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Carbon Dioxide

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CO2 Ag

Agricultural crises are creating global food shortages that kills a billion
people increased CO2 is key to solve
Idsos, 11 [Sherwood PhD and former research physicist for the Department of Agriculture, Keith PhD Botany, Craig PhD
Geography, 6/6/2011, Meeting the Food Needs of a Growing World Population,] DHirsch
Parry and Hawkesford (2010) introduce their study of the global problem by noting that " food

production needs to
increase 50% by 2030 and double by 2050 to meet projected demands ," and they note that
at the same time the demand for food is increasing, production is progressively
being limited by "non-food uses of crops and cropland ," such as the production of biofuels, stating
that in their homeland of the UK, "by 2015 more than a quarter of wheat grain may be destined for bioenergy production," which
surely must strike one as both sad and strange, when they also note that " currently, at least one billion people

are chronically malnourished and the situation is deteriorating," with more people
"hungrier now than at the start of the millennium." So what to do about it: that is the
question the two researchers broach in their review of the sad situation. They begin by describing the allimportant process of photosynthesis, by which the earth's plants "convert light
energy into chemical energy, which is used in the assimilation of atmospheric
CO2 and the formation of sugars that fuel growth and yield," which phenomena
make this natural and life-sustaining process , in their words, "a major target for
improving crop productivity both via conventional breeding and biotechnology."
Next to a plant's need for carbon dioxide comes its need for water, the availability
of which, in the words of Parry and Hawkesford, "is the major constraint on world
crop productivity." And they state that "since more than 80% of the [world's] available
water is used for agricultural production, there is little opportunity to use
additional water for crop production, especially because as populations increase,
the demand to use water for other activities also increases ." Hence, they rightly conclude that "a
real and immediate challenge for agriculture is to increase crop production with
less available water." Enlarging upon this challenge, they give an example of a success story: the Australian wheat variety
'Drysdale', which gained its fame "because it uses water more efficiently." This valued characteristic is achieved "by slightly
restricting stomatal aperture and thereby the loss of water from the leaves." They note, however, that this ability "reduces
photosynthetic performance slightly under ideal conditions," but they say it enables plants to "have access to water later in the
growing season thereby increasing total photosynthesis over the life of the crop." Of course, Drysdale is

but one variety of one crop; and the ideal goal would be to get nearly all varieties
of all crops to use water more efficiently. And that goal can actually be reached
by doing nothing, by merely halting the efforts of radical environmentalists to
deny earth's carbon-based life forms -- that's all of us and the rest of the earth's
plants and animals -- the extra carbon we and they need to live our lives to the
fullest. This is because allowing the air's CO2content to rise in response to the burning of
fossil fuels naturally causes the vast majority of earth's plants to progressively
reduce the apertures of their stomata and thereby lower the rate at which water
escapes through them to the air. And the result is even better than that produced by
the breeding of Drysdale, because the extra CO2 in the airmore than
overcomes the photosynthetic reduction that results from the partial closure of
plant stomatal apertures, allowing even more yield to be produced per unit of
water transpired in the process. Yet man can make the situation better still, by breeding
and selecting crop varieties that perform better under higher atmospheric
CO2 concentrations than the varieties we currently rely upon, or he can employ
various technological means of altering them to do so. Truly, we can succeed, even
where "the United Nations Millennium Development Goal of substantially
reducing the world's hungry by 2015 will not be met," as Parry and Hawkesford accurately inform us.
And this truly seems to us the moral thing to do, when "at least one billion people

are chronically malnourished and the situation is deteriorating," with more people
"hungrier now than at the start of the millennium."

2NC Link Run Co2 K2 Plants

Co2 helps plants:
Correlations prove it increases rainfall and lengthens the growing season
Zubrin 12 (Robert, B.A. in Mathematics from the University of Rochester (1974), and a masters degree in Aeronautics and
Astronautics, a masters degree in Nuclear Engineering, and a Ph.D. in Nuclear Engineering all from the University of Washington
Areosace engineer and author, //
This has left the EPAs second premise that global warming would be a harmful development largely unchallenged. This is
unfortunate, because while it is entirely possible that the earth may be warming as it has done so many times in the past

there is no rational basis whatsoever to support the contention that carbondioxide-driven global warming would be on the whole harmful to life and
civilization. Quite the contrary: All available evidence supports the contention that
human CO2 emissions offer great benefits to the earths community of life. Putting
aside for the moment the question of whether human industrial CO2 emissions are having an effect on
climate, it is quite clear that they are raising atmospheric CO2 levels. As a result,
they are having a strong and markedly positive effect on plant growth worldwide.
There is no doubt about this. NASA satellite observations taken from orbit since
1958 show that, concurrent with the 19 percent increase in atmospheric CO2 over
the past half century, the rate of plant growth in the continental United States has
increased by 14 percent. Studies done at Oak Ridge National Lab on forest trees have shown that increasing the
carbon dioxide level 50 percent, to the 550 parts per million level projected to prevail at the end of the 21 century, will likely
increase photosynthetic productivity by a further 24 percent. This is readily reproducible laboratory
science. If CO2 levels are increased, the rate of plant growth will accelerate. Now
let us consider the question of warming: If it is occurring and I believe it is,
based not on disputable temperature measurements but on sea levels, which have
risen two inches in two decades is it a good thing or a bad thing? Answer: It is a
very good thing. Global warming would increase the rate of evaporation from the
oceans. This would increase rainfall worldwide. In addition, global warming
would lengthen the growing season, thereby increasing still further the bounty of
both agriculture and nature.

A consensus of studies prove

Idsos 12 [Sherwood PhD and former research physicist for the Department of Agriculture, Keith PhD Botany, Craig PhD
Geography, 4/25/2012. Growth Response to CO2 (Flowers),]
By 2002, so many authors had weighed in on the subject that Jablonski et al. (2002) conducted

a meta-analysis
of 159 peer-reviewed scientific journal articles published between 1983 and 2000, dealing with
the effects of atmospheric CO2 enrichment on the reproductive growth
characteristics of several domesticated and wild plants. In calculating the mean responses reported
in those papers, Jablonski et al. found that for increases in the air's CO2 concentration ranging
from approximately 150 to 450 ppm (rough average of 300 ppm), across all species studied,
the extra CO2 supplied to the plants resulted in 19% more flowers, 18% more
fruits, 16% more seeds, 4% greater individual seed mass, 25% greater total seed
mass (equivalent to yield), and 31% greater total mass.

CO2 increases all plant growth by at least 10%

Hatfield, 11 - Laboratory Director, National Laboratory for Agriculture and the Environment, the Chair of
the Management Systems Evaluation Areas (MSEA) and Agricultural Systems for Environmental Quality (ASEQ)
programs(J.L., Climate Impacts on Agriculture: Implications for Crop Production, American Society of
Agronomy, 03/2011, American Society of Agronomy | JJ)

The effects of increasing CO2 concentrations on various crops are summarized in Table 1
Increases in plant growth vary among species. As expected the crops with the so-called C4 photosynthetic pathway, maize, and
sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench], have smaller responses than the C3 crops. Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) may be higher
because it is a woody species. However, all show a positive response to CO2 increases . In general,
doubling CO2

caused approximately a 30% increase in reproductive yield of C3

species and <10% increase for C4 species. Many C3 weed species also show
substantial growth benefits and resistance to herbicides at elevated CO2 (Ziska, 2003b;
Ziska et al., 1999), a topic which is further expanded in a later section on Projection for Weeds.

CO2 key to plants specifically fruits and flowers

Idsos 12 [Sherwood PhD and former research physicist for the Department of Agriculture, Keith PhD Botany, Craig PhD
Geography, 4/25/2012. Growth Response to CO2 (Flowers),]

Nearly all of Earth's plant life responds favorably to increases in the air's
CO2 content by exhibiting enhanced rates of photosynthesis and biomass
production. But what about other plant characteristics? How do they respond to rising atmospheric CO2? The present review
investigates what scientists have learned with respect to plant floral features. In one of the earliest papers to address this subject,
Idso et al. (1990) grew water lilies in sunken metal stock tanks located out-of-doors and enclosed within clear-plastic-wall open-top
chambers through which air of either 350 or 650 ppm CO2 was continuously circulated. Over the course of two growing seasons, he
and his colleagues measured a number of plant responses to these two environmental treatments. Their results indicated

that the water lilies in the CO2-enriched enclosures grew better than the water
lilies in the ambient CO2 enclosures, as the leaves in the CO2-enriched tanks were
larger and more substantial, and 75% more of them were produced over the course
of the initial five-month growing season. Each of the plants in the CO2-enriched
tanks also produced twice as many flowers as the plants growing in normal air;
and the flowers that blossomed in the CO2-enriched air were more substantial
than those that bloomed in the air of normal CO2 concentration: they had more
petals, the petals were longer, they had a greater percent dry matter content, and
each flower consequently weighed about 50% more . In addition, the stems that
supported the flowers were slightly longer in the CO2-enriched tanks; and the
percent dry matter contents of both the flower and leaf stems were greater, so that
the total dry matter in the flower and leaf stems in the CO2-enriched tanks
exceeded that of the flower and leaf stems in the ambient-air tanks by
approximately 60%. Several years later, Deng and Woodward (1998) studied the direct and interactive effects of elevated
CO2and nitrogen supply by growing strawberries in controlled glasshouses exposed to atmospheric CO2concentrations of 390 and
560 ppm at three levels of nitrogen for nearly three months. The two authors found that strawberries growing at the

elevated CO2 concentration contained additional sugar and physical mass to

support significantly greater numbers of flowers and fruits than in strawberry
plants growing at 390 ppm CO2. This effect consequently led to total fresh fruit weights that were
42 and 17% greater in CO2-enriched plants that received the highest and lowest nitrogen
levels, respectively.

2NC Turns Warming

Nitrogen absorption checks any positive feedbacks in the short term and
eventually creates a negative feedback in the long term
Idsos, 11 [Sherwood PhD and former research physicist for the Department of Agriculture, Keith PhD
Botany, Craig PhD Geography, 8/10/2011. Forests Find More Nitrogen in the Soils of a Warming World,] DHirsch
Background The authors write that "soil

warming experiments conducted in a variety of

ecosystems, including forests, have shown short-term losses of soil carbon as
CO2," as well as "acceleration of nitrogen cycling rates, leading to an increase in
the availability of nitrogen to the vegetation (Peterjohn et al., 1994; Rustad and Fernandez, 1998; Luo et
al., 2001; Shaw and Harte, 2001; Melillo et al., 2002; Eliasson et al., 2005)," and they state that "the principles of ecosystem
stoichiometry (Melillo and Gosz, 1983; Rastetter et al., 1992; Sterner and Elser, 2002) suggest that, in forest

ecosystems, the redistribution of a relatively small amount of this newly available

nitrogen from the soil to the trees could result in a substantial increase in carbon
storage in woody tissues." What was done In a long-term (seven-year) effort designed to further explore these closely
related phenomena, Melillo et al. (2011) measured changes in net carbon storage in both trees and soil in a mixed hardwood forest
ecosystem in central Massachusetts (USA) in response to a 5C increase in soil temperature imposed on a 30 x 30-m tract of land
that was heated by a matrix of heating cables buried at a depth of 10 cm and spaced 20 cm apart, comparing the results from that
tract of land with those they obtained on a non-heated 30 x 30-m tract of similar land. What was learned The fifteen

researchers report that the soil warming of their study resulted in carbon losses
from the soil; but they say that it simultaneously stimulated carbon gains in the
woody tissues of the trees. Altogether, over the seven years of the experiment, they indicate that "the
cumulative warming-induced net flux of carbon has been from the forest to the
atmosphere," but they note that "the magnitude of the flux has diminished over
time as a result of the increase in tree growth rate in the heated area." And they state that
in the seventh year of the study, "warming-induced soil carbon losses were almost
totally compensated for by plant carbon gains in response to warming," which
phenomenon they attributed to "warming-induced increases in nitrogen
availability." What it means Melillo et al. conclude that "although warming has resulted in a net
positive feedback to the climate system, the magnitude of the feedback has been
substantially dampened by the increase in storage of carbon in vegetation ." And if their
study were to continue, and if the trend established over its first seven years were to continue, one could expect to see
the sign of the feedback change from positive to negative, perhaps as soon as the
next year or two, and to grow more negative from that point in time, with the longterm climate feedback ultimately proving to be negative, demonstrating the
extreme importance of long-term studies of this nature.

Exts Negative Feedback

Strong plants key to aerosol emissions

Miyazaki et al, 12 [P. Q. Fu, K. Kawamura, Y. Mizoguchi, and K. Yamanoi, Institute of Low Temperature
Science, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan and Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of
Sciences, Beijing, China, 2/3/2012. Seasonal variations of stable carbon isotopic composition and biogenic tracer
compounds of water-soluble organic aerosols in a deciduous forest,] DHirsch

Forest ecosystems act as a major sink of atmospheric CO2 and a source of

atmospheric organic aerosols (Kavouras et al., 1998; Kulmala et al., 2004; Tunved et al., 2006). Forest
vegetation contributes substantially to emissions of a variety of biogenic volatile
organic compounds (BVOCs) via processes that are closely linked to
photosynthesis (e.g., Penuelas and Staudt, 2010). In boreal forests, photosynthesis is inhibited
in winter and occurs predominantly in sunlight during the growing season. Although
forestatmosphere interactions are potentially important for climate change
assessments (Kulmala et al., 2004; Mahowald, 2011), such interactions are complicated and poorly represented in current
global models (Bonan, 2008).

2NC Wars Impact

Food crises escalate into food wars and regional conflicts
Smith 98 [Paul J., Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies,]
Food security and political stability are often inextricably linked in many countries. Historically,
significant malnutrition and famine have been caused by the disruption of food supplies through wars and civil strife. 53 Yet, the
concepts of food security and political stability are often mutually dependent and reinforcing. Food security, for example,

can influence the political stability of countries . Simultaneously, political instability (such as wars or
other forms of civil strife) can influence food security, as can be seen recently in the case of Indonesia. One seminar participant
noted that the greatest risk for regime stability is the risk of urban riotsriots that are

sometimes sparked by food shortages or sudden price increases among food products. Generally, starvation in
the countryside does not result in political instability. This is because those who experience the brunt of food shortages tend to be
rural and have little political voice. A recent example of this phenomenon occurred in India where rising food prices led to urban
riots directed at Indias ruling political partythe Bharatiya Janata Party. Similarly, when the price of rice soared in Indonesia,
thereby making it prohibitively expensive for a large segment of the population, food riots erupted in eastern Java. The government
deployed military forces around markets to prevent looting. Moreover, Chinas sharp rejection of the Lester Brown thesis that China
needs to import massive amounts of grain from the world market in the coming century was partially rooted in a persistent fear
within the Chinese government that food insecurity could potentially provoke widespread anger against the Communist Party and
perhaps lead to civil unrest. Thus, the sensitivity that many Asian governments have about food security may be linked to fears of
social instability and perhaps even political revolution. Food security thus becomes an issue of regime survival. Another security
concern prominent in many Asian capitals is the prospect for increased economic migration as a result of food shortages. Internal
migration is the first concern for many governments, especially as internal migration is often a natural "coping response" in times of
famine. When North Korea experienced severe floods in September 1995, South Korea responded by creating refugee camps to deal
with the possible flood of people who might have fled toward the south. Similarly, Indonesias food crisis in 1997 was partly
responsible for the outflow of thousands of Indonesian migrants to Malaysia. As the crisis in Indonesia intensified in early 1998,
many neighboring countries feared that many more "hungry Indonesians [would] take to boats in search of a better life." 54 Many
countries in East Asia are extremely sensitive and wary about immigrationespecially mass migration or illegal migration. The
recent surge in labor and economic migration throughout the region has catapulted the immigration issue to the highest levels of
government. Immigration disputes, moreover, have broken out between nationssuch as the in case of Singapore and the
Philippines in 1995regarding illegal immigration and repatriation policies. Few governments in the region officially desire more
immigration. To the extent that food insecurity might spur greater migration, then it

may be viewed by many governments in the region as a security concern.

Exts Food Shortages = Wars

Food shortages lead to escalating conflicts over resources culminating in
World War III
Calvin 98 [William Calvin, Theoretical Neurophysiologist at the University of Washington, January 1998, Atlantic
Monthly, The Great Climate Flip-Flop, Pages 47-64]
The population-crash scenario is surely the most appalling. Plummeting

crop yields would cause some

powerful countries to try to take over their neighbors or distant lands -- if only because their
armies, unpaid and lacking food, would go marauding, both at home and across the borders. The betterorganized countries would attempt to use their armies, before they fell apart entirely, to take over
countries with significant remaining resources, driving out or starving their inhabitants
if not using modern weapons to accomplish the same end: eliminating competitors for
the remaining food. This would be a worldwide problem -- and could lead to a Third World
War -- but Europe's vulnerability is particularly easy to analyze. The last abrupt cooling, the Younger Dryas, drastically altered
Europe's climate as far east as Ukraine. Present-day Europe has more than 650 million people. It has excellent soils, and largely
grows its own food. It could no longer do so if it lost the extra warming from the North Atlantic.

