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Group 2 - Marketing Management

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Saturday 10:30- 1330, GROUP 2


- John Aldous Anonuevo


- Garriel Saugon


- Rachelle Vendicacion


- Olivia Sagario


- Tu Minh Tran (Ted)


- Maricel Regore


- Roselyn Platon
Connecting with customers & Creating
Long-Term Loyalty Relationship
By: John Aldous Anonuevo

What is a Customer?
a person or organization that buys goods or services from a store or

In sales, commerce and economics, a customer (sometimes known as

a client, buyer, or purchaser) is the recipient of a good, service,
product or an idea - obtained from a seller, vendor, or supplier via a
financial transaction or exchange for money or some other valuable

Build Connection to Customers

Customers are the blood-line to every organization so satisfying their needs
is very important.

Modern Ways to Connect With Customers

1. Survey your customers. - Surveys allow businesses to identify user
needs directly.

2. Use newsletters. - It should have a table of contents up front so

people will at least take three seconds to scan it, and the five to six
articles should be short (two to three sentences) and include links to
useful resources.

3. Blog/Social Media. - If you actively keep up a quality blog, not only

will your customers read your blog, but they will respond to your blog.
With social media, you can reach out to your customers at any moment
rather than wait for customers to send you emails or phone calls with

4. Pick up the phone. - in a world saturated with one-way

communication, the phone provides instant feedback.

5. Go visit. - when visiting customers, it is critical to listen--and not walk

in the door trying to sell them something.
6. Send a personalized note or a postcard - Physical mail is so
uncommon these days, it's remembered also when customers feel
valued, they buy and refer their friends.

7. Provide exceptional customer service. - One of the most powerful

tools an organization has to connect with its customers is its employee
base, Every interaction between a customer and employee, whether
that is pre-sale, the actual sales process, after sales support or billing,
provides an opportunity to either add or detract from the equity of your
brand and company

Creating Long-term Loyalty Relationships

The Cornerstone of holistic marketing is strong customer relationships.
Marketers must win customers by connecting with them - listening and
responding to them, informing, and engaging them, and maybe even
energizing them in the process.

Building Customer Value, Satisfaction, and Loyalty

Consumers are better educated and informed than ever, and they have the
tools to verify companies claims and seek out superior alternatives.
Customer Perceived Value (CPV)
Customer-perceived value (CPV) is the difference between the prospective
customer's evaluation of all the benefits and all the costs of an offering
and the perceived alternatives.
Total customer benefit is the perceived monetary value of the
bundle of economic, functional, and psychological benefits customers
expect from a given market offering because of the product, service,
people, and image.

Total customer cost is the perceived bundle of cost customers

expect to incur in evaluating, obtaining, using, and disposing of the
given market offering, including monetary, time, energy, and
psychological costs.

Loyalty is a deeply held commitment to rebuy or re-patronize a

preferred product or service in the future despite situational influences
and marketing efforts having the potential to cause switching behavior.

Value delivery system is all the experiences the customer will have
on the way to obtaining and using the offering.

Customer relationship management (CRM)

Customer relationship management (CRM) is the process of carefully
managing detailed information about individual customers and all customer
touch points to maximize loyalty.

Attracting and Retaining Customers

Companies seeking to expand their profits and sales must spend
considerable time and resources searching for new customers. The main
steps in attracting and retaining customers show in term of a funnel.
Database Marketing
Database marketing is the process of building, maintaining, and using
customer databases and other databases (products, suppliers, resellers) to
contact, transact with and build relationship with customers.

Reizenstein 2004, pp. 119.

Analyzing Consumer Markets and Buyer Behavior

By: Garriel M. Saugon
Learning Objectives
After reading this chapter students should:
Understand the major factors influencing consumer behavior
Know and recognize the types of buying decision behavior
Understand the stages in the buying decision process

Chapter Outline
I. Influencing buyer behavior
A. Cultural factors
1. Culturevalues, perceptions, and preferences that are the most
fundamental determinant of a persons wants and behavior
2. Subculturesnationalities, religions, racial groups, geographical
3. Social classhierarchically ordered divisions in a society;
members share similar values, interests and behavior (see Table
B. Social factors
1. Reference groupsall groups that have an influence on attitudes
or behavior
2. Familythe most influential primary reference group
3. Roles and statusesactivities a person is expected to perform
and the status associated with each
C. Personal factors
1. Age and life-cycle stagepeople buy different goods over their
2. Occupation and economic circumstances
a) Blue collar versus white collar
b) Spending income, savings and assets, debts, borrowing
power, and attitude toward spending versus savingall
impact product choice
3. Lifestylepattern of living as expressed by activities, interests,
4. Psychographicsthe science of using psychology demographics
to better understand consumers (VALS)
5. Personality and self-conceptpersonality characteristics that
influence buying behavior (self-confidence, socialibility, etc., and
ties to brand personality
6. Psychological factors
a) Motivationcorrelated to the strength of a need (Freud,
Maslow, Herzberg)
b) Perceptionselective attention, selective distortion,
selective retention
c) Learningchanges in behavior arising from experience
d) Beliefs and attitudesa belief is a descriptive thought a
person holds about something; an attitude is a persons
enduring favorable or unfavorable evaluations, emotional
feelings, and action tendencies toward some object or

II. Buying decision process

A. Buying rolesfive different roles: initiator, influencer, decider, buyer
and user
B. Buying behavior
1. Complex buying behaviorhigh involvement, significant
difference among brands
2. Dissonance-reducing buying behaviorhigh involvement, little
or no perceived difference among brands. Purchase is fairly
3. Habitual buying behaviorlow involvement, little or no brand
4. Variety-seeking buying behaviorlow involvement but perceived
significant brand differences. May occur to relieve boredom
C. Stages in the buying decision process
1. Problem recognitiondifference between actual state and
desired state
2. Information searchboth internal and external sources
3. Evaluation of alternativesdifferent process for every consumer,
involves weighing product attributes and their ability to deliver
4. Purchase decisionform a preference and intention to buy.
Actual purchase can be influenced further by attitudes of others
and unanticipated situational factors
5. Post purchase behavior
a) Post purchase satisfactionunderstanding the differences
between buyer expectation and the products perceived
performance. Minimizing the gap and achieving truthful
b) Post purchase actionssatisfaction or dissatisfaction will
lead to subsequent behavior that can have both positive
and negative effects
c) Post purchase use and disposallearning more about use
and disposal aids follow-on marketing and to enhance
ecological awareness
6. Other models of the buying decision process
a) Health modelmoving people to adopt healthful
behaviors (smoking, diet, exercise)
b) Customer activity cycle modelmapping the pre, during,
and post phases of behavior toward a specific task
III. Summary

