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MTL 506 - Tutorial Sheet 1

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Department of Mathematics

MTL 506: Complex Analysis

Tutorial Sheet 1: Complex Numbers
1. (a) Express


( 3i)13

in the form rei , r > 0, < < .

(b) Express 5e3i/4 + 2ei/6 in the form x + iy, x, y R.

2. Find all square roots of 3 + 3i.

3. Show that |z| |<e z| + |=m z|. When does equality occur?
4. Show that the equation |z|2 2<e (az) + |a|2 = r2 represents a circle centred at z = a with
radius r.
5. Show that |z a| = |1 az| if |z| = 1 and a is a fixed complex number.
6. Let z0 , z1 C, and let r be a positive real number, r 6= 1. Show that the set of points z C
satisfying |z z0 | = r|z z1 | is a circle. What happens when r = 1?
7. For each of the following points in C give the corresponding points on the Riemann sphere
S: (i) 0; (ii) 1 + i.
8. Which subsets of the Riemann sphere S correspond to the real axis and to the imaginary axis
in C?
9. Let Z and Z 0 be the points on the Riemann sphere S corresponding to the points z and z 0
in C, respectively. Let W be the point on S corresponding to the point z + z 0 in C. Find the
coordinates of W in terms of the coordinates of Z and Z 0 .
10. Show that z and z 0 in C correspond to diametrically opposite points on the Riemann sphere
S if and only if zz 0 = 1.

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