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Gensan Economic Profile1

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Introduction 2
Message from the City Mayor 3
G.R.E.E.N. to C.L.E.A.N. 4
Citys Development Plans 6
Location & Opportunity 8
GenSan Provides an Expanding Consumer Base 16
The Economic Situation 20
The Overall Economic Situation 26
Agriculture & Fisheries 28
Industrial Development 31
Commercial Development 36
Support Facilities 37
Gensan Tourism 45
Doing Business in GenSan 50
Cost of Doing Business 57
The Citys Strategic Economic Support Projects 60
References and Data Sources 65

his profile contains substantial investment This profile contains citys location and
information on the business environment investment opportunities, Social and
of General Santos City. The profile Economic Profile and statistical data of 2013,
intends to bring about awareness on the citys development by sector, support facilities,
advantages and potentials and eventually community services facilities, cost of doing
entice and help potential investors decide on business, business registration procedures,
putting up their investments on the ground and procedures on how to avail investment
and for existing businesses to further decide incentives.
on expansion and/or diversification of their

The long term thrust of the local government as

contained in the citys development strategies
is Economic diversification of Investments and
Positioning General Santos City as the Agri-
industrial, Trade, Tourism and Transportation
Hub of SOCCSKSARGEN Growth Area for Rapid
and Sustained Growth. Thus, The City Economic
Management & Cooperative Development Office
(CEMCDO) comes up with this material to make
the necessary data on the business environment
of the City readily available to decision makers,
potential investors and researchers. The City
Business Profile 2014: The Annual Integrated
Business Environment Profile of General
Santos City is available in CDs and could be
downloaded from the Citys website or at www.

Dear Investor,

ITS GENSAN NOW AND BEYOND! - our advocacy on

Investments and Tourism Services in General Santos City
determined on Nurturing Our Wealth and exploring beyond
what the city can offer.

General Santos City is a solid investment destination for

new and expanding businesses. It is ready for long term
developments. Preparations are made dynamic and
realistic. The city governments effort is focused on power,
telecommunication systems, drainage and sewerage
systems, integrated food terminal with post-harvest facilities,
redevelopment of the public market, integrated transport For inclusive growth, we value the participation of private
terminal, wharf and airport, and farm-to-market roads among players. Partnership is the key. We have prepared this
others. The citys readiness towards becoming globally material as guide to your ventures success. We include
competitive is defined by these hard infrastructures. easy access of your references in forging alliance. Details
to questions for your commercialization in the city are also
answered through this profile.
Gensan is strategically located within 3-4 hours flying time
to Hongkong, Taipei, Singapore, Bangkok, Jakarta, and
Kuala Lumpur. It is the closest point in the Philippines to We welcome your business intentions in Gensan. We are
Indonesia. Thus, it is a port of call for the potential trade more than willing to lend you a helping hand.
routes of Gensan-Bitung through the Roll-on-Roll-Off (RORO)
projects. The Investment Code of the city, the Public-Private
Partnership code, the Comprehensive Land Use Plan, and
Transportation Master Plan are being brewed to become For investments and continual progress,
adoptive of the investors need.

We wanted to think the way businessmen do. And to that,

there is more to Gensan that can be imagined. We are more
than just the Tuna Capital of the Philippines we are the hub City Mayor
of the SOCCSKSARGEN Growth Region. We position the city
as one of the major players in the Brunei-Indonesia-Malaysia-
Philippines-East Asean Growth Area region (BIMP-EAGA) and
the ASEAN Community.

Mapping the Long Term Economic Directions of the City

Vision: Mission: Over-all Goal:

By 2030, General Santos City, the To provide opportunities to all To improve the quality of life of
Home of Champions, is a globally sectors of society to be produc- the GENERALS in a sustainable
competitive and livable city where tive and responsible stakeholders, City through poverty reduc-
prosperous, healthy, friendly, well- through execution of sound and tion, globalization, disaster risk
educated and responsible citizens beneficial programs, projects and resilience and climate change
actively participate in effective initiatives anchored on the princi- adaptation
governance for a sustainable ples of justice and equity.

These guiding principles and major achieve by 2030 breaking this vision into two: First,
development strategies will reaffirm GenSan as Home of the Champions, the city should offer
as the agri-industrial, trade, tourism, and opportunities which will unleash and encourage
transportation hub of SOCCSKSARGEN the youth to harness their talents and be at par
Growth Area. Mayor Ronnel C. Rivera on the with global standards; and Second, as Globally
1st Annual Economic Summit on October 3, Competitive and livable City, the competitiveness
2013, expressed his strong commitment to indicators of the Asian Institute of Management
this economic development direction and Policy Center Study such as, dynamism of local
stressed on the importance of sharing the Citys economy, cost of doing business, infrastructure,
vision to the entire constituency of General responsiveness of Local Government Unit to
Santos City and it is a must for everyone to business needs, human resources and trainings,
engage in bringing the City to a higher level of and quality of life serves as basic measures and
competitiveness. development drivers.
Stressing the importance of sharing the same
citys vision depicting the state that we should

Pioneer Avenue

Mapping the New Economic Directions of the City

G.R.E.E.N. to C.L.E.A.N.
The banner slogan: GREEN to CLEAN in Gen- Among others, this entails every sectors
san defines the major development strategies involvement to create a community that is
and the condition that will guide the local gov- resilient to bounce back should an inevita-
ernments programs and activities for the next ble calamity hit the community.
three years. The acronym C.L.E.A.N. means
Creating a Livable Environment for All towards E for environmental security and reha-
Nation-building in GenSan, and G.R.E.E.N. bilitation through disaster risk mitigation
will be the core of all development strategies and resiliency and climate change adapta-
that the Local Government Unit will execute tion
and encouraged everyone for a full support Pursuing total development means starting
from all the stakeholders of the city explaining with a comprehensive environment man-
it in details: agement plan that includes preserving our
environment and securing the lives of our
G for good governance with integrity and people. Among others, this entails every
inclusiveness sector to cooperate in programs that would
Inclusiveness as we will be guided by the need create a community that not just prevent
to introduce extensive and complete develop- disasters but is resilient to bounce back
ment supports to all the communities and to should an inevitable calamity hit the com-
the different sectors. munity.

R for revenue growth through public-pri- N is for the needy and vulnerable popu-
vate partnership lation that should be nurtured, protected,
Engaging with each other extensively for a developed and empowered towards pro-
more conducive business environment and ductivity and progress
putting values to what the private sectors The main thrust of the city is for an inclu-
and the local government can do collectively. sive growth which means that develop-
The most important ingredients for the pos- ment should be felt to the grassroots level
sible partnership are: one, engage each other and should bring to reality the empowered
under a clear development vision; two, what citizenry we all envision. This can only be
we are doing is responsive to the needs of the possible by bringing to fore the needs of
residents and target end-users, and; three, the many by providing them an equipping
share the responsibility and risk for imple- environment and easy access to basic pub-
menting the project. lic services.

E for environmental security and rehabili-

tation through disaster risk mitigation and
resiliency and climate change adaptation
Pursuing total development means starting
with a comprehensive environment manage-
ment plan that includes preserving our envi-
ronment and securing the lives of our people.

Mapping the New Economic Directions of the City


In response to all the issues and concerns raised by the different sectors, the leadership introduced the
possible working relationships between the government and the private sector. The local government
with engagement to the private sectors and several National Government Agencies (NGAs) will address
the development concerns and issues through the following:

1. Cohesive plans and policies that will include updating of our Comprehensive Land Use Plan, fine tun-
ing of the investment code, review of local policies on land and mass transport, preparation of the City
Transport Master Plan, revisiting the traffic management plan, and environmental management plan.

2. Infrastructure support projects that the city government can work with several NGAs. The efforts will
focus on power generation and distribution, upgrading the telecommunication systems, drainage sys-
tems, sewerage systems, redevelopment of the GSC International Airport and Makar Wharf, integrated
transport terminal, post-harvest facilities (food terminal, slaughter house, trading post) and farm-to-
market roads.

3. Enhancing the competency of the manpower by building the industry to academe linkages, provid-
ing more training opportunities in close working relationship with the academe, Department of Science
and Technology, Technical Education and Skills Development Authority, and other institutions providing
similar supports.

4. Enhanced business processes and facilitation services by streamlining procedures including require-
ments and establishing a year round One-Stop Shop.

5. Better accessibility to information including the improvement and updating of the city website for
business information & opportunities and upgrade the IT facility of the City Hall to bolster the citys im-
age as an alternate ICT hub.

6. Support investors focused on the development of economic and tourism zones to entice foreign direct

7. Improve trade relations & partnerships with BIMP-EAGA and revive the sisterhood arrangements with
foreign cities including Gorontalo and Manado in Indonesia, Hadano City in Japan, Katherine Town in
Australia and Shantou in China.