In addition to a companys marketing mix and factors present in the external
environment, a buyer is also influenced by personal characteristics and the process
by which he or she makes decisions. A buyers cultural characteristics, including
values, perceptions, preferences, and behavior learned through family or other key
institutions, is the most fundamental determinant of a persons wants and behavior.
Consumer markets and consumer buying behavior have to be understood before
sound marketing plans can be developed.
The consumer market buys goods and services for personal consumption. It is the
ultimate market in the organization of economic activities. In analyzing a consumer
market, one needs to know the occupants, the objects, and the buyers objectives,
organization, operations, occasions, and outlets.
The buyers behavior is influenced by four major factors: cultural (culture,
subculture, and social class), social (reference groups, family, and roles and
statuses), personal (age and life-cycle state, occupation, economic circumstances,
lifestyle, and personality and self-concept), and psychological (motivation,
perception, learning, and beliefs and attitudes). All of these provide clues as to how
to reach and serve buyers more effectively.
Before planning its marketing, a company needs to identify its target consumers
and their decision processes. Although many buying decisions involve only one
decision-maker, some decisions may involve several participants who play such
roles as initiator, influencer, decider, buyer, and user. The marketers job is to
identify the other buying participants, their buying criteria, and their influence on
the buyer. The marketing program should be designed to appeal to and reach the
other key participants as well as the buyer.
The amount of buying deliberateness and the number of buying participants
increase with the complexity of the buying situation. Marketers must plan differently
for four types of consumer buying behavior: complex buying behavior, dissonance-
reducing buying behavior, habitual buying behavior, and variety-seeking buying
behavior. These four types are based on whether the consumer has high or low
involvement in the purchase and whether there are many or few significant
differences among the brands.
In complex buying behavior, the buyer goes through a decision process consisting of
need recognition, information search, evaluation of alternatives, purchase decision,
and postpurchase behavior. The marketers job is to understand the buyers
behavior at each state and what influences are operating. This understanding allows
the marketer to develop an effective and efficient program for the target market.

LectureConsumer Concerns
This lecture is intended for use with Chapter 7, Analyzing Consumer Markets and Buying Behavior. It
focuses on several major new issues in studies and strategies related to consumer marketing. The
discussion begins by considering the privacy issue related to the consumers right to privacy. This leads
into a discussion of some of the different types of consumers we find in the U.S. today and the
implications for marketers in the future.
To stimulate students to think about the privacy issue, pro and con, for a firm when it attempts to
achieve a better understanding of its customers.
To communicate the role of various types of information that help the firm achieve a clearer
understanding of its customers and the consumer behavior environment of the present and future.
Americans today feel more protective of their privacy than they did during most of the 1990s. That is the
fundamental conclusion of two surveys on privacy issues. Polls by Yankelovich and Louis Harris &
Associates indicate continued high levels of concern over the way business obtains, uses, and disperses
consumer information.
The more alarming figures arise from the Yankelovich survey, in which nine out of ten respondents
favored legislation to regulate business uses of consumer information. Forty-five percent of those polled
strongly feel the need for privacy legislation, up from 23 percent in 1990. According to a Yankelovich
partner: Very seldom do we get 90 percent agreement on anything. That really attests to the fact that this
is an enormously important issue to people.
The Harris study is more reassuring, providing a less negative message. Although 82 percent of the
respondents say they are somewhat or very concerned about threats to their personal privacy, their
uneasiness is more focused on the government than business. The majority of respondents (57 percent)
think businesses that handle personal information are paying more attention to privacy issues these
days. An interesting aspect of this poll is, however, that 72 percent of the respondents agreed that if
companies and industry associations adopt good voluntary privacy policies, that would be better than
enacting government regulations.
There are some very consistent messages that have gotten clearer in recent years. They are:
People regard their transaction information as something they feel they have lost control over, and
that concerns them.
People are different. Some dont want any direct marketing, some want everything you can give
them, and in between there are people who want some say in what gets to them and what doesnt.
People in the last group (those who want a say in what comes to them) comprise the largest segment of
the total (55 percent). This group recognizes the benefits of using personal information for business uses.
However, they have to be convinced that the data being sought are relevant and subject to fair information
practices. For these people, notice and the ability to opt out are very important. This group favors
voluntary standards, but they will back legislation when they think not enough is being done by voluntary
means. As it is, over half the respondents (54 percent) do not believe current laws or business practices
adequately protect their privacy.
At the same time, the Direct Marketing Association (DMA) reports that consumers purchased over $700
billion through direct marketing channels in 1998. This is not the contradiction it might seem. A 1994
survey regarding interactive services revealed that the respondents who were most interested in
subscribing were also the most likely to have made purchases through direct marketing. They were also
the most concerned about privacy, and their willingness to release personal information for interactive
marketing purposes was contingent on the presence of policies that protected their privacy.
According to various surveys, the best customers for direct marketing are many of the same people who
are looking for proper safeguards in the relationship between the marketer, the service provider, and the
consumer. The apparent message here is that it would be a mistake for direct marketers to assume that
their customers are not interested in privacy. Clearly, they are the people concerned about privacy.
Respondents to one of the surveys actually expressed a desire for better relationships with marketers. The
survey indicated the people are tired of having to be vigilant about everything they do, and they would
like to be able to trust a little bit again, but still they are looking for protection. The theme seems to be
that it will take more than individual effort. A company could be doing everything right, but ten other
companies are doing everything wrong, so in the consumers mind all marketers stink. The point is that
businesses have to make much more of a concerted effort to show that they really do respect privacy.
From the surveys there are some important conclusions. First, companies cannot brandish the survey data
and say they can prove that the industry is rock-solid and forthcoming. Secondly, if one considers the
process from a broader point of view, it is clear that the public wants industry to be more forthcoming,
and they will listen if the industry responds. If the industry does not respond, there could be potential for
more regulation. The number of bills to regulate direct marketing passed and pending in various state
legislatures is clear evidence of this point. Legislators are showing that this is an issue that people care

