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Irc 6-2016

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IRC: 6-2016



(Incorporating all amendments and errata published upto December, 2016)

Published by
Indian Roads Congress
Kama Koti Marg Sector-6, R.K.
Puram New Delhi-110022

Price -700/-
(Packing and postage charges extra)
IRC: 6-2016
First published : December, 1958 2016
Reprinted : May, 1962
Reprinted : September, 1963
Second Revision : October, 1964
Third Revision : Metric Units : October, 1966
Reprinted : October, 1967
Reprinted : November, 1969
Reprinted : March, 1972 (incorporates Amendment No. 1-Nov. 1971)
Reprinted : February, 1974 (incorporates Amendment No. 2-Nov. 1972)
Reprinted : August 1974 (incorporates Amendment No. 3-April 1974 and No. 4-
August 1974)
Reprinted : July, 1977 (Incorporates Amendment No. 5-October, 1976)
Reprinted : September, 1981 (Incorporates the changes as given in detail in the
last two sub-paras of introduction at page 3)
Reprinted : November, 1985
Reprinted : September, 1990
Reprinted : January, 1994
Reprinted : January, 1997
Reprinted : March, 1999
Fourth Revision : December, 2000
Reprinted : April, 2002 (Incorporates amended Fig. 5 at page 23)
Reprinted : August, 2004 (Incorporates up-to-date Amendments)
Reprinted : August, 2005
Reprinted : April, 2006
Reprinted : September, 2009 (Incorporates Amendment No.6)
Fifth Revision : November, 2010
Sixth Revision : January, 2014 (Incorporating all Amendments and
Errata Published upto December, 2013)
Seventh Revision : December, 2016 (Incorporating all Amendments/Errata Published in
Indian Highways upto December, 2016)

(All Rights Reserved. No Part of this Publication shall be

reproduced, translated or transmitted in any form or by any
means without the permission of the Indian Roads Congress)
IRC: 6-2016


Personnel of the Bridges Specifications and Standards Committee (i)

Introduction 1
Scope 4
201 Classification 4
202 Loads, Forces and Load Effects 5
203 Dead Load 8
204 Live Loads 10
205 Reduction in the Longitudinal Effect on Bridges Accommodating 24
more than Two Traffic Lanes
206 Foot Over Bridges, Footway, Kerb, Railings, Parapet and Crash 24
207 Barriers
Tramway Loading 28
208 Impact 30
209 Wind Load 32
210 Horizontal Forces due to Water Currents 39
211 Longitudinal Forces 42
212 Centrifugal Forces 46
213 Buoyancy 47
214 Earth Pressure 47
215 Temperature 55
216 Deformation Effects (for steel bridges only) 60
217 Secondary Effects 60
218 Erection Effects and Construction Loads 60
219 Seismic Force 61
220 Barge Impact on Bridges 75
221 Snow Load 81
222 Vehicle Collision Loads on Supports of Bridges, Flyover Supports 82
and Foot over Bridges
223 Indeterminate Structures and Composite Structures 83
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ANNEXURE A : Hypothetical Vehicles for Classification of Vehicles and 85
Bridges (Revised)
ANNEXURE B : Combination of Loads for Limit State Design 88
ANNEXURE C : Wind Load Computation on Truss Bridge 98
ANNEXURE D : Simplified Formula for Time Period 100
ANNEXURE E : Classification of Inland Waterways of India 101
IRC: 6-2016


(As on 16th December, 2016)

1 onDas,
(as S.N.
00 January, 2017) Director General (RD) & Spl. Secy. to Govt. of India, Ministry
(Convenor ) of Road Transport and Highways, Transport Bhavan, New Delhi

2 Kumar, Manoj Addl. Director General, Ministry of Road Transport and

(Co-Convenor) Highways Transport Bhavan, New Delhi
3 (Member-Secretary ) Chief Engineer (B) S&R, (Ministry of Road Transport &
Highways, Transport Bhavan, New Delhi
4 Alam, Pervez COO HCC
5 Arora, D.S. JMD, UPSBCL
6 Bakshi, S.P.S. CMD Engg. Proj. (India)
7 Banerjee, A.K. Chief Engineer (Retd.) MoRT&H, New Delhi
8 Banerjee, Sushim DG, INSDAG
9 Bansal, Shishir CPM DTTDC Ltd.
10 Basa, Ashok MD, CEM Engg. & Consultancy (P) Ltd.
11 Bhowmick, Alok MD, B&SECPL
12 Bordoloi, A.C. Commissioner, PWD Assam (MGC)
13 Chand, Faqir Advisor, STUP
14 Dheeraj Superintending Engineer, MoRTH
15 Dohare, R.D. Chief Engineer (Retd.), MoRTH
16 Ghoshal, A. Director and Vice President, STUP Consultants (P) Ltd. Kolkata
17 Gupta, Dr. Supratic Asst. Prof., IIT Delhi
18 Heggade, V.N. Sr. VP Gammon India Ltd.
19 Joshi, Brig. Girish (Rep.) Engineer-in-Chief, MES
20 Khanna, Shobha Executive Engineer, PWD Ujjain, M.P.
21 Kondai, Bikshapathi Engineer-in-Chief (R&B), QC, Telangana
22 Kumar, Ashwani Superintending Engineer, MoRTH
23 Kumar, Satander Scientist (Retd.), CRRI
24 Pandey, A.K. Superintending Engineer, MoRTH
25 Parameswaran, Dr. Chief Scientist (BAS), CRRI, New Delhi
26 Patankar, V.L DG(RD) & SS, (Retd.) MoRT&H New Delhi
27 Pateriya, Dr. I.K. Director, NRRDA

IRC: 6-2016

28 Porwal, Dr. S.S. (President, IRC) ADG, BRO

29 Puri, S.K. DG(RD) & SS, (Retd.) MoRT&H New Delhi
30 Raina, Dr. V.K. Consultant, World Bank
31 Raizada, Pratap S. Vice President (Corporate Affairs). Gammon India Ltd. Mumbai
32 Sharan, G. DG (RD) & Spl. Secy (Retd.) MoRT&H, New Delhi
33 Sharma, M.P. Member (Tech.), NHAI
34 Sharma, R.S. Chief Engineer (Retd.) MoRT&H, New Delhi

35 Shekhar, Saurav SA Infra Consultants Pvt. Ltd.

36 Sinha, N.K. DG(RD) & SS, (Retd.) MoRT&H New Delhi

37 Srivastava, A.K. Chief Engineer, MoRTH

38 Subbarao, Dr. Chairman & Managing Director, Construma Consultancy (P)
Harshavardhan Ltd. Mumbai
39 Tandon, Mahesh Prof. Managing Director, Tandon Consultants (P) Ltd., New Delhi
40 Verma, G.L. MD, Engg. & Planning Consultant

Corresponding Members
1 Kand,, Sunil C. Director, C.V Kand Consultant
2 Koshi, Ninan DG(RD) & SS, (Retd.) MoRT&H New Delhi
3 Manjure, P.Y. Director, FPCC Ltd.
4 Reddi, Dr. S.A. Former JMD GIL
5 Iyer, Prof. Nagesh R Director, SERC, TN

Ex-Officio Members

1 (Porwal, S.S.) President, Indian Roads Congress

2 (Das. S.N.) Director General (Road Development) & Special
Secretary, Ministry of Road Transport and Highways &
Honorary Treasurer, Indian Roads Congress, New Delhi
3 Nahar, Sajjan Singh Secretary General, Indian Roads Congress, New Delhi

IRC: 6-2016




The brief history of the Bridge Code given in the Introduction to Section I General Features
of Design generally applies to Section II also. The draft of Section II for Loads and
Stresses, as discussed at Jaipur Session of the Indian Roads Congress in 1946, was
considered further in a number of meetings of the Bridges Committee for finalisation. In the
years 1957 and 1958, the work of finalising the draft was pushed on vigorously by the
Bridges Committee.

In the Bridges Committee meeting held at Bombay in August 1958, all the comments
received till then on the different clauses of this Section were disposed off finally and
a drafting Committee consisting of S/Shri S.B. Joshi, K.K. Nambiar, K.F. Antia and S.K.
Ghosh was appointed to work in conjunction with the officers of the Roads Wing of the
Ministry for finalising this Section.

This Committee at its meeting held at New Delhi in September 1958 and later
through correspondences finalized Section II of the Bridge Code, which was printed in
1958 and reprinted in 1962 and 1963.

The Second Revision of Section II of the IRC:6 Code (1964 edition) included all the
amendments, additions and alterations made by the Bridges Specifications and Standards
(BSS) Committee in their meetings held from time to time.

The Executive Committee of the Indian Roads Congress approved the publication of
the Third Revision in metric units in 1966.

The Fourth Revision of Section II of the Code (2000 Edition) included all the amendments,
additions and alterations made by the BSS Committee in their meetings held from time
to time and was reprinted in 2002 with Amendment No.1, reprinted in 2004 with
Amendment No. 2 and again reprinted in 2006 with Amendment Nos. 3, 4 and 5.

The Bridges Specifications and Standards Committee and the IRC Council at various
meetings approved certain amendments viz. Amendment No. 6 of November 2006
relating to Sub- Clauses 218.2, 222.5, 207.4 and Appendix-2, Amendment No. 7 of
February 2007 relating to Sub-Clauses of 213.7, Note 4 of Appendix-I and 218.3,
Amendment No. 8 of January 2008 relating to Sub-Clauses 214.2(a), and
214.5.2 and new Clause 212 on Wind load.

IRC: 6-2016

As approved by the BSS Committee and IRC Council in 2008, the Amendment No. 9 of
May 2009 incorporating changes to Clauses 202.3, 208, 209.7 and 218.5 and
Combination of Loads for limit state design of bridges has been introduced in Appendix-3,
apart from the new Clause 222 on Seismic Force for design of bridges.

The Bridges Specifications and Standards Committee in its meeting held on 26th October,
2009 further approved certain modifications to Clause 210.1, 202.3, 205, Note below
Clause 208, 209.1, 209.4, 209.7, 222.5.5, Table 8, Note below Table 8, 222.8, 222.9,
Table 1 and deletion of Clause 213.8, and Note below para 8 of Appendix-3.
The Convenor of B-2 Committee was authorized to incorporate these modifications in the
draft for Fifth Revision of IRC:6, in the light of the comments of some members. The
Executive Committee, in its meeting held on 31st October, 2009, and the IRC Council in its
189th meeting held on 14th November, 2009 at Patna approved publishing of the Fifth
Revision of IRC: 6.

The 6th Revision of IRC: 6 includes all the amendments and errata published from time to
time upto December, 2013. The revised edition of IRC was approved by the Bridges
Specifications and Standards Committee in its meeting held on 06.01.2014 and Executive
Committee meeting held on 09.01.2014 for publishing.

The 7th revision of IRC: 6-2016, includes all amendments and errata published in Indian
Highways up to November 2016. All these amendments are approved by Bridges
Specifications and Standard Committee meetings. The Bridges Specification and Standard
Committee approved the proposed amendments in changing the title as Loads & Loads
Combination instead of Load & Stresses in order to bring the functional harmony of
code. This was discussed in 209th mid-term Council meet held on 26 September 2016 and
council approved the proposed amendments and change in the title of code for

IRC: 6-2016

The personnel of the Loads and Stresses Committee (B-2) is given below:

Banerjee, A.K. ...... Convenor

Parameswaran, ...... Co-Convenor
(Mrs.) Dr. Lakshmy
Sharma, Aditya ...... Member Secretary
Bandyopadhyay, N Mathur, A.K.
Bhowmick, Alok Mukherjee, M.K.
Dheeraj Pandey, Alok
Dhodapkar, A.N. Puri, S K
Garg, Dr Sanjeev Rao, M.V.B
Gupta, Vinay Saha, Dr G.P
Huda, Y.S. Sharan, G
Jain, Sanjay Kumar Thakkar, Dr S.K.
Joglekar, S G Venkatram, P.G.
Kanhere, D.K. Verma, G.L
Kumar, Ashok Viswanathan, T

Corresponding Members
Heggade, V.N Murthy, Dr M.V Ramana
Jain, Dr Sudhir K Subbarao, Dr H

Ex-officio Members
(Porwal, S.S.) President, Indian Roads Congress
(Das. S.N.) Director General (Road Development) &
Special Secretary, Ministry of Road
Transport and Highways & Honorary
Treasurer, Indian Roads Congress, New
Nahar, Sajjan Secretary General, Indian Roads
Singh Congress, New Delhi

IRC: 6-2016


The object of the Standard Specifications and Code of Practice is to establish a

common procedure for the design and construction of road bridges in India. This
publication is meant to serve as a guide to both the design engineer and the construction
engineer but compliance with the rules therein does not relieve them in any way of their
responsibility for the stability and soundness of the structure designed and erected by
them. The design and construction of road bridges require an extensive and through
knowledge of the science and technique involved and should be entrusted only to specially
qualified engineers with adequate practical experience in bridge engineering and capable
of ensuring careful execution of work.


201.1 Road bridges and culverts shall be divided into classes according to the loadings
they are designed to carry.

IRC CLASS 70R LOADING: This loading is to be normally adopted on all roads on
which permanent bridges and culverts are constructed. Bridges designed for Class 70R
Loading should be checked for Class A Loading also as under certain conditions, heavier
stresses may occur under Class A Loading.

IRC CLASS AA LOADING: This loading is to be adopted within certain municipal limits, in
certain existing or contemplated industrial areas, in other specified areas, and along certain
specified highways. Bridges designed for Class AA Loading should be checked for Class
A Loading also, as under certain conditions, heavier stresses may occur under Class A

IRC CLASS A LOADING: This loading is to be normally adopted on all roads on which
permanent bridges and culverts are constructed.

IRC CLASS B LOADING: This loading is to be normally adopted for timber bridges.

IRC CLASS SPECIAL VEHICLE (SV) LOADING: This loading is to be adopted for
design of new bridges in select corridors as may be decided by concerned authorities
where passage of trailer vehicles carrying stator units, turbines, heavy equipment and
machinery may occur occasionally. This loading represents a spectrum of special vehicles
in the country and should be considered for inclusion in the design wherever applicable.

For particulars of the above five types of loading, see Clause 204.

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201.2 Existing bridges which were not originally constructed or later strengthened to
take one of the above specified I.R.C. Loadings will be classified by giving each a number
equal to that of the highest standard load class whose effects it can safely withstand.

Annex A gives the essential data regarding the limiting loads in each bridges class,
and forms the basis for the classification of bridges.

201.3 Individual bridges and culverts designed to take electric tramways or other
special loadings and not constructed to take any of the loadings described in Clause 201.1
shall be classified in the appropriate load class indicated in Clause 201.2.


202.1 The loads, forces and load effects to be considered in designing road bridges
and culverts are :

1) Dead Load G
2) Live Load Q
3) Snow Load Gs
(See note i)
4) Impact factor on vehicular live load Qim

5) Impact due to floating bodies or Vessels as the Fim

cases may be
6) Vehicle collision load Vc
7) Wind load cW
8) Water current Fwc
9) Longitudinal forces caused by tractive effort of Fa/Fb/Ff
vehicles or by braking of vehicles and/or those
caused by restraint of movement of free
bearings by friction or deformation
10) Centrifugal force Fcf
11) Buoyancy Gb
12) Earth Pressure including live load surcharge, if Fep
13) Temperature effects (see note ii) Fte
14) Deformation effects Fd

IRC: 6-2016

15) Secondary effects Fs

16) Erection effects Fer
17) Seismic force Feq
18) Wave pressure (see note iii) Fwp
19) Grade effect (see note iv) Ge

Notes :
1. The snow loads may be based be based on actual observation or past records in the
particular area or local practices, if existing.
2. Temperature effects (Fte) in this context is not the frictional force due to the movement of
bearing but forces that are caused by the restraint effects.
3. The wave forces shall be determined by suitable analysis considering drawing and
inertia forces etc. on single structural members based on rational methods or model
studies. In case of group of piles, piers etc., proximity effects shall also be considered.
4. For bridges built in grade or cross-fall, the bearings shall normally be set level by varying
the thickness of the plate situated between the upper face of the bearing and lower face
of the beam or by any other suitable arrangement. However, where the bearings are
required to be set parallel to the inclined grade or cross-fall of the superstructure, an
allowance shall be made for the longitudinal and transverse components of the vertical
loads on the bearings.

202.2 All members shall be designed to sustain safely most critical combination of
various loads, forces and stresses that can co-exist and all calculations shall tabulate
distinctly the various combinations of the above loads and stresses covered by the design.
Besides temperature, effect of environment on durability shall be considered as per
relevant codes.

202.3 Combination of Loads and Forces and Permissible Increase in Stresses

The load combination shown in Table 1 shall be adopted for working out stresses in the
members. The permissible increase of stresses in various members due to these
combinations is also indicated therein. These combinations of forces are not applicable for
working out base pressure on foundations for which provision made in relevant IRC Bridge
Code shall be adopted. For calculating stresses in members using working stress method
of design the load combination shown in Table 1 shall be adopted.