8. Preservation of Harmony and orderliness by strengthening our information and response systems up
to the community levels.
Citys Development Plan

Gensans Key Development Issues and Area Development Plan


Planning and development of appropriate infrastruc-
Improving the quality of life of about 25% of the citys
ture such as roads, bridges, traffic signs, schools,
poorest households (31,672);
hospitals, waste management facilities, etc. that are
Providing employment to about 3% of households (3822)
cultural and gender sensitive to increase the city
that miss 1 or 2 meals per day due to poverty;
Honing the skills of its English speaking human resources
Crafting and implementing land use and develop-
to become competitive in the international market
ment policies that enhance the quality of life of the
Providing sustainable housing especially to 36% of house-
citizens while promoting the structural integrity of
holds (45356) that do not own or just rent their houses;
development projects; enhancing the aesthetic view
Providing residential lots of 21,820 informal dweller
of the city and promoting green urbanism;
households (in danger zone/ government owned lands)
Improving the revenue generation capacity of the
and 43,373 households that are caretakers or renters of
local government and introducing fiscal reforms to
the housing units they are living in;
maximize its capability to develop the city and pro-
Improving access to health care services of the poorest
mote the general welfare of its constituents;
Enhance public-private partnership in the implemen-
Improving the citys drainage system to prevent flooding
tation of various development projects; and lead-
of residential food production areas;
ing in good governance and transparency through
Strengthening the fishing, poultry and livestock industries
people participation.
and information technology towards globalization;
Supporting the growth and development of commerce
and industries while ensuring environmental sustainabil-

General Santos City Area Development Plan

Location & Opportunity

General Santos as the Strategic Center for Trade, Agri-industrial, and Transport Hub of SOCCSKSAR-
GEN Growth Area
General Santos City lies at the southern part of the Date of Creation : July 8, 1968
Philippines. It is located at latitude 0605N and longitude Date of Inauguration : Sep. 05, 1968
12514E. The city is approximately 1,050 kilometers Enabling Law : Republic Act 5412
southeast of Manila, 485 kilometers southeast of Cebu Income Class : Highly Urbanized
and 150 kilometers southwest of Davao. City Income : PhP 1.24 Billion (2013)
No. of Barangays : 26
Gensan, as we demonstratively call the city is the south- Population No. : 538,086
ernmost city of the Philippines and is part of SOCCSK- Household : 115,235
SARGEN (South Cotabato, Cotabato, Sultan Kudarat, Pop. Growth Rate : 5.15
Sarangani Province, and General Santos City) Growth Labor Force : 98,491
Region Region XII. Land Area : 53,606 hectares
Location : Southern Mindanao
General Santos City started off as Pres. Manuel L. Que-
zons dream settlement area for farmers. On February 3-4 hour flying time from major
27, 1939, Gen. Paulino Santos of the National Land Set- capitals of the ASEAN region;
tlement Authority (NLSA) led 62 pioneers in opening its Around 1 hour and 30 minutes
fertile lands for agriculture. from Manila by air and
2 hours, and30 minutes from
As the settlements economy grew and diversified, it Davao City by land
became known after its founder, General Santos and
also for its corn, coconut, livestock and poultry, and tuna
industry. As more investors came in, the geographic
location, promising agriculture and fishing industry and
strong local government unit encouraged foreign donors
to provide technical and infrastructure development as-
Location & Opportunity

General Santos as the Strategic Center for Trade, Agri-industrial, and Transport Hub of SOCCSKSARGEN
Growth Area

Source: Business Permits & Licenses Office, Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas, City Treasurers Office, SOCOTECO II, GSC Water District, National Wages & Productivity
Commission, LGU Accredited Business Organizations, Licensed Brokers.
Location & Opportunity

General Santos as the Strategic Center for Trade, Agri-industrial, and Transport Hub of SOCCSKSARGEN
Growth Area

* - on-going revision
Source:;; DILG; City Engineers Office; Office of the Building Official; City Planning & Development Office; Philippine National
Police; Department of Education
Location & Opportunity

General Santos as the Strategic Center for Trade, Agri-industrial, and Transport Hub of SOCCSKSARGEN
Growth Area

Source: City Engineers Office; Department of Tourism; City Health Office; City Planning & Development Office; Department of Education; Land Transportation
Location & Opportunity

General Santos as the Strategic Center for Trade, Agri-industrial, and Transport Hub of SOCCSKSARGEN
Growth Area

SOCCSKSARGEN Commodity Flow Gensan has emerged to be the

major trade hub of the SOCC-
SKSARGEN Region. Inbound
shipments of
agricultural products for the
period 2006 2013 consist
of cereals and oilseed (rice,
wheat and soya),
fruits (mainly mango and
fruits imported from China),
and vegetables (tomato,
carrots, potato, onions and
garlic). Inbound shipments
for vegetables originated
from Manila, Subic, and Iloilo.
Cereal shipments grew by
2.8% annually, while fruits and
vegetables was the same. The
City is the metropolitan center
of Region XII and continues
to be the Tuna Capital of the
Domestic & Foreign Commodity Outflow Philippines.

With the presence of the

international standard port
and airport, it is the trans-
shipment hub of the region to
other parts of the country and
the rest of the world including
USA, Europe, Japan, Asia, and
Australlia. Outbound ship-
ments were mostly to Manila,
with some rice shipped to
Zamboanga and milled corn
to Cebu and Dumaguete.
Shipments of fruits consisted
of mango, papaya, banana,
pineapple, and fresh coconut.
The main vegetable items
were cabbage, sayote, squash,
and cassava. Aside from
horticulture products, live
animals were shipped in and
out of Gensan in considerable
quantity, notably carabao and
Location & Opportunity

General Santos as the Strategic Center for Trade, Agri-industrial, and Transport Hub of SOCCSKSARGEN
Growth Area

SOCCSKSARGEN Commodity Flow encompassing opportunity for more Connectivity is the lifeblood of the
priority investment areas. A catapult economy. And the citys role in the
At the outset, the ASEAN Economic to this are the open and national ASEAN community being the strategic
Community Blueprint provides a treatment which shall be granted to position as gateway for trade and com-
more appealing investment climate investors at both pre-establishment merce is an economic opportunity.
to all community members. Philip- and post-establishment stages of all
pines, as a member state, benefit to industries aside from those which
such strength particularly to regions were excluded and were considered
at strategically situated areas. Gen- sensitive. The envisioned free and
eral Santos City, a city geographically open investment regime is sought to
located at the southernmost part of boost investment and reinvestment
the Philippines, will thereby become inflows particularly in these pre-
an ideal trade center as a gateway to identified industries: manufacturing,
ASEAN countries improving its role agriculture, fishery, forestry, mining
from being the industrial trade hub of and quarrying, and other incidental
the region. sectors.

Necessary to implement an ASEAN An integrated transport network in

Economic Community is the essence ASEAN is vital for realizing the full
of a single market and production potential of the ASEAN Free Trade
base approach. Here, the free flow of Area. As preparations for its realiza-
goods, services, investments, capital tion, transport and logistics are now
and skilled labor within the ASEAN being prepared. For ASEAN maritime
community signifies that the city, as connectivity, the pursuit of Roll-on
a gateway across neighboring com- Roll-off (RoRo) initiative which will
munity, will be a smart resource. As utilize the ideal location of the city en
an effect, influx of opportunities is route to Bitung, Indonesia is gradually
forecasted through economic ventures being materialized and the initiative
in the locale. to improve the General Santos City
Makar Wharf is now considered a
The investment thrust contemplated priority. Equally important is the air
by various policies emanating from connectivity which, as an address,
local, national and especially interna- involves rehabilitation of the General
tional agreements is thus becoming an Santos City International Airport.
Location & Opportunity

General Santos as the Strategic Center for Trade, Agri-industrial, and Transport Hub of SOCCSKSARGEN
Growth Area



BIMP-EAGA (Brunei Darussalam-Indonesia-Malaysia- ON THE REGIONAL CONTEXT
Philippines East ASEAN Growth Area) is a sub-regional General Santos City is the strategic center for Trade, Agri-
economic cooperation initiative in South-East Asia. industrial, and Transport Hub of SOCCSKSARGEN Growth
Its aim is to increase trade, tourism, and investments Area, being the financial, industrial, and service center of
with and outside the sub-region by facilitating the free the region. With the existing world-class infrastructure
movement of people, goods, and services; making the of the city, most of the commodities of the region are
best use of common infrastructure and natural re- streaming in the city, thus, a robust import and export
sources; and taking full advantage of economic comple- trading is evident in the city. General Santos is also con-
mentation. Compared to other growth regions of the sidered as a growth center, next to Davao City based on
Philippines, SOCCSKSARGEN is the most proximate to the Southern Mindanao Regional Physical Framework.
these ASEAN neighbors, those region that belongs to
one of the worlds most resource-rich regions-The heart ON THE CITYS CONTEXT
of Borneo and Sulu-Sulawesi Marine Eco-region. Logi- Aside from its strategic location and being an autonomous
cally, it becomes the natural trading partner and hub for city independent from province, Gensan has an inherent
cultural networking, and economic activities. Also, the advantage over the other major cities in the country. The
Southern Philippine Industrial Core which will comprise city has a fertile soil and has a favorable climate condition
the Davao-General Santos-Zamboanga network of cities which has a tropical wet and dry climate with an evenly
will complement existing industrial cores of Luzon and distributed rainfall. It does not belong to the typhoon belt
Visayas. This reinforces Philippine trade links to our and no major climate deviations all year round. In 2013,
ASEAN neighbors as well as with Australia and New the city has a monthly average temperature of as low as
Zealand. 21.4 degree Celsius (70.5 degree Fahrenheit) and as high
as 33.4 degree Celsius (92.1 degree Fahrenheit).
General Santos City is the largest producer of sashimi-
grade tuna in the Philippines hence, the title Tuna
Capital of the Philippines. The city also accounts for
the second largest daily total catch fish next to Navotas
City. Aside from fishing, Gensan is also one of the
major producers of agricultural products, livestock and
poultry of the country plus the existence of world-class
agro-industrial infrastructure, making the city a key
player in the Mindanao Food Basket project based on
the Food Security Program of the country. Based on
the Agricultural and Fisheries Modernization Act, the
city became the center for developing agriculture and
fisheries (Strategic Agricultural and Fisheries Develop-
ment Zones) and with the National Framework Plan,
Gensan became the Regional Industrial Center of
SOCCSKSARGEN With one of the focused development
area of the city, Gensan aims to be globally competi-
tive by establishing its own economic zone- New Town
Development Zone.
GenSan Provides an Expanding
Consumer Base:

General Santos Citys population is

increasing with an annual growth
rate of 4.70% between 1970 and
2010. The compound annual
Source: National Statistical Coordination Board growth rate for 10 years between
2000 and 2010 is at 2.71%.
Population growth rate in GenSan
will continue to increase in the
projected future. Using the annual
growth rate of 2.71%, the popu-
lation of the city in 2013, with a
definitive considered capacity is
estimated to be at 583,034. By,
2020 the projected population will
be 703,062.
Source: City Economic Management & Cooperative Development Office

Based on 2010 data, Gensan has

a young population of working
age residents. Over 92.61% of the
citys population is younger than
age 55 and 39.97 % at the prime
employment considered at the age
between 20 and 44.
The city continues to be one of the
younger residents, as many fami-
lies continue to make their home
here. In 2010, 43.76% of GenSans
population was under 15 years old.

