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11 Sublime tobacco, which, from east to west,

Cheers the Tar's labour, and the Turkman's rest."
"The Old World was sure forlorn,
Wanting thee ! "
C. Lamb.




My Dear Friend,
It was a custom with the old English authors
to dedicate their works to persons for whom they felt
esteem ; and to make such dedications serve as familiar
prefaces. I desire, in this instance, to revive the practice ;
and I inscribe your name on this page.
You, who know my early history, will. feel no surprise at
my choice of subject. Born in London, and never having
been out of sight of St. Paul's until I had reached my
twenty-second year, the tobacco-warehouse, where my father
worked, became my play-ground ; and my first remembrances
are, of rolling in the tobacco-leaf, as country children would
roll in a hay-field, and playing at " hide-and-seek " in the
empty barrels. In after years, when I helped my father to
manufacture many hundred pounds of tobacco-leaf, I little
thought that my pen and pencil would be called into use
over a book like this. I am willing to think, however, tha
the peculiarities of my early training have here been of use.
Disliking my father's trade, and, through many difficulties,
happily emancipating myself, tobacco had not that charm



for me that you and others find in it. But I hope these
pages will show that I have no narrow notions on a pleasure
in which I cannot participate ; but rather a honest detest
ation of that want of Christian tolerance which has induced
some persons to denounce a harmless indulgence as if it were
a moral evil. I should be untrue to my father's memory
"an honest man and a good smoker"if I did not contradict
such gratuitous imputations. If I am proud of anything, it
is of my father and his seventy-two years of industry and
That you are " a good smoker " also, I have had experi
ence, at home and abroad, when I have examined in your
society many of the finest relics of antiquity, the study of
which has been the solace of our lives. In you I shall find
a gentle critic : you will estimate, by your own experience,
that which few who read consider, the time and trouble
requisite to gather into one volume the results of reading
many a score ; and I have been embarrassed in my task
of condensation by the abundance rather than the paucity
of my materials.
I will not offer you any laudation here ; friendship is too
sacred a thing for public display. I only wish that, while
one copy of this little book remains, it should exist to record
the sincere esteem I feel for you.















Tobacco is a hardy flowering perennial plant, growing

freely in a rich moist soil, which is very necessary
to its healthy development ; but which it is said to
exhaust in a remarkable degree. It varies in height
according to species and locality ; in some instances
growing to the altitude of fifteen feet, in others not
reaching more than three feet from the ground. There
is also a dwarf kind discovered by Houston at Vera
Cruz, the leaves of which grow in tufts near the
ground, the flowers rising from a central stem to the
height of eighteen inches. As many as forty varieties
of the Tobacco plant have been noted by botanists,
who class them all among the Solanacece, and narcotic
poisons. The Atropa Belladonna, or deadly night
shade, is a member of this family ; but it may be of use
to the nervous to know that the common potato is in
the same category ; and that, though tobacco will


produce a virulent poisonNicotineby the chemical

condensation of a large quantity,* in a similar manner
the Potato fruit and leaves give us Solanine, " an acrid
narcotic poison, two grains of which given to a rabbit,
produced paralysis of the posterior extremities, and
death in two hours. Traces of this are also found in
the healthy tubers."^ It is therefore evident that in a
moderate manner we may equally smoke our tobacco
or eat our potato as regardless of the horrors that
chemistry would seem at first to disclose, as when
enjoying the flavour of the bitter almond, which we
know to be owing to the presence of Prussic acid.
The three principal varieties of the plant most com
monly grown are, the Virginian tobacco {Nicotiana
tabacumLinnaeus), which is that which was first
brought to Europe by Sir Francis Drake (fig. i of
Frontispiece) ; it sometimes reaches the height of seven
feet, and is of a strong coarse growth, the leaves
sometimes two feet long, clasp the stem as shown at A,
and are covered with glandular hairs, which burst on
the smallest pressure, and impart a glutinous character
to the leaf, and an unpleasant odour to the hand. The
flowers grow in a bunch on the summit of the plant,
they are of a pink colour, the segments of the corolla
* Johnston, in his Chemistry of Common Life, tells us that Melseus
extracted three-quarters of a grain of nicotine from one hundred grains of
Virginian tobacco, so that the proportions are as I to 125. In 1851, the
Comte de Bocarme was executed at Mons for poisoning a brother-in-law
by means of nicotine, in order to obtain the reversion of his property.
f Prescott (on the authority of Pereira), in his Tobacco, and its


being pointed, as shown at A 2. Shag, Returns, and

the ordinary cut tobaccos are prepared from this kind ;
of which there are many varieties, giving name to
different qualities of tobacco, and chiefly adopted
from the places of their growth. The Syrian Tobacco
(Nicotiana rustica) differs from this in many essential
particulars, as may be seen in our engraving (fig. 2),
the principal being the branched stem, each offshoot
bearing flowers ; the leaves do not clasp the stem, but
are attached by a long stalk, and they are not lanceo
late, but ovate in form ; the flowers are not pink, but
green, and the segments of the corolla are rounded.
It does not grow so high as the American plant by
about two feet ; it is milder than that in flavour, and
is used for the more delicate cut tobaccos and cigars.
The Latakia tobacco, and that known as Turkish and
Syrian, are both manufactured from this plant. It is
a native of America, but grows wild in other coun
tries, and is a hardy annual in English gardens,
flowering from Midsummer to Michaelmas, so that
by some botanists it has been termed " common, or
English tobacco." The Shiraz Tobacco {Nicotiana
persicaLindley) differs from both in the form of the
leaves, and the colour of the flowers, which are white,
and the segments of the corolla unequal. It is a native
of Persia, and used for the manufacture of their most,
delicate kinds for smoking, but Lindley informs us
that it is not fitted to form cigars, as it does not
readily ignite. It is also never used medicinally as
other tobaccos are, or have been.


The tobacco plant would grow freely in Great

Britain, if government would allow its cultivation ; it
is now the policy to prohibit it, for the benefit of our
colonies, whose trade with the mother country would
be seriously damaged but for these restrictions. It
was at one time extensively cultivated in the Northriding of Yorkshire ; but in the early part of the reign
of George III., penalties were inflicted on the growers,
to the amount of 30,000, and the tobacco publicly
burned. In Scotland it was also grown when our
colonial trade was interrupted by the American war.
About Kelso and Jedburgh a considerable tract of land
was devoted to this purpose, the Act of Charles II.
which made the growth illegal in England, of course
not affecting Scotland ; to meet which emergency the
Act of the 19th of George III. was passed, which pro
hibits the cultivation of more than will occupy half a
rod of ground ; and which is to be used for medicinal
purposes, or the destruction of insects.* In Ireland
it was successfully grown, particularly in the county
of Wexford, some years after the restrictive law
just named was passed for England, and which,
curiously enough, repealed the similar laws for Ire
land. Tobacco could therefore be grown at home with
us, as with other European nations ; if it were our
legal policy to permit it. Holland, which is in our
latitude, but colder and damper in its soil, carries on
* It is frequently grown in the kitchen garden to destroy grubs and
insects by its infusion in water, or to drive them from hothouses, by fumi
gation with dried leaves. In both ways it is most effective.


a large trade in its growth. France cultivates it also ;

but the larger quantity is grown in Germany: the time
of harvesting the leaves is an interesting period for
a stranger to visit the villages, which put on a new
aspect as every house and barn is hung all over with
the drying leaves. The European tobacco is less
powerful in flavour than the American ; and the native
tobacco of Germany may be smoked to a continuous
extent, which would be dangerous or disagreeable if
the New World tobacco were used. Temperate cli
mates, with a deep rich soil ranging from forty to fifty
degrees of latitude, are said to be the most favourable
for its free development. It is grown from seed ; but
frost is particularly injurious to young plants : the
lower leaves are sometimes gathered as they ripen or
begin to change colour, an operation performed at
intervals till all are removed ; or the growth of the
plant is arrested by cutting off the top, to prevent the
formation of flowers and seed, and enlarge the growth
of leaves ; or the plant is cut down entire, dried in the
sun, and the leaves separated afterwards.
Mr. Prescott * thus enumerates the principal places
from which tobacco finds its way into the English
Market, and the peculiar uses to which each kind is
devoted :
" Europe.Germany, Holland, and Salonica in
European Turkey.
* Of the Inland Revenue department, in his valuable work on
Tobacco, and its Adulterations, recently published by Van Voorst.


"Asia. China, East Indies, Latakia, and other

parts of Asiatic Turkey ; Shiraz in Persia ; Manilla
in Luzon, one of the Philippine Islands.
"North America. Virginia, Kentucky, Maryland.
" The Islands of Cuba, Hayti, and Porto Rico.
"South America. Varinas, Brazil, Columbia,
and Cumana.
" Cuba, Havannah, and Columbian leaf tobaccos.
Columbia, Varinas, and Cumana are the most esteemed
for Cigars. The leaves are marked with light yellow
" The Virginian, Kentucky, and Maryland tobaccos
are more frequently used for cut and spun tobaccos.
Turkey, Latakia, or Syrian tobacco ; and the Persian
or Shiraz tobacco, are among the mildest and most
delicately flavoured for the pipe.
"The Dutch tobaccos are mild and deficient in
flavour. The darker kind is the strongest, and much
esteemed for moist snuffs, the weaker kinds being
employed in the commonest cigars and cheroots.
" Manilla tobacco is much esteemed for cheroots.
" Mixture of the leaves produced in different coun
tries gives great variety in the flavour of manufactured
tobaccos, requiring considerable skill and attention on
the part of the manufacturer."
The same author also notes " among the adultera
tions which have from time to time been discovered
in manufactured tobacco, the following substances
may be named :Leaves of Rhubarb, Dock, Burdock,
Coltsfoot, Beech, Plantain, Oak and Elm, Peat-earth,


Bran, Sawdust, Malt-rootlets, Barley-meal, Oat-meal,

Bean-meal, Pea-meal, Potato-starch, and Chicory
leaves steeped in tar-oil." To which may be added
the leaves of the cabbage and lettuce in the manufac
ture of cheap cigars.*
A parliamentary return was made between the
years 1852-4, of persons who had rendered them
selves liable to prosecutions for infringement of the
tobacco laws, from which it appeared that the cases
of adulteration were numerous, and the materials used
named therein add a few more to the above list : they
consisted of sugar, alum, lime, flour of meal, rhubarb
leaves, saltpetre, fuller's earth, starch, malt commingsi
chromate of lead, peat moss, treacle, common burdock
leaves, common salt, endive leaves, lampblack, gum,
red dye, and black dye, composed of vegetable red,
iron, and liquorice.
It is not intended in this volume to renew the much
vexed and always unsatisfied question" Is tobacco
injurious ? "
" Who shall decide when doctors disagree? "

has been asked in many similar cases : in this one

* A few years ago a cigar manufacturer resisted successfully an
attempt at enforcing the legal penalty for the unlawful fabrication of
cheap " Havannah Cigars," from tobacco which had paid no duty, as
he was enabled to show in his own defence that he never made use of
the tobacco leaf at all. Such cigars as are retailed at a penny, and leave
a large profit for vendor and maker, must necessarily be constructed of
less expensive material than tobacco leaves. They are sometimes
steeped in infusion of strong tobacco water, to give them a little ex
ternal flavour of a true kind.


doctors have disagreed to an unexampled extent ;

their opinions have been
" far as the poles asunder,"

and quite as unlikely to "join issue," as lawyers

phrase it, and come to any satisfactory conclusion.
Some opponents (and all '"worshipful men," who write
M.D. after their names, and are greatly in earnest)
find every disease under the sun originating in to
bacco-smoke. Others (equally good men, who also
dignify their patronymics with a sprinkling of addi
tional letters never given at christenings) declare as
loudly in its favour, and quote quite as many instances
of good resulting from the practice. Truth, as usual,
seems to lie between, undiscovered by the belliger
ents, but perfectly well known to "the honest smoker"
(as old Izaak Walton would style him) who wonders
from amid his peaceful cloud what all the turmoil
means. Can the smoking of " the pipe of peace; " the
harmless sedative of an amiable man, raise all this
storm ? Can his quiet and consoling habit be the
cause why so many " decent men " should grow quar
relsome and even vindictive about the matter ? Alas !
gentlemen-fighters, know you not that the herb first
gained its reputation for its extremely sanatory uses ?
that it was styled " Sana sancta Indorum "" Herbe
propre a- tous maux ? "and that doctors themselves
first originated the laudatory words of Captain
Bobadil, and affirmed it to be " the most sovereign


and precious weed that ever the earth tendered to the

use of man." Look at the quarto volume The Triall
of Tobacco, by Dr. Edmund Gardiner, " practitioner of
Physicke" (published in London, 1610), or to that
more portly tome by Dr. John Neander of Bremen
(published at Leyden, 1622), who prescribes it for
almost all the diseases of life. Did not the " famous
Physician" Raphael Thorius smoke till he became
inspired with Latin poetry, and gave the world his
Hymnus Tabaci ? The " common verse " which con
cludes his preface may sum up the question,
" Usus habet laudem, crimen abusus habet."

The disputes on tobacco remind one of that on

Rab Roryson's bonnet, as told by Tannahill :
" Some maintained it was black, some maintained it was blue,
It had something of baith, as a body may trew."

There is a narrowness of spirit among the opposi

tionists which takes a persecuting feature, and induces
dislike and doubt of their tenets.
The same poet says elsewhere :
"I've heard some fouks descant sae freely
On ither people's matters,
As if themsel's war' real perfection,
When had they stood a fair inspection,
Th' abused war' far their betters."

In the words of a popular author the controversy

may be accepted as " An admirable illustration of the



effect which thought, constantly directed in a wrong

channel, may have in warping the judgment." *
There is no doubt that tobacco, if much used by
persons of lethargic temperament, is bad from the very
nature of the herb, but "your hot and sanguine temper"
may be much improved thereby. Instances in abun
dance occur where smoking really to excess has not
been accompanied by anyinjury to the smoker: not that
for one moment we would here defend such practices.
Men have lived to a good old age who have done so.
The author's father died at the age of seventy-two: he
had been twelve hours a day in a tobacco-manufactory
for nearly fifty years ; and he both smoked and chewed
while busy in the labours of the workshop, sometimes
amid a dense cloud of steam from drying the damp
tobacco over the stoves ; and his health and appetite
were perfect to the day of his death ; he was a model
of muscular and stomachic energy ; in which his son,
who neither smokes, snuffs, nor chews, by no means
rivals him or does him credit. But we may best con
clude with the following very sensible remarks, which
appeared in the Examiner of January 17, 1852.
" Some physicians have been pleased to ascribe per
nicious effects to the use of tobacco, upon about as good
evidence as a gipsytellsfortunes bycountingthe furrows
on the palm of a country girl's hand. A correspondent
favours us with an extract from a paper read before
the British Association at Southampton, in which a
* Inglis, Rambles in the Footsteps ofDon Quixote.



truly horrid train of evils is traced to ' the continuous

use of this poisonous substance.' The poison, it would
seem, ' pervades the digestive and respiratory system,'
'the circulating system and the nervous system,' 'di
minishing the moral and intellectual powers.' Instead
of all this detail, and much more of the same sort, why
did not the learned essayist say at once that the
baneful drug pervaded 'soul and body'? With 'death
in the pot ' by one set of philosophers, and ' death in
the pipe ' by another, the wonder only is how we come
to be alive at all ; and the greater still, how we come
to live longer than our ancestors of the reign of King
Henry the Eighth, who never saw and never heard
of a tobacco plant. Three hundred years ago a few
American savages only consumed tobacco, and now it
is consumed by all mankind, being the only commodity
common to the consumption of all races and all social
conditions. Are our lives shorter, our morals worse,
or our intellects weaker, that for the better part of
three centuries ' the poisonous drug,' according to this
hypothesis, has been circulating through the veins of
ourselves and our forefathers ?
" Men of every race and of every climate have been
using stimulants of one sort or another from the days
of Noah, and probably will continue to do so for the
next four thousand years, in spite of chair or pulpit.
The question to decide is which stimulant is most
innocuous, and, after tea and coffee, we have no hesita
tion in ranking tobacco, for we are not to be frightened
out of our wits by Dr. Laycock's awful array of terrors, .



attested though they be 'by experiments demonstrating

the physiological action of the drug on animals,'that
is, experiments to show that what may be injurious to
a dog that dies of old age at sixteen, and to a rabbit
which breeds seven times a year, and hardly lives five,
must be equally so to a creature that lives seventy or
eighty years, and whose ingenuity has altered the very
face of the planet he dwells on."


It was in the first week of November, 1492, that

Europeans first noted the Indian custom of tobaccosmoking. The two sailors sent by Columbus to ex
plore Cuba returned to the ships of their great com
mander, and told this among other things new and
strange. They found the natives carried with them a
lighted firebrand, and puffed smoke from their mouths
and noses ; this their European notions led them to
conclude was some mode of perfuming themselves.
A more intimate acquaintance with the natives, taught
them that it was certain leaves of a herb rolled up in
the dried leaves of the maize or Indian corn, that they
thus burned, and inhaled the smoke. It was a novelty
to the Spaniards, but it was an ancient and familiar
custom with the natives : " the aborigines of Central
America rolled up the tobacco-leaf, and dreamed away
their lives in smoky reveries ages before Columbus was
born, or the colonists of Sir Walter Raleigh brought it
within the precincts of the Elizabethan court. The
cocefa-leaf, now the comfort and strength of the Peru
vian muletero, was chewed as he does it, in far remote



times, and among the same mountains, by the Indian

natives whose blood he inherits."* When the Spaniards
landed in Paraguay in 1 503, the natives came forth to
oppose them, beating drums, throwing water, " chewing
herbs, and spurting the juice towards them ; " all very
rude and apparently absurd modes of defence against
invasion ; but the latter really formidable in close
combat, if the herb was tobacco, and the juice directed
to the eyes, as we find was done by natives in war.
Oviedo is the first author who gives a clear account
of smoking among the Indians of Hispaniola.f- He
speaks of it among their " evil customs," as a thing
"very pernicious, used to produce insensibility. Their
mode of using it among the caciques and chief men, is
by inhalation through the nostrils by means of a
hollow forked cane, in one piece," of which he gives an
engraving : % he describes it as " about a
span long ; and when used the forked ends
are inserted in the nostrils, the other end
being applied to the burning leaves of the
herb. They thus inhale the smoke until
they become stupefied. When forked canes
are not procurable, a straight reed or hollow
cane is used, and this implement is called tabaco by
the Indians ; " and Oviedo is careful to observe
* Chemistry of Common Life, by Professor Johnston.
f Historia General de las Indias, 1526; enlarged 1535.
J The engraving does not occur in the earlier editions. The book
was very popular, and went through several. Our cut is copied from
that published at Salamanca, 1547. It is remarkable as the first en
graving ever published of the primitive tobacco-pipe.


that that name is not given to the herb, or to the
stupor it produces, as some persons have erroneously
With similar inaccuracy the island of
Tobago is said to have given name to the plant ;
but the author of " Tobago : or a Geographical
description, natural and civil history, together with
a full representation of the produce, and other
advantages arising from the fertility, excellent har
bours, and happy situation of that famous Island,"
2 ed. p. 74, says :" I do not recollect any author
who has given a clear account of this name, and as
many have expressed a doubt whether the island was
so called from the herb, or the herb from the island ;
I hope the curious and inquisitive reader will be well
pleased to see that matter set in its true light. For
the fact is that neither the island received its name
from the herb, nor the herb from the island. The
appellation is indeed Indian, and yet was bestowed by
the Spaniards. The thing happened thus : the Carribees were extremely fond of tobacco, which in their
language they called Kohiha, and fancied when they
were drunk with the fumes of it, the dreams they had
were in some sort inspired. Now their method of
taking it was this ; they first made a fire of wood, and
when it was burnt out they scattered upon the living
embers the leaves of the plant, and received the smoke
of it by the help of an instrument that was hollow,
made exactly in the shape of the letter Y, putting the
larger tube into smoke, and thrusting the shorter tubes
up their nostrils. This instrument they called Tobago,



and when the Admiral Christopher Columbus passed

to the southward of this island, he judged the form of
it to resemble that instrument, and thence it received
its name."
In the narrative of the second voyage of Columbus
in 1494, we are informed by Roman Pane, the friar who
accompanied him, that this mode of inhaling by the
cane pipe was adopted in another way of taking tobacco.
The herb was reduced to a powder, which " they take
through a cane half a cubit long ; one end of this they
place in the nose, and the other upon the
powder, and so draw it up, which purges
them very much." This is the earliest no
tice of snuff taking; and its effects upon the
Indians in both instances seem to have been
more violent and peculiar than upon Euro
peans since. He uses the name cogiaba for
the plant, which is its Hispaniolan name ;
and is spelt by other travellers cohiba. It
was known as petim in Brazil, as piecclt in
{ Mexico, and at other places asyoli.
Lobel, in his Novum Stirpia Adversaria,
appended to his History of Plants, 1576,
gives an engraving of the tobacco rolled into
a tube, as first seen by Columbus in the
mouths of the natives of San Salvador, which is here
copied.* He describes it as a sort of small funnel
* It is traced in fac-simile. The reader must bear in mind that the
original artist has not attended to the comparative size of the tobacco
tube and the head of the smoker, the former being infinitely too large.



formed of the palm leaf, in which the dried leaves of

the. tobacco are placed ; fire is applied to it, and the
smoke inhaled. He speaks of this kind of smoking
being much used afterwards by captains of ships
trading to the West Indies ; and they attribute to it
the power of allaying hunger and thirst, exhilarating
the spirits, and renovating the animal powers.
We have thus the origin of snuff taking and cigar
smoking clearly traced ; and we can also discover the
use of the pipe among the chieftains of South America,
with scarcely any difference
in form to that universally
adopted in Europe. In the
engravings to Be Bry, Historia Brasiliana, 15 90, is
one representing a native
quietly enjoying a pipe,
which might be taken for
the clay pipe of a Dutchman
of the last century; a female
is bringing him a fresh sup
ply of tobacco-leaves.* We can thus trace to South
America, at the period when the New World was first
discovered, every mode of using the tobacco-plant
which the Old World has indulged in ever since.
* Be Bry accompanies the print with this description : " This plant is
called Petun by the Brazilians ; Tapaco, by the Spaniards : the leaves of
which well dried they place in the open (wide-spread) part of a pipe, of
which (being burned) the smoke is inhaled into the mouth by the more
narrow part of the pipe, and so strongly that it flows out of the mouth
and nostrils, and by that means effectually drives out humours. "



Francisco Lopez de Gomara, who was chaplain to

Cortez, when he made conquest of Mexico in 15 19,
speaks of smoking as an established custom among the
people ; and Bernal Diaz relates that the king Monte
zuma had his pipe brought with much ceremony by the
chief ladies of his court, after he had dined and
washed his mouth with scented water. In the vicinity
of the city of Mexico large quantities of clay tobacco
pipes have been dug up of various fanciful forms,
which show that as great an amount of attention was
bestowed on their decoration by the old Mexicans, as
we have devoted to them in Europe. Our engraving
exhibits one of
very remark
able form ; it
represents a
male figure with the characteristic features of the
Mexican type, at the back is the aperture for con
suming the tobacco, which is smoked through the
straight leg ; the bent one acting as a handle.* The
ears of the figure are bored for the insertion of pendant
ornaments, which the natives devoted as willingly to
the heads of their pipes as to their own.
In the History of the New World, by Giralamo
Benzoni of Milan, narrating his travels in America
from 1541 to 1556 (and which has been translated
from the Venetian edition of 1573 by Rear-Admiral
* In our chapter on Pipes is engraved a clay pipe of English make, pre
cisely on the same principle, and is a curious example of undesigned coin
cidence, or of the unchanging essential modes of tobacco smoking.



Smyth for the Hakluyt Society, 1857), speaking of the

Island of Hispaniola, he says :
" In this island, as also in other provinces of these
new countries, there are some bushes, not very large,
like reeds, that produce a leaf in shape like that of the
walnut, though rather larger, which (where it is used)
is held in high esteem by the natives, and very much
prized by the slaves whom the Spaniards have brought
from Ethiopia.
" When these leaves are in season, they pick them,
tie them up in bundles, and suspend them near their
fireplace till they are very dry ; and when they wish
to use them, they take a leaf of their grain (maize),
and putting one of the others into it, they roll them
round tight together ; then they set fire to one end,
and putting the other end into the mouth, they draw
their breath up through it, wherefore the smoke goes
into the mouth, the throat, the head, and they retain
it as long as they can, for they find a pleasure in it ;
and so much do they fill themselves with this cruel
smoke, that they lose their reason. And there are
some who take so much of it, that they fall down as
if they were dead, and remain the greater part of the
day or night stupefied. Some men are found who are
content with imbibing only enough of this smoke to
make them giddy, and no more. See what a wicked
and pestiferous poison from the devil this must be.
It has happened to me several times that, going
through the provinces of Guatemala and Nicaragua,
I have entered the house of an Indian who had taken



this herb, which in the Mexican language is called

tabacco, and immediately perceiving the sharp fetid
smell of this truly diabolical and stinking smoke, I
was obliged to go away in haste, and seek some other
" In La Espanola and the other islands, when their
doctors wanted to cure a sick man, they went to the
place were they were to administer the smoke, and
when he was thoroughly intoxicated by it, the cure
was mostly effected. On returning to his senses, he
told a thousand stories of his having been at the
council of the gods, and other high visions." Benzoni
gives a woodcut of the ceremony of tobacco-taking
by means of inhalation at the mouth from a pipe ; a
second figure has dropped the pipe, and lies on his
back in a state of insensibility, while a third is tended
by a physician in his hamoc, the origin of those used
by our sailors.
In North America the custom was even more general.f Not one tribe was found to be unacquainted
with the habit when they were first discovered by
European travellers ; and it is generally supposed the
custom had its origin among them. The old Indian
tradition favours this belief, which is thus related by
This is strong language ! Benzoni was evidently not the man to
introduce smoking to Venice ! Admiral Smyth remarks on this passage :
' ' Surely the royal author of the famous Counterblast must have seen
this graphic and early description of a cigar ! "
\ The Indians were so constant in their devotions to the pipe, that
they used them as Europeans use a watch, and in reckoning the time
anything occupied would say, " I was one pipe (of time) about it."



Franklin, in the course of a narrative he gives of

a Swedish minister who took occasion to inform the
chiefs of the Susquehannah Indians, in a kind of
sermon, of the principal historical facts on which the
Christian religion is founded ; and particularly the
fall of our first parents. When the sermon was over,
an old Indian orator replied : " What you have told
us is very good ; we thank you for coming so far
to tell us those things you have heard from your
mothers ; in return we will tell you what we have
heard from ours.
" In the beginning we had only flesh of animals
to eat; and if they failed, we starved. Two of our
hunters having killed a deer, and broiled a part of it,
saw a young woman descend from the clouds, and seat
herself on a hill hard by. Said one to the other : ' It
is a spirit, perhaps, that has smelt our venison ; let
us offer some of it to her.' They accordingly gave
her the tongue ; she was pleased with its flavour, and
said : ' Your kindness shall be rewarded ; come here
thirteen moons hence, and you shall find it.' They
did so ; and found, where her right hand had touched
the ground, maize growing ; where her left hand had
been, kidney-beans ; and where she had sat, they
found tobacco."
Hariot, who joined the expedition of 1584, under
the auspices of Sir Walter Raleigh, which resulted
in the discovery of Virginia, states, that the natives
considered tobacco as a gift from the Great Spirit for
their special enjoyment,one that the Great Spirit



also indulged in. The pipe was therefore sacred, and

smoking partook of the character of a moral, if not a
religious act. We quote as much as relates to the
herb (the first detailed English narrative) published by
him in 1588 in A Briefe and True Report of the New
Found Land of Virginia, the truth of which is attested
by Rafe Lane, the governor.
He thus writes :" There is an herbe which is
sowed apart by itselfe, and is called by the inhabitants
uppdwoc. In the West Indies it hath divers names,
according to the severall places and countries where it
groweth and is used : the Spaniards generally call it
Tobacco. The leaves thereof being dried and brought
into powder, they use to take the fume or smoke
thereof by sucking it through pipes made of clay into
their stomacke and heade, from whence it purgeth
superfluous fleame and other grosse humors ; openeth
all the pores and passages of the body ; by which
means the use thereof not only preserveth the body
from obstructions, but also if any be so that they
have not beene of too long continuance, in short time
breaketh them ; whereby their bodies are notably pre
served in health, and know not many grievous diseases
wherewithall we in England are oftentimes affected.
" This upp&woc is of so precious estimation amongest
them that they thinke their gods are marvellously
delighted therewith ; whereupon sometime they make
halowed fires, and cast some of the powder therein for
a sacrifice. Being in a storme uppon the waters, to
pacifie their gods, they cast some up into the aire and



into the water : so a weare for fish being newly set up,
they cast some therein and into the aire ; also after an
escape of danger they cast some into the aire likewise ;
but all done with strange gestures, stamping, some
time dauncing, clapping of hands, holding up of hands,
and staring up into the heavens, uttering therewithal
and chattering strange wordes, and noises.
'' We ourselves during the time we were there used
to suck it after their manner, as also since our returne,
and have found many rare and wonderful experiments
of the vertues thereof; of which the relation would
require a volume by itselfe ; the use of it by so manie
of late, men and women, of great calling as else, and
some learned phisitions also, is sufficient witnes."
We may here conveniently quote some other early
notices of the plant by English voyagers :
In the voyage of Sir Francis Drake * it is noted
that the natives of North America "brought a little
basket made of rushes, and filled with an herbe which
they called Tobah ;" and he afterwards notes, they
" came now the second time to us, bringing with them
as before had been done, feathers and bags of Tobah
for presents, or rather indeed for sacrifices, upon this
persuasion that we were gods."
In The Historie of Travaile into Virginia Britannica,
published by the Hakluyt Society from the original
MS. of William Strachey, first secretary to the colony,

* The World Encompassed.

1572 and ended August, 1573.

Lond. 1628.

The voyage commenced



and supposed to have been written between 1610

and 161 2, he says : " Here is great store of tobacco,
which the salvages call apooke : howbeit it is not of
the best kynd, it is but poor and weake, and of a
byting taste ; it grows not fully a yard above ground,
bearing a little yellow flower like to henbane ; the
leaves are short and thick, somewhat round at the
upper end ; whereas the best tobacco of Trynidado
and the Oronoque is large, sharpe, and growing two
or three yardes from the ground, bearing a flower of
the breadth of our bellflowers in England ; the salvages
here dry the leaves of this apooke over the fier, and
sometymes in the sun, and crumble yt into poudre,
stalks, leaves, and all, taking the same in pipes of
earth, which very ingeniously they can make."
In the old Indian grave mounds, many of which are
of the remotest antiquity, pipes of ingenious fabrication
have been found. Some are cut into the form of heads ;
and it is remarkable that the features are singularly
truthful and expressive, bearing a' striking similarity
to the Mongolian type, and so far favouring the theory
of some ethnologists who suppose America to have
been peopled by migrations from the eastern part of
Asia. The great antiquity of these mounds is attested
by the fact of colossal trees growing upon them, which
are several centuries old, as an examination of the sec
tional rings of the stem can prove. Squier and Davis
in their Ancient Monuments of the Mississippi Valley*
* Published in 4to. by the Smithsonian Institution, Washington,



say : " The mound-builders were inveterate smokers,

if the great number of pipes discovered in the mounds
be admitted as evidence of the fact. These con
stitute not only a numerous, but a singularly in
teresting, class of remains. In their construction the
skill of the makers seems to have been exhausted.
Their general form, which may be regarded as the
primitive form of the
implement, is well ex
hibited in the accom
panying sketch. They
are always carved from
a single piece, and
consist of a flat curved
base, of variable length and width, with the bowl rising
from the centre of the convex side. From one of the
ends, and communicating with the hollow of the bowl,
is drilled a small hole, which answers the purpose of a
tube ; the corresponding opposite division being left
for the manifest purpose of holding the implement to
the mouth. The specimen above represented is finely
carved from a beautiful variety of brown porphyry,
granulated with various-coloured materials, the whole
much changed by the action of fire, and somewhat re
sembling porcelain. It is intensely hard, and success
fully resists the edge of the finest-tempered knife. The
length of the base is five inches, breadth of the same
one inch and a quarter ; the bowl is one inch and a
quarter high, slightly tapering upwards, but flaring near
the top. The hollow of the bowl is six-tenths of an



inch diameter. The perforation answering to the tube

is one-sixth of an inch diameter, which is about the
usual size. This circumstance places it beyond doubt
that the mouth was applied directly to the implement,
without the intervention of a tube of wood or metal.
It will be observed that it is ornamented with cupshaped holes an eighth of an inch broad, and about
the same depth. Seven of these are placed in a circle
upon each side of the bowl, which has a line of them
extending spirally round it."
Such is the general form of these implements. The
larger proportion of those found in the mounds, how
ever, are of much more elaborate workmanship. They
are sculptured with figures of beasts, birds, and reptiles,
all executed with a strict fidelity to nature ; the atti
tudes are characteristic, and the very habit of the
creatures occasionally given. Some represent animals
peculiar to the lower latitudes, and illustrate important
questions on the migrations of the race. Most are
worked in porphyry, and all exhibit a truthfulness,
delicacy, and finish we should scarcely expect to find
in the works of the aborigines of America. The otter
is shown in a characteristic attitude, holding a fish in
his mouth ; the heron also holds a fish ; and the hawk
grasps a small bird in its talons, which it tears with its
beak. The panther, the bear, the wolf, the beaver,
the otter, the squirrel, the racoon ; the hawk, the
heron, the crow, swallow, buzzard, paroquet, toucan,
and other indigenous and southern birds; the turtle,
the frog, toad, rattlesnake, &c., are recognised at a



glance. But the most interesting and valuable in the

list are a number of sculptured human heads, no
doubt faithfully representing the predominant physical
features of the ancient people by whom they were
made. We here engrave two of the best examples :
Fig. 1 was obtained from the famous ancient works
known as "Mound City," on the Sciato River, in Ross
County, Ohio. It represents the head, apparently of
Fig. I.

Fig. 2.

a chief, decorated with a raised head-dress, the fore

head having a border of pearls inserted in the black
stone of which the pipe is composed ; the face is
tattooed or decorated with incised lines deeply cut.
Fig. 2 is considered by Mr. Squier as the "most
beautiful head of the series, and is evidently that of
a female. It is carved from a compact stone, smooth
and well polished. The muscles of the face are well
exhibited, and the forehead finely moulded. The eyes
are prominent and open, and the lips full and rounded.
Whether the head is encased in a sort of hood, or
whether the hair is platted across the forehead and
down the sides of the face, is not easy to say, as the
action of fire used in the service of the dead has



impaired the contour in some degree. The knots

observable at the top of the forehead and behind the
ears may represent the way in which the hair was
wound." The workmanship of this head is unsur
passed by any specimen of ancient American art which
had fallen under the notice of Messrs. Squier and Davis
in their researches, "not excepting the best productions
of Mexico and Peru."
The Lamantin, Manitus, or Sea-cow, from the pecu
liarity of its form, was well adapted to the shape of the
old Indian pipe. The fact
of this creature being thus
represented, as it is pecu
liar to tropical America,
at a distance of a thousand
miles from the home of the
mound-builders, is a proof of a system of intercourse,
most probably by barter, kept up by the Indians
throughout the continent ; and thus, so apparently
insignificant a relic as an old Indian pipe-stem affords
us an important trait in their past history, which the
ethnologist will know how to value.
The beaver is given with characteristic fidelity in
another pipe ; and the reader will observe that all
these decorations are made
to face the smoker, and in
crease his pleasure as he
indulges in the weed ; and
not for the ostentatious display of a showy pipe as
among " civilized " moderns.



The wild cat in our next engraving is equally good ;

the ferocity and watchfulness which combine in the
features of the species are
well displayed.
Birds are also repre
sented with equal truthful
ness. We engrave one pipe
decorated with the figure of
a toucan, which is represented receiving its food from
a human hand (the latter indicated by incised lines in
the base of the pipe).
This bird is only found
in the tropical countries
of North America. Pozzo, a distinguished natu- f\~
ralist, speaks of taming
them very easily. Other travellers inform us that
they are very highly prized by the Indians of Guiana
and Brazil, principally on account of their brilliant
plumage ; they pluck off the skin from the breast,
containing the most beautiful feathers, and glue it
upon their cheeks by way of ornament. In these
districts the toucan was almost the only bird the
aborigines attempted to domesticate.
It will be noticed that all these ancient pipes are con
structed of the hardest materialsgranite, porphyry,
and basaltic stone. The time and labour expended in
perfecting these elaborate works, must have given
them a high value when finished. They appear to
have been first rudely fashioned by tools of copper



or obsidian (as used by the Peruvians and Mexicans),

and then carefully finished by rubbing or grinding on
stones possessing a sharp grit.
" From the appearance of these relics it is fairly
inferable that, among the mound-builders, as among
the tribes of North American Indians, the practice of
smoking was very general if not universal. The con
jecture that it was also more or less interwoven with
their civil and religious observances, is not without its
support. The use of tobacco was known to nearly all
the American nations, and the pipe was their grand
diplomatist. In making war and in concluding peace
it performed an important part. Their deliberations,
domestic as well as public, were conducted under its
influences ; and no treaty was ever made unsignalised
by the passage of the calumet. The transfer of the
pipe from the lips of one individual to those of another
was the token of amity and friendship, a gage of honour
with the chivalry of the forest which was seldom
violated. In their religious ceremonies it was also
introduced, with various degrees of solemnity. A sub
stitute for tobacco was sometimes furnished in the
tender bark of the young willow; other substitutes were
found among the Northern tribes in the leaves and
roots of various pungent herbs. The custom extended
to Mexico, where however it does not seem to have
been invested with any of those singular convention
alities observed in the higher latitudes. It prevailed
in South America and in the Caribbean islands. The
form of the Indian pipe in North America is extremely



variable, and very much the subject of individual

taste. Some are excessively rude, but most are formed
with great labour from the finest materials within
reach. Along the Mississippi and among the tribes to
the westward of that river, the material most valued
for the purpose was, and still is, the red pipe-stone of
the Cdteau des Prairies, a beautiful mineral resembling
steatite, easily worked, and capable of a high finish.
The spot whence it is obtained, and which is certainly
one of the most interesting mineral localities of the
whole country, is regarded with superstitious veneration
by the Indians. It is esteemed to be under the special
protection of the Great Spirit, and is connected with
many of their most singular traditions. Until very
recently it was the common resort of the tribes, where
animosities and rivalries were forgotten, and where the
most embittered foes met each other on terms of amity.
In carving pipes from this material they expended
their utmost skill, and we may regard them as the
chefs d'ceuvre of modern Indian art. The following

engraving, from originals, will exhibit their predomi

nant form, which, it will be observed, is radically dif
ferent from that of the mound pipes. The larger of



the two was once the favourite pipe of the eloquent

Keokuk, chief of the Sacs and Foxes, whose name
occupies a conspicuous place in the Indian history of
the North-west. These pipes were smoked with long
tubes of wood, from twenty inches to three feet in
length, fantastically ornamented with feathers and
beads." {Squier and Davis)
The sculpture of these articles, which is sometimes
attempted in imitation of the human figure and of
various animals, is often tasteful. But they never
display the nice observation, and true, artistic appre
ciation and skill exhibited by those of the mounds,
notwithstanding their makers have all the advantages
resulting from steel implements for carving, and from
the suggestions afforded by European art. The only
fair test of the relative degrees of skill possessed by
the two races would be in a comparison of the remains
of the mounds with the productions of the Indians
before the commencement of European intercourse.
A comparison with the works of the latter however, at
any period, would not fail to exhibit in a striking light
the greatly superior skill of the ancient people.
There are also pipes of clay found in Virginia, but
they are generally of rude workmanship ; one of these
with a singular head-dress,
closely resembling some of
those observed on the idols
and sculptures of Mexico,
is here copied from Squier and Davis, from whence we
also copy the plain pipe-head from a mound in Florida.



Most of the ancient clay pipes that have been dis

covered have this form, which is not widely different
from that adopted by the later Indians. " The Vir
ginians we observed to have pipes of clay before even
the English came there ; and from those barbarians
we Europeans have borrowed our mode and fashion
of smoking." *
Pipe-stems seem to be a much later addition to the
Indian pipe. I engrave an example of one from the
collection of the late
T. Crofton Croker ; it
is of black stone, and
is all cut from one
piece ; it bears traces
of European influence,
if indeed the figure be
not intended for an
It came
from Upper Canada. A second from the same
place, also formed of black stone, seems constructed
to condense the oil of tobacco at the pointed ter
mination of the bowl, a thin reed being inserted in
the small hole above, when the pipe is smoked.
Fig. 3, from the New York Government collection,
has a wooden tube inserted in the head of dark
green obsidian, which is sculptured with a loop to
allow of its being tied by a string to the stem.

* Natural History of Tobacco in the Harleian Miscellany, vol. i.

P- 535"



Dr. Wilson, of Toronto, U.S.,* in his clever Ethno

graphical sketch of Pipes and Tobacco, has been at
some pains to describe the varieties of pipes in use by
the North American Indians, of which I avail myself
briefly. He is inclined to think that the pipe-stem
"is one of the characteristics of modern race, if not
distinctive of the Northern tribes of Indians," who
used the bowl very small, as we see it in the earliest
English pipes. " Specimens of another class of clay
pipes," he tells us, " of a larger size, and with a tube
of such length as obviously to be designed for use
without the addition of a pipe-stem," he thinks,
peculiar to the Canadian frontier.
" Most of the
ancient clay pipes that have been discovered are stated
to have the same form ; and this, it may be noted,
bears so near a resemblance to that of the red-clay
pipe used in modern Turkey, with the cherry-tree
pipe-stem, that it might be supposed to have furnished
the model. The bowls of this class of ancient clay
pipes are not of the miniature proportions which
induce a comparison between those of Canada and the
early examples found in Britain ; neither do the stone
pipe-heads of the mound-builders suggest by the size
of the bowl either the self-denying economy of the
ancient smoker, or his practice of the modern Indian
mode of exhaling the fumes of the tobacco, by which
* Once Curator of the Royal Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, and
author of Prehistoric Annals of Scotland, Memorials of Edinburgh,
&c. ; now Professor of History and English Literature in University
College, Toronto.



so small a quantity suffices to produce the full narcotic

effects of the favourite weed. They would rather seem
to confirm the indications derived from other sources,
of an essential difference between the ancient smoking
usages of Central America and of the mound-builders,
and those which are still maintained in their primeval
integrity among the Indians of the north-west.
" Great variety of form and material distinguishes the
pipes of the modern Indians : arising in part from the
local facilities they possess for a suitable material from
which to construct them ; and in part also from the
special style of art and decoration which has become
the traditional usage of the tribe. The favourite red
pipe-stone of the Cdteau des Prairies, has been
generally sought after, both from its easiness of
working and the beauty of its appearance. * * * A pipe
of this favourite and beautiful material, found on the
shores of Lake Simcoe, and now in my possession,
measures five inches and three-quarters in length, and
nearly four inches in greatest breath, yet the capacity
of the bowl hollowed in it for the reception of tobacco
is even less than in the smallest of the ' Elfin Pipes.'
In contrast to this, a modern Winnebago pipe recently
acquired by me, made of the same red pipe-stone,
inlaid with lead, and executed with ingenious skill, has
a bowl of large dimensions illustrative of Indian
smoking usages modified by the influence of the white
man. From the red pipe-stone, as well as from lime
stone and other harder rocks, the Chippeways, the
Winnebagos, and the Siouxs, frequently make a



peculiar class of pipes, inlaid with lead. * * * The

Chinook and Puget Sound Indians, who evince little
taste in comparison with the tribes surrounding them,
in ornamenting their persons or their warlike and
domestic implements, commonly use wooden pipes.
Sometimes these are elaborately carved, but most
frequently they are rudely and hastily made for im
mediate use ; and even among these remote tribes of
the flat-head Indians, the common clay pipe of the
fur trader begins to supersede such native arts.
" Among the Assinaboin Indians a material is used
in pipe manufacture altogether peculiar to them. It
is a fine marble, much too hard to admit of minute
carving, but taking a high polish. This is cut into
pipes of graceful form, and made so extremely thin,
as to be nearly transparent, so that when lighted the
glowing tobacco shines through, and presents a sin
gular appearance when in use at night or in a dark
lodge. Another favourite material employed by the
Assinaboin Indians is a coarse species of jasper also
too hard to admit of elaborate ornamentation. This
also is cut into various simple but tasteful designs,
executed chiefly by the slow and laborious process of
rubbing it down with other stones. The choice of the
material for fashioning the favourite pipe, is by no
means invariably guided by the facilities which the
location of the tribe affords. A suitable stone for such
a purpose will be picked up and carried hundreds of
miles. Mr. Kane informs me that, in coming down
the Athabaska River, when drawing near its source in




the Rocky Mountains, he observed his Assinaboin

guides select the favourite bluish jasper from among
the water-worn stones in the bed of the river, to carry
home for the purpose of pipe manufacture, although
they were then fully five hundred miles from their
lodges. Such a traditional adherence to a choice of
material peculiar to a remote source, may frequently
prove of considerable value as a clue to former
migrations of the tribes.
" Both the Cree and the Winnebago Indians carve
pipes in stone, of a form now more frequently met with
in the Indian curiosity stores of Canada and the States
than any other specimens of native carving. The tube,
cut at a sharp right angle with the cylindrical bowl of
the pipe, is ornamented with a thin vandyked ridge,
generally perforated with a row of holes, and standing
up somewhat like the dorsal fin of a fish. The Winnebagos also manufacture pipes of the same form, but of
a smaller size, in lead, with considerable skill.
" Among the Cree Indians a double pipe is occasion
ally in use, consisting of a bowl carved out of stone
without much attempt at ornament, but with perfora
tions on two sides, so that two smokers can insert their
pipe-stems at once, and enjoy the same supply of
tobacco. It does not appear, however, that any special
significance is attached to this singular fancy. The
Saultaux Indians, a branch of the great Algonquin
nation, also carve their pipes out of a black stone,
found in their country, and evince considerable skill
in the execution of their elaborate details. * * * But the



most remarkable of all the specimens of pipe sculpture

executed by the Indians of the north-west, 'are those
carved by the Babeen, or Big-lip Indians, so called
from the singular deformity they produce by inserting
a piece of wood into a slit made in the lower lip. The
Babeen Indians are found along the Pacific Coast,
about latitude 540 40', and extend from the borders
of the Russian dominions eastward nearly to Frazer
River. The pipes of the Babeen, and also of the
Clalam Indians occupying the neighbouring Vancou
ver's Island, are carved with the utmost elaborateness,
and in the most singular and grotesque devices, from a
soft blue claystone or slate. Their form is in part deter
mined by the material, which is only procurable in thin
slabs ; so that the sculptures, wrought on both sides,
present a sort of double bas-relief. From this, singular
and grotesque groups are carved, without any apparent
reference to the final destination of the whole as a pipe.
The lower side is generally a straight line, and in the
specimens I have examined they measure from two or
three to fifteen inches long ; so that in these the pipestem is included. A small hollow is carved out of
some protruding ornament to serve as the bowl of the
pipe, and from the further end a perforation is drilled
to connect with this. The only addition made to it
when in use is the insertion of a quill or straw as a
mouth-piece." Of this latter kind we present an en
graving ; they are among the most remarkable pro
ductions of the northern Indians, partaking of most
grotesque features, and generally representing men



swallowed by serpents and monsters ; an extraordinary

jumble of human and animal form ; occasionally an

European appears among them in his round hat and

tail coat, which never looks more ridiculous than
when it is exhibited by the " native artists " of the
Northern Pacific. Large and unwieldly as these pipes
appear, they have but a very small aperture for
tobacco, as may be seen in the upper portion of the
woodcut given above.*
Catlin says, in his Letters on the North American
Indians, 1841, they are all excessive smokers, and
many of them would seem to be smoking one-half of
their lives,t He thus describes their pipe-making :
"The Indians shape out the bowls of their pipes
from the solid stone, which is not quite as hard as
* A savage in want of his pipe has been known to dig a small hole in
the ground, light his tobacco in it, and draw the smoke through a reed.
+ When they can get no tobacco, they smoke weeds or leaves, and bark
of trees which are narcotics ; these they sometimes dry or pulverise and
carry in pouches, smoking it to great excess ; this is called Knick k'neck,
A peculiar expedient resorted to by them, when they undertake a long
journey, and are like to be destitute of provisions, is to mix the juice of
tobacco with powdered shells, in the form of little balls, which they keep
in their mouths, and the gradual solution serves to counteract the uneasy
craving of the stomach.



marble, with nothing but a knife. The Indian makes

the hole in the bowl of the pipe by drilling into it a
hard stick shaped to the desired size, with a quantity
of sharp sand and water, kept constantly in the hole,
subjecting him therefore to very great labour, and the
necessity of much patience." The smoking stems
" are uniformly made of the stalk of the young ash,
which generally grows straight, and has a small pith
through the centre, which is easily burned out with a
hot wire or a piece of hard wood."
With a brief notice of the War Pipe and the Peace
Pipe we will conclude this section of our labour. The
first, a true tomahawk, is smoked
through the reed handle, the to
bacco being placed in the small
receptacle above the hatchet ;
the smoke is drawn through
the handle, which is perforated
in its entire length, making it
the pipe-stem. The Calumet,
or peace pipe, is the cherished heirloom of the tribe,
and is decorated with all the splendour of savage
taste by the women, who vie with each other in ren
dering it as showy as possible with birds' feathers
of the brightest colour, beads of various hues, and
bows of ribbon. Each Indian knows to what tribe the
pipe belongs at a glance, and it is only used on great
political or religious celebrations to ratify good feeling
by solemnly smoking it among the assembled tribes.
The bowl is made of the sacred red pipe-stone from



the Cdteau des Prairies in the Sioux country already

noted, and is affixed to a stem 4 or 5 feet in length.
The earliest travellers in North America noted this
custom : the Knight Montmagny, Governor of Canada
in 1645, used it to confirm the treaty of peace with
Algonquins, Montagnez, Hurons, and Cherokees ; one
of the latest travellers, the American artist Catlin
has also described it, and accompanied his description
with the sketch we now copy.
" The calumet, or pipe of peace, ornamented with
the war-eagle's quills, is a sacred pipe, and never

allowed to be used on any other occasion than that of

peace-making, when the chief brings it into treaty,
and unfolding the many bandages which are carefully
kept around it, has it ready to be mutually smoked by
the chiefs, after the terms of the treaty are agreed
upon, as the means of solemnising it ; which is done
by passing the sacred stem to each chief, who draws
one breath of smoke only through it, thereby passing



the most inviolable pledge they can possibly give for

keeping the peace. This sacred pipe is then carefully
folded up and stowed away in the chief's lodge until a
similar occasion calls it out to be used in a similar
" There is no custom more uniformly in constant
use amongst the poor Indians than that of smoking,
nor any more highly valued. His pipe is his constant
companion through lifehis messenger of peace ; he
pledges his friends through its stem and its bowl, and
when its care-drowning fumes cease to flow, it takes a
place with him in his solitary grave with his tomahawk
and war-club, companions to his long-fancied ' mild
and beautiful hunting-grounds.' "
Such were " the modes to savage nations dear " of
smoking tobacco. In our next chapter we will con
sider its European styles.


(and its literary associations.)