The load combination as shown in Annex B shall be adopted for limit state design

Table 1: Load Combinations and Permissible Stresses (Clause 202.3)

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IRC: 6-2016

1) *Where Snow Load is applicable, Clause 221 shall be referred for combination of snow
load and live load
2) Any load combination involving temperature, wind and/or earthquake acting
independently or in combination, maximum permissible tensile stress in Prestressed
Concrete Members shall be limited to the value as per relevant Code (IRC:112).
3) Use of fractional live load shown in Table 1 is applicable only when the design live load
given in Table 6 is considered. The structure must also be checked with no live load.
4) The gradient effect due to temperature is considered in the load combinations IIB and
IIIB. The reduced live load (Q) is indicated as 0.5. Its effects (Fa, Fb and Fcf) are also
shown as 0.5, as 0.5 stands for the reduced live load to be considered in this case.
However for Ff it is shown as 1, since it has effects of dead load besides reduced live
load. Qim being a factor of live load as shown as 1. Whenever a fraction of live load 0.5
shown in the above Table under column Q is specified, the associated effects due to live
load (Qim, Fa, Fb, Ff and Fcf) shall be considered corresponding to the associated fraction
of live load. When the gradient effect is considered, the effects, if any due to overall rise
of fall of temperature of the structure shall also be considered.
5) Seismic effect during erection stage is reduced to half in load combination IX when
construction phase does not exceed 5 years.
6) The load combinations (VIII and IX) relate to the construction stage of a new bridge. For
repair, rehabilitation and retrofitting, the load combination shall be project-specific.
7) Clause 219.5.2 may be referred to, for reduction of live load in Load Combination VI.


The dead load carried by a girder or member shall consist of the portion of the weight of
the superstructure (and the fixed loads carried thereon) which is supported wholly or in
part by the girder or member including its own weight. The following unit weights of
materials shall be used in determining loads, unless the unit weights have been
determined by actual weighing of representative samples of the materials in question, in
which case the actual weights as thus determined shall be used.

Materials Weight
1) Ashlar (granite) 2.7
2) Ashlar (sandstone) 2.4
3) Stone setts :
a) Granite 2.6
b) Basalt 2.7

IRC: 6-2016

4) Ballast (stone screened, broken, 2.5 cm to 7.5 cm

guage, loose):
a) Granite 1.4
b) Basalt 1.6
5) Brickwork (pressed) in cement mortar 2.2
6) Brickwork (common) in cement mortar 1.9
7) Brickwork (common) in lime mortar 1.8
8) Concrete (asphalt) 2.2
9) Concrete (breeze) 1.4
10) Concrete (cement-plain) 2.5
11) Concrete (cement plain with plums) 2.5
12) Concrete (cement-reinforced) 2.5
13) Concrete (cement-prestressed) 2.5
14) Concrete (lime-brick aggregate) 1.9
15) Concrete (lime-stone aggregate) 2.1
16) Earth (compacted) 2.0
17) Gravel 1.8
18) Macadam (binder premix) 2.2
19) Macadam (rolled) 2.6
20) Sand (loose) 1.4
21) Sand (wet compressed) 1.9
22) Coursed rubble stone masonry (cement mortar) 2.6
23) Stone masonry (lime mortar) 2.4
24) Water 1.0
25) Wood 0.8
26) Cast iron 7.2
27) Wrought iron 7.7
28) Steel (rolled or cast) 7.8

IRC: 6-2016


204.1 Details of I.R.C. Loadings

204.1.1 For bridges classified under Clause 201.1, the design live load shall consist of
standard wheeled or tracked vehicles or trains of vehicles as illustrated in Figs. 1, 2 & 4
and Annex A or Special Vehicle (SV) as per Clause 204.5, if applicable. The trailers
attached to the driving unit are not to be considered as detachable.



Fig. 1: Class 70 R Wheeled and Tracked Vehicles (Clause 204.1)

1) The nose to tail spacing between two successive vehicles shall not be less than 90 m for
tracked vehicle. For wheeled vehicle, spacing between successive vehicles shall not be
less than 30 m. It will be measured from the centre of the rear-most axle of the leading
vehicle to the centre of the first axle of the following vehicle.

IRC: 6-2016

2) For multi-lane bridges and culverts, each Class 70R loading shall be considered to
occupy two lanes and no other vehicle shall be allowed in these two lanes. The
passing/crossing vehicle can only be allowed on lanes other than these two lanes. Load
combination is as shown in Table 6 & 6A.
3) The maximum loads for the wheeled vehicle shall be 20 tonne for a single axle or 40
tonne for a bogie of two axles spaced not more than 1.22 m centres.
4) Class 70R loading is applicable only for bridges having carriageway width of 5.3 m and
above (i.e. 1.2 x 2 + 2.9 = 5.3). The minimum clearance between the road face of the
kerb and the outer edge of the wheel or track, C, shall be 1.2 m.
5) The minimum clearance between the outer edge of wheel or track of passing or crossing
vehicles for multilane bridge shall be 1.2 m. Vehicles passing or crossing can be either
same class or different class, Tracked or Wheeled.
6) Axle load in tonnes, linear dimension in meters.
7) For tyre tread width deductions and other important notes, refer NOTES given in Annex

204.1.2 Within the kerb to kerb width of the roadway, the standard vehicle or train shall be
assumed to travel parallel to the length of the bridge and to occupy any position which will
produce maximum stresses provided that the minimum clearances between a vehicle and
the roadway face of kerb and between two passing or crossing vehicles, shown in Figs. 1,
2 & 4, are not encroached upon

204.1.3 For each standard vehicle or train, all the axles of a unit of vehicles shall be
considered as acting simultaneously in a position causing maximum stresses.

204.1.4 Vehicles in adjacent lanes shall be taken as headed in the direction producing
maximum stresses.

204.1.5 The spaces on the carriageway left uncovered by the standard train of vehicles
shall not be assumed as subject to any additional live load unless otherwise shown in
Table 6.

204.2 Dispersion of Load through Fills of Arch Bridges

The dispersion of loads through the fills above the arch shall be assumed at 45 degrees
both along and perpendicular to the span in the case of arch bridges.

IRC: 6-2016


Class ATrain of Vehicles

Fig. 2: Class A Train of Vehicles (Clause 204.1)

1) The nose to tail distance between successive trains shall not be less than 18.5 m.
2) For single lane bridges having carriageway width less than 5.3 m, one lane of Class A
shall be considered to occupy 2.3 m. Remaining width of carriageway shall be loaded
with 500 Kg/m2, as shown in Table 6.
3) For multi-lane bridges each Class A loading shall be considered to occupy single lane
for design purpose. Live load combinations as shown in Table 6 shall be followed.
4) The ground contact area of the wheels shall be as given in Table 2.

IRC: 6-2016

Table 2: Ground Contact Dimensions for Class A Loading

Ground contact area

Axle load (tonne)
B (mm) W (mm)
11.4 250 500
6.8 200 380
2.7 150 200

Fig.3: Minimum Clearance for 2 Class A Train Vehicles

5) The minimum clearance, f, between outer edge of the wheel and the roadway face of the
kerb and the minimum clearance, g, between the outer edges of passing or crossing
vehicles on multi-lane bridges shall be as given in Table 3.

Table 3: Minimum Clearance for Class A Train Vehicle

Clear carriageway width g f

5.3 m(*) to 6.1 m(**) Varying between 0.4 m to 1.2 m 150 mm for all
Above 6.1 m 1.2 m width

(*) = [2x(1.8+0.5)+0.4+2x0.15]
(**)= [2x(1.8+0.5)+1.2+2x0.15]

6) Axle loads in tonne. Linear dimensions in metre.

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Class B Train of Vehicles

Fig. 4: Class B Train of Vehicles (Clause 204.1)

IRC: 6-2016

1) The nose to tail distance between successive trains shall not be less than 18.5 m.
2) No other live load shall cover any part of the carriageway when a train of vehicles (or
trains of vehicles in multi-lane bridge) is crossing bridge.
3) The ground contact area of the wheels shall be as given in Table 4.

Table 4: Ground Contact Dimensions for Class B Loading

Ground contact area

Axle load (tonne)
B (mm) W (mm)
6.8 200 380
4.1 150 300
1.6 125 175

Fig. 5: Minimum Clearance for 2 Class B Train

4) For bridges having carriageway width less than 5.06 m, only single lane of Class B
loading shall be considered.
5) The minimum clearances, f, between outer edge of the wheel and the roadway face of
the kerb and the minimum clearance, g, between the outer edges of passing or crossing
vehicles on multi-lane bridges shall be as given in Table 5
6) Axle loads in tonne. Linear dimensions in metre

Table 5: Minimum Clearance for Class B Train

Clear carriageway width g f

5.06 m(*) to 5.86 m(**) Varying between 0.4 m to
1.2 m 150 mm for all
carriageway width
Above 5.86 m 1.2 m
(*) = [2x(1.8+0.38)+0.4+2x0.15]
(**)= [2x(1.8+0.38)+1.2+2x0.15]
IRC: 6-2016

204.3 Combination of Live Load

This clause shall be read in conjunction with Clause 104.3 of IRC:5. The carriageway live
load combination shall be considered for the design as shown in Table 6 .
Table 6: Live Load Combination

Load Combination
Carriageway Width Number of Lanes for
S.No (Refer Table 6A for
(CW) Design Purposes
diagrammatic representation)
1) Less than 5.3 m 1 One lane of Class A considered
to occupy 2.3 m. The remaining
width of carriageway shall be
loaded with 500 kg/m2
2) 5.3 m and above but One lane of Class 70R OR two
less than 9.6 m lanes for Class A
3) 9.6 m and above but One lane of Class 70R for every
less than 13.1 m two lanes with one lanes of
Class A on the remaining lane
OR 3 lanes of Class A
4) 13.1 m and above One lane of Class 70R for every
but less than 16.6 m two lanes with one lane of Class
5) 16.6 m and above A for the remaining lanes, if
5 any, OR one lane of Class A for
but less than 20.1 m
each lane.
20.1 m and above
6) 6
but less than 23.6 m

Notes :
1) The minimum width of the two-lane carriageway shall be 7.5 m as per Clause 104.3 of
2) See Note No. 2 below Fig. A-1 of Annex A regarding use of 70R loading in place of
Class AA Loading and vice-versa.

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Table 6A: Live Load Combinations

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Table 6A: Live Load Combinations contd..

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Table 6A: Live Load Combinations contd..

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Table 6A: Live Load Combinations contd..

a) Class 70R Wheeled loading in the Table 6 & 6A can be replaced by Class 70R
tracked, Class AA tracked or Class AA wheeled vehicle.
b) Maximum number of vehicles which can be considered, are only shown in the Table
6A. In case minimum number of vehicles govern the design (e.g. torsion) the same
shall also be considered.
c) All dimensions in Table 6A are in metre.

204.4 Congestion Factor

For bridges, Flyovers/grade separators close to areas such as ports, heavy industries
and mines and any other areas where frequent congestion of heavy vehicles may occur,
as may be decided by the concerned authorities, additional check for congestion of
vehicular live load on the carriageway shall be considered. In the absence of any
stipulated value, the congestion factor, as mentioned in Table 7 shall be considered as
multiplying factor on the global effect of vehicular live load (including impact). Under this
condition, horizontal force due to braking/acceleration, centrifugal action, temperature
effect and effect of transverse eccentricity of live load impact shall not be included.

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Table 7: Congestion Factor

S. No. Span Range Congestion factor

1) Above 10 m and upto 30 m 1.15
2) 30.0 m to 40.0 m 1.15 to 1.30
3) 40.0 m to 50.0 m 1.30 to 1.45
4) 50.0 m to 60.0 m 1.45 to 1.60
5) 60.0 m to 70.0 m 1.60 to 1.70
6) Beyond 70.0 m 1.70

Note: For Intermediate bridges spans, the value of multiplying factor may be interpolated.

204.5 Special Vehicle (SV)

IRC Class SV Loading: Special Multi Axle Hydraulic Trailer Vehicle

(Prime Mover with 20 Axle Trailer - GVW = 385 Tonnes)

204.5.1 The longitudinal axle arrangement of SV loading shall be as given in Fig 6.

Fig 6: Typical Axle Arrangement for Special Vehicle

204.5.2 The transverse wheel spacing and the axle arrangement of SV loading shall be
as given in Fig. 6A

Fig 6A: Transverse Wheel Spacing of Special Vehicle

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204.5.3 The SV loading shall be considered to ply close to center of carriageway with a
maximum eccentricity of 300 mm for single carriageway bridges or for dual carriageway
bridges, as shown Fig. 6B

Fig. 6B: Transverse placement for Special Vehicle

Note: Dimensions in all the above sketches are in millimetres

204.5.4 During the passage of SV loading, no other vehicle shall be considered to ply on
the bridge. No wind, seismic, braking force and dynamic impact on the live load need to be
considered as the SV shall move at a speed not exceeding 5kmph over the bridge. For the
load combination with special vehicle, the partial safety factor on live load for verification of
equilibrium and structural strength under Ultimate Limit State and for verification of
Serviceability Limit State shall be taken as 1.0.

Note: The movement of Special Vehicle shall be regulated / monitored to ensure that it moves at a
speed less than 5 kmph and also does not ply on the bridge on a high wind condition.

204.6 Fatigue Load

Movement of traffic on bridges causes fluctuating stresses, resulting into possible fatigue
damage. The stress spectrum due to vehicular traffic depends on the composition of
traffic, vehicle attributes i.e., gross vehicle weight, axle spacing and axle load, vehicle
spacing, structural configuration of the bridge and dynamic effects.

The truck defined in Fig. 7A shall be used for the fatigue life assessment of steel, concrete
and composite bridges. The transverse wheel spacing and tyre arrangement of this truck
shall be as per Fig. 7B. 50% of the impact factors mentioned in Clause 208 shall be
applied to this fatigue load.

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The stress range resulting from the single passage of the fatigue load along the
longitudinal direction of the bridge, shall be used for fatigue assessment with the fatigue
load so positioned as to have worst effect on the detail or element of the bridge under
consideration. The minimum clearance between outer edge of the wheel of the fatigue
vehicle and roadway face of the kerb shall be 150 mm.

Fig. 7B: Transverse Wheel Spacing

Fig. 7A: Fatigue Truck
and Tyre Arrangement
Fig. 7: Fatigue Load (40T)

For all types of bridges (i.e. Concrete, Steel or Composite) the fatigue check shall be
carried out under frequent combination of Serviceability Limit State (SLS), with load factors
for fatigue load, taken as equal to 1.0. For design for fatigue limit state, reference shall be
made to. IRC:112 for Concrete bridges, IRC:24 for Steel bridges and IRC:22 for Steel
Concrete Composite bridges.

In absence of any specific provision in these codes, following number of cycles may be
considered for fatigue assessment, depending upon the location of the bridge and the
category of roads:
1) The bridges close to areas such as ports, heavy industries and mines and
other areas, where generally heavy vehicles ply shall be designed for the
stress induced due to 10 x 106 cycles.
2) Other bridges shall be designed for the stress induced due to 2 x 106 cycles.

Bridges on rural roads need not be designed for fatigue.

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Reduction in the longitudinal effect on bridges having more than two traffic lanes due to
the low probability that all lanes will be subjected to the characteristic loads simultaneously
shall be in accordance with the Table 8.

Table 8: Reduction in Longitudinal Effects

Number of lanes Reduction in longitudinal effect

For two lanes No reduction
For three lanes 10% reduction
For four lanes 20% reduction
For five or more lanes 20% reduction

1) However, it should be ensured that the reduced longitudinal effects are not less severe
than the longitudinal effect, resulting from simultaneous loads on two adjacent lanes.
Longitudinal effects mentioned above are bending moment, shear force and torsion in
longitudinal direction.
2) Table 8 is applicable for individually supported superstructure of multi-laned carriageway.
In the case of separate sub-structure and foundations, the number of lanes supported by
each of them is to be considered while working out the reduction percentage. In the case
of combined sub-structure and foundations, the total number of lanes for both the
carriageway is to be considered while working out the reduction percentage.



The horizontal force specified for footway, kerb, railings, parapet and crash barriers in this
section need not be considered for the design of main structural members of the bridge.
However, the connection between kerb/railings/parapet, crash barrier and the deck should
be adequately designed and detailed.

206.1 For all parts of bridge floors accessible only to pedestrians and animals and for
all footways the loading shall be 400 kg/m 2. For the design of foot over bridges the loading
shall be taken as 500 kg/m2. Where crowd loads are likely to occur, such as, on bridges
located near towns, which are either centres of pilgrimage or where large congregational
fairs are held seasonally, the intensity of footway loading shall be increased from 400

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kg/m2 to 500 kg/m2. When crowd load is considered, the bridge should also be designed
for the case of entire carriageway being occupied by crowd load.

