least 0.5m
Inlet side existing catch pit
height should be lowered by
142 485640 1044382 L to R SC 1 1 0.8 at least 0.5m & outlet
channel excavation of about
30m length required
143 486160 1044845 L to R SC 1 1.2 1 Good Condition
144 486243 1044969 R to L Bridge 2 7 5 Good Condition
145 486555 1045374 L to R SC 1 1.5 1 Channel about 10% silt

HITCON Engineering 4-95 Ethiopian Roads Authority

September 2012
Consultancy Services for the Detailed Engineering Design, Tender Documents Preparation and
Construction Supervision of Addis Ababa Goha Tsion Road Overlay Project

Condition Survey of Major and Minor Drainage Structures

No. Existing Dimensions


Flow Dir.

Height, m
Width, m
Other Recommendations

No Cell
based on Field Inspection

clearing required
146 486555 1045643 L to R SC 1 1 0.8 Good Condition
Duber River Crossing
Structure replaced due to
147 486762 1046481 R to L Bridge 2 18 8
structural failure, refer new
148 486583 1047462 R to L CSP 1 1.06 Excellent existing drop height
149 486393 1047950 R to L CSP 1 1.06 Good Condition
Outlet about 20m length
150 486389 1048075 R to L BC 1 0.6 0.6
channelization required
151 486259 1048438 L to R SC 1 2 1 Good Condition
152 486179 1049328 R to L BC 2 0.6 0.6 Good Condition
153 486147 1049645 R to L SC 1 2 1 Good Condition
154 486093 1051692 L to R SC 1 2 1 Good Condition
Outlet about 10m length
155 485949 1053100 L to R BC 1 0.6 0.6
channelization required
Culvert about 20% silted,
clearing required. Out let
156 485960 1053307 L to R BC 1 0.6 0.6
about 10m length channel
excavation required
157 485942 1053559 L to R BC 1 0.6 0.6 Good Condition
158 485933 1054341 L to R BC 1 0.6 0.6 Good Condition
Both side proper paved
159 485928 1055131 R to L BC 1 0.6 0.6 Longitudinal drain inside
Muke Turi town required
160 485805 1055706 R to L SC 1 0.8 0.8 Good Condition
161 485752 1055842 R to L SC 1 0.8 0.8 Good Condition
Both side proper paved
Longitudinal drain inside
162 485538 1056438 R to L SC 1 2 1.5
Muke Turi town required up
to this crossing
Culvert about 20% silted,
clearing required. Out let
163 485427 1056798 R to L SC 1 2 1
about 10m length channel
excavation required
Culvert about 20% silted,
clearing required. Out let
164 485388 1056892 R to L SC 1 2 1
about 10m length channel
excavation required
165 485377 1057041 R to L SC 4 2 1.5 Good Condition
Culvert about 20% silted,
clearing required. Out let
166 485360 1057079 R to L SC 1 2 1
about 10m length channel
excavation required
Culvert about 20% silted,
clearing required. Out let
167 484951 1058447 R to L SC 1 2 1
about 10m length channel
excavation required

HITCON Engineering 4-96 Ethiopian Roads Authority

September 2012
Consultancy Services for the Detailed Engineering Design, Tender Documents Preparation and
Construction Supervision of Addis Ababa Goha Tsion Road Overlay Project

Condition Survey of Major and Minor Drainage Structures

No. Existing Dimensions


Flow Dir.

Height, m
Width, m
Other Recommendations

No Cell
based on Field Inspection

Culvert about 20% silted,

clearing required. Out let
168 484893 1058633 R to L SC 1 2 1
about 10m length channel
excavation required
Culvert about 20% silted,
clearing required. Out let
169 484660 1059503 R to L SC 1 2 1
about 10m length channel
excavation required
170 484438 1060013 R to L BC 1 0.6 0.6 Good Condition
Culvert about 20% silted,
clearing required. Out let
171 484368 1060079 R to L SC 1 2 1
about 10m length channel
excavation required
Culvert about 20% silted,
clearing required. Out let
172 483563 1061224 R to L SC 1 0.8 0.8
about 10m length channel
excavation required
Culvert about 20% silted,
clearing required. Out let
173 483525 1061272 R to L SC 1 2 1
about 10m length channel
excavation required
Culvert about 20% silted,
clearing required. Out let
174 482606 1062642 R to L SC 1 0.8 0.8
about 10m length channel
excavation required
Culvert about 20% silted,
clearing required. Out let
175 482204 1063357 L to R SC 1 2 1
about 10m length channel
excavation required
Culvert about 20% silted,
clearing required. Out let
176 481209 1064875 L to R SC 1 1 0.8
about 10m length channel
excavation required
Culvert about 20% silted,
clearing required. Out let
177 480137 1066407 L to R SC 1 1 0.8
about 10m length channel
excavation required
Inlet approach Goha Tsion
178 480121 1067128 R to L SC 1 1 1.2 Side about 10m length
paved ditch required
Outlet about 30m length
179 480282 1067712 R to L SC 1 0.8 0.8
channelization required
180 480562 1068948 L to R SC 1 1 1 Good Condition
181 480800 1069516 L to R BC 1 0.6 0.6 Good Condition
182 480876 1070661 R to L SC 1 2 1.5 Good Condition
Culvert about 20% silted,
183 480696 1071237 R to L SC 1 1.5 1 clearing required. Out let
about 30m length channel

HITCON Engineering 4-97 Ethiopian Roads Authority

September 2012
Consultancy Services for the Detailed Engineering Design, Tender Documents Preparation and
Construction Supervision of Addis Ababa Goha Tsion Road Overlay Project

Condition Survey of Major and Minor Drainage Structures

No. Existing Dimensions


Flow Dir.

Height, m
Width, m
Other Recommendations

No Cell
based on Field Inspection

excavation required
Culvert about 20% silted,
clearing required. Out let
184 480375 1071842 R to L SC 1 1.5 1
about 50m length channel
excavation required
Culvert about 20% silted,
clearing required. Out let
185 480448 1073478 R to L SC 1 1.4 1
about 20m length channel
excavation required
Culvert about 10% silted,
clearing required. Out let
186 480409 1073560 R to L SC 1 1 0.8
about 20m length channel
excavation required
187 480267 1074049 R to L BC 1 0.6 0.6 Outlet Bush clearing required
188 480190 1074246 L to R SC 1 1.5 1
Inlet side existing catch pit
height should be lowered by
at least 0.5m & channel
189 480098 1074428 R to L SC 1 1.5 1 shaping with a length of
about 10m paved ditch
required. Inlet side type B
wall required
Culvert about 10% silted,
clearing required. Out let
190 480185 1074581 R to L SC 1 2 1
about 15m length channel
excavation required
191 479815 1074958 R to L BC 1 0.6 0.6 Inlet side type B wall required
Out let about 10m length
192 479666 1075339 L to R BC 1 0.6 0.6
channel excavation required
Inlet, Goha Tsion side about
10m length type B wall
193 479409 1075250 L to R SC 1 2 1
required to guide the
distributed flow
Demolish inlet catch pit &
replace with Type B wall. Inlet
194 479151 1075240 L to R SC 1 2 1 side channel shaping with
about 5m length paved
ditch required
195 478988 1075071 L to R Bridge 3(8x5)+2(5x5) Good Condition
Demolish inlet catch pit &
replace with Type B wall. Inlet
196 478723 1075041 R to L SC 1 2 1 side channel shaping with
about 5m length paved
ditch required
197 478479 1075208 L to R SC 1 2 1 Good Condition
Out let about 10m length
198 478639 1075259 L to R SC 1 2 1
channel excavation required
199 477879 1075472 R to L SC 1 1 0.8 Culvert about 10% silted,

HITCON Engineering 4-98 Ethiopian Roads Authority

September 2012
Consultancy Services for the Detailed Engineering Design, Tender Documents Preparation and
Construction Supervision of Addis Ababa Goha Tsion Road Overlay Project

Condition Survey of Major and Minor Drainage Structures

No. Existing Dimensions


Flow Dir.

Height, m
Width, m
Other Recommendations

No Cell
based on Field Inspection

clearing required. Out let

about 20m length channel
excavation required
Culvert about 10% silted,
200 476343 1076983 L to R SC 1 1 0.8
clearing required.
Culvert about 10% silted,
201 475504 1077837 R to L SC 1 2 1
clearing required.
Inlet protection towards
Goha Tsion side of about 5m
length required. Inlet side
202 474681 1078410 R to L SC 1 2 1
channel shaping with about
5m length paved ditch
203 473495 1078865 L to R BC 1 0.6 0.6 Good Condition
Out let about 50m length
204 473377 1078963 L to R SC 1 1.5 0.8
channel excavation required
205 473192 1079086 L to R BC 1 0.6 0.6 Good Condition
206 472866 1079202 L to R SC 1 0.8 0.8 Good Condition
207 472737 1079235 L to R SC 1 0.8 0.8 Good Condition
208 472478 1079255 L to R SC 1 0.8 0.8 Good Condition
Culvert about 10% silted,
209 471657 1079642 R to L SC 1 1 0.8
clearing required.
Culvert about 10% silted,
clearing required. Out let
210 471156 1080054 R to L PC 1 1.5
about 20m length channel
excavation required
Culvert about 10% silted,
211 471066 1080126 R to L SC 1 2 1
clearing required.
Lot-3 (Fichie Goha Tsion)
Culvert about 10% silted,
212 470411 1080642 R to L SC 1 1.5 1
clearing required.
Culvert about 10% silted,
clearing required. Out let
213 470353 1080668 R to L SC 1 0.8 0.8
about 20m length channel
excavation required
Out let about 20m length
214 470225 1080718 R to L SC 1 0.8 0.8
channel excavation required
Out let about 20m length
215 469567 1080974 R to L BC 0.6 0.6
channel excavation required
Out let about 30m length
216 468773 1081292 R to L BC 1 0.6 0.6
channel excavation required
Culvert about 90% silted,
clearing required. Out let
217 468390 1081421 R to L BC 1 0.6 0.6
about 30m length channel
excavation required
218 466687 1081761 L to R SC 1 2 1 Good Condition
Out let about 30m length
219 466262 1081841 L to R BC 1 0.6 0.6
channel excavation required

HITCON Engineering 4-99 Ethiopian Roads Authority

September 2012
Consultancy Services for the Detailed Engineering Design, Tender Documents Preparation and
Construction Supervision of Addis Ababa Goha Tsion Road Overlay Project

Condition Survey of Major and Minor Drainage Structures

No. Existing Dimensions


Flow Dir.

Height, m
Width, m
Other Recommendations

No Cell
based on Field Inspection

Overtopping observed from

220 466007 1081882 L to R SC 1 3 3 local consultation and
Analyses result
Culvert about 10% silted,
221 465718 1081941 L to R SC 1 2 1
clearing required.
Culvert about 10% silted,
clearing required. Out let
222 465457 1082026 L to R SC 1 2 1
about 20m length channel
excavation required
Culvert about 10% silted,
223 465261 1082135 L to R SC 1 2 1
clearing required.
Culvert about 10% silted,
224 465177 1082197 L to R SC 1 2 1
clearing required.
Culvert about 10% silted,
225 465090 1082367 L to R SC 1 2 1
clearing required.
Culvert about 10% silted,
clearing required. Out let
226 465059 1082598 L to R SC 1 2 1
about 10m length channel
excavation required
Culvert about 10% silted,
227 464925 1082641 L to R SC 1 2 1
clearing required.
228 464529 1082751 L to R SC 1 2 1 Good Condition
229 464414 1082800 L to R SC 1 2 1 Good Condition
230 464132 1083026 L to R SC 1 2.5 1 Good Condition
231 464137 1083418 R to L SC 1 1 1 Good Condition
232 463543 1083667 R to L BC 1 0.6 0.6 Good Condition
233 463400 1083700 R to L BC 1 0.6 0.6 Good Condition
Out let about 20m length
234 463349 1083713 R to L SC 1 1 1
channel excavation required
Outlet abutment protection
is scoured for about 2m
235 461443 1084290 L to R Bridge 1 8 7 height due to constriction
topography found in deep
sag need to be raised
Both side proper paved
Longitudinal drain inside
236 460653 1084445 R to L BC 1 0.6 0.6
Degem town required from
this location
237 457906 1084206 L to R SC 1 3 1 Good Condition
238 457543 1084197 R to L SC 1 1 1 Good Condition
239 457297 1084175 R to L SC 1 1.5 1 Outlet Bush clearing required
Demolish the existing catch
240 456126 1084496 pit & construct Type B wall of
length about 10m
Culvert about 10% silted,
241 455333 1084969 L to R SC 1 2 1
clearing required.
Out let about 100m length
242 454810 1085571 L to R SC 3 4 2
channel excavation keeping

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Condition Survey of Major and Minor Drainage Structures

No. Existing Dimensions


Flow Dir.

Height, m
Width, m
Other Recommendations

No Cell
based on Field Inspection

the culvert opening required

Culvert about 10% silted,
243 451430 1084425 L to R SC 1 2 1
clearing required.
Culvert about 10% silted,
244 451293 1084658 L to R SC 1 2 1
clearing required.
left side ditch in the section
245 451210 1084676 L to R SC 1 1.2 1
should be paved
left side ditch in the section
246 451079 1084636 L to R SC 1 2 1
should be paved
left side ditch in the section
247 450895 1084501 L to R SC 1 2 1
should be paved
left side ditch in the section
248 450768 1084441 L to R BC 1 0.6 0.6
should be paved
left side ditch in the section
249 450675 1084413 L to R SC 1 2 1
should be paved
250 450455 1084313 L to R SC 1 2 1 Good Condition
Culvert about 60% silted,
clearing required. Out let
251 450408 1084207 L to R SC 1 2 1
about 10m length channel
excavation required
Culvert about 10% silted,
252 450465 1084105 L to R SC 1 1 1
clearing required.
Culvert about 10% silted,
clearing required. Out let
253 450539 1083992 L to R SC 1 1 1
about 10m length channel
excavation required
Inlet side existing catch pit
height should be lowered by
254 450610 1083791 L to R SC 1 2 1 at least 0.5m outlet about
20m length channel
excavation required
Inlet side existing catch pit
height should be lowered by
255 450547 1083572 L to R SC 1 2 1 at least 0.5m outlet about
20m length channel
excavation required
Inlet side existing catch pit
height should be lowered by
256 450271 1083311 L to R SC 1 2 1 at least 0.5m outlet about
20m length channel
excavation required
Inlet side existing catch pit
height should be lowered by
257 450037 1083112 L to R SC 1 2 1 at least 0.5m outlet about
20m length channel
excavation required
Inlet side existing catch pit
258 449841 1082934 L to R SC 1 2 1
height should be lowered by

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September 2012
Consultancy Services for the Detailed Engineering Design, Tender Documents Preparation and
Construction Supervision of Addis Ababa Goha Tsion Road Overlay Project

Condition Survey of Major and Minor Drainage Structures

No. Existing Dimensions


Flow Dir.

