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GMW 15581 - PC Abs

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WORLDWIDE Material Specification


Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene and Polycarbonate Blend, Unfilled

GMW3001 GMW14162
1 Scope GMW3013 GMW14444
1.1 Material Description. This specification GMW3059 GMW14650
describes material types of unfilled acrylonitrile GMW3221 GMW14651
butadiene styrene and polycarbonate blends, GMW3232 GMW14668
which are used in injection components. Code
letters, in addition to GMW3013 guidelines that
apply to this specific are listed below. 3 Requirements
Note: Additional characteristics will be indicated by 3.1 Material Requirements. Materials approved to
code letters according to the respective this standard shall meet the requirements of
specification number. Code letters that may apply GMW3013, General Requirements for Handling
to this specification are defined in GMW3013. of Technical Terms of Delivery for Plastics.
1.1.1 Paintability. Approved paint systems that 3.2 Requirements on Delivery. Important
can be used on this material are listed e.g. in the physical, mechanical and thermal properties that
GM Approved Paint on Parts Systems (GM characterize the material are summarized in
APOPS) database. Table 1 and Table 2.
1.1.2 Types. The classification into groups is Note: For each product the requirements to
according to the different properties as described Table 1 and Table 2 shall be documented by
in Table 1, 2, and 3. Certification Statement according to GMW3013.
The color shall be specified on drawings, in
1.2 Symbols. The material abbreviation according material specifications and otherwise.
to ISO 11469 is >ABS+PC<.
3.3 Requirements on Test Specimens.
1.3 Typical Applications. Typical applications
include exterior and interior substrates that require 3.3.1 Unless otherwise specified, injection molding
high temperature stability and low temperature of test specimens shall be accomplished per
ductility. ISO 294 with the conditions for injection molding
from ISO 2580-2.
2 References 3.3.2 Test methods and specimen dimensions are
also to be in accordance with ISO 2580-2 with the
Note: Only the latest approved standards are following additions: use ISO 3167, Type 1A,
applicable unless otherwise specified. thickness 4 mm, for tensile and flexural properties.
2.1 External Standards/Specifications. 3.3.3 All tests shall be performed on specimen
ASTM D955 ISO 527-1 40 h minimum after molding and immediately
ASTM D3763 ISO 527-2 following a conditioning period of 24 h minimum in
ASTM E831 ISO 1133 a controlled atmosphere per GMW3221, Code A,
unless otherwise specified.
ISO 75-1 ISO 1183
ISO 75-2 ISO 2580-2 3.3.4 All tests shall be performed on unannealed
ISO 178 ISO 3167
3.3.5 The values specified in Table 1 shall be met
ISO 179-1 ISO 6603-2
by test specimen in natural or black.
ISO 294-3 ISO 11359-2
3.3.6 The values specified in Table 2 shall be met
ISO 294-4 ISO 11469 by integrally colored test specimen.
ISO 306 SAE J1885
3.3.7 For integrally colored grades where other
2.2 GM Standards/Specifications. additive systems (e.g., stabilizer) are used, the
GM9538P GMW3235 impact values shall not decrease more than 10%
from the specified minimum value.
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3.3.8 Chemical Requirements. All parts 3.4.2 See the styrenic certification template for the
manufactured from molding compounds shall be test procedures.
resistant to the media they contact at their place of 3.5 Performance Requirements.
3.5.1 Performance requirements e.g., flammability,
3.4 Compound Properties. For Compound fogging or resistance to odor, shall be specified on
Property requirements natural, black and intergrally part drawings or in component specifications.
colored see Table 1 and 2. The following are also
3.5.2 All finished parts for Interior applications shall
required for full specification approval.
meet the requirements according to GMW14444
3.4.1 The minimum number of lots per test and GMW14651. This shall be noted on the
required is one in natural: Poissons Ratio, Stress Certification Statement with Code Letter U.
Strain Curve at +23C, +85C, -30C; Differential
3.5.3 All finished parts for exterior applications
Scanning Calorimeter (DSC) Curve; Multiaxial
shall meet the requirements according to
Impact Curve, and Infrared Spectroscopy Curve.
GMW14650. This shall be noted on the
Certification Statement with Code Letter L.

