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2nd Term Lap 2015 16 Unit On Circles

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Name: ________________________________________ LG: __________ Date: ____________ATENEO DE NAGA UNIVERSITY HIGH SCHOOL


With a rating of at least 75%, in a given set of exercises, The Basics of Circles
12 1) illustrates secants, tangents, segments, and sectors of a circle, Reference : Global Mathematics, Banaag and Quan, pp. 241-244
2) derives inductively the relations among chords, arcs, etc. Reference: Geometry by Coronel, pp. 238-247
G Which circle is bigger, A or B?


I I can illustrate secants, tangents, segments and sectors of a circle. I can derive inductively the relations among chords, arcs, etc.

S Definitions:
A circle is a set of all points in a plane having the same distance from a given point in the plane, called the center.
A radius is a segment whose endpoints are the center and a point on the circle. (Note: radii is the popularly known plural form of radius.
radiuses is also acceptable. Refer from the Merriam-Websters Dictionary.)
In a circle, all radii are equal.
A chord is a segment whose endpoints are on the circle.
A diameter of a circle is a chord that passes through the center of the circle. The length of a diameter, ,is twice the length of a radius,
. .
The circumference, , of a circle is the distance around it. The circumference of a circle can be obtained by multiplying the diameter by
(pi). . or .
The area of circle is the area (of the plane) bounded by the circle. It can be obtained by multiplying the with the square of the radius.

P Take note of the following:

Two (or more) circles having the same or equal measures of radii are congruent circles.
Concentric circles are circles in the same plane having the same center.
A secant of a circle is a line that intersects the circle at two distinct points.
A tangent of a circle is a line that intersects the circle at exactly one point.
An arc of a circle is a part of a circle between two points on it. A diameter divides a circle into two semicircles. A semicircle is an arc
whose measure is half of the circle. An arc whose measure is less than a semicircle is a minor arc. An arc whose measure is greater
than a semicircle is a major arc.
A sector of a circle is a region (on the plane) bounded by two radii of the circle and the arc lying between the radii. A semicircle region
is a region (on the plane) bounded by a semicircle and the diameter joining its endpoints. A quadrant is a sector of a circle bounded by
two perpendicular radii.
A segment of a circle is the region (on the plane) bounded by an arc of the circle and the chord joining the endpoints of the arc.
A polygon is inscribed in a circle if all its vertices are on the A circle is inscribed in a polygon if the sides of the polygon are
circle. The circle is said to be circumscribed about the each tangent to the circle. The polygon circumscribes about
polygon. the circle.

The pentagon is inscribed in the circle. The circle is inscribed in the pentagon.
The circle circumscribes about the pentagon. The pentagon circumscribes about the circle.
E Answer the following:
Exercises: EASY Set A #1-9, p. 249, Set B, #1, 3, 5, Set C #1, 3, 5, AVERAGE #1-15, p. 250
A 1. Can a circle be considered an arc by itself? Why, or why not?
2. Is a semicircle region a sector of the circle, or a segment of the circle?

21 B. Beltran/W. Niebres/M. Aven/ LAP Grade 10 Mathematics SY 2015-16 ATENEO DE NAGA UNIVERSITY HIGH SCHOOL
Name: ________________________________________ LG: __________ Date: ____________ATENEO DE NAGA UNIVERSITY HIGH SCHOOL


With a rating of at least 75%, in a given set of exercises, The Radius-Chord Theorem, and its Converse.
13 1. derive inductively the relations between chords and radii,
2. solve problems on circles. Reference : Global Mathematics, Banaag and Quan, pp. 244-246
Reference: Geometry by Coronel, pp. 238-247
G Which of the two given concentric circles on the right has the most number of points?

Show that they have the same number of points.

I I can (a) derive inductively the relations between chords and radii; and, (b) solve problems on circles.

S A conditional is an if-then statement.

If you act politely, then you will earn respect.
The converse of the conditional if p, then q is the conditional if q, then p.
Conditional: If you live in Caramoan, then you live in Camarines Sur.
Converse: If you live in Camarines Sur, then you live in Caramoan.
When a conditional and its converse are both true, they can be combined to form a biconditional (double conditional).
Conditional: If an angle is a right angle, then its measure is 90 o.
Converse: If an angle measures 90o, then it is a right angle.
Biconditional: An angle is a right angle if and only if its measure is 90o.
A definition is implied to be a biconditional.
Definition: A right angle is an angle whose measure is 90o.
Definition: If two lines/segments/rays intersect forming a right angle, then they are perpendicular.
Definition: A triangle is a right triangle if one of its angles is a right angle.
In a right triangle, the two perpendicular sides are the legs. The side opposite the right angle is the hypotenuse.
In a right triangle, the hypotenuse is the longest side.
Properties of Equality: If and are real numbers,
Addition (APE) : If , then
Subtraction: If , then .
Multiplication (MPE) : If , then .
Division: If , and then .
Distributive (DPMA): ( )
Substitution: (a) If and , then . This statement is also known as the Transitive property.
(b) If and , then .
Identity: . This is otherwise known as Reflexive property.
Symmetric: If , then .

Note: Some authors do not use subtraction and division but use negative numbers and reciprocals.

Angle Addition Postulate: If is composed of two adjacent angles, and , then

and .
Definition: Two polygons are congruent if they can be made to coincide. It two polygons are made to coincide, then
(a) all pairs of corresponding angles are equal, and
(b) all pairs of corresponding sides are equal.
Corresponding Parts of Congruent Triangles are Congruent (CPCTC).
The SAS Congruence Postulate: Two triangles are congruent if two sides and the included angle of one triangle are equal respectively,
to two sides and the included angle of the other.
The ASA Congruence Postulate: Two triangles are congruent if two angles and the included side of one triangle are equal to two angles
and the included side of the other.
The SSS Congruence Postulate: Two triangles are congruent if the three sides of one are equal to the corresponding sides of the
LL Congruency Theorem. Two right triangles are congruent if the legs of one triangle are equal to the legs of the other.

22 B. Beltran/W. Niebres/M. Aven/ LAP Grade 10 Mathematics SY 2015-16 ATENEO DE NAGA UNIVERSITY HIGH SCHOOL
Name: ________________________________________ LG: __________ Date: ____________ATENEO DE NAGA UNIVERSITY HIGH SCHOOL

Hy A Congruency Theorem: If the hypotenuse and an acute angle of a right triangle are equal to the corresponding parts of another,
then the two right triangles are congruent.
Hy L Congruency Theorem: If the hypotenuse and a leg of one right triangle are equal to the corresponding parts of another right
triangle, then the two are congruent.
Pythagorean theorem:
In a right triangle, the square of the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the squares of
the legs. That is, if and are the lengths of the legs, and is the length of the a c
hypotenuse, then .

Definition: If P is a point on such that P divides into two equal parts, then P
is said to bisect . P is called the midpoint of and .
Definition: The midpoint of a segment is said to bisect the segment. The midpoint of A P B
a segment AB, or any line, plane, ray, or segment which contains the midpoint and
does not contain , is called a bisector of .

Definition: If two angles have a common vertex and a common side between them,
they are called adjacent angles.

Definition: If the sum of two angles equals 180o, they are said to be supplementary.

Linear pair theorem: If two adjacent angles and form a straight angle, then they are supplementary.

and form a linear pair

C O A Prove: and are supplementary.

1. and form a linear pair 1. Given
2. 2. Angle Addition Postulate
3. is a straight angle 3. Def. of linear pair
4. = 180o 4. Def. of straight angle
5. 5. Substitution (Statements 2 and 4)
6. and are supplementary 6. Def. of supplementary angles

Equal Linear Pair Theorem: If two lines intersect forming a linear pair of equal angles, then the lines are perpendicular.

