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Green Highways (Plantation & Maintenance) Policy-2015 PDF

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Green Highways (Plantation & Maintenance) Policy-



To develop eco friendly National Highways with participation of the

community, farmers, NGOs, private sector, institutions, government
agencies and the Forest Department. Documentation of species to be
planted along National Highways.


To evolve a policy frame work for plantation along National

To reduce the impacts of air pollution and dust as trees and shrubs
are known to be natural sink for air pollutants;
To provide much needed shade on glaring hot roads during summer;
To reduce the impact of ever increasing noise pollution caused due
to increase in number of vehicles;
To arrest soil erosion at the embankment slopes;
Prevention of glare from the headlight of incoming vehicles;
Moderating the effect of wind and incoming radiation;
Employment to local people;
Augmenting in maintaining biodiversity

Green policy 21.7.15 1

1. Introduction:

1.1 Loss of vegetation is one of the inevitable consequences of Highway

Development. It is the responsibility of the highway development agencies
to offset this loss by way of following the approach of Corridor
Development & Management.The highway development agencies must
strive to enhance the aesthetics of the highway corridor at all possible
locations. Highways should not be looked upon merely as a means of
transportation, but an integral part and parcel of the physical environment
and Socio-economic milieu.

1.2 Often, while preparing the Land acquisition Plans for the highway
projects, the land needed for the avenue plantation and landscape
improvement is not considered during the DPR stage. As a result, after
construction, when the planting is actually to start, there is no option but to
accommodate planting in whatever space is available. The width of the
remaining ROW is, many times, not sufficient enough to accommodate even
a single row of plants; whereas at some places, three to four rows can be
planted. In order to ensure availability of sufficient width throughout for
avenue planting, it is recommended that the requirement of land for tree
plantation should be included in the Land Acquisition Plans prepared by the
DPR consultants.

2. Objectives of Plantation:

2.1 The main objectives of planting along the Highways are as follows: -
For aesthetic enhancement of the project corridors and places of
importance by planting selective ornamental trees, landscaping and turfing
with grasses and ornamental shrubs.
To reduce the impacts of air pollution and dust as trees and shrubs
are known to be natural sink for air pollutants.
To provide much needed shade on glaring hot roads during summer.
To reduce the impact of ever increasing noise pollution caused due
to increase in number of vehicles.
To arrest soil erosion at the embankment slopes.
Prevention of glare from the headlight of incoming vehicles.
Moderating the effect of wind and incoming radiation

Green policy 21.7.15 2

3. Selection of Tree Species for roadside plantations:

3.1 Plantation is one of the most important constituents of soft

landscaping. Trees, shrubs and climbers have been used to enhance the
soft natural ambience against harsh elements in most of the enhancement
schemes. The planting species are decided based on the physical growth
characteristics of trees, like form and shape, foliage pattern, growth rate,
branching pattern, soil characteristics and conditions of the strip like water
logged areas etc. While selecting the species of trees for landscaping a
great care should be taken to choose the species, which already exist
along the project corridor. On the other hand, if a pure avenue of single
species is planted for a considerable length of the road, it gives a
harmonious and pleasing look. It is, therefore, essential that mixtures of
different species should be avoided and pure avenues of a single species
be planted over long stretches of road. This will enhance the aesthetic
quality and will also render management easier.

3.2 The selection of plant types and planting arrangement should be

based on the following considerations:-

3.2.1 Aim and objective of plantation

3.2.2 Shape and size (size and spread)
3.2.3 Texture and colour of foliage/flower/fruits in different seasons and
stages of growth.
3.2.4 Adaptability and suitability to agro-climatic regions/zones
3.2.5 Growth rate (slow/fast) average age of maturity and replacement
3.2.6 After care and maintenance required for sustenance and growth
3.2.7 Economic and other social/recreational benefits
3.2.8 Drawbacks and demerits if any, like prone to insects/pests disease,
animal grazing and human interference.

3.3 The Guidelines on Landscaping and Tree Plantation (IRC:SP:21-

2009), provide for detailed specifications with respect to roadside
plantations and Median Plantation.
4. Plantation Pattern

4.1 The road landscape should be developed envisaging a holistic

approach to the entire stretch. A concept should be evolved so as to
maintain visual characteristics and uniformity in terms of landscape along
Green policy 21.7.15 3
the stretch. In the absence of uniform land availability for the plantations,
different schemes may be worked out in tune with the local variations in
the design. To achieve this, the entire stretch of the project corridor
should be divided into homogenous landscape sections based on similarity
in terms of available width, soil conditions, climate (temperature and
rainfall) and topography. A study on the local flora and vegetative cover
native to these sections should be carried out as part of the field surveys
to enable a choice of the suitable species for particular section. Depending
on the available ROW, plantation pattern should be worked out as follows:-

The first row along the Highways will be of small to medium sized
ornamental trees.
Subsequent rows depending on the availability of width will comprise
of ornamental and/or shade bearing species, of more height than
those in the first row. In rural sections the last row will always be of
shade bearing tall trees.
Planting of shrubs in the median.
Planting of herbaceous species as ground cover in the median,
special landscapes, and embankment slopes.
Turfing with grass in the median, special landscapes, and
embankment slopes.

4.2 Table 1,2, and 3 list a few species, which can generally be planted
throughout India.

Table 1: Species Recommended for Ist Row of Avenue Plantations


1. Loamy Delonix regia Gulmohar
2. Cassia fistula Amaltas
3. Bauhinia sps. Kachnar
4. Cassia nodusa Cassia
5. Jacaranda mimosaefolia Jacranda
6. Peltophorum Peltophorum
7. Water logged condition Terminalia arjuna Arjun
8. Syzygiumcuminii Jamun
9. Cordia dicotma Lasoda
10. Alkalinesoils
soils[Usar] Terminalia arjuna Arjun
11. Pongamia pinnata Kanji
12. Albizzia lebbek Kala Siris
Green policy 21.7.15 4
Table 2: Species Recommended for 2nd and subsequent row, except
the last row of Avenue Plantations

1. Loamy Melia azadiracta Bakain

2. Pongamia pinnata Kanji
3. Gravillea robusta Slver Oak
4. Albizzia lebbek Kala siris
5. Dalbergia sissoo Shisham
6. Terminalia arjuna Arjuna

Table 3: Shade trees recommended for last (or the only) row in
roadside avenues
Peepal Ficus religiosa
Paker Ficus infectoria
Mahua Madhuca indica
Mango Mangifera indica
Neem Azadirachta indica
Imli Tamarindus indica
Jamun Syzynium cuminii
Shisam Dalberjia sissoo
SANDY Shisam Dalbergia sissoo
ALKALINE Neem Azadirachta indica [ at ph up
[USAR] to 8.5]
Kanji Pongamia pinnata [ upto 9.0 p
Arjun Terminelia arjuna
WATER LOGGED Jamun Syzyniumcuminii
AREA Arjun Terminalia arjuna

4.3 The above lists represent common species, which can be planted
almost throughout India. Region-wise specific choices can be made with
the help of local experts from the Forest department and Horticulture
department. As far as possible, fruit bearing trees like Mango, Neem,
Jamun and Imli are ideal for areas near habitations throughout India. Other
locally useful fruit bearing species like Jackfruit, Mahua, Bel, etc., may also
be preferred.

