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Volume Lxi Number 6: JUNE 2015

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Published monthly as an official publication of the
Grand Encampment of Knights Templar
of the United States of America.

David Dixon Goodwin

Grand Master

Jeffrey N. Nelson
Contents Grand Generalissimo and Publisher
3112 Tyler Parkway
Bismarck, ND 58503-0192

Grand Masters Message Magazine materials and correspon-

Grand Master David Dixon Goodwin................ 4 dence to the editor should be sent in elec-
tronic form to the managing editor whose
Flag Day! contact information is shown below.
Materials and correspondence concern-
Sir Knight Richard F. Muth............................... 7 ing the Grand Commandery state supple-
Who Was Simon of Cyrene? ments should be sent to the respective
supplement editor.
Sir Knight George L. Marshall, Jr., PGC............ 11
The Four Masonic Elements John L. Palmer
Managing Editor
Part 2 of 2 of a series Post Office Box 566
Sir Knight David E. Stafford............................ 21 Nolensville, TN 37135-0566
Phone: (615) 283-8477
Patriotic and Civic Activities Fax: (615) 283-8476
Sir Knight Wilber M. Brucker......................... 34 E-mail:

Address changes or correc-

tions and all membership
Features activity including deaths
should be reported to the
Recorder of the local Com-
In Memoriam...............................................................5 mandery. Please do not re-
Prelates Chapel ..........................................................6
port them to the editor.

Beauceant News........................................................10 Lawrence E. Tucker

Grand Recorder
Knights at the Bookshelf............................................16
Grand Encampment Office
5909 West Loop South, Suite 495
A Chat With The Managing Editor.............................17
Bellaire, TX 77401-2402
Grand Commandery Supplement..............................18 Phone: (713) 349-8700
Fax: (713) 349-8710
The Knights Templar Eye Foundation........................20 E-mail:
Cover photo of the old Templar church
Recipients of the Membership Jewel........................35 in the Commandry of Avalleur, in Bar-
sur-Seine, France taken by the editor.
Grand Encampment Web Site:
knight templar 3
Grand Masters Message
his month spring will come to an end,
and summer will be ushered in. We
hope that you will take time to enjoy
the beautiful and warm summer months out-
side absorbing the suns beautiful rays.
Your officers are planning to be very busy
attending Annual Conclaves, conducting the
last of the Department Conferences for this
year, and visiting other Masonic Bodies. This
month we are looking forward to the installa-
tion of Sir Knight Robert S. Finley as the Most
Illustrious Grand Sovereign of the Red Cross
of Constantine. Sir Knight Finley is a very dear
longtime friend who also serves as an Aide-
de-camp to this Grand Master. We are also
looking forward to visiting with our Brothers
at DeMolay International and at the Grand
Encampment of Knights Templar of the Unit-
ed States of America, Prince Hall Affiliation. The friendship and cooperation among
the various bodies of Freemasonry is at an all-time high! Participate and enjoy the
We are looking forward to seeing you somewhere on the road this month! Please
come out and join us.
The sands of time are quickly falling on the 66th triennium! We invite all voting
delegates to come and participate in the future plans for your Grand Encampment.
We invite all Sir Knights and their ladies to come and share in the wonderful fellow-
ship and planned activities in Buffalo.
Please remember to make your reservation now! Time is running short!

The 66th Triennial Conclave of the Grand Encampment of Knights Templar

Adams Mark Hotel, Buffalo, NY
August 8-12, 2015

Reservations may be made online from our website at:
David Dixon Goodwin, GCT

Grand Master
The future is ours! We must seize the moment!
4 Every Christian Mason should be a Knight Templar. june 2015
Donald C. Brown Ronald Lee Thomas
Vermont Alabama
Grand Commander 1988 Grand Commander 2012
Born: November 15, 1929 Born: July 8, 1947
Died: March 14, 2015 Died: March 30, 2015

Charles Ned Richter James Robert Stockner

California Illinois
Grand Commander 1991 Grand Commander 1996
Born: March 9, 1923 Born: February 17, 1927
Died: March 23, 2015 Died: June 27, 2014
knight templar 5
Rev. William D. Hartman, Right
Eminent Grand Prelate of the Grand

he disciple, Stephen, gave a
wonderful defense of the new
Christian faith before the Jew-
ish Council in Jerusalem (The Acts
6-7), but they were incensed against
him and demanded that he be stoned
to death. He was taken outside the
city, and as he was being stoned, he
prayed; Lord Jesus, receive my spirit.
Then he knelt down and cried out in
a loud voice, Lord, do not hold this
sin against them, (The Acts 7:60) and
then he died.
I am not sure I could be so forgiv-
ing, but its a good lesson to learn. Stephen and the early Christians were over-
whelmed with the Good News of Gods love for all of his children and that God
had sent His only son to die in our place and restore us to new life. They knew
through the resurrection of Jesus that death cannot hold us imprisoned and that
we have victory through Jesus victory over sin and death. As they shared the good
news with others, they were often scorned and mocked and, in Stephens case,
murdered, but they also knew that although the world may be against them, they
could not be overcome.
Forgiveness became a hallmark of early Christianity, because those early Chris-
tians knew that evil was at work in those around them. They knew that Satan never
rested as they remembered what Jesus had said to Peter when he wanted to keep
Jesus from going to Jerusalem to die; Get thee behind me, Satan. Jesus had for-
given Peter, even though he had denied him three times. Jesus words from the cross,
Father, forgive them for they know not what they do, now had significant meaning
and understanding for the way Christians live their daily lives.
The next time you pray the Lords Prayer which includes forgive us our debts as
we forgive our debtors, Jesus is daily reminding us that as His Father has forgiven
our sins, our transgressions, and our bad behavior, so let us do to others, for by so
doing, we are fulfilling the law of love as Jesus taught us; As I have loved you, so you
ought to love one another.
Sir Knights, go forth to love and serve the Lord!
6 june 2015
Flag Day! By
Sir Knight Richard F. Muth

