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ARIZONA Evolution 1-2 / C

101 / 299 kW Evolution 1

355 / 940 kW Evolution 2

1 . General Information

2 . Standards

3 . Instructions of installation

4 . Techncial characteristics and dimensions

5 . Installation

6 . Hydraulic layout type diagrams

7 . Commissioning and operation

8 . Servicing

Ref. : CH - 1335 - I/U - 2 - EN 07/10

1. General information
If the boiler is fitted with an air draught gas burner that does Data badge and series number
not belong to any of the categories dealt with in Appendix II The boiler data badge is supplied in the information folder.
of Directive 97/23/EC (pressurized equipment), but is dealt This badge shows the series number that is stamped on an
with in Directive 90/396/EEC (Gas appliances), clause 1, aluminium plate riveted on to the front tube plate in the bottom
paragraph 3, line 6.5; then it is considered to be out of the right hand corner.
scope of the first directive.
These boilers shall be used to reheat water to a temperature
no higher than the boiling point reached under installation
These technical instructions form an integral and essential
The boiler guarantee is linked to the information in this
part of the appliance and shall be delivered to the end user.
Read the warnings in this booklet carefully as they contain
important information concerning installation, operation and
servicing safety.
Keep this booklet safe for further use.
These technical instructions contain details of how every
task should be performed during boiler installation, servicing
and operation.

Installation of the boilers and of auxiliary parts of the heating
system shall comply with all current standards and
Installation and commissioning of the boilers and the heating
system shall be performed by authorised and professionally
qualified persons.
A professionally qualified person is someone with the relevant
technical skills in the field of heating system components
for domestic heating and hot water production, and in
particular, the customer service personnel authorised by the

The main aim of the commissioning is to check that all the
safety and monitoring devices function correctly.
Before leaving the installation, the person responsible for
commissioning shall monitor the boiler for at least one
complete operating cycle.

The installer shall comply with local regulations on heating,
safety devices, flues, fuel supply lines, electrical systems
and all other local requirements and safety instructions.

Ref. : CH - 1335 - A/C 2

Declaration of Conformity

We certify by this form that the following specified range of devices is conform with the type described in the CE
type inspection certificate, that is produced and put in the market place in conformity with the requirements of
the following European Guidelines :

CE Number : 1312BR4873

Type of the device : Heat exchanger (type B23)

Model : CHAPPEE, ARIZONA Evolution - C,99-115-145-175-232-290-349-465-580

- 700-815-930

Applied guidelines : 90/396/CEE Guideline for gaz devices

73/23/CEE Guideline for low strain
89/336/CEE Guideline for Electromagnetic Accounting
92/42/CEE Guideline for output

Certification Organism : CERTIGAZ

Control Organism : CERTIGAZ

Date : 23/07/07

Signature : R & D Director

Dr. Frank DRING

Manufacturer : BAXI S.A.

157, Avenue Charles Floquet
93158 Le Blanc-Mesnil - Cedex
Tl. : 01 45 91 56 00

3 Ref. : CH - 1335 - A/C

2. Standards
" BAXI denies any responsability for damages resulting
of work executed in non conformity with the present
instruction manual and/or by a non qualified professional
installer ".

The boiler in conform to the following norms :

EN 303.1 Boiler with jet burner :

Terminology, general specifications, tests and
EN 303.2 Boiler with jet burner :
Caracteristic specifications for boiler with oil
pulverised jet burner.
EN 303.3 Central heating boiler using gaseous combusti-
bles. Assembly of heat exchanger and jet burner.
EN 304 Test specifications for boiler with oil pulverised
jet burner.

The boiler may be equipped either with oil or gas burner

depending on the prescription of the manufacturer, since the
burner is conform with the following norms :

EN 267 Pulverised oil burner, monobloc type

EN 676 Automatic jet burner for gaseous combustibles.
EN 226 Bound dimension between burner and heat

The heating installation must be realised following the statutory

texts in force.

In particular :

DTU 65 Central heating installation regarding the buil-

DTU 65.4 Gaz boiler and hydrocarbon fluids.
DTU 65.11 Security device of central heating installation
regarding buildings.
Inter union Agreement, 02 July 1069.

