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CE6603-Design of Steel Structures

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The document discusses different types of joints used in steel structures like riveted, bolted and welded joints. It also discusses concepts related to limit state design of steel structures.

The different types of connections mentioned are riveted, bolted and welded joints.

The assumptions made in designing riveted joints include uniform distribution of stress and consideration of net section after allowance for rivet holes.





Properties of steel Structural steel sections Limit State Design Concepts Loads on
Structures Metal joining methods using rivets, welding, bolting Design of bolted, riveted and
welded joints Eccentric connections - Efficiency of joints High Tension bolts


1. What are the various types of connections used for connecting thestructural members?
2. Define riveting.
3. Define nominal diameter of rivet
4. Define gross diameter of rivet
5. What is meant by pitch of rivet?
6. Define gauge line.
7. What is meant by gauge distance and edge distance?
8. Define staggered pitch.
9. Define lap.
10. What is meant by tensile stress?
11. What is meant by compressive stress?
12. Define bearing stress
Ms.A.Kavitha/A.P (S.G)
Mr.S.S.Manu/A.P (O.G)

13. What is working stress?
14. Define factor of safety.
15. What are the methods employed for the design of the steelframework?
16. What are the assumptions made in simple design?
17. Define Modulus of Elasticity
18. Define Poissons Ratio
19. What are the types of riveted joints?
20. Define Lap joint and Butt Joint
21. What are the types of failures occur in riveted joint?
22. What are the assumptions made for designing riveted joint?
23. Write about minimum pitch and maximum pitch
24. What is edge distance?
25. What is meant by limit state design? (IS800:2007-Pg: 28)
26. State the different limit states. (IS800:2007-Pg: 28)
27. What are the four types of serviceability limit states applicable tosteel structures?
(IS800:2007-Pg: 28)
28. Define durability. (IS800:2007-Pg: 2)
29. How the loads are classified? (IS800:2007-Pg: 4)
30. What is a partial safety factor? (IS800:2007-Pg: 4)
31. Define design load
32. Define bolt
33. What are the advantages of bolted connections? (May / June 2007)
34. What are the various types of bolts used for structural purposes?(May / June 2007)
35. What are the advantages of HSFG bolts?
36. Define nominal diameter and gross diameter of bolt.
37. Define slip factor.
38. Define weld.
Ms.A.Kavitha/A.P (S.G)
Mr.S.S.Manu/A.P (O.G)

39. Write about the advantages of welding.
40. List the various types of welded joints
41. Write about the disadvantages of welding.
42. What is the effective area of butt weld?
43. How the length of bolt is calculated
44. What are the types of failures occur in riveted joint?
45. What is meant by stiffened & unstiffened seat connection?
46. What are the types of welding process?
47. Write the equation for calculating the effective throat thickness ofweld.
48. Draw a neat sketch of ISMB 400 and mention its properties.
49. Define the terms gauge, pitch, edge and end distance of boltjoint.(IS800:2007-Pg: 2,3 &4)
50. How to calculate the efficiency of a joint?
51. What are the factors to be considered in mechanical properties of structural steel?
52. Define high tension bolts?
1. Determine the strength of a double cover butt cover butt joint used toconnect two flats 200 F
12. The thickness of each cover plate is 8 mm. flatshave been joined by 9 rivets in chain riveting
at a gauge of 60 mm. What is the efficiency of the joint?
2. A load of 150 kN is applied to a bracket plate at an eccentricity of 300 mm.sixteen rivets of 20
mm nominal diameter are arranged in two rows with 8rivets per row. The two rows are 200 mm
apart and the pitch is 80 mm. if the bracket plate is 12.5 mm thick, investigate the safety of the
connection. Given,s = 100 N / mm2,fb = 300 N / mm2 and ft = 150 N / mm2.
3. What are the types of load to be account for steel design?
4. A bridge truss carries an axial pull of 400 KN. It is to be a gusset plate22mm thick by a double
cover butt joint with 22 mm diameter power drivenrivets. Design an economical joint. Determine
the efficiency of the joint
5. Two plates 12 mm and 10 mm thick are joined by a triple riveted lap joint, inwhich the pitch
of the central row of rivets is 0.6 times the pitch of rivets in theouter rows. Design the joint and
find its efficiency. Take at = 150 N/mm2&pf= 250 N/mm2. (May / June 2007)

Ms.A.Kavitha/A.P (S.G)
Mr.S.S.Manu/A.P (O.G)

