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Agile IMS Network Infrastructure For Session Delivery

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Agile IMS Network Infrastructure for Session

Implementing Agile and Web-Like Consumer VoIP, RCS, and VoLTE
Solutions from Oracle Communications
IMS promised to revolutionize communications
services by providing a universal session layer to
bridge applications and networks.

IMS offers a common session layer to converge fixed and mobile networks and
adjective \a-jl, -j(-)l\ interfaces for guaranteeing service quality. Today, IMS is the de facto network
architecture for evolving the PSTNwith nearly 200 million users across fixed VoIP and
Able to move quickly and with suppleness, mobile networks. The leading IMS services for consumers are residential VoIP, RCS,
skill, and control.
and VoLTE.

Consumer VoIP is a critical first step toward truly comprehensive IP-based interactive
communicationspresence-enabled audio and videoconferencing, chat/instant
messaging (IM), multimedia collaboration, and communications-enabled business
applications. Despite growing competition and shifts in user behavior, voice and
messaging services remain essential.

The GSM Association (GSMA) defines Rich Communication Services (RCS) as a suite
of IP interactive communication and messaging services that can be offered over 3G,
LTE, and WiFi networks. RCS aims to seamlessly unify the communications experience
by integrating traditional mobile telephony with new interactive services such as
presence, IM, and content sharing enabled by the enhanced address book of the mobile

Long Term Evolution (LTE) is the next evolutionary step for mobile broadband, and
voice over LTE (VoLTE) is the standard for maintaining and improving existing voice and
multimedia services in LTE. It empowers 4G LTE network operators to deliver rich voice,
video, and messaging services as core services. Upgrading voice-centric, circuit-
switched networks to data-oriented, all-IP 4G LTE networks allows network operators to
realize cost advantages and recover inefficient spectrum for additional data capacity.
VoLTE allows LTE operators to leverage service ubiquity, mobile access, and
interoperability to profitably monetize voice and messaging services and remain
essential in markets where consumers are bombarded with communications choices.
Despite its progress, IMS has had numerous issues that have prevented its broader use,
including capital requirements, total cost of ownership, and complexity. Security and
interoperability within the cores and between the IMS core and other components have
also constrained deployments.
Fixed and mobile service providers need to increase agility to capitalize on the
opportunities enabled by IMS so they can accelerate time to market, successfully scale
IMS deployments, and consistently deliver reliable, high-quality subscriber experiences.

Challenges in Delivering IMS Services
IMS has not kept pace with the demand for robust communications services. Challenges
will always exist, but the reality is that IMS service adoption, although significant, has
faired poorly to date compared to over-the-top (OTT) communications services. The cost
and complexity of traditional IMS deployments have hindered service innovation.

IMS was designed for the largest service providers, limiting deployments by small and
mid-size service providers. CAPEX has been too high because IMS has required too
many separate components for deployment in the network. OPEX has been prohibitive
because of the costs of integration, provisioning, and management.

It is time for a new approachan agile IMS solution. IMS networks need to be more like
web-based networks, both in their architectural design philosophies and in their
deployment principles. Service providers will not be successful hanging onto the two
year-plus deployment lifecycles of yesteryear. To be successful, new services need to
be implemented rapidly, continually iterated, and improved and scaled seamlessly.


Solution Components
Converged IMS refers to a standard An agile network session delivery and control infrastructure is critical for the successful
architectural framework for delivering IP delivery of IMS-based services now and in the future. These components are typically
multimedia services across fixed and located within the service providers network and provide essential session management,
mobile networks. The following are some of
the Oracle Communications elements
user control, application interface, and network border functions as envisioned by IMS
within the converged IMS reference but are delivered in a pragmatic, economical fashion. The following components are
architecture: included in the Oracle Communications IMS session delivery solution for Consumer
VoIP, RCS, and VoLTE:
API Gateway
Application Server Access Session Border Control (A-SBC)
HSS/SPR Oracle Communications Session Border Controller is an SBC for fixed line, mobile, and
BGCF OTT service providers that can be configured for both access and interconnect borders.
I/S-CSCF It operates on a range of purpose-built hardware platforms or general-purpose servers
AGW to deliver a unique combination of performance, capacity, high-availability, and
WebRTC GW manageability that has made it the most widely deployed SBC in the world.
At service provider access borders facing enterprises and consumers, such as the
TSM Internet, 3G/4G mobile, or fixed line networks, Oracle Communications Session Border
CCF Controller enables new service build-out and consolidation of legacy service
infrastructure. It protects the core network from malicious and non-malicious threats
I-BGCF/IWF while maximizing service reach, reliability, and quality.

