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Ravenloft - Quoth The Raven Issue 13

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Quoth the Raven

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Quoth the Raven Issue 13, vol. 2

June 20th, 2006

Quoth the Raven

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So sue me.
No, wait, dont sue me.
Table of Contents

When Nightmares Wake ..................... 7 Ermintrude

Original Fiction By David Gibson aka Jester
By Robert W. Elliott
The Umbra ........................................ 71
Starlit Signs ...................................... 11 Fathers of the Fraternity
The Zodiac of the Mists By Nathan of the Fratermity
by David "Jester" Gibson, Jakob and Jasper
Sorcery and Shadows .........................87
......................... 87
The Omen Watchers ........................... 21 Complete Arcane for Ravenloft
Sidnar's stargazers By Mark Graydon
by Jacopo "Jakob" Veronese
Races of the Mists ........................... 101
The Isle of Ravens ..............................33
..............................33 The Fey
A Report to the Fraternity of Shadows By David "of the Fraternity" Gibson
By Nathan
Registry of Monsters .......................135
....................... 135
Story of the Fallen Queen ................. 49 Excerpts from the Register
Stars of Dark and Light Merge By Stanton F. Fink
By Mistshadow
Children of the Night ........................149
Children of the Night .......................... 61 Conte Aerik DEauberville
Herman duchenne

Quoth the Raven

Vile Mists of Darkness ....................161

.................... 161 Bleakstone ........................................189
........................................ 189
Book of Vile Darkness in Ravenloft City on the Edge of Darkness
By Mark Graydon By Stephen ScS Sutton

The Curse of Maplegrove ................. 179 Credits .............................................197

A tale of terror from Gothic Earth Authors and Editors
By Blake Alexander

When Nightmares Wake
Original Fiction
By Robert W. Elliott

"A lucky shot that may have slain us both," was a hawksman and a deserter from the
Gustov Petroff remarked ruefully as he army of Vlad Drakov, turned horse smuggler.
considered his ruined water skin. He had He had lost his taste for slaughter and war,
escaped the militia of the Vistin family, but not his love of adventure and open
rulers of the Tordenmark, the Thundering country.
Plain of southern central Nova Vaasa which Above him a waxing moon hung from a
is home to the coveted Vindhre, the fastest star encrusted sky. The night was dead quiet
of horse breeds. But in so doing he had been and warm enough. It was the beginning of
driven without drink for himself, let alone winter, the very night of the solstice, yet it
for his stallions, into the parched and blasted felt more like the fall equinox, indeed so
Dommark, the Plain of Judgement of eastern much so that the Svalich Pass, gateway to the
central Nova Vaasa where, according to the West, remained open and the Falkovnian was
Lawgiver, "All may enter but few may tempting the Devil Strahd with one last run.
A trained owl returned to a thickly
Indeed the Vistin militia broke off pursuit, wrapped arm. Gustov deemed the animal to
persuaded that he was escaping the be a poor substitute for Fletch, sent cruelly
judgement of man at the price of embracing plummeting to her death by the screech of an
the judgement of god, a verdict that they bat near Vallaki. He was determined to
were in no hurry themselves to receive. But replace the owl with a bloodhawk this
the rider did not believe in gods and did not winter. Still he was able to learn from it that
believe that he was doomed. there were no obvious threats about and that
Gustov Petroff was an assumed name. the Vistin militia was not attempting to
Branded upon the forehead of its bearer and shadow him. But had units to the west been
concealed by long hair was the mark of alerted by their horns and bull's-eye
Falkovnian property. The strong, lean man lanterns?

Quoth the Raven

Gustov dispatched the bird in search of He looked at the spring and growled, "The
water. He had entered the Dommark from the damn water." But the horses seemed fine, as
south, was heading north, and would soon did the owl, which he sent off to scout the
strike west for Barovia. The owl returned. Its immediate vicinity. Where the ground would
plumage was wet. Incredibly, it had found accept footprints there were none. He
water. A small spring immerged from a examined the saddle. Its strap had been cut
broken stone shelf. There were no skeletal cleanly.
remains about. The owl seemed fine. Gustov A second and even more improbable Vistin
permitted one of the stolen stallions to drink arrow had to be the answer. Still the
and waited, musing all the while that an Falkovnian was happy to be gone from the
animal worth thousands of gold pieces in place. A few minutes later, as he considered
Pont-a-Museau was serving as a common the moment to strike west, his hand went to
Borcan wine taster. He permitted the second his mouth, for its corners ached. His blood
one to drink, and then the third. Satisfied, he ran cold. He had been bleeding. But with an
let his mount drink and drank deeply iron will Gustov Petroff mastered himself.
himself. The bleeding, a result of badly chapped lips,
The murmuring water relaxed the had been the cause, not the effect, of the
Falkovnian and wore away his wariness. nightmare.
Sleep crept over him. He was snatched up
into a dream. In it he saw himself from the
Clouds gathered in the west and the
outside. He was desperate to wake himself
temperature plummeted. The exceptional
but could not. His perspective widened. He
weather was at an end. Thankfully the owl
was being hunted by the methodical and
found no hint of enemies. Still the anxiety of
astute captain of the Vistin militia, the thread
Gustov grew as he approached the frontier.
of his very thoughts being tracked where
The place itself was gruesome enough. The
there were no prints to follow. Then he was
Vistin militia to the south and the Rivtoff
seized violently out of his sleep, pinned face
militia to the north often dispensed with the
down to the ground, silenced with a razor
niceties of legal process and left smugglers
blade pulling at his mouth like a bridle, and
dangling by their wrists from the trees, and
bound at the wrists. Next he was dragged to
this only after having castrated them and
his feet, held from behind, menaced with a
dragged them to the border behind the very
second razor blade, and asked softly, "Do
stallions they had stolen. Gustov thought
you wish to confess your sins?" When he
such a barbarous fate fit for Vlad Drakov and
gave no sign the voice whispered, "Let us
Vlad Drakov alone.
Yet as troubling as the practice was,
Gustov bolted upright with a cry. He
something else disturbed the Falkovnian
fought to calm himself and shake the lead
even more. He was convinced, without a
from his mind. Judging by the height of the
shred of tangible evidence, that something
moon, he had not been out for long. He was
was following him. The obscure trail which
about to rise when he saw lying on the
he had chosen sadly did not lack for an
ground the saddle of his horse. Neither did
abject Nova Vaasan warning.
he remember removing it nor would he have
done so for a night with Gabrielle Aderre. A former colleague hung in waiting. The
corpse was unidentifiable but Gustov had the
misfortune of recognising the boots. "Bloody
Vuchar," he swore. They belonged to an

When Nightmares Wake

Invidian, who, like other neophytes, had summoning scores of them. There could be
tried to persuade the Falkovnian to take him no question of returning to Nova Vaasa.
on as an apprentice. Then the corpse moved. Sneaking past them at feast was possible, but
Its head nodded in answer to some unspoken the walk, in his condition, to the Weary
question. Whereupon the world spun and all Horse Inn was too long and too dangerous.
went dark. He needed at least one of the animals alive
and intact. A second scream sent him
When Gustov came to, he was lying on the stumbling up the trail and a third warned him
ground, in considerable pain, covered in a that the fight was at hand.
light dusting of snow. The moon and the Gustov came upon the three stolen
stars were gone. It was nearly pitch black. stallions. They were terrified and pulling
He produced a knife licked by flames. The wildly at the ropes which bound them
horses were gone too. But at least he together. With difficulty he calmed the trio.
recognised where he was, a few hundred feet But their ragged breath left no doubt that
from the frontier, on the very smuggler's way each had been injured. Indeed there was a lot
that he had been seeking and which led to the of blood beneath them on the virgin snow.
Old Svalich Road. His medical supplies were in his saddlebag
The last thing he remembered was and he had no great talent for healing but he
approaching the mouth of the trail. His left would tend to them as best he could for
leg had been twisted, but he thought he could salvation was a single stallion in good
stand. When he tried, the world spun again enough condition to carry him to safety.
and he almost went down. A prodigious
bump graced his head behind the left ear. Well before sunrise the Weary Horse Inn
Slight bleeding but not too serious he was astir. The village of Barovia was a long
concluded. Had he fallen prey to some trap ride and all had to be ready by daybreak. The
set by the Vistin? "More likely a branch," he snow of the previous night, even if it had
spat in frustration. been but a dusting, foretold the closure of the
He confirmed his suspicion that his mount pass. So with much well wishing what might
had continued up the trail. With grim be the last of the year's travellers stepped
amusement he noted his good fortune in forth into the fresh air and fell silent.
having escaped being trampled by the stolen A saddleless Vindhre, formerly well cared
stallions in its tow. "Such was the beginning for to judge by its muscle tone, lay on its
of religion," he muttered. Wincing with side, not so much ridden to death, although
every step, he set off after the horses. He there was evidence of that too, as dead of
whistled softly for the owl, but it did not blood loss, for its genitalia had been sliced
come. "Hunting mice," he snarled and cleanly away. Tied behind it by the wrists
proceeded to curse heartily the Vistana who were the bloody and pulped remains of an
had sold it to him. He limped forward, individual manifestly dragged many miles.
massaging his knotted muscles and kneading The shreds of clothing that remained to the
his tender wrists. corpse were sufficient for the innkeeper to
An hour later Gustov froze in place at the identify it. A careful examination would
scream of a horse. The wolves had come. He have determined the cause of death to be
could not afford to wait them out in a tree. blood loss resulting from a similarly unkind
He would catch his death if he did not keep cut. The connection would be made in
moving. And lighting a fire risked subsequent deaths of smugglers and their

Quoth the Raven

horses. Still the first victim of the Svalich

Slasher, as the responsible party came to be
known, was dated to 749 BC and was
recognised as being a retiring but well-
regarded foreigner with a Falkovnian accent
who went by the name of Gustov Petroff.

Starlit Signs
The Zodiac of the Mists
by David "Jester" Gibson, Jakob and Jasper

Dear Esteemed Brothers, and mindset of one who observes what must
be seen. You have learned the proper
I have something else for you with my
maintenance of telescopes, lenses and the
report. While doing my research on the fey I
spent a number of days in the town of Sidnar. instruments, learned the care of charts and
I managed to procure a few books for my maps of stars. You have learned the laws of
our order and learned the rules that govern
research from the Collegium Caelestis, some
of which might be of use. I will be reading the heavens.
the rest for the next few months but I am In this volume we begin discussion on the
forwarding a few interesting chapters to you constellations themselves. The first twenty-
with my next report on the subhuman folk of eight chapters of this volume discuss the
our land. thirteen major constellations that make up
the zodiac. The remaining chapters (and
The first should prove to an interesting
several chapters in later volumes) deal with
other celestial bodies that impact horoscopes
Respectfully as always, and interpretations of omens.
Jonothan Lochspeare Below are brief introductions to each of the
thirteen constellations. This is a change from
the previous volumes as this textbook begins
Introduction with a quick summary of the relevant
Greetings again my students, if you are information. This is not a shift in teaching
reading this volume you have made it style but merely a method of removing
through the first two years of the curriculum assumptions ahead of time, both on the signs
and educational volumes I through XII. You and their meanings. Far too many pupils
will have already learned the proper lifestyle have incorrectly assumed they already knew
of an Omen Watcher, learned the philosophy

Quoth the Raven

the names and traits of the Thirteen and and responsibility. Water is bound to
wasted precious class time in re-education! emotion, sensation and growth. Air is
The students are reminded that they are associated with thought, perspective and
encouraged not to attempt readings or expression of ideas.
horoscopes until they have completed their Finally is a brief summary of traits
forth year of education and finished up to associated with the sign followed by a
volume eighteen in this series. lengthier discussion including the stars
themselves. Again, students are reminded
this is hardly a comprehensive discussion
The Constalations and merely a re-introduction to the
Each sign if followed by its ancient symbol
and the accepted dates that make up the sign.
The Prison
Following the dates are the key attributes (July 18 - August 16) (cardinal,
of the signs. The first is the sign's relation to water): protectively,
the seasons, be it fixed, mutable or cardinal. sensitively, clingingly.
Fixed signs are always in a particular season,
The Prison is a sign of the
be it summer, winter, spring or fall. Cardinal
emotional. They are loving and caring souls,
signs exist in a time when the sun fully
sensitive, sympathetic and protective. They
enters a new season (during both equinox
are very family-orientated and feel
and solstice), while mutable signs exist in a
comfortable in the home. Timidity is a
transitory period between two different
common trade of Prisons although masculine
paternalism is also prevalent. Prisons are
Cardinal signs are associated with fond of 'nesting', making a home for
intelligence, creativity and the power of the themselves and the people they care about.
mind. Fixed signs are associated with To strangers or casual acquaintances they are
personality, sense of self and individuality. formidable and reserved, even unemotional
Lastly, mutable signs are associated with and thick-skinned and yet they are quite
common sense, adaptability and wisdom. vulnerable and open to those they know and
The elemental classification of the sign trust.
follow. Students may recall the detailed Prisons are prone to isolation; they cut
description and analyzation of the four themselves off from the world when they
classical elements and the current theories of feel safe and comfortable. Many hermits and
a fifth element be it Aether or Void2. loners are of this sign. Prisons are clingy and
Fire is associated with energy, passion and possessive, they find it hard to let people go
drive. Earth is tied to stability, practicality or live their own lives. When confronted by
people they trust they grow overemotional
and touchy, unable to let go of accidental
1. For ease of use these dates have been trans-
lated out of the local elven dialect into com- slights and insults. Prisons are also known,
mon Darkonian for our foreign students. on occasion, to construct elaborate fantasies
2. Students interested in this are again for themselves. Romanticised and idealised
encouraged to research the various elemen- perspectives on the world where they can
tal planer theories. Research into the theory feel safe and in control of their loved ones.
of positive/negative planes are discouraged
The sign is also associated with the Moon
as it is a load of bunk and a waste of the stu-
dent's time. and lunacy is not uncommon with Prisons.

Starlit Signs

Stars emotionally, and are often jealous and

Twelve dim stars of make up this
constellation. The Prison is the dimmest of Romantic relations with a Marionette are
all the constellations. On bright nights it sporadic. They can be entertaining,
barely escapes the darkness of the sky. A passionate and seemingly insatiable yet
large cluster of stars can be found in the quickly become distracted. Despite this they
middle, surrounded by the rest of the can be quite kind and sincere and often
constellation. One of the larger signs, the remarkably trusting. While a relationship
Prison dominates the March sky. Some lasts they are devoted partners.
scholars believe it is actually two smaller Unfortunately, they are poor judges of
associated constellations that have simply character and play favorites with friends.
become one over the centuries but so far this
has gone unproven.1 Stars
Thirteen stars of varying brightness make up
The Marionette the Marionette, including several of the
(August 17 - September 16) brightest in the night sky. The brightest three
(fixed, fire): generously, are named "the Grin", the smiling mouth of
proudly, theatrically. the Marionette. A group of stars above the
constellation were formerly known as "the
The proud Marionettes are Strings", and became their own constellation
bossy and forceful, always longing to be in
control. While enthusiastic and warmhearted a number of centuries ago.3
they can be pompous, loud, intolerant and
dogmatic as they interfere with other's lives. The Innocent
They enjoy being the centre of attention and (September 17 - October 17)
many are grandiose, dramatic and (mutable, earth): practically,
theatrical2. Marionettes are prone to efficiently, critically.
spontaneous bursts of creativity that seldom The dominant traits of
sustain themselves. Marionettes think big Innocents are diligence, modesty, practical
and plan on a broad canvas, especially when natures with a desire to serve or aid others.
they are in charge of others. They enjoy feeling useful and needed and
Marionettes are seldom good leaders, thus Innocents typically require assistance in
instead prone to abrupt actions that quickly their jobs or relationships. They are
fail or overly grand plans doomed to failure. commonly fussy or worriers, requiring much
Minor details often escape their notice. They reassurance and support. Attempts to allay
are easily manipulated, especially their discomfort often lead them to be
perfectionists or overcritical of others.
1. This is a frequent topic of debate amongst Innocents frequently have an aversion to dirt
the older students in the Collegium Caeles- and are motivated by hygiene or cleanliness.
tis and many arguments, occasionally vio- Many are afraid of sickness and disease.
lent, have started due to this subject. So it
has been banned and should not be dis-
Innocents are often reserved in
cussed on punishment of expulsion. relationships and are often seen as cold or
2. It is a game amongst students to guess my
sign and the Marionette is a particular favor- 3. See Fagellus' three volume essay The Signe
ite. Students who suggest so mockingly are of Strings and False Proffesies of the Mario-
expelled. net, circa 520 BC.

Quoth the Raven

repressed. For some this is because they talk over other more immediate solutions.
perceive shortcomings in their social skill Some are frivolous and shallow, even
while others have difficulty trusting others. indecisive. Many are so inactive as to be
Much of this outward aloofness is false; slothful or indolent.
merely a defence and in actuality Innocents In relationships Horsemen are
often have deep reservoirs of sympathy and compromising and understanding yet
kindness. Despite their own problems they unfaithful. While not prone to outright
are adept at pointing out solutions to the betrayal they can be quite promiscuous at
troubles of others, even if such advice is times. Their desire for pleasure often leads
unwanted. them into temptation and disaster.

Stars Stars
The month best suited for gazing at the All eight stars of the Horseman are
Innocent is May where they nine bright stars are inconspicuous; with no bright lights it is
easilyvisibleinthenightsky. TheInnocentisone often overlooked even in the month of June
of the more easily recognized constellations when it is most visible. The Horseman is the
due to its proximity to the starts of the Great most recent addition to the zodiac and was
Berserker1. once associated with both the Temptress and
the Innocent.
The Horseman
The Temptress
(October 18 - November 16)
(cardinal, air): co- (November 17 - December 15)
operatively, fairly, lazily. (fixed, water): passionately,
sensitively, anxiously.
Of all the signs few are as
debated as the Horseman. While we elves The passionate folk of the
believe people born under this sign are Temptress are intuitive, empathetic and quite
diplomatic, romantic and charming, the jealous. Known for obsessions and obstinacy
Vistani believe those of the Horseman are Temptresses are nothing if not intense. One
erratic and ever-changing as well as self- may appear calm and collected but they
indulgent and gullible. Like the fall season it often seethe with veiled urges and desires.
embodies the Horseman can either be a Charismatic and magnetic, few are not
festive time of the harvest and bounty or the drawn to people of this sign in a visceral,
time of reaping before the cold of winter; the primal fashion. Many practice limited self-
climax of the growing season or the control but their energy often shows through
beginning of the end. giving them an air of mystery, they tingle
with visible secrets. It is no surprise many
Regardless, most Horsemen are peaceful
are noted for their self-control and
and idealistic, both open-minded and
graceful. They are often impartial and
excellent critical thinkers suited for Dealing with Temptresses is often difficult
resolving conflict and problems. But many as they are quick to be offended and often
are prone to laziness and inaction preferring just as quick to anger. Vindictiveness,
sadism, cruelty and revenge are often
perpetrated by Temptresses. Of all the signs
1. The dwarves refer to this constellation as few are as passionate lovers as the
Bear-skin the hunter. Temptresses. They are quick to lose

Starlit Signs

themselves in a moment and easily slip into dangerous when angered and know exactly
debauchery. Persuasive, even if they resist can be said or done to hurt someone the
their own urges they often spur others into most.
acts of passion and intensity. It is no surprise
that this sign had many excellent orators and Stars
leaders. The Artifact is made of 7 brilliant stars most
visible during the month of August. When
Stars connected the stars are said to form "the
The Temptress contains many bright stars great crown". Many have taken this as proof
and the image of flowing hair is clearlyvisible on Artifacts are destined to rule when really the
charts.Julyisthebestmonthforviewingthecon- crown represents the crown of the head and
stellation and is a month known for passion seat of intelligence and thought.
but not marriage. In Sithicus, a large number
of stars in the Dragon Queen constellation The Mists
come from the Temptress. (January 15 - February 12) -
(cardinal, earth): prudently,
The Artifact cautiously, suspiciously.
(December 16 - January 14) Mists are practical, ambitious
(mutable, fire): freely, and dependable workers -albeit cautious and
straightforwardly, carelessly. fatalistic. They can be rigid but are
Those born under the sign competent with an inclination towards
of the Artifact are often philosophical or business and the trades despite a miserly
deep thinkers but tend towards distraction. inclination. They can be exceedingly patient
Abstract ideas and concepts are often easily at time and careful in even the most trivial of
understood by people born under this sign. tasks. High standards are a hallmark of
They are often good humoured and are fun- Mists; they enjoy challenging themselves
loving with a strong sense of optimism. albeit in a highly controlled fashion.
However, this optimism can be blinding at People of the Mists have a strong
times. They are honest but sometimes lack connection to fate and often feel as if they
tact and the subtle social graces being too have little control of their actions. This often
abrupt or forward. Artifacts are frequently leads to pessimism and negative behaviour.
concerned with the truth and object to lies Mists frequently believe if they cannot
and falsehoods. control their own lives then they control
Artifacts have a desire to get to the heart of what people know of them leading to
matters; they are often instrumental in great secrecy. Mists are thusly known for the
deeds, although they are seldom great enigmatic behaviour and mysteries. Some
themselves. Most must content themselves grow paranoid when confronted about this.
with being surrounded by greatness they can Mists are unemotional and often
never personally achieve. This often leads to unapproachable, distancing themselves from
feelings of inferiority and melancholy. others. They can be unhappy when
In personal relationships Artifacts are confronted with people and are ill at ease in
trustworthy and dependable, seldom relationships of all kinds. Many have
betraying trusts or leading to difficulties with the opposite sex but are
disappointment. However, they are loyal and faithful once the have connected
with someone.

Quoth the Raven

Stars Often condescending and judgmental on

The constellation of the Mists is one of the humanity they do not open themselves up
quickly and their alliances take time to grow
dimmest in the zodiac and even the faintest of
and strengthen. Once they accept someone
earthly lights can render it invisible. Scholars they are dedicated to extremes but have high
debate on the number of stars included varying standards and demands that lead to
between seven and eight common lights with as disillusionment. Once a Spirit has broken a
many as six other additional stars.1 relationship they can be quite vengeful and
The Mists is also located around several
dim clusters of far away stars that add a
constant diffusion of light giving the Stars
Constellation an appearance similar to its Most visible during October, this
namesake2. constellation is made up of ten bright stars. It
is one of the oldest recognized constellations
The Spirit and has long been associated with elven
(February 13 - March 14) (fixed, air): myths and festivals.3 The Sithican
democratically, unconventionally, constellation of the Adamantine Wyrm is
detachedly. made partially from stars of the Spirit.
Spirits are honest and intellectual yet
deeply concern with friendships, society and
The Broken One
the welfare of others. They are frequently (March 15 - April 13)
inventive and creative, full of original (mutable, water):
thought, with deep-seated humanitarian imaginatively, sensitively,
urges. However, they can be unemotional at distractedly.
times, detached and unreachable. Sprits have Broken Ones are sensitive and imaginative
a tendency towards unpredictability. Equally with deep, spiritual sides. They are often
prone to shyness and exuberance, Spirits artistic and compassionate and frequently
often have both depth and frivolity. selfless. But more often than not Broken
Spirits have a strong conviction to the Ones are escapist, weak-willed, neglectful,
truth, they believe the past holds answers vague and prone to (often unnecessary)
that must be uncovered or brought to the martyrdom. Their submissive, malleable
attention of others. There is a definite bond natures make them ready victims and Broken
between the past, present and future in Ones seldom try solving problem instead
Spirits: their futures often depend on what waiting for matters to resolve themselves.
they can unearth regarding the past. Broken Ones are often dominated by
Sometimes this even manifests in physic people or events believed to be outside their
abilities, Spirits often have powerful minds. control such as luck or even destiny. More
Sprits, while concerned with people and often than not this is merely an excuse. They
friendships, do not readily make friends. have problems making lives for themselves,
living emotionally and instinctively rather
1. The correct number is in fact eleven, but the
other Masters refuse to accept this. 3. The harvest festival is one such day for-
2. A large 'nebula' is also located in the Mist merly pledged to the Spirit, as well as the
constellation but is only visible through overly dramatic Day of the Pale Realm that
powerful telescopes. ends the month.

Starlit Signs

than rationally. They frequently give-up known for subtlety or tact. When enraged
when confronted by failure.1 they can be fearsome. They are dedicated
leaders, often with compassion for their
Their relationships tend to be one-sided as
followers and seldom use their subordinates
Broken Ones give more than they take. They
in irresponsible manners. Like alpha wolves
prefer emotional relationships but are often
they care for the pack.
coerced, sometimes forcibly, into physical
ones. Despite this they are intensely loyal Lacking restraint, Beasts are often candid
and dedicated. and direct. They are passionate and prone to
promiscuity although intolerant of it in
Stars others. They are protective of their families
and especially their children. Still, they make
While ten stars make up the constellation six enthusiastic and generous friends and allies.
others play supporting parts and are often
included. It is easily observed in November
nights. Legends state the Broken One was
once a heroic sign associate with a powerful Often associated with the start of the zodiac
sea monster, an untamable creature that lived this sign leads the way and heralds the later
free in the rivers of the sky. One day it was signs. Other times it is placed last, stalking
caught by the neighboring constellation, the patiently behind its prey.2 The ten stars of
Beast, who partially devoured it and scarred this sign are best seen in December, charging
it forever. The Beast has never been satiated headlong into a new year. The stars are dim
since and continues to chase the Broken One now, as if tired and exhausted from the
across the heavens. eternal chase.

The Beast The Hangman

(April 14 - May 14) (May 15 - June 13) (fixed,
(cardinal, fire): assertively, earth): resourcefully,
impulsively, defensively, thoroughly, devotedly,
energetic, head down. patiently, indulgently
Beasts are aggressive, enthusiastic and Hangmen are devoted to the point of being
highly individualistic. They are very self- possessive and determined to the point of
orientated and often selfish. Despite this they being stubborn. They are people of extremes.
are quick-witted and adventurous although They call themselves persistent and sensible
hot blooded and prone to foolhardy while others call them inflexible and greedy.
behaviour. They range from confident to They can be sensual and artistic individuals
arrogant and make excellent leaders, yet in a practical sense. They are paragons of
especially when action is required. They are strength of will and force of personality.
not very patient though, and often rashly Typically law-abiding they have a strong
favour instinct over reason. sense of property and seldom fall into debt.
Beasts are seldom passive preferring to Conservative by nature they dislike change
take charge of situations and deal with
problems directly and head-on. They are not
2. I place it closer to the middle for my own
purposes. Beasts must have both prey and
1. I am positive a disproportionate number of predators and academic textbooks must
students are of this sign! have logical orders.

Quoth the Raven

and new ideas, they will do anything to A reputation for information and
preserve and maintain the status quo.1 knowledge, Ravens often know more than
they let on. With their unpredictable natures
Hangmen have a tendency to become self-
and quick minds they can often make sense
righteous and ultraconservative,
of problems or situations others cannot
argumentative and rigid. They lash out at
grasp. They are also sometimes sources of
anything they view as different and alien and
unexpected wisdom or clarity. They make
demonize anything that deviates from their
excellent allies if convinced to aid come to
inflexible moral compass. If betrayed they
one's aid.
will stop at nothing to seek revenge.
Fickleness pervades most Raven
Loyal and loving describes Hangmen in
relationships. They are emotional but prone
relationships, although they are not fond of
to mood swings and shifts of interest. They
change or experimentation. They are
are prone to falling deeply in love while
creatures of both habit and routine in
simultaneously mocking themselves for
relationships and seldom accept shifts in
doing so. Seldom taking anything seriously
they lose interest quickly, often once the trill
of the chase has ended and they have caught
Stars their prey.
Seven bright stars make up this constellation,
the brightest of which is nicknamed 'the Stars
knot', a radient crimson star at the edge of the
Nine stars light up this constellation best
loop of stars. It is most visible during the
seen in February. Twin bright stars make up
month of January, a month often believed
the tips of the wings and are two of the
well-suited for trials and executions.
brightest stars in any of constellations.
According to legend on nights of the full
The Raven moon these stars shine even brighter for
(June 14 - July 15) (mutable, travelers far from home. This has given rise
air): logically, inquisitively, to the expression "traveling on the wings of
fast. the Raven".2
Ravens are known for their
adaptability and versatile natures; they are The Hero and The Dark
quick-witted, communicative, eloquent and
masterful orators. Often known for miming Master
behaviour and mercurial moods they are (July 16-July 17) (mutable,
prone to bouts of curiosity. However, Ravens non-elemental): greatness,
can be inconsistent, nervous and easily power, unpredictability.
distracted. Ravens often act contradictory The often overlooked thirteenth sign is one
and change their minds quickly. They are not easily discussed. Students interest in this
accused frequently of duplicity and are encouraged to read the separate book
flightiness. Charming and manipulative, describing the myriad layers and subtext to
Ravens can often talk their way out of any
trouble they find themselves in.
2. This is, of course, merely a legend and the
1. Far too many dismiss this sign as bleak and actual luminosity of the stars does not
negative. I find it quite refreshing and an change. Anyone arguing differently will be
excellent start to the year. expelled.

Starlit Signs

this sign.1 Deciphering horoscopes and upon in the following chapters written by the
messages from this sign are not for the appropriate Master Watchers. Students are
inexperienced or imaginative! again reminded that anything (and
everything) they think they know is wrong.
People born under the thirteenth sign are
prone to greatness and memorable deeds
although these vary between deeds of great Astelath Oakenheart,
heroism and courage and great darkness and Senior Watcher,
evil. There is often no telling with these 587 B.C.
potential children of destiny. While most
lean towards the traits of the Raven or the
Prison many are clearly the Hero or the Dark
Master.2 New Feat
There are few consistent traits of those
born into this sign. Pride and ego are
common but many have strong selfless
streaks. Most lean towards order and justice You are able to read the stars and write
but this is easily corrupted into tyranny. personal horoscopes for others
There is also the potential for great strength, Prerequisite: Intelligence or Wisdom 12+
either physically, mentally or of character. Benefit: By reading the stars you can see a
person's future. By making a Knowledge
Stars (Religion) check of a Profession
The sign is small, composed of only three (Astrologer) check at DC 20 you can
stars, but these three are brilliant and accurately read the stars.
unmistakable. Interestingly, each is a If the person can provide you with
different colour: red, yellow and blue. Each information on their astrological sign and
appears to be pale white to the naked eye like date of birth you receive a +2 bonus on the
most stars but the hues are unmistaken check.
through a focused lens. An accurate horoscope allows the person
to add 1d6 to the result of a single d20 roll.
This reflects the knowledge gleamed from
Conclusion the future. The decision to add the die can be
This concludes my introductory glimpse into made before or after the d20 is rolled but
the thirteen signs of the zodiac and this brief only before the results (success or failure)
first chapter of volume XIII in the Collegium are declared. Alternatively, you can write a
Caelestis introductory curriculum. The horoscope for someone to use against them
details presented above are fully expanded and apply the die to your own roll as long as
the action is one directly against the person.
Only a single horoscope can be written or
1. Volume XV in this educational series and
in effect at a time. Writing a horoscope
written by my capable, although often
deluded, predecessor. My revised version involves observing the stars for at least four
will be completed sometime next decade. hours and spending an additional hour
2. The noted Barovian liberator Strahd von interpreting and writing down the results.
Zarovich the first was reputed born under
the sign of the Hero. Although, this may
only be a legend.

Quoth the Raven

Sign Bond [Astrological] Fated

You have a pre-natural connection to your You have a destiny foretold by the stars.
astrological sign. Prerequisite: Must be taken at first level
Benefit: This feat conveys a number of or after having future read/foretold.
small benefits. Firstly, you can always tell Benefit: Your fate has been laid out and
when the stars are out and instinctively little can change this; although, as the future
discern whether it is day or night. Secondly, has not yet happened, nothing is immutable.
you can estimate the month or season with a Due to your prophesized key role in events
Survival skill check (DC5); you can simply to come (although a possibly minor role),
sense the date through a stellar connection. It your soul is hesitant to depart this world.
is also possible to intuit directions simply by When reduced to negative hit points you
gazing at the stars for a moment (2-3 rounds) may continue to function until reduced to
This feat also grants a lesser version of your Constitution bonus plus two below
low-light vision that functions as that ability zero. A character with a Con score of 14 can
under starlight (but not torchlight or other continue to fight until they fall below-4hp.
dim lighting conditions). Races that already However, you still continue to bleed and lose
possess low-light vision instead gain hit points at the standard rate. Furthermore,
darkvision 30' or have the range of existing if you succeed a Fortitude saving throw (DC
darkvision increased by the same. 20) you can cling to life until you reach -
Those strongly connected to their signs 15hp!
have archetypical behaviour or have a single Additionally, the character has an
strong trait affiliated with that sign. increased chance of returning as a ghost or
walking dead. If rolled randomly, the chance
Seasonal Bond [Astrological] of rising from the grave is doubled!
You connection to you sign is heightened The true nature of the destiny is left to the
during related months. Dungeon Master, but they are encouraged to
Prerequisite: Sign Bond. work with the player in creating a
Benefit: During the months of related compelling story.
seasonal signs you experience a mental and
creative boost. This improves grants skill
checks a moral bonus of +1. For cardinal
signs (Prison, Horseman, Mists, Beast) this
affects all Intelligence related skills, for
fixed signs (Marionette, Temptress, Spirit,
Hangman) this affects all Charisma related
skills and for mutable signs (Innocent,
Artifact, Broken One, Raven) this affect
Wisdom related skills. For example,
someone born on June 25th, the Raven and a
mutable sign, receives a Wisdom bonus on
mutable months.

The Omen Watchers
Sidnar's stargazers
by Jacopo "Jakob" Veronese

Lo duca e io per quel cammino ascoso, My guide and I followed the ardous path
intrammo a ritornar nel chiaro mondo; we began our ascent to the world of light
e sanza cura aver d'alcun riposo, we never cared for resting,
salimmo s, el primo e io secondo, up we went, he first and I following,
tanto ch'i vidi de le cose belle until I saw all those wonderful things
che porta 'l ciel, per un pertuso tondo. you see in the sky, in the round cave mouth.
E quindi uscimmo a riveder le stelle". At last, we could see the stars.

Dante Alighieri, Inferno, XXXIV 133-139

"I don't get it" Lucio said, clinging to the admission at the Collegium Caelestis was
chilling railing of the tower, shivering in the shielding him from the chilling air of the
winter night. night, that was true, but it was also starting
The "tower" was actually nothing more to frost. The wind was unbearable, like a
than an unstable mishmash of bricks whip falling on his face, and the spell he had
plastered white and attached to a much more cast at the beginning of the exam, one
bigger spire, a testament to the past of the designed to help him withstand the frigid
city of Sidnar. cold of that Darkonese night, had already
"I really don't get it, Sioellen" Lucio
whispered, hoping Master Oakenhart He was reclined on his individual
couldn't hear him over the night wind. The telescopium, a rather new invention the
beard he learned to cultivate in the many Collegium imported from Lamordia; he had
winters he spent in Sidnar since his a map of the sky in his left hand and a pencil

Quoth the Raven

in his right hand. Theoretically, the pencil "You needed help on something, Lu?"
was used to sign on the chart the position of Sioellen said, finally lifting her nose from the
stars and stellae errantes, so he could then chart. "Don't worry, Ellie." Lucio smiled,
prepare his own horoscopus, the definition of despite his lips cut by the frigid wind "I think
his personality according to his readings. In I found a way in the Mists"
practice, said pencil was just being tortured
by his teeth: he could remember anything.
His classmate, Sioellen, was a truly The Star Spire
astonishing beauty, the sum of elven grace: The main architectonical feature of the
delicate face, long pointed ear and chestnut Darkonese town of Sidnar, an Elven
hair grown to the waist. They had a tryst in community built over the Khourx River's
his first year at the Collegium, but it was canyon, is the Star Spire. This great tower is
short lived, as almost every relation elves - said to be the highest pinnacle of the citadel
true leaders of Sidnar- had with humans. of the mage king Wormschild, a fortress that
Now, her ears were covered by a wool beret, sunk in the earth when its master perished
her mouth and neck were wrapped in a wool during the Arcane Age. Today, the Spire is
scarf, and layers of wool covered her entire used by a guild of elven astrologers, the
lithe figure. She was intently writing on her Omen Watchers, as base of observation.
chart in the flowing Elven alphabet. She
barely acknowledged what Lucio said, and The Spire, said to be the proverbial
kept writing on her chart. doorway to Wormschild's sunken citadel, has
become completely off-limits for all citizens
Lucio tried to write something -anything- and visitor, except for those who belong to
on the chart. He recognized the nebula of the the Omen Watchers or represent Azalin Rex
Mists, shining high in the moonless sky, as it (such as constables and nobles). The most
should be in the beginning of January. At prominent feature of the Spire is its apex, a
least something he could remember. Lucio great platform where the most prominent
wrote on his chart the coordinates of the members of the Omen Watchers gather at
numerous stars that composed the night to discuss recent discoveries.
constellation, sure that the Mists had some
relevance on the observation, that night. He Recently, the guild decided to add a new
remembered instantly everything he was tower, at about three quarters of the total
taught during the past five years about the height of the Spire, so that the students of the
sky during the winter, about the position of Collegium Caelestis (the most advanced
the stars in that moment of the year, about astronomical college in the Core) could
the meaning of the constellations, about their observe the sky without bothering the
relations with Vistani gift for prophecy. He Watchers' leaders. This new tower is quite
resumed his observation of the sky, this time unstable though, despite its construction
without the telescopium. He felt he could see aided by Senior Watcher Lescion
better the complex pattern of the stars, if he Oakenheart's stone shape spells.
could see the whole sky, and not a mere part Aside from this, it is more a collection of
of it. This way, while his fellow students were stone and bricks than a true tower and
concentrating on one part of the sky at time, trembles at every strong gust of wind. To
he could see everything That is, even the improve its safety, the Watchers decided to
stella transvolans that crossed the add a railing to the observation platform.
constellation of the Temptress, down on the Needless to say, the students were not much
horizon. That was sure to have a meaning. impressed by their concern, and they

The Omen Watchers

frequently whisper the name of Senior Orphea. Under her directions, the rebellion
Watcher Oakenheart (along with many bad, grew stronger and stronger, until even many
bad words) whenever the tower shakes under humans joined its ranks.
the night wind. History says one day the commander was
captured by Wormschild's spies and brought
The first Watcher to Sidnar -then a great citadel built over the
Khourx River. She was taken to the top of
The story of the Omen Watchers begins the citadel, a platform where Wormschild
many years ago, during the Arcane Age, and practiced the unholy rituals that granted him
dates back to the time of Wormschild's reign the arcane power he was using in his fight
of terror. One of the most cruel and sadistic with the rebellion. It was a clear night.
of the mage-kings that ruled Darkon before Wormschild tortured Orphea with mundane
Azalin, Wormschild was a true racist, a and magical instruments, trying to break her
xenophobe who hated demihumans with the will and make her his slave. The woman
passion and fervor we see today in the anti- never cried, and withstood the pain silently
Vistani pogrom of Malocchio Aderre. Under watching the sky and the stars. Then, when
Wormschild's kingdom, elves, dwarves, almost every bone in her body was broken,
gnomes and halflings were hunted as beasts when her sore muscles could not even allow
and tortured cruelly. The people of Darkon her to stand, Orphea started to laugh.
did not support the hunt of demihumans out Thinking her mad, Wormschild lifted his
of heart but fear of Wormschild's wrath. sword. He was about to strike, but Orphea
kept laughing, her beautiful face distorted in
Soon, the demihumans resistance groups, a madness-wracked mask. She gazed into the
formerly divided along race lines, started to sky, while Worschild watched her, puzzled.
collaborate. They were aided in their efforts Then, she started talking: her words are now
by a mysterious being called "earth weird", considered the first horoscope of the modern
an elemental seer that materialized one day Darkon.
in a mound near the Forest of Shadows'
border. The seer greatly helped the resistance "It makes sense, now! It does! My
providing them clues on Wormschild's observations come to a conclusion now, here
weaknesses. Many elves were particularly in the vast sky! My life will come to an end
entranced by the creature and gathering here, but my life has found its meaning!"
around it, exchanging riddles and Wormschild was even more puzzled by her
information, spells and knowledge. The words. The elven woman pointed her
coming of the earth weird is remembered, by bloodied finger to the sky and resumed her
the most venerable elves and by historians, speech:
as the rebirth of the school of elven "My stars were there, since my birth: the
divination. Moon was three-quarters into the Raven
Many elves became great seers, ancient when I was born! My destiny was in my
chronicles telling they shown powers akin to ascendant, the Broken One: here I lie before
those now wielded by the Vistani. One of you, my body wracked by pain. But my brutal
them, an elven woman, became one of the death will be negated by the Artifact, my
greatest commanders in Darkonese history. second ascendant. I will become of great
She was a great mage, some say even importance in history and for the rebellion!"
powerful as Wormschild, but nothing about The archmage lifted his sword for the
her is known, save for her nom-de-plume: strike, but Orphea spoke again:

Quoth the Raven

"You, Wormschild! The Temptress always

led your way, since birth! Your desires have The Watchers
influences on many people, and you reached There is not much to be said about the Omen
a place of power unlike anyone ever had. But Watchers in the few centuries that passed
there are two more signs guiding your steps, since the foundation of the order. The leaders
mage: the first is the Horseman! Great always did their best to estrange the
calamities await you in your life Then community from the struggles for power that
there is the Marionette. Yes, Wormschild. riddled Darkon since the fall of Wormschild.
With all your power, you are nothing more They were contacted a few times by the new
than a pawn!" leaders of the nation and neutrally gave
Shrieking in anger, Wormschild cut advice to them and to their enemies, as long
Orphea's head from her body. He lifted the as they let the order pursue their researches
head by the flowing hair and moved to the in peace.
edge of the platform overlooking the Khourx With the coming of Azalin Rex and the
River. He watched Orphea's head closely and death of the last archmage, Darcalus, the
said: situation changed. Azalin's iron fist could not
"Where are all of your prophecies now? tolerate that his own subjects gave to his
Were are your divinations? Where is your enemies information and predictions: when
magic, elf? They didn't help you against my he discovered that Astelath Oakenheart, then
sword, my arcana, my strength, didn't they?" third Senior Watcher of the order, had
That said, Wormschild threw the head over provided a horoscope to a group of fleeing
the edge of the fortress. It was with horror rebels he had the venerable elf imprisoned
that he withstood that the head, instead of and executed. Astelath's son, Lescion,
falling, was floating in the air, a few feet learned well his lesson. He stated that the
from his reach. Her lips were unmoving, but order was not to provide help to anyone, save
Orphea's voice was speaking to his very those who had Azalin's permission. The Rex
mind: of Darkon was pleased by the agreement.
"You must never doubt the stars, for in Around the Watchers, the city of Sidnar
them is the future. The Artifact is my future. grew. To find new members Lescion
The Horseman is yours. And, guiding the Oakenheart founded the Collegium Cealestis
fate of us all Are the Mists." more than a hundred years ago. It has now
With that, the head disappeared. become the most advanced astronomical
school in all of the Core. Unfortunately, the
A year later, Wormschild lost his fight with
prospective students of human heritage are
the rebels in a battle near the village that was
not encouraged by the curriculum. Master
to become the city of Viaki. As soon as his
Lescion Oakenheart, in fact, decided that no
sentence to death was carried, the citadel of
students could consider themselves true
Sidnar buried itself into the earth, and those
astrologers unless they spent at least a
elves who were among Orphea's most
portion of their life studying the sky. From
faithful disciples settled in the area.
the elven perspective, the studies must take
The rest, as people say, is history. at twenty years to be completed.
Nonetheless, in 751 BC, the Watchers
admitted their first member lacking at least a
modicum of elven blood. His identity,
though, is kept a secret.

The Omen Watchers

keep the secrets of the order and respect their

The Omen Watcher master's will. Only this way they can hope,
Becoming an Omen Watcher is not easy. someday, to become Master Watcher.
Those who wish to become a member of the The title of Master and Senior Watcher is
order must show magical potential, a not based on arcane power or birth: it is
penchant for divination magic, a fascination instead bestowed on the elder of the order or
with horoscopes and stars, and become an on those who are especially gifted with the
expert of the astronomy. More important, he boon of prophecy. Those who are accepted in
must have completed his curriculum at the the order can take level in the prestige class
Collegium Caelestis with laude. with the same name.
Elves compose the bulk of the order, with Most of the petitioners are elves and half
half-elves representing a significant elves, given the natural distrust the elves of
minority. As already told, there is only one Sidnar have for the short-lived humans.
human in the order, a recently appointed Dwarves and gnomes are refused without
Watcher who distinguished himself during even a test: the Masters justify this by
his studies. Through subtle influence he's explaining that their ties with the earth are
trying to open the Collegium to more human too strong to gaze into the sky. Many
students, most of them scared by the dwarves claim the Masters are just bigots:
prospective of spending at least a quarter of was not the gift of prophecy bestowed upon
century under elven tutelage. the elves by an earth weird? To this, the
The career of an Omen Watcher starts right elven Masters just shrug. Lately, a petition
after the graduation from the Collegium made by an unusually long-lived caliban is
Caelestis when the Senior Watcher accepts being scrutinized. Senior Watcher
his request (provided he made request to Oakenheart said: "I will take my time to
enter the order, of course). The graduated think about it". The caliban see these words
won't be accepted if he didn't receive a laude as a pathetic attempt to wait for his own
for his conclusive research project and has natural lifespan to end and renews his
reference from at least two of his mentors. petition every month.
Only then, the former student becomes a Those who benefit most from levels in the
Watcher. Joining the Watchers is for life: Omen Watcher class are, of course,
either one has the calling to become a spellcasters. Wizards (diviner in particular)
Watcher, or he doesn't. There have never and bards, with their emphasis on knowledge
been members who left the order, nor and their arcane power, are naturally
dissenters. attracted to the curriculum necessary to enter
The order is now composed by twelve the order. Sorcerers, whose power come not
Master Watchers (seven elves, four half- from study but from their inner nature, find
elves and one human), one for each zodiacal the twenty-years-long lessons of the
sign. Supervising their gatherings and their Collegium a bit annoying. Some clerics and
rites is a Senior Watcher (currently the aged druids, especially those of Hala and of the
elf Lescion Oakenheart), representing the Dementlieuse sect of Ezra, find the order
thirteenth sign. Under them is always a cabal akin to their dogma. The circle of the
of thirty-six adepts (three for each Masters, in particular, hosts a Witch and a
astrological sign, not counting the thirteenth) cleric of Ezra (former of Dementlieu, now
who serve the ringleaders as servants, "naturalized" Darkonese), friends and
apprentices and laborers. It is their task to comrades despite their different faith. It is

Quoth the Raven

also possible for adepts and prophets (see the wizards) for each level must belong to the
Ravenloft Dungeon Master's Guide) to divination school.
become a Watcher. Other classes find the Special: The character must have
order too focused on knowledge and passive completed the curriculum of the Collegium
observation to be of any interest to them. Caelestis (requiring at least twenty years of
study) with laude and have the sponsorship
Omen Watcher of at least two of his teachers.
With their emphasis on knowledge and If the character has a divination-related
spellcasting, those who have a high quality or innate spell-like ability he doesn't
Intelligence (or, in any case, the relevant key need to fulfill the spellcasting and feats
ability for spellcasting) find themselves in requirements.
advantage over their less bright peers. Since
their abysmal Hit Dice, a high Constitution Class Skills
score helps greatly.
The Omen Watcher's class skills (and key
Hit Dice: d4 ability for each skill) are: Bluff (Cha),
Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Gather
Information (Cha), Knowledge (arcana)
To qualify as an omen watcher (OmW), a
character must fulfill the following criteria: (Int), Knowledge (local) (Int), Knowledge
(nature) (Int), Profession (Wis), Sense
Base Will Save: +4
Motive (Wis).
Skills: Gather Information 4 ranks,
Skill Points at Each Level: 4+ Int
Knowledge (arcana) 9 ranks, Knowledge
(nature) 4 ranks, Profession (astrologer) 6
ranks, Sense Motive 4 ranks.
Class Features
Feats: Spell Focus (divination), Greater
Spell Focus (divination) All of the following are class features of
the omen watcher prestige class.
Spells: The character must be able to cast
3rd level spells, and at least two spells
known (in case of bards, sorcerers and

Table 1: Omen Water Prestige Class

Class level Base Attack Bonus Fort Ref Will Special Caster level
1 +0 +0 +0 +2 Horoscope +1, Knowledge of the Stars +1 to existing caster level
2 +1 +0 +0 +3 Astrological Mind +1 to existing caster level
3 +1 +1 +1 +3 Horoscope +2 +1 to existing caster level
4 +2 +1 +1 +4 Astrological Body +1 to existing caster level
5 +2 +1 +1 +4 Horoscope +3 +1 to existing caster level
6 +3 +2 +2 +5 Gaze in the Sky +1 to existing caster level
7 +3 +2 +2 +5 Horoscope +4 +1 to existing caster level
8 +4 +2 +2 +6 Astrological Link +1 to existing caster level
9 +4 +3 +3 +6 Horoscope +5 +1 to existing caster level
10 +5 +3 +3 +7 Vision +1 to existing caster level

The Omen Watchers

Weapon and Armour Proficiency: An For every two levels after the first, the
omen watcher gains no new proficiencies bonus provided by the horoscope class
with weapons or armor. Armor check ability grants an additional +1 (+2 at 3rd
penalties apply to the relevant skills, as level, +3 at 5th level and so on).
normal. Knowledge of the stars (Ex): All Omen
Spells per day: At each level, you gain Watchers, with their knowledge of the
new spells per day (and spells known, if movement of the sky, gain deep knowledge
applicable) as if you also gained a level in of the past. This class feature works exactly
the spellcasting class to which you belonged like the bardic knowledge class feature of the
before adding the prestige class level. You do bard class (see the Player's Handbook), and
not, however, gain any other benefit a any bard level you had before becoming an
character of that class would have gained. If omen watcher stacks for the purpose of
you had more than one spellcasting class determining the bonus to the check.
before becoming an omen watcher, you must Astrological mind (Ex): By tapping into
decide which class to add each level for the the deep meaning of her zodiac sign, a 2nd
purpose of determining spells per day and level watcher gains a bonus feat, to be
spells known. chosen from the list of intellectual feats
Horoscope (Ex): An Omen Watcher of 1st belonging to the character's sign. If the feat
level and higher is capable of writing the has prerequisites, the watcher must meet
detailed horoscope of any person, provided them. A watcher whose astrological sign is
he knows his given name and his date and the Thirteenth can chose any feat from the
place of birth (which can be known by direct list.
interview or with a Gather Information The Spirit: Haunted*, Jaded*, Negotiator,
check). Open Mind*.
To write the horoscope, you need 24 hours The Broken One: Deceitful, Entities of the
of work, time necessary to observe the sky Id^, Magical Aptitude, Persuasive.
and compare such observation with your
The Beast: Back to the Wall*, Combat
notes and tomes on astrology, and a DC 15
Casting, Courage*.
Knowledge (nature) or Profession
(astrologer) check (whichever has the higher The Hangman: Combat Casting, Diligent,
modifier), necessary to write and memorize Iron Will, Open Mind*.
the horoscope. You can write and remember The Raven: Eiedetic Memory#,
the horoscope of a number of people equal to Inquisitive, Spell Penetration.
1 + your Intelligence score. Each time you The Prison: Ancestral Legacy+, Extended
write a new horoscope, the oldest one Spell, Haunted*, Negotiator.
memorized is wiped from of your mind. The Marionette: Courage*, Deceitful, Iron
The horoscope can provide you with Will, Persuasive.
insight of that particular person's motives, The Innocent: Combat Casting,
behavior and weaknesses. Each horoscope Investigator, Iron Will, Jaded*.
grants you an insight bonus equal to +1 to
The Horseman: Combat Casting, Eschew
attack rolls, as well as Bluff, Diplomacy,
Materials, Leadership, Negotiator.
Gather Information, Knowledge, Intimidate
and Sense Motive checks related to the The Temptress: Muse+, Smitten+, Spell
subject of the horoscope. Focus (enchantment), Tantric Ability.

Quoth the Raven

The Artifact: Iron Will, Jaded*, Open Superior Horoscope (Ex): From 5th level
Mind*. onward, the bonus provided by horoscope
The Mists: Improved Counterspell, class ability applies to all spells you can cast.
Jaded*, Spell Focus (abjuration), Warding From that moment on, the bonus you gain
Gesture+. with the subjects of your horoscopes applies
*From Ravenloft Player's Handbook. to the DC of the spells you cast against
people you made the horoscope of, as well as
^From Ravenloft Dungeon Master's Guide. to caster level check made to overcome
From Champions of Darkness. eventual spell resistance of the subjects.
#From Heroes of Light. Gaze in the sky (Ex): A 6th level or higher
+From Van Richten's Arsenal vol.1. Omen Watcher uses the sky to cast his
Astrological body (Ex): By tapping into divination and scrying spells. Spells like
the deep meaning of her zodiac sign, a 4nd legend lore, scry, greater scry or vision do
level gain a bonus feat, to be chosen from the not require any material component,
list of physical feats belonging to the provided they are cast under a clear, starry
character's sign. If the feat has prerequisites, night. Every other feature of the spell
the watcher must meet them. A watcher remains unchanged.
whose astrological sign is the Thirteenth can Astrological Link (Su): An omen watcher
chose any feat from the list. of 8th level or higher can establish a form of
The Spirit: Blind-fight, Ethereal Touch. link to any people whose horoscope he
memorized. To do this, he must study the
The Broken One: Dodge, Weapon
horoscope he prepared for the subject for at
least an hour. By doing this, the omen
The Beast: Brawler, Combat Expertise, watcher forms a permanent status spell
Run. between him and the subject. The watcher
The Hangman: Agile, Nimble Fingers, can establish the link with a maximum
Thoughness. number of people equal to his Intelligence
The Raven: Combat Reflexes, Improved modifier (minimum one), provided theirs is
Initiative, Quick Draw. one of the horoscopes he memorized.
The Prison: Combat Expertise, If the caster chooses to forget the
Toughness. horoscope of a subject (if he want to
The Marionette: Agile, Power Attack. memorize another horoscope, for example),
the link is broken, and cannot be established
The Innocent: Combat Expertise, Great
until he can write and memorize a new
horoscope for the same subject.
The Horseman: Improved Unarmed
An unwilling subject can choose to resist
Strike, Mounted Combat.
the effects of the spell with a Will saving
The Temptress: Nimble Fingers, Power throw (DC 14 + the watcher's Int modifier).
This bond is broken as soon as the caster
The Artifact: Improved Initiative, Power and the subject find themselves in different
Attack, Quick Draw. domains.
The Mists: Back to the Wall*, Stealthy. Vision (Su): An omen watcher who
*From Ravenloft Player's Handbook. reaches of 10th level can use, once per night
From Champions of Darkness. the night, a vision spell-like ability, provided
he has an unobstructed view of the stars.