The history of the origin of popular customs is gene

rally involved in obscurity, it is the natural result of
that very popularity which seems to render the office
of historian unnecessary. Tradition thus occupies the
place of the written chronicle, and when the latter has
to be compiled, many facts have been lost or distorted.
It is thus that the European use of Tobacco has been
descanted on by various writers, some of whom, not
content with doubting the persons who are popularly
thought to have introduced it in the sixteenth century,
have asserted its use in the East as an historic fact
some centuries before the discovery of America. It is
certain that the fumes of plants were used m medicine
from a very early period ; but the wild assertions
deduced therefrom as to the early custom of tobacco
smoking in the Old World, can only be classed among
" the curiosities of literature," * inasmuch as no one
* We must dispose of some few of these in a note. The "tradition " of
the Greek Church that Noah was intoxicated by tobacco would seem to
be the production of some holy humourist. The grave assertion of Dr.
Yates that he saw a representation of a smoking party in an ancient tomb



of these writers has attempted to explain the extraor

dinary fact of the total silence of all persons as to the
custom in Europe, either in ancient or modern times.
It is in fact not till long after its European advent, in
comparatively modern times, that we meet with these
assertions and conjectures, which presuppose the
monstrous improbability that the world had smoked
on unwittingly for some three thousand years, and
then accepted the " weed " from the aborigines of
America as a new gift !
The proper name of the herb is also a subject of
discussion, but the weight of evidence is certainly not
in favour of the present one so extensively adopted in
Europe. The name tabaco certainly appears, from the
testimony of the oldest authors, to be that applied to
the tube used by the Indians to inhale the smoke ; and
that the plant itself bore the name of yoli, petun,
in Egypt may pass uncontradicted, as the author of this work has seen
in the collection of drawings formed by a late distinguished antiquary to
illustrate Norfolk, one representing a carved panel, of the age of Edward
the Third, and from the mouth of one figure a pipe comfortablydepends.
The Egyptian pipe may have been added to an old figure in a similar
manner by some idleror, what is more probable, the picture may have
represented glass-blowers at work, as engraved in Wilkinson's Egypt,
vol. iii. p. 89, which on a cursory glance looks exactly like a smoking
party. Irish antiquaries have also seen native instances as old or ap
parently older, but no notice has been taken of the " ingenious artists "
who have added " the little tube of magic power " to these really extra
ordinary ' ' ancient monuments. " China, that very safe country, where
all investigators repose when their labours in every other are refuted,
is now the "happy home " whence the use of tobacco is declared to have
emanated for the benefit of "outer barbarians." The determination to
find what is sought for in all these theories is the most amusing part of
them ; and the manner in which facts are ignored, for the stultification
of fancies, would make a curious chapter on the idiosyncracies of



piecelt, or cohiba, according to the varied language of

the different tribes who inhabited the great continent*
" About 1 560 " is the date generally awarded to tne
introduction of Tobacco to Europe, and a Spanish
physician, Francesco Hernandez, is believed to have
brought some plants to Spain for the inspection of his
" Most Catholic " Majesty Philip the Second, who had
commissioned him to visit Mexico and note its natural
productions. Almost at the same period France and
Italy were made acquainted therewith, chiefly by
the aid of members of the church. Jean Nicot, Lord
of Villemain, and master of the Requests of the
French King's household, was sent as ambassador to
the Portuguese Court in 1559, and purchased while at
Lisbon some tobacco seed from a Flemish merchant
who had obtained it in Florida.} He sent it to the
Grand Prior of France, and the herb was originally
known as Herbe du Grand Prieur. When Nicot
returned to France in 1561 he presented the Queen,
Catharine de Medicis, with some of the plants, and its
name was then altered in compliment to her to Herbe
de la Reine, and Herbe Medice"e. The native name of
petun was, however, occasionally used ; but all were
allowed to fall into disuse for one constructed in hon
our of the original importer ; thus Nicotiana became its
recognised name, a term still preserved to us in Nico* These and other native terms noted by early voyagers to America,
will be found in the previous chapter.
fin the castle of Belem is still preserved a letter in which he tells of
his first acquaintance with this " herb of a peculiarly pleasant taste, good
medicinally in fevers and other diseases. "



tine, the scientific name for the essential oil the

tobacco-plant contains.* Italy received the gift direct
from the hands of Cardinal Prosper Santa Croce, who
also obtained it in Portugal, and in honour of him it
was christened Erba Santa Croce. An envoy from
France, who had probably obtained some of the plants
that Nicot introduced, brought them to another part
of Italy where it was called Tornabona from his name.
But the Spanish name, tabaco, given to it by Her
nandez ultimately triumphed over all, and became
(with slight variations) that universally recognised
over the world.f
It was to the supposed sanitary effects of tobacco
that its honourable introduction to Europe was due.
Queens and Cardinals bowed to the dictum of physi
cians, who seemed to look upon the plant as a divine
remedy for most diseases, and so speedily propounded
cures for all that " flesh is heir to " from various
applications of it, that it also was christened Herba
Panacea and Herba Santa ; and the " tabaco of Trinidado " is termed Sana sancta Indorum in Gerard's
* The author of the Flora Domestica (1823, p. 365) says :" The
French have many names for it ; as, le tabac, nicotiane, petum, herbe
du Grand Prieur, herbe a la Reine, Medicee ^from the Queen's family
name), buglosse antarctique, panacee antarctique (southern all-heal),
herbe sainte, herbe sacree (holy herb), herbe propre a tous maux (herb
fit for all diseases), jusquiame de Perou (Peruvian henbane), herbe de
Tourbanon, herbe de St. Croix, herbe de l'ambassadeur. "
t The Spaniards still use the name in its old purity of spelling ; the
Portuguese and Italians add an additional letter and term it tabacco ; we
alter the first vowel improperly and call it tobacco ; the Poles term it
tabaka ; the Danes and Swedes shorten it to tobak ; the Germans, Dutch,
and Russians spell it tabak, a close approach to the French tabac.



Herball, 1 597.* It was grown in small quantities as a

medical herb for a long period in France, the English
having long preceded that nation in the indulgence of
The curative virtues of the tobacco-plant are noted
by two of our old poets. First, Spenser in his Fairy
Queen makes his Belphcebe include it with other
medicinal herbs gathered to heal Timais :
" Into the woods thence-forth in haste she went,
To seeke for herbes that mote him remedy ;
For she of hearbes had great intendiment,
Taught of the Nymph which from her infancy
Her nursed had in true nobility :
There whether it divine Tobacco were,
Or Panachsea, or Polygony,
She found and brought it to her patient deare,
Who all this while lay bleeding out his heart-blood neare. "

This was written soon after the introduction of the

plant to England. Next, William Lilly, the Euphuist
and court-poet to Elizabeth, in his play The Woman in
the Moone, 1597, makes Pandora after wounding a lover
with a spear, send her servant for herbs to cure it :
" Gather me balme and cooling violets,
And of our holy herb nicotian,
And bring withall pure honey from the hive,
To heale the wound of my unhappy hand. " f

Henry Buttes, in his curious little volume entitled

* Some of the German writers describe it under the name of the Holy
Healing Herb (Heilig wundkraut).
f This poet, from the testimony of his friend Nash, appears to have
been a " great tobacco-smoker. "



Dyets Dry Dinner (12mo, 1599), treats of the virtues

of Tobacco as a digestive powers
" Fruit, herbs, flesh, fish, whitemeats, spice, sauce, all
Concoct are by Tobacco's cordialL "

He says he names his book a dry dinner, not only

Caminum Prandium, without wine, but Accipritinum
without all drink except tobacco, which also is but dry
drink. That it was "translated out of India in the seede
or roote ; native or sative in our own fruitfullest soils.
It cureth any griefe, dolour, imposture, or obstruction
proceeding of colde or winde, especially in the head or
breast. The fume taken in a pipe is good against
Rumes, Catarrhs, hoarseness, ache in the head,
stomacke, lungs, breast : also in want of meate, drinke,
sleepe, or rest."
" The name in India is piecelt, surnamed Tabacco
by the Spaniards of the He Tabaco. By their meanes
it spred farre and neare : but yet wee are not beholden
to their tradition. Our English Ulisses, renowned Syr
Walter Rawleigh, a man admirably excellent in Navi
gation, of Natures privy counsell, and infinitely read
in the wide booke of the worlde, hath both farre fetcht
it, and deare bought it ; the estimate of the treasure I
leave to other ; yet this all know, since it came in
request there hath bene Magnus fumi questus, and
Fumi-vendulus is the best Epithite from an Apo
We shall meet with other instances of Tobacco sold



as a sanatory by Apothecaries ; * and we may here most

conveniently note some of the old medical recipes for
its use. Edmund Gardiner, in his Triall of Tobacco,
1610,+ gives this recipe for persons with asthma, or
consumptive tendency :
Foliorum sana sancta Indorum.
Mastichis, ana partes equales. %

Our author says "a medicine in the plague thus

prepared I should judge to be verie effectual," if taken
warm, and perspiration be induced :
Pulveris radicis Angelica Hortensis, vel sylvestris, 3j.
Theriacae optima, 3i, 3ft
Aqua stillatitia, Sana sancta Indorum, ^iiij.
Aceti optimi, 3f>. Misce.

One more instance of the many given by our author,

* In Middleton's Roaring Girl one asks an apothecary ; ' ' Have you any
good pudding tobacco, sir ? " (See also the extract from Dekker, p. 56.)
t The title is worth giving in full for its prolix detail of the contents of
the book :" The Triall of Tobacco, wherein his worth is most worthily
expressed : as, in the name, nature, and qualitie of the same hearb ; his
special use in all Physicke, with the right and true use of taking it, as
well for the seasons and times, as also the complexions, dispositions, and
constitutions of such bodies and persons as are fittest ; and to whom it is
most profitable to take it. " The author was an old man when he compiled
the book ; but he did it, he tells us, to supply the want of a proper know
ledge of a plant "so much in use amongst Englishmen."
J The Doctor notes the success attendant on a patient of his own, who
could scarcely breathe, and was given over by his physicians, but " was at
length counselled to take tobacco in fume : which he daily did, and only
by this way, by little and little, he recovered his former health and strength
ofbodie." He also says : " a sirup made of the decoction of this herbe,
with sufficient sugar, and so taken in a very small quantitie, dischargeth
the breast from phlegmatic matter."



and we have done. It is " an unguent to take away all

pains of the gout," made by baking the ingredients for
five hours in a glass vessel :
Succi foliorum san. sanct. Indorum, Jviij.
Axung. porci masculi.
Axung. caponis, ana unc. ii. Misce.
" What is a more noble medicine, or more readie at
hand, than Tobacco ? " asks this author ; and his view
of its virtues was taken afterward in a more ambitious
volume, by Dr. John Neander of Bremen, whose quarto
volume entitled Tabacologia was published at Leyden
in 1622, and who prescribes its use in a multitude of
recipes after the fashion of those just given for almost
all the diseases of life ; it should be noted, however,
that it is never used without admixture with other
good and powerful medicaments.*
Sir Walter Raleigh is the popular hero English
tradition has chosen as the originator of smoking
among ourselves. He certainly made it fashionable,
sanctioned it by his custom, and gave it " a good
standing in society ; " but it seems to have been intro
duced by Mr. Ralph Lane, who was sent out by
Raleigh as governor of Virginia, returning to England
in 1586. The historian of the voyage, Mr. Thomas
Harriot, and the learned Camden, who both lived at
the period, unhesitatingly affirm that Lane has the
honour of being the original English smoker.-f The
* Dr. Everard had published at Antwerp in 1587 a similar work.
t Pennant, in Tour in Wales 1810 (vol. ii. p. 151), speaking of Captain



tobacco-plant seems, however, to have been known in

England earlier. Stow, in his Annals, declares, that
" tobacco came into England about the twentieth year
of Queen Elizabeth" (1577), but Taylor the Waterpoet assigns an earlier date ; he says " Tobacco was
first brought into England in 1565, by Sir John
Hawkins." * Lobelius, in his Novum Stirpium Adver
saria (Antwerp 1576), declares that "within these few
years " the West Indian tobacco had become " an
inmate of England." Raleigh was certainly the first
devoted adherent of smoking in England, and in spite
of his courtiership when a queen ruled, ostentatiously
enjoyed his pipe. Aubrey has noted, " He was the
first that brought tobacco into England, and into
fashion. In our part of North Wiltse.g. Malmsbury
Hundredit came first into fashion by Sir Walter
Long. They had first silver pipes. The ordinary
sort made use of a walnut shell and a strawe. I have
heard my grandfather Lyte say, that one pipe was
handed from man to man round the table. Sir W. R.
Myddelton, who fought at Azores in 1591 : " It is sayed that he, with
Captain Thomas Price of Plasyollin, and one Captain Koet, were the first
who smoked, or (as they called it) drank tobacco publickly in London, and
that the Londoners flocked from all parts to see them. Pipes were not
then invented, so they used the twisted leaves or segars." He gives this
on the authority of the Sebright M S. , and adds, " The invention is usually
ascribed to Sir Walter Raleigh. It may be so, but he was too good a
courtier to smoke in public, especially in the reign of James. "
* Postscript to The Old, Old^ Very Old Man, or Life of Thomas Parr.
1635. The translator of Everard's Panacea, in 1659, says :" Captain
Richard Grenfield and Sir Francis, Drake were the first planters of it here,
and not Sir Walter Raleigh, which is the common error ; so difficult is
it to fix popular discoveries. "



standing in a stand at Sir Ro. Poyntz parke at Acton

tooke a pipe of tobacco, which made the ladies quitte
it till he had donne ; " this was after the accident
recorded as happening to him when " he took a private
pipe," and occasioned his servant to cast the ale over
him as the smoke induced him to fear his master
was on fire. If there be little credit attached to his
memory for thus " disgusting the ladies," there is still
less for having indulged in a pipe as he sat to see his
friend Essex perish on the scaffold.*
It is curious to note this well-known anecdote of
Raleigh, reported of other persons (a fact not hitherto
noted by historians of the herb). The famous jester
Dick Tarlton, who'died in 1588, is one of them, and in
his Jests (161 1) the tale is thus told ; " How Tarlton
took tobacco at the first coming up of it :Tarlton as
other gentlemen used, at the first coming up of
tobacco, did take it more for fashions sake than other
wise, and being in a roome, sat betweene two men
overcome with wine, and they never seeing the like,
wondered at it, and seeing the vapour come out of
Tarlton's nose, cryed out fire, fire ! and threw a cup of
wine in Tarlton's face. ' Make no more stirre,' quoth
Tarlton, 'the fire is quenched : if the sheriffs come, it
will turne a fine as the custom is.' And drinking that
againe, ' fie,' says the other, ' what a stinke it makes, I
* He was " faithful to the end " in his love of tobacco, for Aubrey
relates that he smoked a short time before his own execution, and, thus
defends the action :" He tooke a pipe of tobacco a little before he went
to the scaffolde, which some female persons were scandalised at j but I
think 'twas well and properly donne to settle his spirits. "



am almost poysoned.' 'If it offend,' quoth Tarlton,

' let's every one take a little of the smell, and so the
savor will quickly go : ' but tobacco whiffes made them
leave him to pay all." Rich, in his Irish Hubbub (161 9),
gives another version of the story" I remember
a pretty jest of tobacco which was this. A certain
Welchman coming newly to London, and beholding
one to take tobacco, never seeing the like before, and
not knowing the manner of it, but perceiving him vent
smoke so fast, and supposing his inward parts to be on
fire ; cried out, ' O Jhesu, Jhesu man, for the passion
of Cod hold, for by Cod's splud ty snowt's on fire,' and
having a bowle of beere in his hand, threw it at the
other's face, to quench his smoking nose."
Steadily and quietly the art of smoking made its way
in England, until about ten years after its introduction
the satirists began to complain of the prevalence of
this habit ; but it was too firmly fixed then for their
invectives to have any effect ; and to take tobacco
" with a grace " was looked upon as the necessary
qualification of a gentleman. Ben Jonson, in his
Every Man out of his Humour, introduces such a
character in Sogliardo, who is described as " an essen
tial clown, yet so enamoured of the name of a gen
tleman, that he will have it though he buys it. He
comes up every term to learn to take tobacco." The
hangers-on of society, the needy cavaliers, the tavernsharpers, and captains of the Bobadil sort, made a
profession of the art of smoking. In the play just
quoted " rare Ben " gives the form of a placard hung



in St. Paul's, at that time the fashionable promenade

of the gallants of the day, and offering instruction in
these words :" If this City, or the suburbs of the
same, do afford any young gentleman of the first,
second, or third head,* more or less, whose friends are
but lately deceased, and whose lands are but new come
into his hands, that, to be as exactly qualified as the
best of our ordinary gallants are, is affected to enter
tain the most gentlemanlike use of Tobacco ; as first
to give it the most exquisite perfume, then to know all
the delicate sweet forms for the assumption of it, as
also the rare corollary and practice of the Cuban
ebolition, Euripus t and Whiffe, which he shall receive
or take in here at London, and evaporate at Uxbridge,
or farther, if it please him. If there be any such
generous spirit, that is truly enamoured of these good
faculties ; may it please him but by a note of his hand,
to specify the place or ordinary where he uses to eat
and lie, and most sweet attendance with Tobacco and
pipes of the best sort shall be ministered. Stet, quceso,
candide lector!' The highflown style and ridiculous
asseverations of the virtues of "the most divine herb,"
* Terms used in hunting to denote the ages of bucks.
t Euripus, a term for a particular mode of smoking ; in what its
peculiarity consisted it is not easy now to determine ; the name appears
to be derived from the narrow and rapid strait between the island of
Eubcea and the continent, proverbial for its flux and reflux ; hence it may
perhaps mean a rapid inhaling and emitting of the smoke. The Germans
still practice many quaint modes of emitting tobacco-smoke ; one accom
plishment of this kind consists in breathing it gently forth till it forms a
ring, and before it loses that form, sending another ring at right angles
through it. (See quotation from Dekker, p. 56.) The Studenten of the
Universities devote some time to acquiring the power of such feats.



indulged in by these needy professors, who dogged the

steps of every silly young country gentleman, are well
depicted in the same author's Captain Bobadil.
Lodge, in his Wit's Miserie, and the World's
Madnesse (1596), speaking of "another devil of this
age Adulation " and his subserviency, says, " This
Damocles amongst the retinue carries alwaies the
tabacco-pipe," and is the toady to silly young gal
In Every Man out of his Humour (1599), the author
notes one gallant who takes lessons in smoking in a
hired chamber at an ordinary, " private to practise in."
" There we might see Sogliardo sit in a chair holding
his snout like a sow under an apple-tree, while the
other open'd his nostrils with a poking-stick, to give
the smoke a more free delivery."
Samuel Rowlands, in his Paire of Spy-knaves (circa
1 610), has a tale how a countryman was cheated in
a London tavern, by a knave who pretended to teach
him smoking.
" I'll teach thee (do observe mee heere)
To take tobacco like a cavalier ;
Thus draw the vapour through your nose, and say,
Puffe, it is gone, fuming the smoke away."

Dekker, in that very curious picture of manners, The

Gull's Horn-book (1602), thus narrates the approved
fashion among smokers in his day:" Before the meat
come smoking to the board, our gallant must draw out
his tobacco-box, the ladle for the cold snuff into the
nostril, the tongs, and priming-iron ; all which artillery



may be of gold or silver, if he can reach the price of

it ; it will be a reasonable useful pawn at all times,
when the amount of his money falls out to run low.
And here you must observe to know in what tobacco is
in town, better than the merchants, and to discourse of
the apothecaries where it is to be sold ; then let him
show his several tricks in taking it, as the whiff, the
ring, &c., for these are compliments that gain gentle
men no mean respect."
What we now call smoking was at this period gene
rally termed drinking tobacco. The author of " Vox
Civitatis, or London's complaint against her children
in the country " (1636) ; speaking of the dissolute and
debauched who loiter about taverns and public places
says, " Men will not stand upon it to drink either wine,
or tobacco with them who are more fit for Bride
well." *
The term, no doubt, originated in the custom of in
haling the smoke, and allowing it to escape through the
nose ; f a fashion in which it was originally enjoyed by
the Indians. The Duke of Newcastle, in his Comedy
of The Triumphant Widow (Act 3, Sc. 1), speaks of a
* Two more illustrations of the use of the term are here given : "
' ' We'll stay here to drink tobacco. "Miseries of Inforced Marriage,
1607. (Dodsley's Old Plays.) " The smoke of tobacco (the which
Dodoneus called rightly Henbane of Peru) drunke and drawm by a
pipe, filleth the membranes of the braine, and astonisheth and filleth
many persons with such joy and pleasure, and sweet losse of senses,
that they can by no means be without it." The Perfuming of Tobacco,
and the great abuse committed in it, 1611.
f Marston in his Mountebank's Masque says, humorously, " The
divell cannot take tobacco through his nose, for St. Dunstan hath seared
that up with his tongs."



joker making a party laugh, so that " the tihie took a

reverend old gentlewoman when she was a drinking,
and she did squirt the beer out of her nose, as an Indian
does tobacco." The term was constantly used until the
middle of the seventeenth century ; for the catalogue
of Rubens' effects, sent over by Sir Balthazar Gerbier
to Charles I. in 1640, calls a Dutch picture of smokers
" the Tobacco-drinkers." The fashionable mode of
thus inhaling tobacco-smoke, and expelling it by the
nose, is curiously shown in the accompanying cut,

copied from a rare little volume in 12mo, printed at

Rotterdam in 1623, and entitled, Een Korte beschryvinge van het wonderlycke kruyt Tobacco* The
engraving is valuable for the clear way in which it
* This work is dedicated to an Englishman, " The worthy nobleman,
M. Humphry King, Knight, and Chief Sovereign of the Order of
Glorious Tobacco." The Dutch were always enthusiasts for the herb.



depicts the whole paraphernalia of a smoker, with

the roll of Tobacco on the table before him, and the
knife and trencher with which he cuts it up for use.
This was termed carotte and "Pudding-cane tobacco,"
by which latter name it is described in Chapman's
Comedy, All Fooles, 1605. In the same play, Dariotto
says :" My boy once lighted a pipe of cane Tobacco
with a peece of a vile ballad, and I'll sweare I had a
singing in my head a whole week after."
In Field's Amends for Ladies (1618) is a scene with
London swaggerers at a wineshop in Turnbull-street
where one jestingly asks a silly nobleman, " Will your
lordship take any tobaceo ? " and another sneeringly
remarks " 'Sheart ! he cannot put it through his
nose ! " A severe comment on the incapacity of a
" fast man " of the days of James I.
Paul Hentzner, who visited England in 1598, notes
the constant custom of smoking at all public places.
He visited the Bear Garden in Southwark, and says :
" At these spectacles, and everywhere else, the English
are constantly smoking tobacco, and in this manner :
They have pipes on purpose, made of clay, into the
farther end of which they put the herb, so dry that it
may be rubbed into powder, and putting fire to it,
they draw the smoak into their mouths, which they
puff out again, through their nostrils, like funnels,
along with it plenty of phlegm and defluxion from the
head." This was in fact one of the chief "medical
virtues " for which the herb was professedly taken.
The prevalence of tobacco-smoking on the stage,



where gallants were accommodated with stools to sit

during the play at an increased charge, is alluded to by
Cokes in Ben Jonson's admirable play, Bartholomew
Fair. He has gone into a booth to see a puppet-play,
and asks of the master, "Ha' you none of your pretty
impudent boys, now ; to bring stooles, fill Tobacco,
fetch ale, and beg money as they have at other
houses ? " The inconvenience occasionally felt by the
female part of the audience is demonstrated by the
Grocer's wife in Beaumont and Fletcher's Knight of the
Burning Pestle, who taking her seat on the stage,
exclaims, "Fie! this stinking tobacco kils men; would
there were none in England : now I pray, gentlemen,
what good does this stinking tobacco ?doe you
nothing ?I warrant you make chimnies of your
faces !" * Collier, in his Annals of the Stage, notes t
that one of the boy-actors in the induction to Cynthia's
Revels, imitating a gallant supposed to be sitting on
the stage, speaks of having his " three sorts of tobacco
in his pocket, and his light by him." Dekker in 1609
tells his gallant to "get his match lighted;" and in the
Scornful Lady (1616) Captains of gally-foists are ridi
culed, who only " wear swords to reach fire at a play,"
for the purpose of lighting their pipes. Hutton, in his
* This idea seems to have been taken from a tirade against tobacco
smoking, entitled Worke for Chimney Sweepers, which Gardiner, in his
Triall of Tobacco, says the author, was " commanded or compelled to
write " (probably by James the First, who afterwards took pen in hand
himself) ; it was answered in 1602 by A Defence of Tobacco, in which
the author shows that his opponent has injured his own cause, by his
desire to prove tob mucha not uncommon case !
f Vol. iii. p. 416.



Follies Anatomie (1611), speaks of the custom of

taking tobacco at theatres (instancing the Globe
Shakespeare's theatre) :
the crowded stage
Must needs be graced with you and your page,
Sweare for a place with each controlling foole,
And send your hackney servant for a stoole. "

Tobacco was even sold at the play-house, and in

Bartholomew Fair, Ben Jonson talks of those "who
accomodate gentlemen with tobacco at our theatres."*
Ben Jonson thus further alludes to the general
prevalence of smoking :
Are got into the yellow starch, and chimney sweepers
To their tobacco, and strong waters, Hum,
Meath and Obarni."
The Devil is an Ass, Act i. Sc. i.

The same author makes his Volpone, when disguised

as a Mountebank, declare if his nostrums had been
well known
" No Indian drug had e'er been famed
Tobacco, sassafras, not named. "

The affected phrases used by tobacco-smokers, and

the pretences they made to carry the choicest tobacco
about them, much as the modern " swells " do expen
sive cigars, is very excellently ridiculed, in the old
Comedy known as Greene's Tu Quoque, 1614. The
scene is a fashionable London ordinary, where some
" fast men " of the day meet, and one asks of another,
* See also the Actor's Remonstrance.




who is smoking" Please you to impart your smoke? "

To which he replies, " very willingly, Sir." The other,
after a whiff or two, exclaims, "In good faith, a pipe of
excellent vapour ! " which the donor confirms by
declaring it "the best the house yields." To which the
other rejoins in some surprise, " Had you it in the
house ? I thought it had been your own : 'tis not so
good now as I took it for ! " The custom of passing
the pipe from one to another is noted in Barnaby
Rich's Irish Hubbub (1622), " One pipe of tobacco will
suffice three or four men at once," and he adds, that
the custom was indulged in by men of all grades.
Lodge, in his Wit's Miserie, and the World's Madnesse (1596), speaks of a foolish fellow, "Who will hug
you in his armes, kisse you on the cheeke, and rapping
out an horrible oath, crie " Gods soule, Tom, I love
you. You know my poore heart, come to my chamber
for a pipe of tobacco ; there lives not a man in this
world that I more honour.' "
Samuel Rowlands, a prolific writer of ephemera in
the reign of Elizabeth and James ; and whose works,
now exceedingly rare, are chiefly valuable for the
pictures they afford of popular manners ; has the
following poem on tobacco, which contains four lines
still popularly quoted as a vindication of smoking,
without knowledge of their antiquity. It occurs in
his Knave of Clubbs, 161 1. We have marked them
with inverted commas :
" Who durst dispraise tobacco whilst the smoke is in my nose,
Or say, but fah 1 my pipe doth smell ? I would I knew but those


Durst offer such indignity to that which I prefer,
For all the brood of blackamoors will swear I do not err.
In taking this same worthy whiff with valiant cavalier,
But that will make his nostrils smoke, at cupps of wine or beer.
When as my purse can not afford my stomach flesh or fish,
I sup with smoke, and feed as well and fat as one can wish .
Come into any company, though not a cross you have, *
Yet offer them tobacco, and their liquor you shall have.
They say old hospitalitie kept chimnies smoking still ;
Now what your chimnies want of that, our smoking noses will.
' Much victuals serves for gluttony, to fatten men like swine,
' But he's a frugal man indeed that with a leaf can dine,
' And needs no napkins for his hands his finger's ends to wipe,
' But keeps his kitchen in a box, and roast meat in a pipe."
This is the way to help down years, a meal a day's enough !
Take out tobacco for the rest by pipe, or else by snuff,
And you shall find it physical : a corpulent, fat man,
Within a year shall shrink so small that one his guts shall span.
It's full of physic rare effects, it worketh sundry ways,
The leaf green, dried, steept, burnt to dust, have each their several
It makes some sober that are drunk, some drunk of sober sense,
And all the moisture hurts the brain it fetches smoking thence.
All the four elements unite when you tobacco take,
For earth and water, air and fire, do a conjunction make.
The pipe is earth, the fire's therein, the air the breathing smoke ;
Good liquor must be present too, for fear I chance to choke.
Here, gentlemen, a health to all, 'tis passing good and strong.
I would speak more, but for the pipe I cannot stay so long. "

The four lines alluded to are appended to a well

executed engraving (copied on the opposite page) of the
time of Charles I. ; which afterwards was made to do
duty against smokers by being printed in a most pious
broadside against spendthrifts published in 1641, and
entitled The Sucklington Faction, or {Suckling's) Roar
ing boys ; an evident blow levelled by the puritanic
party at the cavalier-poet Sir John Suckling.
* Equivalent in meaning iopenniless, from the cross then so constantly
impressed on the reverse of the current coin.



The commencement of the seventeenth century was

the golden age of tobacco. It was favoured by all, and

valued for imputed virtues more than it possessed. It

received a large amount of literary notice, larger than
ever after fell to its share. Poets were inspired with
a desire to sing its praises, and exert their fancy in its
The Metamorphosis of Tobacco is one of
these effusions, an ambitious addition to those narrated
by Ovid. It is dedicated by its unknown author to
Michael Drayton, one of England's worthiest poets, and
was printed in 1602 ; on the title is a cut of the tobaccoplant growing in the cleft of "the bi-forked hill," with the
motto round it Digna Parnasso et Apolline. The author
takes a dignified view of his subject as he exclaims :
" Me let the sound of great Tobaccoes praise
A pitch above those love-sick poets raise.


Let me adore with my thrice happie pen,
The sweete and sole delight of mortal men ;
The Cornucopia of all earthly pleasure,
Where Bankrupt nature hath consum'd her treasure.
A worthy plant springing from Flora's hand,
The blessed offspring of an uncouth land."

Our author then proceeds to tell us

' ' On what occasion and by whom it stood,
That the blest world received so great a good."

He imagines a " sudden parliament " called of the

Elements to hear Prometheus complain that his work
is not perfected, and ask their help. The Earth pro
poses that
" A plant shall from my wrinkled forehead spring,
Which once inflam'd with the stolne heavenly fire,
Shall breath into this lifeless corse inspire."

The Elements now combine to form " the herb

composed in despite of fate "the tobacco-plant.
" And had not Tellus temper'd too much mud,
Too much terrene corruption in the bud,
The man that tasted it should never die,
But stand in record of eternitie. "

Jupiter becomes enraged at this ; and banishes the

plant to a world unknown to Europe. Here it is long
hidden until the Graces travel to the New World, and
are much delighted when
" They in the palace of great Montezume,
Are entertained with this celestial fume,"

that they remain there eternally smoking; and our

only chance of " studying the graces," according to our



author, is to do the same. He furnishes another

legend of its origin by imagining a fair nymph of Vir
ginia whom Jove visits in the garb of a shepherd,
and Juno changes into the herb. Esculapius
" Descried this herbe to our new golden age,
And did devise a pipe, which should asswage
. The wounds which sorrow in our hearts did fix ; "

and he further declares, that had the Romans known

it, instead of a Saturnalia,
' ' A new Tabacconalia had been made.
All goods, all pleasures in it it doth linke
Tis phisicke, clothing, music, meat and drink."

In Ben Jonson's Every Man out of his Humour

(1599), one of the characters, Fastidious Brisk, an
impersonation of the "swell" of his day, takes tobacco,
attended by a boy to trim the pipe ; and makes love to
his mistress between the whiffs he puffs forth in
smoking. In Heywood's Fair Maid of the Exchange
( 1 607), one of the characters is advised to court a girl
by " asking her if she'll take a pipe of tobacco." In
Edward Sharpham's comedy, The Fleire (1615), one
" Signior Petoune, a traveller and a great tobacconist,"*
is one of the characters introduced as a type of the
fashionable smoker of the day. He says, " I take it
now and then, fasting, for the purification of my wit,"
and he tells the ladies, " If you use but a' mornings
* Smokers, it must be remembered, were then termed tobacconists, a
name now exclusively applied to vendors of the herb.



when you rise, the divine smoke of this celestiall

herbe," it will do their complexions most good of any
thing known. His friends jestingly allow its good
qualities toward himself, by assuring him that before
he took it he "was an arrant ass." He assents, "indeed
I was," and adds, " Faith, these gentlemen have not
long used my company, yet you see how tobacco hath
already refined their spirits." He very gallantly offers
to share his pleasure, " Dear Lady, please you take a
pipe of tobacco," but he becomes ultimately so trouble
some, that he is " sworne on his owne tobacco-pipe,"
not to trouble them more ; " you shall never come
with your squibs, and smoke squirts, amongst ladies
and gentlewomen, flinging out fume at your nostrils,
as a whale doth salt water, unlesse you be entreated
by them."
Rossaline in Marston's first part of Antonio and
Mellinda (1602), speaks of a courtier as
"A great tobacco-taker too, that's flat ;
For his eyes look as if they had been hung
In the smoake of his nose."

The same lady is asked, in another part of the play,

" Faith, mad niece, I wonder when thou wilt marry,"
to which she replies, " Faith, kind uncle, when men
abandon jealousy, forsake taking of tobacco, and cease
to wear their beards so rudely long. Oh, to have a
husband with a mouth continually smoking, with a
bush of furs on the ridge of his chin, readie still
to flop into his foaming chaps, 'tis more than most



intolerable." The Duke is represented in the same

author's play, What you Will (1607), smoking among
the ladies, and lighting his pipe with a petition sent to
In 1602, when Dekker printed his Satiromastix,
ladies smoked. Asinius Babo, offering his pipe,
observes :" Tis at your service, gallants, and the
tobacco too : 'tis right pudding, I can tell you ; a
lady or two took a pipe full or two at my hands, and
praised it, fore the heavens." *
Prynne, the famous Puritanic inveigher against
stage-plays, tells us that in his time, ladies at the
theatre were sometimes " offered the tobacco-pipe " as
a refreshment instead of apples,! which appear to
have been "the staple commodity." Mary King,
better known as " Moll Cutpurse," that
" Bold Virago stout and tall,"

as described by Butler in his Hudibras, is depicted on

the title-page of Middleton's comedy, The Roaring
Girle, of which she is the heroine, in the costume of a
man smoking tobacco (the upper part of the cut is here
* Dekker, in his Gull's Horn-book, thus apostrophises tobacco :
"Make me thine adopted heir, that, inheriting the virtues of thy whiffes,
I may distribute them amongst all nations, and make the fantastic English
man, above the rest, more cunning in the distinction of thy roll Trinidado, leaf, and pudding, than the whitest-toothed black-a-moor in all
Asia." Dr. Nott, in a note, thinks these the three kinds of tobacco
mentioned by Ben Jonson in Cynthia's Revels :Dekker also speaks of
gallants " able to discourse whether your cane or your pudding be
sweetest, and which pipe has the best bore, and which burns black,
which breaks in the burning."
t Histrwmastix, 1633, marginal note to page 363.



given in fac-simile). She was a notorious courtesan,

who generally dressed in man's apparel, and varied her
profession occasionally as a fortune-teller, pick-pocket,
thief, receiver of stolen goods, or forger, as " accident

suited." Her most notable exploit was robbing the

parliamentary general, Fairfax, on Hounslow Heath,
for which she narrowly escaped hanging. She lived
till 1659, when, according to Granger, " she died of
the dropsy in the seventy-fifth year of her age ; but
would probably have died sooner, if she had not
smoked tobacco, in the frequent use of which she had
long indulged herself."
But tobacco smoking was not restricted to ladies
" fair and free," for as many young ladies of Spain and
South America, still " indulge in the weed," without
offence; and manyold ones do yet in England; sowhen
tobacco was first introduced among us, did some few of
our own fair dames. Appended is a copy of a curious



female portrait, painted about 1650, in the possession

of W. H. Rolfe, Esq., of Sandwich. The fair lady has
in her hand a tobacco-box, and is indulging in the
solace of her pipe ; which she wields in a very graceful

and "lady-like" manner. MissPardoe, in her Hislory

of the Court of Louis XIV., has shown that the
daughters of the Grande Monarque did not disdain to
do the same, although he had a great dislike to tobacco.
When the ladies became wearied by the " gravity and
etiquette of the court circle, they were accustomed to
celebrate a species of orgie in their own apartments,
after supper; and on one occasion, when the Dauphin
had at a late hour quitted the card-table, and hearing
a noise in their quarter of the palace, entered to
ascertain its cause, he found them engaged in smoking,
and discovered that they had borrowed their pipes from
the Officers of the Swiss guard ! "



Tobacco was necessarily an expensive habit, and

one of the earliest objections made to the custom
of smoking, was its ruinous cost. Among the papers
at Penshurst, is a note of expenses of Sir Henry
Sidney, Lord Deputy of Ireland, among which occurs
" three shillings for an ounce of tobacco." This was
within about three years of its first introduction to
England, and would be equivalent to about eighteen
shillings of our present money. Between 1606 and 1638,
the accounts of Francis, fourth Earl of Cumberland,
show the great consumption of money to be in wines,
journeys, clothes, presents, and tobacco. Whittaker,
in his History of Craven, p. 275, says, " The last heavy
article of expence, was tabacco, of which the finest
sort cost eighteen shillings per pound, and an inferior
kind ten shillings. A single bill forthis article amounted
to 2,6 Js. 8d." By multiplying this by four, we shall be
able to judge of the price, as compared with that of our
own day, and so understand the heavy expense of an
indulgence in tobacco at this period. Aubrey narrates
that in his early days :"It was sold then for its wayte
in silver. I have heard some of our old yeomen neigh
bours say, that when they went to Malmesbury or
Chippenham Market, they culled out their biggest shil
lings to lay in the scales against thetobacco ; now (1680)
the customes of it are the greatest his majestie hath."
Drayton, in the sixteenth song of his Poly-olbion
(1613), complains that
" Our gold goes out so fast, for foolish foraine things,
Which upstart gentry still into our country brings ;



Who their insatiate pride seek chiefly to maintaine

By that which only serves to uses vile and vaine :
Which our plaine fathers earste would have accounted sinne,
Before the costly coach, and silken stock came in ;
Before that Indian weed so strongly was imbrac't ;
Wherein such mighty summes we prodigally waste."

The popularity of smoking, naturally and speedily

led to adulterations ; and one of them is noted in Ben
Jonson's Bartholomew Faire, where Ursula, the vendor
of roast pig, a lady who " can but hold life and soule
together " with drink " and a whiff of tobacco," orders
her tapster to look to her interests ; " Look too 't, sirrah,
you were best ! three pence a pipe full, I will ha' made
of all my whole halfe pound of tabacco, and a quarter
of a pound of coltsfoot, mixt with it too, to eke it out."
Dr. Barclay, of Edinburgh, in his Nepenthes (1614),
notes that " avarice and greedines of gaine have
moved the marchants to apparell some European
plants with Indian coats, and to enstal them in shops
as righteous and legitimate tabacco. Some others
have tabacco from Florida indeede, but because either
it is exhausted of. spiritualitie, or the radicall humour
is spent, and wasted, or it hath gotten moysture by the
way, or it hath bene dried for expedition in the sunne,
or carried too negligently ; they sophisticate and farde
the same in sundrie sortes, with black spice, galanga,
aqua vitse, Spanish wine, anise seedes, oyle of Spicke,
and such like." Armin, in his Nest of Ninnies (1608),
speaks of tobacco " sophisticated to taste strong." *
* Stephens, in his Essays and Characters, 1615, speaks of one who
" deceives with his commodity worse than a tobacco-man. "



Ben Jonson, in his Alchemist (1610), speaking in praise

of the tobacconist, Abel Drugger, notes the adul
teration then practised, and the luxuries used in
smoking :
" He lets me have good tobacco ; and he does not
Sophisticate it with sacklees or oil,
Nor washes it in muscadel and grains,
Nor buries it in gravel, under ground,
Wrapp'd up in greasy leather, or piss'd clouts ;
But keeps it in fine lily pots, that, open'd
Smell like a conserve of roses, or French beans.
He has his maple block, his silver tongs,
Winchester pipes, and fire of juniper."

Rowlands, in his Knave of Harts (1613), says of a

prodigall knave :
" In a tobacco-shop (resembling Hell,
Fire, stink, and smoke must be where devils dwell),
He sits, you cannot see his face for vapour,
Offering to Pluto with a tallow taper. "

The spendthrift Folly-wit, in Middleton's play, A

Mad World, my Masters (1608), speaks of the tavern
and tobacco-shop as consequences, " to sink down dead
in a tavern, and rise in a tobacco-shop," is his mode of
action. In Heywood's Fortune by Land and Sea
is a scene at a tavern, where the gallants indulge in
sack and tobacco. Ardelio, the cashier'd servingman
in Marmion's play, Holland's Leaguer (1632), says :
" The best thing I am fit for is a Tapster,
Or else to get a wench of mine own, and sell
Bottell Ale and Tobacco."

Among the Roxburgh ballads in the British Museum

is a wood-cut of this period, which we here copy



in fac-simile (on a reduced scale) : it is an excel

lent tavern scene : The table is supplied with a
huge " pottle-pot " of drink, and pipes for smoking.

The swaggering gallant who is indulging in his pipe,

is a sketch from nature, worthy of Dekker. The
trio might be fitly employed in chanting the following
praises of Ale and Tobacco : *
Tobacco fumes away all nastie rheumes,
But health away it never lightly frets,
And nappy Ale makes mirth (as Aprill raine doth Earth)
Spring like the pleasant spring, where'er it soaking wets.

But in that spring of mirth,

Such madnes nye doth growe,
As fills a foole by birth
With crotchets, with Ale and Tobacco.
* From Ravenscroft's Briefe Discourse of Music, to which is prefixed
songs " Concerning the pleasure of five usuall recreations, Hunting,
Hawking, Dauncing, Drinking, and Enamouring. " 1614.


One cleares the braine, the other glads the hart,
Which they retaine, by nature and by Art ;
The first by nature cleares, by Arte makes giddy will,
The last by nature cheares, by Art makes heady still.
So we, whose braynes else lowe,
Swell hye with crotchet rules,
Feed on these two, as fat,
As headdy giddy fooles.

Another song, of an earlier date, may here be given

as a popular sample of the Nicotian Muse.*
Come sirrah Jacke hoe,
Fill some Tobacco,
Bring a wire
And some fire,
Hast, hast away,
Quicke I say,
Do not stay,
Shun delay,
For I dranke none good to-day ;
I sweare that this Tobacco,
It's perfect Trinidado,
By the very very mas,
Never, never, never was
Better gere then is here,
By the roode, for the bloud.
It is very, very good.
Fill the pipe once more,
My braines daunce trenchmore,\
It is headdy,
I am geeddy,
My head and braines,
Back and raines,
Jointes and vaines,
From all paines,
* It occurs in John Weelkes' Ayeres or Phantasticke Spiriies, 1608.
t A popular dance tune. See Chappell's Popular Music ofthe Olden



It doth well purge and make cleane.

Then those that doe condemne it,
Or such as not commend it,
Never were so wise to learne,
Good Tobacco to discerne,
Let them go plucke a crow,
And not know as I do,
The sweet of Trinidado.

Edmund Gardiner, the author of The Triall of

Tobacco (1610), complains that, "The patrimony of
many noble young gentlemen, have been quite ex
hausted, and have vanished cleane away with this
smoky vapour, and hath most shamefully and beastly
flyen out at the master's nose ; " and that, " othersome
there be that spend whole daies, moneths, times, and
yeares (for the most part) in tabacco taking, not sparing
to take it even in their bed," a custom now chiefly
indulged in by the Germans. " Thus," he continues,
" you see that tobacco is a fantasticall attracter, and
glutton-feeder of the appetite, rather taken of many
for wantonnesse, when they have nothing else to do
than of any absolute or necessarie use."
A most curious account of the increase of the
tobacco trade in London is furnished in the following
words by Barnaby Rich, in his Honestie of this Age
(i 614) :"There is not so base a groome that comes
into an ale-house to call for his pott, but he must have
his pipe of tobacco ; for it is a commodity that is nowe
as vendible in every taverne, wine, and ale-house, as
eyther wine, ale, or beare ; and for apothecaries' shops,
grocers' shops, chandlers' shops, they are (almost)
never without company, that from morning till night



are still taking of tobacco. What a number are there

besides, that doe keepe houses, set open shoppes, that
hath no other trade to live by, but by the selling of
" I have heard it told, that now very lately there
hath been a catalogue of all those new erected houses
that have sett up that trade of selling tobacco in
London, and neare about London ; and if a man may
believe what is confidently reported, there are found to
be upward of seven thousand houses that doth live by
that trade. I cannot say whether they number apothe
caries' shops, grocers' shops, and chandlers' shops, in
the computation, but let it bee that these were thrust
in to make up the number : let us now look a little
into the vidimus of the matter, and let us cast upp but
a sleight account what the expense might be that is
consumed in smoakie vapour.
" If it be true that there be seven thousand shops in
and about London, that doth vent tobacco, as it is
credibly reported that there be over and above that
number, it may well be supposed to be but an ill
customed shop that taketh not five shillings a day,
one day with another, throughout the whole year ;
or, if one doth take lesse, two other may take more :
but let us make our account, but after two shillings
sixpence a day, for he that taketh less than that would
be ill able to pay his rent, or to keepe open his shopwindows ; neither would tobacco houses make such a
muster as they do, and that almost in every lane, and
in every by-corner round about London.



" Let us then reckon thus, seven thousand halfecrownes a day, amounteth just to three hundred nine
teen thousand, three hundred seventie-five pounds a
yeare, summa totalis, all spent in smoake." *
It must not be imagined that the lovers of the herb
were allowed their enjoyment unmolested. It was,
soon denounced in unmeasured terms by those who
did not partake of it ; and the rancour of the attack
was characterised by that total want of charity which
has ever marked those who
' ' Compound for sins they are inclined to
By damning those they have no mind to. "

" Modern lovers of the pipe " (observes a writer in

the New York Literary World, of Feb. 1848,) "seldom
think of the worthies to whom they are indebted for its
free enjoyment ; and of those who delight in nasal
aliment, how few ever call to mind the Diocletian per
secutions their predecessors passed through in adher
ing to their faith in, and transmitting to their descend
ants, the virtues of tobacco. Europe frowned, and
Asia threatened ; Pagan, Mahommedan, and Christian
monarchs combined to crush them. The world was
roused like a famishing lion from its lair, and gloated
on them. James I. of England, foaming with rage,
sent forth his Counterblast ; the half savage ruler of
* "The 3 companies," he also tells us, that are "now more gainefull
than all the seven sciences, and have gotten all the trade into their own
hands ; the first is to keepe an ale-house, the second a tobacco-house,
and the third to keep a brothell-house."



the Muscovites followed suit ; the King of Persia

Amurath IV. of Turkey, the Emperor Jehan-Geer, and
others, all joined the crusade.* Arming themselves
with scourges, halters, knives, and bearing gibbets on
their banners, they denounced death to all found
inhaling fumes of the plant through a tube, or caught
with a pellet of it under their tongues. Such as used
it as a sternutative only were dealt with more gently
they were merely to be deprived of their organs of
smellingof nostrils and nose. To perfect the
miseries of the pitiable delinquents, Urban VIII. went
in awful pomp to the Vatican, where, tremulous with
holy anger, he shook his garments to intimate that the
blood of the offenders would be on their own heads,
and then thundered excommunication on every soul
who took the accursed thing, in any shape, into a
church ! t
" Was ever destruction of body and spirit threatened
so unjustly ? Mutilation for taking a pinch ! Loss of
life for lighting a pipe ! Exclusion from heaven for
perhaps harmlessly reviving attention to a wearisome
sermon in chapel or church ! Merciful heavens ! what
comminations these to emanate from Christian kings
* In Russia it was punished with amputation of the nose ; and in the
Swiss canton of Berne it ranked in the table of offences next to adultery ;
even so late as the middle of the last century, a particular court was held
there for trying delinquents. But persecution only increased the prac
f Urban VIII. in 1624 published a decree of excommunication
against such as used tobacco in churches, and Innocent XII., a.d. 1690,
solemnly excommunicated all those who should ' ' take snuff or tobacco
in St. Peter's at Rome. "



and Christ's successor ! Present and eternal death,

tortures here, and endless torments hereafter, for a
whiff or quid of tobacco ! Our sympathies are natu
rally excited for the sufferers. One wonders how they
managed to preserve their integrity, or pass through
the fires unscathed, or even escaped annihilation. Yet
most of them did escape, and they did morethey
converted the Nebuchadnezzars who sought to con
sume them. Conscious of their innocence and of their
rights, they mildly persisted in maintaining them. Of
retiring habits, they avoided agitation and debate,
declaring that the properties of the proscribed herb
made such efforts uncongenial, while it strengthened
them in passive resistance, composed their spirits, and
rendered them, in a great measure, indifferent to
abuse, and often insensible to pain. Hence they
smoked, and chewed, and sneezed at home until their
hottest enemies became their warmest friends, and
greater sinners than themselves had ever been."
This is no overcharged picture of the great tobacco
persecution, of the early part of the seventeenth
century. Sandys notes in his travels, having seen an
unfortunate Turk conducted about the streets of
Constantinople in 161 o, mounted backward on an ass,
with a tobacco-pipe driven through the cartilage of his
nose, for the crime of smoking. Now we cannot
dissever a Turk from his tobacco, in our idea of him,
so little ultimate real effect had this insane crusade.
Our King James I. had fortunately not the power to
torture his subjects' bodies like Amurath ; or dn



their souls like Pope Urban (whose name certainly

belied his actions), but he did all that laid in his power
to damage the cause of tobacco, and the character of
smokers. He has been happily described by Barham,* as
" A gentleman called King James,
In quilted doublet and great trunk breeches,
Who held in abhorrence tobacco and witches. "

Sir John Harrington, in his Nugcz Antiques, relates

a conversation he had with the king in the first year
of his accession to the throne, when he strongly
denounced it. Ben Jonson, in his Masque, The Gipsies
Metamorphosed, three times played before James I.,
politely wished his Majesty's sense of smelling pro
" From tobacco, with the type
Of the devil's glyster-pipe. "

On his visiting Oxford in 1605, the University

gratified the king, by debating on the salutary charac
ter of the herb, and of course deciding against it ;
though to the honour of some of the number be it
said,-f that after the monarch had confirmed the verdict
in very strong language, Dr. Cheynell holding a
tobacco-pipe in his hand, extolled the virtues of the
herb in the highest terms, placing it in advance of
every other remedial agent. The king had written
his famous Counterblaste to Tobacco, in which all his
* Ingoldsby LegendsThe Witches' Frolic.
t See Wake's Rex Platonkus. 1627.



pent-up dislike burst forth in 1603, so that the boldness

of the Doctor was all the more creditable to his con
science. James had often declared his unmitigated
dislike to tobacco, and when he wrote against it made
no compromise. His majesty treats the argument (if
it can be called one) in a right royal style, after the
fashion of a condemned sentence from the bench to
convicted criminals.
This is a specimen of the arrogant tone of argument
adopted in this renowned treatise :" Surely smoke
becomes a kitchen farre better than a dining chamber;
and yet it makes a kitchen oftentimes in the inward
parts of men, soyling and infecting with an unctuous
and oyly kind of soote as hath been found in some
great tobacco takers, that after death were opened.
A custom loathsome to the eye, harmfull to the braine,
dangerous to the lungs, and in the black stinking
fume thereof, nearest resembling the horrible Stygian
smoke of the pit that is bottomless." Elsewhere his
dislike to Raleigh peeps forth covertly in the following
passage :
" Now the corrupted baseness of the first use of this
tobacco doeth very well agree with the foolish and
groundless first entry thereof into this kingdome. It
is not so long since the first entry of this abuse
amongst us here, as this present age can very well
remember both the first author and the form of the
first introduction of it amongst us. It was neither
brought in by King, great conqueror, nor learned
Doctor of Physic. With the report of a great disG



covery for a conquest, some two or three savage men

were brought in together with this savage custom.
But the pity is the poor wild barbarous men died, but
that vile barbarous custom is yet alive, yea, in fresh
vigour, so as it seems a miracle to me how a custom
springing from so vile a ground, and brought in by a
father so generally hated should be welcomed on so
slender a warrent."*
The general opinion of James, forcibly expressed and
powerfully condensed, is given in A Collection of Witty
Apophthegms by him as follows :
" That tobacco was the lively image and pattern of
hell ; for that it had, by allusion, in it all the parts and
vices of the world whereby hell may be gained ; to
wit ; First, It was a smoke ; so are the vanities of this
world. Secondly, It delighteth them who take it; so
do the pleasures of the world delight the men of the
world. Thirdly, It maketh men drunken, and light in
the head ; so do the vanities of the world, men are
drunken therewith. Fourthly, He that taketh tobacco
saith he cannot leave it, it doth bewitch him : even so
* This passage appears clearly to allude to Raleigh, as James's dislike
to him was sufficient to induce him to apply such spiteful terms to the
man he judicially murdered. The report of discovery also agrees with
Raleigh's discovery and attempted colonisation of Virginia by his expe
dition. The notice of the savage men brought in with the custom appears
to settle the question that has been raised, whether tobacco was brought
to England first by the expedition that discovered Virginia, or by the
colonists brought back by Drake, 1586. Captains Amidas and Barlow,
of Raleigh's first expedition (27th April, 1584), who discovered Virginia,
had the pipe of peace presented to them, and brought away two Indians.
They are alluded to as one of the "London Sights" by Trinculo, in
Shakspere's Tempest.



the pleasures of the world make men loath to leave

them, they are for the most part so inchanted with
them : and further, besides all this, It is like Jicll in
t/ie very substance of it, for it is a stinking loat/isome
thing ; and so is hell. And further, his majesty pro
fessed that, were he to invite the devil to dinner, he
should have three dishes ; 1. A pig ; 2. A pole of ling
and mustard ; and 3. A pipe of tobacco for digesture."
King James had the power not only to write viciously
but to act strongly ; and he it was who first imposed a
heavy tax on tobacco. " However absurd his reason
ing may appear, it unfortunately happened that he
possessed the power to reduce his aversion to practice,
and he may be considered as the author of that
unwarrantable persecution of the tobacco plant, which,
under varying circumstances, has been injudiciously
continued to the present time."* The importation
duty was originally twopence per pound. James at
once raised it to the monstrous sum of six shillings
and ten pence. The animus which affected his weak
mind bursts forth in the preamble of his Act, against
what he is pleased to term an " evil vanitie ; " by which,
he adds, " the health of a great number of people is
impayred, and their bodies weakened, and made unfit
for labour, and the estates of many mean persons so
decayed and consumed, as they are thereby driven to
unthriftie shiftes only to maintain their gluttonous
exercise thereof." f
* Brodigan's Treatise on the Tobacco Plant, 1830.
t He gives one instance of the luxurious use of the herb by those ' ' not



When Kings make unnecessary and unjust laws,

subjects naturally study how to evade them : it is a
mere system of self-defence ; and as James nearly sup
pressed the importation of tobacco, the English farmers
began to grow it on their own land. But the Scottish
Solomon * who was on the alert, added another law
restraining its cultivation " to misuse and misemploy
the soil of this fruitfull Kingdom." t As this enforced
the trade with the English colony of Virginia alone, it
was soon found that Spanish and Portuguese tobacco
might be brought into port on the payment of the old
duty of twopence a pound ; thus a large trade was car
ried on with their planters to the injury of the British
colonists. Its use increased in spite of all legislative
measures, and James ended by prohibiting any person
from dealing in the article, who did not hold his letters
patent. By this means the trade was monopolised,
the consumer oppressed, importation diminished, and
the London Company of Virginian traders ultimately
ruined. Those who are fond of excusing the evil acts
of one of the worst of English Kings, pretend to see
James's care for his subjects' health and wealth in
these restrictions ; totally regardless of the fact that
caring at what price they buy the drug, but rather devising how to add to
it other mixtures, thereby to make it the more delightful to the taste."
* This term, so very composedly taken as a compliment to James,
was really intended for the reverse. It was applied to him by Henry
the Fourth of France, in allusion to his mother's intimacy with David
Rizzio, Solomon being " the son of David."
t The tyrannic selfishness of James peeps forth in the first phrase of
his Act : "Whereas We, out of the dislike we have to tobacco," a
strange reason for crushing the pleasure and trade of his subjects !



