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1. I, Mr. , of Mumbai, Indian Inhabitant, age about years,

residing at Flat No , in the building called at
, do hereby make, declare and publish this writing as
my last Will and Testament which shall come into force, effect and operation on my

2. I have not herebefore made any Will, Codicil or any testamentary dispositions and
if there are any, the same are hereby cancelled and rescinded and this writing will
be considered and acted upon as my last Will and Testament and my assets and
properties will be administered according to my wishes and desires as expressed in
this Will.

3. I hereby appoint the following persons as my Executors and Trustees:

(a) Mr. (relation with the person)

(b) Mr. (relation with the person)

4. I hereby authorize and empower my Executors and Trustees (shortly hereinafter

collectively referred to as my Executors) to appoint one or more Executors as and
when they feel necessary or so desire. If either of the Executors predeceases me or
is unwilling to act, the survivor shall serve as the sole executor.

5. I authorize and empower my Executors on my death to call in, collect, demand

and receive all my assets and properties wherever they are and of whatsoever
nature they are and to administer the same according to my wishes and desires
expressed in this Will. My Executors are authorized to incur expenses and spend
money out of my estate for administering the same, to obtain Probate, if required
and administer the estate. They are entitled and authorized to appoint Lawyers,
Solicitors, Chartered Accountants, Consultants and other professionals and pay their
fees out of my estate.

6. My family at present consists of the following (a) my wife (b) my elder

daughter (married) and (c) my second daughter

7. By this Will and Testament I bequeath the following movable and immovable
properties to my wife in the event of my death:

(a) My title interests and all other rights which I have as owner / part owner of all
the residential and commercial properties.

(b) Amounts receivable by me from various parties at the time of my death.

(c) Cash and bank balances lying with me at the time of my death and also the
contents or valuables owned by me and lying in my safe deposits / lockers.

(d) Any precious metals or commodities owned by me in any form.

(e) Any monies invested in whatever form and receivable at the time of my death.

(f) Any residue property not included in the above list whether movable or
immovable, tangible or intangible, of whatsoever nature, owned by me at the time
of my death.

She shall have absolute ownership and possession of all my movable and
immovable properties, and may dispose of it in whatever manner she desires,
during her lifetime, and thereafter all the properties shall pass to both my
daughters, in equal measure, as near as may be as per their mutual agreement. In
the event my wife predeceases me, all the movable and immovable properties shall

pass to both my daughters, in equal measure, as near as may be as per their
mutual agreement.

8. I also bequeath all the proceeds of insurance (covering property and my life) to
my wife . In the event my wife predeceases me, all the proceeds of
insurance shall pass in equal measure, as near as may be as per their mutual
agreement to both my daughters.

9. I have made this Will out of my own free will and volition, after considering
everything without any pressure or undue influence brought upon me by anyone
and I wish and it is my desire that all my family members will live in peace and
harmony and keep good relations with each other and be of help in case of need.

10. In testimony of the above, I sign this Will and affix my initials on each of the two
pages, in the presence of witnesses whose names appear below and request that
they witness my signature and initials and attest the execution of this Will this day
of ,2016 at Mumbai.


By the withinnamed TESTATOR
MR .

Mr. , in our presence, signed this instrument after declaring

to us that it is his Will and we now sign in his presence and of each other as
witnesses on the day and year written above.

Witness 1

Name: Mr.
Address: .

Witness 2

Name: Mr.


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