206.2 Kerbs, 0.6 m or more in width, shall be designed for the above loads and for a
local lateral force of 750 kg per metre, applied horizontally at top of the kerb. If kerb width
is less than 0.6 m, no live load shall be applied in addition to the lateral load specified

206.3 In bridges designed for any of the loadings described in Clause 204.1, the main
girders, trusses, arches, or other members supporting the footways shall be designed for
the following live loads per square metre for footway area, the loaded length of footway
taken in each case being, such as, to produce the worst effects on the member under
a) For effective span of 7.5 m or less, 400 kg/m2 or 500 kg/m2 as the case may
be, based on Sub-Clause 206.1.
b) For effective spans of over 7.5 m but not exceeding 30 m, the intensity of
load shall be determined according to the equation:
40 300
= ( )
c) For effective spans of over 30 m, the intensity of load shall be
determined according to the equation :
4800 16.5
= ( 260 + )( )
P = 400 kg/m2 or 500 kg/m2 as the case may be, based on Sub-Clause
206.1. When crowd load is considered for design of the bridge, the
reduction mentioned in this clause will not be applicable.
P = the live load in kg/m2
L = the effective span of the main girder, truss or arch in m, and
W = width of the footway in m

206.4 Each part of the footway shall be capable of resisting an accidental load of 4
tonne, which shall be deemed to include impact, distributed over a contact area of 300 mm
in diameter. For working stress approach, the permissible stress shall be increased by
25% to meet this provision. For limit state design, the load combination as per Table B-2
shall be followed. This provision need not be made where vehicles cannot mount the
footway as in the case of a footway separated from the roadway by means of an
insurmountable obstacle, such as, crash barrier, truss or a main girder.
Note : A footway kerb shall be considered mountable by vehicles.

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206.5 The Pedestrian/Bicycle Railings/Parapets

The pedestrian/bicycle railings/parapets can be of a large variety of construction. The

design loads for two basic types are given below:-

i) Type : Solid/partially filled in parapet continuously cantilevering along full

length from deck level
Loading : Horizontal and vertical load of 150 kg/m acting simultaneously on the
top level of the parapet.
ii) Type : Frame type with discrete vertical posts cantilevering from the
curb/deck with minimum two rows of horizontal rails (third row
bring the curb itself, or curb replaced by a low level 3rd rail). The rails
may be simply supported or continuous over the posts
Loading : Each horizontal railing designed for horizontal and vertical load of
150 kg/m, acting simultaneously over the rail. The filler portion,
supported between any two horizontal rails and vertical rails should
be designed to resist horizontal load of 150 kg/m2. The posts to resist
horizontal load of 150 kg/m X spacing between posts in metres acting
on top of the post.

206.6 Crash Barriers

Crash barriers are designed to withstand the impact of vehicles of certain weights at
certain angle while travelling at the specified speed as given in Table 9. They are
expected to guide the vehicle back on the road while keeping the level of damage to
vehicle as well as to the barriers within acceptable limits.

Table 9: Application for design of Crash Barrier

Category Application Containment for

P-1: Normal Containment Bridges carrying expressway, or 15 kN vehicle at 110 km/h, and
equivalent 20o angle of impact
P-2: Low Containment All other bridges except bridge 15 kN vehicle at 80 km/h and
over railways 20o angle of impact
P-3: High Containment At hazardous and high risk 300 kN vehicle at 60 km/h and
locations, over busy railway lines, 20o angle of impact
complex interchanges, etc.

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The barriers can be of rigid type, using cast-in-situ/precast reinforced concrete panels, or
of flexible type, constructed using metallic cold-rolled and/or hot-rolled sections. The
metallic type, called semi-rigid type, suffers large dynamic deflection of the order of 0.9 to
1.2 m due to impact, whereas the rigid concrete type suffers comparatively negligible
deflection. The efficacy of the two types of barriers is established on the basis of full size
tests carried out by the laboratories specializing in such testing. Due to the complexities of
the structural action, the value of impact force cannot be quantified.

Table 10: Minimum Design Resistance

Types of Crash Barrier

S.No Requirement P-1 In-situ/ P-2 In-situ/ P-3 In-situ
Precast Precast
1) Shape Shape on traffic side to be as per IRC:5, or
New Jersey (NJ) Type of F Shape designated
thus by AASHTO
2) Minimum grade of concrete M40 M40 M40
3) Minimum thickness of R C wall 175 mm 175 mm 250 mm
(at top)
4) Minimum moment of resistance 15 kNm/m 7.5 kNm/m 100 kNm/m for
at base of the wall [see note (i)] end section and
for bending in vertical plane with 75 kNm/m for
reinforcement adjacent to the intermediate
traffic face [see note (ii)] section [see note
5) Minimum moment of resistance 7.5 kNm/m 3.75 kNm/m 40 kNm/m
for bending in horizontal plane
with reinforcement adjacent to
outer face [see note (ii)]
6) Minimum moment of resistance 22.5 11.25 Not applicable
of anchorage at the base of a kNm/m kNm/m
precast reinforced concrete
7) Minimum transverse shear 44 kN/m of 22.5 Not applicable
resistance at vertical joints joint kN/m of
between precast panels, or at joint
vertical joints made between
lengths of in-situ crash barrier.
8) Minimum height 900 mm 900 mm 1550 mm

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Notes :
i) The base of wall refers to horizontal sections of the parapet within 300 mm above the
adjoining paved surface level. The minimum moments of resistance shall reduce linearly
from the base of wall value to zero at top of the parapet.
ii) In addition to the main reinforcement, in items 4 & 5 above, distribution steel equal to 50
percent of the main reinforcement shall be provided in the respective faces.
iii) For design purpose the crash barrier Type P-3 shall be divided into end sections extending
a distance not greater than 3.0 m from ends of the crash barrier and intermediate sections
extending along remainder of the crash barrier.
iv) If concrete barrier is used as a median divider, the steel is required to be placed on both
v) In case of P-3 In-situ type, a minimum horizontal transverse shear resistance of 135 kN/m
shall be provided.

A certificate from such laboratory can be the only basis of acceptance of the semi-rigid
type, in which case all the design details and construction details tested by the laboratory
are to be followed in to without modifications and without changing relative strengths and
positions of any of the connections and elements.

For the rigid type of barrier, the same method is acceptable. However, in absence of
testing/test certificate, the minimum design resistance shown in Table 10 should be built
into the section

206.7 Vehicle barriers/pedestrian railing between footpath and carriageway

Where considerable pedestrian traffic is expected, such as, in/near townships, rigid type of
reinforced concrete crash barrier should be provided separating the vehicular traffic from
the same. The design and construction details should be as per Clause 206.6. For any
other type of rigid barrier, the strength should be equivalent to that of rigid RCC type.

For areas of low intensity of pedestrian traffic, semi-rigid type of barrier, which suffers
large deflections, can be adopted.

207 Tramway Loading

207.1 When a road bridge carries tram lines, the live load due to the type of tram cars
sketched in Fig. 8 shall be computed and shall be considered to occupy a 3 m width of

207.2 A nose to tail sequence of the tram cars or any other sequence which produces
the heaviest stresses shall be considered in the design.
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Fig. 8 Average Dimension of Tramway Rolling Stock (Clause 207.1)

1) Clearance between passing single deck bogie cars on straight tracks laid at standard
2.75 m track centres shall be 300 mm.
2) Clearance between passing double bogie cars on straight tracks laid at standard 2.75 m
track centres shall be 450 mm.
3) Linear dimensions in meter.


Description Loaded Weight (tonne) Unloaded Weight (tonne)

Single truck (Single deck) 9.6 7.9
Bogie car (Single deck) 15.3 12.2
Bogie car (Double deck) 21.5 16.0

207.3 Stresses shall be calculated for the following two conditions and the maximum
thereof considered in the design:-
a) Tram loading, followed and preceded by the appropriate standard loading
specified in Clause 204.1 together with that standard loading on the traffic
lanes not occupied by the tram car lines.
b) The appropriate standard loading specified in Clause 204.1 without any tram

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208.1 Provision for impact or dynamic action shall be made by an increment of the live load
by an impact allowance expressed as a fraction or a percentage of the applied live load.

208.2 For Class A or Class B Loading

In the members of any bridge designed either for Class A or Class B loading (vide Clause
204.1), this impact percentage shall be determined from the curves indicated in Fig.9. The
impact fraction shall be determined from the following equations which are applicable for
spans between 3 m and 45 m
i. Impact factor fraction for reinforced concrete bridges =

ii. Impact factor fraction for steel bridges =

Where L is length in meters of the span as specified in Clause 208.5

208.3 For Class AA Loading and Class 70R Loading

The value of the impact percentage shall be taken as follows:-

a) For spans less than 9 m :

For tracked vehicles 25 percent for spans upto 5 m linearly reducing to
10 percent for spans upto 9 m
For wheeled vehicles : 25 Percent
b) For spans of 9 m or more :
i) Reinforced Concrete Bridges

1) Tracked Vehicles : 10 percent upto a span of 40 m and in accordance

with the curve in Fig. 9 for spans in excess of 40 m
2) Wheeled Vehicles : 25 percent for spans upto 12 m and in accordance
with the curve in Fig. 9 for spans in excess of 12 m.
ii) Steel Bridges

3) Tracked Vehicles : 10 percent for all spans

4) Wheeled vehicles : 25 percent for spans upto 23 m and in accordance

with the curve indicated in Fig. 9 for spans in
excess of 23 m
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Fig. 9: Impact Percentage for Highway Bridges for Class A and Class B Loading
(Clause 208.2)

208.4 No impact allowance shall be added to the footway loading specified in Clause 206.

208.5 The span length to be considered for arriving at the impact percentages specified
in Clause 208.2 and 208.3 shall be as follows:
a) For spans simply supported or continuous or for arches, the effective span
on which the load is placed.
b) For bridges having cantilever arms without suspended spans the effective
overhang of the cantilever arms reduced by 25 percent for loads on the
cantilever arms and the effective span between supports for loads on the
main span.
c) For bridges having cantilever arms with suspended span the effective
overhang of the cantilever arm plus half the length of the suspended span for
loads on the cantilever arm, the effective length of the suspended span for
loads on the suspended span and the effective span between supports for
load on the main span.

Note: For individual members of a bridge, such as, a cross girder or deck slab, etc. the
value of L mentioned in Clause 208.2 or the spans mentioned in clause 208.3 shall be the
effective span of the member under consideration.

208.6 In any bridge structure where there is a filling of not less than 0.6 m including the
road crust, the impact percentage to be allowed in the design shall be assumed to be one-
half of what is specified in Clauses 208.2 and 208.3.
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208.7 For calculating the pressure on the bearings and on the top surface of the bed
blocks, full value of the appropriate impact percentage shall be allowed. But, for the design
of piers abutments and structures, generally below the level of the top of the bed block,
the appropriate impact percentage shall be multiplied by the factor given below:

a) For calculating the pressure at the bottom : 0.5

surface of the bed block
b) For calculating the pressure on the top 3 m : 0.5
of the structure below the bed block decreasing uniformly
to zero
c) For calculating the pressure on the portion of : zero
structure more than 3 m below the bed block

208.8 In the design of members subjected to among other stresses, direct tension,
such as, hangers in a bowstring girder bridge and in the design of member subjected to
direct compression, such as, spandrel columns or walls in an open spandrel arch, the
impact percentage shall be taken the same as that applicable to the design of the
corresponding member or members of the floor system which transfer loads to the tensile
or compressive members in question.

208.9 These clauses on impact do not apply to the design of suspension bridges and
foot over bridges. In cable suspended bridges and in other bridges where live load to dead
load ratio is high, the dynamic effects such as vibration and fatigue shall be considered.
For long span foot over bridges (with frequency less than 5 Hz and 1.5 Hz in vertical and
horizontal direction) the dynamic effects shall be considered, if necessary, for which
specialist literature may be referred.


209.1 This clause is applicable to normal span bridges with individual span length up to
150 m or for bridges with height of pier up to 100 m. For all other bridges including cable
stayed bridges, suspension bridges and ribbon bridges specialist literature shall be used
for computation of design wind load.

209.1.1 The wind pressure acting on a bridge depends on the geographical

locations, the terrain of surrounding area, the fetch of terrain upwind of the site location,
the local topography, the height of bridge above the ground, horizontal dimensions and
cross-section of bridge or its element under consideration. The maximum pressure is due
to gusts that cause local and transient fluctuations about the mean wind pressure.

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All structures shall be designed for the wind forces as specified in Clause 209.3 and 209.4.
These forces shall be considered to act in such a direction that the resultant stresses in
the member under consideration are maximum.

In addition to applying the prescribed loads in the design of bridge elements, stability
against overturning, uplift and sliding due to wind shall be considered.

209.2 The wind speed at the location of bridge shall be based on basic wind speed map
as shown in Fig. 10. The intensity of wind force shall be based on hourly mean wind
speed and pressure as shown in Table 12. The hourly mean wind speed and pressure
values given in Table 12 corresponds to a basic wind speed of 33 m/s, return period of
100 years, for bridges situated in plain terrain and terrain with obstructions, with a flat
topography. The hourly mean wind pressure shall be appropriately modified depending on
the location of bridge for other basic wind speed as shown in Fig. 10 and used for design
(see notes below Table 12).

Table 12: Hourly Mean Wind Speed and Wind pressure

(For a Basic wind speed of 33 m/s as shown in Fig. 10)

Bridge Situated in
Plain Terrain Terrain with Obstructions
H (m)
Vz (m/s) Pz (N/m2) Vz (m/s) Pz (N/m2)
Up to 10 m 27.80 463.70 17.80 190.50
15 29.20 512.50 19.60 230.50
20 30.30 550.60 21.00 265.30
30 31.40 590.20 22.80 312.20
50 33.10 659.20 24.90 373.40
60 33.60 676.30 25.60 392.90
70 34.00 693.60 26.20 412.80
80 34.40 711.20 26.90 433.30
90 34.90 729.00 27.50 454.20
100 35.30 747.00 28.20 475.60
H = the average height in metres of exposed surface above the mean
retarding surface (ground or bed or water level)
Vz = Hourly mean speed of wind in m/s at height H
Pz = Horizontal wind pressure in N/m2 at height H
Notes :
1) Intermediate values may be obtained by linear interpolation.

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2) Plain terrain refers to open terrain with no obstruction or with very well scattered
obstructions having height up to 10 m. Terrain with obstructions refers to a terrain with
numerous closely spaced structures, forests or trees upto 10 m in height with few
isolated tall structures or terrain with large number of high closed spaced obstruction like
structures, trees forests etc.
3) For other values of basic wind speed as indicated in Fig. 10, the hourly mean wind
speed shall be obtained by multiplying the corresponding wind speed value by the ratio
of basic wind speed at the location of bridge to the value corresponding to Table 12,
(i.e., 33 m/sec.)
4) The hourly mean wind pressure at an appropriate height and terrain shall be obtained by
multiplying the corresponding pressure value for base wind speed as indicated in Table
12 by the ratio of square of basic wind speed at the location of wind to square of base
wind speed corresponding to Table 12 (i.e., 33 m/sec).
5) If the topography (hill, ridge escarpment or cliff) at the structure site can cause
acceleration or funneling of wind, the wind pressure shall be further increased by 20
percent as stated in Note 4.
6) For construction stages, the hourly mean wind pressure shall be taken as 70 percent of
the value calculated as stated in Note 4 and 5.
7) For the design of foot over bridges in the urban situations and in plain terrain, a minimum
horizontal wind load of 1.5 kN/m2 (150 kg/m2) and 2 kN/m2 (200 kg/m2) respectively shall
be considered to be acting on the frontal area of the bridge.

209.3 Design Wind Force on Superstructure

209.3.1 The superstructure shall be designed for wind induced horizontal forces (acting in
the transverse and longitudinal direction) and vertical loads acting simultaneously. The
assumed wind direction shall be perpendicular to longitudinal axis for a straight structure
or to an axis chosen to maximize the wind induced effects for a structure curved in plan.

209.3.2 The transverse wind force on a bridge superstructure shall be estimated as

specified in Clause 209.3.3 and acting on the area calculated as follows:
a) For a deck structure:
The area of the structure as seen in elevation including the floor system and
railing, less area of perforations in hand railing or parapet walls shall be
considered. For open and solid parapets, crash barriers and railings, the
solid area in normal projected elevation of the element shall be considered.
b) For truss structures:
Appropriate area as specified in Annex C shall be taken.
c) For construction stages:
The area at all stages of construction shall be the appropriate unshielded
solid area of structure.
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209.3.3 The transverse wind force FT (in N) shall be taken as acting at the centroids of
the appropriate areas and horizontally and shall be estimated from:

FT = PZ x A1 x G x CD

where, PZ is the hourly mean wind pressure in N/m2 (see Table 12) , A1 is the solid area in
m2 (see Clause 209.3.2), G is the gust factor and CD is the drag coefficient depending on
the geometric shape of bridge deck.

For highway bridges up to a span of 150 m, which are generally not sensitive to
dynamic action of wind, gust factor shall be taken as 2.0.

The drag coefficient for slab bridges with width to depth ratio of cross-section, i.e b/d 10
shall be taken as 1.1.