James cared for neither when the monopoly brought

large sums into his own pocket.
Joshua Sylvester, the translator of Du Bartas, and a
favourite poet of James I., gratified that royal hater
of the herb by tuning his harp to a poem bearing
the strange title of Tobacco battered, and the pipes
shattered {about their eares that idely Idolize so base and
barbarous a weed ; or at leastwise overlove so loathsome
a vanitie) by a volley of holy shot, thundered from
Mount Helicon. The verbosity of the title page is
carried out in the poem, which is intolerably dull, and
only strong when abusive. The author, in a dedication
to the favourite, George, Duke of Buckingham, ventures :
" To call your aide against the proud oppression
Of th' Infidel, usurping Faith's possession,
That Indian tyrant, England's only shame.
Thousands of ours he here hath captive taken,
Of all degrees, kept under slavish yoak,
Their God, their good, king, country, friends, forsaken,
To follow Follie, and to feed on smoake."

In this spirit the whole is written, and one small

sample more may suffice :
" Two smokie engines in this latter age
(Sathan's short circuit ; the more sharp his rage)
Have been invented by too-vaunted wit,
Or rather vented from the infernal pit, *
Guns and tobacco pipes, with fire and smoak,
At least a third part of mankind to choak ;
* Taylor, the water poet, had an equal enmity to tobacco and coaches,
and he says, " It is a doubtful question whether the devil brought tobacco
into England in a coach, for both appeared about the same time."


(Which happely* th' Apocalyps foretold)
Yet of the two we may (think I) be bolde,
In some respects to think the last the worst,
However both in their effects accurst. "

In this spirit of piety and intolerance, he condemns

at last all smokers to Tophet :
" For hell hath smoke
Impenitent Tobacconists to choake,
Though never dead ; there shall they have their fill.
In heaven is none, but light and glory still. "
In a very different spirit, Dr. William Barclay
dedicated his little work, Nepenthes, or the Vertnes of
Tobacco (published at Edinburgh, 1614),"to my
Lord Bishop of Murray," in these lines :
" The statelie, rich, late conquer'd Indian plaines,
Foster a plant, the princess of all plants,
Which Portugal!, after perill and paines,
To Europe brought, as it most justly vaunts ;
This plant at home the people and priests assure,
Of his goodwill, whom they as God adore ;
Both here and there it worketh wondrous cure,
And hath much heavenlie vertue hid in store.
A stranger plant shipwracked on our coast,
Is come to helpe this colde phlegmatic soyle,
Yet cannot live for calumnie and boast,
In danger daylie of some greater broyle.
My Lord, this sacred herbe which never offendit,
Is forced to crave your favour to defend it."
In his treatise the author defends not only the herb,
but speaks as rapturously of the land of its growth,
"the country which God hath honoured and blessed
with this happie and holy herbe." He compares
* The Author here refers to Revelation ix. 1 7.



himself to Hercules, whose only arms were a bag and

a club when he went to war ; he says, " 1 have armed
myself with a boxe for his bagge, and a pipe for his
club : a box to conserve my tobacco, and a pipe to use
it ; by these two, God willing, to overcome many
maladies." He narrates many that may be so cured,
and imagines that physicians might be done without
in all cases of defluxion and catarrh " if they knew
the vertue of tobacco ; " concluding by decrying the
imputations against it, as
" Forged by scurvie, leud, unlearned leiches,
As time hath taught and practise thatt all tryis.
Tobacco neither altereth health nor hew,
Ten thousand thousands know that it is true. "
One of the most curious and rare books which
the taste for " the . Indian Novelty " generated, is
Richard's Brathwait's little volume, bearing the follow
ing title : The Smoaking Age, or, the Man in the
Mist : with the L ife and Death of Tobacco. Dedicated to
those three renoivned and imparallel'd heroes, Captain
Whiffe, Captain Pipe, and Captain Snuffe ; to whom
the Author wisheth as much content as this smoaking
age can afford them. At the signe of Teare-nose, 161 7.
The following is an analysis of its contents :
An exceedingly well-executed frontispiece by Mar
shall, representing a tobacconist's shop, faces the title,
which we here engrave. The shop is open to the
street, in accordance with ancient usage ; and has a
pent-house of boards, from which hangs a double hoop,
used to hold pipes : " strong water," glasses, and


From Brathwait's Smoahing Age.



measures, are behind, on shelves ; the counter is covered

with a " faire linen cloth," upon which pipes are laid ;
upon it stands a carved figure of a negro smoking,
showing the antiquity of using such a figure as a sign
for a tobacconist's shop. A curtain drawn aside dis
closes the private room, where three smokers are
indulging at a table formed of a board laid upon
tobacco barrels. In the original, they are named
Captain Whiffe, Captain Pipe, and Captain Snuffe.
From the mouth of the first a label issues, with the
words "Qui color albus erat ;" from that of the second,
" Quantum mutatis ab illo ; " and from the third, " Anglus in vEthiopium." From each pipe other labels
proceed, with these words on them " Itum est in
viscera terra," " Fistula dulce canit," and " Mea messis
in herba est." The book, the title-page tells us, is
divided into three lectures : 1. The Birth of Tobacco ;
2. Pluto's blessing to Tobacco ; and 3. Time's com
plaint against Tobacco. The epigram " Upon To
bacco" in the title-page, shows the unfavourable view
its author took of his theme :
"This some affirme, yet yeeld I not to that,
'Twill make a fat man leane, a leane man fat ;
But this I'm sure (hows'ere it be thy meane)
That many whiffes will make a fat man leane. "

The author in his Introduction, " to whomsoever,

whensoever, or wheresoever," affirms that he was en
treated by a friend " that I would address my pen to
treat of that subject ; being, as he verie truly affirmed,
a principal help to discourse, especially to our young



English gallants, whose first salutation to their ac

quaintance is, Will you take a pipe of Tobacco ? " A
custom which he reprobates in this long preface.
The book is a fanciful tale ; the scene first laid in
Tartary, "not farre from the Bermudoes," where dwelt
a rich Islander, named Nepenthes, and his wife Usquebaughin. One day, upon the sea-coast, they met with
an Apothecary, who had been cast on shore, after
having been rifled by pirates, and swallowed by a
Polypus, who was compelled to disgorge him by the
medicine he carried about him. He is carried home
by the islanders, and by his art, the wife, before
childless, has a son. About the same time, a high
feast is held in Pluto's court, whither comes Bacchus,
who, making the god drunk, makes love to Proserpine ;
a child is born, and delightedly acknowledged by
Pluto, until he is undeceived by Mercury, and goes
with a complaint to Jupiter. Meanwhile, the child, to
elude suspicion, is changed for that borne by Usquebaughin, but having obtained the former before she can
send her own in its place, Pluto returns, meets the
messenger, Iris, with it, and announces Jove's decree,
that to root out his disgrace, it shall be changed to a
plant"which, to expresse his father, shall still reserve
the name of his progenitor Bacchus ; and therefore
have we in his memory, called him (as one commended
to the care, protection, and tuition of his father)
Tobacco." He then pronounces a farewell speech to
him, in which he tells him he will be favourably re
ceived everywhere, and aid him in bringing souls to



destruction, particularly in England : " Thou wilt be

the onely enlarger of my kingdom, the enricher of my
state, and the stablisher of my state eternally ; " and
that all, rich and poor, will reverence him : " Not a
complete Gallant that hath not his utensils to conduct
thee to his nose," or waterman or tankard carrier that
will not accost him joyfully. Then follows " Especiall
advertisements given by Pluto to Tobacco," in these
words :
"The first caution I propound is, that in everie place
where thou commest, thou take the best booth in the
faire. Plant thyself in the eye of the Citie ; set mee
the picture of some sallow-faced Blackamoore, or a
Virginia-man, for that will rather draw custome, upon
the Frontespice. of thy doore : A Zeuxes, or Apelles,
would doe well in these cases to enforce passengers by
the picture, to draw nere the substance : make a
partition in thy shop ; it may bee the hot Venetian
comes to bathe with thee, rather than to drink tobacco
with thee." He then particularly desires him to court
the Scholar, the Lawyer, and the Poet: "The Scholler
will bee thine, if thou talke in his element ; sooth him
in his arguments, and call him most profound, dogmaticall, and literate Trismegistus." The Lawyer is to be
won by being compared with the Romans for oratory.
" For the Poet, I cannot tell what to say to it, he is so
oft out of his wits, as he verily imagines himselfe the
Man in the Moone: There's quick-silver in his braine;
and if he were not now and then encountered by
Sergeants, and kept under locke and key, hee would



verily turne Bedlame. Yet because phrensie must be

purged, and thou (my Wag-halter) hast vertue and
operation to love such, becken to the thred-bare con
temned Urchin, give him a pipe on my score, hee'll pay
it at the next new play he makes, if the Doore-keepers
will bee true to him : and if not, hee'll make thee up
some scurvy end of a ballad deserves a pipe of smoak."
He concludes by saying : " But now (my Rogue in graine)
if thou couldst set up a private Refectorie, for the
young effeminate sort (for they would, like Adamants,
draw continuall recourse) I would hug thee eternally.
Sell me Potato-roots, Eringoes, all Electuaries, Con
fections, Receipts, Conceipts, Deceipts, Pomatum,
Cerusse, with a large recitall of thy brave commodities ;
and a little smooth-faced Ganymede standing at the
doore,who, like another parret or mag-pie, may cry ever
in one tune : What doe you lacke ? Pomatum of the
best, Cerusse of the finest ? " He also enjoins him to
obtain the custom of ladies, so that assignations would
appear to have been thus carried on at tobacconists',
who combined in some degree the perfumer's trade.
The plant being shipped to the world " in Charon's
vessel," is very successful in entrapping men. Time is
described "with a scythe in his hand, and blubber'd
face, standing in the publique street of Troynovant, for
there this plant took first planting," uttering his "com
plaint upon tobacco, and the miserie of man's securitie,
losing that treasure by Time's expense, which can never
be repurchased, or redeemed, but by bitter and inces
sant repentance ; " adding, " none to me so profest



enemies as these smoakers of our age ; they whiffe me

out in fume, and spend my best of houres in candle
light ; their wits goe and come by pipe and pipe ; thus
am I taken in snuffe by every pesant. * * * Believe
Time's words ! it is not the swarty-chopt tobaccodrugge, that will yeeld you content in the expense of
your time: you may smoake it long ere you better your
owne discourse, or make your accounts even, which
Time expects at your hands. A whole ounce of tobacco
will hardly purchase one dram of wit; repentance is the
best fruit you shall reape out of such an unsavoury
herbe." He ends with invectives against the three
captains named in the title ; a short historical account
of tobacco succeeds;* and then comes the following:
Sweet youth, smoake not thy time,
Too precious to abuse ;
Th'ast fitter feats to choose :
What may redeeme that prime,
Thy smoaking age doth loose ?
Good Oldman, eye thy glasse,
See, how those sands doe fall !
None can a graine recall :
Old houres doe quickly passe,
Shall smoake consume them all ?
* Two other works on tobacco are incidentally mentioned : 1. A
pleasant poetkall paradox in the praise of the plant, wherein is learnedly
proved, and by impregnable reasons convinced, that Tobacco is the only
sovereign experimentall cure, not only for the Neapolitan itch, but generally
for all maladies incident to man's body.
2. A little Tract, entitled
Tobacco, published by especiall direction of the author upon his death-bed,
dedicated to Humphry King, one well-experienced in the use, benefit, and
practise of that herbe, and printed for Will Barlow {with Tobacco amies)
then keeping shop in Gracious streete.


Love's Lady, whom sunne, weather,
Yea, the least airy touch,
(Complexion it is such)
May taint ; cinge not your feather,
Tobacco may doe much.
Shunne smoake, East, West, North, South,
Love's Lady, Oldman, Youth.

This is followed by a poem in seventeen stanzas,

entitled Chaucer's Incensed Ghost, in which he
complains of having his name affixed to a poem in
praise of tobacco, deprecates its use, and concludes
with :
" Yee then, whose measures merit well the name,
And litle yee retaine, Poets I meane,
Bedew'd with influence from Hippocrene,
As yee professants seeme, so be the same
And with your own pennes eternize your fame ;
Shun these pipe-pageants ; for there seldome come
Tobacco-factors to Elysium. "

In a totally different spirit did Sir Robert Aytoun

(born 1570, died 1638) write the following sonnet on
tobacco :
" Forsaken of all comforts but these two,
My faggot and my pipe, I sit to muse
On all my crosses, and almost excuse
The Heavens for dealing with me as they do.
When Hope steps in, and with a smiling brow,
Such cheerful expectations doth infuse
As makes me think ere long I cannot choose
But be some grandee, whatsoe'er I'm now.
But having spent my pipe, I then perceive
That hopes and dreams are cousinsboth deceive.
Then mark I this conclusion in my mind,
It's all one thingboth tend into one scope
To live upon Tobacco and on Hope,
The one's but smoke, the other is but wind. "



In a MS. volume of poetry in the possession of Mr.

J. Payne Collier, is a poem on tobacco, which seems to
be an amplification of Mr. Butler's Busse against
Tobacco * (Gough's Norfolk MS., 43 Bodl. Lib.), and
begins thus :
"Tobacco's an outlandish weed,
Doth in the land strange wonders breed ;
It taints the breath, the blood it dries,
It burns the head, it blinds the eyes ;
It dries the lungs, scourgeth the lights,
It 'numbs the soul, it dulls the sprites ;
It brings a man into a maze,
And makes him sit for other's gaze ;
It makes a man, it mars a purse,
A lean one fat, a fat one worse ;
A sound man sick, a sick man sound,
A bound man loose, a loose man bound ;
A white man black, a black man white,
A night a day, a day a night ;
The wise a fool, the foolish wise,
A sober man in drunkard's guise ;
A drunkard, with a draught or twain,
A sober man it makes again ;
A full man empty, and an empty full,
A gentleman a foolish gull ;
It turns the brain like cat in pan,
And makes a Jack a gentleman."

In Brewer's "pleasant comedy" entitled Lingua;

or the Combat of the Tongue and the Five Senses for
superiority, 161 7, tobacco is impersonated as one of
the suite of Olfactus, or the sense of smelling, and his
appearance is thus described : " Tobacco apparelled in
* This appears to kave been written jestingly, as Lamb wrote his
verses against smoking. Butler was an eminent physician and humorist,
See a recipe of his, p. 98, note. He was a lover of tobacco.



a taffata mantle, his armes brown and naked ; buskins

made of the pilling of osiers ; his neck bare, hung with
Indian leaves ; his face brown, painted with blew
stripes ; in his nose swines' teeth ; on his head a painted
wicker crown, with tobacco-pipes set in it ; plumes of
tobacco-leaves ; led by two Indian boyes, naked, with
tapers in their hands, tobacco-boxes, and pipes lighted."
On his appearance, Phantastes exclaims :
" Ph. Foh, foh, what a smell is here ! Is this one of your delightfull
objects ?
Olfaclus. It is your only scent in request, Sir.
Communis Sensus. What fiery fellow is that which smokes so much
in the mouth ?
01. It is the great and puissant god of Tobacco.
Tobacco. In doch guevarroh pufuer shelvaro baggon,
Olfia di quanon, Indi cortilo vraggon. *
Ph. Ha, ha, ha, ha, this in my opinion is the tongue of the Antipodes.
Memoria. No, I remember it very well ; it was the language the
Arcadians spake, that lived long before the Moon.
Co. Sen. What signifies it, Olfactus ?
01. This is the mighty Emperor, Tobacco, King of Trinidado, that
in being conquered, conquered all Europe, in making them pay tribute
for their smoke.
Tobacco. Erfronge inglues conde hisingo,
Develin floscoth ma pu cocthingo.
01. Expeller of catarrhs, banisher of all agues, your guts' only salve
for the green wounds of a non-plus.
Tobacco. Al Vulcam vercu, Iparda pora si de gratam kafamala,
Mara, che Baccho respartera, quirara !
01. Sonne to the god Vulcan, and Tellus, kin to the father of Mirth,
called Bacchus !
Tobacco. Viscardonok, pillostuphe, parcano, tinaromagas,
Pagi dagen stollisinfe, carocibato scribus.
01. Genius of all swaggerers, grossest enemy to physitians, sweet

* This speech, like the rest in which Tobacco is supposed to describe

his own virtues, is in an imaginary language, to represent Indian, which
Olfactui translates in the ensuing speeches.



ointment for sowre teeth, * first knot of good fellowship, \ adamant of

company, swift wind to spread the wings of time, hated of none but
those who know him not, and of so great deserts that whoso is ac
quainted with him can hardly forsake him."

The latter words seem to bear out the remark made

by Sir Kenelm Digby, in his Observations upon Religio Medici : " Who was ever delighted with tobacco,
the first time he took it ? And who could willingly be
without it, after he was a while habituated to the use
of it ? "
The writers of this era abound with allusions to the
use of the " divine weed." The poets and dramatists
celebrate its sway.f It is recorded- that James I. sat
out very uneasily the performance of Dr. Barton
Holiday's Technogamia, or marriage of the Arts
(played at Woodstock, August 26, 1621), in which the
following song is sung :
Tobacco's a Musician,
And in a pipe delighteth ;
It descends in a close,
Through the organs of the nose,
With a relish that inviteth.

* This will be best understood from the following passage in Ashmole's

Diary, bearing date January 24, 1685 : "I was much troubled with my
teeth, in my upper jaw, on my left side, which, by fits, continued for a
week ; and then I held pills in my mouth, made of burned allom, pepper,
and tobacco, which drew much rheum from me, and so I was eased."
t So Stephens in his Essayes, 1615, declares "good fellows take
tobacco for company sake."
% In the Epigrams by Marlowe and Sir John Davis, appended to
Dyce's edition of Marlowe (vol. iii. p. 249), may be read a poem on the
peculiar curative virtues once attributed to the herb.


This makes me sing so ho, so ho, boyes,
Ho boyes sound I loudly,
Earth ne'er did breed
Such a jovial weed,
Whereof to boast so proudly.
. Tobacco is a Lawyer,
His pipes do love long cases,
When our braines it enters,
Our feete do make indentures ;
While we seale with stamping paces,
This makes me sing, &c.
Tobacco's a Physician,
Good both for sound and sickly ;
Tis a hot perfume,
That expells cold rheume,*
And makes it flow downe quickly.
This makes me sing, &c.
Tobacco is a Traveller,
Come from the Indies hether ;
It passed sea and land,
Ere it came to my hand,
And scaped the wind and weather.
This makes me sing, &c.

* In the MS. Common-place Book of Thomas Brampton, of Kinton,

Suffolk [Gough's Norfolk MS., Bodleian Lib. (No. 46)], is the following
dog-Latin recipe, entitled "Mr. Butler's true medycine for the Rewme":
Saccio cum sugarro,
Nobilis ala cum gingero
Et nutmeggo et tosta bruno
Bona phisica curare morbum de rheumo,
Et ego indico,
Melior est quam tobacco.
Fuller, in his Worthies, styles Dr. Butler the "Esculapius of the
age; "he was born at Ipswich, 1535, and died at Cambridge, 161 7.
He was especially consulted in the last illness of Prince Henry, son of
James I. His curious treatment of a confirmed smoker is given in a
note to our next chapter. Sir John Hawkins, in his edition of The
Angler, 1784, says, "he.invented a medicated drink called Dr. Butler's
Ale, which, if not now, was a few years ago sold at certain houses in
London, that had his head for a sign."



Tobacco is a Critticke,
That still old paper turneth,
Whose labour and care,
Is as smoke in the aire,
That ascends from a rag when it burneth.
This makes me sing, &c.
Tobacco's an ignis fatuus
A fat and fyrie vapour,
That leads men about
Till the fire be out,
Consuming like a taper.
This makes me sing, &c.
Tobacco is a Whyffler,
And cries "huff snuff" with furie,
His pipes, his club, and linke,
He's the wiser that does drinke ;
Thus armed I fear not a furie.
This makes me sing so ho, so ho, boyes,
Ho boyes sound I loudly ;
Earth ne're did breed
Such a jovial weed,
Whereof to boast so proudly.

In Wits Recreations (1640), is the following jovial

ity, entitled, " The tryumph of Tobacco over Sack and
Nay, soft by your leaves,
Tobacco bereaves
You both of the garland : forbeare it :
You are two to one,
Yet tobacco alone
Is like both to win it, and weare it.
Though many men crack,
Some of ale, some of sack,
And think they have reason to do it ;
Tobacco hath more
That will never give or'e
The honour they do unto it.
Tobacco engages
Both sexes, all ages,
The poor as well as the wealthy,

From the court to the cottage,
From childhood to dotage,
Both those that are sick and the healthy.
It plainly appears
That in a few years
Tobacco more custom hath gained,
Then sack, or then ale,
Though they double the tale,
Of the times, wherein they have reigned.
And worthily too,
For what they undoe
Tobacco doth help to regaine,
On fairer conditions,
Than many physitians,
Puts an end to much griefe and paine ;
It helpeth digestion,
Of that there's no question,
The gout and the tooth ache it easeth :
Be it early, or late,
'Tis never out of date,
He may safely take it that pleaseth.
Tobacco prevents
Infection by scents,
That hurt the brain, and are heady.
An antidote is,
Before you're amisse,
As well as an after remedy.
The cold it doth heate,
Cools them that do sweat,
And them that are fat maketh lean :
The hungry doth feed,
And, if there be need,
Spent spirits restoreth again.
The poets of old,
Many fables have told,
Of the gods and their symposia :
But tobacco alone,
Had they known it, had gone
For their nectar and ambrosia.*
* This idea occurs in an Epigram on Tobacco in the same work,
which savours of hyperbole:
" Nature's idea, Physicke's rare perfection,
Cold rheumes expeller, and the wit's direction



It is not the smack

Of ale or of sack,
That can with tobacco compare :
For taste and for smell,
It bears away the bell
From them both, wherever they are :
For all their bravado,
It is Trinidado,
That both their noses will wipe
Of the praises they desire,
Unless they conspire
To sing to the tune of his pipe.

The verse that has been written in the praise and

dispraise of tobacco, would, of itself, fill a volume ; but,
among the quantity, no piece has been more enduringly popular than the song of Tobacco is an
Indian weed. It has undergone a variety of changes
(deteriorating rather than improving it), and through
these it may be traced, from the reign of James I.,
down to the present day.
The earliest copy I have seen (says Mr. Chappell, in
his Popidar Music of the Olden Time) is in a manu
script volume of poetry transcribed during James's
reign, and which was most kindly lent to me by Mr.
Payne Collier. It there bears the initials of G[eorge]
W[ither], a very likely person to have written such a
song. A courtier poet would not have sung the praises
of smokingso obnoxious to the King as to induce
him to write a Counterblaste to Tobaccobut Wither
despised the servility which would have tended to his
advancement at court. " He could not refrain," says
O had the gods known thy immortal smack,
The heavens 'ere this time had been colored black."



Wood, "from showing himself a Presbyterian satirist."

It was the publication of his Abuses stript and whipt
which caused his committal to the Marshalsea prison.
The following is Withers song :
" Why should we so much despise
So good and wholesome an exercise
As, early and late, to meditate ?
Thus think, and drink tobacco.
" The earthen pipe, so lily white,
Shows that thou art a mortal wight ;
Even suchand gone with a small touch :
Thus think, and drink tobacco.
" And when the smoke ascends on high,
Think on the worldly vanity
Of worldly stuff'tis gone with a puff :
Thus think, and drink tobacco.
" And when the pipe is foul within,
Think how the soul's defiled with sin
To purge with fire it doth require :
Thus think, and drink tobacco.
" Lastly, the ashes left behind
May daily shew, to move the mind,
That to ashes and dust return we must :
Thus think, and drink tobacco."

About 1670, we find several copies of Wither's song,

but the first stanza changed in all, besides other minor
In Merry Drollery Complete (1670), it
commences, "Tobacco, that is withered quite." On
broadsides, bearing date the same year, and having the
tune at the top, the first line is, " The Indian weed
withered quite." In 1669 it appeared in its present
form, in the first volume of Pills to purge Melancholy,



and so remained until 17 19, when D'Urfey became

editor of that collection, and transferred it, with others,
to the third. The following is the song printed on the
broadsides, and in the Pills :
' ' Tobacco's but an Indian weed,
Grows green at morn, cut down at eve,
It shows our decay, we are but clay :
Think of this when you smoke tobacco.
' ' The pipe, that is so lily white,
Wherein so many take delight,
Is broke with a touchman's life is such :
Think of this when you smoke tobacco.
" The pipe, that is so foul within,
Shews how man's soul is stain'd with sin,
And then the fire it doth require :
Think of this when you smoke tobacco.
"The ashes that are left behind
Do serve to put us all in mind
That unto dust return we must :
Think of this when you smoke tobacco.
' ' The smoke, that does so high ascend,
Shews us man's life must have an end,
The vapour's goneman's life is done :
Think of this when you smoke tobacco. '! *

Bishop Earle in his Micro-cosmography (1628), has

this character of a tobacco-seller : " He is the only man
* After the Pills, it was printed with alterations, and the addition of
a very inferior second part, by the Rev. Ralph Erskine, a minister of the
Scotch Church, in his Gospel Sonnets. This is the "Smoking Spiri
tualized," which is still in print among the ballad-vendors of Seven Dials,
and a copy of which is contained in Songs and Ballads of the Peasantry
of England, by J. H. Dixon, or the new edition by Robert Bell.
In the Rev. James Plumptre's Collection cf Songs (8vo, 1805), Tobacco
is an Indian weed was adapted to a more modern tune by Dr. Hague ;
and about 1830, the late Samuel Wesley again re-set the words, to music
of his own composition. Chappell.



that finds good in it which others brag of, but do not ;

for it is meat, drink, and clothes to him. No man
opens his ware with greater seriousness, or challenges
your judgment more in the approbation. His shop is
the rendezvous of spitting, where men dialogue with
their noses, and their communication is smoak.* It
is the only place where Spain is commended and
preferred before England itself. He should be well
experienced in the world, for he has daily trial of men's
nostrils, and none is better acquainted with humours.
He is the piecing commonly of some other trade,
which is bawd to his tobacco, and that to his wife,
which is the flame that follows this smoak." In
another part of his work our author says of a Tavern,
" it is the torrid zone, that scorches the face, and
tobacco the gun-powder that blows it up."
Scattered in the diaries of this era we occasionally
meet with a few notices of the prices of tobacco.
Thus in the MS. notes made by Sir Henry Oglander
of Nunwell in the Isle of Wight, in the year 1626
he records among other expenses, "for eight ounces
of tobacco, five shillings : " he frequently puts down
other sums for the same luxury, and in one of his
letters to his son in London mentions his disappoint
ment at not getting tobacco with other things ordered
to come from the Capital. In the Journal of the
Reverend Giles Moore, published by the Sussex Ar
chaeological Society (Vol. I. Transactions), he notes the
* Minshew calls a iobzcconistfumi-ventiulus, a smoak-seller.



payment in 1656 for " two ounces of tobacco, one

The expense of the custom was one fertile source of
objection to the " fragrant weed." We have heard the
satirists declare it ruined the smaller gentry, and grave
elders occasionally " put out the pipes " of fast young
heirs by testamentary legislation. Thus the will of Peter
Campbell, a Derbyshire gentleman in 1616, bequeathed
all his household goods to his eldest son Roger; but if
at any time his brothers or sisters " fynd him takeing
of tobacco," he shall forfeit all, " or their full valew.''
Now, as he had five brothers and three sisters, he must
have been well watched.*.
The " rigidly righteous " were in those days as
bitterly tyrannical on tobacco, as they still continue to
be on any other practice that does not accord with their
particular idiosyncracies. They prophesied as we have
seen in the course of our researches, all sorts of evil
and ruin to those who used tobacco. But there were
not wanting some few who saw the ruin of England in
the habit. In the Parliament of 1620 the member for
Pontefract, Sir Edwin Sandys, summed up. the evil
thus :
" There was wont to come out of Spain a great mass
of money, to the value of 100,000 per annum, for our
cloths and other merchandises; and now we have
from thence for all our cloths and merchandises, no
thing but tobacco : nay that will not pay for all the
* Gents Mag., April, 1769.



tobacco we have from thence, but they have more from

us in money every year, 20,000 ; so there goes out of
this kingdom as good as 1 20,000 for tobacco every
Certainly the sapient James I. had done his best by
pen and penalty to stop the pipes of his southern
subjects. He left no small tyranny untried by which
he might hinder others of an enjoyment he could
not share. The petty meddlings of this wretched
sovereign with the minor liberties of the subjects he
unfortunately ruled, increased to a tyranny which,
bequeathed as a heir-loom to his son, brought him to
the scaffold. James was " little " in everything. He
could take no enlarged view of life, or that political
economy which regulates and balances for the good of
all, even the follies or extravagancies of the few.
Hence he deprived the country of a large revenue,
crushed and repressed the fair trade, and indulged
himself in fines, and others in monopolies of the plant,
making restrictions which led to evasion and dis
honesty, and granting power of selling only to those
who could pay exorbitant fines. Garrard in the Stafford
Letters, vol. 1. notes in 1633 the Life-leases for selling
tobacco ; as being ^15 fine, and as much rent by the
year. " Some towns have yielded 20 marks, \o, 5,
and 6 fine and rent, none goes under ; and three or
four allowed in great market-towns and thoroughfares.
I hear Plymouth hath yielded 100, and as much
* far/. Hist. vol. i. p. 1 195.



yearly rent." Under 1634 is noted, " The tobaccolicencers go on apace ; they yield a good fine, and
a constant yearly rent."
History proves that persecution never triumphs in its
attempted eradications. Tobacco was so generally liked
that no legislative measures could prevent its use. Nor
was it confined to " the fast men " of the age. " There
are also some," says Dr. Venner of Bath in his treatise
concerning tfye taking the fume of tobacco (1637), " who
are grave and seemingly wise and judicious, that take
it moderately, and most commonly at fixed times ; but
with its proper adjunct, which (as they doe suppose) is
a cup of sack, and this they think to bee no bad
physick." The clergy occasionally indulged in " a quiet
pipe." Archbishop Harsnett, in his Ordinances for
the Regulation of his schools at Chigwell in Essex,
ordains that the Latin schoolmaster be " of a sound
religion, neither papist nor puritan, of a grave be
haviour, of a sober and honest conversation, no tippler
nor haunter of ale-houses," and, as a climax, "no
puffer of tobacco!" Aubrey, writing in 1680, says,
" within these thirty-five years it was considered scan
dalous for a divine to take tobacco ; " but Lilly, the
Astrologer, in his Memoirs, under the year 1633,
tells a different tale. He says :
" In this year also William Bredon, parson or vicar
of Thornton in Buckinghamshire, was living, a pro
found divine, but absolutely the most polite person
for nativities in that age, strictly adhering to Ptolomy,
which he well understood ; he had a hand in com



posing Sir Christopher Heydon's defence of judicial

astrology, being that time his chaplain ; he was so
given over to tobacco and drink, that when he had no
tobacco, he would cut the bell-ropes and smoke
Prefixed to Rand's edition of Skelton's Elinour
Rumming, 1624, are some verses by a rhymer of the
day, curiously descriptive of the general habit of
tobacco smoking, supposed to be uttered by Skelton's
Ghost,* who says of his own era :" Nor did that time knowTo puffe and to blow
In a peece of white clay,
As you doe at this day,
With fier and coale,
And a leafe in a hole ;
As my ghost hath late seene,
As I walked betweene
Westminster Hall
And the church of Saint Paul,
And so thorow the citie,
Where I saw and did pitty
My countrymen's cases,
With fiery-smoke faces,
Sucking and drinking
A filthie weede stinking,
Was ne're knowne before
Till the devil and the More
In th' Indies did meete,
And each other there greete
With a health they desire
Of stinke, smoke, and fier.
* It may be worth while here to note, as a sample of the sort of argu
ments people mill adduce for the antiquity of smoking, that this poem has
been quoted as a proof that the custom was usual when Skelton lived, in the
reign of Henry the Eighth ! The argument is not more unsound than fifty
others used pertinaciously by determined discoverers of mare's nests.



But who e're doth abhorre it,

The citie smoakes for it ;
Now full of fier shops
And fowle spitting chops,
So neesing and coughing,
That my ghost fell to scoffing,
And to myself said,
Here's filthie fumes made ;
Good phisicke of force
To cure a sicke horse."

In the curious Pamphlet published about 1626, com

prising a dialogue between the Proctor and Parator,
or informer to the Ecclesiastical Courts, the latter
notes his gains from closing the tobacco shops on
stated days, having " gotten good booty from transgres
sors against holy dayes, of Chandlers, Ale-houses,
Tavernes, Tobacco-shops, Butchers, Comfit-makers,
Gunsmiths, Bakers, Brokers, Cookes, Weavers, and
divers other malefactors against our terrible Canons
and Jurisdiction : for had I but given them a severe
looke, I could by that meanes have made them draw
their purses, or else they knew whither they were to
be fetcht up with a Coram Nomine. I have put 80
of these fearfull Birds into one net, and I alwaies held
correspondency with the Clarks of Parishes, so that I
could stand by a pillar in the Church, and heare them
all excommunicated at once, by the poore Curate, who
durst not disobey for fear of the mighty command of
the Judges of the Courts, whose awfull injunctions
were as formidable to such ten pound a year fellowes,
as Canon shot to young Sea-men."
D'Avenant, writing in 1634, speaks of the custom of



smoking as " so much in fashion, that methinks your

children begin to play with broken pipes instead of
corals, to make way for their teeth."
During the reign of Charles I., no alteration was
made in the restrictive laws against tobacco. He also
continued its sale only as a royal monopoly, and
prohibited it from being dealt in by any but such
as he had appointed to the trade, who paid him a
heavy sum for the privilege ; a measure that proved
most injurious to the planters. Charles seized all the
profits of their industry, and disregarded their remon
strances. It is recorded that when, in his days of mis
fortune, he sat in the guard-chamber at Westminster,
the soldiers of Cromwell blew their tobacco smoke in
his face, knowing that he had almost as strong a
dislike to it as his father had.
In the Ashmolean MSS. at Oxford (No. 38, art. 439)
is the following tirade " against tobacco : "
" Of all the plants that Tellus' bosome yields
In groves, glades, gardens, marshes, mountaines, fieldes,
None so pernitious to man's life is knowne
As is tobacco, saving hemp alone j
Betwixt which two there seemes great sympathy
To ruinate poore Adam's progeny.
For in them both a strangling virtue note ;
And both of them doe worke upon the throate.
The one within it, and without the other,
And th' one prepareth worke unto the t'other.
For there doth meete, I meane at jaile and gallowes,
More of these beastly, base tobacco fellowes,
Than hence to any prophane haunt doe use,
Excepting still the playhouse and the stewes,
Seeth to there comon lot so double choaked,
Just bacon like to be hanged up and smoaked ;


A destiny as proper to befall

To mortal swine, as to swine naturall.
Upon this point we may this riddle bring
This subject hath more subjects than the king.
Variety and surfit doth feed the spittle,
And fill the grave ; Nature's content with little."

Cromwell believed with King James I., that grow

ing tobacco in England was " thereby to misuse and
misemploy the soill of this kingdom ; " and he sent
his troopers to trample down the growing crops whereever they found them.* It is recorded that the soldiers
smoked at the Protector's magnificent funeral, as if to
publicly triumph over their recovered liberty. Evelyn,
in his Diary, on the 22nd of October, 1658, notes, that
the Protector's funeral "was the joyfullest funeral I
ever saw ; for there were none that cried but dogs,
which the soldiers hooted away with a barbarous noise,
drinking and taking tobacco in the streets as they
The Puritans, from the earliest days of their " plant
ation " among us, abhorred the fume of the pipe. Ben
Jonson notes it, and the puritanical Justice Overdoo
rails against it in Bartholomew Faire. A citizen's
* It had been extensively grown in Gloucestershire, as appears from the
following passage : In Harry Hangman's Honour ; or the Gloucester
shire Hangman's Request to the Smoakers or Tobacconists in London : a
quarto pamphlet in the king's collection (marked in ink, June II, 1655),
he says: "the very planting of tobacco hath proved the decay of my
trade, for since it hath beene planted in Gloucestershire, especially at
Winchcourt, my trade hath proved nothing worth." He adds, " Then
'twas a merry world with me ! for indeed before tobacco was there planted
there being no kind of trade to employ men, and very small tillage, neces
sity compelled poor men to stand my friends, by stealing of sheep and
other cattel, breaking of hedges, robbing of orchards, and what not."



wife, in Marston's comedy, The Dutch Courtezan,

1605, preparing for the entertainment of her friends,
says to her servants, " Perfume this parlor, it does so
smell of prophane tobacco. I could never endure this
ungodly tobacco, since one of our elders assured me
upon his knowledge, tobacco was not used in the con
gregation of the family of Love " (a religious sect then
notorious). Hutton, in his Follies Anatomie, 161 1,
speaks of a puritan who
" Abhorres a sattin suit, a velvet cloak,
And sayes tobacco is the devill's smoke. "

Penn, the Quaker, disliked tobacco. Clarkson, in

his Life of him, records this, and says, that while in
America he was often annoyed by it, but here submitted
in good humour. Once, on his way to Pensburg, he
stopped at Burlington to see old friends, who happened
to be smoking ; knowing his dislike, they concealed
their pipes. Perceiving 'from the smell when he
entered the room, that they had been smoking, and
discovering that the pipes had been hid, he said
pleasantly, " Well, friends, I am glad that you are at
last ashamed of your old practice." " Not entirely
so," replied Samuel Jennings, one of the company :
" but we preferred laying down our pipes to the danger
of offending a weak brother."
The old colonists who planted tobacco were equally
severe against Quakers. Thus, in what are termed the
" Blue Laws " of old Virginia, 1663, we find it enacted :
" Every master of a ship or vessel, that shall bring in



any quakers to reside here after the 1st of July next,

shall be fined 5000 pounds of tobacco." This is
followed by another :" Any person inhabiting this
country, and entertaining any Quaker in or near his
house, to preach or teach, shall, for every time of such
entertainment, be fined 5000 pounds of tobacco." It
was the custom in the colony at this period to pay
invariably all fines for crimes in pounds of tobacco.*
It must not, however, be too hastily inferred from
this that the " religious world " did not smoke. Some
sectarians prided themselves on it ; and when they
stabled their horses in our cathedrals, fumigated them
also with tobacco. In the Conference between a Puri
tan Preacher and a Family of his Flock, printed in
the (spurious) posthumous works of Butler, 1732, the
preacher exclaims before dinner

I must crave thy leave to light

One pipe to whet my appetite ; "

and in the Rump Songs mention is made of one of

" the Saints " who was a lover of the pipe :
" Salloway, with tobacco
Inspired, turned State Quack O ! "

The translator of Everard's treatise 7 says of its

* In the early colonisation, the charge made to settlers as the price of
a young woman " imported there " was 120 lbs. of tobacco.
t Panacea, or the Universal Medicine ; being a Discovery of the Wonderfull Virtues of Tobacco taken in a Pipe ; with its Use and Operation
both in Physick and Chyrurgery. By Dr. Everard. 1659. Translated
by J. R., and dedicated to the Merchants and Planters of Tobacco.



increased consumption in England :" It is like Elias'

cloud, which was no bigger than a man's hand, that
hath suddenly covered the face of the earth ; the low
countries, Germany, Poland, Arabia, Persia, Turkey,
almost all countries, drive a trade of it ; and there is
no commodity that hath advanced so many from small
fortunes to gain great estates in the world.
" Seamen will be supplied with it for their long
voyages. Soldiers cannot (but) want it when they keep
guard all night, or upon other hard duties in cold and
tempestuous weather. Farmers, ploughmen, porters,
and almost all labouring men plead for it, saying they
find great refreshment by it, and very many would as
soon part with their necessary food as they would be
totally deprived of the use of tobacco."
" Scholars use it much, and many grave and great
men take tobacco to make them more serviceable in
their callings. Tobacco is grown to be not only the
physick, but even the meat and drink of many men,
women, and children. In a word, it hath prevailed so
far, that there is no living without it.
" If we reflect upon our forefathers, and that within
the time of less than one hundred years, before the
use of tobacco came to be known amongst us, we
cannot but wonder how they did to subsist without
it ; for were the planting or traffick of tobacco now
hindered, millions of this nation in all probability
must perish for the want of food, their whole liveli
hood almost depending upon it. So many druggists,
grocers, tobacco-shops, taverns, inns, alehouses, vie



tuallers, carriers, cutters, and dryers of tobacco, pipemakers, and the like, that deal in it, will prove
no less."
The popularity of tobacco-smoking at the time of
the Restoration of Charles II., may be gathered from
the following curious narrative from The Life and
Times of Lilly the Astrologer, who was seized as a
suspected person in January, 1661," one Everard a
Justice of Peace in Westminster, ere I was stirring,
sent a Serjeant and thirty-four musqueteers for me to
White-Hall : he had twice that night seized about
sixty persons, supposed fanaticks, very despicable
persons, many whereof were aged, some were waterbearers, and had been Parliament-soldiers ; others, of
ordinary, callings : all these were guarded unto WhiteHall, into a large room, until day-light, and then
committed to the Gate-House : , I was had into the
guard-room, which I thought to be hell ; some therein
were sleeping, others swearing, others smoaking to
bacco. In the chimney of the room I believe there
was two bushels of broken tobacco pipes, almost half
one load of ashes."
Charles II., on his Restoration, confirmed the old
laws for the suppression of its culture, and extended
the restriction to Ireland, under a penalty of confisca
tion and fine of forty shillings for every rood so
planted, except " in any physick-garden of either Uni
versity, or in any other private garden for physick or
chirurgery," but then only half a pole of land to be so
planted. Three years afterwards the penalty was



raised to a fine of 10 per rood. It is recorded

that Charles sent a letter to the University of Cam
bridge, forbidding the members to wear perriwigs,
smoke tobacco, and read the sermons they delivered.*
Tobacco did not become popular at court ; but smoking
it was a practice very constantly indulged as "the
contemplative man's recreation " (to use Walton's term
for fishing), particularly in the provinces. Thus, in
Shadwell's comedy, the Virtuoso, 1676, an old country
gentleman orders " a pipe and a match " in the garden ;
another exclaims, " here's old Snarl, he has called for
his tobacco too ; he smoaks all day like a kitchen
chimney." A French traveller, Monsieur Jorevin de
Rochefort,t thus relates his experiences of an evening
spent with a friend at Worcester :
"The supper being finished, they set on the table
half a dozen pipes and a pacquet of tobacco for
smoking, which is a general custom, as well among the
women as men, who think that without tobacco, one
cannot live in England, because they say it dissipates
the evil humours of the brain.
" Whilst we were walking about the town, he asked
me if it was the custom in France, as in England, that
when the children went to school, they carried in their
satchel, with their books, a pipe of tobacco, which
their mother took care to fill early in the morning, it
serving them instead of a breakfast ; and that at the
* Hone's Every Day Book, vol i. col. 1264.
t His travels were printed at Paris in 1672, and have been translated
in the Antiquarian Repertory, vol. ii. p. 99.



accustomed hour, every one laid aside his book to light

his pipe, the master smoking with them, and teaching
them how to hold their pipes and draw in the tobacco ;
thus accustoming them to it from their youth, believing
it absolutely necessary for a man's health. This put
me in mind of a Spaniard, who being accustomed to take
tobacco, I found him at a seaport of Calabria in Italy,
where we were detained by bad weather on our return
from Malta; here, he not being able to procure tobacco,
cut off a piece of the cable, with which he filled his
pipe, to draw and suck down the smoke thereof,
instead of tobacco. I have also seen an Irishman,
twenty-four years old, who during his whole life had
smoked tobacco ; he, having fallen sick, was forbid the
use of that plant, as being too great a dryer of the
body ; this he submitted to for some time, but he
became so low, and so melancholy, that he could at
length take nothing but a little tobacco, which was at
last permitted him, and he in a short time recovered
his perfect health. I have known several who, not
content with smoking in the day, went to bed with
their pipes in their mouths, others who have risen in
the night to light their pipes, to take tobacco with as
much pleasure as they would have received in drinking
either Alicant or Greek wine."
M. Rochefort's mention of the prevalence of smoking
among females, calls to mind Tom Brown's " exhortatory letter to an old lady that smoked tobacco," written
about the same period, which runs as follows :
" Though the ill-natured world censures you for



smoking, yet I would advise you, Madam, not to part

with so innocent a diversion. In the first place it is
healthful ; and as Galen rightly observes is a sovereign
remedy for the toothache, the constant persecutor of old
ladies. Secondly, tobacco, though it be an heathenish
word, it is a great help to Christian meditations ;
which is the reason I suppose, that recommends it to
your parsons, the generality of whom can no more
write a sermon without a pipe in their mouths, than a
concordance in their hands ; besides, every pipe you
break, may serve to put you in mind upon what
slender accidents man's life depends. I knew a dis
senting minister who on fast-days used to mortify upon
a rump of beef, because it put him, as he said, in mind
that all flesh was grass ; but I am sure much more is
to be learnt from tobacco. It may instruct you that
riches, beauty, and all the glories of the world, vanish
like a vapour. Thirdly, it is a pretty plaything.
Fourthly, and lastly, it is fashionable, at least 'tis in a
fair way of becoming so."
Walton and Cotton at this period enjoyed " a quiet
pipe " on the banks of the Dove, in the lovely county
of Derbyshire. Both have recorded it in their im
mortal Angler. There is a strong sense of enjoy
ment after their " light supper," when Piscator (Cotton
himself) says to his attendants, " Come, take away, and
bring us some pipes and a bottle of ale." And then
addressing his guest Viator, asks, " Are you for this
diet, sir ? " to which he replies, " Yes, sir, I am for one
pipe of tobacco ; and I perceive yours is very good by



the smell." Piscator answers, " the best I can get in

London, I assure you ; " no small recommendation, in
an age when much difficulty and expense was attendant
on communication with the capital ; but it has been
well observed " if a man does smoke, let him smoke
good tobacco, that no extra and unnecessary offence be
given to the 'weaker brethren.' "
In the middle of the seventeenth century, tobacco
formed the subject of a curious ballet at Lisbon, which
. may be thus briefly described. The scene was laid in
the Island of Tobago, the supposed native place of
tobacco, and a troop of its inhabitants were introduced
chanting in celebration of the good fortune of people
to whom the gods had granted a plant so precious.
Four priests, taking tobacco in powder from golden
boxes pendant from their girdles, cast it in the air to
appease tempests. The rest then marched in solemn
procession round their idols, with long pipes in their
mouths, fumigating them as with incense. A second
scene exhibited manufacturers at work, tying up the
leaves of the plant, cutting it for the smoker, and
pounding it for the snuff-takers. The third and last
scene introduced the consumers of the herb, and a
general dance, in which all mixed together, and offered
pinches from each other's snuff-boxes. The smokers of
all nations, in appropriate costume, joined the dance
to indicate the reunion of all peoples and creeds
under the powerful influence of tobacco ; the natives
leaping among them all till the curtain fell.
During the prevalence of the Great Plague of



London (1665), tobacco was recommended and gene

rally taken, as a preventive of infection. The phy
sicians and those who attended the sick, took it very
freely ; those who went round with the dead-carts, had
their pipes continually lighted. It was popularly re
ported, and as generally believed, that no tobacconists
or their households were afflicted by the pestilence.
This gave tobacco a new popularity, and it again
took the high medical position assumed for it by the
earlier physicians of the French Court.
In a broadside poem published about 1670, entitled
" Nicotiance Encomium ; or the Golden Leaf Tobacco
display'd in its sovereignty and singular vertues," its
efficacy against the plague is particularly dwelt upon :
" If the Grand Bugbear Toad, the Plague, ye fear ;
Lo ! under God your antidote is here."

All diseases are declared to be quelled by it :

" Ye hot, ye cold, ye Rheumatick draw nigh ;
In this rich leafe a sovereign dose doth lie.
We'll cure ye all : Physick ye need not want,
Here 'tis, i' th' gummy entrails of a Plant."

At the feasts of the Mayor and citizens of Lon

don, pipes and tobacco were served ; and in the
Lord Mayor's Show of 1672, the Londoners were
treated to " two exceeding great rareties, that is there
are two extreme great giants, each of them at least
fifteen foot high, that do sit, and are drawn by horses
in two several chariots, moving, talking, and taking



tobacco as they ride along, to the great admiration and

delight of all the spectators."*
Tobacco had long before this assumed a fixed position
as a favourite luxury all over Europe. After its intro
duction to the East at the close of the sixteenth
century, it became a prime favourite there. In Persia
it conquered Shah Abbas, who first opposed its use by
cruel penalties, and on one occasion threw an unfortu
nate vendor into the fire with his goods ; but the love
for the indulgence was too well spread, and he suc
cumbed. The Turks, as we have noted, had similar
persecutions to encounter, after the custom had become
all but universal among them, the Sultan, Amurath IV.,
having taken into his head that smoking made
men impotent ; an opinion also held by Sir William
Vaughan in his Directions for Health (161 3), and again
made the subject of a jocular treatise in 1675, called
The woman's complaint against Tobacco. Dr. Brown
in his Travels in Germany (1677), mentions having
seen in Vienna the followers of the Cham of Tartary,
and says " they took much tobacco in very long pipes;
their tobacco not in rolls, but in leaves, and dry."
The Chinese obtained the herb from the Portuguese,
and often employed it in place of opium. In Russia it
was prohibited, because a few instances of fires oc
curred in " Moscow, occasioned by persons dropping
asleep with lighted pipes. A law was for a very short
* Jordan's London Triumphant ; or the City in Jollity and Splendor, a
pamphlet descriptive of the Lord Mayor's Show in the above year.



time in force in France, prohibiting the sale of to

bacco, except by order of a physician,* the supply only
to be obtained of an apothecary. The Dutch have
always been famed for a love of the weed : the pipe is,
and ever was, their great solace. The admirable manner
in which Washington Irving has narrated their smoking
powers in Knickerbocker, is no exaggeration ; no one
can travel in Holland in the present day, without
observing the constant use of the pipe. Railway
carriages are expressly fitted for smokers ; and small
metal troughs for tobacco ashes, provided near the
seats. The popular theatres of Amsterdam permit
smoking during the performances, and a Dutch critic
in the pit may see his favourite play, or still more
favourite heroine, through the agreeable medium of
tobacco-smoke. The Germans can, however, rival
them in their powers of smoking.
Barham, in his Lay of St. Odille ( Ingoldsby Legends)
humorously describes
- a certain Count Herman,
A highly respectable man as a German,
Who smoked like a chimney, and drank like a Merman.''

Certainly the Germans' love of beer and tobacco is

unrivalled elsewhere, and enables him to do what none
but those " to the manner born " could do. To drink
a pint of beer at a draught, and several quarts at a
sitting ; and to fill pipes as continually as they are
* It was issued by Louis XIII. in 1635.



burnt out, for the best part of a day, is no uncommon

thing in Bavaria. It would astonish the weak minds
of teetotallers and tobacco-haters could they take a
seat for a day in any Lustgarten of this most philoso
phic nation. After their clear elucidation of the fatal
consequences of both habits, it is strange that any
Germans are to be found alive after thirty years
of age.
The practice of chewing tobacco, recorded to have
been used by the Indians to stay hunger in travel,
appears to have had no general popularity. Soldiers
and sailors adopted it from the same reasons, and
from the inconvenience of using
the pipe. It was sanctioned by the
custom of General Monk at the
Restoration, and it was usual with
gentlemen to sport silver basins to
spit in, something after the Ameri
can fashion, as represented in an old
snuff-box, of the time of James I,,
published by the Society of Anti
quaries,* and copied in our engrav
ing, from which it appears that this
questionable custom was " done
with a grace," if we may judge from
the affected attitude of the cavalier.
Neander, the Dutch physician, whose work Tabacologia, published in 1622, we have already quoted, notes
* Archaeologia, Vol. 23. Ben Jonson, in his Every Man Out of his
Humour, notes the custom.



the various kinds of tobacco then used, which obtained

their names from the places where they were grown.
Thus, Brazilian, St. Domingo, Orinoco, Virginia, and
Trinidad tobacco, at once point to well known localities.
Of these, the last named was most popular in England,
and is frequently named by early authors. Thus the
song of the corporal and watch, in Beaumont and
Fletcher's play The Knight of Malta, has the lines :
"To thee a full pot, my little lanceprisado,*
And when thou hast done, a pipe of Trinidado."

Amazonian tobacco came from the lands on the

border of the great river Amazon ; and Varinas, called
by Brathwait in his Smoaking Age (1617), Varina and
Varinian tobacco, is named from a town in Columbia,
still famed for its tobacco.-f- Cavendish was named
from the great captain, whose voyages made him
famous, and was originally cut up from a closely
pressed cake of the leaf, for the use of the smoker ; it
is still the most coarsely cut tobacco of all. Carotte
was a popular tobacco with Frenchmen, and was
formed into long thin rolls, sweetened with treacle,
and cut for smoking or chewing like the modern
pigtail ; it is represented on the table in our cut,
p. 57. Roll tobacco was formed in a continuous thin
rope of leaf, by aid of a wheel, as twine is made ; and
* A lanceprisado is a lance-corporal, the lowest grade of military officer.
" A leader or governor of half a file, and therefore is commonly called a
middleman, or captain over four. "Nole in GifforcTs Massinger.
f A Paper of Tobacco, 1839.


was formed by adding the leaves to each other, and

tightly compressing them as the wheel revolved, a roll
consisting of very many yards was then formed ; the
tobacco roll therefore became the favourite sign of
the tobacconist. The process of this manufacture is
exhibited in our cut from the shop-bill of " Benjamin
Parkes, at the Cross, Worcester," temp. Geo. I.