The Omen Watchers

Sample omen watcher Languages: Darkonese, Draconic, Elven*,

Gnomish, Lamordian, Mordentish.
This section describes Lescion Oakenheart, Spells typically prepared (4+1/5+1/5+1/
current Senior Watcher of the order. This is 4+1/3+1/1+1; DC 14+ spell level, DC 16 +
an alternate version of the same character spell level for divination spell): 0-arcane
who appeared in the Darkon section of seal, detect poison, light, prestidigitation (2);
Gazetteer II, in the sidebar describing 1-feather fall (2), identify, magic missile (2),
important people of Sidnar. In that manual, protection from evil; 2-alter self (2), detect
he was a male elf expert 3/wizard 4. A thoughts (2), levitate, locate object; 3-
Dungeon Master may choose the official Clairaudience/clairvoyance, gaseous form
version or the one presented here, as he (2) nondetection (2); 4-Dimension door,
prefers. locate creature, scry (2); 5-Mordenkainen
private sanctum (2), prying eyes.
Spellbook: 0-All except enchantment spell;
Lescion Oakenheart 1-comprehend languages, detect secret
doors, detect undead, feather fall, identify,
Male old elf Diviner 6/ Omen watcher 3: CR
magic missile, protection from evil,
9; medium humanoid (elf); HD 9d4-18; 19
protection from good, true strike; 2-alter self,
hp; Init +2; Spd 30 ft.; AC 13 (+2 Dex, +1
detect thoughts, levitate, locate object, see
armor), touch 12, flat-footed 11; Base Atk
invisibility; 3-arcane sight, clairaudience/
+4; Grp +2; Atk masterwork longsword +5
clairvoyance, gaseous form, nondetection,
melee (1d8-3); Full Atk masterwork
secret page; 4-Dimension door, locate
longsword +5 melee (1d8-3); SA Spells; SQ
creature, Otiluke's elastic sphere, scry, stone
Call familiar, horoscope +2, knowledge of
shape; 5-Break enchantment, dream,
the stars (+9 to checks), comprehend
Mordenkainen's private sanctum,
languages, detect magic, read magic; AL
permanency, prying eyes.
LN; SV Fort +1, Ref +5, Will +12 (Fear +12,
Horror +12, Madness +8); Str 7, Dex 14,
Con 6, Int 19, Wis 18, Cha 13. Carrying himself with dignity and nobility,
Skills and feats: Diplomacy +6, Gather this old elf has a few wrinkle on his
Information +10, Knowledge (arcana) +16, forehead, and wears what seems a perpetual
Knowledge (history) +11, Knowledge (local) frown. He has black hair streaked with gray
+10, Knowledge (nature) +12, Profession and green eyes. His figure is covered by a
(astrologer) +16, Sense Motive +10, red cloak trimmed with gold, and wears a
Spellcraft +18; Eschew Components, refined blue silk vest. A shining longsword
Greater Spell Focus (divination), hangs from his belt.
NegotiatorB, Skill Focus (Profession
[astrologer]), Spell Focus (divination), Spell Background
Mastery (arcane sight, clairoaudience/ Lescion was born in Sidnar about three
clairvoyance, detect thoughts, nondetection). hundreds years ago. He spent many years
Signiture Possessions: Bracers of armor under the tutelage of his father, Senior
+1, masterwork longsword, vest of minor Watcher Astelath Oakenheart. The presence
cold resistance (like ring of minor cold of his father, always judging and criticizing
resistance), crystal ball, spellbook (three him, made his childhood quite dull, spent as
copies). it was studying the sky in the cold Darkonese
night. As a child, he was quite reserved, and

Quoth the Raven

even now he rarely speaks to strangers, knowledge of omens and history one of the
preferring his disciples to carry on most accurate in the whole Core.
"diplomatic" duties. He only speaks if he has
to. Combat
His life would have been one of a Lescion has never been a good fighter, nor
submitted adult, but the untimely death of his with sword and bow, nor with spells. He
father under the executioner's axe changed always found fighting as an occupation
this situation. Looking for a new leader, the below his concern, and thus never bothered
Master Watcher found Lescion to be the with learning offensive spells (aside from
ideal candidate: he was a good spellcaster, he magic missile, a spell he only casts
loved to look at the sky and, most important, defensively). The longsword he carries is
he had the blood of Senior Watcher Astelath, more for show than for actual use, since it's
a great diviner. Lescion just wanted his life an old relic of the Oakenheart family.
to continue as peacefully as it had always In case he is attacked, Lescion relies on his
been: becoming Senior Watcher was the apprentices to cover his escape, while he
most direct route to preserve his routine and casts defensive spells such as protection
beloved isolation from Azalin's intrusion. from evil/good or, in case of great danger,
Otiluke's elastic sphere. If caught alone, he
Current sketch tries to escape as quickly as he can by using
Lescion, in the two hundred years since his dimension door and gaseous form, two spells
father death, has become a powerful mage he often uses to reach a room in the
(he even cast permanency on himself for Collegium Caelestis he keeps secret even to
comprehend languages, detect magic and the Master Watcher.
read magic) and an excellent astrologer. The other spells he often prepare are tied to
Under his lead, the order of the Omen his need and duties in the Collegium. For
Watcher became more organized, and the example, many a student falling from the
foundation of the Collegium Caelestis has secondary tower had the benefit of being
served its purpose: gather apprentices and saved by Lescion's quickly-cast feather fall.
servants for the Master Watcher.
Lescion Oakenheart has married three Dread Possibilities
times, every time with a blonde human girl. Recently, Lescion found that someone is
His two precedent weddings bore him two spying him. He saw two times the sensor of a
sons: while the elder chose to follow his scry spell, and he fears for the secret he's
father's footsteps and became a member of keeping as Senior Watcher. Because of this,
the Watchers, the other one moved to he is now spending many hours a day
Neblus, where he built a family and is now covered by nondetection spells, especially
member of the clergy of the Eternal Order. when he's pouring over thought-lost tomes or
The Senior Watcher is becoming old, and consulting with the creature inhabiting the
now he feels age weighing on his shoulders. secret room of the Collegium Caelestis.
While physically it manifests in an aching While many students in the Collegium
chough developed in the many nights spent Caelestis make fun of the fascination that
in the open, watching the sky, mentally he's Senior Watcher Oakenheart has with blond
keeping his mind quite well. He's as sharp as human girls (to the point of calling it
when he was in his prime and his life-long "fetish"), there is a much more dark side to
observation of the sky has made his this.When he was still young, Lescion

The Omen Watchers

composed his own horoscope, foreseeing the

death of a dear person (his father, he
concluded) and the birth of a young blonde
female half-elf in his family, whose coming
would be the catalyser of a great change for
the order, a change destined to bring great
good to the whole Darkon. Lescion is now
taking one wife after another in hope they
will produce the heir he's waiting for.
Unfortunately, he only had two children,
both male and both gifted with his beautiful
raven hair.
After four years of wedding with his
current wife, the beautiful twenty-four-
years-old niece of Baron Constantine, he's
starting to suspect his wife with being
barren. Since he cannot break this favorable
wedding, he is starting to look closely to the
horoscope (and physical appearance, of
course) of some of his blonde female
students. The hubris of leaving a trace in
history might tempt Lescion. He is now
toying with thinking that, by magically
changing his guise, he might even get away
with one or more adultery.

Quoth the Raven

The Isle of Ravens
A Report to the Fraternity of Shadows
By Nathan

O where is my lover seemed inevitable they would strike it

Who went to the battle? headlong-but catching themselves at the last
O where is my lover moment, they whirled away to form
battalions and divisions and engage in mock
Who went to the war? combat in the air.
The ravens have found him; At last one of their number swooped to the
They feast on his sweet eyes, window and alighted, cocking a bright eye at
And bathe in the pool the lady-an eye glittering with more than
Of his sword-spilt gore. avian intelligence. The woman leaned
forward, her attention fixed on the bird; from
their expressions, an observer might almost
The young woman singing sat at the window believe that the bird was about to convey
of the tower, staring out at the sea raging some message to the woman in black.
against the cliffs at the tower's foot. Flakes of Opening its mouth, the raven cawed
snow drifted through the window on the hoarsely; the woman leaned back, her face
eddying air, spangling the lady's white arms growing slack, as if in some deep
and black hair, where they clung for long disappointment. Smiling sadly, she held out
minutes before melting. her hand to the great black bird; it stepped
She paid no attention to the snow, despite forward onto the outstretched hand and
the fact that she was clad only in a simple, seemed to bow to her.
sleeveless black gown clasped at the "I know, my dear," the lady said quietly.
shoulders; her face was as blank as the tower "Men approaching from the south-east, isn't
walls as she stared out at the ravens playing that what you were about to tell me?"
in the storm. They swooped and dove, at
The raven clapped its beak and cawed
times coming so close to the tower that it
again, then took wing and flew across the

Quoth the Raven

chamber. Coming to rest on a bust of Athena upon the deck and muttered something to the
set above the door of the chamber, it turned effect that "devilfish swim the same waters;"
its attention to preening itself. The woman but it had the desired effect insofar as the
followed it with her eyes, her hands gripping captain ordered a rowboat lowered for me. I
at her gown; standing, she addressed it again, indemnified him for the declared value of the
her face distorted by some inner despair. boat, as the captain declared he was unlikely
"Speak!" she whispered harshly. "Why to get it back (see expense report page 3,
don't you speak to me?" item 7), and rowed to the island.
The raven gave her a disinterested glance, Most of the island is inaccessible to vessels
then turned back to a careful rearranging of a of any size, with great black stones poised to
few feathers strayed out place. Satisfied at rip the hull of any boat open and highly
last, the bird took wing from its perch above uncertain currents, but our circumnavigation
the door and darted through the window to of the island had showed a white-sand beach
join its fellows outside. on the southeast shore, and it proved possible
For a moment the woman stood, shaking, for even so indifferent a seaman as I am to
her hands grasping aimlessly; then she bring the rowboat safely to the shingle.
composed herself, a blank mask of Stepping out, I pulled the boat well above the
impassivity falling over her countenance. high-water mark and set off toward the tower
Without another word she passed through the that we had seen at the other end of the
chamber door and began to descend the stair, island. The boat was immediately mobbed
going to receive her visitors. by ravens, who seemed determined to make
it a playground; reasoning that they could
hardly harm it much, and fearing that
Report on the Isle of Ravens harming them might incur the wrath of their
presumable mistress, I left them to their sport
Chronological relation of events of July 760
and set off toward the tower.
Encryption: Metaphysical II The island is covered in dense forest, a
Key phrase: "I am a stranger in a strange rather stunted species of oak predominating,
land" with a great deal of mossy ground cover
Having reached the Isle of Ravens, I attesting to the frequent rainfall on the
expressed my desire to go ashore there. The island. The undergrowth was quite dense in
captain pointed out that I had promised that places, and I was forced to follow the course
no-one would be asked to accompany me, of several small streams as I worked my way
and asked if I really intended to visit the northward. Despite the fact, previously
infamous island alone. I assured him again mentioned, that we had previously
that completeness was the entire point of my determined that the island could be no more
expedition, and pointed out that the Lady of than a mile square, and despite my magnetic
Ravens was known to send some from her compass (so necessary for navigation of the
island unharmed, especially scholars, and Nocturnal Sea) I spent several hours lost in
that as a wizard herself she might extend to the forest. It was a deeply uncanny place;
me a professional courtesy which she was many times I thought I saw faces among the
unwilling to grant to common sailors. branches, and once I was sure I heard some
fey voice call my name and laugh-a high,
In retrospect, this was probably an
sweet laughter with nothing human in it.
impolitic thing to say; certainly the captain
The ravens were my constant companions
was put out, and at least one crewman spat
throughout this voyage; they almost seemed

The Isle of Ravens

to have the character of an audience at a chamber in which I found myself. I took

(rather dull) play, watching my every action little note of my surroundings, however, for
intently and commenting among themselves there in the hall awaiting me stood that dread
in their strange bird-language on my attire sorceress known only as the Lady of Ravens.
and actions. At length I realized that their She is a small woman, a full head shorter
chatter became louder and more raucous than I, and slender; she wore a black robe,
when I was making progress toward the clasped at the shoulders, which left her arms
tower (or, more accurately, when I was bare, and her raven-black hair was caught up
moving northward); accordingly, I directed in combs on her head. She had the terrible
my steps according to their reactions and beauty and the absolute deathlike stillness of
soon found myself at the base of the tower. a figure carved in marble; I could hardly
After all these exertions my arrival at the have affirmed she was a living thing until she
foot of the tower seemed quite sudden; as I spoke.
could later see from the windows of the "Stranger, I bid you welcome to the Isle of
tower itself (for I did gain entry to it, and Ravens," she said.
spoke with its mistress), it is ringed in a
Bowing as deeply as I dared, I answered, "I
small belt of fine green grass, then a ring of
thank you for your welcome, m'lady. I bring
conifers, beyond which lies the rest of the
you the salutations of the Fraternity of
forest which makes up the terrain of the rest
Shadows and bring you a token of our
of the island. The whole island slopes
esteem." Here I brought out the book on the
upward from the point at which I arrive to
stories surrounding the Isle of Ravens
the prominence on which the tower rests; the
prepared by the brothers at the Brautslava
tower seems to reach at least four hundred
Institute and held it out; the woman in black
feet into the air (even a good estimate of its
came forward, unhurried, and took the book
total height was surprising difficult to make,
from me, thumbing through its pages. After
as the tower's top was shrouded in clouds),
a very brief perusal she looked up at me.
and on its northern side a sheer cliff plunges
Never have I seen such eyes-beautiful, deep,
an equal distance to the sea. If there had
and inhuman as the sea. All gods send that I
been a squad of ravens sent to accompany
never see such again.
(or to give surveillance over) me, here was
the army from which they had been called. Would someone please tell Brother
Whole troops, battalions, squadrons of Dirac to refrain from injecting poetickal
ravens flew overhead, now in random
motion, now sweeping into a great conceits into what was intended to be a
corkscrewing maelstrom with the tower at its scholarly work? Rhapsodizing on
eye, now dividing into corps which did mock women's eyes, indeed. -MS
battle in the air. I might have spent the rest
of the afternoon (for it was now at least three "The Fraternity of Shadows," she repeated.
o'clock) watching them; but having arrived "I have heard a little of you, and I see you
at my desired destination, I had a more have heard something of me. I wondered at
pressing interest. At the foot of the tower a your determination; few of my visitors are
great brazen double door stood ajar; nearly so eager to meet me." From another I
reasoning that this must constitute an might have taken this as a bon mot, but
invitation of a sort, I went to it and entered, already I knew that jests of any kind were as
some dozens of ravens swooping in behind foreign to this woman as they are to the sea
me and taking places in the great dark and the storm. "Why have you come?"

Quoth the Raven

"We are scholars of the Lands of Mist, of superiors. Are you authorized to negotiate
m'lady," I told her. "My superiors have on their behalf?"
commissioned me to make a survey of the At this I was somewhat put about; to
islands in the Nocturnal Sea and to learn as commit the Fraternity to any other point on
much as I can of their inhabitants." my own recognizance seemed well above
"And what do you wish to learn of me?" my competence. Under the circumstances, I
I sensed immediately that much depended thought it wisest to say only, "I am
on my answer to this question; under the authorized to put forward the idea of an
circumstances I found it logical to hew association and what we hope to achieve
closely to the truth. "We wish to know who from it, but a more formal reckoning should
you are and what you want, m'lady." be authorized by the Fathers of my
Say, rather, that he was bewitched, "Very well, then," she replied, and her
perhaps by the aforementioned eyes, into voice, already deep and cold, grew deeper
giving up the truth! -MS and colder as she spoke. "Tell them that I
have heard their proposal and entertain it; if
Seeing that my response had struck a chord they wish to formalize it, they must send
with her (though she did not respond here one authorized to speak on behalf of all
immediately) I hurried to say, "We know you his order in confirming the details of such an
are a seeker after knowledge, as are we agreement, as I can hardly negotiate with a
ourselves, m'lady. It may be that an lackey."
association between you and our order could
therefore be our mutual benefit. We have At this she turned away, the book in hand; I
heard that you are seeking after records saw that I had been dismissed, and that
regarding your name and history, and summarily. Despite my anger at so
therefore made bold to compile what we preemptory a dismissal, I saw immediately
have learned up to this time in the book that nothing further could be won by
before you. We would be happy to continue argument; and I dare to hope that the overall
to furnish you with whatever information on content of the interview may be of use to us.
this point comes into our hands." Turning, I made my way from the hall into
the waning afternoon sunlight.
Nodding, she asked, "And what would
yourorderexpect in return?" The forest now seemed more open and
amenable to my passage, and it was only a
"We have been given to understand that half-hour before I came down to the shingle
you have acquired a rather extensive library where I had left the boat. You can well
of your own, m'lady" imagine my surprise and dismay to find the
"And you wish to peruse it." boat bereft of its oars! A moment's
"You have understood me exactly, m'lady." inspection revealed that something had come
"And I suppose you would further request to the boat, taken (as I must suppose) the
that those of your order who come here oars and carried them up the beach; my close
unwillingly be sent away again." inspection (though I am hardly expert in the
arts of the hunt, I have some experience in it)
"So long as they offer no offense, m'lady,
revealed only one set of footprints, and those
we would hope so much."
hardly human, seeming to have but four toes,
Here she stood in thought for several splayed in a way hardly consonant with
moments, then said decisively, "You spoke human digits.

The Isle of Ravens

Sheer necessity compelled me to follow up the oars), that I resolved immediately to

these tracks; I could hardly leave the island follow it as it had commanded.
without oars. (The origin of the rustic Despite its great size it was not at all easy
Mordentish phrase "up a creek without a to follow the creature; it moved near-silently,
paddle" was suddenly clear to me.) even while walking at a pace I could only
I followed the tracks into the wood and match with difficulty, and its skin (or
soon found the oars placed neatly at the foot raiment) of forest-stuff blended into our
of a scrub oak in an especially dark and quiet surroundings almost perfectly. It favored its
"clearing"-here an open space beneath the left side heavily, and I could see the woody
trees, not a meadow. I approached "bone" of the thing through the mud which
cautiously and took them up, then turned to seemed to make its flesh in the lower left leg.
find myself literally face-to-face with After only a few minutes it lead me to
something. My first confused impression another shadowed clearing.
was of a man, then of a tree; it spoke, and it This clearing into which the earth-man led
might have been a tree speaking as a man. me was decorated with what I thought for a
"You have seen the witch," it said in a dull moment were some kind of ballons or
bass voice. I could not tell if this was bubbles-white shapes suspended in the air.
intended to be a question or a statement; in A closer look showed that they were skulls
any case, it hardly seemed worthwhile to of many hundreds or even thousands of
deny it. "Yes, I have," I said, more coolly ravens, each attached to a thin string and
than I felt, while I tried to get some idea of suspended from a tree branch. A passing
what creature it was I faced. It was formed breeze stirred them, rattling them against
something like a man, but taller and more each other; so eerie a sound I hope never to
crudely formed-as if someone had made a hear again. The brute thing chuckled and
mold of a very large man and filled it with waved me forward with one misshapen hand.
mud, then crowned it with moss and "Nothing to fear for you," he said. "For her,
bedizened it with twigs, leaves, grass, and and her servants, yes."
other detritus of the forest, but with eyes "You mean the ravens?" I asked.
startlingly and unpleasantly like a human's; it
"Them, mostly. And others," it replied.
wore nothing save its leaves and a crude
"You must come again, is that not so?"
necklace of twisted fibers supporting a
raven's skull. Despite its size it was easy for I assented, cautiously, as I was not quite
me to see why I had not seen it there with me sure if I will come again myself.
in the forest. Almost reflexively I asked, "All the ones she sends away, they all
"Who are you?" come again," he said, as if to himself, and
"I have no name," it declared. "The first then, immediately, "Do you hate her?"
men I saw called me "caliban"; you may call Something in the way it leaned forward,
me so, if a name I must have. Follow me; and the way it had assured me that the Lady's
the witch will not send her eyes where we servants could not come where we were, told
go." me that this question had but one correct
Saying this, it turned and walked into the answer, and I gave it. "Yes, I do," I told it.
woods. This was so intriguing an opening, It seemed to take this half (or, perhaps,
and its attitude so apparently non-threatening quarter) truth at face value. "I made a
(if it had meant to harm me, it could have sword," it muttered, its great hands grasping
struck me from behind while I was picking as if holding the weapon. "Like the ones you

Quoth the Raven

humans carry, but for me. Big." Here it

gestured with its hands to indicate something
a little over half its own height-perhaps four The Isle of Ravens At A
and a half feet. "Withfaces at the part that Glance
goes across. She called it "Felauragoth";
perhaps that is what it is called where you Cultural Level: Classical (Tower of
areIt hungers. I am hungry for it. Bring it Flint) or none
back to me and I will give you this." Ecology: Full
Here it opened one hand and showed me Climate/Terrain: Temperate forest
three huge rubies, each the size of a man's
thumb from the third knuckle up. Year of Formation: Unknown
Nodding, I said, "I will remember. I go Population: One (the Lady of
now." Ravens); there are a few fey and
It seemed to nod as well, inclining its many thousands of ravens.
whole upper body. "Go now," it muttered. Races: See Population.
"When you come again bring me what is
Languages: None
When I arrived again at the beach, oars in Religions: None
hand, I was slightly surprised to see that this Government: None
second eerie interview had occupied no more
than half an hour. I set to sea immediately Ruler: None
and was aboard the Seahawk before
nightfall, much to the befuddlement of
captain and crew, who frankly avowed they
were sure I would never be seen again.
Isle of ravens
Esteemed Brother Dirac seems to regard
this enterprise as an opportunity for
literary exploits, rather than scientific Landscape
reporting of events; other than that, I can The Isle of Ravens is a small island, only
find little to criticize in his management of about a mile square, set in the Nocturnal Sea.
The island is heavily forested; the
the affair. It will, of course, hardly be undergrowth is dense, and broken only by a
necessary to immediately inform her of any few clearings and numerous small streams.
The only sign of human habitation is the
side trip we may make while there. Who single tower that dominates the island-a
among us should essay the visit to the tower made entirely of flint, towering some
Lady of Ravens to negotiate for access to four hundred feet into the air, whose top is
hidden in the almost continual shroud of fog
her library? -MS that lies over the island. The climate is
extremely damp and cool, with rain falling
almost daily in all seasons, occasionally
turning to snow in winter months.

The Isle of Ravens

Flora (although many of those stories reference

much earlier stories of the same place), and
The Isle of Ravens is covered in dense
many stories place the Isle of Ravens in the
deciduous forest, mostly oak and elm,
Sea of Sorrows. It might simply have been
turning into a coniferous forest of pine trees
lost somewhere in the Mists before being
near the foot of the Tower. The undergrowth
placed there.
is dense throughout the deciduous forest,
clearing as one approaches the Tower, and
consists of low shrubs, ivy, and mossy
ground cover.
The Realm
Fauna Populace
By far the most striking fauna of the Isle of The only human inhabitant of the Isle of
Ravens are, unsurprising, its ravens. There Ravens is its nameless ruler; the ravens
are many thousands of these large black might be counted inhabitants, but they are
birds, usually congregated around the Tower, more accurately considered extensions of
but venturing to all parts of the Island and for their dark mistress. The island is, however,
several miles out to sea. The island is also home to a dozen or so fey creatures
home to a fair number of rodents and rabbits, summoned by the Lady of Ravens from far
which are occasionally killed and eaten by realms and trapped in Ravenloft. Each
the ravens. Larger animals simply cannot streamlet has its own naiad, and several
subsist on so small an island. There are dryads and mist sylphs wander the island,
several species of largish ground-nesting each claiming a jealously guarded territory
birds, including turkey and pheasant; smaller of her own. The most important of these fey
birds and large, predatory birds are not to be creatures is a massive earth-creature known
found, probably because any which arrive at only as "Caliban", who makes his home in a
the island are immediately mobbed and burrow in the southeast corner of the island.
killed by the ravens.
The Isle of Ravens is ruled at the whim of
History the nameless lady in black; the ravens and
her summoned minions obey any instruction
The Isle of Ravens has no internal history;
she may give them. In addition to the
since it has no human inhabitants other than
elemental and fey creatures currently bound
its darklord, the Dark Powers had no need to
to the service of the Lady of Ravens, several
supply a false history, and its history since it
similar creatures have escaped her service
entered the Mists lies entirely with its sole
and roam the island. These creatures are
inhabitant, who has never troubled herself to
free-willed and do as they please, but all
share it-if she has even bothered to make
except the earth-spirit Caliban live in mortal
note of it at all. It seems reasonable to
fear of the woman in black.
assume that the Isle of Ravens entered
Ravenloft some time after the creation of the
Nocturnal Sea, but even this is contradicted Heroes
by much of the available evidence; sailors' There are no native player characters from
first-hand accounts of shipwreck on the Isle the Isle of Ravens.
of Ravens go back roughly fifty years

Quoth the Raven

Encounters Caliban
Encounters with the ubiquitous ravens are
certain to occur (100% chance) during the Male fey; CR 12; Large fey (8 feet tall); HD
daytime; the ravens will almost never attack (10d6+40); hp 75; Init +0; Spd 30 ft; AC 21,
directly (1% chance), but will make touch 12, flat-footed 18; Base Atk +5; Grp
nuisances of themselves by stealing food and +14; Atk slam +10 melee (1d12+5, slam);
small items. However, if the adventurers tire Full Atk 2 slams +10/+10 melee (1d12+5,
of the ravens' games and try to kill them off, slam); SA spell-like abilities, SQ DR bane,
they may provoke an attack en masse. 10/cold iron, hide in plain sight, immune to
Encounters with the creatures summoned by steel weapons and acid, resistance to fire,
the Lady of Ravens may occur both day and cold, sonic 10, low-light vision, SR 16;
night (20% chance, checking four times per Skills and Feats: Craft (weaponsmithing)
day). +4, Hide +13, Knowledge (arcana) +7,
Knowledge (nature) +15, Intimidate +8,
Listen +17, Move Silently +17, Spot +17,
DM's Appendix Survival +19; Craft Magical Arms and
Armor, Craft Wondrous Item, Great
"I have no name," it declared, in a dull Fortitude, Track; OR 4.
bass voice. "The first men I saw called me AL NE; SV Fort +9, Ref +7, Will +11; Str
"caliban"; you may call me so, if a name I 20 Con 18 Dex 10 Int 14 Wis 18 Cha 8
must have. Follow me; the witch will not
send her eyes where we go." Spell-like abilities: 3/day: entangle, pass
without trace. 1/day: fear, hallucinatory
The clearing into which the earth-man led terrain, invisibility, plant growth
me was decorated with what I thought for a
moment were some kind of balls or bubbles- +4 racial bonus to Hide and Move Silently
white shapes suspended in the air. A closer checks in wooded terrain. In wooded terrain
look showed that they were skulls of many Caliban has the "Hide in plain sight" special
hundreds or even thousands of ravens, each quality.
attached to a thin string and suspended from Bane: Caliban is afraid of light; he takes 1
a tree branch. A passing breeze stirred them, point of damage per minute from direct
rattling them against each other; so eerie a sunlight, and he will not approach anyone
sound I hope never to hear again. The brute holding a torch or other light source, nor
thing chuckled and waved me forward with enter the range of a light or daylight spell
one misshapen hand. "Nothing to fear for unless he is forced to. If he is forced to, he
you," he said. acts as if dazzled (see the Player's
"I made a sword," it muttered, its great
hands grasping as if holding the weapon. "A
weapon to kill her. But she took it from me, Caliban was the first fey servitor
and sent it away" Turning its head, it summoned by the Lady of Ravens after her
examined me with its startlingly human eyes. first coming to Ravenloft, and her first
"Without it I can do nothing." experience with the alteration of summoning
magic in the Land of Mists. He did not, as
both of them expected, simply disappear to
the woodland from which he had been
summoned after he had rendered her the

The Isle of Ravens

service she demanded; instead, he found extension of his person; separated from him,
himself unable to leave the mysterious island it must feed on life energy to activate its
on which he found himself, and he was powers, and Caliban was greatly weakened
enraged and frightened by his captivity. The by its loss. He believes that if he recovers it
Lady of Ravens had no interest in dealing he will be able to kill the Lady of Ravens
with this enigma; she ignored his demands to once and for all, and he will approach any
do something to set the situation right, and visitor to the Isle of Ravens he finds in an
when the fey lost his patience and his fear attempt to encourage them to find it and
and attacked her she used her magic to hurl return it to him.
him from the top of the Tower of Flint. Caliban appears to be a human-like
Caliban survived the fall, but suffered creature (although much larger than an adult
terrible injuries; in his own words, he human) made of mud and wood and covered
"healed crooked", and his left leg is still with moss where a human would have hair.
warped and weak. Caliban fled to the far end His eyes are frightening human, but the rest
of the island and used his magical abilities to of his body is a sort of parody of the human
create a sanctuary where the ravens could form. His left leg is obviously weak; the
not come, where he waited to regain his branches which form his "bones" can be seen
health and plotted his revenge. clearly, and he favors that side heavily when
Sailors landing on the Isle of Ravens he walks.
occasionally met this dark and terrifying
figure as he skulked about the island, and
they referred to the deformed humanoid as "a The Lady of Ravens
caliban", after the familiar sports and
mutants sometimes seen born to human Darklord of the Isle of Ravens
parents in the Core and elsewhere. Human Female Sor18: CR 20; Medium
Mistaking this for an identification of he humanoid (human) (5 ft tall); HD 18d4+36;
himself, the fey (until that time nameless, hp 81; Init +5; Spd 30 ft.; AC 16, touch 11,
except for the secret name which no fey will flat-footed 15; BAB +8; Grp +7; Atk +9
willingly reveal) began to call himself melee (special, see below) touch; Full attack
Caliban. He also noted the tools, and, +9/+4 (special, see below) touch; SA spells,
especially, the weapons of humans, and altered magic, Circe's eye, Circe's touch SQ
decided that such a thing was what he mistress of ravens, polyglot, spell resistance
needed to take vengeance on the Lady of 18, undying soul AL NE; SV Fort +11, Ref
Ravens. Accordingly, he forged the sword +10, Will +17; Str 7, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 13,
now called Felauragoth (see the Book of Wis 14, Cha 22.
Sacrifices for information on this infamous
Skills and Feats: Bluff +11, Concentration
weapon) and attempted to kill the Lady of
Ravens with it. His attempt was +23, Diplomacy +10, Intimidate +11,
unsuccessful; she drove him away and took Knowledge (arcana) +7, Knowledge (nature)
+5, Knowledge (local) +9, Knowledge
the sword, although she failed to kill him
outright. The Lady of Ravens kept the sword (Ravenloft) +5, Knowledge (nobility and
for a time, until an opportunity arose for her royalty) +9, Spellcraft +16; Extend Spell,
Heighten Spell, Improved Initiative, Quicken
to dispose of it by giving it as a "present" to a
visitor before sending her back to the Spell, Still Spell, Silent Spell, Spell Focus
mainland. Caliban had poured his own soul (Enchantment), Spell Penetration.
into Felauragoth, and it had become an Spells: (6/8/8/7/7/7/7/6/5/3)

Quoth the Raven

Spells known: (9/5/5/4/4/4/3/3/2/1) 0- home in the Tower of Flint, a towering

dancing lights, detect magic, flare, ghost structure dominating the center of the castle.
sounds, light, mage hand, prestidigitation, She, like all of her house, was gifted with the
read magic, resistance; 1st-charm person, ability to speak with the birds of the tower,
shield, sleep, summon monster I, unseen and they became her friends and confidantes.
servant; 2nd-detect thoughts, invisibility, Even as a child she would steal away to the
rope trick, summon monster II, summon tower and spend hours telling the ravens
swarm; 3rd-fly, hold person, suggestion, stories she had read in books and hearing
summon monster III; 4th-charm monster, their stories in return. Under such
dimension door, greater invisibility, summon circumstances it is, perhaps, not so
monster IV; 5th-dominate person, baleful surprising that she came to believe that her
polymorph, summon monster V, telekinesis; world was literally constructed to please her
6th-disintegrate, geas, summon monster VI; whims. Her father's servants did all in their
7th- ethereal jaunt, summon monster VII, power to comply with her wishes; the ravens
teleport object; 8th-maze, power word stun; believed her stories implicitly; her father
9th-power word kill. seemed to live in a world of his own making;
Signature possessions: robe of the and she herself knew so little of the world
archmagi (black), crystal ball outside the castle that she took the fairy tales
of her childhood to be unvarnished truth. She
Background was hardly surprised at all when she
discovered that she could summon
The Lady of Ravens was born into a noble
playmates from nothing and dismiss them
family on an unknown Prime Material world,
when she tired of their company, or bend the
only child of a degenerate line whom
servants' will to her own, or change a
inbreeding and isolation had brought to the
disliked meal into something more palatable;
point of madness. Her home was a massive,
she took it as natural that the world should
decaying castle, most of it no longer
conform to her wishes, and perhaps that faith
maintained, abandoned to the ghosts of past
made her strange power over the world
generations and the ravages of time. She
around her all the greater.
grew up alone and mostly in silence; her
mother had died before she could speak and It is also, perhaps, not so surprising that
her father rarely spoke to her or to anyone she should come to feel that she must,
else, wandering the halls of the castles in necessarily, have anything she desired to
silence like his ghostly ancestors or have or be the best at anything she desired to
dreaming the days away in narcotic-induced do.
visions. The servants who fed and clothed When she was only eleven years old, she
her spoke to her but little as well; the social heard the beauty of one of the servant girls
gulf between them forbade casual compared favorably to her own; determined
conversation, and the young girl was aloof that no one in her domain should be more
and disdainful by nature. Her experience and beautiful than she herself, she laid a trap for
her personality both taught her that those the girl so exalted above herself.
around her were not her equals, and she Climbing among the towers and roofs of
largely ignored them except when giving the castle was a principle pastime of the
orders. children of the castle, and the young girl she
In this intense isolation her only real had marked for revenge was among the most
companions were the ravens who made their agile of the climbers; one day, the Lady of

The Isle of Ravens

Ravens joined the games of the rest of the Convinced he was returning to make her his,
castle's children and challenged her rival to she awaited his coming with anticipation so
walk the parapet of one of the towers of the intense that she could neither eat nor sleep
keep. The challenge was accepted and the for three days prior to his arrival. On the day
girl walked most of the length of the parapet he arrived, she took a place where she could
quickly and nimbly; but just as she reached see the returning soldiers; immediately, she
the far end two ravens leapt into the air at her picked him out, and her heart thrilled to see
very feet, startling her so that she fell into the him well and handsome as ever. Her
courtyard some fifty feet below and died. It excitement was chilled, however, when she
soon became understood in the castle that saw him leap from his horse and take a
any criticism of its future mistress would be serving girl into his arms. Her suspicions
punished in strange and unforeseen ways, roused, she followed the happy couple as
and the servants of the castle grew eager to they sought a secluded spot, where she heard
avoid any contact with their strange and them exchange vows of undying love and
vengeful charge. plan their marriage.
After the death of her father when she was On hearing this, the Lady of Ravens knew
in her late teenage years, the Lady became her love was unrequited, and she was
even more reclusive, retiring to the Tower of consumed by the desire to destroy the
Flint (which had been unoccupied, save by woman who had stolen her love and the man
the ravens, for generations) to live in the who had been unworthy of her. Returning to
company of the ravens. At first, her visits to the tower, she whipped the ravens into a
the castle outside were only sporadic, but on murderous frenzy and sent them forth to kill
one of these rare excursions through the the young man and his lover; she watched
castle that the Lady saw one of the children from the tower as the deed was done, then
she had despised so long ago, now grown hid herself in the depths of the tower,
into a young man; he was just of her own age weeping and raging over the betrayal of her
and of extraordinary grace and bearing, love.
cheerful and well-spoken, admired by When she emerged days later, she found
everyone in the castle. The Lady of Ravens, the Tower of Flint set on an island in the
isolated from any real human contact for so middle of the sea; the surrounding castle and
long, promptly fell desperately in love with servants had disappeared, and she was
him; more and more often she left her absolutely alone. She saw the ravens of the
sanctuary in the tower, hoping to catch a Tower around her; she called to them, but
glimpse of him and following him covertly they made no reply. Soon she learned that
when she found him. Narcissistic as she she could control them by an act of will, but
was, she imagined that he must love her, and no longer did they speak with her or tell her
his apparent indifference she put down to their stories. Stranger still, she could no
shyness or reserve. Not long afterwards the longer remember her name or the name of
young man was called away to war, and for the castle of which she had been mistress.
two years the Lady of Ravens suffered, The Mists of Ravenloft had claimed another
imagining her loved one would never return, for their own.
or engrossed in bittersweet daydreams of
him dying on some foreign field of battle
with her name on his lips. When castle
gossip confirmed he would return, she
fainted away from nervous excitement.

Quoth the Raven

Current sketch friends and equals again. The Lady of

Ravens believes that the key to her inability
The Lady of Ravens is a small woman, no
to talk with the ravens stems from having
more than five feet in height and petite; her
forgotten her name; since the ability to
hair and eyes are black, her skin white as
communicate with the ravens was a legacy
milk. She always dresses in a simple,
of her ancestors, if she can re-establish her
sleeveless black gown clasped at both
ancestry she will learn how to speak with the
shoulders; she usually wears her long hair
birds again. Whether this is true or not, no
caught up in combs on her head.
one in Ravenloft knows anything of her
Her features are regular and even beautiful, family, so she is destined to search in vain.
her expression and demeanor regal and
If the Lady of Ravens encounters a person
aloof. She almost never expresses emotion
or group of people whom she regards as
in the presence of other human beings,
well-read or capable of accessing unusual
displaying a complete and unnerving
sources of information, she may decide to
indifference to others more frightening in its
send them out to search for her name rather
way than rage or malice would be. When she
than transforming them to avian form. She
does show her emotions, they are of almost
will usually lay a geas on the individual or
superhuman intensity; her anger is terrifying,
the party; if she feels some extra inducement
her smile entrancing, her despair unnerving.
is needed for a group of searchers, she may
Her charisma is such that she can dominate
polymorph one of the group to raven form
almost any group by sheer force of
and hold him as a hostage, making an
personality; attacking her or even disobeying
agreement to change him back if the rest of
her orders is well-nigh inconceivable for
the group will search for her name for a set
most people.
period of time (usually a year and a day).
She is absolutely indifferent to other Despite her alignment she takes such an
humans, regarding them as nuisances or agreement very seriously and will hold to the
tools, depending on the circumstances. Her letter of any bargain she makes. Past
deep and impartial callousness is only searchers have brought her a bewildering
broken when she is in the presence of the variety of tomes, parchments, and papers
ravens of the island. She regards them as her that she has pored over meticulously; from
true family and her only pleasure is to watch this library (now quite extensive) she has
them at play in the air above her island. learned more than most about the Demiplane
However, even this pleasure is turned has of Dread, most particularly its folklore and
been made bitter by the curse of the Dark its noble families. (She has concentrated her
Powers: she can no longer communicate reading on those topics since she believes
with the ravens in any way. The ravens are they have the greatest chance of giving some
under her absolute control; she can see clue to her identity).
through their eyes and speak with their
In addition to the ravens, the Lady of
mouths-but the ravens are now a part of her,
Ravens has, at times, summoned various
and she can no more communicate with them
elemental and fey creatures to her service.
than she could with her hand or her eye. The
Some of these creatures are still in her
Lady of Ravens is desperately isolated
service; others have escaped, had their term
without the contact of the only friends she
of indenture expire, or have been forgotten,
has ever accepted, and she strives ceaselessly
and these creatures, unable to return to their
to break the barrier between herself and the
planes of origin, still wander the island.
ravens and communicate with them as
Three invisible stalkers and one grave

The Isle of Ravens

elemental roam the Tower of Flint, obedient can see to make a Will saving throw at DC
to the whims of the Lady; the island is also 25 or be transformed into a raven. There is
home to several corrupted elemental kin. no maximum number that can be affected,
Mist sylphs (from the and she may elect to have the spell affect
Book of Shadows) are often encountered; some people and not others. If she is
corrupted naiads and dryads also lurk in the unaware of a person (for example, due to
streams and forests of the island. invisibility) this ability does not affect that
Even though these creatures are no longer person. Persons transformed to ravens in this
bound by magical ties to the Lady of Ravens, fashion instantly fall under the control of the
they fear her and will certainly not act Lady of Ravens.
directly against her. In addition to these Circe's Touch: By making a successful
creatures, the Tower of Flint is also home to touch attack against an opponent (using
several ghosts bound to the Tower, all of Dexterity rather than Strength to modify the
whom predate the Tower's arrival in attack roll), the Lady of Ravens can
Ravenloft; they recognize the Lady of transform the person touched into a raven
Ravens as one of their own, a rightful under her control; the person transformed
inhabitant, and will take a dim view of instantly falls under her control. A Will
interlopers attacking her. saving throw at DC 25 will prevent the
transformation. This ability can be used at
Combat will.
The Lady of Ravens has no interest in Mistress of Ravens: All ravens within the
combat; if she doesn't want to deal with a domain of the Isle of Ravens are constantly
group or believes they have no relevant under the control of the Lady of Ravens; she
information she will use her mass polymorph can see through their eyes, speak with their
ability to turn them into ravens, only leaving mouths, and control their bodies as if they
one of their number in human form and were a part of her own. She usually chooses
sending him to warn others away from her not to assert this ability, preferring to see the
island. If her mass polymorph is not ravens "free", but if angered she can cause
completely effective and the rest of her the ravens to attack anyone she wishes.
opponents continue to attack she will Ravens that are familiars or dread familiars
teleport away and send her summoned get a Will save at DC (15 + number of days
minions to deal with the player characters, spent within the domain) to resist this
possibly engaging in combat from long compulsion; if successful, they remain under
distance with spell abilities. If actually their master's control. This save must be
forced to engage in hand-to-hand combat she repeated every day at dawn; if failed, the
will employ a final ability: the ability to raven leaves its former master, and the
transform others into ravens by touch. master suffers the experience point penalty
of having dismissed his familiar. A raven
Mental Prowess: The Lady of Ravens
animal companion gets no save and deserts
may cast any of her spells normally requiring
its former master immediately.
a material component or arcane focus
without the component or focus. Her force Polyglot: The Lady of Ravens
of personality overrides the need of the understands any language spoken in her
material to channel arcane energies. presence and can read any writing she sees.
When she speaks to others, she always seems
Circe's Eye: Once per day the Lady of
to be speaking in the hearer's native tongue.
Ravens may cause any and all persons she

Quoth the Raven

(This ability is probably a part of her curse, whole room; at the end of the room opposite
since it prevents anyone conversing with her the double doors there is a dias, on which
from getting a clue as to her place of origin.) stands a great stone throne. If the Lady of
Undying Soul: If slain the Lady of Ravens Ravens is (relatively) kindly disposed
will disappear; one week later at sunrise one toward her visitors she will wait to meet
of the ravens circling the tower will swoop to them in the center of this entry chamber; if
the floor of the highest room in the tower and she is not so disposed, she takes her seat at
transform into a petite woman with black the great throne instead. There are numerous
hair and eyes and white skin. During that ravens in this room at all times. A circular
week the border will remain open and the stair of stone winds upward behind the dias
Lady's summoned minions will be under no and throne to the second and higher floors;
authority; they may attack, flee, or ignore the this same stair leads eventually to the top of
party as circumstances warrant. the tower.
Below this room (accessible only by a
Closing the Border trapdoor set in the dias in front of the throne)
When the Lady of Ravens closes the borders is a metal ladder, rungs set directly into the
of her domain, the ravens will flock to the stone, which leads to what was once a
domain border, about one mile out to sea, dungeon below ground level. Half of this
and attack without mercy any creature space is given to cells, the other half to a
crossing the border of the domain. There are torture chamber, its equipment uncared-for
so many of the ravens that no effective and rusting. A 3rd magnitude ghost and a
defense can be made; players caught in the grave elemental make their homes on this
frenzied attack of the birds will take 5-20 hit level and attack anyone other than the Lady
points of damage each round unless they turn of Ravens who comes here (they do not co-
back. ordinate their attacks, as each is totally
unaware of the other's presence). The ghost
(now nameless) is unable to speak and can
The Tower of Flint only be put to rest by dismantling the rack on
which it was killed; unfortunately, it
This strange edifice-the only sign of human considers the torture room its territory and
habitation anywhere in the domain-is a 400- attacks intruders with blind vehemence.
foot spire of dark-gray flint, roughly sixty Above the main entry hall are two floors of
feet across at its base and narrowing to what might loosely be termed "guest" rooms;
twenty feet across at its top (which is usually on the infrequent occasions when the Lady
obscured by fog and invisible to viewers at of Ravens receives visitors whom she doesn't
ground level). The entire tower is apparently transform into ravens immediately, she
made of a single piece of stone; there is no instructs them to spend the night here. The
sign of individual stones or mortar anywhere possessions of past occupants may well be
in it. Enormous bronze double doors form found here.
the only entry into the tower; a wide set of
Above these two floors lies the "library",
stairs rises some twenty feet from ground
where the Lady of Ravens spends much of
level to these doors.
her time perusing the many books, scrolls,
The ground floor is an enormous entry maps, charts, and so forth brought to her by
chamber, spanning the entire floor, with a those whom she has geased to do so.
forty-foot ceiling. Numerous small windows Visitors are strictly forbidden from visiting
set at the top of the chamber illuminate the

The Isle of Ravens

this floor or higher floors. This room is room with those things she likes best of the
generally watched over by an invisible detritus the sea brings her. Her most prized
stalker, a 1st magnitude ghost now known possession, a crystal ball, is here, and she
only as "the librarian", and a 3rd magnitude spends much of her time observing far lands
ghost known as "the moneychanger", who through it.
sits at a table only he can see counting non- Above this level are two empty floors, then
existent coins. an empty set of rooms occupied (if such a
If the librarian is elsewhere (she can word is applicable) by a 4th magnitude ghost
wander freely throughout the Tower) the referred to as "the weeper"; why she weeps is
invisible stalker will probably ignore no longer known, but she takes very great
intruders, and the moneychanger certainly exception to having her mourning
will, but if either the librarian or the Lady of interrupted and will savagely attack anyone
Ravens is present they will encourage both but the Lady of Ravens whom she finds on
to attack. The Lady of Ravens tolerates the this level.
librarian, probably because she performs a The tower terminates at last in a
useful function (left to herself the Lady of crenellated viewing platform; on the very
Ravens would simply put everything on the rare days when the weather permits it, a
floor), and ignores the moneychanger; if not person with a telescope can see every
attacked or provoked into action by the domain bordering the Nocturnal Sea from
librarian or the Lady of Ravens, he is this point (only as a long line at the horizon,
perfectly happy to ignore everything except of course).
his imagined money.
Above the library are two floors of what
might loosely be termed "storerooms", Adventure Hooks
where the Lady of Ravens put things that are
not books. (It was on this level that she kept A survivor from the Nova Vaasan ship
Felauragoth, for example, before arranging Drakohart makes his way to shore,
for it to be taken to the Core.) When a ship is bearing the tale of his comrades'
wrecked on the Isle of Ravens she often has transformation at the hands of the Lady of
her servants (especially the invisible Ravens. Soon afterward, the PCs are
stalkers) go to it and ransack it; anything she approached by a member of the Order of
thinks interesting, pretty, or valuable is put Guardians. The Order has identified an
here. This floor is patrolled by two invisible item from the ship's manifest as possibly
stalkers at all times, unless there is a being the Rift Spanner, and the Order
disturbance in the library, in which case the wants very, very badly indeed to lay their
invisible stalkers normally here have been hands on it before the Lady of Ravens
instructed to assist their fellow; a 2nd finds out what it is and uses it, and before
magnitude ghost called "the walker" appears other artifact-seekers such as the Kargat
here sporadically, parades the length of the and the Fraternity of Shadows can get it.
tower (walking directly through the walls as The party must penetrate the Tower of
necessary) several times, then disappears. Flint and retrieve the artifact, remaining
He will not attack unless accosted or undetected by the Lady's thousands of
interrupted in his promenade. servitors and the inhabitants of the Tower
of Flint.
The Lady of Ravens herself makes her
apartments above this level, furnishing her

Quoth the Raven

A Darkonese warship, the Indomitable,

foundered on the Isle of Ravens, and was
reported lost with all hands. Azalin Rex
has learned that all members of the crew
were almost certainly transformed into
ravens by the Lady; unfortunately, one of
them was a very highly placed Kargat
agent with information vital to Azalin's
most recent scheme to take his vengeance
on his tormentors. Azalin summons the
player characters and deputizes them to
negotiate the release of the agent; the PCs
must then negotiate successfully for the
Kargat's release and meet the price the
Lady of Ravens will demand for this
The player characters have come into
possession of Felauragoth (see the Book
of Sacrifices), and the evil sword has
decided that it wishes to return to its
original master. By dreams and visions
the player character holding it finds
himself directed to take ship to the Isle
and meet with Caliban, who will attempt
to recruit the wielder and any who come
with him to make a final end of the Lady
of Ravens.

Story of the Fallen Queen
Stars of Dark and Light Merge
By Mistshadow

Murillia This race came from another realm and

would eventually go back, but in the long
centuries before their departure they would
In a different reality, perhaps another
guide the young races of this beautiful world.
dimension, there is a beautiful world
They were tall and pale, with silvery or
spinning in the star-spangled ether. And on
golden hair, their ears coming to delicate
this world grow trees that are the most
points at the tip and we know them now as
magnificent mortal eyes have ever beheld.
elves. The elves brought music, art and
These trees grow huge and tall and live to
knowledge to the young races. These gifts
great age. Their bark is silvery-white and
were gladly accepted and the elves were held
their branches arc and twist into fantastic
in respect, even awe, for centuries
shapes. Come spring their rosy-violet
uncounted. Thus the elves joyously lived in
blooms give forth a scent that can only be
forests among the murillium untroubled by
described as heavenly. In summer their
evil under the guidance of their great queen,
gracefully formed leaves are rich green with
the wisest and most resplendent creature the
undersides almost as silvery as the bark.
world would ever know. So great was her
With the breath of autumn, the leaves on wisdom that none could deny her words, so
the young trees turn burgundy, but the leaves kind her heart that she relieved the sufferings
on the older trees turn to bright gold. These of the weak and strong, and so lovely was
trees are called murillium, and is it any she that mortal eyes laid upon her were
wonder that they are the symbol of an blinded.
immortal race, the fairest this world has ever

Quoth the Raven

But such could not last forever and, of This gem was brought before the elven
course, it did not. A dark thing from a queen. What was to be done with it? If it
twisted reality known even by the wisest were destroyed, the Dark One's essence
only as the Far Realms, crept almost would be freed upon the world once more.
unknown into the world. This horrific entity, Throw it into the sea? Hide it forever in the
said to be more powerful than any being in most secret parts of the world?
all creation, wanted nothing less than to tear The queen consulted the heavens and
the beautiful young world from its allotted pondered long. There would come a time,
place among the stars and drag it into its own she foretold, when the stars would arrange
dimension. The elves did not know what had themselves perfectly and the gem, now
happened, but they sensed its presence and called the Black Star, could be destroyed and
grew afraid, as did many among the young the essence of the Dark One dispersed. But
races, who were disturbed by dreams of the that time was far away in the distant future.
darkest sort. Many went to the great queen to Until the time was right it must be hidden
ask her what to do. and protected. So her counsel was to take the
"We must all become as one to fight this Black Star to a place deep in the earth, build
creature", she told the representatives of the a fortress with the most powerful wards they
races of the world. "For it is powerful could make and guard it carefully. But, alas,
beyond measure, but it cannot stand against that was not to be.
the unity of us all." And all agreed that this There was a powerful wizard among the
was what needed to be done. mortal races who had bravely battled the
But the Dark One had not been idle while Dark One. Perhaps it was the Dark One's
the races divined the ordeal set upon them touch that had corrupted his mind. Perhaps it
and came to their collective decision. Its was the grief and trauma of the short but
essence was even then infecting the world vicious war. Or perhaps it was simply that he
like a terrible disease, twisting trees and lusted for power. None can say for certain
flowers into grotesque mockeries and now, for it was long ago. When the Black
driving the wild animals insane as it slowly Star was in transport, he struck, killing the
drained away their life forces. Each day its guards and stealing it away. And the wizard
touch spread and each day more of the world was never found again, but it was soon
was changed forever, spawning things that obvious to all that his power was not enough,
would haunt the darkest, wildest places for for the Black Star overcame his will.
many long years afterward. But the greatest The elves were weary, weary with healing
forces of the world banded together to banish the world of the Dark One's twisting, but
the Dark One back to the horrible realm from nevertheless, they led the fight against this
whence it had come. And they almost new threat. The wizard's minions assaulted
succeeded. the forests of the elves and the settlements of
The battles were costly; many mages died the young races, killing even the family of
during the great banishment ritual and many the wizard himself at his behest. Happily, his
soldiers died fighting the poor creatures the minions were too few in number to triumph
Dark One had corrupted and dominated. And and they were defeated. The wizard
yet, the Dark One still could not be wholly destroyed himself attempting to consume the
banished from the world, leaving behind a Black Star's power. And the Black Star
piece of itself that the mages, at least those vanished. None knew what became of it until
who were left, bound into a gem. over two millennia had passed.

Story of the Fallen Queen

The time was near, the time when the Dark long ago and she would rule it for all
One could be banished forever, and the elves eternity. Yet that would not come to pass.
were hunting the Black Star. Yet it was a The forest twisted that night, becoming the
sickly mortal girl who found it, for it was embodiment of nightmares. The leaves of the
buried under her house, troubling her sleep trees danced without wind and whispered
with nightmares too awful to bring into foul things in the darkness. The beasts of the
words. Finally, she dug it up. She knew not woodland were simple creatures no longer,
what this thing was but she decided to take it now wanting only to kill and torment other
to the elves, who were known across the living things. Some of the elves were
world still for their power and wisdom. frightened, but all too many had eyes that
She traveled long and avoided many had turned black and proclaimed that their
dangers, enduring hunger, cold and thirst, queen had defeated the Dark One. The
until at last she saw what made her heart uncorrupted elves knew they had not only
quicken with joy ? the murillium trees of the the twisted forest to fear but also their own
elven forest. Staggering now, her body kin. Seeking to understand what had
almost broken, she came into the forest and happened and hoping to undo it, they came
begged the elves to help her. The elves, some before their queen for what would be the last
weeping for her, brought the girl before their time.
queen. Merely the appearance of the queen was
The girl, eyes cast down to avoid being shocking. Her silver hair had turned the gray
blinded by the elven queen's splendor, took of iron, her sapphire-blue eyes were now
the Black Star from her pack. Its touch black, and her fine, cream-colored skin had
charred her tender flesh and she cried with become the clammy white of the sick. "The
pain, but she nonetheless held it up in her Dark One shall trouble this world no more",
trembling hands to the queen. "Take this she said reassuringly. But then the other
thing of evil", she implored, "for I can elves and the creatures of the nightmare
endure it no more." forest attacked while the queen watched with
The queen's graceful hand closed upon the a grim smile. The ground fog rose and
Black Star and the girl collapsed at her feet thickened unnoticed, until as the battle was
in death. The elves began to sing a mournful being fought, it engulfed the forest. The
song for the girl, and this song can still be battle ceased, for all sensed that something
heard at twilight in the forest of the lovely unexpected and terrible had occurred. The
murillium trees even now. But everything elven woodland, which would be known as
about the forest was soon to change, for the Murillia after the beauty of the magnificent
elven queen knew that she was powerful trees, had been claimed for the Realm of
enough to conquer the Black Star. And she Dread.
was right.
The queen had grown powerful beyond the
imaginings of even the wise elves in the The Land
centuries since the time of the Dark One, yet Murillia is a small domain, only about 23
her heart was careworn and far colder than it miles wide and 25 miles long, floating
had once been. The queen chose the path of somewhere in the Misty Border.
evil to gain power such as none of her kind Unfortunately, a mistway connects it to
had ever known. She intended to go back Sithicus and the inhabitants of Murillia have
into the realm that had birthed the elves so taken advantage of it.