For bridge decks supported by single beam or box girder, CD shall be taken as 1.5 for b/d
ratio of 2 and as 1.3 if b/d 6. For intermediate b/d ratios CD shall be interpolated. For
deck supported by two or more beams or box girders, where the ratio of clear distance
between the beams of boxes to the depth does not exceed 7, CD for the combined
structure shall be taken as 1.5 times CD for the single beam or box.

For deck supported by single plate girder it shall be taken as 2.2. When the deck is
supported by two or more plate girders, for the combined structure CD shall be taken as
2(1+c/20d), but not more than 4, where c is the centre to centre distance of adjacent
girders, and d is the depth of windward girder.

For truss girder superstructure the drag coefficients shall be derived as given in Annex C.

For other type of deck cross-sections CD shall be ascertained either from wind tunnel tests
or, if available, for similar type of structure, specialist literature shall be referred to.

209.3.4 The longitudinal force on bridge superstructure FL (in N) shall be taken as 25

percent and 50 percent of the transverse wind load as calculated as per Clause 209.3.3
for beam/ box/plate girder bridges and truss girder bridges respectively.

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Fig. 10: Basic Wind Speed in m/s (BASED ON 50-YEARS RETURN PERIOD)
The Fig. 10 have been reproduced in confirmation of Bureau of Indian Standards

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209.3.5 An upward or downward vertical wind load FV (in N) acting at the centroid of the
appropriate area, for all superstructures shall be derived from:

FV = PZ x A3 x G x CL
Pz = Hourly mean wind speed in N/m2 at height H
A3 = Area in plain in m2
CL = Lift coefficient which shall be taken as 0.75 for normal type of slab, box,
I-girder and plate girder bridges. For other type of deck cross-sections
CL shall be ascertained either from wind tunnel tests or, if available, for
similar type of structure. Specialist literature shall be referred to.
G = Gust factor as defined in 209.3.3

209.3.6 The transverse wind load per unit exposed frontal area of the live load shall
be computed using the expression FT given in Clause 209.3.3 except that CD against shall
be taken as 1.2. The exposed frontal area of live load shall be the entire length of
the superstructure seen in elevation in the direction of wind as defined in clause or any
part of that length producing critical response, multiplied by a height of 3.0 m above the
road way surface. Areas below the top of a solid barrier shall be neglected.

The longitudinal wind load on live load shall be taken as 25 percent of transverse wind
load as calculated above. Both loads shall be applied simultaneously acting at 1.5 m
above the roadway.

209.3.7 The bridges shall not be considered to be carrying any live load when the
wind speed at deck level exceeds 36 m/s.

209.3.8 In case of cantilever construction an upward wind pressure of PZ x CL x G N/m2

(see Clause 209.3.5 for notations) on bottom soffit area shall be assumed on stabilizing
cantilever arm in addition to the transverse wind effect calculated as per Clause 209.3.3.
In addition to the above, other loads defined in Clause 218.3 shall also be taken into

209.4 Design Wind Forces on Substructure

The substructure shall be designed for wind induced loads transmitted to it from the
superstructure and wind loads acting directly on the substructure. Loads for wind
directions both normal and skewed to the longitudinal centerline of the superstructure shall
be considered.
FT shall be computed using expression in Clause 209.3.3 with A1 taken as the solid area
in normal projected elevation of each pier. No allowance shall be made for shielding.

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For piers, CD shall be taken from Table 13. For piers with cross-section dissimilar to
those given in Table 13, CD shall be ascertained either from wind tunnel tests or, if
available, for similar type of structure, specialist literature shall be referred to CD shall be
derived for each pier, without shielding.

Table 13 Drag Coefficients CD for piers

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1) For rectangular piers with rounded corners with radius r, the value of CD derived from
Table 13 shall be multiplied by (1-1.5 r/b) or 0.5, whichever is greater.
2) For a pier with triangular nosing, CD shall be derived as for the rectangle encompassing
the outer edges of pier.
3) For pier tapering with height, CD shall be derived for each of the unit heights into
which the support has been subdivided. Mean values of t and b for each unit height
shall be used to evaluate t/b. The overall pier height and mean breadth of each unit
height shall be used to evaluate height/breadth.
4) After construction of the superstructure CD shall be derived for height to breadth ratio of

209.5 Wind Tunnel Testing

Wind tunnel testing by established procedures shall be conducted for dynamically

sensitive structures such as cable stayed, suspension bridges etc., including modeling
of appurtenances.


210.1 Any part of a road bridge which may be submerged in running water shall
be designed to sustain safely the horizontal pressure due to the force of the current.

210.2 On piers parallel to the direction of the water current, the intensity of pressure
shall be calculated from the following equation:
P = 52KV2
P = intensity of pressure due to water current, in kg/m2
V = the velocity of the current at the point where the pressure intensity is
being calculated, in metre per second, and
K = a constant having the following values for different shapes of piers
illustrated in Fig.11
i) Square ended piers (and for the superstructure) 1.50
ii) Circular piers or piers with semi-circular ends 0.66
iii) Piers with triangular cut and ease waters, the angle 0.50
included between the faces being 30 or less
iv) Piers with triangular cut and ease waters, the angle 0.50
included between the faces being more than 30 but to 0.70
less than 60

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v) Piers with triangular cut and ease waters, the angle 0.70
included between the faces being more than 60 but to 0.90
less than 90
vi) Piers with cut and ease waters of equilateral arcs of 0.45
vii) Piers with arcs of the cut and ease waters intersecting 0.50
at 90

Fig.11: Shapes of Bridge Piers (Clause 210.2)

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210.3 The value of V2 in the equation given in Clause 210.2 shall be assumed to vary
linearly from zero at the point of deepest scour to the square of the maximum velocity at
the free surface of water. The maximum velocity for the purpose of this sub-clause shall be
assumed to be 2 times the maximum mean velocity of the current.

Fig. 12: Velocity Distribution

Square of velocity at a height 'X' from the point of deepest Scour =U2 =

Where, is the maximum mean velocity.

210.4 When the current strikes the pier at an angle, the velocity of the current shall
be resolved into two components one parallel and the other normal to the pier.
a) The pressure parallel to the pier shall be determined as indicated in Clause
210.2 taking the velocity as the component of the velocity of the current in a
direction parallel to the pier.
b) The pressure of the current, normal to the pier and acting on the area of
the side elevation of the pier, shall be calculated similarly taking the velocity
as the component of the velocity of the current in a direction normal to the pier,
and the constant K as 1.5, except in the case of circular piers where the
constant shall be taken as 0.66.

210.5 To provide against possible variation of the direction of the current from the
direction assumed in the design, allowance shall be made in the design of piers for an extra
variation in the current direction of 20 degrees that is to say, piers intended to be parallel to
the direction of current shall be designed for a variation of 20 degrees from the normal
IRC: 6-2016

direction of current and piers originally intended to be inclined at degree to the direction
of the current shall be designed for a current direction inclined at (20) degrees to the
length of the pier.

210.6 In case of a bridge having a pucca floor or having an inerodible bed, the effect of
cross-currents shall in no case be taken as less than that of a static force due to a
difference of head of 250 mm between the opposite faces of a pier.

210.7 When supports are made with two or more piles or trestle columns, spaced closer
than three times the width of piles/columns across the direction of flow, the group shall be
treated as a solid rectangle of the same overall length and width and the value of K taken
as 1.25 for calculating pressures due to water currents, both parallel and normal to the
pier. If such piles/columns are braced, then the group should be considered as a solid pier,
irrespective of the spacing of the columns.


211.1 In all road bridges, provision shall be made for longitudinal forces arising from
any one or more of the following causes:
a) Tractive effort caused through acceleration of the driving wheels;
b) Braking effect resulting from the application of the brakes to braked
wheels; and
c) Frictional resistance offered to the movement of free bearings due to change
of temperature or any other cause.
Note : Braking effect is invariably greater than the tractive effort.

211.2 The braking effect on a simply supported span or a continuous unit of spans or
on any other type of bridge unit shall be assumed to have the following value:
a) In the case of a single lane or a two lane bridge : twenty percent of the
first train load plus ten percent of the load of the succeeding trains or part
thereof, the train loads in one lane only being considered for the purpose of
this sub- clause. Where the entire first train is not on the full span, the
braking force shall be taken as equal to twenty percent of the loads actually
on the span or continuous unit of spans.
b) In the case of bridges having more than two-lanes: as in (a) above for
the first two lanes plus five per cent of the loads on the lanes in excess of
Note : The loads in this Clause shall not be increased on account of impact.

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211.3 The force due to braking effect shall be assumed to act along a line parallel to the
roadway and 1.2 m above it. While transferring the force to the bearings, the change in
the vertical reaction at the bearings should be taken into account.

211.4 The distribution of longitudinal horizontal forces among bridge supports is effected
by the horizontal deformation of bridges, flexing of the supports and rotation of the
foundations. For spans resting on stiff supports, the distribution may be assumed as
given below in Clause 211.5. For spans resting on flexible supports, distribution of
horizontal forces may be carried out according to procedure given below in Clause 211.6.

211.5 Simply supported and continuous spans on unyielding supports

211.5.1 Simply supported spans on unyielding supports For a simply supported span with fixed and free bearings (other than
elastomeric type) on stiff supports, horizontal forces at the bearing level in the longitudinal
direction shall be greater of the two values given below:

Fixed bearing Free bearing

i) Fh- (Rg+Rq) (Rq+Rg)


ii) (Rg+Rq)
+ (Rg+Rq)
Fh = Applied Horizontal force
Rg = Reaction at the free end due to dead load
Rq = Reaction at free end due to live load
= Coefficient of friction at the movable bearing which shall
be assumed to have the following values:
i) For steel roller bearings 0.03
ii) For concrete roller bearings 0.05
iii) For sliding bearings:
a) Steel on cast iron or steel on 0.4
b) Gray cast iron 0.3
Gray cast iron (Mechanite)
c) Concrete over concrete with 0.5
bitumen layer in between
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d) Teflon on stainless steel 0.03 and 0.05

Whichever is

a) For design of bearing, the corresponding forces may be taken as per relevant IRC
b) Unbalanced dead load shall be accounted for properly. The structure under the fixed
bearing shall be designed to withstand the full seismic and design braking/tractive force. In case of simply supported small spans upto 10 m resting on unyielding

supports and where no bearings are provided, horizontal force in the longitudinal direction
at the bearing level shall be

= or Rg whichever is greater
2 For a simply supported span siting on identical elastomeric bearings at each
end resting on unyielding supports. Force at each end

= + Vr ltc
Vr = Shear rating of the elastomeric bearings
ltc = Movement of deck above bearing, other than that due to
applied force The substructure and foundation shall also be designed for 10 percent variation
in movement of the span of either side.

211.5.2 For continuous bridges with one fixed bearing or other free bearings on
unyielding support refer Table 14 below.

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Table 14: Horizontal forces at Bearing Level for Continuous spans on unyielding supports

Fixed bearing Free bearing

(R L) +ve Fh acting in +ve direction
(a) If, Fh > 2 R
Fh (R + L) Rx
(b) If, Fh < 2R

+ (R L)
1 +

(R L) +ve Fh acting in -ve direction
(c) If, Fh > 2 L
Fh h (R + L)
Fhh< 2L
(d) If, F
1n + (R L)
(R L)
1 +

nL or nR = number of free bearings to the left or right of fixed bearings,
L or R = The total horizontal force developed at the free bearings to
the left or the right of the fixed bearing respectively
Rx = the net horizontal force developed at any one of the free
bearings considered to the left or right of the fixed bearings

Note : In seismic areas, the fixed bearing shall also be checked for full seismic force and
braking/ tractive force. The structure under the fixed bearing shall be designed to withstand the
full seismic and design braking/tractive force.

211.6 Simply Supported and Continuous Spans on Flexible Supports

211.6.1 Shear rating of a support is the horizontal force required to move the top of the
support through a unit distance taking into account horizontal deformation of the bridges,
flexibility of the support and rotation of the foundation. The distribution of applied
longitudinal horizontal forces (e.g., braking, seismic, wind etc.) depends solely on shear
ratings of the supports and may be estimated in proportion to the ratio of individual shear
ratings of a support to the sum of the shear ratings of all the supports.
IRC: 6-2016

211.6.2 The distribution of self-induced horizontal force caused by deck movement

(owing to temperature, shrinkage, creep, elastic shortening, etc.) depends not only on
shear ratings of the supports but also on the location of the zero movement point in the
deck. The shear rating of the supports, the distribution of applied and self-induced
horizontal force and the determination of the point of zero movement may be made as
per recognized theory for which reference may be made to publications on the subjects.

211.7 The effects of braking force on bridge structures without bearings, such as,
arches, rigid frames, etc., shall be calculated in accordance with approved methods of
analysis of indeterminate structures.

211.8 The effects of the longitudinal forces and all other horizontal forces should
be calculated upto a level where the resultant passive earth resistance of the soil below
the deepest scour level (floor level in case of a bridge having pucca floor) balances
these forces.


212.1 Where a road bridge is situated on a curve, all portions of the structure affected
by the centrifugal action of moving vehicles are to be proportioned to carry safely the
stress induced by this action in addition to all other stress to which they may be subjected.

212.2 The centrifugal force shall be determined from the following equation:
C = Centrifugal force acting normally to the traffic (1) at the point of action
of the wheel loads or (2) uniformly distributed over every metre
length on which a uniformly distributed load acts, in tonnes.
W = Live load (1) in case of wheel loads, each wheel load being considered
as acting over the ground contact length specified in Clause 204, in
tonnes, and (2) in case of a uniformly distributed live load, in tonnes
per linear metre
V = The design speed of the vehicles using the bridge in km per hour, and
R = The radius of curvature in metres

212.3 The centrifugal force shall be considered to act at a height of 1.2 m above the
level of the carriageway.

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212.4 No increase for impact effect shall be made on the stress due to centrifugal

212.5 The overturning effect of the centrifugal force on the structure as a whole shall
also be duly considered.


213.1 In the design of abutments, especially those of submersible bridges, the effects
of buoyancy shall also be considered assuming that the fill behind the abutments has
been removed by scour.

213.2 To allow for full buoyancy, a reduction shall be made in the gross weight of
the member affected by reducing its density by the density of the displaced water.
1) The density of water may be taken as 1.0 t/m3
2) For artesian condition, HFL or actual water head, whichever is higher, shall be
considered for calculating the uplift.

213.3 In the design of submerged masonry or concrete structures, the buoyancy

effect through pore pressure may be limited to 15 percent of full buoyancy.

213.4 In case of submersible bridges, the full buoyancy effect on the superstructure
shall be taken into consideration.


214.1 Lateral Earth Pressure

Structure designed to retain earth fills shall be proportioned to withstand pressure

calculated in accordance with any rational theory. Coulombs theory shall be acceptable
for non-cohesive soils. For cohesive soil Coulombs theory is applicable with Bells
correction. For calculating the earth pressure at rest Rankines theory shall be used.

Earth retaining structures shall, however, be designed to withstand a horizontal pressure

not less than that exerted by a fluid weighing 480 kg/m 3 unless special methods are
adopted to eliminate earth pressure.

The provisions made under this clause are not applicable for design of reinforced soil
structures, diaphragm walls and sheet piles etc., for which specialist literature shall be
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214.1.1 Lateral Earth Pressure under Non-Seismic Condition for Non-Cohesive Soil Active pressure

The coefficient of active earth pressure Ka estimated based on Coulomb earth pressure
theory is as shown in Fig. 13A

cos 2( ) 1
Ka =
cos 2 cos( + ) sin( + ) sin( )
1+{ }
[ cos( ) cos( + ) ]

Fig.13A: Diagram for Active Earth Fig.13B: Diagram for Passive Earth
Pressure Pressure
= Angle of internal friction of soil
= Angle which earth face of the wall makes with the vertical
= Slope of earth fill
= Angle of friction between the earth and earth fill should be equal to
2/3 of subjected to a maximum of 22.50

Point of Application: The centre of pressure exerted by the backfill, when considered
dry, is located at an elevation of 0.42 of the height of the wall above the base and 0.33 of
height of wall when considered wet. Passive pressure

The coefficient of active earth pressure Kp estimated based on Coulomb earth pressure
theory is as shown in Fig. 13B

IRC: 6-2016

cos2 ( + ) 1
Kp =
cos 2 cos( ) sin( + ) sin( + )
1{ }
[ cos( ) cos( ) ]
= Angle of internal friction of soil
= Angle which earth face of the wall makes with the vertical
= Slope of earth fill
= Angle of friction between the earth and earth fill should be equal to
2/3 of subjected to a maximum of 22.50

Point of Application: The centre of pressure exerted by the backfill is located at an

elevation of 0.33 of the height of the wall above the base, both for wet and dry back fills. Live Load Surcharge

A live load surcharge shall be applied on abutments and retaining walls. The increase
in horizontal pressure due to live load surcharge shall be estimated as
= k x x h
k = Coefficient of lateral earth pressure
= Density of soil
heq = Equivalent height of soil for vehicular loading which shall be 1.2 m

The live load surcharge need not be considered for any earth retaining structure beyond 3
m from edge of formation width.