2NC Cancer Impact

CO2 increases Gingers cancer prevention properties
Jaafar et. al 11 [Hawa and Ali Ghasemzadeh, Department of Crop Science, Faculty of Agriculture, University Putra
Malaysia, 43400 UPM, Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia, 7/18/2011. Antioxidant potential and anticancer activity of
young ginger (Zingiber officinale Roscoe) grown under different CO2 concentration,] DHirsch

The rhizome of Z. officinale is generally used as a culinary spice in Malaysia, and also
for the treatment of oral diseases, leucorrhoea, stomachb pain, stomach
discomfort, diuretic, inflammation and dysentery. Shukla et al. (2007) reported
cancer preventive properties of ginger and showed that this ability is related to
[6]-gingerol. Kuokkanen et al. (2001) showed that the concentration of total phenolics was
significantly increased in the birch leaves produced in the CO2-enriched air , as has also
been observed in the experiments of Lavola and Julkunen (1994), Williams et al. (1994), Kinney et al. (1997) and Ibrahim et al.
(2011). Environmental conditions, cultural practice, and management approaches can impact the quality of food by their abilities to
promote good health and well being. In fact, new management strategies are emerging that use ecophysiological factors to elevate
phytochemical concentrations in food crops. Some ecophysiological conditions that are thought to

have significant impact on enhancing the health promoting phytochemicals in a

number of plants include environmental conditions and cultural and management practices
(Schreiner, 2005).
Thus, there is an increasing interest in using appropriate strategies and management practices to improve the quality of food crops
by enhancing their nutritive and health-promoting properties. Information about anticancer and

antioxidant activities of enriched ginger by elevated CO2 concentration is scarce . On

the other hand, the impacts of cultural conditions and CO2 concentration on
biopharmaceutical production in herbs have not been widely investigated and it
needs to be understood, especially when the objective is the optimization of the
herb chemistry. The aim of this study was to screen antioxidant potential and
anticancer activities (in vitro) of two Malaysian young ginger varieties (Z.
officinale) grown under different CO2 concentration.
Ginger growing in CO2 is key to solve cancer
Jaafar et. al 11 [Hawa and Ali Ghasemzadeh, Department of Crop Science, Faculty of Agriculture, University Putra Malaysia,
43400 UPM, Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia, 7/18/2011. Antioxidant potential and anticancer activity of young ginger (Zingiber
officinale Roscoe) grown under different CO2 concentration,] DHirsch

Cancer is one of the extensive diseases in humans and there is substantial

scientific and commercial attention in continuing discovery of new anticancer
agents from natural product sources. Currently, about 50% of drugs used in clinical trials for anticancer
activity were isolated from natural sources such as herbs and spices or are related to them (Newman and Cragg, 2007). A number of
active compounds such as flavonoids, diterpenoids, triterpenoids and alkaloids have been shown to possess anticancer activity.

The results showed strong inhibitory activity of Malaysian young ginger varieties
on human breast cancer cells (MCF7 and MDAMB231). Our results in this study
indicate that some compounds in Malaysian young ginger varieties posses
anticancer activities and may contribute to the therapeutic effect of this medicinal
herb. According to the report of the American National Cancer Institute (NCI), the criteria of anticancer activity for the crude
extracts of herbs is an IC50<30 g/ml (Itharat et al., 2004). Thus, according to the results from current
study seems that enriched ginger varieties by elevated CO2 concentration could be
employed in ethno-medicine for the management of breast cancerous diseases.
Therefore, more focused clinical studies are necessary to establish whether these varieties can be exploited to reach cancer blocking
or remedial effects in human body.

Exts Ginger
Antioxidants in Ginger are significantly higher under CO2 studies prove
Jaafar et. al 11 [Hawa and Ali Ghasemzadeh, Department of Crop Science, Faculty of Agriculture, University Putra
Malaysia, 43400 UPM, Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia, 7/18/2011. Antioxidant potential and anticancer activity of young ginger
(Zingiber officinale Roscoe) grown under different CO2 concentration,] DHirsch
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Determination of antioxidant activity of ginger The results obtained from the preliminary analysis of
antioxidant activity are shown in Table 1 and Figure 1. According to the data obtained, significant differences were

the antioxidant activity of leaves was

higher than rhizomes extracts in both varieties that were grown under ambient
CO2 concentration. The results also had indicated that antioxidant activities
increased significantly by elevated CO2 concentration . Antioxidant activity was enhanced in
observed among treatments for antioxidant activities. From the result,

rhizomes by elevated CO2 concentration more than in leaves with highest value of TBA (78.73%) obtained from Halia Bara
rhizomes. The leaves extract of Halia Bentong and Halia Bara in ambient CO2 condition exhibited strong potential of free radical
scavenging activity. According to the results TBA content of the Halia Bara leaves grown in ambient CO2 concentration reached to
70.73%, while at the same extract concentration, that of the rhizomes was 67.88% (Table 1). In ambient CO2

concentration differences between leaves and rhizomes in both varieties for TBA
activity was not significant, while in elevated CO2 concentration significant
differences was observed between different parts of varieties. The results of the
current study showed that TBA activity of the ginger parts extract were less than
those of -tocopherol (82.1%) and quercetin (94.7%), at 45 g/ml when grown under
ambient CO2 (Figure 1). Halia Bara rhizomes grown under elevated CO2 showed higher antioxidant activities compare to tocopherol at concentration of 47 g/ml and above. Methanol extracts may include phenolic and hydroxy-phenolic compounds with
acids, alcohols, sugars or glycosides, as reported by Kim et al. (2004). Many researchers had shown that high total flavonoids
content increases antioxidant activity and there was a linear correlation between flavonoids content and antioxidant activity (Jung et
al., 2007; Ghasemzadeh et al., 2010a, b). Silva et al. (2002) showed myricetin is expected to be the most efficient avonoid
antioxidant followed by quercetin.

2NC Pakistan Impact

Elevated CO2 lets cotton thrive
Kakani et al, 4 Department of Plant and Soil Sciences, Mississippi State University, Department of Plant and Soil
Sciences, Mississippi State University, Department of Plant and Soil Sciences, Mississippi State University, and USDA UV-B
Monitoring and Research Program, Natural Resource Ecology Laboratory, Colorado State University, Fort Collins (Vijaya Gopal
Kakani, Kambham Raja Reddy, Duli Zhao and Wei Gao, 2004, Senescence and hyperspectral reflectance of cotton leaves exposed to
ultraviolet-B radiation and carbon dioxide, PHYSIOLOGIA PLANTARUM 121: 250257. 2004, | JJ)

Considerable growth and developmental variations occur in plants exposed to UV-B radiation and
atmospheric [CO2 ]. Selection of leaves from a plant at different node positions provided us with leaves that differed in
age, and the leaves at same node in different treatments enabled us to study the effect of different intensities of UV-B radiation and
[CO2 ] on leaves of the same age. In

cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L. cv. DES119), Sassenrath-Cole et al. (1996) found that
photosynthetic responses to light environment during leaf ageing were
solely as a result of physiological changes within the senescing leaf and not the
result of photon flux density environment or shading. Decline in photosynthesis
and chlorophyll are early symptoms of senescence, with chloroplasts as one of the
primary targets for degradation (Thomas and Stoddart 1980, Grove and Mohanty 1992). In cotton,
remobilization of leaf N to reproductive organs appears to be the principle
component leading to photosynthetic decline (Pettigrew et al. 2000) and the data also
suggest that environmental factors can play a role in causing the photosynthetic
decline. In our study, atmospheric [CO2 ] did not alter the senescence as indicated by Pn and chlorophyll pigments.
Elevated [CO2 ], however, increased Pn by 35% similar to that recorded in earlier
studies in well-watered and well fertilized conditions (Reddy et al. 1997, 2000). In this study, at 0 kJ
changes in leaf

of UV-B and with increase in leafage, a decrease in Pn was recorded with no change in chlorophyll pigments indicating that decline
in Pn is a stimulant for leaf senescence in cotton. The

photosynthesis activity below a certain

threshold level is known to induce leaf senescence (Smart 1994, Dai et al. 1999). Hensel et al. (1993)
postulated that a decrease in photosynthesis efficiency reduces sugar levels that may be an early signal for induction of senescence.
In the current study, near ambient UV-B radiation (7.7 kJ) reduced the Pn of30day-old leaves by 50% compared with that at 0 kJ
UV-B radiation. In detached maize leaves, senescence induced loss of chlorophyll and photosynthesis was significantly enhanced by
UV-B radiation (Biswal et al. 1997). Under high UV-B of15.1 kJ, the 12-day-old leaves had Pn on par with the 30-day-old leaves in
the control treatment. The 21-day-old leaves exposed to high UV-B were on par with the 30-day-old leaves exposed to ambient and
high UV-B, suggesting that these leaves were in a similar senescence phase as a result of their exposure to UV-B radiation. Thus, the
UV-B radiation resulted in accelerated leaf ageing.

Cottons key to the Pakistani economy we control uniqueness

Nadeem et al, 10 - Department o f Agronomy, University o f Agriculture, Faisalabad , Pakistan, University College of

Agriculture and Environmental Sciences , Islamia University, Bahawalpur , Pakistan (Muhammad Ather Nadeem, Asghar Ali,
Muhammad Tahir , Muhammad Naeem 1 , Asim Raza Chadhar and Sagheer Ahmad, 2010, Effect of Nitrogen Levels and Plant
Spacing on Growth and Yield of Cotton, Pakistan Journal of Life and Social Sciences, Vol. 8 No. 2, | JJ)

Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) is considered as mainstay of Pakistans economy. It is an

important cash crop, major source of foreign exchange and plays an important
role in agriculture, industry and economic development of the country. In
Pakistan cotton is grown on an area is 3.22 million hectares with total production
of 12417 thousand bales and average seed cotton yield of 732 kg ha -1 (Anonymous, 2007). Despite of
concerted efforts of breeders and agronomists, yield per unit area is still far below
from many other cotton producing countries of the world. Low yield of cotton in Pakistan is
attributed to some production as well as economic constraints. Poor quality seed, low seed rate, low plant population, poor
management or agronomic practices, conventional sowing methods, imbalanced fertilizer application, weed infestation and insect

attack are main causes of its low yield. In cotton plant, spacing has effects on the growth and yield characteristics of the plant. Plant
population (density) is very important for attaining optimum crop growth and yield under irrigated conditions. Mostly, farmers
maintain plant spacing and density according to their traditional methods of planting rather than variety requirement and hence do
not obtain the high crop yield. Hussain et al. (2000) reported that 30 cm spacing between cotton plants increased plant height,
number of bolls per plant and boll weight as compared to 10 cm and 20 cm. However, plant spacing did not affect ginning out turn
or fiber quality. On the other hand Muhammad et al. (2002) found that boll weight decreased by increasing plant population. The
field conditions that produce short stature plants can generally tolerate higher plant density without incurring significant yield
reduction (Hake et al., 1991). Adequate plant population facilitates the efficient use of applied fertilizers and irrigation (Abbas,
2000). When density is low, fruiting branches are longer and a greater percentage of bolls are produced on outer position of fruiting
branches but first position bolls produced by high density are the biggest and best resulting in high yield. Fruit initiation was
influenced by plant density in upland cotton (Buxton et al., 1977).

Nuclear War
Guthrie, 2K (Grant, J.D. candidate, 2000, University of California, Hastings College of the Law., Hastings International
and Comparative Law Review Nuclear Testing Rocks the Sub-Continent: Can International Law Halt the Impending Nuclear
Conflict Between India and Pakistan? Spring/Summer 2000, pg lexis wyo-ef)

Nuclear testing creates political instability because it requires a substantial

economic investment. One, small fission device typically costs five million U.S. dollars to manufacture. 84
Pakistan's economy is fragile already. 85 Pakistan's total budget for 1996-1997 was $
12.5 [*503] billion, out of which 45 percent was spent on debt service and 24 percent on
defense. 86 If Pakistan begins increasing its defense budget there will be nothing
left for its people. 87 The spending effects of continued nuclear tests might bankrupt
the Pakistani economy. One day, the Pakistani government might be forced to sell
nuclear fuel, nuclear weapons or nuclear technology to generate capital.
Uncontrollable nuclear proliferation could ensue and the world political regime
might become destabilized. There are strong political forces contending for
control of Pakistan. 88 Pakistan has been ruled on and off by the military for half of
its history. 89 In October of 1999, Pakistan's democratically elected government was overthrown and traded for a military
regime. 90 If Pakistan's political climate does not eventually stabilize, Pakistan may
become divided and compartmentalized, like a warlord-ridden, nuclear Somalia.
Each faction would control nuclear weapons and a nuclear civil war could ensue.
The world could be at the mercy of a rogue nuclear state. The effect on the world
could be incredibly destabilizing.

Exts Pakistan
Causes global conflict
Pitt 9, Managing Editor of, NYT and internationally bestselling author, 5/8/2009. Unstable
Pakistan Threatens the World,
But a suicide bomber in Pakistan rammed a car packed with explosives into a jeep filled with troops today, killing five and
wounding as many as 21, including several children who were waiting for a ride to school. Residents of the region where the attack
took place are fleeing in terror as gunfire rings out around them, and government forces have been unable to quell the violence. Two
regional government officials were beheaded by militants in retaliation for the killing of other militants by government forces. As
familiar as this sounds, it did not take place where we have come to expect such terrible events. This, unfortunately, is a whole new
ballgame. It is part of another conflict that is brewing, one which puts what is happening in Iraq and Afghanistan in deep shade, and
which represents a grave and growing threat to us all. Pakistan is now trembling on the edge of violent
chaos, and is doing so with nuclear weapons in its hip pocket, right in the middle of one of the most dangerous neighborhoods in the
world. The situation in brief: Pakistan for years has been a nation in turmoil, run by a shaky government supported by a corrupted
system, dominated by a blatantly criminal security service, and threatened by a large fundamentalist Islamic population with deep
ties to the Taliban in Afghanistan. All this is piled atop an ongoing standoff with neighboring India that has been the center of
political gravity in the region for more than half a century. The

fact that Pakistan, and India, and Russia,

and China all possess nuclear weapons and share the same space means any
ongoing or escalating violence over there has the real potential to crack open the
very gates of Hell itself. Recently, the Taliban made a military push into the northwest Pakistani region around the
Swat Valley. According to a recent Reuters report: The (Pakistani) army deployed troops in Swat in October 2007 and used artillery
and gunship helicopters to reassert control. But insecurity mounted after a civilian government came to power last year and tried to
reach a negotiated settlement. A peace accord fell apart in May 2008. After that, hundreds including soldiers, militants and
civilians died in battles. Militants unleashed a reign of terror, killing and beheading politicians, singers, soldiers and opponents.
They banned female education and destroyed nearly 200 girls' schools. About 1,200 people were killed since late 2007 and 250,000
to 500,000 fled, leaving the militants in virtual control. Pakistan offered on February 16 to introduce Islamic law in the Swat valley
and neighboring areas in a bid to take the steam out of the insurgency. The militants announced an indefinite cease-fire after the
army said it was halting operations in the region. President Asif Ali Zardari signed a regulation imposing sharia in the area last
month. But the Taliban refused to give up their guns and pushed into Buner and another district adjacent to Swat, intent on
spreading their rule. The United States, already embroiled in a war against Taliban forces in Afghanistan, must now face the
possibility that Pakistan could collapse under the mounting threat of Taliban forces there. Military and diplomatic advisers to
President Obama, uncertain how best to proceed, now face one of the great nightmare scenarios of our time. "Recent militant gains
in Pakistan," reported The New York Times on Monday, "have so alarmed the White House that the national security adviser, Gen.
James L. Jones, described the situation as 'one of the very most serious problems we face.'" "Security was deteriorating rapidly,"
reported The Washington Post on Monday, "particularly in the mountains along the Afghan border that harbor al-Qaeda and the
Taliban, intelligence chiefs reported, and there were signs that those groups were working with indigenous extremists in Pakistan's
populous Punjabi heartland. The Pakistani government was mired in political bickering. The army, still fixated on its historical
adversary India, remained ill-equipped and unwilling to throw its full weight into the counterinsurgency fight. But despite the threat
the intelligence conveyed, Obama has only limited options for dealing with it. Anti-American feeling in Pakistan is high, and a U.S.
combat presence is prohibited. The United States is fighting Pakistan-based extremists by proxy, through an army over which it has
little control, in alliance with a government in which it has little confidence." It is believed Pakistan is currently in possession of
between 60 and 100 nuclear weapons. Because Pakistan's stability is threatened by the wide swath of its population that shares
ethnic, cultural and religious connections to the fundamentalist Islamic populace of Afghanistan, fears over what could happen to
those nuclear weapons if the Pakistani government collapses are very real. "As the insurgency of the Taliban and Al Qaeda spreads in
Pakistan," reported the Times last week, "senior American officials say they are increasingly concerned about new vulnerabilities for
Pakistan's nuclear arsenal, including the potential for militants to snatch a weapon in transport or to insert sympathizers into
laboratories or fuel-production facilities. In public, the administration has only hinted at those concerns, repeating the formulation
that the Bush administration used: that it has faith in the Pakistani Army. But that cooperation, according to officials who would not
speak for attribution because of the sensitivity surrounding the exchanges between Washington and Islamabad, has been sharply
limited when the subject has turned to the vulnerabilities in the Pakistani nuclear infrastructure." "The prospect of turmoil in
Pakistan sends shivers up the spines of those U.S. officials charged with keeping tabs on foreign nuclear weapons," reported Time
Magazine last month. "Pakistan is thought to possess about 100 the U.S. isn't sure of the total, and may not know where all of
them are. Still, if Pakistan collapses, the U.S. military is primed to enter the country and secure as many of those weapons as it can,
according to U.S. officials. Pakistani officials insist their personnel safeguards are stringent, but a sleeper cell could cause big
trouble, U.S. officials say." In other words, a shaky Pakistan spells trouble for everyone, especially if America loses the footrace to
secure those weapons in the event of the worst-case scenario. If

Pakistani militants ever succeed in

toppling the government, several very dangerous events could happen at once. Nuclear-armed India

could be galvanized into military action of some kind, as could nuclear-armed China or nucleararmed Russia. If the Pakistani government does fall, and all those Pakistani nukes are not immediately accounted for and
secured, the specter (or reality) of loose nukes falling into the hands of terrorist organizations
could place the entire world on a collision course with unimaginable disaster.