Ref. : CH - 1335 - A/C 4

3. Instructions of installation
1. Water characteristics 7. Permanent recycling flow rate
The water in the hydraulic circuit shall always comply with The boilers require a permanent recycling flow rate betwen
the following characteristics: the generator water flow and return.
PH 7.2 To be sufficient, this flow rate shall have the following value:
TH < 25
Resistivity r 2000 W/cm
Note: If TH 25, a water softener shall be provided. Q P X 0.86 , where:
If TH < 25, the other 2 values shall be reached by film 45
treatment or by another type of treatment.
Q in m/h = recycling flow rate
2. Purging device P in kW = useful boiler output
To avoid any accumulation of gas in the upper part of the
boiler, a suitable purging device shall be fitted directly on 8. Fuel flow rate
the boiler outlet without a low point or any insulation. The fuel flow rate shall be governed by the boiler power.
The correct operation of these purging devics shall be regularly It should be remembered that 100 kW power requires a flow
monitored. rate of:
- 8,4 kg/h de FIOUL
3. Filling and water supply - 10,5 m/h de GAZ
Filling and water supply shall always be restricted, and be
monitored or measured using a metering device in all cases.
If a large supply of fresh water is introduced, the system
automatically requires monitoring.
If this water does not comply with the characteristics above,
a softener must be added to treat the water.

4. Excess pressure
In no circumstances shall the pressure exceed the maximum
service pressure indicated on the data badge, included with
each boiler model.

5. Water circulation safety device

A safety device linking the circulators to burner operation is
indispensible, so that:
- the burner cannot start up if the circulators have not first
been activated;
- the burner stops immediately if the circulators stop

6. Water shortage safety device

A safety device, possibly fitted with an alarm system, shall
be capable of immediately stopping the burner if a water
shortage is detected in the boiler.

5 Ref. : CH - 1335 - A/C

4. Technical characteristics and dimensions
4 . 1 Boiler construction 4 . 2 Operating principle

The boilers have a horizontal cylinder with a reverse flame. The boilers are fitted with a single entry combustion cylinder.
All aspects of construction comply with the instructions given The central burner flame reverses peripherally back to the
in European Standard EN 303 part 1. front, where the burnt gases enter the fire tubes; at the end
The steel sheets of the pressurized parts are S235JRG2 steel, of the fire tubes the gases collect in the smoke box and are
in accordance with standard EN 10025, certified 3.1.B sent up the flue.
compliant in accordance with EN 10204; and the pipes are When the burner is in operation within the boiler output range
ST 37.0 steel in accordance with DIN 1626. the combustion chamber is always under pressure. For this
Welding and welding procedures have been certified pressure value see the tables on pages 5 and 6, in column
compliant with Standards EN 287 - EN 288 by the TV (D) - "Smoke load losses". The flue shall be fitted so that no
UDT (PL) - SAQ (S) and ISPESL (I). positive pressure can be detected at its base.
Up to model P 300, the fire base is linked to the back tube
plate.The boilers are fitted with an reversible door, assembled
on hinges that can be opened from the left or the right, when
the burner is assembled, depending on the layout of the boiler
The boiler combustion chamber is covered with an insulation
jacket of 80 mm thick glass wool, in turn protected by a
mineral fibre fabric.
The upper part of the boiler body is provided with handling

The boilers are provided with 2 thermometer pockets with an

internal diameter of 15 mm (with room for 3 bulbs each), to
receive the thermostat and thermometer bulbs.
The jacket side panels are provided with ports for routing the
cables for the power supply, pumps, burner and any other
auxiliary devices.