une 14th is Flag Day. It commemo- rangement of its stars, however, were

J rates the birth of the United still open to each makers imagination.
States flag as conceived by the Many even employed stars with six or
Flag Resolution of 1777. For the first eight points or included other items
two years of the American Revolu- within the Union, such as an anchor on
tion, there was no national flag for the maritime flags. Finally, in 1912, Presi-
fledgling country or even a uniform dent and Freemason William Howard
flag for our troops to rally around. Each Taft signed an executive order that spec-
unit flew what suited them, and Gen- ified for the first time exactly what the
eral Washington was not happy about flag should look like.
it, but the Continental Congress was Although Continental Congressman
busy with other matters. It finally set Francis Hopkinson who is believed to
aside some time to pass a resolution have been a Mason and was the son of
on June 14, 1777, stating simply That Thomas Hopkinson, the Grand Master
the flag of the thirteen United States of Pennsylvania in 1736, was most likely
be thirteen stripes, alternate red and responsible, it is not known for certain
white; that the union be thirteen stars, who devised the original design in 1777.
white in a blue field, representing a Likewise, beyond what is explained in
new constellation. that resolution and the subsequent act
A few years after the Revolution, in of 1818, the significance or meaning
1794, when two new states had been add- behind the choice of colors and pattern
ed to the Union, Congress declared that for our flag is unknown. In recent years,
the flag would thereafter contain fifteen various patriotic interpretations have
stripes and fifteen stars. In the years that been promoted retroactively similar
followed, there were several more states to how the legend of Betsy Ross making
added, yet the flag remained unchanged. the first American flag in 1776 was not
Finally, in 1818, under President and widely heard until almost one hundred
Freemason James Monroe, Congress en- years after the fact. (Though most his-
acted new legislation declaring that there torians now discredit that story, she is
should be thirteen stripes in honor of the known to have made various flags dur-
thirteen original colonies and one star for ing the Revolution. It is also known that
each state in the Union. The stars for new her third husband, John Claypoole, was
states are to be added on the 4th of July fol- a member of St Johns Lodge No. 2 in
lowing that States admission. Philadelphia.) While no significance was
The flags proportions and the ar- given to the choice of red, white, and
knight templar 7
the Civil War, however,
the United States flag
quickly became a popu-
lar symbol throughout
the North. It was not
unlike what was seen
shortly after September
11, 2001, when the flag
again became a very
common sight on Amer-
ican homes. The attack
on Fort Sumter, like the
attack on 9/11, made
the Stars and Stripes a
symbol of national pride
and unity.
On June 10, 1861, an
editorial was published
in the Hartford Eve-
ning Press proposing a
national holiday called
Flag Day, proclaiming
that it should be a day
of feasting and jollity,
and let the great feature
of it be a general dis-
play of American flags.
What effect the edito-
blue in the resolution of 1777, those rial had is unknown, but
colors were given specific meanings in flags were soon flying from homes and
the Great Seal of the United States as businesses in and about Hartford, Con-
adopted in 1782. Apparently based on necticut and elsewhere. Then in 1885, a
the definitions he found in a book titled Wisconsin teacher promoted the idea
Elements of Heraldry, Charles Thompson, for a national flag day, and over the
a principal designer of the Great Seal, next several years, he vigorously ad-
also attached meaning to the colors in vocated June 14th as Flag Birthday, or
our flag five years after its creation when Flag Day in numerous published ar-
he wrote, The colorsare those used in ticles and speeches. Within a few years,
the flag of the United States of America; school based Flag Day observances were
white signifies purity and innocence, red to be found in New York City and then
hardiness and valor, and bluesignifies throughout the state. The Betsy Ross
vigilance, perseverance, and justice. House in Philadelphia held a Flag Day
Up until 1861, individual citizens celebration in 1891, and other groups
very rarely flew the flag. At the start of soon adopted the observance of June 14
8 june 2015
as Flag Day as well. distribution and with minor revisions be-
Eventually, after thirty years of vari- came part of public law in 1942.
ous state and local celebrations, the an- Among the provisions of that code
niversary of the Flag Resolution of 1777 is the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
was officially established as Flag Day by This pledge, recited during the opening
a presidential proclamation from Wood- of each of our Conclaves, was originally
row Wilson in 1916. Then finally in 1949, written by a Mason two in fact: Rever-
President and Freemason, Harry S. Tru- end Francis J. Bellamy of Little Falls Lodge
man, signed the congressional act that No. 181 in New York, with the assistance
henceforth designated June 14th as Na- of James B. Upham of Converse Lodge in
tional Flag Day. Although it is not a feder- Malden, Massachusetts. The pledge has
al holiday, the United States government changed four times between 1892 and
encourages its citizens to display the flag 1954 with the addition or substitution
outside of their homes and businesses. of a few words here and there, the last
However, up until 1923, there were no being the addition of the words under
official guidelines regarding the display of God. This alteration may be doubly sig-
the flag from either the federal govern- nificant for us as Freemasons, for we, like
ment or any of the States. On Flag Day our country, are and should always be
of that year, the National Flag Code was united as one under the Fatherhood of
developed by representatives of nearly God, to whom we dedicate all our doings.
seventy different organizations, under Sir Knight Richard F. Muth is Past Com-
the sponsorship of the American Legion. mander of Beaver Valley Commandery No.
The code they drafted was given national 84 in Beaver, Pennsylvania and can be con-
tacted at
The Elements of Heraldry, by Mark Anthony Porny, J. Newbery, 1765
Our Flag, from the Joint Committee On Printing United States Congress, U.S. Govern-
ment Printing Office Washington, 2003
Tribute To The Flag, video, by the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry (SJ) on-line at http://
The Truth About the Betsy Ross Story, by Robert Morris, Wynnehaven Publishing Co., 1982
Unhappy Flag Day, by Adam Goodheart, The New York Times, June 13, 2011
United States Flag Code, United States Code Title 4, Chapter 1 (4 U.S.C.)

knight templar 9
Worthy President, (Mrs. Gary) Brenda Davis, presided over the Official Visit of (Mrs.
Leslie J.) Sandra Loomis, Supreme Worthy President, to Kingsport Assembly No. 244.
Along with members of the Assembly pictured were (Mrs. Joseph) Barbara Bon-
giovi, Supreme Worthy Second Vice President; (Mrs. Edwin R. Jr.) Sharon Carpenter,
Supreme Assistant Marshal; and new sisters, (Mrs. Tom) Lindsey Sutton, Ms. Linda
Sutton, and Ms. Gina Hammond.

(Mrs. Leslie J.) Sandra Loomis, Supreme Worthy President, was welcomed by (Mrs.
Carl) Yvonne Wunsche, Worthy President of Melrose Assembly No. 204 during her
Official Visit. Many members of the Supreme family were present for the initiation
of Mrs. Randal Werner. Those attending were Supreme Chaplain, (Mrs. John) Mary
Hackward, and Past Supreme Worthy Presidents; (Mrs. John A.) Velma Kleinfelder,
(Mrs. Jay U.) Nancy Ipsen, (Mrs. Harry S.) Phyllis Rogers (Maddox), (Mrs. Milton F.)
Coy Baker, and (Mrs. Richard B.) Jeanette Cotton.

10 june 2015
Who Was Simon of Cyrene?
George L. Marshall, Jr., PGC, KCT, ADC

t one point in the Order of the An interesting

A Temple ritual, a scriptural refer-

ence is read regarding the subject
of this article, and afterward his memory
here: Why would
the three gospel

