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Computer Fundamentals: Pradeep K.

Sinha & Priti Sinha

Computer Fundamentals

Pradeep K. Sinha
Priti Sinha

Chapter 12

Chapter 12: Computer Languages
Languages Slide 1/64

Computer Fundamentals: Pradeep K. Sinha & Priti Sinha

Learning Objectives

In this chapter you will learn about:

 Computer languages or programming languages
 Three broad categories of programming languages
machine, assembly, and high-level languages
 Commonly used programming language tools such as
assembler, compiler, linker, and interpreter
 Concepts of object-oriented programming languages
 Some popular programming languages such as
FORTRAN, COBOL, BASIC, Pascal, C, C++, C#, Java,
 Related concepts such as Subprogram, Characteristics of
a good programming language, and factors to consider
while selecting a language for coding an application

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Analogy with
Natural Languages

Chapter 12: Computer Languages Slide 3/64

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Analogy with Natural Languages

 Language is a means of communication

 Programmer uses a computer language to instruct a computer
what he/she wants it to do
 Set of words allowed in a language is called its vocabulary
 Each word in the vocabulary has a definite unambiguous
 Most computer languages use a very limited vocabulary
 Words and symbols of a computer language must be used as
per the set rules, known as syntax rules

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Broad Classification of Computer Languages

 Machine language
 Assembly language
 High-level language

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Machine Language

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Machine Language

 Machine language programs are written normally as strings

of binary 1s and 0s
 Circuitry of a computer is wired in a manner that it
recognizes the machine language instructions and converts
them into electrical signals needed to execute them
 A machine language instruction normally has a two-part
format: operation code tells the computer what function to
perform, and operand tells where to find or store the data

(operation code) (address/location)

Instruction format
(Continued on next slide)

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Machine Language

 Every computer has a set of operation codes called its

instruction set
 Typical operations included in the instruction set are:
 Arithmetic operations
 Logical operations
 Branch operations
 Data movement operations between memory locations and
 Data movement operations from/to input/output devices

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A Sample Machine Language Program

001000000000001100111001 10001471
001100000000010000100001 14002041
011000000000011100101110 30003456
101000111111011100101110 50773456
000000000000000000000000 00000000

In Binary In Decimal
(Difficult to read and understand) (Easier to read and understand)

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Advantages & Limitations of
Machine Language


 Can be executed very fast


 Machine dependent
 Difficult to program
 Error prone
 Difficult to modify

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Assembly Language

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Assembly Language

 Assembly language programming helped in overcoming

limitations of machine language programming
 By using alphanumeric mnemonic codes instead of numeric
codes for instructions in instruction set
 Allowing use of alphanumeric names instead of numeric
 Providing additional instructions, called pseudo-instructions
 A language that allows use of letters and symbols instead of
numbers for representing instructions and storage locations is
called assembly language or symbolic language
 A program written in an assembly language is called assembly
language program or symbolic program

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Sample Assembly Language Program



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 We must convert an assembly language program into its

equivalent machine language program before executing it
 Translator program called assembler does this translation
 Assembler is system software supplied by computer

Assembly language Input Output Machine language

program program

One-to-one correspondence
(Source program) (Object program)

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Advantages of Assembly Language
Over Machine Language

 Easier to understand and use

 Easier to locate and correct errors
 Easier to modify
 No worry about addresses
 Easily relocatable
 Efficiency of machine language

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Limitations of Assembly Language

 Machine dependent
 Knowledge of hardware required
 Machine level coding

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Typical Uses of Assembly Language

 Mainly used today to fine-tune important parts of

programs written in a high-level language to improve
the programs execution efficiency

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Assembly Languages with
Macro Instructions

 Any assembly language instruction that gets translated

into several machine language instructions is called a
macro instruction
 Several assembly languages support such macro
instructions to speed up the coding process
 Assemblers of such assembly languages are designed to
produce multiple machine language instructions for each
macro instruction of the assembly language

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High-level Language

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High-Level Languages

 Machine independent
 Do not require programmers to know anything about the
internal structure of computer on which high-level
language programs will be executed
 Deal with high-level coding, enabling the programmers
to write instructions using English words and familiar
mathematical symbols and expressions