Behavioral Analysis
There is a substantial question about how well the American consumer is faring in this era of low
inflation, downsizing, and global competition. It can be argued that maybe some of this fits VALS 2, but it
is likely that one thing is for sure: just when we believe that we have a good understanding of the
consumer, some movement or person comes along and upsets our theory. We can learn about the
consumer by looking at recent surveys. In general, the surveys tell us the consumer is possessive but
despite the events of the latter months of 2001 still somewhat passive.
To support this perspective Langer Associates, Inc., conducts an annual survey of American consumers.
Langer specializes in qualitative studies of consumer marketing issues. The firm conducted focus groups
with thousands of people across the U.S. and discovered that the following attributes and concerns are
widely shared:
Self-Security. As corporate downsizing continues to make headlines, self-employment is
increasingly viewed as the safer option. Educational courses and media focused on starting and
running a small business still have widespread appeal, as do ads featuring business owners.
The Mine Generation. Sensing that resources are becoming sparse and stretched, the Me
Generation is putting more emphasis on preserving what they do have: jobs, family, community,
possessionsa change reflected in economics and politics.
Localization. A new protectiveness following September 11, 2001, has translated into increased
interest in issues like school budgets and neighborhood crime. Advertisers can tap into this by
localizing their message as well as running national campaigns.
More Together. Coffee bars and the Internet are becoming increasingly popular in part because
they satisfy two conflicting desires:
Connection with others
Avoiding intrusive interaction
The message is that stores, restaurants, and clubs similarly can satisfy both needs
by building zones of alone-togetherness into their layout.
Topsy-Turvy Retail. Focus group members often give higher marks for customer service to some
discounters and off-price stores than the more upscale establishments. Clearly, the higher-price
outlets need to work on this, and lower-price stores could promote service along with lower
Battle of the Superstores. Consumers like the more personal atmosphere of small, independent
stores, and tend to sympathize more with the owners, but still they spend more at the mega-marts.
Although there are signs that the public is beginning to tire of superstores, business remains brisk.
Smaller stores will have to maintain excellent personal service, find niches to fill, and do more
direct marketing to stay afloat.
Woo-Me Marketing. Customers today will not seek out products or services; they assume that
offers will come to them. Therefore, businesses need to be more proactive, approaching
consumers with free trials and special offers.
Yuppies, GenX Style. Twenty and thirty somethings who are settling into careers are spending
more, especially the singles. However, they differ from yuppies of the 1980s in that they do not
expect to make big money and are less interested in designer labels. Ads that stress value and de-
emphasize status as a reason for buying (even if it is the reason) are likely to appeal to this crowd.
Clothing Cutbacks. Until a new style of dressing renders their current wardrobes obsolete, most
consumers feel they already have all the clothing they need. The trend toward more casual dress
for work and socializing has added to their resistance, even though there are signs that more
formality in clothing and other social matters may be on a comeback. The money that would have
gone into the closet is being spent instead on homes, travel, and investments despite national and
global economic and political issues.
High-Tech Polarization. Attitudes toward technology are polarized, with many people still
concerned about the impact of computers on employment, the depersonalization of business and
personal relationships, and other issues. Possible remedies: Find ways to offer reassurance, and to
maintain the human touch.
Data Glut. Complaints about being overwhelmed by information are up sharply, indicating a
potential market for those who can help simplify it and screen out extraneous communications.
Changed Office Structures. Downsizing means more executives doing clerical work themselves,
creating a market for foolproof photocopying and computer products. Other growth areas:
outsourcing and products that aid in telecommuting from the home or the road.
Solitude Time. On-the-job stress is creating the need for quiet time. Products that can be
positioned as aids to relaxation include aromas, yoga, and reading materials.
Working at Relaxing. Nothing is easy; professional/managerial types put a lot of effort into their
down time, scheduling massages, gardening, and redecorating their city apartments. Ads can talk
about people deserving to relax, and depict the humor inherent in striving for serenity.
These survey results are all very interesting, but the real question here is: What is the meaning of this for
the business thinking of changing products or adding to its current offerings?

Marketing SpotlightNike
The Nike story begins with its founder, running enthusiast Phil Knight. In 1962, Knight started Blue
Ribbon Sports, the precursor to Nike. At the time, the athletic shoe industry was dominated by two
German companies, Adidas and Puma. Knight recognized a neglected segment of serious athletes who
had specialized needs that were not being addressed. The concept was simple: Provide high-quality
running shoes designed especially for athletes by athletes. Knight believed that high-tech shoes for
runners could be manufactured at competitive prices if imported from abroad. Without much cash to do
any advertising for his products, Knight crafted his grass roots philosophy of selling athletic shoes:
Speaking to athletes in their language and on their level; sharing their true passion for running; and
listening to their feedback about his products and the sport. Each weekend Knight would travel from track
meet to track meetboth high school and collegiate competitionstalking with athletes and selling Tiger
shoes from the trunk of his green Plymouth Valiant.
The companys commitment to designing innovative footwear for serious athletes helped it build a cult
following that rapidly reached the American consumer. By 1980, after just under two decades in the
business, Nike had become the number one athletic shoe company in the United States. Unfortunately for
the company, this wave of success was soon to crest as rival companies positioned themselves to take
advantage of the aerobics craze, which Nike largely ignored. Companies like Reebok and L.A. Gear
developed fashionable and comfortable products aimed at women fitness enthusiasts that sold remarkably
Nike refused to join a market it saw as low in quality and heavy on cosmetic properties and continued
making durable, performance-oriented products. The company lost millions in sales and allowed Reebok
to gain basically uncontested market share points. By 1987, Reebok had nearly doubled Nikes market
share, with 30 percentage points compared to Nikes 18. Fortunately for Nike, the company chose to fight
back with product innovations and persuasive marketing. The companys Air technology revitalized the
company with the additional aid of successful advertising campaigns such as the 1987 Revolution in
Motion spot for the new Air Max shoes and the Air Jordan commercials. When Nike unveiled its now-
famous Just Do It campaign in 1988, just as Reebok developed the Reeboks Let U.B.U slogan, the
company was on its way to a full recovery. By 1989, Nike had regained the market leader position in
America as market share rose three points above Reebok to 25 percent that year.
In the 1990s, Nike continued its consumer focus. Nike kept its finger on the pulse of the shoe-buying
public in part through the use of EKINs (Nike spelled backwards) sports-loving employees whose job
was to hit the streets to disseminate information about Nike and find out what was on the minds of
retailers and consumers. Nikes Brand Strength Monitor formally tracked consumer perceptions three
times a year to identify marketplace trends. In areas where it felt less knowledgeable, e.g., outside of track
and basketball, Nike was more likely to commission customized research studies. Nikes inventory
control system, called Futures, also helped it better gauge consumer response and plan production
Innovative product development had always been a cornerstone of the company. By 1998, Nike was
unveiling a new shoe style, on average, every day. In 1999, the company put the power to design shoes in
the hands of its customers with the NIKEiD project. NIKEiD enabled customers to personalize a pair of
selected shoe models using online customization software. The software led consumers through a step-by-
step process: customers could choose the size and width of the shoes, pick the color scheme, and affix
their own 8-character personal ID to the product. Early reviews of the NIKEiD project were full of
criticism of the limited selection and availability, so less than a year after its debut, Nike added additional
shoe models and more customization options while increasing site capacity.
Though the company had become a household name throughout the world and, more important, achieved
the position of global sportswear leader, Nike was still $3 billion shy of reaching the goal of $12 billion
that Phil Knight initially intended the company to reach by 2000. In a letter in Nikes 2000 annual report,
Knight addressed the issue of how to jumpstart his companys slowed growth and offered the following
formula: We need to expand our connection to new categories and toward new consumers. This
quotation is indicative of Nikes relentless drive to build its brand with a strong consumer focus.