is honored in an appropriate manner, but authors consider it

what do we know about this man, and important to include
why is he important to us as Templars? mentioning an act
As a starting point, lets see what the that was involuntary
gospels say regarding him. He is only and apparently per-
mentioned in the three synoptic gospels formed under duress by a sojourner from
(Matthew, Mark, and Luke). It is interest- another country? I will attempt to answer
ing that John makes no mention of him this question later in this article.
in his gospel, the last to come into writ- His home town, Cyrene, was located
ten form and the one most imbued with in northern Africa in the eastern part of
highly developed theological reflection. what is now Libya. At that time, Libya
Here is what we read in the three gos- was part of the Roman province of Cyre-
pels where he is mentioned: naica. Cyrene, a former Greek colony
and the capital of Cyrenaica at the time
As they went out, they came of Jesus crucifixion, also had a Jewish
upon a man of Cyrene, Simon community where one hundred thou-
by name; this man they com- sand Judean Jews had settled following
pelled to carry his cross. the diaspora created by Nebuchadnez-
(Matthew 27:32). zars conquest, and the city was an early
center of Christianity.
And they compelled a pass- The Cyrenaic Jews had a synagogue in
er-by, Simon of Cyrene who Jerusalem where many went for annual
was coming in from the coun- feasts. This would explain why Simon
try, the father of Alexander and happened to be coming to the city at
Rufus, to carry his cross. that time. He would have had no other
(Mark 15:2) reason to have been coming in from the
country to Jerusalem at the time of the
And as they led him away, Passover. It was a great distance from
they seized one Simon of Cyrene, Jerusalem (nearly 900 miles), and the
who was coming in from the journey by land took a month or more
country, and laid on him the and was potentially dangerous. It is pos-
cross to carry behind Jesus. sible that Simon had heard of Jesus be-
(Luke 23:26). fore coming to Jerusalem. With Cyrene
knight templar 11
near the coastline, ships of merchants Then it happened. Suddenly a Ro-
often brought with them news from dis- man soldier pulled him from the crowd,
tant lands. The teachings and miracles ordering him to carry the cross. As a
of Jesus may well have been topics of devout Jew, Simon knew that to carry
discussion and debate, but what may it would render him unclean and thus
have intrigued Simon the most was the unfit to eat the Passover meal. All
chance that Jesus was the promised those miles he had traveled would have
Messiah. Or he may simply have chosen been for naught. Surely anger and fear
that particular time to fulfill a religious stirred within him. Anger over a Ro-
duty of celebrating the Passover festival mans authority to ask him to do such
at Jerusalem. a thing and thus defile himself and fear
Barclay tells us that: Simon was of what would be done to him if he re-
compelled to carry Jesus cross. The fused to obey.
Greek word for such compulsion was ag- Had this been the end of it, there
gareuein. In the end the word came to would have been no reason for the syn-
signify any kind of forced impressment optic gospel writers to mention him by
into the service of the occupying power. name. They could simply have stated
In an occupied country, citizens could be something like a stranger from Cyrene
compelled to supply food, to provide bil- was compelled to bear the cross. Mel
lets, and to carry baggage. Sometimes Gibsons The Passion of the Christ film
the occupying power exercised this right portrays Simon as a Jew being forced
of compulsion in the most tyrannical and by the Romans to carry the cross, who
unsympathetic way. Always this threat of at first is unwilling, but as the journey to
compulsion hung over the citizens. Pal- Mount Calvary continues, shows com-
estine was an occupied country. At any passion to Jesus and helps him make it
moment, a Jew might feel the touch of to the top. Thus, Simon bearing the cross
the flat of a Roman spear on his shoul- that day would find the king he would
der and know that he was compelled serve for the rest of his life, and this day
to serve the Romans; it might be in the would change Simon forever. So Simon,
most menial way. That in fact is what converted to discipleship by this chance
happened to Simon of Cyrene when he encounter with Jesus, was no longer just
was compelled (aggareuein) to bear the a stranger but became known to the fol-
cross of Jesus. lowers of Jesus as one of their own and
On his arrival at the city, angry mobs thus was mentioned by name by in the
thronged the streets with some of them synoptic gospels.
yelling and others weeping. It would Mark is the first of the Evangelists
have been difficult for anyone to move whose gospel came into written form. Si-
through the frenzied streets to see what mon of Cyrene is identified there as the
all the commotion was about. Perhaps father of Alexander and Rufus as though
someone told Simon that Jesus was the writer expected readers to know of
going to be crucified. Pushing his way them. Mark directed his gospel to the
through the crowds, possibly he wanted early Jewish-Christian community, so Al-
to catch a glimpse of the young rabbi exander and Rufus were likely known to
condemned to die as a criminal. him and to those who first read or heard
12 june 2015
his gospel. There would be no other rea- is perhaps best expressed by Dr. Mau-
son to include their names than a belief rice C. Taylor; Rather, the significance
that they would be familiar to Marks of the story of Simon of Cyrene is that
readers. People from Cyrene were among the most important crosses that we will
the first Christian believers at the day of bear in our lives belong to someone else.
Pentecost (Acts 2:10). Perhaps Simon Thus, how well we bear our personal
and his sons, Alexander and Rufus, were crosses, whether of our own making or
among those who heard and believed. an accident of birth, is much less of a
In addition, some believers from Cyrene story than how well we carry the crosses
fled Jerusalem following the death of of family, friends, and perhaps most im-
Stephen (Acts 7) and began sharing their portantly, the crosses of strangers. Like
faith in Antioch. Acts 13:1 mentions Lu- Simon, we rarely have an opportunity to
cius of Cyrene as one of the teachers of select the crosses that we are compelled
the Christians at Antioch. to carry. Frequently we are merely
It has been suggested that the Rufus happy bystanders to the lives of family,
mentioned by Mark may be the same friends, and strangers when it becomes
man Paul greets in his letter to Rome clear that their cross is now ours to carry.
whom he calls chosen in the Lord and We often feel exceedingly sorrowful for
whose mother has been a mother to ourselves at the injustice and unfairness
me, too (Romans 16:13). Pauls knowl- of having to bear crosses that are not
edge of Rufus family indicates that at our own. Yet, like Simon of Cyrene, it is
some point they lived further east, pos- typically the case that the most impor-
sibly Antioch. tant thing that we will do in our lives is
Finally, it is of interest that a burial carry someone elses cross, if only for a
cave in Kidron Valley discovered in 1941 little while, until they are able to pick up
by E. L. Sukenik, belonging to Cyrenaic their cross and resume their journey.
Jews and dating before A.D. 70, was
found to have an ossuary inscribed Right Eminent Sir Knight Marshall, KYGCH(3),
KCT, 33, is a Past Grand Commander of the
twice in Greek Alexander Son of Simon.
Grand Commandery of Knights Templar of
It cannot, however, be certain that this Alabama. He is a member of the Editorial
refers to the same person mentioned by Review Board of the Knight Templar maga-
Mark in his gospel. zine and has published several articles in
The symbolic importance and rel- that magazine as well as in the Royal Arch
evance of Simon of Cyrene to us as mod- Mason magazine. He can be reached at
ern day Templars and Christian Masons


William Barclay, The Gospel of Matthew, Vol. 1, The Daily Study Bible Series ,
Philadelphia: Westminster Press, 1958, page 166.
N. Avigad, A Depository of Inscribed Ossuaries in the Kidron Valley, Israel
Exploration Journal 12 [1962]: 112; cited in D. A. Carson, Matthew. In The
Expositors Bible Commentary, Frank E. Gaebelein, ed. Vol. 8. Grand Rapids:
Regency (Zondervan), 1984. Page 575.
knight templar 13
Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: Simon of Cyrene article.
Dr. Maurice C. Taylor, AFRICENTRIC: Lessons from Simon of Cyrene at

We publish letters and articles from a variety of sources and points of view. The
opinions expressed in these articles do not necessarily reflect the opinions or
policy of the Grand Encampment, the Knight Templar magazine, or the Editorial
Review Board.
14 june 2015
knight templar 15
at the Bookshelf
Sir Knight Douglas M. Rowe, Grand Recorder Knights Templar of Pennsylvania

Getting Beyond GroupThink to Make Groups Smarter, Authors: Cass R. Sunstein

and Reid Hastie, Publisher: Harvard Business Review Press, Published 2014,
ISBN: 978-1-4221-2299-0.