Oracle Communications Core Session
Manager was designed to run in a fully
virtualized environment and fully supports
NFVs goals to:

Reduce equipment costs

Increase the speed of innovation
Share resources across services
Finely tune service introductions
Encourage a diverse, open ecosystem


Oracle Communications Core Session
Manager is complimentary to existing
Oracle Communications Session Border
Controller deployments and it: Figure 1. Conceptual IMS session delivery architecture for Consumer VoIP, RCS and VoLTE
Adds S/I-CSCF & BGCF support to
existing P/E-CSCF Call Session Control Functions (CSCF)
Is designed for rapid integration
Allows scale by functional Oracle Communications Core Session Manager increases IMS agility by providing core
specialization session control functions in a virtualized environment. It was designed from the start to
Economically leverages existing
assets run in a fully virtualized environment and is in full alignment with in-progress Network
Function Virtualization (NFV) standards. It is fully compliant with 3GPP core session and
breakout gateway functions and interfaces.

Oracle Communications Core Session Manager offers field-programmable signaling and

routing control, flexible database options, and multiple authentication options. It is built
on a nimble signaling core for maximum interoperability and service flexibility without
sacrificing reliability.

Built around agile principles, Oracle Communication Core Session Manager allows
service providers to easily adjust, adapt, and leverage core session management for the
dynamic needs of today and tomorrow.

It compliments Oracle Communications SBCs and other Oracle Communications

network session delivery and control infrastructure elements by leveraging installed
infrastructure and providing a complete set of core session management functions. It
provides a comprehensive signaling platform based on the field-proven Acme Packet
OS, which provides enables interoperability in real time with its granular real-time SIP
manipulation abilities.

INTEGRATED SESSION M ANAGEMENT Integrated Session Management
Oracle Communications Unified Session
For service providers looking for an integrated SBC and core session management
Manager builds upon the robust feature
and functionality of Oracle Communications solution, Oracle Communications Unified Session Manager combines core session
Session Border Controller with a full set of delivery functionality with the leading session border controller to reduce the complexity
session management functions including:
and cost of delivering high-value, revenue-generating SIP multimedia services. It can be
used to deliver a broad range of IMS services, including Consumer VoIP, RCS, and
SIP registrar
Application server coordination VoLTE. It offers a web-like architecture for cost-effectively scaling from thousand to
External interconnect interfaces millions of subscribers, providing an alternative model that is fully 3GPP IMS standards
Multiple subscriber database query compliant.
options (for authentication,
authorization, location update, and Oracle Communications Unified Session Manager consolidates many functional IMS
lookup) elements into a single, scalable solution, including:
Integrated SIP session routing
Industry-leading SBC Access SBC with comprehensive security, reliability, interoperability, and
regulatory compliance capabilities
SIP Registrar for authenticating and managing subscribers
IMS Session Management Functions, including P-CSCF, ICSCF, S-CSCF, E-
CSCF, and BGCF with all requisite interfaces
Oracle Communications Unified Session Manager is based on a proven, industry-
leading SBC used in more than 120 IMS networks and it streamlines agility and delivers
the same IMS functionality with CAPEX requirements 55-75% less than traditional IMS
core solutions. It offers longer-term savings in maintenance and operations with a
nimbler approach for delivering SIP-based services. Operators benefit from having fewer
systems to provision, monitor, and maintain. With fewer distinct functional elements,
physical systems, and points of signaling interaction, operations staff can more
efficiently manage and grow the network.
Subscriber Load Balancing
Oracle Communications Subscriber-Aware Load Balancer enables linear, non-disruptive
SBC capacity, scaling to millions of subscribers from a single SIP IP address. It supports
the delivery of any Consumer VoIP, RCS, or VoLTE service or any IMS application
voice, video, presence, messaging, or multimediaover any fixed-line or mobile access
network, and it is a high-performance, layer 5-7 aware load balancer.
Oracle Communications Subscriber-Aware Load Balancer can be deployed with a
cluster of Oracle Communications Session Border Controllers to create a single logical
node, and it provides dynamic, adaptive load balancing of IMS subscribers based on
SBC availability and health score along with subscriber capacity, load, and session state.
Oracle Communications Subscriber-Aware Load Balancer enables the creation of an
Oracle Communications Session Border Controller cluster that supports up to two million
subscribers from a single IP address appearance for scalable SIP signaling.