Height, m
Width, m
Other Recommendations

No Cell
based on Field Inspection

at least 0.5m & outlet about

20m length channel
excavation required
Inlet side existing catch pit
259 449622 1082688 L to R SC 1 2 1 height should be lowered by
at least 0.5m
Right approach Addis
Ababa side ditch should be
260 449283 1082309 R to L SC 1 2 1
paved for a length of about
261 448611 1082180 R to L SC 1 2 1 Good Condition
262 448476 1081998 R to L SC 1 1.5 1 Good Condition
Inlet side existing catch pit
height should be lowered by
263 448102 1081804 R to L SC 1 2 1 at least 0.5m & outlet about
20m length channel
excavation required
Culvert about 10% silted,
264 448011 1081701 R to L SC 1 1.5 1
clearing required.
Inlet side existing catch pit
height should be lowered by
265 447992 1081560 R to L SC 1 1.5 1 at least 0.5m & outlet about
20m length channel
excavation required
opening channel excavation
266 448253 1081190 Bridge 1 8 3 to the lowest bed level
Culvert 100% silted, clearing
required. Out let about 30m
267 446948 1080455 L to R SC 1 1.5 1
length channel excavation
Outlet scour protection with
268 446594 1080425 L to R SC 1 1.5 0.5
rock riprap required
269 445846 1080496 R to L BC 1 0.6 0.6 Good Condition
270 445605 1080397 R to L BC 1 0.6 0.6 Good Condition
271 445421 1080296 R to L SC 1 1.5 0.5 Good Condition
Inlet about 5m length ditch
272 445082 1080153 R to L SC 1 2 0.8
clearing required
Inlet about 5m length ditch
273 444872 1080055 R to L SC 1 1 1
clearing required
Inlet about 5m length ditch
274 444764 1079996 R to L SC 1 1 1
clearing required
275 444635 1079925 R to L BC 1 0.6 0.6
Culvert 10% silted, clearing
required. Out let about 10m
276 444486 1079773 R to L SC 1 1.5 0.8
length channel excavation
277 444285 1079721 R to L SC 1 1 0.4 Outlet two step cascade

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Condition Survey of Major and Minor Drainage Structures

No. Existing Dimensions


Flow Dir.

Height, m
Width, m
Other Recommendations

No Cell
based on Field Inspection

required as scour protection

278 444158 1080009 R to L SC 1 1 1 Outlet Bush clearing required
Right approach Goha Tsion
279 444085 1080099 R to L SC 1 2 1
side ditch should be paved
Both side Right approach
280 443672 1080230 R to L SC 1 1.5 1.5 ditch should be paved in the
Both side Right approach
281 443219 1080252 R to L SC 1 1.5 1 ditch should be paved in the
Right approach Addis side
282 442944 1080280 R to L SC 1 1.5 1
ditch should be paved
Inlet channel leveling to the
283 442618 1080336 R to L SC 1 5.5 2.5
lowest bed level required
284 442492 1080320 R to L SC 1 2 1.5 Good Condition
285 442307 1080187 R to L SC 1 1.5 1 Good Condition
286 442070 1080031 R to L SC 1 1.5 1.5 Good Condition
287 441972 1079977 R to L SC 1 1 1 Good Condition
Right approach Goha Tsion
288 441844 1079935 R to L SC 1 2 1
side ditch should be paved
Both side Right approach
289 441718 1079896 R to L SC 1 2 1 ditch should be paved in the
Both side Right approach
290 441404 1079935 R to L SC 1 1 1 ditch should be paved in the
Both side Right approach
291 441310 1080070 R to L SC 1 1 1 ditch should be paved in the
Both side Right approach
292 441058 1080184 R to L BC 1 0.6 0.6 ditch should be paved in the
Both side Right approach
293 440875 1080315 R to L SC 1 2 1 ditch should be paved in the
Both side Right approach
294 440806 1080362 R to L SC 1 1 1 ditch should be paved in the
Both side Right approach
295 440755 1080405 R to L SC 1 2 1 ditch should be paved in the
between wing wall of the
above & this culvert
After 50m to above
296 R to L SC 1 2 1 embankment should be
protected with stone
Both side Right approach
297 440676 1080458 R to L SC 1 1 0.6
ditch should be paved in the

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September 2012
Consultancy Services for the Detailed Engineering Design, Tender Documents Preparation and
Construction Supervision of Addis Ababa Goha Tsion Road Overlay Project

Condition Survey of Major and Minor Drainage Structures

No. Existing Dimensions


Flow Dir.

Height, m
Width, m
Other Recommendations

No Cell
based on Field Inspection

Both side Right approach
ditch should be paved in the
298 440580 1080525 R to L BC 1 0.6 0.6 section &outlet about 50m
length channelization
Both side Right approach
299 440526 1080566 R to L SC 1 1.5 1 ditch should be paved in the
Culvert about 10% silted,
300 439424 1081256 R to L SC 1 2 1
clearing required.
Inlet & Outlet Bush clearing
301 439202 1081492 R to L SC 1 2 1
302 438838 1081675 R to L SC 1 2 1 Good Condition
Inlet & Outlet Bush clearing
303 438317 1081927 L to R SC 1 2 1
Inlet & Outlet Bush clearing
304 438179 1081978 L to R SC 1 1.2 1
305 438027 1082049 L to R SC 1 2 1 Good Condition
Culvert 10% silted, clearing
required. Out let about 20m
306 437839 1082327 L to R SC 1 1 0.8
length channel excavation
Culvert 10% silted, clearing
required. Out let about 20m
307 437812 1082497 L to R SC 1 2 1
length channel excavation
Both side proper paved
Longitudinal drain inside
308 437514 1083220 L to R BC 1 0.6 0.6
Gebreguracha town
required from this location
Culvert 10% silted, clearing
309 437166 1083373 L to R SC 1 2 1
310 436963 1083464 L to R BC 1 0.6 0.6 structure is inadequate
Proper town section both
311 436652 1083604 L to R SC 1 1.5 1
side ditch required
Proper town section both
312 436442 1083700 L to R SC 1 1.5 1
side ditch required
Proper town section both
313 436314 1083756 L to R BC 1 0.6 0.6
side ditch required
Proper town section both
314 436210 1083799 L to R BC 1 0.6 0.6
side ditch required
Proper town section both
315 435952 1083914 L to R SC 1 2 1
side ditch required
316 435412 1084429 R to L Bridge 1 8 3 Good Condition
Culvert 10% silted, clearing
317 435004 1084803 R to L SC 1 1 1
318 434557 1085223 R to L SC 1 2 1 Culvert 10% silted, clearing

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September 2012
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Construction Supervision of Addis Ababa Goha Tsion Road Overlay Project

Condition Survey of Major and Minor Drainage Structures

No. Existing Dimensions


Flow Dir.

Height, m
Width, m
Other Recommendations

No Cell
based on Field Inspection

required. Out let about 20m

length channel excavation
319 431184 1090959 R to L PC 1 1.06 Good Condition
320 431596 1090296 R to L SC 1 1.2 1 Good Condition
321 431797 1089221 R to L SC 1 1.5 1 Good Condition
322 431812 1089014 R to L PC 1 1.06 Good Condition
Channel about 10% silted,
clearing required. Out let
323 431821 1088883 R to L SC 1 1 1
about 20m length channel
excavation required
Channel about 10% silted,
clearing required. Out let
324 431831 1088778 R to L SC 1 2 1
about 20m length channel
excavation required
325 432119 1087464 L to R SC 1 1.2 1.2 Good Condition
Channel about 50% silted,
clearing required. Out let
326 432698 1086958 R to L SC 1 1.2 1
about 30m length channel
excavation required
Channel about 10% silt
327 433423 1086283 R to L SC 1 1.5 1
clearing required
Channel about 10% silt
328 433547 1086173 R to L SC 1 1 1
clearing required
Channel about 10% silted,
clearing required. Out let
329 433720 1086007 R to L SC 1 1.2 1
about 20m length channel
excavation required
Channel about 10% silt
330 433982 1085759 R to L SC 1 1.5 1
clearing required
331 431012 1091237 R to L SC 1 1.5 1 Good Condition
332 430535 1091972 L to R SC 1 2 1 Good Condition
Channel about 10% silted,
clearing required. Out let
333 430397 1092192 L to R SC 1 1.5 1
about 20m length channel
excavation required
Channel about 10% silted,
clearing required. Out let
334 430032 1092783 L to R SC 1 1.5 1
about 20m length channel
excavation required
335 429424 1093789 R to L SC 1 2 1 Good Condition
336 429185 1094154 R to L SC 1 2.5 1 Good Condition
Paved ditch on left side both
approaches to the culvert for
a total length of about 50m
337 427950 1095333 L to R SC 1 0.8 0.8
required as it is village
section. The proposed
dimensions are rectangular

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September 2012
Consultancy Services for the Detailed Engineering Design, Tender Documents Preparation and
Construction Supervision of Addis Ababa Goha Tsion Road Overlay Project

Condition Survey of Major and Minor Drainage Structures

No. Existing Dimensions


Flow Dir.

Height, m
Width, m
Other Recommendations

No Cell
based on Field Inspection

ditch of width = 0.8m &

height = 0.8m
Paved ditch on left side both
approaches to the culvert for
a total length of about 50m
required as it is village
338 427842 1095439 L to R SC 1 0.8 0.8
section. The proposed
dimensions are rectangular
ditch of width = 0.8m &
height = 0.8m
Paved ditch on left side both
approaches to the culvert for
a total length of about 50m
required as it is village
339 427757 1095523 L to R BC 1 0.6 0.6
section. The proposed
dimensions are rectangular
ditch of width = 0.8m &
height = 0.8m
Paved ditch on left side both
approaches to the culvert for
a total length of about 50m
required as it is village
340 427290 1095978 L to R SC 1 0.8 0.8
section. The proposed
dimensions are rectangular
ditch of width = 0.8m &
height = 0.8m
Channel about 10% silted &
clearing required. Out let
341 426951 1096304 L to R SC 1 0.8 0.8
about 20m length channel
excavation required
Channel about 50% silted &
clearing required. Out let
342 425979 1097351 R to L SC 1 0.8 0.8
about 60m length channel
excavation required
Channel about 10% silted,
clearing required. Out let
343 425668 1097793 R to L SC 1 2 0.8
about 20m length channel
excavation required
344 425447 1098108 R to L SC 1 1.5 1 Good Condition
Outlet about 50m length
345 424891 1098855 R to L BC 1 0.6 0.6
channel excavation required
Outlet about 50m length
346 424773 1099000 R to L BC 1 0.6 0.6
channel excavation required
Channel silt clearing & outlet
347 424583 1099237 R to L SC 1 2 1 about 30m length
excavation required
348 423948 1099998 L to R PC 1 1.06 Good Condition
Outlet about 20m length
349 423872 1100096 L to R SC 1 2 1
channel excavation required

HITCON Engineering 4-106 Ethiopian Roads Authority

September 2012
Consultancy Services for the Detailed Engineering Design, Tender Documents Preparation and
Construction Supervision of Addis Ababa Goha Tsion Road Overlay Project

Condition Survey of Major and Minor Drainage Structures

No. Existing Dimensions


Flow Dir.

Height, m
Width, m
Other Recommendations

No Cell
based on Field Inspection

Channel about 10% silt

350 423600 1100437 L to R SC 1 1 1
clearing required
351 423139 1100996 L to R SC 1 1.2 1 Good Condition
352 422989 1101163 L to R SC 1 1.5 2 Good Condition
353 422591 1101597 L to R SC 1 1.5 1 Good Condition
354 421203 1102985 R to L 1 7 2 Good Condition
Outlet about 30m length
355 419951 1104201 R to L BC 1 0.6 0.6
channel excavation required
Outlet about 30m length
356 419880 1104272 R to L BC 1 0.6 0.6
channel excavation required
357 419819 1104330 R to L SC 1 1 1 Good Condition
10% silted & Outlet about
358 419458 1104684 R to L BC 1 0.6 0.6 30m length channel
excavation required
Channel about 10% silt
359 419306 1104834 R to L SC 1 1 0.8
clearing required
360 418234 1105075 L to R BC 2 0.6 0.6 Inside Town
362 417835 1105311 L to R BC 2 0.6 0.6 Good Condition
Channel about 10% silt
363 417691 1105539 L to R SC 1 2 1
clearing required
10% silted & Outlet about
364 417618 1105679 L to R SC 1 3 1 30m length channel
excavation required
10% silted & Outlet about
365 417580 1105728 L to R SC 1 0.8 0.8 20m length channel
excavation required
366 417094 1106533 L to R SC 1 3 1 Good Condition
Channel about 50% silt
clearing required & outlet
367 417204 1106897 L to R SC 1 2.2 1
about 50m length channel
excavation required
Outlet about 20m length
368 417254 1107042 L to R SC 1 1.5 1
channel excavation required
369 417311 1107214 L to R BC 1 0.6 0.6 Good Condition
Outlet about 20m length
370 417368 1107379 L to R BC 1 0.6 0.6
channel excavation required
Outlet about 20m length
371 417348 1107609 L to R BC 1 0.6 0.6
channel excavation required
Outlet about 20m length
372 417314 1107657 L to R BC 1 0.6 0.6
channel excavation required
373 417275 1107743 L to R SC 1 2 1 Good Condition
374 417202 1107897 L to R SC 1 2 1 Good Condition
PC- Reinforced pipe culvert
SC- Slab Culvert
BC-Box Culvert
AC- masonry Arch

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September 2012
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Construction Supervision of Addis Ababa Goha Tsion Road Overlay Project

CSP-Corrugated Steel Pipe

Bridge- bridge

4.3.2 General description and Damages of Dubber River Bridge

Dubber river bridge is the only existing bridge found to be severely damaged
due to Deflection. The existing dimension, general condition of Dubber river
bridge shall be briefly discussed below. For reference purpose showing plan,
elevation and identified damaged picture shall also be attached at the end of
this article.

General Description of Dubber river bridge

Duber river bridge is located at around 57.734km from starting of this project. It is
located across a seasonal river flows to the right side on very defined trapezoidal
channel geometry. This bridge has a carriage way width of 7.32m having 0.80m
walk way on both left and right sides. The bridge is composed of double span
reinforced concrete deck girder supported on two masonry abutment and one
pier. Highly damaged reinforced concrete railing were observed on top of the
walk way. Marks on the bridge shows that this bridge was constructed by ERA in
1983 European calendar. No maintenance measure was observed on any
component of this bridge during the recently upgrading of the road by the
Japanese contractor Kajima.