Sometimes this kind of tobacco was twisted in the

manner of coarse cord, into a thick ball larger than a
man's head, which formed a stock from which to " cut
and come again."
During the reign of William the Third tobacco met
with a patronage almost universal. Pipes grew larger
then, and ruled by a Dutchman, all England smoked
in peace. Misson, in his Memoirs of Travels over
England (1697), notes " this perpetual use of tobacco,"
among men and women, particularly in country places ;
and he thinks that this "makes the generality of
Englishmen so taciturn, so thoughtful and so melan
choly ; " but as if he agreed with Ben Johnson's Master
Stephen, that " your melancholy is ever the breeder of
your excellent wit," he adds " Tobacco not only breeds



profound theologists, but also begets moral philoso

phers : witness the following sonnet :
" Sweet smoking pipe; bright glowing stove,
Companion still of my retreat,
Thou dost my gloomy thoughts remove,
And purge my brain with gentle heat.
" Tobacco, charmer of my mind,
When, like the meteor's transient gleam,
Thy substance gone to air, 1 find,
I think, alas, my life's the same !
" What else but lighted dust am I ?
Thou show'st me what my fate will be ;
And when thy sinking ashes die,
I learn that I must end like thee."

Dr. Henry Aldrich, the musical Dean of Christchurch, Oxford, well known from his popular Glee
"Hark! the bonny Christ-church bells;" was a smoker*
also, and composed the following quaint " Catch on
Tobacco ; to be sung by four men at the time of
smoaking their pipes ; " which we here reprint, from
The Second Book of the Pleasant Musical Companion,
"Good ! good indeed !
The Herb's good weed ;
Fill thy pipe, Will, and I prithee, Sam, fill,
For sure we may smoak, and yet sing still ;
For what say the learned ? Vitafumus,
'Tis what you and I, and he and I, and all of us, Sumus.
* There is an amusing anecdote related of the Dean's continuous devo
tion to his pipe. One of the students betted another that however early,
or at whatever time the Doctor was visited in his own sanctum, he would
be found smoking. The bet was taken, and at once the Dean was
visited ; when the reason of the visit was given, " Your friend has lost,"
said the Dean, " I am not smoking, only filling my pipe."



But then to the learned say we again,

If Life's a smoak, as they maintain,
If Life's a vapour, without doubt,
When a man does dye,
They should not cry,
That his glass is run, but his pipe is out.
But whether we smoak, or whether we sing,
Let's be loyal, and remember the king ;
Let him live, and let his foes vanish,
Thus like a pipe, like a pipe of Spanish. "

Many similar quaint whims were dreamed over a

pipe, and occasionally given to the world. In the
True trial of understanding, or Wit newly revived, a
chap-book printed for hawkers in the reign of Anne,
is the following riddle :
" What tho' I have a nauseous breath,
Yet many a one will me commend ;
I am beloved after death,
And serviceable unto my friend."

The answer is thus given : " This is tobacco, after cut

and dry'd, being dead, becometh serviceable." A much
more ingenious " conceit " of the same kind, which
requires the name of the herb to be written down
letter by letter, in Roman capitals, to fully comprehend
it ;is as follows :
" To three-fourths of a cross add a circle complete ;
Let two semicircles a perpendicular meet ;
Next add a triangle that stands on two feet ;
Then two semicircles, and a circle complete."

During the reign of Anne, the custom of smoking

appears to have attained its greatest height in England
says the author of the excellent little Paper of



Tobacco, and " the consumption of tobacco was then

proportionably greater, considering the population,
than it is at the present time." The golden names of
literature patronised the custom. Addison, Congreve,
Phillips, Prior, and Steele, consumed tobacco ; Pope
and Swift, following the favourite example of the Con
tinental clergy, took snuff. In the days of the
Regency, no French abbe- was without his box, and as
the rank of the clergy so was the indulgence in the
"pungent dust," rendered more recherche and ex
pensive by the perfection of its quality and scent.
The author of The Beau in a Wood (1701), speaks
of the enormous wigs then in fashion, as generally
" scented with tobacco."
In 1703, one Lawrence Spooner, emulous of the
fame of King James or Du Bartas, published some
quaint rhymes, which he called A Looking-Glass for
Smoakers ; his rhymes are, as Dogberry would say,
" most tolerable, and not to be endured," but his
preface (fortunately in prose) lets us into the secret of
the very general practice of smoking in England at
his period ; " in two miles compass may be found a
thousand families or persons in country villages, that
one with another, do smoak, snuff, or chaw, the year
round, one penny a day, and most of these coal or
lime-men, firemen, &c." He then goes on to demon
strate that 1525 a year, is the cost of this, which in
twenty years would double itself at the interest of a
shilling in the pound ; but, " if improv'd thriftily, in
twenty years it would amount to more than .130,000



to divide amongst the smoakers and their heirs for

ever. By which the world may see what mischief this
Land robber doth amongst them." He adds " The sin
of the kingdom in the intemperate use of tobacco,
swelleth and increaseth so daily, that I can compare it
to nothing but the waters of Noah, that swell'd fifteen
cubits above the highest mountains. So that if this
practice shall continue to increase as it doth, in an
age or two it will be as hard to find a family free, as it
"was so long time since one that commonly took it."
But the author is most pained that the pious should
indulge in the habit, and in his horror at recording the
fact, he rises so far above himself, that we quote his
own words : " But above all, that this practice should
overgrow all the powers of reason, religion, and ex
perience amongst most part of the godly, is yet to be
admired : * that a thing should grow to that height in
their affections (that is not naturally pleasant) is a
wonder : that they should suffer such an unnatural fire
to be kindled in their nature, that proves in the event
to be such a world of iniquity, and puts them in such
a ferment and disorder, may make us cry out with the
prophet Jeremiah, chap. 2, v. 12, 'Be astonished, Oh
ye heavens, at this ! be ye horribly afraid, be ye very
desolate, saith the Lord of Hosts ! ' "
Even this did not " put the pipe out " of any faithful
lover of the weed ; the clergy were great favourers of
* Let no modern reader understand this word in a modern sense ; words
change meanings marvellously as times change. Mr. Spooner's admira
tion is a frightened astonishment or holy horror.



the practice, and in no degree diminished the enjoy

ment of a " cheerful pipe." Hogarth, in his Modern
Midnight Conversation, has introduced one in full
canonicals, amid the merry party, smoking like a
steam engine and carrying a ring tobacco-stopper on
his finger. To be sure, if the parson be the famous
orator Henly (as some
say, but do not prove *),
it is no very creditable
exemplar of the cloth ;
but that the custom was
common with reverend
sons of the Church appears
from abundant authority ;
and that it still, or till
very lately, was the solace of the country parson
any one acquainted with village life can tell. The
author has known several such smokers ; and can also
instance a London clergyman of much reputation, with
great power in the Arts as well as in literature, who
always smoked in his vestry after Prayers, during the
Psalm, while waiting to begin his sermon.
When Sir Robert Walpole, in 1732, introduced his
excise bill into parliament, the greatest popular hatred
was immediately evinced towards the measure. To
bacco was one of the articles especially " excised," and
the un-English and inquisitorial power ultimately given

* Mrs. Piozzi was of opinion that it represented "Parson Ford,"

Dr. Johnson's uncle.



by that measure, has existed as a clog on the trade till

this hour.
Sir Robert did not, however, conquer
easily, and an abundance of satire, in picture and
prose, was levelled at him. In one plate, called The
Triumphant Exciseman, amid other horrors, trade
droops sorrowfully over a hogshead of tobacco. An
other caricature exhibits the Premier drawn in his
chariot by a many-headed
dragon, one of whose mouths
swallows the pipe and pot of
the unfortunate Englishman,
as here represented.
lieges are flying, deprived of
everything eatable or drinkable, while one of the
monster's heads disgorges into Sir Robert's chariot
an abundant stream of gold. His ravages are thus
predicted :
"At first he'll begin ye
With a pipe of Virginie,
Then search ev'ry shop in his rambles ;
If you force him to flee
From the Custom-house key,
The monster will lodge in your shambles."

Sir Robert's bill was violently opposed, and his

party endeavoured to turn the tables on their oppo
nents by similar means. A ministerial squib was
published purporting to be "a full and true account of
a curious dialogue between one Mr. D'Anvers, and
one Mr. Cut, a great Tobacco merchant," in which it
was affirmed that the excise was only intended for



the protection of the fair trader, as the tobac

' ' Had learnt such a knack
In the case of drawback,
For each pound of tobacco exported,
That the custom for two
They draw back as their due,
By which they are bravely supported."

This way of cheating the customs is thus explained

in a note :" At the lowest computation, the duties
upon tobacco annually imported amount to 800,000.
It is not computed by any one acquainted with that
trade, that in fact there is exported from Great Britain
into all foreign ports, near one half of the whole ; but
admitting that a half were sent abroad, in that case
there should remain 400,000 per annum to the re
venue ; but the truth is the whole duties remaining to
the crown, after drawbacks have been allowed, never
amounted to above .160,000. Whence it is plain the
public must have been cheated of 240,000 per annum
by drawbacks only." Walpole was, however, defeated
in his bill, and " the noble stand, or glorious two
hundred and four " who opposed it, were celebrated
in another caricature, where Britons of all grades are
represented dancing round a maypole garnished with
grapes and tobacco leaves. Liberty, in the foreground,
crushes tyranny; while opposite (to quote the descrip
tive verse) :
" Two hogsheads on the right stand side by side,
This with tobacco, that with wine supply'd ;
On these fair liberty, divinely bright,
And trade, with florid looks, your eye delight. "



The cut here copied, is a copy of their portion of the

picture. The difference between the tobacco and wine
cask, has been carefully noted
by the engraver. A great oppo
nent of the bill was the tobac
conist Ben Bradley, whose por
trait was published by Pond,
with the verse beneath :
" Behold the man, who, when a gloomy band
Of vile excisemen threatened all the land,
Help'd to deliver from their harpy gripe
The chearfull bottle and the social pipe.
O rare Ben Bradley ! may for this the
Still unexcised, rejoice thy honest soul !
May still the best in Christendom * for this
Cleave to thy stopper, and compleat thy
bliss ! "

Hogarth decorated this plate

with a minute etching, indica
tive ofunexcised liberty ; in which
the British lion, pipe in mouth,
makes free with Britannia, who
also smokes while seated on a hogshead of tobacco.
This design of Hogarth's was adopted on Bradley's
shop-bill, with the inscription beneath " the best in
Christendom without excise." At this period, when
tradesmen vied with each other in expensive signs,
carved or painted, over their doors, they also rivalled
* Bradley used to wrap his tobacco in papers, thus inscribed,
noble art of puffing has always flourished in trade.


134 .


each other in decorated cards and shop-bills, employ

ing the best available talent for the purpose. Hogarth,
in his early days, was much employed in designing and
engraving these bills, and Ireland has published fac
similes of several, among the rest that of " Richard
Lee, at ye Golden Tobacco-roll, in Panton Street, near
Leicester fields," which is remarkable for the general
resemblance the design upon it bears to one of the
best pictures executed in after years by the artisthis
Modern Midnight Conversation.
We may here most conveniently introduce a few no
tices of the old tobacconists, their " manners and cus
toms" in business, and the minor details of their shops.
The Signs of tobacconists' shops in the last century
usually consisted of a large wooden figure of a black
Indian, decorated with a crown of tobacco-leaves, and
" a kilt " of the same material. He was usually placed
at the side of the door, above which hung three rolls of
tobacco, also cut in wood ; and they were never absent,
as the sign of the tobacco-shop, however humble its
owner might be, and unable to afford that higher piece
of art, the blackamoor.
A curious tobacconist's sign
is engraved in an amusing little
volume published in 1 840 ; *
consisting of three hands con
joined to one arm. The first
holding snuff on the thumb, the second a pipe,
* It is entitled A Pinch of Snuff, and was published anonymously.



the third a quid of tobacco ; beneath were the

" We three are engaged in one cause ;
I snuffs, I smokes, and I chaws."

The same distich sometimes appeared on painted

signs, beneath figures of a Scotchman, a Dutchman,
and a Sailor.
Throughout the seventeenth century, the want of a
small copper currency was awkwardly felt by traders ;
and the difficulty was met by each man striking small
coins for his own use, bearing his name, trade, and
address upon them, and sometimes an engraved allu
sion to his business. Until Charles the Second, in
1672, made the issue of such pieces unlawful, and
then provided a royal currency in their place, tens of
thousands of these coins circulated in every town in
the kingdom. They were tacitly received from trader
to trader, " for necessary change," as
was sometimes expressed upon them.
Evelyn notices their popularity in his
time ; and that, though sometimes re
stricted to the immediate neighbour
hood of the issuer, they served his pur
pose as an advertisement, as well as a
convenience. We select two thus issued
by tobacconists in London : The first
is a farthing upon which is exhibited
three pipes, it was issued by "Alexander
Sharp, in Chick Lane " (West Smithfield) ; the second
is a halfpenny made in the form of a heart, and having



upon it a tobacco-roll, and the inscription "John

Poyntting, in Cloath-fair (Smithfield), his halfpenny,
1667." Both are in the British Museum.*
There is an anecdote related in Hone's Table Book,
vol. i. p. 384, of a man named Farr, who opened a
tobacco-shop on Fish Street Hill, and attracted cus
tomers from an old shop opposite, by writing over his
door "The best Tobacco by Farr" This attracted the
sailors, who deserted the other shop, till the owner put
up a new sign, inscribed " Far better Tobacco, than
the best Tobacco by Farr" Now this story, absurd
as it may appear, is literally true ; his shop-cards are
still in existence, in which, among rich scroll orna
ments and emblematic figures, occur the words "The
finest tobacco by Farr."
In the early days of tobacco we have seen that the
Apothecary was its salesman ; after that the tobacco
nist combined other trades with his own. He sold
liquors, as is proved by the engraving from Brathwait's book, on p. 88, and later he dealt in grocery.
Thus the shop-bill of Benjamin Parkes at Worcester,
{temp. Geo. I.) informs us that he " manufactures all
sorts of tobaccos and snuffs; likewise sells coffee, teas,
chocolate, lump sugars, and hosiery goods, wholesale
and retail." London dealers had the same general
* In Bushnell's Catalogue of American Tokens (New York, 1858), is
one struck in condemnation of tobacco. He describes it as having upon
the obverse a figure of a boy trampling upon leaves of tobacco ; and the
words, "I will never use tobacco in any form." The reverse contains
the motto : "Tobacco tends to idleness, poverty, strong drink, vice, ill
health, insanity, and death. " The metal is, very appropriately, brass.



trade, one of the best of the same era, Wimble and

Co., of Fenchurch Street, "sell all sorts of snuffs,
tobaccos, teas, flour of mustard, and Cayenne peppers,
wholesale and retail." Many of these shop-bills are
expensively and carefully engraved, and have furnished
us with a few curious cuts for our volume.
Their tobacco, it is to be hoped, was of better
quality than their poetry : here is a sample from a
bill of Von der Heyde in Bermondsey Street, 1760,
representing the dealer offering two boxes :
" Here's two full boxes, taste which you think right,
The one's to smoak, the other's to clear the sight ;
I do declare they're both the very best ;
Then pray confess I'm the Tobacconist."

Such rhymes were frequently printed on tobaccopapers, which occasionally exhibited an enigma, puzzle,
or charade, for the amusement of the customer ; a
custom that can be traced as far back as the middle
of the seventeenth century. In 1748, an American
printed " choice Pennsylvania tobacco-paper," and
turned to that account some papal bulls captured in a
Spanish vessel ; and he declared his willingness to sell
" at a much cheaper rate than they can be purchased
of the French and Spanish priests, and yet will be
warranted to be of the same advantage to the pos
sessors." This fashion of giving "something literary"
on tobacco-papers, was very customary about twenty
years ago, and embraced a large variety of topics : they
were printed within a "type-border," in the centre of a



piece of paper, large enough to hold the tobacco. We

here give an example arranged, as in the original :

Best Tobacco.
More ! no fool the play and
Friend, my and money my keep wou'd I
Before, had have I as
Friend, a and money both I'd If
Fell ; me from quite away
Friend, my but money, my had I
Well, very me pleas'd which
Friend, my came money with length at
Not. would I him sue for
Friend, my and money my lost I
Got, I words but naught and
Friend, my of money my ask'd I
Therefore ; word his took and
Friend, my to money my lent I
Store, great set I both by
Friend, a and money both had I

This not very difficult puzzle may be solved by

beginning at the. end of the rhymes, and reading each
line backward, when " the proceeds of much worldly
wisdom " will be the result. Another exhibits this
riddle : " O and P ran a race ; Q backed O, knowing
that P would win. Why was this like going into a
shop and asking for shag and getting short-cut?
Because it was wrong to back O." Here is a typo
graphical puzzle on another :



" Th er ei Sal us tlnmann och ainc ant Ame,

O, flolld lypuBli, Shin ; gh isn ei gH b(ours's Ha)me !
O, Nea, Gles' win " Gsimm, or" raise ; an da lsfly,
Whil ? stvi rtu Ou sact (Ion sareb) ut Bor nan dd ie ! "

Which is a moral apophthegm, a little deranged pur

posely by the printer, and will read thus :
" There is a lust in man no chain can tame,
Of loudly publishing his neighbours' shame !
On eagles' wings immoral scandals fly,
Whilst virtuous actions are but born and die ! '

Another gives some original laudatory rhymes

called the

I owe to smoking, more or less,
Through life the whole of my success ;
With my cigar I'm sage and wise
Without, I'm dull as cloudy skies.
When smoking all my ideas soar,
When not, they sink upon the floor.
The greatest men have all been smokers,
And so were all the greatest jokers.
Then ye who'd bid adieu to care,
Come here and smoke it into air.!

Many of these papers are "adorned with cuts," that

must have done service for very many years. One,
engraved about 1780, is copied in next page; it
represents the three modes of using tobacco, by chew
ing, smoking, and snuffing, sometimes exhibited in
painted signs over tobacconists' doors, as already

alluded to. These cuts were printed in the centre of
various-sized papers, and used to envelope the weed.

The sailor's love for tobacco has always been steady

and excessive. It is a most important item in navy
estimates, and one of the " greatest necessities " in
Jack's estimation ; but in this love, he is not without
rivals on land, for some few would sacrifice their dinner
for their pipe, if the two could not be indulged in.
Spence, in his Parallel between Magliabechi and
Hill (1757),* declares of the latter, who was a poor
Buckinghamshire tailor, " that he has passed many and
many whole days, in this and the former year, with
out tasting anything but water and tobacco." The
sailor's devotion to tobacco, is amusingly illustrated by
* First printed by Walpole, at the Press of Strawberry Hill, and
afterwards by Dodsley, in his Fugitive Pieces.



the following letter from a little volume, entitled

JSTicotiana, 1834 :
"Gravesend, March 24, 1813.

" Dear Brother Tom ;

. " This comes hopein to find you in good
health as it leaves me safe anckor'd here yesterday at
4 P.M. arter a pleasant voyage tolerable short and a
few squalls.Dear Tomhopes to find poor old father
stout, and am quite out of pig-tail.Sights of pig-tail
at Gravesend, but unfortinly not fit for a dog to chor.
Dear Tom, Captain's boy will bring you this, and put
pig-tail in his pocket when bort. Best in London at
the Black Boy in 7 diles, where go acks for best
pig-tailpound a pig-tail will do, and am short of
shirts. Dear Tom, as for shirts ony took 2 whereof
one is quite wored out and tuther most, but don't
forget the pig-tail, as I a'n't had a quid to chor never
since Thursday. Dear Tom, as for the shirts, your
size will do, only longer. I liks um longget one at
present ; best at Tower-hill, and cheap, but be particler to go to 7 diles for the pig-tail at the Black Boy,
and Dear Tom, acks for pound best pig-tail, and let it
be good. Captain's boy will put the pig-tail in his
pocket, he likes pig-tail, so ty it up. Dear Tom, shall
be up about Monday there or thereabouts, Not so perticuler for the shirt, as the present can be washed, but
don't forget the pig-tail without fail, so am your loving
"T P"
" P.S- Don't forget the pig-tail."



Scattered in the Magazine literature of the last

century, are some good specimens of what lovers of the
weed can do in the way of rhyme. One of the most
whimsical of these effusions occurs in the Gentleman's
Magazine for February 1857, and is as follows :
Tube, I love thee as my life ;
By thee I mean to chuse a wife.
Tube, thy colour let me find,
In her skin, and in her mind.
Let her have a shape as fine ;
Let her breath be sweet as thine :
Let her, when her lips I kiss,
Burn like thee, to give me bliss :
Let her in some smoke or other
All my failings kindly smother.
Often when my thoughts are low,
Send them where they ought to go.
When to study I incline,
Let her aid be such as thine :
Such as thine her charming pow'r
In the vacant social hour.
Let her live to give delight,
Ever warm and ever blight :
Let her deeds, when'er she dies,
Mount as incense to the skies.

One of the best and most curious effusions which

tobacco smoke has inspired, was the Pipe of Tobacco by
Isaac Hawkins Brown.* It is a series of six poems on
this theme, writtenand admirably written in the
styles of six different authors.f With the selection of one
* Born 1705, died 1760.
t They are Cibber (the Laureat), Phillips, Thomson, Young, Pope,
and Swift. They may be seen in Ritson's Anthology, and Dodsley.



example we will take our leave of the Nicotian Muse ;

this one was, however, according to Ritson supplied to
the series by Dr. John Hoadly. It is in imitation of
Ambrose Phillips, himself the great originator of
burlesque in his Splendid Shilling, a copy of the style
of Milton. Thus Phillips is supposed to sing :
Pretty tube of mighty power !
Charmer of an idle hour ;
Object of my hot desire,
Lip of wax and eye of fire ;
And thy snowy taper waist,
With my fingers gently brac'd !
And thy lovely swelling crest,
With my bended stopper prest ;
And the sweetest bliss of blisses,
Breathing from thy balmy kisses ;
Happy thrice and thrice agen
Happiest he of happy men !
Who, when again the night returns,
When again the taper burns ;
When again the crickets gay,
Little crickets full of play ;
Can afford his tube to feed,
With the fragrant Indian weed ;
Pleasure for a nose divine,
Incense of the god of wine !
Happy thrice and thrice agen
Happiest he of happy men !

Notwithstanding the restrictive policy of the English

Laws to benefit colonial growers, efforts were made to
cultivate it in Great Britain. Prior to the year 1782
it was extensively grown in the vale of York and Ryedale in the North Riding of Yorkshire. In the latter
district it did not excite the notice of regal authority,
and it was cured and manufactured by a man who had



formerly been employed upon the tobacco plantations

in America ; who not only cured it properly, but gave
it the proper cut, and finally prepared it for the pipe.
But in the vale of York the cultivators met with less
favourable circumstances. Their tobacco was publicly
burned, and themselves severely fined and imprisoned.
Penalties, it was said, were' paid to the amount of
30,000.* In Scotland it was successfully cultivated
during the American war in the neighbourhood of
Kelso, Jedburg, and a few other places, and succeeded
so well that the produce of thirteen acres at Crailing
realised 114 at the low rate of fourpence a pound,
which only was allowed to be charged for it to Govern
ment, to whom only by Act of Parliament were the
cultivators allowed to sell the leaf, or they might have
obtained treble the price. The Act of the 19 Geo. 3
permitted Ireland to grow tobacco free of duty for
home consumption ; but it was never cultivated there
to any great extent, and in 1828 its cultivation was
entirely prohibited. It was a piece of jocularity among
the lower classes in Ireland, about a century ago, when
transportation to " His Majesty's plantations in North
America " was a punishment, to term it " being sent to
His Majesty's tobacco manufactory."
The pipe may be useful to the Sportsman ; for Dr.
Forster, in his Kalendar of the Months, says when
tobacco smoke hangs lazily in the air, scarcely moving,
and preserving a strong aroma, "it is almost an
Brodigan, Treatise on the Tobacco Plant.



infallible method of judging of good scent " for that

day ; as he observed from his own habit of constantly
amusing himself with a pipe early in the morning.
Another mode of using tobacco smoketo " throw off
the scent " of the worst kind of animal, a cruel Jailor
occurred in the Paris prisons during the Reign of
Terror, when commissaries searched even there for
plots and implements, depriving the unfortunate of
" a needle to darn hose with." " Two shifty citizens,"
says Carlyle" determined to defend themselves by
tobacco ; they light their pipes to begin smoking.
Thick darkness envelopes them. The red nightcaps
opening the cell, breathe but one mouthful ; and burst
forth into chorus of barking and coughing. ' Quoi !
Messieurs,' cry the Citizens, ' You don't smoke ? Is
the pipe disagreeable ? Est-ce que vous ne fumez
pas ? ' But the red nightcaps have fled with slight
search : ' Vous n'aimez pas la pipe ? ' cry the Citizens
as their door slams to again." *
Cowper the Poet entertained a similar dislike to
tobacco ; in one of his letters he descants in the
highest terms of his friend the Rev. Mr. Bull, and
ends his eulogium with these words :" Such is Mr.
Bullbuthe smokes tobacco. Nothing is perfect ! "
His other clerical friend, the Rev. John Newton, did
the same. It may be doubted if the Poet might not
have been improved by taking a pipe as well as a

* Maison d'Arrfit de Port-Libre, par Coittant (Memoires sur les

Prisons, ii. )Carlyle's French Revolution, vol. iii. p. 336.



sermon from either. " In many cases of religious

melancholy, where long prayers are ineffectual, great
relief may often be expected from a pipe. The late
Rev. Robert Hall of Leicester, a truly pious man, and
from his talents an honour to the religious community
to which he belonged, found in a pipe a remedy for the
melancholy with which he was afflicted in his younger
years." * The celebrated Dr. Parr is the greatest
modern example of an excessive smoker. He smoked .
continually in season and out of it, even in company
of ladies, and in their drawing-rooms ; he insisted in
the indulgence wherever he went, and generally picked
out some young lady to light his pipe after dinner.
He sometimes smoked twenty pipes in an evening, and
he never wrote well without tobacco ; he describes him
self as composing his works "and rolling volcanic
fumes of tobacco to the ceiling." Dr. Richardson, in his
Recollections of the last Half-Century, tells us that Dr.
Parr, at the dinner given at Trinity College to the
Duke of Gloucester as Chancellor of the University of
Cambridge, upon the removal of the cloth, indulged in
his eternal pipe, "blowing a cloud into the faces of
his neighbours, much to their annoyance, and causing
r royalty to sneeze by the stimulating stench of
mundungus." This is certainly no example for a
decent smoker to follow ; but as Parr lived to the ripe
age of seventy-eight, it is a pretty good proof that the
immoderate use of tobacco is not very fatal.
* A Papa, of Tobacco, p. 74-



Another and a greater philosopher, Thomas Hobbes

of Malmesbury, smoked to excess, and he lived to the
age of ninety-two. Aubrey tells us that he always took
a pipe of tobacco after dinner as a digestive, a custom
held to be of " a rare and singular virtue " in his day.
Sir Isaac Newton was also a great smoker, and as if
to show the fallacy of many objections to tobacco, one
being that it injures the teeth, though he lived to a
good old age he lost but one tooth.*
Of royal symposiums where the weed was largely
indulged in, perhaps the most remarkable was that of
the first Frederick of Prussia, whose " Tabaks Col
legium " was the cabinet council of the country. It is
vividly described by Carlyle, who slyly remarks, in
contrasting it with our parliament, " the substitution of
tobacco-smoke for Parliamentary eloquence, is by some
held to be a great improvement." t
Of literary men Goethe hated tobacco, a very extra
ordinary thing for a German to do. * Heinrich Heine
had the same dislike. Of French litterateurs Balzac,
Victor Hugo, and Dumas, did not smoke ; but the
smokers are Alfred de Musset, Eugene Sue, Merimee,
Paul de St. Victor, and Madame Dudevant, better
* Tobacco in powder was formerly used as a dentifrice.
a Poem, 1669, we are told :

In Tobacco,

"At Celia's toilet dost thou claim a right

The nymph so famed for teeth, like ivory white,
For breath more fragrant than the vernal air,
Blest with thy aid, makes every swain despair."
t Carlyle is himself a smoker, a becoming qualification in such a dis
tinguished German scholar.



known by her soubriquet George Sand, who often

indulges in a cigar between the intervals of literary
labour ; as the ladies of Spain and Mexico delight in
doing at all other intervals.
Charles Lamb, " the gentle Elia," was once a great
smoker. In a letter to Wordsworth he says : " To
bacco has been my evening comfort and my morning
curse for these five years. I have had it in my head
to write this poem for these two years {Farewell to
Tobacco *) ; but tobacco stood in its own light, when it
gave me headaches t that prevented my singing its
praises." Lamb once, in the height of his smoking
days, was puffing coarsest weed from a long clay pipe
in company with Parr, who was careful in obtaining
finer sorts, and the Doctor in astonishment asked him
how he acquired this " prodigious power ! " Lamb
answered, " by toiling after it, as some men toil after
virtue." Of other literary smokers in England we may
note Sir Walter Scott, who at one time carried the
habit very far. So did the Poet Bloomfield. Camp
bell, Moore, and Byron delighted in its temperate en
joyment, as does our present Laureat Tennyson, who
has echoed its praises with Byron in immortal verse.
* This elegant little poem is too well known to require us to do more
than allude to it. It is remarkable for its vituperation as well as its
praise. The former is insincere ; but it is difficult to doubt the sincerity
of such words as
" For thy sake, tobacco, I
Would do anything but diej'
t Tobacco does not induce headache ; but beer, spirits, and wine will.
I>cimb records that he drank freely.



Robert Hall, when at Cambridge, acquired the habit

of smoking from being in Parr's company ; and being
asked why he had commenced, answered " I am quali
fying myself for the society of a Doctor of Divinity,
and this (holding up the pipe) is the test of my
admission." When presented with Clarke's pamphlet
on The Use and Abuse of Smoking* he said, " I can't
refute his arguments, and I can't give up smoking."
The " learned in the law " as well as the dignitaries
of the Church have smoked.-f Lords Eldon and Stowell,
and Lord Brougham in early life, indulged thus. The
late Duke of Sussex and the Duke of Devonshire gave
it aristocratic sanction, and George IV. royally patro
nised it. Thus, from the throne to the cottage the pipe
has been a solace ; it has aided soldier and sailor in
bearing many a hard privation. Many would rather
go without their rations than their pipe, and endure
any hardship with it. Here is a modern instance from
the late Crimean war :" A lady told me a story of a
man, M
, in her division, which shows how much
some of them will venture for a smoke. He had just
had one of his toes taken off, under the influence of
chloroform. It bled profusely ; and the surgeon, after
binding it up, went away, giving her strict injunctions
not to allow him to move, and ordered him some
medicine, which he would send presently. She was
* This was one of the most bitter attacks on the habit, and became the
text-book of the oppositionists.
t It is recorded that Bishop Fletcher (of London) died in 1596, "while
sitting in his chair taking tobacco."

called away to another patient for a few minutes, and
went, leaving M
with strict orders not to put his
foot down. On her return to his bedside, to her
astonishment he was gone ; and after some searching
she discovered him, by the traces of blood on the stairs
and corridor, sitting down in the yard, smoking his
pipe with the greatest sangfroid. She spoke to him
seriously about disobeying orders and doing himself
an injury ; but he was perfectly callous on the subject
of his toe. She succeeded, however, in working on his
feelings at having disfigured the corridor with blood,
and he came back, saying, ' Indeed, ma'am, I could
not help going to have a pipe, for that was the nastiest
stuff I ever got drunk on in my life 'alluding to the
taste of the chloroform." *
Powerful as may be the objection made by the
" softer sex " to smoking, backed by some few of that
other sex "softer" still, who so vapidly denounce what
they cannot enjoy ; two popular writers of the day
are inclined to doubt the success of either assailant.
Thackeray, in his Fits-Boodle Papers, jocularly says,
ladies cannot expect to succeed in conquering the
practice. He asks, "What is this smoking, that it
should be considered a crime ? I believe in my heart
that women are jealous of it, as of a rival. The fact
is, that the cigar is a rival to the ladies, and their
conqueror too. Do you suppose you will conquer ?
Look over the wide world, and see that your adversary
* Ismeer, or Smyrna, and the British Hospital in 1855. By A Lady.



has overcome it. Germany has been puffing for three

score years ; France smokes to a man. Do you think
you can keep the enemy out of England ? Pshaw !
look at his progress. Ask the club-houses. I, for my
part, do not despair to see a Bishop lolling out of the
Athenaeum with a cheroot in his mouth, or, at any
rate, a pipe stuck in his shovel hat." And thus Bulwer
discourses :" He who doth not smoke hath either
known no great griefs, or refuseth himself the softest
consolation next to that which comes from heaven.
' What, softer than woman ? ' whispers the young
reader. Young reader, woman teases as well as con
soles. Woman makes half the sorrows which she
boasts the privilege to soothe. Woman consoles us,
it is true, while we are young and handsome ; when we
are old and ugly, woman snubs and scolds us. On
the whole, then, woman in this scale, the weed in that :
Jupiter, hang out thy balance, and weigh them both ;
and if thou give the preference to woman, all I can
say is, the next time Juno ruffles theeO Jupiter,
try the weed ! "


The " Fairy pipe " of Ireland may be safely accepted

as the most ancient form of the tobacco-pipe used in
the British Islands. This popular name with the
Irish peasant is sometimes changed for that of " Danes'
pipes." The Scottish peasantry, with the same feel
ing, term these minute receptacles for tobacco " Elfin
pipes ; " and with equal desire to antedate their his
tory, call them also " Celtic pipes." This popular love
for associating old things with the most ancient times,
or with supernatural beings, is equally the result of a
love of the marvellous, inherent in vulgar minds. There
are also persons of a poetic temperament, who by no
means deserve to be classed among these ; but who,
from their mental conformation, prefer poetic dreams
to prosy realities, and who find no difficulty in believ
ing an assertion that upsets a generally received fact,
in preference to the fact itself if supported by a hun
dred proofs, any one of which is stronger than those
on which they build their theories. Such persons have



not scrupled to do battle for vulgar tradition ; and

have fought lustily for the Celtic and Danish origin of
tobacco-pipes ; and might, with equal consistency, have
asserted their superhuman origin, as the works of the
Irish Fairies. Why make possibility the limit for
ingenious speculation, which has outstripped all pro
bability ? Once " out of bounds," the poetic tenden
cies of some Irish antiquaries carried them to the
goal of their wishes with a wondrous, and to them, a
satisfactory rapidity.
In 1784, a short pipe was
asserted to have been found sticking in the mouth of
the skull of an ancient Milesian, at Bannockstown in
Kildare. A learned paper at once appeared in the
Anthologia Hibemica, parading it as a relic proving
the use of tobacco ages before Ireland was invaded by
the Danes. Fortunately a representation of the pipe
has been preserved, and in structure it is identical
with the Elizabethan pipe. Only those persons who
are conversant with the singular idiosyncrasies of some
writers, can form an idea how far they allow their
imaginations to carry them away, and fortify their
theories by a display of misplaced erudition which is
but a reductio ad absurdum after all. It is precisely
thus, with the pipe theory.* There is no doubt that
tobacco-pipes have been found in connection with
early remains in England, Ireland, and Scotland ;
but so have many other things of undoubtedly recent

* Dr. Cleland dismisses the subject at once by saying " the absurdities
written about pipes found in Ireland need not be adverted to."



origin. We may not be able to account for the fact,

but the fact remains
" The thing we know is neither rich nor rare,
But wonder how the devil it got there. "

Tobacco-stoppers of the age of George II. have

been found with Roman remains in England, and
engraved as Roman bronzes. Copper coins, from
Charles II. downwards, have been found at great
depths in the ground, and mixed with Roman remains.
One mode of accounting for this may be in the faci
lities afforded for burial by deep fissures in seasons
of drought, or holes of rabbits, rats, or moles ; another
in the results of the constant turning of the earth by
the plough ; and the fact that Roman antiquities are
sometimes a very short distance below the surface ;
and another, and probably the best solution, that in
all excavations the ground from the sides rolls down
to the centre, and reveals for the first time, at the
bottom of a hole, that which came from the top. We
may be certain, that no authenticated discovery of
Celtic or Roman antiquities, where the ground has
been entirely undisturbed, includes tobacco-pipes.
Sometimes these advocates for ancient smoking
prove too much. Thus when the Turkish traveller
Eulia Effendi assures us he found a tobacco-pipe
imbedded in the wall of an edifice constructed before
the birth of Mahomet ; his desire to " make assurance
doubly sure " by declaring it still retained the smell of
tobacco smoke, leads us to conclude with the author ofa



paper in the QuarterlyReviewed. XXV., "that smoking
having at first been prohibited to the Mahommedans
as an innovation, and contrary to the principle of their
law ; the pipe had probably been inserted in the wall
by some lover of tobacco, in order to furnish an
argument for the antiquity of the custom, and therefore
of its lawfulness." Attempts of another kind have been
unblushingly made. " The Koran has been appealed
to, and its modern versions even furnish the American
name. A traditional prophecy of Mahomet is also
quoted by Sale, which, while it contradicts the assumed
existence of tobacco in his time, foretells that :' in
the latter days there shall be men bearing the name of
Moslem, but not really such, and they shall smoke a
certain weed which shall be called tobacco ! ' * If the
prophecy did not bear on the face of it such unmis
takable evidence of being the invention of some
Moslem ascetic of later times, it would furnish no bad
proof of Mahomet's right to the title of false prophet ;
for Sale quotes in the same preliminary discourse to
his edition of the Koran, the Persian proverb, ' Coffee
without tobacco is meat without salt.' " Such are the
words of Dr. Wilson,t who, with Dr. Bruce, seems
at one time to have been somewhat doubtful of the
origin of the pipes found in Scotland and England,!
but which doubts both gentlemen have dispelled by
* Sale's Koran, 8vo, Lond., 1812, p. 164.
t In his pamphlet already alluded to, p. 34.
% See Dr. Bruce's volume, descriptive of the Roman Wall extending
from the Tyne to the Solway. 2nd edition, 1853, p. 441.



further investigation. The former considers, and with

reason, that the reference to classic authorities, such
as Herodotus, Strabo, and Pliny, to prove the antiquity
of tobacco-smoking, " is nothing more than a proof of
the antiquity of the process of applying the fumes or
steam of certain plants for medicinal purposes.* So
far, however, is this ancient process from indicating a
mode of inhaling herbs in any sense equivalent to the
American luxury by which it may be supposed to be
superseded, that it is by no means banished, even now,
from the practice of ancient female herbalists and
domestic mediciners, whom I have known recommend
the inhalation of the fumes of various plants, not by
means of a tobacco-pipe, but through the spout of a
tea-pot ! "
There is also good proof that much of this plantsmoking has been introduced since the use of tobacco
has made it a necessity with the poor, who have been
driven to the usage by economic reasons ; in the same
way as herb-tea has been employed, when the genuine
leaf has been too expensive.
The wild assertions of some Eastern , travellers we
have already alluded to in p. 43 and its foot-note. Dr.
Cleland, in his Essay on Tobacco, has disposed of some
others,t coming from writers " of so comparatively
* Dioscorides says the Greeks smoked the fume of dried leaves of
coltsfoot through a funnel for difficulty of breathing ; and Pliny notes that
the Romans inhaled the same "through a reed, for relief of old coughs."
t This, one of the best works devoted to the history of tobacco, was
published in 4to, at Glasgow, 1840.



recent a date as to preclude their evidence being con

sidered in any other point of view than as mere
traditions of the people among whom they travelled
a proof obviously of no conceivable weight, from the
love of antiquity which is so well-known a mania of
the inhabitants of Oriental countries."
E. W. Lane, whose long residence and intimate
acquaintance with the Eastern nations makes his
opinion of the highest value, gives the weight of his
authority to this view, both in his translation of the
Tales of a Thousand and One Nights, and in his Man
ners and Customs of the Modern Egyptians. In the
latter work he says :
" The most prevalent means, in most Moos'lim
countries, of exciting what the Arabs term ' keyfi
which I cannot more nearly translate than by the word
'exhilaration,' is tobacco. It appears that tobacco
was introduced into Turkey, Arabia, and other coun
tries of the East, soon after the beginning of the
seventeenth century of the Christian era : that is, not
many years after it had begun to be regularly imported
into Western Europe, as an article of commerce, from
America. Its lawfulness to the Moos'lim has often
been warmly disputed ; but is now generally allowed.
In the character of the Turks and Arabs who have
become addicted to its use, it has induced considerable
changes; particularly rendering them more inactive
than they were in earlier times ; leading them to waste
over the pipe many hours which might be profitably
employed ; but it has had another and a better effect;



that of superseding, in a great measure, the use of

wine, which, to say the least, is very injurious to the
health of the inhabitants of hot climates. In the
Tales of a Thousand and One Nights, which were
written before the introduction of tobacco into the
East, and which we may confidently receive as pre
senting faithful pictures of the state of Arabian man
ners and customs at the period when they appeared,
we have abundant evidence that wine was much more
commonly and more openly drunk by Moos'lims of
that time than by those of the present day. It may
further be remarked, in the way of apology for the
pipe, as employed by the Turks and Arabs, that the
mild kinds of tobacco generally used by them have a
very gentle effect : they calm the nervous system ;
and, instead of stupifying, sharpen the intellect. The
pleasures of Eastern society are certainly much height
ened by the pipe ; and it affords the peasant a cheap
and sober refreshment, and probably often restrains
him from less innocent indulgences."
This view of the case has been completely estab
lished by the researches of Dr. Mayer of Konigsberg,
who discovered in the works of an old Hindostanee
physician, a passage in which tobacco is distinctly
stated to have been introduced into India by the
Frank nations in the year 1609.* . This completely
coincides with the records of early travellers, who
state what they saw in the way of punishment awarded
* Vide Geiger's Handbuch.



in the East to natives who indulged in the habit, in

opposition to the royal edicts against the Frankish
novelty ; as well as with the records of the nations
themselves.* Some sectarians, of an austere piety,
have denounced the use of tobacco and coffee, as
unlawful to the true believer, and still hold that faith.
To deduce therefore the modern custom of tobaccosmoking from the ancient herb-smoking is clearly
illogical ;the one being used in sickness as a remedy,
and in occasions of necessity ; the other by persons
in perfect health, at all times, and as a pleasurable
gratification. No instance can be quoted of the ancient
use of any herb in the modern way tobacco is taken
that is, as a luxury, and not as a physical necessity or
an intoxicating agent.-f How prone some persons are
to jump to conclusionsand more particularly if those
conclusions are startling, and upset all previously
believed historical assertionsmust have frequently
astonished or amused all investigators. The conclu
sions drawn from the finding of tobacco pipes are per
haps the most remarkable of all ; had one been found
on Mount Ararat, it might have been affirmed to have
been smoked by Noah ! %
* See chap. iii. p. 121.
+ We purposely leave China out of the argument. Tobacco is asserted
to have been anciently smoked there ; but their annals do not give it a
very remote date, and as we are, from the nature of their policy, restricted
from a proper investigation of the truth of much that they assert, we
cannot be sure that some of their remote pretensions are not the results
of the Eastern love of exaggeration. See also p. 213.
X This is not too absurd an assumption, and might be fortified by a
reference to the authority of Eastern sages. See p. 43. Such an assertion



Leaving therefore any further consideration of this

question, really not worth the time bestowed upon it,
but rendered necessary by being forced in our way ;
we may proceed to examine the pipes themselves and
what they tell us of their own history, and the modes
adopted for the consumption of the herb by the world
of Smokers.
In the collection of the Society of Antiquaries of
Scotland is an old wooden tobacco-pipe, the spur of
which projects considerably, and the bowl has been
much burnt away in smoking.* It is stated to have

been found in Gould Scalp mine, in the ball of Newlands, the first copper vein discovered in England, and
claimed as a Royal Mine by Queen Elizabeth. It was
worked by Dutch miners in 1582, but tempting as this
specimen might be to found a presumption upon, a
much more recent date than that must be given to the
pipe, for the form of the stem belongs to the middle of
the seventeenth century, as a glance at our engraving,
would be quite in accordance with the usual style adopted ; and quite as
worthy to be received as evidence.
* In the Museum of the Department of Science and Art at Kensington
is a very beautiful pipe, procured from the collection at the Collegia
Romana. It is elaborately carved in box-wood in the styleof the Renais
sance, and is an exquisite example of the applicability of ornamental art
to general uses. It was probably made in the seventeenth century.



p. 63, will show. This may serve as an instance of

the mode in which subjects are occasionally "anti
quated." Some other instances will occur in the
course of our narrative.
The smaller pipes, termed " fairy-pipes " in Ireland,
correspond with the oldest American ones in their
capacity for containing tobacco, for it was not the
original custom of the Indians to take the weed in
Uarge quantities, hence the European imitated his
savage instructor. The excessive cost of tobacco when
originally imported to Europe, has been adduced as
the true reason for this smallness of bowl* In the
middle of the seventeenth century the capacity of the
pipe increased with the increased duties on tobacco,
and, until the era of Dutch William, kept on enlarging
until it appears to have satisfied the most inveterate
smoker, though by no means holding so much as the
modern Meerschaum.
The late Thomas Crofton Croker, Esq., author of
the Fairy Legends of Ireland, devoted much attention
to this subject, and formed a very large collection of
pipes, by which he was enabled to generally date them
from their form. The very smallest he had obtained
* On this subject see p. 70. The quantity a pipe would contain may be
gathered from a story told of Dr. Butler, temp. Jas. I., by Sir Theodore
Mayerne : " A person applying to him who was tormented with a violent
defluxion of his teeth, Butler told him ' a hard knot must be split by a
hard wedge,' and directed him to smoke tobacco without intermission till
he had consumed an ounce of the herb. The man was accustomed to
smoke ; he therefore took twenty-five pipes at a sitting, which had the
effect of curing him. "Aikin, Biographical Memoirs of Medicine in
Great Britain, 1 780, p. 19.



is here engraved. It was brought up from the bed of

the Thames, near Kingston. It is formed of very fine
close clay, and there is a polish on the outer surface
as if it was thinly enamelled. We have depicted it the
full size of the original ; it held a very small quantity.
Our second example is somewhat larger, and the dots
within show the capacity of the bowl. The edge has a

milled or indented pattern round it, the heel is broad

and marked with an open right hand.* The early
pipes of Ireland are precisely like this, and their
fairy origin has been believed in England as well
as in the more poetic sister-island. " These pipes are
believed by the peasantry to belong to the Cluricaunes
(a sort of mischievous fairy-demon), and when dis
covered are broken or otherwise treated with indignity,
as a kind of retort for the tricks which their supposed
owners had played off." J A quantity of pipes of this
* Aubrey describes such pipes as made by one Gauntlet, ' ' who markes
the heele of them with a gauntlet, whence they are called gauntlet-pipes. "
t Croker's Fairy Legends of Ireland. It was made one of the articles
of impeachment against the Earl of Strafford, in 1640, that he had, when
in Ireland, monopolised the trade in tobacco and pipes.



kind were found in the parish of Old Swinford in

Worcestershire, and the country folks there had a
tradition that it was a favourite spot for the resort
of Queen Mab and her court, and that among other
appendages of royalty was a fairy pipe-manufactory, of
which these were the remains. Nearly all of them
had initials or maker's marks on the broad stem, which
was formed to allow the pipe to be laid on the table in
an upright position for the temporary convenience of
the smoker, a fashion now "gone out," but which
might be revived with advantage.
The result of Mr. Croker's unremitting attention to
the age of pipes and their forms, he obligingly com
municated to the author of this volume, before his
death ; and a selection carefully made from many
hundreds, gave the varieties here engraved, from the

era' of Elizabeth to that of William the Third :Fig. 1

was found at Dundanion Castle (between Innishannon
and Bandon), Ireland ; it is chiefly remarkable for a



narrow fillet round the mouth of the bowl. This, and

all the others in this group, are engraved exactly one
half the size of the originals. Fig. 2 was found in the
Roman amphitheatre at Dorchester, and is a good ex
ample of the pseudo-Roman pipes; it is nearly identical
with Fig. 3, which was found beneath the foundation
of the house No. 319, Strand, which was considered to
be about two hundred years old, it has a flat spur, and
is capable of resting unsupported. Fig. 4 was dug
up in 1 8 14, at Thomond Gate Bridge, Limerick, while
sinking a well. It was the only one ever seen by Mr.
Croker of that early form bearing any ornament, but
that ornament evidently belongs to the latter half of
the seventeenth century, for one with the date 1689
scratched on it, was found at Fulham in 1829, and is
engraved Fig. 5 ; it was found in conjunction with
many others of the Dutch form, Fig. 6, with very
capacious bowls, and short spurs incapable of being
used for support.
The inferences to be deduced from these facts may
be thus given in extracts from authors describing
such " finds " : " On the ridge which commands the fort (Duncannon to Wexford), and on which two martello towers
now stand, tobacco-pipes with exceedingly small bowls,
and which the peasants call Cromwellian pipes, are
frequently found. They plainly indicate the position
occupied by Ireton." *
* Hall's Ireland,Tu. 143.



" Dr. Wilson communicated a notice of the discovery

of various of the small tobacco-pipes popularly termed
' Celtic ' or ' Elfin pipes,' in digging the foundation
of a new school-house at Bonnington, in the imme
diate vicinity of Edinburgh. Along with them were
found a quantity of bodies or placks of James VI.,
which he exhibited with the pipes * and at the same
time expressed his belief that they probably supplied
a very trustworthy clue to the date of this somewhat
curious class of minor antiquities."-fPipes, exactly similar to Figs. 5 and 6, were found
at Hoylake, Cheshire, " on the site of the camp where
the troops of King William III. were located, previous
to their embarkation for Ireland ; and also on the
battle-field of the Boyne, at Dundalk, and in other
parts of Ireland where the troops were quartered. In
the pictures of Francis van Mieris, who flourished
during the latter half of the seventeenth century, such
pipes are delineated." %
Such are the pipes which have been found in close
contiguity with Roman relics, and have occasionally
puzzled persons to know the period they should assign
* In the Sussex Archceological Collections, vol. ii. , is an engraving of an
andiron or fire-dog, " the upper portion in the costume of temp. Jas. I.
(6th of Scotland), holding a tobacco pipe in the right hand, and in the
left a jug or tankard. It is of use as an authority for the form of tobacco
pipes at that era."
f Proceedings of the Scottish Antiquaries, 1853, vol. i. p. 182. Dr.
Wilson has since incorporated this in his excellent Ethnographical Sketch
of Pipes and Tobacco, carrying out and enforcing the idea.
J Proceedings of the Historic Society of Lancashire and Cheshire,
vol. iii.



to their fabrication. Some of the Low Country anti

quaries have boldly termed them Roman,* and as the
demand now-a-days for " curiosities " is always met by
a full supply, pipes have been fabricated in red clay to
imitate the so-called Samian pottery, so abundant in
Roman localities, and offered to such " collectors " as
may wish for them.
Ben Jonson notes that the best pipes of his time
were made at Winchester. He has a curious jest on the
form of the old tobacco-pipe, in the comparison whim
sically made by Saviolina, in his Every Man out of his
Humour :" Your pipe bears the true form of a wood
cock's head,"a simile illustrated in Gifford's edition
by an engraving of an old English pipe, which if
reversed, and with a short stem, bears some resem
blance to the head of that bird ; which was also the
type of folly !
The early period at which tobacco-pipes were first
manufactured, is established by the fact that the in
corporation of the craft of tobacco-pipe makers took
place on the fifth of October, 1619. "Their privileges
extending through the cities of London and Westmin
ster, the kingdom of England and dominion of Wales.
They have a Master, four Wardens, and about twentyfour Assistants. They were first incorporated by King
James in his seventeenth year, confirmed again by

* They are so exhibited in the Antwerp Museum, merely from the fact
of being found in Roman localities, regardless of the old Irish postulate :
" though born in a stable a man is no horse."


1 07

King Charles I., and lastly on the twenty-ninth of

April in the fifteenth year of King Charles II., in all
the priviliges of their aforesaid char
ters. The annexed device is given
by this company on all their publick
occasions."* Arms which simply
exhibit a tobacco-plant flourishing
in full vigour. Allen, in his History
of London, describes them more
fully :"Argent on a mount in base
vert, three plants of tobacco, growing and flowering,
all proper. Crest. A Moor, in his dexter hand a
tobacco-pipe, in his sinister a roll of tobacco, all proper.
Supporters.Two young Moorsproper, wreathed about
the loins with tobacco-leaves vert. Motto.' Let
brotherly love continue.' "
For the introduction of this art the Dutch are
indebted to this country ; in proof of which, Mr.
Hollis, who passed through the Netherlands in 1748,
mentions that, having visited very extensive pipeworks in Gouda, he was informed by the master of
them that even to that day their principal working
tools bore English names.-f- Hentzner, who visited us
in the reign of Elizabeth, was surprised to see the
English " draw the smoke into their mouths (through
pipes made of clay), which they puff out again through
their nostrils, like funnels ; " and Dr. John Neander
says, that the English are to be praised for their mode
* Strype's edition of Stowe, vol. ii. p. 247.
\ Marryat's History of Pottery and Porcelain, p. 65.



of smoking through fictile tubes, if indeed the habit

was not introduced from that of the savages, for he
also notes that our Captain Greenfield says the Vir
ginians used tubes of clay for smoking. Le Sieur Baillard, in his Discours du Tabac (12mo. 1668), says of the
English : " Ces derniers ont invents les pipes de terre
cuite, qui ont cours aujourd'huy par tout le monde."
In p. 120 of the previous chapter we have noted the
large increase of tobacco-smoking during the Great
Plague of London* Pepys notes in his curious Diary,
another use he made of the herb. He says the 7th
of June, 1665, was " the hottest day that ever I felt in
my life. This day, much against my will, I did in
Drury Lane see two or three houses marked with a
red cross upon the doors, and ' Lord have mercy upon
us ! ' writ there ; which was a sad sight to me, being
the first of the kind that to my remembrance I ever
saw. It put me in an ill conception of myself and my
smell, so that I was forced to buy some roll tobacco,
* Dr. Willis, who constantly visited the sick during the Great Plague,
and has left us a treatise upon it, says, p. 18, that the virtue of tobacco as
a preventive was so great, that no tobacconist's houses were infected, " nor
indeed those who smoaked tobacco, especially if they smoaked in a morn
ing, for the smoak of this plant secures those parts which lie most open
(viz. the mouth, nostrils, &c.), and at once intercept and keep the con
tagion that floats in the air from the brains, lungs, and stomach. It also
stirs the blood and spirits all over, and makes them shake off any con
tagion that may adhere to them." Diemerbroeck, the Dutch physician,
in his Essay on the Plague, relates that he smoked for his own preserva
tion whilst he attended the sick at Nimeguen ; about ten o'clock in the
morning he smoked a pipe of tobacco, and after dinner two or three
more, and the like again after supper ; and if at any time he found him
self affected by the sick people, he had immediate recourse to his pipe of
tobacco, which he always found an effectual preservative.



to smell to, and chaw, which took away my appre

The larger number of pipes discovered in and about
London, belong to this era. Mr. Crofton Croker had
come to similar conclusions, and he says " the reason
why so many of the barrel-shaped pipes (Figs. 3 and 5,
p. 163) are found is obvious. I need hardly say I allude
to the increased use of tobacco as a disinfectant during
the plague years of 1644 and 1666. Very many such
were found in 1825, at Battle Bridge, London, where
it is traditionally said the persons who died of the
plague were buried." The places where the Dutch
troops of William were stationed also produce evi
dences of their occupancy in pipes of the forms here

engraved, and which continued to be a favourite till

the middle of the last century.
Before dismissing the old English pipe, we must
devote a few words to the marks found upon their
bases. We have given one example of a hand thus
impressed ; sometimes a star or other mark is found,
at other times the initials of the maker's name, after



the fashion of the specimens here engraved from pipes

found at Kilmallock, formerly in the collection of Mr.