2NC Earthworms Impact

Elevated CO2 increases earthworm activity
Yeates et al, 3 Landcare Research, Private Bag 11-052, Palmerston North, New Zealand, Landcare Research, Private
Bag 11-052, Palmerston North, New Zealand, AgResearch Grasslands, Private Bag 11-008, Palmerston North, New Zealand (G. W.
Yeates, P. C. D. Newton, D. J. Ross, Significant changes in soil microfauna in grazed pasture under elevated carbon dioxide, Biol
Fertil Soils (2003) 38:319326, 2003, SpringerLink | JJ)

Observations indicate an increase of 1.11.7x in the abundance and activity of

lumbricid earthworms under elevated CO2 (Table 7). These increases suggest a
greater partitioning of photosynthate to below-ground processes, which can be
related in part to increased root-feeding by Longidorus and increased root
turnover (Yeates et al. 2003; V. Allard, personal communication). Previous work in grazed pastures in New Zealand has shown
that introduction of lumbricids not only has perceived beneficial effects on soil
conditions (Stockdill 1982), but also influences decomposition processes and the
composition of the nematode fauna, with relative reduction in the abundance of fungal-feeding nematodes
(Yeates 1981). While earthworms increased under elevated CO2, our results show a marked decrease (0.7-fold) in the abundance of
enchytraeids that are predominantly microbialfeeding (Didden 1993). In contrast to the impact of lumbricids on nematodes
observed by Yeates (1981), the fungal-feeding nematodes here increased 1.57-fold under elevated CO2, with the increase being
greater than that of bacterial-feeding nematodes (Table 4). This

suggests that changes in soil organic

matter quality under elevated CO2 may have outweighed the effect of increased
earthworm activity.

Earthworms key to humanity

Tompkin & Bird 99 (Peter, and Christopher, no quals, secrets of the sol, taken from Microsoil, wyo -ef)

Only where you find earthworms will you find rich, healthy soil with high amounts
of organic matter and vice versa. Earthworms simply cannot proliferate and
flourish in areas where chemical fertilizers and pesticides are paramount.
Earthworms, actually, act as a barometer for soil health . Many agriculture oriented people still do
not understand or appreciate the tremendous enriching value that earthworms have on our soils. It took a French scientist and
ecologist, Andr Voisin, author of the insightful Soil, Grass and Cancer, to point out that the
the slippery lumbricid, most common in the United States and Europe, is

earthworm, and in particular

not only essential to good

agriculture but is the very foundation of all civilization . In Better Grassland Sward, Voisin traces
man's civilizations in relation to the distribution of active earthworms, of which he lists some three thousand species. Among the
most ancient of terrestrial animal groups, several hundred million years old, they come in various colors and sizes: brown, purple,
red, pink, blue, green and light tan, the smallest barely an inch long, the largest a ten-foot giant in Australia, though South African
newspapers reported a boa-constrictor-sized monster twenty feet long, a yard wide through the middle. The most common
European and American earthworm, Lumbricus terrestris, grows barely longer than six inches. Ten thousand years ago, immediately
after the last ice age, the

lumbricid earthworms were to be found only in certain restricted

areas of the planet, such as in the valleys of three great civilizations - the Indus, the
Euphrates, and the Nile - where crops grew almost without cultivation in a soil of
immensely fruitful richness. As Jerry Minnich points out in The Earthworm Book, other areas of the earth offered
ideal climates and rich soils, but produced, with the exception of China, no such civilizations. The Egyptian experience
alone, says Minnich, is strong indication that a complex civilization cannot develop
until the basic agricultural needs of its people are met, and that requires the
earthworm. Not that the point was entirely overlooked by the USDA. an agricultural report on investigations carried out in
the valley of the Nile in 1949, before the folly of the Aswan Dam, indicated that the great fertility of the soil was due in large part the

work of earthworms.

It was estimated that during the six months of active growing season
each year the castings of earthworms on these soils amounted to a stunning 120
tons per acre, and in each handful of that soil are more microorganisms than there
are humans on the planet. Thirty years before the birth of Darwin, as the American colonists were breaking away
from the mother country, an English naturalist, Gilbert White, was writing: Worms seem to be the great
promoters of vegetation, perforating and loosening the soil, rendering it pervious
to rains and the fibers of plants by drawing straws and stalks of leaves and twigs
into it; and, most of all, by throwing up such infinite numbers of lumps of earth
called worm-casts, which being their excrement, is a fine manure for grain and
grass. . . . The earth without worms would soon become cold, hard-bound, and
void of fermentation, and consequently sterile . That the phenomenon was understood before the time of
Christ is clear from Cleopatra's decree that the earthworm be revered and protected by all her subjects as a sacred animal. Egyptians
were forbidden to remove it from the land, and farmers were not to trouble the worms for fear of stunting the renowned fertility of
the Nilotic valley's soil.


While the IPCC is skewed by politics and false science, the NIPCC cites
hundreds of accurate scientific papers and has no political agenda
Carter 11 Dr. Robert Carter, palaeontologist, stratigrapher, marine geologist and environmental scientist with over 30 years
professional experience, and holds degrees from the University of Otago (New Zealand) and the University of Cambridge (England),
December 7 2011, Guest Column: Nongovernmental International Panel on Climate Change a credible source
In his Nov. 16 letter to the editor, Rebuttal to Tom Harriss letter and the NIPCC, Nick Poggioli has chosen to question the
authority of the independent Nongovernmental International Panel on Climate Change (NIPCC). Second, he asserts that the United
Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is a more credible authority than the NIPCC. This is not a good time to
be claiming authority for the IPCC, which now has a 15-year-long history of scientific malfeasance that

stretches back to its Second Assessment Report in 1995. On that occasion, recommendations
from one of the expert science advisory groups were reworded in alarmist terms by a single
scientist charged with preparing the wording for the critical Summary for Policymakers. Along
the way since, we have had: (i) the resignation of leading scientists from IPCC because of their
dissatisfaction with its procedures; (ii) the domination of the 2001 Third Assessment Report by
the statistically invalid hockey stick graph of global temperature; and (iii) the discovery of the
dysfunctional peer-reviewing of the 2007 Fourth Assessment Report, in which a full 30 percent
of the references have proved to represent student theses and reports by environmental activist
groups and the like. Meanwhile, November 2009 saw the publication of e-mails leaked from the IPCCs main advisory group
for the global temperature record, located at the Climatic Research Centre (CRU) at the University of East Anglia. As the
subsequent Climategate affair showed, CRU scientists and their worldwide network of
contacts have been abusing basic scientific process for many years, including attempting to
manipulate the scientific literature toward their preferred alarmist stance on global warming in
support of IPCC intentions. Finally, and just a few weeks ago, Canadian investigative journalist Donna Laframboise
published her devastating expos of the chicanery and corruption that underlie many IPCC processes in a new book titled The
delinquent teenager who was mistaken for the worlds top climate expert.It has been clear for many years, then and as is

be expected of a body that is composed of government appointees that the IPCC is dominantly
a political body. As such, the organization gives political advice that, in turn, rests upon
politicized and spun views of the basic science (i.e., Frisbee science). The IPCCs reputation as
a source of credible and impartial scientific advice is, therefore, now shredded beyond retrieval,
and many senior scientists believe that it should be closed down forthwith. In contrast, the authors
and contributors to the NIPCC publications represent independent and often senior scientists
who are beholden to no one, and have no political agenda to pursue. NIPCC presents the science
as it is, not as it can be spun. In particular, NIPCC volumes contain descriptions of hundreds of
papers that argue against the occurrence of dangerous human-caused global warming and which
have gone unreported or under-reported by the IPCC.

The NIPCC receives almost no funding from self-interest corporations and

has a fraction of the IPCCs budget
Ferrara 3/1 Peter Ferrara, contributor to, and General Counsel for the American Civil Rights Union, and
Senior Fellow at the National Center for Policy Analysis 3/1/12 Fakegate: the obnoxious fabrication of global warming

This is the essential background to understanding Fakegate, the strange and still being written
story of the decline and fall of political activist Peter Gleick , who had successfully engineered a long career
posing as an objective climate scientist. Gleick, who has announced he is taking a temporary, short-term leave of absence as
president of the Pacific Institute, also served until recently as chairman of the science integrity task force of the American
Geophysical Union. Gleick has publicly confessed that he contacted The Heartland Institute

fraudulently pretending to be a member of the Board of Directors . Emails released by The Heartland
Institute show that he created an email address similar to that of a board member and used it to convince a staff member to send
him confidential board materials. Gleick then forwarded the documents to 15 global warming alarmist

advocacy organizations and sympathetic journalists, who immediately posted them online and
blogged and wrote about them. Their expectation apparently was that the documents would be as embarrassing and
damaging to the global warming skeptics as were the emails revealed in the Climategate scandal to the alarmist side. The
Climategate revelations showed scientific leaders of the UNs IPCC and global warming alarmist movement plotting to falsify climate
data and exclude those raising doubts about their theories from scientific publications, while coordinating their message with
supposedly objective mainstream journalists. But the stolen Heartland documents exonerated, rather than

embarrassed, the skeptic movement. They demonstrate only an interest at Heartland in getting
the truth out on the actual objective science. They revealed little funding from oil companies and
other self interested commercial enterprises, who actually contribute heavily to global warming
alarmists as protection money instead. The documents also show how poorly funded the global warming
skeptics at Heartland are, managing on a shoestring to raise a shockingly successful global
challenge to the heavily overfunded UN and politicized government science. As the Wall Street
Journal observed on Feb. 21, while Heartlands budget for the NIPCC this year totals $388,000, that
compares to $6.5 million for the UNs IPCC, and $2.5 billion that President Obamas budget
commits for research into the global changes that have resulted primarily from global overdependence on fossil fuels. That demonstrates how an ounce of truth can overcome a tidal wave
of falsehood.

AT: Idsos Suck

The Idsos work was commissioned by funding from the US government,
not ExxonMobil
Popular Science 11, Andrew, contributor to, May 10 2011 Are Skeptical scientists funded by

Sherwood B. Idso, B.S. Physics Cum Laude, University of Minnesota (1964); M.S. Soil Science, University of Minnesota

(1966); Ph.D. Soil Science, University of Minnesota (1967); Research Assistant in Physics, University of Minnesota (1962); National
Defense Education Act Fellowship (1964-1967); Research Soil Scientist, U.S. Water Conservation Laboratory, Agricultural Research
Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture (1967-1974); Editorial Board Member, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology Journal (19721993); Secretary, American Meteorological Society, Central Arizona Chapter (1973-1974); Vice-Chair, American Meteorological
Society, Central Arizona Chapter (1974-1975); Research Physicist, U.S. Water Conservation Laboratory, Agricultural Research
Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture (1974-2001); Chair, American Meteorological Society, Central Arizona Chapter (1975-1976);
Arthur S. Flemming Award (1977); Secretary, Sigma Xi - The Research Society, Arizona State University Chapter (1979-1980);
President, Sigma Xi - The Research Society, Arizona State University Chapter (1980-1982); Member, Task Force on "Alternative
Crops", Council for Agricultural Science and Technology (1983); Adjunct Professor of Geography and Plant Biology, Arizona State
University (1984-2007); Editorial Board Member, Environmental and Experimental Botany Journal (1993-Present); Member,
Botanical Society of America; Member, American Geophysical Union; Member, American Society of Agronomy; ISI Highly Cited
Researcher; President, Center for the Study of Carbon Dioxide and Global Change (2001-Present) Idso: "I presume that all

of the original basic scientific research articles of which I am an author that appear on the list
were written while I was an employee of the USDA's Agricultural Research Service; and,
therefore, the only source of funding would have been the U.S. government. I retired from my position

as a Research Physicist at the U.S. Water Conservation Laboratory in late 2001 and have not written any new reports of new original
research. Since then, I have concentrated solely on studying new research reports written by others that appear each week in a
variety of different scientific journals and writing brief reviews of them for the CO2Science website. In both of these

segments of my scientific career, I have always presented -- and continue to present -- what I
believe to be the truth. Funding never has had, and never will have, any influence on what I
believe, what I say, and what I write." Conclusion: The scientists unjustly attacked in the Carbon Brief
article are not "linked to" [funded by] ExxonMobil. The Carbon Brief and any other website perpetuating this smear
should issue a retraction.