Source: National Statistical Coordination Board

GenSan Provides an Expanding
Consumer Base:

Source: City Economic Management & Cooperative Development Office

GenSan Provides an Expanding
Consumer Base:

Gensan has a very high percentage of educated individuals. vidual with diploma in technical schools, 22,174 individuals
91.34% of the total population over 3 years old and above have finished 6 months and 12 months vocational trainings.
has attended formal education of which 44.52% has an
educational attainment of at least 4th year high school up to
post graduate studies.

10.59% of 51,999 individuals are at least college graduate.

With the consideration for potential skilled workers or indi-

Source: General Santos City Census (CityCen)

GenSan Provides an Expanding
Consumer Base:

Based on 2011 City Census (CityCen), the total number

of households is 126,706. Of which, only 48.55% actually
owned the lot or a common property with other family
members where their housing units were built. 51.45%
of the total household or 65,193 households are either
renting/ leasing, caretakers, or informal dwellers making the
low-cost or mass housing a very potential business in the

Source: General Santos City Census (CityCen)

The Economic Situation:

SOCCSKSARGEN Economy at a Glance

The economic accounts of the region, which are presented presents the ranking of the SOCCSKSARGEN Growth Area in
in terms of the Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP), terms of GRDP, Regional Gross Value Added by sector, and
provide a comprehensive quantitative picture of the region Economy by sector.
economy, specifically the levels and growth of the regions
economic performance; the structure of regional economy The citys annual investment report is also presented includ-
by industrial origin; and the sectors that contributed much ing the top new investment by industry, top exports and
or of great potential to the regions growth. This chapter imports, and labor force of the city.

Source: NCSB

The Economic Situation:

SOCCSKSARGEN Economy at a Glance

Based on the 2012 data of NCSB, SOCCSKSARGEN ranked agriculture and forestry sector posted the highest at 24.6%
number 3 in whole Mindanao in terms of Gross Regional of the total GRDP of SOCCSKSARGEN Growth Area. Manu-
Domestic Product with a growth rate of 8.1% thereby in- facturing sector ranked 2nd with a total contribution of
creased by 2.8% compared to 5.3% growth rate in 2011. 23.5%.
In terms of industrial origin, the SERVICE CLUSTER has the
highest contribution in the regions GRDP at 37% but the

The Economic Situation:

SOCCSKSARGEN Economy at a Glance

The Agriculture-Based Economy

In 2012, SOCCSKSARGEN ranked 2nd in Mindanao, and 5th in the

Philippines as to its contribution to the GDP from agricultural,
forestry, and fisheries sector.

This proves that the city as the agri-industrial hub of the region is
one of the major food supplier of the country. Gensan has a total
agricultural land use of 14,486 Hectares, 46.7% is utilized for agri-
cultural production with 205.67 Hectares devoted to Aquaculture.
Utilization of the remaining 53.3% of the agricultural land is one
great opportunity and will surely enhance agriculture sectors
contribution to the GDP.

The Industry-Based Economy

In 2012, SOCCSKSARGEN ranked 3rd in Mindanao, and 8th in the

Philippines as to its contribution to the GDP from industry sector.

CALABARZON topped the list since they have a lot of established

and operating special economic zones in their region. Replicating
this development here in GenSan may increase the SOCCSKSAR-
GENs contribution to the GDP from Industry sector as this may
attract more foreign direct investors in the city.

The Service-Based Economy

In 2012, SOCCSKSARGEN ranked 3rd in Mindanao, and 10th in the

Philippines as to its contribution to the GDP from services sector.

Most of the business establishments recognized the efficiency

and lesser cost by outsourcing some of its processes and needs.
With the increasing trend in demand, the need for more business
process outsourcing establishments in Gensan would be a great
The Economic Situation:

Gensans Labor Force

Based on the City Census of 2011, 54.5% of the total labor those in Agriculture, Hunting, Forestry and Fishing Cluster at
force of 354,320 (15 years old and above) are employed to 18.6%.
various businesses or industry type.
Among the sectors, the wholesale and retail trade, and repair
The Services Cluster continued to absorb the bulk of the of motor vehicles sector leads the list at 16.9% followed
citys total employed workforce. In 2011, About 64.4% of the closely by those who are engaged in other community, social
193,193 employed individuals are in this cluster. Followed by and personal services activities at 16.9%.

Source: City Census 2011

The Economic Situation:

Gensans Labor Force

The total labor force of the city is 354,320. Based on the preparation, etc.) at 10.42% followed by those in transpor-
Data on Special Skills of the total population of 15 years old tation services at 8.13%. Individuals with skills in agricul-
and above, skills on housekeeping leads the list at 25.1% ture, and building and construction are at 7.94% and 7.35%,
followed by those who have special skills on food (cooking, respectively.

Source: General Santos City Census of 2011 (CityCen 2011)

The Economic Situation:

General Santos City Annual Investment Report

This data shows the annual registration for new businesses In 2013, the city recorded a total of Php 69,082,596,243.00
that have established in the city. While this data doesnt gross sales from registered Firms. It increased by 21.33%
include those who did not complete the business licensing compared to 2012. These include the 7,838 business estab-
procedure it could be noted that the six-year data shows a lishments who renewed their registration in 2013.
high average of 1,143 new business establishments locating
within the city with an average capitalization of over 1.460
Billion Pesos every year.

Data on annual investment shows that the city is ex-

periencing a fast economic growth as evidenced by the
increasing number of banks, automobile dealerships,
other financial centers, hotels and restaurants, and large
shopping malls.

Source: Data extracted from Business Permits & Licenses Division

Overall Economic Situation:

General SAntos CItys Top Imports & Exports

Aside from being the major food supplier, General trading partner of the city in import with a value of
Santos is also the main service hub of imports and more than 822 million pesos in various commodi-
exports in SOCCSKSARGEN Region. The Frozen ties. China emerged as the second trading part-
Tuna is still the primary imported commodity in ner with a value of more than 737 million pesos
General Santos. In 2013, more than 13 million met- of imported commodities. Japan, Vietnam, and
ric tons were imported with a value of 1.053 tril- Argentina transpired to be the third, fourth, and
lion pesos. Long grain white rice, soy beans meal, fifth import partners of the city respectively with a
generating set, and frozen mackerel completed the combined value of more than 1.445 billion pesos of
top 5 list of most imported commodities in the city. imported commodities.
In 2013, the United States of America is still the top
Overall Economic Situation:

General SAntos CItys Top Imports & Exports

The primary exported commodity of the city is the Canned and processed fruits: pineapple, coconut, banana, and vari-
Pineapple which topped the list with a value of more than ous dried fruits.
US$ 223 million. In this list tuna products were categorized
as canned tuna, frozen tuna, frozen whole tuna, frozen
tuna loins, pouched tuna, fresh tuna, and fresh whole tuna
that if summed up it has a total value of more than US$
275 million making it as the most exported line of product
from Gensan. As a major agricultural product supplier, the
city also recorded as its primary exports the following fresh


Agriculture & Fisheries


General Santos City is an important Agro-Industrial area in the such as cattle, hogs, and poultry. It is the largest producer of
SOCCSKSARGEN Growth area wherein the major economic sashimi grade tuna in the Philippines hence, the Tuna Capital
activities are anchored in agricultural and fishing industry. of the Philippines. Commercial fishing continues to be a major
agro-industry of GenSan. The city accounts for the second
Gensan is one of the major food suppliers in the country. The largest daily total catch of fish in the country next to Navotas
city produces the staples (rice and corn), coconut, pineap- City. The total daily capacity of GenSan is 750 MT of fish
ple, asparagus, banana, as well as other fruits, vegetables, catch. The Fishport Complex has modern facilities that comply
cutflowers, coconut/crude/ with international standards on fish catch landing. Aside from
Cochintype coconut oil, copra pellets, asparagus and okra, fresh/frozen tuna, GenSan exports canned tuna, produced
and abaca pulp. by 7 canned tuna processors located in the city. Other fishery
products exports are frozen octopus and shrimps, and other
The city is also a major producer and supplier of livestock, fish and aquaculture products.