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 Translator program (software) that translates a high-

level language program into its equivalent machine
language program
 Compiles a set of machine language instructions for
every program instruction in a high-level language

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Input Output
High-level language Compiler Machine language
program program

One-to-many correspondence
(Source program) (Object program)

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Separate Compiler for Each High-level
Language Supported

Program P1 in high- Compiler for

level language L1 language L1 Machine code for P1

Program P2 in high- Compiler for

level language L2 language L2 Machine code for P2

A computer supporting languages L1 and L2

(Continued on next slide)

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A High-level Language is Machine

Compiler for Machine code for

language L1 P1 that will run Executed on
on computer A on computer A computer A

Program P1 in high-
level language L1 Same results obtained

Compiler for Machine code for

language L1 P1 that will run Executed on
on computer B on computer B computer B

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Syntax Errors

In addition to doing translation job, compilers also

automatically detect and indicate syntax errors

Syntax errors are typically of following types:

 Illegal characters
 Illegal combination of characters
 Improper sequencing of instructions in a program
 Use of undefined variable names

Note : A compiler cannot detect logic errors in a program

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The Process of Removing Syntax Errors
From A Source Program

source program
Source program
source program

No Generate
detected? object program

Yes Object program

Generate list of coded STOP
error messages

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 For a large software, storing all the lines of program

code in a single source file will be:

Difficult to work with

Difficult to deploy multiple programmers to
concurrently work towards its development
Any change in the source program would require the
entire source program to be recompiled

 Hence, a modular approach is generally adapted to

develop large software where the software consists of
multiple source program files
 No need to write programs for some modules as it might
be available in library offering the same functionality
(Continued on next slide)

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 Each source program file can be independently

modified and compiled to create a corresponding
object program file
 Linker program (software) is used to properly
combine all the object program files (modules)
 Creates the final executable program (load module)

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Prog-1.src Prog-2.src Prog-n.src Source programs

Prog-1.obj Prog-2.obj Prog-n.obj Object programs

Prog-i.lib Library modules


Executable Load module

program file

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 Interpreter is a high-level language translator

 Takes one statement of a high-level language
program, translates it into machine language
 Immediately executes the resulting machine language
 Compiler simply translates the entire source program
into an object program and is not involved in its

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High-level Input Output Result of

Interpreter (translates and executes
language program
program execution
(Source program)

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 As compared to compilers, interpreters are easier to write

 The main advantage of interpreters over compilers is that an
interpreter flags a syntax error in a program statement to a
programmer as soon as it interprets the program statement
 Main disadvantage of interpreters over compilers is that they
are slower than compilers
 To combine the advantages of both interpreters and
compilers, computer system provides both a compiler and an
interpreter for a high-level language
 Assemblers, compilers, and interpreters are also referred to
as language processors

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Intermediate Language Compiler &
 New type of compiler and interpreter combines the
speed, ease, and control of both compiler and
 Compiler first compiles the source program to an
intermediate object program
 Intermediate object program is not a machine
language code but written in an intermediate
language that is virtually machine independent
 Interpreter takes intermediate object program,
converts it into machine language program and
executes it

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Benefits of Intermediate Language
Compiler & Interpreter

 Intermediate object program is in compiled form and thus is

not original source code, so safer and easier to share
 Intermediate object program is based on a standard
Intermediate Definition Language (IDL)
 Interpreter can be written for any computer architecture and
operating system providing virtual machine environment to the
executing program
 Newer Interpreter compiles intermediate program, in memory,
into final host machine language program and executes it
 This technique is called Just-In-Time (JIT) Compilation

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Advantages of High-Level Languages

 Machine independent
 Easier to learn and use
 Fewer errors during program development
 Lower program preparation cost
 Better documentation
 Easier to maintain

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Limitations of High-Level Languages

 Lower execution efficiency

 Less flexibility to control the computers CPU, memory
and registers

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Chapter 12: Computer Languages Slide 37/64

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What is Object-Oriented Programming

 Essence of OOP is to solve a problem by:

 Identifying the real-world objects of the problem and the
processing required of those objects
 Then creating simulations of those objects, their processes,
and the required communications between the objects
 OOP makes programming simpler, easier, and faster
 OOP philosophy is now used in almost all popular
programming languages

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Fundamental Concepts of OOP

 An object is the primitive element of a program written in an
OOP language
 Each object consists of a set of procedures and some data
 A method of an object defines the set of operations that the
object will execute when it receives a message
 Methods are like function definitions
 Entire collection of methods of an object is called the message
protocol, or message interface
 Mechanism to support communication between objects is
through messages

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Fundamental Concepts of OOP

 A class is a description of one or more similar objects
 A class can have multiple instances
 Each instance of a class is known as an object of the class
 Class variables are variables stored in the class whose values
are shared by all instances
 Instance variables are variables for which local storage is
available in the instances (objects)
 Inheritance is a mechanism to share code and behavior
 A child class inherits all of the instance variables, instance
methods, and class methods of its parent class
 A child class can inherit from multiple parent classes. This is
called multiple inheritance

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Example of Class, Instance, and


Classes Male Female

Boy Man

Instances Ram Shyam Mohan Seeta Geeta

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Example of Objects, Class, and
Object a
Class A (Instance of A)
Variables of A Class A

Methods of A Instance variables of A

Class B
(Sub-class of Object b
Class A) (Instance of B)
Inherits from A Class B

Variables of B Inherited instance variables of A

Methods of B Instance variables of B

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Key Elements of Object-Oriented Paradigm

Element Meaning
1 Abstraction Abstraction means that an objects characteristics are broken
into manageable chunks as defined and documented in its
class description.
2 Encapsulation Encapsulation stipulates that code and data are stored as one
unit. Encapsulation also enables selective or total information
hiding, since it can make portions of the code and data
inaccessible from outside the unit.
3 Modularity Modularity defines the unit reuse. These units group
abstractions together.
4 Hierarchy Hierarchy allows an objects behaviors to be refined
(subclasses) without recoding of the parent object (the
superclass). Some OO languages allow an object to have
more than one superclass, a feature that is known as multiple
inheritance. Inheritance hierarchies enable ranking/ordering
of abstractions.
5 Messages Messages, similar in use to function calls, are requests to
perform an operation on an instantiated object.

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Some High-level

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 Stands for FORmula TRANslation

 Originally developed by John Backus and his team at
IBM followed by several revisions
 Standardized by ANSI as FORTRAN-77 and FORTRAN-90
 Designed for solving scientific & engineering problems
 Oriented towards solving problems of a mathematical
 Popular language amongst scientists and engineers

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 Stands for COmmon Business Oriented Language

 Originally developed started under Grace Hopper
followed by COnference on DAta SYstems Languages
 Standardized by ANSI as COBOL-74, COBOL-85, and
 Designed for programming business data processing
 Designed to have the appearance and structure of a
business report written in English, hence often referred
to as a self-documenting language

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 Stands for Beginners All-purpose Symbolic Instruction

 Developed by Professor John Kemeny and Thomas Kurtz
at Darmouth College in the United States
 Standardized by ANSI as BASIC-78
 Designed to be an interactive language and to use an
interpreter instead of a compiler
 Simple to implement, learn and use language. Hence, it
is a widely used language on personal computers
 Flexible and reasonably powerful language and can be
used for both business and scientific applications

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 Named after the famous seventeenth-century French

mathematician Blaise Pascal
 Developed by Professor Nicklaus Wirth of Federal Institute of
Technology in Zurich
 Encourages programmers to write well-structured, modular
programs, instills good program practices
 Recognized as an educational language and is used to teach
programming to beginners
 Suitable for both scientific & business applications
 Has features to manipulate numbers, vectors, matrices,
strings, sets, records, files, and lists

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 Developed in 1972 at AT&Ts Bell laboratories, USA

by Dennis Ritchie and Brian Kernighan
 Standardized by ANSI and ISO as C89, C90, C99
 High-level programming languages (mainly machine
independence) with the efficiency of an assembly
 Language of choice of programmers for portable
systems software and commercial software packages
like OS, compiler, spreadsheet, word processor, and
database management systems