Table 1: Compound Property Requirements (Natural and Black)

Standard Units T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7
Note 1
Tensile ISO 527-1,
MPa 1700 1800 1900 1700 1800 1900 1700
Modulus ISO 527-2

I ISO 527-1,
Strength @ MPa 40 45 50 40 45 49 40
ISO 527-2


ISO 178 MPa 1700 1900 1900 1700 1800 1900 1700

Impact ISO 179-1eA kJ/m2 20 35 35 20 25 30 20
Strength @

Impact ISO 179-1eA kJ/m2 10 10 15 10 10 12 10
Strength @ -

1.15 1.15 1.12

Density ISO 1183/A g/cm3 1.11 0.04 1.12 0.04 1.11 0.04 1.12 0.04
0.04 0.04 0.06

Melt Flow
Rate cm3/10 Not Not Not Not
ISO 1133 >12 >12 >12
minutes Applicable Applicable Applicable Applicable

Mold Shrink
ISO 294-3,
Flow Direction
ISO 294-4 or % 0.4 to 0.7 0.4 to 0.7 0.4 to 0.7 0.4 to 0.7 0.4 to 0.7 0.4 to 0.7 0.4 to 0.7

Mold Shrink
Cross Flow ISO 294-3,
Direction ISO 294-4 or % 0.4 to 0.7 0.4 to 0.7 0.4 to 0.7 0.4 to 0.7 0.4 to 0.7 0.4 to 0.7 0.4 to 0.7
(information ASTM D955

HDT ISO 75-1, Not Not Not Not Not Not Not
0.45 MPa ISO 75-2 Applicable Applicable Applicable Applicable Applicable Applicable Applicable

HDT ISO 75-1,

C 80 90 100 80 90 100 85
1.8 MPa ISO 75-2

Vicat ISO 306 C 100 110 120 100 110 120 105

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Standard Units T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7
Note 1


Direction or 10-6
70 to 90 70 to 90 70 to 90 70 to 90 70 to 90 70 to 90 70 to 90
(information mm/(mm*K)
only) ISO 11359-2

CLTE Cross ASTM E831 -6

Flow Direction or 10 70 to 90 70 to 90 70 to 90 70 to 90 70 to 90 70 to 90 70 to 90
(information mm/(mm*K)
only) ISO 11359-2

Multiaxial ASTM
Impact D3763, J at 30 30 30 30 30

Strength @ specimen C, maximum (information (information 30 (information (information > 30 (information

+23C & 6.6m/s impact force only) only) only) only) only)
6.6m/s velocity

D3763, J at 30 30 30 Must 30 30 30 Must 30
specimen C, maximum (information (information be 90% (information (information be 90% (information
Strength @ -
6.6m/s impact force only) only) ductile only) only) ductile only)
30C & 6.6m/s

Impact @
J at 30 30 >30 Must 30 30 >30 Must 30
+22C ISO 6603-
maximum (information (information be 90% (information (information be 90% (information
(information 2/40/20/C/4.4
force only) only) ductile only) only) ductile only)

Chrome Plated Applicable Not Not Not Not Not Not
GMW14668 GMW14668
Properties Applicable Applicable Applicable Applicable Applicable Applicable

Note 1: Standard test specimen and test setup should follow GMW3013.

Table 2: Compound Property Requirements (Integrally Colored)

Standard Units T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6
Note 1
ISO 179-
Impact kJ/m2 15 30 30 15 20 25
Strength @

Colorfastness GM9538P
3.0 No 3.0 No
to Light, U/G-TSTL- No No No No
objectionable objectionable
Natural 50 000 TNR Delta E specification specification specification specification
defects defects
Weathering Langleys at requirement requirement requirement requirement
allowed allowed

Colorfastness GM9538P
3.0 No 3.0 No 3.0 No 3.0 No
to Light, U/G-TSTL- No
Not objectionable objectionable objectionable objectionable
Natural 10 000 TNR Delta E specification
Applicable defects defects defects defects
Weathering Langleys at requirement
allowed allowed allowed allowed

