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3rd Chapter of Prasha Marga

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Stanza 1. An astrologer should get up early in the morning, pray to the family Deity,
cleanse the various parts of the body, bathe, do his Nitya Karmas and perform mantra japa (by
invoking the presiding Deity according to shastraic injunction), study the planets with the help of
an almanac and remain calm without being ruffled by any anxieties, ever expecting the visit of
someone anxious to have his difficulties solved with the help of astrology.
In this sloka, the author explains what everyone expects of an astrologer to do. Obviously
this chapter also gives us an insight into the social life of the people of
Kerala (in particular and India in general) at the time of this author. We are informed that
even now in Kerala where this science had developed much, there are many families which have
own astrologers to consult with as we find elsewhere family physicians attending to the health of
a family. The astrologer is called in and asked to read ,the past, present and the future of the
family by astha mangala prasna. The first part of this treatise deals with this art and the author
has detailed every aspect of it for the benefit of Daivajnas (astrologers). An astrologer is
expected to be very learned and to lead a godly life. The astrologer believes that what he
foretells, will never be satisfactory, unless his preceptor and his initiated mantra lead him on to
find out the real truth in spite of the diversity of views revealed therein (Ashta Mangala Prasna).
Stanza 2. The astrologer should always be on the lookout if any person is approaching
him for a prediction. He should carefully examine the appearance, dress, movements, actions,
etc., of the querist. He should also note down any ominous sound or indicative sign. Lastly, he
should very carefully diagnose the nature of his own breath.
Stanza 3. The querist should select an auspicious lunar day, a favourable constellation
and auspicious week-days. Early in the morning, the querist should meet the astrologer with
some humble presents and ask his question in a reverential attitude.
In this stanza, the author explains what a person who is anxious to know his future should

do. The person consulting is not, of course, expected to know this treatise but the details
furnished are for the information of the astrologer. Favourable constellations are the 2nd, 4th, 6th
and 8th from birth star. Saturday and Tuesday are not auspicious.
Stanzas 4, 5 and 6. Only humble requests deserve an answer. No prediction should be
offered to any person unasked for, nor to one who wishes to test an astrologer. If the astrologer
attempts to answer him, he will not be able to get at the truth. Whether requested or not, if there
is the desire to know the future, the astrologer should give predictions on the basis of Lagna,
Kendras and Kona Bhavas. As Vasishta says "those who have a desire to know the future,
whether they ask or not, deserve to be given predictions on the basis of Arudha" at the time of
Some sort of a professional code is laid down in stanzas 4 to 6. Unasked for, no
prediction should be given. If a person comes to test an astrologer, no predictions should be
given. But when the motive is pure and the person is anxious to consult the astrologer, it is
immaterial whether or not one expresses a desire to consult. Such a person must receive the
attention of the astrologer.
Stanzas 7, 8 and 9. In the terrestrial sphere or circle, Mesha and Vrishabha represent
east; Mithuna south-east; Karkataka and Simha south; Kanya south-west; Thula and Vrischika
west; Dhanus north-west; Makara and Kumbha north; and Meena north-east. The Arudha Rasi is
the sign corresponding to the direction occupied by the questioner at the time of putting the
Stanza 10. As the sign comes to be mounted upon by the questioner, it is termed
arudha. A careful consideration of arudha leads to a proper assessment of the chart concerned.
Stanza 11. In uncertain cases, arudha is to be found thus: A circle is drawn marking the
directions and zodiacal signs, and after due invocation, the questioner is asked to place a piece of
gold on any point and arudha is accordingly ascertained.
Arudha is a very important factor in Prasna or Horary astrology. In stanzas 7 to 11, the

method of finding arudha is indicated. The twelve signs are assigned to the eight directions and
according to the direction held by the person consulting the astrologer at the time of a query, the
arudha is found. In doubtful cases, or when a questioner being agitated, walking up and down
puts a question, a diagrammatic representation is made and the person asked to place a bit of
gold or merely touch any point. This sign is taken as arudha.
It will be seen that if the circle is divided by 8, each cardinal point gets 45. According to
the assignment of Rasis, the common signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces) get each 45,
while the other signs get only 22 1/2. If for instance the questioner stands, say at a distance of
30 towards S.E. direction, the sign will undoubtedly be Taurus and this will be the arudha. It is
better the astrologer always keeps ready a circle (see appendix) drawn according to the
instructions in the above stanzas, and when a questioner comes, ask him to touch a place in the
circle and then note down the arudha Rasi. Otherwise the direction where a person stands can be
easily noted and arudha Lagna determined.
Stanza 12. When a query is put, the astrologer should take stock of the exact time
(samaya), the nature of the spot occupied by the questioner (desa), the nature of his own breath
(swarayu), his own condition or state (avastha), what the querist touches (sparsa), arudha Rasi,
the direction, the letters of the words uttered (prasnakshara), deportment of the querist (sthiti),
movements (cheshta), mental attitude (bhava), his looking at particular direction or thing
(vilokanani), his dress (vasanam), and ominous sounds or indicative signs at the time (nimittas).
Fourteen items have been listed in this stanza which the author wants an astrologer to
consider carefully when answering a query. It is interesting to note that according to this stanza
every gesture, emotion and suggestion, both of the astrologer and the querist have their own role
to play in indicating the outcome of a query. The author poses a very intriguing problem to
modern thinkers, when he brings together a variety of apparently unconnected matters as having
a bearing on our future thinking and actions. Modern psychologists and para-psychologists will
do well to find why or how the state of mind of a person, or the dress he wears or the direction he
faces, give a clue to the pattern of what is likely to happen to him in the future. Prasna takes into