214.1.2 Lateral earth pressure under Seismic conditions for non cohesive soil

The pressure from earthfill behind abutments during an earthquake shall be as per
the following expression. Active Pressure due to Earthfill

The total dynamic force in kg/m length wall due to dynamic active earth pressure shall be:
(Paw )dyn = wh2 Ca

IRC: 6-2016

Ca = Coefficient of dynamic active earth pressure
w = Unit weight of soil in kg/m3
h = Height of wall in metre and

214.1.2. (a)

Av = Vertical Seismic coefficient
= Angle of internal friction of soil

= 1
= Angle which earth face of the wall makes with the vertical
= Slope of earth fill
= Angle of friction between the wall and earth fill and
Ah = Horizontal seismic coefficient, shall be taken as (Z/2), for zone
factor Z, refer Table 16

For design purpose, the greater value of Ca shall be taken, out of its two values
corresponding to Av.

Point of application - From the total pressure computed as above subtract the static
active pressure obtained by putting Ah = Av = = 0 in the expression given in equation
214.1.2 (a). The remainder is the dynamic increment. The static component of the total
pressure shall be applied at an elevation h/3 above the base of the wall. The point of
application of the dynamic increment shall be assumed to be at mid-height of the wall. Passive Pressure due to Earthfill

The total dynamic force in kg/m length wall due to dynamic Passive earth pressure shall
(PPw )dyn = wh2 Cp
Cp = Coefficient of dynamic Passive Earth Pressure

214.1.2. (b)

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w, h, , andare as defined in above and

= 1

Point of application From the static passive pressure obtained by putting Ah=Av==0 in
the expression given in equation 214.1.2(b), subtract the total pressure computed as
above. The remainder is the dynamic decrement. The static component of the total pressure
shall be applied at an elevation h/3 above the base of the wall. The point of application of the
dynamic decrement shall be assumed to be at an elevation 0.5h above the base of the
wall. Active Pressure due to Uniform Surcharge

The active pressure against the wall due to a uniform surcharge of intensity q per unit
area of the inclined earthfill surface shall be:
qh cos
( ) = C 214.1.2()
cos( ) a

Point of application - The dynamic increment in active pressures due to uniform

surcharge shall be applied at an elevation of 0.66h above the base of the wall, while the
static component shall be applied at mid-height of the wall. Passive Pressure due to Uniform Surcharge

The passive pressure against the wall due to a uniform surcharge of intensity q per unit
area of the inclined earthfill shall be:

( ) = C 214.1.2()
cos( ) p

Point of application - The dynamic decrement in passive pressures due to uniform

surcharge shall be applied at an elevation of 0.66 h above the base of the-walls while the
static component shall be applied at mid-height of the wall. Effect of Saturation on Lateral Earth Pressure

For submerged earth fill, the dynamic increment (or decrement) in active and passive
earth pressure during earthquakes shall be found from expressions given in 214.1.2 (a)
and 214.1.2(b) above with the following modifications:

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a) The value of shall be taken as 1/2 the value of for dry backfill.
b) The value of s shall be taken as follows:

= 1 214.1.2 ()
1 1
Ws = Saturated unit weight of soil in gm/cc
Ah = Horizontal seismic coefficient
Av = Vertical Seismic coefficient

c) Buoyant unit weight shall be adopted.

d) From the value of earth pressure found out as above, subtract the value
of earth pressure determined by putting Ah =AV = s= 0 but using buoyant unit
weight. The remainder shall be dynamic increment.

214.1.3 At-Rest Lateral Earth Pressure Coefficient

The coefficient of at-rest earth pressure shall be taken as

K0 = 1 sin
= Coefficient of internal friction of soil
K0 = Coefficient of earth pressure at rest

Walls that have of no movement should be designed for at-rest earth pressure.
Typical examples of such structures are closed box cell structures.

Point of application: The centre of pressure exerted by the backfill is located at an

elevation of 0.33 of the height of the wall.

214.1.4 Active and Passive Lateral Earth Pressure Coefficients for cohesive (C)
soil non Seismic condition

The active and passive pressure coefficients (Ka and Kp) for lateral active and passive
earth pressure shall be calculated based on Coulombs formula taking into consideration
of wall friction. For cohesive soils, the effect of C shall be added as per procedure given
by Bell.

For cohesive soils, active pressure shall be estimated by

Pa = K a z 2CK a

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For cohesive soils, passive pressure shall be estimated by

Pp = K p z + 2CK p

The value of angle of wall friction may be taken as 2/3rd of , the angle of repose, subject
to limit of 22 degree.
Pa = Active lateral earth pressure
Pp = Passive lateral earth pressure
Ka = Active coefficient of lateral earth pressure
Kp = Passive coefficient of lateral earth pressure
= Density of soil (For saturated earth fill, saturated unit weight of soil
shall be adopted)
z = Depth below surface of soil
C = Soil cohesion

Point of Application -The centre of earth pressure exerted shall be located at 0.33 of
height for triangular variation of pressure and 0.5 of height for rectangular variation of

214.1.5 Earth Pressure for Partially Submerged Backfills

The ratio of lateral dynamic increment in active pressure due to backfill to the vertical
pressures at various depths along the height of wall may be taken as shown in Fig. 14 a.

The pressure distribution of dynamic increment in active pressures due to backfill may
be obtained by multiplying the vertical effective pressures by the coefficients in Fig. 14b
at corresponding depths.

Lateral dynamic increment due to surcharge multiplying with q is shown in Fig. 14b.

A similar procedure as in 214.1.5 may be utilized for determining the distribution of

dynamic decrement in passive pressures. Concrete or masonry inertia forces due to
horizontal and vertical earthquake accelerations are the products of the weight of wall
and the horizontal and vertical seismic coefficients respectively.

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Ca is computed as in 214.1.2 (a) for dry (moist) saturated backfills
Ca1 is computed as in 214.1.2 (a) and 214.1.2 (e) for submerged backfills
Ka1 is the value of Ca when Ah = Av = = 0
Ka1 is the value of Ca1 when Ah = Av = = 0
h1 is the height of submergence above the base of the wall

214.1.6 Earth Pressure for Integral Bridges

For calculation of earth pressure on bridge abutments in integral bridges, the specialist
literature shall be referred.

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214.2 Reinforced concrete approach slab with 12 mm dia 150 mm c/c in each
direction both at top and bottom as reinforcement in M30 grade concrete covering the
entire width of the roadway, with one end resting on the structure designed to retain
earth and extending for a length of not less than 3.5 m into the approach shall be

214.3 Design shall be provided for the thorough drainage of backfilling materials by
means of weep holes and crushed rock or gravel drains; or pipe drains, or perforated
drains. Where such provisions are not provided, the hydrostatic pressures shall also
be considered for the design.

214.4 The pressure of submerged soils (not provided with drainage arrangements)
shall be considered as made up of two components:
a) Pressure due to the earth calculated in accordance with the method laid
down in Clause 214.1.1, unit weight of earth being reduced for buoyancy,
b) Full hydrostatic pressure of water


215.1 General

Daily and seasonal fluctuations in shade air temperature, solar radiation, etc. cause the
a) Changes in the overall temperature of the bridge, referred to as the effective
bridge temperature. Over a prescribed period there will be a minimum and a
maximum, together with a range of effective bridge temperature, resulting in
loads and/or load effects within the bridge due to:
i) Restraint offered to the associated expansion/contraction by the form
of construction (e.g., portal frame, arch, flexible pier, elastomeric
bearings) referred to as temperature restraint; and
ii) Friction at roller or sliding bearings referred to as frictional bearing
b) Differences in temperature between the top surface and other levels through
the depth of the superstructure, referred to as temperature difference and
resulting in associated loads and/or load effects within the structure.

Provisions shall be made for stresses or movements resulting from variations in the

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215.2 Range of effective bridge temperature

Effective bridge temperature for the location of the bridge shall be estimated from
the isotherms of shade air temperature given on Figs. 15 and 16. Minimum and maximum
effective bridge temperatures would be lesser or more respectively than the corresponding
minimum and maximum shade air temperatures in concrete bridges. In determining load
effects due to temperature restraint in concrete bridges the effective bridge
temperature when the structure is effectively restrained shall be taken as datum in
calculating the expansion up to the maximum effective bridge temperature and contraction
down to the minimum effective bridge temperature.

The bridge temperature when the structure is effectively restrained shall be estimated
as given in Table 15 below.

Table 15: Range of Bridge Temperature

Bridge location having difference between Bridge temperature to be assumed when
maximum and minimum air shade the structure is effectively restrained
> 20C Mean of maximum and minimum air shade
temperature 10C whichever is critical
< 20C Mean of maximum and minimum air shade
temperature 5C whichever is critical

For metallic structures the extreme range of effective bridge temperature to be considered
in the design shall be as follows:
1) Snowbound areas from 35C to + 50C
2) For other areas (Maximum air shade temperature + 15C) to (minimum air
shade temperature 10C). Air shade temperatures are to be obtained from
Figs. 15 and 16.

215.3 Temperature Differences

Effect of temperature difference within the superstructure shall be derived from positive
temperature differences which occur when conditions are such that solar radiation and
other effects cause a gain in heat through the top surface of the superstructure.
Conversely, reverse temperature differences are such that heat is lost from the top surface
of the bridge deck as a result of re-radiation and other effects. Positive and reverse
temperature differences for the purpose of design of concrete bridge decks shall be
assumed as shown in Fig. 17a. These design provisions are applicable to concrete bridge
decks with about 50 mm wearing surface. So far as steel and composite decks are
concerned, Fig. 17b may be referred for assessing the effect of temperature gradient.
IRC: 6-2016

The territorial waters of India extend into the sea to a distance of twelve nautical miles measured from the
appropriate base line.
Based upon Survey of India map with permission of the Surveyor General of India.
Government of India Copyright 1993
Responsibility for the correctness of internal details rests with the publishers.

Fig. 15 Chart Showing Highest Maximum Temperature

IRC: 6-2016

The territorial waters of India extend into the sea to a distance of twelve nautical miles measured from the
appropriate base line.
Based upon Survey of India map with permission of the Surveyor General of India
Government of India copyright 1993.
Responsibility for the correctness of internal details rests with the publishers.

Fig. 16 Chart Showing Lowest Minimum Temperature

IRC: 6-2016

215.4 Material Properties

For the purposes of calculating temperature effects, the coefficient of thermal expansion
for RCC, PSC and steel structure may be taken as 12.0 x 10-6/0C.

Fig. 17a: Design Temperature Differences for Concrete Bridge Decks

Fig. 17b: Temperature Differences Across Steel and Composite Section

Note : For intermediate slab thickness, T1 may be interpolated.

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216 DEFORMATION EFFECTS (for Steel Bridges only)

216.1 A deformation effects is defined as the bending stress in any member of an

open web-girder caused by the vertical deflection of the girder combined with the rigidity
of the joints.

216.2 All steel bridges shall be designed, manufactured and erected in a manner such
that the deformation effects are reduced to a minimum. In the absence of calculation,
deformation stresses shall be assumed to be not less than 16 percent of the dead and live
loads stresses.

216.3 In prestressed girders of steel, deformation effects may be ignored.


217.1 a) Steel Structures: Secondary effects are additional effects brought into play
due to the eccentricity of connections, floor beam loads applied at intermediate
points in a panel, cross girders being connected away from panel points, lateral
wind loads on the end-posts of through girders etc., and effects due to the
movement of supports

b) Reinforced Concrete Structures: Secondary effects are additional effects

brought into play due either to the movement of supports or to the deformations in
the geometrical shape of the structure or its member, resulting from causes,
such as, rigidity of end connection or loads applied at intermediate points of
trusses or restrictive shrinkage of concrete floor beams.

217.2 All bridges shall be designated and constructed in a manner such that the
secondary effects are reduced to a minimum and they shall be allowed for in the design.

217.3 For reinforced concrete members, the shrinkage coefficient for purposes of
design may be taken as 2 X 10-4


218.1 The effects of erection as per actual loads based on the construction programme
shall be accounted for in the design. This shall also include the condition of one span
being completed in all respects and the adjacent span not in position. However, one span
dislodged condition need not be considered in the case of slab bridge not provided with

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218.2 Construction loads are those which are incident upon a structure or any of
its constituent components during the construction of the structures.

A detailed construction procedure associated with a method statement shall be drawn

up during design and considered in the design to ensure that all aspects of stability and
strength of the structure are satisfied.

218.3 Examples of Typical Construction Loadings are given below. However, each
individual case shall be investigated in complete detail.
a) Loads of plant and equipment including the weight handled that might
be incident on the structure during construction.
b) Temporary super-imposed loading caused by storage of construction
material on a partially completed a bridge deck.
c) Unbalanced effect of a temporary structure, if any, and unbalanced effect of
modules that may be required for cantilever segmental construction of a
d) Loading on individual beams and/or completed deck system due to travelling
of a launching truss over such beams/deck system.
e) Thermal effects during construction due to temporary restraints.
f) Secondary effects, if any, emanating from the system and procedure of
g) Loading due to any anticipated soil settlement.
h) Wind load during construction as per Clause 209. For special effects, such
as, unequal gust load and for special type of construction, such as, long
span bridges specialist literature may be referred to.
i) Seismic effects on partially constructed structure as per Clause 219.


219.1 Applicability

219.1.1 All bridges supported on piers, pier bents and arches, directly or through
bearings, and not exempted below in the category (a) and (b), are to be designed for
horizontal and vertical forces as given in the following clauses.

The following types of bridges need not be checked for seismic effects:
a) Culverts and minor bridges up to 10 m span in all seismic zones

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b) Bridges in seismic zones II and III satisfying both limits of total length
not exceeding 60 m and spans not exceeding 15 m

219.1.2 Special investigations should be carried out for the bridges of following
a) Bridges more than 150 m span
b) Bridges with piers taller than 30 m in Zones IV and V
c) Cable supported bridges, such as extradosed, cable stayed and suspension
d) Arch bridges having more than 50 m span
e) Bridges having any of the special seismic resistant features such as seismic
isolators, dampers etc.
f) Bridges using innovative structural arrangements and materials.
g) Bridge in near field regions

In all seismic zones, areas covered within 10 km from the known active
faults are classified as Near Field Regions. The information about the active
faults should be sought by bridge authorities for projects situated within 100
km of known epicenters as a part of preliminary investigations at the project
preparation stage.

For all bridges located within 'Near Field Regions', except those exempted in
Clause 219.1.1, special investigations should be carried out.

Notes for special investigations:

1) Special investigations should include aspects such as need for site
specific spectra, independency of component motions, spatial variation of
excitation, need to include soil-structure interaction, suitable methods of
structural analysis in view of geometrical and structural non-linear effects,
characteristics and reliability of seismic isolation and other special seismic
resistant devices, etc.
2) Site specific spectrum, wherever its need is established in the special
investigation, shall be used, subject to the minimum values specified for
relevant seismic zones, given in Fig. 18.

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Fig 18 Seismic Zones

The Fig. 18 have been reproduced in confirmation of Bureau of Indian Standards

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219.1.3 Masonry and plain concrete arch bridges with span more than 10 m shall be avoided
in Zones IV and V and in 'Near Field Region'.

219.2 Seismic Zones

For the purpose of determining the seismic forces, the Country is classified into four zones
as shown in Fig. 18. For each Zone a factor Z is associated, the value of which is given in
Table 16.
Table 16: Zone factor (Z)

Zone No. Zone Factor

V 0.36
IV 0.24
III 0.16
II 0.10

219.3 Components of Seismic Motion

The characteristics of seismic ground motion expected at any location depend upon the
magnitude of earthquake, depth of focus, distance of epicenter and characteristics of the path
through which the seismic wave travels. The random ground motion can be resolved in three
mutually perpendicular directions. The components are considered to act simultaneously, but
independently and their method of combination is described in Clause 219.4. Two horizontal
components are taken as of equal magnitude, and vertical component is taken as two third
of horizontal component.

In zones IV and V the effects of vertical components shall be considered for all elements of
the bridge.

The effect of vertical component may be omitted for all elements in zones II and III, except
for the following cases:
a) prestressed concrete decks
b) bearings and linkages
c) horizontal cantilever structural elements
d) for stability checks and
e) bridges located in the 'Near Field Regions'

IRC: 6-2016
219.4 Combination of component Motions

1. The seismic forces shall be assumed to come from any horizontal direction.
For this purpose two separate analyses shall be performed for design seismic
forces acting along two orthogonal horizontal directions. The design seismic
force resultants (i.e. axial force, bending moments, shear forces, and torsion)
at any cross-section of a bridge component resulting from the analyses in the
two orthogonal horizontal directions shall be combined as given in Fig.19.
a) r1 0.3r2
b) 0.3r1 r2
r1 = Force resultant due to full design seismic force along x
r2 = Force resultant due to full design seismic force along z
2. When vertical seismic forces are also considered, the design seismic force resultants
at any cross section of a bridge component shall be combined as below:
a) r1 0.3 r2 0.3 r3
c) 0.3 r1 r2 0.3 r3
d) 0.3 r1 0.3 r2 r3
Where r1 and r2 are as defined above and r3 is the force resultant due to full
design seismic force along the vertical direction.