The dimension of each components of the bridge shall be described below:

Clear Span = 18.00+18.00=36.0m
Clear opening height=7.00m
Bridge Location co-ordinate = X= 486762, Y= 1046481
Clear height of first abutment = 7.00m
Clear height of second abutment = 7.00m
Wing wall length of first abutment = 8.50m
Wing wall length of second abutment = 8.50m
Clear road way width = 7.32m
Side Walk Width = 0.80m+0.80m
Total width (carriage and walk way) of bridge = 8.92m

The observed defects on various component of this bridge shall be briefly

discussed in the next paragraph of this section.

Damage Description
After conducting detailed components of this bridge, the site visit crew
identified that major cracks on the center of both RC deck girder including on
the central RC railings. Concrete peel off and reinforcement bar exposure is
observed on most concrete pavement surface of this bridges. Major crack were
also observed on reinforced concrete railings located at the center of both
spans. Further damage is also observed on RC railing due to traffic accident.

More over very loud noise of girder were heard while traffic bypass on top of this
Bridges if anybody stands either on pavement surface or around the channel of
this bridge.

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Construction Supervision of Addis Ababa Goha Tsion Road Overlay Project

Moreover the bridge superstructure on both span is tilted towards the channel
due to excessive deflection of superstructure. This deflection might be
happened either camber was not be made on top of girder soffit form work for
dead load deflection while it is constructed by ERA or designed cross-sectional
dimension were not respected during construction period.

Water leakages were also observed on bottom surface of deck slab.

Consultant Recommendation
From visual observation the site visit crew recommends to replace this bridge by
new RC bridge at upstream side of the existing bridge. The new bridge is
recommended to be constructed on realigned section in order not to create
any traffic hindrance during construction time of the new bridge.

Damage pictures of this bridge shall be shown below.

Fig-1 Side View of Dubber river bridge Fig-2 Plan Viw of Dubber Bridge

Fig-3 Observed Cracks on the center of both span RC deck girder railings

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Fig-4 Observed concrete pavement surface peel-off and reinforcement bar


4.4 Repair/Rehabilitation of Existing Structures

After detailed hydrological investigation the following hydraulic findings were made.
Around fifteen minor drainage structures are recommended to be replaced by wider
openings and nine structures is proposed to be enlarged by provision of additional
openings either Addis or Gewatsion side approach road. Dubber bridge is
recommended to be replaced considering observed sever damages observed due to
execeve deflection of most of its structural components. Some of the existing structure
is replaced due to minor realignment of the road in order to satisfy the current ERA
geometric design requirements for the subject road.

4.4.1 Rehabilitation of Culverts

Extension of existing minor drainage structures, which are hydraulically sufficient
are the main repair activity considered in the design of minor drainage
structures. Typical extension details and design drawings, which show lengths to
be extended at both ends and other details, shall be incorporated in the set of

4.5 New Crossing Site Selection and Description (For New Bridges)

There is only one new bridge, one bridge widened by additional RC box opening and
more than Twenty Eight Culvert designed along the Addis Ababa Goha Tsion road.
These bridges are found at km 57+734.20 and at km 29+900. New Reinforced Concrete
Box Girder bridge at km 57.7342 is designed on realigned section due to sever structural
damages observed on most of its superstructure components. Additional openings of
4*3 were recommended on existing RC slab bridge at km29.90 due to inadequacy
reported by the local people and confirmation obtained from hydraulic findings during
conducting detailed hydraulically investigation.

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Construction Supervision of Addis Ababa Goha Tsion Road Overlay Project

4.6 Proposing the Span Width

The span width of the new bridges is determined at river hydraulics computations stage
by the hydrologist. After the hydrologist determined the design high water mark level
the structural engineer had also checked the sufficiency of the recommended span.
Accordingly some adjustments are made on the span of the bridge, considering other
factors like geometrical requirements.

This is done during the preliminary layout and general plan and elevation preparation
process. It was checked that no flow obstruction is introduced which affects the natural
flow of rivers and causes turbulence as well as suction effect at downstream channels.

Accordingly the span width of the bridge was decided as shown on the general plan
and elevation drawings. For bridge at km57.734, 30.00m reinforced concrete deck
girder is designed while 4.00m by 3.00 RC Box culvert is designed for the second one as
per the hydrologist recommendation.

4.7 Structural Design Standard

2002 ERAs bridge design manual is adopted along with AASHTO LRFD bridge design
specification, 1998, for the structural design of bridges found along the subject route.

As far as geometrical standards are concerned, standard width of 8.10m or 11.10m is

used for RC bridge designed. 1.50m RC curb and separate walkway is provided for the
bridge as per the recommendation of the bridge design standard for bridges with in
5.0km radius from towns inhabiting 5000 people within the design life of the structure.
Sufficient free board is provided from hydraulic point of view and appropriate finished
road grade is provided considering the optimum approach road grade from
geometric requirement. Thus Dubber bridge is found with in Dubber town and it is
expected that the inhabitant will become more than 5,000 people during the life time
of this bridge. Accordingly bridge with a total width of 11.10m was designed on Dubber
river crossing on the realignment route. The bridge is designed on the realigned section
of the road in order to avoid traffic hindrance expected during the construction period
of the new designed bridge on Dubber river crossing.

The structural computation of substructure and superstructure components of the river

bridges are performed as per ERAs bridge design manual. Although there are
standard drawings for reinforced concrete superstructures the Consultant had found
these standard drawings non applicable due to the following reasons.

There is a need of using larger spans bridge for which no standard superstructure
is available.
The yield strength of reinforcement steel used in designing of these standard
superstructures is 500Mpa, which is not available in the country. Therefore, the
Consultant has redesigned the superstructures of all the bridges using the design
properties of the available construction materials.

The 2011 revised ERAs Standard drawings of minor drainage structures including box
and slab culverts are used with some modifications.

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4.8 Detailed design of bridges

Dubber bridge is designed with single span 30.00m Reinforced Concrete Box Girder
superstructures supported on class B masonry abutments and wing walls. The followings
are some of the factors considered during the detail design of substructure and
superstructure of these bridges.

4.8.1 Superstructure design

Types of Superstructure
One 30.00m clear span Reinforced Concrete Deck Girder superstructures is
designed. The RC Box Girder superstructures of the bridges are composed of
three reinforced concrete box openings spaced at 2.80m center to center of
girders web having 0.25m web thickness, 0.22m and 0.20m thickness of top and
bottom slabs respectively.

HL-93 live load is used combined with the dead load of bridge components as
per the recommended load combination of ERA bridge design manual. HL-93
loading is a combination of truck and lane load or tandem axle and lane load
and the design is performed taking the maximum effect of these loads
combined with that of the dead load multiplied by the corresponding load
factors. (Please refer to the structural computation sheets attached as Appendix
in this report).

HL-93 live load is a combination of Design Truck load or Design Tandem load
and Design Lane load.

Design track load is applied as per article 3.8.3 of ERA Bridge Design Manual.
Accordingly three axles of the design truck the first of which is 35KN and the 2nd
and the rear axles of 145KN are applied at the specified axle spacing. A total of
32.5 Ton load is used as design truckload on superstructures of bridges.
In addition to the truck load a design lane load of 9.3KN/m uniformly distributed
in the longitudinal direction is applied on each traffic lane of bridges. It is the
combined effect of Truck and Lane load or Tandem axle and lane load
whichever is greater that is taken for design of bridge components.

Tandem axle loads consists of a pair of 110KN axles spaced at 1.2m intervals. The
total load of tandem axle loads is far more less than that of design truckload.
However the axle spacing of tandem axle loads is very small that it results in
higher internal stresses on some bridge components.

Material Properties

A) Reinforcement steel
The steel industries available in the country produce grade 60-reinforcement
steel for diameter of bar equal to and greater than 20mm, and grade 40 steel
for those less than 20mm diameter. The minimum yield strength of grade 60

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reinforcement steel is 413Mpa, while that of grade 40 is 276Mpa. These and other
strength parameters are used in the design of the superstructures of the bridges.

Minimum clear cover of reinforcing bars are recommended and shown on

drawings as per table 9-5 of ERA Bridge design Manual.

B) Concrete
Design parameters of C-30 concrete are used in the structural computations of
superstructure of the bridges. These strength parameters are specified on design
drawings and technical specifications attached in the final design documents of
the project.

Resistance factors are recommended on the design manuals to account the

imperfection in production of these construction materials. Accordingly the
appropriate resistance factors for shear and bending moment of structural
components were taken during the design of these components.

Software Used
A software called STAAD 2004 (Structural analysis and design) is used to
compute maximum bending moment and shear forces of structurally
indeterminate members. The software is also used in the computation of
maximum deflection of girders.

Design Philosophy
LRFD (Load and resistance factor design) method is strictly followed in the design
of the superstructure of the bridges. The appropriate load and resistance factors
are used for each and every load combination case as per article 3.3 and 9.6.3
of ERA bridge design manual.

4.8.2 Substructure design

Types of Substructures
No geotechnical investigation or DCP were conducted on Dubber bridge
foundation. Only for the draft bridge design, we use around 3.50kg/cm2
Allowable Bearing capacity of at both abutment locations for physical

The height of abutments of the bridge is within applicable limit for masonry
structures. Masonry structures are considered to be economical and feasible for
heights up to 9 to 11m. Therefore the substructures of the bridge are designed to
be composed of masonry abutments and wing walls and Class B masonry
piers. It is optional to use plain concrete leveling course under all substructures,
which shall be decided after excavation of foundation materials. However
reinforced concrete footings are designed for substructures of bridges as

The substructure type might be changed to reinforced structure after obtaining

the real allowable bearing capacity from geotechnical investigation findings
made by the assigned geotechnical engineer on the subject bridge.

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I would like to inform ERA that the substructure type and foundation size are
designed on Dubber river bridge is made only for completeness of the draft
hydrology/hydraulics report and it is subjected to change in the final report after
getting exact allowable bearing capacity of both abutment foundation from
the results of geotechnical investigation findings.

Substructure components are designed for maximum reactions of dead and live
loads of superstructures, surcharge load, their own dead loads and earth
pressure loads. The masonry abutments and wing walls are designed as gravity
retaining structures under the action of the above indicated load cases.

Design Philosophy
The substructures are designed as gravity retaining walls to resist overturning,
sliding and bearing failures due to their own weight and loads imposed on them.
Since the ultimate bearing capacity of foundation materials is practically
unknown, allowable bearing capacity of foundation material is checked for the
above load effects based on working stress design philosophy.

Material properties

A) Reinforcement steel
The steel industries available in the country produce grade 60-reinforcement
steel for diameter of bar equal to and greater than 20mm, and grade 40 steel
for those less than 20mm diameter. The minimum yield strength of grade 60
reinforcement steel is 413Mpa, while that of grade 40 is 276Mpa. These and other
strength parameters are used in the design of the substructures of the bridges.

Minimum clear cover of reinforcing bars are recommended and shown on

drawings as per table 9-5 of ERA Bridge design Manual.

B) Concrete
Design parameters of C-25 & C-30 concrete are used in the structural
computations of substructure of the bridge as required. These strength
parameters are specified on design drawings and technical specifications to be
attained during construction stage.

C) Stone Masonry
The unit weight of stone masonry used in the design of substructure components
is taken from table 3-4 of ERA bridge design manual.

As per ERA's Standard Specification cement mortared stone masonry walls shall
be constructed with mortar of 6:1 cement sand ratio. However the past
experience of masonry construction for bridges in the country was using sand
cement ratio of 2:1. In the opinion of the consultant it is not reasonable to make
such a big change of material quality without improving the workmanship of
construction activity in the country. Therefore sand cement ratio of 3:1 and 4:1
are recommended to be used for major and minor drainage structures,

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respectively, of the subject project. The required amendments are incorporated

in the technical specification.

4.9 Foundation investigation

4.9.1 General
I would like to inform ERA that the substructure type and foundation size are
designed on Dubber River Bridge is made only for completeness of the draft
hydrology/hydraulics report and it is subjected to change in the final report after
getting exact allowable bearing capacity of both abutment foundation from
the results of geotechnical investigation findings.

4.9.2 Conclusion and Recommendation

Only from visual observation an allowable bearing capacity of 3.50kg/cm2 is
used from the draft design of foundation footing of Dubber river bridge

4.10 Miscellaneous Design

4.10.1 Bridge Railing

ERA new Standard drawing of Reinforced concrete railing is adopted on both
left and right side cube stone of deck Slab.

4.10.2 Bridge Bearing

Elastomeric bridge bearing is designed for bridge that can satisfy translation and
rotational movement requirements.

4.10.3 Deck Drains

Since all the superstructures of the bridges do not have curbs and separate walk
ways the crown slope provided is sufficient to drain the decks. Drip notches shall
also be provided as shown on design drawings.

4.10.4 Deck Joint Seal

20mm thick compressible joint filler board shall be used at deck joints along with
20mm deep grouted polysulphide sealant materials.

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5.1 Introduction

5.1.1 Location and Brief Description of the Project

The Addis Ababa - GohaTsion Road is located in the Federal Government and
Oromiya regional State, in the Northern part of Ethiopia stretching for about 180
km. The project road starts from the capital and the rural section starts at about
km 9 and passes through towns; Sululta, Chanco, Muketuri, Fiche,
GebreGuracha and ends at GohaTsion. The project road is part of the road
segment from Addis Ababa Metema, particularly being part of the Addis
Ababa DebereMarkos trunk road which has high traffic volume and load as it
is the main corridor of Port Sudan, and additional traffic load arising from traffic
generated as a result of industrial developments along the road corridor. A
number large scale industries and factories are under construction along the
stretch. Hence, maintenance of the project/upgrading of the road is very of
paramount importance for transporting both agricultural and industrial products
as well as import and export goods.

5.1.2 Geology

The geology of the road corridor is mainly characterized by two geological

formations namely:

The Ashangi volcanic covering more than 80% of the road length
Sediments which are confined to the Blue Nile gorge and which
occasionally out crop

Geologically, basalt rock and its conglomerate layers are observed. Most of the
soils in this region can be classified as class A-1 and A-2 in accordance with the
AASHTO M-145 classification of Soils and Soil-Aggregate Mixtures for Highway
construction. From Northeast to Southwest runs the great trough, placing the
project area in an earthquake zone.