IMS INTERCONNECT AND ROUTING Breakout Gateway Control Function (BGCF)
Oracles IMS solution includes full service
provider interconnect and session routing Oracle Communications Session Router is a session routing proxy that overcomes the
capabilities that: challenges inherent in routing SIP-based voice, messaging, and multimedia sessions in
service provider networks. It helps service providers build a scalable next-generation
Simplify and scale core session
routing infrastructure signaling core. Oracle Communications Session Router provides high-performance SIP
Reduce the cost and complexity of routing with scalable routing policies that increase overall network capacity and reduce
next-generation SIP interconnect
costs. In IMS networks, it fulfills the requirements of the BGCF function. Oracle
Enable cost-effective Interconnect
network scalability Communications Session Router is supported on multiple hardware platforms and third-
Mitigate risk and protect uptime party servers.
Provide rapid interoperability and
faster time to market
Support a full array of Interconnect Interconnect Session Border Control (I-SBC)
services and implementation options Oracle Communications Session Border Controller can be deployed as an Interconnect
SBC (I-SBC) to accelerate time-to-market or expansion of IMS or IP services. It delivers
key functions for service provider interconnects, such as security and highly scalable
and flexible routing and transcoding. It integrates three IMS functionsthe Interconnect
Border Control Function (I-BCF) to control the admission and set-up of sessions
traversing between the networks, the Inter-Working Function (IWF) to provide signaling
protocol interworking between the SIP-based IMS network and other service provider
networks using H.323 or different SIP profiles, and the Interconnect Border Gateway
Function (I-BGF) to control the quality of session transport.

IMS interconnect functions implemented by Oracle Communications Session Border

Controller include I-BCF, IWF, and I-BGF/TrGW. It offers full IMS functionality at
interconnect borders to fully control the SIP and RTP traffic flows that comprise IMS
sessions, and it supports topology hiding and SIP IPv6-IPv4 interworking.

Enhanced Firewall Traversal

Oracles solution for extending IMS services to Internet-based users includes Enhanced
Firewall Traversal Function (EFTF), an emerging standard under development within the
3GPP. The solution employs a client/server architecture powered by Oracle
Communications Tunneled Session Controller, Oracles Acme Packet network session
delivery platforms, and client applications provided by partners or developed via a freely
available software developers kit (SDK). The solution enables any service provider to
offer secure, first-class OTT services on or off its network. Service providers can tunnel
real-time communications sessions through firewalls by making the tunnel appear like
web traffic.

Oracle Communications Tunneled Session Controller can be implemented on the Oracle

Communications Session Border Controller. By creating secure tunnels for audio, video,
and data that looks like permissible web traffic, Oracle Communications Tunneled
Session Controller delivers secure connectivityeven through firewallsfor example,
enabling transparent handoffs between WiFi and IMS sessions.

Oracle Communications WebRTC Session
Controller enables the extension of IMS- WebRTC is an emerging Internet standard that equips any device with a supported web
based services over the web. Much more browser with real-time communications (RTC) capabilitiessuch as voice calling, video,
than a gateway, Oracle Communications chat, or file sharingvia simple application programming interfaces (APIs) without
WebRTC Session Controller provides:
requiring users to download plug-ins. Oracle Communications WebRTC Session
Application control and Controller enables reliable, interoperable, and secure service provider WebRTC
synchronization during network deployments with a powerful signaling platform, scalable media engine, and client SDK
changes and browser page reloads
Rapid application integration with for rapid development. It brings carrier-grade network capabilities into the web domain,
existing systems enabling communication service providers to meet user expectations to communicate
Identity management between
anytime and anywhere using any application, device, or network.
multiple devices and across web and
telephony domains WebRTC increases agility for service providers by enabling them to offer new web-
Border and application security to
prevent attacks and service abuse based communication services or extend existing services with web-based clients. The
High-capacity media handling for NAT distinctive advantage of Oracle Communications WebRTC Session Controller is
traversal, encryption, and transcoding enhanced reliability of web communications by removing the complexity of delivering a
Robust and dynamic interworking with
existing infrastructure premium subscriber experience. It incorporates web-based security standards providing
network security, authentication, and authorization. Oracle Communications WebRTC
Session Controller is also built to enable interoperability by providing signaling, media,
and identity interworking to support large scale, reliable, and universal communications.