Claiming that our authors are biased because of funding is both false and
also on the level of Nazi/Marxist policy
Reisman 06 George Reisman, contributor to the Ludwig von Mises Institute and the author of Capitalism: A Treatise on
Economics and Pepperdine University Professor Emeritus of Economics June 29 2006 CO2 Sciences Finding on Global Warming:
A Marxist-Type Response
One of the very first replies to my posting of CO2 Sciences journal review A 221-Year Temperature History of the Southwest Coast
of Greenland was this: CO2 Science is funded by Exxon. Come on, you guys are usually such

independent thinkers you can do better than rehash this stuff. The author of this statement
believes that it is sufficient to name the economic affiliation of an individual or organization to
be able to dismiss and ignore anything that comes from them. This was a tactic employed for
generations by the Marxists. Instead of refuting the criticisms leveled against their doctrines by
economists and others, they were content to identify critics as a member of the capitalist class or
as having received financial support from capitalists. The Nazis had their own variant of the
practice. They were content to identify their critics as Jewish or as somehow supported by Jews
or otherwise affiliated with Jews. The devastating criticisms of socialism made by Mises were
dismissed on both grounds. Now, today, here is Exxon. I dont even know that it is the source of funds for CO2 Science, or
is the major or only source. But Im willing to assume that it is. How does it follow from that, that whatever comes from CO2 Science,
or from Exxon, on the subject of global warming and CO2 emissions is automatically false? Yes, it is true that Exxon-Mobil is the
largest American oil company and wants to be able to remain in that branch of business, while the environmental movement would
like to destroy it, and the whole rest of the oil industry, along with the coal and atomic power industries, and is using the alleged
connection between global warming and CO2 emissions as its main weapon in its attempt to do so. (This weapon, of course, does not
apply in the case of atomic power. But atomic power is regarded by the environmental movement as a terrifying death ray, even
more frightening than global warming.) So, yes, Exxon may have a financial self-interest at stake, which depends on whether or not
there is a real connection between the CO2 emitted by the consumption of its fuels and global warming. Its financial self-interest
may very well lie with the establishment of lack of any connection. As a minor digression, I need to point out that this is not

necessarily the case. To the extent that the environmental movement succeeds in making petroleum scarcer and more expensive, the
revenues and profits earned by the owners of existing petroleum reserves rise. Major oil companies like Exxon-Mobil have actually
gained in this way and have been severely criticized for these gains. In fact, some of their critics seem to imply that oil companies
are, or at least should be, actual supporters of the environmental movement, precisely because it makes oil scarcer and more
expensive and thus increases their profits to the extent that they already have reserves. I have to say that I believe that the norm of
competition within the oil industry, as well as its pride in the products it produces, prevents any such monopolistic, proenvironmentalist mindset. The individual oil company knows that its self-interest lies with an increase in its reserves, because
whatever the effect on the overall supply and price of petroleum, its own situation would be worse if others added those reserves
instead of it. Because then, it would be faced with the same lower price, but have less to sell. So, granted, the individual oil
companies, like Exxon Mobil, have a financial self-interest in the continued and growing production of petroleum and are glad to
find any evidence they can that diminishes the threat of the environmentalist agenda. The relevant question is, which better serves
their self-interest in accomplishing this? Is it to fabricate the facts or to find the actual facts and present them if they support its
case? Or, to say the same thing in different words, which is the better defense of their self-interest: The actual truth if it supports
their case? Or simply lies? In the United States, we are fortunate to have both a long-standing tradition and clear Constitutional
protection of a defendants right in a criminal trial not to testify. What the Marxists and Nazis and those who are following in their

prohibition of a defendants right to testify. Individuals,

corporations, industries, are to be subject to attack by those who seek to injure or destroy them,
and they are to be prohibited from defending themselves by virtue of people being unwilling
listen to what they have to say. They are not to be listened to for no other reason than that their
avoidance of injury and their survival matters to them. They have an interest in the
outcome. Yes, they do. And they have a right to be heard for that very reason! Because their best
defense is truth.
path today are seeking is the equivalent of a

AT: Ozone
O3 doesnt affect plant productivity
Gray et al. 10 7/19/10. Sharon B. Gray has a Ph.D. in Plant Biology from the University of Illinois at
UrbanaChampaign [Sharon B., Orla Dermoda, and Evan H. DeLucia. "Journal of Experimental Botany." Spectral Reflectance from a
Soybean Canopy Exposed to Elevated CO2 and O3. Oxford Journals, 19 July 2010.
By affecting the physiology and structure of plant canopies, increasing atmospheric

CO2 and O3 influence the

capacity of agroecosystems to capture light and convert that light energy into biomass, ultimately
affecting productivity and yield. The objective of this study was to determine if established remote
sensing indices could detect the direct and interactive effects of elevated CO2 and elevated O3 on
the leaf area, chlorophyll content, and photosynthetic capacity of a soybean canopy growing under field
conditions. Large plots of soybean (Glycine max) were exposed to ambient air (380mol CO2 mol1), elevated CO2 (550mol
mol1), elevated O3 (1.2 ambient), and combined elevated CO2plus elevated O3 at the soybean free air
gas concentration enrichment (SoyFACE) experiment. Canopy reflectance was measured weekly and the following indices were
calculated from reflectance data: near infrared/red (NIR/red), normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), canopy chlorophyll
content index (chl. index), and photochemical reflectance index (PRI). Leaf area index (LAI) also was measured weekly. NIR/red
and LAI were linearly correlated throughout the growing season; however, NDVI and LAI were correlated only up to LAI values of
3. Season-wide analysis demonstrated that elevated CO2 significantly increased NIR/red, PRI, and chl. index, indicating a
stimulation of LAI and photosynthetic carbon assimilation, as well as delayed senescence; however, analysis of individual dates
resolved fewer statistically significant effects of elevated CO 2. Exposure to elevated O3 decreased LAI throughout the growing season.

Although NIR/red showed the same trend, the effect of O3 on NIR/red was not statistically
significant. Season-wide analysis showed significant effects of O3 on PRI; however, analysis of
individual dates revealed that this effect was only statistically significant on two dates. Elevated
O3 had minimal effects on the total canopy chlorophyll index. PRI appeared to be more sensitive to decreased
photosynthetic capacity of the canopy as a whole compared with previously published single leaf gas exchange measurements at
SoyFACE, possibly because PRI integrates the reflectance signal of older leaves with accumulated O 3 damage and healthy young,
upper canopy leaves, enabling detection of significant decreases in photosynthetic carbon assimilation which have not been detected
in previous studies which measured gas exchange of upper canopy leaves. When the canopy was exposed to elevated

CO2 and O3 simultaneously, the deleterious effects of elevated O3 were diminished. Reflectance data,
while less sensitive than direct measurements of physiological/structural parameters, corroborate direct measurements of LAI and
photosynthetic gas exchange made during the same season, as well as results from previous years at SoyFACE, demonstrating that
these indices accurately represent structural and physiological effects of changing tropospheric chemistry on soybean growing in a
field setting.

AT: Cant Adapt

Plants adapt to elevated CO2
Franks et al, 12 (Peter, professor of biological oceanography at MIT, Physiological framework for adaptation of stomata
to CO2 from glacial to future concentrations, Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London, Series B, Biological
sciences Vol. 367, Issue 1588, pg. 538, 2/19/12, AD: 6/23/12 | Sina)
**Note: ca = atmospheric CO2 concentration, gc(max) = maximum diffusive conductance to CO2, S = size of stomata on the leaf surface, D = density of

In response to short-term fluctuations in atmospheric CO2 concentration, ca, plants adjust leaf diffusive
conductance to CO2, gc, via feedback regulation of stomatal aperture as part of a mechanism for
optimizing CO2 uptake with respect to water loss. The operational range of this elaborate control mechanism is
determined by the maximum diffusive conductance to CO 2, gc(max), which is set by the size (S) and density (number per unit area, D)
of stomata on the leaf surface. Here, we show that, in response to long-term exposure to elevated or

subambient ca, plants alter gc(max) in the direction of the short-term feedback response of gc to ca
via adjustment of S and D. This adaptive feedback response to ca, consistent with long-term optimization of leaf gas
exchange, was observed in four species spanning a diverse taxonomic range (the lycophyte Selaginella uncinata, the fern Osmunda
regalis and the angiosperms Commelina communis and Vicia faba). Furthermore, using direct observation as well as flow
cytometry, we observed correlated increases in S, guard cell nucleus size and average apparent 1C DNA amount in epidermal cell
nuclei with increasing ca, suggesting that stomatal and leaf adaptation to ca is linked to genome scaling.

AT: Phospherous Limitation

Overcomes Deficiency
Idsos, 12 [Sherwood PhD and former research physicist for the Department of Agriculture, Keith PhD
Botany, Craig PhD Geography, April 11th, 2012. Interactive Effects of CO2 and Phosphorus on Plant Growth,] DHirsch
Under current ambient conditions, plant

growth and development are typically carbon-limited,

which is why plants generally exhibit increased growth and biomass production in
response to atmospheric CO2enrichment. Next to carbon, nitrogen is usually the second most limiting
nutrient to plant growth, followed by phosphorus. Thus, although it is a less significant component of plant tissues than carbon and
nitrogen, phosphorus is still required for successful life-cycle completion in many plant species; and, therefore, it is prudent to
investigate aspects of plant phosphorus acquisition and biomass production in response to atmospheric CO2 enrichment when
phosphorus concentrations in soils are less than optimal. In an early study of the subject, Barrett et al. (1998)
demonstrated that a

doubling of the air's CO2 content under continuous phosphorus

deficiency increased wheat root phosphatase activity by 30 to 40%, thus increasing
the inorganic phosphorus supply for plant utilization . As phosphatase is the primary enzyme
responsible for the mineralization of organic phosphate, which thereby makes phosphorus available for plant use, an increase
in its activity with elevated CO2 could facilitate sustained plant growth responses
to the ongoing rise in the air's CO2 content, even in areas where growth is
currently limited by phosphorous deficiencies. Furthermore, because these increases in phosphatase
activity were also observed under sterile growing conditions, this observation indicates that this response can be mediated directly
by plant roots without involving soil microorganisms, which are already known to aid in phosphorus mineralization. As the

air's CO2 content thus continues to rise, phosphatase activity in wheat roots should
increase, thereby converting organic phosphorus into inorganic forms that can be
used to support the increased plant growth and development that is stimulated by
higher CO2 concentrations. And because a similar increase in phosphatase activity at elevated CO2 has already been
reported for a native Australian pasture grass, these results may be applicable to most of Earth's
vegetation. If this is indeed the case, then plants that are currently phosphorus limited in
their growth might increase their phosphorous acquisition from soil organic
supplies as the atmospheric CO2 concentration increases ; and this phenomenon, in turn,
may allow them to sequester even greater amounts of carbon from the air as the
atmosphere's CO2 concentration climbs ever higher.

AT: Water Limitation

CO2 allows crops to retain water increases efficiency to 110% by 2040
Hatfield, 11 - Laboratory Director, National Laboratory for Agriculture and the Environment, the Chair of
the Management Systems Evaluation Areas (MSEA) and Agricultural Systems for Environmental Quality (ASEQ)
programs, (J.L., Climate Impacts on Agriculture: Implications for Crop Production, American Society of
Agronomy, 03/2011, American Society of Agronomy | JJ)
In the early stages of crop development, increases

in leaf area are proportional to growth rate and

transpiration increases as leaf area increases (Ritchie, 1972). As plants develop, there is an increase in
mutual shading and interference among leaves within a plant canopy which causes plant transpiration to increase at a diminishing
rate with increasing leaf area index (LAI) and asymptotically leveling at LAIs > 4 m2 m2, progressively uncoupling transpiration
from changes in LAI (Ritchie, 1972; Villalobos and Fereres, 1990; Sau et al., 2004). Doubling of atmospheric CO2

from present-day levels will increase average C3 species growth on the order of 30%
under optimum conditions (e.g., Kimball, 1983, 2007, 2010; Kimball et al., 2002) with the expectation that an
increase to 440 mol mol1 would increase C3 plant growth on the order of 10%. Since T is most tightly coupled to changes in
growth when plants are small and less after canopy closure, the overall impact of changes in CO2 via LAI effect are expected to be
small. Of greater importance is the duration of leaf area which will directly affect total seasonal crop water requirements. In

determinate cereal crops that are adapted to today's temperature and growingseason length, increasing temperature will hasten plant maturity reducing leaf
area duration with an overall reduction in total season water requirement . However, if
alternative crops or perennial crops or varieties adapted to the higher temperatures and longer growing season are used, crop water
requirements would likely increase. However, a direct effect of increasing atmospheric CO2 is to

cause partial stomatal closure . The result decreases conductance for water vapor
loss from leaves to the atmosphere. A summary of the information available from chamber-based studies on the
effects of elevated CO2 on stomatal conductance have shown, on average, that doubling CO2 reduces stomatal
conductance by nearly 34% (e.g., Kimball and Idso, 1983). Morison (1987) found an average reduction of about
40% for both C3 and C4 species. Wand et al. (1999), after a meta-analysis on wild C3 and C4 grass species, grown with no stresses,
concluded that elevated CO2 reduced stomatal conductance by 39% in C3 and 29% in C4

species. In soybean, the reduction in conductance was about 40% for a doubling of CO2 (Ainsworth et al., 2002; Ainsworth and
Rogers, 2007). Ainsworth and Long (2005) did not observe significant differences in stomatal conductance of two C3 and C4 species
when they summarized results from free-air CO2 enrichment experiments where daytime CO2 concentrations were increased from
present to 550 to 600 mol mol1 They found an average reduction in stomatal conductance of 20%. Thus, increases in

atmospheric CO2 concentration to nearly 450 mol mol1 as estimated (IPCC, 2007) by 2040 likely
will cause reductions of approximately 10% in stomatal conductance . Such a reduction in
leaf-level stomatal conductance, when considered with energy balance in the whole canopy, should lead to decreases in transpiration
and potential positive impacts on crop WUE.

AT: Nitrogen Limitation

Theyre wrong plants and soil compensate for increased CO2 by naturally
increasing nitrogen levels
The Idsos, 12 (Sherwood, Keith, Craig, founder (Craig)/members of the Center for the Study of Carbon Dioxide and Global
Change, The Progressive Nitrogen Limitation Hypothesis: Notoriously Famous ... but Fading Fast, 2/8/12, AD: 6/20/12, | Sina)
The progressive nitrogen limitation hypothesis posits that low concentrations of soil nitrogen will gradually curtail the ability of the
productivity-enhancing effect of atmospheric CO2 enrichment to maintain increased plant growth and ecosystem carbon
sequestration rates as time progresses (Hungate et al., 2003; Luo et al., 2004). In introducing their impressive new study of the
subject, however, Hofmockel et al. (2011) report the observational fact that " several free-air CO2 enrichment
(FACE) experiments in North America have

shown a continual stimulation in forest productivity

under elevated CO2 over time scales nearly reaching a decade (Finzi et al., 2006; Norby and Iversen, 2006;

Zak et al., 2007; McCarthy et al., 2010)." And in their most recent examination of the effects of elevated CO2 on nitrogen (N) cycling
in the Duke Forest - where they indicate that elevated atmospheric CO2 concentrations have "consistently stimulated forest
productivity" throughout the decade-long experiment being conducted there - they go on to provide "an integrated understanding"
of this phenomenon that serves as "a basis for inferring how C and N cycling in this forest may respond to

elevated CO2 beyond the decadal time scale." "Using natural-abundance measures of nitrogen isotopes together with an
ecosystem-scale 15N tracer experiment," as the six scientists describe it, they "quantified the cycling of 15N
in plant and soil pools under ambient and elevated CO2 over three growing
seasons to determine how elevated CO2 changed nitrogen cycling between plants, soil and microorganisms," after having first
measured natural-abundances of 15N in plant and soil pools within the two CO2 treatments over the prior year. And as a result of
these efforts, they discovered that "at the Duke FACE site, the rate at which N is being sequestered in

plant biomass is greater than the rate of atmospheric deposition and heterotrophic
N fixation," which has also been established by the work of Finzi et al. (2002), Hofmockel and Schlesinger (2007) and Sparks
et al. (2008), all of which findings suggest, in their words, that "soil organic matter decomposition
supplies a significant fraction of plant N in both ambient and elevated-CO2
conditions, but that this is greater under elevated CO2 ." Based on these real-world experimental
observations, Hofmockel et al. conclude that "in pine forests of the southeastern United States, rising CO2 may elicit
shifts in the mechanisms by which plants acquire nitrogen, allowing a sustained
increase in net primary productivity for decades," while further opining that "increased mineralization
of nitrogen in the organic and 0-15 cm mineral horizon and deeper rooting are likely sustaining the elevated CO2 enhancement of
net primary productivity."

Experiments disprove the nitrogen limitation hypothesisforests act as a

negative feedback
NIPCC 11 Nongovernmental International Panel on Climate Change, international panel of nongovernment scientists and
scholars who have come together to understand the causes and consequences of climate change (The Progressive Nitrogen
Limitation Hypothesis, 14 June 2011,
Writing as background for their study, Austin et al. (2009) note that for long-lived organisms such

as trees, which are suddenly and continuously exposed to elevated atmospheric

CO2 concentrations, sustained CO2-induced increases in vegetative productivity
require a steady supply of plant available nitrogen , citing the work of Luo et al. (2004), who suggest
that as time progresses, this important soil resource will gradually be reduced to where it is no longer sufficient to maintain the
initial large increases in tree productivity, according to the dictates of the progressive nitrogen limitation (PNL)

hypothesis, which posits that CO2-induced increases in carbon input to an

ecosystem's soil will stimulate soil microbial activity and thereby immobilize a
greater portion of the soil's nitrogen, rendering it less available to the ecosystem's
plants and thus reducing their growth rates . Working at the long-running (ten years) FACE experiment
being conducted within an initially eight-year-old sweetgum (Liquidambar styraciflua L.) plantation at the Oak Ridge National
Experimental Research Park in Roane County, Tennessee (USA), Austin et al. tested the PNL hypothesis by
examining "bacterial community structure using culture-independent molecular techniques (16S rRNA gene cloning analysis),
microbial community function using extracellular enzyme activity, and nitrogen cycling rates using laboratory incubations." The five
researchers report that "elevated CO2 had no detectable effect on microbial community

structure using 16S rRNA gene clone libraries, on microbial activity measured with extracellular enzyme activity,
or on potential soil mineralization and nitrification rates ," noting that "these results
support findings at other forested Free Air CO2 Enrichment (FACE) sites." Given such
findings, Austin et al. conclude that "since no effects (adverse or otherwise) have been observed
on bacterial communities and functional activity in this study," as well as in other
forest FACE studies, "increased carbon inputs may continue to accumulate within
the soil," noting further that "if excess carbon is sequestered in soil carbon pools, forests
may act as a negative feedback to increased global carbon emissions ," citing the work of
Houghton et al. (1999) in this regard.