Given: AB intersects CD at O so that .
2 1
Prove: AB CD

1. 1+ 2= 180o 1. Linear Pair Theorem
2. 1= 2 2. Given
3. 1+ 2=2 1=180 3. Substitution (Statements 1, 2); Addition
4. 1=90o 4. MPE
5. AB CD 5. Def. of perpendicular lines

23 B. Beltran/W. Niebres/M. Aven/ LAP Grade 10 Mathematics SY 2015-16 ATENEO DE NAGA UNIVERSITY HIGH SCHOOL
Name: ________________________________________ LG: __________ Date: ____________ATENEO DE NAGA UNIVERSITY HIGH SCHOOL

P Take note of the following:

Radius-Chord theorem: If a radius of a circle is perpendicular to a chord, then the radius bisects the chord.

Given: OP at point Q.

Prove: MQ = QN

(This proof is lifted from p. 245 of the textbook )

1. at point Q. 1. Given
2. OQM and OQN are right angles 2. Definition of perpendicular segments
3. and are right triangles 3. Definition of right triangles
4. 4. Definition of radius of a circle
5. 5. Reflexive property
6. 6. Hy L Congruency
7. 7. CPCTC
8. MQ = QN 8. Definition of congruent segments.

Converse of Radius-Chord theorem: If a radius of a circle bisects a chord that is not a diameter, then that radius is
perpendicular to the chord.

Given: radius OP bisects the chord MN at Q


1. radius OP bisects the chord MN at Q 1. Given
2. MQ = QN 2. definition of bisector
3. Draw OM and ON 3. by construction
4. OM = ON 4. definition: radius of a circle
5. OQ = OQ 5. identity
6. 6. SSS
7. 7. CPCTC
8. OP MN 8. Equal Linear Pair Theorem

E Answer the following.

DIFFICULT: Set A # 1 to 5, p. 251
A 1. A line from the authors of a Geometry book goes this way: One very important ingredient of success in geometry is a thorough
understanding and remembrance of definitions and theorems. How would you relate this statement in learning mathematics, in general?
How would you relate the statement in dealing with the realities of life?
2. What careers in life would require would require an intricate dealings with reasoning and logical argumentations? What would you say
about how mathematics develops an individual to become a better, rational, and reflective person?
3. Would you rather say that mathematics is a mere memorization and a monotonous routine application of concepts and formulas?

24 B. Beltran/W. Niebres/M. Aven/ LAP Grade 10 Mathematics SY 2015-16 ATENEO DE NAGA UNIVERSITY HIGH SCHOOL
Name: ________________________________________ LG: __________ Date: ____________ATENEO DE NAGA UNIVERSITY HIGH SCHOOL
With a rating of at least 75%, in a given set of exercises, Chords-of-Congruent-Circles Theorem
14 1. prove theorems related to chords.
2. solve problems on circles. Reference : Global Mathematics, Banaag and Quan, pp. 244-246
Why is the phrase perfect circle redundant?
Theoretically, a circle must be perfect, or else it is not a circle.
The phrase perfect circle opens the possibility of an imperfect circle which could not be a circle at all.

I I can prove theorems related to chords, and solve problems on circles.

S Definition: The distance from a point to a line is the length of the perpendicular from the point to the line.
Right Angle Postulate: All right angles are equal.

P Take note of the following:

Chords-of-Congruent-Circles Theorem: In congruent circles, if two chords are the same distance from the center, then they
are congruent.

Restatement: If circle X and Circle B are congruent, and the

distance XZ is equal to the distance BD, then WY = AC

Given: Circle X Circle B; distance XZ is equal to distance BD.

Prove: WY@AC

1. Circle X circle B 1. Given
2. WX is a radius of circle X. AB is a radius of circle B. 2. definition of radius (from the figure)
3. WX=AB 3. Definition of congruent circles (Sts. 1, 2)
4. distance XZ = distance BD 4. Given
5. XZ is perpendicular to WY 5. Definition of distance (St. 4)
6. BD is perpendicular to AC 6. Definition of distance (St. 4)
7. XZW is a right angle BDA is a right angle. 7. Definition of perpendicular (Sts. 5,6)
8. XZW and BDA are right triangles 8. Definition of right triangle (St. 7)
9. XZW BDA 9. HyL Congruence (Sts. 8, 3, 4)
10. 10. CPCTC (St. 9)
11. XZ bisects WY BD bisects AC 11. Radius-Chord theorem (St. 5, 6)
12. WZ= WY. AD= A C 12. definition of bisector (St. 11)
13. WY= A C 13. substitution (St. 10, 12)
14. WY@AC 14. MPE (St. 13)

Answer the following.

1.) A chord of a circle is 20 cm long and is 6 cm from the center. How long is a chord that is 4 cm from the center?
[Hint: Can you find the radius?]
E 2.) ABC is an equilateral triangle inscribed in a circle. If AB = 13 cm, find:
P a.) the length of an altitude of . b,) the diameter of the circle. c.) the distance of AB from the center.
3.) is an inscribed isosceles triangle of leg 15 cm. If the base of is 18 cm, find:
a.) the altitude to the base of the triangle, and b.) the radius of the circle.

1. In the figure, AB is a diameter of circle O. If AC = AD, prove that 1 = 2.

2. Prove that diameters of a circle are its longest chords. [Hint: recall the inequality theorems.]

25 B. Beltran/W. Niebres/M. Aven/ LAP Grade 10 Mathematics SY 2015-16 ATENEO DE NAGA UNIVERSITY HIGH SCHOOL
Name: ________________________________________ LG: __________ Date: ____________ATENEO DE NAGA UNIVERSITY HIGH SCHOOL


With a rating of at least 75%, in a given set of exercises, Central Angles (1)
15 1) prove theorems related to central angles,
2) derive inductively the relations among chords, arcs, and central Reference : Global Mathematics, Banaag and Quan, pp. 255-259
3) find the measure of the unknown parts using the postulates and Reference: Geometry by Coronel, pp.247-251
theorems on central angles.
G FYI (mnemonics for remembering pi)

How I wish I could calculate pi ( ) (C. Heckman, Feb. 3, 2005)

May I have a large container of coffee? ( ) Gardner 1959
May I have a white telephone, or pastel color, ( ) M. Amling July 31, 2014
How I want a drink, alcohol of course, after the heavy lectures involving quantum mechanics. All of thy geometry, Herr Planck,
is fairly hard ( ) Sir James Jeans (Gardner, 1966)

I can (1) prove theorems related to central angles, (2) derive inductively the relations among chords, arcs, and central angles, and (3) find the
measure of the unknown parts using the postulates and theorems on central angles.

Definition: A central angle of a circle is an angle whose vertex
is the center of the circle and the sides are radii of the circle.

NOTE: Apparently, in a circle two angles will satisfy

the definition of a central angle. Thus, in a discussion
or problem, unless specified, it will be the smaller of the
two angles that is meant.

Definition: In the circle O with central angle BOC, arc BC with

endpoints on the sides of BOC is said to be intercepted by
BOC while is said to subtend BOC. The chord joining
the endpoints of an arc is also said to be subtended by the arc.

Definition: The degree measure of an arc of a circle is equal to the degree measure of the central angle intercepting the arc.

Definition: Congruent arcs. Two arcs are congruent if they belong to the same circle or to congruent circles and have the same

The sum of the angles about a point is 360o. Because of the correspondence between central angles and arcs, this implies that a whole
circle or an angle of one revolution is equal to 360 o; a semicircle measures 180o.

P Take note of the following:

Central Angle-Intercepted Arc Postulate: The degree measure of a central angle is equal to the degree measure of its
intercepted arc.

Arc Addition Postulate: In a circle, if point X is on RT

then RT

Minor Arcs-Chords Congruency Theorem: In a circle or congruent circles, if two minor arcs are congruent, then the chords
subtended by the arcs are congruent.
(A proof is presented on page 257 of the textbook.)

26 B. Beltran/W. Niebres/M. Aven/ LAP Grade 10 Mathematics SY 2015-16 ATENEO DE NAGA UNIVERSITY HIGH SCHOOL
Name: ________________________________________ LG: __________ Date: ____________ATENEO DE NAGA UNIVERSITY HIGH SCHOOL

Converse of Minor Arcs-Chords Congruency Theorem: In a circle or congruent circles, if two chords are congruent, then the
minor arcs subtending the chords are congruent.