Geologic investigation is essential for roads and other construction sectors

mainly to and with the aim of:

Identify the type and strength characteristics of rocks

Classify the degree of weathering or alteration on the rocks
Classify the Excavation / workability of the rocks with appropriate
Check suitability of the rocks as a bearing stratum and / or
construction materials
Identify associated geologic structures such as faults, folds, and joints
etc which will affect / have influences on the engineering properties
of the materials.

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The geologic information obtained from site investigation will also

help to know the characteristic of the in situ soils formation /residual

In view of these, geologic investigation for the entire length of the project, Addis
Ababa to Goha Tsion via Chancho town, has been carried out in the first and
second weeks of January, 2012. During the field investigation, it has been
observed that the area along the route corridor of the Addis Ababa Goha Tsion
road is covered by various types of volcanic rocks.

The major lithologic units encountered along the project route traverses are:

From Entoto check point and including the Sululta area, fine to
medium grained pyroclastic deposits (tuffs, ignimbrites and
pumices), ryholites, aphanitic basalts, aphanitic to porphyritic
trachyte rocks are observed. Except the aphanitic basalt, most of
these rocks are highly weathered; those changes the colors of the
minerals, partially decomposed, become significant for rock
formations around the Entoto ridge.
In the route corridors ahead of the town of sululta to Chancho
extended to Dubar towns, are covered by dark color and fine
grained olivine basalt.
Along the towns of Muketuri, Debre Tsige, Fiche, Hambisso, Tulu Milky
and Goha Tsion, the geologic formation/lithologic units are
dominated by aphanitic basalt. However, before Degem (Hambisso)
area, vesicular basalt is also encountered. Weathering effect is more
pronounced on the vesicular basalts than the aphanitic ones.
However, thick quaternary sediments are also found at localized
section dominantly in Gerbe Guracha to Goha Tsion areas on top of
the volcanic units.

In general, the texture and structure of volcanic rocks are largely determined by
the arrangement of the constituent minerals, compositions and grain sizes. Due
to internal stresses during igneous formations, set of fractures (joints) are also
common on these rocks. The vesicular basalts are not recommended for works
of engineering structures since the water absorptions and specific gravities are
by far lower than the other basalts. The aphanitic basalts, on the other hand, are
suitable for asphalt concretes, cement concretes, etc. these rocks are known for
its weathering resistant and higher compressive strength values. In some
sections, like the Durer towns towards sululta, the overburden materials are very
thin and the underlain igneous rocks are classified as hard excavation. While in
parts where quaternary soils are found such as in GerbeGuracha area, the
overburden black soils are very thick underlain by the aphaniticbasaslts. In such
sections, the excavation will be soft and unsuitable. Apart from these, in the
route traverse of the road project, no major geologic structure (tectonics) is
observed but it should be borne in mind that the City of Addis Ababa is located
in margin of the main Ethiopian rift system. Hence, for engineering structures
such as bridges etc, appropriate ground acceleration should be considered.

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5.1.3 Geographic and Climatic Features of Project Area

Topographic Features
The project area is located in Oromia Regional State north showa zone. The
topography of the route corridor is marked by Gojjam highlands and Shewa
plateau with high elevation ranging between 2,500 m ~ 3, 300 m a.m.s.l. The
route also descends to the Abay Gorge which lies 1,500 m below the general
elevation of the plateau.

Climatic Features
The region is generally characterized by two distinct climatic features. The
highland plateau is temperate, moderately warm, while the lowland areas are
warm. The mean temperature of the region during the coldest month of
December is around 14.50C and the highest temperature during the month of
April is about 17.70C. Annual average rainfall ranges from 1,000 mm 1,500 mm,
where rainy season extends from June to September.

5.2 Soils and Materials Investigation

During the field investigation, different activities have been conducted to assess the soil
extension, the engineering properties of the alignment soils and roadbed making
materials. The activities conducted include: soil extension survey, test pit logging and
sampling of sub grade soil, DCP testing, construction materials investigation and
sampling. Detailed discussion about the field works undertaken is presented hereunder.

5.2.1 Test pit logging and sampling

Test pits were dug along the route alignment at every 500m to gather the
necessary information regarding the strength and other properties of the sub-
grade materials. The test pits were dug up to a depth of 1.50m below the
surface of the ground followed by properly measuring and describing the
respective soil types and collecting representative material samples. From the
test pits, Subgrade samples were collected every 1.5km for CBR tests and
classification tests for the Chancho - Goha Tsion overlay project. Subgrade
samples were collected every 1 km for CBR tests and every 500 m for
classification tests for the Addis Ababa - Chancho rehabilitation project.

A test pits were dug for subgrade investigation and sampled for CBR tests and
classification tests were collected. The collected samples were subjected to
laboratory tests to assess the engineering and index properties of the materials
and determine their suitability for road making.

Accordingly, the subgrade samples collected every 1.5 km were tested for:
Classification tests [Sieve analysis and Atterberg limits]
Gradation tests
Modified Proctor - 3 point CBR and swell tests
Natural Moisture Content test and
The subgrade samples collected every 1km and 500m were tested for:
Classification tests [Sieve analysis and Atterberg limits] and
Natural Moisture Content test

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5.2.2 Subgrade Investigation

Subgrade CBR Assessment

The Consultant has carried out the detailed field and laboratory investigation
testing between December, 2011 and January, 2012. As per the terms of
reference (TOR), part 2 section 6 of the document for the procurement of
consultancy services for Detailed Engineering Design , Tender document
preparation and construction supervision of Addis ~ Chancho ~ Gohatsion
Road Overlay Project, soils and materials investigation has been scheduled as

For subgrade and pavement materials investigations, samples for the

following confirmatory tests are conducted:
o Atterburg limit tests, LL and PL (PI)
o Soils classification, sieve analysis
o Volumetric Shrinkage (Expansiveness)
o Density tests, MDD/OMC (AASHTO T 180 D)
o three points CBR, (AASHTO T 193)

For rural sections of the road, field density and sample spacing is defined to be
at 1.5 km intervals while for town sections, field density and the sample spacing
is at 2 km interval pertaining to the homogeneity of the terrains in the route
corridors. More over DCP tests has been carried out for comparison with the
laboratory CBR values.

A detailed subgrade soil characteristics analysis is made and the summary of

the CBR values are shown in figure 3-1 and more details are attached as
appendix in the Soils and Material Report. For the design purpose, the
laboratory determined CBR Values were analyzed in order to homogeneous
sections based on the CBR values using the method given in ERA Pavement
Rehabilitation Manual. The cumulative sum method has been used to identify
the uniform sections from the subgrade CBR values and compared with the
distress and deflection measurements to decide the homogenous sections.

DCP Testing
Dynamic Cone Penetro meter testing was conducted to determine the
structural properties/strength of the foundation for crossings and the underlying
sub grade material. The test was conducted at both the right and left side
shoulder beginning from the subgrade layer of the existing pavement at an
interval of 2km on the alignment. The DCP test was extended up to a depth of
1m below the subgrade level.

The penetration data collected from the test has been analyzed by the UK DCP
version 2.2 software developed by TRL. The DCP values are then used to
compute the in situ CBR value using correlations developed by TRL as:

Log10 CBR 2.48 1.057 * log10 ( DCPvalue)

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CBR [%]

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Figure 5.1: Subgrade CBR values


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Station [km]


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5.2.3 Subbase Investigation

Similar to the subgrade investigation samples were collected from the test
pits for subbase investigation and sampled for CBR tests and classification
tests were collected. The collected samples were subjected to laboratory
tests to assess the engineering and index properties of the materials and
determine their suitability as subbase road making materials.

From the test pits, subbase samples were collected every 3km for CBR and
classification tests for both the Chancho - Gohatsion overlay and Addis
Ababa -Chancho rehabilitation projects.

For the subbase materials investigations, samples for the following

confirmatory tests are conducted:
o Atterburg limit tests, LL and PL (PI)
o Soils classification, sieve analysis
o Volumetric Shrinkage (Expansiveness)
o Density tests, MDD/OMC (AASHTO T 180 D)
o three points CBR, (AASHTO T 193)

The laboratory investigation results for both the subbase and subgrade
materials are reported as an Appendix to the Soils and Material report.

5.2.4 Construction Materials Investigation

Office works including referring previous works in the area, study of the
geological map and the topographic map of the project area were
conducted before commencing the field investigations. Accordingly, it is
found out that the project area exhibits availability of rock, natural gravel,
sand and borrow material sources.

During the field investigation, the Consultant has located 5 rock sources for
aggregate crushing/asphalt mix, 10 borrow sources and 5 water sources. The
Consultant has assessed the type, quality and quantity of materials, the
overburden material and its use for the construction purpose, and their
accessibility. Besides the possible environmental impacts that may arise due
to the development of the quarries, i.e. displacement of houses, claim for
farmlands, etc were properly observed.

Finally, samples were collected from the sources for the respective
laboratory tests to assess their suitability for the intended works.

Rock Sources for Crushing and Masonry Works

During the field investigation, totally 4 potential rock quarries have been
identified that could bear crushed aggregate for base course, asphalt mix
and stones for masonry work.

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Samples were collected from six sources to assess their suitability for the
intended works. The collected samples were tested for:

Los Angeles Abrasion test

Aggregate Crushing Value
Sodium sulfate soundness
Water absorption
Compressive strength and
Specific gravity.

The laboratory result of the rock sample is presented in the Appendices in the
soil and material report.

Table 5.1: Rock Source along the Project Route for Crushing and Masonry

Locations (km Coordinates

S/N ref. existing km Remarks
description Northing Easting
185+500,RHS 300 aggregates and
1 Quarry rocks 0417795 1107634
offset stones production
2 Quarry rocks -- 0434054 1086273
101+000, Both
3 0478470 1075642
80+000, RHS, masonry stones
4 0484778 1059531
500m production
23+000 to coordinates will be aggregates and
24+000,RHS taken stones production

Selected and Borrow Materials

Selected and borrow sources for embankment construction, replacement of
weak subgrade and widening and shoulder preparation are required as
some sections of the project alignment need to be maintained and weak
subgrades to be replaced. In light of this, the consultant has identified ten
borrow sources and collected samples from the eight sources.

The sampled samples were tested for:

Modified Proctor 3pt CBR, swelling and
Classification tests.

The borrow material sources in the project area are summarized and
presented in the table below, the detail investigation results are presented in
the Appendices in the soil and material report.

Table 5.2: Summary of Potential Borrow Pits in the Route Corridor

S/N Materials Locations (km, ref. Coordinates Remarks

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description existing km post) Northing Easting

1 Sub base materials 0430837 1093063 existing pit
500 m offset
near Kessi
2 fill materials 0441202 1080918 existing pit
school,147+000 RHS
Road side
3 144+000 RHS -- --
4 sub base materials RHS of the road 0444695 1079676
5 116+000,LHS 0465370 1082337 Existing pit
87+000 LHS after
6 0480888 1065538 Existing pit
Debre Tsige town
before / after 0486890 1047303
7 Existing pit
Duber town 0486839 1046646
8 59+000 0483151 1041349
9 fill materials 43+000,RHS 0473944 1032182 Existing pit
40+200,LHS 200 new
10 sub base materials 0473531 1030761
offset source
10 23+000 to 24+000 -- -- Existing pit

Water Source
Water for compaction, mortar, and concrete works could be obtained from
surrounding Rivers was sampled. The following river and ground/spring water
sources could be considered as potential sources of water.

Sample of water taken from the sources were tested for the following
chemical and physical tests to confirm their suitability for the intended works
as indicated below.

The tests are

pH value (AASHTO T 26)
Chloride contents (ASTM D 512)
Sulphate contents and (ASTM D 516) and
Total dissolved solids (AASHTO T 26)

Table 5.3: Summary of Water Sources for the Project

Type of water Locations (km ref. Coordinates

S/N Remarks
source existing km post) Northing Easting
available all
1 Spring 145+000,LHS, 2.5km 0443226 1078522
ahead of chagel available all
2 River 100+100
town times
available all
3 River 66+000 0486839 1046646
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available all
4 River 64 + 700 0486272 1045137
Well (ground available all
5 42+000,RHS,50m 0473944 1032182
water) times

5.3 Conclusion and Recommendations

Based on observations made during the field investigation and the laboratory test
results, the majority of the alignment soils are acceptable to good roadbed
materials. However, some sections of the project alignment are covered with
expansive soils and weak bearing strength. Thus the top 60cm of the expansive soil
shall excavate and replace with an impermeable capping layer material of
minimum CBR 7%.

The borrow materials from each of the selected sources satisfy the specification
requirements of fill materials for embankment construction and replacement of
weak soil stretches. Thus, there are adequate sources of borrow material in the
project area located at reasonable intervals.

The test results of rock samples taken from the quarry sources reveal that rock
sources can be used as crushed aggregate for base course, asphalt mix and
concrete work. However, there are limited rock sources in the project area at
relatively long intervals.

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6.1 Pavement Preliminaries

From the view point of preserving a road asset, the most cost-effective way of
extending the life of a road is to make the best use of its residual strength by
applying an overlay at the appropriate time, normally before the road shows signs
of serious distress. Close follow up of the road network is necessary so that exact
timing for overlay (or preventive maintenance in general) is identified. This
identification of proper timing is vital for successful implementation of appropriate
preservation action. In many developing countries only few strategic roads are
considered for overlaying, or other strengthening, until the condition of the
pavement has deteriorated beyond the point where this is a straightforward option.
In this road project for most of the segments the timing is appropriate for the overlay
and this effort will significantly extend the life of the pavement.

This report presents the asphalt-overlay pavement structural design of the Addis
Ababa Gohatsion for the last 20 km of the road section i.e. on the first 20 km from
the Gohatsion. The asphalt overlay design of the project road described briefly in
this report is based on the prevailing conditions of the road during the study period
of the project. The project area is located in Oromia Regional State north Showa
zone. The project road is existing asphalt paved road which starts from Addis Ababa
and pass through Gohatsion about 185 km from Addis Ababa and goes to
Debremarkos the Gonder and peroceed to Sudan trough Metema.

The objective of pavement rehabilitation is to strengthen the pavement structure

and provide a road surface that can withstand the expected traffic loading over
the design life of the project without deterioration below a predetermined level of
services. So as to evaluate the existing pavement condition and determine the
structural pavement performance and design the asphalt-overlay thickness, the
main rehabilitation and design manuals adopted by the design consultant are ERA
pavement rehabilitation and asphalt overlay design manual (2002), AASHTO guide
for design of pavement structures (1993) and Asphalt Institute Asphalt overlays for
Highway and street rehabilitation (MS-17) are considered as the design manuals
adopted for the design of the asphalt overlay.