Elevated CO2 causes microbes to decompose more soil organic matter,

increasing nitrogen levels
NIPCC 3/7 Nongovernmental International Panel on Climate Change, international panel of nongovernment scientists and
scholars who have come together to understand the causes and consequences of climate change (The Progressive Nitrogen
Limitation Hypothesis, 7 March 2012,
De Graaff et al. (2009) introduce their study of the Progressive Nitrogen Limitation or PNL Hypothesis by stating it "posits that in
unfertilized ecosystems, nitrogen availability progressively decreases under elevated CO2, because N retention in soil and vegetation
is stimulated," and that "this ultimately leads to a decline in plant growth and a concomitant decrease in soil carbon sequestration."

In a synthesis of results on plant growth and soil nutrient cycling under elevated
CO2 in long-term field experiments, however, they say they showed that "under low N
availability elevated CO2 still stimulated plant production by ~10%, even though
data suggested that PNL had developed in these ecosystems (de Graaff et al., 2006)." In addition,
they note that "plant production and soil C contents continue to increase under elevated
CO2 in the Duke [Forest] FACE experiment, despite there being no evidence of increased net N
mineralization or nutrient-use efficiency (Finzi et al., 2001; Johnson, 2006; Finzi et al., 2006)," and they
say that "this suggests that an unexplained internal source of N can alleviate PNL in
unfertilized ecosystems exposed to long-term elevated CO2. " So how is it done? Giving others
their due, the three researchers write that "Hungate and Chapin (1995) postulated that if mineral nutrients are
scarce in soils, microbes utilize rhizodeposits as a carbon-source, and decompose
more soil organic matter in order to acquire nutrients ," so that "more N is then
moved into the active N pool in the soil where, eventually, [it] may be made
available to plants." Noting that "this process is referred to as priming, which is defined as the stimulation of soil organic

matter decomposition caused by the addition of labile substrates (Jenkinson et al., 1985; Dalenberg and Jager, 1989)," de Graaff et
al. (2009) go on to say that "since elevated CO2 frequently stimulates rhizodeposition - an important
contributor to labile soil C inputs - and increases decomposition of soil organic matter, priming of more recalcitrant soil organic
matter may be the mechanism partially responsible for alleviating PNL under elevated CO2 in low N environments." This concept
served as the stimulus for the study of de Graaff et al. (2009), where, as they describe it, various genotypes of two subspecies of
spring wheat "were grown for one month in microcosms, exposed to 13C labeling at ambient (392 ppm) and elevated (792 ppm) CO2
concentrations, in soil containing 15N predominantly incorporated into recalcitrant soil organic matter pools," at the conclusion of
which period the plants were harvested and numerous plant and soil properties assessed. This work revealed, in their words, that
"decomposition of stable soil C increased by 43%, root-derived soil C increased by 59%, and microbial-13C was enhanced by 50%
under elevated compared to ambient CO2," and that, concurrently, "plant 15N uptake increased (+7%) under elevated CO2 while
15N contents in the microbial biomass and mineral N pool decreased." As for the implications of these findings, the three
researchers say they suggest that "increased rhizodeposition under elevated CO2 can stimulate

mineralization of N from recalcitrant soil organic matter pools," thereby

"preventing N limitation in ecosystems exposed to long-term elevated atmospheric
CO2." And in light of the many items reviewed previously in our Topical Archive under the general heading of Nitrogen
(Progressive Limitation Hypothesis) -- which demonstrate the absence of the PNL phenomenon in a wide variety of settings -- de
Graaff et al.'s conclusions appear to be pretty much on the mark.

Multiple studies and the palaeo-record prove increased plant productivity

due to elevated CO2 is sustainable
NIPCC 5/16 Nongovernmental International Panel on Climate Change, international panel of nongovernment scientists
and scholars who have come together to understand the causes and consequences of climate change (The Progressive Nitrogen
Limitation Hypothesis, 16 May 2012,
In the introduction to their insightful study of ecosystem effects of rising atmospheric CO2 concentrations, Prentice and

Harrison (2009) bemoan "the relative neglect of CO2 effects in Quaternary

palaeoecology" - a problem long ago noted by Idso (1989) - which they suggest "has been encouraged
by an influential school of thought in contemporary biogeochemistry [that] questions the
relevance of plant-physiological effects of CO2 over the long term and at the
ecosystem scale (e.g. Korner, 2000)," based on what they describe as "a much-debated hypothesis"
that suggests that "limitations in the supply of nitrogen needed to support increased plant
growth should over time reduce or eliminate any effect of atmospheric CO2
concentration on net primary productivity." What is more, the two authors note that "clear
evidence in support of this 'progressive nitrogen limitation' (PNL) hypothesis has
not emerged to date (see e.g. Moore et al., 2006)," adding that "it is well established that elevated
CO2 can increase net primary productivity, even in ecosystems where nitrogen
supply is demonstrably limiting to plant growth (e.g. Lloyd and Farquhar, 1996, 2000; Nowak et al.,
2004." Consequently, the two researchers set out to once again demonstrate (as has been
done multiple times before) the consistent and enduring positive growth response
of entire ecosystems to atmospheric CO2 enrichment over prolonged periods of
time, which phenomenon is the absolute antithesis of the progressive nitrogen limitation hypothesis. Specifically, what Prentice
and Harrison did was to examine various aspects of the palaeorecord to see if they were
either consistent or inconsistent with the PNL hypothesis . In doing so, they determined that (1)
"reduced terrestrial carbon storage during glacials, indicated by the shift in stable isotope composition of dissolved inorganic carbon
in the ocean, cannot be explained by climate or sea-level changes," but that it is "consistent with predictions of current processbased models that propagate known physiological CO2 effects into net primary production at the ecosystem scale," and that (2)
"restricted forest cover during glacial periods, indicated by pollen assemblages dominated by non-arboreal taxa, cannot be
reproduced accurately by palaeoclimate models unless CO2 effects on C3-C4 plant competition are also modeled." And as a

result of these observations, the two scientists say they "do not find support for the
opinion (e.g. Korner, 2000)" - which "questions the relevance of plant-physiological effects
of CO2 over the long term and at the ecosystem scale" - "that other constraints
[such as low soil nitrogen concentrations] effectively eliminate the ecosystem-level
effects of changing CO2 concentration on carbon storage over long time scales ,"
further concluding that "the palaeo-record also supports the attribution of increases in the woody component of tropical savannas to
physiological effects of rising CO2." These findings, as well as those of many other researchers that are documented in

refute theoretical model studies (see Thornton et al., 2009), that has been touted by climate
alarmists as suggesting that the aerial fertilization effect of the ongoing rise in the air's CO2 content will not allow Earth's
vegetation to extract as much carbon from the atmosphere as real-world experiments indicate it will. Much to the contrary, the
growth-promoting effect of the upward trend in the atmosphere's CO2
concentration is here to stay; and it will only increase in prowess as the air's CO2
content continues to rise.
reviews of their work archived under the heading of Nitrogen (Progressive Limitation Hypothesis) in our Topical Archive,

Plants in elevated CO2 can use soil nitrogen more effectively and supply is
Idsos 2/8 Keith E. Idso, Vice President of the Center for the Study of Carbon Dioxide and Global Change, received his B.S.
in Agriculture with a major in Plant Sciences from the University of Arizona and his M.S. from the same institution with a major in
Agronomy and Plant Genetics, completed his Ph.D. in Botany at Arizona State University; Sherwood B. Idso, President of the Center
for the Study of Carbon Dioxide and Global Change, was a Research Physicist with the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Agricultural
Research Service at the U.S. Water Conservation Laboratory in Phoenix, Arizona, Bachelor of Physics, Master of Science, and Doctor
of Philosophy degrees are all from the University of Minnesota, author or co-author of over 500 scientific publications; and Craig D.
Idso, founder and chairman of the board of the Center for the Study of Carbon Dioxide and Global Change, received his B.S. in
Geography from Arizona State University, his M.S. in Agronomy from the University of Nebraska - Lincoln, and his Ph.D. in
Geography from Arizona State University, where he studied as one of a small group of University Graduate Scholars (The
Progressive Nitrogen Limitation Hypothesis: Notoriously Famous ... but Fading Fast, CO2 Science, 8 February 2012,

The progressive nitrogen limitation hypothesis posits that low concentrations of

soil nitrogen will gradually curtail the ability of the productivity-enhancing effect
of atmospheric CO2 enrichment to maintain increased plant growth and ecosystem carbon sequestration rates as
time progresses (Hungate et al., 2003; Luo et al., 2004). In introducing their impressive new study of the subject, however,
Hofmockel et al. (2011) report the observational fact that "several free-air CO2

enrichment (FACE) experiments in North America have shown a continual

stimulation in forest productivity under elevated CO2 over time scales nearly
reaching a decade (Finzi et al., 2006; Norby and Iversen, 2006; Zak et al., 2007; McCarthy et al., 2010)." And in
their most recent examination of the effects of elevated CO2 on nitrogen (N)
cycling in the Duke Forest - where they indicate that elevated atmospheric CO2
concentrations have "consistently stimulated forest productivity" throughout the
decade-long experiment being conducted there - they go on to provide "an integrated understanding" of this
phenomenon that serves as "a basis for inferring how C and N cycling in this forest may respond to elevated CO2 beyond the decadal
time scale." "Using natural-abundance measures of nitrogen isotopes together with an ecosystemscale 15N tracer experiment," as the six

scientists describe it, they "quantified the cycling of 15N in plant

and soil pools under ambient and elevated CO2 over three growing seasons to
determine how elevated CO2 changed nitrogen cycling between plants, soil and
microorganisms," after having first measured natural-abundances of 15N in plant and soil pools within the two CO2 treatments over
the prior year. And as a result of these efforts, they discovered that "at the Duke FACE site, the

rate at which N is being sequestered in plant biomass is greater than the rate of
atmospheric deposition and heterotrophic N fixation," which has also been established by the work of Finzi et al.
(2002), Hofmockel and Schlesinger (2007) and Sparks et al. (2008), all of which findings suggest, in their words,
that "soil organic matter decomposition supplies a significant fraction of plant N
in both ambient and elevated-CO2 conditions, but that this is greater under
elevated CO2." Based on these real-world experimental observations, Hofmockel et al. conclude that "in pine forests of the
southeastern United States, rising CO2 may elicit shifts in the mechanisms by which plants
acquire nitrogen, allowing a sustained increase in net primary productivity for
decades," while further opining that "increased mineralization of nitrogen in the organic and 0-15 cm mineral horizon and
deeper rooting are likely sustaining the elevated CO2 enhancement of net primary productivity."

New studies prove nitrogen limitation doesnt occur in elevated CO2

Hofmockel et al. 11 Kirsten S., PhD, Ecology, Biogeochemistry, Global Climate Change, assistant professor in the
Ecology, Evolution and Organismal Biology Department at Iowa State University; Anne Gallet-Budynek, Ph.D., Natural Sciences,
ETH Zurich (Zurich, Switzerland), previously a Post-doctoral fellow at the Boston University, Biology Department; Heather R.
McCarthy, Bachelor of Science degree in Physics from Brown University, a Master of Science in Environmental Sciences from the
University of Virginia, and a Ph.D. in Natural Resources from the University of New Hampshire Institute for the Study of Earth,
Oceans and Space; William S. Currie, Associate Professor and Associate Dean, School of Natural Resources and Environment,
University of Michigan; Robert B. Jackson, Nicholas Professor of Global Environmental Change, Associate Dean for Research and
Professor of Biology, Earth & Ocean Sciences; Adrien Finzi, PhD, University of Connecticut, Professor of Biology at Boston
University (Sources of increased N uptake in forest trees growing under elevated CO2: results of a large-scale 15N study, Global
Chance Biology, 7 July 2011,
A major source of uncertainty in calculating the potential for long-term biological carbon sequestration is the demand and
availability of soil nitrogen (N; Field, 1999; Hungate et al., 2003; Matthews, 2007). For example, it has been theorized

that an initial increase in plant N uptake and subsequent decrease in soil N

availability under elevated CO2 could reduce the enhanced plant growth response
over the longer term, thereby decreasing net primary productivity (NPP) and the potential for C sequestration in
terrestrial ecosystems (Luo & Reynolds, 1999; Thornton et al., 2007; Zaehle et al., 2010). Immobilization of N in plant biomass and
soil organic matter (SOM) can feedback to affect negatively plant growth, and may ultimately lead to progressive N limitation (PNL)
of CO2-mediated growth enhancement (Mcguire et al., 1995; Luo & Reynolds, 1999). However, several free-air

CO2 enrichment (FACE) experiments in North America have shown a continual

stimulation in forest productivity under elevated CO2 over time scales nearly
reaching a decade (Finzi et al., 2006a; Norby & Iversen, 2006; Zak et al., 2007; McCarthy et al., 2010); although reduced
CO2-mediated growth enhancement has recently been documented at the Oak Ridge, TN experiment (Norby et al., 2010). It is
unclear if, and under what conditions, this stimulation will persist for decades to centuries, including whether N cycling in the
plantsoil system will be able to support continued high rates of NPP (Norby et al., 2010). If PNL were occurring

the Duke FACE experiment, we would expect the CO2-mediated growth enhancement
to diminish. By contrast, after more than a decade of CO2 treatment, there is little
evidence that PNL is occurring in the replicated Duke experiment based on evidence from
aboveground or total NPP (Finzi et al., 2007).

Nitrogen is sustainable for decades in elevated CO2

Hofmockel et al. 11 Kirsten S., PhD, Ecology, Biogeochemistry, Global Climate Change, assistant professor in the
Ecology, Evolution and Organismal Biology Department at Iowa State University; Anne Gallet-Budynek, Ph.D., Natural Sciences,
ETH Zurich (Zurich, Switzerland), previously a Post-doctoral fellow at the Boston University, Biology Department; Heather R.
McCarthy, Bachelor of Science degree in Physics from Brown University, a Master of Science in Environmental Sciences from the
University of Virginia, and a Ph.D. in Natural Resources from the University of New Hampshire Institute for the Study of Earth,
Oceans and Space; William S. Currie, Associate Professor and Associate Dean, School of Natural Resources and Environment,
University of Michigan; Robert B. Jackson, Nicholas Professor of Global Environmental Change, Associate Dean for Research and
Professor of Biology, Earth & Ocean Sciences; Adrien Finzi, PhD, University of Connecticut, Professor of Biology at Boston
University (Sources of increased N uptake in forest trees growing under elevated CO2: results of a large-scale 15N study, Global
Chance Biology, 7 July 2011,

There has been much speculation about the sustainability of high NPP in response
to elevated CO2 in N limited ecosystems (Field, 1999; Luo et al., 2004; Finzi et al., 2006b; Hungate et al.,
2006; Norby & Iversen, 2006; Zak et al., 2007). Labeling forests with 15N has provided information
about the short- and long-term fate of N and has led to insights regarding global C
cycling. At the Duke FACE site, the rate at which N is being sequestered in plant biomass is greater than the rate of atmospheric
deposition and heterotrophic N fixation (Finzi et al., 2002; Hofmockel & Schlesinger, 2007; Sparks et al., 2008), suggesting that
SOM decomposition supplies a significant fraction of plant N in both ambient and elevated-CO2 conditions, but that this is greater
under elevated CO2 (Fig. 1j). The results from natural abundance data and this 15N tracer

experiment suggest that in pine forests of the southeastern United States, rising CO2 may elicit
shifts in the mechanisms by which plants acquire N, allowing a sustained increase
in NPP for decades. Our study suggests that increased mineralization of N in the organic and 015 cm mineral horizon
and deeper rooting are likely sustaining the elevated CO2 enhancement of NPP.