Put the boiler on the base


Ref. : CH - 1335 - A/C 6

4 . 3 Hydraulic dimensions and connections - 99/930

T1-T2-T3 C
T3 T1 H T2 F

3 4

T5 2 T5

T6 208


1 Burner support plate T1 Heating return T4 Smoke inlet

2 Sweeping door T2 Heating outlet T5 Burner port
3 Flame viewer T3 Expansion vessel inlet T6 Drain

Type Useful Boiler Water Smoke Maximum CONNECTIONS

power water load load service
capacity losses (*) losses pesssure T1 T3 T4 T5 T6
kW l mbar mbar bar DN mm mm
99 101 105 20 0,57 4 R1 1/2" 1 1/4" 200 (203 int.) 145 1
115 120 120 23 0,74 4 65 1 1/2" 250 (248 ext.) 155 1
145 150 120 23 0,92 4 65 1 1/2" 250 (248 ext.) 175 1
175 181 186 25 1,1 4 65 1 1/2" 250 (248 ext.) 175 1
232 239 250 29 1,45 4 80 1 1/2" 250 (248 ext.) 175 1
290 299 250 29 1,8 4 80 1 1/2" 250 (248 ext.) 175 1

Type Useful Boiler Water Smoke Maximum CONNECTIONS

power water load load service
capacity losses (*) losses pesssure T1 T3 T4 T5 T6
kW l mbar mbar bar DN mm mm
349 355 320 33 2,16 5 80 1 1/2" 300 (298 ext.) 175 1
465 475 565 32 2,7 5 80 1 1/2" 300 (298 ext.) 175 1
580 591 635 35 2,9 5 100 1 1/2" 350 (348 ext.) 175 1
700 707 635 35 3,00 5 100 1 1/2" 350 (348 ext.) 175 1
815 820 690 47 3,21 5 100 1 1/2" 350 (348 ext.) 245 1
930 940 690 47 3,4 5 100 1 1/2" 350 (348 ext.) 245 1

mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm
99 762 845 855 195 150 240 400 520 603,5 440 880,5 700 845 0 62
115 / 145 782 845 995 200 182 265 510 655 602 440 956,5 720 860 76 62
175 802 920 1040 200 153 265 530 710 677 500 1046 740 1030 76 92,5
232 / 290 862 960 1219 200 180 305 665 845 717 512 1090,5 800 1209 76 72
349 912 980 1457 200 180 317 850 1030 737 510 1111 850 1447 76 52,5
465 1082 1135 1497 200 203 317 850 1030 858 595 1271 1020 1491 76 58
580 / 700 1187 1230 1497 200 200 317 850 1030 890 640 1364 1125 1491 76 56
815 / 930 1187 1230 1735 200 228 317 1050 1265 890 640 1364 1125 1729 76 56

(*) Load losses corresponding to one t = 15K.

7 Ref. : CH - 1335 - A/C

5. Installation
5 . 1 Packaging 5 . 3 Positioning in the boiler room
The boilers are supplied with the fire door and the smoke Boiler installation shall only be performed by a professionally
box already assembled. qualified person in compliance with the current standards
The decking is delivered assembled on the boiler body. and regulations, and the manufacturer's instructions shall
The sheet casing and rock wool insulation jacket are delivered be followed. Faulty installation may result in damage to
in separate cardboard packages and shall be installed once people, animals or objects for which the manufacturer shall
the heater body has been positioned in the boiler room. not be held responsible.
After having removed all the packaging, make sure that all The boiler room shall be well ventilated via openings having
the contents are present. a total surface area that is never less than 1/30 of the surface
If in doubt, do not use the appliance and contact the supplier. area of the boiler room, with a minimum of 0.5 m. The
The packaging items (cardboard boxes, nails, clips, plastic ventilation shall guarantee the air flow required by current
bags, polystrene etc.) must not be left in the vicinity of standards, and be sufficient to obtain perfect combustion
children. levels.
Before beginning installation, ensure that the length and the The air vents shall be located at upper and lower levels in
width of the boiler body received correspond to dimensions compliance with current standards. The positioning of the
R and U respectively, of the boiler ordered, as indicated in air vents, the fuel supply ducts, mains electricity supply
the preceding tables. and the lighting shall respect the regulations in force for the
The insulation jacket for the 360 to 500 boilers is contained type of fuel used.
in a single box. It is suggested that the boiler should be installed as close
The insulation jacket for the 600 to 1040 boilers is contained as possible to the flue connection.
in two boxes. To facilitate sweeping of the flue, a space should be left
In the combustion chamber will also be found: around the boiler that is not less than the length of the heater
- 1 box containing the hydraulic connection flanges, with body, and in all cases, never less than 1300mm. Check that
the joints and the bolts, a cylindrical brush for sweeping the door can pivot through 90, and that the distance between
the ducts, the joints and the small bolts for the flue cross- the door and the adjacent wall is at least as long as the
flange; burner. The boiler may be positioned on the ground, as it is
- sweeping brush extension; fitted with runners.
- a ceramic fibre cord gasket to ensure the burner head is We recommend providing a cement base that is flat and
air tight; level, and capable of supporting the weight of the boiler when
filled with water.
The base shall have minimum dimensions of RxU (see the
dimension tables). When installation is complete, the boiler
5 . 2 Handling shall be perfectly horizontal and properly stable (to reduce
vibrations and noise).
The boiler can be easily transported by lifting using the
suspension ring located on top of the heater body or by
using rollers placed under the high resistance runners of
the boiler support base. Type X Y
If it should be necessary, for reasons of space, the fire 99 600 1500
door and the smoke box can be removed to enable the 115 600 1500
heater body to be moved into the boiler room. 145 600 1500
175 600 1500
232 750 1500
290 750 1500
349 750 1500
465 1000 2000
580 1000 2000
700 1000 2000
815 1000 2000
930 1000 2000

