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FY2011 State Summary Table

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(budget authority in thousands of dollars)
House Sub
FY2010 FY2011 FY2011 Plus/Minus Plus/Minus
Enacted Request Sub Mark FY 2010 Request

Title I - Department of State

Administration of Foreign Affairs
Diplomatic and Consular Programs 8,227,000 9,542,200 8,864,218 637,218 -677,982
Civilian Stabilization Initiative 120,000 184,000 60,000 -60,000 -124,000
Capital Investment Fund 139,000 144,100 139,000 0 -5,100
Office of Inspector General 100,000 120,152 120,152 20,152 0
Educational and Cultural Exchange Programs 635,000 633,200 635,000 0 1,800
Representation Allowances 8,175 8,175 8,175 0 0
Protection of Foreign Missions and Officials 28,000 27,200 28,000 0 800
Embassy Security Construction and Maintenance 1,724,150 1,681,500 1,795,500 71,350 114,000
Emergencies in the Diplomatic and Consular Service 10,000 11,000 10,000 0 -1,000
Buying Power Maintenance Account 8,500 0 0 -8,500 0
Repatriation Loans Program Account 1,450 1,450 1,450 0 0
Payment to the American Institute in Taiwan 21,174 21,420 21,420 246 0
Payment to the Foreign Service Retirement and Disability
Fund (mandatory) 158,900 158,900 158,900 0 0
Subtotal - Administration of Foreign Affairs - Discretionary 11,022,449 12,374,397 11,682,915 660,466 -691,482
International Organizations
Contributions to International Organizations, current year
assessment (CIO) 1,682,500 1,595,430 1,595,430 -87,070 0
Contributions for International Peacekeeping Activities, current
year (CIPA) 2,125,000
2 125 000 2,182,300
2 182 300 2,126,382
2 126 382 1,382
1 382 -55,918
55 918
Subtotal - International Organizations 3,807,500 3,777,730 3,721,812 -85,688 -55,918
International Commissions
International Boundary and Water Commission, U.S. and
Mexico 76,250 74,331 74,331 -1,919 0
American Sections, International Commissions 12,608 12,355 12,355 -253 0
International Fisheries Commissions 53,976 43,600 49,550 -4,426 5,950
Subtotal - International Commissions 142,834 130,286 136,236 -6,598 5,950
Related Agency
Broadcasting Board of Governors 746,410 768,778 757,410 11,000 -11,368
Related Programs
The Asia Foundation 19,000 15,690 19,000 0 3,310
United States Institute of Peace 49,220 46,550 46,550 -2,670 0
International Center for Middle Eastern-Western Dialogue 875 840 840 -35 0
Eisenhower Exchange Fellowship Program 500 500 500 0 0
Israeli Arab Scholarship Program 375 375 375 0 0
East-West Center 23,000 11,400 0 -23,000 -11,400
National Endowment for Democracy 118,000 105,000 110,000 -8,000 5,000
Subtotal, Related Programs 210,970 180,355 177,265 -33,705 -3,090
Other Commissions
Commission for the Preservation of America's Heritage Abroad 635 647 647 12 0
Commission on International Religious Freedom 4,300 4,400 4,400 100 0
Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe 2,610 2,715 2,715 105 0
Republic of China 2,000 2,000 2,000 0 0
Commission 3,500 3,500 3,750 250 250
U.S. Senate Interparlimentary Groups 0 0 0 0 0
Subtotal, Other Commissions 13,045 13,262 13,512 467 250

TOTAL - Title I, Department of State and Related Agencies 15,943,208 17,244,808 16,489,150 545,942 -755,658

Title II - Administration of Foreign Assistance

Operating Expenses of USAID 1,388,800 1,472,476 1,410,000 21,200 -62,476
Civilian Stabilization Initiative 30,000 0 25,000 -5,000 25,000
Capital Investment Fund 185,000 173,000 173,000 -12,000 0
Operating Expenses of the USAID Inspector General 46,500 46,500 46,500 0 0

TOTAL - Title II, Administration of Foreign Assistance 1,650,300 1,691,976 1,654,500 4,200 -37,476