1 While Nike made significant changes to maintain its global leadership position, there appear to be
some problems in maintaining and growing that position. Is Knight correct in his formula for
jumpstarting Nikes growth (last paragraph), or is the matter more complicated?
2 Develop and evaluate the types of pro and con marketing environmental changes that you see for
Nike. Given the options and challenges that Nike faces, how would you proceed with a strategic
marketing plan for the firm?


(Connecting with Customers)
By: Rachelle B. Vendicacion

Business organizations do not only sell; they also buy vast quantities of
raw materials, manufactured components, plant and equipment, supplies, and
business services.

Business market is consists of all the organization that acquire

goods and services used in the production of other products or
services that are sold, rented, or supplied to others. The major
industries making up the business market are agriculture, forestry, and
fisheries; mining; manufacturing; construction; transportation;
communication; public utilities; banking; finance, and insurance;
distribution; and services. In simple words business market is a
business to business market.

For example the business-software giant Oracle became an industry

leader by offering a whole range of products and services to satisfy
customer needs for enterprise software. Known originally for its
flagship database management systems, Oracle spent $30 billion in
recent years to buy 56 companies, including $7.4 billion to buy Sun
Microsystems, doubling the companys revenue to $24 billion and
sending its stock soaring in the process. To become a one-stop shop
for all kinds of business customers, Oracle seeks to offer the
widest ranges of products in the software industry. It now sells
everything from server computers and data storage devices to
operating systems, databases, and software for running accounting,
sales, and supply-chain management.

The Buying Center is the decision-making unit of a buying

organization. Consist of all those individuals and groups who
participate in the purchasing decision-making process, who share
some common goals and the risks arising from the decisions.
Includes all members of the organization who play any of the
ff. seven roles in the purchase decision process.

1. Initiators users or others in the organization who

request that something be purchased.
Example: The staff who needs a Laptop for her work
then she asks this problem to her immediate superior
then address to the manager by her superior. In this
situation, the initiator is the immediate superior.

2. Users those who will use the product or service.

3. Influencers people who influence the buying

decision, often by helping define specifications and
providing information for evaluating alternatives.

Example of influencers is the technical personnel of

the company.

4. Deciders people who decide on product

requirements or on suppliers.

Examples are the managers of the company.

5. Approvers- people who authorize the proposed

actions of deciders or buyers.

6. Buyers people who have formal authority to select

the supplier and arrange the purchase terms.

7. Gatekeepers people who have the power to prevent

sellers or information from reaching members of the
buying center.
Examples are the receptionist, purchasing agents, and
telephone operators may prevent salespersons from
contacting users or deciders.

NOTE: The buying process will start if there was problem


Identifying Market Segments and Targets

-Olivia Sagario-
Bases for Segmenting Consumer Markets
Market Segment consists of group of customers who share a similar set of needs and wants. Marketers
tasks is to identify the appropriate number and nature of market segments and decide which one (s) to
1. Descriptive Characteristics

a. Geographic Segmentation- divides the market into geographical units such as nations, states,
regions, countries, cities or neighborhoods. The company can operate in one or few areas, or it
can operate in one of few areas, or it can operate in all but pay attention to local variations.
b. Demographic Segmentation- divides the market on variables such as age, family size, family
life cycle, gender, income, occupation, education, religion, race, generation, nationality and
social class.

Age and Life-Cycle Stage- consumer wants and abilities change with age.

Life Stage- defines a major concern such as going through a divorce, going into a second
marriage, taking care of an older parent, deciding to cohabit with another person, deciding to buy a
new home, and so on.

Gender men and women have different attitudes and behave differently, based partly on genetic
makeup and partly on socialization.

Income- income segmentation is a long-standing practice in such categories as automobiles,

clothing, cosmetics, financial services, and travel.

Generation- each generation or cohort is profoundly influenced by times in which it grows up- the
music, movies, politics and defining events of that period.

Race and Culture- multicultural marketing is an approach recognizing that different ethnic and
cultural segments have sufficiently different needs and wants to require targeted marketing
activities, and that a mass market approach is not refined enough for the diversity of the

c. Psychographic Segmentation- Psychographics is the science of using psychology and

demographics to better understand consumers. In Psychographic Segmentation, buyers are
divided into groups on the basis of lifestyle psychological/personality traits, lifestyle or values.

Lifestyle. People exhibit many more lifestyles than are suggested by the seven social
classes, and the goods they consume express their lifestyles.