Ref. : CH - 1335 - A/C 8

5 . 4 Flue connection
The flue is of fundamental importance for correct boiler 5 . 5 . 2 Connection of installation flow/return pipes
The boiler is a high efficiency boiler. The diameters of the flow/return pipes are indicated for each
As a result, the smoke temperatures obtained may be lower boiler model in the hydraulic dimensions and connections
than 200 C and if the flue is badly insulated or not made tables.
properly air tight, the risk of the temperature dropping below Before connecting the boiler to the heating system, the latter
condensation point (56 C) is increased. shall be completely rinsed out.
To avoid condensates and the resulting problem of clogging, Ensure that there are a sufficient number of air purging devices
the flue shall be fitted with in the system.
- correct insulation on each side and along the entire When connecting the inflow and outflow pipes, avoid creating
length of the flue duct. mechanical strain on the boiler flanges.
It is essential that the flue is completely impermeable to The boiler is not designed to support the system pipework;
any combustion product condensates and is constructed adequate supports should be provided.
with corrosion resistant materials. Once the task has been completed, check that the
Duct insulation on existing flues is possible using material connections are all air tight.
compatible with oil or gas.
5 . 5 . 3 Filling/draining valve assembly

For the filling and draining of the boiler, a valve may be fitted
on connection T6, which is located in the lower back part of
the boiler models 99-940.

5 . 5 . 4 Safety valve assembly

5 . 5 Hydraulic connections
On connection T3 or along the first 50 cm of the flow pipe,
install a safety valve of dimensions that correspond to boiler
5 . 5 . 1 Installation water characteristics output and in compliance with local standards (maxi service
pressure = 5 bar).
The physio-chemical characteristics of the water in the
heating system and the feed water are fundamental for
correct boiler operation and safety. 5 . 5 . 5 Connection of pipework to expansion vessel
- Of all the disadvantages induced by poor quality of the
feeding water, the most serious and frequent is the Boilers can operate with forced water circulation. An
formation of scale on the boiler heat exchange surfaces. expansion vessel is always required to absorb the volume
- Less frequent, but equally serious, is the corrosion of the increase when the water is heated.
water side of the surfaces in the hydraulic circuit.
- It has been proved that due to its low heat conductivity, 5 . 5 . 6 Recycling pump
scale reduces the heat exchange levels even when just a
few millimetres thick, and causes localised overheating. Boilers are designed to operate with forced water circulation,
- We strongly recommend treating the heating circuit water and at a minimum return temperature of 54 C when operating
in the following cases: with oil, and 59 when operating with gas.
A Very hard water in use Therefore it is essential that a recycling pump Pr, with a
(above 20 f). permanent flow rate between flow and return that is equal to
B System requiring a large volume of water. at least 30% of the main pump flow rate, and with a
C Unexpected water supply to compensate for leaks. manometric height of around 1m, ensures continued water
D Repeated refillings during servicing work. circulation in the boiler.
E A mixture of different metals in the hydraulic circuit.