W hile not Templar or Masonic specific, this work can relate more easily to
our fraternity than many other management science and organizational
development works I have read. One important caveat; the authors are
academics, and the work is probably not intended for a mass readership.
The authors present a counter-argument to the concept of The Wisdom of Crowds
popularized a decade ago by James Surowiecki, and cautions groups against Happy
Talk which most Masons should readily recognize as We didnt do it that way when
I was Worshipful Master, Eminent Commander... or the more insidious belief, Our
Commandery is doing well, we had enough uniforms to open last month.
The work presents many simple cases analyzing how an idea with little individual
support gained majority support from a group consensus. I will cite just one example.
Alan, Betty, Charlie, Donna, and Ed were co-equal members of a team represent-
ing different disciplines (i.e. production, marketing, etc,) and tasked with evaluating
a proposed new product, code named Q. Each member was given the same informa-
tion and did not discuss the proposal prior to a group meeting. A was in favor, B was
neutral, and C opposed the project. By random draw A spoke first and presented his
case favoring Q. Persuaded by A, the neutral B decided to support Q as well. Speak-
ing third, C (originally opposed to Q) re-evaluated his position rather than disagree-
ing with the consensus. The subsequent votes of D and E became irrelevant. Q was
approved by a Group Think consensus when the product really had the support of
only one member of the group.
Translating this case to a typical Masonic hierarchy and substituting Grand Com-
mander for A, Deputy Grand Commander for B, and so forth down the Templar chain
of command, readers can form their opinion on the chances of the Junior Warden
having real influence on the decision. I will cite one particularly cogent sentence
summarizing this idea, .. group members often ignore their own beliefs and say that
they believe what other people believe....
The authors pose several possible solutions of which I identify two and which may
or may not be practical in a real world setting.

16 june 2015
First, ask each individual to submit advance written evaluations. Second, have
individual opinions presented without the other members in the room (i.e. Grand
Jury testimony).
The major failing of this book (see caveat above) is the frequent use of MBA-
speak (my term), referring to complex concepts without laying a proper foundation
or explanation.
I recommend this short, albeit at times obtuse, work to the current and future
officers with an interest in improving Masonic management.

A Chat With The Managing Editor

am rather amazed at the volume of e-mail I received concerning the Masonic
Philosophy article in the April issue. This is clearly a topic of interest to the
Brethren and Sir Knights!
I just returned from a two week trip to Asia Minor where we spent Easter in Ephe-
sus. I missed being able to attend the Easter observances with you, but the experi-
ences at the sites of the New Testament churches was worth it! Look for photos in
coming issues. It was extremely educational and sometimes surprising! In case you
are concerned, this was not a magazine trip but rather a personal one.
Every time I leave the country, it sets me thinking about civilization. How do you
measure the advancement of civilization? I think one of the ways is to see if the
society in question applies their technology and resources in ways that will benefit
humanity and especially its citizens. I have visited several countries who claim to be
more civilized than we are in the United States. Most of the time, I was told not to
drink their water because it would make me sick. One time, I was told that to drink
our water makes them sick also. This is clearly not true. Anybody can drink the water
here. I also find it interesting that in many if not most countries, you are asked not
to put toilet paper in the toilet as their systems cannot handle it. I think these two
are related.
I think from now on, two of the items on my checklist for a civilized society are go-
ing to be, can I drink the water and flush the toilet paper. Dont get me wrong; these
countries have rich histories, wonderful and educational places to visit, and usually
very nice people. They just arent applying the technology they have for the welfare
of the people. Another indicator might be if I have to pass through a metal detector
to enter my hotel or a shopping mall. There are very good reasons for these security
measures, but they reflect a lack of civility or civilization. We in the United States
are deteriorating in this respect also. I used to be able to go into the courthouse or
museum with my pocket knife in my pocket where it belongs.
I wonder if a time will come here when we cant drink our water anymore?

John L. Palmer
Managing Editor
knight templar 17
General Supplement
The space on these two pages is provided by the Knight Templar maga-
zine to be used by the Grand Commanderies to communicate with the in-
dividual Sir Knights in their jurisdictions on a monthly basis. From time
to time and for various reasons, we fail to receive any material from the
editor of the state supplement for a given month. When this happens,
we take the opportunity to offer you the information below. The Ed.

18 june 2015
Photos of French Templar
city of Le Viala du Pas de Jaux
were taken by the editor.

knight templar 19
Knights Templar Eye Foundation, Inc .
1033 Long Prairie Road, Suite 5
Flower Mound, TX 75022-4230
Phone (214) 888-0220
Fax (214) 888-0230.

Knights Templar Eye Foundation gives Sword of Merit

During the recent inspection of Ohios Clinton Commandery No. 5, a Knights Tem-
plar Eye Foundation Sword of Merit was presented to the Commandery for their
contribution of $114,000 to the Foundation.

Presenting for the Foundation was Sir Knight Larry Brown, Right Eminent
Department Commander of the East Central Department (right of the sword).
Others present from the Grand Commandery of Ohio were Sir Knight Thomas
H. Gault (left of the sword), Right Eminent Grand Commander, along with other
Grand Commandery officers and Sir Knight Ronald G. Horne, Eminent Command-
er of Clinton No. 5, and his core of officers along with the inspection candidate.
20 june 2015
The Four Masonic Elements
Part 2 of 2 of a series
Sir Knight David E. Stafford
Editors Note
This article is continued from the May 2015 issue of the Knight Templar magazine.