4.4 The shrubs to be planted in the median should be of low or medium

height for prevention of the headlight glare. One to two rows of flowering

Green policy 21.7.15 5

shrubs will be provided according to the varying width of the median in
different sections. In sections where the median width is less than 1.5m
only grasses turf is proposed. Some herbaceous species may also be
planted as a ground cover, not only on the medians but on special
landscapes and embankment slopes also. The species proposed for the
purpose of turfing/ground cover are: Cynodon dactylon, Cythocline
perpurea, Solanum nigrum, Alternanthera, Chlorophytum, Eupatorium,
Wedelia, Duranta, Portulacca, Ipomea, Pelia cadrii, Beleprone oblongata,
Tradescantia, Asparagus, Opheopogon grass etc. The shrub species
proposed in the median are mainly Bougainvillea and Thevetia nerifolia
(Kaner). However, other suitable species may be planted in consultation
with the local horticulture specialists.

4.5 Special landscapes/embankment slopes/

slopes/ on the median:

The surface is to be prepared adequately for shrubs planting or

grass sowing. The grasses and shrubs planting are done to provide a
strong surface cover but needs a well-prepared surface. All masses of
loose debris should be removed. Any convexities should be removed and
similarly any concavities are to be filled by good soil. The surface should
have sufficient layer of good quality soil [upto 45 cms] so as to have better
growth and survival of grasses and shrubs.

Grass lines are used to provide a strong surface cover but need a
well-prepared surface in which to be planted. If grass is to be an effective
form, then it must be allowed to establish properly on a slope which does
not subject to undue stress from erosion and mass movement in its initial
stages.Sowing of grasses is intended to create a strengthened surface that
is resistant to erosion.

It is the responsibility of the planting agency to ensure that the

condition of the site is good enough for the successful establishment of
grasses.The planting agency is required to supervise all field operations
like preparation of surface, sowing of grasses and quality of grasses seeds

A cover of 25 grams of grass seed per square metre of surface

should be achieved.The timing of sowing is of utmost importance. The seed
sowing must be carried out before the onset of monsoon [May & June] so

Green policy 21.7.15 6

that they yield desired results. The watering of the surface will be above
by tankers till the onset of the monsoon.After sowing, mulch of prepared
and dried out herbs should be laid over the whole seeded area in a thin
layer so that the direct sunlight and transpiration loss may not affect the

Median Plantation - The species to be planted in median would be of

low or medium height with ornamental value to enhance the visual
experience of the road corridor. It will also act as a screen to prevent glare
from the incoming vehicles.The species recommended for median are
mainly Bougainvillea and Kaner. Bougainvillea is considered as the most
suitable species as it has a great aesthetic value and it is found in various
colours and shades. It can also withstand extreme temperature and climatic
conditions and also has low requirement of water. These species have
been proposed considering the climatic conditions, requirement of water
and future management. However, other species suitable and suggested by
Forest Department/ RO can also be used.

4.6 Transplantation

Occasion may arise when a grown-up tree has to be cut for making
room for constructing a road, a building or other structure. It would be
desirable to save this plant by transplanting it at a suitable site. To do this
successfully some time is necessary. In winter when the tree is dormant or
less active, it should be pruned heavily leaving a bare framework of the
large branches. A 40 to 50 cm wide trench 1 to 2 m deep should be dug
around the stem as much distance away from it, depending upon the stature
of the specimen, cutting all the roots, big and small, in the process.The job
of tree transplantation is quite complex and requires high quality expertise,
technique besides specialised equipment and infrastructure.

The location for transplantation is to be identified and preliminary

treatment is to be done at least 3-months in advance before the area is
ready for transplantation. Transplantation of trees depends on the soil and
climatic conditions of that area. Specialised techniques are required in
transplantation of trees with specialised equipments and
machinery.Transplantation of trees will be done to the maximum extent
possible on the national highways to save the grown trees along existing

Green policy 21.7.15 7

ROW. The Translocation site should be within 5 Kms. of the existing tree

5. Present System

5.1 The following different types of arrangements exist, with respect to

raising and maintaining roadside plantations: -

5.1.1 Plantations done by Forest Department along highway as a statutory

5.1.2 Plantations done through the Forest Department as deposit work.
5.1.3 Plantation in the scope of work of Concessionaire (schedule C),
5.1.4 Plantation in the scope of work of OMT Contractor (Schedule B),
project facilities;
5.1.5 Plantation done by the private agency through competitive bidding
5.1.6 Plantation done through other agencies (NGOs, Govt departments /
agencies other than Forest Department, communities, etc.).
5.17 Handing-over stretches to State Govt. for carrying out roadside
plantation at their end with the funds of the State Govt.;

6. Land Requirement

Based on the inventory, an action programme should be prepared as

regards additional landscaping measures and traveller amenities. If
available land width is insufficient to implement this programme, acquisition
of additional land should be seriously considered keeping in view the
following requirements during feasibility/DPR study:-

I. To provide flatter side slopes in cuts and fills along with contouring
of the adjacent land.
II. To provide enough space for planting suitable trees and plants.
III. To provide sufficient area for parking, look out spots and other
aesthetic features.

7. Plantation Agency

7.1 The entire highway network can be divided into two categories
based on the legal status of the existing road-side plantations. In areas,

Green policy 21.7.15 8

where existing plantations along the highways have been notified as
protected forests as plantation is either done by the forest department for
management purpose or naturally grown trees. For these areas,
permission for tree cutting is required to be taken from the forest
department under the Forest Conservation Act, 1980. While granting the
permission, the forest department stipulates the conditions not only for
compensatory aforestation (CA) but also for avenue plantations. In these
cases, the amount for avenue plantation is deposited with the Forest
Department and normally the work of avenue plantation is taken up by
them apart from CA.

7.2 In areas, such highway corridors where the ROW is not declared as
protected forest,the roadside plantations may be taken up either through
the contractor (if it is a BOQ item), the Concessionaire (if it is included in
the concession agreement), forest departmentand department dealing the
Watershed Development in the State, Watershed Cell-cum-Data
Centre[WCDC] at district level and the Watershed Committee [WC] at
local level withlocal communities / panchayat level institutions / Women
Self Help Groups (WSHGs), Self Help Groups (SHGs) / Joint Forest
Management Committees (JFMC), or through open bidding.