Quoth the Raven

Murillia itself is the heart of an ancient The very center of the forest is clear of the
elven forest. Elven houses were built onto twisted plant and animal life and vampire-
the largest and oldest trees are all over this elves, in a circle about 75 yards in diameter.
part of the forest. Once beautiful, these great This place, formerly the home of the elven
tree-houses have turned black, the leafy queen, is sacred as long as Teizala's spirit
vines of traditional elven design having haunts the area (see below). The fallen queen
twisted to form mocking faces and other may not enter nor may her powers reach in
horrific patterns. Even worse are the trees this area. Here one can see the glory of the
themselves. Most of the trees have elven forest as it was, as the murillium trees
transformed into varieties of dangerous are apparently healthy. At night the tiny
plants such as evil treants and quickwood. lamps hung from the branches light up of
One in four of these trees are telepathic, able their own accord and the forest appears to
to use detect thoughts as a spell-like ability twinkle like the stars in the sky above. At
at will; they can also speak to the minds of twilight a moving, sorrowful song begins
people within 3 feet, but rarely do. A few that lasts for an hour ? the lament for the girl,
might have even more dangerous powers. Teizala, who brought the Black Star to the
All of the sentient plants are evil. queen. Characters who hear this song are
The forms of plant life that might possibly usually moved to tears and inspired by her
be found in this terrible wood are too bravery and determination, intuitively
numerous to list here but any such plant from understanding the song even if they do not
a temperate woodland climate can be freely speak elvish. The lament should be treated as
used. One in six of all dangerous plants of a bardic music effect by a 12th level bard;
species that are normally mindless become which particular effect at that time is the
sentient in Murillia, gaining an Intelligence DM's choice.
score of 8 to 10 and the telepathic abilities There is also a sacred spring in the center
outlined above. of the forest. It can wash away the negative
Animals in this land are unnatural effects of any powers the fallen queen has
creatures. All can be assumed to have an used against the subject, such as her
Intelligence score of 8 to 10 and an evil telepathic ability to inflict nightmares. Only
alignment. The animal's basic natures can be Grimbough the treant can use the waters of
used as a guide to their ethical outlook. the spring, however; without his aid the
Wolves, for instance, are hierarchal pack spring is just a spring.
predators and are therefore lawful. All It seems that no creature can use the Mists
animals have the ability to communicate to escape Murillia; apparently, the Mists can
among their own kind and many (about bring beings to the desecrated elven wood
10%) are learning to speak with other but cannot (or will not) take anyone out of
creatures, including the dangerous trees. One the domain. (Presumably the Vistani would
in ten of these animals are telepathic in the be an exception, but it is hard to imagine
same manner as the trees. what could bring them to so dangerous a
Generally, one can expect an encounter domain.) Fortunately, the Mournful Song
with an evil animal, dangerous tree or other (see sidebar) is the only known mistway that
form of plant life (such as crawling ivy) up normally transports others to Murillia.
to three times per hour while on Murillia. In Spells, magic items or supernatural effects
addition, one can expect an encounter with a that could possibly take one to another
vampire-elf once per day. domain fail, for unknown reasons.

Story of the Fallen Queen

Cultural Level The surviving uncorrupted elves fled into

Sithicus during the first few days after the
The elves had achieved a Medieval (7)
domain's emergence in the Realm of Dread.
culture in general, but their knowledge of the
Fortunately, the influx of the Murillian
medical arts and sciences such as astronomy
population has not been large enough to
should be treated as Renaissance (9).
cause a strain on the resources of the land;
Murillian elves number only a little over
hundred altogether. Many of the Murillian
The Folk elves are practitioners of magic, mostly
All of the folk left in Murillia are vampire- sorcerers, with a few bards and wizards, but
elves; these are the elves who had a tiny there are also a small number of rangers
thread of corruption in their hearts and were among them.
transformed even as their queen was. To the Murillians, it was obvious that the
However, the vampire-elves are not truly Sithican elves were laboring under a curse
undead and thus do not gain the special that dampened their spirits and even,
immunities and vulnerabilities of undead ? alarmingly enough, made them mortal ? a
they do , however, retain the special powers few of the Murillians are older than a
and vulnerabilities unique to elven vampires Sithican elf's lifespan is ever known to have
(see Denizens of Darkness for details). been. Of course, the Murillians, having lost
Rough estimates put the population of their homes and families, cast into an
vampire-elves at 200, but no one can say for accursed and unnatural land, aren't any better
sure. off. The immigrant Murillian elves, their
Murillian vampire-elves are able to spirits unhampered by curses, outshine the
propagate themselves, but it is rare that the Sithican elves in almost every way, and
conditions could be met for them to do so. although many of the Sithicans resent them,
They can only change another elf into a some of the younger Sithican elves revere
vampire by feeding on an elf who has been them. As one might expect, there are rumors
called upon to make no less than three of vampire-elves pretending to be surviving
powers checks in the past or failed one. After Murillians to spy on the elves, serving their
that, the elf to be changed must be taken into queen's horrible plans for them all, so a
Murillia itself and remain there for two number of Sithicans are paranoid about their
nights and one day. During the second night new neighbors. Only time will tell how
the elf falls into a deep sleep from which he relations between the two elven races pans
or she cannot be awakened and becomes a out; with their knowledge, skills and
vampire as dawn breaks on the second day. wisdom, the Murillians are trying to make
Murillian vampire-elves cannot transform themselves useful in their new homeland, yet
half-elves into vampires though. they live under the shadow of their corrupted
If the DM has chosen Darkon as the queen and kin.
domain the Murillian elves have fled to, the
ethnic tension between the Darkonian and Native Player Characters
Murillian elves is unlikely to be as high as Native Murillian elves are those who fled
depicted here; the Darkonian elves were into Sithicus. They should be treated as elves
much more similar to the Murillian elves to in the PHB. Their hair is silver or gold, their
begin with. eyes usually violet or blue. They tend to
dress in bell-sleeved long robes,

Quoth the Raven

embroidered with their traditional leafed has the power to manifest during the hour of
vines motif and characters from their twilight as the song is sung to mourn her
language. They begin the game able to speak death. At all other times she is incorporeal
their own tongue and the Sithican language. and helpless. Teizala's haunting cannot be
Unlike elves in some worlds, they are truly ended until the queen is destroyed. Teizala's
immortal; when they reach the end of their special powers and weaknesses are not
lifespan, they would normally return their detailed here; this should be left for the DM
realm of origin, but as they are cut off from to tailor to his or her preferences.
that realm now, they will instead dwindle in Grimbough, an ancient treant (NG), lives
power. Treat a Murillian elf past the end of in the sacred center of the forest. He gets his
his or her lifespan as a having lost all elven name from the large knots over his eyes that
racial abilities except for their martial make him appear to be perpetually scowling.
weapons proficiencies, favored class and He can use the waters of the sacred spring to
skill check bonuses, but their lifespan should heal those afflicted by the fallen queen's
be increased by 300 years. Otherwise they power, as noted above, and will usually do so
are treated as elves as outlined in the unless Teizala has a negative reaction to the
Ravenloft Campaign Setting and other characters. He can also control the murillium
rulebooks. trees in the center of the forest, causing them
to entangle others whenever he desires.
Personalities of Note Grimbough is able to leave the sacred center
Selanithr Veleriand (7th level sorcerer, of the wood, but rarely does so and never
CG) is the great-great nephew of the queen. goes far even when he does, as the queen
He has vowed her destruction one day but senses it instantly and directs her minions to
acknowledges that he lacks the kind of attack him.
power required. In fact, all of the Murillian
elves put together do not equal her power
now. Nevertheless, he remains firm in his The Law
vow, continuing his research into her The only law in Murillia is the command of
possible means of destruction. He will the queen. She has the power to
probably leave Sithicus in a few years as he telepathically command any of the corrupted
needs to seek out powerful magic and allies inhabitants of the domain to do her bidding
for help. at any time, and these commands are not
Narimeinna Hioniel (9th level wizard, 1st broken if the creature leaves Murillia (but
level Loremaster, NG) is the granddaughter she cannot issue new commands until the
of the queen. She has promised aid to subject returns to her domain). Luckily, the
Selanithr, but is still in shock at the events creatures of Murillia are apparently unable to
that led to Murillia being taken by the Mists. use the Mists to escape the domain due to the
They are quite protective of each other, as land's unique curse to carry out her desires
they are literally the only direct kin either elsewhere at present. Sithicus is their only
has left alive. Eventually, she will likely join way out and the Sithicans are doing their
Selanithr as she recovers emotionally. best to blockade the borders between the two
The girl who brought the Black Star to the domains.
queen, Teizala of the Bradolmar (NG), now
haunts the uncorrupted center of the forest in
Murillia as a 2nd magnitude ghost. She only

Story of the Fallen Queen

Darklord of Murillia * The queen could replace two of the feats

given above with two epic-level feats of the
His form had yet not lost DM's choice.
All his original brightness, not appear'd Languages: Celanthiel speaks only her
native elvish, but can usually communicate
Less than arch-angel ruined, and th' excess
with any sentient creature with spells or her
Of glory obscured. telepathy.
Wizard Spells Per Day: 4/6/6/5/5/4/4/4/4/4.
Milton, Paradise Lost Base DC = 14 + spell's level.
Spellbook: The fallen queen knows almost
all spells from the PHB and several that are
Celanthiel Aigremia unique to her world. Her spellbook is thus
Female aberration 18th level wizard/ 7th left to the DM's discretion.
level Loremaster: CR 23; Size M humanoid Signature Possessions: At present, only her
(5 ft tall); HD 25d4+25; hp 90; Init +2 (Dex); silver robes (+4 AC), masterwork dagger and
Spd. 30 ft; AC 16 (touch 13, flat-footed 12, her spellbook. As shown above by her feats,
+4 robes); Atk. +12/+7 (touch attacks, however, she is capable of manufacturing
dagger); SA Spells, telepathy, corrupt & magic items.
command; SQ Mental defense, planar
senses, undying soul, owl dread familiar
The fallen queen looks much the same as
("Lagimil"); AL NE; SV Fort +9, Ref +10,
she appeared before the elves on the night
Will +24; Str 10, Dex 15, Con 12, Int 19, Wis
Murillia was drawn into the Realm of Dread.
20, Cha 19.
Her long, wavy hair is iron gray, her eyes all
Skills & Feats: Bluff + 10, Concentration black, her lips pale and her skin a pallid,
+15, Craft (Alchemy) + 12, Decipher Script sickly white. Yet the blinding beauty she had
+ 18, Diplomacy +16, Heal +9, Intimidate + before her transformation still shows in her
8, Knowledge (Arcana) + 19, Knowledge graceful form, fair face and melodious voice.
(History/ Elven) + 16, Knowledge (Planes) +
16, Perform (Sing) + 9, Sense Motive +15, Background
Spellcraft + 21, Use Magic Device +14;
Combat Casting, Craft Wand, Craft Celanthiel Aigremia was born in whatever
Wondrous Item, Enlarge Spell, Empower faraway land (or dimension) the elves came
Spell, Eschew Materials, Greater Spell from and was already old even by elven
Penetration, Improved Counterspell, standards when they settled in the world of
Maximize Spell, Scribe Scroll, Silent Spell, the murillium trees. Virtually none of the
Skill Focus (Knowledge (arcana), Spell Murillian elves can remember a time when
Penetration, Widen Spell she was not their queen. Even now, the elves
cannot conceive the notion that she was ever
Secrets of Lore (Loremaster class ability): truly evil; all believe that the Black Star
The lore of true stamina (+1 Fort), somehow corrupted her mind. But this isn't
Applicable knowledge (Enlarge Spell), true.
Newfound arcana (bonus 1st level spell),
More newfound arcana (bonus 2nd level

Quoth the Raven

The elven queen was once as kind-hearted more strong-willed than any mortal wizard
as her people thought her to be, but her and had centuries to attain the power she
patience with them and the world wore thin needed. Even so, the temptation of the Dark
over the long centuries. Her advisors and One grew.
family thought that she was simply weary So her power grew as she studied ancient
with care. There was some truth to that, but lore and pursued her studies in magic. As the
she had come to resent her people's time drew near she sent the elves out to
dependence on her. She began to care less search for the Black Star, knowing that she
about her own people and beagn to resent her had only the one chance; if she failed it
obligations. Then the Dark One came. would be a disaster, as the door would be
Like any sane creature, the queen was open for the Dark One to return.
utterly appalled at the evil of the Dark One And then Teizala came, bringing the Black
and the terrible forms it twisted the life of the Star with her. How it wound up buried under
world into. Her ardor to see the Dark One the house of this girl's family no one will
defeated and banished was as real as it probably ever know-save perhaps the queen
appeared to be. Nevertheless, once the idea herself. Teizala was born in that house and
of such great power had entered her mind it the Black Star affected her body even while
wouldn't go away. Although her advice to she was in her mother's womb. She was sick
hide the Black Star is an underground and frail from birth and remained so
fortress was true and sound, even then the throughout her life, yet it could not corrupt
thought occurred to her that it's guardians her spirit, as she was a truly good person.
would freely allow her to pass. She was Once free of her mortal shell, she perceived
actually somewhat relieved when the Black the queen's true purpose and could only
Star was stolen and couldn't be found. watch helplessly as the queen betrayed
The resentment she had felt before grew everyone and everything.
over the years after the Dark One's
banishment, for there was much to do and Current Sketch
most of the world was literally depending on All darklords are cursed with imprisonment
her. She carried out her appointed duties with in their own domains, but this is a far greater
all of her wisdom and grace, and if she was curse upon Celanthiel Aigremia than most
not quite as compassionate as in the time others. She had intended to go back to the
before the Dark One, few noticed. Those realm from whence the elves came and
who did notice, such as her immediate subjugate that world to her will. As she had
family and advisors, attributed it to served them for millennium upon
weariness. Yet no one would ever suggest millennium, she thought, now they would
that the queen step down. Who could ever serve her. Rulership of the core of the elven
take her place? She was very nearly divine in forest is a very pale shadow of the future she
their eyes and no one else could ever be foresaw before the Mists took her.
qualified to replace her, even temporarily.
Once the initial rage at her situation had
Even the queen herself cannot say when passed, she calmed and began to think.
she really decided to attempt to absorb the Clearly whatever entities had imprisoned her
Black Star's power, just as the mortal wizard in this accursed land were more powerful
had before. The thought was always there. than she. Well, centuries before she had not
The wizard had simply not been powerful been powerful to conquer the Black Star, but
and strong-willed enough. But she was much that changed.

Story of the Fallen Queen

Perhaps she could become powerful In addition, although she was powerful and
enough to break free of this unnatural copy strong-willed enough to absorb that little
of the elven forest and take revenge on the piece of the Dark One, its essence was so
powers that abducted her. Now she alien that what has happened to the queen
constantly seeks a means of escape and isn't merely a matter of corruption. She truly
knowledge of the powers who have isn't an elf anymore (thus her aberration
imprisoned her in Ravenloft so to as take her creature type despite her humanoid form)
revenge, accumulating as much power as she and as time passes her body will mutate.
possibly can in the meantime. Woe to anyone After a millennium has passed it is doubtful
with magical power she think she can use or that she will be recognizable as having once
with knowledge of the demiplane who been an elf. She feels these incipient
should fall into her clutches. Since the elves changes, but believes she can undo the
were the most magically powerful race on effects with her powerful magic as they
her world, they seems like the best place to occur. She is wrong.
start as far as Celanthiel is concerned. Thus, The elves once adored her, even though
she hopes to gain both magic and knowledge they weren't actually subservient to her in
about the nature of Ravenloft from the elves any way. The vampire-elves and even the
and her plans do not involve asking politely. beasts of the forest are completely hers now
The queen found that neither she nor her to control, but each and every one of them
minions could return to the sacred center of despises her. This irks her although she tells
the forest as soon as they left it. Many of her herself it doesn't matter. Deep down,
books and several magic items belonging to however, it does matter; despite how much
her and other elves are still there. Needless to she resented the burden of rulership (without
say, she wants all that back. She might many of the benefits rulers of other races
attempt to bargain with characters who come would take for granted) her people loved her,
into her domain to retrieve her possessions, and she is accustomed to being loved and
but she is untrustworthy at best. However, honored. Strangely, it seems that the trees
she will automatically regard powerful still adore her; no one knows why. Thus, she
wizards and sorcerers as enemies, as spends most of her time among the trees,
everything can be learned about her in her singing the ancient elvish songs to them,
former home, including her studies of the simply because she likes the trees better than
Black Star and the rite she used to absorb its the vampire-elves or the animals. but that
power. doesn't mean much so long as there are still
Although she senses that her bond to many of them. Only if, for whatever reason,
Murillia is stronger now than ever, the sentient trees became few in number
Celanthiel still doesn't quite understand the would she move to defend them.
what it is to be a darklord, nor does she know
that there are other darklords in this new Combat
world. She considers her current situation The fallen queen fights in much the manner
purely in terms of a spell ? thus, she thinks of wizards everywhere. She prefers to
there must be a way to break it. She hasn't summon minions to fight for her as she cast
yet realized that in order for her bond to the spells. However, she has a few special
land to be so strong means that she herself powers gained from her absorption of the
has must have been subtly altered.
Dark One's essence.

Quoth the Raven

Telepathy: The queen maintains telepathic The change takes 24 hours for normal
contact at all times with the corrupted animals and plants. For familiars, special
sentient plants of Murillia. This is like a mounts or other more magical animals the
constant detect thoughts that she can also use change requires 2d4 days. Once corrupted,
to speak to the subject. She may initiate the creatures falls under command the same
telepathic contact with any of the corrupted as all the other corrupted creatures of
animals or vampire-elves at any time as a Murillia and remain so unless the effect is
free action. All of the corrupted animals, reversed with powerful magic (wish or
plants and vampire-elves will obey her miracle).
commands unhesitatingly. She may also do The queen may invoke this power as a full-
the same with any sentient creature who round action. The targets must be within 10
enters her domain, but this requires her to yards of her. She cannot use this power on
maintain her concentration; anything that the target(s) if they are within the sacred
blocks mental effects, such as a ring of mind center of the forest.
shielding, protects a non-corrupted creature Planar Powers: The Dark One had great
from the queen's telepathy.
power as a plane-traveling entity and the
She can also use her telepathic powers in a queen has inherited some of this through her
far more insidious manner if she wishes. She absorption of the Black Star, but many of the
can implant horrible nightmares in the mind possible applications of this ability has been
of a sleeping creature in her domain with stunted by the Dark Powers. The queen can
whom she is able to establish mental contact. unerringly sense any outsider within her
These nightmares invoke a horror save when domain, pinpointing its location within 5
the target awakes. The queen can control the yards (even within the sacred center of the
power of the nightmare (mild to severe) as forest). She also has the equivalent of the
she wishes. Ethereal Empathy feat. As a full-round
If she establishes mental contact she can action she can see into the Border Ethereal as
also cast mind-affecting spells through it on long as she concentrates. As a full-attack
the target (only). However, this is not as action that provokes an attack of opportunity
efficient as having the target within the she can also pull a creature in the Border
spell's normal range, lowering the save DC Ethereal into Ravenloft and fight them
by 4. Thus, she would only do this against normally.
mentally weaker opponents. Mental Defense: The queen has SR 20
The queen cannot use her telepathy on any against any and all mind-affecting abilities
creature within the sacred center of the and spells. She can feel this protection and
forest. currently believes herself immune to such
Corrupt & Command: The queen can powers. However, this is a temporary
corrupt any plant or animal brought into weakness; should her SR even come close to
Murillia, even familiars or a paladin's special failing to protect her she will "wise up" and
mount. The corrupted creature becomes the realize that she is not totally invulnerable in
same as the other plants and animals of the that regard after all.
domain, with the plant changing species as Undying Soul: This is a power granted to
necessary -- however, a plant that was her as darklord of Murillia. Should
intelligent will not change into a non- Celanthiel die, her spirit flies out to possess
intelligent species. one of the vampire-elves in Murillia.

Story of the Fallen Queen

If, for whatever reason, there are none left made it across the border heading for.
alive in the domain, those very few who have Nedaargard Keep? What are they looking
migrated to elsewhere in Ravenloft are for there? Perhaps the Black Rose left
immediately overcome with the compulsion behind something Azrael Dak cannot put
to return to the domain as quickly as they to use himself. Whatever it is, it can't be
possibly can. The vampire-elf, instantly or as good.
soon as he or she crosses the border into the Vampire-elves, posing as Murillians,
domain, falls into a deep sleep from he or she commit evil acts in Sithicus and attempt to
cannot be awakened. After a full day has frame the most important surviving
passed, at the next sunrise, the vampire-elf Murillians. As it turns out, they are acting
becomes the fallen queen, who remembers under their queen's orders. Why does she
everything up to the point of her death. The fear these particular elves? And can the
only way to permanently kill the queen is to Murillians be cleared of these terrible
slay every vampire-elf from and within crimes as ethnic tensions build?
Murillia and then the queen herself. When Many of the Murillian elves are reporting
this happens, the domain returns to the world that they've lately been suffering awful
from whence it came, the plants and animals nightmares related to the queen. Could it
changing back to their normal forms within be that she has found a way to slowly
the hour. corrupt or attack them from within
Murillia? If so, how is she able to do this?
Closing the Borders And how can it be stopped?
When Celanthiel Aigremia closes the Several Sithican elves are found dead,
borders, the trees at the domain border nailed to trees with Murillian symbols
interlock their branches; the undergrowth carved into their flesh. Many blame the
grows impossibly dense and studded with Murillian elves, but, not surprisingly, they
thorns and briars. Breaking through this claim this to be the work of the vampire-
bramble does 1d4 hit points of damage per elves. Who is committing these terrible
round, and the plants regrow so quickly that murders and why? Perhaps some
trying to clear a path by cutting through them Murillian elves were affected by the same
or destroying them with fire or magic is corruption as their kin, just much more
impossible. slowly and now some are gong mad. On
the other hand, maybe they are being
framed. If the Murillians are right, why
Adventure Hooks are the vampire-elves doing this to some
Selanithr has come across the knowledge of the Sithicans? Regardless, who is next?
that a great deal of magic remains in his Rumors are circulating about Azrael Dak
great-great aunt's home untouched. and Murillia. Some say that he is using
Perhaps others would like to join him in Murillia itself to punish rebellious elves;
attempting to acquiring some of it? Once once captured, they are bound, gagged and
actually in Murillia, he can simply teleport then deposited just inside the twisted
to the center of the forest. Should be easy, forest. Is this true? If so, the revolt he
shouldn't it? But what if it's a trap? fears may come soon, so why is he doing
The incursion the Sithicans feared has this? Others say he is only doing this to
come. A force of corrupted plants and Murillian elves, so they aren't worried.
animals, led by a few vampire-elves, has Another rumor claims that he has made a

Quoth the Raven

deal with the vampire-elves, allowing

them into Sithicus, and this piece of
hearsay is backed up by witnesses. If so,
what does he get out of his side of the

Children of the Night
By David Gibson aka Jester

"The road to hell is paved with good Nevertheless, the question remains for
intentions." others to answer: is the road to heaven paved
- Unknown, often wrongly attributed to with good accomplishments?
Samuel Johnson

There is a much-repeated wisdom that

proper attitudes, beliefs and spirit alone do Ermintrude, female annis Ftr3: CR 9; Size L
not earn one's place in heaven. The (7 ft., 5 in. tall); HD 7d8+3d10+20; hp 78;
implication of this being that it is good deeds Init +1 (+1 Dex); Spd 30 ft.; AC 24, touch
that truly matter, a variant on "the ends 10, flat-footed 23; BAB +8, Grapple +19;
justify the means". Does this then mean Atk +14 melee (1d6+6, claw or 1d8+6
someone performing noble acts for the most longsword), or +9 ranged (1d6+6, short
base and selfish of reasons is, in the end, a bow); Full Atk +14 melee (1d6+6, 2 claws or
noble being? 1d8+6 longsword) and +9 melee (1d3+3
Ermintrude is an annis, a hag, long-drawn bite), +9 ranged (1d6+6 short bow or spells);
to violence and battle even before the Space/Reach 10ft,/10ft.; SA rake, improved
Change. Once an adventurer crusading for grab, spell-like abilities; SQ darkvison 60 ft.,
treasure and blood she retired only to damage reduction 2/ bludgeoning, SR 19;
become what she once fought. She embraced AL CE; SV Fort +5, Ref +4, Will +5; Str 22,
her new life only to find it disappointing and Dex 13, Con 15, Int 13, Wis 14, Cha 11.
lacking. Turning back to her long abandoned Skills: Appraise +4, Bluff +4, Climb +8,
career she became a warrior anew, this time Disguise +4, Handle Animal +2, Hide +7,
for the glory and praise of those she rescues. Listen +8, Move Silently +1, Ride +4, Sense
Hidden by illusions and disguises she has Motive +2, Spot +6.
become and unlikely champion in the Mists.

Quoth the Raven

Feats: Alertness, Blind-Fight, Combat Her nose is straightened to what it was

Casting, Combat Expertise, Combat prior; although Ermintrude has been known
Reflexes, Point Blank Shot. to slip-up when distracted or weary allow her
Languages: Vaasi, Balok. illusion to reflect the crooked reality.
Signature Possessions: Chain Shirt, short Ermintrude is still quite stocky, she always
bow. Ermintrude also has an +1 Icy Burst has been, and her illusion reflects this
longsword she calls "Winterglow". It is muscular stature. Her illusionary garb is a
forged of a pale blue steel and is always cleaned and tidied version of her true
foggy with condensation. The magical steel clothes, a worn chain shirt and a style of
seems immune to rust and corrosion. tunic and pants not worn for two centuries. It
Winterglow was stolen from the armoury of is antiquated but still quite functional.
a small Nova Vassan lord a few decades
prior, back when Ermintrude was a member
of her Covey. Benedikte used to disdainfully Background
refer to the weapon as "Ermintrude teat". Born into a lower-class family almost two
Ermintrude never found this very amusing. hundred and fifty years ago the hag now
known as Ermintrude was the unremarkable
daughter of an unremarkable family on the
Appearance outskirts of Bergovitsa, Nova Vassa. Her
birth name has long since been forgotten, if it
Ermintrude has the midnight blue skin
was ever remembered or recorded at all.
typical of the annis and the matching black
hair and fangs. Her nose is short and crooked Early in her teenage years Ermintrude grew
unsatisfied with her life and followed a local
curving sharply to the left, a remnant of a
group of adventurers out into the world.
long-ago battle that has grown more
pronounced over the years. Her lower jaw The group of heroes, known as the Riders
noticeably protrudes over her upper with her Four, traveled across Nova Vassa righting
fangs curving up past her lips. She keeps her wrongs and fighting evil where they came
hair cropped shot, ending just above her across it. Ermintrude, then going by the
shoulders, often tying it back with a leather name Etrude, trained with the group as a
strip or length of cord. warrior eventually replacing one of the fallen
members. She fought for the pleasure of
Broad shouldered and wide she is a
massive imposing figure that is shorter than battle, rejoiced in the spilling of blood and
the average annis in height, but this is more defeat of her enemies. After a heroic career
than rivaled by her width. Ermintrude is far notable primarily for her survival, Etrude
retired to a small farm to live out the rest of
from bulky however, being quite muscular
and fit. She dresses much as she did in life her days. Until she began to change...
favoring light armours in addition to the garb Aided by another hag, of whom Etrude
of her native Nova Vassa. never speaks, she became what she is now.
With her ability to mask herself with Rapidly discovering her new powers
Ermintrude delighted in her unnatural talents
illusions, she appears much as she did before
and abilities quickly terrorizing the local
the Change. Her hair becomes a dark brown
village. She began a year-long swath of
and her skin dark and well tanned. She is not
chaos and destruction once again throwing
attractive but is strong and charismatic due
to her confidence and presence. herself into battle as she had in her prime.

Children of the Night

She reveled in the strength and durability The villagers celebrated the heroes and
her new body gave her. She quickly became their sacrifice, praised the names of the
more dark and twisted than any evil thing warriors who gave their lives to save their
she had ever dispatched. And yet, something humble town. It was then Ermintrude
was missing from her life, there was a empty realized what was truly lacking in her life.
place in her heart that longed to be filled. She missed the adulation, the praise, the
To her it was obvious what was missing, respect, the feeling she had accomplished
she lacked the camaraderie of her past life, something remarkable. Her years as a
someone to share her experiences with. creature had reminded her life was cheap and
Ermintrude quickly found more of her kind easy to take, even a mangy wolf had the
and the trio formed a Covey. Believing power to take down a man. Surely she, a
herself complete, the new group launched skilled warrior and hag, was more powerful
itself into schemes and plots terrorizing the than a wolf! In her one and a half centuries
local neighbourhood. Their machinations as a hag, she had been feared but never once
were grand, as were the results. They grew in praised.
reputation and power, with none more feared The very next day she gathered together
than Ermintrude herself. Eventually her most treasured possessions, clad herself
adventurers, the sort of champion in her old attire, and left Nova Vassa heading
Ermintrude had once been, were hired by the south towards Hazlan. She told the people of
local beleaguered farmers and sent to slay the first village she past her name was
the witches. Etrude, the granddaughter of the hero by that
The battle of wits and skill lasted months name. With that, Ermintrude began her third
as the covey plotted and schemed against the life, one as a warrior for light.
heroes sending minions and distractions
against their foes. All the while, the hags
prepared for their victory, their long thought- Personality
of plan was being put into motion. After an
Ermintrude is not a true hero, she is selfish,
extended period of cat-an-mouse games, the
weary heroes finally tracked down the vain, and acts only to satisfy her own dark
crones and made their final attempt at ending desires. She longs for carnage and violence
and find it, through the slaughter of beasts
the madness. They were slaughtered. The
hags were vicious and relentless, but so were and monsters. She wishes to be praised and
the heroes. Even the dark women marveled adored for her deeds so she helps villages
with their problems. She is quite evil. And
and the resolve of the doomed warriors as
they fell one by one. They did not surrender yet she saves lives.
or beg for mercy but fought to the last, Ermintrude is a martial creature, she thinks
ending the hag's grand scheme. Alive but aggressively and directly. Guile, while apart
foiled, the women were denied even their of the hag, is not in her nature so she must
vengeance but it was what happened next work hard at deception. She prefers to face
that truly shook Ermintrude to the core. problems and conflict head on, striking
The hags journeyed in disguise to the local directly at the source of any discomfort or
village, the one that had hired the heroes. problems and almost never thinks of a non-
violent solution to a problem. She is blunt,
They expected sad faces of the ruined and
dismayed, people who had lost their one crude and insensitive towards others.
hope. However, this was not the case.

Quoth the Raven

They arrived in the town a few weeks

Combat before Ermintrude and prepared for her
Ermintrude prefers to use her natural arrival. They know the annis is playing the
weaponry in combat. However, to maintain role of hero now and will not pass up an
her ruse as a human, she regularly fights with opportunity to help some people and inflate
a longsword. After five decades her ego, so they have created the legend of a
masquerading as a hero she instinctively convenient monster to be destroyed.
draws her weapon rather than attacking with Meanwhile, they have sent word of the
her talons. village in need across the region hoping to
draw in other adventurers whom they hope
In addition to her martial skills Ermintrude
to pit against their former covey member.
also possesses the standard powers for a
annis of her age and can cast the following Ermintrude, in her role as the female
spells an unlimited number of times each warrior Etrude, arrived in town a few days
day. She typically uses these abilities to prior to the start of the adventure, thus she
complement her already formidable martial has a few days head start on the players in
talents. investigating the matter. At the start of the
adventure she is unaware of any trap and
Spell-like abilities: At will - disguise self,
simply believes this to be the matter of
magic fang, obscuring mist, true strike.
another town besieged by the forces of
These abilities function as if cast by an darkness.
10th level Sorcerer.

For Fame and Glory! The Adventure Begins

A Dungeon Master can start 'For Fame and
This adventure is designed for 4-6 heroes of Glory' in a number of ways. The players
levels 6-8th level but can be modified to could hear the rumours of a beast in the
accommodate other numbers and levels. It woods around Kevalla and head there to
takes place in the small wooded town of investigate, either for the promises of a
Kevalla in Nova Vassa, although it could reward or the simple good of saving the
easily be moved elsewhere. In the adventure town. They could be called over directly by
Ermintrude unwitting crosses over into her someone they know who lives in the village,
former homeland and becomes embroiled in or be sent there by someone in authority. Or
a scheme to discredit or kill her. If it is they could stumble into the matter while
moved elsewhere, Ermintrude's background journeying elsewhere. At some point they
can be modified accordingly. will hear rumours of the Beast of Kevalla,
possibly in another town or from a traveler
on the road to the town.
Adventure Background
The former member of Ermintrude's covey 'Ello, fellow travelers.!
have waited long for her return. They have Ye'd best be careful on this road, may wish
tracked her for years through her exploits to take the fork on the left up aheed. Why?
and their spies. Both of these pointed to her Well, if ye take the right fork ye'll heed
heading in the direction of Nova Vassa and straight to Kevalla, and ye dinae want that,
Kevalla. There they hope to spring a trap no sirree.
which will destroy the traitor.

Children of the Night

What's that? Ye have nae heard about becoming muddy and impassable after heavy
Kevalla? Well now, that's a different matter rainfalls. The road divides the town in two as
entirely. The town be cursed, a fell beast it cuts right through the middle with the town
roams the woods round the town. Been eatin' square being an extended paved areas in the
up the livestock for a couple o' weeks now. center of town that fills with wagons and
Just over a fortnight, really. Nasty business travelers at night. There are no real
that is. Not much left of the poor wee beasts fortifications around Kevalla save a single
after it's been done with 'em. The whole ancient moss-covered wall around the north
area's abuzz with whispers and talk on the semi-circle of the town that just a couple of
matter, and the village has a pool growing, feet from the earth resembling a curved jaw
set aside for whomever can bring them the full of teeth.
heed o' the creature. At the moment most travelers have begun
It has nae taken a man yet, but that'll be to avoid the town so the square is almost
only a matter o' time. And once it gets a taste empty of wagons save a couple tucked close
for human flesh, well, there'll be no stoppin' to the neighbouring buildings. The inn is
it equally empty and the innkeeper is most
happy to have more business, currently there
are only the three traders staying and a solo
This speech provides several important
adventurer (Ermintrude).
clue for later, that it hasn't killed anything
but livestock and that it has been in the area Here the heroes can learn the following
for over two weeks, but otherwise the boxed information from talking to the people of
text can be customized however the DM Kevalla:
wishes. The beast has been killing sheep and other
Following the exchange above the player livestock for just over two weeks.
have an opportunity to go directly to town or It has mutilated the animals it killed,
to explore the woods around the village first. disemboweling them in a hideous fashion.
If they choose the first option move onto the All attempts to track it have failed.
next section, if they choose the latter skip No one had caught a clear glimpse of the
ahead to A Covey of Two. monster.
The Town of Kevalla No one has been killed yet by the beast.
Only one person has responded to the call
Kevalla is assumed to be a small hamlet of
for aid, a hero by the name of Etrude, she
no more than two-hundred men, women and
arrived two days ago and has been
children but it could easily be a large village
investigating the matter.
of just under a thousand people or as small as
fifty individuals. If the players seek her out Ermintrude will
share much of what she knows but remain
The village is deep into the disliked
hesitant to work with the heroes. She does
Graenskov, also know as the Border-woods,
not want to share the credit with others.
the small expanse of the forest north of the
When they meet Ermintrude knows little
border with Hazlan. The town survives on
more than the local villagers
the little traffic that follows the small roads
from Sly-Var into Nova Vassa. The road The heroes are free to roam about the town
itself is only paved for a mile or so in either and may talk to the local citizens. Some
direction from the town, becoming a heavy residents of note include:
dirt road beyond those points famous for

Quoth the Raven

Anton Poul, the Mayor Ari4: He is suffering A Covey of Two

quietly for the loss of his son (stillborn). An
The heroes can come across the other two
aged with a young bride, the family line now
members of the covey in one of three ways.
dies with him. Quiet and withdrawn over the
They may decide to search the area around
stress of the town's troubles, but puts on a
the town before or after they enter Kevalla,
brave face as best he can.
they may stumble across the small cottage
Kaj Bjrn, town butcher/drunk, Exp2: An while hunting for the beast or they may
angry man bitter over his wasted life, he become lost and happen upon them while
drinks away his anger and disappointment of starting off the adventure in the first place.
a lifetime without accomplishment. He The two hags moved here a number of
bottles away his rage presenting a faade of years ago replacing the previous occupants
stoicism. and taking their place. When the players
Werner Trygve, Innkeeper, Com2: A loud reach the cottage read the following text:
salesman fond of large words and adjectives.
Brews the local drink in the back of his inn/ You reach a small clearing set off to the
tavern but also has been known to spike the side of a game trail, nestled near the edge is
odd drink to lift a purse or bed a woman. a small wooden cottage built of the local
Rolf Flemming, local Shepard, Com2: A timber. The structure looks old and bent, as if
superstitious man and devout worshiper of the frame of the old wood were barely
the Lawgiver. Told the town that it was their holding the roof and walls. The entire
wicked ways that brought the beast upon building seems to bend and sag with age and
them, until some of his flock were the movement of the shutters in the wind
slaughtered. Now he believes it is his fault resembles a wheezing breath.
while doubting his beliefs. Despite this the area seems peaceful and
Kai Aslaug, housewife and gossip, Com3: A quiet, there is a constant chirping of birds
fast and energetic talker who uses as frequent noticeable in the distance that only seems to
hand gestures and quick motions. She claims grow louder as you near the cottage. A small
to know everything that happens in the town garden bursts with life and you spot all
but is always disappointed by the lack of manner of flowers and plants set into the
activity. She is secretly thrilled by the many fenced-off areas and pots.
attention the beast is causing.
Stina Else, young barmaid, Com1: Stina is a Benedikte and Vibeke are disguised
plain young girl of limited skills, talents and respectively as an elderly blind woman and
a clumsy nature who only found her young daughter. Benedikte is tall and
employment through the pity of Trygve. skinny to the point of emaciation, her eyes
Stina is envious of Vibeke (see below) and are a pale milky white and her head moves
the girl's good looks, and has stirred up almost randomly about responding to stray
trouble with her before. It was Stina that sounds. Vibeke is young and pretty with her
started the rumours that Benedikte was a medium-length curly brown hair braided
hag. Ironically, this is both true and exactly tightly and tied back but steadfastly refuses
what the woman wanted. to remain neat. She is fond of giggling and
enjoys teasing men, unaware yet of her
feminine wiles.

Children of the Night

In reality, the pair are hideous crones not an explosion. When dazed she suffers a -2 to
that different from Ermintrude. Their skin is all skill checks and saves and enemies are
sickly green shade and a mass of wrinkles treated as having one-half concealment. She
and warts while their hair is a tangled mass has a DC of 5 plus the damage done or the
of vines and stray twigs. Benedikte is quite spell save DC -whichever is higher.
blind although her other senses are Spell-like abilities: At will - ghost sound,
remarkable astute more making up for this invisibility, ray of enfeeblement, silent
handicap. Over the years, she has grown image, tongues. These abilities function as if
adept at feigning weakness. She is skinny cast by a 12th level Sorcerer.
and thin with long boney limbs and a
hunched appearance. Vibeke is shorter and Vibeke (Green hag Rgr3): The youngest of
of average weight but equally hideous. Her the three hags Vibeke has no special powers
giggle is a vicious cackle that cuts through being almost entirely subservient to
the nerves and induces shivers and terror. Benedikte. She is fond of laying traps around
Her hair is a mass of tangles and briars from the cottage, typically brambles and thorns
her treks through the woods, more than one coated with poisons. Her favorite poisons
person has pricked themselves on her locks, causes paralysis or a special toxin of her own
which she blames on hairpins. devising that induces blindness (Vibeke's
Poison, Injury DC 18, Initial Damage: 0,
Their home is carefully and deliberately
Secondary Damage: Blindness, 650gp.
masked with as many illusions and disguises
Blindness lasts 1d3 days.). She is fond of
they can muster. What cannot be concealed
aiding those struck blind and convincing
is tucked away in the cellar. The aura of
them she means to nurse them back to health.
corruption surrounding Benedikte scares
Those left in her care seldom recover or
away all natural animal life so they cloak
return changed and subservient. If
themselves in illusionary birdcalls with
questioned on the blindness she will claim
sound of the occasional deer or other small,
the unknown hag's aura can corrupt nearby
friendly animal (magical or summoned
food which inflicts the condition.
animals are immune, as are familiars).
Spell-like abilities: At will - dancing lights,
The inside of the cottage resembles the
disguise self, ghost sound, invisibility, pass
outside with a feeling of age and weariness.
without trace, tongues, water breathing.
The shelves sag in the middle under the
These abilities function as if cast by a 12th
burden of herbs, books and assorted
level Sorcerer.
knickknacks. The floor is uneven and the
boards creek loudly. There is an ever-present Vibeke will be the first of the pair the
scent of mildew kept in check by constant heroes encounter, possibly running out to
cleaning and maintenance. greet the travelers and questioning if they are
lost or need assistance. She will answer their
The two have the typical stats of green
questions and invite them inside to meet "her
hags as presented in the Monster Manual
mother" who "knows the answers to
except as follows:
Benedikte (Green hag, Wiz3): This hag is Benedikte will welcome the heroes into her
blind but possesses the Tremorsense (Ex) humble home, put on a kettle of tea, and then
ability within 60 feet and cannot be blinded warn then to leave the area. For their own
or affected by any spells with a visual safety of course, for there is a beast that
component. However, she can be dazed by roams the woods and other dangers to be
loud sounds and vibrations such as that from aware of.

Quoth the Raven

Benedikte speaks of a hag, a foul At each of the scenes there are no unusual
corruption of nature that has stalked the area tracks or trails. No paw prints or heavyset
for a number of years. She believes this hag indentations. A skilled woodsman or tracker
is behind the beast and must be destroyed. If might be able to spot that the only footprints
pressed for evidence Benedikte will off up as around the animals belong to human, no
much evidence as she can pointing to the surprise given the number of people who
stillbirth of the mayor's child and how an have walked over the ground both before and
entire batch of cider spoiled a couple months after the incidents.
back. Vibeke will claim that the villagers The players are free to set traps, position
have harassed her grandmother several themselves on stakeout duty or produce
times, claiming she was a witch or dark some manner of bait. In the end, it will likely
sorcerer when really she is but an old woman make little difference. The next night the
who has done much living. These 'facts' are beast breaks from its pattern and kills a man.
all true strengthening the tale and can be
The victim is a local farmer, an
confirmed in the town, however it was
unremarkable fellow by the name of Peder
Benedikte who spoiled the cider and caused
Mikkel whose only mistake was venturing
the still-birth.
out in the late evening. His screams echo
through the village and will probably be
heard by both the heroes and Ermintrude.
On the Trail of the Beast They will find the body in similar condition
At some point, the heroes will decide to to the animals only missing its heart.
hunt the beast in the woods and examine the Heroes who positioned themselves in town
scene of the crime. Despite guards and dogs or have some means of quickly reaching the
around the livestock the beast managed to screams might catch a glimpse of the beast
slip past and kill one animal every 2-3 days. as it runs away. Others will have to follow
So far only six animals have been killed, four the fresh trail. Suspiciously, the trail it leaves
pigs and two sheep. The animals have been is much easier to follow than the previous
eviscerated with none of the flesh eaten. ones so even groups without a woodsman
Careful examination of the bodies will show should be able to track the beast. Depending
that not all the organs are present and that on the head start the beast has it may be
some have been removed! One organ has necessary for the party to find some way of
been 'harvested' from each of the slaughtered cutting it off or slowing it down, but
animals: the eyes, stomach, lungs, tongue eventually they will catch some glimpse of
and liver. This should only be discovered it:
through careful investigation and the right
line of questioning.
The moonlight catches the shape of the
If this information is mentioned to or in creature as it spills through the sagging
front of Etrude she will recognise the branches of the trees. In the dim illumination
significance as a hag ritual, or rather an only a rough outline of the hulking brute is
exaggerated version of one. The expression visible.
on her face may be noticeable to any careful
The beast is roughly human in appearance
observers but she will say nothing. If
only much larger, well over eight feet tall
questioned about the possibility of hag
with rough bestial features and short
magic and the missing organs as regents she
cropped hair. It's disproportionately long
will quickly dismiss the possibility of a hag.
arms dangle low to the ground and it

Children of the Night

hunches over with a low stoop drawing more Inside the creature's sack is a large carving
attention to its large head and its twisted knife caked with blood and a human heart. If
features. Muscles unmistakably bulge from the dead body of the former-beast is
under its skin as the powerful creature examined it quickly reveals there is more
shuffles quickly forward. going on. It bears the scars of much torture
As you move closer it slows and stumbles with barely healed wounds criss-crossing its
about, the heavy canvas sack clenched tight back. The figure is also thin, clearly starved,
in its hand bounces against a tree as the and is missing the pinkie finger on the left
creature catches its breath from the chase. hand. There is nothing of value on the corpse
save a single large quartz broach, the oval
white stone is set into a white gold backing.
The beast is actually a traveler ensnared This stone is not a hag's eye but is designed
and bewitched by the hags, they shattered his to resemble one; its destruction will do
mind slowly over a period of weeks breaking nothing.
him to obey their commands. Through their
wicked potions they increased his size and If Etrude was not with the party when the
strength at the cost of what little intelligence creature engages them in combat she soon
and willpower he had left. He is now their will be, not missing an opportunity for battle.
servant doing simple tasks for them and She leaps into the fray with reckless abandon
guarding their hut from predators. It fights striking without mercy. It has been too long
aggressively and without mercy but also since she smelt blood in the air and is
clumsily, it is not used to its new frame. It anxious to take a life.
crashes almost mindlessly through the trees
if enraged often blocking out the moonlight By the Pricking of my Thumb
with its bulk. If incapacitated or slain the At this point the heroes are on their own
spells expire and the body reverts to what it when it comes to unraveling the matter. They
once was. For simplicity's sake, the stats of may believe a hag is involved and try to
an ogre have be used: determine whom in the village fits the
profile. This relies strictly on the players and
Dungeon Master to be done effectively.
Ogre, large giant Ftr4: CR 7; Size L (8 ft., 8
The players may even believe that the parts
in. tall); HD 4d8+4d10+15; hp 55; Init +3;
are being harvested to complete some dread
Spd 30 ft.; AC 16, touch 8, flat-footed 16;
ritual and think that another attack is
BAB +7, Grapple +17; Atk +13 melee
imminent. Indeed, if there seems to be no
(2d8+8 greatclub); Full Atk +13/+7 melee
progress in their plans Benedikte may send
(2d8+8 greatclub); Space/Reach 10ft,/10ft.;
Vibeke out in an attempt to inspire more
SA-; SQ darkvison 60 ft., low-light vision;
terror. Vibeke may also attempt to slip into
AL CE; SV Fort +10 Ref +1 Will +1 Str 22,
Etrude's quarters with the severed pinkie,
Dex 8, Con 15, Int 5, Wis 8, Cha 11.
now tied to the end of a length of cord, and
Skills: Climb +10, Listen +4, Spot +4, plant it somewhere in the room in an attempt
Swim +6. to suggest the warrior was using the digit to
Feats: Cleave, Dodge, Improved Initiative, control the beast. Whether the young hag is
Power Attack, Toughness, Weapon Focus noticed by the innkeeper or the staff is up to
(greatclub). the DM.

Quoth the Raven

If a player attempts to deduce what ritual

or purpose the organs or severed finger serve
they can attempt to research the matter or
draw upon prior experience. This requires a
Knowledge (Arcana) check, DC 20. If they
succeed, they learn the truth: the items serve
no purpose - though they may not believe
this. If they fail the roll by less than 6 the
Dungeon Master is encouraged to create all
manner of frightening rituals the hag could
be preparing for with the ingredients. This
should also create a sense of urgency to
finding the hag.
Presumably, the players will uncover
Etrude's true nature with enough digging. If
confronted she will deny if there are
witnesses present but admit the truth if in
private. She will trust in her skills to defend
herself if cornered. In the end it lies on the
heroes to decide if they believe her or not
and if they find the real hags or not.
Ermintrude will gladly take the opportunity
to kill her former covey members.

If Ermintrude survives, she will continue
on her quest to destroy evil and gain personal
glory. If she is unmasked as a hag in public
she will adopt a new faade and seek
revenge on those who ruined her reputation.
If the covey members survive they will
continue to plague Ermintrude if she lives or
the players if they injured or offended them.
If neither occurs, they will simply remain
content with harassing the people of Kevalla.
Ermintrude's future development is also in
the hands of the Dungeon Master. How long
can she play the good-guy before she
becomes bored and drifts back into evil? Or
can she recapture her lost humanity and
perhaps even become a real hero? Or worse,
will her yearning for glory grow into a mad
desire for worship?

The Umbra
Fathers of the Fraternity
By Nathan of the Fratermity

The Fathers of the Fraternity of Shadows are Formally, all of the Fathers are equal in
known collectively as the Umbra; this is also status, but practically speaking Count von
their most formal individual title, although it Lovenhorst and Lord de Casteelle manage
is rarely used except on ceremonial the affairs of the Fraternity; they have the
occasions. They are among the most most interest in doing so and the most
powerful and well-informed beings in the diplomatic aptitude.
Land of Mists, and only one or two of the Tarnos Shadowcloak is the oldest member
oldest and best-informed darklords of the Umbra and is actually one of the
understand the workings of the Demiplane original five members of the Fraternity of
better than they do. The goal of the Fathers Shadows; he is respected and even feared by
of the Fraternity is to wrest control of the the other Fathers of the Fraternity, but he
Demiplane from the Dark Powers, re- emerges from seclusion only rarely.
creating the Demiplane in their own image, Malcolm Scott is content to manipulate
and they may be closer to their goal than events from behind the scenes, and Jan
anyone-even they themselves-would have Mikkelson is still too newly risen to his
thought possible. office to have acquired the power and
The Fathers of the Fraternity are in regular influence of the other Fathers.
communication with each other, although
they meet only rarely. Lord de Casteele and
Malcolm Scottmater use their crystal balls as
communications hubs for their colleagues.

Quoth the Raven

Knowledge (Ravenloft) and the List of the Fathers of the Fraternity

Fraternity of Shadows Prestige Classs Lazarus Ikonnas: Founder of the Fraternity
According to the Ravenloft Player's of Shadows; killed in Azalin's purge of the
Handbook, Knowledge (Ravenloft) is Fraternity after the first Dead Man's
considered a cross-class skill for all classes, Campaign, 700.
and Knowledge (Ravenloft) and Knowledge Jerubaal Iskway: Original member of the
(the planes) are considered identical skills Fraternity; disappeared while exploring
for Ravenloft natives. Because advancing in Castle Tristenoira and presumed dead, 678.
this skill is the point of the Fraternity of Mercator Melanchthon: Original member of
Shadows prestige class, Knowledge the Fraternity; lost in the Mists, 652.
(Ravenloft) is considered a class skill for this Adame Nicht: Original member of the
class. Fraternity; killed by the lich Phantom's
To enter the Fraternity of Shadows prestige Bane, 680.
class the character must spend 8 skill points Tarnos Senma, now called Tarnos
(4 ranks) on the Knowledge (Ravenloft) Shadowcloak: Original member of the
skill; this should be considered an "official" Fraternity.
erratum to the requirements for the prestige Feynman Ikonnas: Nephew of Lazarus
class given in the Undead Sea Scrolls 2002 Ikonnas. Raised to the Umbra in 652; killed
and Quoth the Raven X. in Azalin's purge of the Fraternity after the
first Dead Man's Campaign, 700.
Wilhelm von Lovenhorst: Raised to the
Umbra in 679.
Mazer Tam: Raised to the Umbra in 680;
Dread Possibility: Lazarus Risen killed in Azalin's purge of the Fraternity
Lazarus Ikonnas (rank four ghost, Ill7/FoS10/ after the first Dead Man's Campaign, 700.
Arm5), founder of the Fraternity of Shadows, John Diamante: Raised to the Umbra in
was a man of tremendous will, and death 704; disappeared in 709.
itself was not sufficient to prevent him from
pursuing his goal of deciphering the nature of
Joachim ApMorte: Raised to the Umbra in
the Demiplane of Dread. After his execution 704; lost in the Mists, 722.
by Azalin Rex he rose as a ghost and fled Hammar Hammarson: Raised to the Umbra
Darkon, eventually making himself known to in 704; found murdered in his home, 736.
the surviving Fathers of the Fraternity
(Tarnos Shadowcloak and Count Wilhelm
Helvaar Whitehand: Raised to the Umbra in
von Lovenhorst) and directing their efforts to 710. Lost in the Mists, 752. (Possibly killed
regroup the Fraternity. He now "haunts" in Pharazia; a mage answering to his
Schloss Lovenhorst in southeastern description was crucified by Diamabel in
Lamordia, acting as a "Father in Shadow" to 755).
the other Umbra. His existence is a closely
guarded secret; anyone learning of it will
Balfour de Casteelle: Raised to the Umbra in
certainly be hunted down and killed by the 724.
Fathers of the Fraternity as soon as possible, Malcolm Scott: Raised to the Umbra in 736.
before it can be divulged to others. Jan Mikkelson: Raised to the Umbra in 754.