Personality. Marketers can endow their products with brand personalities that
correspond to consumer personalities.
Values. Core values are the belief systems that underlie consumer attitudes and

2. Behavioral segmentation- marketers divide buyer into groups on the basis of their knowledge
of, attitude toward, use of, or response to a product.

Behavioral variables:

Occasions. Buyers can be distinguished according to their occasions on which they

develop a need, purchase a product, or use a product.

Benefits. Buyers can be classified according to the benefits they seek.

User status. Markets can be segmented into nonusers, ex-users, potential users, first-
time users, and regular users of a product. The companys market position also
influences its focus.

User rate. Markets can be segmented into light, medium and heavy product users.
Heavy users are often a small percentage of the market but account for a high
percentage of total consumption.

Loyalty status. Buyers can be divided into four groups according to brand loyalty

1. Hard-core loyals- consumers who buy only one brand all the time.

2. Split loyals- consumers who are loyal to two or three brands.

3. Shifting loyals- consumers who shift loyalty from one brand to another.

4. Switchers- consumers who show no loyalty to any brand.

Buyer readiness stage- Some people are unaware of the product, some are aware,
some are informed, some are interested, some desire the product, and some intend
to buy. Marketers can employ a marketing funnel to breakdown the market into
different buyer-readiness stages to help characterize how many people are at
different stages and how well they have converted people from one stage to another.
Example of Marketing Funnel

Attitude. Five consumer attitudes about products are enthusiastic, positive, indifferent,
negative and hostile.

Multiple bases. Combining different behavioral bases can provide a more

comprehensive and cohesive view of a market and its segments.

Behavioral Segment Breakdown

Bases for Segmenting Business Markets

Major Segmentation Variables for Business Markets

Market Targeting

Steps in the Segmentation Process

Effective Segmentation Criteria

1. Measurable. The size, purchasing power, and characteristics of the segments can be

2. Substantial. The segments are large and profitable enough to serve.

3. Accessible. The segment can be reached and served.

4. Differentiable. The segments are conceptually distinguishable and respond differently to

different marketing-mix elements and programs.

5. Actionable. Effective programs can be formulated for attracting and serving the segments.

Evaluating and Selecting the Market Segments

Four Approaches
1. Full Market Coverage- a firm attempts to serve all customer groups with all the products they
might need. Only large firms can undertake a full market coverage strategy.

2. Multiple Segment Specialization. With selective specialization, a firm selects a subset of all the
possible segments, each objectively attractive and appropriate.

Supersegment is a set of segments sharing some exploitable similarity

With product specialization, the firm sells a certain product to several different market

With market specialization, the firm concentrates of serving many needs of a particular
customer group such as by selling an assortment of products only to university
3. Single-Segment Concentration. With single-segment concentration, the firm markets to only
one particular segment.

4. Individual Marketing. The ultimate level of segmentation leads to segments of one,

customized marketing, or one-to-one marketing.

Marketing Management, 14th Edition by Philip Kotler and Kevin Lane Keller
Marketing Management, Millennium Edition by Philip Kotler



1. What is a brand?

One of the most valuable intangible assets of a firm is its brands,

and it is incumbent on marketing to properly manage their value.

A brand is a name, term, sign, symbol, design, or some

combination of these elements, intended to identify the goods and

services of one seller or group of sellers and to differentiate them from

those of competitors. The different components of a brandbrand

names, logos, symbols, package designs, and so onare brand


Brands are valuable intangible assets that offer a number of

benefits to customers and firms and need to be managed carefully. The

key to branding is that consumers perceive differences among brands

in a product category. - Kotler Keller Marketing Management 14th


Simply put, a brand is a promise it delivers a pledge of

satisfaction and quality. - Walter Landor

A brand is more than a name or a logo it is a promise and a

contract with every customer with whom you are dealing. And if people

feel that the offering does not live up to what they expect from the

brand, they will decide to stop buying. - Richard Branson

A brand is the sum total of the entire customer experience. A

collection of perceptions in the mind of the consumer. - Mark Burgess,

Blue Focus Marketing

A brand is a reason to choose. - Fred Burt, Siegel+Gale

* Common traits of the great brands:

A. They are perceived as genuine.

B. They are meaningful.

C. There is something different about them.

D. They are consistent in experience.

E. They are innovative.

F. An image precedes the word.

G. They have developed a sense of trust.

H. They are reliable and sustainable.

I. They are more than just a commodity.

* Brand fallacy

- Building a great brand is something that only large corporations

should be interested in.

OR Small companies should be able to build strong brands as


- Brands are only for consumer products.

Or With a product you have tangible benefits to sell but with a

service there is nothing to see, taste or touch, which means you have

to build a level of trust and confidence which is much easier with a

strong brand.

Building a strong brand is both an art and a science. It requires

careful planning, a deep long-term commitment, and creatively

designed and executed marketing. A strong brand commands intense

consumer loyaltyat its heart is a great product or service.

2. Why is it important to build a strong brand?

- To provide a vital differentiator.

- To create trust with the consumer.

- To influence choice.

- To create loyalty and advocacy.

- To command a premium.

- To help growth come easier.

- To act as a barrier to competition.

3. How to build strong brand?

It will be discussed detail by the next reporters.


(By Maricel J. Regore)

I. Introduction

Branding originates when people started to trade their

goods. It was created to differentiate their goods from the other,
to signify the maker and origin. It was also intended to assure the
buyer or trader of the quality of the merchandize.
As time goes by, branding does not refer only to goods. It
evolves to include services as well. Nowadays, branding is also
applied to a person and to a larger extent, a country. As an
example of branding a person: Manny Pacquaio as Pacman, a
country: Malaysia as Truly Asia, or Philippines Its more fun in the

II. Definition of Brand

A BRAND is a name, term, sign, symbol or design or a

combination of them, intended to identify the goods or services of
one seller or group of sellers and to differentiate them from those
of competitors.1

A BRAND is the promise,...reputation, and big idea,...It is a

highly valued asset...A brand creates emotional connections, good
or bad....We respond to brands with loyalty, or reject them. 2

Take for instance: a PRADA leather bag. Why women buy

this very expensive item instead of buying an ordinary leather
bag in Rustans or SM Department Store? It is the brand they are
buying, not the product itself. In general, consumers are buying
and patronizing branded product or service because it signifies
quality, style, fashion and status. Personally, it makes you proud
owning one that not everyone has. The uniqueness of ones
product or service from the other defines what brand is.