account not only the external influences, the planets, but also the internal ones, the psychic
impulses which mould life. It enjoins a thorough examination of the minds of the astrologer and
the querist.
Stanza 13. The astrologer should reveal to the querist God's grace towards him, the
troubles from enemies, diseases and appropriate remedial measures by observing and taking into
account everything around him in the shape of omens or signs at the time of the query, when he
starts from the house of the native, when he is on his way to the house, when he enters his house
and when the Chakra or casting is being prepared and on the basis of sutra, thrisphuta,
ashtamangala, arudha, laying of the gold piece (suvarnavastha) amongst the flowers in the
Chakra, the rising sign, the position of the Moon, planetary states at the time and the Bhavas in
the horoscope of the questioner.
This sloka is not easily amenable to translation. The author wants the astrologer to follow
a particular order in answering queries. First he should predict the leanings of God towards the
native and then give indications of any impending troubles from enemies, diseases, etc., and
suggest suitable remedial measures to counteract the evil effects. These predictions should be
based on three factors, viz., (a) the Prasna chart, (b) the birth chart and (c) Nimittas an allembracing subject, not capable of concise definition. If the astrologer is invited to the house of
the questioner, then he should all the while closely and carefully watch all omens or other signs
that he may come across from the time he starts from his residence to the time of his giving the
predictions. Nature is a source of eternal inspiration for man. Prof. Rao used to tell me that by a
certain code of interpretation of the sounds, gestures and movements of certain species of
animals, the future could be ascertained with considerable accuracy. I am not attempting an
explanation of the other technical terms used in this stanza, such as thrisphuta, etc., as the
meanings become clear to the reader as he goes through further chapters.
Stanzas 14 and 15. If the mind of the astrologer is steady and the person to whom the
future is read is humble and devout in temperament, then the reading will be correct and the
answer to all the queries will be invariably good. If the astrologer is calm, if the querent frames

his question in the proper form and if anybody talks about it or if he sees anything connected
with the topic, then the questioner will attain his desired object. So says a great authority.
Stanzas 16 to 20. The unfavourable times for putting questions are:, the eleven
constellations not considered auspicious for the first feeding of the child; gandantha, ushna and
visha nakshatras, the four evil lunar days, vishti and sthira karanas; junctions of tithi, nakshatra,
rasi and amsa; gulikodayakala, vyatheepatha, sarpa siras, eclipses and ekargala; mrityu and
dagdha yogas; when malefics rise in or aspect evil signs, thirteenth lunar day; at dusk; at
midnight; when the Lagna is aspected by the Sun; at a solar ingress ; on a day ruled by the 3rd,
5th or 7th star from the birth star of the querent; when the Lagna of query is the 8th from the
querent's birth Lagna; and when the query Moon is in the 8th from the natal Moon. Queries put
under such evil times are indicative of inauspicious results.
According to stanzas 16 to 20, an astrologer has to consider innumerable astronomical
factors before pronouncing judgement. There are nearly 22 doshas or afflictions or inauspicious
periods. When a question is put under these doshas, the indication should be deemed to prove
harmful or inauspicious. For the information of the readers, I propose to list these doshas
seriatim. There is a slight difference between the definition of the following doshas as given here
and as found in some works on Muhurtha.
I. Constellations considered inauspicious for first feeding: They are Bharani, Krittika,
Aridra, Aslesha, Makha, Pubba, Visakha, Jyeshta, Moola and Poorvashadha.
II. Gandantha: The first pada or quarter of Aswini, Makha and Moola and the last pada of
Aslesha, Jyeshta and Revati.
III. Ushna: From 7 1/2 to 15 ghatikas of Aswini, Rohini, Punarvasu, Makha and Hasta; 55
to 60 ghatikas of Bharani, Mrigasira, Pushyami, Pubba and Chitta; 21 to 30 ghatikas of Krittika,
Aridra, Aslesha, Uttara, Swati; 1 to 8 ghatikas of the 1st quarter of Visakha, Moola, Sravana and
Poorvabhadra; 52 to 60 ghatikas of Anuradha, Poorvashadha, Dhanishta, Uttarabhadra; 20 to 30
ghatikas of Jyeshta, Uttarashadha, Satabhisha and Revati.
IV. Visha: 50, 24, 30, 4, 14, 11, 30, 20, 32, 30, 20, 18, 22, 20, 14, 14, 10, 14, 20, 24, 20,

10, 10, 18, 16, 24, 30; 4 ghatis from these limits in each of the 27 constellations respectively. For
example, in Krittika that part of the constellation coming between 30 and 34 ghatis becomes
V. Riktha Thithis: The 4th, 8th, 9th and 14th lunar days.
VI. Bad Karanas: Vishti and Sthira. Vishti is the 7th Karana. The first seven come by
rotation eight times in a lunar month commencing with the second half of the first lunar day.
There are 11 Karanas, the four, viz., sakuna, chatushpada, naya and kimstughna being
sthira or permanent Karanas which occur in order from the second half of the 29th lunar day.
VII. Sandhis or junctional points:
(a) The first and the lastghati (24 minutes) of a lunar day and nakshatra.
(b) The first and the last five vighatis (2 minutes) of a sign.
(c) The first and the last vighatika (24 seconds) of each Navamsa.
VIII. Gulikodaya Kala: This is the time at which the tertiary planet Gulika rises. Each day
at a particular interval of time from sunrise as given below Gulika is said to rise.



It is this moment that is meant.

IX. Vyathipatha: This is an evil Yoga prohibited for all auspicious works.
The method of calculation of Vyathipatha has been detailed in all Hindu astronomical
treatises. Roughly Vyathipatha falls in the following asterisms in the corresponding solar months:
Aries and Libra
Taurus and Scorpio
Gemini and Sagittarius
Cancer and Capricorn
Leo and Aquarius
Virgo and Pisces

Makha and Satabhisha

Sravana and Pushyami
Poorvashadha and Aridra
Rohini and Jyeshta
Bharani and Swati
Revati and Hasta

X. Eclipses: For three days from the time of the commencement of solar or lunar eclipse,

the lime is said to be inauspicious. XI. Sarpasiras: The latter half of Vyathipatha.
XII. Ekargala: This yoga is powerful during the daytime.
The following is a rough method for calculating Ekargala:
Subtract the Sun's longitude from 360. Divide the balance by 1320'. Reject the
remainder and the quotient plus 1 is the Ekargala nakshatra. The 2nd, 7th, 10th, 11th, 14th, 16th,
18th and 20th from this asterism are also Ekargala stars.
Example: The Sun's longitude is 116.
360-116: 244/1320' = 18 3/10
The 19th from Aswini, viz., Moola is Ekargala star. Other Ekargala stars are
Poorvashadha, Poorvabhadra, Aswini, Bharani, Mrigasira, Punarvasu, Aslesha and Pubba.
XIII. Mrityu and Dagdha Yogas: Sunday to Saturday coinciding with Makha, Visakha,
Aridra, Moola, Satabhisha, Rohini, Poorvashadha respectively causes Mrityu Yoga in the first
eighth part of the day concerned. Dagdha Yoga arises when Sunday to Saturday respectively
coincide with the 12th, llth, 5th, 2nd, 6th, 8th and 9th lunar days.
XIV. Rise and Aspect of Evil Planets: The Sun, Mars, Saturn and Rahu are malefics.
Their aspect of or association with the rising sign is considered inauspicious.
XV. The 13th lunar day.
XVI. Pradosha: At dusk, i.e., just before and immediately after sunset.
XVII. Nishi: At the time of midnight.
XVIII. Ravi Darshana: When the Lagna at the time of the query is aspected by the Sun.
According to some the 7th sign from that occupied by the Sun.
XIX. Sankranti: At the time of the solar ingress into a zodiacal sign. The 16 ghatikas (6h.
24m.) both before and after the Sun's entry can be considered as inauspicious.
XX. When the ruling constellation is the 3rd, 5th or 7th from that of the birth, it goes
under the name of Vipat, Pratyak and Naidhana respectively and hence inauspicious.
XXI. The Lagna at the time of query should not be the 8th from the Lagna at the time of
XXII. The Moon at the time of query should not be in the 8th from the radical Moon.
Thus it will be seen that in these stanzas, some sort of a brief summary of Muhurtha or
electional astrology has been given. Then there are other equally inauspicious phenomena like
fall of meteors and appearance of comets, etc., which should also be considered.