The Umbra

The Umbra Dread Possibility:

The Fate of John Diamante
Tarnos Shadowcloak Several former Fathers have been lost in
the Mists, never been heard from again-but
Male human Ill10/FoS10; CR 20; Medium rumors persist that the famous scholar and
humanoid (human); HD 20d4+40; hp 92; Init courtier John Diamante (Ill6/FoS10) still
+2; Spd 30 ft.; AC 15, touch 11, flat-footed lives in a far-off island of the Mists. These
14; Base Atk +10; Grap +10; Atk +12 melee rumors are accurate; after only a few years
as a Father of the Fraternity John Diamante
(1d4+2, +2 dagger of wounding); Full attack
tempted Fate once too often and was drawn
+12 melee (1d4+2, +2 dagger of wounding); into a domain of his own-an island in the
SA spells; SQ slippery mind, shadowform, Mists known as Scarebraech (SCAR-eh-
shadowmaster; AL NE; SV Fort +12, Ref braych).
+11, Will +21; Str 11 Dex 12 Con 14 Int 28 He himself is a mysterious and ominous
Wis 13 Cha 8. OR 3. figure called the White Harlequin by the
inhabitants of the domain, which is a
Skills and Feats: Concentration +25, vehemently-in fact, a violently-backward
Knowledge (arcana) +32, Knowledge place, the land itself having been
(architecture and engineering) +17, devastated in the recent past by the abuse
Knowledge (dungeoneering) +17, of arcane magic. In reaction, the
Knowledge (history) +19, Knowledge inhabitants of the land have launched an
(nature) +24, Knowledge (Ravenloft) +32, inquisition intended to kill all mages and
destroy all writing; Diamante spends his
Knowledge (religion) +19, Listen +13, days in a largely frustrated attempt to
Search +14, Spellcraft +34, Spot +13; preserve the awesome magical knowledge
alertness, extend spell, forge ring, improved once available in that place. He is
familiar, quicken spell, scribe scroll, silent extremely eager to regain contact with the
spell, spell focus (illusion), greater spell Fraternity, as he believes certain books in
focus (illusion), spell mastery (detect magic, his possession could be instrumental to the
Fraternity's quest to dominate the
silent image, blur, greater invisibility, major Demiplane, but up to the present his
image, shadow conjuration), spell mastery attempts have been in vain. He remains
(dominate person, programmed image, undaunted, however, and would certainly
project image, shadow walk, screen, greater be happy to richly reward any adventurers
shadow evocation, shades, weird), still spell, brave-or foolish-enough to make sure some
widen spell. of his recently compiled library reaches the
Spells/day (one additional spell from
Illusion, no spells from Necromancy or
Transmutation): 4+1/7+1/6+1/6+1/6+1/6+1/
Spellbook: All non-necromancy, non- Terror track: Shadowmaster
transmutation EXCEPT gate, wish
Shadowcloak: Tarnos may cloak himself in
Signature Possessions: ring of the shadows once per day, as the spell
Fraternity of Shadows, ring of regeneration, invisibility. Treat this ability as a
cloak of resistance +4, bracers of armor +4, supernatural ability. Tarnos' skin has taken
headband of intellect +2, dagger +2 of on an unsightly mottled pattern, as if from
wounding, rod of quicken metamagic, (scroll heavy bruising.
of wish used to raise Intelligence by 1 point)

Quoth the Raven

Shadowsight: Darkvision 60 feet. Tarnos' Background

eyes are pitch black, without white or iris.
Most of Tarnos Shadowcloak's background
This disfigurement cannot be hidden by any
is obscure, partly because he is very, very old
magical means of disguise (whether illusion,
and partly because he has destroyed much of
polymorph, or whatever). This gives him
the documentation relating to it. Fraternity
OR +1.
records indicate that he was the youngest of
Shadowstep: As the shadow jump ability of a the five original members of the Fraternity.
shadowdancer. Tarnos may travel up to 40 Probably because of his youth he was
feet per day in this manner, with the same initially one of the less-influential members
limitations as the shadowdancer ability. The of the Umbra; in addition, Shadowcloak was
mottling below Tarnos' skin slowly coalesces then and is now more interested in
and disperses`, giving him OR +2 (total OR philosophy than in administration, and he
rating 3). has never been deeply involved in managing
Shadowfriend: Tarnos' dread familiar is a Fraternity affairs. However, his
shadow (see the monster manual for philosophical and practical contributions
statistics on the base creature). This creature have been very important; for example, he
is a creation of shadowstuff, rather than was among the first to study the Plane of
being undead, and has the (Native Outsider, Shadow, and the rings which identify each
Mists) creature type, rather than the Undead member of the Fraternity are forged to
creature type. Exposure to direct sunlight is specifications originally laid down by
extremely painful to Tarnos and causes 1 Shadowcloak. (He still makes a fair number
point of subdual damage per minute of of them himself, preparing them to receive
exposure. enchantment and laying preliminary spells
which are then made specific to the ring's
Tarnos Shadowcloak is of medium height bearer in the Fraternity's initiation
and rather thin; at first glance he would ceremony.)
probably be taken for a man in his mid-
thirties. He has sharp features, a long,
straight nose, and a pinched, thin-lipped
Current sketch
mouth, but by far his most striking feature Tarnos Shadowcloak has spent the last
are his eyes: they are pitch black, without several years in Vechor, using the unusual
white or iris. He wears smoked glasses at all mutability of that land as a setting for a long-
times to cover this deformity, but someone running series of experiments into the
talking to him face to face will note them natural of reality and how it may be
almost immediately. His skin is an unhealthy influenced by mental effort. In pursuit of
pallid grey, and black marks like old bruises this goal he occasionally visits Easan the
continually coalesce and separate beneath his
Mad, whom he seems to consider a sort of
skin. He wears his straight black hair to his
shoulders. Generally speaking he wears a kindred spirit. He attend official Frater-
broad-brimmed black hat, a long black nity functions only sporadically, but always
cloak, and a dark gray shirt and pantaloons. seems to know of what goes on at them.
He wears the sigil ring of the Fraternity on Even within the rarefied atmosphere of the
the middle finger of his right hand and a Fraternity, Tarnos Shadowcloak is
heavy silver ring (a ring of regeneration) on considered not only a brilliant thinker, but a
the thumb of the same hand. profound one. Unfortunately, he is also
intensely paranoid, and he devotes a

The Umbra

considerable portion of his intellectual +9; craft wand, extend spell, iron will,
energy to engineering the destruction of quicken spell, scribe scroll, silent spell, spell
anyone whom he believes threatens him. A focus (illusion), greater spell focus (illusion),
passing remark which would go unnoticed spell mastery (magic missile, invisibility,
by anyone else may provide fodder for years alter self, major image), spell mastery
of analysis by the Shadowcloak, ending in (greater invisibility, phantasmal killer,
the death of the "plotter" long after he has dream, permanent image, shadow walk,
forgotten what he said. Many of the most project image), spell penetration, still spell,
important members of the Fraternity of weapon finesse, widen spell.
Shadows owe their success to the patronage Spells/day (one additional spell from
of the Shadowcloak, but many others of his Illusion, no spells from Conjuration or
erstwhile proteges have made one fatal Necromancy): 4+1/6+1/6+1/6+1/5+1/5+1/
misstep and been destroyed by their former 5+1/4+1/2+1/1+1
Spellbook: 0-4th level: all non-conjuration,
Unlike most members of the Fraternity, non-necromancy
Tarnos Shadowcloak has no particular
5th: break enchantment, Mordenkainen's
respect for the traditions of the Fraternity;
private sanctum, prying eyes, Rary's
after all, they all post-date him. He has been
telepathic bond, dominate person,
known to support the admission of bards,
feeblemind, hold monster, mind fog, symbol
non-humans, and even women, provided
of sleep, sending, wall of force, all illusion,
they meet his own criteria--whatever those
baleful polymorph, passwall, permanency.
might be.
6th: greater dispel magic, globe of
invulnerability, repulsion, analyze dweomer,
legend lore, true seeing, geas, mass
suggestion, symbol of persuasion, chain
Count Wilhelm von Lovenhorst lightning, contingency, all illusion,
Male human Ari3/Ill7/FoS10; CR 19; disintegrate.
Medium humanoid (human); HD 7th: sequester, spell turning, greater
3d6+17d4+20; hp 75; Init +1; Spd 30 ft.; AC arcane sight, greater scrying vision, mass
19, touch 15, flat-footed 18; Base Atk +10; hold person, insanity, power word blind,
Grap +9; Atk +13 melee (1d6+1, +2 rapier) symbol of stunning, forcecage, prismatic
or +11 ranged (1d8, pistol); Full attack +13/ spray, all illusion, limited wish.
+8 melee (1d6+1, +2 rapier) or +11/+6 8th: dimensional lock, mind blank,
ranged (1d8, pistol); SA spells; SQ slippery prismatic wall, protection from spells,
mind, shadowform; AL NE; SV Fort +7, Ref greater prying eyes, mass charm monster,
+7, Will +19; Str 9 Dex 12 Con 12 Int 24 demand, Otto's irresistible dance, power
Wis 17 Cha 15. word stun, sunburst, all illusion, polymorph
Skills and Feats: Bluff +9, Concentration any object.
+24, Diplomacy +13, Gather Information +7, 9th: prismatic sphere, dominate monster,
Intimidate +7, Knowledge (arcana) +30, power word kill, shades, weird.
Knowledge (history) +10, Knowledge
Signature possessions: rapier +2, ring of
(nature) +10, Knowledge (nobility and
the Fraternity of Shadows, ring of protection
royalty) +30, Knowledge (Ravenloft) +30,
+4, tunic of armor +4, wand of fireball
Knowledge (religion) +11, Listen +9, Ride
(10th), wand of hold person (heightened,
+8, Sense Motive +10, Spellcraft +32, Spot

Quoth the Raven

4th), wand of wall of ice, rod of absorption Kargat agents sent to other domains to
(all wands and rod at full charges), medallion destroy the Fraternity root and branch. The
of detect thoughts, portable hole, boots of Count settled in southern Lamordia, where
teleportation he still spends his summers; winters he
prefers to spend in gentler climes, often
Count Wilhelm von Lovenhorst appears to wintering in Port-a-Lucine.
be a man in his mid-fifties, balding and silver
haired but otherwise very well preserved, Current Sketch
with a wiry physique that would do credit to Count Wilhelm von Lovenhorst is probably
a much younger man. He wears a carefully- the most important Father of the Fraternity;
trimmed mustache and a sharply pointed the philosophies and practices of the
goatee, and still affects the clothing of a Fraternity have been largely defined by his
bygone generation, preferring to wear a philosophical treatises, most importantly The
black silk doublet, short baggy pantaloons Oathes and Compacts of the Fraternity of
gathered above the knee, and black hose. He Shadows.
always carries a rapier at his side and wears a The Count has one daughter, Karla von
medallion of a stylized sunburst on a broad Lovenhorst, who has actually succeeded in
gold chain--the insignia of the house of following in her father's footsteps and
Lovenhorst. becoming a member of the Fraternity. It is
quite certain she would not have gained
Background entrance if not for the support both of her
Count Wilhelm von Lovernhorst was father and of Tarnos Shadowcloak, but with
introduced to the Fraternity while a student her example other female scholars have been
at the University of Il Aluk, as many were in emboldened to apply for membership in the
the days before the Fraternity was exiled Fraternity. It is not yet certain whether the
from Darkon. His noble title and incisive Fraternity's policy on admitting women will
mind caused him to advance rapidly through now change, however slowly, or if the
the ranks of the Fraternity, but he was Countess is destined to remain a footnote--a
stymied in his progress for almost two historical anomaly in the Fraternity's history.
decades before the fortuitous disappearance In 742 the Count went missing; no
of Jerubaal Iskway opened a place for him explanation for his disappearance was ever
among the Umbra. It was well-known that determined by legal authority, and none was
von Lovenhorst intended to get a place ever offered to the Fraternity at large. In 755
among the Umbra by fair means or foul, but he reappeared, entirely without fanfare, and
resumed his accustomed role in actively
Iskway's disappearance could was never
directing the Fraternity's affairs. Presumably
traced to any action of the Count's. the Umbra knew something of his location
When the Fraternity of Shadows was during this time, as there was no movement
expelled from Darkon Count von Lovenhorst to elect any Exalted Brother to take his place,
and Tarnos Shadowcloak were the only two but the reasons behind the Count's
Umbra to survive Azalin's purge; between disappearance and reappearance have never
them they managed to preserve the been made known to the body of the
Fraternity, helping the fleeing Fraternity Fraternity.
members find homes outside of Darkon and
directing the counter-campaign against the

The Umbra

Lord Balfour de Casteelle

Dread Possibility:
Male human Ill8/FoS10; CR 18; Medium
humanoid (human); HD 18d4+18; hp 67; Init The Cuckoo's Egg
+2; Spd 30 ft.; AC 12, touch 12, flat-footed By 740 BC it had become apparent to the
10; Base Atk +9; Grap +8; Atk +8 melee Umbra that Count von Lovenhorst had
attracted the attention of the Watchers in
(1d4-1, claws) or +9 melee (1d4 crit 19-20 x Shadow; after long discussion of what to do
2 plus poison 1/day, dagger of venom) or +9 about the situation, the Umbra agreed that they
melee (1d4 crit x3, straight razor +1); Full should attempt to cause the Count to become
attack +8 melee (1d4-1, claws) or +9/+4 Darklord of his own domain, in the hope that
melee (1d4 crit 19-20 x 2 plus poison 1/day, his new status would give them critical
dagger of venom) or +9/+4 melee (1d4 crit information on the formation of domains and
the nature of the Demiplane. Accordingly, the
x3, straight razor +1); SA spells; SQ owl Count retired to an isolated and little-known
familiar, slippery mind, shadowform, taint of island in the Mists, where he performed a long
the owl; AL NE; SV Fort +7, Ref +8, Will series of experiments designed to trigger the
+16; Str 9 Dex 14 Con 12 Int 19 Wis 16 Cha controlled creation of a domain around him.
15. The culmination of these experiments was
bizarre, at least according to prior
Skills and Feats: Bluff +7, Concentration
expectations-the Count was restored to his
+11, Craft (alchemy) +12, Diplomacy +12, original condition, as if he had never received
Gather Information +6, Hypnosis +10, any "boons" from the Watchers in Shadow, and
Intimidate +5, Knowledge (arcana) +25, he is now apparently entirely immune to
Knowledge (history) +16, Knowledge powers checks. In 755 the Fathers of the
(nature) +15, Knowledge (Ravenloft) +25, Fraternity decided to end the experiment,
believing that the Watchers in Shadow had
Knowledge (religion) +16, Listen +5, Move
detected their intent and had resolved to ignore
Silently +5, Search +5, Sense Motive +7, Count von Lovenhorst. The truth is far more
Spellcraft +14, Spot +5; brew potion, craft disturbing. The Count has been become a
magic arms and armor, craft staff, craft puppet of the Dark Powers, sent to subtly
wondrous item, empower spell, extend spell, interfere with the workings of the Fraternity.
heighten spell, quicken spell, scribe scroll, The degree to which Count von Lovenhorst
silent spell, spell focus (illusion), spell is aware of his status as a "cuckoo's egg" is left
to the discretion of the Dungeon Master; at one
mastery (greater invisibility, major image, extreme he could be entirely unaware of it,
sleet storm, wall of ice), spell mastery (cone while at the other "he" could be a literal
of cold, ice storm, persistent image, shadow puppet, a physical avatar of the Dark Powers.
walk). In his role as an insider saboteur of Fraternity
Spells/day (one additional spell from operations he might very well hire adventurers
to interfere with selected Fraternity ventures.
Illusion, no spells from Abjuration or As the player characters become aware of
Necromancy): 4+1/5+1/5+1/5+1/5+1/4+1/ whom they're interfering with and who their
4+1/3+1/3+1/2+1 employer is, they're presented with a mystery-
Spellbook: 0-3rd level: all non-abjuration, why would a Father of the Fraternity be
working against the interests of his own secret
4th: All non-abjuration, non-necromancy
except fire shield, wall of fire, stone shape.

Quoth the Raven

5th: cloudkill, major creation, Taint of the Owl II: Eyes are large and
Mordenkainen's faithful hound, teleport, golden; darkvision 250 feet, OR +1 (cumu-
contact other plane, prying eyes, Rary's lative with I).
telepathic bond, dominate person, Taint of the Owl III: Can transform hands
feeblemind, hold monster, mind fog, symbol into owl talons, giving a natural claw attack
of sleep, cone of cold, sending, wall of force, (as above). Must consume 5 live mice per
dream, false vision, nightmare, persistent day or take 1 Con damage/day.
image, seeming, shadow evocation, animal
growth, baleful polymorph, fabricate,
telekinesis, permanency. Further information on Lord Balfour de
6th: acid fog, wall of iron, analyze Casteelle can be found in Van Richten's
dweomer, legend lore, true seeing, geas, Arsenal.
mass suggestion, symbol of persuasion,
chain lightning, contingency, Otiluke's
freezing sphere, mislead, permanent image, Malcolm Scott
programmed image, shadow walk, veil, Male fey-touched (fir) human Ill6/FoS10;
disintegrate, flesh to stone. CR 17; Medium humanoid (human); HD
7th: Drawmij's instant summons, greater 16d4; hp 42; Init +2; Spd 30 ft.; AC 16,
scrying, vision, insanity, power word blind, touch 16, flat-footed 14; Base Atk +8; Grap
symbol of stunning, mass invisibility, project +7; Atk +7 melee (1d4, +1 dagger of
image, simulacrum, control weather, venom) or +11 ranged (1d10x3, masterwork
ethereal jaunt, limited wish pistol); Full attack +7/+2 melee (1d4, +1
8th: trap the soul, discern location, dagger of venom); SA spells, spell-like
binding, mass charm monster, power word abilities; SQ luck, slippery mind,
stun, symbol of insanity, polar ray, shadowform, sunlight vulnerability; AL NE;
scintillating pattern, screen, greater shadow SV Fort +10, Ref +9, Will +21; Str 7 Dex 14
evocation. Con 10 Int 23 Wis 17 Cha 16. OR 2.
9th: dominate monster, power word kill, Skills and Feats: Craft (locksmithing)
etherealness, shapechange, shades, weird. +15, Craft (watchmaking) +15,
Signature possessions: cane of the snow Concentration +19, Diplomacy +7, Hypnosis
+15, Knowledge (arcana) +24, Knowledge
owl (as 20th level staff of frost, plus
shapechange (to giant snow owl form only) (architecture and engineering) +14,
3/day), ring of the Fraternity of Shadows, Knowledge (geography) +8, Knowledge
(history) +8, Knowledge (nature) +13,
hood of the Fraternity of Shadows, ring of
improved mind shielding, pince-nez of Knowledge (Ravenloft) +24, Spellcraft +26;
seeing, doctor's robe of holding, crystal ball craft magic arms and armor, craft rod, craft
staff, craft wondrous item, extend spell,
with telepathy, dagger of venom, +1 straight
razor, servant candle forge ring, quicken spell, scribe scroll, silent
spell, spell focus (illusion), spell mastery
(charm person, major image, greater
Terror track: invisibility, fabricate, shadow evocation,
Taint of the Owl I: Can rotate head 360 shadow walk ), still spell.
degrees as a free action. OR +1 to anyone Spell-like abilities: 1/day: dancing lights,
observing this action. daze, ghost sound, charm person

The Umbra

Spells/day (one additional spell from Signature possessions: ring of the

Illusion, no spells from Evocation or Fraternity of Shadows, ring of protection +3,
Necromancy): 4+1/6+1/6+1/5+1/5+1/5+1/ amulet of resistance +4 (as cloak), +1
4+1/3+1/2+1 alchemical silver stiletto, rod of negation,
Spellbook: 0-3rd level: all non-evocation, staff of illusion (12 charges), crystal ball,
non-necromancy two masterwork pistols
4th: dimensional anchor, fire trap, lesser
globe of invulnerability, remove curse, Terror track: Webspinner
stoneskin, dimension door, arcane eye, detect Webspinner I: Scott gets a +3 competence
scrying, locate creature, scrying, charm bonus to all Diplomacy checks made in writ-
monster, confusion, crushing despair, lesser ten communication with his correspondents.
geas, wall of fire, wall of ice, all illusion, Strangely, his body and head have become
mass enlarge/reduce person, polymorph, even rounder, while his limbs have become
stone shape. more thin and sticklike. The overall effect
5th: break enchantment, Mordenkainen's gives some observers the queasy impression
private sanctum, cloudkill, Leomund's secret of a large, urbane spider.
chest, major creation, teleport, prying eyes, Webspinner II: In reading his correspondence
Rary's telepathic bond, dominate person, Scott may make an Intelligence check to
feeblemind, hold monster, mind fog, symbol learn about local conditions his
of sleep, all illusion, baleful polymorph, correspondent doesn't mention; treat this as a
fabricate, passwall, telekinesis, permanency. Gather Information check using Scott's
6th: antimagic field, greater dispel magic, Intelligence modifier and a +3 competence
globe of invulnerability, guards and wards, bonus. Scott has been afflicted by a mild
repulsion, acid fog, wall of iron, analyze form of agoraphobia and takes a -4 to all
dweomer, legend lore, true seeing, geas, fear, horror and madness checks he must
mass suggestion, all illusion, disintegrate, make outside his own home.
flesh to stone, move earth, stone to flesh.
7th: sequester, spell turning, Drawmij's Malcolm Scott is short and round-bodied,
instant summons, phase door, greater with a skim of short white-blonde hair atop a
teleport, teleport object, greater arcane boyish, rosy-cheeked face with a button
sight, greater scrying, vision, mass hold nose. His eyes are a very pale blue-gray; he
person, insanity, power word blind, symbol almost always wears a gold pince-nez. His
of stunning, all illusion, control weather, most striking feature is his hands, which are
ethereal jaunt, reverse gravity, limited wish. long-fingered and elegant; he dresses in the
8th: dimensional lock, mind blank, latest Dementlieuse fashions, favoring blue
protection from spells, maze, discern and gold.
location, moment of prescience, greater
prying eyes, antipathy, mass charm monster, Background
demand, power word stun, symbol of
Malcolm Scott claims he can trace his
insanity, sympathy, all illusion, polymorph
ancestry back to a collateral branch of the
any object.
Scottmatter family of Mordent, the noted
9th*: power word kill, weird, etherealness, artisans who came to a tragic end at the
time stop. hands of a vengeful fey. Scott usually hints
that not all the family was destroyed-a

Quoth the Raven

friendly fir, admiring the craftsmanship of

one Brian Scottmatter, intervened, claiming Jan Mikkelson
Brian and his descendants for its own. The Male human Wiz6/FoS10; CR 16; Medium
family relocated to northeastern Mordent humanoid (human); HD 16d4+32; hp 74; Init
and changed its name to Scott, where it has +6; Spd 30 ft.; AC 18, touch 12, flat-footed
maintained a manor to the present day. 16; Base Atk +8; Grap +9; Atk +9 melee
Malcolm Scott is the only surviving bearer (1d4+2, +1 adamatine dagger); Full attack
of the name; as he has no children, it may +9/+4 melee (1d4+2, +1 adamantine
well die with him. dagger); SA spells; SQ angel of nightmares,
slippery mind, shadowform; AL NE; SV
Current sketch Fort +7, Ref +7, Will +14; Str 12 Dex 15
Regardless of his claims, there is little doubt Con 14 Int 22 Wis 11 Cha 19. OR 2* (see
among his neighbors that Scott is fey- below)
touched. His round face, round figure, thin, Skills and Feats: Concentration +21,
wispy hair, and delicate fingers all hint at a Diplomacy +9, Decipher Script +15,
fey nature, and he is fascinated by the Intimidate +12, Knowledge (arcana) +25,
crafting of mechanisms and clockworks-the Knowledge (architecture and engineering)
more intricate the better. He is well known +11, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +12,
for making pocket-watches and locks with Knowledge (geography) +15, Knowledge
his own hands, and anything well-made (history) +11, Knowledge (nature) +15,
delights him-whether it be a weapon, Knowledge (Ravenloft) +25, Listen +5,
clothing, a carriage, or a piece of china. Search +11, Spellcraft +27, Spot +5;
Most of all he delights in the intricacies of empower spell, eschew materials, extend
the mind-in philosophical and psychological spell, improved initiative, iron will, quicken
subtleties and in how manipulation of the spell, scribe scroll, silent spell, spell focus
senses can lead to alterations in behavior. He (illusion), spell mastery (shocking grasp,
has learned something of the arts of detect thoughts, blur, fly, major image ),
mesmerism and enjoys using this, in spell mastery (greater invisibility,
combination with enchantment and illusion, phantasmal killer, dream, nightmare, shadow
to implant ideas and in others. walk, persistent image), still spell.
Scott is rather sedentary and rarely leaves Spells/day: 4/10/6/5/5/5/4/3/2
his home in Mordent; usually the other Spellbook: 0-3rd level: all
members of the Umbra come to visit him
4th: dimensional anchor, lesser globe of
when meeting is necessary. He maintains a
invulnerability, remove curse, stoneskin,
voluminous correspondence with Fraternity
dimension door, dimension door, Evard's
members and others throughout the Core,
black tentacles, Leomund's secure shelter,
and is famous for his intricate plots and
solid fog, arcane eye, detect scrying, locate
creature, scrying, charm monster, confusion,
lesser geas, fire shield, ice storm, shout, all
illusion, animate dead, enervation,
polymorph, Rary's mnemonic enhancer,
stone shape.

The Umbra

5th: break enchantment, cloudkill, major those who meet him have nightmares in
creation, teleport, wall of stone, prying eyes, which he figures prominently the next time
Rary's telepathic bond, dominate person, they go to sleep. Because of these uncanny
feeblemind, hold monster, mind fog, cone of dreams Mikkelson has OR 2 in all further
cold, sending, wall of force, all illusion, interactions with those who have met him at
magic jar, waves of fatigue, baleful least once, and who are capable of dream-
polymorph, fabricate, passwall, permanency. ing. Elves and other creatures who medi-
6th: antimagic field, greater dispel magic, tate instead of sleeping will find thoughts of
globe of invulnerability, repulsion, acid fog, Mikkelson interrupting their meditation,
wall of iron, analyze dweomer, true seeing, with the same effect as given above.
geas, mass suggestion, chain lightning, The Diplomacy and Intimidate modifiers
contingency, Otiluke's freezing sphere, all given above assume that Mikkelson has OR
illusion, circle of death, create undead, 2; for an initial meeting, use Diplomacy +11
eyebite, disintegrate, flesh to stone, stone to and Intimidate +10.
flesh, Tenser's transformation.
7th: sequester, spell turning, Drawmij's Jan Mikkelson is a relatively young man
instant summons, phase door, greater by Fraternity standards, apparently in his
teleport, teleport object, greater scrying, mid-thirties; he is tall and very handsome,
mass hold person, insanity, power word with his coffee-colored skin, black hair, and
blind, forcecage, prismatic spray, all amber eyes instantly marking him as
illusion, limited wish, control undead, finger Valachani and a slight hint in his exotic face
of death, ethereal jaunt, statue. of his elvish heritage. He is vain, quick-
8th: mind blank, protection from spells, tempered, and a notorious womanizer
incendiary cloud, maze, trap the soul,
discern location, demand, Otto's irresistible Background
dance, power word stun, polar ray, greater Jan Mikkelson was born in backwoods
shout, sunburst, all illusion, horrid wilting, Valachan, near the Sithican border, to a
iron body, polymorph any object. human father and half-elven mother. Even
9th*: power word kill, shades, weird. as a child he was precocious, intensely
Signature possessions: ring of the secretive, manipulative, and obsessed with
Fraternity of Shadows, ring of wizardry I, power.
adamantine dagger +1, amulet of natural When Mikkelson discovered his
armor +3, vestment of armor +3, rod of grandfather was actually an important elvish
maximize metamagic (lesser) noble of Har-Thelen, he blackmailed him
into arranging for his (Mikkelson's) entry
Terror track: Angel of Nightmare into the Art Colegiu of Invidia. Mikkelson
was less interested in art than in books, and
Uncanny Presence: Jan Mikkelson gets a +2
much less than in books as in arcane power.
circumstance bonus to Intimidate checks; his
Realizing that neither of these things was in
face, although handsome, is subtly
great supply in Karina, he continued north,
disturbing to look at, and his expressions and
finally settling at the University of
words often give those talking to him an
eerie, dark feeling.
Nightmare Beauty: Mikkelson has a +2
profane bonus to his Charisma score, but

Quoth the Raven

Current sketch
Dread Possibility: Bait Jan Mikkelson is an enfant terrible in a group
Although a very intelligent man, Jan
of eminences grises; he is intellectually
Mikkelson is not as clever as he thinks he is. brilliant and extremely arrogant. Arrogance
The other Fathers of the Fraternity know that is, of course, the defining vice of a Father of
he practices necromancy and that he is not a the Fraternity of Shadows, but Mikkelson's
true illusionist; they have made him a Father high opinion of his own abilities is much
of the Fraternity for their own purposes.
more overt than that of the other Fathers;
Having tried and failed to confer
darklordship on a willing person (see The
while they are content to presume their
Cuckoo's Egg), the other Umbra have superiority in silence, he prefers to declare it
decided to cause an unwilling person to loudly and frequently. His opinion of his
become a darklord under controlled own intelligence is only enhanced by the fact
conditions. Jan Mikkelson is their selected that he has apparently pulled the wool over
test subject.
the eyes of even the other Fathers of the
Adventurers might become involved at Fraternity; he is not an illusionist and he has
two critical points of this experiment-first,
the series of rituals leading up to the
not foresworn the practice of necromancy.
impending conferral of darklordship, and
second, the aftermath of a failed (or
successful!) attempt. In the first scenario the
player characters become aware of the
Fraternity's plan and attempt to prevent it;
Magic of the Fraternity
presumably, the last thing the Demiplane
needs is another darklord, not to mention
that allowing the Fraternity to succeed might
give them vital information that would be
Glossary of Terms:
very, very damaging in their hands. In the Shadowstuff: the material of which the Plane
second the Fraternity might call on
of Shadow is made. Anything brought from
adventurers to remove the evidence of their
failed experiment by revealing enough the Plane of Shadow into the Prime Material
information about Mikkelson to make him Plane (or a quasi-Prime Material Plane such
the target of monster hunters. Should the as Ravenloft) is considered shadowstuff,
experiment succeed, on the other hand, inanimate objects and living things alike.
Mikkelson's first act as a darklord might well
be to strike back at his former colleagues by Shadow-creatures: Undead shadows,
revealing as much as possible about the creatures from the Plane of Shadows, and
intentions and capabilities of the Fraternity creatures from the Plane of Dreams (ennui,
to do-gooders. dream morphs, etc.). This does NOT include
other incorporeal undead such as ghosts.

There he became a member of the

Fraternity almost immediately and made a
meteoric rise through the ranks; with the
space of two decades his intense energy,
charisma, and intellect had already made him
a Father of the Fraternity, despite rumors that
his arcane pursuits were not

The Umbra

Target: One person

New Spells Duration: Permanent
Saving Throw: Will negates
Deeper Darkness
Spell Resistance: Yes
Level: Sor/Wiz 3
When casting this spell, the wizard imbues
All members of the Fraternity of Shadows a leaden dagger with the ability to cut a
can cast this spell as a 3rd level sorcerer/ person's shadow away from his physical
wizard spell from their sigil rings. It is body. This requires a successful touch
otherwise exactly equivalent to the cleric attack; if the attack succeeds and the target
spell of the same name. fails his saving throw, the shadow is
separated from its erstwhile "owner". This
Hide Shadow deals 1d6 points of Wisdom, Intelligence,
Illusion (Shadow) and Charisma damage; in addition, the
Level: Sor/Wiz 4 person becomes fatigued, his natural healing
(including healing of ability damage)
Components: V, S
proceeds at only one-half the normal rate,
Casting time: 1 action and he has OR 3.
Range: Close (25 ft +5 ft/2 levels) The effects of the spell can be reversed by
Target: One person break enchantment, greater dispel magic (on
Duration: 1 day/level a successful dispel check), or similar spells
Saving Throw: Will negates of higher level.
Spell Resistance: Yes The affected person's shadow becomes a
shadow, as described in the Monster Manual,
of the person's own alignment. It may follow
This spell causes the shadow of the target its former owner and attempt to interact
creature to "disappear" (it has actually been positively with him or her, but it cannot
disguised by illusion); it has no other adverse speak (and speak with dead has no effect,
effect per se, but a person without a shadow since it is not actually "dead.") If not
has OR 3 until his shadow returns. Certain combined with its "host" within a week, it
members of the Umbra (Tarnos must make a Will saving throw at DC (12 +
Shadowcloak and Malcolm Scott in the number of weeks separated) using the
particular) like to use this spell to confuse, "host's" Will saving throw modifier), or shift
inconvenience, or intimidate, often claiming in alignment one step toward chaotic evil.
that the caster is now in possession of the When it become chaotic evil it will attempt
affected person's soul and will destroy it to kill its former host. (If the shadow is
unless the spell's victim does what he is told. destroyed and then the spell is broken some
time afterward, the person gets a new
Sever Shadow shadow regardless-whether he wants one or
Level: Sor/Wiz 6 not.)
Components: V, S, F Arcane focus: A dagger with a blade of
Casting time: One action lead.
Range: Touch

Quoth the Raven

Control Shadow Shadowself

Illusion (Shadow) Illusion (Shadow)
Level: Sor/Wiz 8 Level: 8
Components: V, S, M Components: V, S, M
Casting time: 1 action Casting time: 10 minutes
Range: Medium (100 ft. +10 ft./level) Range: None
Target: Up to 2 HD of shadows/level, no Target: Self
two of which can be more than 30 feet apart Duration: 1 day/level (dismissable)
Duration: 10 minute/level Saving throw: None
Saving Throw: Will negates Spell resistance: No
Spell Resistance: Yes
Upon casting this spell, the caster creates a
The Fathers of the Fraternity of Shadows "double" from shadowstuff, imbuing it with
often use spells such as shades and shadow a small part of his life-force. This double
conjuration, which create semi-material looks exactly like the caster, except that it
creatures from shadowstuff. At times this casts no shadow; it is incorporeal and gains a
shadowstuff becomes self-willed and refuses fly speed of 30 feet with good
to depart the Demiplane of Dread when the maneuverability in addition to the caster's
spell controlling it expires. This spell offers normal mode(s) of movement and has the
a simple and extremely useful way to turn caster's ability scores except for
this potential liability into an asset; it offers Constitution-as a construct, of course, it has
the casting wizard control over the shadows no Constitution score. Although intelligent,
so created, albeit for a limited time. Unlike the shadowself is not free willed; it will obey
the spell control undead, this spell does give any instruction the caster gives it in both
the caster the option of telepathic command letter and spirit. The shadowself has one-
over its subjects. This spell works ONLY on half its master's hit points, NOT including its
shadows created directly from shadowstuff, master's Constitution bonus, if any; it has no
and not on undead shadows. Because it is equipment and base armor class 10.
not a necromantic spell and does not directly At the time of casting, the caster may
manipulate life force, casting this spell does imbue his shadowself with up to 10 levels of
not call for a powers check. spells, none of which may be higher than 4th
Material component: A small piece of level (he immediately loses these spells
black felt. himself), which the shadowself may use as
spell-like abilities. The shadowself's
effective caster level is one-half its creator's.
The shadowself may be sent to perform
reconnaissance, meet with someone the
caster thinks untrustworthy, or any other task
the caster deems appropriate; importantly,
there is no telepathic link between the caster
and the shadowself and the caster will NOT
know what the shadowself is doing until it
returns and communicates with him. The

The Umbra

caster may dismiss the spell at any time, Fathers of the Fraternity then strip the life-
which causes the shadowself to return to him force from the erstwhile brother's body and
and re-incorporate itself into his personality; bind it to his shadow, leaving the body a
at that time the caster will remember lifeless husk. The resulting abomination is a
everything experienced by the shadowself as new umbrucha, a creature without any will
if it had happened to him (which may be of its own, who exists only to serve the
cause for fear, horror, or madness checks Fathers of the Fraternity. The spell requires
which the shadowself, as a construct, did not that at least three Fathers of the Fraternity
have to take itself). cast this spell in concert (only one of the
Like all shadow spells cast in Ravenloft, participants must be able to cast ninth-level
the shadowself may potentially become a spells). Casting this spell requires a powers
free-willed shadow when the spell duration check; a failed check will affect only one of
ends or the spell is dismissed; if this occurs, the participants in the ritual, determined
the shadowself will always be determined to randomly.
destroy its former master, and it gets An umbrucha should be considered a
whatever spells he may have imbued it with construct rather than an undead creature,
as spell-like abilities usable once per day in although it has many similarities to the
addition to the normal abilities of a shadow. undead. It cannot be turned, and holy water
Material component: A small silver has no effect on it. However, spells which
mirror (which must be broken if the spell is use light to deal damage (searing light,
to be dismissed) and a black pearl of at least sunbeam, sunburst) deal damage to an
500 gp value, which must be dissolved in umbrucha as if it were an undead creature.
vinegar and drunk while the spell is being Material Component: The ring of the
cast. Fraternity of Shadows belonging to the
former member.
Create Umbrucha Arcane Focus: At least three sculpted
Illusion (Shadow) obsidian rods (500 gp value), one for each
Level: 9 Father participating in the spell.
Components: V, S, M, F
Shadow Trap
Casting time: 10 minutes
Illusion (Shadow)
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Level: Sor/Wiz 9
Target: One person
Components: V, S, F
Duration: Permanent
Casting time: 1 action
Saving throw: None
Range: Close (25 ft + 5 ft/2 levels)
Spell resistance: No
Target: 1 shadow or shadow-creature/
level, no two of which can be more than 30
This spell is actually a magical ritual feet apart
performed by the Umbra to punish members Duration: Permanent
of the Fraternity of Shadows who break the
Saving throw: Will negates
Fraternity's laws. The erring member is
brought to the Fathers of the Fraternity after Spell resistance: Yes
being possessed by an umbrucha (see USS
2002 for details on this creature), and the

Quoth the Raven

When this spell is cast, ordinary creatures

with shadows and all shadow-creatures
targeted by the spellcaster must make a Will
saving throw or have their shadows (if
ordinary, corporeal creatures) or their selves
(in the chase of shadow-creatures)
imprisoned in a large mirror. For shadow-
creatures, this is exactly similar to being
trapped in a mirror of life trapping; ordinary
creatures suffer the effects of losing their
shadow described in sever shadow above.
The mirror may be re-used; breaking the
mirror releases all shadows within it and, in
the case of ordinary creatures, ends the effect
of the spell on them. The affected creatures
do NOT need to see the mirror to be affected
by it, but the mirror must be within the spell
range for the spell to take effect.
This spell can be made permanent with
permanency and is used by several of the
Umbra as part of their home-defense system.
Arcane focus: A silver mirror, at least 2
feet by 2 feet and of masterwork quality.

Sorcery and Shadows
Complete Arcane for Ravenloft
By Mark Graydon

Basic Classes Warmage

Traditionally, Warmages are trained in
academies. In Ravenloft, such institutions
Warlock are rare at best. It wouldn't be out of
Warlocks in Ravenloft are part of the reason character to have a small college in
that many spellcasters in the Demiplane get a Falkovnia, training Warmages fanatically
bad reputation. Though these practitioners loyal to Drakov. Or, perhaps one of the
are somewhat rare in comparison to Wizards surrounding domains, Borca, Dementlieu, or
and Sorcerers, they are even deadlier, and Richemulot could have a college for training
almost always evil. these spellcasters in case of an incursion by
As Complete Arcane suggests, most Falkovnia.
Warlocks have ancestors who made a pact Either way, the way that arcane
with an ancient evil deity or demonic power spellcasting is looked upon in the Demiplane
to gain their abilities. In Ravenloft, suitable colors the attitudes of the locals and
deities would be Arawn, Erlin, the Eternal prohibits any large-scale efforts to train these
Order, Kali, the Lawgiver, Math Mathonwy, mystics.
Morrigan, Set, the Wolf God, or Zhakata. Of
course, almost any demonic power is also Wu Jen
suitable, and if the DM allows, the demon
As one would assume, the Wu Jen is the
may very well be one still trapped in the
spellcaster from Rokushima Taiyoo, and
Demiplane, such as Elsepeth or Drigor.
often more common in that domain than the
standard Sorcerer or Wizard. The
xenophobic tendencies of the commoners in
Ravenloft encourage the isolationist habits

Quoth the Raven

that most Wu Jen form, and inadvertently aid Fiendish Symbiosis (Ex): At 10th-level the
the formation of more of the members of this Outcast Rating of the Acolyte increases by
class. +8; this replaces the Outcast Penalty of +4
gained at 5th-level. If the Acolyte has an
Alterations evil alignment, then he gains a Reality
Wrinkle with an initial radius of 1,000 feet
Taboos: If a Wu Jen violates a Taboo, in per character level. If the Acolyte fails any
addition to losing her spellcasting ability for Powers Checks, consider them failed Power
that day, she must also make a Powers Check Rituals; each failed check adds 1d4
as though she were breaking a tenet of her corruption points to the Acolyte's total and
own faith (which in a way, she is). This halves the wrinkle's radius. See Fiends in
check carries a 5% chance of failure, as chapter five of the Ravenloft Player's
described in the Ravenloft Player's Handbook for more information.
Prestige Classes Much like the Acolytes of the Skin, the
Alienists of Ravenloft are not limited to any
specific domain. Their studies are not
Acolyte of the Skin common in any land in the Demiplane.
The Acolytes of the Skin are rare in the These mad spellcasters arise from different
Demiplane, no matter what domain is in circumstances. Most commonly, an elder
question. Such horrid spellcasters may first Alienist will teach a willing apprentice who
be hailed as heroes, for they hunt demons. seeks her out. Much less commonly, an
When it's discovered that they are using the apprentice will actually have a peaceful
demons' powers for their own horrid ends encounter with a pseudonatural creature;
however, they are just as quickly reviled as such abominations are not unheard of in the
the monsters they truly are. blasted realm of Bluetspur. Also, it has been
Fiendish Glare (Su): As a fear effect, reported that some Alienists have learned
anything that provides protection against their knowledge through instances of being
Fear saves (such as the Courage feat) also struck with madness from one source or
helps resist this ability. another. How such spellcasters learn these
traditions through their own mental maladies
Skin Adaptation (Su): At 5th-level the is up to debate, however.
Outcast Rating of the Acolyte increases by Very rarely, Alienists have arisen from
+4. escapees from the experimentation facilities
Summon Fiend (Sp): An Outsider summoned in Bluetspur. Such victims are mad beyond
by this ability gets the standard Will save the ability to cure, but in their madness they
with a -2 penalty (DC 10 + half the Acolyte's embrace their captor's nature, and somehow
arcane spellcasting levels + his charisma develop the abilities of the Alienist.
modifier) to break free of control when it
arrives. Regardless of whether they escape Alterations
or not, the Outsider cannot return to its home
plane. Unless the Acolyte can cow them, Requirements: The requirement of
they may very likely retaliate in a hostile Knowledge (The Planes) 8 ranks is changed
fashion against the Acolyte. in Ravenloft; instead the Alienist may
substitute 8 ranks in Knowledge

Sorcery and Shadows

(Dungeoneering), which covers knowledge Forlorn & Tepest have Blood Magi as well.
of aberrations. As well, the Alienist need not Often these are red-haired individuals who
make peaceful contact with an Alienist or have kept their arcane spellcasting ability a
pseudonatural creature, but she must still secret, and were brought back to life by the
make contact nevertheless. druids or clerics of Belenus.
Summon Alien: This ability is not curtailed Barovia has its share of Blood Magi; some
by the Dark Powers of Ravenloft. The of these beings have joined together to form
Alienist may summon pseudonatural a cult dedicated to vampirism. Often, these
creatures as normal. However, they still cults have true vampiric patrons who guide
receive the standard Will save with a -2 their sinister actions.
penalty to resist control when summoned. Finally, the tough lands of Falkovnia and
Lamordia have Blood Magi present. In
Metamagic Secret: Whenever this ability is
Falkovnia, they are almost always in the
gained, the Alienist must also make a
service of the military, and some were even
Madness save (DC 10 + the Alienist's
killed by the Talons themselves. Lamordia
class level + the Alienist's Charisma
on the other hand has Blood Magi who
combine scientific advancements with
Alien Transcendence (Su): The Alienist does arcane practices to work their power. Often
not develop a Reality Wrinkle when these Blood Magi look and have more in
becoming an Outsider through this ability, common with scientists than wizards or
because the Alienist does not also gain an sorcerers.
alignment descriptor. At this time, the
Alienist's Outcast Rating increases by +3. Alterations
Argent Savant Blood Component (Su): The use of this
ability involves life force, and thus any spell
Those whose studies involve force itself enhanced by this effect requires a powers
often hail from Hazlan or the Shadow Rift. check as though the spell were a necromantic
Only in these two places is the study of the
arcane common enough that the specialists
known as the Argent Savants can be found. Scarification (Ex): When the Blood Magus
This is one of the safer paths of learning has any spells scribed upon him; he gains +1
for arcane spellcasters in Ravenloft, as force penalty to his OR, as long as the scar is
itself is neither inherently good nor evil. visible at all.
Still, those who would use their spells Death Knell (Sp): This ability is affected as
without care can find themselves quickly the spell of the same name as described in
falling down the path of corruption. the Ravenloft Player's Handbook.
Homunculus (Su): The creature made with
Blood Magus this ability is a Dread Companion.
The Blood Magi in Ravenloft hail from a
number of different realms. In Hazlan & Bloodseeking Spell (Su): The use of this
Nova Vassa they are arcane spellcasters who ability involves life force, and thus any spell
have been brought back to life by the enhanced by this effect requires a powers
Lawgiver or Hala, and often serve either the check as though the spell were a necromantic
monarchy or the church. one.

Quoth the Raven

Awaken Blood (Su): This ability requires a Finally, some of the elves of Sithicus have
powers check with a 10% chance of failure. become Effigy Masters, and these beings
Bloodwalk (Su): This ability requires a often create sylvan constructs made of
powers check with a 10% chance of failure. natural leather and wood to serve them in the
deep forests. These beings are often made in
the likeness of animals, humanoids, magical
Effigy Master beasts, and vermin.
Those spellcasters who create constructs to
serve them are most commonly found in the Alterations
southern baked land of Hazlan. Such
creatures made in that domain often take the Craft Effigy (Su): If the Effigy Master
form of magical beasts, monstrous wishes, he may create an Effigy from desire,
humanoids, and vermin. They are most rather than expending XP. Such a creature
often made of creaking leather, some supple, has the Dread Golem template applied to it,
others baked hard. The material fares well in as described in the Ravenloft Player's
the hotter climate of Hazlan and the skill is Handbook. Effigies created through the
common in the domain. normal means are unchanged.
Other lands that have Effigy Masters are Effigy Link (Su): The Scrying and Status
Darkon, Lamordia, the Shadow Rift, and portions of this ability are affected as the
Sithicus. In the magic-rich land of Darkon spells of the same name as described in the
the constructs may be in the form of dragons, Ravenloft Player's Handbook.
humanoids, magical beasts, and monstrous
humanoids, and they are more often Elemental Savant
constructed of metal (by the Dwarves) or The Elemental Savants are rare in the
even made of complex clockworks (by the Demiplane; they only appear with any
Gnomes). frequency in the Shadow Rift. In that
The land of Lamordia has few Effigy lightless chasm they are most often sorcerers
Masters in comparison; the lack of arcane mutli-classed with druids or rangers, and
spellcasters prevents their formation. But often mix their arcane abilities with a
those who do pursue the arcane are well devotion to the natural world. The exception
suited to this path, and Lamordia shows the to this would be the Gwytune, who may
most variation in it's creation of Effigies with become Elemental Savants if they choose a
the constructs being made of clockworks, prestige class at all.
leather, metal, and wood. This is in part due Elemental Savants must always be
to the craftsmen nature of the domain. cautious. The natural elements of Ravenloft
Effigies in Lamordia are often in the form of are often corrupted, and the Elemental
animals, humanoids, or vermin. Savant risks falling into the same fate if she
In the Shadow Rift the breed of Arak isn't careful.
known as the Fir often become Effigy
Masters, and they create their fantastical Alterations
constructs almost exclusively from complex
clockworks. They often take the shapes of Elemental Perfection: Being an elemental
aberrations, animals, dragons, giants, and not an Outsider, the Elemental Savant
humanoids, magical beasts, or monstrous does not gain a reality wrinkle. However, if
humanoids. the Elemental Savant is of an evil alignment,
or later adopts an evil alignment, the DM

Sorcery and Shadows

may award additional abilities to the Savant. combinations of gambler and arcane talent
These abilities should be drawn from those are not found in any single domain, but this
gained by a Corrupted Elemental, as has not stopped the occasional Fatespinner
presented in the "New Ravenloft Monsters" from rising to prominence despite the odds.
article by John Mangrum, available on the They just simply do not have a
Fraternity of Shadows website. Thus, an evil predisposition to any single land.
earth elemental savant might gain the special
attack of "The Earth Will Not Have You" and Alterations
the special quality of "Bones of the Earth."
The Elemental Savant's appearance should Fickle Finger of Fate (Ex): The Fatespinner
change to more closely resemble a corrupted cannot affect a Powers Check with this
elemental as well. Finally, this ability ability; no mortal power can modify these
increases the Outcast Rating of the checks.
Elemental Savant by +3. Resist Fate (Ex): The Fatespinner cannot
affect a Powers Check with this ability; no
Enlightened Fist mortal power can modify these checks.
Enlightened Fists in Ravenloft came
naturally about in two lands at first; Hazlan Geometer
& Sri Raji. In the former land they are most The class of the Geometer is most commonly
often Mulan who have blended their arcane found in Lamordia, however there are very
training with the rare monastic culture in the few practitioners of its art in that domain.
land. In Sri Raji, the arts of the monk are Arcane spellcasters are rare in the extreme in
more openly practiced, and those who train the frigid land of logic and science, but those
as wizards as well often take up this prestige who do pursue the arcane path find that the
class. Geometer fits well with their views.
Otherwise this class is found with a Other lands that have Geometers are the
somewhat less regularity in the lands where Slain City of Necropolis and the Shadow
spellcasting and monastic ability combine. Rift. Necropolis was known for its great
Paridon's adherents to the Divinity of universities and magical learning before the
Mankind sometimes experiment with arcane Requiem, and those who studied the path of
magic, becoming Enlightened Fists. the Geometer before dwell there still. In the
Rokushima Taiyoo has its Wu Jens, and lightless chasm of the Shadow Rift, the Arak
those that follow both the arcane and monk who dwell within sometimes follow this
abilities are well-suited for this class. The branch of magic. The Gwytune are known
Shadow Rift has some Enlightened Fists for their practice at the art, in particular.
who fight against the Twilight, mostly in the
form of Brag Arak who also focus on their Green Star Adept
arcane abilities. Finally, the southern land of The comet Alhazarde is seen even in the
Sithicus has monks, and the elves also are Demiplane of Dread. It's not know how this
highly adept at the arcane arts, causing this stellar body comes into the Demiplane, but it
class to be known there as well. still seems to, and it drops pieces of it's
starmetal to the ground which arcane
Fatespinner spellcasters still seek out.
Fatespinners are not found with any Most commonly, Green Star Adepts are
frequency in the Demiplane of Dread. The found within the lands of Lamordia and the

Quoth the Raven

Shadow Rift. Lamordia has a popular the arcane or the natural world, both of
astronomy group, and a few of those who which the Initiate studies.
study this field also dabble in arcane
mysticism, though the number is very small. Mage of the Arcane Order
As well, pieces of starmetal have been found Mages of the Arcane Order are rare in
in the Shadow Rift, though it is confusing as Ravenloft, and not common in any land. The
to how the pieces fell through the shroud that reasons for this are two-fold. The first is the
covers the chasm. Magically inclined Arak relative rarity of arcane spellcasters in
like the Gwytune have sought out the pieces Ravenloft. The second reason though, is
and experimented with them, becoming because of the persecution that wizards face
Green Star Adepts. However, after enough in the Demiplane. Domains such as Tepest
time of such practice, they are often shunned often burn wizards at the stake, and other
from normal Arak society for their changing lands aren't always much more forgiving.
forms, becoming more and more of a Plus, many dark-hearted wizards have no
construct and less like fey. compunctions about killing their own kind in
Otherwise, Green Star Adepts have also an effort to gain more arcane knowledge.
been found in Hazlan, where arcane Despite this fact, many of the domains that
practices are common. There is evidence in have wizards often have secretive Spellpools
the ruins that the comet Alhazarde played an set up in hidden locations, which mages
important role in the history of the land, and throughout the domain who are part of the
Green Star Adepts are almost as much guild can draw upon. Due to the planar
archaeologists are much as anything else. nature of Ravenloft however, there are some
special restrictions to the way these
Alterations Spellpools work in the Demiplane.
Emerald Perfection (Ex): Upon gaining this A member with the token for the Spellpool
ability the Outcast Rating of the Green Star is free to draw and return spells to it while in
Adept increases by +3. the same domain as the Spellpool. As well,
as long as the borders between domains
Initiate of the Sevenfold Veil remain open, Spellpool access is
Unsurprisingly as with most magical paths in unrestricted. If the borders are closed
Ravenloft, the Initiates of the Sevenfold Veil however, access to the Spellpool is also cut
are most commonly found within the off.
Shadow Rift. Although one might be There are multiple Spellpools in Ravenloft,
puzzled by this at first, it must be most notably in Darkon, Har'Akir, Hazlan,
remembered that the Arak disdain sunlight, and Sri Raji. However, each Spellpool is
not color. In fact, many Arak love colors of part of a separate Order and requires a
all types; examples of this would be the different guild focus. Some Orders don't
Alven and their vibrant gardens. mind if a member is part of multiple Orders
Otherwise, the Initiates are found most (and thus has access to multiple Spellpools,
commonly in Hazlan, where magical study is such as Sri Rajian Order) and others demand
encouraged. After this land, they may be that their members be part of only their
found in Barovia, Lamordia, Necropolis, Order and no other (such as the Hazlani
Sithicus, Souragne, and Vechor. All of these Order). In any case, having access to
lands share a capacity for learning, either of multiple Spellpools doesn't give the Mage
any special abilities beyond the norm for the

Sorcery and Shadows

class; it just ensures that if the borders are may already be a powerful Mindbender or
closed on a domain, the Mage may still two in the land, who hold a firm grip on the
retain access to a Spellpool. populace and resent any intrusions. In the
land of G'Henna, arcane magic is outlawed
Master Transmogrifist by the clergy of Zhakata, but this doesn't stop
Those who follow the path of the Master the practice of it in the underground. The
Transmogrifist often hail from two domains class of the Mindbender is popular here, and
where their powers fit well into society: those who practice it secretly sometimes try
Dementlieu and Richemulot. Both domains to take over church priests in order to gain
are filled with intrigue and deception. more food and supplies. These attempts
Although changing into monstrous shapes have all ended in failure so far however, as
often only helps in dangerous situations, the Mindbenders were discovered by church
Master Transmogrifists often choose animal inquisitors and have all suffered horrible
and plant shapes as well, to better aid in any fates. The land of Invidia holds Bards and
espionage encounters they may be part of. Sorcerers who sometimes take up the mantle
of the Mindbender, often working in secret,
and almost always only in the larger
settlements of the land. A few have rumored
The transformations that the Master to have found employment in the service of
Transmogrifistundergoesonaregularbasismay Malocchio Aderre, serving no doubt
provokeHorrorsavesinthosewitnessingthem,if nefarious ends.
the form chosen is particularly monstrous. Nidala has a few Mindbenders. Arcane
magic is not outlawed in this land, though
Mindbender those who practice it must do so carefully,
The arcane spellcasters who follow the path lest they anger the clergy of Belenus. Those
of the Mindbender are most commonly who do practice the arcane arts often find the
found in the domains of Borca, Hazlan, & Mindbender an appealing choice; their
Richemulot. They are most often Bards and abilities to control others sometimes allow
Wizards, with some few being Sorcerers them to avoid the church of Belenus, at least
(mostly hailing from Hazlan). The tastes for for a time.
manipulation and control fit well into many Finally, in the land of Pharazia, the
of Ravenloft's socieities, and the Mindbenders are Wizards who often serve
Mindbenders are often able to hide their true the edicts of Diamabel. They are called into
nature well. Only in Hazlan may a service when citizens are found who will not
Mindbender be known for what he truly is, rescind their heretical thoughts. When the
and even in that land, only if the Mindbender victims cannot be converted of their own
is exceptionally powerful or has the accord, the Mindbenders are requested to
patronage of powerful personas. work their magic in Diamabel's will, to break
Otherwise, Mindbenders may also be their heresy and bind them to righteousness.
found in Dementlieu, G'Henna, Invidia,
Nidala, and Pharazia. Mindbenders would Alterations
normally be even more plentiful in the land Telepathy (Su): This ability is affected as
of Dementlieu, except that those who have under "Mind-Affecting" in the Ravenloft
gone to that land don't often fair as well as Player's Handbook.
would be expected. It's suspected that there

Quoth the Raven

Push the Weak Mind (Sp): This ability is Arak and Half-Arak are often drawn to this
affected as the spell Suggestion in the class, with the combination of magical
Ravenloft Player's Handbook. power and bardic ability being a lure few can
resist. A few rare Gwytune are also drawn to
Mindread (Sp): This ability is affected as
this class.
under "Mind-Affecting" in the Ravenloft
Player's Handbook. Otherwise, Sublime Chords can still be
found within Necropolis, though few enter
Eternal Charm (Sp): This ability is affected this class since the Requiem. Most were
as the spell "Charm Monster" in the Sublime Chords before the disaster, and still
Ravenloft Player's Handbook. hang on to their former lives and callings.
Dominate (Sp): This ability is affected as the The Bardic colleges that trained in the city
spell "Dominate Monster" in the Ravenloft often set students onto this path.
Player's Handbook. Finally, Sublime Chords may be found in
Darkon, Tepest, and Sri Raji, all of which
Seeker of the Song have bardic traditions and the foundations
Seekers of the Song can be found with most necessary for the class. Curiously, there are
frequency within the depths of the Shadow also a few domains where Bards are rare, but
Rift. The Shee Arak and Half-Arak who those who do follow the calling are also
dwell within that chasm often follow the often Sublime Chords. These are the lands
path of the Bard, and some of these fey catch of Hazlan, Sithicus, and Souragne.
a glimpse of the Primal Music. Such a Darkonian Sublime Chords often come
glimpse inspires an obsession, even in the from the Bardic Colleges that still survive in
fey, and often the Seekers of the Song suffer the domain, and magic is no stranger to these
from the Obsession Madness effect. practitioners. Tepestani Sublime Chords are
Otherwise the Seekers of the Song may be almost the opposite, with the local Bard in
found in Darkon & Necropolis, where some the village teaching his pupils the art in a
of the most famous Bardic colleges reside. much closer student-teacher relationship.
The land of Kartakass also has a number of Finally, Sri Raji has a mix of the two.
Seekers of the Song, with the Bardic Although the domain doesn't have any
profession being so prevelant in that domain. formal colleges for Bards, the temples of
In the exotic land of Sri Raji, the Rajians Tvashtri often teach the skills for this class,
have a Bardic tradition as well, and Seekers and elder Chords will teach their students as
of the Song are present within that well as the temples themselves.
sweltering land. Finally the land of Hazlani Chords are those sorcerers or
Souragne has its share of Seekers of the wizards whose tastes have run a bit more
Song, even though Bards are relatively rare exotic, and are exploring arcane magic in a
within that land. Often their explorations different vein. Sithican Chords are elves
take them into the swamps looking for more who often lament their fallen status and lost
and more examples of the Primal Music, connection with nature, and supplement their
which they hope to find in nature itself. ability with their natural bond with magic.
Finally, Souragnian Chords are those rare
Sublime Chord people who follow the Bard's path and are
As with many magical prestige classes, the looking to learn more powerful necromantic
Sublime Chord is most commonly found in magic, through the secrets of the First Song.
the depths of the Shadow Rift. The Shee

Sorcery and Shadows

Arcanamach (Suel Arcanamach) Greyhawk and converted or an original

creation of the Mists, none can say.
In the Demiplane, the traditions of the
Arcanamach originated in the magic-
shrouded land of Hazlan, and to this day they
Wayfarer Guide
are still practiced in that domain. The first The Wayfarer Union does not exist in the
Arcanamachs were actually Rashemi Demiplane. There is simply not enough
servants of Mulan families. These Rashemi Wayfarer Guides present or organized
demonstrated such a devotion to their enough to create such a group. Plus, the
masters that they were taught the arcane arts natural intolerance for magic that many
to better protect their charges. Since then residents of the Demiplane also curtails this
some Mulan have also followed the calling, effort. Wayfarer Guides do not exist
but many consider it to be a "dirty" trade, commonly in any domain. The limitations
and prefer the noble life or the pursuit of on teleportation magic in Ravenloft often
arcane magic in and of itself. dissuade arcane spellcasters from relying on
When the Shadow Rift was formed, and them overly. Still occasionally the odd
the Arak began to explore outwards into the sorcerer or wizard will take up this mantle,
other domains around them, a few found and take up residence in a more magic-
their way to Hazlan. There, they discovered tolerant city. There, they will quietly
the Arcanamachs and stole some back to advertise their services for awhile. Often
their dark Rift. There they learned the however, it seems the Guides attract too
secrets of the Arcanamach, and a number of much attention and one day they teleport
Muryan have since taken up the class, somewhere and just never return.
finding it a natural extension of their combat
and magical abilities. Some of these Muryan Alterations
even hire themselves out as spies and All restrictions on the teleportation magic in
assassins, but of course they never break the Ravenloft still apply to the Wayfarer Guide.
Law of Arak and only attack their rival's
Finally, a few elves who have been to Wild Mage
Hazlan have taken the culture of the
Arcanamach back to Sithicus. Although the Wild Magic is known commonly in the
calling is still rare in that forested land, a Demiplane only in the Shadow Rift. There,
small house has dedicated itself to training the more chaotic breeds of Arak sometimes
these warrior-mages, and they are often practice this magic, along with some Half-
regarded as elite members of their trades. Arak and Feytouched beings. Of the Nine
Breeds of Arak, the Alven are the most likely
Alterations to become Wild Mages, assuming of course
they decide not to follow a more nature-
Requirements: The language requirement of oriented path. In truth, many Alven view
this prestige class is changed to Vassi. Vassi Wild Magic as the most "pure" form of
itself hasn't changed much in its history, magic, citing that its randomness reflects the
although there are differences in dialects. wiles of nature itself.
The Grimoire Arcanamacha also exists in the
Demiplane; it is written in the Vassi tongue.
Whether this is a copy of the original from

Quoth the Raven

Chaotic Mind (Su): This power does not
protect against Madness saves provoked by Spells
normal means; it only grants immunity to the
Confusion and Insanity spells themselves. Arrow of Bone: As the spell Slay Living.
Casting this spell requires a Powers Check.
Blackfire: Those slain by this spell rise as
Feats some form of spectral undead, such as an
Effigy (see Monster Manual II), Rushlight,
Draconic Feats or a Specter. Casting this spell requires a
Powers Check. As well, even those who
These feats in Ravenloft are not often linked successfully save against the spell are
directly with dragons. Although the feats sickened each round, even if they make three
themselves do not change, most view these saves in a row. This sickened condition lasts
in a more demonic light (thus, the names of the full duration of the spell.
the feats might be changed to Demonic
Blink, Greater: See Ethereal.
Claw, instead of Draconic Claw for
example). This is due to the superstitions Burning Blood: As Finger of Death except
that Sorcerers labor under, with their powers that the victim may rise as an acidic or fire-
often believed to have originated from related undead, such as a Giant Skeleton.
demonic or devilish influences. The Casting this spell requires a Powers Check.
monstrous aspects of these feats should be Fiendform: See Transmutation. Casting
played up more mysteriously in the this spell requires a Powers Check.
Demiplane; it should never be clear exactly Although this spell changes the caster's type
where the Sorcerer's power comes from, or if to Outsider, it does not give him an
it's a good thing. alignment subtype, and thus does not grant a
Lord of the Uttercold: Enhancing a spell Reality Wrinkle.
with this feat changes the spell to dealing Flensing: Casting this spell requires a
with life force, and as such causes the spell Powers Check.
to become subject to a Powers Check when Ghostform: If the caster is killed while the
cast. Treat the spell as a Necromancy spell spell is in effect, they will rise as a Ghost.
of the level of the spell (minimum 1st) to Heart of Stone: While this spell is in effect
determine the severity of the check. the caster also gains immunity to exhaustion,
Necropolis Born: These powers carry the fatigue, nausea, sickening, and stunning.
normal chances for Powers Checks as the Casting this spell requires a Powers Check.
spells of the same name. Heart Ripper: Every creature the caster
Obtain Familiar: The familiar gained kills with this spell provides him with HP
through this feat is a Dread Companion, as equal to the creature's HD. These bonus HP
detailed in the Ravenloft Player's Handbook. can take the caster over his normal total, but
Soul of the North: The Chill Touch power they disappear one hour later. These HP are
this spell grants requires a Powers Check not lost first; they disappear at the end of an
when used as the spell normally would when hour regardless of the damage the caster has
cast. taken (possibly killing the caster if he is low
on HP). Any creature killed by this spell
may very well animate as a free-willed

Sorcery and Shadows

zombie. Casting this spell requires a Powers Withering Palm: For every 3 points
Check. damaged, the caster gains 5 temporary HP.
Kiss of the Toad: The Constitution These HP are lost first, or disappear after one
damage caused by this spell is increased to hour if not used up before then. Casting this
1d6+1 in each instance of damage. Casting spell requires a Powers Check.
this spell requires a Powers Check.
Metal Skin: See Transmutation. Warlock Invocations
Pain: Add +1 to your effective caster level Baleful Utterance: Invoking this
when casting this spell. Casting this spell invocation requires a Powers Check.
requires a Powers Check. Charm: See Enchantment.
Programmed Amnesia: See Curse of Despair: As Bestow Curse.
Enchantment. Dark Discorporation: If the Warlock is
Reanimation: As Raise Dead. killed in this form he will rise as a Shadow.
Shadow Binding: See Illusion (Shadow). The Dead Walk: As Animate Dead.
Snake Darts: See Transmutation. Enervating Shadow: Those who fail the
Spirit Binding: As Lesser Planar Binding. Fortitude save because of proximity to this
See Conjuration (Calling). If used to call an invocation are also sickened for 5 rounds.
evil creature the spell requires a Powers Invoking this invocation requires a Powers
Check. Check.
Spirit Binding, Lesser: As Lesser Planar Hungry Darkness: This invocation can
Binding. See Conjuration (Calling). If used only be used in domains with Full ecologies.
to call an evil creature the spell requires a Path of Shadow: As Shadow Walk.
Powers Check. Summon Swarm: See Conjuration
Spirit Binding, Greater: As Lesser Planar (Summoning).
Binding. See Conjuration (Calling). If used Tenacious Plague: See Conjuration
to call an evil creature the spell requires a (Summoning).
Powers Check. Utterdark Blast: As Enervation.
Spirit Self: If the caster is killed while this Invoking this invocation requires a Powers
spell is in effect, he will rise as an Check.
incorporeal undead of some kind. Casting Wall of Gloom: See Illusion (Shadow).
this spell requires a Powers Check.
Word of Changing: Invoking this
Spiritwall: Any creature killed by the invocation requires a Powers Check.
Spiritwall has its soul join the creation, and
cannot be brought back to life by any spell Magic Items
other than a Miracle or Wish while the spell
is in effect. Casting this spell requires a
Powers Check. Staves
Summon Elemental Monolith: See Ethereal Action: See Ethereal in the
Conjuration (Summoning). "Altered Spells" section of the Ravenloft
Player's Handbook.
Sword of Darkness: Add +1 to your
effective caster level when casting this spell. Fiendish Darkness: See Conjuration
Casting this spell requires a Powers Check. (Summoning). See Animate Dead.
Wall of Gloom: See Illusion (Shadow). Mastery: See Enchantment.