2011 2012 2013
Commodity Area (Hec- Aver- Area Average Area Average
Volume Volume
age Yield (Hec- Yield (Hec- Yield
tares) (MT) (MT)
(MT) tares) (MT) tares) (MT)
Rice 3,158.13 5.00 15,783.73 2,491.33 4.58 11,421.23 2,435.15 4.76h
Corn 4,752.05 3.31 15,741.72 3,161.68 3.71 11,725.76 1,187.20 3.30
Fruits 3,403.86 37,706.32 3,413.68 43,170.00
Vegetables 161.05 1,965.79 139.10 1,604.33
Spices 87.20 866.00 73.20 750.36
Root Crops 118.00 1,925.60 130.00 2,683.90
TOTAL 11,680.20 73,989.16 9,409.17 71,355.58
SOURCE: City Agriculturists Office


2011 2012 2013
Slaughtered Slaughtered Slaughtered
Swine 95,318 109,139 100,769
Cattle 5,308 4,528 4,018
Carabao 987 1,015 1,217
Goat 1,010 1,131 1,847
Horse 223 - -
Poultry 9,764,345 11,517,642 10,659,413
SOURCE: City Veterinarians Office


2011 2012 2013
Total Fish Unloading 112,890.82 139,613.34 167,579
Daily Average 313.58 387.81 465.49
SOURCE: Philippine Fisheries Development Authority
Agriculture & Fisheries


The city government is reassuring the urgent revision of the agricultural activities for food security. 2nd Column in the table
citys Comprehensive Land Use Plan (CLUP). Several consulta- below is the existing land use based on the CLUP of 2000 while
tions and technical studies have been made. This is to ration- the next column is the proposed Land Used in 2010 where
alize the allocation and proper use of the land resources and agricultural land use will increase by 649.72 hectares. The fast
projecting both public and private use for future and existing growth of livestock production of the city has been put into
development which will increase positively with the social and consideration and increasing it by 500% to capture the land
economic activities of the city. Several considerations have requirement of the livestock production.
been made by the city government, and one of which is to al-
leviate the agricultural land use of the city.

In the summary of proposed Agricultural Land Use, the city

government sees the need to increase land resources for


% increase/
2000 2010 2013 Difference
Land Use (Existing) (Proposed) (Existing) (Proposed 2010
(2000 & 2013)
& Existing 2013)

Crops 14,486.00 13,666.74 9,809.37 (32.28) 3,857.37
Livestock 329.99 1,990.79 353.77 7.21 1,637.02
Aquaculture 194.09 60.44 137.38 (29.22) -76.94
Farm Trees 178.17 120.00 (100.00) 120.00
TOTAL 15,188.25 15,837.97 10,300.51 (32.18) 5,537.46

The city governments objectives in line with its support to agriculture and fisheries sector as crafted in the Executive and Legisla-
tive Agenda are focused on the following:
1. To improve food production by introducing high value crops and new farm technologies and
techniques, and improvement of irrigation facilities;
2. Sustain safe and quality livestock and poultry products for consumers;
3. Ensure safety of households from possible disease infections coming from companion animals
and pollution from farming practices;
4. To construct/rehabilitate the barangay road network for transport efficiency in terms of travel
time & cost;
5. To expand inland fishery production and increase availability of raw materials for processing;
6. To expand the fishing ground by sustaining existing relationships with other fishing nations,
establishing trade and fishing agreements with Indonesia and the countries involved in the
Agriculture & Fisheries


Facilities Description
Harbor Basin I 1.5m Wharf
400m berthing length Con-
crete stair landing
Harbor Basin II 3.5m Wharf 400m berthing
length Multi-level quay type
Harbor Basin III 6.0m Wharf 360m berthing
length quay type landing
Harbor Basin IV 1.5m Wharf 325m berthing
(with break water) length Concrete stair landing
Fish Market (4 units) 6,000 m2
Refrigeration Building 7,000 m2
Maintenance Shop 360 m2

The General Santos Fish Port Complex (GSFPC) has a total land area Administrative Building 420 m2

of 32 hectares including the agro-industrial area which lies along the Dormitory/ Guest House 100 m2
Sarangani Bay shores is approximately 17km south of the Central Busi- Net Mending Shed (4 units) 160 m2
ness District of the city. Primarily, it was constructed and financed by Public Toilets 180 m2
the Japanese Overseas Economic Cooperation Fund and it is one of the Fresh Water Pump House I 19.36 m2
projects under the Nationwide Fishing Ports Package II. This world class Fresh Water Pump House II 108.2 m2
port complex emerged as the regions principal trading port catering
Fire Pump House 12 m2
the SOCSKSARGEN (South Cotabato, Sultan Kudarat, Sarangani and
Sea Water Pump House 19.04 m2
General Santos City) economic growth area.
Weighbridge & Weighing Station 2 lots
The Philippine Fisheries Development Authority (PFDA), a govern- REFRIGERATION FACILITIES
ment-owned & controlled corporation attached to the Department of Ice Making Plant 60 tons /day
Agriculture is handling the management, operations, and development Ice Storage 30 tons / day
of GSFPC. Its mandate is to promote the development of the fishing Ice Crusher 20 tons / hour
industry through the provision of post-harvest infrastructure facilities
Cold Storage, -35OC 1,500 tons ( 6 x 300 tons)
and essential services to improve efficiency in handling and distribution
Contact Freezer, -45 OC (4 units) 288 kg/cycle/ 3-4hour/unit
of fish and fishery products and for enhanced quality.
Air Blast Freezer 3 tons/cycle
SERVICES & PORT OPERATIONS Brine Freezer 50 tons/day
Unloading and marketing of marine products both for SUPPORT FACILITES
local and foreign markets; Roadway/ Parking and Loading 86,000 m2
Harbor operations; Area
Processing and Refrigeration activities Waste Water Treatment Plant 440 m3 / dayh
(Volume of waste water dis-
In 2013, The total vessel arrival in the GSFPC is at 334,772. Its average from Domestic and Market Lines)
monthly vessel arrival is at 27,897 and with an average fish unloading
Fuel Oil Supply 3 x 200,000 liters
of 465.49 metric tons per day. Among the top species being unloaded
Water Supply 700,000 liters/day
in the fish port are skip jack tuna (perit and sambagon), yellow fin tuna,
carao, round scad (borot), bullet tuna (bodboron), and big-eyed scad Net Mending Yard 10,500 m2

(tulay/ matambaka). Commercial Shop Area 6,000 m2

Agro-Industrial Area 110,883.23 m2
(equivalent to 22 sub lots for
Fish Conveyor System 2 units
Concrete Roadway 9,600 m2
Concrete Apron 4,150 m2
Perimeter Fence 2,400 m
Drainage and Sewerage
Industrial Development


One of the citys development thrusts is to develop the industry sector of the city. With a vision that builds on the citys competi-
tive edge as one of the major player in the BIMP-EAGA Growth Region, the city will go beyond strengthening the tuna industry
and improve the citys position as the agro-industrial center, trade and transport hub of the south. Some of the strategies being
crafted are: accelerating the growth of value-added processing and packaging industries while improving further the local facili-
ties including the airport, seaport, and fishport; Establish a stable source of power; and introduce alternative renewable energy to
support industry growth and development to guarantee climate change adaptation.

Based on the proposed industrial land use, there will be a large increase in the distribution of lands for industrial, agro-industrial,
and economic zone land use for future development or investments.

Classification 2000 (Existing) 2010 (Proposed) % Increase

Industrial 310.01 1,217.14 293%
Agro-Industrial 69.79 523.18 650%
Economic Zone - 2,921.05 -
Regional Industrial - 379.55 -
TOTAL 379.8 5,040.92 1,227%
The industrial land use will increase by 293% or an additional 907.13 hectares allocation for industrial land use, while agro-indus-
trial will increase by 453.39 hectares. Both Economic Zone and Regional Industrial Center will have its own classification with a
proposed land use of 2,921.05 hectares and 379.55 hectares, respectively. By summing up these four classifications, there will be
an increase of 1,227% land use distribution compared to the 379.8 hectares of the existing land use of year 2000.
Industrial Development


Agrotex Gensan Economic Zone is a privately-owned agro-

industrial economic zone developed by Agrotex Commodi-
ties, Inc. A PEZA registered economic zone pursuant to
Presidential Proclamation No. 1911 dated October 8, 2009.

It is located at Purok Wal in Brgy. Tambler with a total land

area of 110,019sq.m. The topography is almost flat and
gently rolling towards the sea. Its proximity to the near-
est airport, The GSC International Airport is 11.5km, its
distance from the Port of General Santos (Makar Wharf)
is 8km. The proximity of this site to the central business
district is 14.5km.

Its distinguishing advantages are presence of a spring

water, a wharf, and a beach front. Security features include
entrance gate with guardhouse, perimeter fence, perimeter
CCTV camera, and the 24-hour security guards on duty.
Environmental compliance facilities include liquid waste
treatment facility, solid waste disposal service, and mate-
rial recovery facility. Support infrastructure and facilities
include a back-up generator, concrete road with sewerage
system, and concrete parking lot, and a 10MVA substation.

All locators in this economic zone can enjoy the incentives

set forth by PEZA such as income tax holiday, tax and duty
free importation of raw materials, capital equipment, ma-
chineries, and spare parts, exemption from wharfage dues
and export tax, impost or fees, and some other fiscal and
non-fiscal incentives.

As of April 30, 2014 there is a vacant area of 38,569 sq.m.

available for locators. Its preferred locators are those en-
terprises in line with agricultural industry which conform to
their standards. The company making the Agrotex Gensan
Economic Zone its location is the Cargill Oil Mills Philip-
pines, Inc., a manufacturer/ exporter of crude coconut oil &
copra meat expeller.