AT: Less Nutrient Concentration

Their evidence is overblown and the root/soil interaction increases general
nutrient intake
Duval et al, 11 (1) Department of Biological Sciences, Northern Arizona University, (2) School of Natural
Sciences, University of California at Merced, (3) Merriam Powell Center for Environmental Research, Flagstaff,
AZ, (4) Present address: Energy Biosciences Institute, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL
(Benjamin D., Paul Dijkstra, Bruce A. Hungate, and Joseph C. Blankinship, CO2 effects on plant nutrient
concentration depend on plant functional group and available nitrogen: a meta-analysis, Plant Ecol, 11/11/11,
SpringerLink | JJ)
Our meta-analysis showed that while

elevated CO2 tends to lower the concentration of

nutrients in plants, we also observed increased nutrient concentrations . The effects of
elevated CO2 on mineral nutrition depend on the specic element, plant functional group, plant organ, N
availability, and, in some cases the level of CO2 enrichment. These results challenge the

assumption that plant nutrient concentrations are generally lowered by elevated

CO2 strictly on the basis carbohydrate dilution (Loladze 2002). Moreover, most nutrients
exhibited dilution under elevated CO2 that was less than expected (Fig. 5),
suggesting that mechanisms related to soil/root interactions under elevated CO2
perhaps increase nutrient uptake and mask effects of carbohydrate production

Turn Increased CO2 makes Nitrogen more efficient

Yu and Gao, 2 - MOE Key Lab of Environmental Change and Natural Disasters, Institute of Resources Science, Beijing
Normal University (M. and Q., Simulating Interactive Effects of Symbiotic Nitrogen Fixation, Carbon Dioxide Elevation, and
Climatic Change on Legume Growth, J. ENVIRON. QUAL., VOL. 31, March/April 2002, | JJ)
Figure 2 illustrates the simulated total and green biomass, with and without nitrogen fixation, under the two levels of CO2.
Simulated peak values of total and green biomass are shown in Table 1. It can be seen that both CO2 and symbiotic

nitrogen fixation have positive effects on plant growth . The model with nitrogen fixation (C0N1)

yielded 20% more total biomass and 13% more green biomass than the model without nitrogen fixation (C0N0) under the present
CO2concentration. In comparison,

doubling CO2 concentration amplified the effects of

symbiotic nitrogen fixation . A 30% increase in maximum total biomass and a 19%
increase in maxi mum green biomass with nitrogen fixation were obtained for
doubled CO2 concentration. Figure 2 also indicates that symbiotic nitrogen fixation tended to pro mote the
responses of plant growth to enrichment of the atmospheric CO2. With nitrogen fixation, the total and green
biomass under doubled CO2 concentration were respectively 65 and 44% larger
than those under the present CO2 concentration, compared with only 52 and 37%
induced increases in these quantities without nitrogen fixation.

AT: Photosynthesis
CO2 allows much more efficient water usage
Chun et al, 11 USDA ARS BARC-W, Animal and Natural Resources Institute, Crop Systems and Global
Change Laboratory, USDA ARS BARC-W, Animal and Natural Resources Institute, Crop Systems and Global
Change Laboratory, USDA ARS BARC-W, Animal and Natural Resources Institute, Crop Systems and Global
Change Laboratory, University of Maryland, Queenstown, USDA ARS BARC-W, Animal and Natural Resources
Institute, Crop Systems and Global Change Laboratory (Jong A. Chun, Dennis Timlin, David Fleisher, Vangimalla
R. Reddy, Qingguo Wang, 3/11/2011, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, Effect of elevated carbon dioxide and
water stress on gas exchange and water use efficiency in corn, SciVerse | JJ)
WUE = above ground biomass per water use
Corn plants were grown under ambient (400 mol mol1) and elevated (800 mol mol1) CO2 combined with
four different irrigation treatments, to investigate water use and canopy level photosynthesis and to quantify water use efficiency.
Fifteen TDR probes per chamber were used to monitor hourly soil water contents. Both at well-watered and at

water stressed conditions, higher water contents maintained under the elevated
CO2 conditions than under the ambient CO2, even though 2049% less water was
irrigated for the elevated CO2 conditions since 21 DAE than for the ambient CO2 conditions.
Approximately 1320% and 35% less water was used under the elevated CO2
conditions than under the ambient CO2 conditions, for the water stressed conditions and for the wellwatered conditions, respectively. These results suggest that under increased CO2 concentrations as
generally predicted in the future, less water will be required for corn plants than at present. At
the end of the experiment, significant differences in canopy gross photosynthesis between
well watered and water stressed treatments within a CO2 treatment were
observed, while no significant differences between the CO2 treatments were observed. Daily WUE was defined as daily gross
photosynthesis divided by daily water use. Approximately 50% less differences in magnitude of daily WUE was observed under the
well-watered condition than under the water stressed conditions. However, daily WUE under the elevated CO2

treatment were mainly higher than under the ambient CO2 treatment. The breaking
points (changes from high to low rates of soil water uptake) were observed in the bottom of soil bins (between 0.625 and 0.85 m
from the soil surface) for water stressed conditions, and the breaking points under ambient CO2 appeared 69 days earlier than
under elevated CO2. This result suggests that it took longer for the easily available water to become depleted for the elevated CO2
treatments than for the ambient.

Increased CO2 levels help photosynthesis through additional photosynthase

production and efficient water usage
Agarwald et al, 11 Governors School for Agriculture, Virginia Tech (D. Agarwal, A. Ahmad, A. Chitnis, C. Stancil, C.
Tran, 7/3/2011, The Effects of Elevated Levels of CO2 and Heat on Domestic and Wild Crops, | JJ)

Rising CO2 levels and rising temperatures affect a plants metabolism. Chemical
reactions during photosynthesis are faster at higher temperatures; as the reaction
rate doubles every ten degrees Fahrenheit. C4 plants grow faster at higher
temperatures when compared to C3 plants . As plants photosynthesize faster, they
fixate more carbon, resulting in more plant tissue such as leaves. Photosynthate products of
photosynthesis, such as sugars, are created by plants. As the plant photosynthesizes faster, more
photosynthate is produced and distributed throughout the plant . At the same time, more
nutrients are needed by the plant so more roots are produced; waterefficiency also
increases at higher CO2 levels. An increased concentration of CO2 also affects plant transpiration. Stomata in
plants are small openings on the underside of plants through which water transpires. In the presence of increased
CO2, the opening of the stomata is narrowed. Thus, this lowers the amount of air
pollutants that can make their way into plants . In some plants however, the closing of the stomata has an
adverse effect on photosynthetic rate because it limits the uptake of CO2. It is also causing a reduction the
amount of water that is lost through transpiration. In addition, increased CO2

changes the chemical composition of the leaves and reduces the proportion of
nitrogen in the plant.

Photosynthesis adapts to gradual temperature rise no net decrease

in photosynthesis rate
Abrol and Ingram, 96 - Division of Plant Physiology, Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi, and
niversity of Georgia, College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, Georgia Agricultural Experiment Station, Griffin, GA (Yash
and Keith, 1996, FAO Corporate Document, Global climate change and agricultural production. Direct and indirect effects of
changing hydrological, pedological and plant physiological processes, | JJ)

Variability in leaf photosynthetic rates within or between species is often

unrelated to differences in productivity. Similarly, high photosynthetic rates at high
temperatures do not necessarily support high rates of crop dry matter
accumulation. The temperature optimum for photosynthesis is broad, presumably because crop plants have
adapted to a relatively wide range of thermal environments. A 1 to 2C increase in
average temperature is not likely to have a substantial impact on leaf
photosynthetic rates. Further, there is a possibility that photosynthesis of crop plants can adapt
to a slow increase in global average temperatures. Thus, global warming is not likely
to affect photosynthetic rates per unit leaf area gradually or on a closed canopy
basis over the next century. While photosynthetic rates were found to be temperature-sensitive in other crops, wheat
and rice appear to be different. In wheat, no measurable differences were found in photosynthetic rates per unit flag leaf area or on a
whole-plant basis in the temperature range from 15 to 35C (Bagga and Rawson, 1977). In rice, there is little temperature effect on
leaf carbon dioxide assimilation from 20 to 40C (Egeh et al., 1994). Recent research has shown significant variation among wheat
cultivars with respect to reduction in photosynthesis at very high temperature. Photosynthesis

of germplasm
adapted to higher temperature environments was less sensitive to high
temperature than was germplasm from cooler environments (Al-Khatib and Paulsen, 1990).
When this germplasm was grown under moderate (22/17C) and high (32/27C)
temperatures in the seedling stage or from anthesis to maturity, there was a highly significant
correlation between photosynthesis rate and either seedling biomass (r=0.943***) or
grain yield of mature plants (r=0.807**). Genotypes most tolerant to high temperatures
had the most stable leaf photosynthetic rates across temperature regimes or they
had the longest duration of leaf photosynthetic activity after anthesis and high
grain weights. The above relationship was exemplified by 'Ventnor' from the high temperature area of Australia and
'Lancero' from the high altitude area of Chile (Table 6.1). See Al-Khatib and Paulsen (1990). Despite observed
negative effects of high temperature on leaf photosynthesis, the temperature
optimum for net photosynthesis is likely to increase with elevated levels of
atmospheric carbon dioxide. Several studies have concluded that CO2-induced
increases in crop yields are much more probable in warm than in cool
environments (Idso, 1987; Gifford, 1989; Rawson, 1992, 1995). Thus, global
warming may not greatly affect overall net photosynthesis.

AT: Weeds
Increased CO2 inhibits nitrogen assimilation in C3 plants but not C4 plants
means all the weeds die while the crops stay alive
Bloom et al, 12 - Department of Plant Sciences, University of California, Biology of Stress and Plant
Pathology Department, Centro de Edafologa y Biologa Aplicada del Segura, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones
Cientificas (CEBAS-CSIC), Campus de Espinardo, San Diego Botanic Gardens, The Jacob Blaustein Institute for
Desert Research, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Sede Boqer Campus, School of Biological Sciences, P.O.
Box 646340, Washington State University, Pullman (Arnold, Jose Salvador Rubio Asensio, Lesley Randall,
Shimon Rachmilevitch, Asaph B. Cousins, and Eli A. Carlisle, CO2 enrichment inhibits shoot nitrate assimilation
in C3 but not C4 plants and slows growth under nitrate in C3 plants, Ecology Vol. 93, February 2012, Ecological
Society of America | JJ)
The results of these gas flux and growth experiments support the hypothesis that atmospheric

CO2 enrichment
interferes with the ability of C3 species to assimilate NO3 into organic N
compounds in their shoots and that this impedes their growth . In a diverse collection of C3
species and C3-C4 intermediates, CO2 enrichment severely decreased photosynthetic O2 evolution associated with NO3
assimilation (Fig. 1a,c). There are obviously alternative mechanisms for NO3 assimilation because plants under CO2 enrichment
and NO3 nutrition continued to grow, albeit often at a slower pace (Figs. 2 and 3). One such mechanism is root NO3 assimilation,
which may be enhanced under CO2 enrichment (Kruse et al. 2003). Unfortunately, relatively little is known about the extent to
which the balance between root and shoot NO3 assimilation varies within and among species (Epstein and Bloom 2005, NunesNesi et al. 2010). In several species measured at ambient CO2 concentration, shoots

account for the majority of whole-plant NO3 assimilation over the entire day (Bloom
et al. 1992, Cen and Layzell 2003). This study establishes that CO2 enrichment inhibits shoot nitrate
assimilation in a wide variety of C3 plants and that this phenomenon influences
whole-plant growth; therefore, shoot nitrate assimilation provides an important
contribution to the performance of the entire plant. Several physiological mechanisms may be
responsible for the relationship between elevated atmospheric CO2 concentrations and shoot NO3 assimilation (Bloom et al. 2010).
One involves the rst biochemical step of NO3 assimilation, the conversion of NO3 to NO2 in the cytoplasm of leaf mesophyll cells.
Photorespiration is the biochemical pathway in which the chloroplast enzyme Rubisco catalyzes the oxidation of the highenergy
substrate ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate (RuBP) rather than catalyzes the carboxylation of RuBP through the C3 carbon xation pathway
(Foyer et al. 2009). Photorespiration stimulates the export of malic acid from chloroplasts (Backhausen et al. 1998) and increases
the availability of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide hydride (NADH) in the cytoplasm (Igamberdiev et al. 2001) that powers this
rst step of NO3 assimilation (Robinson 1987, Quesada et al. 2000). CO2 enrichment decreases

photorespiration and thereby decreases the amount of reductant available to

power NO3 reduction. In contrast, the rst carboxylation reaction in the C4 carbon
xation pathway generates ample amounts of malic acid and NADH in the
cytoplasm of mesophyll cells. This may explain why shoot NO3 assimilation is relatively
independent of CO2 concentrations in C4 plants

(Fig. 1b).

AT: Sea Level Rise

Warming does not cause sea level rise graphs and models prove
Michaels, 12 [Patrick, Senior Fellow in Environmental Studies at the Cato Institute, Climatologist, Professor at University
of Virginia, 5/30/2012, The Current Wisdom: No Climate-Related Acceleration in Sea Level Rise,] DHirsch

One of the repeating nightmares about global warming is that the current very pokey
rate of sea level rise will suddenly accelerate. Now, it turns out that multiple lines of
evidence say this has not happened and isnt likely to , either. Recently, Science magazine reported
that glacial flow in Greenland has not been accelerating as fast as previously reported (Moon et al., 2012). The major implication is
that the contribution of ice loss from Greenland to global sea level rise is not

increasing at the rate once expected. Now, Geophysical Research Letters (GRL) reports that glacier loss in the
Russian high Arctic is contributing about 0.025 mm of sea level rise per year, but that contribution has likely been
largely unchanged for at least 30 years (Moholdt et al., 2012). More from GRL (Levitus et al., 2012) is that the
rate of increase in the oceans heat contentwhich raises sea levelhas recently slowed. And finally, from a soon-to-be-published
paper in GRL comes word that the net non-climate contributions of human activity to sea level

rise have been speeding up (Wada et al., 2012). Here, Ill tie them all together and tell you what they mean. Ill focus
on the Wada et al. (2012) paper because from the results presented there, we can derive the global implications of all the others.
Wada and colleagues, in a paper titled Past and future contribution of global groundwater depletion to sea-level rise,

examine how much human removal of water from deep aquifers (for irrigation, etc.), also
known as dewatering of the continentswater that eventually finds it way into
the seahas contributed to observed sea level rise from 1900 through 2000, as well as
how much it may contribute in the future (through 2100). I have discussed previous work from Yoshihide Wada ( and there has been a complimentary analysis done by Leonard Konikow of the U.S.
Geological Survey (see here for details, ). The take-home
message from those articles was that the dewatering was adding a significant, growing, but

often overlooked, input of water to the global oceans and was responsible for a
non-negligible amount of sea level rise. In fact, between the Wada and Konikow calculations, the
contribution was estimated to range from 15 percent to 25 percent of the current rate of sea
level rise, which stands at about 2.5 mm/year (a rate which has been declining in recent decades, see
here You would think that a factor contributing such a substantial proportion to current sea level rise
wouldnt be overlooked, after all, the media hyperventilated last week when a report came out about the potential speedup of glaciers
in Antarctica which currently contribute ~0.25 mm/year of sea level risea value about half the current groundwater depletion
contribution. In what is becoming a depressingly repetitive pattern, big science assessments of climate

change, like those made by our government, or those of the United Nations, simply ignore
legitimate findings that dont fit with the established (end of the world) meme.
According to Wada et al. (2012) [i]n the IPCC fourth assessment report, the contribution of non-frozen terrestrial waters to sealevel variation is not included due to its perceived uncertainty and assumption that negative contributions such as dam
impoundment compensate for positive contributions (mainly from groundwater depletion). This situation is drastically changing.
Wada et al. continue However, recent work on global groundwater depletion [Wada et al., 2010;
Konikow, 2011] suggests

a rapid increase of this positive contribution to sea-level rise

during the last decade that warrants a re-appraisal of the contribution of
terrestrial water and in particular groundwater depletion to projected 21st century
sea-level change. As indicated in the quote above, human activity contributes to changes in sea
level in two ways besides any impact from climate change . The first is through the
pumping of water from aquifers at a rate greater than is the replenishment rate,
and the second is through water impoundmentthat is, building dams to hold water than
normally would have been in the ocean. The former acts to increase sea level, the
latter acts to decrease it. But, the contribution from impoundment is a one-off deal for each dam because once it is
built and the reservoir filled, the water then flows through as before. The contribution, however, from deep aquifer pumping is ongoing. Wada and colleagues derive a long-term record, extending back to 1900, of both impoundment and dewatering on a global
level, and make projections as to the future course of these two processes across the 21st century (Figure 1). The dark blue line which
peaks in the 1960s and 1970s is the annual contribution to sea level rise from water impoundments (in Figure 1, the sign is flipped
for this process), the light blue area is the annual contribution (including estimate uncertainty) to global sea level from dewatering.
The grey line in Figure 1 is the combination of two (plus some other minor elements) which represent the net change in global sea
level annually supplied by human activity not associated with significant climate change. Figure 1. History of the estimated and
projected annual contribution of terrestrial water storage change to global sea-level over the period 1900-2100 (figure from Wada et

al., 2012). Notice in Figure 1 that the grey line (the net contribution) rises above zero in the early 1980smeaning that since then,
human activity has been putting more water in the ocean than we are holding back. Also notice that our net positive

contribution to sea level rise has been rapidly rising since then. Consider the above in light of the one
of the favorite climate change alarmist talking pointsthat the rate of sea level rise is accelerating and instead of perhaps a foot of
sea level rise by centurys end, we should be expecting 3 feet or more. Lets look at the data. Figure 2 shows the latest-greatest sea
level rise history as assembled by John Church and colleagues (Church and White, 2011; red line) along with the same thing once we
remove net human contribution from impoundment and dewatering (blue line). Notice that the shapes of the two curves are a bit
different after about 1950 (when the direct human contribution starts to be significantsee Figure 1). The red curve (total sea level)
appears to be slightly cupped upwards (that is, accelerating), while the blue curve (sea level less direct human contribution) appears
more linear (i.e., constant). Figure 2. Observed change in sea level, 1900-2010. Raw sea level values (red); sea level after removing
contribution from impoundments and continental dewatering (blue) (data from Church and White, 2011; Wada et al., 2012). Figure
3 shows the running 10-yr trend through each of the two datasets, beginning with data in 1950. The red curve (which is the raw sea
level data) shows an upward trend (again, indicating an acceleration in the rate of sea level rise), with the highest values at the end of
the curve. On the other hand, the blue curve (which is the raw sea level less the direct human contribution), shows no such upwards
trend (indicating that no acceleration) and the current rate of sea level rise (right-hand end of the curve) is neither the highest, nor
far from being unique. Figure 3. 10-yr moving linear trend through the raw sea level values (red), and the sea level after removing
the contribution from impoundments and continental dewatering (blue), 1960-2009 (data from Church and White, 2011; Wada et
al., 2012). What this means is that the apparent acceleration in the rate of sea level rise has

been caused solely by the changes in the direct contribution from human activity
(which continues to increase) and not by climate change. This makes perfect sense given the other
papers I listed at the beginning of the article, which indicate modest increases from the worlds glacial fields along with a modest
decrease in the rate of thermal expansion as the build-up of heat content in the oceans slows, reflecting the hiatus in global
temperature rise that began over 15 years ago. So much for another alarmist talking point. This one

simply doesnt hold water.