Title III - Bilateral Economic Assistance

Global Health and Child Survival
Global Health and Child Survival
U.S. Agency for International Development 2,420,000 3,013,000 2,725,000 305,000 -288,000
Department of State - OGAC 5,359,000 5,500,000 5,525,000 166,000 25,000
Subtotal, Global Health and Child Survival 7,779,000 8,513,000 8,250,000 471,000 -263,000
FY2010 FY2011 FY2011 Plus/Minus Plus/Minus
Enacted Request Sub Mark FY 2010 Request
Economic Assistance - State and USAID
Development Assistance (DA) 2,520,000 2,980,896 2,770,000 250,000 -210,896
International Disaster Assistance 845,000 860,700 845,000 0 -15,700
Transition Initiatives 55,000 48,000 50,000 -5,000 2,000
Complex Crises Fund 50,000 100,000 55,000 5,000 -45,000
Development Credit Authority Administrative Expenses 8,600 8,300 8,300 -300 0
Economic Support Fund 6,337,000 7,811,982 7,020,000 683,000 -791,982
Democracy Fund 120,000 0 120,000 0 120,000
International Fund for Ireland 17,000 0 15,000 -2,000 15,000
Assistance for Europe, Eurasia and Central Asia 741,632 716,354 700,000 -41,632 -16,354
Subtotal, Economic Assistance -State and USAID 18,473,232 21,039,232 19,833,300 1,360,068 -1,205,932
Department of State
Migration and Refugee Assistance (MRA) 1,685,000 1,605,400 1,643,000 -42,000 37,600
U.S. Emergency Migration and Refugee Assistance 45,000 45,000 45,000 0 0
Subtotal, Economic Assistance -Department of State 1,730,000 1,650,400 1,688,000 -42,000 37,600
Independent Agencies
Peace Corps 400,000 446,150 446,150 46,150 0
Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) 1,105,000 1,279,700 1,105,000 0 -174,700
Inter-American Foundation 23,000 22,760 22,760 -240 0
African Development Foundation 30,000 30,000 30,000 0 0
Subtotal, Independent Agencies 1,558,000 1,778,610 1,603,910 45,910 -174,700
Department of the Treasury
International Affairs Technical Assistance 25,000 38,000 28,000 3,000 -10,000
Debt Restructuring 60,000 70,000 56,000 -4,000 -14,000
Subtotal , Treasury 85,000 108,000 84,000 -1,000 -24,000
TOTAL - Title III Bilateral Economic Assistance 21,846,232 24,576,242 23,209,210 1,362,978 -1,367,032

Title IV - International Security Assistance Programs

International Narcotics Control and Law Enforcement 1,597,000 2,136,041 1,430,000 -167,000 -706,041
Programs (NADR) 754,000 757,613 737,000 -17,000 -20,613
Peacekeeping Operations (PKO) 331,500 285,950 279,868 -51,632 -6,082
International Military Education and Training (IMET) 108,000 110,000 106,000 -2,000 -4,000
Foreign Military Financing Program (FMF) 4,195,000 5,473,348 5,446,896 1,251,896 -26,452
Pakistan Counterinsurgency Capability Fund 0 1,200,000 900,000 900,000 -300,000
TOTAL - Title IV International Security Assistance 6,985,500 9,962,952 8,899,764 1,914,264 -1,063,188

Title V - Multilateral Assistance

International Organizations and Programs (IO&P) 394,000 350,550 398,000 4,000 47,450
International Financial Institutions
Global Environment Facility (GEF) 86,500 175,000 143,000 56,500 -32,000
International Development Association 1,262,500 1,285,000 1,235,000 -27,500 -50,000
Contribution to the Clean Technology Fund 300,000 400,000 300,000 0 -100,000
Contribution to the Special Climate Fund 75,000 235,000 150,000 75,000 -85,000
Inter-American Development Bank - Multilateral Investment
Fund 25,000 25,000 24,000 -1,000 -1,000
Inter-American Investment Corporation 4,670 21,000 21,000 16,330 0
Asian Development Fund 105,000 115,250 105,000 0 -10,250
Asian Development Bank 0 106,586 0 0 -106,586
African Development Fund 155,000 155,940 153,000 -2,000 -2,940
International Fund for Agricultural Development 30,000 30,000 29,000 -1,000 -1,000
Global Food Security Fund 0 408,400 150,000 150,000 -258,400
Total, International Financial Institutions 2,043,670 2,957,176 2,310,000 266,330 -647,176
l VV, M
l il l Assistance
A i 2,437,670 3,307,726 2,708,000 270,330 -599,726

Title VI - Export and Investment Assistance

Export-Import Bank of the United States 2,380 -10,458 -52,021 -54,401 -41,563
Overseas Private Investment Corporation -156,490 -189,354 -189,354 -32,864 0
Trade Development Agency 55,200 56,200 55,200 0 -1,000
TOTAL, Title VI - Export and Investment Assistance -98,910 -143,612 -186,175 -87,265 -42,563

Title VII - General Provisions 0 16,551 -118,449 -118,449 -135,000

Total All Titles - Discretionary with Supplementals 48,764,000 56,656,643 52,656,000 3,892,000 -4,000,643
Mandatory 158,900 158,900 158,900 0 0
TOTAL ALL TITLES 48,922,900 56,815,543 52,814,900 3,892,000 -4,000,643

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