Croker. In 1854 there was exhibited at the meeting

of the Archaeological Institute at Shrewsbury, part of
a large collection formed by Mr. Thursfield of Broseley
in Shropshire ; the clay of which they were made came
from Shirlett, about two miles from Broseley, where a
large pipe-factory existed. One of them was particu
larly interesting, as it had a very
broad spur, which was stamped
with a hollow square, having
within it, in raised letters, the
name of the maker and the date
JOHN LEGG, 1687 ; another
bore the same name and the date
1696. The clay of which they were formed was very
pure and hard.
Aubrey, writing about 1680, tells us that tobaccosmokers at first sported silver pipes, " but the ordinary
sort made use of a walnut shell and a straw." The
clay pipe soon became cheap and common. " I have
heard my grandfather say that one pipe was handed
from man to man round the table." This exactly
accords with what the dramatists of the age of Eliza



beth and James I. describe.* In the reign of William

III., they were occasionally made of iron and brass.^,
Mr. Croker had one precisely like the Battle Bridge,
an iron specimen, which was found at Limerick.
The old Dutchmen had an affection for their pipes,
and carried them in wooden cases more or less orna
mented. Horace Walpole possessed that which be
longed to the famous Admiral Van Tromp. It was
similar in form to that here engraved, which is also

Dutch, formed of mahogany inlaid with brass, and

having the pious inscription, " When man has the
right way taken, death has no fears for him." + It
opens with a spring on the heel, having a hinge at the
upper part. The pipe became the mark of a Dutch
engraver, M. Martini, at the commencement of the
seventeenth century ; it was placed above the double
* See p. 61.
t The Albany Journal, U.S., in 1858, speaks of the pipe of the
famed Miles Standish, "which came over with him in the Mayflower,
and was smoked by him to the day of his death," as " a little iron
affair of about the size and shape of a common clay pipe."
J This love of scriptural allusion is strongly indicative of the Low
Countries, and was perhaps one result of their long religious wars.
Drinking cups, beer jugs, pipes, and tobacco boxes, are alike covered
with religious sentences and exhortations.



M of his initials, and is here copied, Fig. I, from

Heller's Monogrammen-Lexikon, published at Bam
berg, in 183 1. The company of
goldsmiths of Narbonne had the
pipe, Fig. 2, for their mark : they
were founded in 1669.
In the
Journal of Timothy Burrell, Esq.
(published by the Sussex Archaeolo
gical Society, vol. iii.), we get the form of the tobaccopipe of the same era, that gentleman having a curious
habit of marking passages by a drawing of a tobaccopipe. This, Fig. 3, occurs to an entry in 1696.
That the short Irish pipe termed the dudeen* and
similar to the cutty-pipe^ in Scotland, was known
about the same era ; and valued for its exhibition of
the prowess of the smoker in darkening it, seems to be
inferred from a passage in one of Radcliffe's Poems
(1682), termed a Call to the Guard, in which he
describes the soldiers :
" With pipes black as their mouths,
And short as their pay."
From a passage in Phillips' Splendid Shilling, we
may infer that the Welsh at his era indulged in the
short pipe. His poor author :
from tube as black
As Winter's chimney, or well-polished jet,
* " Dudeen," says Croker, " means a little stump of a pipe ; " it is
sometimes not three inches long, and keeps the smoker's nose warm,
t Cutty is Scottish for short.



Exhales mundungus, ill-perfuming smoke ;

Not blacker tube, nor of a shorter size,
Smoaks Cambro-Britain."

The form of pipe which found favour in the eyes of

the smokers of the reign of Anne and George I. may
be seen in our cut on p. 130, or studied in the works
of Hogarth.
Ben Bradley, the tobacconist, whose
portrait was published in 1737, with the
commendatory verses beneath it, printed
p. 133, is represented holding the
pipe we here engrave.
It is of the
genuine Dutch form, with a long straight
stem, tipped with red wax to prevent the
porous clay adhering to the lip. Such
long pipes were reverently termed alder
men in the last age, and irreverently
yards of clay in the present one.* Pipemakers seem to have discarded the long
Dutch bowl . by the middle of the
eighteenth century, and to have recurred to the older
form ; but adapted it to the increased capacity of the
smoker for quantity of tobacco.
Tobacco-pipes have contributed to amuse nonsmokers, by being subservient to ingenious tricks. We
are told in the Spectator of " a tavern-keeper who
amused his company with whistling of different tunes,
* Pipes of this kind allow the arm of the smoker to rest with perfect
ease on the arm of his elbow-chair, without lifting the hand to steady
the bowl. The curved form of the bowl is worth noting as a very dis
tinct feature of the older English and Dutch tobacco-pipe.



which he performed by applying the edge of a caseknife to his lips ; upon laying down the knife, he took
up a pair of clean tobacco-pipes, and after having slid
the small ends of them over a table in a most melo
dious trill, he fetched a tune out of them, whistling to
them at the same time in concert. In short the
tobacco-pipes became musical pipes in the hands of
our virtuoso, who confessed ingenuously, that he broke
such quantities of pipes that he almost broke himself,
before he brought this piece of music to any tolerable
Balancing to
bacco - pipes was a novel
feat introduced for London's
amusement : in 1743 a Turk
named Mahommed Caratha,
performed on the slack-rope
at Sadler's Wells, firing pistols
from each hand as he stood
upon it, and balancing at the
same time seven tobaccopipes on a ring held in his
mouth : as shown in our cut,
copied from a rare engraving
published at the time. He performed for some years,
and was succeeded by an Englishman named Maddox,
who flourished from 1753 to 1770, balancing the same
number of pipes on his chin, " two pipes crossways on
a hoop," holding also in his hands a chain and a
coach wheel ! Powel, the fire-eater, in one of his
advertisements [circa 1770), notes among his other



performances, that " he licks with his naked tongue,

red-hot tobacco-pipes flaming with brimstone."
In 1787 John Frederick Bryant, "late tobacco-pipe
maker at Bristol," published a few " Verses " to which
he appended a memoir of his own vicissitudes, "while
I went about the country with a hamper of pipes upon
my shoulder, in that manner travelling ten, fifteen, and
often twenty miles out." Such were the difficulties of
a small country trader, half a century ago. In these
weary and solitary excursions the poor traveller amused
himself with composing his " Verses," and as one of
these relates to his own trade, and is probably unique
as a specimen of a poem by a pipe-maker, it is here
reprinted :
Rude mass of earth, from which with moiled hands
(Compulsive taught) the brittle tubes I form,
Oft listless, while my vagrant fancy warm
Roves (heedless of necessity's demands)
Amid Parnassian bow'rs, or wishful eyes
The flight of Genius, while sublime she soars
Of moral truth in search, or earth explores,
Or sails with science through the starry skies :
Yet must I own (unsightly clod) thy claim
To my attention, for thou art my stead,
When grows importunate the voice of need,
And in the furnace thy last change I speed :
Ah ! then how eager do I urge the flame,
How anxious watch thee mid that glowing fire,
That threats my eye-balls * with extinction dire !
* The last lines allude to the damaging effect produced on the eyes by
watching the " burning," or baking the pipes in the kilns. The author
notes " the tobacco-pipe trade being greatly on the decline" when he
published his book, which was chiefly to aid him in his poverty.



The manufacturers seem to have rested content

with the fabrication of pipes after one fashion for a
very long period. We trace no attempt at fanciful
decoration or quaintness of form until within the
last twenty years. Before that time, the tobacco-pipe
makers only showed their ingenuity in occasionally
twisting their stems into convolutions and knots, such
pipes being hung in tobacconists' windows almost as
signs of their trade. The ingenuity of the French
artisans first exhibited the vast variety of design a
pipe-bowl might display ; and the higher artistic taste
of the Germans made their Meerschaums articles of
vertu. But before we take their works into consider
ation, let us bestow a little thought on the manufacture
of the ordinary English article, which has thus been
excellently described by a writer in Chambers Edin
burgh Journal, and to which we add a cut and some
further explanatory details.
The clay from which pipes are manufactured comes
principally from Purbeck, in Dorsetshire, whence it is
transported to all parts of the kingdom. The first
process is the breaking and pounding the clay with a
wooden rammer, and mixing it with water to a consist
ency similar to that of putty. The clay, at the requisite
consistency, then passes on to a man who pulls, twists,
rolls, thumbs, and kneads it out, with astonishing
celerity, into small separate long-tailed lumps, each
large enough, and to spare, for a single pipe. These
he lays loosely together in a heap, ready for the
moulder. The moulder, a skilled artisan in his way,



dexterously draws the long lail of the lump over a fine

steel-rod which he holds in the left hand ; performing
in less than half a minute what seems a miracle of skill,
by embedding the rod in the exact centre of the clay
through the whole length of the pipe. He then lays
the rod in the lower section of the mould, represented
at A in our cut ; the upper portion is precisely similar

and is shut down upon it, and secured by a projecting

pin in one mould fitting into cavities in the other. It
is then placed in the press B fixed to a bench by a
strong beam a, with which is connected an iron plate b,
having a screw turned by a handle c, which presses
toward it another iron plate ; between the two the
mould is placed and squeezed tightly together, the
handle d is then brought down upon it, the projecting
rounded cone at e entering the mass of clay destined
to form the bowl of the pipe ; the clay is thus squeezed
upward, and all that is superfluous is cut away by a
knife, a passage for which is made in the mould at/"/



and when the mould is opened, the pipe is turned out

complete as to form.
In this state, the pipes are
passed to the trimmer, generally a young lad or a
female. The trimmer, with a sharp steel instrument,
first pares away the thin protuberances on the stem
formed by the junction of the two sections of the
mould ; then dresses the bowl to a neat shape ; then
cuts the mouth piece smooth ; then draws out the
steel-rod and blows down the pipe, to be sure that it
has a free passage for the smoke ; and, lastly, lays it
on the frame to dry, previous to burning in the kiln.
A pipe-kiln is more or less capacious, in proportion to
the exigencies of the establishment ; but an enormous
number of pipes may be burned in a comparatively
small kiln, as they are ingeniously packed on frames
so that little space is lost, and are sufficiently fired in
a short time. On inquiry, we are informed that the
number of pipes made in an establishment when
trade is prosperous and the demand brisk, is about
forty-five gross a day ; which gives an average of nearly
five hundred pipes per diem for each of the hands
employed. With the exception of a fractional propor
tion, the whole of them find their way into the tap
rooms and parlours of the publicans and the shops of
the tobacconists. When sent to a distance, they are
packed as carefully as possible ; but the loss conse
quent on breakage is borne by the consignee, not by
the maker. Countless numbers of them are sold in
London by pipe-hawkers, who carry them about by
hand, and each of whom cultivates a " pipe-walk," or a



connection with publicans and tobacconists, whom he

supplies from year to year. The profit these men
derive from their merchandise is exceedingly small ;
but they have an allowance for breakage which, being
a careful race, they contrive to avoid, and thus
increase their percentage.*
The same author observes : The commonest French
pipe is a well-finished article, with a graceful bowl
and a well-proportioned stem ; its owner keeps it in a
case, and reveres it for its blackened hue and pungent
odour, and grows attached to it from long use. Num
bers of the better class of French pipes are manu
factured of porcelain, and some are adorned with
enamelled portraits and beautiful heads, executed in a
style that puts to shame the works of our average
miniature painters.
Others are formed of various
kinds of earth or earthy compounds, compressed in
moulds by the potter, and afterwards cut in deeper
relief by hand. Some are made of rare kinds of wood
turned in the lathe or artistically carved, and lined
with clay or earthen bowls to resist the fire. Again,
they are fashioned in elegant shapes from masses of
agate, amber, crystal, carnelian, and ivory, as well as
the various kinds of pure or mixed metals. Pipes
* The price wholesale for these pipes is astonishingly low, about is. 4d.
per gross. They are bought retail (allowing a profit to the vendor) at the
rate of four for one penny ! It is the custom to collect the dirty tobaccopipes of the parlour customers of public-houses, and purify the bowls by
burning in the kilns for the use of the taproom customers ; for this a very
small charge is made by the pipe-makers. Poor people frequently clean
a pipe when foul, by thrusting the bowl into the fire until it is red hot.



fashioned of every practicable material, and upon which

unwearied labour and exquisite taste have been be
stowed, are to be met with in the stores of the Parisian
dealers ; and yet it is a rare thing to see in a
Parisian's mouth anything more costly than the simple
nine-inch pipe of soft porous clay, which, with its
case, fitting it almost as closely as the mould in which
it was pressed, may be bought for twenty-five sous.
The magnificent pipes of the French market are got
up for the delectation of the foreigners witb whom
the capital abounds, and for the pipe-collector, a
being who rides a hobby liable to become franticly
An illustrated volume might easily be composed on
the subject of French and German pipes, so extensive
is the variety, and sometimes the beauty, of the form
and design they exhibit.
Ingenuity, so far from
exhausting itself, absolutely seems to revel over the
production of new and uncommon forms. Not only
are they beautiful in design and lavish in enrichment,
but they occasionally are exceedingly quaint and gro
tesque ; at times they exhibit the features of some
popular personage, at other times they picture some
great event. Throughout the two last Revolutions in
France, the cheap clay pipe embodied the struggles of
the people for their liberty ; honoured those who fell
in its defence, or who triumphed as leaders in the
fray. One of the best of these designs is exhibited
in our cut. A figure of Liberty has fallen on the
tricolor flag ; she holds a wreath of immortelles in



her hand, and clasps an urn enwreathed with funereal

drapery inscribed Morte pour la Patrie. It was exe
cuted by Fiolet of St. Omer, one of the best designers

of pipe-bowls. In another we see a Paris ouvrier en

blouse reposing along the pipe-stem, and pointing to the
bowl inscribed Suffrage universel.* Two really good
designs exhibit French and Italian liberty; the former

has a noble figure supporting the Victor's wreath in the

right hand, and the flag inscribed Liberie' in the left,
* Dumeril of St. Omer issued a black pipe at this time. On one side
of the bowl is the capped flag inscribed Liberti, Egaliti, 1848. On the
other, a barricade, surmounted by cannon, barrels of gunpowder, &c,
inscribed RSpublique Eran^aise, 23, 24 Eevrier.



beside her stands a lion, and she is supported by the

fasces of Justice, which form the bowl of the pipe.
Italia is in the costume of a Roman warrior, her right
hand directs the sword to the neck of the Austrian
Eagle, expiring beneath her feet. The papal arms are
upon the shield, and the fasces again form the bowl.
Cavaignac, Changarnier, and Louis Napoleon have
in turn had the honour to exhibit their busts "in
little," as pipe-heads. One by Gambier, of Paris, com
memorates the establishment of Louis Napoleon's
Empire ; a figure of France, robed in an imperial
mantle sprinkled with bees, rests her right hand on
a shield inscribed L'Empire c'est la Paix, the famous
enunciation of the new ruler; a sheaf of cereals spring
up to support her, and cornucopias pour fruits in
abundance at her feet.
Others have been constructed for such as care less
for politicians : thus the artists have been supplied
with a head of Rubens; the literati, with that of Victor
Hugo ; and such as admire the " pastoral simplicity "
of the RJgence may have Corydons and Sylvias in all
the glories of straw hats and powdered hair, worthy to
have come forth from the atelier of Watteau. A Vieux
Militaire, with a fiercely cocked hat, ferocious mous
tache, and love-locks arranged in plats on each side
his face (Fig. i), may gratify the soldier; while the
satirist may be charmed with a grotesque German Pro
fessor in his flat university cap, with a profusion of
hair, a lengthiness of beard, and a shortness of vision
(Fig 2) ; or the medical student may outrage a natural



repugnance by sticking a skull in his mouth (Fig. 3).*

If he chooses to be hard on the Church, a sleek abbt
may appear to laugh and talk as his brain seems to
evaporate in smoke ; or an old Turk may excogitate
till his turban is on fire. A wreath of glory in the
form of tobacco smoke may encircle the head of some
prima donna, almost as evanescent as the fame or the
flower wreath of the theatre ; a bent leg may call forth

remembrances of some beauty of the ballet ; a dog's

head, or that of an elephant or camel, will suit the
naturalist. The sportsman may be gratified by the
hound and horn (Fig. 4),t or by the wild boar's head ;
or the smoker may again " drink tobacco " from the
jug held in the hand which stretches forth from his
pipe-stem (Fig. 5).
Satan, Sin, and Death have each been typified in
* The eyes are sometimes hollow, and filled with green or red glass,
glaring hideously as the tobacco burns.
t The head of the hound holds the tobacco, the pipe-stem is inserted
in the mouth of the horn, and a small aperture through the dog's nose
gives the necessary draught in smoking.




characteristic heads by the artists of Gambier's manu

factory.* The " Prince of Darkness " assumes various
forms, as he seems to be a favourite. Sin appears as a
lady of advanced years, with a tendency to embonpoint,
her hair flows into flame, horns bud from her fore
head, and her necklace is composed of the skull and
crossbones ; the eyes are coated with glossy green
Death we have already seen under one form ; but
there is a long pipe, stem and all of clay, where the
vertebrae are elongated down the stem, and the eyes
filled with a mass of glittering green glass ; the broken
teeth are covered with white enamel, and when the
skull is browned by use, nothing can be conceived
more ghastly than this pipe. Another, devoted to the
same grizzly subject, is termed the Car of Death ; in
which the " King of Terrors " is taking his onward
course in a chariot, whose wheels are winged, the
postilion being a smartly dressed skeleton also.
Satirical pipes have been already alluded to. Gambier has published an excellent one, in which a solemn
* He has produced the best and the largest works ; some of them are
admirably modelled, and deserve preservation as art -manufactures. Ahead
of Silenus is particularly good. Fiolet of St. Omer is his only legitimate
rival, and he has executed a vast variety of designs, many exceedingly good.
Dumeril, who has also his works at St. Omer, has produced some char
acteristic things, particularly some cheap pipes in red clay, covered with a
glaze which seems to have been suggested by the old Roman red pottery,
so constantly found wherever that ancient people stationed themselves.
f Enamel glazes of various colours are sparingly introduced in most of
these pipes, a general tinge of brown pervades the clay from the tobacco
oil in smoking, but the part coated with the colours is preserved from its
effects. A white enamel is constantly used for the eyes of these figures.



old owl is decorated with the riband and star, and

looks quite as important as any high official need do.
Fiolet has one pipe that might delight Landseer, who
sees in the canine a type of the human countenance
(Fig. 1) ; but certainly the Dames de la Halle would
feel no pleasure if this typification were " translated in
the vernacular." John Bull appears in propria persond

in one instance, which we exhibit to our readers (Fig. 2).

The beetle-browed Dutchman (Fig. 3), with his chin
thrust into a wooden shoe, is another queer imperson
ation ; so is the Jew " bonneted," by having his hat
knocked over hjs eyes ; the frog in the costume of
Abd-el-Kader, kneeling for mercy ; the advocate roar
ing in defence of a bad cause, &c.
England has occasioned the production of one sati
rical pipe for sale among ourselves. The late Duke of
Wellington, toward the close of his life took a strong
dislike to the use of tobacco in the army, and made
some ineffectual attempts to suppress it. Benda, a
wholesale pipe importer in the city, employed Dumeril,
of St. Omer, to commemorate the event, and the

1 86


result was the pipe-head we engrave, in which a sub

altern, pipe in hand, quietly " takes a sight " at the

great commander, who is caricatured after a fashion

that must have made the work a real pleasure to a
Quaint inventions abound in these French clay
pipes. One is formed like a carrot, the top forming a

cover ; the root of the leaves being a funnel for the

smoke. A cucumber covered with bright green varnish
is a varied example of the powers of adaptation pos
sessed by the artists who design for the French pipe
* The duke's hat receives the tobacco ; the hat of the subaltern, the



makers. Another may be considered as a satire on

smoking in bed, a frequent practice with smokers on
the Continent ; another is whimsically formed in the
fashion of a steam-engine, the funnel with perfect
propriety carrying off the smoke. A grotesque head,
in one instance, lolls out a long red tongue, to attract

a green lizard, which creeps along the stem, unaware

of the " ant-eater " trick about to be played on it. In
another instance the denizens of the woods are enjoy
ing themselves with a dance under the trees ; the
Monkey who has seen the World being arrayed in the
last French fashion, and capering to the music of the
hare seated on the stem, who plays his clarionet with
much gusto*
When a nation is so much enraptured by La Gloire
militaire as France, we must expect to find the
popular taste catered for. Hence pipes founded on
military subjects abound. NapoUon le Grand of
course appears, and so do popular commanders. Many
* These figures on the stem are " contrived a double debt to pay,"
they are useful as well as ornamental, and afford finger-hold to the
smoker, and prevent the pipe from slipping.

1 88


of the grades of the army also decorate pipe-heads,

and the caps of the Hussars and Grenadiers have pre
sented a tempting opportunity for being filled with
tobacco. The soldier's drum and trumpet, and the
casque of the cavalry have all been adapted to the
same use. An arm firing a pistol makes an entire
pipe ; a mortar does duty for the bowl of another ;
while one formed like a cannon, with two bombs

placed upon it, allows the smoker to fill both of them,

and, with one " draw," smoke two pipes at once ; a
pertinent illustration " of the economy of time and
labour," so much desired by some philosophers !
The Naturalist may rejoice with a figure of a butter
fly or a duck, both brilliant in natural colours, or a green
frog from the atelier of Dutel, which is so humourously

expressive that it carries the mind to the marshes of

St. Omer and Holland, and, " the most sweet voices "
which greet the stranger from their myriad inhabitants.



A negro carrying a basket affords a very simple and

pleasing motif for one design from Fiolet's estab
lishment : and appears to have originated
in a desire to give the smoker a share in
spreading the universal popularity of the
American novel by Mrs. Beecher Stowe
Uncle Tom's Cabinwhose principal
character is thus impersonated at his
labour. We end our notice of French
clay pipes (of which there are more than
200 varieties), by recording the recent
introduction of those which are formed
from a warm-tinted modelling clay, and
are worked upon by hand, after being
roughly turned from the mould ; they
generally are extremely vigorous and
artistic. One representing an old birch
broom is so good for its truthful charac
ter and fitness of form for the smoker's
use, that we engrave it for our final ex
ample. These pipes, though involving manual labour

of a superior kind, are to be purchased for sixpence

each in London.*
* It is calculated that more than 5000 persons are employed in the
pipe manufacture of France.



English pipe-makers have made few attempts to

rival the artistic powers of the Continental fabricants ;
but they may be fairly said to beat them in grotesque
design. Some few years ago the seaport towns exhi
bited several of these quaint imaginings, which almost
equal German Diablerie.
They are covered with var
nish colour. One of these
represents a horrible blue
demon, whose wooden leg
forms the funnel for smok
ing, the bent leg acts as a
handle for the smoker to
hold the pipe ; the same of
fice being performed by the
leg of the other figure, who receives the tobacco in his
wide mouth. Another English pipe, carefully coloured

throughout, is made in the form of a crocodile, and

is fit for the mouth of any imitative demon at a mas
querade. Another is ingeniously made in the form of
a hammer, and its perfect truthfulness may rival the
French broom. Others of English manufacture, but
much ruder in style, have grotesque heads turning at



right angles from elongated bodies, or heads alone,

demoniacal or canine, affixed to the tube. They are
generally-covered with a bright green or yellow-red
glaze. The late war originated a pipe formed from
a gun, upon the stock is placed a soldier's cap, it is
stamped with its designation, " Sebastopol pipe," on
one side, and the maker's name, " Longworth,
London," on the other. The rarity of an original
design among ourselves, has induced the engraving
of this specimen.

In Ireland, some few years ago, pipes of a very

whimsical form were common. Hone, in his Table
Book, vol. ii. has engraved two which we here copy.

One is shaped like a fiddle ; the other, like a pair of

bellows. He accompanies his cut with this explana
tion : " A young friend brings me from Ireland, a
couple of pipes in common use among the labouring
people in Dublin and Clonmel. Their shape and



materials being wholly different from any in England,

they are represented in the above engraving. The
bowl part, formed of iron, like the socket of a candle
stick, is inserted in a piece of mahogany carved into
some whimsical form, and the mahogany is securely
bound and ornamented with brass wire ; to a small
brass chain is attached a tin cover to the bowl. The
tube is of dogwood, such as butcher's skewers are
made of, or a similar hard wood ; and, being moveable,
may be taken out for accommodation to the pocket,
or renewal at pleasure. These pipes cost sixpence
each."* It was in 1828 that Hone published these
cuts, but the use of such pipes ceased in Ireland
before the first visit there of the author of this
work in 1 841, to assist in the illustration of Hall's
book on Ireland, and this has been an inducement to
him to devote so much space in the present work, to
the forms assumed by pipes, as they exhibit fashions
almost as evanescent as the fumes they emit.
In the Far North tobacco seems naturally welcome.
We have already noted the severity with which the
* A pipe, evidently of the same workmanship, having an iron bowl
inserted in a wooden stock of less artistic workmanship, but also bound
with brass wire, was very care
fully drawn by an Irish artist,
under the superintendence of an
antiquary, and sent to Mr. Crofton Croker as a great curiosity, " having been found in a Danish Rath
(or Hill Fort), in the county of Waterford, Nov. 1839." This was in
perfect good faith, with no attempt at imposition ; and is a curious proof
of the value of this kind of evidence. The note fortunately made by
Hone at once clarifies the obscurity ; and is also a proof that these pipes
were comparatively unknown out of the Irish capital.



Russian autocrats opposed its introduction. The am

bassadors of the Duke of Holstein, who visited Moscow
in 1634, relate that they saw eight men and a woman
publicly knouted for selling brandy and tobacco ; the
restriction against tobacco was severe, whipping for
the first and death for the second offence ; those who
used snuff had their nostrils split. It was not till the
close of that century
that restrictions were
But then
the custom became
universal. We give a
cut of the common
Russian pipe.
It is
of wood, tipped with
the red copper of the
Ural mountains, and
lined with a thin sheet
of tin, rudely nicked
and turned over at the rim. The stem is of dogwood,
and is tied to the pipe by a rough thong of leather, to
which is affixed a pick, made of copper wire, to clear
out the pipe when necessary. It was taken from the
pocket of a Russian soldier killed at Sebastopol, and
may have cheered a brave poor man, sacrificed with
many other "good men and true," to the selfish
injustice of kings.
Many modes have been adopted to drain the essen
tial oil of tobacco, so that it be not inhaled by the
smoker. Sometimes we find in French pipes a false



bottom of clay, star-shaped, to allow this drainage

through the points ; at other times a small receptacle
below the bowl of the pipe receives the oil exuded in
smoking. A glass tube to the pipe has recently been
introduced, which occupies the centre of the stem,
and swells to a considerable size in the midst for
the same purpose. Since then an improvement has
been invented in what is termed the diaphragm pipe,
the enlarged centre of the glass
tube being divided longitudinally
by a glass partition (a), against
which the smoke beats, the oil
descends, and the regurgitating smoke is drawn in a
purified state through the smaller tube {b), which
projects from the centre of the division. A glass
worm is sometimes made to encircle this central pipe,
and so give condensation to the smoke.
The German pipe is the most important, for the
art-workmanship it occasionally exhibits ; and the
Meerschaum is the king of European articles of the
kind. The name, which literally signifies sea-foam,
is a simple translation of the term keff-kill, applied
to it by the Tartars. It is found in various parts of
Asia Minor. Constantinople is the great mart for its
sale. Its component parts are chiefly silica, magnesia,
carbonic acid, and water; and it occurs chiefly in
veins or lumps among serpentine rocks. When first
obtained it is capable of forming a lather like soap,
and is used by the Tartars for washing linen. Its
name (which the French also adopt in Ecume de Mer),



is obtained from its softness, lightness, and purity;

but in manufacturing it into good pipes a large pro
portion of the material is useless, as it is liable to
crack when heated, owing to the air it contains. The
Turks use it for tobacco pipes, which are made in
the same way that pottery is fabricated, and then
soaked or boiled in tallow or wax ; it is considered
the best material for pipes, as it heats slowly, and is
capable of great absorption ; and a smoker therefore
darkens his meerschaum with the essential oil of

tobacco as he smokes, until it reaches a rich deep

brown tint ; well-coloured pipes are consequently trea
sured as triumphs of smoking feats. The care and de
votion requisite to colour a pipe properly, assumes the
character of an " amiable weakness " among tobaccolovers, but might excite the worst feelings of tobaccohaters. The pipe is carefully swathed in folds of
flannel, that the line of mark between the tints of
yellow and brown be well-defined, and the perseverance
of many months is devoted to obtaining the rich tint
so much prized by connoisseurs. There is a legend
of one who determined to have a perfect meerschaum,



and it must be understood that perfection cannot be

attained if the pipe once lighted be allowed to cool ;
so an arrangement was made that it should pass from
mouth to mouth of a regiment of soldiers, the owner
of the pipe paying the bill. After seven months a
most perfect pipe was handed to the " fortunate "
proprietor, with a bill for more than one hundred
pounds sterling, which had been the cost of the tobacco
sacrificed in the feat.* Meerschaums are frequently
mounted in silver, and have sometimes been deco
rated with jewels, so that their cost has been excessive.
They are generally enriched with ornaments in high
relief, executed with much beauty, and embracing a
vast variety of design. The care with which this
material may be moulded and fashioned by the artist
(for such he is), who decorates the bowl, allows the
greatest ingenuity and elaboration of design to be
exhibited in this branch of art-manufacture. Most
pipe-sellers and tobacconists can exhibit specimens
which are perfect miracles of patience and labour, and
are worth forty or fifty pounds each. They are gene
rally enshrined in velvet, and shown like the jewels of
a Marchioness.
Dr. Dibdin, in his Bibliographical Tour in France
and Germany, speaks of Vienna as a city characterised
by a love of smoking" a good Austrian thinks he can
never pay too much for a good pipe," and he instances

* This is an " extreme case, " but many tobacconists are conversant with
customers willing to pay for a due amount of smoking in new pipes.



a gentleman he met " who drew forth from his pocket

a short pipe which screwed together in three divisions,
and of which the upper part of the bowlmade in the
fashion of a blackamoor's headnear the aperture
was composed of diamonds of great lustre and value.
(Jpon inquiry I found that this pipe was worth about
1000 of our money."
Schwind of Vienna, an artist who received much
praise from Goethe for his powers of fanciful invention,
etched a series of small plates, designs for pipes of
this class,* two of which we here copy. The first is

a winter scene, and the time may be evening, when, the

day's labour over, the farm servants sleep on the bench
which surrounds the large porcelain stove ; and the
aged boor lights his pipe, and dozes besides the mistress
of the mansion, who also nods over her knitting. The
icicles hang from the roof, and a figure of winter
wrapped in a capacious mantle, floats gloomily below,
* They are published in the Almanack von Radierungen, Zurich, 1844,
but they are rarely to be met with now upon the Continent, though highly
prized by collectors for their great merit.



as a support to the whole. The second is a still more

ingenious design, admirably adapted to its purpose,
without the least violation of natural arrangement.
Two monks in a railed garden, well stocked with
cabbages, are employed in their sacred duties. The
one reads in the sunshine ; the other enters the little
chapel constructed principally from the stems of trees.
The deep roof forms a capital cover for the pipe,
beneath the eaves is a pigeon house ; the whole scene
is a pleasant picture of seclusion, well fitted to the
contemplation of the thoughtful smokerand few
smokers are other than thoughtful men.
" The Germans have perhaps experimented more
profoundly in pipes than any other European people.
They long used a beautiful pipe, carved by the herds
men and peasants of the Black Forest from the closegrained and gnarled root of the dwarf-oak. The wood
is hard enough to resist the action of the fire, becom
ing but slighted charred by years of use. The carvings
represented sylvan scenesboar-hunts, rencontres with
wolves, sleigh-driving, fowling, and the exploits of
robbers. Not unfrequently the subject was an illustra
tion of ancient German literature, as a scene from the
story of Reynard the Foxor of the works of Goethe
or Schiller, in which Karl, or Faust, or the Satanic
leer of Mephistopheles, was sure to figure." *
Wooden pipes of this kind have been introduced in
England ; and pipes made of briar root are now
common in our shops, but expensive, the bowls costing
* Chambers' Edinburgh Journal.



about three shillings each. The Potato-pipe has also

been largely imported, and first became known here by
a notice in that amusing little book, The Log of the
Water Lily, whose crew first saw it on the banks of the
Maine : " while here, a native addressed us, who was
smoking a very singular looking kind of pipe (we saw
many of them afterwards), which is said to be made of
potato; but whatever they may be made of, their
properties are peculiar : when new they look like china,
but when smoked they rapidly colour in wavy lines all
round, and present an appearance like the landscape
bottles of Alum-bay sand."
The ordinary German pipe of porcelain consists of
a double bowl, the upper one containing the tobacco,

which fits into a spout or socket, and allows the oil

to drain into the lower bowl, which is generally held in
the hand of the smoker ; the tube of wood, usually
formed of cherry-tree,* is easily moved, by which it
* This custom of using some odorous wood for the stem is of Eastern
origin ; it is noted by Baillard, in 1668, as used " to add to the vapour
a particular virtue. " A flavour like that of the cherry kernel is given by
this means to the tobacco smoke.



may be cleaned. These bowls are sometimes very

beautifully painted, and a dealer's stock exhibits a vast
variety of subjects, sacred and profane, religious and
historic, varying in price according to quality of work
manship. They are painted by the artists who are
employed in china factories, and are afterwards baked
in the same way as the painted porcelain for the table.*
This kind of pipe is similar to the Dutch one, which is
known by its long straight stem ; a qualification always
considered a necessary requisite by the Dutchman, and
adopted in the common clay pipe ; it saves him all
trouble in holding it seated in his chair ;
and our cut, copied from the picture of a
Dutch inn, showing one of the windows,
happily occupied by a traveller in repose,
will testify to the lazy convenience thereof.
It is the custom in some public gardens
to insist on the bowl of the pipe being
covered to prevent accidents from the fall
of lighted tobacco ash,-f- and these cover
ings are of perforated metal in a gentle
man's pipe, or a wire lattice in that of the peasant. In
that model village Broeck, near Amsterdam, celebrated
* A vast variety of subjects is chosen for the decoration of such pipes ;
from the freest illustration of amatory lyrics to the most spiritual works of
Raphael. Hood has noted of the Continental galleries, "instead of a
catalogue raisonnie, you may go to any pipe shop to know which are the
best, or at any rate the most popular pictures, by the miniature copies on
the bowls."
t A Hungarian village, not far from Vienna, was almost entirely con
sumed a few years ago by such an accident.



even in Holland for its cleanliness, a public no

tice is affixed to the bridges which lead across the
canals to it, requesting all visitors to prevent the fall
of tobacco-ashes on the gravel or grass ; and not to
knock out their pipes anywhere within bounds of this
Dutch Paradise. In Amsterdam the managers of the
" people's theatre " are not so particular, but allow
smoking in pit and boxes ; and the spectator may see
the tragic or comic scenes of his native poets, through
the fumes of a hundred pipes. The railway trains are
all fitted with conveniences for smoking : and small
trays to receive the ash of pipe or cigar are fitted to the
elbow of each seat. It is the land of smoke. To use
the words of Washington Irving, "the pipe is never
from the mouth of the true-born Nederlander. It is
his occupation in solitude, the relaxation of his gayer
hourshis counsellor, his consoler, his joy, his pride ;
in a word, he seems to think and breathe through his
We engrave a pleasing specimen of
a German pipe, in coloured porce
lain, representing a dog begging ; his
body forms a capacious receptacle for
tobacco, the collar round his neck
opens with a spring, to allow the pipe
to be filled ; when lighted it is again
closed, and the smoke finds vent at
each angle of the dog's mouth. The
scroll upon which he is seated is hollow, and forms a
capacious drain for the oil condensed in smoking ; it is



gaily coloured in green and gold. A rim of metal with

a loop, allows a silk cord to secure it to the stem.
In the pages of Irving's Knickerbocker, and Hood's
Up the Rhine, are many humorous notes of the smokeloving Hollanders and Germans. They are generallylooked upon as pleasant exaggerations ; though they
are solemn facts. So necessary is the pipe, that Hood
says " I should be loth to trust a sentimental Prussian
with himself, with his pipe out, and an empty tobaccobag ; " and he adds, " I can quite believe the story of a
Prussian doctor, who recommended to a consumptive
countryman to smoke Virginia tobacco, just as an
English physician in the like case, would advise a
change of air." There is a sentimentalism in the pipe
also, and Schwind's etchings already alluded to, depict
many " touching scenes," with pipe and cigar ; such as
the exchange of each made by parting friends ; the
associations connected with an old pipe, &c. He has
also depicted the "young Fraulein busily employed in
embroidering a tobacco bag for her lover, a very com
mon gift of affection from ladies, who are as "well
seasoned " to tobacco in Germany as Hood has assured
us that they are, in the capital tale he narrates on that
subject in the book just quoted.
Noel Humphreys' clever descriptive letter-press to
Cook's Views in Rome contains an amusing analysation
of the German smokers among the artists there, " and
their never idle pipe, which is the medium through
which a German introduces the external air to his
breathing apparatus." At the Cafe Greco, the cele



brated rendezvous for artists of all countries in the Via

Condotti, he says : " The Germans say little, but are
attentive observers, and signify their assent or dissent,
or doubt by a puff; they have the puff acquiescent, the
puff dissentient, and the puff doubtful. The puff
acquiescent is given downwards, from a small round
aperture formed in the centre of the lips accompanied
by a slight inclination of the head forward ; the puff dis
sentient on the contrary, is given upward ; the body
thrdwn slightly back, the chest expanded, and the
columnof smoke broader and somewhatmorevehement.
For the puff doubtful, the head is slightly inclined
toward the right shoulder, and from the left corner of
the mouth curls gently upwards, as fine as a cobweb,
this dubious whiff." He concludes that the character
of a German may be understood from his mode of
smoking, as well as by his phrenological development.
One of the popular songs, the Volks-Lieder, of Ger
many, is devoted to the praises of the pipe in the
following strain :
When my pipe burns bright and clear,
The gods I need not envy here ;
And as the smoke fades in the wind,
Our fleeting life it brings to mind.
Noble weed ! that comforts life,
And art with calmest pleasures rife ;
Heaven grant thee sunshine and warm rain,
And to thy planter health and gain.
Through thee, friend of my solitude,
With hope and patience I'm endued,
Deep sinks thy power within my heart,
And cares and sorrows all depart.



Then let non-smokers rail for ever ;
Shall their hard words true friends dissever ?
Pleasure's too rare to cast away
My pipe, for what the railers say !
When love grows cool, thy fire still warms me.
When friends are fled, thy presence charms me ;
If thou art full, though purse be bare,
I smoke, and cast away all care !

The Persians speedily invented the luxurious mode

of drawing the tobacco-smoke through water, and so
cooling it, before it was in
haled. It is to smoking what
ice is to Champagne. Neander in his Tabacologia (1622)
engraves two specimens of
these pipes, one of which we
copy. The tubes, he says, are
made of gold or silver for
the rich, and of ordinary
metal for the poor. The to
bacco is burned in the cup A ;
the smoke drawn through the
perforations at B ; the cup is
fitted in another at c, to which
is attached a hollow tube
which descends to the bottom of the glass vase; a broad
saucer, D, prevents ashes or sparks falling on carpets or
the floor ; E is the cap which fits over the mouth of the
glass, and is held firm by a screw F. The pipe G is used
for inhalation ; it does not quite touch the water, and
as it is used it produces a vacuum, which induces the



smoke to rise through the water, and find its way

through the other pipe to the mouth.
The luxuriousness of Eastern taste has far outshone
all other nations in the costly character of the pipes
used by the nobles there. The hookah is capable of
more lavish outlay than the Viennese meerschaum,
and usually receives it. There is no such costly and
elaborate mode of enjoying the weed as this. Taking
a pipe with the Grand Turk is a truly regal solemnity.

The hookah is a ponderous piece of machinery, and it

owns proper attendants sacred to its necessities ; their
business being to bear the pipe wherever it may
be required, and all the articles used therewith by
the smoker. The receptacle for the water is usually
formed of glass richly cut, or engraved and gilt, some
times of the precious metals, decorated with enamels.



The tobacco is lighted in a receptacle at the summit

of the tube, generally formed of gold or silver, and
often studded with precious stones ; and the smoke is
drawn into the water by means of the long smoking
tube, which is made of leather, covered with velvet,
and enriched with threads of gold and silver wire.
These tubes vary in length from five to ten yards, and
the hookah is sometimes borne behind a nobleman on
horseback, who can by this means continue to enjoy
the luxury.* A considerable exertion of lung is requi
site to draw the smoke through the water; and the
use of the hookah is said to have induced consumptive
tendencies in some persons. The clay pipe used by
the lower orders is formed of a deep red earth, deco
rated with indented ornament produced from a mould,
and sparingly decorated with rude gilding. The long

straight stem is made from a branch of jasmine,

cherry-tree, or maple ; it is long enough to allow the
bowl to rest on the floor when a Turk seats himself.
* The construction of this instrument is elaborately described in Du
Royaume de Siam, par Mons. De La Louvere, Envoy from Louis XIV.
to the King of Siam, in 1687 and 1688, who saw it in use at the court of
that king, and seems to have been much impressed with its novelty
and splendour. He describes them as provided with many pipes, through
which persons might smoke in company from one hookah.



The tobacco smoked in Turkey is of a light kind,

and therefore allows a continuous inhalation with an
impunity not accorded to our stronger
sort. So completely have the Turks
become identified with smoking that
one cannot imagine how they existed
before tobacco was introduced. That
quaint illustrator of books, Gustave
Dore" of Paris, in his pictorial History
of Russia* has represented every Turk
with a pipe in his mouth, whatever his occupation ;
and he has reached the highest point of burlesque in
depicting the Moslem nurse with a baby provided with
a long pipe.
We engrave two specimens of modern Egyptian
pipes made of a peculiarly fine clay, of a delicate red

tint ; and with a surface as smooth and polished as

agate. These pipes are made at Osioot on the Nile,
and sent thence to Cairo ; whence they are afterwards
exported in large quantities. The smallest is the newfashioned style. The larger, with the broad base, is
the old style. They are very cheap. The best kind
* Histoire dela Sainte Russie, Paris, 1854. A severe satire on Russia
in past and present time, produced at the commencement of the last war
in the East.



of pipe-bowl is made there, but other inferior factories

are established at Keneh and Assoum. Lane, in his
Modem Egyptians, describes with his usual accuracy
the smoking practices of that people. He says :
" The pipe and the cup of coffee are enjoyed by
almost all persons who can afford such luxuries, very
early in the morning, and oftentimes during the day.
There are many men who are scarcely ever seen with
out a pipe either in their hand or carried behind them
by a servant. The smoker keeps his tobacco for daily
use in a purse or bag made of shawl-stuff, or silk, or
velvet, which is often accompanied with a small pouch
containing a flint and steel, and some agaric tinder,
and is usually crammed into his bosom.
" The pipe (which is called by many names, as shiffook* 'odd, &c.) is generally between four and five feet
long : some pipes are shorter, and some are of greater
length. The most common kind used in Egypt is
made of a sort of wood called gur'mush'uck.\ The
greater part of the stick (from the mouth-piece to
about three-quarters of its length) is covered with silk,
which is confined at each extremity by gold thread,
often intertwined with coloured silks, or by a tube of
gilt silver ; and at the lower extremity of the covering
is a tassel of silk. The covering was originally de
signed to be moistened with water, in order to cool the
pipe, and consequently the smoke by evaporation :
but this is only done when the pipe is old, or not
* From the Turkish chiboock'.
t I believe it is maple.



Cherry-stick pipes, which are never
covered, are also used by many persons, particularly
in the winter. In summer, the smoke is not so cool
from the cherry-stick pipe as from the kind before
mentioned. The bowl (called hhag'ar) is of baked
earth, coloured red or brown.* The mouth-piece
{fooiri, or turkee'beh) is composed of two pieces or more
of opaque, light-coloured amber, interjoined by orna
ments of enamelled gold, agate, jasper, carnelian or
some other precious substance. It is the most costly
part of the pipe : the price of one of the kind most
generally used by persons of the middle order is about
from one to three pounds sterling. A wooden tube
passes through it. This is often changed, as it soon
becomes foul from the oil of the tobacco. The pipe
also requires to be cleaned very often, which is done
with tow, by means of a long wire. Many poor men
in Cairo gain their livelihood by going about to clean
" The tobacco smoked by persons of the higher
orders, and some others, in Egypt, is of a very mild and
delicious flavour. It is mostly from the neighbour
hood of El-La'dickee'yeh, in Syria. The best kind
is the ' mountain tobacco ' {dookkkha'n geb'elee). A
stronger kind, which takes its name from the town
of Soo'r [dookHkhan Soo'ree), sometimes mixed with
geb'elee, is used by most persons of the middle orders.
* To preserve the matting or carpet from injury, a small brass tray is
often placed beneath the bowl ; and a small tray of wood is made use of
to receive the ashes of the tobacco.



In smoking, the people of Egypt and of other countries

of the East draw in their breath freely ; so that much
of the smoke descends into the lungs ; and the terms
which they use to express ' smoking tobacco ' signify
' drinking smoke,' or ' drinking tobacco : ' for the same
word signifies both 'smoke' and 'tobacco.' Few of
them spit while smoking : I have very seldom seen
any do so.
" Some of the Egyptians use the Persian pipe, in
which the smoke passes through water. The pipe of
this kind most commonly used by persons of the
higher classes is called ndrgee'leh, because the vessel
that contains the water is a cocoa-nut, of which ' ndr
gee'leh ' is an Arabic name. Another kind, which has
a glass vase, is called shee'sheh* Each has a very
long, flexible tube. A particular kind of tobacco,
called toombdk, from Persia, is used in the water-pipe :
it is first washed several times, and put into the pipebowl while damp ; and two or three pieces of live
charcoal are placed on the top. Its flavour is mild
and very agreeable ; but the strong inhalation neces
sary in this mode of smoking is injurious to persons of
delicate lungs.f In using the Persian pipe, the person
as freely draws the smoke into his lungs as he would
inhale pure air. The great prevalence of liver-com
plaints in Arabia is attributed to the general use of
* A Persian word, signifiying "glass."
f It is, however, often recommended in the case of a cough. One of
my friends, the most celebrated of the poets of Cairo, who is much
troubled by asthma, uses the nargeeleh almost incessantly from morning
till night.



the na'rgee'leh ; and many persons in Egypt suffer

severely from the same cause. A kind of pipe, called
go'zeh* which is similar to the na'rgee'leh, excepting
that it has a short cane tube, instead of the snake (or
flexible one), and no stand, is used by men of the
lowest class, for smoking both the toomba'k and the
intoxicating hhashee'sh, or hemp."
The ruder smoking luxuries of the South Africans
in humble imitation of this, have been thus amusingly
described :
"A party of headmen and older warriors, seated
cross-legged in their tents, ceremoniously smoked the
daghapipe, a kind of hookah, made of bullock's horn,
its downward point filled with water, and a reed stem
let into the side, surmounted by a rough bowl of stone,
which is filled with the dagha, a species of hemp, very
nearly, if not the same, as the Indian bang. Each
individual receives it in turn, opens his jaws to their
full extent, and placing his lips to the wide mouth of
the horn, takes a few pulls and passes it on. Retain
ing the last draught of smoke in his mouth, which he
fills with a decoction of bark and water from a cala
bash, he squirts it on the ground by his side through
a long ornamented tube in his left hand, performing
thereon, by the aid of a reserved portion of the liquid,
a sort of boatswain's whistle, complacently regarding
the soap-like bubbles, the joint production of himself
and neighbour. It appeared to be a sign of special
* " Gozeh " is the most common name.


friendliness and kindly feeling to squirt into the same

hole." *
Tobacco is extensively used by the Chinese ; the
pipe resembles the Turkish pipe, having a straight
stem from three to five feet in length ; the bowl holds
but a very small quantity of tobacco. To the stem of
the pipe is sometimes at
tached tassels, and silken
pendant ornaments. The
cut here given exhibits
one of these pipes (Fig. i).
The stem is usually made
of bamboo ; and as they
are in constant demand by
both sexes, the pipe-seller
may be seen with long
bundles of pipes tucked
under the arm, or held in the hand, in all the
" celestial " cities. Ladies and gentlemen wear at the
girdles pouches for tobacco, embroidered with all that
beauty and brilliancy of effect for which the silkworkers are deservedly celebrated. Fig. 2 represents
another kind of Chinese pipe, made of brass, and
constructed on the principle of the hookah, described
p. 205, and the large trumpet-shaped receptacle is filled
with water ; above is the cup for tobacco ; it is provided
with a base to stand upon a table, and the smoke is
drawn through water ; only a few whiffs are taken at a
* Campaigning in Kaffir Land.
landers, 1825.