Element Manager
Oracle Communications Session Delivery Manager product family delivers highly
scalable configuration and fault, performance, and security management for IMS
deployments. Its flexible, high-availability architecture accommodates small to very large
networks and provides extensibility for hosting advanced management applications and
services. Oracle Communications Session Element Manager facilitates flow-through
provisioning, capacity planning, and comprehensive performance and fault monitoring
with at-a-glance status indicators that simplify real- time network-wide management
with multiple dashboard and configuration views. Standard OSS/BSS ecosystem
interfaces for fulfillment, assurance, billing, and mediation include SNMP, SFTP, XML,
and SOAP. Oracle Communications Route Manager application centralizes and
automates the management and distribution of local route tables to the BGCF function
of the Oracle Communications Core Session Manager, and the Secure File Transfer
MONITOR PRODUCT FAMILY Protocol is supported for the updating of local route tables via XML.
Oracle Communications Operations
Monitor captures and analyzes all Service Monitoring
signaling messages and media from
The Oracle Communications Session Monitor product family is a real-time, end-to-end
the network, providing full, end-to-end
correlation and quality metrics of all service monitoring, troubleshooting, and analytics solution that provides unprecedented
calls in real time. insight into IMS networks. The suite is comprised of network probes linked to a client
dashboard through an unrivaled correlation engine. It comes with full support for a range
Oracle Communications Fraud
Monitor is a self- learning, scalable of standard protocols, including SIP, RTP, MCGP, H.248/MEGACO, ENUM, Diameter,
solution to help network operators and SIGTRAN. Oracle Communications Session Monitor products are vendor agnostic
detect phone fraud and prevent it and analyzes traffic from all major IMS interfaces and functions.
before damage is done.

Oracles agile IMS solution includes Oracle Communications allows service providers to deploy a network session delivery
support for the following IMS interfaces:
and control infrastructure as the core of a successful and agile IMS solution for
Cx delivering Consumer VoIP, RCS, and VoLTE services.
Rq Agile, Web-Like Approach
Service providers can dramatically increase IMS agility and move to more web-like
Ml architectures by streamlining core session management functions, building in-field
Gm programmability for rapid adjustments without affecting users, and providing nimble
scalability through clusters and virtualization.
Mi Reduced Complexity
Mg The IMS session delivery solution from Oracle Communications features a streamlined
Mw IMS core design for providing optimal performance and operations efficiency. By
Iw leveraging the robust signaling and media capabilities of the Acme Packet OS,
Gq communications service providers can diversify and adapt their networks without
Ia requiring massive operational changes. CSCF, session routing, access, and
interconnect functions can be flexibly integrated or separated as needed while
leveraging the same underlying streamlined architecture and systems management.

Field Programmability
In todays competitive market, service requirements are constantly changing. The IMS
session delivery infrastructure from Oracle Communications is based on the field-
programmable Acme Packet OS. Acme Packet OS allows rapid, software-based service
adjustments for incorporating new infrastructure devices, adding different subscriber
end-points, connecting to new networks and modifying service call-flows without
impacting subscribers.

Load balancing, the ability to cost-effectively increase node capacity, and the use of
virtualization technologies to abstract the software from the underlying hardware allows
service providers to efficiently manage capacity, control spikes in service demands, and
cost-effectively scale IMS infrastructure to drive the profitability of IMS services.

Proven Session Delivery Infrastructure

Oracle Communications is a long-time leader in IMS session delivery solutions with
thousands of deployments, and provides the highest levels of security, reliability, and
interoperability. Oracle Communications Session Border Controllers have been
deployed in over a 150 IMS projects, interoperating with all major IMS vendors. Oracle
Communications also has a deep history in IMS services, including IMS-based business
services, RCS deployments, and VoLTE. With SBCs deployed in nearly every Top 100
service provider, Oracle Communications has experience and expertise in providing
critical IMS session delivery infrastructure.

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