6. A double riveted double cover butt joint is used to connect plates 12 mmthick. Using Unwins
formula, determine the diameter of rivet; rivet value,gauge and efficiency of joint. Adopt the
following stresses:
Working stress in shear in power driven rivets = 100 N / mm2 (MPa)
Working stress in bearing in power driven rivets = 300 N / mm2 (MPa)
Working stress in axial tension in plates = 0.6 fy
7. A bracket carrying a load of 100 kN is connected to column by means oftwo horizontal fillet
welds, of 130 mm effective length and 10 mm thick. Theload acts at 70 mm from the face of the
column as shown. Find the throatstress. (May / June 2007)
8. A tie member 75 mm X 8mm is to transmit a load of 90 kN. Design the filletweld and
calculate the necessary overlap. (Nov / Dec 2007)
9. A single bolted double cover butt joint is used to connect two plates 8mmthick. Assuming
20mm bolts at 50mm pitch calculate the efficiency of the joint.The thickness of cover plate is
10. The figure shows the joint in the bottom chord continuous member of thetruss. Design the
connection using M16 black bolt of property class 4.6 andgrade Fe410 steel. Assume edge
distance of 35 mm and minimum pitch.
11. Design the seat angle connection between the beam ISMB 250 andcolumn ISHB 250 for a
reaction from beam equal to 85 KN. Use M16 blackbolt of property class 4.6 and grade Fe410
steel with fy =250 MPa.
12. A beam ISWB 550 having equal flange width to that of column, transfers afactored end
reaction of 275 KN to the flange of the column ISSC 250. Designthe stiffened seat angle
connection using 20 mm bolts of grade 4.6, fy =250MPa.
13. Aplate in which the axial tension is 520Kn is to be provided with a splice joint. The size of
the plate is 400mm x 20mm. Design a suitable rivet joint.
14. Design a double riveted cover butt joint to connect 2 plates of 12mm thick. Adopt power
driven rivets. Take fy = 250MPa. Find also the effieincy of the joint.


Types of sections Net area Net effective sections for angles andTee in tension Design of
connections in tension members Use of lugangles Design of tension splice Concept of shear
1. Define tension member
Ms.A.Kavitha/A.P (S.G)
Mr.S.S.Manu/A.P (O.G)

2. What are the various types of tension members?
3. What is meant by built-up members? (IS800:2007-Pg: 1)
4. Define slenderness ratio. (IS800:2007-Pg: 4)
5. What is net sectional area? (Nov / Dec 2007)
6. How to calculate net area in (a) chain bolting (b) zigzag bolting.(IS800:2007-Pg: 33)
7. What is a Lug angle?
8. Write any two specifications for designing of lug angle.(IS800:2007-Pg: 83)
9. Write note on tension member splice. (May / June 2007)
10. What do you understand by Gross area? (Nov / Dec 2007)
12. Explain shear lag effect. (IS800:2007-Pg: 4)
13. Give the sketches of steel sections?
14. What is meant by slenderness ratio?
1.Using a lug angle, design a suitable joint for 100 mm x 65mm x 10 mm angle, used as a
tension member .use 20 mm diameter rivets and thickness ofgusset plate 8 mm.
2. The bottom tie of roof truss is 4m long .in addition to an axial tension of1000 kN, it has to
support at its Centre a shaft of load of 3600N. The memberis composed of two angles 100 mm x
75 mm x 10 mm with the longer legsturned down and placed back to back on either side of 10
mm gusset plate.The angles are tack riveted at 92 mm centres with 20 mm diameter rivets.
3. Design a horizontal tension member carrying a load 600 KN, The length of the member is 3
m. The member is connected to 4.5 mm thick gusset plate with 20 mm rivets.
4. Design the tension strength of a roof truss diagonal 100 X 75 X 10 mmconnected to the gusset
plate by 20 mm diameter power driven rivets in one row along the length of the member. The
short leg of the angle is keptoutstanding. (NOV/DEC 2007)
5. A bridge truss diagonal carries an axial pull of 300 KN .Two mild steel flats250 ISF 10 and
ISF 18 of the diagonal are to be jointed together. Design asuitable splice
6. Design a double angle tension member carrying axial tensile force of 300kN in addition to
this, it is also subjected to a uniformly distributed load of 0.4kN/m throughout its length,
including self weight. The centre to centre distance between the end connections is 2.7 m.
7. Design a tension splice to connect two plates of size 220 mm X 20 mm and200 mm X 10 mm,
for a design load of 220 kN. Also sketch the details of theriveted joint. (MAY/JUNE2007
Ms.A.Kavitha/A.P (S.G)
Mr.S.S.Manu/A.P (O.G)