Stanza 21. If the query is made at a time which is free from the above doshas, in the
Amrita ghatis, when benefics rise in the Lagna or aspect it, in auspicious Muhurthas and in
Siddba, Amrita and other good yogas, it will lead to success.
Amritaghatikas are auspicious moments and they vary with regard to each constellation.
In the table given below, the moments of the commencement of the Amritaghatikas are given,
along with the moments of the commencement of Vishaghatikas and Ushnasikha and also the
Mrityu-bhagas or fatal degrees, for ready reference.
Durmuhurtha. Muhurtha technically means 48 minutes or 2 ghatis in terms of time. A
sidereal day consists of 30 muhurthas. The 1st fifteen diurnal muhurthas named are : (1) Rudra,
(2) Ahi, (3) Mitra, (4) Pitru. (5) Vasu, (6) Vara, (7) Vishwedeva, (8) Vidhi. (9) Satamukhi, (10)
Puruhuta, (11) Vahni, (12) Naktanchara, (13) Varuna, (14) Arama, and (15) Bhaga. The nocturnal
muhurthas are : (1) Girisa, (2) Ajipada, (3) Ahirbudhya, (4) Pusha, (5) Aswi, (6) Yama, (7) Agni,
(8) Vidhatru, (9) Chanda, (10) Aditi, (11) Jeeva, (12) Vishnu. (13) Yumigadyuti, (14) Thyasthur,
and (15) Samdram.
In regard to the diurnal muhurthas the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 10th, 11th, 12th and 15th are
inauspicious while in nocturnal muhurthas the 1st, 2nd, 6th and 7th are inauspicious.
In calculating the Muhurtha or the Visha or Amrita-ghatikas, the exact length of day and
night or the exact duration of the nakshatra concerned should be ascertained. Each Muhurtha is
said to last for 48 minutes on the assumption that the duration of day and night is of equal
proportion viz., 30 ghatis. Similarly the periods of commencement and termination of the amrita
or visha-ghatikas are given on the assumption that the duration of a nakshatra is 60 ghatis.
No. Asterism


B. E.
50 54




B. E.
74 15

28 55
34 21
44 7

Amrita- Mrityughatika bhaga

B. E.
42 46 8

60 48 52 4
30 54 58 12
15 52 56 2













18 55
15 21
34 1/2
24 55
26 21
34 7
24 55
22 21
26 7
24 55
18 21
18 1
14 52
18 20
24 1
28 52
24 20
14 1
14 52
22 20
20 1
28 52
34 20

60 38 42 6
30 35 39 14




60 44 48 22
30 42 46 2
15 45 49 26




[B stands for Beginning and E, for End]

For example: in Aslesha Vishaghatikas commence at 32 ghatis and end at 26 ghatis. The
Ushnasikha in Aslesha begins at 21 ghatis and goes on upto 30 ghatis. The Amritaghatikas in
Aslesha are between 56 and 60 ghatis. The Mrityubhaga or fatal degrees of Aslesha are those in
the 24th ghati.
Stanzas 22 to 25. When the spot where the question is put is the following, the
querist's object will be realised: sites filled with trees or plants blooming with fruits and flowers
and free from all dirt and dust and abounding in gold, gems and the like; a place agreeable to the

mind and senses, or a spot washed with diluted cowdung, pleasant spots filled with beautiful
women; a happy corner resounding with the echoes of auspicious ceremonies such as marriage,
etc., and a healthy home with smiling families.
Stanzas 26 and 27. A dreadful forest, a burning ghat, a bleak and rugged place; a
deserted house, or a home where poverty and disease abound; a place where obsequies are being
performed; neighbourhood of water, fire or lifeless trees; and in brief, all spots which sicken our
mind and body are bad and the questioner's object will not be realised.
Stauza 28. Everyday the astrologer should examine his breath early in the morning. He
should diagnose through which 'Nadi' it passes, and to which Bhuta it can be assigned. From this
he can know beforehand what is likely to happen to him that day. In the same manner, the future
of the questioner can be read in the case of Nashta Prasna (query regarding lost wealth) and the
like, through the nature of the astrologer's breath at the time of query.
Stanza 29. If the breath is seen to pass through the left nostril on Monday, Wednesday,
Thursday and Friday, it is favourable. If it is through the right nostril on Sunday, Tuesday and
Saturday, it is also equally favourable. But if it passes through the right nostril on the days of
good planets and through the left nostril on the days of evil planets, the effects will be adverse.
Significant happenings can be anticipated by a study of the passing of the breath through the
Stanza 30. If the 'breath' is found favourable on any day, then be rest assured that his
health will be good, he will gain money and he will get sumptuous meals and such other favour
able things that day. If unfavourable, the effects also will be reverse, i.e., he will not get good
food, he will have quarrels with everybody, he will not have sound sleep, nor will he have ease
and comfort even in respect of answering calls of nature.
Stanza 31. If the breath is unfavourable on Sundays, he will have pain all over his
body; on Mondays, quarrel; on Tuesdays, death for himself or his relatives; on Wednesdays,
distant trips; on Thursdays, some calamities to his country; on Fridays, failure in all his
undertakings; and on Saturdays, monetary loss, loss of valour, failure of crops and litigation
regarding land.