Fig. 19: Combination of Orthogonal Seismic Forces

IRC: 6-2016

Table 17: Design Moment for Ground Motion

Moments for Ground Motion Moments for Ground Motion

along x-axis along Z-axis

Mx= +0.3 MZ= +0.3

Design Moments
Mx=0.3 + MZ=0.3 +

Where, Mx and Mz are absolute moments about local

Note: Analysis of bridge as a whole is carried out for global axes X and Z effects obtained are
combined for design about local axes as shown

219.5 Computation of Seismic Response

Following methods are used for computation of seismic response depending upon the
complexity of the structure and the input ground motion.

1) For most of the bridges, elastic seismic acceleration method is adequate.

In this method, the first fundamental mode of vibration is calculated and the
corresponding acceleration is read from Fig. 20. This acceleration is applied to
all parts of the bridge for calculation of forces as per Clause 219.5.1

2) Elastic Response Spectrum Method: This is a general method, suitable for

more complex structural systems (e. g. continuous bridges, bridges with large
difference in pier heights, bridges which are curved in plan, etc), in which
dynamic analysis of the structure is performed to obtain the first as well as
higher modes of vibration and the forces obtained for each mode by use of
response spectrum from Fig. 20 and Clause 219.5.1. These modal forces are
combined by following appropriate combinational rules to arrive at the design
forces. Reference is made to specialist literature for the same.

IRC: 6-2016

Fig. 20: Response Spectra

Note : For structural components like short and rigid abutments, the value of Sa a/g shall be
taken as 1. Also, the response reduction factor R shall be taken as 1.0 for seismic
design of such structures.

219.5.1 Horizontal Seismic Force

The horizontal seismic forces acting at the centers of mass, which are to be resisted by the
structure as a whole, shall be computed as follows:

Feq=Ah (Dead Load + Appropriate Live Load)

Feq = Seismic force to be resisted
Ah = Horizontal seismic coefficient = (Z/2) x (l) x (Sa/g)
Appropriate live load shall be taken as per Clause 219.5.2
Z = Zone factor as given in Table 16
I = Importance factor (see Clause
T = Fundamental period of the bridge (in sec.) for horizontal vibrations

Fundamental time period of the bridge member is to be calculated by any rational method of
analysis adopting the Modulus of Elasticity of Concrete (E cm) as per IRC:112, and
considering moment of inertia of cracked section which can be taken as 0.75 times the
moment of inertia of gross uncracked section, in the absence of rigorous calculation. The
fundamental period of vibration can also be calculated by method given in Annex D.

Sa/g = Average responses acceleration coefficient for 5 percent damping of load resisting
elements depending upon the fundamental period of vibration T as given in Fig. 20 which is
IRC: 6-2016
based on the following equations:

For rocky or hard soil sites, 1 + 15 , 0.00 0.10

Type I soil with N > 30 = { 2.50 0.10 0.40
1.00/ 0.40 4.00
For medium soil sites, 1 + 15 , 0.00 0.10
= { 2.50 0.10 0.55
Type II soil with 10 < N 30 1.36/ 0.55 4.00
For soft soil sites, 1 + 15 , 0.00 0.10
= { 2.50 0.10 0.67
Type III soil with N < 10 1.67/ 0.67 4.00
1. Type I - Rock of Hard Soil: Well graded gravel and sand gravel mixtures with or without
clay binder, and clayey sands poorly graded or sand clay mixtures (GB, CW, SB, SW, and
SC) having N above 30, where N is the standard penetration value.
2. Type II Medium Soils : All soils with N between 10 and 30, and poorly graded sands or
gravelly sands with little or no fines SP with N>15
3. Type III Soft Soils: All soils other than SP with N<10
4. The value N( Corrected Value) are at founding level and allowable bearing pressure shall
be determined in accordance with IS 6403 or IS 1883.

Note: In absence of calculation of fundamental period for small bridges, (Sa / g) may be taken as 2.5

For damping other than 5 percent offered by load resisting elements, the multiplying factors
as given in Table 18.
Table 18: Multiplying Factor for Damping

Damping (%) 2 5 10
Factor 1.4 1.0 0.8
Application Prestressed concrete, Reinforced Concrete Retrofitting of old
Steel and composite elements bridges with RC
steel elements piers Seismic importance factor (I)

Bridges are designed to resist design basis earthquake (DBE) level, or other higher or
lower magnitude of forces, depending on the consequences of their partial or complete
non-availability, due to damage or failure from seismic events. The level of design force
is obtained by multiplying (Z/2) by factor I, which represents seismic importance of the

IRC: 6-2016
structure. Combination of factors considered in assessing the consequences of failure and
hence choice of factor I- include inter alia,
a) Extent of disturbance to traffic and possibility of providing temporary diversion,
b) Availability of alternative routes,
c) Cost of repairs and time involved, which depend on the extent of damages, -
minor or major,
d) Cost of replacement, and time involved in reconstruction in case of failure,
e) Indirect economic loss due to its partial or full non-availability, Importance factors
are given in Table 19 for different types of bridges.

Table 19 Importance Factor

Seismic class Illustrative examples Importance factor

Normal bridges All bridges except those mentioned in
other classes
Important bridges a) River bridges and flyovers inside cities
b) Bridges on National and State
c) Bridges serving traffic near ports and
other centers of economic activities
d) Bridges crossing railway lines

Large critical bridges in a) Long bridges more than 1km length

all Seismic Zones across perennial rivers and creeks
b) Bridges for which alternative routes are
not available

Note: While checking for seismic effects during construction, the importance factor of 1
should be considered for all bridges in all zones.

219.5.2 Live load components

i) The seismic force due to live load shall not be considered when acting in the
direction of traffic, but shall be considered in the direction perpendicular to the
ii) The horizontal seismic force in the direction perpendicular to the traffic shall be
calculated using 20 percent of live load (excluding impact factor).

IRC: 6-2016
iii) The vertical seismic force shall be calculated using 20 percent of live load
(excluding impact factor).

Note : The reduced percentages of live loads are applicable only for calculating the magnitude of
seismic design force and are based on the assumption that only 20 percent of the live load is present
over the bridge at the time of earthquake.

219.5.3 Water current and depth of scour

The depth of scour under seismic condition to be considered for design shall be 0.9 times the
maximum scour depth. The flood level for calculating hydrodynamic force and water current
force is to be taken as average of yearly maximum design floods. For river bridges, average
may preferably be based on consecutive 7 years data, or on local enquiry in the absence of
such data.

219.5.4 Hydrodynamic and earth pressure forces under seismic condition

In addition to inertial forces arising from the dead load and live load, hydrodynamic forces
act on the submerged part of the structure and are transmitted to the foundations. Also,
additional earth pressures due to earthquake act on the retaining portions of abutments. For
values of these loads reference is made to IS 1893. These forces shall be considered in the
design of bridges in zones IV and V.

The modified earth pressure forces described in the preceding paragraph need not be
considered on the portion of the structure below scour level and on other components, such
as wing walls and return walls.

219.5.5 Design forces for elements of structures and use of response reduction

The forces on various members obtained from the elastic analysis of bridge structure are
to be divided by Response Reduction Factor given in Table 20 before combining with
other forces as per load combinations given in Table 1. The allowable increase in
permissible stresses should be as per Table 1.

IRC: 6-2016
Table 20 Response Reduction Factors

R With R without Ductile

Bridge Component Ductile Detailing
Detailing (for Bridges in
zone II only)
a) Superstructure of integral / Semi integral bridge
2.0 1.0
/Framed bridges
b) Other types of Superstructure, including precast
1.0 1.0
segmental construction
(i) Masonry/PCC Piers, Abutments 1.0 1.0
(ii) RCC wall piers and abutments transverse direction
1.0 1.0
(where plastic hinge can not develop)
(iii) RCC wall piers and abutments in longitudinal
3.0 2.5
direction (where hinges can develop)
(iv) RCC Single Column 3.0 2.5
(v) RCC/PSC Frames a) Column 4.0 3.0
b) RCC beam 3.0 2.0
b) PSC beam 1.0 1.0
(vi) Steel Framed Construction 3.0 2.5
(vii) Steel Cantilever Pier 1.5 1.0
Bearings and Connections (see note v also) 1.0 1.0
Stoppers (Reaction Blocks) Those restraining
dislodgement or drifting away of bridge elements. 1.0 1.0
(See Note (vi) also)

Notes :
i) Those parts of the structural elements of foundations which are not in contact with soil and
transferring load to it, are treated as part of sub-structure element.
ii) Response reduction factor is not to be applied for calculation of displacements of
elements of bridge and for bridge as a whole.
iii) When elastomeric bearings are used to transmit horizontal seismic forces, the response
reduction factor (R) shall be taken as 1.0 for RCC, masonry and PCC substructure
iv) Ductile detailing is mandatory for piers of bridges located in seismic zones III, IV and V
and when adopted for bridges in seismic zone II, for which R value with ductile detailing
as given in Table 20 shall be used
IRC: 6-2016

v) Bearings and connections shall be designed to resist the lesser of the following forces, i.e.,
(a) design seismic forces obtained by using the response reduction factors given in Table 20
and (b) forces developed due to over strength moment when hinge is formed in the
vi) When connectors and stoppers are designed as additional safety measures in the event
of failure of bearings, R value specified in Table 20 for appropriate substructure shall be

219.6 Fully Embedded Portions

For embedded portion of foundation at depths exceeding 30 m below scour level, the
seismic force due to foundation mass may be computed using design seismic coefficient
equal to 0.5Ah.

For portion of foundation between the scour level and up to 30 m depth, the portion of
foundation mass may be computed using seismic coefficient obtained by linearly
interpolating between Ah at scour level and 0.5Ah at a depth 30 m below scour level

219.7 Liquefaction

In loose sands and poorly graded sands with little or no fines, the vibrations due to
earthquake may cause liquefaction, or excessive total and differential settlements. Founding
bridges on such sands should be avoided unless appropriate methods of compaction or
stabilization are adopted. Alternatively, the foundations should be taken deeper below
liquefiable layers, to firm strata. Reference should be made to the specialist literature for
analysis of liquefaction potential.

219.8 Foundation Design

For design of foundation, the seismic force after taking into account of appropriate R factor
should be taken as 1.35 and 1.25 times the forces transmitted to it by concrete and steel
substructure respectively, so as to provide sufficient margin to cover the possible higher
forces transmitted by substructure arising out of its over strength. However, these over
strength factors are not applicable when R=1. Also, the dynamic increment of earth pressure
due to seismic need not be enhanced.

IRC: 6-2016

219.9 Ductile Detailing

Mandatory Provisions
i) In zones IV and V, to prevent dislodgement of superstructure, reaction blocks
(additional safety measures in the event of failure of bearings) or other types of
seismic arresters shall be provided and designed for the seismic force (F eq/R).
Pier and abutment caps shall be generously dimensioned, to prevent
dislodgement of severe groundshaking. The examples of seismic features
shown in Figs. 21 to 23 are only indicative and suitable arrangements will
have to be worked out in specific cases.
ii) To improve the performance of bridges during earthquakes, the bridges in
Seismic Zones III, IV and V may be specifically detailed for ductility for which
IRC:112 shall be referred.

Recommended Provisions
i) In order to mitigate the effects of earthquake forces described above, special
seismic devices such as Shock Transmission Units, Base Isolation, Seismic
Fuse, Lead Plug, etc, may be provided based on specialized literature,
international practices, satisfactory testing etc.
ii) Continuous superstructure (with fewer number of bearings and expansion
joints) or integral bridges (in which the substructure or superstructure are made
joint less, i.e. monolithic), if not unsuitable otherwise, can possibly provide high
ductility leading to correct behaviour during earthquake.
iii) Where elastomeric bearings are used, a separate system of arrester control in
both directions may be introduced to cater to seismic forces on the bearing.

Fig. 21: Example of Seismic Reaction Blocks for Continuous Superstructure

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Fig. 22: Example of Seismic Reaction Blocks for Simply Supported Bridges

Fig. 23: Minimum Dimension for Support

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220.1 General
1) Bridges crossing navigable channels of rivers, creeks and canals as well as
the shipping channels in port areas and open seas shall be provided with
navigation spans which shall be specially identified and marked to direct the
waterway traffic below them. The span arrangement, horizontal clearances
between the inner faces of piers within the width of the navigational channel,
vertical clearances above the air-draft of the ships/barges upto soffit of deck
and minimum depth of water in the channel below the maximum laden draft of
the barges shall be decided based on the classification of waterways as per
Inland Waterways Authority of India (IWAI) or the concerned Ports and Shipping
2) Bridge components located in a navigable channel of rivers and canals
shall be designed for barge impact force due to the possibility of barge
accidentally colliding with the structure.
3) For bridges located in sea, and in waterways under control of ports, the bridge
components may have to be designed for vessel collision force, for which the
details of the ships/barges shall be obtained from the concerned authority.
Specialist literature may be referred for the magnitudes of design forces and
appropriate design solutions.
4) The design objective for bridges is to minimize the risk of the structural failure
of a bridge component due to collision with a plying barge in a cost-effective
manner and at the same time reduce the risk of damage to the barge and
resulting environmental pollution, if any. Localized repairable damage of
substructure and superstructure components is permitted provided that:
a) Damaged structural components can be inspected and repaired in a
relatively cost effective manner not involving detailed investigation,
b) Sufficient ductility and redundancy exist in the remaining structure to
prevent consequential progressive collapse, in the event of impact.
5) The Indian waterways have been classified in 7 categories by IWAI. The
vessel displacement tonnage for each of the class of waterway is shown in
Table 21. Barges and their configurations which are likely to ply, their
dimensions, the Dead Weight Tonnage (DWT), the minimum dimensions of
waterway in lean section, and minimum clearance requirements are specified
by IWAI. The latest requirements (2009) are shown in Annex E.

IRC: 6-2016

Table 21: Vessel Displacement Tonnage

Class of Waterway I II III IV & V VI & VII
DWT (in Tonnes) 200 600 1000 2000 4000

Note: The total displacement tonnage of Self Propelled V ehicle (SPV) equals the weight
of the barge when empty plus the weight of the ballast and cargo (DWT) being
carried by the barge. The displacement tonnage for barge tows shall equal the
displacement tonnage of the tug/tow barge plus the combined displacement of number
of barges in the length of the tow as shown in Annex E.
6) In determining barge impact loads, consideration shall also be given to the
relationship of the bridge to :
a) Waterway geometry.
b) Size, type, loading condition of barge using the waterway, taking into
account the available water depth, and width of the navigable
c) Speed of barge and direction, with respect to water current
velocities in the period of the year when barges are permitted to ply.
d) Structural response of the bridge to collision.
7) In navigable portion of waterways where barge collision is anticipated, structures
shall be :
a) Designed to resist barge collision forces, or
b) Adequately protected by designed fenders, dolphins, berms, artificial
islands, or other sacrificial devices designed to absorb the energy of
colliding vessels or to redirect the course of a vessel, or
c) A combination of (a) and (b) above, where protective measures
absorb most of the force and substructure is designed for the
residual force.
8) In non-navigable portion of the waterways, the possibility of smaller barges using
these portions and likely to cause accidental impact shall be examined from
consideration of the available draft and type of barges that ply on the waterway. In
case such possibility exists, the piers shall be designed to resist a lower force of
barge impact caused by the smaller barges as compared to the navigational
9) For navigable waterways which have not been classified by IWAI, but where
barges are plying, one of Class from I & VI should be chosen as applicable, based
on the local survey of crafts plying in the waterway. Where reliable data is not
available minimum Class-I shall be assigned.

IRC: 6-2016

220.2 Design Barge Dimensions

A design barge shall be selected on the basis of classification of the waterway. The
barge characteristics for any waterway shall be obtained from IWAI (Ref. Annex E).

The dimensions of the barge should be taken from the survey of operating barge. Where
no reliable information is available, the same may be taken from Fig. 24

Fig. 24: Typical Barge Dimensions

220.3 Checking in Dimensional Clearances for Navigation and Location of

Barge Impact Force

Fig. 25 shows the position of bridge foundations and piers as well as the position of the
barge in relation to the actual water level. The minimum and maximum water levels
within which barges are permitted to ply are shown schematically. These levels
should be decided by the river authorities or by authority controlling the navigation.

The minimum navigable level will be controlled by the minimum depth of water needed
for the plying of barges. The maximum level may be determined by the maximum
water velocity in which the barges may safely ply and by the available vertical
clearances below the existing (or planned) structures across the navigable water.

IRC: 6-2016

The minimum vertical clearance for the parabolic soffit shall be reckoned above
the high flood level at a distance/section where the minimum horizontal clearance
from pier face is chosen.