Quoth the Raven

Night: See Conjuration (Summoning).

Skulls: See Animate Dead & Inflict
Arcane Organizations
Critical Wounds.
Transportation: See Teleportation. The Arcane Order
The Arcane Order operates primarily in the
Wondrous Items lands of Darkon, Har'Akir, Hazlan, and Sri
Raji in Ravenloft. Despite this, only in
Aroma of Curdled Death: Using this item
Hazlan does it advertise its presence. While
requires a Powers Check.
in the lands of Darkon, Har'Akir, and Sri Raji
Book of Blood: See Conjuration
the Order doesn't hide per se, it tries not to
(Summoning). See Finger of Death. Using
this item's Finger of Death or summoning draw any undue attention to its whereabouts
powers (if possible) requires a Powers or activities. Instead, it relies on its members
Check. to promote membership and the Order's
Instruments of the Bards, Canaith interests.
Mandolin: See Conjuration (Summoning). The aforementioned domains however are
Instruments of the Bards, Ollamh Harp: only the lands where the headquarters of the
See Eyebite. Order and Spellpools are based. Small cells
of the Order can be found throughout
Ravenloft, although such cells do not have
Arcane Monsters established Spellpools within that domain
and must rely on a Spellpool from another
Effigy Creature: Effigy Creatures can be domain.
created from desire rather than the The Arcane Order is one group, but has
expenditure of XP. This results in the Effigy fractured into four factions, each
Creature having the Dread Construct corresponding to one of the four domains of
template applied to it. Darkon, Har'Akir, Hazlan, and Sri Raji.
Elemental Grue: See Conjuration Each group has an overarching alignment
(Summoning). Grues can be summoned in which most of the members follow, although
Ravenloft, but they may very well take on this is not a requirement. The Darkonian
the Corrupted Elemental abilities, as outlined branch is Neutral Evil, the Akiri branch is
in John Mangrum's "New Ravenloft Neutral Good. The Hazlani branch is Lawful
Monsters" article, available on the Fraternity Evil, and the Rajian branch is Chaotic Good.
of Shadows website. Summoning a Grue Again, these are not set restrictions, just
requires a Powers Check. generalizations of the average outlook of a
Pseudonatural Creature: Using the member of the particular branches.
Alternate Form ability that Pseudonatural Discrepancies from this generalization are
creatures have often provokes a Horror save not unknown.
in onlookers.
Seekers of the Song
As many Seekers of the Song are found
within the depths of the Shadow Rift, the
first organization of this group occurred in
that dim chasm. The Shee originated the
practice, and the Half-Arak of their nature

Sorcery and Shadows

followed. The Shee are too chaotic to form

an organized group however, and the Seekers
of the Song within the Shadow Rift are a
loose confederation at best. Often they will
meet by chance in travels, and share what
knowledge they have gained in their time. In
this way, the practice survives within the
In the lands above, the Seekers have bases
in the lands of Darkon, Kartakass,
Necropolis, Souragne, & Sri Raji. Darkon,
Kartakass, and Necropolis all have bardic
colleges that teach aspiring students, and
while not all colleges are connected to the
Seekers, there are at least a few that maintain
ties and can point prospective students in the
right direction. The land of Sri Raji in the
Verdurous Lands cluster teaches its members
of the Seekers of the Song at the great
University of Tvashti, passing along the
traditions and secrets through books.
Finally, in the land of Souragne, Seekers of
the Song arise through self-discovery and
experimentation, or through the teachings of
a single mentor. There is no great presence
of the Seekers within the swampy domain,
though travelers may pass through from time
to time, searching for the Primal Music
within the strange music present in the

Quoth the Raven

Races of the Mists
The Fey
By David "of the Fraternity" Gibson

Introduction consider Valachan to be civilization? But

after months of no company but the
Oh, my Esteemed Brothers, it has been a subhuman Fey, I am quite relieved to find
long and trying series of months. I spent the myself surrounded again by humans.
waning weeks of autumn moving through I have been researching the elven people
the woods and hills of Hazland and since Darkon where I spent several pleasant
Kartakass before finding myself at the edge weeks touring the Eastern half of that land. I
of the great forest, the sparsely populated yet have seen far fewer of the Fair Folk since I
expansive wood that covers much of the left the North, but still encountered the
Southwestern lands. occasional traveler. The homeland of the
I moved slowly through Sithicus, at first elves, the enchanted wood of Sithicus,
along the Merchant's Way road and then proved the climax of my research and I can
through the various trails and paths. It was a now begin writing. I have pages and pages of
mistake to begin my quest so late in the year notes on elves and fey which I can now
as I soon found myself trudging through compile quickly into this report you now
snow and frosty underbrush for days at a hold in your hands.
time. I have never been a rural person My journeying is close to over. For this, I
preferring the sights and sounds of a am thankful. I have felt cut-off for ages; the
decently sized city, so spending the winter damned wood is almost another world. I
months miles from the smallest city is as hope I have missed nothing of importance in
close to hell as I can imagine. Richemulot since I departed last year. I must
Currently, I have managed to survive my simply journey North through Valachan and
ordeal and have stationed myself in the small finish my notes on gnomes before returning
Valachan town of Rotwald for the time home to cap off my work with the
being. How ironic is the situation when I information on half-breeds.

Quoth the Raven

Folklore spirits that take artistic liberties, but most are

unique and hardly universal beliefs in the
As always, I begin with the common land.
knowledge on my subjects. The debatable Almost universally, elves dress themselves
facts swapped by firesides and liberally in leaves and bark with vines as belts and
sprinkled into tavern tales. garlands of holly as jewelry. Many claim
The Fair Folk are commonly agreed to be they never wear furs, leather or cloth
nature spirits, the embodiment of trees and harvested from animals and that any animal
woods that have taken human form. They goods are abhorrent to them. They walk
may look and act mortal but they are not, barefoot although some tales say elves
requiring neither food nor sleep. They employ halflings and shoemakers.
merely imitate humanity, miming our Elven homes vary from hollowed stumps
behavior. to villages hidden in the boughs of trees
As spirits, they are immortal and live while some more fanciful tales speak of
forever -or as long as their woods survive. whole cities built around the trunks of trees,
They cannot be slain or destroyed, just sent hundreds of feet above the ground. I also met
back to their lairs. They do not grow old and a Dementlieu gentleman who insisted that
are immune to all disease and poisons. elves live in giant mushrooms and that rings
of the fungi can be used as gateways to their
The peoples of the Core often have
differing myths regarding sub-humans but
curiously this isn't the case for elves. Most The fey are said to live in another world,
lands view the fey quite similarly. While one removed from our own; it is another land
some of the minor details vary, most agree entirely that is reachable through hidden
that elves are tied to the natural world. doorways and entrances. In this magical
Borcan and my native Richemulot both Otherworld time travels differently and
agree that elves eat petals and drink dew visiting mortals become ensorcelled or
while Barovia believes that elves are enraptured. One common tale speaks of a
mischievous creatures that bring cause traveler who stumbled into the Faerie world
disease to livestock and feast on suffering. and tarries there for several months before
The folk of Tempest have views similar to returning home, only to find decades have
Barovia and relate elves to evil spirits and past and his children had all grown up.
the minions of witches. The folk of Mordent Along the Western Coast it is believed that
have a particularly romantic version where wizards can summon fey from this
they believe the Fey are idealized humans, Otherworld. Powerful mages often have
men who did not fall from grace or become several faerie servants who act as butlers or
removed from nature. retainers and sometimes as assistants in
Dementlieu is an odd exception as they magical rites. There are few better
believe that real elves are less than a foot tall instructors of magic than the fey. Others
and have butterfly-like wings. Although, I expand this into the belief that fey can be
suspect this was the result of some decade- summoned to perform magical acts the
old language confusion. summoned cannot do themselves.
Both Darkon and the Southwestern Core The elves are said to be masterful shots and
have few legends of note, likely due to their fey archers are feared by all warriors.
proximity to true elves. There are many Legends claim they are unerring marksmen
Kartakan songs involving elves and forest and some more outlandish tales say they can

Races of the Mists

shot a man's soul from his body separating invisible aura as if they alone are walking in
the two. Elven bows are also uniformly sunlight while the rest of us slink about in
enchanted and cannot be fired by anyone the shadows. Light breezes seem to follow
save their owner. them, continually playing with their cloaks
Another common legend tells that fey and tussling their hair.
kidnap infants from their crib and replace On the surface they are human in
them with Changeling babes, faux infants appearance, only with flawless skin and
whom quickly die. Parents, oblivious to the perfect features. Their ears come to a
swap, assume their child has died leaving the graceful point and are slightly elongated but
real infant to the mercies of the fey. easily concealed by clothing or hair. Elven
Other general legends attribute many eyes are also unusually: oddly shaped and
supernatural abilities to the fey: they can angled with unnatural hues. Most
become invisible at will, they cannot be unnervingly, the eyes of the fey catch and
tracked and leave no footsteps in the reflect light like an animal's, often giving the
wilderness, they have no shadows, they are impression their eyes are glowing in the
all insane and unpredictable and are dark. Curiously, elves have little body hair.
incapable of emotion. No elf is able to grow a beard or mustache
Elves are often given magical powers and but neither have I seen a balding elf.
abilities, natural gifts that allow them to Deformity and disfiguration are almost
shape nature or summon animals. These unknown to the fey and even wounds seldom
powers are different from sorcery or mage- leave scars.
craft and are innate talents possessed by all. It is quite easy to mistake a fey for a
mortal, especially if they are disguised. They
are human in stature, if a little short and
The Truth slender, but only slightly below the norm.
They stand out more when compared to
Easily the biggest cause of confusion about burlier folk such as the Falkovnians than the
the nature of elves is the Shadow Fey. The gentry of Dementlieu. Of all the sub-human
legends of these fey have become blurred races, elves have the easiest time moving
and mingled with that of the more mundane through human lands. While other races are
woodland fey. Likewise, the myriad of feared less, such as the halflings and
sylvan creatures of legend and fact have all gnomes, the fey have ease veiling their
been associated with these two races natures. However, it is very rare for them to
including such diverse creatures as go unnoticed entirely.
leprechauns, halflings, dryads, nymphs, and The daily requirements of elves are less
more. However, there is more than a little fantastic than one is lead to believe. They
overlap between the Arak and other fey and I
need both food and drink to survive,
am left wondering how different they truly although they need less than humans. They
are. are also not immune to poison or disease
Elves are magical beings, that is quite true. and, with their frailer constitutions, actually
The few fey I have encountered have an more susceptible to both. Curiously, I have a
eerie and unnatural grace, their movements number of first-hand accounts that suggest
are fluid and deliberate as if every motion that a fey's tie to the land may aid them
has a purpose. They seem to glow with an against disease and the like, but I have never
unearthly radiance, not a literal light but an witnessed this myself.

Quoth the Raven

I was tempted to poison a few to witness

this firsthand but, as the only outsider, I
Elven Biology decided to avoid suspicion.
Elves able to eat fresh fruit and vegetables Curiously, elves do not sleep. They have
(including berries, nuts and most grains) need of rest but they do not sleep. Instead
require only half as much food per day to they enter a meditative trance for four hours,
function. In game terms, they require only during which they rest their mind and body.
half a pound of food to avoid starvation While similar to sleep, there are differences.
Elves can awaken suddenly and without any
However, if required to subsist on
preserved food and/or fresh animal
disorientation but they are just as difficult to
products (meat, dairy) they require the arouse as typical sleepers. The Fair Folk
standard amount of food. Elves forced to have a superstition against violently and
live on preserved or aged animal products suddenly rousing elves as they fear the soul
need twice the normal food to function. and mind may be too spread out for all of it
Elves also have a tie to the land of their to return in time.
birth; this increases their recuperative
powers and heightens their endurance. In Meditating elves also dream. These dreams
their home domain elves heal faster: for are similar to the dreams of other races but
each day of rest and natural healing they far more lucid and easily recalled. The fey
recover an extra hit point. This bonus is believe these dreams are often prophetic,
doubled for complete bed rest. heralding things to come. Others believe
Elves very close of their actual birthplace they enter another realm while dreaming
have this bond strengthened. While within
where illusions and phantoms are
the ten-mile radius they receive a +2 racial
bonus to Fortitude saving throws against encountered.
poison and disease. While not the fantastic beings of legend,
Sithican elves have a much weaker tie to fey are blessed with some supernatural gifts.
the land; on some level they know it is not They can see easily in dim lighting and some
their true home. Elves that were not born in can even total darkness. In fact, all elven
Sithicus (those under forty years old or
born before 720 BC) have the above
senses are heightened. Because of these
benefits halved. senses elves are prematurely skilled at
While they are trancing and not truly spotting hidden passages and concealed
sleeping elves are still required to make a doors. Some claim this ability is supernatural
Listen check to wake themselves (see the or a result of superior elven aesthetics
Ravenloft Dungeon Masters Guide). (where they are so skilled at art and design
However, once awoken they are instantly they can 'see' where a door should be but
alert and aware of their surroundings.
Interestingly, elves that enter their trance in
isn't) but I believe this ability is strictly
Ravenloft mentally touch the Dreamplane mundane. Sensitive skin feels the flow of air
like all slumbering beings and are just as while impressive eyes spot the cracks of the
vulnerable to the predation of the portal.
Nightmare Court! Outlander elves are even
As the tales, elves are typically natural
more vulnerable as they are not used to the
foreign dreams and are tempting targets for archers. From a young age they are educated
the Court. with bows and most elves have some rough
skill with the weapon. There is nothing
supernatural about this; they simply have
much practice with the weaponry.

Races of the Mists

I should be clear at this point that I am not

implying there is nothing magical about the
fey. I am merely pointing out where the Summoning Fey and Immortal
legends have diverged from reality and into Servitude
speculative fiction. The fey are clearly Elves can be summoned by the spells
inhuman, supernatural creatures. Summon Monster or Summon Nature's
Magic and the mystic arts come naturally Ally at the will of the DM. The elf in
to the fey. Many learn a few simple spells question must be in a region currently
near the Mists and have Hit Dice
and there is no ignorant taboo on the arcane.
numbering less than or equal to the level
Magic is seen simply a manipulation of of the spell. The chances of the spell
natural forces and viewed in the same light summoning a fey is 10% per spell level.
as such mundane activities as gardening or Thus, a mage casting Summon Monster
crafting. While much of their aptitude and IV could summon a 4th level elf 40% of
talent for magic could be the result of its the time.
openness and formal training, elves still Elves have a choice whether or not to
answering a summons; they are not
inarguably posses an innate talent for the
forced or snatched through the Mists. A
magical. particular individual or elf cannot be
The fey also do not spring fully-grown selected as the target of a summons, the
from trees or the Mists but are born much the choice is random (or up to the Dark
same as any creature. They age slower than Powers). Elves cannot be summoned
across a closed domain border.
men, perhaps at half the rate, reaching
The summoning spell essentially
physical maturity around the age of forty. creates a two-way Mistway of excellent
Their mental development is much slower, reliability between where the elf is and
most likely because they are taught and the summoner. The elf instinctively
educated in sporadic bursts. I also think the knows the duration of the spell and can
adolescent elves themselves are unwilling to return through the Mistway before it
quickly grow up as they see no rush or expires. An elf who delays too long or
chooses not to return is not automatically
benefit. returned as other summoned beings.
One myth I have been unable to confirm However, if the summoner dismisses the
nor deny is the ability of mages to summon a spell prematurely the elf may become
fey through magic. While my own limited trapped.
attempts have failed, summoning is not my Elves are under no magical obligation
to aid or assist their summoner. Many
school of expertise. It would be easy to
help out of curiosity or as entertainment.
ignore the tales of summoned fey but they Immortals such as elves have few qualms
are too numerous to be entirely fiction. about spending a few months or years
However, I have my doubts that fey can pretending to be a human or feigning
easily be as coerced into becoming servants servitude, often just to try something
as the stories suggest. new. Cunning mages might still use other
means to enchant or manipulate an elf
Elves are immortal. They cannot die of old into compliance. However, while many
age and exist for centuries, remaining elves might not object to playing butler
youthful in appearance for most of those all take offence at being forced to do
days. After two or three hundred years some anything and will take often take great
elves develop wrinkles and have lightly lined offence and seek revenge.
faces, but this merely seems to accentuate
their personalities, often scholarly and

Quoth the Raven

educated or in positions of authority, For all their snobbish, superior attitudes

occupations where age and wisdom are and unnatural auras, the fey are very similar
assets. Even at extreme age (the oldest I have to humans. They eat and rest, laugh and love,
found on record, an impressive 750 years all that makes us human. All that truly
old, almost pre-dating the founding of separates them for humanity is their
Barovia!) elves still have some youthful immortality, and that is a large difference.
appearance even if their hair is thinning and For what drives us more in life than the
their muscles are weak. knowledge that one day it will end?
As stated above, elves do not die of old Immortality is the crux of the fey; everything
age. Elven gravesites are entirely populated revolves around this single difference.
by those who died of accident or disease or People tend not to fixate on our mortality,
violence. Those Fair Folk who believe they but neither do we ignore it. Time is too short
have grown too old, usually three or four to be entirely wasted. We may squander
centuries in age, simply walk out into the days, sometimes even weeks, but it is
Mists. Legends abound as to the reasons for unlikely we will procrastinate for entire
this activity. Some say the elves are years. A fey thinks nothing of spending a
becoming one with the Mists or are year perfecting a song, a decade working in a
journeying to the land of their ancestors. garden or generation practicing their craft.
Others claim there is a land still hidden in the Time is meaningless for the Fair Folk.
Mists, one travelers cannot find and entirely While much has been made of immortality
populated by fey. One rumour of note I being granted or gained by mortals -the
should pass along to my Esteemed Brothers lengthy discussions in the Darkonian
is that the fey leave to join with the forces Doctor's works on lichdom or vampirism for
that control our land, they become the example- things differ with those who have
enigmatic Watchers in the Shadows. While never known mortality. Those who work to
likely a fanciful legend it still bears become immortal know well how short life
investigation. is and those granted eternal life knew the
sting of death, but the fey know neither.
Society The average fey knows only a few people
who have died, typically from accidents or of
The society of the Fair Folk is often difficult those few 'lesser races' that live in elven
for mere mortals such as my self to lands. At best they have an academic or
understand. The intricacies of daily life when detached view of death. They are never
that day is but one of hundreds of thousands taught to worry about finishing something
are often subtle. I could only spend a few and are seldom given deadlines. Elves do not
scant months studying the elven folk. To understand the need to rush; instead, they
presume to be an expert is akin to spending a believe that anything worth doing must take
couple weeks in Mordent and claiming to time. In fact, with the causes of most
know everything on their way of life. One premature deaths being accidents or violence
might never see dishes being done or visit on many elves are overly cautions in avoiding
laundry day but that would not mean the mishap. They take pains to avoid incident
people are slovenly or do not engage in such becoming even less efficient and productive.
activities. Still, I believe I have been Occasionally elves are motivated to finish
thorough enough in my research for it to not some task, oftentimes through an imposed
be completely dismissed. deadline. Ironically, the best way to get an elf

Races of the Mists

to do something is tell them not to do it. A

challenge or restriction will sometimes be a Vendetta!
surprisingly effective motivator. This should On rare occasions an elf will swear revenge
be used with caution. A fey who is prevented on someone over an insult or slight.
from doing something or hindered in some Accidental mishaps are quickly warped and
activity will often feel incredibly slighted. twisted into deliberate and highly personal
Even if the activity was trivial its denial will insults -a result of elves' selfish natures. A
be a grievous insult. simple apology or restitution is not enough
for the elf; revenge becomes a matter of
Apathy and procrastination are the pride.
cornerstones of elven society, an entire way As a long-lived people, elves think
of life. Darkonian elves lean towards nothing of devoting a year or even decade
procrastination and caution. They are slow towards revenge. With months to seethe
and methodical but prone to distraction even minor insults are magnified and grow
in the mind of the elf into unforgivable
leaving things half-finished. In contrast,
trespasses and elaborate punishments are
Sithican elves feel removed from their land concocted.
and feel little need to even start projects! Punishments are often grandiose and
However, in other lands, elves may have layered, frequently confusingly so.
found a balance between their longevity and Sometimes it is a multitude of small
the need to accomplish something, but this is indignities over years while other times it is
not the case in the Land of the Mists. a single, massive event. Poetic justice is
preferred and revenge seldom ends in death
Something else was at work, something that
as the elf wishes the victim to suffer or
took me months of research. squirm.
There is much more going on in the minds
of the Fair Folk than mere detachment and
apathy. Elves have long lives and even
longer memories. They are in touch with the
world in a way mortal men are not. They
have learned that something is coming, that
were are on the eve of a great change. They Lifestyle
can feel it in the earth, hear it in the wind and
see it in the stars. For us mortals this event is Elven homes are built to be in harmony with
still decades away, not worth becoming nature. While they like trees to play an
overly preoccupied about. Who knows what integral role in their homes, they do not build
will happen between now and then? For the massive cities in comically large boughs.
elves, a few decades is a short span of time Instead, homes are typically built around
and they wonder why they should start trees using the trunks as pillars or part of the
anything -do anything- if the end is so near. frame. Often small groves are used to
Many have yet to accept this openly but it support all four walls in an elven home.
nags at their minds beneath the surface, Elven architecture varies between lands.
poisoning their deeds. The atmosphere of Darkonian elves use local stone for
fatalism and inevitability is contagious and foundations then build walls out of wood
quickly becoming epidemic. that is then plastered or mudded for
insulation and dcor. Small vines, bushes or
pleasing mosses are sometimes planted
along the foundations and allowed to creep
across the walls. These vines are rather eye-

Quoth the Raven

catching in the spring when the entire common although much of this is built
cottage seems to bloom. Cautious or directly into the walls. The homes
paranoid elves replace these vines with themselves are small as fey seldom spend
thorny bushes giving the impression their time indoors. The structures themselves are
home is in the middle of a thicket. Houses strictly used for storage of perishables, that
are slowly improved over centuries with the which cannot survive centuries of exposure.
walls strengthened, adornments added and Meals are often taken outside and many a fey
the general aesthetic improved. The spends their nightly trances under the stars.
Darkonian cities have been around for Again, Sithican elves have a different
generations and the buildings are masterfully style. These towers, like all fey habitats, are
constructed. more extensive storage space than living
Sithican elves prefer a much more fanciful quarters. For Sithicans this is advantageous.
construction building slender towers out of I cannot imagine how the full contents of a
wood, stone and crystal. The land's mines home could be compressed and built into a
and quarries have all but been depleted of slender tower. The lowest levels of the
this rosy quartz; old buildings are often torn towers are typically a common space, a
down for new ones can be constructed. It is comfortable sitting area for entertaining
therefore a good that the population is slowly company. These rooms are typically built for
dwindling. It should be noted that these once acoustics. Staircases or elaborate ramps then
slender and graceful buildings are in spiral upward to the higher floors where the
desperate need of repair. Walls crumble and personal possessions are kept, in addition to
floors creak with age and wear, vines and small kitchens and pantries. Walls and other
thistles along the walls have been allowed to separations of space are unknown in Sithican
grow rampantly and the roots often worm towers; even the graceful ramps do not have
their way into the foundations threatening railings. I felt a strong touch of vertigo
whole buildings. It is often a miracle that ascending to the upper floors.
whole villages have not collapsed into ruin Parks and gardens always dominate Elven
Stylistically, elven homes feature graceful communities; nature is integral to their
curves and mimic natural forms. Beams that layout. Elven villages and cities are typically
hold up a roof could be carved to mimic a built as concentric circles, often with rings of
tree canopy with the ceiling painted a light trees separating neighbourhoods. Trees are
green or a broad cloth hanging in a doorway typically used in place of walls or
might appear to be dangling leaves. Elven fortifications but some towns still have stone
homes have a uniform design, opening into a wrought defenses.
single common room. Occasionally there are Elven communities are usually disguised
smaller side rooms for storage or personal or at least hard to find. Entrances are tucked
possessions, but these are too small to live in away in groves of trees and whole villages
and resemble something in-between closest are strategically placed to be overlooked. I
and display rooms. suspect elven magic also plays some part in
These structures do not have bedrooms or the hidden nature of these homes. While not
even beds, elves have no need of them. For as xenophobic as halflings, the fey enjoy
those driven inside by weather or danger a their privacy and respect the dangers of man.
single woven mat on the floor suffices for the Fruit trees, berry patches and small
night. Furniture is rare, often only a few vegetable gardens are interspersed
chairs and a single table or desk. Shelving is throughout communities as shared sources of

Races of the Mists

food. These meandering orchards are often perfect balance. However, most elves are
magically coaxed to grow more produce. more interesting in producing a quickly
Orchard are seldom separate and instead made item that is barely functional so they
allowed to grow free. The fey refuse to have can return to whatever really interests them.
their trees penned up in small groves or Elven craftsmen typically work with wood,
forced to grow only in certain areas. The sculpting and carving their goods. Furniture
entire village and surrounding lands are their is a rarity but some carpenters fashion
farmsand gardens. Common produce wonderfully engraved stools and desks.
includes cabbage, turnips and some varieties Metalworking is rare among the elves but
of wild oats in addition to grapes and fruit. they have an unexpected affinity for it. Fey
Animals are seldom kept and almost never armourers know how to craft an impossibly
as livestock. When the fey feel the urge for light set of chain mail from a rare dwarven
meat, they just simply hunt. Some elves keep ore, this elven chain is effortless to wear and
small pets, often rabbits or other small remarkably sturdy. However, dwarves
herbivores, but dogs and cats are unusual. seldom surrender the precious ore so this
Some elven communities do have small remarkable armour is highly rare. It matters
pastures where animals are raised, but this is not as elven craftsmen seldom find the time
primarily for trade with other communities to bother with such projects.
rather than personal use. Fey traders typically barter their goods and
While elves are excellent cooks and food for other supplies, typically leather,
knowledgeable in a diverse number of spices wools and ore. These exchanges occur on the
they prefer quick and simple meals, most elves timetable, when they need or desire
would rather get the necessities -such as something, and those who seek out fey for
eating- over and done with, to return to trade are often turned away empty-handed.
activities that actually interest them. Elven Commissioned work is even rarer and woe to
chefs on the other hand, are master cooks the poor fool that hires and elf to craft
who have spent decades perfecting each and something. Stories abound of rich collectors,
every recipe. Meals can be fanciful and enchanted by elven masterworks, who hire
elaborate affairs if the fey wish it, delicate one of the Fair Folk to design and build
and seemingly impossible dishes something, only to have years pass before
painstakingly crafted over the course of the fey gets around to finishing it. The fabled
whole nights with dozens of courses and Baron of Maykle is an example of this, a
precise flavors. Or they can be bland soup collector of swords he desired an elven blade
quickly thrown together so the cook can to finish his collection and hired a smith in
spend time perfecting other recipes. Nevuchar Springs to craft the blade. On the
It is a shame there are so few practicing man's deathbed, thirty years later, the fey
elven chefs. My meals in Darkon and arrived bearing the weapon.
Sithicus were some of the best since I left There are three predominantly elven
home. I have even purchased a few vials of communities in Darkon, and Nevuchar
spice for my own chef to employ. Springs is but one. Other cities that claim to
The work of artisans is similar to that of have elven residents typically only have
chef. Elves are capable of elegant and small sub-communities located on the
beautiful works that are works of art and still outskirts of the town, close to the woods or
working items. I have seen hammers and surrounding farmlands. Other times, elven
knives delicately sculpted and engraved with neighbourhoods were located on the edge of

Quoth the Raven

the town before the city grew and engulfed Sidnar is another isolated town, hidden in a
the small fey homes. Typical fey wooded dale amongst some choppy hills.
neighbourhoods are only marginally The single road meanders about the hill so
connected to the towns, instead being the town is perpetually out of sight, many a
surrounded by parkland and natural traveler will give up on the town, returning
orchards. in the direction they came. While Nevuchar
Karg is an example of a town only Springs is the most predominantly elven
tentatively connected to its elven population town, Sidnar is archetypal of elven design
who, like the shepherds and farmers, live and style.
outside the imposing walls of the town Sidnar is not a town where trees grown but
proper. Maykle is the opposite, having a large grove where a town was built. Here
subsumed a small elven settlement in the nature is not controlled or sculpted, it is
nearby hills. given free reign in beautiful chaos, the way
Nevuchar Springs is predominance of fey of the Darkonian elves. The houses blend
and has the strongest inhuman feeling of any imperceptively into the thick woods with
elven town. Elves vastly outnumber the other wild gardens woven between the homes.
races in the city proper. The folk there avoid Cobblestone streets weave through the hills
trade and contact with outsiders, and have and serve as a main thoroughfare for carts
made no effort to have the highway extended and traders but the elves themselves move
to them. The unveiling of the Nocturnal Sea through hidden paths in the underbrush.
was devastating for them as it exposed their There are only a handful of obvious
town to foreigners and greatly increased buildings, ones built in a human style. The
trade. As people with long memories and first is the inn overlooking the river and the
lives, elves do not enjoy sudden change and trading outpost is another. However, the
becoming the largest western port is most well known is the Collegium Caelestis,
certainly that. a school for the study of the natural sciences.
The Springs itself is a pleasant enough The Collegium and its students, faculty and
town with an emphasis on hedges over trees. alumni make up a large percentage of the
Since they were miles away from other human population in this elven community.
settlements, they felt little need to hide their The campus almost functions independently
small town completely and instead planted of the town. The fey tolerate this because
fruit bushes and other light shrubbery. As the they feel it is their duty to educate those
Springs area is sparsely wooded the fey seeking knowledge of nature and the world
settled around a large copse of trees. The we live in.
town itself quickly outgrew the small grove The town is also home to one of the largest
and they resorted to strategically planting astrological guilds, the Omen Watchers, who
new trees. All this lends a curiously artificial maintain the telescopes and small
feel to an elven village despite the large and observatories of the Star Spire. The fey are
wild hedges and meandering bushes, all the dedicated astrologers; something I believe
trees have been precisely planted. has to do with the permanence of the stars.
Sadly, my visit to Nevuchar Springs took When one lives for centuries there are few
place in the early fall; the town must be constants, the stars are one. The fey have
stunningly beautiful in the spring. The entire grown skilled at prognostication and may
city must become alive with new growth and even rival the Vistani at stargazing, although
small flowers.

Races of the Mists

elven horoscopes tend to be vague, Neblus' northern horizon certainly adds an

especially concerning mundane details. unearthly air to the town; thick wisps of fog
While elves specialize in prophecy and often shroud whole neighbourhoods.
visions of the future the Omen Watchers The surrounding borders have had an
specialize in horoscopes, a more recent art. effect on folk's perceptions of the elves.
Astrological prophecy is much more Some Darkonians even believe they are the
impersonal, focusing instead on events and sprits of the dead given how near they live to
times while horoscopes are much more the Mists. I need not retell the curious
tailored to individual destinies. However, properties of these Mists and how time pass
some more traditional elven seers -typically strangely within them. For a period I was
Sithican- dismiss the Omen Watchers convinced it was the Mists that spawned
entirely. legends of people losing track of the days
The final Darkonian city is Neblus which, when in the lands of the fey. I was not even
despite having both human and elven surprised when I wandered into Nova Vassa
inhabitants, has a distinctly elven air. The and found the date not what I had expected.
other residents have adopted elven fashions However, my time in Sithicus taught me
and mannerisms, often peppering their otherwise.
speech with elvish words and phrases. The There are three major settlements in
elves respond to this but lapsing into Sithicus, all eerily similar to each other.
tradition and conservative behavior to They are built in a concentric circle style,
differentiate themselves and maintain their strictly according to elven designs. While
group identity. other elven settlements roughly follow this
The buildings are a mixture of elven and design of circles expanding outward, non-
human design, especially given their Sithican settlements are far less rigid in the
construction from stone. There are few application.
woods in the region; Neblus is As I ventured inward from Kartakass, the
uncomfortably close to the damp Boglands first 'city' I encountered was the capital, Har-
for most trees. Neither hedges nor bushes Thelen. The city, little more than a large
grown as the Mists themselves obscure the village by human standards, is walled with
town from sight. Ivy and other creeping light stone that is chocked with thick vines.
vines are still common, winding their way up Weeds and other unwanted vegetation
the recycled rock walls of the town. The sun worms its way through any available crack
and wind worn stone, paired with these rendering these walls weak and crumbling.
vines, makes the town seem ancient beyond The village itself would be invisible in the
its years, appropriate for the fey. dense underbrush if not for the traveled road
The Misty Border almost permanently leading towards it. The bordering Musarde
enshrouds this town. While most Darkonians also exposes the city as the river valley
(and the inhabitants of other lands for that reveals the walls.
matter) situate the elven lands in the ethereal The buildings of Har-Thelen are typical
region of Darkon known as the Mistlands, Sithican buildings. Instead of small, squat
only Neblus is actually still beside the pale houses they have built elegant towers of
borders, sea and mountains having brilliant marble and rose quartz stretch
supplanted the Mists near other towns. towards the sky. They must have been
However, the reputation of the Mistlands breathtaking at their prime but not reek of
remains. The endless expanse of white that is

Quoth the Raven

decay and a lack of maintenance. Many seem castes' outer rings that differ, and even then
unstable and on the verge of collapse. only in size. The scale of the individual
Located at the edge of the rings is the buildings did not vary, there simply many
Musarde River, recently constructed docks more in Hroth.
and buildings house most of the non-elven The parks of Hroth are large and
population of Har-Thelen. Much of this is expansive, separating each of the ringed
built in a style mimicking human districts. Parkland serves to demonstrate a
architecture, as if the laborers were advised key difference between Sithican and
by outsiders. The towers are squat with Darkonian fey. While latter are happy to
several adjacent rooms for sleeping and simply live amongst nature, in harmony if
eating, although the space is still cramped. you will, Sithicans prefer to shape nature
Har-Thelen has a tense air that was into an idealized form. A Darkonian fey will
palpable even during my short stay. The allow trees and bushes to grow wild and
myriad people of mixing races do not like freely and never attempt to impose their will
each other despite living as neighbors. The on nature. Sithicans plant trees in precise
elves are both fearful and distrusting of the aesthetic locations and sculpt bushes and
humans who are in turn superstitious and hedges into pleasing yet otherwise
paranoid. So far common prosperity has held impossible forms. An entire caste, the
the animosity in check but I fear what could greenshapers, has responsibility over this
happen if the situation changed. activity.
It is not an easy trek overland through However, even the Sithican's art of shaping
Sithicus. The woods and supernatural aura of plant life could not compete with their
the land make travel near impossible, even apathy and the once grand parks have fallen
for residents. Most rely on the rivers and into disrepair. Hroth, as the largest city with
paths that move between the waterways, but the most dominant parks, is the prominent
this still leaves the largest settlement in example of this; the wilds on nature have
Sithicus isolated and almost cut-off. Moving retaken control. Few now enter these
west through the dense woodland I stumbled wooded areas save for the well-trod
across Hroth almost by accident. A single thoroughfares, the wilder sections are
fern-covered road leads to the town from the rumoured to have become twisted over the
north, eventually ending a few hundred yards years. Centuries of magiks in the plants have
from the main gate. made them something more than natural and
Hroth itself is walled with the typical they can often be dangerous.
quartz barrier accentuated with briars and Venturing north, I came to Mal-Erek, a
bushes with a single vaulting archway decent sized village that is the most visible
leading into the town, twinned by several of the three fey settlements. It is cut in twain
sculpted trees. They do nothing to draw by road leading south to Hroth and northwest
attention to the gate and the entire settlement into Valachan. A wide river plain to the north
remains almost totally hidden in the woods. exposes the northern half of the town where
Hroth reminded me much of Har-Thelen, the path lead from the settlement to the
and not simply because of the land's affect riverbanks' rotting docks.
on my faculties. The architecture is so Mal-Erek is isolated, seeing few visitors.
similar that many of the buildings could be Despite its exposed layout, few folk come
twins. The aristocratic core of the cities are down into the Fey Woods from Valachan.
almost mirror images and it is only the lower Invidians are also much more likely to

Races of the Mists

frequent Har-Thelen through the shared their enchanted wood, miles from
rivers than they are to wander through the civilization. Now that they border the Mists,
woods to Mal-Erek. Once, long ago, the Fair they are believed to be even more haunted as
Folk made religious pilgrimages to Mal-Erek the grey fog spreads endlessly through the
but as the people grew detached most lost trees like a specter.
faith in higher powers. The Fey Woods themselves have a
Mal-Erek was once a key locale of the fey reputation for magic and enchantment, one
cults; several large churches were housed which I discovered to be quite true. One may
here and continue to exist in varying states of wander the Mistlands of Darkon with some
disrepair. Curiously, the largest temples have confusion, but the land is still human, albeit
all be defiled and the icons utterly destroyed. with a subhuman populace, but Sithicus is
Even more curiously, the damage appears to very clearly not the domain of men. One may
be natural, as if the temples were hammered wander for days there, lost on the straightest
by lightning strikes. Most have been pillaged of roads. Memory quickly clouds and grows
of relics and valuables but local legends tell erratic and dreamlike. Even the most
of unopened tombs and sprawling mundane of landmarks conjures up forgotten
catacombs. The tales do inspire curiosity and memories from childhood and every bend in
I wonder what wonders of elven magic one the road seems implacably familiar. This
might discover beneath, perhaps even effect is unnerving at worst but still an
something to aid us in our mission. Currently inconvenience, I have had to rely on my
only one church still sees any visitors, the notebooks more heavily than I would like.
elven dragon-god whom I shall detail later. Most unnerving was my exit from Sithicus
Other elven settlements are not limited to into Valachan. I had spent well over half a
single lands but are scattered across the year in the woods, much of it living amongst
entire Core. Small villages tucked away in the fey and recording their activities, but
woods dismissed by humans as haunted or when I emerged from the woods into
hidden in forgotten valleys. These small Valanchan I discovered only four months
hamlets conform to the standard elven styles had passed. I assumed Valachan was
and are almost miniature representations of suffering a long winter as I journeyed to
the larger towns of Sithicus and Darkon. The Rotwald, only to discover spring was months
homes of the noble caste or other authority yet away. Somehow I lost complete track of
figures are located in the centre with all other time in the Fey Woods. And I am not alone; I
homes radiating outward. Most are protected have heard many tales of people who spent
by hedges or imposing briar patches or only a few weeks in Sithicus only to find
simply hidden in-between the trees. months had passed. A furrier swore he had
The entire southern woods of the Core spent three years in Har-Thelen and fathered
have often been called the Fey Woods, the a young halfbreed child only to return to
giant forest that stretches from southern Harmonia to find a single year had passed.
Richemulot and Borca to the lower Mists. The effect is not constant as is the case in
These woods engulf four entire lands and the land of the Arak. It is unpredictable and
they teem with life. Verbrek -even when it seemingly random; time is simply fluid in
was Arkandale and the Misted Woods- was the southern woods and fey lands. While less
believed to be the source of all wolves in the pronounced in the Darkonian Mistlands or
Core. Likewise, Sithicus was the heart and small fey settlements throughout the Core it
source of all fey. They spread outward from is still universal. I had noticed a similar

Quoth the Raven

effect after I left Sidnar but attributed it to abrupt shift. It was if I lost track of my
the Mists. I believe it is the Fair Folk moments, as if I were so distracted that I
themselves whom cause this, unintentionally could no longer notice the passage of days.
of course. My memories are unfocused and blurry that I
It has been theorized that the land responds cannot rightly recall how much time I spent
to personalities, to force of will and in each city. It was if I stepped into a dream,
personality. The Watchers in the Shadows unsure of what was real and what was my
have absolute control but other forces such imagination.
as powerful demons can usurp the land. I The lifestyle of the Fair Folk, at least in
believe the fey, with their immortality and tie theory, is dominated by music and the arts
to the land, have a similar effect. As time has with even the most bland and functional of
little meaning to the ageless elves so does items designed to be aesthetically pleasing.
time flutter in their lands for people. But, For immortals, everything can be
again, this is just a theory. painstakingly crafted and stylized. In
What is most frustrating is that I am not practice most elves would rather get the
entirely sure time changed. There was no boring and mundane over and done with.
Where once items as common as a saw or
hammer would be masterwork items of more
Time of the Fey beauty than a Chateaufaux sculpture and
Time does not pass uniformly in the lands of everything was a celebration of the fey now
the fey. This altered passage of minutes is all
there is only decadence.
but imperceptible. Individuals typically do
not notice the change; it is subtle and Music and art are still present in the elven
dreamlike and accentuated by the already homes, with songs bursting from all corners
inhuman surroundings. Time passes at and in the public squares a cacophony of
identical speeds for groups, all members of a sonnets and soliloquies fill the air. However,
party experience the same shift. In theory
everyone in the domain or region experiences
where once all art was a celebration of the
the same shift but there may be pockets of people as a whole, the glory of the fey race,
altered time. now there is only selfish desire. There is a
There is no set cause for this effect. The distinctly hedonistic element to the elves
default assumption is that elves unwittingly with their pursuit of beauty and pleasure. As
affect the Mists around them shifting the they believe there is little time left before the
passage of time around them. Individual elves end the fey are no longer concerned with
have no noticeable effect only groups,
especially stationary ones. The larger a
providing a lasting legacy.
population of elves the more time is affected.
Sithicus and the Mistlands, with their already Self-indulgence colours most elven artistic
ethereal nature, are the most subject to this
ventures. Plays are written for the
This affect is strictly atmospheric, designed
satisfaction of the performers, often for them
to add an unearthly quality to fey lands. There to showboat around. Songs favour certain
are no hard rules or in-game bonuses and the instrumentalists or vocalists often excluding
application is up to the Dungeon Master. others leading to a one-sided sound.
Whether time actually changes or if it is the
Long instrumental songs are favoured
dream-like nature of the fey lands clouding
mortal minds is a decision for individual among the Fair Folk. Songs are written to
Dungeon Masters. inspire emotions and convey feelings rather
than tell a narrative or story. Vocal
accompaniment in songs is non-verbal and is

Races of the Mists

instead an arrangement of tone and pitch

designed to compliment the instruments.
Elven songs are delicate works and haunting. Fey Songs
There is an indescribable element to the Groups of skilled elves can
works that mortal musicians cannot Fascinate creatures through their
replicate. songs as per Bards. Each elf must
Other forms of elven art include long have Perform ranks in the
poems that are incomprehensible due to the instrument being played and
level of imagery and flowery language. performing the same song, or at
There are a few gifted elven poets whose least playing complementary tunes.
works are breathtaking but there are many The group acts a single Bard of a
more poets, hundreds really, also producing level equal to the total number of
works of lesser quality. Recitals and elves playing. A minimum of three
performances are quite common and should elves must be present for the
be avoided at all costs. Painting is Fascination effect to occur. Specific
experiencing a resurgence amongst the elves, individuals cannot be targeted, the
although these artists are practicing effect is random. Neither can the
experimental styles and techniques that are Fascination effect be turned on or
both pretentious and ugly. Sculptures were off, it is simply a side-effect of
once common but have become elven song.
unfashionable over the past couple decades
and there are many unfinished works
littering homes, alleyways and parks. This is
the inevitable fate of the paintings and
poems as the artists grow bored and One of the few popular games are
distracted moving on to their next project challenges, tests of skill akin to competitions
ignoring the current one. of gentleman's wagers. A few elves
Elves have few other pastimes believing participate in games of fantasy, shared
most games to be juvenile and dismissing storytelling or role-playing with elaborate
sports as uncivilized. Scholastic pursuits are behaviour and rules. Curiously, these games
sometimes engaged in and most elves of sometimes go on for so long the participants
high castes can read several languages. forget they are playing a game and the
However, there are precious few elven fantasy all but becomes real. I believe the
writers and foreign tomes are dismissed so Mists or other forces may become involved
precious little reading is done for relaxation. in these events, but I have no proof.
Elaborate balls are also popular social
events with fey of all castes and standings
gathering to socialize. These are usually held
out of doors near a host's home and attended
by dozens of fey. Unnecessary amounts of
food are brought in and musicians play
endlessly. The gowns and decorations are
always magnificent and the music and
dancing elaborate.