T is subtended by the arc T
is subtended by the arc TM
Chord TM .

Prove: T

1. T TM 1. Given
Chord T is subtended by the arc T
Chord TM is subtended by the arc TM .
2. Draw , T and
M. 2. Two points determine a line.
3. ,
T and M are radii of the circle 3. Definition of a circle.
M 4. Radii of the same circle are congruent.
T T 5. identity/ reflexive property
6. T M T 6. SSS
7. T M T 7. CPCTC
8. T M T 8. definition of congruent angles
9. T T and
TM M T 9. definition of the degree measure of an arc
10. T
TM 10. Substitution (Statements 8 & 9)
11. T TM 11. definition of congruent arcs

Examples: (#1, 2, 3, p. 250, Geometry by Coronel)

1. In the figure, if AB is a diameter and BOC=40o, find Figure:

Answers: a) 40o b) 140o c) 320o

2. If BOA=80o, DOC=75o and DB is a diameter, find Figure:

a) O e)
b) O f)
c) g)
d) h)
Answers a) 105o c) 100 o e) 285o g) 260o

b)100 o d) 105o f) 255o h) 185o

3. If =102o and b=2a, find Figure:

a) a d)
b) b e)

Answers: a) 34o b) 68o c) 34o d) 68o e) 258o

E Simplify the following.

AVERAGE #2 a to j, page. 268
A 1. In circle, if O ( ) O O ( ) O find the indicated central angles.
2. X, Y, and Z are three points on the circle such that : : = 3: 5: 7. Find the measure of each arc.

27 B. Beltran/W. Niebres/M. Aven/ LAP Grade 10 Mathematics SY 2015-16 ATENEO DE NAGA UNIVERSITY HIGH SCHOOL
Name: ________________________________________ LG: __________ Date: ____________ATENEO DE NAGA UNIVERSITY HIGH SCHOOL


With a rating of at least 75%, in a given set of exercises, Central Angles (2)
16 1) prove theorems related to central angles,
2) derive inductively the relations among chords, arcs, and central angles, Reference : Global Mathematics, Banaag and Quan, pp. 255-259
3) find the measure of the unknown parts using the postulates and
theorems on central angles. Reference: Geometry by Coronel, pp. 247-251
Why are manhole covers round?
A round manhole cover cannot fall through its circular opening, whereas a square manhole cover could fall in if were inserted
diagonally in the (square) opening.
Circular covers do not need to be rotated or precisely aligned when placing them in the opening.
It is easy to move by letting it stand on end and roll.
I I can (1) prove theorems related to central angles, (2) derive inductively the relations among chords, arcs, and central angles, and (3) find the
measure of the unknown parts using the postulates and theorems on central angles.

S Central Angle-Intercepted Arc Postulate: The degree measure of a central angle is equal to the degree measure of its intercepted
, then RT
Arc Addition Postulate: In a circle, if point X is on RT R T
Minor Arcs-Chords Congruency Theorem: In a circle or congruent circles, if two minor arcs are congruent, then the chords
subtended by the arcs are congruent.
Converse of Minor Arcs-Chords Congruency Theorem: In a circle or congruent circles, if two chords are congruent, then the
minor arcs subtending the chords are congruent.
Take note of the following:
P Central Angle-Minor Arc Congruency Theorem. In a circle or congruent circles, if two central angles are congruent, then their
corresponding minor arcs are congruent.

Given: M
intercepts M

Prove: M

1. M 1. Given
2. M 2. Definition of congruent angles
3. M
intercepts M
3. Given
4. M M
4. Central Angle-Intercepted Arc Postulate

5. M 5. Substitution (Statements 2 & 4)

6. M 6. Definition of congruent arcs

Converse Central Angle-Minor Arc Congruency Theorem. In a circle or congruent circles, if two minor arcs are congruent,
then their corresponding central angles are congruent.

O intercepts

POT intercepts PT

Prove: O POT

28 B. Beltran/W. Niebres/M. Aven/ LAP Grade 10 Mathematics SY 2015-16 ATENEO DE NAGA UNIVERSITY HIGH SCHOOL
Name: ________________________________________ LG: __________ Date: ____________ATENEO DE NAGA UNIVERSITY HIGH SCHOOL

PT 1. Given
PT 2. Definition of congruent arcs
3. O intercepts
3. Given
POT intercepts PT
4. O
4. Central Angle-Intercepted Arc Postulate
5. O POT 5. Substitution (Statements 2 & 4)
6. O POT 6. Definition of congruent angles

Central Angle-Chord Congruency Theorem: In a circle or congruent circles, if two central angles are congruent, then their
corresponding chords are congruent.
(A proof is presented on p. 258 of the textbook.)

Converse Central Angle-Chord Congruency Theorem: In a circle or congruent circles, if two chords are congruent, then their
corresponding central angles are congruent.
(A proof is presented on p. 259 of the textbook.)

Examples: (page 250-251, Geometry by Coronel)

1. In the figure, AC and BD are diameters. Figure:
If AOB = 75o, prove that , and ..
Using the notation in the figure, since AC and BD are diameters, being vertical angles, = AOB
= 75o. By the Converse of Central Angle-Minor Arc Congruency Theorem, .

Since AOB and 1 form a linear pair, they are supplementary. By subtraction, 1 = 180o 75o=
105o. Similarly, 2 and are supplementary, so 3= 105o.

By definition, = 105o, =105o. By substitution, and by the Minor Arcs-Chords

Congruency Theorem, BC=DA.

2. Q is the center of a circle. ABD is a straight line. If CBD=65o, BQA=130o and AX is a Figure:
diameter, find
a) BAQ c) ABQ e)
b) CBA d) CBQ f)

a) 25o c) 25o e) 130o
b) 115o d) 90o f) 230o

E Answer the following:

AOD is a diameter, and A = 50o. Find Figure
a) D d) DOC
b) C e) OB
c) B
Why is BOC a diameter?

A AC and BD are diameters of circle O. Prove that ABCD is a parallelogram.


29 B. Beltran/W. Niebres/M. Aven/ LAP Grade 10 Mathematics SY 2015-16 ATENEO DE NAGA UNIVERSITY HIGH SCHOOL
Name: ________________________________________ LG: __________ Date: ____________ATENEO DE NAGA UNIVERSITY HIGH SCHOOL


With a rating of at least 75%, in a given set of exercises, Inscribed angles (1)
17 1) prove theorems related to inscribed angles,
2) derive inductively the relations among arcs, central angle Reference : Global Mathematics, Banaag and Quan, pp. 260-264
and inscribed angles,
3) find the measure of the unknown parts using the theorems Reference: Geometry by Coronel, pp. 252-258
on inscribed angles..
A circle is divided into 360 degrees. But did you know that a golf ball has 360 dimples? Coincidence? We think not.

I I can (1) prove theorems related to inscribed angles, (2) derive inductively the relations among arcs, central angle and inscribed angles, and,
(3) find the measure of the unknown parts using the theorems on inscribed angles.

S Definition: An inscribed angle is an angle whose vertex lies on the circle and the sides are chords of the circle.

Definition: An exterior angle of a triangle is an angle formed by one side of the triangle and an extension of another side.
In FIGURE 1 below, BCD is an exterior angle composed by side BC of , and side CD. CD is an extension of side AC.

Definition: An interior angle of a triangle is an angle determined by two sides of the triangle. In FIGURE 1 below, BAC, ABC, and
ACB are interior angles.

Definition: An interior angle of a triangle which is not adjacent to an exterior angle of the same triangle is called a remote interior angle
with respect to the exterior angle. In FIGURE 1 below, BAC and ABC are remote interior angles of exterior angle BCD.

Exterior angle t heorem: The exterior angle

of a triangle equals the sum of the two remote
interior angles.