Fig. 25: Factors Deciding Range of Location of Impact Force

Use of Fig. 25:

1) For checking Minimum Clearance below Bridge Deck :
a) HG+(DV-Dmin): is maximum projection of the highest barge
component above actual water level (e.g. including projecting
equipment over top of cabin like radar mast)
b) Highest Level of Barge: HG+(DV-Dmin) + maximum permitted water
level for navigation (This may be decided by water current velocity).
Minimum specified clearance should be checked with reference to
this level and lowest soffit level of bridge.
2) For determining lowest position of barge with respect to bridge
a) Maximum depth of submergence = Dmax = Maximum Water Draft.
b) Minimum level permitted for navigation = Level at which minimum
clearance required for navigation between bed level and lowest part
of barge (at Dmax) is available.
3) For determining range of pier elevations between which barge
impact can take place anywhere:
a) Highest Level=Maximum water level permitted for navigation + (D B-
IRC: 6-2016

b) Lowest Level=Minimum water level permitted for navigation + DB-

c) Height over which impact force PB acts = HL as defined in Fig. 25.

220.4 Design Barge Speed

The speed at which the barge collides against the components of a bridge depends
upon to the barge transit speed within the navigable channel limits, the distance to the
location of the bridge element from the centre line of the barge transit path and the
barge length overall (LOA). This information shall be collected from the IWAI. In
absence of any data, a design speed of 6 knots (i.e. 3.1 m/sec) for unladen barge and
4 knots (i.e. 2.1 m/sec) for laden barge may be assumed for design for both upstream
and downstream directions of traffic.

220.5 Barge Collision Energy

KE=500 x CH x W x V2
W = Barge Displacement Tonnage (T)
V = Barge Impact Speed (m/s)
KE = Barge Collision Energy (N-m)
CH = Hydrodynamic coefficient
= 1.05 to 1.25 for Barges depending upon the under keel
clearance available
In case underkeel clearance is more than 0.5 x Draft,
CH =1.05;
In case underkeel clearance is less than 0.1 x Draft, CH
For any intermediate values of underkeel clearance,
linear interpolation shall be done.

Note :The formula of kinetic energy is a standard kinetic energy, equation KE = 2 12 CH

Mass, M = where W is the weight of barge and CH is the hydro dynamic effect

representing mass of the water moving together with the barge. Substitution value in
proper units in K.E. formula yields the equation given in the draft.

IRC: 6-2016

220.6 Barge Damage Depth, aB

aB = 3100 x ([1+1.3 x 10(-7) KE]0.5 -1),

aB = Barge blow damage depth (mm)

220.7 Barge Collision Impact Force, PB

The barge collision impact force shall be determined based on the following
For aB <100 mm, PB = 6.0 x 104 x (aB) , in N
For aB 100 mm, PB = 6.0 x 106 + 1600 x (aB), in N

220.8 Location & Magnitude of Impact Force in Substructure & Foundation, PB

All components of the substructure, exposed to physical contact by any portion of the
design barge's hull or bow, shall be designed to resist the applied loads. The bow
overhang, rake, or flair distance of barges shall be considered in determining the
portions of the substructure exposed to contact by the barge. Crushing of the
barge's bow causing contact with any setback portion of the substructure shall also
be considered.

Some of the salient barge dimensions to be checked while checking for the
navigational clearances are as follows

The design impact force for the above cases is to be applied as a vertical line load
equally distributed along the barges bow depth, H2 defined with respect to the
reference water level as shown in Fig.25. The barges bow is considered to be raked
forward in determining the potential contact area of the impact force on the

220.9 Protection of Substructure

Protection may be provided to reduce or to eliminate the exposure of bridge

substructures to barge collision by physical protection systems, including fenders, pile
cluster, pile-supported structures, dolphins, islands, and combinations thereof.

Severe damage and/or collapse of the protection system may be permitted,

provided that the protection system stops the Barge prior to contact with the pier or
redirects the barge away from the pier. In such cases, the bridge piers need not be

IRC: 6-2016

designed for Barge Impact. Specialist literature shall be referred for design of
protection structures.

Flexible fenders or other protection system attached to the substructure help to limit
the damage to the barge and the substructure by absorbing part of impact (kinetic
energy of collision). For the design of combined system of pier and protection system,
the design forces as obtained from Clause 220.7 shall be used in absence of rigorous

220.10 Load Combination

The barge collision load shall be considered as an accidental load and load combination
shall conform to the provisions of IRC:6. Barge impact load shall be considered only
under Ultimate Limit State. For working load/allowable stress condition, allowable stress
may be increased by 50 percent.

The probability of the simultaneous occurrence of a barge collision together with the
maximum flood need not be considered. For the purpose of load combination of
barge collision, the maximum flood level may be taken as the mean annual flood
level of previous 20 years, provided that the permissible maximum current
velocities for the barges to ply are not exceeded. In such event maximum level
may be calculated backward from the allowable current velocities. The maximum
level of scour below this flood level shall be calculated by scour formula in Clause
703.3.1 of IRC: 78. However, no credit for scour shall be taken for verifying required
depth for allowing navigation.


The snow load of 500 kg/m3 where applicable shall be assumed to act on the bridge
deck while combining with live load as given below. Both the conditions shall be
checked independently:
a) A snow accumulation upto 0.25 m over the deck shall be taken into
consideration, while designing the structure for wheeled vehicles.
b) A snow accumulation upto 0.50 m over the deck shall be taken into
consideration, while designing the structure for tracked vehicles.
c) In case of snow accumulation exceeding 0.50 m, design shall be based
on the maximum recorded snow accumulation (based on the actual site
observation, including the effect of variation in snow density). No live load
shall be considered to act along with this snow load.

IRC: 6-2016



222.1 General

222.1.1 Bridge piers of wall type, columns or the frames built in the median or in the
vicinity of the carriageway supporting the superstructure shall be designed to withstand
vehicle collision loads. The effect of collision load shall also be considered on the
supporting elements, such as, foundations and bearings. For multilevel carriageways, the
collision loads shall be considered separately for each level.

222.1.2 The effect of collision load shall not be considered on abutments or on the
structures separated from the edge of the carriageway by a minimum distance of 4.5 m
and shall also not be combined with principal live loads on the carriageway supported by
the structural members subjected to such collision loads, as well as wind or seismic
load. Where pedestrian/cycle track bridge ramps and stairs are structurally
independent of the main highway-spanning structure, their supports need not be
designed for the vehicle collision loads.

Note: The tertiary structures, such as lighting post, signage supports etc. need not be
designed for vehicle collision loads.

222.2 Material factor of safety and Permissible overstressing in foundation

For material factor of safety under collision load reference shall be made to the
provision in IRC: 112 for concrete and IRC: 24 for steel. For permissible overstressing
in foundation, refer provision of IRC: 78

222.3 Collision Load

222.3.1 The nominal loads given in Table 22 shall be considered to act

horizontally as Vehicle Collision Loads. Supports shall be capable of resisting the
main and residual load components acting simultaneously. Loads normal to the
carriageway below and loads parallel to the carriageway below shall be considered to
act separately and shall not be combined.

IRC: 6-2016

Table 22: Nominal Vehicle collision Loads on Supports of bridges

Load normal to the Load parallel to the Point of Application on

carriageway below (ton) carriageway below (ton) Bridge Support
At the most severe point
Main load between 0.75 and 1.5 m
50 100
above carriageway level
Residual 25 50 At the most severe point
load (10) (10) between 1 m and 3 m
component above carriageway level
Note : Figures within brackets are for FOBs.

222.3.2 The loads indicated in Clause 222.3.1, are assumed for vehicles plying at
velocity of about 60 km/hour. In case of vehicles travelling at lesser velocity, the loads
may be reduced in proportion to the square of the velocity but not less than 50

222.3.3 The bridge supports shall be designed for the residual load component
only, if protected with suitably designed fencing system taking into account its
flexibility, having a minimum height of 1.5 m above the carriageway level.


Effects due to creep, shrinkage and temperature, etc. should be considered for
statically indeterminate structures or composite members consisting of steel or concrete
prefabricated elements and cast-in-situ components for which specialist literature may
be referred to.

IRC: 6-2016

Annex A
(Clause 201.2)

IRC: 6-2016

Annex A
(Clause 201.2)


1) The possible variations in the wheel spacings and tyre sizes, for the heaviest
single axles-cols. (f) and (h), the heaviest bogie axles-col. (j) and also for the
heaviest axles of the train vehicle of cols. (e) and (g) are given in cols. (k), (l),
(m) and (n). The same pattern of wheel arrangement may be assumed for all
axles of the wheel train shown in cols. (e) and (g) as for the heaviest axles. The
overall width of tyre in mm may be taken as equal to [150+(p-1) 57], where p
represents the load on tyre in tonnes, wherever the tyre sizes are not specified
on the chart.
2) Contact areas of tyres on the deck may be obtained from the corresponding
tyre loads, max. tyre pressures (p) and width of tyre treads.
3) The first dimension of tyre size refers to the overall width of tyre and second
dimension to the rim diameter of the tyre. Tyre tread width may be taken as
overall tyre width minus 25 mm for tyres upto 225 mm width, and minus 50 mm
for tyres over 225 mm width.
4) The spacing between successive vehicles shall not be less than 30 m. This
spacing will be measured from the rear-most point of ground contact of the
leading vehicles to the forward-most point of ground contact of the following
vehicle in case of tracked vehicles. For wheeled vehicles, it will be measured
from the centre of the rear-most axle of the leading vehicle to the centre of the
first axle of the following vehicle.
5) The classification of the bridge shall be determined by the safe load carrying
capacity of the weakest of all the structural members including the main girders,
stringers (or load bearers), the decking, cross bearers (or transome) bearings,
piers and abutments, investigated under the track, wheel axle and bogie loads
shown for the various classes. Any bridge upto and including class 40 will be
marked with a single class number-the highest tracked or wheel standard load
class which the bridge can safely withstand. Any bridge over class 40 will be
marked with a single class number if the wheeled and tracked classes are the
same, and with dual classification sign showing both T and W load classes if
the T and W classes are different.

IRC: 6-2016

6) The calculations determining the safe load carrying capacity shall also allow for
the effects due to impact, wind pressure, longitudinal forces, etc., as described
in the relevant Clauses of this Code.
7) The distribution of load between the main girders of a bridge is not necessarily
equal and shall be assessed from considerations of the spacing of the main
girders, their torsional stiffness, flexibility of the cross bearers, the width of
roadway and the width of the vehicles, etc., by any rational method of
8) The maximum single axle loads shown in columns (f) and (h) and the bogie
axle loads shown in column (j) correspond to the heaviest axles of the trains,
shown in columns (e) and (g) in load-classes upto and including class 30-R. In
the case of higher load classes, the single axle loads and bogie axle loads shall
be assumed to belong to some other hypothetical vehicles and their effects
worked out separately on the components of bridge deck.
9) The minimum clearance between the road face of the kerb and the outer edge
of wheel or track for any of the hypothetical vehicles shall be the same as for
Class AA vehicles, when there is only one-lane of traffic moving on a bridge. If
a bridge is to be designed for two-lanes of traffic for any type of vehicles given
in the Chart, the clearance may be decided in each case depending upon the


IRC: 6-2016


Wheeled Vehicle

Fig. A-1: Class AA Tracked and Wheeled Vehicles (Clause 204.1)

Notes :
1) The nose to tail spacing between two successive vehicles shall not be less than
2) For multi-lane bridges and culverts, each Class AA loading shall be considered to
occupy two lanes and no other vehicle shall be allowed in these two lanes. The
passing/crossing vehicle can only be allowed on lanes other than these two lanes.
Load combination is as shown in Table 6.
3) The maximum loads for the wheeled vehicle shall be 20 tonne for a single axle or
40 tonne for a bridge of two axles spaced not more than 1.2 m centres.
4) Class AA loading is applicable only for bridges having carriageway width of 5.3 m
and above (i.e. 1.2 x 2 + 2.9 = 5.3). The minimum clearance between the road
face of the kerb and the outer edge of the wheel or track, C, shall be 1.2 m.
5) Axle loads in tone. Linear dimensions in metre.

IRC: 6-2016

Annex B
(Clause 202.3)

1. Loads to be considered while arriving at the appropriate combination for carrying

out the necessary checks for the design of road bridges and culverts are as
follows :
1) Dead Load
2) Snow load (See note i)
3) Superimposed dead load such as hand rail, crash barrier, foot path and
service loads.
4) Surfacing or wearing coat
5) Back Fill Weight
6) Earth Pressure
7) Primary and secondary effect of prestress
8) Secondary effects such as creep, shrinkage and settlement.
9) Temperature effects including restraint and bearing forces.
10) Carriageway live load, footpath live load, construction live loads.
11) Associated carriageway live load such as braking, tractive and
centrifugal forces.
12) Accidental forces such as vehicle collision load, barge impact due to
floating bodies and accidental wheel load on mountable footway
13) Wind
14) Seismic Effect
15) Construction dead loads such as weight of launching girder, truss or
cantilever construction equipments
16) Water Current Forces
17) Wave Pressure
18) Buoyancy
i) The snow loads may be based on actual observation or past records in the
particular area or local practices, if existing
ii) The wave forces shall be determined by suitable analysis considering drawing and
inertia forces etc. on single structural members based on rational methods or
model studies. In case of group of piles, piers etc., proximity effects shall also
be considered.
IRC: 6-2016

2. Combination of Loads for the Verification of Equilibrium and

Structural Strength under Ultimate State
Loads are required to be combined to check the equilibrium and the structural
strength under ultimate limit state. The equilibrium of the structure shall be checked
against overturning, sliding and uplift. It shall be ensured that the disturbing loads
(overturning, sliding and uplifting) shall always be less than the stabilizing or restoring
actions. The structural strength under ultimate limit state shall be estimated in order to
avoid internal failure or excessive deformation. The equilibrium and the structural
strength shall be checked under basic, accidental and seismic combinations of loads.

3. Combination Principles
The following principles shall be followed while using these tables for arriving at the
i) All loads shown under Column 1 of Table B.1 or Table B.2 or Table B.3 or
Table B.4 shall be combined to carry out the relevant verification.
ii) While working out the combinations, only one variable load shall be
considered as the leading load at a time. All other variable loads shall be
considered as accompanying loads. In case if the variable loads produce
favourable effect (relieving effect) the same shall be ignored.
iii) For accidental combination, the traffic load on the upper deck of a bridge
(when collision with the pier due to traffic under the bridge occurs) shall be
treated as the leading load. In all other accidental situations the traffic load
shall be treated as the accompanying load.
iv) During construction the relevant design situation shall be taken into account.
4. Basic Combination
4.1 For Checking the Equilibrium
For checking the equilibrium of the structure, the partial safety factor for loads shown
in Column No. 2 or 3 under Table B.1 shall be adopted.
4.2 For Checking the Structural Strength
For checking the structural strength, the partial safety factor for loads shown in
Column No. 2 under Table B.2 shall be adopted.
5. Accidental Combination
For checking the equilibrium of the structure, the partial safety factor for loads shown
in Column No. 4 or 5 under Table B.1 and for checking the structural strength, the

IRC: 6-2016

partial safety factor for loads shown in Column No. 3 under Table B.2 shall be

6. Seismic Combination
For checking the equilibrium of the structure, the partial safety factor for loads shown
in Column No. 6 or 7 under Table B.1 and for checking the structural strength, the
partial safety factor for loads shown in Column No. 4 under Table B.2 shall be
7. Combination of Loads for the Verification of Serviceability Limit State
Loads are required to be combined to satisfy the serviceability requirements. The
serviceability limit state check shall be carried out in order to have control on stress,
deflection, vibration, crack width, settlement and to estimate shrinkage and creep
effects. It shall be ensured that the design value obtained by using the appropriate
combination shall be less than the limiting value of serviceability criterion as per the
relevant code. The rare combination of loads shall be used for checking the stress
limit. The frequent combination of loads shall be used for checking the deflection,
vibration and crack width. The quasi-permanent combination of loads shall be used for
checking the settlement, shrinkage creep effects and the permanent stress in
7.1 Rare Combination
For checking the stress limits, the partial safety factor for loads shown in Column No.
2 under Table B.3 shall be adopted.
7.2 Frequent Combination
For checking the deflection, vibration and crack width in prestressed concrete
structures, partial safety factor for loads shown in column no. 3 under Table B.3 shall
be adopted.
7.3 Quasi-permanent Combinations
For checking the crack width in RCC structures, settlement, creep effects and to
estimate the permanent stress in the structure, partial safety factor for loads shown in
Column No. 4 under Table B.3 shall be adopted.
8. Combination for Design of Foundations
For checking the base pressure under foundation and to estimate the structural
strength which includes the geotechnical loads, the partial safety factor for loads for 3
combinations shown in Table B.4 shall be used.
The material safety factor for the soil parameters, resistance factor and the allowable
bearing pressure for these combinations shall be as per relevant code.