9 Ref. : CH - 1335 - A/C

5 . 6 Fire door: Opening-closing If a cone is used that is wider than the burner head it must
be removed before assembling the burner on the support
adjustment plate, and replaced afterwards.
5 . 6 . 1 Boiler Ensure that any fuel supply pipes and electric cables are
In all these models the door hinge design is as shown in. long enough to allow the fire door to open by 90 when the
In this model the door assembly includes 4 identical hinges: burner is mounted.
the two on the right hand side with the nuts and the clamping For gas burners, the use of flexible steel pipes is not
nuts fully tightened, are normally used as rotation hinges authorised.
(from left to right) while the two left hand hinges are normally For the door opening on gas boilers, ensure easy removal of
used as closing bolts, in which case the the clamping nut the end of the gas supply pipe.
must not be tightened.
However, when the door needs to open from right to left then
the exact opposite is true (hinges on the left and closing
bolts on the right). Base
For the doors on these models only the following adjustments
are possible:
A) Vertical adjustment: this is only possible by adding
washers of the required thickness to the female hinge on
the rotation hinge side;
B) Lateral adjustment: this is only possible in the factory, Ceramic
as it requires using the jig; insulator
C) Axial adjustment: this is possible by tightening or
slackening the clamping nuts. The clamping nuts must then
be adjusted on the rotation hinge side.
5 . 6 . 2 Important remark
Before opening the fire door, the following precautions should
be taken:
- Close the fuel sectional valve (gas or oil) on the burner;
- Cool the boiler down by circulating the heating system
water and then cutting off the electric power supply;
- Place a sign on the boiler saying:
5 . 7 Bunner assembly insulator

As boilers are pressurized boilers, particular attention should

be paid to the choice of burner oil or gas.
As of 1st January 1996, gas burners used in these boilers
shall be certified EC compliant with:
- Gas Appliances Directive (90/396 EEC). Door
- Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive (89/336 EEC).
Before assembling the burner, the position of the turbulators
inside the fire tubes shall be checked.
We recommend using long head burners in boilers. Insulating bracket
In the table opposite, suggestions are given for the choice of
A indicates the maximum diameter and L the minimum
length of the burner head.
The use of burners functioning at the limits of their capacity
is not recommended.
Burner assembly on the fire door shall guarantee perfect air
tightness to prevent combustion products escaping.
Among the accessories delivered with each boiler is a
ceramic fibre cord gasket that is wound around the
burner head so as to completely fill the space between Cte X: Jamais infrieure la longeur du corps de chauffe de la chaudire.
Fixing screw
Cte XX: dimensions permettant un accs facile tous les organes de
the burner and the burner port in the door. rgulation et l'entretien de la chaudire.
Ref. : CH - 1335 - A/C 10
If a cone with larger diameter than the burner nose-piece is
mounted, it must be pulled off before mounting the burner on
the plate and remounted afterwards.
Control that the eventual fluid feeding flexibles and the
electric cables have a sufficient length to allow the hearth Sleeve
door opening at 90C with the mounted burner.
For gas burners, the use of steel flexibles is not authorised.
Consequently, for the gas boiler door opening shall be
anticipated an easy disassembly of the pipe end of gas

5 . 8 Anti-explosion valve
Ensure of the good functioning of the valve by manoeuvring it
several times.

5 . 9 Control panel assembly

Assemble the panel following the operations given in the


Type A L
99 145 280
115 155 280
145 175 280
175 175 280
232 175 280
290 175 280
349 175 280
465 175 300
580 245 300
700 245 300
815 245 300
930 245 300

11 Ref. : CH - 1335 - A/C

5 . 10 Connection between the flame
viewer and the burner
The flame viewer in the door is fitted with a 1/8" threaded
connection (pos. 1) to a 9 mm pressure port for measuring
the back pressure of the combustion chamber.
Remove and keep this port, and replace it with a pressure
fitting, via a copper tube (pos. 2), that connects the flame
viewer directly to the combustion chamber, and is located
downstream of the burner fan. The air blasted in by the fan
cools the glass of the flame viewer and reduces the amount
of deposits on the glass.
If this connection tube is not fitted, the glass could break.