AT: Pests
High CO2 levels allow for pest control and disinfection of crops
Hashem et al, 12 - Department of Economic Entomology and Pesticides, Faculty of Agriculture, Cairo
University, Department of Economic Entomology and Pesticides, Faculty of Agriculture, Cairo University,
Environment and Bio-agriculture Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Al-Azhar University, Plant Protection
Research Institute, ARC, Giza (Mohamed Y. Hashema, Sayeda S. Ahmeda, Mohsen A. El-Mohandesb, Mahrous A.
Gharib, Journal of Stored Products Research Volume 48, January 2012, Susceptibility of different life stages of
saw-toothed grain beetle Oryzaephilus surinamensis (L.) (Coleoptera: Silvanidae) to modified atmospheres
enriched with carbon dioxide, SciVerse | JJ)

Modified atmospheres have been used for disinfesting raw or semi-processed food
products, such as cereal grains and dried fruits, while still in storage. Treatments based on
reduced oxygen (O2) and high carbon dioxide (CO2) or nitrogen (N2) contents are technically
suitable alternatives for arthropod pest control in durable commodities ( [FleuratLessard, 1990], [Adler et al., 2000], [Navarro, 2006] and [Riudavets et al., 2010]). Atmospheres rich in CO2,
those with over 40% in air, are faster at controlling pests than those with high
contents of N2 (Navarro, 2006). Data on the effects of different types of CO2 treatments
and dosages on key pests are available for many species and stages of storedproduct pests under particular sets of conditions ( [Banks and Annis, 1990], [White et al., 1995] and
[Annis and Morton, 1997]). Depending on the temperature, CO2 treatments may take from a few days to several weeks to be
effective in gas-tight chambers or silos (Riudavets et al., 2009). CO2 has received considerable attention for the disinfection of
stored foodstuffs, particularly durable products ( [Bailey and Banks, 1980], [Annis, 1987] and [Bell and Armitage, 1992]). The
toxicity of CO2 to insects is known to vary among species, developmental stages and age groups. Parameters of the physical
environment, such as temperature, humidity, and CO2 levels in storage, also influence toxicity. In the majority of studies involving
CO2, much attention has been focused on determining the time required to kill insect pests ( [Adler, 1999], [Santos et al., 1999] and
[Van Epenhuijsen et al., 2002]).

It makes pests smaller which allows predators to kill them off

Idsos 8 Sherwood Idso, Keith Idso and Craig Idso. Craig received his B.S. in Geography from Arizona State University, his M.S.
in Agronomy from the University of Nebraska - Lincoln, and his Ph.D. in Geography from Arizona State University. Investigated
urban CO2 levels via a National Science Foundation grant as a faculty researcher in the Office of Climatology at Arizona State
University. Sherwood is a Doctor of Geography former Director of Environmental Science at Peabody Energy in St. Louis, Missouri
and is a member of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, American Geophysical Union, American
Meteorological Society, Arizona-Nevada Academy of Sciences, Association of American Geographers, Ecological Society of America,
and The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi. Keith has a B.S. in Agriculture with a major in Plant Sciences from the University of
Arizona and his M.S. from the same institution with a major in Agronomy and Plant Genetics. He completed his Ph.D. in Botany at
Arizona State University. [Agricultural Crops, the Herbivorous Pests that Feed on Them, and the Bigger Omnivorous Bugs that Eat
the Pests<>.. Volume 11 Number 13 March 26, 2008]
Reference Coll, M. and Hughes, L. 2008. Effects of elevated CO2 on an insect omnivore: A test for nutritional effects mediated by
host plants and prey. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 123: 271-279. What was done In what they describe as " the

study that measured the effect of global atmospheric change on an omnivorous consumer," the
authors explored the impacts of elevated atmospheric CO2 on the behavior and performance of
an omnivorous bug (Oechalia schellenbergii, Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) and its prey, a polyphagous chewing
herbivorous pest (Helicoverpa armigera; Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), feeding on pea (Pisum sativum) foliage grown in
controlled-environment cabinets maintained at atmospheric CO2 concentrations of either 360
or 700 ppm. What was learned Coll and Hughes report that the H. armigera pests that fed on the elevated
CO2-grown pea plants were significantly smaller than those that fed on the ambient CO2-grown
pea plants, and that the bigger O. schellenbergii bugs that fed on them "performed best when fed
larvae from the elevated-CO2 treatment," because the prey of that treatment "were smaller and
thus easier to subdue." In fact, only 13.3% of the predation attempts made on the larvae that
were fed ambient-CO2-grown foliage were successful, as compared to 78.2% for the larvae that
were fed elevated-CO2-grown foliage. What it means In light of their findings, the two researchers concluded that

"elevated CO2 may benefit generalist predators through increased prey vulnerability, which
would put pest species under higher risk of predation ." Consequently, and "since omnivory is
widespread in agroecosystems," they argue that "yield loss to most pest species will be lower
under elevated atmospheric CO2 levels, compared to the current condition ," which is good news for
agriculture and great news for the people who depend upon it for their survival, which is nearly all of us.

AT: Flood
Even a 32% increase in CO2 content wont cause increased flood rates
NIPCC, 11 Nongovernmental International Panel on Climate Change, 11/16/2011, Global Warming and
Extreme Weather Events, | JJ)
The study was designed to check whether there were any trends in flood magnitude in the U.S. (lower 48 states) and its major
regions with the increase in global mean carbon dioxide concentration. Specifically, Hirsch and Ryberg (2011) used

flow data on annual flood series from 200 stream gauges operated by the US Geological Survey
(USGS) which had a minimum of 85 years of data through water year 2008 from
basins with little or no reservoir storage or urban development (urban development was
defined as at least 150 persons per square kilometer in 2000) to look for trends in the U.S. as a whole , as well
as four major U.S. regions: the northeast, northwest, southwest and southeast. The results, as shown in the figure below, indicate
that, except for the decreased flood magnitudes observed in the southwest, there is no strong empirical

evidence for any trend in flood magnitudes for the entire U.S. or any of the other
three regions despite a 32% increase in carbon dioxide concentration over the
study period. <<<TABLE AND CAPTION REMOVED BY JJ KIM>>> The results of this study,
therefore, throw cold water on claims that CO2-induced global warming is
increasing flood magnitudes in the U.S.A.

AT: Extreme Weather

Recent experiments prove extreme weather isnt caused by warming
NIPCC, 12 Nongovernmental International Panel on Climate Change, 2/28/2012, Global Warming and
Extreme Weather Events, | JJ
According to Bntgen et al. (2011), instrumental station measurements, which systematically cover only the last 100-150 years,
"hinder any proper assessment of the statistical likelihood of return period, duration and magnitude of climatic extremes," stating
that "a palaeoclimatic perspective is therefore indispensable to place modern trends

and events in a pre-industrial context (Battipaglia et al., 2010), to disentangle effects of

human greenhouse gas emission from natural forcing and internal oscillation (Hegerl
et al., 2011), and to constrain climate model simulations and feedbacks of the global
carbon cycle back in time (Frank et al., 2010)." To satisfy these requirements and help facilitate the accomplishment
of the associated goals, Bntgen et al., as they describe it, "introduce and analyze 11,873 annually resolved and absolutely dated ring
width measurement series from living and historical fir (Abies alba Mill.) trees sampled across France, Switzerland, Germany and
the Czech Republic, which continuously span the AD 962-2007 period," and which "allow Central European hydroclimatic
springtime extremes of the industrial era to be placed against a 1000 year-long backdrop of natural variations." So what did they
find? The nine researchers found, in their words, "a fairly uniform distribution of

hydroclimatic extremes throughout the Medieval Climate Anomaly, Little Ice Age
and Recent Global Warming." This finding, as they astutely state, "may question the
common belief that frequency and severity of such events closely relates to climate
mean states," which conclusion essentially rebuffs the well-worn climate-alarmist
claim that global warming will lead to more frequent and severe floods and
droughts. The odds are that if global warming didn't do so over the past thousand
or more years, it likely won't do so in the future.

AT: Hurricanes
Their evidence is fear mongering with no scientific basis
Bell, 10 [Larry, Professor at the University of Houston, 12/27/10. Hot Sensations Vs. Cold Facts,] DHirsch
Remember all the media brouhaha about global warming causing hurricanes that commenced following the devastating U.S. 2004
season? Opportunities to capitalize on those disasters were certainly not lost on some U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
Change officials. A special press conference called by IPCC spokesman Kevin Trenberth

announced "Experts warn global warming likely to continue spurring more

outbreaks of intense activity." But there was a problem. Christopher Landsea, a
top U.S. expert on the subject, repeatedly notified the IPCC that no research had
been conducted to support that claim--not in the Atlantic basin, or in any other
basin. After receiving no replies, he publicly resigned from all IPCC activities. And while the press conference received
tumultuous global media coverage, Mother Nature didn't pay much attention. Subsequent hurricane seasons returned to average
patterns noted historically over the past 150 years, before exhibiting recent record lows with no 2010 U.S. landfalls.

AT: C3 Overcrowds C4
C4 plants have a competitive advantage in warmer conditions
Blando et al., 12 School of Community and Environmental Health, Old Dominion University, Norfolk,
VA, BS in environmental science from Rutgers University, MS in Industrial Hygiene from Johns Hopkins
University, and PhD from the joint program in exposure assessment at Rutgers University and the University of
Medicine and Dentistry of NJ; Leonard Bielory, Center for Environmental Prediction, Rutgers, The State
University of New Jersey; Viann Nguyen, School of Community and Environmental Health, Old Dominion
University; Rafael Diaz, Virginia Modeling and Simulation Center, Old Dominion University; Hueiwang Anna
Jeng, Post-Doctoral Scholar - Tulane University School of Public Health, New Orleans (James, Anthropogenic
Climate Change and Allergic Diseases; Atmosphere, 28 February 2012,

C3 plants typically respond better to atmospheric CO2 enrichment than do C4

plants in terms of increasing their rates of photosynthesis and biomass
production. C3 plants utilize CO2 in their light independent photosynthesis to produce 3-phosphoglycerate. However, due to
enzyme activity leading to photorespiration, C4 plants have developed a mechanism to efficiently deliver
CO2 to the ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase oxygenase (RuBisCo enzyme). The enzyme system can enhance the
ability of C4 plants to tolerate high temperature and water stress [12]. Thus, C4 plants
may have a competitive advantage over plants possessing the common C3 pathway
under conditions of drought and high temperatures that are projected to result
from climate change. Many allergenic plants use the C4 system, including 550 out of 1,400 Chenopods, 250 of the 1,000
Amarathaceae species, Cynodon dactylon and members of the sedge (Cyperaceae) family, including daisies (Asteraceae).

Various studies prove C3 plants dont outcompete C4 plants in elevated CO2

Idsos, No Date Keith E. Idso, Vice President of the Center for the Study of Carbon Dioxide and Global Change, received
his B.S. in Agriculture with a major in Plant Sciences from the University of Arizona and his M.S. from the same institution with a
major in Agronomy and Plant Genetics, completed his Ph.D. in Botany at Arizona State University; Sherwood B. Idso, President of
the Center for the Study of Carbon Dioxide and Global Change, was a Research Physicist with the U.S. Department of Agriculture's
Agricultural Research Service at the U.S. Water Conservation Laboratory in Phoenix, Arizona, Bachelor of Physics, Master of
Science, and Doctor of Philosophy degrees are all from the University of Minnesota, author or co-author of over 500 scientific
publications; and Craig D. Idso, founder and chairman of the board of the Center for the Study of Carbon Dioxide and Global
Change, received his B.S. in Geography from Arizona State University, his M.S. in Agronomy from the University of Nebraska Lincoln, and his Ph.D. in Geography from Arizona State University, where he studied as one of a small group of University Graduate
Scholars (Biodiversity (C3 vs C4 Plants) Summary, CO2 Science, No Date Given,
C3 plants typically respond better to atmospheric CO2 enrichment than do C4 plants in terms of increasing their rates of
photosynthesis and biomass production [see C4 Plants (Biomass and Photosynthesis)]. Hence, it has periodically been

suggested that in a world of rising atmospheric CO2 concentration, C3 plants may

out-compete C4 plants and displace them, thereby decreasing the biodiversity of
certain ecosystems. However, the story is much more complex that what is suggested by
this simple scenario. Wilson et al. (1998) grew 36 species of perennial grass common to tallgrass prairie ecosystems
with and without arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, finding that the dry matter production of the C3 species that were colonized by the
fungi was the same as that of the non-inoculated C3 species, but that the fungal-colonized C4 species produced, on average, 85%
more dry matter than the non-inoculated C4 species. This finding is of pertinence to the relative responsiveness of C3 and C4 plants
to atmospheric CO2 enrichment; for elevated levels of atmospheric CO2 tend to enhance the mycorrhizal colonization of plant roots
[see Fungi (Grasses and Herbaceous Plants)], which is known to make soil minerals and water more available for plant growth (see
Nutrient Acquisition). Hence, this CO2-induced fungal-mediated growth advantage , which from this
study appears

to be more readily available to C4 plants, could well counter the

inherently greater biomass response of C3 plants relative to that of C4 plants,
leveling the playing field relative to their competition for space in any given
ecosystem. Another advantage that may come to C4 plants as a consequence of the ongoing rise in
the air's CO2 content was elucidated by BassiriRad et al. (1998), who found that elevated CO2 enhanced the
ability of the perennial C4 grass Bouteloua eriopoda to increase its uptake of NO3- and
PO43- considerably more than the perennial C3 shrubs Larrea tridentata and Prosopis glandulosa.
Hence, it is not surprising that in an eight-year study of the effects of twice-ambient
atmospheric CO2 concentrations on a pristine tallgrass prairie in Kansas, Owensby et al. (1999) found
that the elevated CO2 did not affect the basal coverage of its C4 species or their
relative contribution to the composition of the ecosystem. Then, of course, there is the
well-known antitranspirant effect of atmospheric CO2 enrichment (Pospisilova and Catsky,

1999), which is often more strongly expressed in C4 plants than in C3 plants and that

typically allows C4 plants to

better cope with water stress. In a study of the C3 dicot Abutilon theophrasti and the C4 dicot Amaranthus
retroflexus, for example, Ward et al. (1999) found that Amaranthus retroflexus exhibited a greater relative recovery from drought
than did the C3 species, which suggests, in their words, that "the C4 species would continue to be more

competitive than the C3 species in regions receiving more frequent and severe
droughts," which basically characterizes regions where C4 plants currently exist. Two
years later, Morgan et al. (2001) published the results of an open-top chamber study of a native shortgrass steppe
ecosystem in Colorado, USA, where they had exposed the enclosed ecosystems to atmospheric CO2 concentrations of 360 and 720
ppm for two six-month growing seasons. In spite of an average air temperature increase of 2.6C, which was caused by the presence
of the open-top chambers, the elevated CO2 increased aboveground biomass production by an
average of 38% in both years of the study; and when 50% of the standing green plant biomass was defoliated to simulate grazing
halfway through the growing season, atmospheric CO2 enrichment still increased aboveground biomass by 36%. It was also

found that the communities enriched with CO2 tended to have greater amounts of
moisture in their soils than communities exposed to ambient air; and this phenomenon likely contributed
to the less negative and, therefore, less stressful plant water potentials that were
measured in the CO2-enriched plants. Last of all, the elevated CO2 did not preferentially
stimulate the growth of C3 species over that of C4 species in these communities .
Hence, elevated CO2 did not significantly affect the percentage composition of C3 and
C4 species in these grasslands; and they maintained their original level of vegetative
biodiversity. In light of these several observations, we believe it to be highly unlikely that the
ongoing rise in the air's CO2 content will lead to C3 plants replacing C4 plants in
the vast majority of earth's ecosystems. This would also appear to be the take-home message of the study of
Wand et al. (1999), who in a massive review of the scientific literature published between 1980 and 1997 analyzed
nearly 120 individual responses of C3 and C4 grasses to elevated CO2. On average,
they found photosynthetic enhancements of 33 and 25%, respectively, for C3 and
C4 plants, along with biomass enhancements of 44 and 33%, respectively , for a doubling
of the air's CO2 concentration. These larger-than-expected growth responses in the C4 species
led them to conclude that "it may be premature to predict that C4 grass species will
lose their competitive advantage over C3 grass species in elevated CO2 ." Further support
for this conclusion comes from the study of Campbell et al. (2000), who reviewed research work done
between 1994 and 1999 by a worldwide network of 83 scientists associated with the Global Change and
Terrestrial Ecosystems (GCTE) Pastures and Rangelands Core Research Project 1, which resulted in the publication of over 165 peerreviewed scientific journal articles. After analyzing this great body of research, they concluded

that the "growth of C4 species is about as responsive to CO2 concentration as [is

that of] C3 species when water supply restricts growth, as is usual in grasslands containing C4 species." Hence, the
work of this group of scientists also provides no evidence for the suggestion that
C3 plants may out-compete C4 plants and thereby replace them in a high-CO2
world of the future.