7.3 Plantation through bidding process:


The plantations and its maintenance may be taken up through

outsourcing following bidding process as per standard protocol of
procurement of MoRTH and its agenciesfor the stretch/ROW not declared
as protected forest under Forest Conservation (Act) 1980.

7.4 Empanelment of Agencies

MoRTH/NHAI will appoint the authorised agency for empanelment of

Plantation Agencies. Only empanelled agencies will be allowed to bid
forplanting work on the National Highways.

8. Role of Local Bodies

8.1 For roadside plantations, nodal agencies will be encouraged to

involve the local institutions like Panchayats, JFMCs & SHGs for
plantations as per these guidelines.

Green policy 21.7.15 9

8.2 All plantations, except those carried out by the Forest Department in
compliance to any statutory condition, will be carried out under an MOU in
the enclosed format entered by the nodal agency with the plantation

9. Institutional arrangements and Financing Pattern

9.1.1 It is experienced that the scenario of road side plantation is not

satisfactoryin most of the projects implemented through BOT,DBFOT and
public funded projects. This is the responsibility of road implementation
agencies to develop green corridor along highways for aesthetic
enhancement of the project corridors and places of importance by planting
selective ornamental trees, landscaping and turfing with grasses and
ornamental shrubs, in order to reduce the impact of air pollution and dust
as trees and shrubs are known to be natural sink for air pollutants and
carbon sequencing. It also reduces noise pollution and provides much
needed shade on glaring hot roads during summer. Plantation arrests soil
erosion at the embankment slopes, prevents glare from the headlight of
incoming vehicles and moderates the effect of wind and incoming
radiation.Green corridors guide the drivers for long distance curves and

9.1.2 For successful implementation of plantation along with development

of road network in an eco-friendly manner throughout the country,
development of green highways will be done through outsourcing of
Plantation work to expert & experience agencies/organizations. The Nodal
Agency will appoint such agencies for plantation work on National
Highways.The successful agencyshall follow the model TOR, IRC-SP-
21,2009 and project specific RFQ for plantation and maintenance.

9.1.3 The Nodal agency for forest areas will be the concerned forest
range office. In case of Public Funded Projects the concerned Regional
Officer of MoRT&H/NHAI will be the nodal agency. In cases where
roadside plantation is included inthe concession agreement, the concerned
concessionaire will be the nodal agency.

9.1.4 MoRTH/NHAI shall take up the plantation work if the contractor /

concessionairefail to implement the plantation program withinthe stipulated

Green policy 21.7.15 10

time period as per agreement at the risk & cost of the concerned
contractor/concessionaire after terminating the particular scope of the
contract. The responsibility of ensuring compliance to specifications will,
however, rest with the nodal agency as per IRC-SP:21-2009.

9.1.5 The selection of species will be strictly doneas per the said
guidelines or as per the recommendation of adjoining forest department
with site specific native species.

9.1.6 The planting agency will have no right whatsoever on the land under
plantation. Such agency will not be authorized to undertake any other form
of under-plantations or any other activity on such land. An MOU shall be
signed with the agency for strict compliance of the technical specification,
species, maintenance schedule, survival, payment terms and conditions and
on the legal right of the land as well as forest produce (Annexure-I).

9.1.7 The Procurement of the executing agency for plantation &

maintenance, monitoring, termination of contract etc shall be done by a
committee consisting of concerned Regional Officer NHAI/MoRT&H and
the Concessionaire in case of BOT projects. In case of Public Funded
Projects, a representative of CE(Planning) MoRT&H/CGM(Environment),
NHAI will be member of the procurement committeealong with concerned
Regional Officer. The cost of the Plantation & Maintenance will be borne
by the concessionaire in case of BOT Projects & by NHAI/MoRT&H for
Public Funded Projects.A model Terms of Reference (ToR) is given at

9.1.8 There will be an Advisory committee which will meet once in a

quarter and give its recommendations/advice to the monitoring cell. The
ROs of MoRTH/NHAI in the district will be the convener of this committee.

10. Plantation Scheme

10.1 The plantation scheme has been broadly classified into two
categories which are as follows:-

a) Tree planting along the HighwayTurfing with grasses and


Green policy 21.7.15 11

b) planting on medians/special landscapes/embankment slopes.

A. Tree Planting along the Highways

The technical specification for planting along the Highways are as


(i) Ornamental plants except last row

Distance from embankment 1.0 mt. away from the toe of
the embankment
spacing between plant to plant 3 mts.
Spacing between rows 3 mts.
Size of the pits[Normal soil] 60x60x60 cms
For Alkaline soil [Usar] By Augar
Water logged areas mounds with height
varyingdepending on the water
Species recommended as per annexure
No. of plants per km 333
Activity and time schedule As per table
Height of the plant 1.5m to 2 m

[ii] Shade plants (Last row):

Distance from the preceding row 3 mts
Spacing between plant to plant 12 mts.
Size of the pits[Normal soil] 60x60x60 cms
Alkaline soil [usar] By Augur
Water logged areas Mounds
Species recommended As per the table for shade plants
No. of plants per km 84
Height of the plants more than 2 mts.

In localities where a really bad patch of usar occurs, there is a need to

dug deep pits by auger [mechanical device] to break the kankar pan down
below and replacing the soil by good quality soil. The soil amender Gypsum
1 to3 kg. depending on the pH along with 2 kg. composite and sand are
filled in the pits. The treatment helps in lowering down the pH and thus
enabling better survival of plants.

Green policy 21.7.15 12

B. Guidelines for Median Plantation:

One or two rows of flowering shrubs are recommended in accordance to

the varying width of the median in different sections. In sections where
median width is less than 1.5 meter, only grass turf is recommended. In
median width of 3 meters, one row of shrub whereas in 5 meter median
width, plantation of two rows of flowering shrubs are proposed.

Only two rows of shrubs will be planted on median width of 5 meters

and these plants will be at a spacing of 1.5 meters from the inner edge of
the median.

The plants will be at spacing of 3 x 3 meters and size of the pits for
planting will be 0.6m dia and deep. Therefore, total no. of plants per km
will be 333 in case where single row is proposed and 666 in case of two

The surface for the median plantation should be well prepared. The
masses of loose derbies on the median and any convexities will be
removed and similarly any concavities are to be filled by good soil. The
surface should have sufficient layer of good quality soil so as to have a
better growth and survival of grasses and shrubs.