WARNING: the flame viewer can get very hot; take

great care.

Ref. : CH - 1335 - A/C 12

5 . 11 Fitting the casing
- We strongly recommend checking that the boiler is in its D) Position the right hand side panel on the heater body
definitive position and that all the hydraulic connections after assembling the cable grommets and routing the
have been assembled before beginning to assemble the electric cables (mains input 230 V - 50 HZ, burner, pumps
boiler casing. ...) through the 2 ports provided. Secure the cables with
- Before opening the packaging container, ensure that this the clamps.
box corresponds to the boiler being installed.
E) Insert the regulator sensor bulbs into the upper
Assmbly order for the jacket (see figure on page 14) thermometer pocket as indicated in fig., then connect the
electrical wiring (mains input 230 V - 50 Hz, burner, pumps
Follow the instructions below to assemble the casing: ...). Close the control panel.

A) Position the left hand side panel. The ports in the side F) Secure the boiler data badge on the right side panel (the
panels should be to the front of the boiler assembly. badge can be found in the information file inside the body).
Insert the lower fold of the side panel into the L-shaped
support welded onto the lower part of the boiler body. G)Secure the front piece bracket.

B) Assemble the left hand decking. H) Secure the front piece on this bracket.

C) Position the front piece on the decking. I) Fix the logo on the cross piece.

Positionning the electric cables :

The control panel (standard or equiped with a

climatic thermoregulation) is endowed with
burner cable with european plug at 7 + 4 bounds
(3) and a cable seal (2). During the installation
of the control panel, the burner cable shall be
introduced into the provided cable seal and
connect the 7 + 4 cable wires to the terminal
board. The plug (3) and the cable will have to be
out of the jacket in concordance with the lateral
plaquette (1). On this plaquette, fix the cable
Cable seals are provided on the back side of
the boiler for service cables.


13 Ref. : CH - 1335 - A/C

99 290 2 1 18

349 930 1 18



Ref. : CH - 1335 - A/C 14

6. Hydraulic layout type diagrams
6 . 1 Heating system with mixing circuit

Figure shows a heating system type

diagram with a mixing circuit operating with
a motorised 3 or 4 way valve, controlled
by an electronic temperature regulator. Heating
N.B.: Recycling pump Pr shown in fig. is system
obligatory (see clause 7 in STANDARDS
- page 5, to ensure correct and permanent
water cooling of the heater body. PR

Pr Recycling pump
C Boiler
Pi Boiler pump
Vm Mixing control valve
M Mixing control valve motor
Sm Flow sensor
Se External sensor

6 . 2 Heating system with a domestic hot water cylinder


If the heating system has a domestic hot

water cylinder, the type diagram shown in Pr VM Sm
figure may be used.
N.B.: Recycling pump Pr shown in figure
is obligatory to ensure correct and M Installation
permanent water cooling of the heater de system
body. (see STANDARDS - page 5). Pb

Pr Recycling pump M Mixing control valve motor

C Boiler Sm Flow sensor
Pi Heating pump B Domestic hot water cylinder
Vm Mixing control valve Pb Cylinder booster pump