IRC: 6-2016

Table B.1 Partial Safety Factor for Verification of Equilibrium

Loads Basic Combination Accidental Combination Seismic Combination
Overturning Restoring Overturning Restoring Overturning or Restoringor
or Sliding or or Resisting or Sliding or or Resisting Sliding or Resisting
uplift Effect Effect uplift Effect Effect uplift Effect Effect
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
1. Permanent Loads:
1.1 Dead Load, Snow load (if present), SIDL except
surfacing, Backfill weight, settlement, creep and 1.1 0.9 1.0 1.0 1.1 0.9
shrinkage effect
1.2 Surfacing 1.35 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.35 1.0
1.3 Prestress and Secondary effect of prestress (Refer Note 5)
1.4 Earth pressure 1.5 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
2. Variable Loads:
2.1 Carriageway Live load, associated loads
(braking, tractive and centrifugal) and pedestrian
a) As leading load 1.5 0 0.75 0 - -
b) As accompanying load 1.15 0 0.2 0 0.2 0
c) Construction live load 1.35 0 1.0 0 1.0 0
2.2 Thermal Load
a) As leading load 1.5 0 - - - -
b) As accompanying load 0.9 0 0.5 0 0.5 0
2.3 Wind Load
a) As leading load 1.5 0 - - - -
b) As accompanying load 0.9 0 - - - -
2.4 Live Load Surcharge effects as accompanying
1.2 0 - - - -
3. Accidental Effects:
3.1 Vehicle collision (or) - - 1.0 - - -
3.2 Barge Impact - - 1.0 - - -
3.3 Impact due to floating bodies - - 1.0 - - -
4. Seismic Effect
(a) During Service - - - - 1.5 -
(b) During Construction - - - - 0.75 -
5. Construction condition:
5.1 Counter Weights:
a) When density or self-weight is well defined - 0.9 - 1.0 - 1.0
b) When density or self-weight is not well defined - 0.8 - 1.0 - 1.0
5.2 Construction Dead Loads (such as Wt. of
launching girder, truss or Cantilever Construction 1.05 0.95 - - - -
5.3 Wind Load
a) As leading load 1.5 0 - - - -
b) As accompanying load 1.2 0 - - - -
6. Hydraulic Loads: (Accompanying Load):
6.1 Water current forces 1.0 0 1.0 0 1.0 -
6.2 Wave Pressure 1.0 0 1.0 0 1.0 -
6.3 Hydrodynamic effect - - - 1.0 -
6.4 Buoyancy 1.0 - 1.0 - 1.0 -

IRC: 6-2016

1) During launching the counterweight position shall be allowed a variation of
1 m for steel bridges.
2) For Combination principles refer Para 3.
3) Thermal effects include restraints associated with expansion/contraction due to type
of construction (Portal frame, arch and elastomeric bearings), frictional restraint in
metallic bearings and thermal gradients. This combination however, is not valid for
the design of bearing and expansion joint.
4) Wind load and thermal load need not be taken simultaneously unless otherwise
required to cater for local climatic condition,
5) Partial safety factor for prestress and secondary effect of prestress shall be as
recommended in the relevant codes.
6) Wherever Snow Load is applicable, Clause 221 shall be referred for combination of
snow load and live load.
7) For repair, rehabilitation and retrofitting, the load combination shall be project
8) For calculation of time period and seismic force, dead load, SIDL and appropriate
live load as defined in Clause 219.5.2, shall not be enhanced by corresponding
partial safety factor as given in Table B.1 and shall be calculated using unfactored
9) For dynamic increment and decrements of lateral earth pressure under seismic
condition Clause 214.1.2 shall be referred to.

IRC: 6-2016

Table B.2 Partial Safety Factor for Verification of Structural Strength

Loads Ultimate Limit State
Basic Combination Accidental Seismic
Combination Combination
(1) (2) (3) (4)
1. Permanent Loads:
1.1 Dead Load, Snow load (if present), SIDL except
a) Adding to the effect of variable loads 1.35 1.0 1.35
b) Relieving the effect of variable loads 1.0 1.0 1.0
1.2 Surfacing
a) Adding to the effect of variable loads 1.75 1.0 1.75

b) Relieving the effect of variable loads 1.0 1.0 1.0

1.3 Prestress and Secondary effect of prestress (Refer Note 2)

1.4 Back fill Weight 1.5 1.0 1.0

1.5 Earth Pressure
a) Adding to the effect of loads 1.5 1.0 1.0
b) Relieving the effect of loads 1.0 1.0 1.0
2. Variable Loads:
2.1 Carriageway Live load and associated loads (braking,
tractive and centrifugal) and Footway live load
a) As leading load 1.5 0.75 -
b) As accompanying load 1.15 0.2 0.2
c) Construction live load 1.35 1.0 1.0

2.2 Wind Load construction during service

a) As leading load 1.5 - -
b) As accompanying load 0.9 - -
2.3 Live Load Surcharge effects (as accompanying load) 1.2 0.2 0.2
2.4 Construction Dead Loads (such as Wt. of
launching girder, truss or Cantilever Construction 1.35 1.0 1.35
2.5 Thermal Loads
a) As leading load 1.5 - -
b) As accompanying load 0.9 0.5 0.5
3. Accidental effects:
3.1 Vehicle collision (or) - 1.0 -
3.2 Barge Impact (or) - 1.0 -
3.3 Impact due to floating bodies - 1.0 -
4. Seismic effect
(a) During Service - - 1.5
(b) During Construction - - 0.75
5. Hydraulic Loads (Accompanying load):
5.1 Water current forces 1.0 1.0 1.0
5.2 Wave Pressure 1.0 1.0 1.0
5.3 Hydrodynamic effect - - 1.0
5.4 Buoyancy 0.15 0.15 1.0

IRC: 6-2016

1) For combination principles, refer Para 3.
2) Partial safety factor for prestress and secondary effect of prestress shall be as
recommended in the relevant codes.
3) Wherever Snow Load is applicable, Clause 221 shall be referred for combination
of snow load and live load.
4) For calculation of time period and seismic force, dead load, SIDL and appropriate
live load as defined in Clause 219.5.2, shall not be enhanced by corresponding
partial safety factor as given in Table B.2 and shall be calculated using unfactored
5) Thermal loads indicated, consists of either restraint effect generated by portal frame
or arch or elastomeric bearing or frictional force generated by bearings as
6) For dynamic increment and decrements of lateral earth pressure under seismic
condition Clause 214.1.2 shall be referred to.

IRC: 6-2016

Table B.3 Partial Safety Factor for Verification of Serviceability Limit State
Loads Rare Frequent Quasi- permanent
Combination Combination Combination
(1) (2) (3) (4)
1. Permanent Loads:
1.1 Dead Load, Snow load if present, SIDL except
1.0 1.0 1.0
1.2 surfacing
a) Adding to the effect of variable loads 1.2 1.2 1.2
b) Relieving the effect of variable loads 1.0 1.0 1.0
1.3 Earth Pressure 1.0 1.0 1.0
1.4 Prestress and Secondary Effect of prestress (Refer Note 4)
1.5 Shrinkage and Creep Effect 1.0 1.0 1.0
2. Settlement Effects
a) Adding to the permanent loads 1.0 1.0 1.0
b) Opposing the permanent loads 0 0 0
3. Variable Loads:
3.1 Carriageway load and associated loads (braking,
tractive and centrifugal forces) and footway live load
a) Leading Load 1.0 0.75 -
b) Accompanying Load 0.75 0.2 0
3.2 Thermal Load
a) Leading Load 1.0 0.60 -
b) Accompanying Load 0.60 0.50 0.5
3.3 Wind Load
a) Leading Load 1.0 0.60 -
b) Accompanying Load 0.60 0.50 0
3.4 Live Load surcharge as accompanying load 0.80 0 0
4. Hydraulic Loads (Accompanying loads) :
4.1 Water Current 1.0 1.0 -
4.2 Wave Pressure 1.0 1.0 -
4.3 Buoyancy 0.15 0.15 0.15

Notes :
1) For Combination principles, refer Para 3.
2) Thermal load includes restraints associated with expansion/ contraction due to type
of construction (Portal frame, arch and elastomeric bearings), frictional restraint in
metallic bearings and thermal gradients. This combination however, is not valid for
the design of bearing and expansion joint.
3) Wind load and thermal load need not be taken simultaneously unless otherwise
required to cater for local climatic condition,
4) Partial safety factor for prestress and secondary effect of prestress shall be as
recommended in the relevant codes.
5) Where Snow Load is applicable, Clause 221 shall be referred for combination of
snow load and live load.

IRC: 6-2016

Table B.4 Partial Safety Factor for Checking the Base Pressure and Design of Foundation
Loads Combination Combination Seismic Accidental
(1) (2) Combination Combination
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
1. Permanent Loads:

1.1 Dead Load, Snow load (if present), SIDL except surfacing
and Back Fill 1.35 1.0 1.35 1.0

1.2 SIDL surfacing 1.75 1.0 1.75 1.0

1.3 Prestress Effect (Refer Note 4)
1.4 Settlement Effect 1.0 or 0 1.0 or 0 1.0 or 0 1.0 or 0
1.5 Earth Pressure
a) Adding to the effect of loads 1.50 1.30 1.0 1.0
b) Relieving the effect of loads 1.0 0.85 1.0 1.0
2. Variable Loads:
2.1 All carriageway loads and associated loads (braking,
tractive and centrifugal) and footway live load
0.75 (if 0.75 (if
a) Leading Load 1.5 1.3
applicable) or 0 applicable) or 0
b) Accompanying Load 1.15 1.0 0.2 0.2
2.2 Thermal Load as accompanying load 0.90 0.80 0.5 0.5
2.3 Wind Load
a) Leading Load 1.5 1.3 -
b) Accompanying Load 0.9 0.8 0 0
2.4 Live Load surcharge as Accompanying Load (if applicable) 1.2 1.0 0.2 0.2
3. Accidental Effect or Seismic Effect
a) During Service - - 1.5 1.0
b) During Construction - - 0.75 0.5
4. Construction Dead Loads (such as Wt. of launching
1.35 1.0 1.0 1.0
girder, truss or Cantilever Construction Equipments)
5. Hydraulic Loads:

5.1 Water Current 1.0 or 0 1.0 or 0 1.0 or 0

5.2 Wave Pressure 1.0 or 0 1.0 or 0 1.0 or 0
5.3 Hydrodynamic effect - - 1.0 or 0
6. Buoyancy:
a) For Base Pressure 1.0 1.0 1.0
b) For Structural Design 0.15 0.15 0.15

Notes :
1) For combination principles, refer para 3.
2) Where two partial factors are indicated for loads, both these factors shall be
considered for arriving at the severe effect.
3) Wind load and thermal load need not be taken simultaneously unless otherwise
required to cater for local climatic condition.
IRC: 6-2016

4) Partial safety factor for prestress and secondary effect of prestress shall be as
recommended in the relevant codes.
5) Wherever Snow Load is applicable, Clause 221 shall be referred for combination of
snow load and live load.
6) For repair, rehabilitation and retrofitting the load combination shall be project
7) For calculation of time period and seismic force, dead load, SIDL and appropriate
live load as defined in Clause 219.5.2. shall not be enhanced by corresponding
partial safety factor as given in Table B.4 and shall be calculated using unfactored
8) At present the combination of loads shown in Table B.4 shall be used for
structural design of foundation only. For checking the base pressure under
foundation, load combination given in IRC:78 shall be used. Table B.4 shall be
used for checking of base pressure under foundation only when relevant material
safety factor and resistance factor are introduced in IRC:78.
9) For dynamic increment and decrement, Clause 214.1.2 on lateral earth pressure
under seismic condition shall be referred to.
10) Thermal loads indicated, consists of either restraint effect generated by portal
frame or arch or elastomeric bearing or frictional force generated by bearings as


IRC: 6-2016

Annex C
(Clause 209.3.3)
Wind Load Computation on Truss bridge Superstructure

C-1.1 Superstructures without live load: The design transverse wind load FT
shall be derived separately for the areas of the windward and leeward truss girder and
deck elements. Except that FT need not be derived considering the projected areas of
windward parapet shielded by windward truss, or vice versa, deck shielded by the
windward truss, or vice versa and leeward truss shielded by the deck.

The area A1 for each truss, parapet etc. shall be the solid area in normal projected
elevation. The area A1 for the deck shall be based on the full depth of the deck.

C-1.2 Superstructures with live load: The design transverse wind load shall be
derived separately for elements as specified in C-1 and also for the live load depth.
The area A1 for the deck, parapets, trusses etc. shall be as for the superstructure
without live load. The area A1 for the live load shall be derived using the appropriate
live load depth.

C-1.3 Drag Coefficient CD for all Truss Girder Superstructures

a) Superstructures without live Load :

The drag coefficient CD for each truss and for the deck shall be derived as follows:
For a windward truss CD shall be taken from Table C-1.
For leeward truss of a superstructure with two trusses, drag coefficient shall
be taken as CD, values of shielding factor are given in Table C-2. The
solidity ratio of the truss is the ratio of the effective area to the overall area of
the truss.
Where a superstructure has more than two trusses, the drag coefficient for
the truss adjacent to the windward truss shall be derived as specified above.
The coefficient for all other trusses shall be taken as equal to this value.
For Deck Construction, the drag coefficient shall be taken as 1.1.

b) Superstructure with live load:

The drag coefficient CD for each truss and for the deck shall be as for the
superstructure without live load. CD for the unshielded parts of the live load shall be
taken as 1.45.

IRC: 6-2016

Table C-1: Force Coefficients for Single Truss

Drag Coefficient CD for

Solidity ratio () Built-up Sections Rounded Members of Diameter (d)
Subcritical flow Supercritical flow
(dVz < 6m2/s) (dVz 6m2/s)
0.1 1.9 1.2 0.7
0.2 1.8 1.2 0.8
0.3 1.7 1.2 0.8
0.4 1.7 1.1 0.8
0.5 1.6 1.1 0.8

1) Linear interpolation between values is permitted.
2) The solidity ratio of the truss is the ratio of the net area to overall area of the truss

Table C-2: Shielding Factor for Multiple Trusses

Truss Spacing Value of for Solidity Ratio

Ratio 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
<1 1.0 0.90 0.80 0.60 0.45
2 1.0 0.90 0.80 0.65 0.50
3 1.0 0.95 0.80 0.70 0.55
4 1.0 0.95 0.85 0.70 0.60
5 1.0 0.95 0.85 0.75 0.65
6 1.0 0.95 0.90 0.80 0.70

1) Linear interpolation between values is permitted.
2) The truss spacing ratio is the distance between centers of trusses divided by depth
of the windward truss.

IRC: 6-2016

Annex D
(Clause 219.5)


The fundamental natural period T (in seconds) of pier/abutment of the bridge along a
horizontal direction may be estimated by the following expression:
= 2.0
D = Appropriate dead load of the superstructure and live load in
V = Horizontal force in kN required to be applied at the centre of
mass of superstructure for one mm horizontal deflection at
the top of the pier/ abutment for the earthquake in the
transverse direction; and the force to be applied at the top
of the bearings for the earthquake in the longitudinal

IRC: 6-2016

Annex E
(Clause 220.1)


Table E-1: Class of Waterway, Dimension for Barge & Minimum Navigational Clearances
Minimum Dimensions of Navigational Channels in Minimum Clearances for cross
Barge Units
Lean Seasons structure

Tonnage Horizontal Clearance

Class of Tonnage Rivers Canals
(DWT) Dimension of Dimension of
Waterway of Barge
of SPV (T) Single Barge Barge Units
Units Depth* Radius at Vertical
(LxBxD) (LxBxD) Bottom Depth* Bottom
(DWT) (m) Bend (m) Clearance*
(m) (m) Width (m) (m) Width (m) Rivers (m) Canals (m)
(T) * (m)

I 100 32x5x1.0 200 1.20 30 1.50 20 300 30 20 4.0

II 300 45x8x1.2 600 1.40 40 1.80 30 500 40 30 5.0

141x9 x1.5
III 500 58x9x1.5 1000 1.70 50 2.20 40 700 50 40 7.0

IV 1000 70x12x1.6 2000 2.00 50 2.50 50 800 50 50 10.0

V 1000 70x12x1.6 4000 2.00 80 - - 800 80 - 10.0

VI 2000 86x14x2.5 4000 2.75 80 3.50 60 900 80 60 10.0

VII 2000 86x14x2.5 8000 2.75 100 - - 900 100 - 10.0

1) SPV : Self Propelled Vehicle : L-Overall Length ; B-Beam Width; D-Loaded Draft
2) Minimum Depth of Channel should be available for 95% of the year
3) The vertical clearance shall be available in at least 75% of the portion of each of the
spans in entire width of the waterway during lean season.
4) Reference levels for vertical clearance in different types of channels is given below :
A) For rivers, over Navigational High Flood Level (NHFL), which is the highest
Flood level at a frequency of 5% in any year over a period of last twenty
B) For tidal canals, over the highest high water level
C) For other canals, over designed for supply level


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