Protection measures

The fencing of single row plantations will be done by using

iron/brick/cement guards. Locally available bamboo guards or thorn fencing
may also be used where protection can be ensured through these. The
specifications for the iron guards are as per IRC-SP-21, 2009

The fencing of multiple row plantations will be done preferably by

barbed wire. A five strand barbed wire fencing, with cross strands,
stretched on angle iron poles fixed at a distance of 4 meter from one
another; is recommended. Live fencing/bamboo fencing/thorn fencing may
also be used where protection can be ensured through these. The
specifications for barbed wire fencing are as per IRC-SP-21, 2009

Maintenance of Plantation

Green policy 21.7.15 13

The scope of the maintenance work is as per Model Tor of plantation
and maintenance, IRC-SP-21, 2009 and also as per adjoining forest
schedule for those items which are not included in the model Tor/IRC

10.4 Default

If the agency fails to arrange the sufficient quantities of material/

manure/pesticides/manpower/equipment (in good working condition)
required to maintain the work in good condition within 7 days of its
notification, the nodal agency will reserve the right to get it arranged at
their risk and cost and will charge extra 20% on the actual expenditure
incurred. In exceptional cases, RO, MoRTH/NHAI may consider to extend
the time limit mentioned above. The decision of RO, MoRTH/NHAI shall be
final and binding on the contractor in respect of extension of time for
rectification of defects. However, all complaints will be attended promptly
and within the time limit specified by RO, MoRTH/NHAI

11.0 Monitoring

11.1 The Monitoring Agency will monitor progress of planting and status
of plantations on continuous basis.
11.2 This agency shall carry out the site visit for field verification in
respect of survival, growth and size of plantation and maintenance of the
11.3 The project coordinator of the plantation agency will submit
Progressreport to the monitoring Agency with a copy to the concerned
Project office of PD/RO MoRTH/NHAI by 18th and 3rd date of every month,
for the preceding fortnight (i.e., 1st to 15th, and 16th to the last of every
month, respectively), in excel format through e-mail.
11.4 The Horticulturist/Supervisor of plantation agencywill compile and
report quarterly status to the monitoring agency with a copy to concerned
(Regional office) by 7th date of every quarter, in excel format by e-mail.
11.5 The monitoring agency shall examine the reports and send feedback
and action points to planting agency, nodal agency and will send a
comprehensivereport with recommendation to NHAI/MoRTH.
11.6 The concerned division in MoRTH/NHAI will examine the reports
and after appropriate action. A verified of the monitoring database will be
uploaded on the website.

Green policy 21.7.15 14

In case of default on the part of the Concessionaire with respect to
planting or maintenance of plantations (as provided under Schedule C and
Schedule K of the concession agreement), and based on the report and
recommendations of the monitoring agency action may be taken as per the
conditions of the Concession Agreement or MOU with the concerned

12. Performance Audit

The monitoring Agency will conduct performance audit of Executing

agencies for various projects on an Annual basis and awardof new
contracts to the agencies will be decided based on their past performance.

13. Sharing of usufructs

The usufructs from the roadside plantations will be shared as per the
following arrangement:
From plantations raised by the Forest Department, the share
will be determined and approved by the competent authority in
the Forest Department and will be specified in the plantation
In case of plantations raised by WSHGs, JFMCs, SHGs or other
such local institutions, the said agency will have full rights on
intermediary produce like dried fuel wood, fruits, etc. for the
period of contract only.
The Panchayat/Local Authority will have full rights on
intermediary produce like dried fuel wood, fruits, etc with in
their jurisdiction after the expiry of the contract period of
plantation and maintenance with the plantation agency with the
condition they should protect the encroachment of ROW and
plantation from the 1st day of project under implementation.
An MOU should be signed with the local self Government
Agency in this regard.

13. Compliance to Forest Conservation Act and local laws

Before starting any plantation, the local forest department will be

consulted for ensuring compliance to any regulation in force that may

Green policy 21.7.15 15

affect raising, maintenance, and harvesting of the raised plantation.
Necessary modifications will be made in the plantation scheme, in
consultation with the forest department, to ensure compliance to law and to
avoid complications at the time of harvesting and transportation of forest
produce. In case the State Government has any provision for registration of
such plantations, the same will be ensured under the relevant scheme.

14. Survival

The survival should be 90% after raising the plantation of age one
year at any stage during contractual period with normal shape and size.

15. Payment Terms & Conditions

The project shall be awarded on a turn-key basis based on the

quantum of plantation for the specific site through bidding and payment will
be made as per terms and conditions prescribed in the Terms of Reference

1.6 Penalty

In case of default on the part of the Contractor/Concessionaire with

respect to planting or maintenance of plantations, action will be taken as
per the conditions of the Concession Agreement/Contract Agreement or
MOU with the concerned agency. The legal and financial liabilities should
be borne by the plantation agency for non compliances to Forest
(Conservation) Act 1980 and subsequent amendments and Forest
Conservation Rule and also local laws:

17. Review of Policy

Ministry of Road Transport & Highways reserves the right to renew

or amend the policy from time to time.

Green policy 21.7.15 16

Memorandum of Understanding

This memorandum of understanding is made on this date of _________

between the __________ [name of the nodal agency] having its registered
office at _______________, hereinafter referred as ________ which
expression shall, unless repugnant to the context thereof, includes its
successors and assigns of the First Part


The _________ [name of the executing agency], _____________ having its

office at ________________, which expression shall, unless repugnant to the
context thereof, includes its successors and assigns of the Second Part;

1. ________ [name of the nodal agency] has been established under the
___________ with the main objective of ________________.

2. [name of the nodal agency] has constructed ________________

highway between __________ and _________________.

3. ___________ is the ________ [Non-profit organization / cooperative

society / etc.] primarily constituted for ________________. The ____________
[name of the executing agency] has sufficient expertise and infrastructure
to take up plantations of this magnitude.


4. The [name of the nodal agency] proposes to the ____________ [name

of the executing agency], and the said agency agrees to take up the
plantation along the ____________________.

5. ____________ [name of the executing agency] would plant species as

per Model TOR/IRC-SP-21, 2009/scheduled species of the adjoining forest
division/site specific to meet the objectives of the plantation in accordance
with the site suitability.

Green policy 21.7.15 17

6. Species composition and plantation technique may change according
to site requirement in terms of road alignment, soil type, elevation of
embankment, climatic variations and availability of area for plantation.
7. The ____________ [name of the executing agency] would perform
year wise/month wise plantation activities as per model TOR. Changes in
the schedule may occur due to changes in weather pattern or conditions
caused by other unforeseen exigencies.
8. [name of the nodal agency] will coordinate with ____________[name
of the executing agency] through ____________ [Name of the competent
official]. ____________ [name of the executing agency] will coordinate with
__________ [name of the nodal agency] through _____________ [Name of the
competent official], who will act as project coordinator for this project.

9. ____________ [name of the executing agency] will start plantation

activities in this stretch during first year. Schedule of yearly activities has
been suggested above and also in the project assuming that works of
construction of highway between _____________ and ____________ will be
complete during [month, year]

10. ____________ [name of the executing agency] will adopt the similar
procedures of accounting and release of fund as that of procedures used
for funds received from DRDA and other similar agencies.