In the figure,

Definition: An isosceles triangle is a triangle with two sides

The two equal sides of an isosceles triangle are its legs.
The third side is called the base of the isosceles triangle.
The angle between the he two legs is called the vertex
An angle with the formed by the base and one leg of an
isosceles triangle is called the base angle. There are two
base angles in an isosceles triangle.
Isosceles Triangle Theorem (ITT). The base angles of an isosceles triangle are equal.
Isosceles Triangle Theorem (Restatement ): If two sides of a triangle are equal, then the angles opposite them are equal.
In the figure, above, since AB = BC, then ACB.

P Take note of the following:

Inscribed Angle Theorem: The measure of an inscribed angle is one-half the measure of its intercepted arc.
Case 1 Case 2 Case 3
Center on one side of the inscribed angle Center in the interior of the inscribed Center on the exterior of the inscribed
angle angle

30 B. Beltran/W. Niebres/M. Aven/ LAP Grade 10 Mathematics SY 2015-16 ATENEO DE NAGA UNIVERSITY HIGH SCHOOL
Name: ________________________________________ LG: __________ Date: ____________ATENEO DE NAGA UNIVERSITY HIGH SCHOOL


Case 1
Given: Circle O with inscribed angle BAC: AC is a


Let BAC = a, ABO = b, and BOC = c.

1. Circle O with inscribed angle BAC; AC is a diameter. 1. Given
2. In ABO, . 2. Exterior Angle Theorem
3. OA = OB 3. Definition of radius of a circle
4. 4. Isosceles Triangle Theorem
5. 5. Substitution
6. 6. Addition
7. 7. MPE (multiplication with )
8. O 8. Substitution
9. O 9. Central Angle Intercepted Arc Postulate

10. 10. Substitution (Statements 8, 9)

Case 2
Given: Circle O with inscribed angle BAC; AD is a


Let BAD = a, and DAC = b.

1. Circle O with inscribed angle BAC; AD is a diameter. 1. Given.
2. 2. Case 1
3. 3. Case 1
4. 4. APE (Statements 2 & 3)
5. ( ) 5. Factoring
6. ( ) 6. Substitution (Statements 4 & 5)

7. () 7. Arc-Addition Postulate
8. ( ) 8. Substitution (Statements 6 & 7)
9. 9. Angle-Addition Postulate
10. ( ) 10. Substitution (Statements 8 & 9)

31 B. Beltran/W. Niebres/M. Aven/ LAP Grade 10 Mathematics SY 2015-16 ATENEO DE NAGA UNIVERSITY HIGH SCHOOL
Name: ________________________________________ LG: __________ Date: ____________ATENEO DE NAGA UNIVERSITY HIGH SCHOOL

Case 3
Given: Circle O with inscribed angle BAC; AD is a


Let BAC = a, CAD = b.

1. Circle O with inscribed angle BAC; AD is a diameter. 1. Given.
2. 2. Case 1
3. 3. Case 1
4. 4. Angle Addition Postulate
5. 5. Substitution (Statements 2, 3 & 4)

6. ( ) 6. Factoring

7. 7. Arc Addition Postulate

8. ( ) 8. Substitution (Statements 6 & 7)
9. ( ) 9. Substitution

Since the measure of the central angle of a circle is equal to the measure of its intercepted arc by the Central Angle-Intercepted
Arc Postulate, then the Inscribed Angle Theorem can be re-stated as follows: The measure of an inscribed angle is one-
half the measure of the central angle intercepting the same arc.

Semicircle Theorem: An angle inscribed in a semicircle is a right angle.

Restatement: In circle T, CDM is inscribed in a semicircle.

Thus, CDM is a right angle.

Given: In circle T, CDM is inscribed in the semicircle MNC.

Prove: CDM is a right angle.

1. In circle T, CDM is inscribed in the semicircle MNC. 1. Given
2. M
MN 2. Inscribed Angle Theorem

MN 3. A semicircle measures 180o.
4. M ( ) 4. Substitution
5. M 5. multiplication
6. CDM is a right angle. 6. Definition of right angle.

32 B. Beltran/W. Niebres/M. Aven/ LAP Grade 10 Mathematics SY 2015-16 ATENEO DE NAGA UNIVERSITY HIGH SCHOOL
Name: ________________________________________ LG: __________ Date: ____________ATENEO DE NAGA UNIVERSITY HIGH SCHOOL

Example Exercises:

1. AB and CD are diameters of circle O. If a=70 o, find angles b to k.

Since and intercepts the same arc as , by the Inscribed Angle Theorem,
( ) .

Since AB and CD are diameters, are central angles. , being

vertical angles, are equal. This means that, and ( ) .

Angles are both supplements of , so , and by

the Inscribed Angle Theorem, ( ) .


E Answer the following.

AVERAGE #1 a to f, page 268
P DIFFICULT #1 to 6, page 268

A Answer the following: (From Geometry by Coronel, pp. 255-256.)

1. In circle Q, . Find , and . 2. If and in circle O, find

and .

33 B. Beltran/W. Niebres/M. Aven/ LAP Grade 10 Mathematics SY 2015-16 ATENEO DE NAGA UNIVERSITY HIGH SCHOOL
Name: ________________________________________ LG: __________ Date: ____________ATENEO DE NAGA UNIVERSITY HIGH SCHOOL


With a rating of at least 75%, in a given set of exercises, Inscribed Angles (2)
18 1) prove theorems related to inscribed angles,
2) derive inductively the relations among chords, arcs, and Reference : Global Mathematics, Banaag and Quan, pp. 262-264
inscribed angles,
3) find the measure of the unknown parts using the postulates Reference: Geometry by Coronel, pp. 252-258
and theorems on inscribed angles.
You would like to join four pieces of silver chain to form a circular bracelet. Since it takes a bit of doing to cut a link and weld it together
again, you want to cut as few links as possible. What is the minimum number of links you must cut to do the job?

I I can (1) prove theorems related to inscribed angles, (2) derive inductively the relations among arcs, central angle and inscribed angles, and,
(3) find the measure of the unknown parts using the theorems on inscribed angles.

Definition: An inscribed angle is an angle whose vertex lies on the circle and the sides are chords of the circle.
Inscribed Angle Theorem: The measure of an inscribed angle is one-half the measure of its intercepted arc.
S The measure of an inscribed angle is one-half the measure of the central angle intercepting the same arc.
Semicircle Theorem: An angle inscribed in a semicircle is a right angle.

P Take note of the following:

Angle Subtended by the Same Arc theorem: Two or
more inscribed angles subtended by the same arc are

( A proof is presented on page 262 of the textbook.)

Cyclic Quadrilateral Theorem: Opposite angles of cyclic

quadrilaterals are supplementary.

Restatement: If quadrilateral PQRS is inscribed in circle

O, then opposite angles are supplementary.

Given: Inscribed quadrilateral PQRS

Prove: P R o Q S o

By the Inscribed Angle Theorem, and

By addition,

= ( )

Since the sum of is the whole circle, and one revolution is equal to 360 0, this implies that

( ) .

Similarly, Q S o.

34 B. Beltran/W. Niebres/M. Aven/ LAP Grade 10 Mathematics SY 2015-16 ATENEO DE NAGA UNIVERSITY HIGH SCHOOL
Name: ________________________________________ LG: __________ Date: ____________ATENEO DE NAGA UNIVERSITY HIGH SCHOOL

1.) BD is a diameter, 1 25 0 and 2 55 0 . Find 3 , 4 ,

ADC , CBA , BAD , and BCD .

Solution: If 1 25 0 and 2 55 0 , then = 2(250) = 500

and =2(550) = 1100 by the Inscribed Angle Theorem.

Since BD is a diameter,
= 1800 - 500 = 1300 and BA = 1800 - 1100 = 700.
By the Inscribed Angle Theorem, 3 35 0 and 4 65 0 .
The results imply that ADC 25 0 35 0 60 0 and by the
Cyclic Quadrilateral Theorem, CBA 180 0 60 0 120 0 .
BAD BCD 90 0 since both are subtended by

E Answer the following.

Answer Exercises
P DIFFICULT, #7-10; page 269 (Textbook)
(From Geometry by Coronel, p. 256.)