8. The main tie of a roof truss consists of ISA 150 X 115 X 8 mm and isconnected to a gusset
plate by 18 mm diameter rivets. Find out the maximumload it can carry.
9. A double angle ISA 75mm x 75mm x 8mm back to back welded to one side of a 12mm gusset
have allowable stress 150MPa. Determine the allowable tensile load on the members and weld
length and overlap length of gusset plate.
10. An ISA 100mm x 100mm x 12mm is used as a tie riveted to a gusset plate with 24mm rivets
arranged in one row along the length of the angle. Determine the allowable tension on the angle
if the allowable tensile stress is 150 MPa.
Types of compression members Theory of columns Basis ofcurrent codal provision for
compression member design Slenderness ratio Design of single section and compound section
compression members Design of lacing and battening type columns Design of column bases
Gusseted base
1. What is meant by strut? (IS800:2007-Pg: 5)
2. Draw the diagram of buckling of column.
3. What are the assumptions made in Eulers analysis?
4. What is meant by effective sectional area?
5. Define slenderness ratio of compression member.
6. What are the buckled modes for different end conditions?
7. Define buckling load. (IS800:2007-Pg: 1)
8. What is meant by built-up compression members?
9. Define position restraint.
10. What are the different effective lengths for different boundarycondition?
11. Define effective length
12. What is meant by actual length?
13. How the effective length of column is determined
14. Define single lacing & double lacing. (IS800:2007-Pg: 48 & 49)
15. What are the forces acting on lacing system?
16. Draw the column base plate diagram. (Nov / Dec 2005)
17. Which column formula is recommended in IS 800:2007? (Pg: 34)
18. Where should the splice plate be located in a column?(IS800:2007-Pg:46)
19. What is the purpose for providing anchors bolt in base plate?
20. What are the types of bases provided from connecting the column tothe base?
21. Under what circumstances gusset base is used?
22. Write about batten plates in compression member
23. What are the three classifications for determination of size of plate?
24. What are the functions of providing column bases?
25. What is meant by slab base?
Ms.A.Kavitha/A.P (S.G)
Mr.S.S.Manu/A.P (O.G)

1. Design a rolled steel beam section column to carry an axial load 1100 KN.The column is 4 m
long and adequately in position but not in direction at bothends.
2. A rolled steel beam section HB 350 @ 0.674 kN/m is used as a stanchion.If the unsupported
length of the stanchion is 4 m, determine safe load carryingcapacity of the section.
3. A double angle discontinuous strut ISA 125 mm x 95 x mm x10 mm longlegs back to back is
connected to both sides of a gusset plate 10 mm thickwith 2 rivets. The length of strut between
centre-to-centre of intersections is 4m. Determine the safe load carrying capacity of the section.
4. A steel column 12 m long carries an axial load of 1000 kN. The column ishinged at both ends.
Design an economical built-up section with doublelacing. Design the lacing also.
5. Design a built-up column consisting of two channels connected by batten tocarry an axial load
of 800 KN; the effective length of the column is 6 m.
6. Design a built up column 8m long to carry a load of 400kN. The column isrestrained in
position but not in direction at both the ends. Provide singleangle lacing system with riveted
connections. (Nov/Dec 2007)
7. Design a built up column 6m long to carry a load of 400kN. The column isprovided with
Batten system. The ends of the columns are pinned. Design the battens. (Nov/Dec 2007)
8. A discontinuous strut consists of two ISA 90X75X10mm placed to the sameside of a gusset
plate 10mm thick with its longer leg back to back, with onerivet on each angle at the ends. The
effective length of the strut is 2.5m.Determine the allowable load. What is the safe load if the
strut is continuous? Takefy = 250N/mm2. The angles are connected with tack rivets along
thelength. (May/June 2007)
9. A built up column consists ISHB 400@ 77.40 kg/m with one 300mm x 12mmflange plate on
each side. The column carries an axial load of 2600kN. Designa gusseted base, if the column is
supported on concrete pedestal with abearing pressure of 5N/mm2. (May/June 2007)
10. Design a laced column for an axial load of 1200kn with an effective span of 7.5m has one
end fixed and other end hinged. Use channels for main members and an angle for lacing bars.
11. A column of ISMB 400 is subjected to an axial force of 750kn. Design suitable base plate.
Assume necessary data required.