11. Plantations are not possible in stretches where highway crosses any
river, nala and road as area for plantation will not be available for that
particular stretch.

12. The following funding arrangement has been agreed [specific

details to be entered]

13. ____________ [name of the nodal agency] will release the funds in
advance as per payment terms [modify as per applicability]. The
authorized representative of ____________ [name of the nodal agency] will
undertake physical verification and recommend for the release of fund, and
funds will be released for the same. Physical verification and
recommendation for release of fund would be conducted in such a way that
fund is released in time to meet the expenditure of ongoing and necessary
works and continuity is maintained.

Green policy 21.7.15 18

14. Funds will be released preferably through online baking, or by
demand draft in the name of _______________. _____________ will open a
savings bank account in any nationalized bank and operate the fund through
that account. Interest accrued on the fund would be utilized if necessary
on the plantation and its maintenance activities with consent of the
__________ [name of the competent official of nodal agency].

15. _________ [name of the nodal agency] will bear the cost escalation
due to increase in minimum daily wage rate announced from time to time
by Government of State [use this clause if applicable].

16. ___________ [Name of the executing agency] will not be responsible

for any damage to plantation due to unforeseen natural calamities like
cyclone, flood, severe drought, etc.

17. Team consisting _________ or his representative and ____________ or

his representative will settle disputes, if any, coming up during execution
of project. The said team may suggest unforeseen changes incidental to
successful and better implementation of the project.

18. ___________ [Name of the nodal agency] will allow the movement of
labourers in plantation area. It will also permit construction of temporary
huts, labour sheds, pipelines, water storage tanks, etc., purely temporary in
natures which are required for raising the plantations. __________ [Name of
the executing agency] will consult ___________ [Name of the nodal agency]
before construction of such temporary structures, and will do so only in
agreement with ___________ [Name of the nodal agency].

19. Any manpower whether from within or without, deployed by

___________ [Name of the executing agency] shall have no relationship of
master and servant with ___________ [Name of the nodal agency], and
___________ [Name of the executing agency] alone shall be solely
responsible for discharging various statutory obligations in regard to such
manpower. Any death or injury to any person deployed by ___________
[Name of the executing agency] shall be the responsibility of ___________
[Name of the executing agency] and ___________ [Name of the nodal
agency] shall not be responsible therefore and shall not be responsible for
any liability whatsoever.

Green policy 21.7.15 19

20. ___________ [Name of the executing agency] will hand over the
plantations to ___________ [Name of the nodal agency] in years detailed
below: [please give actual schedule]

Year of raising of plantation Month and year in which plantation

will be handed over to NHAI
First week of April _____
First week of April _____
First week of April _____

___________ [Name of the nodal agency] will maintain the plantation once it
is handed over to them. ___________ [Name of the executing agency] will
not be responsible for any damage of plantation, once it is handed over to
___________ [Name of the nodal agency]. If ___________ [Name of the nodal
agency] wishes to get these plantations maintained further by ___________
[Name of the executing agency], they may approach the ___________
[Name of the executing agency]. The ___________ [Name of the executing
agency] may take up the maintenance works of the plantations on the
mutually agreed term and conditions at that point of time.

21. ___________ [Name of the executing agency] will ensure that the
survival of plants should be 90% at the time of handing over the plantation
to ___________ [Name of the nodal agency]. In case the survival is less
than 90%, casualties will be replaced by the ___________ [Name of the
nodal agency] at their own cost before handing over. The casualties will be
replaced by plants of height not less than the average height of plantation.
Average height of the plants should not be less than height achieved by the
same species growing naturally in that area, except for the reasons beyond
human control.

22. Rates suggested in the project are for budgeting purpose. Amount
unutilized in one item may be utilized for another item within overall budget

23. The certificate of utilization of funds along with number of

trees/plants surviving will be provided by ___________ [Name of the
executing agency] to ___________ [Name of the nodal agency] after every
six months.

Green policy 21.7.15 20

The essence of this MOU is to implement the plantation activity in
the most effective manner using the expertise, knowledge and resources of
both the organizations in furtherance of their common objectives.

This MOU will enter force upon signature by the ______________

___________ [Name of the competent official of nodal agency] and
______________________ ___________ [Name of the competent official of
executing agency].

[Name of the executing
executing agency] [Name of the nodal agency]

Green policy 21.7.15 21

Model TOR for Roadside/Median Plantation


Amongst various Highway improvement projects being undertaken by

the Government of India and different State Governments, foremost is the
National Highway Development Project (NHDP). There is more than 96000
km long National Highways which are being developed under NHDP. The
first consequence of NH widening, from environmental point of view, is the
inevitable felling of some trees growing along the highways. In the hills and
other fragile environmental settings, much more impacts are expected on
the surroundings. It is the responsibility of the road agencies to offset the
loss of trees, and other changes resulted to the surroundings due to
Highways construction. There is a need to follow the approach of Green
Corridor Development & Management, rather than Highways
Development. Apart from mitigating the environmental losses, road
agencies must plan to enhance the aesthetics of the highways corridor
from all possible angles. Highways should not be looked upon merely as a
means of transportation, but as an integral part of eco-system and Socio-
economic milieu.


The main object of Road Side Plantation is to provide protection to

road & traffic passengers, check soil erosion, provide food, fuel, fodder
and timber to the Society and mitigate climate change.MoRTH/NHAI has
taken steps to develop Green Highways throughout the country by
outsourcing the work through the expert agencies/organizations at present.
Contractors and concessionaires are subletting this work to third party in
compliance of the concession agreement. The results however are not
satisfactory. MoRTH/NHAI now aims to develop a parallel protocol for
procurement of plantation agency through completive bidding as per the
standard protocol of MoRTH and National Highways Authority of India,
Govt. of India. In this regards, the technical specification shall be followed
as per Guidelines of Landscaping and Plantation, IRC-SP:21:2009.
However where specification is not available, work shall be executed as
per schedule/specification of adjoining forest department. In such cases,he

Green policy 21.7.15 22

forest schedule and specification may follow for items and parameters
which are not mentioned in the said guidelines.

Species Avenue Plantation

The executing agency shall plant following species as per

specifications given there to meet the objectives of the plantation in
accordance with the site suitability.

The first and subsequent rows of plantations along the highways

except the last row should be worked out based on the land availability
within the RoW along the various sections. In case of urban and semi-urban
areas, where because of land constraints, only one row of plantation
possible, ornamental species is should be planted instead of shade bearing
species. A combination of ornamental, shade and screening trees have
been recommended. The number of rows and the repetition of the trees
and their type vary with the landscape section, the Typical Cross Section
and the space available in the RoW for tree plantation.