Quoth the Raven

Typical fey have two names: a family

name and a chosen name. Family names are
combinations of two or more words in elven
and often have some significance to the
family. When translated they are names such
as Greenleaf, Moondancer, Brightstar and
the like. Many involve nature or the weather
and very few are martial or violent. Most
elves prefer the elven versions of their
names, in this case Glaislen, Lloerdawyr and
Eiriaren as they find translations into
Mordentish or Balok ugly.
Elven children are given a short name
when they are first born; this is their child-
My first time at a grand ball was unlike
name. When an elf feels they are an adult
anything I have seen before and since.
they make up their own name reflecting their
However, the pleasure is muted by the
interests and dreams. Most elves choose this
repetition and frequency. Balls are held
name after their first century of life when
nightly with only the host and venue
they are considered adults by fey society but
changing. The same music is played and the
some choose it earlier. After a name has been
same dances are danced and the same
chosen, it is considered improper and poor
dresses are worn. It is almost a forced
taste to change it.
revelry, a centuries old habit. This is not to
say the dances are identical. Variety comes
from the fey's hedonism as they look for new Family
ways to entertain themselves or shock the The elves have a rigid caste structure that
other revelers. However, after centuries separates families and dictates behavior.
everything has been tried at least once. Whom one can marry, address, work with
Recently, a new pastime was introduced to and more are controlled by this elaborate
the fey from the East and has quickly spread system. Unlike other caste systems I have
throughout the more adventurous youth of seen there is no distinct and overt hierarchy
Sithicus' communities. Hazlan has found a to the elven castes. Some are obviously
new and willing market for its intoxicants higher in status than others, but many
and drugs. Opium dens can be found in all overlap in rank and privilege.
three communities and several small villages The six castes are the aristocrats, the
have begun trading for the drugs. However, religious scholars, the farmers, the artisans,
the price of addiction is growing. Hazlani the soldiers and the wizards. To the fey these
wizards are known for their desire to study are colorfully known as House Noble, House
and experiment on sub-humans, which might Watcher, House Greenshaper, House Crafter,
easily lead to tragedy for Sithicus. House Ranger and House Arcane.
Furthermore, the land's dwarven lord Additionally, there is an unnamed caste of
strongly disapproves of his workers in a classless fey who are simply the servants.
stupor or funneling money into other Non-elves and foreigners are associated with
markets. I shudder at the events that will that caste.
occur if he clamps down on the border. House Noble is the third smallest of the
castes -larger only than the religious and

Races of the Mists

magical castes- and could better be described coaxed from the surroundings but instead
as House Spoiled or House Bureaucracy. The produced from the sweat and toil of the
various rulers of towns and nations are servants. While arguably the second largest
drawn from these extended families who are caste most of House Greenshaper knows
reputed to have a lineage that stretched back little of their duties and heritage. Some still
to the dawn of civilization. Fey of house hear the songs of the trees and become
noble are invariably rich and haughty, even druids or witches of Hala, but most are
more so than other elves. They hold a concerned with themselves and daily life. A
monopoly on the communities, running and large number of poor artists, musicians and
collecting duties from the various guilds or entertainers hail from the caste as they hunt
tributes from the other houses. While the for ways to occupy their time.
leaders of the individual towns are likely The largest of the true castes is House
busy individuals who actually work hard, Crafter. While the servants may outnumber
most members of House Noble spend their the craftsmen it is quickly pointed out they
time in idle pursuits and drive the artistic do not qualify as a caste. House Crafter is
endeavors of the region. responsible for everything that is built or
House Noble is divided into various lesser constructed. From homes to tools it is the
positions in an elaborate courtly system. purvey of the Artisans. This House still
Position varies through finances and current maintains some of its hierarchy of old with
status with the various nobles vying for several smaller guilds coordinating activities
positions and favour. There is an endless and assigning apprenticeships. However, this
waltz of betray and alliances as the families education is often lacking and halfhearted,
seek to change their status in what is at best a slowly more and more secrets of the art are
cosmetic manner. lost or forgotten. Of all the castes, House
House Watcher is the smallest of the castes Crafter has fallen the furthest. Where once
with most of its members fallen in status they were as much artists as builders now
becoming servants. These elves used to they are not much of either. Some produce a
maintain the many temples of the heathen few moderate works every few decades but
fey gods and their various associated cults. most only forge the simplest and blandest of
Now, with the shattering of elven faiths items and even this takes weeks.
across the Core, they simply watch the sky House Ranger, also known as House
for signs and portents. Fatalistic, members of Protector, is a small martial caste that is both
House Watcher firmly believe the end is the police and armed forces of the fey. Less a
coming and await its coming. Many have rigid military unit and more an organized
launched themselves into grand displays of group of investigators, woodsmen and
debauchery while others have fallen into guerilla fighters. This caste still retains much
deep melancholy. of its purpose and skill, although the House
House Greenshaper is responsible for is fragmented into opposing groups. Much if
growing food, maintaining the thorny House Protector was swayed by the Mad
defenses around the towns and shaping the Dwarf of Sithicus and follow him with
towns' parkland. Over the decades they have dreams of power and respect. Others rebel
grown lax and complacent allowing the and make up a fierce resistance against the
defenses to grow wild, enchantments to slip lord of the land. The rest simply keep order
and parklands to spread untamed. in the towns and are little more than puppets
Meanwhile crops are no longer magically of the various town's Speakers. In Darkon
House Protector has found much of its

Quoth the Raven

position usurped by the Kargat and business-like manner. Castes are a subject of
Darkonian military, so many have joined birth and ones station cannot be changed
those organizations. A surprising number of anymore than one's race. The Darkonian fey
the Darkonian House has gone underground are more liberal in that members of the lower
in Falkovnia to free captured brothers who castes (Houses Greenshaper, Ranger and
live as slaves and overthrow the enemy of Crafter) are able to change castes. Thus,
their land. people with natural talent can move to the
The final House is House Arcane, the caste best suited for them. Likewise, those in
mystic practitioners and scholars. While Houses Noble, Arcane and Watcher can
small, the numbers whom are actual mages is move between the three or, rarely, move
smaller still. Most are scholarly researchers down to the lower castes. Servants, of
with no talent in the Art. Those few that have course, can never change their station.
any magical gifts often go untutored and Marriage is a sacred union to the fey and
learn only the simplest of magics. The one used to unite families, form alliances and
former purpose of House Arcane was the repay debts. To the Sithicans, marriages are
regulate and control magic in addition to arranged between families, often before the
teaching it to members of the other castes. At bride and groom are even of the age of
one point in the past every fey knew a few majority. Darkonians tend to be more relaxed
simple incantations or cantrips. While a allowing the couple to at least meet each
much larger proportion knows magic than in other before the marriage. All elven
human cities, the majority of fey do not. This marriages are formal affairs and entirely
situation is further complicated in Sithicus devoid of love and passion. Marriages must
by Azrael's fear of magic, he knows be between families of the same caste and
powerful mages could easily threaten him even in the more relaxed Darkon inter-caste
and he does his best to keep House Arcane relationships are rare although the lower
scattered and frightened. castes are allowed to marry amongst
Lastly is the servant caste, the unofficial themselves.
House that is not recognized by the fey. All Affairs are common. These romantic trysts
non-elves are lumped into this caste and tend to last as long as one party is interested
treated equally shabbily. Easily the largest of and typically dissolve once boredom sets in.
the castes the servant are the only fey who do These dalliances are seldom the cause of
hard labour. They work endlessly in the martial strife as it is expected partners will
gardens, fields and orchards to feed whole seek amusement and emotional attachment
communities, and what little repairs and elsewhere, but they are still kept discreet as it
maintenance done is also by the servants. is the height of tackiness to flaunt one's
However, most of the ruling castes would infidelity. Half-elves are typically the result
rather have their servants catering to their of these brief unions as few elves, even of
whims and thus most toil elsewhere. the servant caste, would ever deem to marry
The two types of elves treat the caste a lowly mortal.
system differently. For the rigid Sithicans, These affairs are typical of the elven
the caste system is a vital and living mindset. Two fey find themselves mutually
distinction and one's caste is as important as attracted to each other and launch into a
one's family. Inter-caste mingling either romantic courtship where they find excuses
socially or martially is taboo for Sithicans to spend time together and compose poetry
and dealings are to be conducted in a and sonnets for each other and profess

Races of the Mists

undying love. Of course, neither partner current state with each community having its
truly believes their grand claims of love and own Speaker.
each is simply using the other to fulfill The choice in Lord Speaker is not entirely
emotional and physical desires. It is all just a in the hands of the nobles and is subject to
grand show in the quest for pleasure. the will of others. In Darkon the title of Lord
Speaker has been cosmetically rechristened
Government 'Baron' in deference to the Rex. The wizard-
The fey respect local governments, pay king likewise influences the Speaker's
homage to lords and kings and obey all appointment. However, this is accepted as
domestic laws. However, this does not mean the Rex is assumed to be a fey himself. This
they truly believe in the authority of secular is not an entirely baseless claims due to
figures. Azalin's long life and magical prowess. In
The fey believe all authority is derived Sithicus the appointment of a new Speaker
from divine figures and that only through a must be approved by Azrael. Recently, the
mandate of heaven can a leader rule. They Mad Dwarf has taken this one step further
are content to follow the will of the Rex or and has actually chosen the Lord Speaker
pay Azrael a token tribute but they do not and all but forced the nobles to approve.
believe in or respect their position. While each city has its own Speaker there
The highest non-divine authority is the are a large number of lesser lords. Many are
Lord Speaker, also known as the Speaker to simply landowners of squatters in abandoned
the Stars. While a quasi-religious position - keeps or castes that have elevated
as they interpret the divine will- the Lord themselves to dominion over their lands.
Speaker is typically of the Noble caste and is These lesser lords put on a grand display of
only advised by House Watcher. It is leadership, collecting taxes and holding
assumed that while House Watcher is elaborate courtly events. There are often
charged with interpreting the celestial state visits and formal gala balls.
portens and interpreting the holy writ it is Much of these smaller lords feel like elves
House Noble that must act on said playing games, young fey who have made a
knowledge. The Speaker serves as a game of courtly manners and politics and
combination of mayor and lord presiding decided to find a place of their own.
over all local affairs. However, most take their game seriously and
The nobles of each city elect a small group grow very upset when their silliness is
of aristocrats to serve as a city council. All pointed out.
members of the House Noble and House The Rex tolerates these lesser figures to an
Watcher have a say in this council, although extent, mostly because they pay large than
this say is typically approving or necessary tributes to show off their wealth
disapproving of the councils choice. The and because they keep the peace in their
council chooses and elects the Lord Speaker land.
from the number, typically of pure noble
blood. At one point there was an extended Fashion
royal family but this has since declined and There is a stark difference between the
House Royal has been amalgamated by the fashions of the Sithican and Darkonian elves.
nobles. Similarly, once there was a single Sithican elves prefer long flowing robes and
Lord Speaker for all elven people but when cloaks woven out of fine local silks while
House Royal vanished, squabbling led to

Quoth the Raven

Darkonains prefer utilitarian clothing made fashions the more entertained the revelers
from wools and other natural cloths. are supposed to be.
Sithican robes are light and breezy and yet Jewelry is quite popular with the fey and
surprisingly strong. Most are of masterwork there is a wide range of accessories.
construction and delicately embroidered. Swooping curves and thin, carefully sculpted
The robes are tight and form-fitting with pieces are the most appreciated. Leaf and
long sleeves with broad, open cuffs. They are other natural motifs are also common. Fey
typically accented by knotted belts and wide jewelry tends to be elaborate and ornate
sashes. During the colder months, multiple while still being graceful and elegant.
layers of open-fronted robes are worn with Jewelry that is bulky, clumsy or large is
thicker cloaks thrown overtop. The colours dismissed as tacky or outright ugly. Dangling
are the same year round: drab and muted jewelry such as large bracelets or earrings
shades with many greys and metallic hues. are also unpopular with close-fitting pieces
Silver and platinum are favour with pale crafted for the individual much preferred.
gold as a highlight. However, light necklaces and pendants are
Darkonian men clad themselves in sturdy common, especially ones ending in precious
breeches and loose blouses or shirts, often stones.
paired with thick vests. Women clad Elven hairstyles vary between the regions.
themselves similar clothing, sometimes Women typically have long uncut tresses,
swaping the pants for ankle-length skirts or always neatly trimmed, combed and washed.
long dresses, often accompanied with a Sithican prefer their hair free but combed
bodice or corset. Despite their clothing being straight back away from their face. Circlets
made from wool, the cloth is surprisingly or small combs are often employed to keep it
thin and resilient. The embroidery is delicate in place. Darkonian women prefer to knot
and precise and blends invisibly with the their hair or tie it back with long braids or
seams. coloured silk ribbons. Darkonian men prefer
Darkonians have an odd flair for dressing their hair short, seldom letting it grow longer
with the seasons. During the spring the clad than their jaw line or shoulders, and even
themselves in a myriad of bright colours then it is tied back tightly. Sithican men
which are gradually replaced by light greens allow their hair to grow long, but not quite as
and blues during the summer. In autumn then long as the women's. It is always brushed
move to reds, oranges and yellows and back but seldom tied or bound.
finally adopt greys, white and black during Face paints and other decorative colours
the bleak days of winter. are occasionally worn on fancy occasions.
This is just the day-to-day fashions, that Elves enjoy painting small images of living
worn by workers or those going about things onto their faces and bodies, most often
routines. The noble caste and other elites flowers or birds. Abstract and colourful
dress far more fancily during their balls and displays are also common but vary in
gatherings. Foreign styles and other exotic popularity. Sharp geometric designs are
appearances are adopted, often paired with universally seen as unnatural and ugly.
minor bits of magic. I have seen gowns made However, despite this enjoyment of body
of leaves, one of still living vines that artistry, tattoos are very rare given their
writhed about the dancer and once a women permanence.
whose white dress seemed to shimmer with
its own radiance. The more elaborate the

Races of the Mists

House Ranger serves as both the army and
police force for the fey. This martial caste Elves speak elven although there are two
operatesmoreassmallguerillasquadsandlessasa distinct variants of the tongue: Sithican elven
cohesivewhole.Thereisnohierarchybeyondcaste and Darkonian elven. Each considers their lan-
rankingssomembersinvariablyfollowwhatever guagetobethepure,unadulteratedversionofthe
skilledorcharismaticleaderassumescommand. tongue and dismisses the other as a lesser pidgin
Magic is always the first line of defense for language. Curiously, both languages share an
the fey. Illusions and enchantments surround alphabet and grammatical rules yet have vastly
their villages, misleading and confusing different vocabularies.
travelers and raiders. Magically grown
hedges act as barriers prevent access to
otherwise undefended settlements. When all Elven Phrasebook
else fails, the fey fall back to spells and
summon fire from the heaven or let loose Blodyn - Flower
missiles of pure magical force. Fey, like the Caileadair - Stargazer
lich or vampires, have centuries to develop Coeden - Wood, forest
creative and often non-lethal methods of Dewiniaeth - Magic
defending themselves.
Do - Yes
Many raiders, mercenaries and religious
Dim - No
fanatics who have taken it upon themselves
to attack or ravage elven communities have Dyd - Day
been found wandering aimlessly through the Gerddi - Garden
woods in a daze, often days or weeks later. Noson - Night
None have any memory but faint dream-like Reul - Star
images and none wishes to try again.
Seun - Magic
Weaponry varies little amongst the fey.
Light armour is preferred, typically leather Sithican Phrasebook
or hide, and often dyed to resemble regional
underbrush. Despite the limited protection Bleujenn - Flower
offered by this light armour the fey remain Druaightys - Magic
deadly threats as the armour hinders neither Dydh - Day
their movement nor the ability to hide. It also Ie - Yes
seldom impacts their spellcasting talents
Koes - Wood, forest
allowing them to ensorcell opponents
between arrow volleys. Lledrith - Magic
All of the Fair Folk are skilled with some Lowarth - Garden
martial weaponry. Archery is common Na - No
despite the distaste elves have of hunting Nos - Night
animals, it is perceived as meditative and an Rolt - Star
extension of the body. Likewise, swordplay
is taught through dance and graceful Rollageydagh - Stargazer
movements. While not the most efficient
fighters, the fey are marvels to watch.

Quoth the Raven

Typically, Darkonian elven is considered ears, curious eyes, ageless appearance and an
'true' elven, primarily because that land unearthly aura. However, there are small differ-
predates Sithicus' emergence from the Mists. ences between all three.
Also, a larger proportion of Outlander elves
speak a tongue similar to Darkonian elven so Darkonian elves have dark hair, typically
most scholars believe it to be the 'true' elven brown or black, and vibrant coloured eyes
dialect. that range from brilliant shades of blue and
green to deep violet. They are pale of skin
Both languages tend to be musical and but tan readily if in the sun for prolonged
complicated with numerous subtleties related periods.
to enunciation and emphasis. Words and
whole phrases tend to run together and it Sithicans have white or silver hair with the
took me months of agonizing studying to occasional rare child born with pale blonde
discern individual words from the myriad of locks. Their eyes are universally amber and
tenses, prefixes and suffixes. Spoken elven even more unnerving than typical elven orbs.
has a melodic feel and lends itself well to Their skin is so pale as to be white giving
poetry, verse and song. The complexity of them a ghostly appearance. Sithicans never
the language almost requires a lifespan of tan although some burn if caught in the heat
centuries to learn. Mere mortals such as for too long, but this quickly heals.
myself and even most half-elves only learn In contrast, wild-elves are dark haired and
an inelegant and poorly accented version of skinned with eyes so black it is impossible to
the speech resembling the poor linguistic distinguish the iris from the pupil. They are
skills of a young child. savage and feral having a wild and untamed
Written elven is endlessly complex with air about them.
little punctuation with sentences broken by Their lifestyle is so different from typical
structure and suffixes. Capitalization is elves I can barely begin the description.
dictated by rhythm and metre rather than Wild-elves live in the deepest woods of
subject although caste-related titles tend to Sithicus, far from the major rivers and trade
be capitalized, as do religious names or routes and as far from other elven
terms. The elven alphabet is composed of settlements as possible. They live
fluid, curved letters that are related to nomadically in moveable huts or small
celestial positions and bear similarities to the caves, seldom staying in one location for
magical tongue, draconic. While most more than a season or two. Unclean, they
wizards write their books in the arcane have mane-like hair and their filthy bodies
tongue, elven is a passable substitute. are often covered in tattoos, paint and ritual
scars. This scarring first occurs at a young
age and increases after each successful rite
Variants of passage.
What little else I know can be described as
So far, I have mentioned only Sithican and
speculation at best, my attempts to mingle
Darkonian fey but they are not the only Fair
with wild-elves were rebuffed (occasionally
Folktogracethehiddencornersofourland.There violently) and they have proved to be a
is a third breed that also hails from the Faerie secretive and reclusive folk. They are
Woods of the Southern Core, the savage Wild- rumoured to partake in cannibalism, at least
elves. All three share the same basic physical in a ritual sense, and believe they can absorb
traitsoneassociateswiththefey:longlife,pointed the power of an individual through

Races of the Mists

devouring his corpse. Wild-elves dress in the fey warred with the beasts in an endless
furs or hide and use simple weaponry such as stalemate until the elves learned to harness
spears and bows. They have no written the same magic the dragons wielded, only
language but are reputed to be skilled at with discipline and skill rather than raw fury:
natural magiks, such as sorcery or even this was the birth of wizardry. Armed with
druidic skills. magic the fey drove back the beasts and all
Despite the wide disparity of culture, wild- but eradicated them. However, being
elves believe they life as true fey and the cunning predators, they continued to menace
Sithicans have lost touch with themselves the fey through surprise attacks and subtly.
and the land. The two sub-species do not Dragons were known to shapeshift into
mingle and never get along without harsh pleasing elven forms and mate with pure-
words and violence. blooded fey producing lines of bastards. The
natural, wild draconic magic spread through
this tainted blood and gave rise to the
History sorcerers.
Elves believe that dragons were not wiped
The records of the Fair Folk are intertwined out after this but continue to live and hide.
with religious texts and records of celestial Many retreated to far away lands where they
omens, where stars were and when. Elves are lord over lesser beings while others have
concerned primarily with the present and spent so long in mortal guise they have
what the future holds. Actual history books forgotten their true natures. Some slumber
are typically recitals of events paired with beneath the Earth and rivers awaiting the
their prediction often summarizing various time to awake when they arise from
prophecies. Often the same key prophecies centuries of sleep.
are highlighted again and again for multiple
events over decades. The books themselves A fanciful legend if I had ever read one,
are in abysmal state, often having decayed full of fantastic and impossible creatures -but
through inattention for centuries, finding no more than other creation myths I have
anything in fey records is a daunting task. read. It serves as a justification for elven
haughtiness and disdain for 'lesser' races;
According to the mythological elven after all, they are the First Born. It also
histories, their tale begins at the dawns of serves to illuminate the strong elven dislike
time when the dragon-gods created the fey of sorcery and other forms of magic that rely
out of the divine light of stars. The fey on force of personality over knowledge and
believe themselves to have been the first race skill.
created, a perfection not improved upon
since despite numerous attempts. The elves Elves are fond of stories, tales of
lived in harmony with nature since the individuals and their lives, which are
beginning, taming the savage animals and preserved through song and verse. However,
lesser beast-races through natural skill and the historical use of these tales is dubious as
loving discipline. The only creatures to spurn the songs are invariably romanticized and
them were the dragons, magical beasts that exaggerated. However, certain key moments
are little more than forces of nature. have been preserved as a rough
understanding of events can be gleamed
Dragons are the direct children of the gods, from them.
bastard offspring without the design of the
fey. Theirs is the power of magic and they At one point the elves lived nomadically,
delight in destruction and ruin. For millennia until their Great King founded the first elven

Quoth the Raven

kingdom. The glorious leader also so they can better prepare for fate. However,
established the caste system and founded the the fey now believe the end is coming, they
first elven school of magic and was recognize similar omens to what they
instrumental in defeating the dragons. observed before the Great Upheaval only
Probably an exaggerated resume but a much now the signs are grimmer. They firmly
beloved racial figure. The period following believe the end is coming and it is inevitable.
is believed to be the peak of elven culture, The Fair Folk have always been more
the 'Golden Age' that ended slowly over concerned with the present over anything
thousands of years. else. The future is fated and will attend to
Another legend is the fall of the Platinum itself and the past has already occurred. Fey
Dragon. Elves believe in a number of pagan live for the moment more than anyone else I
gods with the primary being the two dragon- have encountered. Now that the end is
gods. The first is a glorious silver beast nearing they are even more concern with
(whose name translates as either Adamantine themselves and personal satisfaction.
or Platinum) who is the embodiment of all There is a range of response to the
that is good and noble. Its partner was the imminent end. Most fey have fallen into
Dragon Queen, a jealous creature of pure hedonism with renewed vigor while a few
spite and evil. They warred over the hearts rare heroic fey are determined to prevent the
and souls of the Fair Folk, an endless circling catastrophe and even more desperately
war in the sky. At last the dark one search for ways to save themselves.
triumphed tearing the fleshy body asunder, Elven values have always been curious and
forever severing the Platinum Dragon from alien to mortals, the mindset of eternals is a
its people. No longer able to walk among hard one to grasp. Many researchers have
them, now it may only talk through the stars, simply dismissed the fey as insane, devoid of
tiny fragments of its body. any and all logic. This is not an entirely
A noteworthy Sithican legend is the invalid opinion, the fey see patterns in the
Corruption, a time just over fifty years ago stars and think in terms of magics not earthly
when the land grew cold and dark and nature and mundane logic. To say nothing of the
no long loved the elves. It is believed the dream-like nature of fey lands where the
Black Rose was the cause of this fouling of simplest of rational thoughts are alien and
the land; that his vile nature poisoned the their mindset begins to make sense. Add to
world to the elves but this is hardly a this centuries of association and memories
universal belief. Other Sithican factions and what may be a simple mental step for an
believe that they were the ones corrupted so elf seems like a wild and fantastic leap of
the land rejected them while a third group logic for mere humans. Elven beliefs are the
believe this land is not their own and they epitome of this, personal and so bizarre that
have been removed from their true home. A to even try to understand them gives me a
curious but telling legend. headache.
Personally, I have had the most success
Beliefs relating the mindset of fey to that of almost
senile old men, eccentrics with a
The elves believe the future is written in the staggeringly self-centered worldview. Logic
stars, that the divine spirit of their fallen and reasoning are lost on them while
dragon-god communicates through them. emotions and feelings are intense but subject
Elves use the stars to predict what is coming to rapid change.

Races of the Mists

As mentioned earlier, the fey have an entire
The Elven Gods
pantheon of gods represented amongst the Players wishing to use the Elven
stars. Most of these have been forgotten even Gods in their game for divine
by the long-lived fey and only two are still patrons for their clerics or simply
recognized: the Platinum Dragon and the religious characters can reference a
Dragon Queen. In Darkon they are typically number of sources. Firstly, the
called "Bahamut" and "Taimat" while book Deities and Demigods
Sithicans prefer to only address them with provides a number of gods in the
lengthy titles (such as the Adamantium default D&D pantheon including
Wyrm and the Many-Headed Devourer) the two referenced here: Bahamut
rather than by name. and Taimat. These can be
interchanged with deities found in
The Dragon Queen is not worshiped so
the Player's Handbook including
much as appeased with small tributes offered
Corellon Larethian or Pelor and
to her at shrines or on certain days. The
Wee Jas or Erythnul.
Many-Headed Devourer is associated with
fire and general destruction and is seen as a Players of Sithican elves have
vengeful being who delights in suffering of more options and can reference the
others. The Dragon Queen is also believed to many Dragonlance products for
be the god of dragons themselves and openly information on the pantheon there
worshipping her is taboo for elves. Her including the Dragonlance
followers tend to be social outcasts and rebel Campaign Setting and Holy Orders
sorcerers, or those who long for the power of of the Stars.
the dragons. These fey often seek to earn her
favor by tormenting or dominating the 'lesser
races' or committing acts of wonton
destruction. enough to simply help someone; you must
Recently I have encountered a few human help them help themselves. All elves respect
cults of the Dragon Queen. Horrific the Platinum Dragon in some form or
individuals twisted by the foulest magics, another but he has fallen out of favor,
often into half-reptilian forms. I have no idea especially his teachings on moderation and
how us mortals learned of the Many-Headed restraint. Quiet and solemn prayer is the
Devourer but I shudder to think of a preferred form of worship, typically in a
disguised wyrm at the head of these cults. church or upon holy ground. Large services
While I give little credence to the elven are rare as religion is deeply personal.
legends my time in the Faerie Woods has Churches were once regularly constructed
made me more willing to believe in the in elven villages, but are now sparse -
impossible especially in Sithicus where all have been
Bahamut is worshiped with reverence as he destroyed or defiled. In Darkon a few
is a peaceful god of purity, reason and light. churches remain and are seeing an increase
He is a cold god of rational thought and in attendance as the end nears. Churches
restraint and his teachings emphasize have similar designs in both lands: four
forgiveness and aid to others but with an slender towers or trees at the cardinal
element of independence. It is often not compass points forming a centre square. The

Quoth the Raven

points are often connected by walls, hedges

or arching bridges forming a boundary of the
church. In the middle of the open-air
Brotherhood of the Eye
structure is a large circle set into the ground This cult was founded in Kartakass
and carved with elaborate star charts. shortly after the Grand Conjunction.
Ceilings or roofs are never included in the The secret behind the organization
design as they prevent stargazing and full is that its founder is an inhuman
appreciations of the heavens. creature that escaped from the land
of Bluetspur before it vanished. It
Human religions have yet to find many
has gathered together human
followers in elven lands. The Darkonian fey
followers to protect itself, supply
have somewhat accepted Ezra into their
food and worship it as a god.
communities but few Sithicans deign to
follow a 'human deity'. This is their loss as The current status of the creature
the Home Faith is exactly what the elves is unknown. It could still be the
need to provide them with hope. Likewise, willing head of the organization but
Hala has found few followers amongst the there are whispers it is now the
fey who dismiss the witches as naive and prisoner and slave of the humans it
limited. The Lawbringer receives the sparest once dominated. There are also
attention as the Eastern faith is dismissed as rumours that something else is using
laughably restrictive and punishing. the organization and is directing its
moments into the elven lands.
Cults however, are also springing up
throughout elven lands. Small sects
promising life hereafter or a way to escape
the coming darkness. Most last for only a
short time or revolve around a single
charismatic leader, while other have been in
existence for decades.
The largest is the Serellefarwr, a group that
reveres the prophecies of the elven seer,
Serellefar. A fifth century seer, his works
include a hundred rhymed quartos predicting power of the soul. The Brotherhood believes
the final centuries of the world. The numbers that once the surface of the world has been
increasing slowly for the past three centuries laid bare in the coming disaster people will
and increase sharply with each subsequent need the psychic abilities they can teach
catastrophe. The prophecies of Serellefar merely to survive. While the Brotherhood
have also found a following in human lands sounds unremarkable, they have left a trail of
and many copies of the quartos are being bodies in their wake, some still breathing but
published in the Western lands. comatose or violently insane.
Another growing movement is the
Brotherhood of the Eye, a small secretive
sect that spread out of Kartakass. Its
Race Relations
followers tattoo two small triangles onto the Elven scholars are remarkably well versed in
palm of one hand as a symbol of their the lore of races and most fey have a
membership. The leaders of the cult preach smattering of knowledge regarding other
message of expanding ones mind and the people. They have a uniform opinion of all

Races of the Mists

other races, one of distain and intolerance. unseemliness.Fewelveswishtohavedealingswith

The Fair Folk truly believe themselves to be anyone so unappealing.
superior to all other races, even despite their
The few elves who bother to learn the
residence in a dwindling, backwater realm.
origins of the mongrel race find the idea of
magically degenerated humans fascinating.
Humans The concept is not entirely unknown to them
All humans regardless of race or land of -there are apparently elven caliban (whom
origins are considered identical. Many fey have they refuse to discuss)- but the difference
problemsdistinguishingbetweenhumans.Given between humans and calibans surprises
their limited contact with humans, the Sithicans them. A few elven mages seem a little too
interested in this information and I worry
consider ever human they meet to be from Kar-
they may begin attempts to produce calibans.
takass.Ihaveencounteredfeywhofirmlybelieved While I have few qualms on experimenting
that Mordentshire was right beside Skald or that on humans, I see little use on doing so just to
Nova Vassa was the region between forests. satisfy one's curiosity. However, should they
Darkonianelvestend tobe more informed but no learn something they may be worth
less snobbish. interviewing later.
Humans are funny creatures to the fey:
short-lived and clumsy beings who are quite Dwarves
foolish. We, apparently, make for great sport Dwarves will rant incessantly about elves
and many fey enjoy think up inventive and their laziness and flightiness but elves
torments. These range from inconvenient to canseldombecoaxedintoutteringmorethanasen-
outright cruel. Many fey are curious about us tence aboutdwarves. Their entire opinion can be
and ask endless questions, we are oddities summedupinasingleline:boringandfartooseri-
they can not understand anymore than we
can grasp them.
short sub-humans for their skills but find them
Many fey enjoy pretending to be humans.
It is often a game for them to move to a dreadful company.
human land and masquerade as one of us,
enjoying the confused reactions to their Gnomes
behaviour. They also enjoy the curious Elves like gnomes; they find them amusing
human trait of growing all wrinkled for no and unexpected surprises. They enjoy their
reason, rapidly getting weaker and frailer morbidsense of humour,grim pranks and erratic
and then suddenly dropping dead. It is behaviour, at least for short periods. The cheery
something they just cannot understand and
find morbidly amusing.
Caliban tiring.
Curiosities that are regarded as little more Elves often have difficulty understanding
than ugly humans or, more accurately, uglier the philosophies and discourses of the
gnomes, especially since these rely so much
on reasoning and logic which are not traits of
morefrequenttargetsofamusementthanregular the fey. The elves quickly grow confused by
humansandmoreoftenignoredsociallyfortheir the talk and dismiss it as another gnomish
prank, albeit a strange one. Elves also cannot

Quoth the Raven

understand the gnomish fascination with Humans will lie, cheat and steal for the
machinery and technology; it goes against smallest things and few would not kill for a
the magical and natural worlds of the fey. few more years of awkward life. What would
Likewise gnomes are entirely confounded by an eternal do? If the end truly is coming then
the elven reliance on magic. While the the lives of the fey will truly becoming
gnomes understand and use magic they view interesting -perhaps for the first time. When
them as one tool out of many. the signs that the end is truly inevitable and
near then what will immortals do to stave off
Halflings death, even for a while? I shudder to think
and grin at the possibilities. This is a
The Fair Folk enjoy the company of the
situation begging to be exploited.
Little People and find their wide-eyed astonish-
Until that time they are a disappointing
waste, so much potential squandered. A race
Halflings as superior to humans as the wee folk of magical beings with a perspective unlike
hold elves in high regard with the proper any other yet cursed with apathy and lost in
amount of respect. Elves adore the attention selfishness and insanity. Some might call the
and praise they receive from Halflings and elves a warning, that with magic comes
vainly feed on the excitement. Many rich irrationality and a loss of perspective but
elves have a Halfling around as a sort of pet, that is not true. It just cannot.
a small kept thing that serves as a sort of
Now that a purely magical race has proven
emotional servant.
unenlightening, perhaps one that is a mixture
Few elves ever learn enough of individual of magic and reason might prove
Halflings to hold them in any sort or respect informative. Perhaps the gnomes and their
or even treat them as individuals. Elves find strange philosophies will offer a glimpse of
the lives of the Little People mundane and enlightenment, but not likely. I grow jaded
boring and instead revel in their reactions. from my journeys and long to return home to
The humble Halflings have difficulty Richemulot.
grasping the eternal and selfish natures of the Ah, speak of the Devil and you smell
fey. They are initially fearful but quickly brimstone. This morning's post has just
awed by the grandeur, fearlessness and arrived and a messenger has brought with
magical splendor of elven lives. my missives. I must finish this quickly so I
can have him quickly deliver this to Ste.
Conclusion Ronges and the Manoir. I wonder what good
news you have sent me today
As the Fair Folk begin what could be their Respectfully as always,
final and grandest celebration, the one Jonothan Lochspeare
winding down their immortal lives and
attempting to compress an eternity of
hedonism into a few scant decades I cannot Use In Games
help but feel a pang of loss. Not for the elves,
but for the wasted years. Immortals with no Elves have a long history in both fables and
concept of what other do for the gift they popular fantasy fiction. Fairy tales are even
have been given, the sacrifices others make named after the magical elves. However, the
to live just a few moments more. However, elves of fantasy have little in common with
this is something they will quickly learn. their folk tale roots. Given the human-centric

Races of the Mists

nature of the Ravenloft campaign setting, A canon-campaign with fantasy-fiction

and given its use of elements from tradition elves is the easiest method requiring the least
folk and faerie tale many Dungeon Masters amount of modifications or changes.
have difficulty using the demihumans of However, using elves directly as they are
fantasy fiction. Below is optional advice and presented in the Dungeons and Dragons core
rules for the using and playing elves in a books can still prove tricky. Unless carefully
Ravenloft campaign. used, elves can easily break a mood of gothic
horror and reduce a game to stereotypical
Role of Elves fantasy. While there is nothing wrong with
The original faeries and elves were lesser fantasy it is not always the intent of the DM.
gods in Norse mythology or nature spirits in
Running Elves
of elves vary wildly from one country to the next. The following are some ideas for playing elf
Sometimes they were small, tiny creatures and PCs and NPCs, but their use is up to
individual DMs. There are no hard rules and
other times they were similar in stature and
requirments for running elves in Ravenloft any-
more than there are rules for playing them in
nature and magic, being wild and unpredictable
shrugs or -even worse- laughter in another.
There are a number of things Dungeon
angelic figures in early modern Fantasy. They
Masters and players who wish to use elves in
were akin to pre-fall Man in Christian mythol- a game can to preserve and even accentuate
ogy. the mood. Like all monsters or encounters,
Dungeon Masters wishing to use elves in using game-terms and names quickly
the role of mysterious fey have a number of removes all mystery. Referring to elves only
options. They can be replaced entirely with as such reduces them from mysterious and
Shadow Fey and other sylvan creatures such unknown faerie of to Legolases (Legolasi?)
as dryads or nymphs. Similarly, they can be and the like.
given a number of templates (such as the one Elves, as magical beings, should be
in the Guide to the Shadow Fey) or number associated with odd or unusual occurrences.
of magical powers. For game purposes it is DMs are encouraged to add minor
easy to assign elves a number of sorcerer of unexplainable events, small bits of minor
wizard levels for easy game-balance. The magic that do little but establish the mood.
adept NPC-class is also useful for low- Elves are not mortal and the world should
powered games. react differently to them. Animals may
DMs wishing to ignore demihumans respond differently to them, people may feel
altogether have a greater challenge using odd when they look at them. Small things
elves and the elf-dominated cities and lands. make a difference, such as trail-dust not
One option is to suggest they are human with covering the elf even after days of hard
a culture that emphasizes magic over riding, or a couple stray birds chirping
science. Another is to suggest they are constantly overhead.
humans mutated or granted power by the A common element to fey in folktales is a
Mists. VanRicheten's Guide to the Mists is a lack of definition and description. Dungeon
useful supplement in this case for Masters should try to be evocative but
empowering and/or modifying elves.

Quoth the Raven

succinct, describing elves emotionally or Darkonian

atmospherically and less physically. Details
Darkonian elves come from the land of
can blur together or be forgotten, seemingly
Azalin and have dark hair and light hued
changing when looking away. This should
eyes. They are the default elves found in the
not have attention drawn to it but appear to
Player's Handbook. There are almost no
be a slip-of-the-tongue or minor mistake.
differences between the two elves save
Elves should also not react as expected;
environment and experiences.
they are not human and should not behave as
such. Their reasoning and rationales are Personality: Darkonians are elves and act
affected by bother their magical natures and as such. They are emotional but seldom
long lives. This does not mean all elves are strongly so, and bear the mindset hundreds
raving madmen, acting and responding of years of life brings. Often detached and
crazily. Instead they may be surprised by calm they appear haughty, aloof and self-
mundane things, find the most ordinary centered to humans -and often rightly so.
activities curious or amusing while reacting Darkonian elves are more likely to enjoy
to the strange and bizarre as if it were the amusing and humorous entertainment and
most bland thing imaginable. diversions. They respect tradition but do not
feel bound by it.
While long-lived, elves should seldom
appear or act old or aged; instead they should Racial Traits: Darkonian elves posses all of
be ageless and timeless. Elves are neither the racial traits described in the Player's
bound by nor defined by time. A century has Handbook.
as much meaning to them as a second, it is
all the same. Some might have an Mist-elf
understanding of how time is perceived Elves are tied to the land of their birth; they
while other have no concept of it beyond the have an innate bond to the very soul of the
obvious difference of day and night which, earth. But elves conceived or born in the
considering elves do not even sleep, is of midst of the Misty border find they lack this
lesser importance. direct connection. It is not the soil they are
bound to.
Mist-elves have a pale-grey appearance,
Elf Variants similar to that of Sithicans only duller and
There are two common types of elf in the far less silvery. Their skin is often pale grey
Land of the Mists: the Darkonians and the growing ashen when exposed to the sun
Sithicans, which are equitable to the High while their hair is dusky and muted. Their
and Grey elves of other worlds. Additionally, eyes seem to shift in colour, alternating from
there are a small number of elven sub-races a pale white to a sooty hue.
but these are far rarer and of smaller Often quiet and reserved, mist-elves
numbers than their Sithican or Darkonian project a feeling calmness but without the
brethren. All elven sub-races can interbreed aura of arrogance or haughtiness common to
freely with Sithican and Darkonian traits Sithicans. There always seems to be
being dominant in the children. Those few something hidden about mist-elves, as if they
elves who share Sithican and Darkonian are silently plotting something.
blood tend to reflect their homeland or Personality: Mist-elves are typically cool
and unemotional, they are slow to anger and
the traits of their father.
even slower to laugh. They are often serene

Races of the Mists

and subtle, seldom speaking more than they while other can barely make themselves
have to. understood through thick, foreign accents.
Racial Traits: Mist-elves posses all of the Personality: Outlanders are still elves with
racial traits described in the Player's the inherent grace and poise but they vary
Handbook with the following exceptions: markedly from expectations. They have a
Mist-elves only receive the special tendency towards distraction and varying
bonuses presented earlier in this book degrees of shock: some react angrily and
when inside the Misty Border or within violently to the change while others grow
proximity to it. Mists from closed borders, contemplative and silent. Some would do
including the Shadow Rift, count for this anything to be returned to the homes while
benefit. others simply wish to live in peace.
Unfortunately, being cut off from their lands,
+2 Dex, -2 Con, -2 Cha: Mist-elves have
many fall into depression and insanity.
the typical elven grace and agility with
slender, frail frames. Additionally, there is Racial Traits: Outlander elves posses all
something disconcerting about mist-elves of the racial traits described in the Player's
that puts other ill at ease. Handbook with the following exceptions:
+2 racial bonus on Hide and Move Outlander elves posses none of the
Silently checks. Mist-elves are quiet and extraordinary abilities of elves presented
stealthy. earlier in the book. In fact, even some
-2 racial penalty on Sense Motive checks. physical traits change, their eyes seem
Mist-elves are not particularly empathic dull and they constantly appear to be
standing in the shade.
and have difficulty assessing and
discerning the emotions of others. +2 Dex, -2 Con, -2 Wis: Outlanders are
graceful but frail as are other elves.
+2 racial bonus Bluff checks. Mist-elves
However, Outlanders are continually
are hard to 'read' with muted body
distracted by the silence of the trees, the
language and expression.
coldness of the earth and the wrongness of
+1 racial penalty to Outcast Rating. Mist- the air.
elves are unnerving and even less trusted
+4 racial saving throw bonus against
than typical fey.
illusions and enchantment spells or
effects. Outlander elves subtly reject the
Outlander world and find it easier to resist false
Outlander elves are those rare travelers that images and the wills of others. This
have been snatched up by the Mists and replaces the standard +2 bonus against
taken away from the homeland. Because the enchantments.
Dread Realms are not their home their mind
+3 racial saving throw bonus against fear
and soul reject at the land, tearing away at
and horror spells and effects. As
the unreality that must be. The most tragic of
Outlanders reject the world they also feel
these are the few summoned by magic from
they have less to fear from it. This
outside the demiplane and now forever
detachment leaves them less vulnerable to
trapped in a world not their own.
disturbing sights and images. This bonus
Outlander elves vary wildly in appearance, stacks with the previous bonus to illusions
dress and mannerism and come from any and enchantments.
number of lands. Some appear almost
identical to the elves of Darkon and Sithicus

Quoth the Raven

-2 racial saving throw penalty against They believe they are living as the gods
madness spells and effects. Outlander intended.
elves already have a tenuous grip on With dark hair and eyes and well-tanned
reality, one which already differs from skin these elves are easily distinguished from
what they see and hear, and succumb the pale Sithicans. Wild-elves clad
easier to dementia. themselves in furs and hide and use simple
weaponry such as bows and spears. Ritual
Sithican tattoos, scars and brands adorn their body in
Sithican elves are an arrogant and reserved curving lives, swirls and swoops. They
sub-race that is burdened by a tenuous and receive the first of these after their first
artificial tie to the Land. It is unknown if this successful hunt.
is because Darkonians were created by the Nomadic hunters, wild-elves live off the
Mists and not stolen from their home, if land cultivating small gardens for a year or
Azalin knew more about elves and their two before moving on. They live in small
bond, if Soth simply wished more torment on hide tents that are easily taken apart and
his subjects or simply a reflection of Sithicus moved. Wild-elves have a strong shamanistic
and its cursed nature. Sithican elves are culture and make use of totems, fetishes and
distinguished from Darkonians by their pale primal magics.
appearances and drab coloured clothing. Personality: Emotional and unpredictable,
Personality: Sithicans are cool, often the wild-elves are unrestrained by manners
unemotional and even more arrogant and or culture. They have few taboos and even
aloof than other elves. They prefer serious fewer laws. They live on impulse and need.
forms of entertainment such as poetry, song However, they are capable of great cunning
and rituals. Sithicans feel a strong bond to and patience and are master hunters.
tradition, reveling in it as much as anything Racial Traits: Wild-elves elves posses all
to compensate for their lack of a bond to the of the racial traits described in the Player's
Land. While still emotional and rational, Handbook with the following exceptions:
Sithicans prefer to keep these feelings veiled,
+2 Str, +2 Dex, -2 Int, -2 Con: Wild-elves
especially around non-elves.
are athletic and graceful but still posses
Racial Traits: Sithican elves posses all of elven frailty. They are also uneducated,
the racial traits described in the Player's wild and dull.
Handbook with the following exceptions:
Weapon Proficiency: Wild-elves receive
+2 Dex, -2 Str, +2 Int, -2 Con: Sithicans the Martial Weapon Proficiency feats for
are intelligent and skilled but not as robust the longbow (including composite
or fit as other races. They are even more longbow) and shortbow (including
likely to rely on magic to do menial tasks composite shortbow). Wild-elves do not
than Darkonian elves. receive the free weapon proficiency for
swords; they seldom use them and have
Wild-elf limited metalworking skills.
The wild-elves of Sithicus are savage and +2 racial bonus to Listen and Spot checks.
uncivilized but truly one with nature. They Wild-elves have the keen senses of all
live in the untamed woods of the great elves but lack the instinctive ability to find
forests of the Southern Core, far away from hidden and concealed doorways.
even the small cities and villages of Sithicus. However, regardless of class, all wild-

Races of the Mists

elves are proficient in the Search skill; it is The very trees and wind seem to whisper
never cross-class for them. warnings and send signals. This feat does not
+2 racial bonus to Survival skill checks. stacks with the Alertness feat itself or the
Wild-elves are skills hunters and trackers benefits of familiars.
with much experience .
Favored Class: Ranger. Lightstep [Racial]
You are skilled at not being tracked and
moving through underbrush.
Feats Prerequisite: Elven blood.
Benefit: Movement penalties through any
Arcane Potency [Racial] natural forest or woodland obstructions
You have a natural talent for the magical arts. (such as thorns, vines, briars, heavy bushes)
are halved. Additionally, the DC of attempts
Prerequisite: Elven blood, Must be taken
to track you is increased by +4.
at 1st level or prior to taking any class that
grants arcane spells.
Mystical [Racial]
Benefit: For purposes of determining
spells learnable and bonus spells treat your You have an innate gift for magic and can
primary ability score (Int or Cha) as if it cast spells even without training.
were two points higher than it actually is. For Prerequisite: Elven blood, Must be taken
examples, a wizard with an Intelligence of at character creation, Primary spell-casting
14 is treated as having an intelligence of 16 ability score (Int or Cha) of 12 or higher.
granting a bonus 3rd-level spell and allowing Benefit: Once per day you are able to cast
the caster to learn 6th-level spells. a single 0-level spell. Three spells may be
selected from the Bard or Sorcerer/Wizard
Feign Mortality [Racial] spell lists; these are the only spells usable
Your fey nature is muted and you are adept at with this feat.
hiding it. If levels of a spell-casting class are taken
Prerequisite: Elven blood. spells learned for that class cannot be used
with this feat, nor are spells learned through
Benefit: You receive a +2 bonus to
this feat usable through the class' daily
Disguise skill checks to eliminate Outcast
allotment of spells.
Rating or disguise yourself as a human or
half-elf. Additionally, your OR is The spells are cast as per a 1st level
permanently reduced by 1. sorcerer

Heightened Bond [Racial]

You have an unusually stronger bond with
the land and woods.
Prerequisite: Elven blood, not the
Fey Spells
Outlander subrace. Elven magic is unique with small elements
of magic incorporated into life. However,
Benefit: While in your home domain you
this magic is rarely obtuse or blatant. Instead
receive a +1 bonus to initiative and are
it is small enchantments, minor illusions and
treated as having the Alertness feat, due to a
events often dismissed by bystanders.
pre-natural awareness of you surroundings.

Quoth the Raven

Because of their long lives, elven wizards equally. For every encounter the item is used
research and design a number of personal in it receives the experience of the wielder.
spells. The contents of elven spellbooks This virtual xp does not level up the
should be filled with customized and weapon and cannot be tapped into or used by
modified incantations. However, most of the wielder. Instead it acts as a pool of xp
these are highly specialized and can only be that can generate into magical abilities.
used under select conditions. One example is The item expends xp from this pool to pay
a Light spell that only functions under a full off the xp cost associated with making a
moon. Another is Magic Mouth spell that magic item as well as to pay the cost in gold
only works on shields or armour. pieces. This virtual xp is essentially
Elves favour spells from the Illusion, exchanged for gold in a one-to-one basis. For
Enchantment, and Transmutation schools example, a Hat of Disguise has a market
and it is rare to find modified spells of other price of 1,800 gp, or 72xp and 900gp for raw
schools. Evocation and Necromancy are materials. If the hat were to spontaneously
particularly rare. generate magical properties it would need to
The benefit of these highly-specialized pay off 972xp from its pool.
spells is that they are occasionally a level Not every item can acquire virtual
lower than the otherwise unmodified spell or experience. It is the DM's discretion whether
have high saving throws to avoid their or not an item acquires a pool, or even which
effects. item receives the virtual xp. It is also up to
Personalized elven spells are frequently the DM and player to decide which powers
written in a unique and individual manner, and magical abilities manifest. It is the item
often with shorthand and mnemonic cues that generates the power, not the wielder, and
with tenuous connections to the stars and there is no control over choosing and
movement of heavenly bodies. Because of selecting the abilities.
this complexity Spellcraft rolls to understand These fey magic items do not always act as
and copy spells from an elves' spellbook are standard magic items. They are not always
made with a -5 penalty. Highly modified transferable; the powers may only work for
spells can be even more difficult and have the owner and no one else. Other items
penalties as high as -10! display different powers for different
Fey magic is tied to the elven homelands, wielders. Also, like elven spells, these items
much like the elves themselves. Spells are bound to the land and seldom function
seldom work as intended in other lands. away from elven territory. Additionally,
these fey items were once mundane and are
Magic Items seldom masterwork items and, as such, are
Elven tools, heirlooms and favoured items quite vulnerable to damage. Unlike
have a tendency to spontaneously develop traditional magic items they are no more
magical abilities. These curious items are the resilient to damage than non-magical items.
subject of legends and tales for the elves and A few famous items are a belt that bucked
many famous examples exist. itself, but grew too tight around anyone's
In game terms, commonly used items waist except its owner. Another was a purse
acquire 'virtual experience' for encounters that screamed when anyone but its master
and situations the items are placed in. A took money from it. And a bow whose
warrior's sword, a cook's spoon, a smith's arrowhead's changed into whatever tip was
hammer and a farmer's plow all qualify needed at the time from silver to blunt.

Registry of Monsters
Excerpts from the Register
By Stanton F. Fink

Quoth the Raven

Registry of Monsters

Quoth the Raven

Registry of Monsters

Quoth the Raven

Registry of Monsters

Quoth the Raven

Registry of Monsters

Quoth the Raven

Registry of Monsters

Quoth the Raven

Registry of Monsters

Quoth the Raven

Children of the Night
Conte Aerik DEauberville
Herman duchenne

Erick Doberfeld was born a misbegotten Profession (guide) +2, Profession

bastard in a poor hamlet to a poor family of (stablehand) +2, Search +8, Spot +10, Use
serfs in Borca. With a little help of his family Rope +4; Great Fortitude, Multiattack,
he has risen to the position of Lord of the Power Attack, Toughness.
manor. Now he wants you to join his happy Languages: Balok, with a few words of
family for dinner, and maybe more. High Mordentish.
Signature Possessions: Indenture deeds to
Aerik D'Eauberville Yvoire estate. Ghoul blood concoction.
Because Aerik is still alive he does not as
Male caliban ghoul lord Com5/Exp1/Ari1 yet possess all aspects of the Ghoul Lord
template as given in Denizens of Darkness.
SZ M; HD 5d4+1d6+1d8+31, hp: 53; init+3, He lacks the undead type (and its correlating
Spd 30 ft.; AC 17 (+3 Dex, +4 natural); Hit Dice) and the supernatural Miasma
Atk+8 bite 1d6+6, 2 claws 1d4+6 or +5 power. Aerik has also not received the
ranged; SA Paralysis, ravenous fever, create bonuses to intelligence, wisdom and
spawn SQ Impart hunger; AL NE; SV Fort charisma that come with the template.
+7, Ref+4, Will+4; Str 22, Dex 16, Con 18,
Aerik is a big, ugly, warty, mean-spirited
Int 11, Wis 8, Cha 7.
man. He normally bulges out of his gaudy
Skills and Feats: Appraise +1, Bluff -5 (-5 aristocratic clothing, which is covered with
OR modifier included), Craft food and sweat stains. His big, beefy hands
(Leatherworking) +1, Craft (Poisonmaking) have sharp, gnarly nails. His teeth are
+2, Handle Animal +0, Hide +11, Intimidate sharpened to points, and his breath usually
+6 (+5 OR modifier included), Knowledge stinks of meat or alcohol. Although he has
(Undead monster lore) +2, Listen +10, Move some of the powers of a Ghoul Lord, he still
Silently +11, Profession (farmer) +2, looks very much alive. His skin has an

Quoth the Raven

unhealthy greenish pallor, which together were slightly off, or that his eyes had an
with his unnatural yellow eye-colour unnatural yellow hue. She kissed his other
identifies him as one of the cursed Calibans. minor deformities and smiled at her newborn
son. Her son grinned back at her with his
Background little sharp teeth. That was the only time
Around the year 700 a branch of the Yvoire Irena cried out in fear of young Erick.
family migrated from Richemulot to Borca. When Kiryl arrived back at his cottage
The details of the family's contract with together with the anchorite Raphael Medsici,
Camille Boritsi have forever remained he found his wife cradling the infant,
secret, but they settled on an estate in showing him to his siblings (the eldest of
western Borca close to the border with whom had started to cry at the sight of his
Richemulot. The stapan also earned the newborn brother). The anchorite was fearful
perpetual title of Conte-a grand title for such of the child, but performed a small ceremony
a small estate, and such a relatively seeking guidance from Ezra. The answer he
powerless stapan. The Yvoires became received was that "The child will rise to
known among the other stapans as a family acquire his proper place"-which at least
that liked to put on airs, but could be largely eased the anchorite's mind somewhat.
ignored as an economical force. Despite However, Kiryl could not persuade his wife
working their tenants mercilessly, the estate of the fact that something was seriously
has always brought in just enough profit to wrong with the child. He has remained
keep up the increasingly luxurious lifestyle detached from the child ever since, except to
of the family. punish him for every perceived mistake.
Twenty-five years ago the young Irena Unknown to all, Erick was the grandson of
Bandler married Kiryl Doberfeld, a tenant the current Yvoire stapan on both his
farmer on the Yvoire estate. Irena's family mother's and his father's side. Both Irena and
were also serfs of the Yvoires, and she her mother had at some time been victims of
herself had worked at the manor as a maid the ardour of the heirs of the Yvoire line.
for some years. Their first three children Raimond Yvoire had dallied with the
were healthy and normal, but the fourth was youthful affections of Mira Doberfeld,
the result of a difficult birth. Irena nearly Irena's mother. When Mira became pregnant
died during labour. Although she lost with Irena, a marriage with Edik Bandler
consciousness after giving birth she was was arranged for her. Raimond's legitimate
roused by her baby's cries. Both the midwife heir Xavier forced himself upon Irena (not
and Irena's husband had by that time knowing she was his half-sister by blood)
determined that the child was fey-touched, some years after she was married to her
and had agreed that the child ought to be cousin Kiryl, thereby begetting Erick: both
taken into the forest. Irena, however, kept on his son and his nephew. Irena has always
insisting on seeing her baby. Though they kept this quiet, although she did persuade
feared the shock of seeing the child might be Xavier to make sure 'their' child could grow
too much for Irena, her continued agitation up relatively unmolested on the estate.
clearly would end her life. Despite his mother's loving care of him,
Reluctantly the midwife decided to hand Erick's youth proved to be a harsh one. His
the baby over to her. Kiryl, meanwhile, went siblings, cousins, neighbours and even the
to fetch the local priest. Irena was not at all Yvoire children saw him as a monster and
troubled by the fact that her son's features considered him a plague on all their lives.