In its simplest definition - it is a peculiar identity of a

thing, person (natural or juridical), or service to
differentiate one from the other.3

III. What is branding? How does branding work?

1 American Marketing Association

2 Sean Adams
Branding is endowing products and services with the power
of brand.

It creates mental structures that help consumers organize

their knowledge about products and services in a way that
clarifies their decision making and, in the process, provides value
to the chain.

VI. How to build a strong brand?

Creating and managing brands is one of the most important and

challenging activities in the marketing aspect. A brand can be an
enormously valuable asset for your company if it is done properly.
In fact, for some companies, brands are the single most valuable
asset the company owns.4

a) Brand positioning. Marketers need to position their

brands clearly in their target customers minds. In any of
the three levels. At the lowest level, they can position the
brand on product and attributes. It is the least desirable
level for brand positioning because competitors can copy
attributes. Customers are not interested in just attributes
of the product, they are more concerned in what the
attributes will and can do for them. A brand can be better
positioned by associating its name with a desirable
benefit. The strongest brands go beyond attribute or
benefit positioning. They are positioned on strong beliefs
and values, engaging customers on a deep emotional

b) Brand name selection. A good name can add greatly to a

products success. It suggests something about the
products benefits and qualities. A brand name should be
easy to pronounce, recognize and remember. It should be
distinctive, extendable, translate easily into foreign
languages. It should be capable of registration and legal

4 Drew Boyd
c) Brand sponsorship. A manufacturer has four sponsorship
options. The product may be launched as a national
brand or manufacturers brand. Or the manufacturer may
sell to resellers who give the product a private brand, also
called a store brand or distributor brand. For example,
you can find many SM Bonus products in SM Supermarket.
This is an example of store brands. They become popular
when consumers become price-conscious and less brand-
conscious. Although many manufacturers create their
own brand names, others market licensed brands. Some
companies license names or symbols previously created
by other manufacturers, names of well-known celebrities,
or character from popular movies and books. Inspired
from the book and movie Harry Potter, you can find a t-
shirt, notebooks, lunch boxes etc.. For a fee, any of these
can provide an instant and proven brand name. Finally,
two companies can join forces and co-brand a product.
Co-branding can take advantage of the complementary
strenghts of two brands. It also allows a company to
expand its existing brand into a category it might
otherwise have difficulty entering alone. Best example is
Nike+Ipod Sports kit. Apple entered into sports and
fitness market while Nike has been refreshed and added
value to its customers.

d) Brand development. There are four choices when it

comes to developing brands. It can introduce line
extensions, brand extensions, multibrands, or new brand.
Line extensions occur when a company extends existing
brand names to new from , color, size, ingredient, or flavor
of an existing product category. Like for example,
Starbucks. Through the years, they keep on developing
and creating different flavors based on their existing
products. Now, customers have many coffees, teas and
chocolates based drinks to choose from, either hot or cold.
A brand extended a current brand name to new or
modified products in a new category. Starbucks has
extended its retail coffee shops by adding packaged
supermarket coffees, a chain of tea houses and single-
serve home coffee, espresso and latte machine.
Multibranding offers a way to establish different features
that appeal to different customer segments, lock up more
reseller shelf space and capture a larger market share.
Brand extension can create immediate new product
familiarity and acceptance. For example, Louis Vuitton,
they started with travelling bag, later on they introduced
handbags, purses, scarfs, shoes, clothing and jewellries.
New brand name is needed when a company believe that
the power of the existing brand name is waning. Or it
may create a new brand name when it enters a new
product category for which none of its current brand
names are appropriate. For example, Toyota creted Lexus
brand targeting luxury car customers.

V. What is brand equity ( equity means value)

Brand equity is the differential effect that knowing the brand

name has on customer response to the product and its marketing.
Its a measure of the brands ability to capture consumer
preference and loyalty.5

Brand equity is the valuable peculiar identification on

a thing, person (natural or juridical), or service.6

A high equity brand has high value in the market place 7

When consumers react favorably to branded products than

generics, it is a positive brand equity. For example, a toothpaste.
Colgate versus Hapee. The leading brand between the two is
colgate. Colgate is more expensive than hapee but loyal
consumers do not mind the price, they are loyal to the brand.

A negative brand equity results if consumers react less

favorably than to an unbranded version.

5 Phillip Kotler, Gary Armstrong

7 Chris Pullig
Brand varies in the amount of power and value in the
marketplace. Like the brand Apple. The price value per share is
continuously increasing. Because they created not just fresh
excitement of the brand but also deep connections with the
customers, that makes them loyal and deeply connected with it.
You can see in the news that customers line up and queue even
before store opens to get hold of new apple product.

There are several characteristics of high equity brand; A

readily recognizable brand, a brand that is recalled quickly, one
that individuals are willing to pay premium price to acquire, and a
brand that is recommended to others. For example, your brand is
one of the first one recalled when a relevant issue arise- i
needed to repaint my house, boysen!, will be your family or
friends recommended paint to use. I have another daughter
and we need a new car! Volvo (safety). Brand equity is customers
brand knowledge.