Table 1 and 2 list a few species, which can generally be planted

throughout India for this purpose.

Table 1: Species Recommended for Ist Row of Avenue Plantations

1. Normal Acacia auriculiformis Vilayatibabo Sept.-Oct./
Loamy soils ol Yellow
2. Bauhinia sps. Kachnar Feb-Mar./
3. Cassia fistula Amaltas May /Yellow
4. Cassia nodusa Cassia May-June/
5. Delonixregia Gulmohar May/ Yellow
6. Jacaranda Jacranda April /Blue
7. Peltophorumferrugin Peltophorum Oct. /Yellow
8. Water Cordiadicotma Lasoda

Green policy 21.7.15 23

9. logged Syzygiumcuminii Jamun
10. areas Terminaliaarjuna Arjun
11. Alkaline Albizzialebbek Kala Siris
12 soils [Usar] Pongamiapinnata Kanji
13. Terminaliaarjuna Arjun

Table 2: Species Recommended for 2nd and subsequent row,

except the last row of Avenue Plantations
1. Normal Albizzialebbek Kala siris
2. Loamy soils Dalbergiasissoo Shisham
3. Gravillearobusta Slver Oak
4. Maliaazadiracta Bakain
5. Pongamiapinnata Kanji
6. Terminaliaarjuna Arjuna

Shade Plants

One of the main objectives of Roadside Avenue is to provide shade.

The shade trees in the last available row should be planted at a spacing of
8-12 mtr. These tree species should be of local significance and should be
mostly evergreen in nature, which ensures no substantial leaf-fall in
winters preventing the problem of blockage of roadside drains. Trees with
the following characteristics will be planted as shade trees:

i. Trees with high crown forms secure better visibility and are
therefore ideal.
ii. Trees that retain their foliage longest are preferred to
deciduous trees
iii. Trees with long gestation period and having rapid growth and a
capacity to resist fungal and insects attack form ideal avenues.

The tree species recommended as shade plants for roadside avenues

are given in Table 3. These species can be planted almost throughout

Green policy 21.7.15 24

Table 3: Shade
Shade trees recommended for roadside avenues

Arjun Termineliaarjuna
Arjun Terminaliaarjuna
Imli Tamarindusindica
WATER Jamun Syzyniumcuminii
Jamun Syzyniumcuminii
Mahua Madhucaindica
Mango Mangiferaindica
ALKALINE Neem Azadirachtaindica[ atph up to
[USAR] Kanji 8.5]
Pongamiapinnata[ upto 9.0
Peepal Ficusreligiosa
Paker Ficusinfectoria
Shisam Dalberjiasissoo
Neem Azadirachtaindica
SANDY Shisam Dalbergiasissoo

The above lists represent common species, which can be planted

almost throughout India. Region-wise specific lists have been provided in
the annexure I It is recommended that local experts from the Forest
department and Horticulture department should be consulted before
finalizing the choice of species for a particular stretch.

Species for Median

The shrubs to be planted in the median should be of low or medium

height for prevention of the headlight glare. One to two rows of flowering
shrubs will be provided according to varying width of the median in
different sections. In sections where the median width is less than 1.5m
only grasses turf is proposed. Some herbaceous species may also be
planted as a ground cover, not only on the medians but also on special
landscapes and embankment slopes. The species proposed for the purpose
of turfing/ground cover are: Cynodon dactylon, Cythocline perpurea,
Solanum nigrum, Alternanthera, Chlorophytum, Eupatorium, Wedelia,

Green policy 21.7.15 25

Duranta, Portulacca, Ipomea, Pelia cadrii, Beleprone oblongata,
Tradescantia, Asparagus, Opheopogon grass etc. The shrub species
proposed in the median are mainly Bougainvillea and Thevetia nerifolia
(Kaner). However, other suitable species may be planted in consultation
with the local horticulture specialists.


The technical specification for planting 1stROW along the Highways

are as follows:-
Ornamental plants (except last row)

Distance from embankment 1.5 mt. away from the toe of

the embankment
Spacingbetween plant to plant 3 mts.
Spacing between rows 3 mts.
Size of the pits 60x60x60 cms (in alkaline soils,
kankar panes to be broken by augur. In
waterlogged areas, mound with height
varying depending on water level)
No. of plants per km 333 X 2
Height of the saplings at the 1.5 m to 2 m
time of planting

11.6.1 Shade plants (Last row)

Distance from preceding rows 3.0 mt.

Spacing between plant to plant8-12 m (6m if high mortality expected)
Size of the pits 60x60x60 cms (in alkaline soils,
kankar panes to be broken by augur. In
waterlogged areas, mound with height
varying depending on water level)
No. of plants per km 84 (167 at 6m spacing)
Height of the saplings at the More than 2 m
time of planting
Survival percentage of 90% after replacement of causalities in
plantation first two years. 80% afterwards

Protection measure

The fencing of single row plantations is to be done by using

iron/brick/cement guards or locally available bamboo guards. The fencing
Green policy 21.7.15 26
of multiple row plantations should be done preferably by barbed wire. The
description and specifications for protection shall be follow as IRC SP-21,

The Suggestive Schedule of Work:

The Plantation agency shall perform following year wise/month wise

plantation activities. Changes in the schedule may occur due to changes in
weather pattern or conditions caused by other unforeseen exigencies.
However, activities should be so scheduled they can give the best possible
results in the then prevailing circumstances. [Please include actual
schedule during submission of tender document]