1.) O is the center of the circle. Find all the angles you can 2.) AB is a diameter of circle O. If 3.) In the figure below, AOB = 900,
under the following conditions: =800 and =1300, find the and BOC = 700. Find:
Given: ABF = 1000, BCG = 550, and CFG = 450. measures of angles 1 to 10.


Perform the following:

1.) Explain how to construct a circle circumscribed about a right triangle.

2.) Draw a circle and inscribe an irregular five-pointed star. Find the sum of the measures of the five inscribed angles.

35 B. Beltran/W. Niebres/M. Aven/ LAP Grade 10 Mathematics SY 2015-16 ATENEO DE NAGA UNIVERSITY HIGH SCHOOL
Name: ________________________________________ LG: __________ Date: ____________ATENEO DE NAGA UNIVERSITY HIGH SCHOOL


With a rating of at least 75%, in a given set of exercises, Tangent Lines
19 1.) Illustrate tangents to a circle,
2.) determine the relationship formed by tangent lines and other parts Reference : Global Mathematics, Banaag and Quan, pp. 272-275
of the circle.
3.) prove theorems related to tangent lines and circles. Reference: Geometry by Coronel, pp. 259, 262
G FYI The word tangent comes from the Latin word tangere, meaning to touch.
Noli me tangere is a Latin phrase that means Do not touch me.
Literal translation in English: No = no. li=you. Me= me. Tangere=touch.
Literal translation in Filipino: No = Huwag. li=mo. Me= ako. Tangere=salingin.
Literal translation in Bikol: No = dai. li=mo. Me= ako. Tangere=dutaan.
What have you noticed about the syntax of Latin, Filipino and Bikol? (Syntax is the way in which words are put together to form phrases,
clauses, or sentences.)

I I can illustrate tangents to a circle. I can determine the relationship formed by tangent lines and other parts of the circle. I can prove theorems
on tangent lines and circles.

In the figure at the right , Q is the center of the circle. = 700. Find
and Q


P Take note of the following:

Definition: A tangent is a line that has exactly one point in common with a circle. The point of intersection is called the point of

In the figure at the right, TD is a tangent, D is the point of

tangency and OD is the radius drawn to the point of
tangency. DS is a chord with one endpoint at the point of
tangency. Arc DS is said to be intercepted by the angle
formed by tangent DT and chord DS or T S intercepts

Radius-Tangent theorem: If a line is tangent to a circle, Figure:

then it is perpendicular to the radius at its point of

Given: KR is tangent to circle T at V and TV is a radius to

the point of tangency.

Prove: TV KR

One way to approach this problem is to use an indirect proof. In an indirect proof, an assumption is made which leads to a contradiction
and indirectly proves that the opposite is true.

To write an indirect proof, there are steps to follow:

1. Assume that the negation of the conclusion of the statement to be proved is true.
2. Show that the assumption leads to a contradiction of known facts or of the hypothesis.
3. Conclude that since the assumption has been shown to be false, the original conclusion must be false

36 B. Beltran/W. Niebres/M. Aven/ LAP Grade 10 Mathematics SY 2015-16 ATENEO DE NAGA UNIVERSITY HIGH SCHOOL
Name: ________________________________________ LG: __________ Date: ____________ATENEO DE NAGA UNIVERSITY HIGH SCHOOL


Assume . Let C represent a point on the tangent

line such that TCRK and let D represent another point on the
tangent such that VC CD.

1. 1. Given assumption
2. T T 2. Right angles are equal.
T 3. identity
T is a radius of a circle and
T , then D must be on the circle. If D and V are both on the circle and on the tangent,
the tangent intersects the circle at two points. This contradicts the definition of a tangent and the original assumption that T
must be false.
Therefore, T
, and T R.
Converse of Radius-Tangent theorem: If a line is Figure:
perpendicular to a radius at its point of tangency on the
circle, then it is tangent to the circle.
Restatement: In circle T, if line RK is perpendicular to the
radius TV at V, then line RK is tangent to the circle.
Given: In circle T, line RK is perpendicular to the radius
TV at V.
Prove: RK is tangent to circle T.

Construction: Let P be any point on line RK. Draw

segment TP.

Paragraph Proof:
Since RK TV, TVK is a right angle. Thus, in TVP, TVP > TPV and so TP > TV since it is opposite the greater angle. But, TV
is a radius. Therefore, P is outside the circle.
Similarly, any point S on line RK different from V is outside the circle. Therefore line RK has one and only one point in common with
the circle and it is the tangent.

NOTE: In a paragraph proof, the statements and reasons appear in sentences within a paragraph.

Two Tangents External Point Theorem: If two tangent

segments are drawn to a circle from an external point,
(i) the tangent segments are congruent, and
(ii) the line joining the external point and the center of the
circle bisects the angle formed by the two tangents.

Restatement: If W is a point in the exterior of circle C and

WX and WY are segments tangent to the circle, then
(i) ,
(ii) XWC YWC.

(A proof is presented on page 273 of the textbook.)

37 B. Beltran/W. Niebres/M. Aven/ LAP Grade 10 Mathematics SY 2015-16 ATENEO DE NAGA UNIVERSITY HIGH SCHOOL
Name: ________________________________________ LG: __________ Date: ____________ATENEO DE NAGA UNIVERSITY HIGH SCHOOL

Examples: ( Geometry by Coronel)

1) In the figure, PA and PB are tangents to circle O at A and B,

a) If m APB=65o. find m APO, m BPO, and m AOB.

b) If m AOP=60o, find m APB.

c) If m APB=60o, find m AOB, m ABP.

a) m APO=32.5o, m BPO=32.5o, and m AOB=115o b) m APB=60o c) m AOB=120o, m ABP=60o

2) TB and TC are tangents to circle O.

a) If O

b) If is twice , find , , m O

Answers: a) O b) , ,m O o and
T o.

3) ABC is circumscribed about circle O at X, Y and Z as shown.

a) If , , and , find the perimeter of


b) If and the
perimeter of ABC=52, find AB, AC, and BC.

Answers: a) 50 b) AB=18 , AC=15 , BC=19

E Answer the following.

P #1, a, b, and c; page 280
#2, a and b; page 280 ( Textbook )
A (Geometry by Coronel)
1) In the figure, if and , find , , and 2) ABC is circumscribed about circle O at X, Y and Z as shown.
a) If , , and , find AX, BX and CZ.
b) If and the
perimeter of ABC=36, find AX, CZ, and BY.

38 B. Beltran/W. Niebres/M. Aven/ LAP Grade 10 Mathematics SY 2015-16 ATENEO DE NAGA UNIVERSITY HIGH SCHOOL
Name: ________________________________________ LG: __________ Date: ____________ATENEO DE NAGA UNIVERSITY HIGH SCHOOL


With a rating of at least 75%, in a given set of exercises, Angles Formed by Tangents and Secants (1)
20 (1) determine the relationship formed by tangent and secant lines, Reference : Global Mathematics, Banaag and Quan, pp. 284-287
(2) prove theorems on tangents and secants, Reference: Geometry by Coronel, pp. 267- 269
(3) find the measure of the unknown using the theorems on
tangents and secants.
The word secant is derived from the Latin word secare, meaning to cut. Literally, a secant is a line that cuts a circle into two parts.
In geometry, a secant is this line.
In trigonometry, a secant of an acute angle of a right triangle is the ratio of the hypotenuse to the side adjacent to the angle. It is the
reciprocal of the cosine ratio.

I I can determine the relationship formed by tangent and secant lines, and I can prove theorem on tangents and secants.

S Definition: A tangent is a line that has exactly one point in common with a circle. The point of intersection is called the point of
Definition: A secant is a line that intersects a circle in two distinct points. A secant determines a chord of a circle. A chord
determines a secant.
Radius-Tangent theorem: If a line is tangent to a circle, then it is perpendicular to the radius at its point of tangency.
Converse of Radius-Tangent theorem: If a line is perpendicular to a radius at its point of tangency on the circle, then it is tangent
to the circle.
Two Tangents External Point Theorem: If two tangent segments are drawn to a circle from an external point, then
(i) the tangent segments are congruent, and
(ii) the line joining the external point and the center of the circle bisects the angle formed by the two tangents.
P Take note of the following:
Tangent-Secant on the CircleIntercepted Arc Figure:
The measure of angles formed by the intersection of a
tangent and a secant on the circle is half the measure of
the intercepted arc.