All roads deteriorate with time as a result of traffic and environmental effects.
Depending on the causes and extent of deterioration, the deterioration may be
relatively easy to correct, but sometimes major works are required. The works
processes for keeping them in good condition are often subdivided into various
Routine and periodic maintenance- maintenance that needs to be
done more frequently
Rehabilitation structural strengthening including overlaying
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Reconstruction and upgrading all/part of the pavement layer is to be

reprocessed and some realignment may required

Methods of pavement rehabilitation design attempts to make better use of the

existing strength of the existing pavement when it has deteriorated beyond the
critical state rely very largely on engineering judgment and therefore are seen to
represent a higher degree of risk. Given the nature of the problem, this is perhaps
inevitable to quote the AASHTO Design Guide for Pavement Structures (Chapter III
Section 2.3) for example;

Pavement rehabilitation is as much an art as a science. With the exception

of certain overlay models presented elsewhere, there are no definitive
equations, guides or step-by-step procedures that one can use to cook
book a proper rehabilitation design. Therefore a considerable amount of
both analysis and engineering judgment must be applied to each project

For the design of rehabilitation or strengthening, the condition of the existing layers
of the pavement plays a vital role. Thus the essential component of the design of
the asphalt-overlay rehabilitation for the road project is the assessment and
evaluation of the pavement condition. The detail study of pavement condition has
been carried out with visual inspection, roughness measurement and pavement
structure assessment from deflection measurements as well as pavement and
subgrade material investigation. This detail assessment believes to provide sufficient
data to identify the modes of deterioration and their causes. The traffic inputs for the
pavement rehabilitation design are considered in terms of an equivalent standard
axle load of 8.16 tons. In this way the appropriate rehabilitation treatments has been
identified and designed.

The following chapters describes the design input parameters such as the traffic
load and subgrade material investigation and the pavement distress and structural
condition investigation which is carried out through detail visual condition survey,
pavement profiler or roughness measurement and pavement deflection

6.2 Traffic Load Analysis and Subgrade Investigation

6.2.1. Traffic Analysis

To design a road pavement, it is necessary to predict the number of

repetitions of each axle load group during the design period. This is true
because, the deterioration of paved roads is caused by traffic from both the

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magnitude of the individual wheel loads and the number of times these loads
are applied.

6.2.2. Traffic Count Analysis

The traffic count was made at two different points along and in the vicinity of
the project road, i.e. Addis Ababa Chancho and Chanch Gohatsion, for
both economic analysis and pavement rehabilitation work. The detail traffic
analysis conducted and discussed in the Traffic Survey and Safety Measures
Report was adopted for the asphalt-overly and rehabilitation design work.

6.2.3. Axel Load Determination

The Design Consultant has made a thorough study on the determination of

axle load for respective vehicle category. This is because, design of road
pavement requires not only the total number of traffic using the road and will
use for the design period but mainly the axle loads of these vehicles.

As there is no recent axle load data available in the vicinity of the project
route, it was necessary to carry out the axle load survey for the proposed
road project. Accordingly, the Design Consultant has sent a crew to conduct
the axle load survey and AADT traffic counts along the project route. These
traffic counts has been compared with and verified by the traffic counts
recorded by the Ethiopian Roads Authority considering the traffic growth rate
for the last few years.

6.2.4. Equivalent Standard Axle Loads

The Equivalent Standard Axle Loads for the pavement rehabilitation design is
obtained based on the assumed truck factors.

The design traffic or the cumulative Equivalent Standard Axle of 8.16 ton is
derived from the total number of heavy vehicles during the design life of the
road converted to ESA using the following equivalence factor.

Axle Load in tons
Equivalenc e S tan dard Axle Load Factor

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o The individual axle loads are converted and expressed as the number
of equivalent standard axles (ESAs), in units of 8.16 Tons. The
relationship between a vehicles EF and its axle loading is normally
considered in terms of the axle mass measured in kilograms.
o After determining the equivalency factors for each of the axle loads of
the vehicle category, the factors for the axles are added to give the
equivalency factor for each of the vehicles.
o The mean equivalency factor for each class of vehicle is determined
for the number vehicles surveyed.

Based on this relationship and using the axle load data obtained from the
survey the equivalence factors are derived as summarized on table 7.1. of
the traffic survey and safety measures report. The damage caused by light
vehicles such as cars and station wagons are insignificant compared to the
other commercial and heavy vehicles and hence not included in the
cumulative equivalent standard axle load for pavement design.

6.2.5. Cumulative Number of Standard Axles

The cumulative number of standard axles is determined based on the AADT

for the most loaded direction and the truck factors obtained from the traffic
and axle load analysis for the design period of 20 years. The cumulative
number of ESAL for Addis-Chancho section and Chancho-Gohatsion section
at the end of 20 years lifetime is estimated to be 138X106 and 73.2 X106. The
summary of the cumulative number of standard axles are shown in table 3-1
and 3-2.

The design of the asphalt-overlay for the Chancho-Gohatsion road segment

is based on 10 years design period (21.6 million ESA) considering the
pavement will be open for traffic while laying out the overly. For the
upgrading of the Addis-Chancho road segment a 20 years design period
(138 million ESA) is considered for the pavement design i.e. taking into
account the design life and traffic volume the Chancho Derba road.

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Table 6-1: Cumulative number of standard axles Addis Ababa - Chancho

year Small Medium Large Small Medium Heavy Trucks & Total for Cumulative
Buses Bus Bus Truck/ Truck Truck Trailer the year
12 - 25 25 - 45 >45 Isuzu
seats seat seat
2012 83 8 118 93 410 1567 4090 2324436 2.32E+06 0 year for
2013 89 9 126 102 448 1716 4478 2543039 4.87E+06 1 year for
2014 96 9 135 112 492 1884 4918 2790787 7.66E+06 2 year for
2015 102 10 145 122 539 2063 5384 3053346 1.07E+07 1 Full opening year
2016 109 10 154 133 587 2245 5858 3320135 1.40E+07 2
2017 116 11 164 144 637 2437 6361 3602694 1.76E+07 3
2018 123 12 174 156 690 2640 6892 3901111 2.15E+07 4
2019 131 13 185 169 746 2855 7451 4215376 2.58E+07 5
2020 138 13 196 183 805 3080 8039 4545367 3.03E+07 6
2021 146 14 207 197 867 3316 8654 4890844 3.52E+07 7
2022 154 15 218 211 931 3562 9297 5251441 4.04E+07 8
2023 162 16 230 226 998 3818 9965 5626659 4.61E+07 9
2024 171 16 242 242 1067 4084 10660 6015862 5.21E+07 10
2025 179 17 254 258 1139 4359 11377 6418270 5.85E+07 11
2026 188 18 266 276 1216 4654 12148 6850232 6.53E+07 12
2027 198 19 279 294 1297 4962 12951 7299789 7.26E+07 13
2028 207 20 293 313 1380 5281 13784 7766613 8.04E+07 14
2029 217 21 306 333 1467 5612 14648 8250267 8.87E+07 15
2030 226 22 320 353 1556 5955 15541 8750201 9.74E+07 16
2031 236 23 334 374 1648 6307 16463 9265748 1.07E+08 17
2032 246 24 348 395 1743 6671 17411 9796118 1.16E+08 18
2033 257 25 363 417 1841 7044 18384 10340399 1.27E+08 19
2034 267 26 378 440 1941 7425 19380 10897557 1.38E+08 20

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Table 6-2: Cumulative number of standard axles Chancho - Gohatsion

year Small Medium Large Small Medium Heavy Trucks & Total for Cumulative
Buses Bus Bus Truck/ Truck Truck Trailer the
12- 25 25 - 45 >45 Isuzu year
seats seat seat
2012 5 7 200 22 221 788 2164 1243449 1.24E+06 0 year for
2013 5 7 214 24 241 863 2369 1359495 2.60E+06 1 opening year
2014 6 8 230 27 265 947 2602 1490948 4.09E+06 2
2015 6 8 246 29 290 1037 2849 1630188 5.72E+06 3
2016 7 9 262 32 316 1129 3100 1771603 7.50E+06 4
2017 7 10 279 34 343 1225 3366 1921312 9.42E+06 5
2018 7 10 296 37 372 1328 3647 2079358 1.15E+07 6
2019 8 11 314 40 402 1435 3943 2245729 1.37E+07 7
2020 8 11 332 44 433 1549 4254 2420359 1.62E+07 8
2021 9 12 351 47 467 1667 4579 2603117 1.88E+07 9
2022 9 13 370 50 501 1791 4919 2793807 2.16E+07 10
2023 10 13 390 54 537 1920 5273 2992162 2.46E+07 11
2024 10 14 410 58 575 2054 5641 3197844 2.77E+07 12
2025 11 15 431 62 613 2192 6020 3410440 3.12E+07 13
2026 11 16 452 66 655 2340 6428 3638584 3.48E+07 14
2027 12 16 474 70 698 2495 6853 3875951 3.87E+07 15
2028 12 17 497 75 743 2656 7294 4122368 4.28E+07 16
2029 13 18 520 79 790 2822 7751 4377600 4.72E+07 17
2030 14 19 544 84 838 2994 8224 4641357 5.18E+07 18
2031 14 19 568 89 888 3172 8711 4913284 5.67E+07 19
2032 15 20 592 94 939 3354 9213 5192963 6.19E+07 20

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6.3. Subgrade Soils Investigation

6.3.1. Subgrade CBR

The Consultant has carried out the detailed field and laboratory
investigation testing between December, 2011 and January, 2012. As per
the terms of reference (TOR), part 2 section 6 of the document for the
procurement of consultancy services for Detailed Engineering Design ,
Tender document preparation and construction supervision of Addis ~
Chancho ~ Gohatsion Road Overlay Project, soils and materials
investigation has been scheduled as follows:
o For sub grade and pavement materials investigations, samples for
the following confirmatory tests are conducted:
Atterburg limit tests, LL and PL (PI)
Soils classification, sieve analysis
Volumetric Shrinkage (Expansiveness)
Density tests, MDD/OMC (AASHTO T 180 D)
three points CBR, (AASHTO T 193)

For rural sections of the road, field density and sample spacing is defined
to be at 1.5 km intervals while for town sections, field density and the
sample spacing is at 2 km interval pertaining to the homogeneity of the
terrains in the route corridors. More over DCP tests has been carried out for
comparison with the laboratory CBR values.

A detailed subgrade soil characteristics analysis is made and the summary

of the CBR values are shown in figure 3-1 and more details are attached in
appendix C and the soils and material report . For the design purpose, the
laboratory determined CBR Values were analysed in order to
homogeneous sections based on the CBR values using the method given
in ERA Pavement Rehabilitation Manual. The cumulative sum method
has been used to identify the uniform sections from the subgrade CBR
values and compared with the distress and deflection measurements to
decide the homogenous sections.

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Figure 6-1: Subgrade CBR values

Figure 6-2: Cumulative sum of subgrade CBR

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6.3.2. Analysis of Road Bed Strength

CBR tests of the subgrade for the overlay design have been performed on
representative samples collected in the project section. For design
purposes subgrade soils are usually conducted at proctor density
(AASHTO T-99) and the design CBR is selected from ranges of 4-days
soaked 3-point CBR values, carried out on samples collected from fairly
homogeneous sections. This method often doesnt provide the chance to
analyse the strengths of the soils at different levels of densities or
compactions. In order to overcome this short coming and evaluate the
strength behaviour of the alignment soils, 3-point CBR tests have been
executed at 3-energy levels in accordance to AASHTO T-180. The design
CBR is normally considered as the CBR Value in a soaked condition at
95% of the maximum dry density determined in the laboratory. For roads
like that of the project this method will also provide sufficient room to
determine the design CBR.

The Design Consultant has adopted the methodology recommended by

ERA as well as AASHTO guide for Analysis Unit Delineation by Cumulative
Differences for the determination of fair homogeneous sections in
respect of the bearing strength of the subgrade soil. In accordance with
this design guide, the cumulative difference variable was calculated on
the CBR values at 95% MDD for the whole project road and plotted on a
chart against the chainage. As shown on figure 3-2 the CBR cumulative
sum curve doesnt show distinct homogenous sections for the entire
project length, thus similar analysis has been done with the deflection
measurements in chapter 5 to divide the road segment into homogenous

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7.1. General

The identification of road segments for strengthening in many road

authorities is based on their Pavement Management System outputs.
Information regarding the condition of pavements in a road network is
evaluated in the PMS and roads which are deteriorated beyond a certain
level are identified for a project level overlay or rehabilitation
investigation. Once a segment from the road network is identified as
needing some sort of strengthening, a detailed investigation process will
be carried out in phases to optimize the investigation iteratively.

A detailed evaluation is normally required to determine the best solution,

especially when the pavement structure is highly deteriorated which
needs to investigate the condition of each layer, including the subgrade,
and to determine the causes of deterioration. A reliable pavement
assessment procedure is vital if the correct maintenance treatment is to
be identified. This will include a visual survey to identify and to measure
defects such as cracks, rutting and other forms of surface deterioration. It
will also include measurements of deflection, preferably with an FWD, and
road roughness, preferably with an instrument that operates at traffic
speeds. It may be necessary to excavate test pits to obtain samples for
testing in the laboratory, although the number of destructive tests such as
this should be minimized, and the majority of the necessary information
should be obtained in other ways.

As indicated above the condition assessment is carried out in phases so

that the investigation process is optimized. The process begins with an
initial assessment of the whole stretch of the project length, followed by
detailed investigation, to understand the general features of the project
with respect to pavement condition, geometry, traffic condition (including
loading characteristics and vehicle type distribution). The aim of this
assessment is to identify sections which require special attention and need
more detailed and expensive investigation.

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7.2. Roughness Measurement

Roughness is the measure of the riding comfort of highways. The riding

quality is the primary concern for the maintenance crew in highway
organizations and the road users. It also has impact on the vehicle
operating costs. The unit of the roughness measurement is International
Roughness Index, which is expressed in terms of meter per kilometer.

There are several causes for pavement to show roughness: traffic loading,
environmental effects, construction materials, and built-in construction
irregularities are all considered to cause rough surface on pavement. All
pavements have irregularities built into the surface during construction, so
even a new pavement that has not been opened to traffic can exhibit
roughness. The roughness of a pavement normally increases with exposure
to traffic loading and the environment.

The use of Roughness measurement is categorized in to two based on

Pavement Management practices. At Network Level, it used to divide
network in to uniform section of roads establishing value limits for
acceptable pavement condition and setting maintenance and
rehabilitation priorities. At the project level, Roughness measurement is
used to identify critical roughness and to maintain construction quality

In this project the measurement of roughness is carried out using the

modern system laser profiler. The measurement is carried out for the whole
project length that is 180km, starting at Mount Entoto at the billboard
where the federal road network starts and ends at Gohatsion. The
measurement was taken on both directions and the result of the
measurement is then analyzed and compared to ERAs rating system.