Year Fin. Month Activities to be done

0 yr. Nov.- Raising nurseries/procuring plants for --- Km.
March plantation, land preparation
1st yr. April- Maintenance of nurseries, land preparation,
June procuring FYM and fertilizers.
1st yr. July- Planting in ----- km. of highway, 3 weeding
October cum soil working, application of fertilizer and
pesticide/insecticide, maintenance of
remaining plants in the nursery
1st yr. Nov.- Watering the plantation 4 times a month,
March applying fertilizer and pesticide/insecticide,
raising nurseries/procuring plants for next ---
--- km. of plantation, land preparation for
next year plantation.
2nd yr. April- Watering the plantation 4 times a month,
June maintenance of nurseries, balance land
preparation for plantation to be done during
monsoon, procuring FYM and fertilizers,
application of fertilizer and
2nd yr. July- Planting in ------ km of highway, 3 weeding
October cum soil working in current yr. plantation and
2 weeding cum soil working in one yr. old
plantation, application of fertilizer and
pesticide/insecticide, maintenance of
remaining plants in the nursery.
2nd yr. Nov.- Watering 4 times a month in current year and
March 3 times a month in one year old plantation,
applying fertilizer and pesticide/insecticide,
Green policy 21.7.15 27
raising nurseries/procuring plants for next ---
--- km. of plantation, land preparation for
next years plantation
3rd yr. April- Watering 4 times a month in one year and 3
June times a month in two year old plantation,
maintenance of nurseries, balance land
preparation for plantation to be done during
monsoon. Procuring FYM and fertilizer,
application of fertilizer and
3rd yr. July- Planting in ------ km. of highways, 3
October weeding cum soil working in current yr.
plantation and 2 weeding cum soil working in
one yr. old plantation, application of fertilizer
and pesticide/insecticide, maintenance of
remaining plants in the nursery.
3rd yr. Nov.- Watering 4 times a month in current year, 3
March times a month in one year and 2 times a month
in two year old plantation, applying fertilizer
and pesticide/insecticide.
4th yr. April- Watering 3 times a month in current year, 3
June times a month in one year and 2 times a month
in two year old plantation, applying fertilizer
and pesticide/insecticide.
4th yr. July- 2 weeding cum soil working in one yr. old
October plantation, 1 weeding cum soil working in two
yr. old plantation, applying fertilizer and
4th yr. Nov.,- Watering 3 times a month in one year and 2
March times a month in two year old plantation,
applying fertilizer and pesticide/insecticide.
5th yr April- Watering 3 times a month in current year, 3
June times a month in two year and 2 times a month
in three year old plantation, applying fertilizer
and pesticide/insecticide.
5th yr. July - 1 weeding cum soil working in three yr. old
October plantation, applying fertilizer and pesticide /
5th yr. Nov.,- Watering 3 times a month in two year and 2
March times a month in three year old plantation,
applying fertilizer and pesticide/insecticide.
6th yr April- Watering 3 times a month in current year, 3
June times a month in three year and 2 times a
month in four year old plantation, applying
fertilizer and pesticide/insecticide.
Green policy 21.7.15 28
6th yr. July - 1 weeding cum soil working in four yr. old
October plantation, applying fertilizer and pesticide /
6th yr. Nov.,- Watering 3 times a month in three year and 2
March times a month in four year old plantation,
applying fertilizer and pesticide/insecticide.
7th yr April - Handing over plantation done during -----
June i.e. ----- kms. to MoRTH/NHAI,

** Plantation agency shall ensure that the survival should be more than
90% from and onwards 2nd year and also the average size and growth. The
funds for 2nd year and subsequent year shall be released after fulfil the said

General Maintenance of plantation work:

The scope of the contract covers all landscape maintenance work in

respect of existing landscape features which includes plants, shrubbery
beds , topiary and shrubs, trees, in the specified areas, avenue plantation
and then maintenance of ornamental plants and removal of rank vegetation
and bushes etc. within a planted area. The maintenance shall include
watering, manuring, fertilising, plant protection for pests and diseases,
sweeping, weeding, and disposal of garden refuse, cultivation and cutting of
edges, pruning and clipping of hedges, etc. and stacking, minor repair
works and all other landscape operations necessary for the proper growth
for horticulture features and maintaining them in proper standard of
maintenance. The quoted rates will be inclusive of cost of all materials like
water, labour, tools, plants, equipment, transportation, taxes & levies etc.
Contractor/Agency will execute the work as per IRC specification.
However where specification is not available, work shall be executed as
per schedule of adjoin forest department. If the agency fails to arrange the
sufficient quantities of material/ manure /pesticides/manpower/equipment
(in good working condition) required to maintain the work in good condition
within 7 days of its notification, then Owner / Employer reserve the right to
get it arranged at their risk and cost and will charge extra 20% on the
actual expenditure incurred in house or outsource (material, manpower,
machinery. In exceptional cases, RO/PD, MoRTH/NHAI may consider to
extend the time limit mentioned above. The decision of RO/PD,
MoRTH/NHAI shall be final and binding on the contractor in respect of
extension of time for rectification of defects. However, all complaints will

Green policy 21.7.15 29

be attended promptly and within the time limit specified by RO/PD,

Submission of progress report as per following schedule:

The authorized representative of the plantation agency shall submit

the report as per format with videography. RO of MoRTH/NHAI or
authorized representative of MoRTH/NHAI shall carry out the site visit for
field verification once every quarter to inspect survival, growth and size of
plantation and maintenance of the same. The interim Quarterly Report is
also to be submitted as per the following format within 15 Days from the
end of quarter. The physical verification and recommendation of
RO/MoRTH for the release of fund in time to meet the expenditure of
ongoing and necessary works and continuity is maintained. In this regard,
the project specific Payment Terms & Conditions will also be ensured

Period Monitoring Monitoring by

October Survival percent Team consisting (_______) & ________
[first year] and size/growth
March [second Survival percent Team consisting (_______) & ________
year] and size/growth
October Survival percent Team consisting (_______) & ________
[second year] and size/growth
March Survival percent Team consisting (_______) & ________
[Third year] and size/growth
October [Third Survival percent Team consisting (_______) & ________
year] and size/growth
March Survival percent Team consisting (_______) & ________
[Fourth year] and size/growth
October Survival percent Team consisting (_______) & ________
[Fourth year] and size/growth
March Survival percent Team consisting (_______) & ________
[Fifth year] and size/growth
October Survival percent Team consisting (_______) & ________
[Fifth year]
March Survival percent Team consisting (_______) & ________
[Sixth year] and size/growth
October [Sixth Survival percent Team consisting (_______) & ________

Green policy 21.7.15 30

March Survival percent Team consisting (_______) & ________
[Seventhyear] and size/growth
October Survival percent Team consisting (_______) & ________
[Seventh year]

Equipments: The following equipments to be deployed by the plantation

agency for the 10 km stretch.

Tractor Trolley - 1
Truck mounted with water tanker (10000 lit) - 1
Tractor Attached with water tanker (5000-6000 lit) - 1

(Note: The bidder must produce the documentary evidence in support of

his (owning/leased or rented) for the above equipments).

Technical personnel, Qualifications and Experience will be as follows:

The Technical Personnel are:

S.No. Personnel Min qualification & Experience No. of
Experience Required persons
1 Horticulturist B.Sc. (Ag)) + 10 year Experience 1
10 year Exp in field as horticulturist on
of horticulture development &
maintenance of
horticulture work
for road projects
2 Supervisor B.Sc. (Ag)) + 3 3 year Experience 1
Years Exp. in field as horticulturist on
of horticulture development &
maintenance of
horticulture work
for road projects
3 Project B.Sc. with Botany 2 year Experience 1
Coordinator as horticulturist on
development &
maintenance of
horticulture work
for road projects

Green policy 21.7.15 31

Experience of the Firm The agency to submit the documentary proof for
successful completion of horticulturist on development & maintenance of
horticulture work for two number of road projects

Project Length-
Length A stretch of 8-10 km or as otherwise suggested by
experts, based on local requirement, will be taken up as one project for
this purpose.