For lease rates and more information about this economic

zone you may call +63 83 554 7482 or +63 83 552 9317.
Industrial Development


The e.nable one Technology Business Incubator (TBI) is a

member of the Asia Pacific Incubation Network (APIN).
MABUHAY IT PARK The goal of this facility is to stimulate the formation of
startup new-technology-based firms; facilitate the crea-
MABUHAY I.T. PARK (MITP) is the first tion and growth of innovation-based companies thru
PEZA-registered I.T. park in General incubation and spin-off processes; counter the regional
Santos City. A privately-owned I.T. park imbalance of R&D capability, investment, innovation;
developed by Mabuhay Technopark Cor- provide an ecosystem that enables entrepreneurs to
poration with PEZA Registration No. EZ build successful science and technology businesses with
07-42 pursuant to Presidential Proclama- global potential; and help establish successful tech en-
tion No. 1383 dated September 11, 2007. terprises that create more jobs locally and are affiliated
with international companies that target foreign markets
MITP is a well-planned I.T. park occupying an area of 2.8
hectares which operates in a 24/7 fully secured community.
The zone is envisioned to be a one-stop facility capable of
carrying voice, video, and data services that would deliver
a superior, reliable, and secured network communications Avail-
Rate per
and back-up power supply. Location able Area
sq.m. (Php)
Its distinguishing advantages include a strategic location First Floor Right Wing 252 250
accessible to transportation, reliable infrastructure support, Second Floor Right 252 250
presence of incubation center, and its proximity to colleges Wing
and universities allowing ease in establishing strong part-
Second Floor Left Wing 292 250
nership between industry and the academe, especially for
the manpower needs. Security features include entrance e.nable one TBI Ante Rooms
gate with guardhouse, perimeter fence, perimeter CCTV 3 Ante Rooms x 24 24 250
camera, and the 24-hour security guards on duty. Environ- 3 Ante Rooms x 35 35 250
mental compliance facilities include liquid waste treatment
facility, and solid waste disposal service. Support infrastruc- 1 Ante Room x 28 28 250
ture and facilities include a back-up generator, concrete 1 Ante Room x 63 63 250
road with sewerage system, concrete parking lot, and an 1 Ante Room x 69 69 250
internet-ready connection.

Its preferred locators are those enterprises in line with AVAILABLE FACILITIES FOR RENT
information technology, business process outsourcing, and
Facilities Rate (Php)
light industrial. Other types of enterprise include food
services, and cafes. The companies making the MITP its COMMON AREAS
location are Sutherland, Destiny International, Neosmarty, Training Room 1 2,500 for 8 hours
ZDH IT Solutions, 1,500 for 4 hours
Perfect Picture Co., and MCC Transport Philippines,
Inc. Training Room 2 5,000 for 8 hours
3,000 for 4 hours
For more information about this economic zone you may Conference Room 2,500 for 8 hours
call +63 083 - 301-6270
1,500 for 4 hours
Main Lobby 3,000 for 8 hours
1,800 for 4 hours
1Mbps to 8Mbps PHP 2,592 to 54,000
per month
10 Mbps to 20Mbps USD 1,200 to 2,200
per month
Industrial Development



Networking Activities for Business Matching

Pool of Experienced Industry Experts
Legal Services
Intellectual Property Facilitation
Networking with Funding Communities
Liaison with Schools and Industry Organizations and Practi
Showcasing Locator Products and Services
Updated Trade Fairs Schedules including Technology Shows,
Conferences, Trainings, Etc.
Human Resources:
o Payroll Processing
o Time & Attendance Management
o Performance Management (Performance Assess
ment Tools)
o Other HR Services (ID cards, continuing educa-
tion, etc)
Finance & Accounting
Industrial Development


GENSAN ECONOMIC ZONE system; concrete parking lot; telecommunication systems;

and water supply system.
Another economic zone opened to locators both domestic
and foreign-direct investorsis Additionally, they will conform by the environmental compli-
the Gensan Economic Zone, established to be a MANUFAC- ance facilities such as liquid waste treatment facility; and ma-
TURING/ AGRO-INDUSTRIAL/ INDUSTRIAL economic zone terial recovery facility. Security features to comply include:
developed by Damalerio Realtors Incorporated. Entrance gate with guardhouse; perimeter fence; perimeter
It is located at Brgy. Tambler, General Santos City with a total CCTV camera; and 24/7 detailed security guards.
land area of 46.7715 hectares available for locators. Its prox-
imity to the GSC International Airport is 7.5kms., Its distance Its preferred locators are those enterprises in line with manu-
to the Port of General Santos (Makar Wharf) is 4.2kms., while facturing, agro-industrial, and industrial establishments. For
its distance from the central business district is 7 kms. The more inquiries, you may call Engr. Neil Cachuela, its adminis-
sites topography is totally flat making it their distinguishing trator at +63 947-982-9800.
They are committed to provide the following facili-
ties for locators: cold storage facility; warehouse; power
supply and backup generator; concrete road with sewerage
Commercial Development



The Central Business District (CBD) of the city which is situated at the Barangays Dadiangas
North, East, West, and South provides strategic location opportunities to lease or rent commer-
cial, office spaces, retail, and service sector of General Santos City.

As the regional center for business and commercial hub of SOCCSKSARGEN Growth area, the
city provides a wide range of business support services. Major banking institutions, community
and emergency services, accounting and legal firms are established within the area. And to im-
prove further the CBD, the city government aims to complete the Central Business District plan
and urban renewal and streetscape improvement to transform it into a garden city of business
and leisure.


The 2-hectare Central Public Market strategically located at the citys central business district
in front of the Queen Tuna Park (one of the citys historical beach), is one of the important
activity centers for retail and trade of the city. It consists of two adjacent structures separated
by a service road intended for deliveries. Currently, there are 1,560 registered stalls within the
market structure surrounded by some 240 stalls for Maranao traders selling mostly various dry
goods. Wet and dry sections are strategically grouped by section for ease of trading. Parking
spaces are available in all sides of the markets structure.

(See Citys priority project for development plans of the Central Public Market)


Aside from various dry goods and grocery items, most air-conditioned shopping malls of the
city are providing raw and half products in their wet market section. Thus, augmenting retail
nodes of the city aside from the public markets and private satellite markets within several
barangays. Leading brands of dry goods, and latest trends in fashion are available in almost all
these shopping centers. Dining is also available in these shopping centers with food courts, fast
foods, and restaurants leasing in their areas.

The big shopping centers and malls that made Gensan their place for business are Gaisano Mall
of Gensan, KCC Mall of Gensan, RD Plaza, Robinsons Place, SM Mall of Gensan, Veranza Mall,
and Save More. These malls operating hours varies between 9:00AM to 9:00PM.

There are also existing satellite public markets and meat shops which also provide grocery
items and raw products for consumers within their barangays and nearby areas. Although
there are price differences compared to the central public market, it is way more convenient as
to its proximity to consumers in nearby places:
Here are some Satellite Public Markets situated around the city.
1. Bagsakan in Alunan, Brgy. Bula
2. Lagao Public Market in Brgy. Lagao
3. Malakas Satellite Market in Brgy. San Isidro
4. Calumpang Public Market in Brgy. Calumpang
5. Kurdapoys Satellite Market in Brgy. Calumpang
6. Market Site in Brgy. Buayan
7. Purok 10 Satellite Market in Brgy. Apopong
8. Fatima Satellite Market in Brgy. Fatima
9. Makar Satellite Market in Brgy. Labangal
Support Facilities


Land Transportation able. With an estimated travel time of Nio, South Cotabato via Surallah and
Travelling in and around General Santos 3 hours, the fare is between Php200 to Banga.
City by land is fast and accessible. Php300 depending on the class of the
There are lots of modes of land trans- bus youre riding where some are fully There are also alternative modes of
portation readily available in the city. air-conditioned, non-stop, with Wi-Fi transport going into these places, the
The three-wheeled vehicles known as access, and a restroom inside the bus. public utility vans. They are also serving
tricycles are the citys primary mode of Some of these buses are stopping at land travellers going to these destina-
public transport. For just a minimum of Digos City station. tions. Passenger vans have also routes
Php8.00 per head you can travel in the going to some nearby municipalities like
main roads of the city except along the Buses bound for Cagayan de Oro City Maasim, Kiamba, Maitum, Malandag,
Pan-Philippine Highways. City com- have 5 trips daily starting at 3:00AM to Malungon, Alabel, and Glan.
muters may opt to ride public utility 7:00AM with a 1-hour interval each trip.
jeepneys and multicabs for a minimum Cagayan De Oro bound buses are also The city government continues to
fare of Php8.00. These vehicles traverse stationing Tacurong, Kabacan, Valencia improve the traffic flow of the citys
along Pan-Philippine Highways from City, and Bukidnon. These buses are main roads and safety of the commut-
and to large subdivisions of the city, and fully air-conditioned and equipped ers by maintaining a well-paved road
crossing to the central business district, with Wi-Fi connectivity for a fare of networks, installing safety traffic signs
and shopping malls of the city. For Php670.00. From Cagayan de Oro going and visual marks, and putting up traffic
more convenient rides, taxis are also to General Santos, their schedules are lights all around the citys major roads.
available with an initial flag down rate from 10:00PM to 6:00AM daily with an
of Php40.00 and feel the comfort of air- interval of 2-hours. In 2013, There is an increase in al-
conditioned public transport. most all of the registered public util-
Buses bound for Cotabato City are ply- ity vehicles in the city. Compared to
The General Santos City Terminal, also ing via Koronadal and Tacurong, and 2011 public utility buses increased by
known as the Bulaong Terminal locat- several places in Maguindanao. For an 116.67%, while passenger vans in-
ed at Barangay Dadiangas North serves average fare of Php300 per head, and a creased by 42.60%. Table below shows
as the citys gateway for land travellers 4-hour estimated travel time. the increase in number of public utility
going in and out of the city. Public util- vehicles providing land transportation
ity buses and vans are stationed in this Buses bound for Koronadal City have in the city:
terminal. These buses and vans are the an average of 20-minute interval from
citys link to other key cities and munici- 2:00AM to 7:00PM daily. Some of these
palities of Mindanao and in the country. buses are also stopping at Polomolok,
and Tupi. After reaching Koronadal,
Buses bound for Davao City has an aver- several routes are also available going
age of 20-minute interval from 2:00AM to Isulan, Sultan Kudarat via Tacurong
to 7:00PM daily, and it is very afford- City, and Tantangan. And Going to Sto.
Support Facilities


Sea Transportation non-containerized cargoes.