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C++ (C plus plus)

 Named C++ as ++ is increment operator and C

language is incremented to its next level with C++
 Developed by Bjarne Stroustrup at Bell Labs in the
early 1980s
 Contains all elements of the basic C language
 Expanded to include numerous object-oriented
programming features
 Provides a collection of predefined classes, along with
the capability of user-defined classes
 Being a superset of C, it is an extremely powerful and
efficient language. However, it is more difficult to learn
than C

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 Development started at Sun Microsystems in 1991 by a

team led by James Gosling
 Developed to be similar to C++ with fewer features to
keep it simple and easy to use
 Compiled code is machine-independent and developed
programs are simple to implement and use
 Uses just-in-time compilation
 Used in embedded systems such as hand-held devices,
telephones and VCRs
 Comes in two variants Java Runtime Engine (JRE) and
Java Software Development Kit (SDK)

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C# (C Sharp)

 Object-oriented programming language developed by

Anders Hejlsberg and released by Microsoft as part of
Microsofts .NET technology initiative
 Standardized by ECMA and ISO
 Syntactically and semantically very close to C++ and
adopts various object-oriented features from both C++
and Java
 Compilers target the Common Language Infrastructure
(CLI) implemented by Common Language Runtime (CLR)
of .NET Framework
 CLR provides important services such as, memory
management, exception handling, and security

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 Stands for Report Program Generator

 Developed by IBM to meet customer requests for an
easy and economic mechanism for producing reports
 Designed to generate the output reports resulting from
the processing of common business applications
 Easier to learn and use as compared to COBOL
 Programmers use very detailed coding sheets to write
specifications about input, calculations, and output

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 Stands for LISt Processing

 Developed in 1959 by John McCarthy of MIT
 Designed to have features for manipulating non-
numeric data, such as symbols and strings of text
 Due to its powerful list processing capability, it is
extensively used in the areas of pattern recognition,
artificial intelligence, and for simulation of games
 Functional programming language in which all
computation is accomplished by applying functions to

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 Stands for StriNg Oriented symBOlic Language

 Used for non-numeric applications
 Powerful string manipulation features
 Widely used for applications in the area of text

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Selecting a Language for

Coding an Application

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Characteristics of a Good
Programming Language

 Structured Programming Support
 Suitability to its environment

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Factors for Selecting a Language for
Coding an Application

 Nature of the application

 Familiarity with the language
 Ease of learning the language
 Availability of program development tools
 Execution efficiency
 Features of a good programming language

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 Program written in a manner that it can be brought into

use in other programs and used whenever needed
without rewriting
 Also referred to as subroutine, sub-procedure, or function
 Subprogram call statement contains the name of the
subprogram followed by a list of parameters enclosed
within a pair of parentheses
 Intrinsic subprograms (also called built-in-functions) are
those provided with the programming language
 Programmer-written subprograms are written and used
as and when they are needed

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Structure of a Subprogram

Subprogram name Parameter

Subprogram header
sqrt (x)

Set of instructions that perform Subprogram body

the intended task

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Flow of Control in Case of Subprogram Calls

1 2 subprogram header

subprogram call statement 6

next statement 4 3

subprogram body

subprogram call statement

next statement 8

A program that calls Flow of control A subprogram

the subprogram twice

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Key Words/Phrases

 Assembler  Just-in-time compilation

 Assembly language  Language processor
 BASIC  Linker
 Built-in function  LISP
 C  Load module
 C++  Logic error
 C#  Low-level language
 COBOL  Machine language
 Coding  Macro instructions
 Compiler  Object program
 Computer language  Object-oriented programming
 FORTRAN  Opcode
 Function  Operand
 High-level language  Pascal
 HotJava Interpreter  Programmer
 Intrinsic subprogram  Programming
 Intermediate compiler and  Programming language
Interpreter  Pseudo instruction
 Java  RPG
 Self-documenting language

(Continued on next slide)

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Key Words/Phrases

 Source program
 Symbolic language
 Syntax error
 Syntax rules
 Programmer-written subprograms

Chapter 12: Computer Languages Slide 64/64


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