1 American Marketing Association.

2 Sean Adams. Founder of renowned design firm, AdamsMorioka.
Teaches at Art Center and designs.
3 MJR. MBA student.
4 Drew Boyd. Co-author of Inside the Box: A Proven System of
Creativity for Breakthrough Results. Innovation practitioner,
professor, blogger, and speaker.
5 Kotler,Armstrong. 2016. Principles of Marketing. Sixteenth
6 MJR. MBA Student.
7 Chris Pullig, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Marketing, Baylor
University Director of the Keller Center for Research and Keller
Center for Professional Selling
Crafting the Brand Positioning
By: Roselyn Platon
The act of designing the companys offering and image to occupy a
distinctive place in the minds of the target market.
The result of positioning is the successful creation of a customer-focused
value proposition, a cogent reason why the target market should buy the
Positioning requires that marketers define and communicate similarities and
differences between their brand and its competitors. Specifically, deciding on
a positioning requires:
(1) determining a frame of reference by identifying the target market and
relevant competition, (2) identifying the optimal points of parity and points
of difference brand associations given that frame of reference, and (3)
creating a brand mantra to summarize the positioning and essence of the
Determining a Competitive Frame of Reference
The competitive frame of reference defines which other brands a brand
competes with and therefore which brands should be the focus of
competitive analysis. Decisions about the competitive frame of reference are
closely linked to target market decisions. Deciding to target a certain type of
consumer can define the nature of competition, because certain firms have
decided to target that segment in the past (or plan to do so in the future), or
because consumers in that segment may already look to certain products or
brands in their purchase decisions.
Identifying competitors is good starting point in defining a competitive frame
of reference for brand positioning is to determine category membership
the products or sets of products with which a brand competes and which
function as close substitutes.
There are three main ways to convey a brands category
1. Announcing category benefits. To reassure consumers that a brand will
deliver on the fundamental reason for using a category, marketers frequently
use benefits to announce category membership. Thus, industrial tools might
claim to have durability, and antacids might announce their efficacy. A
brownie mix might attain membership in the baked desserts category by
claiming the benefit of great taste and support this claim by including high-
quality ingredients (performance) or by showing users delighting in its
consumption (imagery).
2. Comparing to exemplars. Well-known, noteworthy brands in a category
can also help a brand specify its category membership. When Tommy Hilfiger
was an unknown, advertising announced his membership as a great U.S.
designer by associating him with Geoffrey Beene, Stanley Blacker, Calvin
Klein, and Perry Ellis, who were recognized members of that category.
3. Relying on the product descriptor. The product descriptor that follows
the brand name is often a concise means of conveying category origin. Ford
Motor Co. invested more than $1 billion on a radical new 2004 model called
the X-Trainer, which combined the attributes of an SUV, a minivan, and a
station wagon. To communicate its unique positionand to avoid association
with its Explorer and Country Squire modelsthe vehicle, eventually called
Freestyle, was designated a sports wagon.
Identifying Optimal Points-of-Difference and Points-of-Parity
Once marketers have fixed the competitive frame of reference for positioning
by defining the customer target market and the nature of the competition,
they can define the appropriate points-ofdifference and points-of-parity
POINTS-OF-DIFFERENCE Points-of-difference (PODs) are attributes or
benefits that consumers strongly associate with a brand, positively evaluate,
and believe they could not find to the same extent with a competitive brand.
Associations that make up points-of-difference may be based on virtually any
type of attribute or benefit. Strong brands may have multiple points-of-
Creating strong, favorable, and unique associations is a real challenge, but
an essential one for competitive brand positioning. Three criteria determine
whether a brand association can truly function as a point-of-difference
desirability, deliverability, and differentiability.
Desirable to consumer. Consumers must see the brand association as
personally relevant to them. The Westin Stamford hotel in Singapore
advertised that it was the worlds tallest hotel, but a hotels height is not
important to many tourists. Consumers must also be given a compelling
reason to believe and an understandable rationale for why the brand can
deliver the desired benefit.
Deliverable by the company. The company must have the internal
resources and commitment to feasibly and profitably create and maintain the
brand association in the minds of consumers. The product design and
marketing offering must support the desired association.
Differentiating from competitors. Finally, consumers must see the brand
association as distinctive and superior to relevant competitors. The brand
must demonstrate clear superiority on an attribute or benefit, however, for it
to function as a true point-of-difference. Consumers must be convinced, for
example, that Louis Vuitton has the most stylish handbags, Energizer is the
longest-lasting battery, and Fidelity Investments offers the best financial
advice and planning.

POINTS-OF-PARITY Points-of-parity (POPs) are attribute or benefit

associations that are not necessarily unique to the brand but may in fact be
shared with other brands.
These types of associations come in two basic forms: category and
competitive. Category points-of-parity are attributes or benefits that
consumers view as essential to a legitimate and credible offering within a
certain product or service category. In other words, they represent necessary
but not sufficientconditions for brand choice. Category points-of-parity
may change over time due to technological advances, legal developments,
or consumer trends, but to use a golfing analogy, they are the greens fees
necessary to play the marketing game. Competitive points-of-parity are
associations designed to overcome perceived weaknesses of the brand. A
competitive point-of-parity may be required to either (1) negate competitors
perceived points-of-difference or (2) negate a perceived vulnerability of the
brand as a result of its own points-of-difference.
Competitive points-of-parity is to role-play competitors positioning and
infer their intended points-of-difference. Competitors PODs will, in turn,
suggest the brands POPs. Consumer research into the trade-offs consumers
make in their purchasing decisions can also be informative. Regardless of the
source of perceived weaknesses, if, in the eyes of consumers, a brand can
break even in those areas where it appears to be at a disadvantage and
achieve advantages in other areas, the brand should be in a strongand
perhaps unbeatablecompetitive position.
Brand mantras are designed with internal purposes in mind. A brand slogan
is an external translation that attempts to creatively engage consumers.
Although Nikes internal mantra was authentic athletic performance, its
external slogan was Just Do It. Here are the three key criteria for a brand
Communicate. A good brand mantra should define the category (or
categories) of business for the brand and set the brand boundaries. It should
also clarify what is unique about the brand.
Simplify. An effective brand mantra should be memorable. For that, it
should be short, crisp, and vivid in meaning.
Inspire. Ideally, the brand mantra should also stake out ground that is
personally meaningful and relevant to as many employees as possible.
Brand mantras typically are designed to capture the brands points-of-
difference, that is, what is unique about the brand. Other aspects of the
brand positioningespecially the brands pointsof-paritymay also be
important and may need to be reinforced in other ways. For brands facing
rapid growth, it is helpful to define the product or benefit space in which the
brand would like to compete, as Nike did with athletic performance and
Disney with family entertainment. Words that describe the nature of the
product or service, or the type of experiences or benefits the brand provides,
can be critical to identifying appropriate categories into which to extend. For
brands in more stable categories where extensions into more distinct
categories are less likely to occur, the brand mantra may focus more
exclusively on points-of-difference. Brand mantras derive their power and
usefulness from their collective meaning. Other brands may be strong on
one, or perhaps even a few, of the brand associations making up the brand
mantra. But for the brand mantra to be effective, no other brand should
singularly excel on all dimensions. Part of the key to both Nikes and Disneys
success is that for years no competitor could really deliver on the combined
promise suggested by their brand mantras.
Occasionally, a company will be able to straddle two frames of reference with
one set of points-of-difference and points-of-parity. In these cases, the
pointsof-difference for one category become points-of-parity for the other
and vice versa. Subway restaurants are positioned as offering healthy, good-
tasting sandwiches. This positioning allows the brand to create a POP on
taste and a POD on health with respect to quick-serve restaurants such as
McDonalds and Burger King and, at the same time, a POP on health and a
POD on taste with respect to health food restaurants and cafs. Straddle
positions allow brands to expand their market coverage and potential
customer base.