The great author has explained in the above stanzas the method of prediction by
examining the nature of one's breath or swasa. This may seem strange to some but a careful
scrutiny will bear out its usefulness not only to the astrologer but to the layman at large. Readers
are referred to books on Swara Sastra for greater details.
Stanzas 32 and 33. If you find on 8 consecutive Sundays, that your breathing is
through your left nostril, then predict death of or calamity equivalent to death to your Guru
(preceptor) or senior relative; on 8 consecutive Mondays if the breath passes through your right
nostril, some ill-luck to your children or junior relations; on 8 Tuesdays, breath through the left
nostril involves imprisonment at the hands of your enemies; on 8 Wednesdays, breath through
the right nostril brings in severe illness or even death; on 8 Thursdays, breathing through the
right nostril causes danger to your Guru; on 8 Fridays, breath through the right nostril causes loss
of money in respect of lands; and on 8 Saturdays, breathing through the left nostril brings about
the ruin of your house or death of your wife.
Some interpret these two stanzas to mean 8 consecutive days from Sunday, Monday, etc.
and not 8 consecutive Sundays or 8 consecutive Mondays etc.
Stanza 34. The dimensions of the five Maha Bhutas (great primordial compounds) are
as follows: Prithvi or earth 16 inches: apa or water 12 inches ; teja or fire 8 inches;
vayu or air 6 inches; and akasa or ether 3 inches. This is true of both nostrils. Here 8 inches
make one foot.
Here the author tells us under what Bhuta the breath can be brought. If the breath thrown
out through a particular nostril, measures, say, 16 inches, then it falls under Prithvi Bhuta ; if 12,
under Tejo Bhuta and so on. These measurements can be correctly ascertained only by trained
Yogis and not by ordinary human beings. The science of breath 'Swara Sastra' is a complete
discipline in itself and requires many years of diligent study and practice before it can be
Stanzas 35, 36 & 37. Suppose on a first lunar day after the New Moon, you discover
in your breath passing through your left nostril, the earthly element, then predict good effects
such as getting good and lofty houses and coronation. If you find the watery element, then say he

will have wells and tanks dug up for the use of the people and will celebrate marriages. If it is the
fiery element, he will be troubled by enemies, will have wounds from weapons and ulcers, his
house will be burnt down, he will fall down from a height and his children will be injured by fire.
To avert this, Lord Iswara should be propitiated. If it is airy, there will be, fear from thieves,
flight from one's native place and there, he will ride horses and elephants. If it is ethereal, he will
be initiated into the old mantric lore, will be spending money for building temples and take
Diksha though his health may cause him some anxiety. These are the effects of the five elements
in both the Nadis. If the breath is long and continuous, it is auspicious. If its tip is broken, it is
Stanza 38. In a query involving loss or theft, one can make use of this (different
elements in breath) and predict the result boldly. If you find the breath to be earthy (prithvi), then
say the lost article is hidden under the earth ; if it is watery, it will be under water; if it happens to
be airy, say it is in a smoky corner; if it happens to be 'ethereal', then say that it is somewhere up;
and if it is fiery, say it is kept on the ground.
Stanza 39. If the astrologer meets the querist on the same side as his breath of the
earthy or watery type, he will be blessed with long life, good wife and children and plenty of
wealth. If she is a woman she will have a worthy husband, etc. If, on the other hand, the querist
stands on the opposite side or if the breath is of other types, the effect will be quite the reverse.
Stanza 40. In the left nostril, there is a nerve known as Ida; in the right, Pingala.
Through the centre which is covered, there is Sushumna. These are governed by the Moon
(Chandra), the Sun (Surya) and fire (Agni) respectively.
Stanza 41. Ida is good at the starting time and Pingala is favourable for entering a
place. Sushumna is good only for Yogic practices.
Stanza 42. In a query relating to sickness, if the question comes from the right when
the breath passes through the same side, then predict that sickness will be cured. If the question
comes from the left when the breath passes through the same sign, predict aggravation of the
illness. If the sick person happens to be a woman, it should be from the left side for relief and
from the right side for aggravation of the illness.
Stanza 43. When the question is put from the left and the breath flows through the
right or vice versa, then the sick man will get relief only with great difficulty.
Stanza 44. If the query is made when the astrologer inhales, then there will be relief; if

when he exhales, the sick man will die.

Stanza 45. In Anushthana Paddhathi, it is stated that a sick man will get relief if the
astrologer's breath and the side from which the question comes, are in agreement. Here, left side
alone is good for women and right side for men.
Stanza 46. At the time of the query if there is no indication of death, inauspicious
sight, talk or thought and if the messenger and the breath are on the same side, the sick person
will live ; otherwise not.
In Kerala, there appears to have been a custom of sending a messenger to take the
astrologer home and do Prasna business in the house of the sick man. Hence frequent reference
to duta or messenger.
Stanza 47. If the query is made when the Moon is waxing (sukla paksha), the
messenger or querist standing in front or in a raised place or on the left side and the astrologer's
breath is governed by the Moon (left), then the questioner will have all his desires satisfied. If
when the Moon is waning (krishna paksha), the messenger stands below or behind or on the right
side and the breath is governed by the Sun (right), then also predict good results.
In all these cases questions being put from certain sides when the astrologer's breath
passes through certain sides etc. it will be seen that the effects on the querist will be similar to
the experiences or mental conditions of the astrologer at the time.
Stanza 48. At the time of query, as the astrologer happens to feel comfortable or
otherwise, when doing his daily work such as sleep, bath and taking meal, so will be the effects
on the questioner.
Here the author deviates a little from his main topic (breath) and dwells a little on avastha
or mental state.
Stanza 49. Irrespective of where the questioner stands or where the breath flows, if
after putting the query the person stands still and unwavering, predict that the sick-man will not
Stanza 50. In a query regarding 'lost wealth', say that the article will be found in the
east, south, west or north from the querist's place, according as the nature of the astrologer's

breath is earthy, watery, fiery or airy. If the breath is ethereal, then the article will be found
somewhere in the middle or in the same place where it was before.
Stanza 51. In benefic weekdays when the Moon is waxing, if the breath is in the left, it
is good. In malefic weekdays when the Moon is waning, if the breath is in the right, it is also
Benefic weekdays are Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Tuesday, Saturday and
Sunday are malefic.
Stanzas 52 & 53. In Yuddha Prasna, if a soldier starts with his breath in his left and
reaches the battleground when his breath is on the right, and if his enemy stands on that side
where he has no breath, then he will surely defeat his opponent. The reverse will be the effect in
reverse position.
A soldier starting when breathing through his left nostril and reaching the battlefield
when he is breathing through the right nostril will be victorious; while, if he starts with his breath
in his right nostril and reaches the battlefield when his breath is in the left nostril, he is likely to
be vanquished, however powerful. In either case, the enemy should be standing on the side
where the soldier has no breath.
Stanza 54. Whenever thieves, enemies, kings or those in authority, saints, his brothergamblers with whom he plays and his rivals in litigation, are put on that side of his nostril
through which breath does not pass, they will be utterly powerless to do him any harm. But on
the other side, they will inflict defeat on him.
Stanza 55. Right breath is favourable at the time of bathing, eating, cohabitation,
transacting business, debating, gambling and fighting. It is also good when you are in fear or
disappointment in anything.
Stanza 56. Left side breath is good for travel, putting on new dress or ornaments,
marriage, bringing about reconciliation, making a gift and entering the presence of another.
Stanza 57. When you see a pregnant woman at the time when you breathe through the
right, then predict that the child is male; if through left say it is female. If it is in sushumna,
predict that she will give birth to a lifeless child.
Stanza 58. Suppose a pregnant woman asks an astrologer 'what is the sex of the child