The Elements in Literature the tempest, or lights up the vol-

cano; but the earth, gentle and
Throughout antiquity and the more indulgent, ever subservient to
modern era, the four elements have been the wants of man, spreads his
included in literature, ranging in genre walks with flowers, and his table
from poetry and science fiction mov- with plenty; returns with inter-
ies to academic works on conservation est every good committed to her
and physics (Besson, 1997; Laurie, 1929; care; and though she produces
Rupp, 2005; Sylvester, 1979). Of particu- the poison, she still furnishes
lar interest is that the majority of the pas- the antidote, though constant-
sage concerning the four elements from ly teased more to furnish the
Sickels monitor and various other York luxuries of man than his neces-
Rite renditions is lifted from the ancient sities, yet even to the last, she
writings of Pliny the Elder. Practically continues her kind indulgence,
word for word, depending on translation, and when life is over, she piously
the Sickel and McCoy monitors recite hides his remains in her bosom.
Plinys discourse from Book II, Chapter 63
of Naturalis Historia (Laurie, 1929; Pliny, Joshua Sylvester (1979) in the robust
1987). Naturalis Historia was completed work The Divine Weeks and Works, first
around the year 77 AD, and it is consid- published in 1621, presents a stanza that
ered to be one of the largest works, con- is very reminiscent of Pliny the Elders
sisting of thirty-seven books, to have sur- writing. All four elements are referred
vived from the era of the Roman Empire to; however, it is the earth that is most
until today (Rupp). Pliny reads: revered. Pay particular attention to the
commonality of line 467.
It is the earth that, like a kind
mother, receives us at our birth 459: The Earth receives man
and sustains us when born. It when he first is born:
is this alone, of all the enemies 460: ThEarth nurses him; and
around us, that is never found when he is forlorn
an enemy to man. The floods of 461: Of thother Elements, and
waters deluge him with rains, op- Nature loaths-him,
press him with hail, and drown 462: ThEarth in her bosom
him with inundations; the air with kind burial
rushes on in storms, prepares cloaths-him.
knight templar 21
463: Oft hath the Aire with
Tempests set-vpon-vs, in literature that compare favorably to
464: Oft hath the Water with the subject at hand; however, it would
her Floods vndon-vs, be beyond the scope of the current fo-
465: Oft hath the Fire cus to expound more fully upon them.
(thvpper as well as ours) Let it be made very clear that the simi-
466: With wofull flames larity of our modern ritual to these older
consumd our Towns works does not in any way point to the
and Towrs: age of the fraternity; yet, it does indicate
467: Onely the Earth, of all that the ideas and thoughts propagated
the Elements, within the Lodge are linked to those of a
468: Vnto Mankind is kind more ancient time.
without offence:
469: Onely the Earth did neuer The History of the Four Elements
iot displace
470: From the first seat It would now be prudent to briefly
assignd it by thy grace. examine the development of the four
elements. Throughout all ages and even
In recent literature, the four ele- today, man sought to identify the prima
ments have received considerable atten- materia, prime matter, or primary ma-
tion for their prominent inclusion in Dan terial of all substances (Vorhand-Ariel,
Browns (2000) work, Angels and De- 1998). The debate over the fundamental
mons. The book fictionally connects the building blocks of all material is as old
four classical elements with the practice as civilization itself. It was the group of
of an Illuminati conspiracy and an assas- thinkers belonging to the school of nat-
sin. On page 360, Brown depicts what ural philosophers in the sixth century
he refers to as The Illumi- BC who first begun to seri-
nati Diamond, an artistic ously debate the elements
creation forming the words (Rupp, 2005). Thales is ac-
Earth, Air, Fire, and Water credited with being the first
into a square figure. The to develop a theory of ele-
novel repeatedly mentions ments. He proclaimed that
political figures connec- water was the most basic
tions to Freemasonry and of all elements and that all
Freemasonrys supposed things were made of some
and illusionary connection variation of this base mate-
with symbols such as the rial. The debate continued
eye within a triangle and for centuries. Anaximander,
the Great Seal of the Unit- Thaless student, proclaimed
ed States. In the fictional novel, bodies that air was the basic unit of matter. Her-
are found branded with an anagram of aclitus proclaimed the simplest element
one of the four elements somewhere on must be fire, and Xenophanes asserted
their person. that all things were made of the funda-
There are numerous other references mental element of earth (Rupp).
22 june 2015
It was Empedocles (494-435 BC) who
is accredited with combining the theo-
ries of his predecessors and developing
a four-prong theory of the elements, al-
though Buddhas teachings of the four
elements pre-date Empedocles. In Thet-
rasomia or Doctrine of the Four Elements,
Empedocles postulated that all things
were made up of various combinations
of earth, air, fire, and water. According
to Rupp (2005), the development of a
set of basic elements was not exclusive
to Greece, the cradle of western thought.
Japanese and Hindu traditions taught a
five element belief. Both taught the four gained its shape and properties
classical elements and a fifth element by the action of form (morphe)
akasha, aether, or the void which explains which could be expressed by
the unseen spiritual influences of life and such factors as hot, cold, dry
nature. Within the Greek philosophy, the and humid, giving in turn, by
presence of a fifth element, ether, was their combination, four ele-
regularly discussed and debated. Aristot- ments: earth (cold and dry),
le added a fifth element he called aether water (cold and humid), air (hot
later termed quintessence. The peoples and humid), and fire (hot and
of India developed a three element the- dry). The elements were eter-
ory and those of China a five element nal and indestructible and by
theory. The Indian theory contained fire, synthesis (chemical reaction),
water, and earth to which the Chinese mixis (mechanical mixing), or
added wood and metal. The Indians later krasis (dissolution) gave birth
expanded the theory to include air. to different substances whose
The Greek thought of the four classi- properties depended solely on
cal elements has been greatly confused the contents of each element.2
in modern time. When the Greeks de-
bated and discussed the four elements, During the Middle Ages, Western
they did not have a physical substance in thought was stifled and oppressed. Al-
mind. When the Greeks discussed earth, chemy and the study of the four ele-
they did not necessarily intend for it to ments was overcome in the Western
be taken as soil; although, it would often world by superstition and blind faith in
be represented as such. The four clas- the church; however, in the East, the
sical elements more readily referenced same period was a time of great growth
physical states of being. The following in science, literature, philosophy, and
excerpt clearly explains: overall intellectual achievement. Al-
chemy developed in close relation with
For Aristotle, matter (hyle), metallurgy and medicine within the
inert and shapeless by itself, Islamic Arabian-Persian world (Tramer,
knight templar 23
Voltz, Lahmani, & Szczepinska-Tramer, of alchemy and the four elements over
2007, p. S6). It was during this time that Western society waned. The death of
the Arab scholar Abu Musa Jabir ibn alchemy has been symbolically repre-
Hayyan, more readily known as Gerber sented by Antoine Lavoisher who listed
(720-780 AD), lived and worked (Tramer, thirty-three elements classified as gases,
Voltz, Lahmani, & Szczepinska-Tramer). metals, non-metals, or earths in his 1789
Gerber was profoundly interested in al- dissertation entitled Elementary Trea-
chemy, and he believed that all metals tise on Chemistry (Donovan, 1996; Rupp,
were made up of a combination of sulfur 2005). From this point, the number of
and mercury. Gerbers sulfur-mercury identified elements increased at a steady
theory was expanded by Al-Razi (850- if not amazing rate (Rupp). It is notewor-
940 AD), a Persian physician, to include thy to mention, however, that even today,
salt (Rupp, 2005). the classical elements and alchemy are
In the late Middle Ages (12-14th cen- used in astrology, esoteric thought, and
turies), alchemy was studied by such several other occult philosophies.
eminent personalities as Albertus Mag- It was not uncommon for cultures to
nus Albert von Bollstadt (1193-1280), connect their belief of the elements with