Roughness rating for paved roads according to ERAs Pavement

Management System.

Table 7-1: ERA PMS threshold values for IRI

Rating IRI [m/km]
Good < 4.5

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Fair 4.5 6
Poor >6

However, these rating limits undermine the current condition of Ethiopian

paved road network and may mislead that the road in the current project
is generally in good condition. Therefore, it is tried to take into
consideration of the current situation of paved road network and
international practices and improve the rating accordingly. For paved
roads the International Roughness Index varies between 1.5 and 2.5 m/km
for Good category in many countries depending on level of development
and maintenance and construction practices followed.

Table 7-2: Proposed IRI thresholds for this project

Rating IRI [m/km]
V. Good/Excellent < 2.0
Good 2.0 3.0
Fair 3.0 4.0
Poor 4.0 6.0
V. Poor >6m/km

Therefore, the following rating is considered to be used in this project to

evaluate the riding comfort of the road in consideration. Therefore, IRI
values equal to 1, 2 and 3 are categorized as Good and IRI values equal
to 4 and 5 are categorized as Fair. IRI values equal to 6 and above are
considered as poor from view point of driving comfort. This is proposed
only for pavements with Asphaltic Concrete surfacing.
Based on these criteria, the project road which is approximately 178km
from Addis (from is evaluated Gohatsion side). Accordingly, more than
74% of the length is in good condition while 23.82% is in fair and it is only 2%
that is in bad condition in terms of riding comfort of this road section. From
viewpoint of riding quality, this section of the road is generally good.
Based on the measurements on this road segment there is no critical
roughness observed as shown on figure 4-2. Rather majority of the road
segment is within the good category of riding quality both in ERAs and
proposed limiting values, 4.5 m/km and 3.0 m/km respectively. Note also
there is no section with poor riding quality on this part of the project road.

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It will be understood that IRI values may not reflect the level of surface
distresses as the initial stage of crocodile cracks, which is the
characteristics of this segment, does not contribute to roughness of the
pavement. This road segment is a good example of this phenomenon as
almost the whole 20 km analyzed has exhibited fatigue cracks and yet the
road is in good riding condition.

Figures 4-1 and 4-2 show distribution of the IRI values both in percentage
and along the chainage for the first 20 km driving from Gohatsion towards
Addis. Figure 4-1 shows the percentage of good and fair proportion of the
road (no segment with poor riding quality for this section) while the line in
Figure 4-2 shows the average roughness with respect to right and left lane
roughness values measured.

Figure 7-1: IRI % of good, fair and poor section for the full 178 km length of
the Addis Gohatsion road project

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Figure 7-2: IRI distribution over the full length of the project (chainage start from Gohatsion to Addis)

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7.3. Pavement Surface Condition Assessment

Before pavement surface condition assessment in the field is started the

necessary data from the existing design, construction and maintenance is
collected. Then surface condition, roughness measurement, traffic
surveys, materials testing and structural strength surveys are carried out.
This stage of assessment is the basis for the overlay design and its primary
purpose is to obtain an overall information of the project and to reduce
the amount of additional (or unnecessary) detailed testing. In this phase
the following are identified;
Sections with no need for structural strengthening
Sections with problems only on the surface
Sections with localized problems
Sections with probable structural deficiencies and require
strengthening and on which more detailed investigations are to be
carried out

The detailed pavement surface condition assessment in general has used

the condition survey system by Ethiopian Roads Authority Pavement
Management System which is using modern equipment for surface
condition assessment and pavement strength measurement. Accordingly,
the whole road section of the project is assessed for surface defects, riding
quality and structural strength. The details of these assessments for the
whole length of the project road (from Gohatsion side) are presented as

Surface distress evaluation utilized a multifunction vehicle that is equipped

with camera for capturing sequential images of the pavement surface,
laser profiler for measuring longitudinal profile (Roughness) and transverse
profile (rut depth). Then the data obtained from this survey was analyzed
to rate the condition of the pavement with respect to surface damages
and riding quality.

7.3.1. Fatigue cracks

This is a crack type that occurs in areas subjected to

repeated traffic loadings (wheel paths). It can be a series
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of interconnected cracks in early stages of development. Develops into

many-sided, sharp-angled pieces, usually less than 0.3 meters (m) on the
longest side, characteristically with a chicken wire/alligator pattern, in
later stages.

This crack (alternatively called crocodile crack) is induced by traffic and

start to crack irregularly in longitudinal direction which in later stage
interconnected to form small blocks that looks like the skin of Crocodile. As
the location of Ethiopia is in the tropical region, the bitumen in the asphalt
wearing course oxidizes rapidly which makes the asphalt material brittle
and results in cracking at the top surface.

Figure 7-3: Cracks observed on the project road

In this project road the section from Gohatsion to Addis Ababa, the first 60
km has developed extensive cracks that are at initial stage for alligator
cracking while at significant number of locations the cracks has already
developed in to full Alligator cracking where the pavement is
disintegrated to form small blocks as shown in the figure above. At couple
of locations the crack has further deteriorated and potholes are formed
associated with deformations.

Though the severity level is small the extent of the distress developed is
severe which means that the coverage is wide. At location where the
cracks are associated with depressions and potholes further tests of
materials and structural strength survey are carried out to see whether the
pavement is strong enough to carry the future traffic. These locations can

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be seen on figure 4-3 where maximum area of crack with higher severity
level is observed.

Experiences show that the asphalt fatigue life increases with asphalt
thickness. The thickness of this road pavement is only 50 mm and the wide
extent of cracks developed over significant section of the project might
be caused as a result of the small thickness of asphalt and traffic action.
Spot problems of alligator cracking that is associated with subsidence and
potholes are related to material and construction problem coupled with
poor surface drainage.

Figure 7-4: Distribution of crack over the full length of the project
(chainage start from Gohatsion to Addis)

7.3.2. Transverse cracking

This crack type may be caused by thermal or shrinkage stresses,

construction fault, differential vertical movement caused by consolidation
of foundation layers, secondary compaction near the edge of road
structure and culverts. On this project road no major transverse crack is
observed except at couple of locations with low severity level. As the
problem is not significant and can be addressed within the other type of
cracks, for this project the transverse cracks are not used in the
calculation of structural quality index.

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7.3.3. Longitudinal cracking

This crack type occurs along the length of the

pavement parallel to the center line as single or
multiple parallel cracks. It may be caused due to
poor construction joints that are not properly
carried out during construction, due to the
subgrade movement, swelling in plastic subgrade
or embankment materials and settlement or
collapse of embankment. Longitudinal cracking
along the centerline are observed on the first 20
km from Gohatsion side. These cracks are mainly associated with
construction problem and about 6.25% of the 20 km section is affected by
this crack type.

7.3.4. Rutting

This is load associated deformation that is

developed along the wheel path that appears
as a longitudinal deformation of the road
pavement. Rutting is the result of an
accumulation of non-recoverable vertical strains
in the pavement layers and subgrade. Many of
the asphalt roads in Ethiopia are having the
problem of rutting; however it is only on some of
the major import-export corridors that the problem is well recognized. In
other roads segments such as this project the rutting depth is so small and
it is barely seen and the problem is not yet recognized. On most roads the
rut develops on the outer wheel path because here the road pavement is
generally weaker as a result of higher moisture content and less lateral

For the purpose of getting complete view of the situation a laser profiler
from ERA has been used to record longitudinal and transverse profile of
the pavement. From the transverse profile reading the mean rut depth for
the pavement is obtained and the result shows significant portion about
50% of the road show rut depth that is in excess of 10 mm. The remaining
50% of the pavement is also affected by rutting but the depth is varying
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between 1 mm and 10 mm which is categorized as in good condition

from view point of rutting.

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Figure 7-5: Distribution of rutting over the whole stretch of the project (chainage start from Gohatsion to Addis)

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7.3.5. Potholes

Potholes are bowl shaped openings on the

road surface that can be caused by very thin
wearing course and poor aggregate size
distribution (too much fines) which can easily
be damaged under traffic wheel load and
disintegrate leaving a hole on the pavement
surface. Alligator cracks and rutting
associated with cracks will lead to potholing if timely corrective measures
are not taken. In this project road, only at three locations are potholes are
observed within 20 km from Gohatsion side. However, these potholes are
severe and up to 0.5 m x 1.7 m widths are recorded. The area affected
accounts only to 2% of the first 20 km of the project road length from

Figure 7-6: Distribution of pothole over the full length of the project
(chainage start from Gohatsion to Addis)

7.4. Pavement Quality Evaluation

The pavement quality of the project is evaluated based on ERAs

Pavement Management System VIZIR Method. According to this method
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the damage types are categorized in two parts based on their relevancy
to structural condition of the pavement. The first group consists of
pavement distress types such as deformations, rutting, fatigue cracks and
crazing. These damages are caused by structural deficiency of the
pavement structure and they are primarily identified and measured to
obtain solutions coupled with bearing capacity of the pavement.

The second group of damage category consists of damages that are

caused by either poor construction method or poor materials and possibly
aggravated by traffic action. Defects such as potholes, longitudinal and
transverse cracks are included in this category. For the evaluation of
pavement the first category of damages are used in this method as they
greatly influence the structural adequacy compared to the second group
of damages.

In this project as described above the majority of pavement surface in the

first 20 km is damaged by fatigue cracks. The other types of damages,
both in group one and two, are observed rarely with minor severity as well
as extent levels. Longitudinal and transverse cracks are not used in the
determining the damage index as they are in group two. Table 4-3 shows
the damage index for the most critical defect types fatigue cracks and
deformations. In this case rutting is considered as deformation to develop
the Global Damage Index combined with fatigue cracks.

The Global Damage Index, Is as shown in Annex A is to be combined with

the Deflection Measurement (Annex B), carried out by the Falling Weight
Defelectometer (FWD) refer chapter 5 of the report, to rate the quality of
the pavement. The Global Damage Index Is is important and is
determined based on the Cracking Index If and deformation Index, I d. A
cracking index If, depending on the severity and extent of cracking or
crazing of the length of road in question, is calculated first. When both
cracking and crazing are present, the larger of both values is used. A
deformation index Id, depending on the severity and extent of
deformation and rutting is then calculated in a similar manner.

Once the Global Damage Index is determined the outcome will be

categorized in to three groups and defined as follows.

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Is = 1 or 2, Little or no crack or deformation and generally good surface

condition requiring no immediate maintenance action
Is = 3 or 4, Cracks with little or no deformation or deformation without
cracking; intermediate surface condition, bad enough to trigger
maintenance work in the absence of any other consideration.
Is = 5, 6 or 7 Extensive cracking and deformation; poor surface condition
requiring major maintenance or overlay work.
For this project the Global Damage Index I s is assessed with 250 m
segment as shown in the Annex A.

From the recorded Global Damage Index, Is the full length of the first 20
km falls under the second category of the Damage Index, which shows
that this section of the road has intermediate surface condition, bad
enough to trigger maintenance work in the absence of any other

Figure 7-7: Distribution Global Visual Index, Cracking index and

deformation index the first 20 km of the project (from
Gohatsion side)

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Figure 7-8: Distribution Global Visual Index, Cracking index and deformation index (Chainage start from Gohatsion)

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7.5. Developing Maintenance Intervention Solutions

Development of maintenance solution for damages on the pavement is based

on its quality as observed during condition survey process and the future traffic
prediction. Then seek for technical solution as to what is to be done to correct
any damage. The solution varies from Do nothing to Overlay or
Reconstruction based on the severity and extent of the different types of
damages on the pavement. Technically developing of maintenance solution for
the pavement is carried out in two steps:

i. Combining results from condition survey for surface distress and deflection
measurement and based on this develop Pavement Quality Rating, see chapter
ii. Combine Pavement Quality Rating with Traffic level to decide the type of work
to be carried out, see chapter 6.

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8.1. General

Deflection measurements tests are used to obtain important information about

the structural properties of the road pavement, to identify the cause of
differential performance between sub-sections and to provide information for
the maintenance or rehabilitation of the section.

The use of nondestructive deflection testing has been an integral part of the
structural evaluation and rehabilitation process for many decades in many
countries especially the developed world. In its earliest application, the total
measured pavement deflection under a particular load arrangement was used
as a direct indicator of structural capacity. Several countries/agencies
developed failure criteria that related the maximum measured deflection to the
number of allowable load application particularly in flexible pavements.

As experience with this approach grew, more accurate performance

relationships were obtained by using only the recoverable or elastic portion
of the deflection as a key indicator of performance, rather than the total
deflection under load.

The strength of a road pavement is inversely related to its maximum vertical

deflection under a known dynamic load. The maximum deflection under a
moving wheel load is an indicator of the elastic properties of the pavement and
therefore a good indicator of its overall load spreading ability. Although it is not
a direct measure of strength it has been shown to correlate well with long term
performance of pavements under traffic. For example, if a road is under-
designed for the traffic it is carrying for any reason (eg. incorrect assessment of
subgrade strength or traffic loading) the stresses in the lower layers of the
pavement will be too high and the pavement will deteriorate through the
development of ruts. Under such circumstances the deflection will correlate with
rut depth.

8.2. Falling Weight Deflectometer - FWD

There are advantages in using deflection equipment capable of measuring

deflection bowl parameters other than just the maximum deflection. The Falling
Weight Deflectometer (FWD) and the Deflectograph are the most widely used

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for this purpose, the FWD being by far the most popular. It has the advantage of
being able to apply impact loads which more accurately simulate the effect on
pavements of heavy vehicles moving at normal traffic speeds than the slowly
moving load applications associated with the Deflectograph or the deflection

The deflections have been measured with an FWD. Measurements have been
made in outer wheel path of each direction where the pavement is susceptible
for moisture and weak due to less lateral confinement.

Basically the FWD measures the deflection bowl accurately but its proper and
reliable automatic interpretation requires more sophisticated analysis programs
than are currently available. Therefore good analysis relies on the skill of the
analyst who will make use of the deflection data but only as one of the various
data sets at his disposal.

The value of the central maximum deflection is still an essential for analysing
road pavements and determining appropriate rehabilitation measures. Other
characteristics of the deflection bowl can provide extremely valuable
comparative information. A performance chart of FWD deflection data may be
plotted to show the variation of pavement response along the road. The most
preferred deflection criteria are usually d0, d1500 and surface curvature index
(SCI) and sometimes base damage index (BDI); where the subscripts refer to the
distance in millimetres of the measured deflection from the point of maximum
deflection and recommended as follows in table 5-1 for an FWD with 9
geophone sensors and:
Surface curvature index (SCI) = d0 d600
Base damage index (BDI) = d300 d600

Table 8-1: Deflection label definition

di d0 d200 d300 d600 d900 d1200 d1500 d1800 d2100
Distance from 0 200 300 600 900 1200 1500 1800 2100
load center

8.3. Deflection Measurement Analysis

The pavement structural capacity has been measured using Falling Weight
Deflectometer (FWD) at interval of 200 m in each direction staggered with 100m
so that to obtain a deflection data at 100 m for a given road section.