Number of plants per kilometre should be site specific as per availability of

land considering all the safety aspects mentioned in IRC Guidelines. The
details are to be filled by the plantation agency as per format:

One side of highway Both side of highway

i.e. total plants/Km.
First row
Second row
Third row
Last row
Bougainvilleas at
outer chain link
Median (total plants
per km)

Sometimes, species composition and plantation technique may

change according to site requirement in terms of road alignment, soil type,
and elevation of embankment, climatic variations and availability of area for

The Project Coordinator of the plantation agency shall coordinate

with the PD/RO of MoRTH/NHAI on regular basis

Any manpower whether from within or without, deployed by the

___________ [Name of the executing agency] shall have no relationship of
master and servant with ___________ [Name of the nodal agency], and
___________ [Name of the executing agency] alone shall be solely
responsible for discharging various statutory obligations in regard to such
manpower. Any death or injury to any person deployed by ___________
[Name of the executing agency] shall be the responsibility of ___________
[Name of the executing agency] and ___________ [Name of the nodal
Green policy 21.7.15 32
agency] shall not be responsible therefor and shall not be responsible for
any liability whatsoever.

The Monitoring Team consisting MoRTH/NHAI_________ or his

representative and the plantation agency ____________ or his representative
will settle disputes, if any, coming up during execution of project. The said
team may suggest unforeseen changes incidental to successful and better
implementation of the project.

MoRTH/NHAI __________ shall allow the movement of labourers in

plantation area or the registered labour/worker of the plantation agency.
The plantation agency may be allowed for construction of temporary huts,
labour sheds, pipelines, water storage tanks, etc., purely temporary in
nature which are required for raising the plantations. __________ [Name of
the executing agency] will consult ___________ [Name of the nodal agency]
before construction of such temporary structures, and will do so only in
agreement with ___________ [Name of the nodal agency]. On duty, all staff
of the executing agency are to wear distinctive standard jackets having
company LOGO, with night visibility. They are to deal with public and
hence should be well trained to be courteous and helpful.

___________ [Name of the plantation agency] will hand over the plantations
to ___________ [Name of the nodal agency] in years detailed below: [please
give actual schedule]

Year of raising of plantation Month and year in which plantation

will be handed over to NHAI
First week of April _____
First week of April _____
First week of April _____

___________ [Name of the executing agency] will ensure that the survival
of plants should be 90% at the time of handing over the plantation to
___________ [Name of the nodal agency]. In case the survival is less than
90%, casualties will be replaced by the ___________ [Name of the nodal
agency] at their own cost before handing over. The casualties will be
replaced by plants of height not less than the average height of plantation.
Average height of the plants should not be less than height achieved by the

Green policy 21.7.15 33

same species growing naturally in that area, except for the reasons beyond
human control.

MoRTH/NHAI _________ [Name of the nodal agency] will maintain the

plantation once it is handed over to them. ___________ [Name of the
plantation agency] will not be responsible for any damage of plantation,
once it is handed over to ___________ [Name of the nodal agency]. If
___________ [Name of the nodal agency] wishes to get these plantations
maintained further by ___________ [Name of the plantation agency], they
may approach the ___________ [Name of the executing agency]. The
___________ [Name of the plantation agency] may take up the maintenance
works of the plantations on the mutually agreed term and conditions at that
point of time. The further work shall be awarded with the approval of the
competent authority of the nodal agency (MoRTH/NHAI).

___________ [Name of the Plantation agency] will not be responsible

for any damage to plantation due to unforeseen natural calamities like
cyclone, flood, severe drought, etc.

Rates suggested in the project are for budgeting purpose. Amount

unutilized in one item may be utilized for another item within overall budget

MOU will enter force upon signature by the ______________

___________ [Name of the competent official of nodal agency] and
______________________ ___________ [Name of the competent official of
plantation agency]. The essence of this MOU is to implement the plantation
activity in the most effective manner using the expertise, knowledge and
resources of both the organizations in furtherance of their common
objectives.(Copy of MOU at annexure-II)


i) 25% of the total project cost i.e. raising of plantation and 5-years
maintenance as an advance to the successful agencyon furnishing of Bank
ii) 20% towards First year maintenance after ensuring the survival at
least 90%;

Green policy 21.7.15 34

iii) 10% each for the Second, Third, Fourth and Fifth year maintenance
(i.e. total 40%) after ensuring the 90% survival with normal growth and size
of the plants;
iv) The balance 15% shall be released during handing-over/taking over
with 90% survival of normal growth and size of plants;
v) Payment shall be released only after the physical verification and
recommendation of PD/RO in time to meet the expenditure of ongoing and
necessary works and continuity is maintained.

____________ [name of the nodal agency] will release the funds in advance
of 25% of the total project cost [modify as per applicability] and the
balance amount in equal instalment after recommendation of nodal agency
at site(, RO/PD, MoRTH/NHAI).

Funds will be released preferably through online baking, or by demand

draft in the name of _____________Plantation agency__. _____________ will
open a savings bank account in any nationalized bank and operate the fund
through that account. Interest accrued on the fund would be utilized if
necessary on the plantation and its maintenance activities with consent of
the __________ [name of the competent official of nodal agency].

There will be no cost escalation due to increase in minimum daily wage

rate announced from time to time by Government of State or rise in rate of
equipments or raw material

[Name of the plantation agency]

Annexure III

Green policy 21.7.15 35

District--------------------- Block------------------------
Gram Panchayat---------
Plantation on the road---------------from (name of place & Km) ----
----------to (name of place &Km)
S. No. Work Detail

S.No. Item/Work Detail Quantity Rate Amount

1 Excavation of Pits 1000 for 2 m
height sample
60x60x60 Cm
2 Purchase of sample/Nursery 1000 samples
3 Developing water source, Km stretch
Hand pump/ Farm pond
4 Manure/ Fertilizer/ Km stretch
5 Maintenance, Watch & Ward Km stretch
for first 2 years
6 Maintenance, Watch & Ward
for subsequent 3 years
7 Protection measure with 1000 plants
guard for single row
8 Protection measure with Per Km
barbed wire fencing as per
IRC-Sp-21, 2009 for
multiple row

Green policy 21.7.15 36

District---------------------, Block------------------------,
Gram Panchayat---------,
Plantation on the road---------------from (name of place & Km) ----
----------to (name of place &Km)
S. No. Work Detail
S.No. Item/Work Detail Quantity Rate Amount
1 Excavation of Pits 666 for 1 m
height sample
30x30x30 Cm
2 Purchase of 666 samples
3 Developing water source, Km stretch
Hand pump/ Farm pond
4 Manure/ Fertilizer/ Km stretch
5 Maintenance, Watch & Km stretch
Ward for first 2 years
6 Maintenance, Watch &
Ward for subsequent 3

Green policy 21.7.15 37

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