15 Ref. : CH - 1335 - A/C

7. Commissioning and operation
Variable or several speed boilers
7 . 3 Operating conditions
The boilers have been designed to cover a wide range of
outputs, and are thus able to meet most domestic heating a) As the average smoke temperature could drop to as low
applications with a high operating efficiency rate. as 80-90 C, for gas and oil respectively, appropriate
The design, the implementation and the fuel settings shall measures should be taken to make the flue air tight, and it
always be performed in accordance with good working should be possible to recuperate the condensates from the
practice and by professionally qualified persons. flue itself.
When using the boiler at minimum capacity (never less than b) The boiler should operate at a fixed temperature, and the
40 % of the rated capacity, at 1st burner speed), the smoke system shall include a recycling pump, a mixing control
temperature may be particularly low (around 120 C) and in valve and a minimum thermostat fitted on the outlet pipe (to
this case the fire tube turbulators, located inside each of the close the mixing control valve or to stop the system pump
heat exchange tubes, should be pushed right to the back, when the temperature drops below 50 - 55 C) so as to
against the boiler smoke box. ensure an average boiler temperature of 60 C (flow ~70 C,
In other operating conditions, the turbulators should be return ~50 C) when using oil, or 65C (flow ~75 C,
positioned in each of the tubes, between 2 and 4 cm away return ~55 C) when using gas.
from the back tube support plate. In the graph on the next page, we have indicated that the
Automatic groups should never be used to fill the boiler during boiler flow and return temperatures should never drop below
installation. 70C and 50 C respectively. This is only possible using a
Commissioning shall be performed under the supervision of recycling pump and possibly a mixing control valve, which
a qualified burner technician, sent by the burner manufacturer. guarantee a boiler return temperature of at least 50 C.
Upon this occasion a complete operating report shall be

7 . 1 Rated useful output range for


The documents supplied with the boilers always indicate

the rated useful output range. Maximum burner heat flow
rate (corresponding to the output required to heat the building
in question) should be set within the limits of the output
range indicated.

7 . 2 Minimum boiler output (min P)

The boiler can function correctly at up to 40% below the

minimum rated output indicated, provided that the
installation instructions are followed.
These instructions are given in the following subclause

Ref. : CH - 1335 - A/C 16

C 90

Tcm Boiler flow temperature
40 Tcr Boiler return temperature
Tri Tmi System flow temperature
30 Tri System return temperature
T (Pr)T compensated for by the
recycling pump

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100


7 . 4 Example of a system layout 7 . 5 Checks to be carried out before

Once all the hydraulic, electric, fuel and flue connections
are installed, the following checks shall be performed before
commissioning takes place:
- the expansion vessel and the safety valve (if necessary)
are connected correctly, and it shall not be possible to
separate them.
- the regulator, safety and minimum temperature thermostat
and thermometer bulbs are properly inserted and secured
in the thermometer pockets.
- the turbulators are correctly located in the fire tubes.
- the heating system has been properly rinsed out.
Pr Recycling pump
Pi System pump - the system has been filled with water to around 1.5 bar

Vm Mixing control valve pressure and has been completely purged.

ImP Heating system - the pump(s) are not blocked.
- the hydraulic, electric, fuel and flue connections have
been performed in accordance with current local and
national standards.
- the burner has been assembled in accordance with the
N.B. When setting up the system, a recycling pump manufacturer's instructions.
shall be fitted to ensure the necessary circulation of - the line voltage and frequency are compatible with the
water in the boiler in all the opening positions of the burner and the electrical parts of the boiler.
mixing control valve. This pump also has a very useful - the burner is set for the correct fuel type, which is one of
anticondensate role, by preventing the return those indicated on the data badge visible on the boiler,
temperatures from being too low. and the burner output range is compatible with the boiler
- the burner instructions are available in the boiler room.
- the system pipework is covered with an insulation jacket.
- the system is capable of absorbing the quantity of heat
that is generated when the burner is first lit , during the
test period.
- the various thermostats and other system safety devices
operate correctly.
17 Ref. : CH - 1335 - A/C
7 . 6 Commissioning 7 . 7 Boiler ducts
When commissioning the boiler, professionally qualified The HIGH EFFICIENCY boilers are designed to operate with
persons shall perform the following checks: a return water temperature that is never lower than 54C
a) monitoring the internal and external air tightness of the when using oil and 59C when using gas, to avoid (or reduce)
burner and the fuel supply pipe; the phenomenon of acidic condensates from the smoke,
b) setting of the fuel flow rate in accordance with the total that can cause premature deterioration of the steel body in
rated capacity of the boiler by distribution between the the boiler.
first speed flame and the second speed flame; given that The regulator thermostat on the control panel should be set
the first speed flame can generate as low as 60% of the to around 80 to 85 C.
total rated capacity (this rated capacity can also be varied
between the maximum and minimum in response to the Room temperature must be regulated by a mixing control
useful heat capacity required by the heating system). valve and a temperature regulator may also be used.
To standardise the water temperature and to avoid, as far as
Proceed as follows: possible, return gases lower than 54C using oil and 59C
- Open the fuel supply. using gas, a recycling pump with suitable flow rate (see
- Check that all the switches on the control panel are in STANDARDS, subclause 7) shall be installed between the
the Off position and set the regulating thermostat to the flow and return pipes on the boiler.
minimum temperature.
- Switch the control panel on using the main on/off switch N.B.:
. - Corrosion of the sheets due to acidic condensates
- Switch the installation pump to On from the smoke is not covered by the guarantee as
- Switch the burner to On. this can only depend on how the heating system was
- Cause a heating request to be generated by the 1st and installed.
2nd speed regulator thermostat by setting it to the
maximum temperature.
At this stage check that: 7.8 Boiler shut down
- the door, the burner support plate and the flue connection
are air tight.
- the flue duct has a draw value between 2 and 4 mm C.E. -- Switch the burner to Off .
- there is no water leakage. - Leave the system pump in operation until the temperatures
- the various thermostats and other system safety devices all become equal .
- Cut off the electric power supply to the control panel.
operate correctly.
- the recycling pump operates correctly.
- the burner lamp illuminates correctly. If the boiler is not be used for a considerable period then the
- the burner characteristics (basic settings and spray nozzle fuel supply valve(s) can also be closed.
type) correspond to the boiler technical data.