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Pavement deflection responses has been measured using geophones at several

points (0, 150, 300, 600, 900, 1200, 1500, 1800 and 2100 mm from center of load)
for a known falling weight which simulates 40 to 45 kN wheel load. The
magnitudes of these deflections at the varying locations with respect to the load
center are a function of the structural capacity of the various pavement layers.

Figure 8-1: FWD deflection profile for the first 28 km (from Gohatsion side)

Figure 8-2: FWD deflection profile for the entire route (chainage from Addis to

The deflection profiles are shown in figures 5-1 and 5-2 for the first 28 km (from
Gohatsion side) and full length of the project. Although the actual values of

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deflection will depend on the type and condition of the pavement layers, such
plots show relative differences in their condition and give an indication of any
structural weaknesses. In addition to the deflection measurement profiles along
the route the figures demonstrates the measurement variation in both the left
and right lanes.

8.4. Homogeneous Sections from Deflection Measurement

For the design purpose, the deflection measurement were analysed in order to
determine homogeneous sections based on the pavement structural condition.
The cumulative sum method has been used on various deflection parameters
to identify the uniform sections and compared with the distress and subgrade
strength measurements to decide the final homogenous sections for design.

Figure 8-3: FWD deflection profile cumulative sum (Chainage from Addis to
Gohatsion side)

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Figure 8-4: FWD deflection profile cumulative sum right lane (0+000 at Addis) and
left lane (0+000 at Gohatsion)

Figure 5-3 and 5-4 shows the cumulative sum curve for the different deflection
measurements. Although not very distinctive to divide the road segment
confidently into homogenous sections, it is attempted to see the design
outcome with ten homogenous sections as shown in figure 5-3. Further the effect
of directional load distribution as well as construction variation has been
considered by approaching the deflection profile of the two directions
separately. As shown in Figure 5-4 the difference on the cumulative sum of the
two directions is not very significant except at the last 40 km of the road on the
Gohatsion side which show some difference. It is decided then to treat both
directional lanes the same way and design and construct with the same cross
sectional structure.

8.5. Pavement Quality Rating

A pavement quality rating Qi is estimated by combining the value of the Global

Visual index Is as defined above, characterizing the visual condition, with the
results of deflection measurements qualifying the combined bearing capacity
of the pavement structure and its subgrade support. The deflection of a
homogeneous section of road is characterized by its value d (in 1/100 mm). In
the PMS method, d is defined as m + 1.3, m being the mean value of the

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deflection measurements and their standard deviation (ERA Pavement

Rehabilitation and Overlay Design Manual, 2002).

The characteristic deflection d having been determined, it is then compared

with two threshold values d1 and d2, which divide general deflection magnitudes
into three ranges as follows: d1 value below which pavement performance is
generally good d2 value above which pavement performance is poor, d1-d2
range of indecision

The values of d1 and d2 are fixed during the development of PMS and are
adopted for this project as there is no change in this regard so far by ERA. The
choice of thresholds for d1 and d2 depends up on many factors, such as climate,
the type and thickness of pavements, soil types, axle loads etc. It is the belief of
the consultant that this value shall be revised. This is because a lot of changes
happening with regard to the factors indicated above since the first
development of PMS in 1998.

At the time of the introduction of the PMS, the study selected the threshold
deflections as:
d1 60/100 mm
d2 80/100 mm

For roads with surfacing of asphalt concrete of more than 8 to 10 cm

The following table gives the quality rating Qi as a function of the Global Visual
Index, Is and the deflection values.

Table 8-2: Determination of Quality Rating Qi (ERA Pavement Rehabilitation and

Overlay Design Manual, 2002)
d1 d2
Surface Damage Index, Is Class 1 Class 2 Class 3
Q1 Q3 Q6
Little or no deformation
3-4, Cracks with little or no
deformation, deformation Q2 Q5 Q8
without cracks
Q4 Q7 Q9
cracks and deformation

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Based on the deflection d compared to d1 and d2, the characteristic

deflection of a particular road falls into one of three classes, as illustrated in
table 4-4. The table also defines the overall Pavement Quality Rating Qi based
on the possible combinations of deflection value and Surface Damage Index Is.

Based on the Quality Rating Qi, the method provides the following options, as
illustrated in table 5-2.

i. For quality ratings Q1 to Q3, nothing is to be done. May be maintenance

work depending on the traffic carried by the road. When sealing is
required the cracking index is used to determine the type of work.
ii. For quality ratings Q7 to Q9, a rehabilitation is required an overlay, the
thickness is determined by the traffic carried by the road.
iii. For quality ratings Q4 to Q6, this indicates a zone of indetermination
where visual inspection and deflection values appear inconsistent. This
case should be further examined and eventually reclassified. The
procedure is as follows:

Q4 : pavement with marked damage in spite of a good bearing capacity.

The validity of the deflection measurement should be checked together with the
nature of the damages (in particular rutting layers of coated materials,
unrelated to the deflection measurement). Depending upon the answer, Q4 will
be reclassified as Q2 (priority to deflection) or Q7 (priority to damage).

Q5 : same analysis as above; allowance will be made for the position of the
deflection with respect to the limits and to the traffic; depending upon the
answer, may be reclassified as Q3, Q7, or Q8.

Q6 : pavement having a large deflection value without apparent damage;

to validate or invalidated the surface condition, check the age of the
pavement or the date of the most recent work, together with the traffic level.
Depending upon the answer, may be reclassified as Q3 or Q8.

Combining results from condition survey for surface distress and deflection
measurement and based on this develop pavement Quality Rating. (Note: Since
this method is developed based on the deflection measurement by Benkelman
Beam, the result from the Falling Weight Deflectometer shall be converted by
appropriate adjusting factor). Paterson (1987) reports: The loading applied by
FWD is currently considered to be more similar to traffic loading in both the load
and the time domains than either the Benkelman Beam test (which applies
similar loads at creep speed) or the light-loading, high frequency devices. Under
similar applied loads, the ration of FWD to Benkelman Beam deflections ranges

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from 0.8 to 1.35 for asphalt-surfaced pavements. Thus a reasonable first

approximation, in the absence of specific local correlations, is to equate FWD
deflection (after correction for the applied load) to the Benkelman Beam
deflection. Therefore, the adjustment for the deflection from FWD can be made
using a factor as suggested above. Furthermore, another suggestion based on a
research outcome from New Zealand as presented in Transit New Zealand
Report No. 117, the following relationship is suggested:

Where deflections are less than 1 mm, under a 40 kN FWD impact load, adopt a
Beam: FWD ratio of about 1.1. Where deflections exceed 1 mm, the ratio is likely
to be in excess of 1.1, and related to deflection as defined by: Beam : FWD ratio
= 1.1 x (FWD deflection in mm)0.4

Therefore considering factors such as deflection loads used for FWD,

temperature and traffic loading characteristics for this project adjustment factor
of 1.1 is considered as suggested by the research outcome of Transit New
Zealand. Accordingly the pavement quality rating and determination of the
type of intervention is carried out as shown in Annex A. It shows that considering
the pavement distress condition from the visual and laser profiler and the
deflection measurement, the road pavement can be divided into fourteen
homogenous sections, table 5-3, with stations from Addis. This classification is
however without considering the traffic load in the design period.

Table 8-3: Pavement intervention after quality rating in Annex C-2

Station Intervention Length
178+600 - 150+600 Overlay 28
150+600 - 135+200 Reconstruction 15.4
135+200 - 127+200 Overlay 8
127+200 - 123+000 Reconstruction 4.2
123+000 - 105+600 Overlay 17.4
105+600 - 95+600 Reconstruction 10
95+600 - 88+400 Overlay 7.2
88+400 - 87+100 Reconstruction 1.3
87+100 - 52+900 Overlay 34.2
52+900 - 48+900 Reconstruction 4
48+900 - 23+000 Overlay 25.9
23+000 - 15+000 Reconstruction 8
15+000 - 1+000 Overlay 14
1+000 - 0+000 Reconstruction 1

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9.1. General

The principle of overlay design is that if the failure of the existing pavement is not
too far advanced, it should be possible to strengthen the road so that it can
carry traffic for many more years. If the deterioration is too advanced then a
more substantial form of rehabilitation will be required.

Asphalt overlays may be used to correct both surface deficiencies (raveling,

roughness, slipperiness) and structural deficiencies. Surface deficiencies in
asphalt pavements usually are corrected by thin resurfacings (functional
overlays), but structural deficiencies require overlays designed on factors such as
pavement properties and traffic loadings (structural overlays).

9.2. Design Approach

Two methods of overlay design are recommended by the ERA pavement

Rehabilitation and overlay design manual 2002, namely a deflection procedure
(adapted from the Asphalt Institute) and an effective thickness (or component
analysis) procedure (adapted from AASHTO). Both methods are used for
comparison purposes and sound engineering judgment is employed to make
the choice among the results obtained by the two methods.

The most common approach in rehabilitation design manuals is adopted i.e. to

recommend that the design is carried out using both methods separately and
then choosing the most conservative solution. In particular, weak areas that
appear to need a very thick overlay should be patched before the overlay is
applied. If the patching is done properly they should then be strong enough to
require little or no additional strengthening. These areas should be excluded
from the calculation of overlay thickness percentiles.

9.3. Overlay Design by Deflection Procedure

Deflection-based methods have been developed by many agencies and have

been used successfully for many years.
The steps involved in the procedure are as follows:
Step 1: Determine a representative rebound deflection (RRD)
Step 2: Determine the design future traffic in terms of cumulated equivalent
standard axles (ESAs).
Step 3: Determine the required overlay thickness

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Determination of a representative rebound deflection (RRD)

The individual deflection measurements recorded during the deflection survey
has been adjusted by a temperature adjustment factor which can be read from
Figure 4.1 of ERA Pavement Rehabilitation and Asphalt-Overlay Design Manual
2002 (ERA-PRAODM 2002). However for a very thin asphalt thickness of 5 cm the
effect of temperature on the overall pavement structure is very minimal and
temperature adjustment factor is considered as 1.

The mean and standard deviation of the adjusted individual deflection readings
are then calculated. The representative rebound deflection RRD is taken as:

RRD = ( x + 2s) c

x is the arithmetic mean of the individual deflection measurements adjusted for
s is the standard deviation of the adjusted individual measurements
c is a critical period adjustment factor

The critical period for roads in most part of the Ethiopian highlands is considered
to be September to October which is after the main rain season (June August)
in these areas. Since the deflection measurement of the road project is carried
out in February/March a critical period factor of c = 1.1 is assumed to be
reasonable in the absence of calibrating factor from research data.

Design future traffic ESA

The design future traffic in terms of ESA predicted for the design period of 10
years is given in chapter 3.

Determination of required overlay thickness

To find the thickness of asphalt concrete overlay required, enter the overlay
thickness design chart, Figure 4.2 in ERA-PRAODM 2002, with the RRD obtained
and the design ESA.

Therefore, for a temperature adjustment factor of 1 and critical period factor 1.1
for the measured deflections adjusted in to equivalent Benkelman Beam (BB)
deflection with a factor of 1.1 as all deflections are less than 1 mm, the resulting
summary the fourteen homogenous sections is presented in table 6-1 below:

Table 9-1: Required Overlay thickness deflection method

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Homogenous Mean adju. Standard RRD Required overlay

section Deflection deviation [1/100 mm] thickness [mm]
x s 10 years
[1/100 mm] [1/100 mm] (21.6 mESA)
466 176 0.82 115
464 88 0.64 80
489 72 0.63 75
522 69 0.66 80
500 126 0.75 100
689 204 1.10 135
573 200 0.97 130
622 184 0.99 130
591 158 0.91 125
593 115 0.82 115
561 96 0.75 100
488 40 0.57 70
526 106 0.74 100
507 48 0.60 75
411 77 0.57 70
391 70 0.53 70
447 79 0.60 75
581 142 0.87 120
52+900 656 231 1.12 140

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657 162 0.98 130
643 189 1.02 135
633 176 1.00 130
685 215 1.11 ~350
8+859 0+000 597 192 0.98 ~325
*Note that the station 24+980 is where the Chancho - Derba road joins the Addis
Chancho road, thus a traffic load of 138 ESA for design period of 20 years is
considered in the analysis.

9.4. Overlay Design by Effective/Residual/ Strength Procedure

Structural deterioration is defined as any condition that reduces the load-

carrying capacity of the pavement. The overlay design procedures followed
here under is based on the concept that time and traffic loadings reduce a
pavements ability to carry loads and an overlay can be designed to increase
the pavements ability to carry loads over a future design period.

The structural capacity of the pavement declines with time and traffic, and by
the time an evaluation for overlay design is conducted, the structural capacity
has decreased to residual/effective structural capacity (SC eff). The effective
structural capacity for flexible pavement type is expressed in terms of structural
number (SNeff).

If a structural capacity of SCf is required for the future traffic expected during the
overlay design period, an overlay having a structural capacity of SCol (i.e. SCf
SCeff) must be added to the existing structure. This approach to overlay design is
commonly called the structural deficiency approach.
The primary objective of the structural evaluation is to determine the effective
structural capacity of the existing pavement. The problem is no single, specific
method exists for evaluating structural capacity. The evaluation of effective
structural capacity must consider the current condition of the existing pavement
materials, and also consider how those materials will behave in the future. Two
alternative evaluation methods are adopted to determine effective structural

i. Structural capacity based on visual condition survey and material testing.

This involves the assessment of current conditions based on distress and
drainage surveys, and usually some coring and testing of materials.
ii. Structural capacity based on deflection measurement. This is a direct
evaluation of in situ subgrade and pavement stiffness along the project.

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9.4.1. Effective structural capacity based on visual survey and material testing

The condition survey method of SNeff determination involves a component

analysis using the structural number equation:

SNeff = a1D1 + a2D2m2 + a3D3m3

D1, D2, D3 = thicknesses of existing pavement surface, base and subbase layers
a1, a2, a3 = corresponding structural layer coefficients (see table 4-1 ERA-
PRAODM 2002 or table 5-2 AASHTO Guide for Design of
Pavement Structures 1993)
m2, m3 = drainage coefficients for granular base and subbase (see table 4-
4 ERA-PRAODM 2002 or table 2-4 AASHTO Guide for Design of
Pavement Structures 1993)

The layer coefficients assigned to the materials based on the condition survey
and material testing and their effective structural strength are summarized in
table 6-2 below for the four homogenous sections of the 20 km.