C4 species are more competitive than C3 species in higher temperatures

Lara & Andreo 11 *Centro de Estudios Fotosintticos y Bioqumicos (Center of Photosynthetic Studies and
Biochemistry), Argentina AND ** Professor of Biochemistry in the Facultad de Ciencias Bioqumicas y Farmacuticas, Universidad
Nacional de Rosario, Investigador Superior at the National Research Council (CONICET), Vice Director of the Centro de Estudios
Fotosintticos y Bioqumicos and Vice Director of ot the Centro Regional de Investigaciones y Desarrollo Rosario

C4 species have evolved in a high CO2 environment. This increases both their
nitrogen and water use efficiency compared to C3 species. C4 plants have greater
rates of CO2 assimilation than C3 species for a given leaf nitrogen when both parameters are expressed

either on a mass or an area basis (Ghannoum et al., 2011). Although the range in leaf nitrogen content per unit areas is less in C4
compared to C3 plants, the range in leaf nitrogen concentration per unit dry mass is similar for both C4 and C3 species. Even though
leaf nitrogen is invested into photosynthetic components into the same fraction in both C3 and C4 species, C4 plants allocate less
nitrogen to Rubisco protein and more to other soluble protein and thylakoids components. In C3 plants, the photosynthetic enzyme
Rubisco accounts for up to 30% of the leaf nitrogen content (Lawlor et al., 1989), but accounts for only 421% of leaf nitrogen in C4
species (Evans & von Caemmerer, 2000; Sage et al., 1987). The lower nitrogen requirement of C4 plants results from their CO2concentrating mechanism, which raises the bundle sheath CO2 concentration, saturating Rubisco in normal air and almost
eliminating photorespiration. Without this mechanism, Rubisco in the C3 photosynthetic pathway operates at only 25% of its
capacity (Sage et al., 1987) and loses ca. 25% of fixed carbon to photorespiration (Ludwig & Canvin, 1971). To attain

comparable photosynthetic rates to those in C4 plants, C3 leaves must therefore invest more
heavily in Rubisco and have a greater nitrogen requirement. Because the Rubisco specificity for CO2 decreases
with increasing temperature (Long, 1991), this difference between the C3 and C4 photosynthetic
nitrogen-use efficiency is greatest at high temperatures (Long, 1999). The high photosynthetic
nitrogen-use efficiency of C4 plants is partially offset by the nitrogen requirement for CO2-concentrating mechanism enzymes, but
the high maximum catalytic rate of PEP-carboxylase means that these account for only ca. 5% of leaf nitrogen (Long, 1999).
Improved leaf and plant water use efficiency in C4 plants is due to both higher photosynthetic rates per unit leaf area and lower
stomatal conductance, with the greater CO2 assimilation contributing to a major extent (Ghannoum et al., 2011). The

advantages of greater nitrogen use efficiency and water use efficiency of C4

relative to C3 photosynthesis are fully realized at high light and temperature , where
oxygenase reaction of Rubisco is greatly increased. It is worth noting, although in C4 plants energy loss due to photorespiration is
eliminated, and additional energy is required to operate the C4 cycle (2 ATPs per CO2 assimilated). In dim light, when
photosynthesis is linearly dependent on the radiative flux, the rate of CO2 assimilation depends entirely on the energy requirements
of carbon assimilation (Long, 1999). The additional ATP required for assimilation of one CO2 in C4 photosynthesis, compared with
C3 photosynthesis, increases the energy requirement in C4 plants (Hatch, 1987). However, when the temperature of a C3 leaf
exceeds ca. 25 C, the amount of light energy diverted into photorespiratory metabolism in C3 photosynthesis exceeds the additional
energy required for CO2 assimilation in C4 photosynthesis (Hatch, 1992; Long, 1999). This is the reason why at

temperatures below ca. 2528 C, C4 photosynthesis is less efficient than C3

photosynthesis under light-limiting conditions. It is interesting to note, that while global distribution of
C4 grasses is positively correlated with growing season temperature, the geographic distribution of the different C4 subtypes is
strongly correlated with rainfall (Ghannoum et al., 2011). On the contrary, C4 plants are rare to absent in cold environments.
Although there are examples of plants with C4 metabolisms that show cold adaptation, they still require warm periods during the
day in order to exist in cold habitats (Sage et al., 2011). In consequence, C4 species are poorly

competitive against C3 plants in cold climates (Sage & McKown, 2006; Sage & Pearce, 2000). The
mechanisms explaining the lower performance of C4 plants under cold conditions have not been clarified (Sage et al., 2011). Among
early plausible explanations were the low quantum yield of the C4 relative to the C3 pathway (Ehleringer et al., 1997), and enzyme
lability in the C4 cycle, most notably around PEP metabolism (PEPcarboxylase and pyruvate orthophosphate dikinase) (Matsuba et
al., 1997). Both hypothesis are insufficient since maximum quantum yield differences do not relate to conditions under which the
vast majority of daily carbon is assimilated and there cold-adapted C4 species that have cold stabled forms of PEP-carboxylase and
pyruvate orthophosphate dikinase, and synthesize sufficient quantity to overcome any short term limitation (Du et al., 1999; Hamel
& Simon, 2000; Sage et al., 2011). The current hypothesis is that C4 photosynthesis is limited by Rubisco capacity at low
temperatures. Even in cold-tolerant C4 species, Rubisco capacity becomes limiting at low temperature and imposes a ceiling on
photosynthetic rate below 20 C (Kubien et al., 2003; Pittermann & Sage, 2000; Sage, 2002).

Agriculture Shell 1/2

A. Only increased CO2 can avert global starvation and war

Center for Science and Public Policy, 6 (Jan 12,
Wallace (2000) illustrates the source and magnitude of the problem by noting that the
projected increase in the number of people who will join our ranks in the coming half-century (a
median best-guess of 3.7 billion) is more sure of occurring than is any other environmental change currently
underway or looming on the horizon; and these extra people will need a whopping amount of extra food that will take
an equally whopping amount of extra water to produce, the problem being that there is no
extra water. "Over the entire globe," therefore, says Wallace, "a staggering 67% of the future
population of the world may experience some water stress," which translates into food
insufficiency; and food insufficiency means malnutrition and, in the most extreme cases,
starvation and war. So what's the solution? There's only one answer, according to Wallace.
We must produce much more food per unit of available water, which leads to the most
important question of all. How can it be done? Wallace suggests we must greatly augment
water conservation measures wherever possible and implement every conceivable
efficiency-enhancing procedure in irrigated and rain fed agriculture. Second, we must do
everything we can, as he says, "to fix more carbon per unit of water transpired." That is, we
must strive to dramatically increase plant water use efficiency. Human ingenuity will
surely enable great strides to be made in all of these areas over the coming decades. But
will the improvements be large enough? At the present time, no one can answer this
question with any confidence. In fact, pessimism permeates most thinking on the subject;
for as Wallace correctly reports, "the global scientific community is not currently giving
this area sufficient attention." So where is our attention currently focused? Unfortunately,
it is focused on reducing anthropogenic CO2 emissions to the atmosphere, which is truly
lamentable; for the continuation of those emissions is, ironically, our only real hope for
averting the near-certain future global food and water shortfalls that are destined to occur
if the Kyoto Protocol Crowd gets its way with the world. But how would allowing
anthropogenic CO2 emissions to take their natural course help to ameliorate future thirst
as well as hunger? The answer resides in the fact that elevated levels of atmospheric CO2
tend to reduce plant transpiration while simultaneously enhancing plant photosynthesis,
which two phenomena acting together enable earth's crops to produce more food per unit
of water used in the process. Literally thousands of laboratory and field experiments - and
that is no exaggeration - have verified this fact beyond any doubt whatsoever. Indeed, this
atmospheric CO2-induced blessing is as sure as death and taxes, and as dependable as a
mother's love. But what do climate-alarmist ideologues do about it? They spurn it. They
deny it. They even try to make people believe the opposite (see our Editorial 13 Dec 2000).
And they do it to the detriment of all mankind.
Arial fertilization of C02 both reduces plant transpiration and increases photosynthesis, making plants more efficient and
solving for water wars.

Agriculture Shell 2/2

B. C02s food security outweighs impacts of warming.
Wittwer 92 (Sylvan H., Professor of Horticulture at Michigan State University, Fall, Issue 62, Policy Review)
the direct effects of an increasing atmospheric CO2 on food production and
the outputs of rangelands and forests are much more important than any effects thus far
manifest for climate. A recent review of over 1,000 individual experiments with 475 plant crop varieties,
published in 342 peer-reviewed scientific journals and authored by 454 scientists in 29 c o u n t r i e s , has shown an
average growth enhancement of 52% with a doubling of the current level of atmospheric carbon dioxide. Y e t some
For the present,

scientists, especially those with ecological orient at ions , take delight in glam oriz ing, along w i t h a s y m p a t h e t i c p r e s s , t h e f e w e x c e p t i o n s
which, in turn, become widely quoted in the sci en t i f i c l i t er at u r e . T h e s e i n cl u d e t u s s oc k ar ct i c t u n d r a ; s o m e g r a s s l a n d s w h e r e
u n d e s i r a b l e species may, under restricted conditions, outgrow t h e m o r e d e s i r a b l e ; a n d i n s o m e e c o s y s t e m s wh er e com pet i ti o n am ong
speci es m ay cr eat e a lack of balance. (See "Rising Carbon Dioxide Is Great for Plants," CR, December 1992.) Globally, it is estimated the

crop productivity has been already increased by 10% because of CO2 and may account

for much of what has been attributed to the Green Revolution.

Meanwhile, changes in climate in

specific fields where crops actually grow and are culti vated remain defiantly uncertain.
Conversely, the effects of an enriched CO2 atmosphere on crop productivity in large
measure are positive and leave little doubt as to the benefits for glob al food security. W i t h

t h i s n o t e , i t i s a s a d c o m m e n t a r y t h a t m o s t o f t h e c u r r e n t a n d m o d e r n t e x t b o o k s o n plant nutrition omit, inadvertently or otherwise,

a n y m e n t i o n o f t h e r o l e o f c a r b o n d i o x i d e a s a ferti liz er or essent ial nutri ent. This was true 35 years ago and remains so to this day.
Textbooks st ill ig nore the fact that different levels of CO2 may have pronounced effects on plant growth and may interrelate and
complement various levels of other nutrients applied to crops in the rooting media. The complementary effects are als o m ani f es t wit h res pect t o
wat er requ ir e ments and positive interrelations with temperature, light, and other atmospheric constraints. (See - " Envir onmental 'Science' In The Class room," CR, April 1997.) Today, in the greenhouses of the Westlands of Holland, where the first use of elevated levels of greenhouse carbon dioxide for
enrichment of food crops occurred 40 years ago, there are glass green houses covering over 10,000 hectares. These are all enriched with atmospheric
levels of 1,000 ppm of CO2 during daylight hours. This practice is followed during the entire year when crops are produced. Increases of marketable
yields of tomatoes, cucumbers, sweet peppers, eggplant, and ornamentals range between 20% to 40% with an annual return of $3 billion. There is
currently a blind spot in the political and informational systems of the world. This is accompanied by a corruption of the underlying biological and

It should be considered good fortune that we are living in a world of gradually

increasing levels of atmospheric CO2. The satellite data on global temperature changes are now in. There has been no
appreciable warming. Accordingly, the rising level of atmospheric CO2 does not make the United States
the world's worst polluter. It is the world's greatest benefactor. Unlike other natural resources (land,
physical sciences.

water, energy) essential for food production, which are costly and progressively in shorter supply, the rising level of atmospheric
CO2, is a universally free premium gaining in magnitude with time on which we can all reckon for the future. The effects

level of CO2 on photosynthetic capacity for the enhancement of food

appear far more important than any detectable
change in climate. Elevated levels of atmospheric CO2 also provide a cost-free
environment for the conservation of water which is rapidly becoming another of the
world's most limiting natural resources, the majority of which is now used for crop
of the increasing atmospheric

production and the output of rangelands and forests,

CO2 Good Solves Hunger

C02 is key to stopping world hunger

Climate & Environment Weekly 6

(Jan 12,
Also writing about the need to increase global food production near the close of the 20th century were the Rockefeller
Foundation's Conway and Toenniessen (1999), who stated that "the Green Revolution was one of the great

technological success stories of the second half of the twentieth century," but that its
benefits were dropping and that a number of arguments "point to the need for a second
Green Revolution." It is enlightening to consider the arguments made by Conway and Toenniessen. First, they note
that the world already produces more than enough food to feed everyone on the planet, but that it is not evenly distributed,
due to "notoriously ineffective" world markets that leave 800 million people chronically undernourished. Hence, it would
seem that requirement number one for the second Green Revolution should be that the agricultural benefits to be reaped
should be equitably distributed among all nations. Second, the Rockefeller representatives say that food aid programs
designed to help countries most in need "are also no solution," as they reach "only a small portion of those suffering chronic
hunger." In addition, they say that such programs, if prolonged, "have a negative impact on local food production." Hence, it
would seem that requirement number two for the second Green Revolution should be that local food production should be
enhanced worldwide. Third, Conway and Toenniessen state that 650 million of the world's poorest people live in rural areas
and that many of them live in "regions where agricultural potential is low and natural resources are poor." Hence, it would
seem that requirement number three for the second Green Revolution should be that regions of low agricultural potential
lacking in natural resources should be singled out for maximum benefits. All three of these requirements represent noble
causes; but if mankind already produces more than enough food to feed everyone on the planet and we don't do it, i.e., we
don't feed everyone, it is clear that mankind must not be noble enough to rise to the challenge currently confronting us. So
why does anyone think we will do any better in the future? Based on humanity's prior track record, it would seem to us that
the second Green Revolution envisioned by the Rockefeller Foundation will also fall short of its noble goal, depending, as it
were, on a less-than-noble humanity to see it through. So what do we do? Let's consider the three requirements for the next
Green Revolution and see how the likelihood of meeting them may be enhanced by letting the air's CO2 concentration
continue to rise unimpeded. Requirement No. 1: The agricultural benefits to be reaped should be equitably distributed
among all nations. First of all, what are the agricultural benefits of elevated atmospheric CO2? For a 300 ppm

increase in the air's CO2 content, they are 30 to 50% increases in the yields of nearly all food
crops. As for their equitable distribution among all nations, the fact that CO2 is well mixed throughout
the atmosphere insures that all nations will share equally in the availability of this great
resource and its proven yield-enhancing properties. