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Aliya 1 | 13:17-14:8 Aliya 2 | 14:9-14

Examine verse 13:17 that describes the Read verses 14:10-11.

Ramban is troubled by the inherent

deliberate direction G-d takes the Jewish
people out of Egypt. conflict between these two verses.
There are a handful of questions on this Which is it: The Jews cried out to G-d
verse that enrich our understanding of the or they complained against Moshe?
circumstances at play. The Daat Zkenim The Ramban offers a number of
suggests that the words for it was near, is potential explanations that include a
certain divisiveness among the Jewish
actually a reference to the closeness of G-d people. Possibly some Jews cried out to
Every Week. Every Aliya. A Question (or two) to the Jewish people. Even though G-d was G-d and some complained against
very close to the Jewish people, he did not Moshe. This suggestion, while
magically transport them to Israel but unsurprising, causes us to recognize
rather, they travelled there, on foot, like any that this was the first moment the
Parshat Beshalach other human being. The Kli Yakar points Jewish people were divided in their
February 2017 | Shevat 5777 out that in the first two verses (13:17-18) agenda and attitude. With the nation
the Jewish people are simply referred to as having grown so large, unity will be
Shabbat Shalom the people. This is because they do not complex to achieve. The Ramban
created by yet have complete faith in G-d & Moshe. continues to explain that perhaps the
It is not until the splitting of the sea, and Jewish people had their doubts in
Rabbi Yechiel Shaffer Moshe and his intentions in taking them
the other miracles that saved them in the
Assistant Rabbi, Ohab Zedek, NY desert, that they became anchored by their out of Egypt. Perhaps the Egyptians
please let us know if you enjoyed the KT
faith. The Kli Yakar also suggests that this were punished for their sins and Moshe
Companion, or to receive it in your inbox used that opportunity to grab power for
each week: reference to the Jewish people as just the himself. This is an understandable
people comes to include the Eiruv Rav statement of profound low self-esteem
Twitter: @yechields or #KTC that joined in the Exodus. on the part of the recently freed slaves.

Aliya 3 | 14:15-25 Aliya 4 | 14:26-15:26

Examine verse 14:15. Read verse 15:22 in which the Jewish peoples journey from the
Why does G-d react this way to the prior verses? Yam Suf is described.
What was the prayer of Moshe since it wasnt stated as part
of the prior verse? Why does the Torah state that Moshe
Rashi states that G-ds reaction in this verse teaches us that caused the Jewish to travel?
Moshe prayed. It isnt explicitly mentioned in the verses perhaps Rashi states that the Egyptians had adorned their chariots and
because this is a moment of doubt on Moshes part but G-ds horses with significant riches that were now washing up on the
answer is offered simply stating to Moshe, I got this. banks of the river. These riches were even greater then the
The Sforno says that G-ds response shows that Moshes prayer compensation they received upon their Exodus from Egypt.
was different to the outcry of the Jewish people. Moshe was The Kli Yakar further explains the idea presented by Rashi by
concerned that the Jewish peoples outcry was an expression of stating that Moshe was well aware of the potential unintended
a lack of faith, and thus they would not follow Moshe into the consequences of having access to fantastic wealth. Even though
sea. G-d instructed Moshe that he has no right to question the they would be living in a supernatural economy for the years
faith of the Jewish people, and certainly not to assume that they ahead gold may cause idol worship (see the golden calf) and/or
will not follow the command of G-d. may make the Jewish people ineligible to receive the Torah.

Aliya 5 | 15:27-16:10 Aliya 6 | 16:11-36 Aliya 7 | 17:1-16

In verse 16:4 the Torah famously Examine verse 16:15. The Jewish people were This Aliya contains two major and
describes the Manna from Heaven as a unclear as to exactly what this miraculous food is connected stories. The first (17:1-7) is
test. The question addressed by many called, and yet they refer to it as Manna. the Jews complaining (again) at the
commentators is specifically what was Do they recognize this food, and if they dont lack of drinking water at Rephidim.
the test of the Manna? why do they call is Manna? The second story(17:8-16) is the
Rashi suggests that the test of the battle with Amalek.
The Kli Yakar suggests that it is impossible to
Manna was in specific regards to say the word Manna, with a closed nose (go on How are these two stories
whether the Jewish people would connected?
try it right in the middle of shul!), they called it
respect the parameters of collecting this with the two letters that required an open nose The Ohr HaChaim connects these
divine food. Would they collect only their two stories through their opposite
because the Manna contained the smells of every nature. The first stories is obviously
allotted amount and not seek out more food within it. The Jews were confused that centered on water, the second is
(see Aliya 4 in which Moshe had to stop something that visually was not rich, could be so centered around fire, because waging
the Jewish people from taking too much rich in smell and thus indicated so in the name a war with the enemy can often be
gold). The Sforno suggests that the test the referenced it with. compared to fire. These are two
of the Manna was whether the Jewish Rabbeinu Chananel suggests that they called it important elements in Torah study,
people would engage in serious spiritual Manna because they were unclear where this that which sustains us (water) and
pursuits if their physical needs were type of food came from. The Hebrew word that which cause us to battle with
taken care of. It is interesting to consider Manna, could also be read as: meyin hu - truth (fire). The Sforno suggests that
that both as slaves of Egypt and servants where did it come from? practically the Jewish people were
of G-d they did not have to worry about The Rashbam suggests that the phrase tired and worn out during this period,
their physical sustenance. Mann Hu was actually Egyptian for whose is thus making them particularly
The Ohr HaChaim suggests that food it? thus indicating that the Jewish people were vulnerable to attack.
that is created and doesnt necessitate careful about not taking what was not theirs.
human involvement for it to be ready for
consumption can be challenging for Receive KTC in your inbox:
those who consume it. #partners
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