Children of the Night

He was teased, taunted, bullied and often Erick was clearly innocent and that the
beaten, for which he was consequently actual culprits were a roving band of ghouls.
punished by his father. His malformed The adventures, who were remarkably
features were seen as a sign of his accepting of Erick, hired him to be their
wickedness, and whether or not he was truly guide for the local area while they hunted
born 'bad' he certainly started to act that way down all the ghouls. During their stay in the
once his physical strength started to develop. forests Erick learned a lot about the ghouls
At first his mother was pleased that he and other undead from discussions with the
returned home from his chores each evening party's cleric. Erick devious mind thought up
with less and less bruises, but when her a new use for the infection that causes the
neighbours began to complain and her other raging hunger of the ghouls. When, after
children showed signs of abuse, Irena barely surviving an ambush by the ghouls,
decided to correct his wicked ways. Not only the party orders Erick to place the bodies on
did she scold him, she also tried to teach him a pyre, he collects some of the ghoul blood in
moral lessons and tell him moral tales. The a flask.
only stories that stuck were made up about
Back on the estate Erick stored the blood in
their supposed ancestors the D'Eaubervilles,
a cool place, while the adventurers receive
a family of aristocratic paladins who won
their reward. A few days after they have left,
honour and renown in either Mordent or
Erick arranged for one of the horses of a
Dementlieu-depending on the story.
young Yvoire to bolt during riding lessons,
Erick became more and more isolated from and although the child was not too seriously
the rest of the society on the estate. He hurt, Erick was able to wipe up some drops
started to roam the forests whenever his of blood before being sent away for scaring
work was done for the day. Occasionally he the horses and the children. He adds these
would skulk near the manor in the evenings drops to the ghoul blood in the flask. Later
and at night. He craved the Yvoire's wealth that month the entire Yvoire family leaves
and power and their harmony and happiness- for a few weeks to spend the season in
unable to see that their wealth was a bubble Sturben and Levkarest. Erick manages to
that would burst without the toil of their secretly add some of his blood concoction to
servants, their power merely an expression the dinners of his family and closest
of their arrogance and their harmony merely relatives.
a result of the tyrannical patriarchy of Xavier
At night, while they are ill and weak he
Yvoire who demanded proper behaviour and
leads them to the cellars of the Yvoire manor
etiquette. The family's happiness was only
by force. He actually needs to force-feed
Erick's own unhappiness reflected in the
some suspicious relatives during the next
parlour window. The other thing of interest
few days, but within a week, the trap is set.
he saw was the Xavier's young daughter
He keeps his family locked up, checking to
Acquilina: she was a delicate beauty who
see if the ravenous fever of the ghouls has
Erick longed for.
indeed infected them.
When Erick was nineteen the area around
When they start to attack each other out of
the Yvoire estate was beset by a chain of
sheer hunger, he feeds them bits of other
mysterious disappearances. Things could
Yvoire tenants through slits in the cellar
have turned out badly for Erick, who was
door, thereby keeping them hungry enough
rumoured to be the culprit, if it had not been
to want to eat, but not each other.
for a group of outlander adventurers who
arrived at the scene and determined that

Quoth the Raven

When the Yvoires arrived back at their years become interested in the young
estate, the place seems eerily quiet. The Acquilina Yvoire and had hoped to induct
windows were shuttered and no lights were her into the society of the Ermordenung.
on. Once inside they rang for their servants, Ivana believes that a couple of years as the
but none appeared. They were just spouse of Aerik will teach Acquilina the
discussing setting the dogs on their lazy required hatred of men and love. Ivana is
servants when they spot Erick rushing in determined to have Acquilina solve the
from the kitchen area towards the great front problem of her in-laws in the end. In truth,
door. He locked and bolted the door, broke Ivana is the contractual heir of a slight
the key, and turns towards the family with an enchantment that came into being when her
ugly grin on his face. The last thing the mother signed over the deeds of the estate to
Yvoire's heard before the screaming started the Yvoires on specially prepared paper. This
was the sound of their tenants rushing clever little enchantment causes a level of
towards them. indifference in the Sefeasa towards anything
an heir of the Yvoires does-this is also the
Current Sketch reason why the Yvoires have never lost their
Erick has taken over the estate, renamed title of Conte.
himself and his family, and set himself up as
the new Conte. Aerik now craves to be Personality
accepted as a proper gentleman, but lacks the Aerik is boorish and domineering, although
etiquette to achieve this. Half his family has he occasionally tries to be charming and
died and turned to ghouls, and Aerik controls elegant. He craves the respect he may never
them and their victims. Like the rest of the achieve. The only person he comes close to
family Aerik has become addicted to the caring for is Acquilina, the only surviving
taste of his family's flesh-luckily in-laws member of the Yvoires, who he has forced to
seem to acquire the same flavour. When he is be his wife. Aerik is not half as clever as he
at the estate he spends most his time bossing recently has come to believe he is. His lies
his family and servants about. He also goes are transparent, and his explanations about
hunting with his brothers dogs. Aerik often what happened to the Yvoires even more so.
spends days at a time in Sturben, or He is largely oblivious to the hatred his
occasionally another nearby town or village, family feel towards him, but would order the
drinking and gaming. others to feed on any who shows disloyalty.
The Yvoire family never played an
important part in the politics of Borca, as Combat
their estate was relatively small and Aerik relies on his own vicious strength and
unimportant. The recent usurpation of the that of his cannibalistic family to protect his
D'Eaubervilles has gone largely unnoticed by interests. During the night his family feasted
those in power, and will probably remain so on the Yvoires he was accidentally bitten by
for as long as Aerik takes care of collecting the newly infected Xavier, and has therefore
of taxes. In fact, Ivana Boritsi has sent agent also acquired a taste for his family's flesh
to the Yvoire estate and knows what has and blood. He has also gained some of the
happened and is aware of the condition is of powers of a Ghoul Lord. Now his physical
the D'Eaubervilles. She does not feel at all attacks channel the supernatural powers of
threatened by these minor schemers and their the undead, though Aerik is still alive. He
embarrassing disease. Ivana had in recent lacks the Miasma power of the Ghoul Lord,

Children of the Night

although he often does give off a sweaty Those imbibing the concoction must succeed
stench. He uses what remains of the original at a Fortitude save (DC 20) or develop a
ghoul blood to create concoctions that cause desire for the flesh of those whose blood is
selective addictive hunger. Additionally his included in the concoction. See Ravenous
bite can cause ravenous fever. Fever above for the specific results. The
Paralysis (Su): Those hit by Aerik's bite or added benefit to the use of this concoction is
claw attack must succeed a Fortitude save that its creator gains a +5 profane bonus on
(DC 12) or be paralysed for 1d6+6 minutes. any intimidate check to direct the victim's
Family members (including those related hunger away or towards a specific target.
through marriage) have a -2 circumstance The creator can even have limited control
bonus to this check. over victims suffering from ravenous fever
Ravenous Fever (Su): Supernatural who have failed their Madness check (see
disease-bite, Fortitude save (DC 20), above) if the intimidate check is higher than
incubation period 1d4 days; damage 1d4 the Madness check DC. The creator can only
temporary Constitution and special. See direct the ravenous victim away towards a
Denizens of Darkness. Due to Aerik's curse visible target.
the effect is slightly altered to the extent that
when the disease continues to progress the
effects can only be abated by eating the flesh
Family Dinner
of relatives. If the disease claims more than 2 Level: 4-6
points of Constitution damage, the victim The adventurers' recent heroics have come to
can only sate the hunger with the flesh of the attention of a local stapan in Borca. He
humanoids who are related to her (either by invites them to dinner to meet the family. If
blood or marriage). If the victim loses more they are to his liking he might offer them a
than 5 points of Constitution, the hunger can place in his home, if not, they might end up
be sated only with the flesh of a living roasting in the hearth.
relative. Flesh of other humanoids can be
used to temporarily sate hunger, or used for
feasting (see VRGt:tWD, p.42), but does not
count towards meeting daily requirements.
Create Spawn (Su): a humanoid or The adventure takes place at the
monstrous humanoid reduced to 0 D'Eauberville/Yvoire estate in western
Constitution or less by Aerik's ravenous Borca, located north of the Vasha river near
fever (or that imparted by his blood the border with Richemulot. The Dungeon
concoction), or killed by the claws or bite of Master can choose to relocate the estate
Aerik or his family rises as a ghoul in 24 anywhere without much difficulty: isolated
hours. All spawn are under Aerik's and inbred aristocratic families can
command, and remain enslaved until his degenerate in most places in Ravenloft.
death. The difficulty with this adventure lies in
Impart Hunger (Su): No doubt aided by the building up an uncanny mood as the
Dark Powers, Aerik can concoct a dangerous adventurers meet a family of freaks and then
poison from ghoul blood that imparts switching to fighting these cannibals and
Ravenous Fever. He can add an addictive ghouls (which can result in anything from
desire for particular flesh by including the gore-fest to suspense filled hunt). Aerik is
blood of an individual to the concoction. one of the most unsubtle 'mastermind' type

Quoth the Raven

villains the adventures are ever likely to resembling love for her. Her love for him has
meet. The fact that his evil is so apparent on soured since his youth and this has turned
the outside might lead them to believe there into hate in recent months under the effect of
is a more devious plot, or a more devious ravenous fever. Unlike Aerik's father she has
plotter behind all that goes on at the Yvoire embraced her role of matron of the house.
estate. However, sometime the Craving is all Most hours she sits in the salon ordering
the motivation necessary. about her maids, servants, nieces and
Besides Aerik, the estate is home to a cousins. Irene is plotting for one of her
fluctuating number of family members, daughters to take over the estate from Aerik.
servants, and tenant farmers. Most are low- Irene is a 6th level commoner/1st level
level commoners and some have recently aristocrat suffering from ravenous fever.
died and risen as ghouls. Other notable Irene is a dark-haired woman of around
residents include: forty. She still retains much of her former
beauty. Since the changes at the Yvoire
Charles D'Eauberville estate, she has improved in deportment and
is one of the few family members who could
Aerik's father has succumbed to madness be mistaken for real aristocracy under close
since the night he and his family ate the scrutiny.
Yvoires. He is in complete denial and still
acts as if he is a lowly farmer working for the
Allisha, Madeleine and
absent Conte. Under Aerik's orders his
family force him to wear aristocratic suits, Jacqueline D'Eauberville
which invariably get dirtied as he tries to Ali, Madge and Jacky are Aerik's sisters.
work on the estate's grounds. Charles only Although they are healthy looking farm girls
reacts to his real name 'Kiryl', and has they just do not look convincing in the
recently got into the habit of towing along a aristocratic frocks they wear nowadays.
toy cow that used to belong to one of the Aerik uses his sisters as bait to get new flesh
younger Yvoire children. He sees this as a and blood into the family. Both Allisha and
viable excuse for being in his master's house Madeleine have had (and tragically lost) four
without doing any actual farming. Kiryl still husbands by now, about half of them are kept
dislikes his son, and is not afraid to express it as ghouls in the basement. Allisha is still
verbally. Aerik has forbidden the rest of the married to Maarten Mendelssohn. Madeleine
family to hurt his father beyond tying him wears a choker that covers a nasty bite mark
down once in a while when he is particularly from one of her sisters. Jacqueline is only
difficult. fourteen, but Aerik is keen on marrying her
Kiryl is a 5th level expert (farmer) who out as soon as possible to anyone rich or fat
suffers ravenous fever. He is big and brawny, enough. Allisha and Madeleine are 2nd level
with brown hair, brown eyes and a long, commoners/1st level aristocrats. Jacky is a
often filthy, grey brown beard. He tends to 1st level aristocrat.
take small bites from his life-stock when
hungry, but the family makes sure he dines Acquilina D'Eauberville-Yvoire
with them on family flesh on a regular basis. Acquilina is a pretty, frail looking thing. She
is blond with blue eyes. Acquilina was a
Irene D'Eauberville spoiled brat, who considered herself to be a
Aerik's mother used to be the only one that lost princess kidnapped by some second rate
loved him, but he never felt anything aristocratic family. She currently spends

Children of the Night

most of her time locked away in the attic Maarten Mendelssohn

room trying to avoid the D'Eaubervilles as Maarten was a bard in Kartakass who
much as possible. Although she hates Aerik dreamed of being a famous composer. With
with a passion she is totally dependant on his father's aid he studied at the
him, and occasionally enjoys exciting his conservatories of Kartakass, Dementlieu and
brutal violence. She also sets him on anyone Richemulot. After graduating he decided to
who angers her. When in public she is quiet, return to Kartakass to marry his childhood
playing the role of a beset innocent young sweetheart. His route led him near the
wife. Acquilina is a 2nd level aristocrat. D'Eauberville estate where he was invited to
give a dinner concerto. There he caught the
Leonardo D'Eauberville eye of Allisha, who managed to manipulate
Leo is Aerik's older brother. He is a big, him into an awkward rendezvous, which
burly man. The brothers never liked each ended with her brother Aerik bursting into
other, but since the change Leo has become her boudoir insisting Maarten make a
Aerik's most loyal supporter, mostly due to honourable woman of his sister.
the fact that Leo has died and risen as a real Despondently, Maarten consented to the
ghoul under Aerik's control. Leo drives the marriage, and succumbed to ravishing fever
family coach and is the keeper of a kennel of when the family partook of his flesh.
extremely vicious dogs. Leo hides his However, Aerik saw some use in Maarten,
undead state under a dark and voluminous and saw to it that he was left largely
coachman's cloak. Whenever Aerik has untouched. Maarten now reluctantly acts as
guests at the manor Leo prowls the grounds Aerik's secretary and teacher and
with a couple of his dogs. In addition to the occasionally still performs for guests.
normal powers of a ghoul, he has the scent Maarten is a 3rd level bard/ 5th level expert
special ability. (composer). He is a clean-shaven young man
with long light brown hair.
Sebastian D'Eauberville
Seb is Aerik's younger brother. He is tall, Raphael Medsici
blond and clean-shaven. Aerik has used Seb Raphael Medsici worked as the parson on
to get women into the family, but Seb has the the Yvoire estate. On the night the family
tendency to gorge on his new bride on their was slaughtered, Raphael lost his legs, his
wedding night, leaving little for the rest of right arm, and two fingers on his left hand.
the family. Most of his brides are malformed His mind is gone too, partly as a result of
ghouls kept in the basement. Although Seb ravenous fever. He is an elderly man of about
still dresses as a dandy, Aerik has demanded 70 with a long grey beard. He is usually set
that he no longer bothers any female guests at one end of the table where he spends
before they are wed into the family. Seb has dinner either cursing Aerik or blaspheming
taken to taking care of the dogs together with against any religion, including Ezra's.
Leo. Sebastian is a 3rd level rogue. If during Raphael officiated at Aeriks wedding with
the adventure Seb dies and rises as a ghoul Acquilina, and may bind other family
he gains the Disfiguring Bite extraordinary members and guests into matrimony.
ability (see VRGt:tWD, p. 47).

Quoth the Raven

Iwan Bandler The messenger directs the adventurers to

the estate and will carry a message there if
Iwan Bandler is one of Aerik's cousins. He is
about Aerik's age, and quite good-looking, the party so wishes. He knows that the estate
has recently changed hands, but knows none
with long wild hair and an impish smile.
of the particulars.
Aerik has chosen him to take the place of
Sebastian as the prospective groom of any If the party is not likely to accept this
suitable female guests. He is a 2nd level invite, the DM can allow the party to happen
rogue with high charisma. upon the D'Eauberville estate. Alternatively
they might be hired by Maarten
Mendelssohn's father to rescue his son.
Fellow traveller
The adventures can expect an invite to the
The journey to the D'Eauberville estate leads
D'Eauberville estate if their recent heroic
through the lush, dark woods of Western
exploits become known in western Borca. If
Borca. Travellers have little to fear from
these exploits happen close to the estate the
wildlife as long as they stay away from
adventurers' deeds do not have to be big, but
poisonous creatures-mostly insects and
any heroic deed that is big enough for news
reptiles that have bright warning colours.
of it to travel from Richemulot or anywhere
The adventurers are also likely to bump into
else in Borca to Sturben will draw Aerik's
groups of Borcan enforcers, who are most
attention. Surviving a night in the nearby
willing to let them pass-for the habitual fee.
House of Lament would suffice.
These enforces, as well as any inhabitants,
A few days after having performed a can point the way to the estate, although they
publicly known heroic deed the adventurers still occasionally refer to it as the Yvoire
receive the following letter written in estate. When the adventurers near the estate
beautifully handwritten, but badly spelled they spot someone on horseback trailing
Balok: them:
You hear the trampling of hoofs behind you
Dear Heroes, on the trail. As you look back you see a
Your chivalric deeds have come to the heavyset brown horse with a rider covered in
attention of my master, the Conte a dark blue cloak with small white spots. The
D'Eauberville. he is most interested in horse looks sweaty and tired and as it comes
meating such renound heros such as nearer you can hear that the rhythm of the
yourselfs, and hear of your great adventures hoof beats is becoming increasingly
and deeds. I can hereby invite you to the Yv unsteady. As the horse begins to sway from
D'Eauberville estate in two days, or one side of the trail to the other, the rider
whatever day will suit., for dinnerparty. starts to make frantic movements while
Yours sincerely, trying to stay seated in the saddle. There is a
light frothing at the mouth of the horse, and
Maarten Mendelssohn-D'Eauberville
then it just keels over in mid canter. The rider
- Secretary to his highness the Conte half falls, half jumps out of the saddle to
D'Eauberville escape being crushed under the horse'
weight. The horse is lying on the ground
making convulsive movements, while the
rider is having difficulty getting up as well.

Children of the Night

If the adventurers decide to help the horse family she discovered that a small branch of
and the horse rider they find there is little left her family had migrated to Borca some
to do to help the horse. Apart from having decades ago. Because the items went missing
broken one of its legs in the fall, it is in the around the same time, Nicole now suspects
final stage of dying of poison. Unless there is that these missing tomes might be found at
access to healing magic the horse will die her cousins' family estate. Hoping to gain
within half a minute. A short investigation of new knowledge and power she has set out on
the corpse will show that it has a snakebite her own to retrieve the missing tomes. She
on an inner thigh. will do anything to get into the Yvoire estate
Helping the rider is less problematic as she and have a proper look around. Nicole is
easily helped back onto her feet. She has, practical, not evil, and will be repulsed by
however, sprained an ankle, and will be what happened at the Yvoire estate.
hobbling along for the next few days, unless
the adventurers can supply magical aid. The Nicole Yvoire
rider is a young woman in her early twenties, Human Wiz2, HD 2d4+2; hp 9; Init+2; Spd
with bleu eyes and straight strawberry blond 30 ft.; AC: 12 (+2 dex); Melee+1, ranged+3;
hair. Her dark blue cloak is covered with a SA: spells; SQ: spells; AL: TN; SV Fort+1,
hundred or so images of a small moth. Under Ref+4, Will+3; Str 10, Dex 15; Con 13, Int
her cloak she wears a clean blousy shirt, a 17, Wis 10. Cha 13
short pleated skirt and high black boots. Skills and Feats: Bluff+3, Craft
Apart form her sprained ankle there are some (alchemy)+6, Concentration+5, Knowledge
chafe marks on her palms and knees. (arcane)+8, Knowledge (nature)+7,
She introduces herself as Nicole Yvoire Profession (scribe)+1, Spellcraft+8, spot+2;
from Mortigny. She has been lost all day lightning reflexes, scribe scroll, enlarge
trying to find the estate of her Borcan spell.
cousins. She thinks her horse must have Spells per day: 4/3, Base DC 13+spell
scared up a snake while trekking through the level
forest. She says she will be most grateful if
anyone were able to bring her safely to the Spellbook: 0-all, 1st-charm person,
Yvoire estate. If the adventurers ask why she comprehend languages, detect secret doors,
is going to her cousins estate, she says it is erase, identify, message, protection from evil,
only for a family visit. If they ask her if she ray of enfeeblement.
knows anything about why it is now called Equipment: Spellbook, dagger.
the D'Eauberville estate, she claims not to Languages: Balok, Mordentish,
know why this is so, but that finding out is Falkovnian, Darkonese.
one of her reasons for this family visit.
Nicole will try not to divulge to much of The adventures can decide to let Nicole
her background at this time. In actual fact join them or leave her behind. In the latter
she is an apprentice mage studying with her case she will try to use charm person on one
uncle Isodard Yvoire at La Maison des Cent of the adventures. If this fails she will finally
Papillons. During some private studies in the arrive at the estate carried by a peasant's
library of this astronomical observatory she wagon near the end of dinner.
discovered that certain items were missing
from the library. After some investigation
into the history of the observatory and her

Quoth the Raven

There are plenty of seats in the library for

The D'Eauberville Estate all the characters to sit. There is also a large
The D'Eauberville estate consists of a large basket in a corner where a bitch has recently
two-storey manor house, its surrounding delivered a new litter. The library only
grounds, and a patchwork of farmland contains one bookcase, and most of the
nestled in the woods. Large tracks of hilly books are romances and books about
woodland have been cut down in the last hunting. The is also a book with the
decades to accommodate the tenants and the genealogy of the Yvoires on a bottom shelf.
land they till. The peasants the adventurers The characters might be able to spot (DC 25)
will come across remain aloof and taciturn. a spy hole in the back of one of the shelves
They are quietly fearful of the inhabitants of trough which Aerik is currently examining
the manor, as well as some cousins of the his new batch of victims. Even if they notice
D'Eaubervilles who still work among the it, Aerik will quickly rush in from the
peasants and who remain loyal to Aerik. adjacent room and introduce himself as their
host the Conte.
The Manor itself has seen better days,
though the painted faade still retains some After introductions there is scant
of the bearing an aristocratic dwelling should opportunity to ask Aerik any questions, for
have. To one side of the manor house is a he invites his guests to join him at the dinner
small chapel (now dedicated to Ezra, but table, no matter what time it is they have
rarely used) surrounded by a graveyard arrived. He requests that any conversation
largely consisting of simple numbered posts, topic will rests until they are seated.
as is the custom in Borca. There area few
headstones memorialising some of the The Dinner
Yvoires who died years a go. Aerik leads his guests into the large dining
There are posts that supposedly mark the room at the back of the house. The smudgy
graves of the unfortunate Yvoires who windows overlook the pond, a lawn of grass
perished recently, but their graves are empty. that requires more upkeep, and the edge of
To the back of the manor is a large, muddy the forest. There is a large, dark wooden
pond. At the bottom of this pond lie the table domineering the dining room , and
bones of most of the D'Eauberville's victims. plenty of chairs for everyone. The characters
On a nearby hillock is a large dog kennel will also notice there are a few dogs moping
from which the barking and growling of and lying around the table. Aerik asks
dogs can clearly be heard. everyone to sit down, after which he
introduces the rest of his family. Elphric and
When the adventurers approach the large other house servants bring in the firsts
hardwood front door of the estate they are course: a meaty broth. As the meal starts
silently greeted by Elphric the family butler. there is time for conversation and questions.
He is a fragile old man, who is suffering Characters will quickly notice that Aerik has
from the shakes. Aerik has forced the old very bad table manners.
man to continue his service after the Yvoire's
deaths. To stop him from talking, he ripped Aerik will firsts ask the heroes to tell all
the old man's tongue out-and forced him to about the adventures they had, including
eat it. Elphric will indicate to any character their latest heroics. Any questions from their
with visible weaponry to leave her weapons side will be met by curt noncommittal
in a chest in the Hall. He will then take them answers, or downright lies.
into the library.

Children of the Night

If asked what happened to the Yvoires, actually uncomfortable with the attention,
Aerik claims that most of them died of a will try to use this to her advantage in
terrible swamp fever and lie buried in the questioning the family further. At some point
cemetery. Only Acquilina survived and she Aerik will become wary of her questions and
was most grateful of him from saving her will boorishly order to cease her babbling.
from the fate that befell her family (which is The second course is a meat stew. The
partly true). meat is strange and smells odd. The dish is in
If Nicole posses any questions, Aerik fact cousin Suzette Bandler, Ivan's
denies any knowledge of what happened quarrelsome sister, whose flesh has been
decades ago when the Yvoires left seasoned with Aerik's concoction. Some of
Richemulot. He reminds everyone that he the family members will joke that the meat is
himself is descended from a different, far tough. Aerik is trying to infect the characters
older family that came from Mordent. As with ravenous fever to make them more
proof of this he indicates a painting on the pliable to his machinations. Also, if some
wall. It shows a man in shining, knightly manage to escape, the constant gnawing of
armour, who bears a striking resemblance to their stomachs will force them to return to
Aerik, especially in the jaw line. Aerik found the estate at some later point.
this painting in the Yvoire's cellars when Characters in Borca learn to be suspicious
setting up his scheme, and sees it as proof of of their food, so they might take counter-
his mother's tales. measures against poisoning, and they should
In fact, there a some clues that the painting get a check to spot that the meat is humanoid
is not what it seems. Firstly, a character before eating it. During dinner Aerik will
examining the heraldic signs may spot (DC now also overtly, and leeringly indicate to
12) an image of a moth that is identical to his family who should flirt with which
that an Nicole's cloak. Anyone with prospective family member. This flirtation
knowledge (heraldry), or a related will keep up all through dinner and the rest
knowledge ability, can see that the other of the evening, until the chosen character
heraldic signs are largely overwrought and succumbs and is lured into a private
meaningless with a successful check (DC rendezvous with one of the D'Eaubervilles.
15). Anyone succeeding on a Craft (painting) Dessert consists of a sweetly flavoured
or applicable Knowledge check (DC 20) will wine, small cakes and some pork rinds. After
see that the style is an imitation, and that it dinner, the guests are invited to coffee in the
was probably painted in Richemulot (DC 25) games room (where the family plays simple
within the last hundred years or so. Finally, if card games) or more drinks in the library.
the characters get the chance, they can find Some members of the party will be
the name of Crespin Yvoire written in pencil increasingly left alone with a single member
on the back. Crespin was Raimond's father of the family who seems besotted by them.
(and therefore Aerik's grandfather and great-
Alternatively, if Aerik believes a character
grandfather) and the member of the Yvoires
is not worth to join the family (because they
who led them to Borca.
either lack useful skills, or seem too
Aerik and some of the other family dangerous to let live), he will try to get rid of
members will by now already be heavily into them in a different way. For example, he
their cups, and some will be staring might lead a character around the sights in
indecorously at Nicole, because they smell the house, ending the tour in the basement
the familiar Yvoire flesh. Nicole, while (were there are almost two dozen ghouls

Quoth the Raven

waiting to taste any type of flesh). Or he Whether or not Aerik is killed during the
could use his paralytic power to drag two adventure, if the characters ever return to the
characters into a locked room upstairs estate after a couple of months, they will find
without food to see what happens when they that Acquilina (if she survived) is managing
succumb to the fever. (perhaps using their the estate with an iron fist. The estate is
blood in a new batch of his concoction). completely renovated, and the farmlands are
Other games the family play are setting bountiful. Acquilina no longer plays the
some of their more vicious dogs after the innocent victim as she has now found her
characters during a night time hunt. Some place as one of the Ermordenung.
family members have taken to slowly, The adventurers might be inclined to help
painfully dissect paralysed guests, and feed Nicole in her quest to retrieve her family's
them their own flesh. Whatever befalls any books. The books were part of the deal
of the victims, the ultimate end of the guest Crespin Yvoire made with Camille Boritsi.
is the family's stomach, despite the fact that This search will lead Nicole and the
they prefer to partake of family flesh. adventurers deep into Misericordia.
Those characters chosen to become part of
the family are either asked nicely by their
prospective partner, of forced into it through
Aerik's manipulative scheme. He will
probably try to set things up in such a way
that he can burst into a room and catch a
character in the arms of one of his sisters or
his cousin. The victim will be manhandled
into the dinning room, where the ceremony
will be led by Aerik and Raphael Medsici.
Although the old man is largely insane,
anyone who swears to wedding vows with a
D'Eauberville in front of him becomes part
of the family for the purpose of ravenous
fever. The only way to escape this bond is to
get the marriage annulled by another

If the characters manage to survive the
incidents at the D'Eauberville's party some
might still have to fight off the ravenous
fever. Though casting a Heal spell is the
prescribed way of getting rid of this disease,
a party that does not have access to this kind
of magic might find other ways around it.
Perhaps the DM might allow powerful
hypnosis to suppress or sublimate the urge of
the Craving.

Vile Mists of Darkness
Book of Vile Darkness in Ravenloft
By Mark Graydon

ridden demesne are unclear however. What

Feats is known now is that Cancer Mages are most
All Vile feats require a Powers Check when often found in the southern lands of Verbrek
they are first taken, at a 4% chance of failure. & Sithicus.
Any Vile feat that is use-activated also In Verbrek, the Cancer Mages are often
requires another Powers Check every time it Werewolves in the forest, ostracized from
is used. their clans for their sickness. Not all of these
Werewolves die; some gain strength from
Corrupt Spell: This feat causes spells used in
their afflictions and become Cancer Mages,
conjunction with it to require Powers Cheks.
combining their lycanthropic abilities with
Corrupt Spell-Like Ability: This feat causes those gained from this prestige class.
spell-like abilities affected by it to require The blighted forests of Sithicus are filled
Powers Checks. with fungi and tumor growths on the foliage,
and sometimes the elves that are struck with
disease lose a little of their mental stability
Prestige Classes as well. Such elves believe that by taking
sickness into their own bodies they are
Cancer Mage actually creating a conduit between
Although not a true spellcaster, the Cancer themselves and the woods, looking for the
Mage is found with startling frequency connection that they know they are missing.
across the Demiplane, spreading like the Otherwise, Cancer Mages can be found in
diseases they are so fond of. It's thought that Barovia, Falkovnia, Forlorn, Lamordia,
the first Cancer Mages came from the city of Sebua, the Shadow Rift, and Tepest. Barovia
Nosos, that haven for disease and vice. has Cancer Mages that often venerate Erlin,
Their origins within that offal and plague- believing the death aspect he symbolizes

Quoth the Raven

corresponds with their own abilities. Insect Plague (Sp): See Conjuration
Falkovnia's destitute citizens often succumb (Summoning).
to disease, and Cancer Mages are not Viral Ally (Su): This ability is limited as Viral
unknown in the back alleys of the cities and Agent (see above). See Enchantment.
filth. Forlorn's hardy folk do not fall prey to
poison and disease easily, and those who are Disease Form (Su): Using this ability requires
cast out of society for their ailments often a Powers Check (as if Contagion were being
brood and take up this class. cast).
Occasionally the odd Druid who cannot be
cured of his afflictions and is denied his Demonologist
place among his fellows gets angry and takes The Demonologist is common only within
up this prestige class as a means of revenge. the depths of the Shadow Rift in Ravenloft.
In Lamordia, the study of medicine and There, some of the Sith turn from their
science has inadvertently created some standard practices to the lore of the
Cancer Mages as the study of disease Demonic, for the purposes of fighting the
progresses among the doctors of the land. outsiders, controlling them, or simply
Sebua is a harsh desert land, and wasting understanding them as they do mortals.
plagues sometimes ravage the populace. It is
These Arak are often followers of the Spi-
not unknown for a Wild Child to become
infected with disease and be cast out from der Queen as well, and offer up profane
his fellows, only to develop these powers. In services in her name.
the lightless chasm of the Shadow Rift some
Cancer Mages dwell, but these are almost all Alterations
Half-Arak and Feytouched beings who
follow the Sith and share their fascination Charm Demon (Sp): See Enchantment.
with death. This is due to the fact that the Quasit Familiar (Ex): The process of
Sith themselves cannot be diseased by becoming the Demonologist's familiar
normal means. Finally in Tepest the odd causes the Quasit to lose its Reality Wrinkle
disease can decimate small groups of people, as it binds itself to its master.
and the survivors often turn to the Cancer
Mage class as a means of revenge against Dominate Demon (Sp): See Enchantment.
nature and a protective measure.
Alterations Unlike the Demonologist (see above) the
Diabolist is much more wide-spread through
Contagion (Sp): Using this ability requires a the Demiplane. There seems to be no
Powers Check. shortage of mortals willing to devote
Cancerous Companion (Ex): The creature themselves to forbidden hellish powers, and
created by this ability is a Dread Compan- they may be found in the lands of Borca,
ion. Children of the Night (Su): This ability
only functions in domains with Full or Spars Falkovnia, Hazlan, Invidia, Necropolis,
Ecologies. Nidala, and Richemulot.
Viral Agent (Su): This ability does not In Borca, the few arcane casters that
function across a domain border, whether develop there often pledge themselves to the
open or closed. Devils in hopes of gaining even more power

Vile Mists of Darkness

to wield within political society to their Alterations

benefits. In Falkovnia, the Diabolist is a
wizard who has pledged his life to Drakov Diabolism (Ex)
and seeks to gain more power to serve his Any spell enhanced with this ability
master in his war campaigns. requires a Powers Check due to the evil
The dry land of Hazlan has clerics, nature of the enhanced magic.
sorcerers, and wizards who become
Imp Familiar (Ex): Because the Imp bonds
Diabolists. The Clerics are those who follow
itself to the Diabolist as a familiar, it loses its
the Lawgiver and see the Devils as his
Reality Wrinkle.
servants in the land. The arcane casters take
a more pragmatic view of the situation, again
using their abilities to ensure their survival
Disciple of Asmodeus
and rise in prominence in the arcane society. The Cult of Asmodeus is active in Ravenloft,
Invidia has few sorcerers (and even fewer and the largest chapters are present in the
wizards), and these folk practice their magic domains of Borca, Dementlieu, Hazlan,
in secret, lest they be punished by Necropolis, Pharazia, and Richemulot. The
superstitious townsfolk. Often to increase Cult is attracted to the more advanced
their power they will pledge themselves to domains of Borca, Dementlieu, Necropolis
the Devils in hopes of gaining power. (pre-Requiem), and Richemulot for the
It is rumored that Malocchio Aderre has political and societal power they can gain.
some Diabolists that serve him directly, The domain of Hazlan has a fair number of
carrying out his will in the domain. In the Disciples due to the arcane nature of the
decimated city of Necropolis, there were land, and the power that arcane magic can
great academies where magical learning bring. Finally, the downtrodden citizens of
could be taught. Within the dark corners of Pharazia have been accepting of the Cult.
the universities and studies the practice of This is most likely due to the fact that it
the Diabolist was carried out, and many provides a surcease from the constant moral
Diabolists exist there to this day, albeit in an edicts of Diamabel. Of course, such cultists
undead state. must operate in the strictest secrecy, and so
In the land of Nidala, Diabolists are those far they are succeeding; although Diamabel
few clerics who leave the service of Belenus, is aware of the presence of the devil-
and take up the practice of the profane. Why worshippers in his land somewhere.
they do this varies by individual, but it is Otherwise, the cult has made small forays
definitely not unknown for an exiled or into other domains where they have small
fugitive cleric to become a Diabolist. chapters. These lands include Barovia,
Finally, Richemuloise wizards sometimes Darkon, Forlorn, G'Henna, Invidia, Nidala,
follow this prestige class, seeing the powers and Tepest. There's not much noteworthy
the Devils offer as an enticing reward for about these cultists, except that they exist
service. In the oppressive domain of intrigue and constantly strive to take over the lands
and subterfuge, any edge can be a valuable they are present in.
Charm (Sp): See Enchantment.
Command (Sp): See Enchantment.

Quoth the Raven

Summon Hellcat (Sp): See Conjuration beings gather together and venerate him,
(Summoning). occasionally teaching another being the
ways of Dispater.
Evil Authority (Sp): See Enchantment.
Summon Major Devil (Sp): See Conjuration Alterations
Requirements: A sacrifice must still be made
Greater Command (Sp): See Enchantment. on an altar of iron, but an Erinyes need not
be present for the sacrifice, since she could
Disciple of Baalzebul not return to report to him afterwards.
The cult of Baalzebul is similar to the Cult of Summon Erinyes (Sp): See Conjuration
Asmodeus, but concentrated in different (Summoning).
domains. It still has a sizable presence in the
lands of Dementlieu and Richemulot, but it's Iron Body (Sp): See Transmutation.
also popular in the domains of Darkon and
Necropolis. These liars and sneaks thrive off Disciple of Mammon
of society and thus the lands of Darkon and The cult of Mammon has only set up a
the city of Necropolis were attractive places headquarters in one place in the Demiplane;
to set up headquarters. the domain of Nova Vassa. Here,
Other domains that show signs of the Cult particularly decadent nobles gather to plan
are Borca, Hazlan, Invidia, Mordent, Nidala, ways to increase their holdings, or to engage
and Pharazia. Characters following this the many harlots the Cult holds captive. A
class always seem to have something to do in particularly brutal crime lord named Malken
these lands, whether it's murdering rivals, has been seen at the cult's base of operations,
lying for their own gain, or just having a but he is not a member of the cult himself.
"good time." Instead he simply appears from time to time,
and seems to have some pull with the leaders
Alterations of the Cult.
Suggestion (Sp): See Enchantment.
Summon Osyluth (Sp): See Conjuration
Cheat (Sp): Using this ability requires a
Powers Check.
Insect Plague (Sp): See Conjuration
Summon Osyluth (Sp): See Conjuration
Beguiling Nature (Sp): See Enchantment.
Summon Gelugon (Sp): See Conjuration
Summon Cornugon (Sp): See Conjuration (Summoning).
Disciple of Mephistopheles
Disciple of Dispater Much like the Disciples of Dispater (see
The Disciples of Dispater are not found with above), the Disciples of Mephistopheles are
any great frequency within the Demiplane. not found in any one domain of the Lands of
The odd evil combat-oriented being Dread. They have no widespread cult like
venerates this devil, but there are no major those dedicated to Asmodeus or Baalzebul,
cults dedicated to him. Small groups of

Vile Mists of Darkness

and most commonly they are found working Powers Check, due to the evil nature of the
alone, or with a few fiery evil creatures. outsider being called.
They are most likely to be found in Boost Defenses (Ex): This ability works
domains that allow arcane practice, such as slightly different in Ravenloft, due to the
Darkon or Hazlan, but even in these domains nature of Vampires and the aging rules put
they are extremely rare. In actuality, it's forth in the Ravenloft Player's Handbook. It
simply a case that only those who dedicate functions as listed in regards to the natural
themselves to this calling from the beginning armor bonus, turn resistance, and cold &
actually become these Disciples. No domain electricity resistance, but its damage
in Ravenloft has the common skills reduction does change. Instead of being 20/
necessary to take up this class. +2, it increases the existing damage
reduction by 5 points and still is beaten by
Alterations silver and magic weapons.
Summon Hamatula (Sp): See Conjuration Blood Revel (Ex): Some of the effects of the
(Summoning). Blood Revel change due to the rules for
Vampiric Aging in Ravenloft. The strength
Hellfire (Sp): The use of this ability requires a
bonus stays the same, but the Fast Healing
Powers Check.
bonus simply becomes a +5 bonus to
Hellfire Storm (Sp): The use of this ability whatever Fast Healing the Vampire already
requires a Powers Check. possesses, and the damage reduction
increases by 10 points and is still beaten by
Lifedrinker silver and magic weapons.
The Lifedrinkers in Ravenloft are very rare.
Theoretically, they could often turn up in the Mortal Hunter
lands of Hazlan or the Shadow Rift, both The fact that there are no native outsiders in
places where arcane knowledge is prized and Ravenloft means that this prestige class is
studied. However, in practice this is not the only taken by a Fiend that enters and takes it
case, as Vampires are rare in both lands. up, or has already taken the class when they
This is not to say that they don't exist, just are drawn into the Demiplane. However,
that the absence of the undead monstrosities Ravenloft affects all beings equally, and
makes the chances of any becoming even one of the Mortal Hunter's abilities is
Lifedrinkers rarer. affected.
Of the two domains, Hazlan is slightly
more likely to have a Lifedrinker, due to the Alterations
proximity of the domain to Barovia, and the
Slay Mortal (Su): Using this ability requires a
proliferation of Vampires in that land. Of
Powers Check with a 5% chance of failure.
course, a Vampire can just as easily make its
If the Outsider using the ability has a Reality
way through a Fracture into the Shadow Rift
Wrinkle, then a failed Powers Check is
and attack a Half-Arak or Feytouched being
treated as a failed Power Ritual and adds 1d4
there, spreading the curse of its existence on.
points to the Outsider's Corruption total and
halves the Reality Wrinkle's Radius. See
Alterations "Fiends" in the Ravenloft Player's
Blood Servant (Ex): See Conjuration Handbook.
(Calling). Using this ability requires a

Quoth the Raven

Soul Eater Scaly Flesh (Ex): Every time the Thrall gains
a natural armor bonus from this ability, his
Another prestige class that is not common
Outcast Rating increases by an identical
anywhere in the Demiplane, the Soul Eater
might have been found in Necropolis, but for
the fact that the undead cannot take this Summon Demon (Sp): See Conjuration
class. Instead these are solitary beings found (Summoning).
anywhere in Ravenloft. Two Personas (Ex): The DM can refer to the
Often they are creatures that are on the section on Major Madness effects to see
brink of death and find a mysterious being guidelines on how to handle multiple
offers them new life, but at a price. Whether personalities.
these beings are "Death" as Strahd von
Death Touch (Sp): See Slay Living.
Zarovich made a pact with, or the Dark
Powers, or some other mysterious creatures, Demogorgon's Will (Sp): See Limited Wish.
is unknown.
Thrall of Graz'zt
Thrall of Demogorgon The Cabals of Graz'zt are found most
The Thralls of Demogorgon are solitary commonly in the lands of Hazlan and in the
beings who thrive on chaos and disorder. city of Necropolis. In both domains they
They are often found in the lands of pursue their goals of learning the secrets of
Har'Akir, Hazlan, Necropolis, and Sri Raji. others and thus holding power of those
Har'Akiri and Rajian Thralls often learn of unfortunates. In Hazlan, the atmosphere is
the rite to take this class from forgotten ruins well suited to this task, with the various in-
where evil dwells. Hazlani Thralls often fighting between the wizards of the Mulan
learn from the same sources, though from for Hazlik's favor. Necropolis held a similar
ruins in their own lands. While Necropolitan attraction until the Requiem occurred.
Thralls often learn this class from any
Now, although the Thralls are still active,
number of sources; the great wealth of
knowledge that the city holds is a breeding the lure of the flesh has been taken from
them, with the (mostly) passionless undead
ground for this class.
in residence.
Otherwise, sometimes Thralls of
Otherwise, Thralls of Graz'zt are
Demogorgon are found in Barovia, Darkon,
sometimes found working singly in the lands
Lamordia, Nova Vassa, the Shadow Rift,
of Borca, Dementlieu, Har'Akir, Pharazia,
Souragne, Tepest, and Vechor. Depending
Richemulot, the Shadow Rift, and Sri Raji.
on the view of magic in the domain in
In Borca, Dementlieu and Richemulot they
question will determine whether or not the
work within society, gaining their station and
Thrall is a spellcaster or a Rogue of some
power through their wiles. Har'Akir,
Pharazia, and Sri Raji present a more
primitive and dangerous society to work
Alterations within, but they find their abilities are up to
Requirements: An intelligent being must still the task. Finally, within the Shadow Rift,
be sacrificed to take this class, and still on some Powrie, Sith, and Teg Arak as well as
unhallowed ground at night, but it need not Half-Arak and Feytouched beings take up
be in the presence of a Demon, due to their this class for the power it brings them.
rarity in Ravenloft.

Vile Mists of Darkness

Alterations cabals and have cells throughout the land of

Darkon in most of the major cities.
Charm (Sp): See Enchantment. Necropolis especially has Thralls present,
Summon Demon (Sp): See Conjuration although they keep a very low profile due to
(Summoning). Death's megalomania in his complete rule of
the city. In Necropolis especially, the Thralls
Thrall of Juiblex of Orcus do battle with those who follow
Demogorgon & Graz'zt, although this is a
Much like some of the Devilish Disciples,
subtle underground war of assassins.
the Thralls of Juiblex are not found
commonly in any domain in Ravenloft. And In the southern land of Hazlan the Thralls
although they are not found commonly in study the tenets of the Lawgiver, though few
any land, those who do follow this demonic actual clergymen take up this class. In this
power often gravitate to the city of Nosos, land the Thralls are much more likely to be
floating in the ever-present Mists. This actual Necromancers, gathering together in
bastion of filth and decay often plays host to small cabals. Here too, the Thralls fight with
numerous slimes, molds, oozes, and jellies the Thralls of Demogorgon & Graz'zt, again
that the Thrall of Juiblex thrives in the in small underground battles. Hazlik has no
presence of. Hiding deep in the fecund wish to see his domain ripped open in
sewers, the Thrall performs sacrifices to the magical warfare.
dark demon, capturing people from the Finally, Thralls of Orcus are found in
streets above for the horrid rites. Har'Akir and Sri Raji. In the desert land of
Har'Akir they often study the tenets of Osiris
Alterations or Set, and are often fighting in the sands and
tombs with the Thralls of Demogorgon, or
Contagion (Sp): Using this ability requires a less likely, the Thralls of Graz'zt. In Sri Raji
Powers Check. they study under the tenets of Kali and here
Alter Self (Sp): See Transmutation. too they fight against the Thralls of
Demogorgon, or the less common Thralls of
Summon Demon (Sp): See Conjuration
Polymorph Self (Su): See Transmutation. Alterations
Thrall of Orcus Massive Girth/Skeletal Visage (Su): When
this ability is gained, the Thrall must make a
Thralls of Orcus come from lands where Powers Check with a 4% chance of failure
magic and religion are common and due to the vile feat.
accepted. They also come from lands with a
strong undead population, most of the time. Summon Undead (Sp): See Conjuration
The domains that often feature these Thralls (Summoning).
are Darkon, Har'Akir, Hazlan, Necropolis, Pallor of Death (Su): See Transmutation.
and Sri Raji.
Death Touch (Sp): See Slay Living.
In Darkon and Necropolis, they are often
spellcasters who have studied some of the Summon Nightwing (Sp): See Conjuration
tenets of the Eternal Order and have thrown (Summoning).
their lot and knowledge in with the Demon
Prince of the Undead. They often form small

Quoth the Raven

Ur-Priest but since the Requiem there have been no

new cases of them, due to the destructive
See "Misty Divine" in Quoth the Raven issue
elements of the Shroud on natural vermin
#12 for full details on this prestige class.
life. Paridon has the odd Vermin Lord; often
an outcast from the Temple of the Divinity of
Vermin Lord Mankind, and find that their abilities allow
Vermin Lords are relatively more common them to survive on horrid fare, instead of
than some classes in Ravenloft. They are starving.
often found in Sebua, the Shadow Rift, As well, some of these Vermin Lords move
Sithicus, Valachan, and Verbrek. In Sebua into the sewers, and into the land of Timor,
they are often Wild Children who have and find that they can survive in the lightless
become Druids, or Nomads who have taken depths. Some have whispers that the
up residence in the Forbidden Wastes, abilities of the Vermin Lords allow them to
befriending the scorpions of the deserts. serve the Hive Queen of the Marikith, or at
Within the Shadow Rift, they are often least, defend suitably against her
Powrie or Teg Arak, also following the path depredations. Finally, the sewers of
of the Druid and socializing with the Spiders Richemulot are not home to just Wererats;
that dwell within the Rift. many vermin make their homes there too.
In Sithicus the Vermin Lords are evil elves The Vermin Lords often carve out small
who follow the Druidic ways and associate domains for themselves, at least until they
with the spiders of the forests. There are also become too much of a problem, and the
tales of elves who grew too attached to their lycanthropes are forced to deal with them
Stag Beetle mounts and through their directly.
obsession become Vermin Lords as well.
Valachan & Verbrek also have Druid Alterations
Vermin Lords, and spiders are the most
Chitin (Ex): Every +1 bonus of natural AC
common companions of these beings.
from this ability also gives the Vermin Lord
However, in Verbrek, sometimes followers
a +1 to his Outcast Rating.
of the Wolf God will also take up this
prestige class, infecting their lycanthropic Vermin Servant: The Vermin Servant is a
bodies with all manner of pestilence. Truly Dread Companion, as detailed in the
horrifying are these beings, with their natural Ravenloft Player's Handbook.
abilities, clerical spellcasting, and Vermin Spider Hand (Sp): See Transmutation.
Lord capabilities.
Otherwise, the Vermin Lords can be found Swarm Armor (Su): The swarm of vermin
in Barovia, Falkovnia, Necropolis, Paridon, from this ability actually tunnel under the
and Richemulot. Barovian Vermin Lords are Vermin Lord's skin, giving a hideous
often unique individuals, the rare Druid who appearance to the as the insects burrow
finds the abilities complement his natural around his body. Otherwise, the ability is
ones. Falkovnia's squalor and filth in its unchanged.
cities often houses Vermin Lords who simply Spider Legs (Sp): See Transmutation.
study the abilities they need to master the
back-alleys and byways of their homes. Warrior of Darkness
Necropolis had some Vermin Lords in The Dark Knights come from a few
those beings that followed the Eternal Order, different domains in Ravenloft, but are most

Vile Mists of Darkness

commonly found in the two lands of Hazlan

and Necropolis. Hazlan encourages the Magic
arcane studies that the Warrior of Darkness
studies and oftentimes favored and trusted Evil Spells
Rashemani servants will be trained in these If the optional rule is used that makes the
arts by their arcane Mulan masters. In spells Contagion, Deathwatch, Desecrate,
Necropolis, the Warriors of Darkness are Doom, and Trap the Soul evil spells, then
more self-taught, and while the arcane is not casting these spells requires a Powers Check
emphasized as much, the libraries of Il Aluk as normal.
often contain tomes that can teach the
fiendish languages that a prospective student Corrupt Spells
must master to take this class. Nowadays
after the Requiem, Warriors of Darkness are Because of the inherent nature of these
still found, as servants of Death or other spells, anytime a corrupt spell is cast, a
powerful undead in the Slain City. Powers Check is required as if the spell in
question were an Evil spell, even if the
Otherwise, Warriors of Darkness can be
corrupt spell doesn't carry the Evil
found in Darkon, Har'Akir, Lamordia, the
descriptor. If the spell is also necromantic,
Shadow Rift, and Vechor. Warriors found in
then the Powers Check is increased, as
Darkon are often in the same circumstances
detailed in the Ravenloft Player's Handbook.
as those from Necropolis, minus being
undead. In Har'Akir they often find the
rituals and magic necessary for their craft in
Spell Lists
forbidden tomb walls or on ancient buried
stone tablets. Lamordia has Warriors that Cleric Domains
focus much more on the alchemical and As an option, the DM may make the
scientific side of the prestige class, and pay following domains available to characters
only the smallest heeding to the arcane following the Ravenloft deities:
Bestial Domain: the Wolf God
Within the Shadow Rift the Warriors of
Darkness come from the ranks of the Sith Corruption Domain: Erlin, the Eternal Order,
Arak as well as the Feytouched and Half- Set
Arak. Finally, on the distant island land of Darkness Domain: Arawn
Vechor, the Warriors of Darkness are evil
men and women who have studied the Greed Domain: Set, Zhakata
arcane methods that are not unknown in that Pain Domain: Kali, the Wolf God
land and combined them with primitive
alchemical formulae just being developed in Spell Descriptions
that land to devastating effect.
Aberrate: See Transmutation. Add a +1
bonus to effective caster level when casting
this spell. Casting this spell requires a
Black Magic Elixir (Su): If the Warrior of Powers Check.
Darkness takes the Demonic Wings ability, Absorb Mind: Add a +1 bonus to effective
then he must make a Powers Check as caster level when casting this spell. Casting
though he were casting the spell of the same this spell requires a Powers Check.
name every time he utilizes the ability.

Quoth the Raven

Absorb Strength: After this spell is even if the target successfully saves. Add a
completed, the caster is also able to use an +1 bonus to effective caster level when
ability identical to the spell Ghoul Touch casting this spell. Casting this spell requires
once while the Absorb Strength spell is still a Powers Check.
active. Casting this spell requires a Powers Call Dretch Horde: See Conjuration
Check. (Calling). Add a +1 bonus to effective caster
Abyssal Might: Add a +1 bonus to level when casting this spell. Casting this
effective caster level when casting this spell. spell requires a Powers Check.
Casting this spell requires a Powers Check. Call Lemure Horde: See Conjuration
Alert Bebilith: See Conjuration (Calling). (Calling). Add a +1 bonus to effective caster
Add a +1 bonus to effective caster level level when casting this spell. Casting this
when casting this spell. Casting this spell spell requires a Powers Check.
requires a Powers Check. The Bebilith is not Call Nightmare: See Conjuration
able to return to its home plane once it is (Calling). Add a +1 bonus to effective caster
called, but it is free to travel the Demiplane, level when casting this spell. Casting this
subject to the limits of its abilities. spell requires a Powers Check.
Angry Ache: The circumstance penalty for Charnel Fire: An undead creature killed
this spell is increased to -3 for every four by this spell may still return as a Rushlight,
caster levels (maximum penalty -15). seeking vengeance upon the caster. Add a
Casting this spell requires a Powers Check. +1 bonus to effective caster level when
Apocalypse from the Sky: Add a +1 casting this spell. Casting this spell requires
bonus to effective caster level when casting a Powers Check.
this spell. Casting this spell requires a Cheat: Add a +1 bonus to effective caster
Powers Check. level when casting this spell. Casting this
Befoul: Add a +1 bonus to effective caster spell requires a Powers Check.
level when casting this spell. Casting this Circle of Nausea: Add a +1 bonus to
spell requires a Powers Check. effective caster level when casting this spell.
Bestow Greater Curse: This spell can be Casting this spell requires a Powers Check.
used to create curses of any kind, as Claws of the Bebilith: See Transmutation.
described for Bestow Curse. The example Add a +1 bonus to effective caster level
curses are of lethal severity. Casting this when casting this spell. Casting this spell
spell requires a Powers Check with the requires a Powers Check.
chance of failure determined by the severity
Claws of the Savage: See Transmutation.
of the curse, not the effective spell level.
Add a +1 bonus to effective caster level
Black Bag: Casting this spell requires a when casting this spell. Casting this spell
Powers Check. requires a Powers Check.
Bodak Birth: See Transmutation. Casting Cloud of the Achaierai: Add a +1 bonus
this spell requires a Powers Check. to effective caster level when casting this
Boneblade: In the Demiplane the caster spell. Casting this spell requires a Powers
may transform the bone into any one or two- Check.
handed slashing weapon. Casting this spell Clutch of Orcus: The damage caused by
requires a Powers Check. this spell is increased to 1d3+1 per round.
Boneblast: The Constitution damage Add a +1 bonus to effective caster level
caused by this spell is always at least 1 point,

Vile Mists of Darkness

when casting this spell. Casting this spell spell upon it. Casting this spell requires a
requires a Powers Check. Powers Check.
Consume Likeness: If the caster chooses Demon Wings: See Transmutation. Add a
to switch back to his normal form while +1 bonus to effective caster level when
under the effects of this spell he heals hit casting this spell. Casting this spell requires
points equivalent to if he had rested for the a Powers Check.
night. This does not occur if the caster is Demoncall: Casting this spell requires a
slain an reverts to his original form. Add a Powers Check.
+1 bonus to effective caster level when
Demonflesh: See Transmutation. Add a
casting this spell. Casting this spell requires
+1 bonus to effective caster level when
a Powers Check.
casting this spell. Casting this spell requires
Cruel Disappointment: Add a +1 bonus a Powers Check.
to effective caster level when casting this
Despoil: Add a +1 bonus to effective caster
spell. Casting this spell requires a Powers
level when casting this spell. Casting this
spell requires a Powers Check.
Crushing Fist of Spite: Add a +1 bonus to
Devil's Ego: Add a +1 bonus to effective
effective caster level when casting this spell.
caster level when casting this spell. Casting
Casting this spell requires a Powers Check.
this spell requires a Powers Check.
Curse of the Putrid Husk: If the target
Devil's Eye: Add a +1 bonus to effective
fails to save against this spell, in addition to
caster level when casting this spell. Casting
being dazed he must make a Horror save.
this spell requires a Powers Check.
Add a +1 bonus to effective caster level
when casting this spell. Casting this spell Devil's Tail: See Transmutation. Add a +1
requires a Powers Check. bonus to effective caster level when casting
this spell. Casting this spell requires a
Damning Darkness: Add a +1 bonus to
Powers Check.
effective caster level when casting this spell.
Casting this spell requires a Powers Check. Devil's Tongue: See Transmutation. Add
a +1 bonus to effective caster level when
Dance of Ruin: Add a +1 bonus to
casting this spell. Casting this spell requires
effective caster level when casting this spell.
a Powers Check.
Casting this spell requires a Powers Check.
Distort Summons: Add a +1 bonus to
Darkbolt: Add a +1 bonus to effective
effective caster level when casting this spell.
caster level when casting this spell. Casting
Casting this spell requires a Powers Check.
this spell requires a Powers Check.
Distort Weapon: Add a +1 bonus to
Death by Thorns: Those slain by this spell
effective caster level when casting this spell.
rise as free-willed Wights three days later.
Casting this spell requires a Powers Check.
Add a +1 bonus to effective caster level
when casting this spell. Casting this spell Dread Word: Add a +1 bonus to effective
requires a Powers Check. caster level when casting this spell. Casting
this spell requires a Powers Check.
Death Grimace: A corpse brought back to
life (or unlife) after this spell is used on it Drown: Add a +1 bonus to effective caster
(whether through Animate Dead, Create level when casting this spell. Casting this
Undead, Raise Dead, or similar magic) can spell requires a Powers Check.
recall the most commonly known name of Ectoplasmic Enhancement: When this
the being who caster the Death Grimace spell is used on an incorporeal undead

Quoth the Raven

creature, it may choose a single ability from Graz'zt's Long Grasp: See
those available to Ghosts, as described in the Transmutation. If the caster's hand is
Monster Manual or the Ravenloft Player's "killed" while the spell is in effect, it may
Handbook. This ability disappears when the animate as a self-willed Crawling Claw (see
spell duration ends. Add a +1 bonus to Monsters of Faerun) and attempt to return
effective caster level when casting this spell. and rejoin with it's original owner. Add a +1
Casting this spell requires a Powers Check. bonus to effective caster level when casting
Eternity of Torture: If the target succeeds this spell. Casting this spell requires a
at the save against this spell the penalties last Powers Check.
for 1 minute per caster level rather than 1 Grim Revenge: The undead hand created
round. Add a +1 bonus to effective caster by this spell has maximum HP and if it
level when casting this spell. Casting this defeats its owner, becomes free-willed. Add
spell requires a Powers Check. a +1 bonus to effective caster level when
Evil Eye: Add a +1 bonus to effective casting this spell. Casting this spell requires
caster level when casting this spell. Casting a Powers Check.
this spell requires a Powers Check. Gutwrench: Should the victim of this spell
Evil Weather: Add a +1 bonus to effective perish, and the caster absorbs the intestinal
caster level when casting this spell. Casting life force, the caster also gains a +6
this spell requires a Powers Check. enhancement bonus to Strength instead of
Eye of the Beholder: See Transmutation. +4. Add a +1 bonus to effective caster level
Add a +1 bonus to effective caster level when casting this spell. Casting this spell
when casting this spell. Casting this spell requires a Powers Check.
requires a Powers Check. Heartache: Add a +1 bonus to effective
Eyes of the Zombie: Add a +1 bonus to caster level when casting this spell. Casting
effective caster level when casting this spell. this spell requires a Powers Check.
Casting this spell requires a Powers Check. Heartclutch: Add a +1 bonus to effective
Fangs of the Vampire King: See caster level when casting this spell. Casting
Transmutation. Add a +1 bonus to effective this spell requires a Powers Check.
caster level when casting this spell. Casting Hellfire: Add a +1 bonus to effective
this spell requires a Powers Check. caster level when casting this spell. Casting
Fiendish Clarity: Add a +1 bonus to this spell requires a Powers Check.
effective caster level when casting this spell. Hellfire Storm: Add a +1 bonus to
Casting this spell requires a Powers Check. effective caster level when casting this spell.
Flesh Armor: Add a +1 bonus to effective Casting this spell requires a Powers Check.
caster level when casting this spell. Casting Hell's Power: Add a +1 bonus to effective
this spell requires a Powers Check. caster level when casting this spell. Casting
Flesh Ripper: Add a +1 bonus to effective this spell requires a Powers Check.
caster level when casting this spell. Casting Identify Transgressor: As Divination.
this spell requires a Powers Check. Casting this spell requires a Powers Check.
Forbidden Speech: Add a +1 bonus to Imprison Soul: If the victim of this spell
effective caster level when casting this spell. dies (i.e. the body of the victim is reduced to
Casting this spell requires a Powers Check. a Con of 0) then if the caster chooses he can
Glimpse of Truth: As Divination. Casting animate the corpse as an undead creature
this spell requires a Powers Check. with the appropriate spell. As long as the

Vile Mists of Darkness

caster possesses the original soul, the Plague of Nightmares: Casting this spell
animated undead will always serve the requires a Powers Check. Those slain by this
caster, no matter what method is used in its spell may very well rise as Bastelli (see
creation. Should the caster lose possession Denizens of Dread).
of the soul, the undead may become free- Power Leech: A victim that loses any
willed, depending on the method of its ability points from this spell is also fatigued
creation. Add a +1 bonus to effective caster until it can properly rest. Add a +1 bonus to
level when casting this spell. Casting this effective caster level when casting this spell.
spell requires a Powers Check. Casting this spell requires a Powers Check.
Liquid Pain: This spell creates two doses Pox: The Constitution drain caused by this
of agony in Ravenloft, instead of one. spell is changed to 1d6 from 1d4. Add a +1
Casting this spell requires a Powers Check. bonus to effective caster level when casting
Lahm's Finger Darts: Add a +1 bonus to this spell. Casting this spell requires a
effective caster level when casting this spell. Powers Check.
Casting this spell requires a Powers Check. Psychic Poison: Add a +1 bonus to
Love's Pain: Add a +1 bonus to effective effective caster level when casting this spell.
caster level when casting this spell. Casting Casting this spell requires a Powers Check.
this spell requires a Powers Check. Rapture of Rupture: Add a +1 bonus to
Masochism: Add a +1 bonus to effective effective caster level when casting this spell.
caster level when casting this spell. Casting Casting this spell requires a Powers Check.
this spell requires a Powers Check. Reality Bind: Add a +1 bonus to effective
Mindrape: See Divination, Enchantment, caster level when casting this spell. Casting
and Mind-Affecting. Even though the caster this spell requires a Powers Check.
can change the victim's alignment with this Red Fester: In Ravenloft the Charisma
spell, he still cannot learn the true alignment damage caused by this spell is increased to
of the victim. Add a +1 bonus to effective 1d6. Casting this spell requires a Powers
caster level when casting this spell. Casting Check.
this spell requires a Powers Check. Rotting Curse of Urfestra: Casting this
Mirror Sending: This spell cannot cross a spell requires a Powers Check.
domain border, and depending on the nature
Sacrificial Skill: Add a +1 bonus to
of the caster, this spell may provoke a Horror effective caster level when casting this spell.
save. Casting this spell requires a Powers Check.
Morality Undone: See Enchantment. Add Sadism: Add a +1 bonus to effective caster
a +1 bonus to effective caster level when level when casting this spell. Casting this
casting this spell. Casting this spell requires spell requires a Powers Check.
a Powers Check.
Sap Strength: Add a +1 bonus to effective
Pestilence: The disease created by this caster level when casting this spell. Casting
spell causes 1d3 Strength damage, in this spell requires a Powers Check.
addition to the 1d4 Constitution drain. Add a
+1 bonus to effective caster level when Seething Eyebane: Casting this spell
casting this spell. Casting this spell requires requires a Powers Check.
a Powers Check. Those killed by this spell Serpents of Theggeron: Add a +1 bonus
may very well rise as Plague Blights (see to effective caster level when casting this
Libris Mortis).