Design of laterally supported and unsupported beams Built up beams Beams subjected to
biaxial bending Design of plate girders riveted and welded Intermediate and bearing stiffeners
Web splices Design of beam columns
Ms.A.Kavitha/A.P (S.G)
Mr.S.S.Manu/A.P (O.G)


What is meant by limit state design?

What are special features of limit state design method?
Explain the behavior of steel beams
Write Short notes on compact sections
What is meant by slenderness sections?
Draw the curvature for flexural member performance and the classification ofcross
7. List the various factors affecting the lateral-torsional buckling strength
8. How do you improve the shear resistance in plate girder
9. What are the classifications in Stiffeners?
10. Write about the Box girders
11. Write Short notes on Purlin.
12. Write the Special features of limit state design method
13. What is meant by laterally supported beam?
14. Write a note on built up beams
15. What are the elements of plate girder?
16. Under what circumstances web plates are stiffened and unstiffened?
17. What is meant by plastic method of design?
18. Define shape factor.
19. What is meant by plastic hinge?
20. Define yield length.
21. What is meant by static and Kinematic method?
22. What are the guide lines to locate the plastic hinges?
23. What is meant by complete collapse, partial collapse and over completecollapse?
24. What is meant by lateral buckling of beam
25. What is web buckling and web crippling?
26. What is the purpose of providing stiffener in plate girder?
27. Under what circumstances load bearing stiffeners are used in plate girder?
28. What is the main function of providing horizontal stiffener in plate girder?
29. What are the reasons behind splicing in plate girder
30. Differentiate beams, built-up beams and plate girder?

1. Design a simply supported beam to carry uniformly distributed load of 44 kN/m.Theeffective
Span of beam is 8 m. The effective length of compression flange of the beamis also 8 m. The
ends of beam are not to free to rotate at the bearings.
2. The effective length of compression flange of simply supported beam MB 500 @0.869 kN/m.
Determine the safe uniformly distributed load per metre length which canbe placed over the
beam having an effective span of 8 m. The ends of beam arerestrained against rotation at the
Ms.A.Kavitha/A.P (S.G)
Mr.S.S.Manu/A.P (O.G)

3. ISMB 550 @1.037 kN/ m has been used as simply supported over a span of 4 m. The ends of
beam are restrained against torsion but not against lateral bending.Determine the safe UDL per
metre, which the beam can carry.
4.Design rolled steel I- sections for a simply supported beam with a clear span of 6m .it carries a
UDL of 50 KN per metre exclusive of self-weight of the girder .the beam is laterally
5. Check the beam section WB 500 @1.45 kN/m against web crippling and webbuckling if
reaction at the end of beam is 179.6 KN, The length of bearing plate at thesupport is 120 mm.
Design bearing plate. The bearing plate is set in masonry.
6. A beam simply supported over an effective span of 7m, carries auniformlydistributed load of
50kN/m inclusive of its own weight. The depth of the beam is restricted to 450mm. design the
beam, assuming that the compression flange of the beam is laterally supported by a floor
construction. Take fy = 250N/mm2 and E =2X105N/mm2. Assuming width of the support is
230mm. (May/June 2007).
7. Design a bearing stiffener for a welded plate girder with the followingspecifications.
Web = 1000mm X 6mm thick.Flanges = 2 Nos. of 350X20mm plate on each side.
Support reaction = 350kN.Width of the support = 300mm.. (May/June 2007).
8 A simply supported steel joist with a 4.0m effective span carries audl of 40kN/mover its span
inclusive of self weight. The beam is laterally unsupported. Design asuitable section. Take fy =
250N/mm2. (Nov/Dec 2007)
9. Design the step by step procedure for design of vertical and horizontal stiffeners in a plate
girder. (Nov/Dec 2007)
10.Design a built up beam section for a span of 8m to carry a uniformly distributed load of 15
kN/m and a central concentrated load of 100 kn. The beams is laterally supported through out.
Show the curtailment of plates also.
11.A plate girder of span 15m is made-up of web plates of 1600mm x 8mm flange angles
150mmx 115mm x 10mm and two flange plates 480mm x 10mm it carries a uniformly
distributed load of 100kn/m including its own weight. Design and sketch the web splices at 5m
from one end.
12. Design a simply supported (laterally supported) of effective span 12m to carry a factored
load of 70kN/m. The depth of the beam is restricted to 500mm.