The citys entry and exit The approach of Sarangani
point by sea is the Port of Bay is about 16 kilometers
General Santos which cov- at its widest and about 33
ers one (1) base port: The kilometers long from its
General Santos Baseport, entrance to its berth and
also known as the Makar has a depth reaching 1,450
Wharf, two (2) terminal meters (791 fathoms) at
ports: Glan and Mabila, and its entrance. The port is
four (4) private ports: Dole, located outside the typhoon
Cargill, General Milling Co., belt, and Sarangani Bay
and Southern Fishing Inc. serves as a natural break-
It is managed by the PMO water from strong currents
of General Santos of the coming from the Celebes
Philippine Ports Authority. Sea, also, its lowest tide is
The Makar Wharf which at 3.44 meters above sur-
is centrally located at the face of quay, thus, making
tip of Sarangani bay, ap- the port an excellent harbor
proximately 3 kilometers and location for shipping.
southeast from the central
business district serves as
the gateway of people and
trade in the SOCCSKSAR-
GEN Growth Region and
handles mix type of cargoes
including containerized and
Support Facilities


Source: Philippine Ports Authority

Support Facilities


There are development plans already crafted by the Philippine Ports Authority, the city government together with other
several government agencies and private sectors is organizing a series of sectoral workshops and a port summit. Its
objective is to create a study and a master plan for the continual improvement of the port and solve issues and concerns
which will be beneficial to stakeholders and to the many public they serve in general for a much improved operations
inside the port.

Here are some on-going projects and proposed development plans of the PPA in the Makar Wharf:

1. Repair of Reinforced Concrete (RC) Wharf (on-going)

2. Repair of Damaged Concrete Pavement at Open Storage Area No. 1 Including Drainage System (on-
3. Repair and Replacement of Fendering and Mooring System (on-going)
4. Repair of RC Curb (on-going)
5. Rehabilitation of RC Wharf
6. Installation of Quay Crane Rail (84m) and (150m)
7. Proposed Port Expansion and Reclamation with Open Storage

See Citys Priority Projects for more development plans of the Port of General Santos (Redevelopment of Makar Wharf)
Support Facilities


Air Transportation

The fastest and most convenient way to get here in the city is to travel by plane. The General Santos International Airport
serves as the citys access to major cities in the country which has a daily flight schedules to and from Manila and Cebu, and 4
flights a week to and from Iloilo. This 600 hectare airport has a single 3,227-meter lighted runway made entirely of concrete
and macadam, and the third longest runway in the country next to Ninoy Aquino International Airport in Manila and Mactan
International Airport in Cebu.

The General Santos International Airport is situated in Brgy. Tambler and is operated by the Civil Aviation Authority of the
Philippines. Considered to be the longest runway in Mindanao, the airport is serving the passenger and cargo needs of the
SOCCSKSARGEN Growth Region. It is being served by following carriers, The Philippine Airlines and Cebu Pacific.

Source: CAAP

See Citys Priority Projects for the development plans of the General Santos International Airport (AEROTROPOLIS)
Support Facilities


Communication subscriptions for personal and business and leading restaurants are offering free
needs. Postpaid and Prepaid mobile Wi-Fi connectivity. Internet Cafes are
Modern communication facilities for telecommunications are provided by also emerging in almost all places for
voice and data services which conform Smart Communications, Globe Telecom, both business and leisure needs for as
to global standards are available in the and Sun Cellular. Cable TV subscription low as Php10 to Php20 per hour.
city. These are provided by three land- is also available which are provided by
line companies namely Philippine Long Sky Cable, Marbel Cable, and Cignal
Distance Telephone Company (PLDT), Digital TV.
Bayan Telecommunications, Inc. (Bay-
anTel), and Globe Telecom (Globelines). While shopping and dining, you may
They are also offering bundled pack- avail free online connection conven-
ages for both telephone and internet iently since almost all shopping malls

Financial Centers with their inno- cards accepted by

vative services almost all of the
Gensan is the they offer. Loans, shopping malls,
financial center of checking, and sav- hotels, resorts,
SOCCSKSARGEN ings services are restaurants, health
Growth Region. almost the same and wellness cent-
In 2013, there are with the packages ers in the city.
423 branches of they offer in major
both domestic cities nationwide.
and international While some of
financial centers these banks are
which are located offering major
majority in the credit cards (Visa,
central business Mastercard, &
district. Financial JBC), their deposi-
needs for both tors enjoy ease
personal and in bills payment
business require- through their
ments made easy auto-debit ATM
Support Facilities



Despite many challenges confronting SOCOTECO II, the sole distributor of the citys electrification needs, they continue to
succeed in delivering their services as mandated with the aid of new suppliers that entered the grid and new contracts for
additional supply for its franchise area. In 2013, between January to May, the city has gone through a rotational brownout of
up to seven (7) hours daily due to generation deficiency but the operation of new power corporation and secured contracted
supply for several years helped lessen the power shortage experienced by the city.

Here are some projections of the demand and contracts made by the SOCOTECO II and power corporations two ensure suf-
ficient demand in the future, so as not to hamper business operations of the city:

The 252-MW contracted supply

made by SOCOTECO II to various
power corporations will be sufficient
to serve the projected demand in
power within their franchise area
of up to 244-MW coincident peak in
year 2025.

Support Facilities


The primary provider of the citys water requirements is water interruptions or high pressure at night. GSCWD also
the General Santos City Water District. The supplied water has an existing Water Laboratory accredited by Department
is utilized for firefighting, domestic, commercial, industrial Health for microbiological analysis.
purposes. The water quality of the ground water of the city is
complying with the Philippine National Standard for Drinking To maintain safe and reliable water for basic health and sani-
Water (PNSDW) 2007 thus, it does not require any treatment. tation, the GSCWD has started crafting the Water Safety Plan
The water sample taken from the SAMPLING POINTS ranges (WSP). The plan analyzes the risks of contamination, from the
from .3 ppm to .8 ppm chlorine residual. water source to the consumer.

Currently, GSCWD has 11 operational pumping stations all

feed 466 km transmission line with 1.161million cubic meter
of water produce per month and an average of 38,699m per
day, for 35 thousand (As of December 2013) active serv-
ice connections per day. It has 4 ground reservoirs and 2
elevated water tanks built to sustain water supply in case of
Gensan Tourism


Tourist attractions come in several fea- where you can see the memorabilia ties has been identified for the 2- day
tures. There are landmarks, extreme (from clothes to books) of Gen. Paulino event which include pre-race activi-
adventures, beauty of nature among Santos; MSU Cultural Museum offers ties, adventure race, and the awarding
others. But in Gensan, the Tuna Capital the glimpse of the artifacts and relics of ceremony. This award-winning event
of the Philippines, the city guests the rich; the Manilay Ancestral House, happens every August of the year.
primary destination is the General the historic artifacts and relics of the
Santos Fish Port Complex. Distinct from family from Manila; and the Plaza Hen- Culminating every 5th day of Sep-
others, these guests enjoyed the world- eral Santos where the remains of Gen. tember is the Tuna Festival which
class facilities inside this agro-industrial Paulino Santos and his wife rests. showcases a fantastic parade of colorful
center for trading of wide variety of floats portraying the iconic tuna in vari-
huge tuna species which is best visited GENSAN DINING ous shades, shapes, and sizes. The tuna
between 5:00AM to 7:00AM to encoun- Enjoy the delicacies of Gensan while parade and the various activities featur-
ter the busy and lively activities yet enjoying the picturesque view of ing different processed tuna products
accommodating fish port workers. Sarangani Bay in Sarangani Highlands or and food menus are the main highlights
Mt. Sabrina Panorama View & Resort of the festival. This week-long festival
OUTDOOR ADVENTURES both in Brgy. Tambler. Savor the taste seeks to honor the hard work, industry,
General Santos City, even as a highly- of the famous SU-TO-KIL (Sugba-Tola- sacrifice, and brave spirit of the Gener-
urbanized city managed to preserve Kilaw) dishes of different varieties of als.
such beauties of nature in the coun- tuna and different recipes with very
tryside. When youre up for outdoor distinct yet delicious tastes of chicken, Paskuhan sa Gensan features the
adventures, the highland of Klaja Karst beef, goat, and pork dishes. world-class talents of the Generals,
Eco-Tourism Park is a great place for exhilarating carnival rides, numerous
explorers to visit. Visitors will enjoy EVENTS AND CELEBRATIONS stalls of delicious local and foreign
hiking through its crystal clear rivers Gensan also offers astonishing citywide varieties, tantalizing fireworks, and the
and into Klaja Cave, clambering over events and festivities often visited by ever-present ukay-ukay that leaves both
the boulders of the 12 Waterfalls of tourists. Every year the city celebrates locals and visitors soaked in the merry
Amsekong, scaling the vertical chal- the following: atmosphere whilst escaping the hustle
lenge of the Malakong Wall, watching and bustle of city life.
the fruit-eating flying fox bats with Kalilangan Festival every February 22-
one-meter wing span at Nopol Hills, 27 of every year. The week-long affair
appreciating the produce of the fruit highlights the citys dynamic cultural
farm in Bull Mountain Ranch, and ride life, showcasing songs, dance, and the
a 700-meter and a 300-meter zip lines citys diverse culture and heritage,
which traverse across the cliff walls of whose beauty and richness are at par
the 5th Mountain of Balakayo Adven- with those of other parts of the world
ture Park including rides on its cable
car, and resting at the parks bonsai Yaman Gensan is conceptualized to
gardens. Experience Camping trip in benefit all Micro, Small, and Medium
Bagongbuhay Peak which offers scenic Entrepreneurs in General Santos City.
views of the city and its surround- It is expected to provide opportunities
ing provinces while savoring the food that engender business and generate
cooked with indigenous utensils such as jobs translating to brisk business during
bamboo and other native products. the lean months of the year. Commenc-
ing on the 3rd week of June until the
RESORTS 3rd week of July every year.