Restatement: In circle C, if secant intersect tangent

at W, then ( ).

(A proof is presented on page 284 of the textbook.)

Angles Formed by Two Tangents Theorem Figure:

The measure of an angle formed by the intersection of two
tangents on the exterior of the circle is equal to half the
difference of the measures of the major and minor arcs.

Restatement: If and are tangents to circle O,

then ( ( ) ( ))

(A proof is presented on page 285 of the textbook.)

Angles Formed by Tangent-Secant-Exterior Point Figure:

The measure of an angle formed by the intersection of a
secant and a tangent on the exterior of the circle is half
the difference of the measures of their intercepted arcs.

Restatement: In circle O, if tangent and secant

intersect at an exterior point X, then
( ( ) ( ))

(A proof is presented on page 287 of the textbook.)

39 B. Beltran/W. Niebres/M. Aven/ LAP Grade 10 Mathematics SY 2015-16 ATENEO DE NAGA UNIVERSITY HIGH SCHOOL
Name: ________________________________________ LG: __________ Date: ____________ATENEO DE NAGA UNIVERSITY HIGH SCHOOL

Exercises: (From Geometry by Coronel)

1. Find the unknown marked angles or arcs in each figure. 2. ABC is isosceles with AC=CB. A=70o.
a) b) DBE is a tangent at B. Find C, 1 and 2.

3.) If ABRS is a straight line through the center O; PQR is a straight 4.) ABC is tangent to the circle O at B; DB and EB are chords, BF is
line, RQB = 400 and SRQ = 1500. Find QBR, A, QBA, and a diameter. If = 1000 and ABD = 350, find EBC, E, BOD,
BPQ . , , and .

E Answer the following.

AVERAGE #s 1, 2, 5, 6; page 292
P DIFFICULT #1, a, b, & c; #2, a, b, & c; #3, a, b, & c ; page 293 (Textbook)
A 1.) In the figure, PA and PB are tangents to circle O at A and B 2.) In the figure, PA and PB are tangents to circle O at A and B
respectively. If APB = 650, find AOB. respectively. If AOB = 600, find APB.

3.) ABCD is an inscribed quadrilateral. If A = (2x + 12)0 and C = 4.) ABCD is an inscribed quadrilateral. If A = (4x + 5)0, D = (7x +
(3x + 18)0, find A and C. If D = (2x 15)0, find B. 2)0 and C = (5x 2)0, find B.

40 B. Beltran/W. Niebres/M. Aven/ LAP Grade 10 Mathematics SY 2015-16 ATENEO DE NAGA UNIVERSITY HIGH SCHOOL
Name: ________________________________________ LG: __________ Date: ____________ATENEO DE NAGA UNIVERSITY HIGH SCHOOL


With a rating of at least 75%, in a given set of exercises, Angles Formed by Tangents and Secants (2)
21 (1) determine the relationship formed by tangent and secant lines, Reference : Global Mathematics, Banaag and Quan, pp. 288-291
(2) prove theorems on tangents and secants, Reference: Geometry by Coronel, pp. 267- 269
(3) find the measure of the unknown using the theorems on
tangents and secants.
The meaning of go off on a tangent is:
(verb) to start talking about an unrelated topic

Example Sentence:
The students complained about the professor, because he always goes off on a tangent and starts talking about unrelated
I I can (a) determine the relationship formed by tangent and secant lines, (b) prove theorem on tangents and secants, and (c) find the measure
of the unknown using theorems on tangents and secants.
S Radius-Tangent theorem: If a line is tangent to a circle, then it is perpendicular to the radius at its point of tangency.
Converse of Radius-Tangent theorem: If a line is perpendicular to a radius at its point of tangency on the circle, then it is tangent
to the circle.
Two Tangents External Point Theorem: If two tangent segments are drawn to a circle from an external point, then
(i) the tangent segments are congruent, and
(ii) the line joining the external point and the center of the circle bisects the angle formed by the two tangents.
Tangent-Secant on the CircleIntercepted Arc Theorem: The measure of angles formed by the intersection of a tangent and a
secant on the circle is half the measure of the arc.
Angles formed by two Tangents Theorem:
The measure of an angle formed by the intersection of two tangents on the exterior of the circle is equal to half the difference of the
measures of the major and minor arcs.
Angles Formed by Tangent-Secant-Exterior Point Theorem:
The measure of an angle formed by the intersection of a secant and a tangent on the exterior of the circle is half the difference of the
measures of their intercepted arcs.

P Take note of the following:

Angles Formed by Two Secants-Interior Point Figure:
The measure of an angle formed by two secants
intersecting in the interior of the circle is equal to half the
sum of the measures of the arcs intercepted by the angles
and the angle vertical to it.

Restatement: In circle O, if and are secants

intersecting in the interior of the circle, then
( () ( )).

Given: and are secants intersecting in the interior

of circle O.
Prove: ( ( ) ( ))

1. Draw chord XY. 1. by construction
2. FHY is an exterior angle of HXY 2. Definition of exterior angle of a triangle
3. m FHY = m HXY + m HYX 3. Exterior Angle Theorem
4. m HXY = () 4. Inscribed Angle Theorem
5. m HYX = () 5. Inscribed Angle Theorem
6. m FHY = () () 6. Substitution
7. m FHY = ( ( ) ( )) 7. Factoring

41 B. Beltran/W. Niebres/M. Aven/ LAP Grade 10 Mathematics SY 2015-16 ATENEO DE NAGA UNIVERSITY HIGH SCHOOL
Name: ________________________________________ LG: __________ Date: ____________ATENEO DE NAGA UNIVERSITY HIGH SCHOOL

Angles Formed by Two Secants-Exterior Point Figure:

The measure of an angle formed by two secants
intersecting at the exterior of the circle is equal to half the
difference of the major arc and the minor arc.

Restatement: In circle O, if and are secants

intersecting in the exterior of the circle, then
( () ( )).

Given: and are secants intersecting in the exterior

of circle O.
Prove: ( () ( )).

1. and are secants intersecting in the 1. Given
exterior of circle O.
2. Draw segment KZ. 2. by construction
3. 1 is an exterior angle of KXZ. 3. Definition of an exterior angle of a triangle
4. 4. Exterior Angle Theorem
5. 5. APE
6. 6. Inscribed Angle Theorem
7. 7. Inscribed Angle Theorem
8. 8. Substitution
9. ( () ( )) 9. Factoring

Exercises: (Geometry by Coronel)

1.) Find the unknown marked angles or arcs in each figure.
a.) b.)

Answers: Answers:

3.) TB is tangent to circle O at B. AOB is a diameter. EACT and EFB 4.) PQR and RST are secants to the circle. Chords PS and QT meet
are secants. If = 1100 and 1 = 250, find 2, 3, , at D. If R = 300 and PDT = 820, find , , 1, 2, and
E, ACB, ABC, EAB, and 4. PSR.

Answers: Answers:

42 B. Beltran/W. Niebres/M. Aven/ LAP Grade 10 Mathematics SY 2015-16 ATENEO DE NAGA UNIVERSITY HIGH SCHOOL
Name: ________________________________________ LG: __________ Date: ____________ATENEO DE NAGA UNIVERSITY HIGH SCHOOL

E Simplify the following.

AVERAGE #s 3, 4, 7, 8; page 292-293
P DIFFICULT #4, a, b, & c; #5, a, b, & c; page 294 (Textbook)

A 5.) If x + y = 1200 and z = 200, find x and y. 6.) EDC and ABC are secants to the circle; BE and BD are chords. If
ECF = 1500, = 500, and BDC = 800, find all the marked angles
and arcs.