PATAC only: 3.0 No 3.0 No
Colorfastness No No No No
objectionable objectionable
to Light, SAE J1885 Delta E specification specification specification specification
defects defects
Accelerated requirement requirement requirement requirement
allowed allowed
263 kJ/m2

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only: 3.0 No 3.0 No 3.0 No 3.0 No
Colorfastness No
Not objectionable objectionable objectionable objectionable
to Light, SAE J1885 Delta E specification
Applicable defects defects defects defects
Accelerated requirement
allowed allowed allowed allowed
75 kJ/m2

GME only:
Colorfastness GMW14162 Rating 4 minimum (Also, there shall be no more than a noticeable change in hue or chroma, and
to Artificial /B/28 MJ/m no objectionable tackiness, blotchiness, loss of grain, wrinkling, or other undesirable effects.)

Fogging GMW3235-
mg 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0

Flammability GMW3232 mm/minute 100 100 100 100 100 100

Note 1: Standard test specimen and test setup should follow GMW3013.

Table 3: Properties Assigned to Type

7 Notes
Property Type
7.1 Glossary. Not applicable.
Low PC T1 7.2 Acronyms, Abbreviations, and Symbols.
Medium PC T2 ABS Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene
High PC T3 APOPS Approved Paint and Parts Systems
CLTE Coefficient of Linear Thermal
Low PC High Flow T4
Medium PC High Flow T5 DSC Differential Scanning Calorimeter
High PC High Flow T6 HDT Heat Deflection Temperature
GME General Motors Europe
Chrome Plateable T7
GMNA General Motors North America
PATAC Pan Asia Technical Automotive Center
4 Manufacturing Process
PC Polycarbonate
Not applicable.

5 Rules and Regulations. 8 Coding System

This standard shall be referenced in other
5.1 All materials supplied to this standard must
documents, drawings, etc., as follows:
comply with the requirements of GMW3001, Rules
and Regulations for Material Specifications. Material per GMW15581P-ABS+PC-T1Z
5.2 All materials supplied to this standard must Where:
comply with the requirements of GMW3059, GMW = GM Worldwide
Restricted and Reportable Substances for
Parts. 15581 = Sequential number
P = Plastics
6 Approved Sources
ABS+PC = Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene +
Engineering qualifications of an approved source Polycarbonate
are required for this standard. Only sources listed
in the GM Materials File (i.e., GM Supply Power) T1 = Type defined in Table 1
under this standard number have been qualified by Z = Code(s) defined per GMW3013
engineering as meeting the requirements of this
standard. For other GM locations, the responsible
engineering group should be contacted to obtain 9 Release and Revisions
the approved source in that individual country. 9.1 Release. This standard originated in April
2007, replacing EDS-M-4641, EDS-M-4642, EDS-
M-4643, EDS-M-4644, GMP.ABS+PC.002,
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GMP.ABS+PC.012, GMP.ABS+PC.017, HN1598,

QK002400, QK002411, QK002412, QK002413,
QK002421, QK002422, QK002423, and
QK002431. It was first approved by the Global
Plastics Team in October 2007. It was first
published in March 2008.
Cross-Reference of Replaced Specifications
GMP.ABS+PC.003, GMP.ABS+PC.017, T1
GMP.ABS+PC.009, QK002412, HN1598 T2
Type 1, EDS-M-4643 Type 2, EDS-M-4641
Group 2 Type 1
GMP.ABS+PC.002, QK002413, HN1598 T3
Type 4, EDS-M-4644 Type 1 & 2, EDS-M-
4643 Type 1, EDS-M-4641 Group 3 Type
GMP.ABS+PC.003, QK002421 T4
GMP.ABS+PC.009, QK002422 T5
GMP.ABS+PC.002, QK002423, EDS-M- T6
4641 Group 1 Type 1
EDS-M-4642 Type 1, GMP.ABS+PC.012, T7
QK002431, HN1598 Type 2

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No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale, 10/23/2008 12:32:49 MDT

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