EDUCATIONAL TOURS Gensan Eco Karera Adventure Series

For educational tours, you may visit the forms part of the Explore Gensan
following cultural museums in Gensan: Campaign is designed to promote the
The General Paulino Santos Museum adventure and historical destinations in
at Notre Dame of Dadiangas University General Santos City. A line up of activi-
Gensan Tourism



The city is preparing the Klaja Karst Ecotourism Management Plan to properly manage and preserve the beauty of nature in
the area.

General Santos City will develop its marine resources and rehabilitate the blue coral reef in Brgy. Bula and consolidating a
project that will restore heritage sites and developing the mangrove plantation for tourist attraction at the same time which
will provide an ideal site for animals to feed, mate, and give birth.

Here are some of the hotels in the city:

Gensan Tourism


Gensan Tourism


Gensan Tourism


Doing Business in GenSan:


Every January of the year, the city is arranging a month long one-stop-shop for business permit processing whether it is new or
renewal of business. The city government in collaboration with the several national government agencies involved in steps in
securing a business permit is in one place for a more convenient processing. This is located in the General Santos City Hall but for
the rest of the year, here is the normal procedure:


Doing Business in GenSan:


For more information you may visit the Business Permits and Licenses Divisions Office located at the City Hall
Compound or you may call at (083) 302-2580 or (083) 304-8390
Doing Business in GenSan:




For more information you may visit the City Engineers Office or the Office of the Building Official. You may also call at (083) 552-
Doing Business in GenSan:



The General Santos City Investments Promotion Center (GSCIPC) is created in accordance with City Ordinance No. 13 series of
2004, otherwise known as the General Santos City Investment Code of 2004 and further amended in City Ordinance No. 10
series of 2008. The GSCIPCs function includes investment facilitation from application to registration and conducts prelimi-
nary evaluation of applications for registration or incentives. It is manned by personnel and under the administrative control
of the City Economic Management & Cooperative Development Office. The GSCIPCs operation is supervised by the General
Santos City Investments Promotion Board (GSCIPB) chaired by the City Mayor who has the power to approve or reject applica-
tion for registration for incentives .

Investment Priority Areas

While there is a proposed amendment of the Citys Investment Code wherein one of its salient points is to identify and for-
mulate Investment Priorities Plan based of the citys development plan, the GSCIPC still implement the identified Investment
Priority Areas as listed in the City Ordinance No. 13 series of 2004:

A. Agriculture/Fishery/Forestry
B. Manufacturing Industry
C. Tourism Development
D. Infrastructure Development; and
E. Support Services

The specific areas include:

Food & Transport Terminal;
Manufacturing Industry for Livestock, Poultry, Fruit & Vegetables;
Hotels and Eco-Park; and
ICT-BPO (Call Centers)

For more information, you may visit the City Economic Management & Cooperative Development Office at JP Laurel corner
Quirino St., Brgy. Dadiangas East Hall Building or you may call (083) 553-8338 or (083) 302-2790.

Twelve (12) copies of the fully accomplished application form
Twelve (12) copies of the project feasibility study of the proposed investment with requirements.
Mayors Permit (For Businesses who are already operational)
Additional Requirements for New Enterprise:
For Corporation or Partnership: SEC Registration, Articles of Incorporation/ Partnership and By-Laws); For Single
Proprietorship: Business Name Registration from DTI;
For Cooperatives: CDA Registration and Certificate of Good Standing
For Existing Enterprise: Same as for New Enterprise and latest audited financial statements
Board Resolution or Letter of Intent of applicant enterprise authorizing the filing of the new application for incen
tives with the Board and designating a representative for the purpose


Fiscal Incentives
-Full exemption from payment of city taxes, permits and regulatory fees and service fees on the ff:
Business tax
Tax on signs, signboards, billboards or advertisement
Tax on business of printing and/or publication
Franchise tax
Tax on delivery trucks or vans
Tax on sand, gravel and other quarry resources
Doing Business in GenSan:


Mayors permit fee

Housing and land regulatory fees
Building permit fees

-Full exemption from payment of real property tax imposed on new improvements based on GSC Revenue Code. Provided,
that the real property tax exemption on expansion shall cover only the new improvements introduced thereof:
MICRO (1,000,000 3,000,000) : Not more than 3 years
SME (3,000,001 15,000,000) : Not more than 5 years
LARGE(More than 100,000,000): Not more than 7 years

Non-Fiscal Incentives include: Investment Counseling; Business information; Industrial tours; Studies and industry profiles
preparation; Business matching; and Assistance in securing permits and licenses

The Sangguniang Panlungsod may grant other incentives upon the recommendation of the Board .


The Philippine Board of Investments (BOI), an attached agency of Department of Trade and Industry (DTI), is the lead government
agency responsible for the promotion of investments in the Philippines.

Taking the lead in the promotion of investments, BOI assists Filipino and foreign investors to venture and prosper in desirable
areas of economic activities. The BOI is your one-stop shop in doing business in the Philippines.

Priority Investment Area

In their Investment Priorities Plan 2013, here are the lists of Preferred Activities, Mandatory List, and Export Activities which may
be granted with entitlement of incentives depending on the net value-added, job generation, multiplier effect, and measured
capacity to ensure that the investments generated will contribute to the development goals of the country:

Preferred Activities:
1. Agriculture/Agribusiness and Fishery
2. Creative Industries/Knowledge-Based Services
3. Shipbuilding
4. Mass Housing
5. Iron and Steel
6. Energy
7. Infrastructure
8. Research and Development
9. Green Projects
10. Manufacture of Motor Vehicles
11. Strategic Projects
12. Hospital/Medical Services
13. Disaster Prevention, Mitigation and Recovery Projects

Mandatory List:
1. Industrial Tree Plantation
2. Exploration, Mining, Quarrying and Processing of Minerals
3. Publication or Printing of Books/ Textbooks
4. Refining, Storage, Marketing and Distribution of Petroleum Products
5. Ecological Solid Waste Management
6. Clean Water Projects
7. Rehabilitation, Self-Development and Self-Reliance of Persons with Disability
8. Renewable Energy
9. Tourism Export Activities
Doing Business in GenSan:


1. Production and Manufacture of Export Products

2. Services Exports
3. Activities in Support of Exporters

Registration Requirements
1. For enterprise wishing to register with the BOI:
a. Two (2) copies of BOI Application Form No. 501
b. Two (2) copies of project report and supporting documents

2. For existing enterprises covered by rationalization, rehabilitation and/or modernization programs: Application requirement is
to be determined on a sector by sector basis at the time of implementing each program.

Incentives to Registered Enterprise

Fiscal Incentives:
1. Income Tax Holiday
2. Exemption from taxes and duties on imported spare parts
3. Exemption from wharfage dues and export tax, duty, impost and fees
4. Tax exemption on breeding stocks and genetic materials
5. Tax credits
6. Additional deductions for labor expense
7. The firm may qualify to import capital equipment, spare parts and
8. accessories at 1% duty rate from date of registration or up to June 5,
9. 2006 pursuant to executive order no. 313 and its implementing rules and regulations.