that I will give birth to', then tell her it is to be male if she asks from the side you have breath. If
not, say it will be a female. If breath passes through both sides, then she will give birth to twins.
Stanza 59. If one wants to succeed easily in any undertaking in life, one should start
when the breath is in the left and reach his destination when the breath is in the right.
Stanza 60. In a query regarding an invasion, if the breath passes through the left,
predict there will be no invasion; if through the right, there will be an attack.
Stanza 61. To a query whether one will be successful in a friendly dual, if the question
is made from the side where there is breath, then say he will succeed.
Stanza 62. When the breath passes through the left, a wrestler can prepare, start and
enter the arena. If he strikes the opponent in the left, when the breath is in the right, success is
assured for him.
Stanza 63. Even if the contestant enters the ring with the breath in the left nostril, he
will be defeated when he moves on with the breath in the same nostril. In such a contingency he
should resort to the East or North of the ring in order to avoid defeat.
Stanza 64. In a question pertaining to birth of issue, when the astrologer's breath is
ethereal, say the child in the womb will die. If the person asks the question from the side where
there is breath and passes to the side where there is no breath, then predict that a lifeless child
would be delivered.
Stanza 65. If at the time of query the questioner is feeling with his hand his chest or
breast or any auspicious object, then predict good. If not, evil results will happen.
In this stanza, the method is switched on to sparsa or touch.
Stanzas 66 and 67. If he touches his own navel, nose, mouth, locks of hair on his head
or hair anywhere in his body, nails, teeth, private parts, anus (...), breasts, neck, stomach, ring
finger, the nine openings in his body, the palm of his hand, the soles of his feet and joints in his
body, or any depression, then predict evil.
Stanza 68. The eight cardinal points and the eight bodily limbs have their counterparts
symbolised in the eight Yonis like Dhwaja, Dhuma, etc. Results good or bad happen when these

points are touched by the questioner.

Stanza 69. Dhwaja (flag), Dhuma (smoke), lion, dog, bull, an ass and cow, an elephant
correspond respectively to east, south-east, south, south-west, west, north-west, north and east.
Stanza 70. The head, nose, mouth or face, eyes or ears, neck, arms or hands, chest and
legs symbolically correspond respectively to Dhwaja, Dhuma, etc., mentioned in stanza 69.
In these three stanzas, there is some sort of an allocation of the eight main limbs to the
eight cardinal points and the sex organs of eight animals. The touching of any of these parts by
the questioner seems to imply the success or otherwise of the object in view. The following is a
tabular representation of the allocations suggested in the above stanzas :


Mouth or face
Eyes or ears
Arms, hands
Chest, breast

Stanza 71. If the questioner stands in the east and touches his own head, then predict
monetary gains; his mouth, gain of cows; his neck, gift of vehicles; chest, gift of ornaments. If
the questioner stands in south and touches his face or mouth, destruction of enemies; neck,
monetary gains; chest, begetting good children; head, arrival of relatives.
Stanza 72. If the questioner stands in the west and touches his head, gain of
knowledge; mouth, acquisition of friends; neck, gift of cows; chest, gain of vehicles. If the
questioner stands in the north and touches his head, ornaments; mouth, good friends; neck, good
children; chest, acquisition of elephants or elephant-ride.
Stanza 73. If the questioner stands in southeast and touches his nose, danger to life;
eyes and ears, fear of troubles; arms, breaking of vows; and legs, ruin of one's family. If the
questioner stands in south-west and touches his nose, loss of money; eyes and ears, sickness;
arms, loss of children; and legs, danger.
Stanza 74. If the questioner stands in northwest and touches his nose, fear from fearful

weapons; eyes and ears, wife's sickness; arms, litigation or dispute; and legs, killing cow. If the
questioner stands in the north-east and touches his nose breaking of teeth; eyes and ears, death
from evil-minded people; arms, danger to children; and legs, sickness to relation.
Stanza 75. If the questioner, standing in east south, west or north, touches nose, eyes,
arms or legs respectively or standing in south-east, southwest, north-west or north-east, touches
neck, chest, head or mouth respectively, the effects will neither be very bad nor very good.
Stanza 76. In any query regarding longevity, the cure of a sick man will depend on the
Avastha, state of the messenger or astrologer at the time of query.
Stanza 77. In order to create conviction in the questioner, the astrologer should study
the Arudha Lagna and read therefrom what experience the questioner had on the way.
Stanza 78. If Rahu or Saturn is in Arudha or fifth or eighth house from it, then the
messenger might have seen very low people on his way. If Mars or Mercury stands at the above
positions, he might have met people belonging to Sudra caste.
Stanza 79. If Jupiter or Venus is in Arudha or 5th or 8th from it, then Brahmins must
have been seen. If these are associated with or aspected by evil planets, then thread-wearing
Stanza 80. If the Sun, then distinguished personages or officials; if the Moon or Venus,
then a woman. If the Moon and Saturn are together there, he might have seen bad women; if
Venus (without any evil planets), chaste women.
Stanza 81. The nature of the people he has met on the way depends on the association
or aspects of evil or good planets. Further, predictions will have to be made from the direction of
querent and his gesticulations.
Stanza 82. If the Sun occupies the eighth house from the Arudha, then predict royal
displeasure or trouble from the army and this must have happened on the previous Sunday. If he
occupies Jiva Navamsa, then say it was the ruler himself. Predict also some loss befitting the
Navamsa the Sun occupies Dhatu, Jeeva or Moola (mineral, vegetable or animal).
In odd signs (Aries, Gemini, Leo, etc.) the 1st, 4th and 7th Navamsas refer to Dhatu