When the burner is set correctly, the following values should

be obtained easily, when measured at the flue duct:

1) Using oil having a maximum viscosity of 1.5E at 20C:

- CO2 = 12 to 13%
- Smoke spot number < 1
- Smoke temperature = 190 to 210 C
2) Using natural gas
- CO2 = 9 to10%
- Smoke temperatures = 180 to 200 C (the values are
given for a clean boiler with water at 70C).

We recommend setting the fuel flow rate to a value that

corresponds to the real needs of the system concerned (avoid
over provision), by ensuring that the smoke temperatures
indicated above never rise or fall (a value never lower than
120C gas - 140 C oil).

Ref. : CH - 1335 - A/C 18

8. Servicing
8 . 1 General standards 8 . 2 Ordinary servicing
After one month of boiler operation, open the burner support Boiler operating conditions are very different from one case
door and check the fouling levels in the fire tubes. to another, depending on the type of fuel used, burner
If considerable fouling has occurred: adjustment, the number of start up times, the system
- remove the smoke turbulators from the heat exchanger characteristics, etc. For this reason it is not possible to
tubes. establish a servicing frequency.
- clean all the heat exchanger tubes using the brush Therefore, the technician who performs the first servicing
delivered for this purpose with the boiler. should define the servicing frequency based on the amount
- open one of the two sweeping doors located on the smoke of fouling found.
box and remove the cleaning residue by aspiration. In general, we recommend the following frequency, depending
- close the sweeping doors and replace the smoke on the type of fuel used:
turbulators, then close the fire door and check that it still - Gas boilers: once a year.
perfectly air tight. - Oil boilers: twice a year, or more frequently if there is
- it may then be necessary to reset the burner. reason to suspect they are not correctly adjusted.
N.B.: If the burner is set correctly then only one cleaning In all circumstances, current local standards shall be
session at the end of the heating season will be necessary. followed.
We recommend shaking the turbulators at least once a
month while the boiler is in operation, without removing them
from the fire tubes, in order to prevent the soot from clogging
them, and making their removal extremely difficult.
Turbulator Holder for rifle-type brush

Extension lead for rifle-type brush

Rifle-type brush holder (if necessary)

Assembly - Disassembly of turbulators

Make a point of repositioning the turbulators correctly

19 Ref. : CH - 1335 - A/C

157, Avenue Charles Floquet
93158 Le Blanc-Mesnil - Cedex
Tlphone : + 33 (0)1 45 91 56 00
Tlcopie : + 33 (0)1 45 91 59 50

S A au capital de 43 214 640

RCS Bobigny B 602 041 675 A.P.E 282 D

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