Non-Fiscal Incentives:
1. Employment of foreign nationals
2. Simplification of customs procedures for the importation of equipment,
3. spare parts, raw materials and supplies and exports of processed products.
4. Importation of consigned equipment for a period of 10 years from date of registration, subject to posting of a
re-export bond.
5. The privilege to operate a bonded manufacturing/trading warehouse subject to customs rules and regula
For more information about the Board of Investments please visit their website at


The Philippine Economic Zone Authority (PEZA) is an attached 2. IT (Information Technology) Service Export
agency to the Department of Trade and Industry tasked to 3. Tourism
promote investments, extend assistance, register, grant in- 4. Medical Tourism
centives to and facilitate the business operations of investors 5. Agro-industrial Export Manufacturing
in export-oriented manufacturing and service facilities inside 6. Agro-industrial Bio-Fuel Manufacturing
selected areas throughout the country proclaimed by the 7. Logistics and Warehousing Services
President of the Philippines as PEZA Special Economic Zones. 8. Economic Zone Development and Operation
a. Manufacturing Economic Zone Development /
It oversees and administers incentives to developers/opera- Operation
tors of and locators in world-class, ready-to-occupy, envi- b. IT Park Development / Operation
ronment-friendly, secured and competitively priced Special c. Tourism Economic Zone Development / Operation
Economic Zones. d. Medical Tourism Economic Zone Development /
Eligible Activities e. Agro-Industrial Economic Zone Development /
Here is the list of the activities eligible for PEZA registration Operation
and incentives: f. Retirement Economic Zone Development /Opera
Doing Business in GenSan:


9. Facilities Providers equipment, machineries and spare parts.

a. Facilities for Manufacturing Enterprises 4. Exemption from wharfage dues and export tax, impost or
b. Facilities for IT Enterprises fees
c. Retirement Facilities 5. VAT zero-rating of local purchases subject to compliance
10. Utilities with BIR and PEZA requirements
6. Exemption from payment of any and all local government
imposts, fees, licenses or taxes. However, while under Income
Tax Holiday, no exemption from real estate tax, but machiner-
For more information, visit the PEZA website at www.peza. ies installed and operated in the economic zone for manufac- turing, processing or for industrial purposes shall be exempt
from real estate taxes for the first three (3) years of operation
Incentives to PEZA Registered Enterprises of such machineries. Production equipment not attached to
Incentives granted to registered enterprise may vary depend- real estate shall be exempt from real property taxes
ing on the activities eligible for registration and evaluation 7. Exemption from expanded withholding tax
of the PEZA office. Registered enterprise may be granted
entitlement of any or all of the following: Non-Fiscal Incentives:
1. Simplified Import Export Procedures
Fiscal Incentives: 2. Non-resident Foreign Nationals may be employed by PEZA-
1. Income Tax Holiday (ITH) 100% exemption from corporate registered Economic Zone Enterprises in supervisory, techni-
income tax: 4 years ITH for Non-pioneer Project; 6 years ITH cal or advisory positions.
for Pioneer Project 3. Special Non-Immigrant Visa with Multiple Entry Privileges
2. Upon expiry of the Income Tax Holiday - 5% Special Tax on for the following non-resident Foreign Nationals in a PEZA-
Gross Income and exemption from all national and local taxes registered Economic Zone Enterprise : Investor/s, officers, and
(Gross Income refers to gross sales or gross revenues de- employees in supervisory, technical or advisory position, and
rived from the registered activity , net of sales discounts, sales their spouses and unmarried children under twenty-one years
returns and allowances and minus cost of sales or direct costs of age. PEZA extends Visa Facilitation Assistance to foreign
but before any deduction is made for administrative expenses nationals their spouses and dependents.
or incidental losses during a given taxable period)
3. Tax and duty free importation of raw materials, capital
Cost of Doing Business

Note: Fees and charges may vary depending on the nature of business.

Source: National Wages and Productivity Commission

Source: South Cotabato II Electric Cooperative

Cost of Doing Business

Source: General Santos City Water District

Source: BayanTel and PLDT

Source: Leading Commercial Space Owners, Shopping Malls, and Warehouses

Cost of Doing Business

Source: Lorenzo Shipping Corporation, 2GO Group, Inc.

Source: JY Enterprises, Inc.

Source: FILMIX Concrete, Inc.

Source: Various Hardware Stores, Sand & Gravel

The Citys Strategic Economic
Support Projects


The Integrated Food Terminal is envisioned as a strategic location of wholesale agricultural produce marketing facility with sep-
arate hog and cattle/goat/sheep abattoirs and a food processing center. This is aimed at improving the forward and backward
linkages between the producers and consumers as well as the users of the facilities. It will provide the infrastructure to stream-
line the food supply chain from the farm to the market, and provide value-adding services to the supply chain stakeholders.
The Citys Strategic Economic
Support Projects


The redeveloped Central Public Market is envisioned to be the anchor of a modern shopping center that has a distinctive
section for Muslim products including halal food, a modern fish and seafood section together with a fruit and vegetable sec-
tion, entertainment facilities for the whole family (eg, childrens amusement area, bowling alley, billiard hall, etc), dry goods
section, restaurants (air-conditioned and al fresco), a community events area, and sufficient off-street parking.

OPTION A: Total Redevelopment OPTION B: Partial Redevelopment

Option A. entails the total dismantling of the two existing Central Public Market buildings and their replacement by a new
structure. The new structure is envisioned to accommodate a wet and dry market on the ground floor and commercial
establishments, including family entertainment facilities, on the upper floors.

Option B. Proposes Building As conservation because of its unique and significant architectural character combined with
the dismantling of Building B which will be replaced by a new structure. This will involve necessary repairs, restoration, and
retrofitting of Building A in order to improve its physical appearance, structural quality, ventilation, toilets, lighting, electri-
cal, plumbing, and drainage systems. A new multi-storey structure is proposed for the site to be vacated by Building B, to
accommodate commercial stalls and family entertainment facilities.
The Citys Strategic Economic
Support Projects

DRAINAGE MASTER PLAN the target concerns on disaster risk reduction and climate
change adaptation with a positive impact on health and
The implementation of the Drainage Master Plan comprises environment protection and sequentially the development
of the construction of drainage trunklines, floodways and of the citys economy.
diversion channels in identified seven (7) major areas with a
total drainage line of 23,598 meters. This is in response to

RELOCATION SITE WITH HOUSING UNITS Brgy. Bawing with a total area of about 60 hectares. While
it answers the key concern on housing of informal dwellers,
In response to issues on providing residential lots for 21,820 it also focused on addressing issues on their health and
informal dweller households living in danger zones or gov- sanitation and reduces disaster risks.
ernment owned lands and 43,373 households that are care-
takers or renters of the housing units they are living in, thus,
mass housing on identified relocation sites is one of the pri-
oritized project of the city. The relocation site is located at
The Citys Strategic Economic
Support Projects


The development of Klaja Karst Ecotourism Park is

focused within the territory boundary of four barangays
namely Conel, Mabuhay, Olympog, and Upper Labay
which comprises of around 9,000 hectares.

Target Development/Investments:
1. Construction of hiking trails and hanging
2. Construction of tourism lodge/information
center complete with open cottages and bo
tanical garden
3. Construction of resting area cottage along the
4. Installation of Solar Electric System
5. Development of Amsekong Waterfalls and
Malakong Wall
6. Identification and product development of lo
cal products
7. Rehabilitation of the park with bamboo and
ficus tree
8. Horseback riding
9. Development of Retirement Village
The Citys Strategic Economic
Support Projects


The Aerotropolis or Airport City is a concept where the
traditional view of an airport as a place where aircraft
operate and passengers and cargo transit is expanded to
include neighboring areas beyond the terminal and given
a broader scope to encompass non-aeronautical facilities
and services such as hotel and entertainment facilities,
conference and exhibition complexes, shopping centers,
office buildings, and logistics and free trade zones.
Target Developments/ Investments based on the Aero-
tropolis Master Plan:
1. Terminal building
2. Shopping centers
3. Conference halls
4. Exhibition venues
5. Hotel
6. Logistics and
7. Free trade zones

REDEVELOPMENT OF THE PORT OF GEN. SANTOS (MAKAR specifically on employment rate and income of citys labor
WHARF) force, local policy reforms, and empowerment of the poor
The establishment of Makar Wharf Special Economic Zone will and vulnerable.
cater to foreign direct investments that will engage in manu-
facturing of products for export. The project is expected to TRANSPORTATION MASTER PLAN
generate employment and increase local revenue generation. To complete the Comprehensive Transportation Master Plan is
The goal is to enhance connectivity of the city to and from its purposely being reflected in response to
influence areas in the region, the whole country and other Traffic congestion which is beginning to be experienced along
countries with a primary objective of promoting foreign direct major intersections of the city. Key considerations in crafting
investments through establishment of special economic zones this master plan is to instill discipline of motorists, commut-
under the Philippine Economic Zone Authority. ers, and pedestrians in the use of roads which worsen the
traffic situation, regulate the increasing number of vehicles
The city supports the proposed establishment of ASEAN and the mode of transportation used such as tricycles and
RO-RO Shipping Network and Short Sea Shipping in the Port habal-habal, control and assess traffic accidents which are
of General Santos which may increase trade and tourism link- noted to have increased over the past few years, and stand-
ages with neighboring ASEAN countries. ardize proliferation of institutional and commercial facilities
along major streets in urban areas to have adequate parking
TOURISM DEVELOPMENT MASTER PLAN spaces which contributes to traffic congestion.
The city government is strategizing economic diversification
of investments while positioning the city as the tourism hub
of SOCCSKSARGEN Region. With the goal to position not only
the city but the entire region as the prime tourist destination
of Mindanao, the city government will be creating a City Tour-
ism Development Master Plan anchored on regional integra-
tion. Aside from this, the project aims to answer key concerns
References and Data Sources

National Statistics and Coordination Board Region 12

City Mayors Office
City Economic Management & Cooperative Development Office
City Planning & Development Office
City Agriculturists Office
City Veterinarians Office
Business Permits and Licenses Division
Philippine Fisheries Development Authority
Cities Development Initiatives for Asia
Philippine Ports Authority
Civil Aviation Authority of the Philippines
Bureau of Customs
Board of Investments
Philippine Economic Zone Authority
Mindanao Development Authority
Agrotex Gensan Economic Zone
Mabuhay IT Park
Gensan Economic Zone
Bayan Telecommunications
Philippine Long Distance Telephone Company
GSC Water District
National Wages and Productivity Commission
Lorenzo Shipping Corporation
2GO Group, Inc.
JY Enterprises
Filmix Concrete, Inc.
Land Transportation & Franchising Regulatory Board
ECA Resources, Inc.
RD Realty Development Corporation
Insular Life Building
Gensan Sunshine Hardware
MISO General Merchandise
SAFI Hardware & Auto Supply
ECCO Hardware

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