7.) ABC and EDC are secants meeting at C. If 2 = 250, C = 300, 3. PAB and RDC are straight lines. DB and AC are chords. Find all
find 1 and 3. the angles you can if PAD = 1080, DAC = 500, and DBA = 35.


43 B. Beltran/W. Niebres/M. Aven/ LAP Grade 10 Mathematics SY 2015-16 ATENEO DE NAGA UNIVERSITY HIGH SCHOOL
Name: ________________________________________ LG: __________ Date: ____________ATENEO DE NAGA UNIVERSITY HIGH SCHOOL


With a rating of at least 75%, in a given set of exercises, Power Theorems
22 (1) determine the relationship formed by tangent and secant lines,
(2) prove power theorems. Reference : Global Mathematics, Banaag and Quan, pp. 296-300
(3) find unknown segments using the power theorems. Reference: Geometry by Coronel, p. 270
In 1987, the Indiana State Assembly tried to legislate the value of . The vague language of the states House Bill No. 246,
which became known as the Indiana Pi Bill, implies several different incorrect values for --- 3.2, 3.232, 3.236, and 4. With a
unanimous vote of 670, the House passed the bill to the state senate, where it was postponed indefinitely.

I I can (a) determine the relationship formed by tangent and secant lines, (b) prove power theorems, and (c) find unknown segments using the
power theorems.
S AAA Similarity Theorem: Two triangles with corresponding angles equal are similar.
AA Similarity Theorem: Two triangles are similar if two angles of one are equal to the corresponding angles of the other.
Angles Formed by Tangent-Secant-Exterior Point Theorem:
The measure of an angle formed by the intersection of a secant and a tangent on the exterior of the circle is half the difference of the
measures of their intercepted arcs.
Angles Formed by Two Secants-Exterior Point Theorem:
The measure of an angle formed by two secants intersecting at the exterior of the circle is equal to half the difference of the major
arc and the minor arc.
Angles Formed by Two Secants-Interior Point Theorem:
The measure of an angle formed by two secants intersecting in the interior of the circle is equal to half the sum of the measures of
the arcs intercepted by the angles and the angle vertical to it.
P Take note of the following:
The relationship of a point to two intersecting lines and a circle is referred to as power, which was used by Jacob Steiner in 1826.

Power of a Point Theorem

In circle C with external point V and a line through it

intersecting the circle in two points (M and L), the product of the
length from V to M and the length from V to L is constant,
Likewise, the product of the length from V to N and the length
from V to Q is equal to the same constant. The constant is
considered the power of a point. In symbols

VM x VL = constant
VN x VQ = constant
Therefore, VM x VL = VN x VQ

Given: In circle C, VL and VQ are secants intersecting at an

external point V.
Prove: VM x VL = VN x VQ

Statement Reason
1. In circle C, VL and VQ are secants intersecting at an Given
external point V.
2. Determine LN to form VLN. Definition of a Triangle
Determine MQ to form VQM.
3. m MQN = ( ) Inscribed Angle Theorem
m NLM = ( )
4. m MQN m NLM Transitive Property of Equality
5. MQN NLM Definition of Congruent Angles
6. V = V Reflexive Property
7. VLN VQM AA Similarity
8. Corresponding Sides of Similar Triangles are in
9. VM x VL = VN x VQ Definition of Proportionality

44 B. Beltran/W. Niebres/M. Aven/ LAP Grade 10 Mathematics SY 2015-16 ATENEO DE NAGA UNIVERSITY HIGH SCHOOL
Name: ________________________________________ LG: __________ Date: ____________ATENEO DE NAGA UNIVERSITY HIGH SCHOOL

Power Theorems deal with products of lengths of segments related to circles.

Intersecting Chords Power Theorem:

If two chords intersect in the interior of the circle, then the
product of the lengths of the segments of the first chord
and the product of the lengths of the segments of the
other chord are equal.

Restatement: In the circle, if and are chords

intersecting at H, then FH x XH = GH x YH.

(A proof is presented on page 298 of the textbook.)

Example: Solution:

In the figure below, AP = 6, CP = 4, and DP = 9. Find PB.

AP x PB = CP x PD
6 x PB = 4 x 9
6PB = 36
PB = 6

Secant Segments Power Theorem:

If two secant segments intersect at the exterior of the
circle, then the product of the length of the first secant and
the length of its external segment is equal to the product
of the length of the second secant and the length of its
external segment.

Restatement: In circle C, if and are secants

intersecting at an external point V, then VM x VL = VN x

(A proof is presented on page 299 of the textbook.)

Example: Solution:

Find the value of x in the figure below. 4( x + 4 ) = 6( 9 + 6)

4x + 16 = 54 + 36
4x + 16 = 90
4x = 90 16
4x = 74
x = 18.5

Tangent-Secant Power Theorem:

If a tangent and a secant intersect at the exterior of the
circle, then the product of the length of the secant and the
length of its external segment is equal to the square of the
tangent segment.

Restatement: In circle C, if is a tangent and is a

secant, then VM2 = VN x VQ

(A proof is presented on page 300 of the textbook.)

45 B. Beltran/W. Niebres/M. Aven/ LAP Grade 10 Mathematics SY 2015-16 ATENEO DE NAGA UNIVERSITY HIGH SCHOOL
Name: ________________________________________ LG: __________ Date: ____________ATENEO DE NAGA UNIVERSITY HIGH SCHOOL

Example: Solution:

In the figure below, PD = 16, DC = 12. Find PB. Step 1: PC = PD DC

PC = 16 12
PC = 4

Step 2: (PB)2 = PC x PD
(PB)2 = 4 (16)
(PB)2 = 64
PB =
PB = 8

E Answer the following.

AVERAGE: #s 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, and 12; page 303 (Textbook: Global Mathematics, Banaag and Quan)
A Answer the following:

In the figure at the right, O is the center of the circle with diameter
. is tangent to the circle at B. If AB = 12, m C = 450, what is

46 B. Beltran/W. Niebres/M. Aven/ LAP Grade 10 Mathematics SY 2015-16 ATENEO DE NAGA UNIVERSITY HIGH SCHOOL
Name: ________________________________________ LG: __________ Date: ____________ATENEO DE NAGA UNIVERSITY HIGH SCHOOL


With a rating of at least 75%, in a given set of exercises, Circle Relationships (1)
23 solve problems on circle relationships. Reference : Global Mathematics, Banaag and Quan, pp. 275-278
Reference: Geometry by Coronel, pp. 271- 273
G FYI: With great power comes great responsibility.
The origin of this quote dates back centuries, and the earliest use of the phrase on the internet is unknown. One of its first notable
appearance in contemporary pop culture can be attributed to the heartfelt scene from the 2002 superhero film Spider-Man wherein
Uncle Ben says the line to Peter Parker shortly before getting killed by a carjacker.

Does the word power in this quotation mean the same in the Power Theorems? How would you apply this quotation in real life when it comes
to gaining knowledge, holding a leadership position, and/or being esteemed by the society?

I I can solve problems on circle relationships.

S 1.) PBA and PDC are secants to circle O. 2.) Chords AB and CD intersect at R. If AB = 3.) TA is tangent to circle O and TBC is a
If PB = 6 and PA = 24, What is the power 24, AR = 18, and CD = 21, find the power of secant. If RT = 9 and BC = 7, what is the
of P relative to O? R. power of T?
Figure: Figure: Figure:

Answer: Answer: Answer:

P Take note of the following:

Definition: Line of centers: The segment joining the centers of two circles in a plane.

If O and Q are the centers of two circles, the segment OQ is called the line of centers or segment of centers. The length of OQ in relation
to the radii of the circles will determine their relationship.
a.) b.) c.)

In the figure above, OQ r1 + r2; we say In the figure above, OQ r1 + r2; we say that In the figure above, OQ = 0, the circles
the two circles intersect each other. the two circles are apart, they have no point in have the same center and are said to be
common. concentric.
d.) e.)

In the figure above, OQ = r1 + r2; circle O touches circle Q at P. XY In the figure above, OQ = r1 r2.The circles touch at S and they are
is the tangent to both circles at P. The two circles are on opposite on the same sides of their tangent, ST. Circles O and Q are said to
sides of the tangent line. The circles are said to be tangent be tangent internally.