By Capt. R. W. King, 74th High



time, the tobacco used being cut into very fine shreds,
and sometimes supplied by a servant at every inha
lation. The Chinese have a tradition that tobacco
was introduced with the Yuen dynasty, a.d. 1300.
But most things connected with China are difficult of
substantiation, and ask for a large amount of faith.*
The only country of the Indian Archipelago, in the
annals of which any direct mention is made of the date
in which tobacco was first introduced, is Java. This
refers to the year 1601, or one hundred and eighteen
years after the discovery of America, and ninety years
after the first appearance of the Portuguese in the
waters of the Archipelago. It was therefore most
probably introduced through them to the Chinese.
We conclude our specimens with a Japanese pipe of
silver, inlaid with flowers and insects in enamelled

copper ; the central portion is formed of cane, for con

venience of holding.
Cigars are of comparatively recent use in England.
Heavy duties, and absolute prohibition, helped to keep
a knowledge of cigars out of the country. America
and Spain indulge freely in their use : in the former
country leaves of pure tobacco are rolled into the
* It is asserted by some writers that the plant anciently smoked by the
Chinese was not tobacco, but a different herb, smoked in a similar way,
and that they were led to the substitution of tobacco by the example of
the Europeans.



proper form ; but in Spain " the people generally

make their cigars at the time they smoke, by wrap
ping up some tobacco in thin paper, but the inner
leaf of the Indian corn is preferred."* Cigarettes
are much indulged in by ladies of South America and
A reference to p. 16 of the present volume will
show that this mode of taking tobacco is derived
from the aborigines of America. The cigar, though
more delicately manufactured, is essentially the same
as smoked by the Red Man when first visited by
Columbus. We may here describe an Indian mode of
tobacco-taking, not yet given in this volume, but which
is evidently the origin of the cigar. It is told by
Lionel Wafer, in his account of his Travels in the
Isthmus of Darien in 1699. He says that when the
tobacco-leaves are properlydried and cured, the natives
"laying two or three leaves upon one another, they roll
up all together sideways into a long roll, yet leaving a
little hollow. Round this they roll other leaves one
after another, in the same manner, but close and hard,
till the roll is as big as one's wrist, and two or three
feet in length.
" Their way of smoking when they are in company
together is thus : A boy lights one end of a roll, and
burns it to a coal, wetting the part next it to keep it
from wasting too fast. The end so lighted he puts into
his mouth, and blows the smoke through the whole
length of the roll into the face of every one of the
* Inglis's Rambles in the Footsteps of Don Quixote, p. 67.



company or council, though there be two or three

hundred of them. Then they, sitting in their usual
posture upon forms, make with their hands held to
gether, a kind of funnel round their mouths and noses ;
into this they receive the smoke as it is blown upon
them, snuffing it up greedily and strongly, as long as
ever they are able to hold their breath, and seeming to
bless themselves, as it were, with the refreshment it
gives them."
Lieutenant Page, who commanded the American
expedition to La Plata, speaks of the universal custom
of smoking in Paraguay and. inviting visitors to join.
The servants, as a matter of routine, bring in " a small
brass vessel, containing a few coals of fire, and a plate
of cigars. This last hospitality is offered in every
house, however humble its pretensions in other
respects ; and all men, women, and childrendelicate
refined girls, and young masters who would not with
us be promoted to the dignity of pantaloonssmoke
with a gravity and gusto that is irresistibly ludicrous
to a foreigner. My son sometimes accompanied me
in these visits, and was always greatly embarrassed by
the pressing offer of cigars. I made his excuse by
saying ' Smoking is a practice we consider injurious
to children.'
' Si, Sefior,' the Paraguayan would
reply, ' with all other tobacco, but not with that of
Paraguay.' " With both sexes tobacco is a constant
passion. At all hours, and in all places, smoking goes
onin the office, the drawing-room, at the dinnertable, and even at balls and theatres. On the subject



of ladies smoking, Stephens, in his Incidents of Travel

in Central America, says : " I am sorry to say that,
generally, the ladies of Central America, not excepting
Guatemala, smoke married ladies, puros, or all
tobacco ; and unmarried, cigars, or tobacco wrapped
in paper or straw. Every gentleman carries in his
pocket a silver case, with a long string of cotton, steel,
and flint, and one of the offices of gallantry is to strike
a light ; by doing it well, he may kindle a flame in a
lady's heart ; at all events, to do it bunglingly would
be ill bred. I will not express my sentiments on
smoking as a custom for the sex. I have recollections
of beauteous lips profaned. Nevertheless, even in this
I have seen a lady show her prettiness and refinement,
barely touching the straw with her lips, as it were
kissing it gently and taking it away. When a gentle
man asks a lady for a light, she always removes the
cigar from her lips."
The puros mentioned is, as its name implies, a cigar
entirely formed of the tobacco leaf. The papelotos is
wrapped in paper, and sometimes in the thin dry leaf
of maize. The modern Spaniards are quite as fond
of cigars, and in the Album d'un Soldat pendant la
Campagne dEspagne en 1823 (Paris, 1829), is an
amusing picture of a ball-room scene at Ecisa, in
which a fat Spanish countess is performing a fandango
while she smokes her cigar, of which she is reported to
have consumed several during the evening.
The Spaniards have a proverb to this effect :
" A paper cigarette, a glass of fresh water, and the



kiss of a pretty girl, will sustain a man for a day

without eating." So constant is the cigar in Spain
that it has banished the pipe from genteel society.
Muleteers and persons of that class occasionally
indulge in a short pipe ; but it is seldom used even
by the lower orders.
Cigars are classified into white (Tabaco Blanco),
made from the Havanna and Virginia leaf; and
black (Tobaco Negro), made from Brazilian tobacco.
The paper of which cigarettes are made is of a
peculiar structure, porous like India paper, and
smouldering without smoke. The best is made at
Valencia, and is sold for the use of such persons as
may wish to cut up their own tobacco and form
cigarettes, in small books, bound in a coloured or plain
cover, and from which a leaf, sufficient to form a
cigarette, may be torn as wanted.
The Havanna cigars have been justly famed as the
finest made. The best tobacco leaves for their fabri
cation grow in the Island of Cuba ; and the primest
were formerly reserved for the King of Spain, who
used them as presents for his officials. The finest
leaves are carefully culled for the cover or outside,
in which are rolled the smaller or torn leaves. The
exportation of leaves unmanufactured was once for
bidden, nor could the planter manufacture for himself;
he was compelled to give up his growth to the govern
ment commissioner, who allowed him its value, and
manufactured them in the Royal Warehouse. The
Havanna cigars vary in size and thickness ; one par

21 8


ticularly large and fine kind is to be obtained from

the priests ; such being made from the picked leaves
which are presented to the Church, and manufactured
by the monks themselves. A smaller kind of ex
cellent cigars is made for the use of ladies, and are
termed Queens. Straw cigars are also made here for
ladies' use ; the straw being inserted as a mouth-piece ;
a few years ago they were the only ones smoked in
London, but are now seldom seen.
Spanish cigars are those which are made in the
King's factory at Seville (Cigarros Sevillanos) ; they
are generally sold in atados, or bundles containing
fifty-one. The Virginian leaf is only used, and the
difference in make between these and Havanna cigars
is that the outer leaf or covering of the Havanna cigar
is wound from right to left ; that of the Seville from
left to right.
American cigars are those manufactured out of
Havanna, in Caraccas, Buenos Ayres, Porto Rico, &c.
They vary in size and quality, " taking all shapes
and bearing many names." Cheroots are peculiar in
their manufacture, not made by hand, but wound on
a wire, both ends being cut flat. They are made from
the mildest Maryland tobacco, and are extensively
imitated in France and Germany.* They are some
times sold for Turkish cigars.
The manufacture and consumption of cigars in
* Sometimes mustard seed is rolled in with them, to strengthen the
flavour ; and they have been made to order in Hamburg with carraway
and anise seed.



Northern Europe only dates from the close of the

last century. It was in 1796 that the fashion began
in Hamburg, and soon spread ; leading to the estab
lishment of native manufacturers in that town, and in
Altona.* Bremen is now one of the principal towns
in Germany, both for manufacture and export. Scented
cigars were at one time fashionable, and were perfumed
with vanille ; but all such tastes lead to the substitution
of bad tobacco in their construction, and the ruin of
the flavour of good tobacco, if such should be used.
The cigars of Germany are greatly inferior to those
of America, but are very mild. In Austria and the
Italian States they are a government monopoly ; hence
pipe-smoking is sometimes looked on as a disaffection
toward the ruling powers if indulged by any but the
poorest class ; and a determination to really injure the
revenue has been plotted more than once by a general
disuse of cigars ; enthusiastic opponents dashing cigars
from the mouths of smokers, to the great increase of
street rows, as was recently the case in Milan.
The duty in England was originally as high as
eighteen shillings a pound for foreign cigars, after the
general Peace of 181 5 threw open ports for their
admission. The great increase of the cigar trade is
very clearly shown in the tables of the consumption of
tobacco in England, published in the Encyclopedia
* Some of these ingenious men sent their home-made cigars to Cuxhaven, and so brought them back again to Hamburg in American vessels
lying there, for the benefit of smokers who were particular in obtaining
the "genuine" article.


Metropolitana. In 1823, 26 lbs. only of manufactured

cigars were imported ; the duties were then reduced,
and the return for 1824 showed 15,380 lbs., sinking
the next year to 9,569 lbs., but steadily increasing till
1830, when they reached 253,882 lbs., and have now
vastly increased. In 1830 the duty was reduced to
nine shillings a, pound. Cigars were quite an aristo
cratic luxury then ; but the taste for them has so
greatly increased, that fully half the quantity of
tobacco smoked in our large towns is in the form of
cigars. The best kinds come from Havanna, though
the Cuban are much valued when old. The large
variety of cigars now traded in may be understood by
the subsequent list, published by an importer and
manufacturer in the city of London :
Dos Amigos.
Pedro Acostas.
Claro Ferias.
La Fidelidads.

La Famas.
La Unions.
1 ngenuidads.
Kings. Queens.
Lord Byrons.
La Normas.
La Presidents.
La Primeras.
La Esperanzas.
La Esparteros.

La Flor de Cabana.
La Martinez.
La Lealtads.



Long as this list appears, it does not contain all

the varieties of names attached to cigars. Thus, the
" Bengal Cheroot " is not named, or the more humble
" Penny Pickwick," a cigar christened after the hero
of Mr. Dickens' first and most-celebrated work, and
from which low price the cigar smoker may rise until
a shilling be given for a* really fine cigar, though
amateurs have paid even higher prices.
Byron has immortalised his love of the cigar ; when
praising tobacco, he exclaims

thy true lovers more admire by far

Thy naked beautiesGive me a cigar ! "

The clever authors of Odes and Addresses to Great

People (Thos. Hood and G. Reynolds) exclaim
" A few more whiffs of my cigar,
And then in Fancy's airy car,
Have with thee for the skies :
How oft this fragrant smoke upcurl'd
Hath borne me from this little world,
And all that in it lies ! "

A modern German poet (Friedrich Marc) has sig

nalized his attachment in the following pleasing little
poem, which has not before appeared in an English
dress :
The warmth of thy glow,
Well-lighted cigar,
Makes happy thoughts flow,
And drives sorrow afar.



The stronger the wind blows,
The brighter thou burnest !
The dreariest of life's woes,
Less gloomy thou turnest.
As I feel on my lip
Thy unselfish kiss ;
Like thy flame-colour'd tip,
All is rosy-hued bliss.

No longer does sorrow,

Lay weight on my heart ;
And all fears of the morrow,
In joy-dreams depart.
Sweet cheerer of sadness !
Life's own happy star !
I greet thee with gladness,
My friendly cigar !

Cigars are sometimes asserted to have a superiorityover pipes, because they consume the oil of tobacco ;
but this is a fallacy, inasmuch as the oil is no more
burnt away or evaporated than in a pipe ; it is, in
fact, drawn to, and condensed in, that part of the cigar
between the lips of the smoker ; hence cigars, though
mild in smoking, contract a rankness of flavour when
consumed to the last inch, which is generally thrown
away. This has led to the invention of cigar-tubes, or
holders, by which they are kept at a distance from the
lips and may be entirely consumed. These are some
times made of meerschaum clay, and occasionally
decorated with sculptured figures, as in the example
engraved, where a lion is baited by dogs. Such sculp
ture serves another purpose than mere ornament, as
it gives the smoker's fingers a firmer hold, for which



reason the scroll of foliage beneath has also been

introduced. A very cheap holder has been made of
pipe-clay, and is not deficient in quaint fancy. The
example we select comes from the prolific pipefactories of France, and costs but a penny.

In Berlin, a few years ago, an ingenious pocketknife, entirely of steel, was fabricated for the use of
cigar-smokers, of which we here give an engraving.

It had all the strength of the usual knife, but the

spring was so constructed that it did not shut down to
the edge of the blade ; the cigar-end being placed
through the aperture at the end, the point of the
knife, on being pressed down by the finger, cut off the
end of the cigar. On one side of the handle was a thin
flat box, with a division ; the longer one (open in the
cut) contained fusees, the smaller (represented closed)
held German tinder; the fusee was lighted by rubbing



along the rough edge of the lower part of this shallow

box, which did not give more weight or thickness to
the handle than a strong pocket-knife usually exhibits.
A smaller knife has since been made on the same
principle, without the box, and with a sharp point, or
bodkin, closing down beside the knife, to open the
cigar if better draught be required. It may be con
veniently placed in the waistcoat pocket.
Another simple little implement, to act as cigarcutter and holder, is here represented, the size of

the original. The double cutter at one side takes off

the end of the cigar, and, when closed, acts as a hold
for the finger and thumb, the opposite arms closing
round the cigar and securing it very firmly. A small
loop on one of the cutters allows it to be attached to
the watch-chain if desired.
The luxuries of the cigar-smoker, in the way of
ornamental receptacles for cigars, need not here be
descanted on. Some, in their elaboration and costli
ness, belong to the wealthy, and are merely to be
considered as the vanities of selfish pride. When men
enshrine cigars in pearl cases, elaborated with metal
work, that make them seem only fitted for the scentcases of a lady's boudoir, they may be looked upon



with due contempt, not only by ladies, but by those of

their own sex who adhere to the honest useful case of
plain Russia leather.
Tobacco when carried about the person for use, if
not placed in a metal box, is held in a pouch or bag ;
both being generally formed of leather. German ladies
think it no unfit employ to devote much time and
attention in embroidering tobacco bags for favoured
swains ; they are too inured to smoking to think
otherwise of it, than of beer drinking, as the natural
habit of the male part of the creation ; which they
may look forward to enjoy themselves in their old age,
with as little chance of cavil or interruption. Gentle
men hang the tobacco-bag on the arm, as ladies used
the reticule some time ago.* The pouch is for the
pocket, and is made of soft leather, frequently with the
hair outside ; a favourite substance for this purpose is
moleskin, the thick soft down making it a mere pad in
the pocket. The tobacco is closely packed in a recep
tacle in the lower part, and lapped round with the
outer skin, and tied together ; it is thus kept duly
moist, as it is protected from evaporation.
The tobacco-box is of course the oldest invention.
Ralph Thoresby the antiquary, of Leeds, preserved in
his museum at the early part of the last century, a
tobacco-box traditionally said to have been that used
* At Constantinople ' ' Among the more prominent but less valuable
articles of embroidery for sale, are the dookauny, or toutoon kessessy
(tobacco bags), made of different coloured stuffs, generally cut in an
oblong square form, and embroidered with coloured silks and gold."
For Chinese tobacco pouches, see p. 212.



by Sir Walter Raleigh. It was of sufficient capacity

to hold a pound of tobacco, which was placed in the
centre, and surrounded by holes to receive pipes. It
was thirteen inches high, and seven in diameter ;
formed of leather, and decorated with gilding. I am
indebted to J. Y. Akerman, Esq., secretary of the
Society of Antiquaries of London, for permission to
engrave an old wooden carved tobacco-box, also tra
ditionally said to have belonged to Raleigh ; and which

has the initials W. R. conjoined within the lid. If

not Raleigh's box, it is of his -period, and is decorated
with figures on one side in the costume of the end of
the sixteenth, or beginning of the seventeenth century.
On the opposite side is a hunting scene. The lid
slides out ; the head of the figure who supports the
anchor forming a convenient projection to aid its
course. The English rose is below ; and at the bottom
of the box a mariner's compass is engraved.
Expensive tobacco-boxes were part of the outfit of
Elizabethan dandies. Simplicus, an upstart in Marston's play What you Will (1607), says : "I'le go to
the half-crown ordinary every meale, I'le have my
ivory box of tobacco." Henry Fitz-Geffery in his



satirical Notes from Blackfriars (1617), speaks of a

" spruce coxcomb : "
" That never walkes without his looking-glass,
In a tobacco-box or diall set,
That he may privately conferre with it."

There is a good satirical description of the smoker

and his paraphernalia, in The Man in the Moone,
1609 (a pamphlet levelled at the fashionable follies of
the day), in which one person questions another as to
who one of the company present may be, and he is
answered : " I know not certainly, but I think he cometh
to play you a fit of mirth, for I behelde pipes in his
pocket ; now he draweth forth his tinder-box and his
touchwood, and falleth to his tacklings : sure his
throate is on fire, the smoke flyeth so fast from his
mouth ; blesse his beard with a bason of water, lest he
burn it : some terrible thing he taketh, it maketh him
pant and look pale, and hath an odious taste, he
spitteth so after it."
The pedlar, in his song given in the Duke of New
castle's play, The Triumphant Widow (1677), enume
rates pipes and tobacco-boxes among his wares ; and a
silver tobacco-box of thirty shillings' value is mentioned
in an inventory of the time of James II. ; as well as
a tobacco-box of tortoise-shell.
The old tobacco-box was generally capacious, and
made for the pipe as well, which was laid in one
compartment of the interior. Such large brass boxes
were generally carried by sailors, particularly Dutch



ones, and were covered with rudely executed orna

ments and inscriptions. Pictured semblances of their
own good ships were common on the lids, and Dutch
tobacco-boxes, or boxes in their style, were common to
English sailors. They were the love-gifts of sweet
hearts, who
" Gave them the 'bacca box mark'd with her name,"

and were kept as sacred memorials of those " on

shore." Tobacco-boxes were bequeathed to "mess
mates " as parting gifts of friendship in death, and
such souvenirs were as affectionately esteemed as if
they had been formed
" Of one entire and perfect chrysolite."

A certain Mr. Pynsent, who left all his estates in

Somersetshire to the great Lord Chatham (the father
of Pitt), in admiration of his talents and patriotism,
possessed a tobacco-box on which, under a skull, was
engraved :
" Mens Ignis, Tubulus corpus, mihi vitaque fumus.
Herba Panis, Clavus fata, suprema Cinis."

Which has been thus " rendered into English : "

" Of lordly man, how humbling is the type,
A fleeting shadow, a tobacco pipe !
His mind the fire, his frame the tube of clay,
His breath the smoke so idly puffed away,
His food the herb that fills the hollow bowl,
Death is the stopper, Ashes end the whole."



It is not uncommon to find the old Dutch tobaccobox engraved all over with quaint pictures and
inscriptions, sometimes allusive to life in a similar
The old brass tobacco-box was generally oblong,
and contained all the smoker required, including ma
terials for lighting the pipe, consisting of tinder, flint
and steel, all packed in proper divisions. The round
tobacco-box belongs to the last century. Tin and
horn were both used as material for their fabrication ;
and there is a horn tobacco-box preserved in London,
which, worthless in itself, is enshrined in so many
valuable cases, that it is the most remarkable tobaccobox existing. It belongs to a club consisting of the
past overseers of the parishes of Saint Margaret and
Saint John the Evangelist, Westminster, who venerate
it highly, and have published a curious illustrated
volume devoted to its history. Mr. Henry Monck,
one of the parishioners, purchased at Horn Fair* in
17 1 3, the original box, which cost him four-pence ;
this he presented to his parish club, and they kept it
in memory of a worthy associate. Seven years after
the gift, the lid of the box was decorated with a silver
rim ; and it was placed in the care of the senior
overseer of the parish (the club consisting of such
persons as were serving, or had served the office, or
* At this ancient fair, held at Charlton, in Kent, it was customary to
sell all kinds of articles manufactured from horn. It was also usual for
persons to wear horns on the head, and for men to go disguised in female
attire ; the fair was, in fact, a complete Saturnalia.



paid the fine in lieu of doing so) and it became an

object of interest to all. A silver side-casing and
bottom was added in 1726 ; the defeat of the Pretender
was commemorated in 1 746 by a portrait of the Duke
of Cumberland, with allegorical accessories, the work
of Hogarth, which is placed within the lid ; and various
other additions made until the year 1765, when the old
four-penny horn box was completely hidden by deco
rative silver work. It having become a sort of custom
with each senior overseer, to add something to the
box, and there being no longer a chance of doing it, a
case was prepared for it ; and this received a series
of silver plates, the gifts of different members, which
generally commemorated some historic event which
happened in their own time. When the case became
covered with these ornaments, a fresh outer case was
provided ; and now there is a series of four embel
lished cases to fit over each other, until the whole has
become of greater bulk and worth, than any tobaccobox in the kingdom.* Many of these engravings are
curious ; and a detailed history of the box and its
cases, was published by subscription in 1824; it forms
a goodly quarto volume, and is decorated with many
engravings, fac-similes of those on the silver plates
which ornament the cases. In the title-page is a
* One recreant overseer refused to return the box to the Society, and
even threatened its destruction ; it took three years of a weary Chancery
Suit to settle the question ; but it was decided in favour of the Society ;
and it has since been delivered to its keeper on condition that it be pro
duced on all necessary occasions, and ultimately delivered to the Society
under the penalty of two hundred guineas.



vignette, representing the box and its cases arranged

on a table, with the various accessories of a social
meeting, from which our cut is copied.*

It was the custom during the last century, to pre

sent country churchwardens with tobacco-boxes, after
the faithful discharge of their duties.
There is a simple and ingenious tobacco-box used
frequently in country ale-houses, which "keeps its own
account " with each smoker, and acts also as a money
box. It is kept on parlour tables for the use of all
comers ; but none can obtain a pipe-full till the money
is deposited through a hole in the lid. A penny
dropped in causes a bolt to unfasten, and allow the
smoker to help himself from a drawer full of tobacco.
His honour is trusted so far as not to take more than
his pipe-full, and he is reminded of it by a verse
engraved on the lid :
"The custom is, before you fill,
To put a penny in the till ;
* The volume is of course a rarity ; but those who desire more details
of this curious work will find an abundance in Hone's Year Book, where
five closely printed pages are devoted to its description.



When you have filled, without delay,
Close the lid, or sixpence pay."

Tobacco jars of porcelain are a comparatively

modern invention, and exhibit a large variety of
design. Many are costly, none are cheap. We select
three examples, sufficient to display the whim and
fancy they occasionally exhibit. The first represents

a fat cook bearing two horns to hold cigars, the body

of the figure contains the tobacco ; the line formed by
the tucked-up sleeves and the apron conceals the
juncture of the lid, which is converted into the upper
half of the figure. The second represents a fool who
has broken his way through a large drum, the head of
the fool is a convenient handle to remove the lid,
which fits into the top of the drum where the tobacco
is placed. The third, which has enjoyed the most
general popularity, represents a young girl in the dress
of the Regenci smoothing the folds of her ample petti
coat. The festoons of her dress conceal, at their
edges, the junction of the upper and lower portion of
this convenient and pretty tobacco-box.



Tobacco-stoppers have exhibited as much variety of

design as pipes have done; but while the decoration of
the pipe is a comparatively modern thing, the tobaccostopper engrossed a large share of the attention of the
fanciful workman of the last century. The author of
the very clever Paper of Tobacco* says"This was
the only article on which the English smoker prided
himself. It was made of various materialswood,
bone, ivory, mother of pearl, and silver ; and the forms
which it assumed were exceedingly diversified. Out of
a collection of upwards of thirty tobacco-stoppers of
different ages, from 1688 to the present time, the
following are the most remarkable : a bear's tooth
tipped with silver at the bottom, and inscribed with
the name of Captain James Rogers of the Happy
Return whaler, 1688 ; Dr. Henry Sacheverel in full
canonicals carved in ivory, 1710 ; a boot, a horse's hind
leg, Punch, and another character in the same Drama,
to wit, his Satanic majesty; a countryman with a flail ;
a milkmaid, an emblem of Priapus, a bottle, Hope and
Anchor, the Marquis of Granby, a greyhound's head
and neck, a paviour's rammer, Lord Nelson, the Duke
of Wellington, and Bonaparte." To this long list I am
enabled to add a few others, of which I offer engrav
ings. Fig. 1 is the earliest in point of date I have ever
met with, and represents a soldier in the half armour
of the time of James or Charles I., consisting of a
cuirass with shoulder-pieces and tassets, as worn in the
* Published anonymously in 1839.



last era of plate armour. Fig. 2 has evidently belonged

to some devoted royalist, and represents the bust of
Charles I. crowned and decorated with the collar of
the Garter. Fig. 3 belonged to one of " the Oppo
sition," and is surmounted with a bust of Cromwell in
a richly decorated cuirass ; it bears on the reverse the
lion shown in Fig. 4, which supported the Arms of
England during the Protectorate. Both appear to
have been cut from a medal, or a thin plate of silver,
and soldered back to back ; the shaft of the stopper is
hollow, unscrewing at the neck, and allowing the pick
to be taken out (as shown in Fig. 4), to clear the pipe
of ashes. Fig. 5 is a ring-stopper, to be worn upon
the finger as an ordinary ring, the stopper concealed in
the hand ; it can thus be easily turned round for use
when required, and does not run the risk of being lost
or mislaid by the smoker. The clergyman in our cut,
p. 130, carries one on his finger ; and there is a
humorous allusion to them in Hudibras (Part ii.
canto 3), and to the symbol which astronomers use to
denote one of the planets.
Bless us ! quoth he,
It is a planet now I see ;
And, if I err not, by his proper
Figure, that's like tobacco-stopper,
It should be Saturn ! "

Fig. 6 is of silver, and ingeniously formed of two

pipes braced together, and serving as a holder to a
stopper and pick, which screws between them. The
stopper is formed of a twopenny piece of Queen Anne.



Fig. 7 is the device of an old sailor, delineating the

real and imaginary denizens of the sea with an equal
amount of exactitude. Fig. 8 is the Pierrot of the old
French stage, and is apparently a work of the . latter
part of the seventeenth century. Fig. 9 has its handle


formed like the head of an adze, to be used in clearing

the pipe ; in the centre of the stem is the rude repre
sentation of a barrel. , Busts of a grotesque kind were
general favourites, or figures of a jolly sailor ; but a
very large number took the form of the human leg or
arm, which was fabricated as if bent, and made a very
useful implement. Fig. 10 is a copper pick of the
simplest and cheapest form ; it was dredged from the
Thames, and may be the oldest of our series. Many



cheap tobacco-stoppers were cut in hard wood, some

few in mahogany ; but by far the greatest number were
cast in brass, like the specimens we engrave, which
are all in that material, with the exception of Fig. 3.
In the Shrubs of Parnassus, a small volume of
poetical essays, published in 1760 (under an assumed
name), by James Boswell, the famous biographer of
Johnson, is one devoted to the tobacco-stopper, which
is curiously descriptive of those in ordinary use at
that time :
" O ! let me grasp thy waist, be thou of wood,
Or laevigated steel, for well 'tis known
Thy habit is diverse. In iron clad
Sometimes thy feature roughens to the sight ;
And oft transparent art thou seen in glass,
Portending frangibility. The son
Of labouring mechanism here displays
Exuberance of skill. The curious knot,
The motley flourish winding down thy sides,
And freaks of fancy pour upon the view
Their complicated charms, and as they please,
Astonish. While with glee thy touch I feel
No harm my finger dreads. * No fractured pipe
I ask, or splinter's aid, wherewith to press
The rising ashes down. Oh ! bless my hand,
Chief when thou com'st with hollow circle, crown'd
With sculptured signet, bearing in thy womb
The treasured Corkscrew. Thus a triple service
In firm alliance may'st thou boast."

It was a not unfrequent desire with the old smoker

to associate his tobacco-stopper with some great person
or thing. A tree planted by a great man, a fragment
* It is recorded of Sir Isaac Newton that on one occasion he used
the finger of the lady he was courting for a stopper, as he sat and
smoked in philosophic abstraction beside her.



of a celebrated ship, a beam of an historic mansion,

were each taxed for a tobacco-stopper. The custom is
very old, for Taylor, the Water Poet, notes, in his
Wandering to See the Wonders of the West, 1649, that
he saw a sprig of the famous Glastonbury thorn, which
the monks at that place had celebrated for its miracu
lous flowering at Christmas, and which was cut down
by the parliamentary soldiers. He says: " I saw the
sayd branch, I did take a dead sprigge from it, where
with I made two or three tobacco-stoppers, which I
brought to London."
The reader of the Spectator will remember the
remark made by Sir Roger de Coverley, when viewing
the coronation chairs in Westminster Abbey : " If
Will Wimble were with us, and saw those two chairs,
it would go hard but he would get a tobacco-stopper
out of one or t'other of them."
The flint and steel and tinder, which the old smoker
was necessitated to carry on a journey, has been
superseded in our days by many ingenious inventions.
German tinder first took the place of the old ragtinder and dried moss ; and this is still used, separated
into thin strips, but coated at top with an explosive
composition, which ignites by friction ; small boxes
will contain a packet of this tinder, a part of the case
being rough to ignite it. Matches, headed with a
lump of combustible matter, which burns long enough
to light any pipe or cigar thoroughly, are also to be
obtained in boxes which occupy very small space in
the pocket. Those who are fond of a display of showy



materials for obtaining a light, are provided with an

elaborate apparatus of silver tubing, through which a
smouldering cord of coloured cotton can be drawn,
lit by means of a flint, elegantly fashioned from the
purest stone, struck against an equally tasteful steel ;
the whole process being an elegant and costly realiza
tion of " much ado about nothing," chiefly patronized
by "heavy swells," who take tobacco more for the sake
of ostentation than pleasure.
There is no indulgence that more completely equal
izes itself to all classes than that of tobacco. It is
possible, as we have seen, to make it a very expensive
taste ; but it is equally possible to make it a cheap
one. Tobacco will give as much enjoyment to the
poor man in his clay pipe, as to the nobleman in his
jewelled Meerschaum. Indeed, it may be doubted if
the pleasures of the poor are not greater ; and there
is much truth, as well as sound philosophy, in the
morale of tobacco-smoking, which we have seen en
forced by many whose opinions are of value, and
whose indulgence has been limited to temperate and
wholesome enjoyment.


When tobacco was originally recommended to the

attention of the Old World, its claims as a curative
agent were strongly asserted ; one mode of using the
leaves was to pulverize them, and inhale the powder by
the nose : this custom, as well as all others connected
with the European form of using the plant, was adopted
from the Indians. We have quoted, in p. 16, the
description given by the Friar who accompanied
Columbus in 1494, of their mode of inhaling it for
medicinal purposes.
It was consequently recom
mended for all diseases of the head brought on by
colds ; and particularly that one popularly termed the
pose, a dry stoppage which much troubled our ances
tors. Physicians had, on the faith of old Indian
usages, on which they seem to have implicitly relied,
recommended it. Catherine de Medicis was the first
so to use it, within a short period after the introduction
of the tobacco-plant by Jean Nicot ; and the new
sternutatory was first handed about in the Court of
France about 1 562. This Queen's patronage decided
the success of the plant, which was called Herbe a la



Heine; and snuff was for a long time a fashion with

the court-party, held in abomination by the Protest
ants. The literary controversy was violent ; some
physicians contended that, if it concealed a vicious
odour of the breath, it also injured the digestive power :
while some theologians affirmed that it inspired con
temptuous feelings, by inducing indolence.
Examples of recipes used by old physicians, when
tobacco was considered in the light of a medicinal
herb, may be found in Neander : we have given some
specimens in our quotations from the English Doctor
Edmund Gardiner's Triall of Tobacco (1610), see p. 49 ;
we will now quote from the latter what he recommends
in the way of snuffs. He prefaces his remarks by
saying :
" Sternutatories, especially those which are made of
tabacco, being drawne up into the nostrels, cause
sneesing, consuming and spending away grosse and
slimie humors from the ventricles of the braine.
These kind of remedies must needes doe good where
the brain is repleat with many vapours, for those that
have a lethargy, or vertiginy, in all long griefes, paines
and aches of the head, in continuall senselesses, or
benumming of the braine, and for a hicket that proceedeth of repletion."
The following is one of his specifics :
Rec. Piperis,
Zinziberis, ana Ji.
Foliorum siccorum tabaci Qij.
Trita naribus inspirentur ante cibum.



" Another Sternutamentorie :

Rec. Foliorum siccorum tabaci ^ijss.
Pyrethri, ana V)iss.
Radicum Hellebori albi, grana 6
Pulverisata commisceantur, et fiat sternutamentorium
Ex fistula naribus parum infletur.

" These sternutatories which are very forcible, vehe

ment, and strong ; as Euphorbium, Helleborus albus,
and the like to these, must not be blown up into the
head, but rather put into a boxe, the same being a
little shaken, and so holding it to the nose, to draw up
a little at once. But Tabacco is not so violent, and
therefore may in my judgment bee safely put in
practise. Thus then you plainely see 'that all medi
cines, and especially tobacco, being rightly and ration
ally used, is a noble medicine, and contrariwise not in
his due time with other circumstances considered, it
doth no more than a nobleman's shooe doth in healing
the gout in the foot."
One other, and less pleasant mode of using the herb
as a sternutatory is thus described by a later author :
" It is sometimes taken in little longish pellets put
up the nose, where it is found to produce very good
effects, to attract a deal of water, unload the head,
resolve catarrhs, and make a free respiration ; for the
subtile parts of the tobacco in inspiration are carried
into the trachea and lungs, where they loosen the
peccant humours adhering thereto, and promote ex
pectoration. Some have left this tobacco in their



noses all night ; but this is found to occasion vomiting

usually on the next morning. Another thing charged
on this way of application, is, that it weakens the
Though thus originally recommended for adoption
as a medicine, it soon became better known as a
luxury, and the gratification of a pinch was generally
indulged in Spain, Italy, and France, during the early
part of the seventeenth century. It was much patron
ized by the clergy, and led to the Anathema of Urban
VIII. in 1624 against any person who took snuff in a
church, as mentioned in p. 78. The author of Le Bon
Usage du Tabac en Poudre, Paris (1700), says it is
" the passion of Prelates and Abb^s, the religious com
munity generally are fond of it, and in spite of the
Pope and his ordinances, the Spanish Priests will not
scruple to place their snuff-boxes on the altar for their
Butler has noted that the Saints of the Cromwellian
era were not averse to its use ; he says of one :
" He had administered a dose
Of snuff mundungus to his nose ;
And powdered the inside of his skull
Instead of the outward jobbernole." *

In that scandalous satire on the ladies of the puri

tanic party called Newes from the New Exchange
(1650), they are frequently accused of a love of tobacco,
* Hudibras, pt. iii. cant. 2.



and particularly one Mistress Cambell, whose maxim

is said to be :
" She that with pure tobacco will not prime
Her nose, can be no lady of the time. "

It was the grandees of the French Court who " set

the fashion " of snuff, with all its luxurious additions
of scents and expensive boxes. It became common in
the Court of Louis le Grand, although that monarch
had a decided antipathy to tobacco in any form.* He
endeavoured to discourage the use of snuff, and his
valets-de-chambre were obligeri to renounce it when
they were appointed to their office. One of these gen
tlemen, the Due d'Harcourt, was supposed to have died
of apoplexy in consequence of having, in order to please
the king, totally discontinued the habit which he had
before indulged to excess. Other grandees were less
accommodating: thus we are told that Marechal d'Huxelles used to cover his cravat and dress with it. The
Royal Physician, Monsieur Fagon, is reported to have
devoted his best energies to a public oration of a very
violent kind against snuff, which unfortunately failed
to convince his auditory, as the excited lecturer in his
* Louis was ungrateful in his dislike, if tobacco enabled his soldiers to
support themselves in their arduous campaigns as described by Le Sieur
Baillard, in his Discours du Tabac, 1668, who says: "Ce que a ete
verifie dans le vieux et le nouveau monde, par l'experience de plusieurs
soldats, qui sans boire, et sans manger, et sans prendre autre chose qu'une
demi-once de tabac en vingt-quatre heures, soutenoient toutes les fatigues
de la guerre ceux-cy pendant trois ou quatre jours, et ceux-la meme une
semaine entiere. "



most enthusiastic moments refreshed his nose with a

pinch. The daughters of Louis were no enemies to
tobacco, as we have seen in our anecdotes in p. 69,
and they doubtless had their private snuff-boxes, for
the fashion became very general in France by the
middle of the century ; and a snuff-box of an elegant
material, sometimes decorated with paintings, or re
splendent with precious stones, was part of the neces
sities of a beauty of ton.
Moliere, in the opening speech uttered by Sganarelle
in his Don Juan, makes him laud snuff in a strain
of eulogy bordering on hyperbole, as " la passion des
honnetes gens."
Tobacco was reduced to a rough powder at this time
by pounding, or by grating, and was known as tabac en
poudre or tabac r&pe4 ; the latter term we still retain in
the name of one kind of snuffrappeelong after it has
ceased to bear its legitimate sense of grated tobacco.
The outfit of a snuff-taker was at this period a costly
thing, and the tobacco-grater formed of ivory was
richly carved with a variety of scroll ornament, enclos
ing fanciful scenes of various kinds. Our cut opposite
is copied from a finely sculptured ivory specimen of
French manufacture ; it represents Cupid instructed
by Venus, whose costume indicates the date of its
fabrication to have been about 1680. Above the
figures ornamental scroll-work supports a canopy.
The form of this implement is semicircular ; the flat
side discloses the grater of brass fitted into a grove,
and having a receptacle at each end for the tobacco



powder, which passes from beneath the grater, through

a small aperture into each. If the snuff-maker wished
to fill his box, he rasped a sufficient quantity to fill the
large receptacle at the bottom ; if he wished for a pinch

" fresh and fresh," he shook out a small quantity into

the little shell at the top, which was not large enough
to admit the fingers for a pinch, it was therefore turned
out upon the back of the hand, and so snuffed up
the nose.
A similar snuff-rasp to this, with figures precisely
the same, proving the popularity of the design, is



engraved in Du Sommerard's Arts du Moyen Age*

It has a cover for the larger receptacle, into which the
snuff falls in grinding ; which is also ornamented with
carving. Du Sommerard had several such implements
made in wood, ivory, and bronze, and they are now with
his other collections in the Hotel Cluny, Paris. In the
work just quoted he has engraved five other specimens.-f One sculptured in wood bears the title and
arms of Gaston d'Orleans, the brother of Louis XIII.
Another has upon it a figure of Sganarelle, rasping
the tobacco and singing his celebrated couplet " Le
tabac est divin," etc. Another represents Lot and his
daughters, and the destruction of Sodom. Another the
rape of Proserpine ; thus proving that as much variety
of subject and decoration was adopted for these imple
ments, as for the more modern snuff-box.J
It was the custom at this time to half ruin the
tobacco by "purifying" it in water. It was for two or
three days washed in a clay vessel and strained, then
washed again, dried in the sun, and finally coloured to
* Album, serie iii. pi. 29.
f In the plate above referred to, and in serie x. pi. 35.
{ The engraving on p. 123, of a man chewing tobacco, is copied from
the top of one of these rasps ; it has been thus described in vol. xxiii. of
Archaologia :It is six inches in length and two in breadth, about half
an inch deep, composed of several ornamental woods inlaid with ivory.
It contained a perforated grater of blue steel, and a small compartment
was left uncovered at the upper end to receive the snuff and admit the
fingers. On the sliding lid is an inlaid ivory figure of a man. This lid
protected the grater, and converted it into a sort of snuff-box. The cus
tom of chewing tobacco is alluded to in early medical works, as well as
in the earliest accounts we have of the Indians. But it met with most
disfavour at the hands of physicians, and only achieved its great popu
larity in the British Navy.



fancy ; the colours were produced from red or yellow

ochre, which was mixed on a slab of marble with oil of
almonds, and the grains of tobacco incorporated there
with. After all this was done, the last flavour of
tobacco was destroyed, by various perfumes mixed
with it. We give two recipes for the practice from a
curious little French book printed in Paris in 1700,
entitled Le Bon Usage du Tabac en Poudre :
"La manire de parfumer le Tabac.On prend du
Tabac de Virginie six livres, de S. Christophe trois
livres, ces tabacs sont les plus communs, et les moins
acres de tous ; on les lave dans l'eau de Melilot, et on
les fait ensuite scher l'ombre, et puis on les pulver
ise dans un mortier pour le sasser ou tamiser ; on lave
la poudre sche dans les eaux de Santal, de fleurs
d'orange, et de bois d'Inde mles ensemble ; on la met
ensuite scher sur une claye couverte d'une toile forte,
la remuant mesure qu'elle sche, et l'arrosant souvent
d'eau d'Ange ; enfin on la fait scher l'ombre ; tant
sche, on la sasse, et on l'expose quelque tems l'air,
et on la parfume plusieurs fois et successivement avec
des fleurs d'orange, et des fleurs de jasmin, enfermant
le tout pour cet effet dans une bote de plomb assez
haute, o les fleurs et le tabac soient disposs lit sur lit.
"Autre manire ne parfumer le Tabac.On prend
plusieurs feuilles de papier, chacune de la grandeur de
la caisse, on les fait scher au feu, et on les pique par
tout avec une grosse pingle ; on met dans le fond de la
caisse une couche de tabac paisse d'un doigt, et une
feuille de papier par dessus, sur laquelle on met une



couche de fleurs, et sur les fleurs une autre feuille de

papier sur laquelle on tend un pareil lit de tabac,
continuant ainsi jusqu' ce que tout soit employ ; de
cette manire la poudre de tabac n'est point mle
parmi les fleurs que l'on change de 12 heures en 12
heures, si on a beaucoup de fleurs, si non de 24 en 24
heures pendant quatre ou cincque jours, et ensuite on
retire les feuilles de papier, et on met les fleurs et le
tabac dans un sas dont la toile- de crin soit assez fine,
pour retenir les fleurs et laisser passer le tabac."
Spanish snuff was flavoured with musk, civet, and
essence of millefleurs. Essence of cedar and bergamot was also used for snuffs bearing the name of each.
Neroly was named from the essential oil distilled from
orange-flowers. A snuff called " Odeur de Rome,"
probably from being a favourite with prelates, was
made by adding to one pound of snuff six ounces of
musk, and five of civet, mixed with a little sugar.
Another termed " Odeur de Malthe," had to the same
quantity of snuff, six grains of civet and sugar, five
grains of amber, and orange-flower water. Baillard*
notes that snuff was also mixed with ginger, cubebs,
cummin, mustard, hellebore, spirits of wine, etc., to
make what he terms, and we may fairly believe to be,
a " puissant sternutatoire."
This abominable mode of making snuff by destroy
ing tobacco, was also common in England. Thus in
John White's Art's Treasury of Rarities and curious
* In his Discours du Tabac, l2mo, 1668.



Inventions [circa 1 700), we get this recipe : " To make

snuff, and how to cleanse it. Put your tobacco-dust in
a strong linnen cloth, soak your tobacco-dust in a pail
of water, only once in twenty-four hours ; then let the
water out, and squeeze the snuff well in the cloth, then
dry it on wicker hurdles in the sun, stirring it care
fully whilst it's a drying ; being dry, pour sweet water
over it, as rose-water, or any other you like best, and
make it as a paste ; dry it again, and pour more rosewater to it, and dry it again, and it's fit to receive what
smell you please. Mint dry'd and powdered, makes a
pleasant snuff; or some rose-leaves and cloves dis
tilled and powdered, and put to your snuff; or what
herb or flower you please."
The shop-bills of the old manufacturers {temp. Geo.
I.) give us representations of these modes of manu
facturing snuff.* We find
the curious engraving here
given, on that of John L.
Hullier, who calls himself
" French manufacturer of
Rappee Snuff, formerly in
spector-general of all the
manufactures of snuff in
France," and who then lived
"at the corner of Little
Newport Street, by Castle
Street, Leicester fields, London." The bill is sur
* I am indebted for my copies of this, and all others from shop bills, to
the curious collection of J. J. A. Fillinham, Esq.



rounded by a rich scroH border, within which are

introduced figures of men unloading snuff-casks,
pounding leaves, and rasping carottes ; while the
enjoyment of snuff-taking is depicted in a fourth
figure, dressed in the extreme of fashion.
This mode of making snuff by grating the twisted
tobacco is excellently shown in the cut. Carver, in his
History of the Tobacco-plant (1779), thus describes the
mode of preparing this roll tobacco and snuff, as he
saw it in America :" Being possessed of a tobaccowheel, which is a very simple machine, they spin the
leaves, after they are properly cured, into a twist of
any size they think fit ;* and having folded it into
rolls of about twenty pounds' weight each, they lay it
by for use. In this state it will keep for several years,
and be continually improving, as it every hour grows
milder. When they have occasion to use it, they take
off such a length as they think necessary, which, if
designed for smoking, they cut into small pieces, for
chewing into larger, as choice directs ; if they intend
to make snuff of it they take a quantity from the roll,
and laying it in a room where a fire is kept, in a day
or two it will become dry, and being rubbed on a
grater will produce a genuine snuff. Those in more
improved regions, who like their snuff scented, apply
to it such odoriferous waters as they can procure, or
think most pleasing." As the tobacco-roll and the
Indian became the sign of the tobacconist, so the
* See a cut of the process, p. 125.


25 1

tobacco-rasp was that of the snuff-maker. From a bill

of 1768 we gather this : it is that of "John Saulle and
Pontet, successors to the late James Fribourg, French
manufacturer of Rappee Snuff, ready rasp'd or unrasp'd, at the Crown and Rasp in Pall Mall near the
Haymarket, where is sold the right Clerack, St. Do
mingo, Scotch and Spanish Snuff." The sign is given
on this bill (which is for " six pounds of Dutch bran at
five shillings per pound " *), and is considerably older
than the date of the bill. We copy it as a
curious specimen of a snuff-shop sign. The
Highlander taking a pinch seems to have
been introduced about 1745, when the English
were attracted to Scottish events ; and the
fondness of the nation for snuff was noticed.
The Irish were equally remarkable in the pre
vious century, for the translator of Everard's Essay on
Tobacco {De Herba Panacea, 1659) informs us that
" the Irish are altogether for snuff tobacco to purge
their brains."
The process of pounding snuff is
represented in our cut, copied from a
shop-bill of Abraham Delvalle of Bury
Street, St. Mary Axe {temp. Geo. II.),
who tells us that " he makes and sells
at his manufactory in Featherstone
Street, Bunhill fields, fine Scotch, Rap
pee, Spanish, and Havannah Snuffs."
* This "bran" was a coarse kind of snuff made from tobacco leaves
pounded in a mortar, but not ground to dust ; see p. 258 ; in Wimble's
list, p. 286, several of these snuffs are noted.



In this instance the manufacturer is depicted pounding

the leaves in a mortar, the pestle being of peculiar
form to allow the more perfect mixing of the scents so
commonly used.
The popularity of snuff in England increased after
the Great Plague, which gave fresh impetus to the
consumption of tobacco.* When William ascended
the throne the prevalence of the Dutch taste confirmed
its general use, and it was the fashion to be curious in
snuffs ; valuable boxes of all kinds were sported, and
the beaux carried canes with hollow heads, that they
might the more conveniently inhale a few grains
through the perforations, as they sauntered in the
fashionable promenades.
Rich essences were em
ployed to flavour it, and a taste in such scents was
considered a necessary part of refined education.
In Southerne's Wives' Excuse (1692), at a fashionable
party in an after-dinner scene, the following dialogue
occurs :
" Wild. Yours is very good snuff, Mr. Friendall.
" Mr. F. Yes, truly, I think 'tis pretty good powder.
" Wild. Pray your opinion of mine, you are a
" Mr. F. This is Havanah indeed ; but then 'tis
wash'd. Give me your dry powders, they never lose
* Dr. Henry Stubbe, of Warwick, the formidable opponent of the Royal
Society in the reign of Charles II., and whose career is noted in D'Israeli's
Quarrels of Authors, was a great snuff taker. He was drowned after
paying a night visit to a patient, whento use the cynical language of
Anthony Wood " his head was intoxicated with bibbing, but more with
talking and snuffing of powder. "



their scent :besides, yours is made of the leaves of

the tobacco.
" Wild. Why, what the devil's yours ?
" Mr. F. Mine, Sir, is right Palillio, made of the
fibres, the spirituous part of the plant ; there's not a
pinch of it out of my box in England ; 'twas made, I
assure you, to the palate of his most Catholick Majesty,
and sent me by a great Don of Spain, that's in his
Prince's particular pleasure."
Dryden used to frequent Will's Coffee-house in
Bow Street, Covent Garden ; and it hence became the
great resort of the wits of his time. Ned Ward
relates, in his London Spy, that "a parcel of raw,
second-rate beaux and wits, were conceited if they had
but the honour to dip a finger and thumb into Mr.
Dryden's snuff-box."
In the Cornish Comedy (1696) mention is made of
"a gay modish spark, with a long beau peruke, and
gawdy snuff-box."
In Oldham's Poems (1682) a hanger-on of a foolish
nobleman is satirized :
" There's nought so mean can 'scape the flattering sot,
Not his lord's snuff-box, nor his powder pot."

Misson, in his Travels in England, 169J (already

quoted for his account of the use of tobacco), speaks of
the beaux who frequented our public places. He de
scribes them somewhat contemptuously as " creatures,
compounded of a periwig, and a coat laden with powder
as white as a miller's, a face besmeared with snuff, and



a few affected airs." Tom Brown, in his Letters from

the Dead to the Living, speaks of "a flaming beau of
the first magnitude;" whose long lace cravat, reaching
down to his waist," was most agreeably discoloured
with snuff from top to bottom." In Congreve's Love
for Love, Mr. Tattle commences his advances to Miss
Prue by the present of a snuff-box ; and she exclaims
joyously, " Look you here what Mr. Tattle has given
me ! Look you here, cousin, here's a snuff-box ; nay,
there's snuff in't : here, will you have any ? Oh, good !
how sweet it is ! " In the Pleasant and Comical
History of Scaramouch (1698), is given an amusing
account of his shifts for a living (afterwards made the
subject of a paper in the Spec
tator), one of which consisted
in obtaining large handfuls of
snuff from the boxes of friends
who " obliged him with a
pinch." Among the varieties
of snuff named, is Orangery,
Neroly, Bergamota, and Jassamena ; which, when he resold
to the dealers, was necessarily
mixed and called " snuff of
millefleurs." To take snuff and
offer a box gracefully was one
part of a beau's education.
There is a curious wood-cut
of a full-blown exquisite thus employed, on the titlepage of a rare pamphlet of four leaves, published in



1 703, called The Beau's Catechism ; which is here

copied. He is accused in the text of having " more
Periwig than Man," with " the necessary additions of
Vigo Snuff;" and his employment in the theatre is
denned to be, " to chat an hour with a mask in a side
box, then whip behind the scenes, bow to a fool in the
pit, take snuff, and talk to the actresses." In Baker's
comedy, Hampstead Heath (published 1706), a song
describing "the Beau's character," commences with
these peculiar details :
"A wig that's full,
An empty skull,
A box of burgamot. "

Tom Brown, who drew his highly-coloured pictures

from nature, speaks of one " whose periwig was
large enough to have loaded a camel, and he bestowed
upon it at least a bushel of powder ; " he adds other
details equally confirmatory of the general satire.
Misson was just in saying, " They are exactly like
Moliere's marquises, and want nothing but that title,
which they would assume in any other country but
In the Spectator, No. 43, this question is very reason
ably asked :" Would it not employ a beau prettily
enough if, instead of playing eternally with a snuff
box, he spent some part of his time in making one ? "
Scented snuffs were sometimes made the recipients
of poison. In 1712 the Duke de Noailles presented
the Dauphiness of France with a box of Spanish snuff
in which she delighted ; she kept it for a few days pri



vately ; it was charged with poison, which she inhaled ;

and five days after the present, died of it, complaining
of sharp pain in the temples. This excited much
attention, and great fears of " accepting a pinch," on
the one hand, or offering it on the other. It became a
general belief that such poisoned snuff was used in
Spain, and by Spanish emissaries to clear away politi
cal opponents, and that the Jesuits also adopted it for
the purpose of poisoning their enemies. Hence it was
termed "Jesuits' snuff," and a great dread of it was felt
for a considerable time.
One instance of the dangers inseparable from scented
snuff is given in an anecdote of the Due de Bourbon,
grandson of the great Conde ; who took Santeuil the
poet to a great entertainment, compelled him to drink
a large quantity of champagne, and ultimately poured
his snuff-box, filled with Spanish snuff, into his wine.
This produced a violent fever, of which Santeuil died,
amid excruciating agonies, within fourteen hours after.
The general use of scented snuffs at this time is
noted in a little pamphlet published in 1710 called
The Travels and Misfortunes of the Enchanted Snuff
box, which appears to be a satire on Dr. Sacheverel,
whose box is described as filled with a snuff called
Orangery : after dinner " the ladies, all impatient for
the first pinch, put in their fingers almost all at once ;
the gentlemen with some respect after." Agreeable as
all these scents may be, they are generally unwhole
some, and the " disguise " in the true flavour of the
tobacco produced by such means, gives the dishonest



trader much power of adulteration, or at least of mix

tures of bad and inferior tobacco. It is not unusual to
save the sweepings of tobacco-shops and warehouses
for the purpose of mixing in snuff. Of course in all
such establishments tobacco is scattered and falls upon
the floors in the warehouse ; portions of leaf adhere to
the shoes, which are scraped in receptacles for the
purpose ; it is never wasted, but is dried and ground
down with, all extraneous matter, to put into dark
coloured highly scented snuffs. This cannot be done
with light-coloured pungent snuffs, like high-dried
Scotch, which is made from the central stalk of the
tobacco, cut fine and ground, and is one of the purest
snuffs manufactured.
Rappee may be considered as the parent of all other
snuffs : its name smacks of a genuine origin. Carotte,
in the same way, carries the mind back by its name to
the early part of the seventeenth century, when tobacco
was rolled into the carrot form, and the end of the lump
rasped as the snuff was wanted ; according to the
arrangement already described on p. 249, and further
illustrated in our cut of the decorated ivory rasper,
p. 245, one of which was an essential piece of fur
niture to the pocket of the beau, or the boudoir
of the belle, in the days of the Grande Monarque.
The Carotte was sometimes steeped in wine or sweet
liqueurs to give it flavour.
Palillio, mentioned in Southerne's play, quoted in
a previous page, was properly termed pulvilio, and is
frequently mentioned by other authors of that era.



It was Portuguese snuff : in considerable favour. The

Orangery, Bergamotte, and Jassamena, took their
names from the scents they indicate as adopted to
flavour them. During the reign of Anne, snuff-taking
increased to a great extent, and so did the varieties of
mixtures, flavours, and names. Chambers, in his
Encyclopaedia of 1727, says : "The kinds of snuff and
their several names are infinite, and new ones are
invented ; so that it would be difficult, not to say
impossible, to give a detail of them. We shall only say
that there are three grand sorts, the first granulated,
the second an impalpable powder, and the third the
bran, or coarse part remaining after sifting a second
sort." We may here note a few of the principal old
court favourites ; Etrenne obtained its name from the
custom of presenting Louis XV. with choice specimens
of snuff, as a New Year's offering from the various manu
facturers : his selected choice being adopted as the
fashionable stimulant for the noses of courtiers for the
year. Bureau is a snuff of the same character, and
was one of the selected favourites of the sovereign,
which being of peculiarly good flavour, achieved a less
fleeting popularity, and being pretty generally used in
the cabinet of the politician, became known by the
French name thereof.
A great impetus to the habit of snuff-taking was
given in 1702. The fleet under the command of Sir
George Rook captured at Port Saint Mary near Cadiz,
several thousand barrels of very choice Spanish snuff,
along with the plunder. On returning by Vigo



they also obtained native snuff from the Havanna

destined for the Spanish market. This very large
quantity of snuff was sold at the principal seaports,
as " prizes," for the benefit of officers and crews,
with the usual carelessness of sailors in bargain
ing with Jews and " Land-sharks," to the quickest
purchasers ; and waggon loads were parted with at the
rate of four-pence per pound ! It was christened "Vigo
snuff ;" and the popularity of the war, the name of the
snuff, and the novelty of excessive cheapness, com
bined to induce a very general use of it.*
Pope in his Rape of the Lock notes the use of the
Snuff-box as a luxurious appendage to the bon ton ;
" Sir Plume of amber snuff-box justly vain,
And the nice conduct of a clouded cane ;
With earnest eyes, and round unthinking face,
He first the snuff-box open'd, then the case."