professor of philosophy and theology other basic knowledge such as colors,
at the Universities of Cologne and Paris seasons, symbols, directions, religious
and Arnaldus de Villanova (1235-1313), iconography, virtues, or planets, attrib-
rector of Montpellier University (Tra- uting one of each to a specific element.
mer, Voltz, Lahmani, & Szczepinska- The Greeks were no different from their
Tramer, 2007, p. S6). In the 16th Century, global companions. The Pythagoreans,
the Greek theory of elements and the those philosophers who followed the
Arabian three elements were combined. teaching of Pythagoras, had a natural
Paracelsus (Phillip von Hohenheim, affection for numbers, and to them, the
1493-1541) determined that, though the world of nature and reality seemed to di-
Greek four were indeed the fundamen- vide itself nicely into units of four. They
tal components of all matter; earth, air, observed four elements, four prime
fire, and water in turn were composed faculties, four societies, four seasons,
of the three Arabic principles; mercury, four ages of man, and four parts of living
sulfur, and salt (Rupp, p. 23). things (Rupp, p. 12). It was the Pythago-
The classical elements composed of reans who are credited with developing
either four or five elements dominated four of the seven liberal arts and sciences,
philosophic, scientific, esoteric, and the quadrivium; arithmetic, geometry,
mathematical thought from Empedocles astronomy, and music (Stahl, Johnson, &
through Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Gerber, Burge, 1991). Hippocrates took this fasci-
and Paracelsus, and their dominance be- nation with four and connected the four
gan to weaken in the middle of the 17th elements to his four essential fluids of
Century with the scientific research of the human body (yellow bile, black bile,
Robert Boyle. Boyles (2008) The Scepti- blood, and phlegm).
cal Chymist signaled the end of the four Ginsburgh (1995) asserted that the
elements dominance in science. For the Hebrew people saw a correspondence
next one hundred years, the dominance between the four classical elements
24 june 2015
and the letters of
the Tetragramma-
ton. In Ginsburghs
view, water corre-
lates with Yod, fire
with Heh, air with
Vav, and earth with
the final Heh. Bog-
dan (2007), Castells
(2005), and Ozaniec
(2005) concur that
there is a correlation
between the name
of God and the four
classical elements.
According to some
writers, the four clas-
sical elements when
corresponded with
the Tetragrammaton
may be further asso-
ciated with the four
senses, four evange-
lists, four angels rul-
ing over the corners
of the world, and the
four triplicities (Cas-
tells (2005); Gold-
stein, 1990; Labriola
& Simmonds, 2000;
Ozaniec). A triplic-
ity is a set of three
zodiacal signs: there
are four triplicities in
all, each of which is
associated with one philosophy are repeatedly seen within
of the four elements (Goldstein, p. 1). the degrees of the Scottish Rite, includ-
Bogdan stresses that the illustration of ing the craft degrees (Hutchens, 1995a;
this connection is displayed more fully or Hutchens, 1995b).
clearly in the rituals of the Order of the Within the American York Rites
Golden Dawn than they are within Free- higher degrees is a very clear example
masonry. Kabalistic philosophy is deeply of how units of four were associated
rooted in the study of the Tetragramma- with each other. In the Royal Arch De-
ton. The Tetragrammaton and Kabalistic gree, the candidate is caused to pass
knight templar 25
through four veils, each representing alchemy. The discipline, not unlike Free-
one of the principal tribes of Israel. The masonry, is divided into two denomina-
first veil represents the tribe of Dan and tions, material and spiritual or operative
is represented by a blue banner bear- and speculative (Tramer, Voltz, Lahmani,
ing the representation of an eagle. The & Szczepinska-Tramer, 2007). Alchemy
second veil represents the tribe of Rue- was very en-vogue with the thinkers of
ben and is represented by a banner of the Renaissance (14th-17th centuries) but
purple bearing the representation of a fell out of popularity with the rise of the
man. The third veil represents the tribe rational and critical philosophy of the
of Ephraim and is represented by a scar- enlightenment mind (Tramer, Voltz, La-
let banner bearing the representation hmani, & Szczepinska-Tramer, p. S6). It is
of an ox. The fourth veil represents the not to be assumed however that alche-
tribe of Judah and is represented by a my instantaneously disappeared from
banner of white bearing the represen- the social, political, and scientific scenes.
tation of a lion. According to Royal Arch Whereas the material practice of
and early Christian tradition, each of alchemy sought to explain and manip-
the four veils is said to represent one of ulate the physical world, the spiritual
the four Christian Gospels of John, Mat- alchemist sought to use the terminol-
thew, Luke, and Mark, respectively. The ogy, science, and ideas of the material
representations of the eagle, man, ox, to explain the psychological, spiritual,
and lion are further described as cor- and sociological existence of man. Al-
responding to four astrological symbols chemy was interested in transmuting
of the Zodiac: Scorpio, Aquarius, Taurus, one thing into another. Of course the
and Leo, respectively. most widely known idea of alchemy is
In Morals and Dogma, Albert Pike the search for a technique of convert-
(1956) connects even more units of four ing base metals into silver or gold; how-
with the four representations on the ever, within the spiritual denomination
Royal Archs banners while discussing of alchemy there was a search to return
the twenty-eighth degree of the Scot- man to a pure oneness with the Divine
tish Rite. On page 791, Pike presents an Creator. Although the once prominent
illustration connecting the eagle with az- theories of alchemy lost position in the
oth and air; the man with mercury and open scientific world view, its spiritual
water; the ox with salt and the earth; half found refuge in the esoteric beliefs
and the lion with sulfur and fire. Pike of organizations such as Freemasonry
continues to explain how the Zohar fur- and the Rosicrucian movement. The
ther connects each illustration on the traditional quest within alchemy was
banners with an angel: the lion with transmutation or change into another
Michael; the ox with Gabriel; the eagle substance or form (Von Franz, 1980).
with Uriel; and the man with Raphael. This quest in relationship to the four
elements can still be found within The
Alchemy Elemental Trials of Freemasonry.
Before going farther, it would be
The four classical elements are inti- advantageous to explore what connec-
mately related to the ancient science of tions the framers of the Craft had with
26 june 2015
alchemy and its practice. The begin- ing science of chemistry.
nings of Freemasonry are shrouded in Elias Ashmole was born on the 23rd
mystery. At what point the operative of May 1617 at Lichfield, Staffordshire
Lodges transformed into an organization England (Beresiner, 2004). Ashmole
accepting men of stature and prestige was made a Freemason in 1646 within
is blurred; however, it is generally ac- the lodge at Warrington (Koltko-Rive-
cepted that Elias Ashmole, Robert Mo- ra, 2007). From an early age, Ashmole
ray, and Christopher Wren were among found a fond interest in esoteric teach-
the first to transcend the barriers and ings. He had a passion for botany, as-
become speculative or accepted Ma- tronomy, and alchemy. He became fast
sons (Beresiner, 2004; Koltko-Rivera, friends with William Backhouse, a noted
2007; MacNulty, 1998). It is also note- alchemist, and this relationship was so
worthy that all three of these men were strong that, according to Koltko-Rivera,
founding members of the Royal Soci- Ashmole became the alchemical suc-
ety. It is possible that more members cessor to Backhouse. Ashmole also had
of the Royal Society were Freemasons; an interest in Rosicrucianism; however,
however, even of the three afore men- there seems to be no record of him ever
tioned, Wren and Moray are occasion- being a participant in Rosicrucian activi-
ally questioned as Freemasons. It is not ties. Ashmole published several works
suggested that the Royal Society has any with esoteric and alchemic connotations
connection in origin to Freemasonry; including Fasciculus Chemicus, Theat-
however, it is implied that both organi- rum Chemicum Brittannicum, and The
zations developed during the transition Way of Bliss (Beresiner; Koltko-Rivera;
from the Renaissance to the Enlighten- MacNulty, 1998).
ment thought. It is also suggested that Robert Moray was born March 6,
the men in both organizations probably 1609. He was initiated into Masonry in
shared similar interests, two of which 1641 at the Lodge in Edinburgh. Mo-
were alchemy and the rapidly develop-