Roof trusses Roof and side coverings Design loads, design of purlin andelements of truss;
end bearing Design of gantry girder
Ms.A.Kavitha/A.P (S.G)
Mr.S.S.Manu/A.P (O.G)

1. Draw neat sketches of various types of roof trusses.
2. Draw a neat sketch of roof truss with its component parts.
3. What are the types of load that may act on roof trusses?
4. How economical spacing of roof trusses obtained
5. List the various forces acting on a gantry girder
6. What are the loads to be considered while designing the purlins?
7. List the various types of roof sheeting commonly used.
8. Which section is best suited for a purlin?
9. How is the selection of section made for roof truss element
10. How to fix the spacing of trusses?
11. What are economical considerations for industrial truss
12. Write about basics of plastic analysis
13. What is meant by first yield moment
14. Write about Principles of plastic analysis
15. Explain about Crane gantry girders
16. What are assumptions are made for arrangement of live load in the analysisof frames?
17. Explain about Drift Analysis
18. Draw a neat sketch of overhead crane with all its components
19. Calculate the permissible deflection for a truss of 10 m span
20. Give the role of end bearing in roof trusses?

1. A roof truss- shed is to be built Jodhpur city area for an industrial use. Determine the basic
wind pressure .The use of shed 18 m* 30 m
2. An industrial roof shed of size 20 m* 30 m is proposed to be constructed at Mangalore near a
hillock of 160 m and slope is 1 in 2.8. The roof shed is to be built at a height of 120 m from the
base of the hill. Determine the design wind pressure on the slope. The height of roof shed shall
be 12m
3.A communications tower of 80 m height is proposed to be built hill top height 520 m with a
gradient of 1in 5. The horizontal approach distance is 2.8 m km from the level ground .The tower
is proposed at Abu mount .Determine the design wind pressure.
4. Design a purlin for a roof truss having the following data:
Span of the truss = 6.0m
Spacing of truss = 3m c/c.
Inclination of roof = 30o
Ms.A.Kavitha/A.P (S.G)
Mr.S.S.Manu/A.P (O.G)

Spacing of Purlin = 2m c/c
Wind pressure = 1.5 kN/m2
Roof coverage= A.C Sheeting weighing 200 N/m2
Provide a channel section Purlin. (Dec 2007).
5. Design a gantry girder to be used in an industrial building carrying an EOT crane for the
following data:
Crane capacity = 200 kN.
Total self weight of all components = 240 kN.
Minimum approach at the carne hook of gantry girder = 1.2m
Wheel base = 3.5m
C/C distance between gantry rails = 16m
C/C distance between columns = 8m
Self weight of rail section = 300 N/m
Yield stress = 250 N/mm2
Design the main gantry section. Connection design not required. . (Dec 2007).
6. Design the angle purlin for the following specifications:
Span of truss = 9m c/c.
Pitch = 1/5 of span
Spacing of purlin = 1.4 c/c.
Load from roofing material = 200 N/m2.
Wind load = 1200 N/m2.
7. Determine the dead load, live load and wind load on a Fink type truss for the following data
and mark the loads on the nodes of the truss.
Span = 12m
Pitch = of span
Height at eves level = 10m from the ground
Spacing of truss = 5m c/c.
8. A shed is proposed to be constructed at Chennai. The slope of the roof truss is corresponding
to a pitch of . The average height of the roof above the ground is 12m. the life of the structure
is expected to be about 50 years. The terrain has less obstruction. The cladding length is in
Ms.A.Kavitha/A.P (S.G)
Mr.S.S.Manu/A.P (O.G)

between 30m to 40 m. the permeability of the truss is assumed to be medium. Calculate the
various loads on the truss. The roofcovering is GI sheeting.


9. In an industrial building, the trusses of 16m span and 4m rise are spaced at 8m apart. The
building is in medium wind zone in an industrial area of plain land. Design the purlin.
10.i) List out various elements of the roof truss and mark all its significance.
ii) Explain the design principles of Gantry girder.
11. Design a channel section purlin for the following data:
Spacing of trusses =4.2m
Spacing of purlin= 2m
Live load on galvanized iron roofing sheets = 0.6 kN/m2
Wind load = 1.4 kN/m2
Slope of main rafter = 310

Ms.A.Kavitha/A.P (S.G)
Mr.S.S.Manu/A.P (O.G)


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