This nobleman's habit of " tapping the box," in the

pauses of his speech, is very characteristic of the habit
of the beau snuff-taker, whose mental powers are
satirically hinted at by the poet's mention of "the lunar
sphere ; " where
' ' hero's wits are kept in ponderous vases,
And beaux in snuff-boxes and tweezer cases. "

It is said of Prince Eugene in Pope's Key to the Lock

that " 'tis remarkable the General is a great taker of
Snuff as well as Towns."
* One of the dealers of the day advertises ' ' Fine Seville Snuff from the
Pearl Prize, sold by Jas. Healey at the Black Boy, without Bishopsgate. "



Gold, silver, and precious stones were frequently

adopted as the materials from which snuff-boxes were
manufactured. Agate, pietra, dura, rare woods, or
mosaics, were used for such persons as could not
" sport " gold and diamonds. The following is a good
description of the snuff-boxes of Queen Anne's era :
For females fair, and formal fops to please,
The mines are robb'd of ore, of shells the seas,
With all that mother earth and beast afford
To man, unworthy now, tho' once their lord :
Which wrought into a box, with all the show
Of art the greatest artist can bestow ;
Charming in shape, with polish'd rays of light,
A joint so fine it shuns the sharpest sight ;
Must still be graced with all the radiant gems
And precious stones that e'er arrived in Thames.
Within the lid the painter plays his part,
And with his pencil proves his matchless art ;
There drawn to life some spark or mistress dwells,
Like hermits chaste and constant to their cells.*

Enamelled boxes, looking like porcelain and covered

with painted ornaments, were manufactured in fanciful
variety. Our engraving represents a curious box of this

kind, which has no doubt been the treasured " pocket

companion " of some devoted musician. It is formed
* Pandora's Box ; a Satyr against Snuff, 1 7 19.



like the old harpsichord, and withinside the lid is a

Sonata ; the outside is painted with groups of musical
instruments, and it is dated 1723, being of German
manufacture. Subjects from Watteau were favourites
on such painted boxes ; and the famous Dresden China
Factory at Meissen produced some exceedingly
beautiful boxes in that brittle material, which are now
treasured within the cabinets of wealthy collectors, they
were mounted in metal, and were perfectly tight at all
junctures, the whole of the metal work being fabricated
with exceeding care. The hinges of all old boxes are
generallyexquisitelymade. Veryfrequently these boxes

assumed fanciful forms, so that they became part of the

decoration of a lady's boudoir. In Cibber's comedy
of The Careless Husband, Lord Foppington declares
" Lady Betty was just upon the wing, but I caught her
by the snuff-box, and she pretends to stay to see if I
will give it her or no." To which an equally foppish
rival Lord replies, " Death ! 'tis that I gave her, and
the only present she would ever receive from me."
Two examples of these toy-boxes for Ladies are here



engraved. The one formed like a hen and chickens ;

the other, like a Shepherdess with a pet lamb ; both are
enamelled on a thin piece of copper, and are highly
coloured with great delicacy and finish ; the lid is at
the base, and the figures which might repose on the
toilette table, or in the boudoir of a beauty, must be
reversed when the contents are used. When not in
use they would scarcely be taken for tabatieres.
Newly fledged " poets " of the smaller kind, indulged
their wits in tributes to the Ladies, when such presents
were made. Here is a sample from " Poems on
several Occasions," appended to a play called the
Intriguing Milliners (1738) :
Dear Jenny, if this snuff shou'd want
Such odours as your breath bestows,
Your touch will give 't a sweeter scent
Than quintessence of fragrant rose.

The fashionable mode adopted by Lady snuff-takers

at this period, is thus narrated in the same volume :
From agate-box, the newest mode,
Her snuff Miss Bid takes in a shell :
A thousand times to me sh' has vow'd,
'Tis faint, 'tis languid, has no smell.
The reason's plain ; her rosy hand,
Its fragrance to the snuff denies ;
The rival shells triumphant stand,
The snuff with envy pines and dies.
These guilty shells if you'll but throw,
Dear Bid, like others, in the streets,
Your snuff with finest scents will glow,
And vie with bless'd Arabia's sweets.



Snuff-takers were not permitted to indulge their

favourite mode of taking tobacco, with an impunity dis
allowed by the strict to their brethren the smokers. A
journalist thus quietly descants on the habit : Snufftaking is an odd custom. If we came suddenly upon it
in a foreign country, it would make us split our sides
with laughter. A grave gentleman takes a little casket
out of his pocket, puts a finger and thumb in, brings
away a pinch of a sort of powder, and then with the
most serious air possible, as if he were doing one of
the most important actions of his life (for even with the
most indifferent snuff-takers there is a certain look of
importance), proceeds to the thrust, and keeps thrust
ing it at his nose ; after which he shakes his head, or
his waistcoat, or his nose itself, or all three, in the
style of a man who has done his duty, and satisfied
the most serious claim of his wellbeing. It is curious
to see the various modes in which people take snuff;
some do it by little fits and starts, and get over the
thing quickly. These are epigrammatic snuff-takers,
who come to the point as fast as possible, and to whom
the pungency is everything. They generally use a
sharp and severe snuff, a sort of essence of pins' points.
Others are all urbanity and polished demeanour; they
value the style as much as the sensation, and offer the
box around them as much out of dignity as benevo
lence. Some take snuff irritably, others bashfully,
others in a manner as dry as snuff itself, generally with
an economy of the vegetable : others with a luxuriance
of gesture, and a lavishness of supply, that announce a



moister article, and shed its superfluous honours over

neckcloth and coat. Dr. Johnson was probably a
snuff-taker of this kind. He used to take it out of
his waistcoat pocket, instead of a box. There is a
species of long-armed snuff-takers, that perform the
operation in a style of potent and elaborate prepara
tion, ending with sudden activity. But a smaller and
rounder man sometimes attempts it. He first puts
his head on one side ; then stretches forth the arm,
with pinch in hand ; then brings round his hand, as a
snuff-taking elephant might his trunk ; and, finally,
shakes snuff, head, and nose together, in a sudden
vehemence of convulsion. His eyebrows all the while
lifted up, as if to make room for the onset ; and when
he has ended, he draws himself back to his perpen
dicular, and generally proclaims the victory he has
won over the insipidity of the previous moment by a
sniff and a great " Hah ! "
There were others by no means satisfied with such a
quiet satire on the habit. By them it was declared :
"physicians observe that more people have died of apo
plexies in one year since the use of snuff has come up
than before in one hundred; and indeed most, if not all,
of those who die of apoplexies and other such sudden
deaths, upon inquiry will be found to have been great
snuff-takers ; as it happens usually in Spain and Portu
gal, where of late years the common disease that carries
people off is apoplexy." * Death was in fact paraded as
* A Treatise of the Use of Tobacco, &*c, 1722.

The Edinburgh



freely, to act as a bugbear for snuffers, as for smokers ;

and grave doctors were not wanting to declare that
the brains of snuff-takers were found after death,
dried to a sort of dirty membrane, clogged with soot.*
Cancer of the nose was another pleasant threat held
out as the goal to which all snuff-takers must arrive ;
but the threats of the medicals had no effect on snufftakers, because they found very many doctors of an
opposite way of thinking, who used snuff in their goldheaded canes, as a disinfectant, and believed in its
utility when used in moderation.
The author of the Toilette des Dames, ou Encyclopedie de la Beaute', published in Paris about 1760, is
very hard on his fair countrywomen who take snuff.
He says : " Everything in France depends upon la
mode ; and it has pleased the mode to patronise this
disgusting custom, and carry about with them small
boxes, which they term demi-journe'es" He declares
that it " deforms the nose, stains the skin, taints the
breath," and asks what would be thought of Venus or
the Graces, if all were engaged in snuff-taking, t But,
as every medal has its reverse, Arbuckle, in his Poem
Encyclopedia ends a short but severe article on snuff with the significant
reference, See Poisons.
* Hoffman says that the heads of some executed criminals (who had
been great snuffers) being dissected, the patera of the brain was black
with snuff; and he was informed that of the heads of the English soldiers
who were killed in the Bohemian war, all who snuffed had their brain in
that condition. T. Short's Discourse on Tea and Tobacco. 1750.
t Those who may be curious to see the lengths to which coarse attacks
on the lady snuff-takers were carried, may refer to Henry Season's
Almanack for 1743 : the passage cannot now be reprinted pro causd



on Snuff, 1719, absolutely holds up the custom as one

which adds a new charm to beauty :
" With Snuff the beauteous Celia shades her face,
And adds a foil to every obvious grace.
Her lips o'erspread with dusky Vigo, speak
The brighter colour on her lovely cheek ;
Nay, underneath the tawny shade they wear,
The lips themselves more beautiful appear.
For beauty mask'd, like the great few who shun
The praise and honour by their merits won,
By how much it denies its own applause
Or seems but so to do, a greater draws.
For, apt to imagine more than is conceal'd,
The fancy heightens every charm that's veil'd. "

In the same year appeared an opposition poem, en

titled, Pandora's Box; a Satyr against Snuff, in which
the author laments the constant use of snuff among all
classes :
' ' now, 'tis by every sort
And sex adored, from Billingsgate to court.
But ask a wench, ' how oysters sell ? 'if nice,
She begs a pinch before she sets a price.
Go thence to 'Change, inquire the price of Stocks ;
Before they ope their lips they open first the box.
Next pay a visit to the Temple, where
The lawyers live, who gold to heaven prefer ;
You'll find them stupify'd to that degree,
They'll take a pinch before they'll take their fee.
Then make a step and view the splendid court,
Where all the gay, the great, the good resort ;
E'en they, whose pregnant skulls, though large and thick,
Can scarce secure their native sense and wit,
Are feeding of their hungry souls with pure
Ambrosial snuff. *******
But to conclude : the gaudy court resign,
T' observe, for once, a place much more divine,
Where the same folly's acted by the good,
And is the sole devotion of the lewd ;
The church, more sacred once, is what we mean,
Where now they flock to see and to be seen ;



The box is used, the book laid by, as dead,

With snuff, not Scripture, there the soul is fed ;
For where to heaven the hands by one of those
Are lifted, twenty have them at the nose ;
And while some pray, to be from sudden death
Deliver'd, others snuff to stop their breath. "

In his preface the author says : " The principal

maladies produced by the misapplication of snuff take
their rise from the violent convulsive motion that
nature makes use of in sneezing ; " and he then con
tinues, " I don't remember, nor do I believe, that
sneezing. has hitherto been reckoned by any author,
ancient or modern, amongst the causes of consump
tion." He then adroitly turns aside to his own pur
pose the old custom of invoking a blessing on sneezers,
a custom which dates from the most remote times, by
asking : " I should be glad to be informed how the
common salutation, ' God bless you ! ' when anybody
sneezes, became so much in vogue ; if it were not
from the dreadful convulsions, and sometimes sudden
deaths, that have been the fatal consequences of those
impetuous shocks." The following story, apropos of
this, is in Mhiagiana :
" Un petit-maitre, apres mauvais chance,
Sortoit du jeu la tabatiere en main.
Un gueux passoit, qui vient a lui soudain
Lui demandant l'aumone avec instance.
Des deux cotez grande e'toit l'indigence.
II ne me reste, ami, dit le joueur,
Que le tabac. En veux tu ? Serviteur,
Repond le gueux, qui n'etoit pas trop nice,
Nul besoin n'ai d'eternuer, seigneur,
Chacun me dit assez, ' Dieu vous benisse. ' "



In addition to the snuffs already described, we may

note others introduced about the middle of the last
century, and among them Violet Strasburgh, a snuff
originally manufactured in the old German town
whence it is named, and consisting of rappee and
bitter almonds reduced to fine powder, to which amber
gris and attar-gul was added as a scent ; it was snuff
much in request with ladies at this period, and con
stantly patronised by the late Queen Charlotte, whose
example made snuff-taking a fashionable thing among
court ladies ; the queen also used Spanish snuff, and
was in the habit of adding a tea-spoonful of green tea
to her box every morning.* Macauba was another
highly scented snuff, brought from the island of
Martinique, which was extensively patronised by
dowagers. The list of prices and names given by
Wimble, the snuff-seller, about 1740, is curious now;
he adds to the end of it this note: "To small quan
tities under two ounces something will be added, on
account of the extraordinary trouble and waste."
per lb., s.
English Rappee
Bolongaro's Hollanda
English Round Rappee ...s 3
Do. Violet
Scented Rappee
English Bran

per lb. , s. d.
Best English Rappee
4 0
2 0
Good Plain do
2 6
Best Scotch
2 0
Common do
2 6
Ordinary English Rappee
do. ... 3 6
Composite do.
do. ... 2 6

* The author is acquainted with a gentleman who fills his pipe with
tea for smoking.

pel- lb. ,
Fine English Rappee

High-flavoured Coarse do.

Ordinary English Bran . .

Carrot Rappee
Romano's Hollande...
Best Dunkerque Rappee .
Fine do

Scholten's Best Rappee . . .

Bolongaro's St. Vincent .
John's Lane
Spanish Bran
Common Scotch
Fine Irish

s. d.
3 6
3 0
4 0
4 0
3 6
8 0




per lb , s. d.
Rappee Bergamot
Low Rappee
Plain Scotch
Natural English Rappee... 3 0
High-flavoured do.
3 0
5 0
6 0
St. Domingo
Brazil Imitated
5 0
24 0
Best Brazil
Second do
16 0
Third do
Best Spanish
Second do
8 0
6 0
Best Havannah
Common do. *
4 0

The Cephalic snuff mentioned in the previous list

was one of those compounds of herbs, &c., put forth
like " Grimstone's Eye Snuff," and extensively bought
toward the end of last century, from a belief in its
efficacy in freeing the head of bad humour, and im
parting clearness in vision, in which it was imagined to
be "most sovereign." The inventor of this " cephalic
and ophthalmic snuff" published in 1722 a pamphlet
on its virtues, in which he assures us, that " the
Virginia tobacco from which this tobacco is prepared,
being here divested of its malignant ill qualities, and
strengthened in its good ones, will, when taken in
snuff, answer the desirable ends and intentions of
* Another trader of the period thus notes his wares : "John Bowden,
at the Highlander and Black Boy in Threadneedle Street, London,
makes and sells the best Scotch snuff, plain and scented St. Domingo,
Dutch and Strasbourg, Hoxton and all other sorts of Rappee, Spanish,
Seville, Havanna, Brazil, Portugal, and Bergamot ; Aloe, Pigtail, and
Mild Tobacco ; with all sorts of perfumer's goods, wholesale and retail."



snuff; as, for example, to make an evacuation of

offending humours from the head, eyes, &c., without
the usual ill consequences of it." Thus, tobacco being
washed and deprived of its native virtues, was impreg
nated with foreign ingredients, and sold as a muchimproved article ! The author's directions for its use
are as follow :
" Take some of this tobacco, and dry it either in
the sun or before the fire, till you can rub it into a
gross powder, and put it into your snuff-box, either
alone, or you may mix it about half one and half the
other, just as you please, with your other snuff that
you usually take. And so at times take it, and you
will find it fragrant, odoriferous, delicious, and plea
sant, recreating and refreshing the head and brain,
and will answer at once what is to be wished for in
the taking of snuff."
One of these quack snuff-vendors issued an adver
tisement of so grandiloquent a nature that it is here
reprinted as a curiosity from the General Advertiser
of June 21, 1749 :
" Once more I desire you to remember, I have
published my Imperial Snuff, for all disorders in the
head ; and I think I might have gone farther, and
said, for all disorders of body and mind. It hath set
a great many to rights that was never expected, but
there is but few, or none, that careth to have it pub
lished they were a little out of their senses, although
it be really an ailment that none can help ; but here
is present relief, if not a cure : but I hope both, as by



God's assistance it hath been performed already on

many. And I think it my duty to let the world know
it, that they may not bear so many miserable ailments
that is capable of curing. I hear it is reported abroad,
I am dead, and that the world is imposed on ; but,
thank God, I am alive, and put my dependence on
him, and that he will give me leave to do some more
service before I go hence. But suppose I was dead,
my Snuff is alive, and I hope it will live after I am
dead, as it is capable of keeping the world in sprightly
life and health, which must be allowed to be the
greatest blessing in the world. But what is riches
without that ? And what would some have given for
some of these reliefs before it was advertised ? But
you are all heartily welcome at this price of sixpence,
at present, but I should be glad of more from the
rich. I do assure you it is sold at this price in regard
to the poor only.
" I am yours, &c.,
"Samuel Major.
" In Swedland-Court, against the end of
Half-Moon-Alley, Bishopsgate-street. "

"This Snuff is sold by George Horselyham, servant

at Mr. Ashley's Punch-house on Ludgate-hill, and at
Mr. Child's, Sam's Coffee-House, near the Custom
house ; of whom you may have a true character of this
Snuff, it having repaired his constitution. It is left
at the bar of the said house for conveniency of mer
chants, masters of ships, and others, where you may
have a book and a bill of directions."



Snuff-takers could boast at this time a large array of

important persons in Church and State, who indulged
in the practice, from royalty to curacy. Indeed,
Churchmen of all denominations were great patrons
of snuffnone more so than the Roman Catholic
clergy, whose love for indulging in a pinch had made
St. Peter's echo, and excited the ire of Pope Innocent
the Twelfth, who solemnly excommunicated all who
should dare to do it after the "year of grace," 1690,
when he denounced the pious snuff-takers. The
priests modestly excused the custom, on the plea of
its anti-aphrodisiac virtues ; and its social qualities
might also be pleaded, for the offer of a pinch was a
civility few could resist. Sterne has noted, in his
Sentimental Journey, the effect of the offer when made
by the poor Monk after an uncharitable tirade against
" the cloth." It has been a silent mode of friendship
in travel, frequently adopted between foreigners who
know not each other's language ; and the heart opens
to the open box of a true gentleman, of whatever
country he be, or however humble be his station.
In Read's Weekly Journal for Feb. 21, 1761, is given
the following :
When strong perfumes, and noisome scents,
The suffering nose invade,
Snuff, best of Indian weeds, presents
Its salutary aid.
When vapours swim before the eyes,
And cloud the dizzy brain.
Snuff, to dispel the mist, applies
Its quick-enliv'ning grain.



When pensively we sit or walk,

Each social friend away,
Snuff best supplies the want of talk,
And cheers the lonely day.
The hand, like alabaster fair,
The diamond's sparkling pride,
Can ne'er so gracefully appear,
If snuff should be denied.
E'en Commerce, name of sweetest sound
To ev'ry British ear,
Must suff'ring droop, should snuff be found
Unworthy of our care.
For ev'ry pinch of snuff we take
Helps trade in some degree ;
As smallest drops of water make
The vast unbounded sea.

Among men of large intellect, snuff-taking has been

rather common ; it may have been felt by them as a
counter-irritant to the over-worked brain. Pope and
Swift were snuff-takers; the latter made his by mixing
pounded tobacco with ready-manufactured Spanish
snuff. Bolingbroke, Congreve, and Addison indulged
in it. Gibbon was a confirmed snuff-taker, and in one
of his letters he has left this account of his mode of
using it : "I drew my snuff-box, rapp'd it, took snuff
twice, and continued my discourse, in my usual atti
tude of my body bent forwards, and my fore-finger
stretched out."
In the silhouette prefixed to his
miscellaneous works, he is represented indulging his
habit, and looking, as Colman expresses it,
" Like an erect, black tadpole, taking snuff."

Frederick the Great loved it so entirely that he had




capacious pockets made to his waistcoat, that he might

have as little trouble as possible in getting for imme
diate use the largest quantity he could desire. It is
said that, unlike the fraternity of snuff-takers, he
disliked others to take a pinch from his box, and,
once detecting a page doing so from one lying in an
adjoining room, exclaimed, " Put that box in your
pocket; it is too small for both of us."* George II.
had the same selfish dislike, but expressed it more
rudely, when he threw away his box in great anger
at a masquerade, because a gentleman took a pinch.
Napoleon carried snuff in a similar way ; and many of
the sovereign pontiffs of the Romish Church have
been confirmed snuff-takers.
In the Memoirs of Barre Charles Roberts, he says,
" When my father was at Paris in 1 774, he was told by
Count Clouard, then an old man, that he remembered
a time when persons were stationed on the Pont Neuf
at Paris, with boxes of snuff, which they offered to the
passengers. This was a scheme of the manufacturers
to introduce it into general use. At the time this was
told my father, there was no person in France, of
whatever age, rank, or sex, that did not take snuff."
With our brothers of Scotland snuff has found much
favour ; they are so far identified with its use, that a
* During the coronation of his mother, the first Queen of Prussia,
she anxiously awaited a chance to get a pinch during the long cere
mony. She at last took an opportunity, when the King's attention
seemed engaged ; but he saw the act, and sent one of his gentlemen to
ask her, " whether she remembered the place she was in, and the rank
she held there." It was at that time considered an act of levity or con
tempt to take snuff before respectable persons, or during conversation.



figure of a Highlander helping himself to a pinch was

generally sculptured in wood, and placed as a " sign "
beside the snuff-shop doors, until within the last thirty
years, when such distinction ceased. These figures
were sometimes the size of life, painted in natural
colours, and placed at the door-jamb. The Scots have
well earned their distinction ; for, in Scotland alone,
according to the computation of the late Rev. Dr.
Chalmers, the people lay out six thousand pounds per
year on snuff ; a reckoning probably within the mark.
The old Scottish snuff-mill was a much more rational
invention for ensuring a pure snuff, retaining the full
virtues of the tobacco, than the French and English
rasp ; and the washing and scenting the powder thus
produced. Jamieson in his Etymological Dictionary
of the Scottish Language, says : " When tobacco was
first introduced into this country, those who wished to
have snuff were wont to toast the leaves before the
fire,, and then bruise them with a bit of wood in the
box, which was therefore called a mill from the snuff
being ground in it."
We here engrave
one of the earliest
specimens of the
genuine old snuffmill we could obtain.
The original is in
the possession of
Mr. Paton, of Dunfermline ; and is traditionally said
to have originally belonged to Maggie Lang, who was



burnt for witchcraft at the Cross of Paisley, in the close

of the seventeenth century. She was one of the
" witches of Bargarren, Renfrewshire," whose story is
related in Sinclair's volume, Satan's Invisible World
discovered. Poor Maggie's box is a small wooden re
ceptacle, upon which fits a solid cover, with a strong
handle above, and a conical projection beneath ; the
tobacco is placed in the box or mill, and pounded into
dust by the cone, the lower part of which is shod with
rough metal to assist the operation. The cut exhibits
each portion of the mill separate, as well as conjoined
in the way it would appear when the snuff was making.
This old form is therefore essentially different to
the more modern snuff-mull, which is used as a recep
tacle for ground snuff. The engraving
exhibits one about a century old, which
still resembles the older form of the
pounding machine ; but is simply covered
with a wooden lid, and was carried like
the modern snuff-box about the person.
This sketch may assist in illustrating
the process by which snuff-boxes or
horns came to be called mills (pro
nounced mullsby the Highlanders). Snuff was termed
snush * and sneeshing in the North. Among Tannahill's Songs is The Highlander s Invitation, who urges
among other attractions to his bothy
* In the History of Scaramouch, 1698 (quoted p. 254), snuff is always
called snush.



" There'll be plenty of pipe, and a glorious supply

Of the good sneesh-te-bacht, and the fine cut-and-dry ;
There we'll drink foggy Care to his gloomy abodes,
And we'll smoke, till we sit in the clouds, like the gods."

The Museum of the Society of Antiquaries of Scot

land possesses a rappoir or snuff-grater of Ivory,
beautifully carved and probably of Italian workman
ship, said to have belonged to Prince Charles Edward,
known to " disloyal Southrons " as " the Young Pre
tender." They also have a curious conical snuff-box
of horn (here engraved) which was given
to Mr. George Barclay, of Cavill, by
Pope Innocent XIII., when he was at
Rome, 22nd August, 1722. They have
also specimens of the Scottish mulls of
wood and horn ; ultimately they were
made of horn only, with a tight-fitting
cover of the same. Dr. Nott in a note
to his edition of Dekker's Gull's Horn
book, says : " the Scotch mull, or sneeshing mull, with a spoon and hare's foot
appended by chainsthe one for apply
ing snuff to the nose, and the other for
wiping the upper lip, is of no very
distant date. I well remember to have seen Baddeley the actor come upon the stage with such an appa
ratus, as Gibby, in The Wonder, when Garrick was
playing Don Felix!' This mull of curved horn is
peculiar in its nationality : and was furnished in olden
time, if belonging to a person of consequence, with a



variety of small articles attached to it by small silver

chains, to assist the snuff-taker in the most luxurious
style. They consisted of a hammer to hit the side of
the mull, should the snuff adhere; a
bodkin to pierce and separate it if it
stick together by damp ; a rake to
collect it into the little shovel ; and
a hare's foot to brush loose particles
from the nose ! Plain people were
contented with plain horn ; and our
cut exhibits the box which one of
Scotland's greatest men, the Poet

Burns, used ; and which is now properly valued

in the Museum of the Society of Antiquaries of Scot
land. Its surface is divided into squares, alternately
plain with silver studs in the centre, or ridged in
parallel lines.
A small silver plate in the middle
might receive the initials or name of the owner. It
was given by Burns to his friend Blackie, at one of
the convivial meetings which they held at the Haugh
of Urr, and was presented to this national collection
by his son.
James Boswell, in his Shrubs of Parnassus, has the
following little poem in praise of a pinch of snuff :



' ' Oh Snuff ! our fashionable end and aim !

Strasburgh, Rappee, Dutch, Scotch ! whate'er thy name ;
Powder celestial ! quintessence divine !
New joys entrance my soul while thou art mine.
Who takeswho takes thee not ! where'er I range
I smell thy sweets from Pall Mall to the 'Change.
By thee assisted, ladies kill the day,
And breathe their scandal freely o'er their tea ;
Nor less they prize thy virtues when in bed,
One pinch of thee revives the vapour'd head,
Removes the spleen, removes the qualmish fit,
And gives a brisker turn to female wit,
Warms in the nose, refreshes like the breeze,
Glows in the head, and tickles in the sneeze.
Without it, Tinsel, what would be thy lot !
What, but to strut neglected, and forgot !
What boots it for thee to have dipt thy hand
In odours wafted from Arabian land ?
Ah ! what avails thy scented solitaire,
Thy careless swing and pertly tripping air,
The crimson wash that glows upon thy face,
Thy modish hat, and coat that flames with lace !
In vain thy dress, in vain thy trimmings shine,
If the Parisian snuff-box be not thine.
Come to my nose, then, Snuff, nor come alone,
Bring taste with thee, for taste is all thy own."

In a satiric spirit did a later rhymer thus write,

under the false pretence of " Praise of Snuff-taking,"
in the European Magazine for 1 807 :
When Honour sinks into the silent grave,
When Valour bleeds his country's cause to save,
The Muse in gratitude prolongs his fame,
And hands to late posterity the name ;
Tells how the hero lived, the victor's doom,
And sheds her passing tribute o'er his tomb.
But say, can she your prowess praise enough,
At once o'erwhelmed in poetry and snuff?
Tell how you loved the sweet Parnassian shade,
How on the brow of Helicon you stray'd ;
Tell how in snuff you sought relief from pain ;
Tell how you sniff'd and sneezed, and sniff'd again.



No more let arts and science bear the bell ;
Go, Cleanliness, I chant thy fun'ral knell.
Come, Caledonian custom, list my call ;
Hither French fashions, beastliness, and all.
Come, kindly goddess of the Indian shore !
Bring here your snuff, and grime our noses o'er.
Snuff's my delight ! let other youths declare
Their minds to Celia or to Chloe fair ;
Let them in sportive glee lead down the dance,
And shyly steal the love-inspiring glance ;
Beauty and all its charms are foolish stuff,
If you compare it to a pinch of snuff.
Science avaunt ! what are thy pow'rs to me,
Whose whole delight is Scotch and black rappee ?
Newton and Euclid now no more can please,
All knowledge shall be center'd in a sneeze :
Vain are the problems you may wish to draw,
None, none can please the sense like macabau.
No more let music pour its soothing strain,
Or teach in echoes mountains to complain ;
Enrapt the soul with soft melodious thrill,
And make the senses act against the will ;
Say, can it equal with its pow'r divine,
The pleasing sound of " Take a pinch of mine ! "
No more let poets in their am'rous lays
The sweets of flowrets or of west wind praise,
Or citron groves that Egypt's coast adorn,
Or praise the rising blushes of the morn ;
For ev'ry day's experience only shows
That Strasburg is more grateful to the nose.
Hither ye Graces ! listen to my call,
(Fish-wives from Billingsgate and Leadenhall,)
Here quickly haste, and all your boxes bring,
And let me dip my greedy fingers in.
This a treat is, this is my nose's heaven ;
This far exceeds old Hardham's 37.

The snuff mentioned in the last line of these rhymes

took its name from the maker, who was a tobacconist
residing at No. 37, Fleet Street, he was also connected
with the theatres, acting as under treasurer to Garrick.
The late Mr. Minton, of Oxford Street, was also an



actor, and cleverly impersonated old men, in the days

when the theatre was a school of acting, and not a
place for the display of Spectacles, as it too generally is
at present. Hardham's mixture was formed of Dutch
and rappee. Masidipatam is a dark moist highly
scented snuff, brought from the coast of Coromandel.
Martinique takes its name from the Island in which it
is fabricated. Princeza is made at Lisbon. Bolongaro
takes its name from the maker, an Italian who resided
near Frankfort, but retired to Italy with a large for
tune. Penalvar is a mixture of tobacco and red earth,
brought from Havanna, and of great pungency. As a
dentrifice, this so-called snuff is much and successfully
used.* Princes mixture, a compound of rappee,
scented with attar of roses, was named after George IV.
when Prince Regent. Gillespie takes its name from
that of the original manufacturer at Edinburgh, who
made a large fortune thereby.f Cuba takes its name
from the place of its birth. Latakia is made from the
light tobacco of Persia. Many snuffs have taken their
names from the noblemen who have patronised, or
invented, a particular mixture ; of all the number, none
were more remarkable than the late Earl of Harrington,
who spared no expense in procuring snuffs of all kinds,
and devoted one room of his mansion in Whitehall
Gardens to properly storing them all. That room was
* I am indebted to a clever little book published by Tyas of Cheapside in 1840, and termed A Pinch of Snuff, for these particulars.
t Henry Erskine proposed the motto for the arms on his carriage :
" Who could have thought it
That noses had bought it ? "



a curiosity in its way, with its rows of well-made

jars, and proper materials of all kinds for the due
admixture and management of the snuffs they con
tained, under the able superintendence of a wellinformed man, who was the guardian angel thereof.
After the Earl's death, the collection was sold ; and
prices that seem fabulous to the uninitiated, were
realised for the finest sorts.
It may almost be doubted whether smokers feel so
.large an amount of gratification in their mode of
consuming tobacco, as the snuff-taker does. There
seems an extra amount of excitement and exhilaration
from its use. Smoking may, like angling, be " the con
templative man's recreation ; " but snuffing seems to be
the joy of the more mercurial, hence its great popu
larity in France, and with men of quick intellectual
The following clever lines To my Nose
convey a due sense of this pleasure :
Knows he that never took a pinch,
Nosey, the pleasure thence which flows ?
Knows he the titillating joys
Which my nose knows ?
0 nose ! I am as proud of thee
As any mountain of its snows ;
1 gaze on thee, and feel that pride
A Roman knows ! *

The high-dried snuffs are favourites in Wales and

Scotland. There is a powerful snuff of this kind
which is said to have originated by accident in Ireland.
It is known as Lundyfoot, or Irish Blackguard. The
* These stanzas first appeared in Miss Sheridan's annual Comic
Offering for 1834, and were written by the talented artist-author, Alfred



first name is from that of the maker Lundy Foot, who

resided at the entrance of Essex Bridge, Dublin ; the
second, from its being highly approved of by the lower
classes of Irish to whom it was given as spoiled
material, or from the blackguard who had spoiled it.
Tradition is not clear on this point.* The popular
story of its origin is, that it was the neglect of a man
who had gone to sleep while the snuff was drying in
J;he kiln, that burnt the snuff, and induced the proprie
tor to put it in a tub at the door for all poor passers
by to help themselves, and so rid him of his waste.
Another version of the story is, that Foot bought a large
quantity of tobacco, from the ruins of a tobacco ware
house in Dublin, and ground the charred material into
snuff, which was sold very cheaply to the poorer
classes of Irish ; until its pungency and flavour became
gradually known to the middle and upper classes, and
similar snuff demanded.f Foot never forgot the poor,
who helped to make his fortune ; and a keg of black
guard was always placed at his door for all comers ; a
custom continued by his descendants.
An Irish clergyman celebrated the pleasures of a
pinch in a poem, which a few private friends knew, but
which has never been printed. It was written about
* One version of the story is, that the snuff was so called because it was
made for the poor of Dublin of the stalks and refuse part of the tobacco.
t This part of the story is also differently told. A messenger had
been sent from the Castle to Foot's shop for snuff, and he tried a pinch
of the over-dried article, which Foot had on his counter to get rid of to
the poor in " ha'porths," and was lamenting his loss ; when the " cor.
rect nose " of the messenger appreciated the flavour, took some to the
Castle, and made it famous.



1788 by the Rev. William King of Mallow, and my

extracts were made from a copy in the possession of
Crofton Croker. The author notes his own habits
freely ; and in so doing, gives us a true insight of the
philosophy of snuff-taking. He says :
before I budge an inch
I hail Aurora with a pinch ;
After three cups of morning tea
A pinch most grateful is to me ;
If then by chance the post arrive,
My fingers still the deeper dive.
When gallant Nelson gains his point,
I sink in deep to middle joint ;
And soon as e'er the work he clinches,
Oh, then I take the pinch of pinches !
But if our heroes chance to fail,
I seldom go beyond the nail.
If I on ancient classics pore,
Or turn their learned pages o'er,
I take a pinch at every pause,
A tribute of my just applause.
Whenever I dip in page historic,
Or pass an hour in wit with Yorick,
I relish more each paragraph
If season'd with a pinch and laugh.
Or if discussing subjects curious,
I revel in a pinch luxurious ;
E'en joyous friends and claret rosy
Insipid are sans pinches cosy.
Whate'er I do, where'er I be,
My social box attends on me ;
It warms my nose in winter's snow,
Refreshes midst midsummer's glow ;
Of hunger sharp it blunts the edge,
And softens grief as some allege.
Thus, eased of care or any stir,
I broach my freshest canister ;
And freed from trouble, grief, or panic,
I pinch away in snuff balsamic.
For rich or poor, in peace or strife,
It smooths the rugged path of life."



Lord Stanhope once made an estimate of the time

wasted by a snuff-taker :" if we suppose this practice
to be persisted in for forty years, two entire years of
the snuff-taker's life will be dedicated to tickling his
nose, and two more to blowing it." He ends by
declaring, that " a proper application of the time and
money thus lost to the public, might constitute a fund
for the discharge of the national debt."
The following outrageous attempt at satirising the
habits of snuff-taking to excess, appeared in the London
Journal about thirty years ago : " A provincial paper
says, that a gentleman in Devonshire has invented
what he calls a snuff-pistol ; it has two barrels, and
being applied t6 the nose, upon touching a spring
under them with the fore-finger, both nostrils are
instantly filled, and a sufficient quantity driven up the
head to last the whole day ! "
We will conclude with a few remarks on snuff-boxes,
native and foreign, to complete those scattered through
this chapter. And first of the primitive snuff-mills.
Of these a writer in the New York Literary World
for 1834 gives the following account. He says :
" Old Brazilian Indians were the fathers of snuff,
and its best fabricators. Though counted the least
refined, or in other words, the most savage of
Americans, in one respect their taste was as pure as
that of the fashionable world of the West. Their
snuff has never been equalled, nor in simplicity
and originality their implements for making and
taking it."



The following is a description of their milling and

sniffing machinerymachinery, we believe, never
figured and published before :

The figure A at the right of the engraving is a slab

of jacaranda (rose-wood) resembling a spatula ; the
length ten inches, of which five are taken up by the
handle. The blade four inches wide, and nearly half
an inch thick in the middle, but reduced to a quarter
at the edges. Except the cavity in the centre the
entire face of the instrument is covered with carvings,
as shown in the cut. The back is plain, and void of
ornament ; the extremity of the handle represents the
head of a serpent, with the tongue protruded ; the eyes
are imitated by two pieces of bone or white shell, which
strongly contrast with the dark hue of the wood. The
effect of colour is further attempted, by filling the



grooves of which the carving consists, with white and

yellow pigment.
B, a pestle or rubbera smoothly polished cylindri
cal stick of rose-wood, nine inches long, and threefourths of an inch in diameter ; the upper part is
squared, the lower end bevelled and considerably
Now, let us see how the owner put this apparatus in
play. In the first place he took a seat on a log on the
ground, drew from a chuspa, commonly suspended over
the right shoulder, a few pieces of dried leaves of tobacco
and placed them in the cavity of A. Then grasping the
handle of the mill in one hand he began to grind them
with the pestle or rubber B in the other, the blade of A
resting on the knee or lap. In a few moments the
leaves were reduced to a powder much finer than the
mortar could makein a word, to a rich and fragrant
snuff. Not a fragrance due to the substance ground,
but to the material of the mill ! The heat developed by
the friction of two pieces of jacaranda evolves a
delicious aroma, which impregnates whatever is ground
between them. This was the secret of the superi
ority of primitive snuffa knowledge of it may be
worth something to modern manufacturers.
The article being thus prepared, the next thing was
to transmit it to its destination, ere it grew cold, or its
odour became weakened byevaporation. The apparatus
for this part of the business is figured at C, a double
tube, consisting of two thin, light, cylindrical, and
parallel bones, fourteen inches long, three-eighths of an



inch bore, and slightly curved ; probably the leg bones

of a species of crane. They are united by a neat and
ornamental piece of needle- or platted-work. The upper
ends are finished off with little round ferules of wood,
the opposite ends have no additions. The reader has
doubtless anticipated the rest : No sooner was the tritu
rating operation ended, than the pestle was dropped
and this double tube taken up, the plain ends plunged
into the smoking powder and the ferruled ones applied
to the nostrilsthe mouth had meanwhile been closed
a smart inhalatibn instantly followed, and the warm
scented powder in a trice was diffused over the olfac
tory palate ! The apparatus was then hung round the
neck, and the proprietor, if alone, arose, we may sup
pose, and went on his way rejoicing.
The figure D represents another mill. It is larger
than the preceding one, being fifteen inches long and
of a different form, showing how fancy exerted her influ
ence over South American artists in bygone days. The
grinding receptacle is in the shape of a gutter running
out to the end of the blade. The ornamental work is
more elaborate, part being pierced entirely through.
The handle represents a serpent with its tongue thrust
out and the head inclined upwards. The eyes are
pieces of shell secured by wax. A human face is
tolerably worked out, the mouth being represented by
a piece of shell with an edge finely serrated to imitate
teeth. The rubber is shown at E ; its form is more
distinct in this, than in our other example. Both mills
seem to have done considerable service. There was



another pair of sniffing-pipes, but they varied so

slightly from those we have figured as to render a
sketch of them unnecessary. The bones of both were
very thin, round, of uniform bore, white, and relieved
by the black bulbs of rose-wood.
Such was the snuff-making devices of old coppercoloured artists, and such the fashionable mode of im
bibing the sweet-scented dust byred warriors and ladies.
Has either been improved by white inventors ? The
mill is so simple, portable, cheap, and durable, that in
these respects it cannot be beaten. As regards the
singular attributeso foreign to its chief designof
communicating an agreeable perfume, what modern
engine can stand before it ? Of the sniffing-tubes it
may safely be said, that while for cleanliness and eco
nomy they are far superior to fingers and thumbs, in a
philosophical point of view they are the oldest illustra
tions extant of elevating dry substances through pipes
by atmospheric pressure. The custom of embellishing
and carrying the whole apparatus as personal ornaments
may be excepted to, but in this matter fancy rules, and
more costly pendants are not always more useful. On
the back of the handle of A is an angular recess worked
out, probably for kindling fire by friction ; thus uniting
in these rose-wood jewels the tinder-box, snuff-box, and
snuff-mill. Lastly, for the snuff itself : if we may trust
a first-rate judge, there is no comparison between its
warm, odoriferous, and grateful flavour when made and
taken as just described, and the fetid poisonous stuff
manufactured even in the royal factory of Spainsaid



to be the best extant ; nay, we are assured if but half

the process of fabrication followed there were made
known, amateurs of the article would eschew it for ever.
Modern Indians are as warm admirers of snuff as
their ancestors. Their apparatus for making and
taking it is also similar to those described. I have
seen neat circular mills, varying from two to five inches
over ; with conical and pyramidal pestles or mullers,
one and a half and two and a half inches long. The
sniffing-pipes are more portable and compact than
those figured above. They seldom exceed eight inches
in length, and sometimes are not over four. They are
often composed of three bonesthe lower extremities
of the pair applied to the nostrils being united (by wax)
to a shorter and rather larger one ; precisely like one
suction-pipe serving two pumps.
The Eastern nations make use of a box of hard
wood or ebony of an oblong spherical form about the

size of a pear ; it has a narrow open

ing at the top, through which the
snuff is shook upon the hand ; as it
is moist, and may adhere to its sides,
an ivory stylus is used to stir it ; and
when the box is closed, it is done by
thrusting this down the centre of the
box, and screwing its head over the
aperture, as shown by the dotted lines
in the cut.
The Chinese use a similar kind of snuff-box, looking
like a smelling bottle, and to their stoppers is appended



a little spoon or shovel; after the fashion of those

adopted among ourselves for cayenne-pepper bottles.
With this they take out the pungent dust, and place it
upon the back of the left hand, which is closed ; and a
receptacle formed at the root of the forefinger and
thumb, from which it is drawn up the nose. This
plan is sometimes adopted by the Scotch.
A Moorish snuff-box from Mogador is here engraved ;
it is formed from a hollow bamboo, each
end being secured by a plug of cork,
capable of removal at the pleasure of the
snuff-taker. The surface of the reed
is decorated with incised lines cut with a
sharp tool ; and filled with red and blue
colour. It is a cheap, convenient, and
portable thing.
European boxes present an enormous
variety of design ; it is .not possible here
to name a tithe of them. The luxurious
boxes of gold and silver, patronised by the
rich, or the diamond-studded boxes which
Royalty presents as "memorials"to favoured statesmen,
are examples of what art and taste, united to wealth,
may do for so apparently simple a thing as a receptacle
for snuff. The plain wooden box of slight value,
which only accommodates the necessary wants of the
snuff-taker, may thus by a series of substitutes and
additions, the invention of goldsmith, jeweller, and
painter, become the most costly article a nobleman
can carry.



There has been a very pretty " social-box " manufac

tured, to roll round the table after dinner is concluded
at clubs, and social gatherings of a public nature. It
represents a Cupid guiding a closed barrow, whose lid

when opened displays a fair supply of snuff. Large

boxes of favourite snuffs are generally kept for such
gatherings, at the cost of the landlord of the house.
Boxes decorated with paintings were great favourites in
the days of Anne and George I. ; having pastoral scenes
as described in Arbuckle's Poem on Snuff, 1719:
" Here bends the milkmaid to the laden cows,
And there fat sheep in lusty pastures browse,
Fond cooing turtles through the meadows stray,
And nymphs and shepherds not less fond than they."

Very large sums have been expended in painting

such boxes; and artists of much eminence have
devoted their talent to the work. Many that emanate



from the ateliers of France and Holland, show more

ability than delicacy. Sometimes the French boxes
have been used politically; thus the Bonapartists during
the banishment of their chief to Elba, and while plot
ting his return, filled their boxes with violet-sc&nX&A
snuff, the violet being Napoleon's distinctive flower,
and when offering a pinch, would significantly inquire
" Do you love this perfume ? " Talleyrand argued that
snuff-taking was essential to all great politicians, as it
gave them time for thought in answering awkward
questions while pretending only to indulge in a pinch ;
or a proper management of the box, enabled them to
adapt themselves to many temporary necessities of
Boxes are often constructed of "relics," or woods
which are associated with some great name, such as
Shakespeare's mulberry-tree,-f- Nelson's ship, or Wel
lington's table. Of the first named so many were con
structed, particularly after Garrick's jubilee, that it
rivalled the wood of the " true cross" in quantity, which
has been calculated to be sufficient for the construc
* The author of the Pinch of Snuff, 1840, says : " Of the importance
of snuff-boxes as a means of keeping up friendly relations with foreign
powers, we need only quote, from the account of sums expended at the
coronation of George IV., the following entry :
' ' Messrs. Rundell and Bridge, for snuff-boxes to
foreign ministers
..... 8205



t The tree was cut down by the (Ir-)Reverend Francis Gastrell, to save
himself the trouble of showing it to strangers. He rented Shakespeare's
house (New Place) and grounds, and he ended by pulling the house down
in revenge for the taxation he paid during his absence from it.



tion of a Ship of War. We engrave one of these boxes,

constructed from the famous mulberry wood, soon after
the tree was cut down, and
before it was so greatly
prized. It was made by
William Sharpe of Stratfordon-Avon, who bought the
wood, and by oath testified
to the genuine character of
the works he made ; an oath he again registered on
his death-bed. His work is well-known by its rude
and peculiar character, and the introduction of the
mulberry as a decoration, as we see it on the lid of this
box, which has been constructed from a portion of the
root of the tree, one of its bosses being cut into a
medallion of Shakespeare.
Boxes of China, tortoise-shell, and horn are not
considered good for snuff by connoisseurs, as they allow
it to become dry too quickly. Horn is the material for
the Scottish mull ; but that is an entire horn, well
stopped by a cover, almost " plugged " in the opening,
and the climate of Scotland is colder and damper than
our own. Very neat wooden boxes covered externally
with a pattern of various-coloured Tartans and known
as " Lawrence-Kirk boxes " were in much favour some
few years since. They were remarkable for neatness,
cheapness, and the excellence of their joints, which
were also of wood. They were invented by one
James Sandy, a poor mechanic of Perthshire, who
had lost the use of his legs ; but whose long life



passed happily in the ingenious fabrication of these

Quaint forms are as common to snuff-boxes as to
tobacco-pipes. One favourite in the last century was
A Lady's Shoe (Fig. 1), carved in wood and inlaid
with threads of silver to imitate ornamental stitches.

Coffins were also hideously adapted to hold the fragrant

" dust." A coiled snake whose central folds form the
lid, was a box for a naturalist (Fig. 2) ; a book might
serve for a student, and a boat (Fig. 3) for a sailor. All
persons, and all states, may be " fitted " with a proper
receptacle for the pungent dust they love so well ; and
of which the rhymester last quoted sings :
' ' What strange and wondrous virtue must there be
And secret charm, O Snuff, concealed in thee !
That bounteous Nature and inventive Art,
Bedecking thee, thus all their powers exert ;
Their treasures and united skill bestow,
To set thine honours in majestic show !
But oh! what witchcraft of a stronger kind,
Or cause too deep for human search to find,
Makes earth-born weeds imperial man enslave,
Not little souls, but e'en the wise and brave ! "
* A very interesting notice of this man's habits of life is given in
Hone's Table Book, vol. ii.


TOBACCO requires a large amount of care through

out its growth, and an equal solicitude to insure its
safety from damage, when sent to a distance for the
use of the consumer. In the outset it is necessary to
secure the best land for its cultivation, and that land
is soon impoverished by the plant, if it has not the
adjunct of good manure. The seed is usually set in
beds of made soil, comprising the most unctuous
native earth, enriched with wood-ashes, and other
manures. March or early in April is the period chosen
for placing the seed in the beds, where the young
plants remain till May or June, carefully protected
against frosts ; when the leaves have grown to the size
of a dollar and four or five appear, they are then
transplanted into the tobacco-field, a day of warm rain
being chosen for the purpose. The field is hoed into
rectangular hollows, with small raised hillocks between
each. The young plants are then drawn from their
native bed, and brought in baskets to the field, one
being laid on the top of each mound of earth. The



planter then makes a hole in the centre of each

hillock with his fingers, and having adjusted the
tobacco-plant in its natural position, presses the earth
gently round the roots with the hand. The field
requires constant care to prevent growth of weeds ;
and the plant in its early stages is liable to injury
from the attacks of the horn-worm, or tobacco-worm ;
a caterpillar which, if left to grow, will increase to the
size of a man's finger, and commit great devastation in
the crops. It is furnished with a thorn-like protu
berance at its extremity, from which it obtains the
name of horn-worm,* and by which it is seized and
pulled from the plant ; the act of destroying these
worms is termed worming the tobacco. The next
operation is that of " topping " the plant, which hin
ders the leading stem from running up too quickly to
flower and seed, and so starving the leaves ; to prevent
this, the top is nipped off with the thumb nail, which
is considered to be better than any instrument that
could be adopted, because it partially closes the wound
and does not allow the plant to bleed.-)- The custom
is to " top " the plant to nine, seven, or five leaves,
according to the quality of the soil, and the strength
* It is ultimately transformed into a large brown moth, with variegated
wings, measuring about 4.5 inches from the extreme of each tip ; the body
having patches of dull red upon it. It is popularly termed the Tobaccohawk. It is the only insect that feeds upon the plant. No animal will
touch it.
t Tatham, in his Essay on the Culture of Tobacco, 1800, says, " many
of the Virginians let the thumb nail grow long and harden it in the
candle for this purpose ; not for the use of gouging out people's eyes, as
some have thought fit to insinuate. "



of the herb, the result insuring large well-grown

leaves ; upon the same principle adopted by the
growers of fine wines, who are usually careful to
restrain the fruit to a few bunches, and the vine to a
small plant. The next operation performed on the
tobacco-plant is equally important, and is done in a
few weeks after the ^preceding one.
It is termed
" suckering ; " and consists of removing the suckers
or shoots which now make their appearance at the junc
tion of the leaves and about the roots of the plants,
the result of that vigorous growth retarded by the top
ping process, and which, if allowed to continue, would
injure the proper development of the tobacco-leaves,
the great end the planter has in view ; he therefore
removes all these off-shoots with the thumb-nail as in
the previous process. The older planters of Virginia
were so particular in attending to all these duties, and
so anxious that the character widely established of
the quality of their tobacco should be preserved, that
they were enforced by law ; and as it was sometimes
the custom with planters to reset the suckers, and thus
grow a double crop on one field, such conduct was
disallowed ; for the reason that the crop was inferior,
and the more honest grower, who conscientiously
cleared his plants, and gave them abundance of room
to grow, was dishonestly competed with ; and the firstrate character of the Virginian crop prejudiced by the
action. The constables were therefore strictly en
joined ex officio, to make diligent search for such
crops, and to employ the posse commitattis in destroy



ing them. A law rigidly enforced, but seldom found

necessary. Consequently dealers were " safe " in trust
ing to the quality of genuine Virginian leaf*
During very rainy seasons, and in some kinds of
unfavourable soil, the plant is subject to a malady
called " firing." It is a kind of blight produced by
the moist state of the atmosphere, or of the ground
in which the plant grows ; it is also liable to the
opposite extreme of heat or drought. The injury is
much dreaded by the planter, as it spots the leaf with
a hard brown spot, which perishes, and produces holes
fatal to the value of the crop. The leaves as they
ripen, become rougher and thicker, assume a tint of
yellowish green, and are sometimes mottled with yel
lowish spots. The crop being ready for gathering,
the planter is careful to secure it before any autumnal
frosts occur ; for the plant is among the first to feel its
injurious influence. Judgment is also required in cut
ting the plants, and this operation is cohsigned to the
best and most judicious hands employed in the cul
ture. Each person so employed, being provided with
a strong sharp knife, proceeds along the respective
rows of plants, and selects only such plants as appear
fully ripe, leaving the rest a short time longer.
* " The valuations of an ordinary price current afford a good criterion
by which to judge of the quality of the different sorts of tobacco, as far, "
at least, as they are presented in our markets. I quote the highest
quality of each sort : Canada, /\d. per pound ; Kentucky, bd. ; Virginia,
"]d. ; Maryland, <)d. ; St. Domingo, 8d. ; Turkey, ()d. ; Columbian, iod.%
Cuba, is. bd.; Havannah, 3*. bd."Mr. Johnston, in The Journal of
the Statistical Society, vol. 16.