Quoth the Raven

spell. Casting this spell requires a Powers requires a Powers Check. Those slain by this
Check. spell often rise as Ancient Dead.
Shriveling: The damage caused by this Stop Heart: The Heal check DC needed to
spell is increased in Ravenloft to 1d4+1 stabilize someone from this spell in
(maximum 10d4+10). Add a +1 bonus to Ravenloft is increased to 18 rather than 15.
effective caster level when casting this spell. Casting this spell requires a Powers Check.
Casting this spell requires a Powers Check. Stunning Screech: Casting this spell
Slash Tongue: Add a +1 bonus to effective requires a Powers Check.
caster level when casting this spell. Casting Thousand Needles: Add a +1 bonus to
this spell requires a Powers Check. effective caster level when casting this spell.
Slow Consumption: This spell also allows Casting this spell requires a Powers Check.
the caster to use the spell Charm Person once Tongue of Baalzebul: Add a +1 bonus to
per day as a spell-like ability, due to the effective caster level when casting this spell.
vampiric nature of this power. Casting this Casting this spell requires a Powers Check.
spell requires a Powers Check.
Tongue Serpents: See Transmutation.
Song of Festering Death: Add a +1 bonus Add a +1 bonus to effective caster level
to effective caster level when casting this when casting this spell. Casting this spell
spell. Casting this spell requires a Powers requires a Powers Check.
Tongue Tendrils: See Transmutation.
Sorrow: Add a +1 bonus to effective caster Add a +1 bonus to effective caster level
level when casting this spell. Casting this when casting this spell. Casting this spell
spell requires a Powers Check. requires a Powers Check.
Soul Shackles: If the soul frees itself from Touch of Juiblex: See Transmutation.
this spell, it may, at it's option, return as a Casting this spell requires a Powers Check.
free-willed ghost. Add a +1 bonus to
Unheavened: Add a +1 bonus to effective
effective caster level when casting this spell.
caster level when casting this spell. Casting
Casting this spell requires a Powers Check.
this spell requires a Powers Check.
Spider Hand: See Transmutation.
Unliving Weapon: Add a +1 bonus to
Spider Legs: See Transmutation. effective caster level when casting this spell.
Spores of the Vrock: Casting this spell Casting this spell requires a Powers Check.
requires a Powers Check. Utterdark: Add a +1 bonus to effective
Spread of Savagery: See Enchantment. caster level when casting this spell. Casting
Add a +1 bonus to effective caster level this spell requires a Powers Check.
when casting this spell. Casting this spell Vile Lance: Add a +1 bonus to effective
requires a Powers Check. caster level when casting this spell. Casting
Steal Life: When cast in Ravenloft, this this spell requires a Powers Check.
spell always makes the caster younger. If it's Wall of Eyes: Add a +1 bonus to effective
cast anytime other than under the full moon, caster level when casting this spell. Casting
the caster only gets 1 day younger for each this spell requires a Powers Check.
ability point drained. If the spell is cast
Wave of Grief: Add a +1 bonus to
under the full moon though, the caster gets
effective caster level when casting this spell.
two weeks younger, rather than simply one.
Casting this spell requires a Powers Check.
Add a +1 bonus to effective caster level
when casting this spell. Casting this spell

Vile Mists of Darkness

Wave of Pain: After victims of this spell Fleshshifter Armor: Crafting this armor
overcome being stunned they are nauseated requires a Powers Check.
for a similar amount of time. Add a +1
bonus to effective caster level when casting Weapon Special Abilities
this spell. Casting this spell requires a Bloodfeeding: Crafting or using this
Powers Check. weapon requires a Powers Check.
Were-Doom: This spell can allow more Cursespewing: Crafting or using this
types of lycanthropy than just those listed in weapon requires a Powers Check.
the spell description, and at the end of the
duration, the victims get one additional Marrowcrushing: Crafting or using this
saving throw. Those who succeed are weapon requires a Powers Check.
unaffected anymore, but those who fail Souldrinking: Those killed by this
permanently are infected with lycanthropy weapon must make a Will save (DC 23) or
and treated as Infected Lycanthropes. Add a rise as an undead creature (DM's choice)
+1 bonus to effective caster level when with as many HD as it had levels. Crafting
casting this spell. Casting this spell requires or using this weapon requires a Powers
a Powers Check. Check.
Whirlwind of Teeth: Add a +1 bonus to Strength Sapping: Crafting or using this
effective caster level when casting this spell. weapon requires a Powers Check.
Casting this spell requires a Powers Check. Vile: Crafting or using this weapon
Wither Limb: After this spell has run it's requires a Powers Check.
course, the victim is also Fatigued until they
can get proper rest. Add a +1 bonus to Specific Weapons
effective caster level when casting this spell. Angelkiller: Crafting or using this weapon
Casting this spell requires a Powers Check. requires a Powers Check.
Wrack: Add a +1 bonus to effective caster Blackguard's Blade: Crafting or using
level when casting this spell. Casting this this weapon requires a Powers Check.
spell requires a Powers Check.
Charnel Reaver: Crafting or using this
Wretched Blight: Add a +1 bonus to weapon requires a Powers Check.
effective caster level when casting this spell.
Harrowheart: Crafting or using this
Casting this spell requires a Powers Check.
weapon requires a Powers Check.
Evil Magic Items Hell's Heart Arrow: This item cannot be
crafted inside Ravenloft. Arrows brought in
from outside instead pass through creatures
Armor Special Abilities of Lawful alignment.
Demonmight Ward: Crafting or using this Spectral Arrow: Those killed by this
armor requires a Powers Check. weapon must make a Will save (DC 23) or
rise as an undead creature (DM's choice)
Specific Armors with as many HD as it had levels. Crafting
Armor of the Dread Emperor: Although just or using this weapon requires a Powers
wearing this armor doesn't require a Powers Check.
Check, the act of imprisoning others to take Warpsword: Crafting or using this
your damage is certainly an evil act and will weapon requires a Powers Check.
require Powers Checks of its own.

Quoth the Raven

Rings Gem of Psychic Poison: Crafting or using

this item requires a Powers Check.
Master Ring: The Master Ring cannot
send pain or messages across a domain Iron Maiden of Preservation: Using this
border. Crafting or using this ring requires a item requires a Powers Check.
Powers Check. Maggot Harvester: Crafting or using this
Ring of Weeping: Crafting or using this item requires a Powers Check.
ring requires a Powers Check. Necklace of Demons: The Demons
Slave Ring: This ring cannot connect with summoned by this spell receive the standard
the Master Ring across a domain border. Will save with a -2 penalty to resist control.
As well, all Demons summoned by this item
Vile Weapon Ring: Crafting or using this
have the Mists descriptor and are not true
ring requires a Powers Check.
demonic beings. They disappear back to the
Vile Spell Ring: Crafting or using this ring Mists at the end of the 10 rounds. Using this
requires a Powers Check. item requires a Powers Check.
Nipple Clamp of Exquisite Pain: Crafting
Rods this item requires a Powers Check.
Celestial Bane Rod: Crafting or using this Pain Extractor: Crafting or using this
rod requires a Powers Check. item requires a Powers Check.
Rod of Possession: Using this item in Pipe of Grief: Crafting or using this item
Ravenloft may, at the DM's option, initiate requires a Powers Check.
Transposition with a fiend from the Lower
Piercing Needles of Pain: Crafting or
Planes. Or, a spirit in the Demiplane may
using this item requires a Powers Check.
possess the Rod wielder. Crafting or using
this rod requires a Powers Check. Spiralburst Bottle: The gate created by
this item links only to the Near Ethereal, and
Staffs if a creature survives its trip, it cannot
progress any further into the Ethereal Plane.
Staff of Corruption: Crafting or using this
Symbol of Demogorgon: Crafting or
staff requires a Powers Check.
using this item requires a Powers Check.
Staff of Darkness: Crafting or using this
Tongue Studs of Hellbreath: Crafting or
staff requires a Powers Check.
using this item requires a Powers Check.
Staff of Pestilence: Crafting or using this
Vasharan Worm Pod: Crafting this item
staff requires a Powers Check.
requires a Powers Check.
Wondrous Items
Belt of the Dread Emperor: Using this
item requires a Powers Check.
Minor Artifacts
Dark Altar Stone: Crafting or using this
Demon Blood: Using this item requires a
item requires a Powers Check.
Powers Check.
Elixir of the Dark Speech: Crafting or
Demonstone: The alignment conversion of
using this item requires a Powers Check.
this item forces the owner to make a
Fanatic's Collar: See Enchantment. Madness save if they are not already Chaotic
Flesh Ring of Scorn: Crafting this item Evil.
requires a Powers Check.

Vile Mists of Darkness

Midnight Blade: Using this sword

requires a Powers Check, besides the checks Evil Monsters
that will invariably come from committing The Monsters listed in the book can be
murders with it. found anywhere, and thus are not present in
Rhapsody of Pain: Using these items any particular domain. If a monster has an
requires a Powers Check. ability that duplicates an altered spell in
Staff of Malice: Using this staff requires a Ravenloft, then the ability is also similarly
Powers Check. altered. This applies even to the Demon
Princes & Devil Lords, unless the DM
Diabolic Engines and Demonic Devices decides to use the optional rule and give
those creatures a divine rank. Of course,
Cauldron of Zombie Spewing: This
doing so would mean that the Dark Powers
cauldron creates 6d12 Zombies instead of would be very hard-pressed to hold onto
4d12 when used inside Ravenloft. Using this such a being, and it should be able to leave
item requires a Powers Check.
Ravenloft if it wants to. (The Dark Powers
Demonic Graft Machine: Good-aligned have learned from their holding Vecna
characters who are subject to Wisdom captive.) Of course, the above assumes that
damage from the grafts this item produces the DM wants to remove one of the fiendish
must also make a Madness save every time rulers from their home plane and place them
they take the Wisdom damage. Characters in the Demiplane in the first place.
with a demonic graft also increase their OR
by +6 if the graft is not hidden very well.
Pain Pit: Using this item requires a Powers

Major Artifacts
Major Artifacts are powerful enough that
they are not affected by any of the changes of
Ravenloft, be they beneficial or not. Even
though their abilities may not be altered
however, if such ability would normally call
for a Powers Check upon use, then the
character using it still must make a Powers
Check. The Dark Powers may not affect
Major Artifacts, but that doesn't mean their
users are incorruptible.
It is said that in a place called the Iron
Sanctum in the land of Hazlan, a group of the
monks known as the Guardians stand watch
over the Iron Flask of Tuerny the Merciless.
Hazlik is said to be searching for this artifact,
but it's not known for what purpose.

Quoth the Raven

The Curse of Maplegrove
A tale of terror from Gothic Earth
By Blake Alexander

To my colleague, Professor Jacob VanWorth, It took mere moments to locate the grave for
Although my search for information the angelic monument rose high above the
regarding the ill-fated voyage of the Erie surrounding markers. Immediately, I was
Board of Trade has thus far proved fruitless, taken back by the melancholy expression
I have uncovered an intriguing tale while carved upon the angel's face and by the
conducting my investigation at the lake shore monument's eyes which seemed to stare at
village of Vermillion, Ohio. me as I approached.
For the last few weeks the area around the Having encountered things reserved for
village has been plagued by a series of others nightmares, I quickly dismissed my
savage attacks upon local livestock. unease and set about examining the statue.
Speculation among the populace mentions a To my horror, I found what appeared to be
grave site in a cemetery some four miles dried blood upon both of the angel's hands
outside of town over which stands a and around its mouth.
monument carved in the likeness of a six With this knowledge fresh in my mind I
foot angel. Upon inquiring about the grave, hurried back to my hotel room to compose
I found that it belongs to a young girl this letter. I am requesting that you give its
believed to have been murdered by her contents your attention with haste, my friend,
mother and that the mother of the girl, for I do not believe that the evil within the
herself, is buried in an adjoining grave, angelic statue will remain satisfied with
having taken her own life earlier this year. animal blood much longer.
Intrigued, the next day I ventured to the
cemetery to see the grave site for myself. Timendi Causa est Nesoire,
Although the sun was shining brightly Ethan Stone
overhead, the cemetery seemed as if the
shadows of night still clung to its iron gates.

Quoth the Raven

The Curse of Maple Grove

Among the vices that afflict the heart of man
few are as corrupting as envy. For it is this
such that drives men, or in this case of Lydia
Fischer women, into the depravity of hatred.
Even as a child, Lydia Fischer had
demonstrated a tendency towards
selfishness, especially towards her little
sister, Alice. Although the troublesome trait
was noticed by their parents, it was
dismissed as a childhood characteristic that
would be outgrown as she matured into
adulthood. Rather than disappearing, as they
had hoped, Lydia's selfishness had
degenerated into unyielding envy by the time
the two sisters had reached their latter
adolescent years.
Thus it was, when a handsome young
Conrad Nuhn came to work for their father
as a foreman in his lumber company, that
Lydia began to notice an attraction between
the young apprentice and her sister. With
each passing day she watched as their feeling
deepened, and her heart grew black with
envy. Desperately she attempted to lure
Conrand's attention from her sister, but
despite her best efforts, she could not draw
him away from Alice.
As Lydia heart dwelled on her desire to
take Conrad from Alice she came upon a
plan. Secretly, in her role as one of the
bookkeeper at the Firsher Lumber Company,
she altered records to make them appears as
if Conrad was embezzling. To further her
trap, Lydia used her relationship with a
young admirer of hers at the local bank to
deposit funds in an amount matching the
funds missing from the altered records into
Conrad's account.

The Curse of Maplegrove

When Lydia had manufactred enough the identity of her baby's father remain her
evidence, she confronted Conrad as he left own until her the time of her baby's birth
his apartment for a rondavue with Alice. seven months later.
She explained that she had evidence that Lydia, however, was not be fooled. The
he's been embezzling from her father and first time she held little Betty Claire she saw
that she would take it to her father if he didn't the distinct characteristics of her husband in
agree to renounce his love for Alice and the little girls face, and she knew what had
marry her. At first, Conrad scoffed at her transpired. With her dark heart, hatred
accusations, but once she's produced bloomed to a fullness she had not known
evidence to support her claim he knew that before. As she watched Alice's love for little
she was serious and that she had trapped Betty Claire grow, in the recesses of her
him. If he didn't do as she demanded he mind Lydia plotted dark schemes by which
would be ruined. Either way, he knew he'd she could enact her revenge upon her sister,
have lost Alice. one of which she found to be especially to
Faced with such a choice, Conrad felt he her liking.
had no choice but to agree. The next Patiently, Lydia waited until the time was
morning when he was approached by Alice right to set her plan in motion, and that time
shortly after arriving at the accounting came one late autumn afternoon, nearly five
house, as to why he's missed their meeting months after little Betty Clair's birth. In
the previous night, he explained that they passing, Alice mentioned that she was
could not see one another again. When the heading to the General Store for supplies.
tearful Alice asked for an explanation, Seizing the opportunity, Lydia requested that
Conrad explained that her sister had she purchase arsenic for use in dealing with a
accepted his proposal the previous night and rodent problem at the Nuhn home. Alice
they were set to be married within the month. aware of an apparent change for the better in
With tears steaming down her cheeks, Alice Lydia since the birth of her niece happily
rushed from the accounting house, past the agreed, unaware of the doom she was bring
smiling visage of her sister. upon her family.
The sight of Alice's tearful departure from Over the next few weeks, Lydia began a
the accounting tore at Conrad's heart to such series of rumor among the villagers of
a degree that he ventured to meet with her Vermillion, stating that Alice was acting
two night later. There he confessed his strangely and that being a young mother
undying love for her, and explained that he might be proving to much for Alice. As is
felt powerless to extract himself from the the case with small communities, this rumor
pledge he had made with Lydia. Although circulated rapidly throughout the area.
he mentioned nothing of the alleged Within a month Betty Clair fell violently
embezzlement or anything of Lydia ill. Despite the best efforts of the local
manipulation, Alice was touched by his physician the little girl died in her mother's
words, and the two continued to meet. arms the following evening. Grief stricken,
Shortly after Lydia and Conrad were wed, Alice asked Richard to have a monument
Alice became aware that she was with child. carved in the likeness of a larger than life
To hide this shame of her indiscretion she angel crafted for the little girl's grave in the
accepted the proposal of one of her suitors Maplegrove Cemetery and the Richard
by the name of Richard Humphrey. Alice's complied.
wedding happened quickly, and the secret of

Quoth the Raven

Alice, however, was not left to her grief.

Lydia's rumors had done their work. A
police investigation uncovered the arsenic
that has been purchased by Alice.
As the information circulated around the
community, the townspeople became more
and more enraged at the apparent atrocity
until one evening a group of villagers
gathered in the town park while Richard was
away on business, among them was Alice's
own sister Lydia, her voice rising for the
blood of her sister to avenge her niece. As
the frenzied mob surged down the street and
into her house Alice looked on in terror. She
begged for her life as they drug her to the The Stone Angel of Maplegrove
barn behind her house and prepared a noose
with which to hang her. With tear filled eyes (Gargoyle Variant)
she looked on her killers and there among Medium-Sized Magical Beast (Earth)
her saw sister. In that moment she realized Hit Dice: 4d8 +19 (40 hit points)
the truth of what a had transpired and she
Initiative: +2 (Dex)
uttered the following curse "Savagery will be
Speed: 40 ft (8 squares), fly 60 ft
repaid in kind, murder for murder, o sister of (average)
mine. Justice will come from beyond my
AC: 16 (+2 Dex, +4 natural), touch
sight, for it will seek blood in the dark of 12, flatfooted 14
night!" As the last of these words escaped Base Attack/ +4/+6
Alice's body was lifted from the ground Grapple:
under the power of the noose. Attack: Claws +6 melee (1d4+2)
The next morning her body was found by Full Attack: 2 claws +6 melee (1d4+2), and
her husband who had returned from his bite +4 (1d6+1)
business trip to find the house empty. With Face/Reach: 5ft/5ft
the testimony of many witnesses, some of Special Qualities: Damage Reduction 10/magic,
whom had been present in mob the pervious Darkvision 60 ft, Freeze
night, regarding the lack of mental stability Saves: Fort +5, Ref +6, Will +4
that Alice has exhibited over the week Abilities: Str 15, Dex 14, Con 18, Int 6,
before, Alice's death was declared a suicide Wis 11, Cha 10
and the her body was laid to rest next to the Skills: Hide +7*, Listen +4, Spot +4
her daughter's grave, under the watchful gaze Feats: Multi attacks, Toughness
of the stone angel. Climate/Terrain: Maplegrove Cemetery and sur-
The next month, under the new moon, the rounding area
stone guardian rose under the power of Organization: Solitary
Alice's curse. From it's lofty perch amid the Challenge Rating: 4
monuments of Maplegrove Cemetery it took Treasure: None
flight into the midnight sky, it's stone claws Alignment: Chaotic Evil
seeking the blood payment of justice.
Although it appeared that no one heard the
desperate curse that Alice uttered on the

The Curse of Maplegrove

night of her death, the curses power settled

within the Stone Angel that she has so Lydia Fischer Nuhn
lovingly placed as guardian over her little
daughter's grave. During the dark of the (Category One Hag)*
moon it rises into the night sky and stalks Medium-Size Monstrous Humanoid
those who brought about the Alice's death in Hit Dice: 3d8+6 (hp 18)
country side surrounding the lake shore Initiative: +1 (Dex)
village. So far, the statue has only managed
Speed: 30 ft.
to visited it's horror upon a small number of
AC: 16 (+1 Dex), +5 Natural)
livestock belonging to one of the men who
Attack: 2 claws +5 melee
was a member of the mob, but this is not by
design, but merely the product of fate. Damage: Claw 1d4+3
Should it encounter anyone remotely Face/Reach: 5ft by 5ft/5 ft
connected with Alice's death on the road, or Special Attacks: None
elsewhere in it's nightly hunt, it would Special Qualities: Spell-like Abilities (change self at
certainly attack them without mercy. will)
Saves: Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +8
As the light of day approaches, the statue is
drawn back to the cemetery where it Abilities: Str 16, Dex 13, Con 14, Int 14, Wis
16, Cha 13
normally rests. With the first light of dawn it
Skills: Appraise +9, Bluff +7, Diplomacy
reverts back to a normal monument, it's
+7, Disguise +7, Gather Informa-
consciousness at rest. Any damage done to tion +7, Hide +5 Knowledge
the statue while under the light of the sun is (Local) +6, Knowledge (Toxicol-
supernaturally restored when the time comes ogy) +6, Listen +7, Profession
for the new moon, however, damage (Accountant) +7, Profession
sustained while the angel is animated (Cook) +4, Sense Motive +7, Spot
remains after its transformation back into a
monument. Feats: Alertness, Combat Casting, Skill
Focus (Bluff), Skill Focus(Diplo-
Should Lydia ever be brought to justice for macy)
the deaths of Alice and Betty Claire, the Climate/Terrain: Lake Erie Shore, Near Vermillion
curse will be laid to rest. Organization: Solitary
Challenge Rating: 3
Combat Alignment: Chaotic Evil
The Stone Angel attacks without warning,
often swooping out of the dark night sky of * Base creature is a 3rd level Tradesman
the new moon.
Freeze (Ex): If encountered among the Although the village of Vermillion suspects
gravestones of Maplegrove Cemetery, the no wrongdoing on the part of Lydia Fischer,
Stone Angel will attempt to hold itself still so her dark deeds have not gone totally
that it appears to be a monument. An unnoticed. In her true form, she is no longer
observer must succeed at a Spot check (DC the pretty young woman she had once been,
20) to notice the angel is really alive. rather she is now a twisted crone whose once
Skills: The Angel receives a +8 fair complexion has been replaced by a
supernatural bonus to Hide checks when wrinkled skin with a sickly green pallor. Her
concealed among the tombstones of once delicate hands now are claws topped
Maplegrove Cemetery. with nails that are as strong and a sharp as

Quoth the Raven

knives and her once beautiful hair is now a Lydia greatly fears the rumors that are
tangled mass. Still, Lydia has managed to circulating concerning the attacks and
maintain her guise as a normal human by refrains from going anywhere near
cloaking herself with her change self ability Maplegrove Cemetery during the night.
whenever she leaves the sanctuary of her
lakeside home. Combat
Since Alice's death, Lydia hatred has Lydia prefers to attack from while her
begun to consume her. In a fit of rage she opponents are distracted, often taking
slew the grieving Conrad and devoured his advantage of her ability with diplomacy and
body. To cover for this, Lydia has told her bluff to lull others into a sense of security
family, neighbors and friend that Conrad before attacking.
took her sister's suicide hard and took to Spell-Like Abilities: At will-change self.
traveling as a sales and acquisition This ability is as cast by a 8th level sorcerer.
representative for the Fischer Lumber
Company and that his job keeps him on the Lydia's Ogres
road for great lengths of time. In order to
Large-Sized Giants
keep this ruse from being revealed she
"arranged" with her ogre pawns for her Hit Dice: 4d8+11 (30 hp)
father to be injured while working at the Initiative: -1
lumber company, leaving her as acting head Speed: 40 ft
of the business in her father's absence. Armor Class: 13 (-1 size, -1 Dex, +5 natural),
Should anyone inquire about Alice, Lydia touch 8, flat-footed 13)
will give the impression that she is heart Base Attack / +3/+12
broken at her sisters untimely death and will Grapple:
do her best to appear as if she is full Attack: Axe +8 melee (1d8+7/x3) or
cooperating with such inquires. At the same Navy Pistol +1 ranged (1d8/x3,
time, Lydia will attempt to glean as much
Full Attack: Axe +8 melee (1d8+7/x3) or
information as she can from the questioner
Navy Pistol +1 ranged (1d8/x3,
during such a conversation. If she feels that 50ft)*
the investigator might pose a threat Lydia Space/Reach: 10ft/10ft
will attempt to remain appraise of their
Special Attacks: None
search into Alice's death, possibly attempting
Special Qualities: Darkvision 60ft, low light
to seduce an attractive male investigator if vision, Masque of Form (Su)
she feels that it will aid her in gain the
Saves: Fort +6, Ref +0, Will +1
information she desires. Should it become
Abilities: Str 21, Dex 8, Con 15, Int 6,
obvious that an investigation is getting to Wis 10, Cha 7
close to the truth about Alice's death, Lydia
Skills: Toughness, Weapon Focus
will consider using a lumber yard laborer (Axe)
who took part in the lynching of her sister as Environment: Fischer Lumber Yard, and the
her pawn in dealing with her problem. Lydia area surrounding the Village of
could also resort to poison if she thinks she Vermillion
has the investigators trust, or if she can trick Organization: Solitary, Pair, or Gang (2-4)
them into eating something that has been Challenge Rating: 3
poisoned. Alignment: Chaotic Evil

The Curse of Maplegrove

Among those who participated in the Abilities: Str -, Dex -, Con -, Int 14, Wis
lynching of Alice Fischer Humphrey were 13, Cha 16
four employees of the Fischer Lumber Skills: Bluff +8, Diplomacy +10, Eques-
Company; Clyde Ables, John Barrick, trian +5**, First Aid +5**, Han-
Willie Linnell, and Benedict Sanford. Due dle Animals +6**, Hide +10,
Knowledge (Etiquette) +7,
to their betrayal of the Fischer family in
Knowledge (Local) +7, Listen
partaking in Alice's death, the four men have +10, Move Silently +2**, Profes-
found themselves transformed into sion (Bookkeeper) +6, Search
misshapen brutes of great strength and +9, Sense Motives +3, Spot +9,
limited intellect. Despite the fact that each Use Rope +5
has also found that they have a limited Feats: Perfect Memory (Auditory),
ability to appear in the form they wore Negotiator
before their transformations, they fear they Climate/Terrain: The barn behind the Humphrey
will be found out, and thus have allied House
themselves with Lydia and act as her muscle Organization: Solitary
when such is needed in dealing with Challenge Rating: 1/2
potential problems. Alignment: Lawful Good
If Lydia is expecting trouble at least one of * Based on a 2nd level Tradesman
her pawns will be armed with a Breech Rifle ** These rolls for these skills are rendered
+1 Ranged (1d12/x3) 150 ft. useless by Alice's current state.
Masque of From (Su): Each of the
transformed works from the Fischer Lumber
Those few who have visited the barn where
Company have the ability to assume the
Alice Humphrey's body was found have left
from that hey held before their
there telling of a sense of unease that seems
transformation. In this form they retain their
to permeate the area. Most attribute this to
ability scores, and statistics as listed above.
the suicide that is believed to have taken
place there, but in truth, the spirit of Alice
Alice Fischer Humphrey Fischer Humphrey still lingers near the site
of her death, waiting for some way in which
she can gain justice for herself and her
(Category One Ghost, Geist) daughter. Thus far, all who have ventured
Medium-Size Undead(Incorporeal) near to he barn have been driven away by the
Hit Dice: 2d12 (hp 13) foreboding cause by Alice's presence with
Initiative: +0 the barn.
Speed: Fly 30 ft. (Perfect) Should someone come to the barn during
AC: 10 an investigation in Alice's death she will
Attack: None attempt to use her phantom shift ability to
Damage: None show them the true tale of her demise. If
Face/Reach: 5ft by 5ft more than one individual is present Alice
Special Attacks: Aura of Dispair, Phantom Shift will study their actions for a few moments
Special Qualities: Undead Traits, Incorporeal, +4
before selecting the individual who seems
Turn Resistance, Rejuvenation most likely to both understand what is
Saves: Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +1 happening in the phantom shift and help
bring about justice for Alice.

Quoth the Raven

Minor Characters
Aura of Despair (Su): Alice continually
radiates an aura of despair in a 120 ft. radius. Lydia and Alice are not the only interesting
Creatures within this radius must make a character residing in Vermillion that the
Will save or suffer a -2 morale penalty to Player character might cross paths with.
saving throws, attack rolls, ability checks, Other suggested village that might help to
skill checks, and weapon damage rills. This add to the thickening plot can include the
penalty lasts until the victim leaves the area following:
around the Humphrey barn. Those who Sheriff Simon Demouth: Vermillion's local
succeed at the saving throw cannot be affect lawman. Sheriff Demouth is very resistant
by Alice's aura of despair for 24 hours. The to any insinuation that the animal attacks
Will Saves for Alice's Aura of Despair is DC have been made by anything supernatural.
13. He will also be suspicious of anyone who is
Phantom Shift (Su): Alice can make not a resident of the area surrounding
ethereal resonance visible and tangible to the Vermillion and may begin to believe that
living. An individual selected by Alice such characters are connected to the attacks.
ceases to see or feel the Material Plane as its The Sheriff is the only lawman in Vermillion
is, but instead experience the ethereal and must deputize common citizens in times
resonance present in the barn, which will of emergency. Thus, Sheriff Demouth could
immerse the witness into the scenes be used to give the players the legal authority
surrounding Alice's death. A DC 13 Will to investigate the attacks should the
Save is necessary to resist Alice's Phantom Gamemaster desire such a tie in.
Father William Summers: Father William,
Incorporeal: As a spirit, Alice can only be parson at St. Mary's Catholic Church, has
harmed by other incorporeal creature. She much to be ashamed of. The night of Alice's
Ignores damage from corporeal sources. In death he witnessed the mob heading for
addition she can pass through solid objects, Alice's house but feared for his own safety
and always succeeds at Move Silent checks. and ignored her plight. He now lives with
Rejuvenation: If "destroyed", Alice's the guilt of her death and he is dreadfully
spiritual form will manifest with the afraid that his cowardliness will come to
Humphrey barn within 2d4 days. The only light. Should anyone question him with they
way to end Alice's hautningof the made get the impression that he has
Humphrey barn is to bring Lydia to justice something to hide, thus providing the
for her and her daughter's murders. Gamemaster with an additional red herring
Turn Resistance: Due to her connection for the adventure.
with the scene of her death, Alice has a +4
turn resistance and will cower if turned in
the Humphrey Barn. Adventure Hooks
Undead: As an undead being, Alice is The Player Characters have been sent to
immune to mind-influencing effects, poison, Vermillion to investigate the cattle
sleep paralysis, stunning and disease. In mutilations that have transpired in the area
addition, she is not subject to critical hits, over the past few months.
subdual damage, ability damage, energy
While traveling through the Vermillion the
drain, or death from massive damage.
Player Character's either witness the

The Curse of Maplegrove

Death Angel's first attack on a human

being, or they themselves are the first
victims of Alice's furry.
The Player Character's are hired by Alice's
husband, William Humphrey, to look into
the occurrences surround his daughter's

Quoth the Raven

City on the Edge of Darkness
By Stephen ScS Sutton

Like a shadow or obscuring mist, the

presence of evil is subtle. Though it may be Geography
silent and weightless, those beneath its Bleakstone sits on the shores of Lake
gloom feel its cold, dark presence. Inch by Superior, surrounded by the wilderness of
inch, mile by mile, the Red Death spreads its Minnesota. Flanked on either side by rocky
darkness. Though the dread entity holds all cliffs, the port of Bleakstone is the only
the world within its grasp, there are a few usable harbor for many miles. High Northern
dark corners where its vile influence is even hills ring the city and slope down towards
stronger. the point, like a trowel blade pointed into the
Here then, is a well of darkness; a tiny city, lake. Further north, the land is broken by
trapped beneath the shadow of the Red rolling hills, valleys and woods.
Death. Day by day, the dread entity's Though mild in climate, Bleakstone is
influence grows, as corruption and dread perpetually shadowed by grey clouds. The
spread through its streets. wind often carries a chill, even in summer. In
Yet all is not lost, for there yet remains the warmer months, a cool mist forms on the
some spark of hope within the gloom. The lake and wafts over the cliffs and valley.
evil may yet be pushed back and the land Between the weak sun, cool winds and mists,
redeemed, if only a band of heroes might few crops grow well. Most farms are located
make their stand, in Bleakstone. past the High Hills, far from the mists and
where the knolls and sparse trees break up
the wind. Older residents claim that the
weather was once much more pleasant,
though no one can account for such a

Quoth the Raven

As the mines in Starbury grew, the mine

Bleaksotone in Brief owners began to look for suitable homes
close to their investments. Rather than live
Population: 15,000 Humans too far in the wilderness, the industrialists
began building expensive estates along the
Location: United States, Minnesota High Hills. New businesses flourished in the
Law Enforcement: area just beneath the hills, which would later
Response: 1D4 Constables (Soldier 2) become the City Center.
Average response time: 1D8 minutes In 1872, the cadre of industrialists
Sinkhole Rating: 2 consolidated their influence by
amalgamating the various towns and villages
into a proper city. Government offices were
built in City Center, and power was officially
transferred to a council under the control of
the established elite. By 1872, Bleakstone
History was reborn as a thriving industrial port.
Bleakstone began as a trading post built in
the late 1780s. Indian bands from the hills Recently
brought furs and other goods, though they Since being rechristened Bleakstone, the port
refused to go near the township, claiming the city has fared little better than the original.
land was "bad". Isolated by the wilderness, Soon after amalgamation, farmers began to
Bleakstone became a haven for criminals notice the climate turning for the worse.
and other dark things. The small port Years of cooler weather halted agricultural
languished in obscurity until the war of expansion in its tracks. Locals found
1812, when Tecumseh's forces laid waste to themselves struggling to make ends meet.
the town. Military records from the time hint
Tendrils from the larger railways reached
that the Americans allowed and perhaps
the Starbury valley, stemming the flow of
even assisted in the massacre. Most
iron through the ports. Many of the factories
historians dismiss such rumors as they are
and refineries closed, putting hundreds out of
unable to fathom any threat so feared as to
work and driving many businesses bankrupt.
produce such an unlikely alliance.
The killing blow came in 1881, with a
In 1815, Methodist pilgrims founded the
terrible quake that left the original harbor
port of Elderslot on the Bleakstone site. Over
front submerged. The ruins of the old port
the decades, Elderslot grew as a fishing
proved to be an impassible barrier to vessels,
community, and prospered as farming
destroying Elderslot's only means of support.
hamlets and lumber camps emerged in the
high northern hills. Since those dark days, Bleakstone has
decayed. Though officially one city, the
During the civil war, iron was discovered
residents are divided between ethnic and
in the Starbury Valley, just west of the town.
residential lines. The people of Elderlot
Irish, Italians and Finnish laborers were
especially are suspicious of "outsiders".
brought in to build the railway from the lake
to the Starbury valley. Unwelcome amongst Once more, Bleakstone is home to crime
the insular people of Elderslot, the and corruption. The port's location on the
immigrants built their own communities, lake and train routes allows all manner of
Etrusca, Spivy Point and Kellona Bluffs. smuggling and criminal enterprises to
flourish without fear of discovery. The elite


of Bleakstone watch the collapse of their Over time, a number of aftershocks pushed
city, safe in the knowledge that their wealth the wreckage deeper, completely submerging
protect them from the suffering below. most of the ruins. The remains of the Old
Visitors to Bleakstone find the residents Harbor Front are a tangled mass of timbers
highly suspicious and superstitious, even and brick, most of which is completely
given to strange flights of fantasy involving submerged. Several of the buildings
ghosts and goblins. Still, even the most remained intact, creating an under-water
rational of visitors will sense the village.
indescribably aura of dread that infuses Years ago, the city attempted to clear the
every inch of Bleakstone. harbor and rebuild, but a number of
mechanical failures and tragic accidents
plagued the project. The old harbor remains
Places to this day, choking off shipping like a
treacherous reef. Some say that on moonlit
Bleakstone is a city divided; each township nights, they can see dark things swimming
has its own unique style and culture. through the ruins.

Elderslot 2. Old Methodist Church

At the top of a hill, overlooking the streets of
Elderslot is a tangled web of roads, alleys Elderslot stands the old Methodist church.
and side streets, nestled in the shallow valley Abandoned after the big quake, the building
beneath the high northern hills. Constructed fell into decay. Recently, the property was
by the Methodists in 1815, Elderslot sits on bought by a social club, calling itself the
the original site of the Bleakstone settlement. Estoic Order of Poseidon. The group hasn't
Once a prosperous fishing village, Elderslot improved the property, nor have they moved the
declined under the siege of the outside graves in the cemetery behind the church.
world, until all that was precious was lost. The locals say that on nights when the sky is
Now all that remains is an urban ruin and black, they can see lights in the church, and
faded memories. hear strange noises - described as singing, or
Residents of Elderslot are a harsh, insular chanting, or barking or gibbering.
people. Many have not forgotten the days of
blissful solitude, when their community was 3. The Underground
free to do and worship as they pleased. Most When the Methodists built their settlement,
blame the immigrants and other newcomers they did so over the ruins of the original
who polluted their pious town. The people of Bleakstone. As a result, the ground beneath
Elderlot overcome their mistrust only to earn Elderslot is a honeycomb of ancient cisterns,
enough to survive. basements and wells. The original residents
of the town did their best to seal up all
1. Harbor Front Ruins openings to the subterranean maze, but
Several decades ago, a large quake caused crumbling walls and rotting wood have
the original harbor to slide into the water, broken these barriers over the decades.
utterly destroying the docks and homes built Those few who have explored these tunnels
there. Many of the dead and wounded swept report that they are massive in scope and
out and never recovered. depth, almost as if someone or something is
still excavating them.

Quoth the Raven

has been ignored. Every so often, the city

Spivy Point tries to recruit a new keeper of the
Spivy point encompasses the eastern half of lighthouse, without any explanation as to the
the valley, stretching from Elderslot to fate of the last man to stay there.
Kellona Bluffs, where the bay turns to sheer
cliffs. The harbor on the point can be 6. Mr. Laos House of Curiosities
treacherous, but the hard rock upon which it A small grey sign hangs at street level,
stands protected it from the quake of 1881. inviting shoppers to squeeze down a gloomy
The point was populated during the great 3-foot wide alley, and ascend a rickety
influx of people when the mines were staircase, to enter Mr. Laos House of
discovered. Unlike the Bluffs or Etrusca, no Curiosities. The shop is a claustrophobic
single immigrant group dominated on the mess of ancient and dusty artifacts, with tiny
point, and so the people have melted together isles cleared amidst the clutter.
into a typical maritime community. All manner of oriental relics are shoved
upon the shelves and cases of the shop.
4. Donald's Pawn Shop Amidst the mess, customers might find
Donald's Pawn Shop stands on the Northern countless bottles of unknown powders,
corner where Spiny Point meets Elderslot figurines of jade, ivory devil masks, pieces
and City Center. The store is managed by of Hindu sculpture, and even a mummified
Donald Coulterman, a retired miner, and his pygmy.
French-Canadian wife Norma. The elderly When customers enter, Mr. Lao emerges
couple lives on the second floor and from his apartment in the back room. The old
occasionally rent the guest rooms to people man moves so quietly that few notice him
who need to lay low for a while. Rumors say until he is already upon them. Mr. Lao is a
that the Coultermans make most of their tiny, ancient Tibetan, who appears slightly
money selling guns and stolen goods. frog-like and speaks English with a slight
At night, the basement of the building is accent. Lao prefers to invite customers to
opened for billiards, poker and drinks. Most take tea with him, in order to determine
of the regulars at Donald's Bar are old which of his curiosities might best fit their
fishermen and shady characters who like needs. Customers who ignore his advice, or
their privacy. Drinks are always free to who try to steal from the shop, soon regret
policemen on patrol, assuming they know their impudence.
when to look the other way.

5. The Lighthouse City Center

Beyond Spivy Point is the lighthouse, a Since the days of prosperity, City Center has
white tower on an island of black rock. The welded the various townships of Bleakstone
beacon is currently abandoned, and looks as together into a single city. Unlike Elderslot
though in need of repairs. While it is close to or Spivy Point, which grew organically, City
the mainland, underwater canyons funnel Center was a built as a planned center for
currents between the island and the point, commerce and business. Many of the
making the waters treacherous. The beacon buildings show classical influences; with
was first built in 1802, and was rebuilt over towering columns, triangular roofs, and
the decades, as was needed. Sadly, in this age stone blocks replacing regular bricks.
of decline, the maintenance of the lighthouse


Sadly, the years of gloom and neglect have Lodge members include prominent men
tarnished the once shining glory of the such as the mayor and the chief of police.
Center. Like the ancient Greeks and Some suspicious folk have suggested that the
Egyptians who inspired its design, the Masons planned the layout of City Center, to
grandeur of City Center remains in the past. form a precise pattern. If true, whatever
purpose such designs would serve remains a
7.City Hall mystery.
City Hall presides over the cooling core of
the city. The two-story edifice is made of 10. Empire Hospital
large blocks of red stone, and is decorated Empire hospital is a modern hospital, built to
with Greek columns. Once the bustling heart consolidate the medical resources of the
of Bleakstone, City Hall is mostly quite. The various townships. The hospital is an
clerks and accountants within spend most of imposing on shape on the city landscape; it is
their time cataloguing the various ways in a step pyramid, with a crown of obelisks at
which their town is falling apart. The mayor its top. Doctor Evart Shandor, a surgical
is rarely present, leaving the day-to-day genius brought from Europe, designed the
affairs to his deputies. hospital from the ground up. Recently, the
Beneath the City Hall is the Municipal hospital board of directors replaced Shandor
Archives, storehouse for all records. The as chief resident. Neither side has discussed
archive is cluttered and disorganized, as no the dismissal, though rumors persist of
one seems willing to work within its gloomy unauthorized experimentations and
halls. Would-be librarians have complained unnecessary surgeries.
of poor lighting, the claustrophobic maze of Dr. Hammond, the city coroner, has quietly
shelves, and even strange happenings that expressed concerns about security in and
defy rational explanation. around the hospital. Though tight-lipped on
the subject, the doctor admits that on more
8. Municipal Court than one occasion the hospital morgue has
Municipal Court is a triangle formed by the been "disturbed".
court house, the police station, and the city
jail. All three buildings are made of grey 11. Thomson Museum
stone and are built in the classical style Thomson museum is as old and dusty as the
common to City Center. In the center of the relics it houses. Once owned by the founder
triangle is a grassy courtyard, in which of Elderslot, the city renovated the old
stands a statue of justice, wilding a sword mansion and rechristened it the Thomson
and a set of scales. Museum in 1872. Few people visit the
museum, though every now and then
9. Masonic Hall Professor Mazuchin, the Curator, manages to
Across from City Hall stands the Masonic host a truly amazing exhibit.
Hall, meeting place of the local Freemason Mazuchins friends in the shipping
lodge. No sign or plaque proclaims the industry occasionally divert exhibits heading
building's purpose, though a faded sextant for Chicago to Bleakstone. Currently, the
logo adorns both of the heavy walnut doors museum is exhibiting a Mongolian
of the entrance. sarcophagus, originally intended for a group
of private collectors.

Quoth the Raven

constables could find no trace of the body

Etrusca and the coffin that housed it. Further
The little community of Etrusca was built investigations have been halted over
around the docks and factories where the concerns of a sudden outbreak of an
Italian labourers worked. In the midst of the unknown disease.
Northern wilderness, Etrusca is a microcosm
of Italian culture, customs and beliefs.
Visitors of Etrusca find the people friendly, High Hills
though tight-lipped. Like most Italians in the The rich and wealthy people of Bleakstone
Americas, they have suffered from reside in the High Hills, a band of manors
discrimination and live like second-class and estates built on the plateau where the
citizens. cliffs level off. From their fabulous
Within the working class neighborhoods, mansions, the American aristocracy looks
there are a few successful businessmen. down upon the city, secure in the knowledge
These entrepreneurs credit their rise to good that their station protects them from the
family connections, and hope to improve all poverty and decay below. The people who
of their community through legitimate live here are wealthy landowners and
business. industrialists, and the staff that attend to their
every whim.
12. Caruso Club
The social heart of Etrusca is the Caruso 14. Hill Hotel
Club, a restaurant and social club where the Hill Hotel is a great manor built on the edge
locals celebrate special events, such as of the cliffs, close to a stop on the railroad. A
weddings or baptisms. During the day hours, number of the residents of the High Hills
however, the club hosts local businessmen, pooled their money to create a splendid hotel
who prefer to hold meetings in privacy. It is with which they might attract more of the
increasingly common to find police or city idle wealthy to their home. The Board of
officials invited to the club by "concerned Directors spent no expense to create a first
citizens", who would like to ensure that the class resort, though for the most part it is
authorities pay their community the right unused and empty.
kind of attention. The owners have found that the only
challenge greater than finding guests, is
13. Saint Josef Cemetery keeping the staff. Cooks, maids, handymen
Old superstitions die hard, especially in and other staff rarely work longer than a
Bleakstone. Several weeks ago, constables year. Some complain of strange happenings,
apprehended a small group of men while others grow more and more tense until
attempting to exhume a grave in Saint Josef they go mad. A short while ago a caretaker
Cemetery. The would-be ghouls refused to claimed that he had found old Indian
explain their actions, though several citizens, artifacts, including a skull, while digging on
a priest included, pleaded with authorities to the property. The manager promptly fired the
release the suspects without charge. grounds keeper and denied the accusations.
While the grave robbers were still in
custody, a police patrol found the grave
unearthed. Despite rigorous searching,


15. Mayor's Mansion Seized by the city as unpaid back taxes, the
property clerk, Johnas Windlay, rents Chapel
The mayor of Bleakstone is Colonel
Hall, though every tenant has met with
Beauregard Westermoor, a former officer in
tragedy. There have been several deaths by
the civil war. Westermoor saw little combat
accidents, murders, sicknesses and suicide.
during the war, and spent most of his time
The house is empty now, though a caretaker
occupying captured cities. After the war,
and his sister maintain the grounds.
Westermoor drifted across the country, until
a wealthy industrialist decided that he would
make an ideal figurehead mayor.
17. Ether House
Fascinated with Southern culture, he lives Hoping to develop new treatments for
in a replica of a plantation house. mental disease, Doctor Raymond Esther
Westermoor rarely performs mayoral duties invested his fortunes in the construction of
unless a great deal of pomp and fanfare is his Hospital for the Mentally Distressed. The
involved. Many believe that the mayor has hospital, or "Ether House" as the locals call
made a fortune embezzling money and it, is a refurbished mansion built with state of
taking bribes. Those who spread these the art treatment facilities and surgical
rumors do so quietly, since those who speak theaters. Sadly, the hospital's appearance of
against the mayor are often fined or arrested modern civility is nothing but a veneer.
on unrelated charges. Originally built to house the mentally ill in
comfort, Esther found that most of his
patients deteriorated rapidly under his care.
Kellona Bluffs Many became dangerous and required secure
quarters to protect themselves and other
Kellona Bluffs sits upon the high cliffs east patients. The basement is a hive of cells and
of the city. The fertile land gave the early cages, filled with writhing, shrieking
inhabitants prime land to farm, as well as lunatics.
close proximity to the markets in the valley
below. The bluffs were settled mainly by 18. The Grave Mound
Irish immigrants, who found the landscape
similar to their homeland. In the gloomy Not long ago, several woodsmen discovered
weather, most farms make only enough to an old Indian burial mound. The grave
survive, though sheep and quail seem to do mound is ringed by a series of arches made
well in the cool climate. from branches, which are anchored by
boulders. At the very top of the mound
16. Chapel Hall stands a stick, upon which a bear skull and a
bundle of feathers are affixed. Strangely, the
From its perch on the bluffs, the great edifice site was well preserved against the elements
of Chapel Hall casts a long shadow over the and the local flora. Though no Indians native
city of Bleaskstone. A reclusive millionaire to the region live near Bleakstone, those
built the aging manor long before Kellona from surrounding areas have warned against
Bluffs joined the city. Dark tales abounded tampering with sacred ground. A researcher
of the happenings within those walls, hinting from Chicago is traveling to the site, to study
at decadence, depravity and dementia. Even what appears to be a monumental discovery.
after the death of its owner, the legend of
Chapel Hall has only intensified.

Quoth the Raven

Countryside Beyond the City Limits

Beyond the rich estates of the High Hills lies The city of Bleakstone tapers off into a series
the rolling northern countryside. These lands of farming hamlets, which in turn give way
were once farmed by the Indians, who were to rolling hills and forests. For the present,
gradually driven away. The lands were later Bleakstone is effectively isolated in the
settled by Finnish and Ukrainian immigrants. wilderness.
Many speak English poorly, with a thick
accent. Feuds between the Finns and the Fort Vigilance
Ukrainians continue to divide the rural Many miles north of Bleakstone is the aging
communities, even to this day. Intensely Fort Vigilance, an old lookout post dating
proud of their heritage, these farmers cling to back to the end of the war of 1812. The
the old traditions of farming, worship and dilapidated fort houses a tiny garrison,
superstition. comprised of soldiers and officers that the
army wished to be rid of. The motley force is
19. Anderson farm commanded by Colonel Samson, an old
Anderson Farm is one of the largest, and cavalry commander. Though often too drunk
oldest of the farmsteads in the countryside to issue commands, Samson believes that it
around Bleakstone. The estate dates back to is his sworn duty to protect America from
the original Bleakstone settlement. The those damn Canadians".
original owners were massacred in the war
of 1812, though by which side, no historian Railroads
knows for sure. A Finnish family, the Originally built to move ore from Starbury to
Nikulains, adopted the farm and worked the the port, the railroad in Bleakstone is now
land in peace until the weather began to connected to the greater network of the USA.
worsen. Blights and frosts seemed to target All manner of goods and people could be
their little land, driving the family into moved into the city, if only anyone had a
desperation. Neighbors also note the reason to do so. For the most part, more
infestations of great flocks of crows on the people leave by the rails than come in.
Anderson farm. The fat black birds are
unnaturally aggressive, and harass any who Starbury valley
would try to drive them from their territory.
To the west of Bleakstone is Starbury Valley,
20. Hermit House a rocky basin carved out of the earth. This
unassuming dale has become a small but
The farmers have always avoided the growing mining community. Once the
Northern woods for fear of wolf attacks, but catalyst for Bleakstone's growth, Starbury is
a recently a German man, Wilhelm, bought now a curse. The people of Elderslot hate the
property there. The hermit often ventures town for drawing the outsiders that invaded
into town to collect on the wolf bounty and their pious village. Others resent the town for
buy ammunition and traps. Strangely, he is connecting to the railways and choking off
also known to stop by pawnshops for jewelry the flow of ore through the port. The wealthy
and antique cutlery. Police are currently industrialists of the High Hills do not share
investigating Wilhelm for the sudden this attitude, as they continue to reap the
disappearance of live stock and a local man. profits of their investments in that valley.

Authors and Editors

Blake Alexander Herman duchenne
Creator of The Curse of Maplegrove. Creator of Children of the Night: Conte
I would like to thank the following sites for Aerik D'Eauberville.
their, sometimes conflicting, stories
regarding the Angel of Maplegrove Jacopo "Jakob" Veronese
Cemetery. Creator of The Omen Watchers.
I live near the city of Milano (city of
pollution and stupidity) and work there as actor, voice actor and translator. The first
time I had a contact with Ravenloft was in a
David "Jester" Gibson discount bin a comiconvention in Milano. I
aka David of the Fraternity bought the Campaign Setting, and it was love at first sight. Since then, I conducted a
Creator of Starlit Signs, Children of the major campaign that lasted three years, and
Night: Ermintrude, and Races of the Mist: I'm now conducting a spin-off of the
the fey. campaign with two of my players. My next
big campaign will start this year, I think.
David has been lost in the Mists since
Currently, I'm translating in Italian some of
sucked in through a Red Box and has been
trapped ever since. There he is often seen in the articles of the Quoth the Raven netbook
the company of a smiling man of a possible for a just opened website, Ars Arcana
Mordentish background. Someday David (
may escape the Dread Lands, but not today.

Quoth the Raven

Mark Graydon Nathan "Dmitri Stanislaus" Okerlund
Creator of Sorcery and Shadows and Vile Creator of Isle of Ravens and the Umbra.
Mists of Darkness. I'm a graduate student in San Francisco; I
After a long hiatus from Netbooks, I came teach headless cockroaches to avoid electric
back with this article. I got the source idea shocks and perform other services to
for it when I wracked my brains, trying to humanity. Among them are money
come up with a sea adventure that didn't laundering (I recommend Tide), finding life
necessarily involve the sea very much. I also mates for single socks, feeding Drusilla, and
wanted to use an ocean creature in a venue contributing to and editing the Undead Sea
that wouldn't normally be expected. I think it Scrolls. Three and a half years in the Mists
turned out all right. and counting...

Mistshadow Robert W. Elliott

aka Gin Author of When Nightmares Wake
Creator of Story of the Fallen Queen. I have been in awe of the Mists since
Hmmm... 35-year-old cat-loving nerd. Castle Ravenloft first loomed forth from
Likes working with graphics applications, them so many years ago. And they are well
especially Terragen and Apophysis. Have nigh the nearest thing I have to a fixed
been playing D&D since 1986. Started address.
playing Ravenloft when the black box
edition was new and have been hooked ever Stanton Fink
since. I first made Murillia on a whim and aka Gemathustra
then decided to use it as a threat to Sithicus.
Currently working on compiling a Gothic
Asia netbook for Ravenloft with some of the Artist of Registery of Monsters.
talented members of the Fraternity message Please address Stanton F. Fink #5 as "His
board. Eventually I intend to publish Imperial Weirdness.
netbooks on the two unique worlds I've
worked on over the years. Stephen "ScS" Sutton
Creator of Bleakstone.
I would like to take this oppertunity to
thank everyone who contributed to the
creation of this netbook, from the writers to
the people who gave us their feedback on the
message boards. With your help, we can
continue to improve Quoth the Raven and
make this netbook a success.


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