knight templar Elias Ashmole Robert Moray 27

ray was a lover of hermetic philosophy (Vorhand-Ariel, 1998, p. 110). Within al-
and alchemy, and he was the patron chemy, it was believed that the elements
of Thomas Vaughn, an active alchemist could be manipulated in order to produce
(MacNulty, 1998; McGregor, 2005). a mystical substance or the philosophers
Christopher Wren was born October stone. This belief in manipulating what
20, 1632 (McGregor, 2005). It is believed was found in nature into a supernatural
that Wren was initiated into Freema- substance, transmutation, transposed it-
sonry in May of 1691 as evidenced by self into the philosophy of Rosicrucianism
John Aubrays Naturell Historie of Wilt- and Freemasonry. Nowhere within all of
shire. There is little to no firm evidence Freemasonry is this more clearly evident
however to substantiate the assertion than in the elemental trials.
that Wren was definitely a Freemason.
His interests in intellectual endeavors, Earth
however, are unquestionable. Wren
was raised in an Anglican family that Within the American York Rite, it is
leaned towards the Royalist agenda dur- taught that our Mother Earth alone, of
ing the civil unrest in England. He was all the elements, has never proved un-
educated at an early age by his father friendly to man. The ritual further ad-
and Reverend William Shepherd. He at- monishes us that from the earth we
tended Westminster School for several came, and to it we must shortly return.
years. Following a change in prosperity, The element of earth represents mans
the Wrens resided with William Holder. alpha and omega, his beginning and his
It was here that Wren was exposed to end. Mans body was molded together
William Scarburgh, a physician. Scar- with the dust of the earth and water. His
burgh was a member of a small group of mortal temple was an earthen clay ves-
thinkers who met weekly to discuss such sel into which God breathed air through
topics as alchemy, physics, astronomy, his nostrils to transmute him into a liv-
statics, and the like. Wren was allowed ing soul. The first living man was Adam
to attend many of these meetings. Chris- who is recognized within Masonic tradi-
topher Wren was among the first twelve tion and myth as being the first Freema-
founding members of the Royal Society son. The name Adam comes from ada-
and served as president for several years mah, meaning earth or ground (Mackey,
(McGregor, 2005). 1927; Vorhand-Ariel, 1998). It may be of
interest to mention here that according
The Elemental Trials as to Jewish law, it is unlawful for a corpse
Illustrations of Transmutation to be cremated. One explanation for this
edict is that a body that is returned to
According to Aristotle, the prima ma- the earth is capable of bringing forth
terial combines with the four qualities new life; whereas, a body that is turned
of coldness, dryness, heat, and mois- to ash through burning by fire repre-
ture to develop into the four elements. sents complete destruction (Kaplan,
He believed that manipulating these 1990, p. 149). The Jewish religion and
qualities would change their elemental Freemasonry both teach that man is an
composition, resulting in transmutation eternal being that awaits resurrection
28 june 2015
after death. It is therefore proper that Vorhand-Ariel, 1998). The first two ele-
mans body be laid under the solemn ments mentioned within the Christian
clods of clay as a symbol of his awaiting and Jewish Bible are earth and water. In
resurrection and return to the endless modern science, it is taught that life on
cycle of life. earth began within the primordial ooze
It is appropriate that the Masonic of the ancient oceans. The process of a
rituals of elemental trials begin with the mother delivering a baby is signaled by
candidate being placed deep within the the breaking of her water. Through a
earth. It may be interpreted as a symbol study of ancient civilizations, it is found
of his beginnings. When the profane that the earliest societies developed on
candidate leaves the Chamber of Reflec- the banks of the fertile rivers of life; the
tion, he is born anew and prepared to Tigris, the Euphrates, the Nile, the Indus,
receive instruction as a tabula rasa or and the Yellow Rivers; thus it might be
blank slate (Zeldis, 2008). suggested that water has always been a
source of life and fertility to the human
Air race (Kaplan, 1990; Vorhand-Ariel, 1998).
Water has played a vital part in the
The word wind is intimately related rituals of the worlds major religions.
to the word spirit. It has already been Although much of the Christian world
mentioned that it was breath that made views baptism and ceremonial immer-
man a living soul. God breathed air into sion as a rite isolated within their prac-
mans nostrils to make him a free moral tice, mikvah is a ritual bath practiced in
agent, made in the likeness of the God- Judaism (Vorhand-Ariel). The Holy Scrip-
head, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. The tures of the Jews require followers to
Arabic word ruch and the Hebrew participate in a ceremonial immersion
word ruach are words meaning both in order to purify themselves. Causes
soul and wind (Kaplan, 1990; Vorhand- for such a requirement are varied but
Ariel, 1998). Jung (1989) asserted that it include women after childbirth or men-
was only natural for man to associate air strual cycles, converts to Judaism, and
with the soul. For life begins with a ba- the Cohen Gadol or High Priest before
bys first gasp for breath and ends with a performing a ceremony representing
mans last struggle to breathe. When a the people (Vorhand-Ariel). Within the
man breathes his last breath and the air Muslim religion, practitioners are re-
leaves his body, his soul vacates the car- quired to go through purification by
nal clay vessel and transmutes to eternal water before prayer. It is thereby a safe
reward or damnation. assertion that the washing of the body
in water is an ancient symbol of the pu-
Water rification of the immortal soul and the
carnal vessel. Its use within the Craft is
The second journey within Pikes no different. The alchemist used water
ritual is the trial by water. In Western, as a sign of transmutation and purifica-
alchemist, and Jewish thought, water tion. Before setting to work, the alche-
has a deep rooted connection with cre- mist prepared his tools and vessels by
ation, birth, and renewal (Rupp, 2005; immersing and washing them in a bath
knight templar 29
of water (Vorhand-Ariel). Perhaps it is (2003) wrote, You must be willing to
only fitting for the first degree of Free- burn in your own flame: how could
masonry to purify and prepare a candi- you become new unless you had first
date for the ancient mysteries within a become ashes? (p. 49). The ancients
symbolic water baptism. implemented a trial by fire perhaps simi-
lar to Pikes variation of the Entered Ap-
Fire prentice degree. Perhaps it is a reminder
to the neophyte that he must set aside
To the ancient Hebrews and to alche- or destroy his old image of life and self
mists, fire was the most active of the ele- to receive the teachings of Freemasonry
ments. It was fire that served as a cata- and become a new and better creature.
lyst. According to Vorhand-Ariel (1998),
Heraclitus regarded fire as an agent of Conclusion
transmutation and as a symbol of re-
newal, representing light, spirit, the sun, At the onset of this work, the ques-
radiance, and purification (p. 111). The tion was raised concerning the inclusion
alchemists used fire as well as water as of the classical four elements within the
a source of purifying their tools. The al- Entered Apprentice Degree in various
chemist and metallurgist both used fire ritual variations. The examination of
to refine metals and make them pure. this topic has transcended time, passing
It separates the base from the precious through the studies of religion, philoso-
metal (Tramer, Volts, Lahmani, & Szcze- phy, and history. In the study of the ele-
pinska-Tramer, 2007). Fire was used by ments, the topic of alchemy repeatedly
them to transform a crude convoluted revealed itself. It has been illustrated
mixture into a separated collection of how the discipline of alchemy dominat-
base and precious metals. The Zohar ed the religious, political, scientific, and
says that the flaming sword (referred social aspects of human existence. Tra-
in Genesis as being placed east of the mer et al. said of alchemy, alchemy, an
Garden of Eden) symbolizes the trials integral part of the medieval world-view,
with which God overwhelms man that was doomed to death by the spirit of en-
he may be purified and restored to the lightenment well before its official death
way of goodness (Vorhand-Ariel, 1998, which coincided with the appearance of
p. 112). It might be mentioned here that the modern chemistry of Lavoister and
the tilers sword was traditionally wavy Dalton. [Now] Only its phantom is still
in shape to represent the sword placed alive (p. S5). It is most probable that a
in the Garden of Eden (Lawrence, 1999; very prominent place where alchemy is
Mackey, 1927). As afore mentioned, fire still shining is within Freemasonry. The
is a symbol of renewal and has been early speculative Freemasons came
since time immemorial. Perhaps one of from the ages of the Renaissance and
the best images of this is the traditional the Enlightenment. It is without ques-
phoenix. The phoenix is a mythical bird tion that these patriarchs of the Craft
that after an extensive life combusts into were knowledgeable in both denomi-
flames and is reborn from its own ashes. nations of alchemy and their relation-
In Thus Spake Zarathustra, Nietzsche ship with the four classical elements. It
30 june 2015
is proposed, and hopefully supported and goals of the fledgling organization of
that sporadic mentioning of the four el- Speculative Freemasonry.
ements within the York Rite system and
the blatant use of the elements within
Sir Knight David E. Stafford, is a mem-
the rites of continental Europe are direct
ber of Nashville Commandery No.
decendents from the reign of alchemy
1, Nashville, Tennessee. He is a Past
in pre-Enlightenment Europe. The early
Master of Bethpage Lodge No. 521
framers of the Craft during the Renais-
and Secretary of Conlegium Ritus
sance probably drafted the rituals to in-
Austeri No. 779. He may be reached at
clude the philosophies of spiritual alche-
my that aligned with the spiritual needs