The stem of each plant is severed as near as pos

sible to the ground, and such plants "as have thick
stems are divided longitudinally, to admit the air
and dry them quicker. The plant is then laid gently
on the ground, so that the leaves be not damaged,
and is allowed to remain exposed to the rays of
the sun throughout the day, or until the leaves are
entirely " wilted," as it is termed ; that is, till they are
flaccid, and will bend any way without breaking.
The drying of the leaves is effected in houses where
free ventilation is secured. They are often simply con
structed of logs of timber, the edges of each one
resting at right angles on its neighbour, by which
means thorough draught is secured ; the spaces allow
ing the insertion of smaller poles, upon which the
plants are hung to dry. In about a month the leaves
will be thoroughly dried. Should the weather be wet,
as the plant is so easily affected by the humidity of
the atmosphere, artificial aid must be insured by
smouldering fires of bark and rotten wood, made on the
floor of the drying-house. Sometimes another process
precedes this, termed "sweating the tobacco," when
the leaves are laid in a heap on the barn-floor, and
allowed to partially ferment ; being turned every
twenty-four hours, so that they all fare alike. The
longer they thus lie, the darker the tobacco becomes.
They are then hung on the poles to be entirely
" cured."
The plant is said to be " in case," or proper condi
tion for packing and removal, when the leaves are dry



enough to bear handling, and have a certain elasticity,

which is tested by stretching them gently over the
ends of the fingers and knuckles, and they pull like
kid leather, glowing with a kind of moist gloss, not
dry enough to break, or damp enough to ferment.
They are now unhung from the poles, and the leaves,
stripped from the main stem, are gathered in small
bunches termed "hands." Each of these are tied
round at the base of the stalks with another leaf,
making a kind of bandage. They are now packed
upon each other in regular rows, to dry sufficiently to
be placed in the cask. It will thus be seen that, from
the first planting of the seed to the ultimate packing
of the dry plant for exportation, it is a constant
solicitude to the planter.
The hogshead to hold the tobacco is regulated by
standard to four feet six inches in height ; and will
hold 1000 pounds of tobacco,* which is compressed
into a very solid mass. The small bunches being
disposed in layers, close to each other across the
hogshead, with the points of the leaves one way ; the
next course or layer is reversed, with the points in an
alternate direction ; and the interstices are filled up
with smaller plants, so that a general even surface be
insured.f The hogshead being about one-fourth part
filled, the whole is subjected to a strong pressure
* This is by custom understood as the usual average. The legal re
quirement is 950 lbs.
t The leaves are sometimes flavoured by sprinkling them with diluted
rum and molasses ; this is the custom in Virginia ; in Brazil a decoction
is used of an infusion of tobacco leaves and gum copal.



until it is reduced to one half its bulk ; then another

similar layer is placed upon it, again squeezed, and
succeeded by as many as are required to fill the
The cask has now to be transmitted to the shipping
warehouse, and a rude mode of doing this fifty years
ago is described and pictured in Tatham's book on
Tobacco Culture ; and consisted in affixing a couple of
shafts of hickory-wood by a pin into each end of the
cask, so that the whole looked something like a garden roller. The cask was dragged along the country thus,
and was protected with an extra hooping of hickorywood, to prevent undue wear ; or by a series of blocks
like segments of a circle, fixed round the circumference
of the tobacco-hogshead by means of augur holes, and
wooden pins driven into the bulk of tobacco, through
the staves of the cask.
The export warehouses receive the planter's stock,
which is inspected by proper officers. The cask is
broken open, and the closely packed leaf is cleaved by
a wedge driven into its bulk by a huge hand-mall,
from this a few bundles are taken for examination ;
and should necessity arise, the operation is repeated in
other parts of the mass. If the leaf appears to be well
cured, and not of bad quality or grown from "suck
ers," they generally " pass " the tobacco on the spot,
and it may be sold ; but should the contrary be the
case, the whole hogshead is condemned and burnt.
If " passed " as good and marketable, it is replaced in
the cask, subjected to another pressure, and made



more secure by an extra amount of cooperage, for

rough usage in a sea-voyage, consisting of tray-shaped
heads to the barrels, and extra hoops and clamps.*
Only certain ports have the privilege of receiving
vessels laden with tobacco. The moorings of such
vessels are regulated by the officers of the customs,
who may come on board the vessel when within four
leagues of the coast, and demand the official record of
freightage. They then batten down the hatches ; in
which operation the crew must aid if required ; and
should they be improperly opened by any but the
government officers, a fine of 200 may be inflicted,
or the vessel and cargo forfeited, as well as the master
fined, if the tobacco be unladen before the custom
house officer authorises it.
We may now imagine the barrels or hogsheads
unshipped and ranged in the English dock-yard. The
tobacco warehouse at the London Docks is one of
those metropolitan sights which could only be seen
in a city of great commercial power. Sometimes
40,000 hogsheads may be seen ranged in long alleys
under the vast roof of this emporium, with passages
between each, only wide enough for necessary removal.
In the interview the tobacco-traders had with the
Chancellor of the Exchequer in November 1857, the
usual London stock was stated to be 40,000 hogs
heads ; but owing to bad crops, it had decreased to
* The pressure is so great, and the mass of leaf so impervious, that
instances are on record of tobacco washed from wrecked ships, the exterior
of the mass completely rotted, but the interior dry and sound.



26,000 during the three previous years. The tobacco

pays no duty while in these warehouses. It is "in
bond " as it is technically termed ; the officers giving
a receipt for it, cancelled when the duty is paid and
the salesman removes it. This bonded tobacco used
to cost the country 40,000 per annum in warehouseroom, for which a nominal rent only was charged ; but
in 1857 this was altered, by which a sum of about
^27,000 was saved to the revenue. Should any portion
of the tobacco be injured by bad packing or sea-water
getting to it, the mass is turned out of the hogshead,
and the damaged parts chopped away with huge blades
like scythes, but straight, affixed to strong handles.
They are wielded by both hands, and require a vigo
rous arm to use, such is the density of the mass.
The damaged part is burnt, and remainder weighed,
the proper amount of duty charged only on it. A
large kiln is prepared at the docks for the burning of
this tobacco ; its external appearance is that of a tall
cylindrical shaft, which is jocularly termed " Her
Majesty's tobacco-pipe."
Arrived at the manufacturer's, the tobacco-hogshead
is broken open, and by wedge and lever the solid mass
is split into a series of flat circular cakes, over which
water is sprinkled, to induce them to swell or separate,
that the bunches or " hands " may again assume some
thing of their original form. These masses were for
merly weighed in the presence of a government officer,
of the excise, and the amount required for present use
left in the manufactory ; the rest was locked in a



warehouse by the officer, and although the property of

the manufacturer, could not be touched by him till the
custom-house officer again weighed out another supply.
Now a return is made of the manufactured quan
tity kept on sale, so that it may be seen how that
tallies with the quantity of leaf delivered from the
docks ; the old restrictive policy was occasionally inju
rious to the manufacturer, whose work sometimes
stood still for want of access to the leaf-tobacco in his
own warehouse.
The tobacco " hands " are now " weighed out " in
certain quantities to women employed in the ware
house, termed " strippers ; " it is their business to
" strip " from the centre of each leaf the main stalk,
which is never retained in the tobacco used by the
smoker, except in one instancethe manufacture of
" bird's eye ; "when the stalk is cut up in the leaf,
which is carefully laid at right angles with the knife,
the section made through it produces the thin circular
slices appended to the long fibres of the leaf ; this
name has been given to the tobacco from a fancied
resemblance to the eye of a bird ; for the same reason
it has been also appropriated to spotted woods, pockethandkerchiefs, and cotton gowns !
The "stripper" performs her duties by folding the
tobacco-leaf, and with a thick-backed knife (an old
razor being usually preferred) cutting under both sides
of the thick end of the stalk ; retaining the hold thus
given, securing the two sides of the leaf in the left
hand, and so rapidly drawing out the large central



stalk, without disturbing the minor branches which

cross the leaf, or tearing the leaf in any degree ; a
facility of hand only to be obtained by practice, for a
leaf would be torn to shreds by a person unused to the
trade, while practised strippers can take the stalk out
of a hundred weight of tobacco, in a wondrously short
time, with a certainty and absence of all risk to the
leaf. Some leaf is packed in the plantation with the
stalk already extracted, and is termed " strip-leaf " by
the English manufacturer. It is so packed when the
grower has any reason to fear that the juices in the
stalk might endanger the safety of the cargo, by
producing mildew or spots, just as mischievous as the
" firing " already alluded to in the growing crop. The
technical name given to tobacco with the stalk in it is
" hand-work."
The tobacco-leaf is now ready to be manufactured
for the smoker, and cut into shreds for his pipe. The
first thing done toward this is the placing of the leaf
in a trough, and wetting it thoroughly with water ; to
which sometimes a little salt is added, and sometimes
treacle ; neither being strictly considered necessary or
allowable in first-rate manufactories, and are usually
adopted to disguise the bad flavour of common or
damaged leaves. The tobacco is generally subjected
to this process, or " liquoring " as it is termed by the
workman, over night as he leaves his work ; and is
allowed to remain soaking all night, because as the
water is only sprinkled over each layer of dry leaf, it
takes a considerable time to spread and soak, giving



the leaf again the elasticity it had, when declared to

be " in case " by the grower.
The lighter kinds of tobacco, such as Returns,
Orinoco, etc., are very sparingly wetted ; only just
sprinkled, and not allowed to soak. They are just
sufficiently damp to squeeze into form in the box ;
and, owing to their dryness, are less easily cut than
damper tobaccos, which owe their dark colour princi
pally to " liquoring ; " and to increase this, the manu
facturer saves the stained water which drains from the
leaves, to wet the tobacco with, over and over again ;
nothing is " wasted " in a tobacco manufactory, as our
snuff-making notes will show.
These leaves, or rather the half-leaves, having soaked
sufficiently, are now lifted in masses by both arms
toward the breast of the workman, and so thrown
dexterously forward, that they fall on the floor in
regular layers ; a process, like many others used by
manufacturers, most difficult to teach, or to be done
by the uninitiated, but effected with ease and rapidity
by the practised hand. The layers are then placed in
shallow wooden boxes, measuring about fourteen inches
each way and two inches deep, and are piled in them
to the height of six inches ; each tray is then placed in
a press, and others similarly filled are placed over them,
until the press is filled ; the whole are then squeezed
till they are reduced to one-third their bulk, or till the
boxes touch each other ; and the six inch depth of the
tobacco leaf has been compressed into a solid cake of
two inches in thickness. Here it remains several



hours, and is ultimately taken out and placed in the

The cutting-machine is a comparatively modern
invention, looked upon as a degeneracy by the men
of the last century, who cut up their tobacco roughly
for their own use, from cakes or carottes as the taste
might lead. The oldest form of cutting instrument
used by manufacturers, was like the chopping-machine
of the sausage-maker ; and was called a "jigger" by
the workman, probably from the jerking motion they
were obliged to use, in bringing the knife and handle
upon, and through, the tobacco-cake. It was very hard
work for the men, and demanded all that waste of
muscular energy, so lavishly bestowed without reason
in the old workshops, on processes now receiving very
little. At the commencement of the present century,
a "hand-engine" was used, with a fly-wheel and winch
handle, which by comparatively easy turning lifted a
knife to cut the tobacco-cake, which was pushed
forward at the same time for another cut as the wheel
revolved. It will be best understood by our cut. The
cutting-knife a is lifted at one side by the action of a
crank connected with the wheel turned by the work
man ; a circular bar affixed to the other end of the
knife passes to the back of the machine, and by its
motion lifts with every cut, by a pinion at b, the wheel
c, prevented by another pinion at d, from a retrograde
movement ; this wheel acts on a screw, and propels the
cake of tobacco sufficiently forward to cut a fresh
slice through the mass ; the cake having been placed



in a frame, held fast between grooves at e e, and which

when the screws upon it are removed, allows the mass
of cut tobacco to be drawn out in the trough f. The

width of the fibres thus made occasionally differs :

" shag " tobacco is cut the finest ; " broad-cut," as its
name implies, is nearly an eighth of an inch in width.
The cutting is regulated by changing the cog-wheel,
and the two sorts are technically known as "short cut"
and " long cut," the first being originally adopted for
smokers, the second for chewers.
Sometimes horses are employed in turning the
cutting wheels ; and in large warehouses tobacco is
now cut by steam power.
The mass of cut tobacco when removed from the
machine, is next placed in a brass drying-pan over a
slow fire, and so kept till the damp evaporates in thick
white steam. This is a final process which has to be
conducted with much judgment; for a sufficient amount
of damp must be retained to preserve its moisture in
the salesman's cask. When the tobacco is dried to
this point, which is decided by "the feel" of the
heated mass to the workman's fingers, it is taken from



the pan, spread out to cool, and ultimately sent in

casks to the shop-keeper.
We have noted some of the older processes of the
tobacco warehouse, in the incidental mention of the
carotte and spun tobaccos. Carotte was formed by
enswathing a number of leaves, when cured, on each
other, after the ribs had been taken out, and rolling
them round with packthread, till they became cemented
together. These rolls commonly measured about
eighteen or twenty inches in length, and nine round
the middle part. Two modes of tying the tobacco was
in use in the middle of the last century, and are repre
sented in our engraving ; one termed in the French
market " filer a la Francoise," and the other " filer a la
Hollandoise," the latter being the one most generally
adopted ; it consisted in enclosing the roll of leaf in a
thread which was twisted and knotted at each turn ;
the former mode only wound the thread round the
mass. A holder with a quantity of thread upon it
was used by the workman ; it had a pointed head to
pass under the thread, and assist him in knotting it.
When the mass was thus secured, some large leaves
were used to cover the whole. The operation required
great nicety and exactitude, and could only be success
fully done after long practice.
Our engraving exhibits the mode of tying the carotte
in the French style at A. The Dutch style is shown at
B, with the workman's implement at c, and the mode
by which the knot was secured. It is copied from an
engraving dated 1768. These carottes were sometimes



steeped in new rum or sugar, to give richness to the

flavour of the leaf, and were in much favour with
sailors for chewing.

The process of forming roll tobacco is exhibited in

our cut on p. 129. Tobacco is thus made up into rolls,
as well by the inhabitants of the interior parts of
America as ourselves, by means of a machine called a
tobacco-wheel. With this machine they spin the leaves,
after they are cured, into a twist of any size they
think fit, and having folded it into rolls of about twenty
pounds each, it is put into a press for some days, and
then laid by for use! In this state it will keep for
several years, and be continually improving, as it
always grows milder. Smaller rolls of this tobacco,
called "negro head," weighing six or eight pounds
each, are also manufactured for the market; and a still
smaller package of thinner twist, termed " pig-tail," is
frequently imported.
Kanaster is a favourite tobacco in Holland. It takes
its name from the rush baskets in which it was
originally packed ; it then consisted of selected leaves
from the finest plants, in accordance with old Indian
custom (see p. 23) ; it is now a coarsely-cut tobacco of



a dry kind, made from the best Havannah leaf, and

packed in cases. The uncut tobacco known as Caven
dish is entirely formed of fine leaf, pressed closely in
small cakes; and cut up as wanted for the pipe, a small
hand-knife fastened to a lever being used by the
smoker ; or a strong knife and wooden trencher,
according to the old form (see cut p. 57). This kind
of tobacco is much valued by connoisseurs, who find in
it the purest flavour and full sweetness of the leaf,
which is apt to be injured by the wettings and pressings
it undergoes in the European warehouses before it is
subjected to the cutting-machine. The process of dry
ing and the thinness of the shreds into which it is cut,
gives still further chance of continuous loss of flavour.
Old tobacco-takers used always to " lament the weak
ness of these latter times," which insisted on fine
cutting ; they delighted in the coarser-cut fullerflavoured tobaccos of their youthful days.
Cigar-making is practised by workmen who are quite
distinct from the tobacco manufacturer. The two
trades are never combined in the same individual.
Thirty years ago, when cigars were looked on as
luxuries, and only sparingly smoked, it was the
custom in the tobacco trade to engage the cigar maker
for a few days' work now and then, according as the
stock was sold. The chief workman would arrange
with the tobacco manufacturer, and bring with him
his staff of workmen, who were under his sole con
trol ; he contracting for the value of the conjoined
labour of all, and carrying them about from warehouse



to warehouse. They all earned more than the tobaccocutters, and were looked upon as the artists of the
trade. They had the privilege of picking the finest
leaf from the hogshead for their use ; and the first
process with them was to strip the central stalk away;
a process usually effected by boys. The cigar maker
received the leaf on his bench in small quantities, and
spread each half leaf on a square block of wood before
him, cutting it into gore-shaped pieces, which were
used to roll round the central tobacco, consisting of a
gathering of the smaller pieces cut off, and the leaves
which were torn, or with holes; and which, though
equally good, will not do for coverings. The proper
size of each cigar is then tested in a gauge ; trimmed
to its proper length ; and finally rolled in a strip of
leaf, which spirally envelopes it, and is twisted at one
end to secure it. This end is the first thing cut off by
the smoker when the cigar is put between his lips.
In our previous chapter we have noted the great
increase of the cigar trade, the large variety of cigars
manufactured, and their names and qualities. The
rate of duty on foreign cigars is very high, and
amounts to a restriction of the article to the humbler
classes. Nine shillings per pound duty thus imposed
on tobacco leaf requiring so small a cost in manu
facture (much less than is bestowed on cut tobaccos,
the leaf itself being worth about seven-pence a pound),
has the effect of restraining choice foreign cigars to
the morocco cases of the wealthy. But as this has
little to do with the quality of the leaf, and imposes a



completely fictitious value on the cigar ; very good

ones may be manufactured of the same leaf, at home,
for one half the money. The buyer of foreign cigars
consoles himself for his heavy tax, by a belief that
the best leaves of the crop have been selected at the
planters', before the shipment of any elsewhere.
In both these processes we have noted the rejection
of the leaf-stalk (except in the manufacture of bird's
eye) ; these stalks are laid in a chaff-cutting machine,
and cut into short pieces, which are then packed in
bags and sent to the snuff-mills, to be dried and ground
to powder. Almost all the snuff ground for the Lon
don traders is done at the mills at Mitcham, in Surrey.
The Scotch snuff is the purest ; being made from the
powder of the stalk, its light colour is owing to its never
being sodden in water, or subject to " liquoring," or
It is pure tobacco in its simplest form.
Next to this comes Irish high-dried, and Welsh snuff.
Other snuffs are darkened by mixtures and scents; and
have a large variety of names, as already noted and
partially explained in our previous chapter. " Prince's
mixture " is generally considered in the trade to allow
of most unfair mixing ; all portions of damaged tobacco,
the sweepings of the tobacco warehouse, etc., are in
corporated in this. It is impossible to hinder small
fragments of tobacco from falling on the floor of the
manufactory ; and the workmen's feet are always care
fully scraped into a box, which afterwards helps to fill
the more elegant box of the snuff-taker. The " smalls,"
or fragments which fall to the bottom of tubs or canis



ters used in the tobacco shop, add their quota to the

mass.* When the whole is placed in the " snuff bin,"
it is well wetted, and allowed partially to ferment ; as
it heats it is turned with a shovel, and the mass ulti
mately assumes that dark colour valued in rappee ;
the blacker kind of that snuff being subjected to a
longer residence in the bin. Agreeable and delicate
as scents may be, they are generally eschewed by all
who admire tobacco for its own sake. Some of the
old snuff-takers, who were sticklers for pure Scotch,
did not object to place a Tonquin-bean in their snuff,
which gave out a slight aroma like the scent of new
hay ; a power the bean retained for years ; but even
this was objected to by many snuff-takers, who held
that this, as well as all other scenting, was injurious,
and tended to produce headaches.
We have already reverted to the simple old process
of rasping the tobacco rolls to form a rough snuff, and
how these coarse " brans " were afterwards pounded in
mortars with a pestle of peculiar form. Snuff thus
made by hand-labour was not supplied equal to the
demand, it was also too expensive, and snuff-mills
* Soyer, in his Shilling Cookery for the People, has an awful story
about snuff adulterations. He says : " In many parts, and even in
Ireland during the year of the famine, those who were starving would
not partake of ox-liver. These are bought up in that country, put into
casks with salt, sent over to a seaport in England ; they are then sub
jected to a cold pressure by which the liquid is extracted, which is used
for adulterating an article in universal use ; the remains are then dried
in ovens, pounded, and sent back to Ireland to be made into snuff."
The wood of old coffins, broken up by dishonest sextons, was also
popularly believed to have been ground down for snuff. But we believe
all these tales " weak inventions of the enemy " to snuffing !



turned by horses were invented. One of the earliest of

these mills is here represented ; it is copied from the
shop-bill of Abraham Delvalle of St. Mary Axe, Lon

don, from whence we have also copied the pounding

process on p. 251. The horse in the foreground con
tinually encircles the mill, and it is usual to cover his
eyes while doing so. His labour gives motion to two
heavy grindstones, which passing over so small a sur
face, turn the snuff in every way and ultimately reduce
it to a fine powder. It is stirred by a man from time
to time, towards the centre. A crank is connected
with another grinding-mill for finer snuffs, where a
series of small pestles (precisely similar to those used
by the hand labourer in the cut on p. 251) are in use ;
by their peculiar form the snuff is stirred up from the
bottom, and ground by the globular muller, over and
over again, until it is properly triturated. The most
modern form of the snuff-mill retains this old feature
of the original manufacture, which will be best under



stood by our cut of a section of the receptacle for the

snuff, with the muller or grinder ready for use.
The excise regulations were formerly
as stringent on the snuff as on the
tobacco manufacturer. He was obliged
to place his snuffs in a storeroom
which was locked up by the excise
officer, nor could he dare to touch his
snuff until such time as the officer came
to open the store, and give him out his
own property.
Such are the modes by which tobacco is prepared
for the luxurious use of the modern civilised world.
Its medical uses are few, although, as we have seen,
they were originally its chief recommendation. Of
its curative virtues we have already given vouchers
from the older books of the faculty. At the commence
ment of the present century, the Perth Encyclopedia
tells us, tobacco was sometimes used externally in un
guents for destroying cutaneous insects, cleansing old
ulcers, etc. Beaten into a mash with vinegar, it has
sometimes proved serviceable for removing hard
tumours of the hypochondres. Dr. Page, in the 1 8th
vol. of the Edinburgh Medical Journal, tells of the cure
of an inflammation of the substance of the lungs, which
had proved obstinate, in spite of the abstraction of
ninety-five pounds of blood, and the application of
vesicatories ; and which was effected by the injection
into the rectum of an infusion of a drachm of the leaf
to twelve ounces of water.



According to Merat, the Swiss and Dutch were in the

habit of injecting the smoke, in this way, to persons
asphyxiated by submersion. Clysters of tobacco water
were frequently used in the last century in cases of obsti
nate constipation. For catarrh and bronchitis it was
also recommended, and then mixed with brandy; Neander applauds its use in this way as a most effective
emetic, which we do not for an instant doubt. Tobacco
wine was thus made :Leaves of tobacco I oz. ;
Spanish white wine I lb. Macerate for seven days, and
strain through paper. Under this form tobacco has
been used as a diuretic in dropsy. Dose 30 drops,
gradually increased to 60 or 80, twice a day. The
London Medical Gazette vol. ii. records several cases
of epidemic scarlatina, which was very prevalent in
some parts of Germany a few years ago, being entirely
cured by the doctors' administration of powdered
tobacco ; in doses of a quarter of a grain to two grains a
day, according to the age of the patient ; and which
saved fifty patients a week, when belladonna, prussic
acid, and other remedies, had been tried in vain. Sir
Astley Cooper has declared it to be the most powerful
and successful agent we possess to reduce hernia J, but
it will not be necessary or agreeable in a non-medical
book to recapitulate all its uses ; we will therefore
conclude in the words of Dr. Cleland: "In the treatment
of lapsus uvulae, ranula, polypus nasi, carbuncle,
pernio, sciatica, urinary calculus, hemicrania, mammary
engorgment, worms, ileus, surditas, and a multitude of
other diseases ; tobacco has, like every other remedy,



been repeatedly capriciously employed ; but space for

bids any further enumeration, nor indeed would any
profit result at all commensurate with the time which
must have been spent in the investigation."
Let us now consider the rise and growth of that vast
commerce in the plant, with which the world has
heavily, but willingly, taxed itself, from the days of
Elizabeth to those of Victoria. The revenue brought
to our present Sovereign Lady, from this source alone,
is greater than that Queen Elizabeth received from the
entire customs of the country. The narrow view of
commercial policy held by her successors, the Stuarts,
induced them to hamper the colonists of America
with restrictions ; because they were alarmed lest the
ground should be entirely devoted to tobacco, and no
corn grown, as the latter was much less profitable
than the former. In p. 105 we have given Sir Edwin
Sandys' view of the dangerous state of the English reve
nue in 1620, in consequence of the dealing with Spain
for tobacco. Nineteen years after this, the Virginians
agreed to restrict the growth of their tobaccos, and limit
the produce of the district in 1639, to 1,500,000 lbs.,
and to 1,200,000 lbs. in the two years next ensuing.
This was agreed to at an assembly with the Governor,
Sir Francis Wiatt, and the principal men of the
country ; and it was done that the market should not
be overstocked by an inferior article, grown anywhere,
and anyhow, to meet the demand ; and which they
feared would affect the high character which Vir
ginian leaf held. Imposts and taxes were imposed on



New England tobaccos by Charles II. ; they were

restricted in 1766 to two shillings per hogshead. Just
before the American War, Virginia exported about
55,000 hogsheads of tobacco, each hogshead .weighing
1000 lbs. In 1758, the number increased to 70,000
hogsheads, which was the greatest quantity of tobacco
ever produced in that country in one year. Some
accounts of the exports of Virginia and Maryland at
this period give 80,000 hogsheads as their usual yearly
gathering, the freight of this, at thirty shillings per
hogshead, amounting to ;i 20,000. From 58,000 to
60,000 hogsheads was the usual quantity of tobacco
obtained from this source alone till 1790.
The consumption in England during the foregoing
periods is said to have advanced to 41,170 hogsheads.
According to the account and balance of imports and
exports, between Great Britain and the American
colonies, laid before Parliament, for eleven years pre
ceding 1 774, the advantage annually advanced to about
1,500,000 sterling. The yearly amount of the pay
ment into the Exchequer, according to the account of
the duties upon tobacco from 1770 to 1774, was
.219,117 sterling. One half of this tobacco was im
ported to Scotland, and four-fifths of that half was
exported to France, Holland, Germany, and other
In 1775 the duties on tobacco arose to 298,002
sterling. The duties were at this time so excessively
high, that in the same year 131 hogsheads of tobacco,
exported on account of a merchant in Charleston,



for Bristol in England, produced to the proprietor but

1307 4s. \\d. sterling. The excise, with the net
proceeds, amounted to 4912 8s. d^d*
The following table gives the entire amount of
tobacco exported from the United States of America,
from October 1, 1 791, to September 30, 1792, showing
the average of each State :

New Hampshire
Massachusetts ...
Rhode Island
New York ...
New Jersey
North Carolina
South Carolina



110,525 and 1,221


1,600 and 1,952




and 3,203

and 28,992
and 61,203
and 5,290
and 5,471



A statement of a similar kind made out for the year

ending September 30, 1798, shows the amount of
manufactured pounds to have been 142,268, and of
hogsheads 68,567.
On p. 132 we have stated the nature of "draw
backs" allowed to the tobacco-merchant ; and its effect
on the revenues of a country obtained by the custom
house. The following statement exhibiting the amount
of drawbacks allowed on dutiable tobacco exported
* White's Essay on the Culture and Commerce of Tobacco, 1800.



from the United States in three years, will make it

clearer :
dols. cents.


898 26
1890 16

dols. cents.



The increase of the tobacco-trade in France has

been thus narrated by Mr. Steinmetz, in his agreeable
little volume on Tobacco : " No law was passed against
tobacco ; but a duty was imposed upon it, extremely
small at first, and this lasted to the year 1673 ; but in
1674 the habit of snuffing and smoking becoming more
and more popular, the government of Louis XIV.
increased the duty, and converted the cultivation into
a monopoly. This was conceded to a speculator for
six years, in consideration of the payment of 700,000
francs, in three instalments ; the enormous sum of
more than 29,000 sterling. In 1720 the considera
tion for the monopoly was more than doubled ; in
1 77 1 it was nearly quadrupled, amounting to about
1,100,006 per annum. As the consumption of tobacco
continued to increase, the government took upon
itself the entire monopoly, under the name of Rigie ;
and some idea may be formed of the enormous increase
in the consumption of tobacco, when it is stated that
in 1844 the revenue rose to the sum of 102,000,000
francs ; more than 4,000,000 sterling ; since which
date it has been constantly and steadily increasing, at
the average rate of from 2,000,000 to 5,ooo,ooo francs
per annum. It is very probable that the revenue for



the year 1856 exceeded that of England, which is set

down at ^5,220,388."
A good idea of the number of cigars smoked in a
cigar-smoking country may be obtained from the
returns published by the Austrian Government. They
are there an Imperial monopoly ; the consumption is
about a thousand millions yearly ; of this number
Vienna alone consumes fifty-two millions. During
the last ten years the use of cigars has increased
one hundred per cent., and that of tobacco for pipes
proportionably diminished. In Hamburgh, where
the population is only one-third of that of Vienna,
the yearly consumption of cigars is estimated at
14,600,000. Rome has the fewest tobacco-shops of
any large capital.
In the Journal of the Statistical Society vol. xvi. is
given the following table of the increased consumption
of tobacco in England, in a series of ten years :



per lb.
4s. od.
3 o *
3 o *


per head,
II 71

The advantage of a customs duty over government

monopoly and home production under licence, is made
plain enough by comparing our own tobacco revenue
with that of France, with seven millions more inhabi
tants, and more general consumers. In 1849 the
* With an additional 5 per cent, on duty.



tobacco revenue of France was only 4,285,000 ; but

if equally productive with ours, it ought to have been
5,572,300; so that France loses by its grasping, and
by its trimming with rustic proprietors, above a million
and a quarter a year ! In England it amounted in
customs, in the same year, exclusive of excise, to
4,425,040, or close on four and a half millions. This
exceeded the sugar duties by 575,350, and was larger
than the customs on any one article, tea exceptedas
great a fiscal, and indeed social curiosity as itself ; for
this last amounted to 5,471,422, being 200,000
above the excise on malt, long the prime prop of the
British Treasury.
But our British duty sins most wofully by excess,and
has perseveringly done so now for thirty long years.
The duties are, on leaf or unmanufactured tobacco,
3j. if*/., on snuff 6s. 3%d., and on cigars, or any manu
factured article other than snuff 9J. 5<f. per lb. The
average price of leaf tobacco may be fairly taken at $d.
per lb. ; so that we have here a duty on the cost value of
758, which, after deducting a handsome sum for a legi
timate tax, leaves a very broad margin for smuggling
and adulteration, both of them so extensively practised
that some have estimated the amount to equal one-third
part of the legal consumption. Of course, on a mere
luxury the tax may fairly be made as high as is com
patible with security from smuggling and adulteration ;
but anything beyond this point is a premium to the
smuggler and adulterator, an injury to the fair trader,
and a loss to the Exchequer.Examiner, Jan. 17, 1852.



What the result of these frauds are, may be gathered

from the fact, that tobacco has been sent carriage
free, from manufacturers in the north of England to
the south, at prices, clear of duty, twenty per cent,
under those at which the genuine article could be sold
by the London manufacturers, with all their advan
tages of capital, connection, and experience.
In 1853 the consumption of tobacco in Great Britain
amounted to 24,940,555 lbs. or 19 ounces per head
to the entire population. In Ireland it amounted to
4,624,141 lbs., giving the rate of 12 ounces per head
to each inhabitant. The duty on tobacco and snuff
amounted in the year 1858 to 5,272,471. Upwards
of 8,000,000 are annually spent on both.
The writer in the Journal quoted p. 323 reckons that
if the population of the Earth be taken at a thousand
millions, and the consumption reckoned as equal to
that of the kingdom of Denmark, or seventy ounces
per head, the produce of the whole world will amount
to near two millions of tons (1,953,125) ayear. Seventy
ounces a head, of course, far exceeds the average
consumption of Europe, in most of the countries of
which tobacco is heavily taxed. It is certain, however,
on the other hand, that it falls far short of the con
sumption of Asia, containing the majority of mankind,
where women and children smoke as well as men,
and where the article moreover is untaxed. Nearly
half the British tonnage which " entered inward " or
" cleared outward " last year, would be required to
convey the quantity of this American weed, of which the
y 3



value, at two-pence per pound, will amount to nearly

thirty six and a half millions sterling (36,462,500).
From these different statements a tolerably approxi
mate calculation may be obtained of the progress
of the tobacco trade, from the earliest introduction of
the plant into Europe. It is certainly one of the most
curious that commerce presents. That a plant originally
smoked by a few savages, should succeed, in spite of
the most stringent opposition in Church and state, to
be the cherished luxury of the whole civilised world ;
to increase with the increase of time, and to end in
causing so vast a trade and so large an outlay of
money ; is a statistical fact, without an equal parallel.
In the course of this little volume it has been
attempted to give such a general history of the custom
of tobacco-taking, in all its forms, as would interest
ordinary readers ; divesting it of the character of a
mere dry history ; adding as much discursive infor
mation as the subject would allow, and incidentally
displaying the opinions pro and con pronounced upon
a habit, second only in its universality to that of
taking salt. Many from its first introduction have
condemned it, many have as strongly extolled it ;
many still condemn, but more than many laud and
patronise it. The historian and the chronicler have
to act impartially ; and to do this, as far as possible
they should be free from prejudice. The author has
studied this subject without having acquired a taste for
the use of tobacco. Had he been a smoker, he might
have written with greater enthusiasm, as a fisherman



would of fishing, or a huntsman of hunting. But he

might also have felt that his judgment, thus biassed,
scarcely allowed him to speak as an impartial advocate;
anxious to allow to his fellow-man an innocent indul
gence, in a proper spirit of fairness, and not permit
prejudice to become persecution. He might thus, like
Chapman's " Monsieur d'Olive " have become
" Angry to hear this generous tobacco,
The gentleman's saint and the soldier's idol,
So ignorantly polluted. "

Free from the prejudice that might be imputed to

him had he held the pipe as well as the pen, he has
been able from long observation which he has never
ceased to make, to form a judgment upon certain
facts which have accumulated over many years, and
that judgment he thinks if right he should not with
hold from the reader.
It has been, and is constantly alleged, that smoking
leads to drinking. It certainly never induced our
Saxon ancestors to drink ; and they were notorious
drunkards. The English, as a nation, were hard
drinkers long before the fumes of tobacco crossed
their wine and beer cups. They are probably less
given to drink at the present day than at any period
of their history, and while tobacco-smoking is on the
increase. The Turks and the French smoke much,
and both are essentially sober nations.*
* On the subject of this useful influence of tobacco-smoking in the
East, see the testimony given by Lane, p. 158 of this volume.



But let us come to individuals of our own country,

to those whom we have had opportunities of knowing,
and give the result of our own practical observation.
As a rule, we can pronounce that all great smokers are
temperate men, and most of them extremely so, very
many being water-drinkers, and particularly when
smoking, as the use of wine and liquors destroys the
palate for the appreciation of fine tobaccos. On the
other hand, very many who do not smoke, and who
are the most vociferous in condemning smoking, are
habitual and daily drinkers of wine, -beer, and spirits.
Few drunkards smoke, at least, to any extent. If
they smoke at all, it will be found that the love of
drinking led to the use of tobacco, and not, as is
often asserted, that they were induced to drink from
smoking. Many may think these remarks too bold
and trenchant ; but let our readers look carefully
around them, in their respective circles, and they will
not fail to find their experience confirm our own.
They may find some questionable exceptions to the
rule ; they may find, here and there, a sot who drinks
and smokes ; but take away from him his tobacco, he
would be a sot still.
We remember on one occasion listening to the
tirade of a tobacco-hater, who was denouncing in the
usual unmeasured style all who indulged in the weed,
and who imputed drunkenness and a whole train of
vices to the practice. His eye was at last directed
to a young lady present, down whose cheeks tears
were falling ; and a surprised inquiry, " What is the



matter ? " stopped the further display of his rhetoric.

" You insult my father and brothers, and then ask
what is the matter ! " indignantly replied the lady.
Her relatives had distinguished themselves in the
army and navy, had risen by their own merit, and were
most exemplary in every act of their lives, men whose
honourable public career was most probably owing to
that moral discipline, in which they trained them
selves by constant attention to their home-duties. The
loud and sweeping generalisations of reproach are, in
nearly every instance when individually tested, found
to be unjust. Many great smokers we have found to
be men of particularly energetic minds,* and capable
of doing much mental and physical work ; and they
declare that smoking, with water and coffee, or with
out either, enables them to sustain an extra exertion
of mind and body, when the effect of wine, beer, and
spirits would weaken or wholly incapacitate them. As
for longevity, whether it may be attributed to general
temperate habits, or to smoking, or to both, it is not
for us to say ; but we could enter into a long list of
smokers remarkable for retaining to extreme old age,
brightness of intellect and strength of limb.-f- Some
member of the Statistical Society may probably be
induced to follow up this not unimportant branch of
* Instances may be found in pp. 146, 149.
t We may refer to p. 147 for the names of several. In p. 10 is a more
familiar instance falling under the author's experience ; to which he may
here add the late Canon Bennett of Canterbury, a very great smoker, who,
when nearly 80, walked from thence to London as a joke, and when past
80, went into Wales fishing.



the subject ; our chief aim has been to simply throw a

light on tobacco-smoking

There can be little doubt that smoking, even more

than angling, deserves to be termed " the contem
plative man's recreation." Most thoughtful men have
been smokers, nor have their excogitations over the
pipe been void of sound sense and morality.* In the
Pen and Pencil Sketches, recently published by the
son of Thomas Hood, the " bowl that cheers, but not
inebriates," is amusingly pointed at as the bowl of
the pipe :
Our shout for instance is alike,
I do not cry " Iacche."
But with a pleasure infinite,
I'll join in " Io Baccy."
The god hath bowls of gems and gold
(Some plated thougha clear sham),
And so have I !but then they're made
Of china, clay, or meerschaum !
He " fills the bowl " with Claret, Hock,
Champagne, or Mancanilla I
And so do I ! but with Returns,
Bird's-eye, or Latakia !

Snuff has received a large share of clerical patron

age, yet it may fairly be questioned whether it may
not have a more direct influence on the human system
* Witness the little poems in pp. 102 and 126.



than smoking has. The Continental clergy are much

addicted to the practice, and the elders of the Church
of Scotland, as well as many literary students, will be
ready to exclaim with Arbuckle in his Poem already
quoted, p. 292 :
" Blest be his shade, may laurels ever bloom,
And breathing sweets exhale around his tomb,
Whose penetrating nostril taught mankind
First, how by snuff to rouse the sleeping mind. "

We must not shut our eyes to the fact, that both

practices have been denounced by " the faculty " and
others, in no measured terms ; but we must also not
forget to observe, how tobacco has been blamed for the
production of ills impossible to be produced by its
means. If such imputations were not in print to be
referred to, the existence of such absurdities might
fairly be disbelieved.
A philosophic and charitable view of the minor
indulgences of life would lead us to look with no
frowning eye on the simple pleasures of the poor ; and
tobacco has been called " the anodyne of poverty." He
would be harsh indeed who would deprive the poor
man of the hard-earned solace his pipe presents; the
small recompense awarded a long life of toil. There
must be some charm which he in his narrow philo
sophy cannot comprehend ; which can recompense in
the pipe the toil and privation endured by the labourer,
the discomfort of the sailor on a stormy deck, or the
soldier in the trenches. As a comfort to the poor, as
a luxury to the rich, tobacco unites all classes in a



common pleasure ; and there is much deep philoso

phy as well as sound sense in the emblematic design
by the German artist Rethel, with which we close our
page ; and in which the hand of Death holds up the
balance, and enforces the lesson that the pleasures of
the king's crown, and the poor man's pipe, are equal.


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rous Steel Engravings by Thos. Landseer, mostly Coloured. Imperial 8vo,
cloth extra, 18s.

CYCLOPAEDIA OP COSTUME ; or, A Dictionary of DressRegal,
Ecclesiastical, Civil, and Militaryfrom the Earliest Period in England to the
reign of George the Third. Including Notices of Contemporaneous Fashions on
the Continent, and preceded by a General History of the Costumes of the Princi
pal Countries of Europe. By J. R. Planche, Somerset Herald. To be Com
pleted in Twenty-four Parts, quarto, at Five Shillings each, profusely illustrated
by Coloured and Plain Plates and Wood Engravings. A Prospectus will be
sent upon application.
[In course of publication.
"There is no subject connected with dress with which ' Somerset Herald' is not
as familiar as ordinary men are with the ordinary themes of everyday life. The
gathered knowledge of many years is placed before the world in this his latest
work, and when finished, there will exist no work on the subject half so valuable.
The numerous illustrations are all effectivefor their accuracy the author is respon
sible ; they are well drawn and well engraved, and, while indispensable to a proper
comprehension of the text, are satisfactory as works of art."Art Journal*
'* These, the first numbers of a Cyclopaedia of Ancient and Modern Costume, give
promise that the work, when complete, will be one of the most perfect works ever
published upon the subject. The illustrations are numerous and excellent, and
would, even without the letterpress, render the work an invaluable book of reference
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"Destined, we anticipate, to be the standard English work on dress.*'Builder.
" Promises to be a very complete work on a subject of the greatest importance to
the historian and the archaeologist." Tablet.
'* Beautifully printed and superbly illustrated."Standard, second notice.



*^ by her Niece, Charlotte Barrett. A New Edition, in Four Vols., 8vo.

Illustrated by numerous fine Portraits engraved on Steel.
[In the press.



or, Book-Madness : A

Bibliographical Romance. With numerous Illustrations. A New Edition, with,

a Supplement, including a Key to the Assumed Characters in the Drama. Demy
8vo, half-Roxburghe, 2il.; a few Large Paper copies, half-Roxburghe, the edges
altogether uncut, at 42*.
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QUEST : AMERICA IN 1875. 2 vols. 8vo, 30*.
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tion, with Illustrations by Valentine Bromley.


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terested in Selecting or Building a House, with full Estimates of Cost, Quantities,
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tions, 4s. 6d.



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vailing Theories of the Descent of Man as promulgated by Darwin, Lyell, Sir
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Illustrations. Thick crown 8vo, cloth extra, gilt, 12*, 6d.



EOX'S BOOK OF MARTYRS: The Acts and Monuments of the

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Learning, applied to the most patient personal research and
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is also a Volume of the Suppressed Plates, atlas folio, half-morocco, 31*. 6d.
Also, a Volume of Letterpress Descriptions, comprising a very amusing
Political Hfstoryof the Reign of George the Third, by Thos. Wright and
R. H. Evans. Demy 8vo, cloth extra, 15*. ; or half-morocco, 1 is.

GILLRAY, THE CARICATURIST : The Story of his Life and

Times, and Anecdotal Descriptions of his Engravings. Edited by Thomas
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Engravings. Demy 4to, 600 pages, cloth extra, 31*. 6d.
** High as the expectations excited by this description [in the Introduction] may
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Zastrozzi, St. Irvyne, &c.



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GOSPELS (The Holy).
Illustrated with upwards of 200 Wood
Engravings, after the best Masters, and every page surrounded by ornamental
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[/ the press.
" Everyone is aware of the peculiar felicity and fascinating gaiety which they
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Strange Fish to be found there ; inc uding the story of "The Man and Dog
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[ltt the press.

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Comprising the Prin-

cipal Species found in Great Britain, inclusive of all the New Species recently
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"The illustrations of this volume .... are of quite sterling and admirable art,
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(in some qualities of delineation, unrivalled even by him)
To make some
what enlarged copies of them, looking at them through a magnifying glass, and
never putting two lines where Cruikshank has put only one, would be an exercise im
decision and severe drawing which would leave afterwards little to be learnt ia
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* With numerous Illustrations on Steel and Wood, by Daniel Maclise, Sir
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"The Irish sketches of this lady resemble Miss Mitford's beautiful English
Sketches in ' Our Village,' but they are far more vigorous and picturesque and
bright."Blachwood's Magazine.
HALL-MARKS (BOOK OF) ; 'or, Manual of Reference for the
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Plates of the Hall-marks of the different Assay Towns of the Kingdom, js. 6d.
HARRIS'S AURELIAN ; A Natural History of English Moths and
Butterflies, and the Plants on which they feed. A New Edition. Edited, with
Additions, by J. O. Westwood. With about 400 exquisitely Coloured Figures of
Moths, Butterflies, Caterpillars, &c., and the Plants on which they feed. Small
folio, half-morocco extra, gilt edges, 3 13*. 6d.
DENCE. By his Son, F. W. Haydon. In Two Vols. 8vo.
{In preparation.
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and Grainger, Richardson, Caulfield, &c. All printed from the Original
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" r was pleased with the reply of a gentleman who, being asked which book he
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teemed next best, answered * Hogarth.'"Charles Lamb.
With Life and Anecdotal Descriptions
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THE EIGHTH. A Serietof 84 exquisitely beautiful Tinted Plates, engraved
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Letterpress by Edmund Lodge, Norroy King of Arms. Imperial 4to, halfmorocco extra, gilt edges, 5 15*. 6d.
Chamberlaine's Imitations of the Original Drawings, mostly engraved by
Bartolozzi. London: printed by W. Bulmer & Co., Shakespeare Printing
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Norroy King of Arms. Atlas fol., half-morocco, gilt edges, ,20.The same, Proof
Impressions, uncoloured, half-Roxburghe, j18.



The Miscellaneous Collections of

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Crown 8vo.
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M Poor Tom Hood I It is very sad to turn over the droll pages of * From Nowhere
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cry any more. This is a birthday story, and no part of it is better than the first
chapter, concerning birthdays in general, and Frank's birthday in particular. The
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love ana learn so easily. Messrs. Brunton and Barnes do full justice to the writer's
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could not be desired." Times.
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and numerous Illustrations, 6s.
[/ the press,
HOOKER'S (Sir William) EXOTIC FLORA. Containing Figures
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upon their Generic and Specific Characters, Natural Orders, Culture, &c. Con
taining 232 large and beautifully Coloured Plates. Three Vols., imperial 8vo,
cloth extra, gilt, 6 6s.
Figures and Descriptions of Ferns, many of which have been altogether un
noticed by Botanists, or have been incorrectly figured. With 240 beautifully
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tloth extra, 7*.
** Orion will be admitted, by every man of genius, to be one of the noblest, if not
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Parts.Part I. FANTINE. Illustrated boards, 2s Part II. COSETTE
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VALJEAN. Illustrated boards, 2*. 6d.
" Its merits do not merely consist in the conception of it as a whole ; it abounds,
page after page, with details of unequalled beauty." Quarterly Review.
HUGO'S (Victor) BY THE KING'S "COMMAND. Complete
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"The book is great and heroic, tender and strong, full from end to end of divine
and passionate love, of holy and ardent pity for men that suffer wrong at the hands
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tiful and lofty life of one loving the race of men he serves, and of them in all time to
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a Memoir of Hume by himself, Chronological Table of Contents, and General
Index. Imperial 8vo, with Portraits of the Authors, cloth extra, 15*.
r, Popular Romances of the West of England. With Illustrations by
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9 9s. ; or, separately, cloth extra, 4s. 6d. per Vol., as follows:
Vols. 1 to 4. British Birds; 5. Sun Birds: 6 and 7. Humming Birds; 8. Game
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Ruminating Animals; 23. Elephants, &c ; 24. Marsupialia ; 25. Seals, &c. ; 26.
Whales,, &c. ; 27. .Monkeys ; 28. InsectsIntroduction ; 29. British Butterflies ;
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34. Bees; 35. FishesIntroduction, and Foreign Fishes; 36 and 37. British
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wanted, and is now supplied. The editor appears to have taken great pains to bring;
together Lamb's scattered contributions, and his collection contains a number of
pieces which are now reproduced for the first time since their original appearance in
various old periodicals."Saturday Review.

LAMB (Mary and Charles) : THEIR POEMS, LETTERS, and

REMAINS. With Reminiscences and Notes by W. Carew Hazlitt. Witk
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"Very many passages will delight those fond of literary trifles ; hardly any
portion will fail in interest for lovers of Charles Lamb and his sister."Standard.





with the Adjacent Seas. Being an Examination of Routes to the North Pole
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ANIMALS. Comprising 38 subjects, chiefly Early Works, etched by his Brother
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Enough graphic portraiture and witty observation to
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4to, cloth gilt and gilt edges, 1 is.
"RABELAIS' WORKS. Faithfully translated from the French,
with variorum Notes, and numerous Characteristic Illustrations by Gustayte
Dore. Crown 8vo, cloth extra, 700 pages, js. 6d.

READE'S (Winwood) THE OUTCAST. Cr. 8vo, cloth extra, $s.

" He relaxed his mind in his leisure hours by the creation of a new religion."
"A work of very considerable power, written with great pathos and evident


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With Introductory Essay by Sainte-Beuve, and Explanatory Notes.
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ROLL OF CAERLAVEROCK, the Oldest Heraldic Roll ; including

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(A LIST OF). Transcribed from the MS. in the Bodleian Library, and Edited,
with Notes, by Edward Peacock, F.S.A. Small 4to, cloth extra, i5s.





TENTH. Edited by his Son, Thomas Roscoe. Two Vols., 8vo, with Portraits
and numerous Plates, cloth extra, iSs.
** Also, an Edition in One Vol. 16mo, cloth extra, price 3*.


Magnificent." A New and much improved Edition. Edited by his Son,
Thomas Roscoe. Demy 8vo, with Portraits and numerous Plates, cloth extra, gs.


Illustrations by the Author.

Fcap. 8vo, illustrated boards, 2l.

With numerous




the History of his Caricatures, and the Key to their Meaning. With very nu
merous full-page Plates and Wood Engravings. Demy 4to, a thick volume, cloth
extra, gilt and gilt edges, 31*. 6d.
[In preparation.
"* Reign of Louis the Fourteenth and the Regency. Translated from the French
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merous Steel-plate Illustrations.
[In preparation.
RICAL ASPECT. With very numerous Illustrations by the Author. Crown
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[In preparation.
SANSON FAMILY, Memoirs of the, compiled from Private Docu
ments in the possession of the Family (1688-1847), by Henri Sanson. Translated
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[In the press.
%* Sanson was the hereditary French executioner, who officiated at the decapita
tion of Louis XVI.

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GINATION. Translated by Dr. Franz Huffer, Author of " Richard Wagner
and the Music of the Future."
[In preparation.
the Author's Last Corrections, and beautiful Illustrations and Maps. Three Vols.,
imperial 8vo, cloth extra, 1 idr.
Crown 8vo, cloth extra, profusely Illustrated, price 4*. 6d. each.
ART OF AMUSING : A Collection of Graceful Arts, Games,
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HANKY-PANKY : Very Easy Tricks, Very Difficult Tricks, White
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MAQtCIAN'S OWN BOOK : Performances with Cups and Balls,
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Creher. 200 Illustrations.
MAGIC NO MYSTERY: Tricks with Cards, Dice, Balls, &c,
with fully descriptive Directions. Numerous Illustrations.
[In the press.

MERRY CIRCLE (The) : A Book of New Intellectual Games and

Amusements. By Clara Bellew. Numerous Illustrations.
SECRET OUT : One Thousand Tricks with Cards, and other Re
creations ; with entertaining Experiments in Drawing-room or " White Magic."
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86 Clever

and Amusing Caricature Etchings on Steel, with Letterpress Commentary by

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speare's Comedies, Histories, and Tragedies. Published according to the true
Original Copies. Loud., Printed by Isaac Iaggard and Edward Blount.
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[In the press.




fully printed in red and black, in small but very clear type. Post 8vo, with
engraved facsimile of Droeshout's Portrait, cloth extra, gilt, gilt edges, i+r. or,
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Including "The Life and

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[In. the press.





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in 41 Plates and numerous beautiful Woodcuts, choice Specimens of the various
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early printed Books. 66 Plates, carefully coloured from the Originals, with
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tions, js. 6d.
* Whatever Sheridan has done, has been, par excellence, always the best of its
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"The editor has brought together within a manageable compass not only the
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hension of the subject of it."Pall Mall Gazette.
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tion of Facsimiles of the Writings of every Age. Containing upwards of 300 large
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SMITH (Thomas Assheton), REMINISCENCES of the LATE;

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B RITAIN, selected from our Cathedrals and Churches. With Historical De

scription and Introduction, by John Kem?r, F.S.A. A New Edition, with a
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[In the press.
" No English library should be without this unique and important publication.
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STOWS (John) SURVEY OF LONDON, written in the Year

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from the Establishment of the Saxons in Britain to the Present Time. With an
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Copies have been prepared, uniform with the " Dresses," with an extra set of
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[In the press.

STUBBS' ANATOMY OF THE HORSE. 24 fine Copperplate

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WILLIAM BLAKE : A Critical Essay. With Facsimile Paint
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GEORGE CHAPMAN : An Essay. Crown 8vo, 7s.
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Also, fcap. 8vo, cloth extra, price 3*. 6d.
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THACKERAYANA : Notes and Anecdotes. Illustrated by a pro
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"An exceedingly curious and valuable volume, the diverting pages of which are
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his Ludicrous Adventures, Bons-mots, Puns, and Hoaxes. With a new Life of the
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"As a wit and humourist of the highest order his name will be preserved. His
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series of Designs in Gold and Sepia, by John Moyr Smith. With Descriptive
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OF FRANCE UNDER NAPOLEON. Roy. 8vo, cloth extra, 15*.
Roy. 8vo, cloth extra, i.-,r
" The History of the French Revolution by Thiers is a celebrated and popular
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OF INDOLENCE. With a Biographical and Critical Introduction by Allan
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cloth extra, gilt, 6>.
[In the press.



Walter Thornbury. Illustrated by J. Whistler, John Tenniel, A. F.

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T. Macqi.oid, J. Lawson, and others. Handsomely printed, crown 4to, cloth
extra, gilt and gilt edges, 2is.
[In preparation,
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Anecdotes of its Famous Coffee Houses, Hostelries, and Tayerns. By

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unique Poem of upwards of Eight Hundred Lines, entitled "The Transformed
Metamorphosis ; " and *' Laugh and Lie Down ; or, The World's Folly." Edited,
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Post 8vo, antique boards.
[In preparation..
Scenery of France. 62 highly-finished Line Engravings by Willmore, Goodall,
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Turner. Small folio, in Portfolio, 1 1is. 6d. *


Founded upon Letters and Papers furnished by his Friends and Fellow-Academi
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TURNER GALLERY (The) : A Series of Sixty Engravings from

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Handsomely half-bound, India Proofs, royal folio, "10 ;
Large Paper copies, Artists' India Proofs, elephant folit, ^20. A Descriptive
Pamphlet will be sent upon application.




or, Anecdotes of Mendicant Wanderers

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Plates, cloth extra, 1 7s.





Chronologically arranged, with the Prefaces and Notes of Croker, Lord Dover,
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Nine Vols., 8vo, with numerous fine Portraits engraved on
Steel, cloth extra, 4 is.
"The charm which lurks in Horace Walpole's Letters is one for which we have
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{In preparation.




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An exact Facsimile

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An exact Facsimile of this important Document, including the Signature of
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Original MS. Price 2s.

WATERFORD ROLL (The). Illuminated Charter- Roll of

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edited by the Rev. James Grayes, A.B., M.R.I. A. Imperial 4to, cloth extra,
gilt, 36*.
[Nearly ready.


By Charles O. Wells. With an. Introductory Essay by Algernon Charles
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[/ the press.





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most distinguished of our own splendid works on Ornithology." Cuvier.
DICTIONARY ; containing full Explanations, Definitions, Synonyms, Idioms,
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