(mineral), the 2nd, 5th and 8th refer to Moola (animal) and the 3rd, 6th and 9th refer to Jeeva
(vegetable). In even signs (Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, etc.) the 1st, 4th and 7th refer to Jeeva
(vegetable), the 2nd, 5th and 8th to Moola (animal) and the 3rd, 6th and 9th to Dhatu (mineral).
In 80 st. has been translated as distinguished personality or officer.
Stanza 83. If the Moon occupies the eighth house, then say that the querist had to
starve on the previous Monday or he had to live on mere rice-water.
According to the commentator, if the Moon was strong then the querist would have lived
on rice-water.
Stanzas 84 and 85. If Mars is in the 8th, then the questioner had a fall. Mars with
Gulika reveals that the person was wounded severely. According as Mars occupying a dhatu,
moola or jeeva or sarisripa Navamsa, the querist was hurt by some weapon, lacerated by thorns,
scratched or wounded by nail or teeth or was bitten by a snake or scorpion, on the previous
Sarisripa Navamsas are Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces.
Stanzas 86 and 87. If Mercury occupies the 8th from Arudha Lagna, the questioner
was obstructed in his work the previous Wednesday. According as Mercury is in Moola, Dhatu or
Jeeva Navamsa, the questioner had to lose or be without betel leaves and nuts, or was sick, or
had to exchange harsh words or be without chunam (lime).
Stanzas 88 to 92. If Jupiter stands on the eighth, say on the last Thursday his
performance of daily religious duties was delayed (in the case of twice-born) or there was loss of
articles. If Venus is in the 8th house, he had separation from his beloved or loss of clothes or his
clothes were soiled by dirt. If he is in Moola Navamsa, his clothes were torn by thorns. If he
occupies Jeeva Navamsa, they were torn by his finger nails or he gave them away as gifts. If he
occupies Sarisripa Navamsa, his clothes were bitten by mice or eaten away by white ants on the
previous Friday. If Saturn stands on the eighth from Arudha, say that he had to take food very
late or had to face a great danger on Saturday last.
Stanzas 93, 94 and 95. If Rahu stands on the eighth, say that his legs were affected by
some pain on the way. If he stands on dhatu Navamsa, say it was caused by stones. If he stands
in moola Navamsa, some thorns pierced into his feet. If he is in Jeeva navamsa, the querist was

bitten by a serpent on the previous Saturday. If Kethu stands on the eighth house, say that his
legs dashed against rocks last Tuesday. If he is with Gulika, then predict that his legs were very
much wounded.
Stanza 96. If evil planets occupy the third house from Arudha, then the questioner had
to fast on the days governed by such planets.
Stanza 97. The third, sixth and twelfth houses are also evil as eighth house. Hence
predict evil to have happened last week allotting suitable days to those planets that occupy the
above houses.
These stanzas are clear enough and they do not need any explanations. The situation, of
the different planets in the 3rd, 6th, 8th and 12th houses from Arudha Lagna and in certain
Navamsas indicate the happenings some trivial on certain week-days, pertaining to the
planets concerned. Readers may test these principles and find out for themselves, the usefulness
of these combinations in the modern age.

We can illustrate with a chart here.

Suppose at the time of query Aquarius is the Arudha Lagna.

Sun 4
Merc. 19
Venus 16
Ketu 14-32

Jup. 5
Moon 6







Saturn 2-52

Rahu 14-32




Rahu is in the 8th in Rasi and in Taurus Navamsa which is the 5th Navamsa. Virgo being
an even sign, the 5th Navamsa would belong to Moola or vegetable.
So, the querent can be expected to have trodden over thorns which must have pierced
through his soles while on his way to the astrologer.
Stanza 98. Suppose planets occupy favourable houses, then predict good as having
happened on the days governed by the occupants. These predictions can also be made from
Udayalagna, in which case, predict good or bad on the ensuing weekdays.
Stanza 99. In Prasna Bhasha it is stated thus : If there are strong malefics in the 7th
from the Arudha of the messenger or query, he must have had bad omens; if benefics, good ones.
The same results can be read from planets in the 4th and 10th from Arudha. The omens at a
journey can be read from the Ascendant at the time of starting and the 4th and the 10th
therefrom. The same results can be read from planets in the 4th and 10th from Arudha.
Stanza 100. If the Sun and Mars occupy 1, 4, 7 and 10, then say he has met some
quadrupeds like elephants or cows as indicative signs on his way. Mercury and Saturn are birdplanets and indicate birds like chakoras. The Moon indicates serpents or scorpions and Rahu,

It must be noted that if Jupiter or Venus occupies such a position, the questioner must
have come across some human being.
Stanza 101. If Saturn, Rahu, Ketu or Gulika occupies 1, 4, 7, 10, say he met low-caste
people on his way. If the Moon and Venus occupy the above houses, say that he has met women
on the way. If it is Mercury, say he met. learned men. If it is Jupiter, he met pious Brahmins.
Mars indicates soldiers. The Sun represents men of distinction.
Stanza 102. If the messenger puts in his question from east, south, west or north, it is
good. If he occupies south-east, south-west, north-west or north-east, it is bad. This applies to
men only. The reverse holds good for women.
Stanza 103. If the questioner faces or stands in the south, it indicates evil especially
regarding the question of longevity.
Stanza 104. If the first syllable or Gana of the words uttered by the querent happens to
be one owned by any of the Bhutas Akasa, Vayu, Agni, Apa and Prithvi, the effect of the
query will not be happy.
Gana is a term used in pfrosody, where there are 8 syllable groups, viz., (1) Ma, (2) Ya,
(3) Ra, (4\ Sa, (5) Ta. (6) Ja, (7) Bha and (8) Na.
Stanza 105. The alphabet is divided under two heads, viz., the vowels headed by Aa
(3f) and the consonants headed by the gutterals (...) including the liquids, semi-vowels and
sibilants. The vowels constitute the 'Life' and consonants the 'Body'.
Stanza 106. If the sentence of a query begins with a vowel, the query may be about the
person's longevity and the effect will be beneficial. The trouble, if any, is only physical. Similarly
if the sentence begins with a consonant, the trouble is not so much with the body as with his

