Iep Guidance Resources
Iep Guidance Resources
Iep Guidance Resources
Employment: What will the student do for a living? Fill in the sentence: will be employed in the field of
Independent Living What will the student need to be able to do that he or she cannot do now in order to live
Skills (if independently after leaving high school?
Transition Needs: What courses will the student need to take in order to prepare to meet these goals? So, for example,
if the student will be attending college, write the courses and exams that the student will need to
take in high school to graduate. Also, any college prep courses that the student will take should be
listed. Then, list what courses the student will be taking to prepare for the field of student that
he/she plans to follow. Note: This section does not need to be written as a narrative and can be
Conditions: Describe the type, length, purpose of test for which the student should receive the
specified accommodation.
Implementation Make the accommodation more specific by explaining how this accommodation
Recommendations: should be carried out. (i.e. amount of extended time, type of setting for special
location, etc.)
Related Services: If a student receives any related service, the student needs to receive transition
support to attain the projected post-secondary outcome. The service should not just
be listed, for example, speech, but instead the speech teacher should in order to
prepare to meet the post-secondary goals.
Community Experiences: Any community based experiences the student needs to achieve his or her projected
post-secondary outcomes. For example, after school jobs, use of a library,
community recreational activities, volunteering opportunities. Not that any job the
student holds should not be listed unless it related in some way to the post-
secondary goals.
Development of Employment & Any skills the student needs in order to live independently and be employed. For
Other Post-School Adult Living example, budgeting, opening a bank account, writing a resume & cover letter, going
Objectives: on a job interview. These should only be included if a deficit in these areas was
identified in the PLOP.
Acquisition of Daily Living Skills If appropriate to the needs of the student, the IEP must indicate the services or
(if applicable): activities that will assist the student in activities of daily living skills (e.g., dressing,
hygiene, self-care skills, self-medication)
Functional Vocational Assessment The IEP must indicate if the student will need a functional vocational assessment as
(if applicable): a transition service or activity. A functional vocational assessment is an assessment
to determine a students strengths, abilities and needs in an actual or simulated work
setting or in real work sample experiences. Note: This is most often used with
NYSAA students.