47 B. Beltran/W. Niebres/M. Aven/ LAP Grade 10 Mathematics SY 2015-16 ATENEO DE NAGA UNIVERSITY HIGH SCHOOL
Name: ________________________________________ LG: __________ Date: ____________ATENEO DE NAGA UNIVERSITY HIGH SCHOOL

Definition: Common tangent: A line or segment tangent to two distinct circles in a plane.
Definition: Common internal tangents: A common tangent to two circles in a plane that intersects their line of centers.

In the figure at the right, KL and MN are common

tangents of circles O and Q. Each intersects the line
of centers at P. KL and MN are called common
internal tangents.

Definition: Common external tangents: A common tangent to two circles in a plane that does not intersect their line of centers.

In the figure at the right, OR RS, QS RS, OT TU

and QU TU, RS and TU are called common
external tangents. Common external tangents do not
intersect the line of centers.

Definition: Tangent Circles: Circles that touch each other at exactly one point.

Tangent Circles theorem: If two circles are tangent internally or externally, then their lines of centers pass through the point of

Restatement: If circle O and circle

D are tangents to line t at point D,
then passes through D.

(A proof is presented on page 277.)

Internally Tangent Externally Tangent

1.) Circles A and B have radii of (a.) internally (b.) externally
length 7 cm and 9 cm respectively.
How long is AB if the two circles are
tangent (a.) internally?
(b.) externally?

Solution: Solution:

Answer: Answer:

48 B. Beltran/W. Niebres/M. Aven/ LAP Grade 10 Mathematics SY 2015-16 ATENEO DE NAGA UNIVERSITY HIGH SCHOOL
Name: ________________________________________ LG: __________ Date: ____________ATENEO DE NAGA UNIVERSITY HIGH SCHOOL

2.) Circles P, Q, and R are tangent externally to each other. If their 3.) In the figure below, circle O has a radius of 5 cm, circle Q has a
radii are 4 cm, 6 cm, and 3 cm respectively; find the perimeter of radius of 10 cm and OQ = 23 cm. PR is a common external tangent.
PQR. Calculate the length of PR.(Hint: construct rectangle POXR.)
Figure: Figure:

Solution/Answer: Solution/Answer:

Finding the length, L, of a common internal tangent of two circles given the distance, D, between the centers; and their radii, r1
and r2. (Derivation of the formula on page 281 of the textbook.)
Figure: is a common internal tangent of circles O and C.
O is the line of centers.

Let P P , O OP P
Since OA and CB are radii, they are perpendicular to the tangent at A and B, respectively.
OAP and CBP are right angles.
OAP= CBP, since right angles are equal.
APO= BPC, since they are vertical angles.
By AA similarity, PO P , thus, AOP= BCP.
Consider the following similar triangles from the figure above:

( ) ( )

To express n in terms of D, r1 and r2:

( )
Since, then, .

( )

( ) ( )

( )

49 B. Beltran/W. Niebres/M. Aven/ LAP Grade 10 Mathematics SY 2015-16 ATENEO DE NAGA UNIVERSITY HIGH SCHOOL
Name: ________________________________________ LG: __________ Date: ____________ATENEO DE NAGA UNIVERSITY HIGH SCHOOL

To express m in terms of D, r1 and r2:

To express x and y in terms of D, r1 and r2:

( ) ( )

( ) ( )

( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
( ) ( )

( ) [ ( ) ] ( ) [ ( ) ]
( ) ( )

( ) [ ( ) ] ( ) [ ( ) ]

( ) ( )

( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

To express L in terms of D, r1 and r2:

( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

( ) ( )

( )

E Answer the following.

AVERAGE, #3. a and b; p. 280 DIFFICULT, #1. a, b, c, and d; p. 281 CHALLENGE, # 1. a and b; p. 281
P (Textbook: Global Mathematics, Banaag and Quan)

A 1. In the figure, XY is a quadrant touching XZ at X and the quadrant 2. C is a point on AB such that AC=14 cm, CB=6 cm. Find the radius
TY at Y. If Z=90o, XZ=16 cm and ZT=4 cm, find the radii of the of a circle which touches AB at C and also touches the semicircle on
circles. AB as diameter.
Figure: Figure:

50 B. Beltran/W. Niebres/M. Aven/ LAP Grade 10 Mathematics SY 2015-16 ATENEO DE NAGA UNIVERSITY HIGH SCHOOL
Name: ________________________________________ LG: __________ Date: ____________ATENEO DE NAGA UNIVERSITY HIGH SCHOOL


With a rating of at least 75%, in a given set of exercises, Circle Relationships (2)
24 solve problems on circle relationships. Reference : Global Mathematics, Banaag and Quan, pp. 275-278
Reference: Geometry by Coronel, pp. 271- 273
A circular definition is one that often uses a term(s) being defined as a part of the definition or assumes a prior understanding of the term
being defined.
EXAMPLE 1: A cellular phone is a phone that is cellular.
EXAMPLE 2 (from a dictionary):
inspiring (adjective): having the effect of inspiring someone
EXAMPLE 3 (from another dictionary):
hill (noun) 1: a usually rounded natural elevation of land lower than a mountain
mountain (noun) 1a: a landmass that projects conspicuously above its surroundings and is higher than a hill
EXAMPLE 4 (from an elementary science book):
Matter is anything that occupies space and has mass.
Mass is the amount of matter in an object.

What makes a circular definition circular? Does the word circular (as it is used here) conform with the mathematical definition of a circle? Why,
or why not?

I I can solve problems on circle relationships.

S Definition: Common tangent: A line or segment tangent to two distinct circles in a plane.
Definition: Line of centers: The segment joining the centers of two circles in a plane.
Definition: Common internal tangents: A common tangent to two circles in a plane that intersects their line of centers.
Definition: Common external tangents: A common tangent to two circles in a plane that does not intersect their line of centers.
Definition: Tangent Circles: Circles that touch each other at exactly one point.
Tangent Circles theorem: If two circles are tangent internally or externally, then their lines of centers pass through the point of

P Take note of the following: (Reference: Holtmath 11, Holt, Rinehart and Winston of Canada, Limited. Toronto, 1988)

Three rolls of newsprint are bound together by a steel band as shown. The centers of two pulleys are 32 cm apart and each pulley has a
How long is the steel band if each roll has a 2 m diameter? diameter of 14 cm. What is the length of the belt around them?

Solution: Solution:

Answer: 2+6 cm Answer: 14 +64 cm

51 B. Beltran/W. Niebres/M. Aven/ LAP Grade 10 Mathematics SY 2015-16 ATENEO DE NAGA UNIVERSITY HIGH SCHOOL
Name: ________________________________________ LG: __________ Date: ____________ATENEO DE NAGA UNIVERSITY HIGH SCHOOL

In two concentric circles, a tangent to the inner circle is a 12-cm chord A spherical watertank with a diameter of 8 m is held by supports as
of the outer circle. If the radius of the inner circle is 5 cm, what is the shown. The length of the water pipe from D to the ground B is 18 m.
radius of the outer circle? Find the lengths of and which are tangent to the tank.

Solution: Solution:

Answer: 7.81 cm Answer: m or 21.63 m

E Answer the following.

Three pulleys are connected by a belt. The distance between the The distance between the centers of two circles, having radii of 6 cm
P pulleys, each with a radius of 10 cm, is 8 cm. What is the belt length? .
and 3 cm, is 18 cm. Calculate the length of the internal tangent TS

Solution: Solution:

Answer: Answer:

A Answer the following:

Without calculating the circumference of the Earth, how much longer If is a common tangent to two circles of different radii and the
is it around the equator 10 m above the Earths surface than it is on centers of circles are joined by OC, show that
the surface?


52 B. Beltran/W. Niebres/M. Aven/ LAP Grade 10 Mathematics SY 2015-16 ATENEO DE NAGA UNIVERSITY HIGH SCHOOL

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