Stanza 107. The five vargas or groups of consonants have five syllables each presided
over by Vayu, Agni, Indra, Jala and Napumsaka. If the first letter of the question happens to fall
under Napumsaka, the result will be extremely bad; if under Vayu and Agni, evil results befall; if
under Indra, neutral effect; if under water, favourable results. In vowels too, the short and long
belong respectively to Indra and Jala.
The five vargas or groups of consonants are :
Kavarga: (Gutterals) Ka, Kha, Ga, Gha, Gna Chavarga : (Labials) Cha, Chcha, Ja, Jha,
Pavarga: (Palatals) Pa, Pha, Ba, Bha, Ma
Tavarga: (Dentals) Ta, Tta, Da, Dda, Na
Thavarga: (Linguals) Ta, Tha, Da, Dha, Na
In each varga, the first to last syllable is presided over respectively by Vayu (air), Agni
(fire), Indra, Jala (water) and Napumsaka (eunuch). Tf for instance, you take Kavarga, the letters
Ka, Kha, Ga, Gha and Jna are ruled by Air, Fire, Tndra, Water and Napumsaka respectively.
Suppose the first letter of a certain query commences with the letter ma, the result will be
harmful as the syllable is presided over by Napumsaka or eunuch. In this way, other syllables
should be interpreted. The syllables ya, ra, la, va, sa, sha, sa, ha, la and ksha have similar lords as
mentioned above.
Assign short vowels (...) to Indra Bhuta and (...) to Jala Bhuta.
Stanza 108.
Jhagana (u u)
Sagana (u u )
Bhagana ( uu)
Magana ( --------- )
Ragana ( u )
Thagana ( ------ u)
Yagana (u ----- )
Nagana (uuu)

Presiding Deities
The Sun (Surya)
Air (Vayu)
The Moon (Chandra)
Earth (Bhoorai)
Fire (Agni)
Ether (Akasa)
Watar (Jala)
Heaven (Swarga)

This sloka is from the Anushtanapaddhati.

Increase of illness
Going to another country
World-wide renown
Emptiness or poverty
Exceptional prosperity
Long Life

Letters are divided into hard (guru) and soft (laghu) ones. Long ones are said to be hard
and short ones soft. In the word uttered by the questioner, the first three letters make up a gana.
Ganas are divided into eight on the basis of soft and hard ores. For instance in stanza 108, 1st
line of the three letters constituting Jhagana, the first (u) is laghu or soft, the second is guru or
hard and the third is laghu the whole Jhagana being ruled by the Deity Sun. Likewise in the
Sagana the first letters (u u) are soft and the third ( ) hard. In Magana all the three letters
(----------) are hard (guru). In the words uttered by the questioner, take the first three letters and
fit them to the above classification of ganas and then give appropriate prediction.
With due deference to the author and his eminent disciples I must confess that the method
given in stanza 108 is not easily applicable in actual practice.
Stanza 109. If the questioner utters words that are very pleasing to the ears, auspicious
coherent and expressive, predict success of his undertaking; otherwise not. If his sentence closes
with a Visarga, then too the effect will be unfavourable.
Stanza 110. Moreover find out the Lagna from the first letter of the querent's statement
and then predict the results, good or bad as the case may be.
Stanza 111. There are seven Vargas, viz., Aa (*), ka (*), cha (*), ta (*), tha (*), pa (*)
and ya (*) belonging to the Sun, Mars, Venus, Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn and the Moon
Stanza 112. By a consideration of ihis varga division, ascertain the Lagna on the basis
of the first, second and third letters and answer the questioner.
Stanza 113. In the case of Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn, each having two
signs, take their odd or even signs according as the syllable is odd or even in the Vargas. In the
case of the luminaries, there is no such difference, as they own only one house each.
Stanza 114. This plan is made use of when neither the Arudha nor the Udaya Lagna is
known. So too when there are many questions put practically at the same time.
Some sort of a connection is established between sound vibrations and the zodiacal signs.
There are seven vargas or groups of letters.

Varga letters commencing from














cha cliha ja







tha thha




pa pha




ya ra






sha sa ha la

According to stanza 111, the above vargas are ruled by the Sun, Mars, Venus. Mercury,
Jupiter, Saturn and the Moon respectively. Stanza 112 is interpreted by different scholars in
different ways. Mr. P. G. S. Iyer who assisted me in translating this work and who was well
versed in Malayalam and Sanscrit, thinks that by taking the first word in the query and tracing it
to the varga concerned and thence to the planet, the Lagna should be found out. Suppose the first
word of a query commences with Aa (*): the presiding planet being the Sun, the Lagna would be
Leo. In regard to two signs owned by a planet, the odd or even position of the first letter in the
appropriate varga should be taken. Suppose a query commences with ba (*); it is the third letter
in Pavarga : presided over by Saturn. Since 3 is an odd number, you must take Aquarius, the odd
sign, as Lagna. If instead, the query commences with bha (*): This is the 4th letter and 4 being an
even number, the Lagna will be Capricorn, the even sign owned by Saturn.
This method of ascertaining Lagna should be resorted to in the absence of Arudha or
Udaya Lagnas or when a number of queries are put simultaneously.
Stanzas 112 to 114 are taken from Prasna Gnana of Bhattotpala.
Stanza 115. Watch the questioner as to how he stands. If he puts his left foot in front,
then predict it to be good; if he places his right foot in front, it is bad. If he shakes his leg, it is
productive of evil only. If he stands firmly, it is wholesome.
Stanza 116. If he sits at ease, straight, facing the astrologer in an elevated place and on

a good seat, it is good. If he sits in a low place on a bad seat, then it is bad.
Stanza 117. If the querist puts a question seated, then stands up or makes the query
standing and then sits down, the results will be good.
Stanza 118. Suppose the questioner having come within the orbit of the astrologer's
vision halts here and there, then predict 'delay' by the number of days corresponding to the
number of his halts.
Stanza 119. Suppose a stranger crosses between the astrologer and the questioner, then
failure of the expected help should be predicted.
Stanza 120. Suppose the questioner shakes or wrings his hands or rubs them, or looks
sideways, or he forgets the object of his visit, then puts in the query after much hesitation, then
predict failure.
Stanza 121. Suppose suddenly he strikes hard his own body or anything near him, then
predict death. The effect is the same when there is a thought, sight or news of indications of
Stanza 122. Suppose he feels sleepy or is unclean, or is weeping, or has his hair
dishevelled or has his face cut or has head shaved clean or stands naked or bemoans his fate or is
engaged in cutting or flees in fear or performs his Homa to Agni or ties up something round his
legs or hands, or frequently rubs his eyes with his hands or feels despondent or is seen trampling
on a piece of wood or a bunch of grass, then know that the effects will be evil.
Stanza 123. If the questioner is found engaged in twisting a rope, marking the ground
with his nails, is forced to change his place or is obstructed, has his body smeared with oil,
engaged in carrying ashes or bones, lead or dung, or discovered to be sickly ; has a cloth wound
up round his neck; has his body painted with mud: is found uttering unpleasant and harsh sounds
or words; is found performing Sraddha; then you can very well count that you have nothing good
to predict.
Stanza 124. Suppose he has with him a knife or a sword, a bundle of hay, net, chaff,
shoes, peacock feathers, leather, decorations of dead body, horn, broom, winnowing basket,
ropes, pestles, or he is found to be starving or is crippled, then also predict evil.