Table 9-2: Effective pavement structure strength, SNeff

Station Pavement Layer Layer Drainage SNeff
Layer thickness, Coeff. coeff. (mi)
Di (cm) (ai)
178+600 AC 5 0.3
177+500 Base 10 0.12 1 5.7
Subbase 25 0.11 1
177+500 AC 5 0.25
173+222 Base 10 0.12 1 5.5
Subbase 30 0.1 1
173+222 AC 5 0.4
160+577 Base 12 0.14 1 6.4
Subbase 25 0.11 1
160+577 AC 5 0.4
150+600 Base 12 0.14 1 6.4
Subbase 25 0.11 1
150+600 AC 5 0.3
144+784 Base 12 0.12 1 5.4
Subbase 25 0.1 1
144+784 AC 5 0.16
135+200 Base 12 0.12 1 4.7
Subbase 25 0.1 1
135+200 AC 5 0.25
127+200 Base 12 0.12 1 5.2
Subbase 25 0.1 1
127+200 AC 5 0.2
123+000 Base 12 0.12 1 5.4
Subbase 30 0.1 1
123+000 AC 5 0.4
Base 12 0.14 1

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105+600 Subbase 25 0.12 1

105+600 AC 5 0.2
103+298 Base 12 0.12 1 4.9
Subbase 25 0.1 1
103+298 AC 5 0.3
95+600 Base 12 0.12 1 5.7
Subbase 25 0.11 1
95+600 AC 5 0.3
94+634 Base 12 0.12 1 6.2
Subbase 30 0.11 1
94+634 AC 5 0.35
88+400 Base 13 0.12 1 6.6
Subbase 30 0.11 1
88+400 AC 5 0.35
87+100 Base 12 0.12 1 6.5
Subbase 30 0.11 1
87+100 AC 5 0.4
80+844 Base 13 0.14 1 7.1
Subbase 30 0.11 1
80+844 AC 5 0.35
73+690 Base 13 0.12 1 6.6
Subbase 30 0.11 1
73+690 AC 5 0.4
57+393 Base 13 0.14 1 7.1
Subbase 30 0.11 1
57+393 AC 5 0.35
52+900 Base 15 0.12 1 5.6
Subbase 20 0.1 1
52+900 AC 5 0.2
48+900 Base 15 0.12 1 5.3
Subbase 25 0.1 1
48+900 AC 5 0.35
39+818 Base 15 0.12 1 5.6
Subbase 20 0.1 1
39+900 AC 5 0.35
30+069 Base 13 0.12 1 5.8
Subbase 25 0.1 1
30+069 AC 5 0.3
24+980 Base 16 0.12 1 5.9
Subbase 25 0.1 1
24+980 AC 5 0.35
8+859 Base 17 0.12 1 6.8
Subbase 30 0.1 1
8+859 AC 5 0.4
0+000 Base 17 0.14 1 7.7
Subbase 30 0.11 1
9.4.2. Overlay thickness determination based on visual survey

The thickness of the asphalt concrete overlay is computed as follows:

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SNnew = SNeff + Dol*aol

Dol = (SNnew SNeff)/aol

SNnew = Structural number determined for new pavement structure required
based on subgrade strength
SNeff = effective structural number of the existing pavement, table 6-2
Dol = required overlay thickness, cm
aol = structural coefficient for the AC overlay

The pavement structure required for new pavement based on the subgrade for
the four homogenous sections and traffic 21.6 mESA has been determined using
ERA Pavement Design Manual Vol.1 Flexible Pavements 2002 and summarized as
follows in table 6-3:

SNnew = a1D1 + a2D2m2 + a3D3m3

Table 9-3a: New pavement structure based on subgrade, SNnew (Chancho

Subgrade Subgrade
Pavement Layer
Station Design &traffic ai mi SNnew
Layer thickness
CBR (%) Class
Di (cm)
178+600 AC 15 0.44
16 S4, T8 Base 25 0.14 1 12
177+500 Subbase 17.5 0.11 1
AC 15 0.44
Base 25 0.14 1
2 S1, T8 16.3
Subbase 27.5 0.11 1
Capping 35 0.09 1
173+222 AC 15 0.44
8 S4, T8 Base 25 0.14 1 12
160+577 Subbase 17.5 0.11 1
160+577 AC 15 0.44
13 S4, T8 Base 25 0.14 1 12
150+600 Subbase 17.5 0.11 1
150+600 AC 15 0.44
13 S4, T8 Base 25 0.14 1 12
144+784 Subbase 17.5 0.11 1
144+784 AC 15 0.44
5 S3, T8 Base 25 0.14 1 12
135+200 Subbase 17.5 0.11 1
135+200 AC 15 0.44
5 S3, T8 Base 25 0.14 1 13.1
127+200 Subbase 27.5 0.11 1

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127+200 AC 15 0.44
5 S3, T8 Base 25 0.14 1 13.1
123+000 Subbase 27.5 0.11 1
123+000 AC 15 0.44
5 S3, T8 Base 25 0.14 1 13.1
105+600 Subbase 27.5 0.11 1
105+600 AC 15 0.44
5 S3, T8 Base 25 0.14 1 13.1
103+298 Subbase 27.5 0.11 1
103+298 AC 15 0.44
95+600 13 S4, T8 Base 25 0.14 1 12
Subbase 17.5 0.11 1
95+600 AC 15 0.44
94+634 13 S4, T8 Base 25 0.14 1 12
Subbase 17.5 0.11 1
94+634 AC 15 0.44
88+400 Base 25 0.14 1
2 S1, T8 16.3
Subbase 27.5 0.11 1
Capping 35 0.09 1
88+400 AC 15 0.44
87+100 11 S4, T8 Base 25 0.14 1 12
Subbase 17.5 0.11 1
87+100 AC 15 0.44
80+844 Base 25 0.14 1
2 S1, T8 16.3
Subbase 27.5 0.11 1
35 0.09 1
80+844 AC 15 0.44
73+690 11 S4, T8 Base 25 0.14 1 12
Subbase 17.5 0.11 1
73+690 AC 15 0.44
57+393 Base 25 0.14 1
2 S1, T8 16.3
Subbase 27.5 0.11 1
35 0.09 1
57+393 AC 15 0.44
52+900 12 S4, T8 Base 25 0.14 1 12
Subbase 17.5 0.11 1
52+900 AC 15 0.44
48+900 12 S4, T8 Base 25 0.14 1 12
Subbase 17.5 0.11 1
48+900 AC 15 0.44
39+818 12 S4, T8 Base 25 0.14 1 12
Subbase 17.5 0.11 1
39+900 AC 15 0.44
30+069 Base 25 0.44 1
2 S1, T8 16.3
Subbase 27.5 0.14 1
Capping 35 0.11 1
30+069 AC 15 0.44
12 S4, T8 Base 25 0.14 1 12

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Subbase 17.5 0.11 1

24+980* AC 5 0.44
8+859 S3, T140 DBM 20 0.44
3 18.7
(IRC) Base 25 0.14 1
Subbase 38 0.11 1
8+859 AC 5 0.44
0+000 S5, T140 DBM 16.5 0.44
5 16.3
(IRC) Base 25 0.14 1
Subbase 30 0.11 1
*Note that the station 24+980 is where the Chancho - Derba road joins the Addis
Chancho road, thus a traffic load of 138 Million ESA for design period of 20
years is considered in the analysis. Since ERA design manual only applies for
traffic less than 30 million ESA, Indian Road Congress (IRC) design guide was
adopted for the design

The overlay thickness is then determined from the SNnew and SNeff summarized
above in table 6-3 and 6-2 respectively assuming the layer coefficient (aol) for
the overlay asphalt concrete to be 0.44.

Table 9-4: Overlay thickness based on effective structure method

overlay overlay
Station SNnew SNeff
thickness thickness
Dol (cm) Dol (mm)
12 5.7 14.4 144
16.3 5.5 24.6 246
12 6.4 12.7 127
12 6.4 12.7 127
12 5.4 15 150
12 4.7 16.6 166
13.1 5.2 18 180
13.1 5.4 17.5 175
13.1 6.7 14.6 146
13.1 4.9 18.6 186
12 5.7 14.4 144

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12 6.2 13.1 131
16.3 6.6 22 220
12 6.5 12.6 126
16.3 7.1 20.8 208
12 6.6 12.6 126
16.3 7.1 20.8 208
12 5.6 14.7 147
12 5.3 15.3 153
14.1 5.6 14.7 147
20 5.8 23.8 238
14.1 5.9 13.9 139
18.7 6.8 27 270
16.3 7.7 19.5 195

9.4.3. Comparison of overlay thickness obtained by the two methods

It is unlikely that the overlay thickness determined by the two methods will agree
exactly, here sound engineering judgment is required to estimate the possible to
make a choice or a compromise between the results obtained by both
methods. Table 6-5 show a comparison of the overlay thickness from the two
methods and the recommended overlay thickness adopted along the
rehabilitation or correction required on the existing pavement.

Table 9-5: Comparison of overlay thickness based on the two methods and
recommended pavement overlay/reconstruction

Station Overlay thickness Recommended Thickness

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(mm) action recommended (mm)

178+600 115 AC => 100
144 Overlay (OV1)
AC => 120
177+500 80 Reconstruction
246 Base => 250
173+222 (RE1)
Subbase => 30
173+222 75 127 Overlay (OV1) AC =>100
160+577 80 127 Overlay (OV1) AC => 100
100 150 Overlay (OV2) AC => 120
135 166 Overlay (OV2) AC => 120
135+200 Reconstruction AC => 120
130 180
127+200 (RE2) Base => 150
127+200 Reconstruction AC => 120
130 175
123+000 (RE3) Base => 250
125 146 Overlay (OV1) AC => 100
105+600 Reconstruction AC => 120
115 186
103+298 (RE2) Base => 150
100 144 Overlay (OV2) AC => 120
70 131 Overlay (OV1) AC => 100
94+634 AC => 120
100 Reconstruction
88+400 220 Base => 250
Subbase => 300
75 126 Overlay (OV1) AC => 100
70 208 Overlay (OV2) AC => 120
70 126 Overlay (OV1) AC => 100
75 208 Overlay (OV2) AC => 120
120 147 Overlay (OV2) AC => 120
52+900 140 153 Overlay (OV2) AC => 120

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130 147 Overlay (OV2) AC => 120
39+900 Reconstruction AC => 120
135 238
30+069 (RE2) Base => 150
130 139 Overlay (OV2) AC => 120
28+800* AC => 50
15+828 ~275 Reconstruction DBM => 150
(RE5) Base => 250
Subbase => 250
15+828 AC => 50
8+859 ~325 Reconstruction DBM => 200
(RE4) Base => 250
Subbase => 300
8+859 AC => 50
0+000 DBM => 150
~275 Reconstruction
195 Base => 250
Subbase => 250

9.5. Recommended Pavement Design Sections

It is observed that although the pavement is not severely deteriorated

throughout the road section some road segments showed severe cracking and
potholes along the wheel path. However due to high traffic load expectation
(mainly from overloading) the required minimum overlay thickness even the
good pavement condition is significantly large i.e. 10 cm.

Detail of the recommended pavement overlay/reconstruction is summarized as

follows in table 6-5 and typical sections are illustrated at Figure 6-1.

Table 9-6: Summary of recommended pavement overlay and reconstruction

Pavement thickness (cm)
Intervention Asphalt Section
Chainage Base Subbase
178+600 177+500 Overlay 10 OV1
177+500 173+222 Reconstruction 12 25 30 RE1
173+222 150+600 Overlay 10 OV1
150+600 135+200 Overlay 12 OV2
135+200 127+200 Reconstruction 12 15 RE2
127+200 123+000 Reconstruction 12 25 RE3
123+000 105+600 Overlay 10 OV1
105+600 103+298 Reconstruction 12 15 RE2

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103+298 95+600 Overlay 12 OV2

95+600 94+634 Overlay 10 OV1
94+634 88+400 Reconstruction 12 25 30 RE1
88+400 87+100 Overlay 10 OV1
87+100 80+844 Overlay 12 OV2
80+844 73+690 Overlay 10 OV1
73+690 39+818 Overlay 12 OV2
39+818 30+069 Reconstruction 12 15 RE2
30+069 24+980 Overlay 12 OV2
28+800* 15+828 Reconstruction 5 15 25 25 RE5
15+828 8+579 Reconstruction 5 20 25 30 RE4
8+579 0+000 Reconstruction 5 15 25 25 RE5

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Pavement New layers Illustration

Section code
OV1 Total OV thickness = 10 cm
AC 10
Asphalt OV => 10 cm AC


OV2 Total OV thickness = 12 cm

AC 12
Asphalt OV => 12 cm AC


Asphalt layer => 12 cm AC
AC 12 cm
Crushed Base => 25 cm
Subbase => 35 cm Base 25 cm

Subbase 35 cm

Asphalt layer => 12 cm AC AC 12 cm
Crushed base => 15 cm
Base 15 cm



RE3 Asphalt layer => 12 cm AC AC 12 cm

Crushed base => 25 cm Base 25 cm



AC 5 cm
DBM 20 cm
RE4 Wearing surface => 5 cm AC Base 25 cm
Asphalt base => 20 cm DBM
Crushed base => 25 cm Subbase 30 cm
Granular subbase => 30 cm

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RE5 Wearing surface => 5 cm AC AC 5 cm

Asphalt base => 15 cm DBM DBM 15 cm
Crushed base => 25 cm Base 25 cm

Subbase 25 cm

Figure 9-1: Illustration of typical pavement overlay and reconstruction sections

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Appendix-1 collected catchment characteristics

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Appendix-2 Discharge computation using rational formula

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Appendix-3 Discharge Computation using SCS Method

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Appendix-4 Culvert Hydraulic Computation

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Appendix-5 Bridge Hydraulic Computation

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Appendix-6 Longitudinal drain analyses

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Appendix-7 Drainage Schedule

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Appendix-8 Delineated Catchment

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Appendix-9 Statical Calculation sheet for Dubber River Bridge

HITCON Engineering Ethiopian Roads Authority

September 2012
Consultancy Services for the Detailed Engineering Design, Tender Documents Preparation and
Construction Supervision of Addis Ababa Goha Tsion Road Overlay Project

Appendix-9-1 30.0m Clear span RC Box Girder Design

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September 2012
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Appendix-9-2 Masonry Abutment Design

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Appendix-9-3 Elastomeric bearing design

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September 2012

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