Differentiation Strategies
Competitive advantage is a companys ability to perform in one or more
ways that competitors cannot or will not match
A leverageable advantage is one that a company can use as a
springboard to new advantages, much as Microsoft has leveraged its
operating system to Microsoft Office and then to networking applications. In
general, a company that hopes to endure must be in the business of
continuously inventing new advantages.
For a brand to be effectively positioned, however, customers must see any
competitive advantage as a customer advantage. For a brand to be
effectively positioned, however, customers must see any competitive
advantage as a customer advantage. For example, if a company claims its
product works faster than its competitors, it wont be a customer advantage
if customers dont value speed.

The obvious means of differentiation, and often the ones most compelling to
consumers, relate to aspects of the product and service
Employee differentiation. Companies can have better-trained
employees who provide superior customer service. Singapore Airlines is well
regarded in large part because of its flight attendants. The sales forces of
such companies as General Electric, Cisco, Frito-Lay, Northwestern Mutual
Life, and Pfizer enjoy an excellent reputation.
Channel differentiation. Companies can more effectively and efficiently
design their distribution channels coverage, expertise, and performance to
make buying the product easier and more enjoyable and rewarding. Back in
1946, pet food was cheap, not too nutritious, and available exclusively in
supermarkets and the occasional feed store. Dayton, Ohiobased Iams found
success selling premium pet food through regional veterinarians, breeders,
and pet stores.
Image differentiation. Companies can craft powerful, compelling images
that appeal to consumers social and psychological needs. The primary
explanation for Marlboros extraordinary worldwide market share (around 30
percent) is that its macho cowboy image has struck a responsive chord
with much of the cigarette-smoking public. Wine and liquor companies also
work hard to develop distinctive images for their brands. Even a sellers
physical space can be a powerful image generator. Hyatt Regency hotels
developed a distinctive image through its atrium lobbies.
Services differentiation. A service company can differentiate itself by
designing a better and faster delivery system that provides more effective
and efficient solutions to consumers. There are three levels of
differentiation.29 The first is reliability: Some suppliers are more reliable in
their on-time delivery, order completeness, and order-cycle time. The second
is resilience: Some suppliers are better at handling emergencies, product
recalls, and inquiries. The third is innovativeness: Some suppliers create
better information systems, introduce bar coding and mixed pallets, and in
other ways help the customer.
Many marketing experts believe a brand positioning should have both
rational and emotional components. In other words, a good positioning
should contain points-of-difference and points-of-parity that appeal both to
the head and to the heart. To do this, strong brands often seek to build on
their performance advantages to strike an emotional chord with their
customers. When research on scar-treatment product Mederma found that
women were buying it not just for the physical treatment but also to increase
their self-esteem, the marketers of the brand added emotional messaging to
what had traditionally been a practical message that stressed physician
recommendations: What we have done is supplement the rational with the
emotional.30 A persons emotional response to a brand and its marketing
will depend on many factors. One increasingly important factor is a brands
authenticity.Brands such as Hersheys, Kraft, Crayola, Kelloggs, and Johnson
& Johnson that are seen as authentic and genuine can evoke trust, affection,
and strong loyalty.
Brands that are lovemarks, according to Roberts, command both respect and
love and result from a brands ability to achieve mystery, sensuality, and
1. Mystery draws together stories, metaphors, dreams, and symbols.
Mystery adds to the complexity of relationships and experiences because
people are naturally drawn to what they dont know.
2. Sensuality keeps the five senses of sight, hearing, smell, touch, and taste
on constant alert for new textures, intriguing scents and tastes, wonderful
music, and other sensory stimuli.
3. Intimacy means empathy, commitment, and passion. The close
connections that win intense loyalty as well as the small perfect gesture.


Rather than outlining specific attributes or benefits, some marketing experts
describe positioning a brand as telling a narrative or story.38 Randall Ringer
and Michael Thibodeau see narrative branding as based on deep metaphors
that connect to peoples memories, associations, and stories.39 They identify
five elements of narrative branding: (1) the brand story in terms of words
and metaphors, (2) the consumer journey in terms of how consumers engage
with the brand over time and touch points where they come into contact with
it, (3) the visual language or expression for the brand, (4) the manner in
which the narrative is expressed experientially in terms of how the brand
engages the senses, and (5) the role/relationship the brand plays in the lives
of consumers. Based on literary convention and brand experience, they also
offer the following framework for a brand story:
Setting. The time, place, and context
Cast. The brand as a character, including its role in the life of the
audience, its relationships and responsibilities, and its history or creation
Narrative arc. The way the narrative logic unfolds over time, including
actions, desired experiences, defining events, and the moment of epiphany
Language. The authenticating voice, metaphors, symbols, themes, and
Brand Journalism is a chronicle of the varied things that happen in our brand
world, throughout our day, throughout the years. Our brand means different
things to different people. It does not have one brand position. It is
positioned differently in the minds of kids, teens, young adults, parents and
seniors. It is positioned differently at breakfast, lunch, dinner, snack,
weekday, weekend, with kids or on a business trip. Brand Journalism allows
us to be a witness to the multi-faceted aspects of a brand story. No one
communication alone tells the whole brand story. Each communication
provides a different insight into our brand. It all adds up to a McDonalds
journalistic brand chronicle.
Oxford Universitys Douglas Holt believes for companies to build iconic,
leadership brands, they must assemble cultural knowledge, strategize
according to cultural branding principles, and hire and train cultural
experts.42 Even Procter & Gamble, a company that has long orchestrated
how shoppers perceive its products, has started on what its chief executive,
A.G. Lafley, calls a learning journey with the consumer. Consumers are
beginning in a very real sense to own our brands and participate in their
creation, he said. We need to learn to begin to let go.

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