Elements Water Fire Earth Wind/Air

Zodiac Aquarius Leo Taurus Scorpio

Gospels Matthew Mark Luke John

Daniels Vision Man Lion Ox/Bull Eagle

Principal Tribes Reuben Judah Ephraim Dan

Angels Raphael Michael Gabriel Uriel

Alchemy Mercury Sulfur Salt Azoth

Greek Gods Neptune Vulcan Juno Jupiter

Four Humours Phlegm Yellow Bile Black Bile Blood

Platonic Shapes Icosahedron Tetrahedron Cube Octahedron

Colors (Pike) White Red Black Blue

(Barbour, 1946; Pike, 1956; Rupp, 2005; Wells, 1947)


Ambelain, R. (2006). Freemasonry in Olden Times: Ceremonies and Rituals from

the Rites of Mizraim and Memphis. Adventures in Spirit Series/Robert Laffont,
Translated by Piers A. Vaughan.
Barbour, P. P. (1946). The four elements, The Philalethes, 1(3).
Beresiner, Y. (October 2004), Elias Ashmole: Masonic icon, MQ Magazine (11): 611
Besson, L. (1997). The Fifth Element. Columbia Pictures.
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Castells, F. (2005). Arithmetic of Freemasonry. Canada: Templar Books.
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Hutchens, R. R. (1995b). Pillars of Wisdom. The Supreme Council 33, AASR, S.J..
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Foreign aid might be defined as a If you think health care is expensive

transfer of money from poor people now, wait until you see what it costs
in rich countries to rich people in when its free!
poor countries. -- P. J. ORourke
-- Douglas Case
Democracy must be something more
Giving money and power to govern- than two wolves and a sheep voting on
ment is like giving whiskey and car what to have for dinner.
keys to teenage boys. --James Bovard

Subscriptions to the Knight Templar magazine are available from the

Grand Encampment office at a rate of $15.00 per year. Individual issues
in quantities of less than 10 can be obtained for $1.50 each from the of-
fice of the managing editor if available. Inquire via e-mail to the manag-
ing editor for quantities in excess of 10. Some past issues are archived on
our web site.
knight templar 33
Sir Knight Wilber M. Brucker, Most Eminent Past Grand Master Knights Templar, U.S.A.

The following article is an excerpt from a pamphlet entitled Charting The Course
written by Sir Knight Wilber M. Brucker, Most Eminent Past Grand Master Knights
Templar, U.S.A., and published February 15, 1965. The content is still extremely rel-
evant to our Commanderies today. I hope you will take a moment to read and think
about it. The pamphlets are still available from the Grand Encampment office.
The Ed.

t the 49th Triennial Conclave of course we are patriotic and that no pro-
the Grand Encampment, the pur- gram is necessary to convince us of the
pose of this Standing Committee truth of such an obvious fact. To them,
was stated: [Patriotic and Civic Activities we would say that it is not enough for
Committee of the Grand Encampment] Templars to be rather, we must do!
Other Templars, equally earnest, argue
The committee shall foster and that civic activity by Masons is forbid-
supervise activities of a patriotic den. We deny this most emphatically,
and citizenship nature, whether and state that a non-partisan support
in peacetime or in wartime, and of our American institutions is no more
shall present its recommendations to be criticized than our support of the
for civic responsibility by Knights Christian religion!
Templar individually and collec-
tively, compatible with the patri- What Can We Do?
otic principles of Templary.
By programs for such a purpose, we
This statement puts Templary squarely can be citizens who are better informed
and firmly in support of those local ac- as to the structures, operations, and
tivities which promote the civic welfare needs of our civic institutions. We can
of every community as well as the na- emphasize the need for men of our sort
tional wellbeing of our country. It is the Christian Masons in positions of civ-
responsibility of this committee to af- ic responsibility, and we can honor those
ford an opportunity to demonstrate the who heed the call and provide an audi-
good citizenship of Templars in every ence for their expressions.
community as well as to promote our We can relate ourselves, whether
patriotic principles. by program or project, to high objec-
More than in other areas of activity, tives and give honor to those who have
the idea of patriotic and civic activities made great personal sacrifices to give
is misunderstood. Some earnest Tem- us our American heritage by activities
plars have complained, saying that of related to Armed Forces Day, Memo-
34 june 2015
rial Day, Independence Day, and other basis and does not need to wait for
national holidays. Washington, this is one that will lend
Everyone must recognize that apathy itself to self-help.
and indifference have made deep in- Every Commandery in the country
roads into American life. When we speak should have an active, alert, wide-awake
of the good old days, we refer to the committee to cooperate in the civic and
time when there was personal responsi- patriotic activity that is necessary to
bility on the part of every citizen and a combat this insidious problem. If civic
concern to see that the forces of crime, leaders have not sensed the danger from
corruption, violence, and disorder were this source, Templary should supply the
conquered before they could gain even facts and generate the enthusiasm to do
a foothold. We are appalled when we something real and tangible about it.
survey the present scene and contrast Every Commandery should have a
the days of law-and-order with what is committee, after careful consideration
rampant today. Countless thousands of of the roster, to select those best quali-
people openly say that they couldnt fied to plan and execute both programs
care less about what goes on in civic af- and projects by experience, ability, and
fairs. Murders, hold-ups, and rapes are influence in community affairs. Lets look
boldly perpetrated without too much for the busy men who will be most effec-
fear of apprehension, because people tive and who might never have had time
dont want to become involved. Men to serve as officers of the Commandery.
and women turn away from the scene Our Christian character demands that
of a crime and do absolutely nothing we plan a project for the good of the
to help the hapless victim or the police. community something constructive
They dont have sufficient interest to and unselfish which will earn the respect
care about their fellow man in deepest and appreciation of both our members
distress! Instances of this are not limited and the general public.
to the big cities. Even small towns and
rural communities are becoming infect-
ed with the same disease that is typi-
fied by the expression, so what?
The hour is late to combat this terri-
Grand Encampment
ble moral scourge, but attack it we must
if we are to be true to our convictions. Membership Awards
The cure lies deep in changing the moral
fiber all over the country. America cant
go on this way, or we will degenerate as
all previous civilizations have done. Ev-
ery force for good in America must join a 1031 Ralph Burks Taylor
stout counter-attack, and Templary with Nashville Commandery No. 1
its militant spirit for righteousness must Nashville Tennessee
take an active part. 1st Bronze Cluster
If ever there was a problem that can
be started to be corrected on a local
knight templar 35
Knight Templar
5909 West Loop South, Suite 495 NONPROFIT ORG.
Bellaire, TX 77401-2402
Knightstown, IN
The Earth is the Lords and the Permit No. 8

fullness thereof; the world, and

they that dwell therein, for he hath
founded it upon the seas and es-
tablished it upon the floods.
Ps 24: 1-2

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