Stanza 125. If he has his face distorted either by anger or sorrow or exertion, or if his
mind is much worried, then also effects will be bad.
Stanza 126. If the messenger or questioner is handsome, healthy and modest, has the
mark of nob'e birth and breed and possesses a happy face, then take these as good and predict
Stanza 127. If his eyes are opening wide or he is looking at auspicious objects, and is
free from downward or upward looks, then predict good effects. If his eyes are half-closed, if he
looks at dirty or inauspicious things, or looks upwards or downwards, the results will be very
Stanza 128. If the questioner puts on wet, torn, dirty clothes, in red or blue colour, or
decorates himself with red flowers, the Prasna effects will be sorrowful. If he has white neat
clothes, fine ornaments, fragrant white flowers and rich perfumes on his person, then the effects
will be good.
Stanza 129. If the questioner comes with any auspicious things in his hand, then
predict good. If he comes with nothing or with any inauspicious things as broom, etc., then
predict evil effects.
Stanza 130. If at the time of query, the astrologer is free from all anxieties, and if the
questioner's posture, movements and looks are favourable, then predict good.
Stanza 131. If these are bad, then the achievement of his desired objects will not take
place. If these are of mixed nature, then the effects will be mixed according to the strength of
good and bad indications.


Stanza 132. All the effects of a query can be fully understood by a careful study of
what you see before you or what you hear or what others speak at the time of the query, in the
shape of ominous sounds or expressive signs.
Stanza 133. The sight of certain objects brings in comfort and welfare. Note these
suggestive signs when you begin to make predictions. This will be useful also when you go or
start for another place.
Stanza 134. While discussing marriage affairs or when starting for a marriage
ceremony, the sight of 'fresh dress' and the like indicate a happy marriage. Then if you happen to
see two persons bidding farewell to each other and parting away, then the marriage tie will be
broken or dissolved.
Stanza 135. If you see any person thrusting his finger into any hole, then say that the
bride in question is immoral. If however you notice any person coming towards you from any
side, you may predict that a gentleman from that direction will marry her.
Stanzas 136 and 137. In a query regarding 'birth of children' a casual sight of the
following at the time brings in luck and attainment of object: a book, pen and the like, a small
jingling bell, bangle, a necklace and other ornaments of children, a small piece of deer-skin, a
stick, a belt of darbha grass, a pregnant woman, smiling children: these indicate clearly that the
questioner will get children.
Stanza 138. If you happen to see near, anybody cleaning his body or going away from
your midst or anything burning brilliantly, say that the pregnant woman in question will have
Stanzas 139 and 140. In a Yuddha Prasna, the following are considered as favourable
signs: a person standing on his right leg or shaking his weapons pressing his right hand; a
burning fire or a distinguished, august or calm personage.
Stanzas 141 and 142. A person standing firmly on his left leg, a person shedding tears
or speaking in a faltering voice, a dirty person and one sheathing his sword: these sights indicate
defeat in a fight.
Stanza 143. In a query pertaining to an enterprise, the sight of a piece of gold or some
fruits suggests financial gain.

Stanzas 144 and 145. In a query bearing on disease, the sight of a living being or
person on horseback or on an elephant portends immediate cure of the disease. But standing on a
lifeless object will bring about the death of the questioner.
Stanzas 146 and 147. Flowers for funeral rites, sesamum seeds, burning cinder,
unwashed clothes, darbha grass (kusa grass), curd, all things used in obsequies burial or
cremation these when seen indicate the death of the sick man.
Stanzas 148 and 149. In a question pertaining to travel, if the messenger sits down or
lies down after the question is put, then you can say that some obstructions will impede his trip.
If he gets up on one leg and keeps standing on the other and contracts them, some delay will be
caused in his trips. If he gets up or walks up as soon as the query is made, predict that the
intended trip will take place soon.
Stanza 150. If you chance to meet two persons with their hands clasped or if you find
a stranger walking towards you, then a dispute will end in compromise. Separations, breaks, etc.,
lead to the obstruction of peace.
Stanza 151. The following are considered as evil omens indicating failure:
Intermittent cries of Oh! Oh! sniffing sounds, the falling of the flag-post or the family tree of
worship, clothes, umbrella, or shoes getting spoiled or words connoting ruin or loss heard from
all directions, or bad birds or cruel animals making unpleasant cries, light being extinguished
unexpectedly any vessel full of water or so firmly fixed that it tumbles down.
Stanza 152. At the time of prasna, if you see on your left, cats, owls, a kind of snake,
or Godha it is considered bad; if you hear the cry of a lizard on the left side, the effect is the
same. Sneezing of persons to the right side also is harmful.
Stanzas 153 and 154. If you hear anybody uttering the names of hogs, serpents, hare,
Godha, etc., it is good. But to see these or hear their cries is bad. To see or to hear the cries of the
monkey and the bear is good. But to hear their names uttered is bad. To see or to hear the cries of
an elephant, a horse, or an ox is also good.
Stanza 155. A veena, flute, drum, conch, the sounds of these instruments are
auspicious. General music, pleasant objects and beautiful women, dancing girls, pot of curd,
coloured rice, sugarcane, Durva grass, sandal paste, pot filled with water, flowers and garlands,
fruits and virgins, bells, lights and lotus flowers all these are auspicious both for hearing and

Stanza 156. Umbrella, arches, agreeable palanquins or carriages, hymns of prayer, or

utterances of the Vedas, a cow tied with a rope, a bull, a mounted mirror, gold, a cow and its calf,
eatables, fresh mud, or a learned pandit, are good. In brief, all those things which are agreeable to
our ears and which are pleasant to our eyes can be considered as good omens at a query.
Stanzas 157 and 158. Other signs and omens should be learnt from other treatises on
the subject or under the guidance of a Guru or according to the code of conduct sketched by
learned men. For general guidance, it may be taken as granted that whatever things or signs that
help us to attain our objects, are good and all those things that are inauspicious indicate the
contrary results. Knowing benefic or malefic nature of the omens, it is possible to make
appropriate predictions.
Thus concludes the 3rd chapter of Prasha Marga.

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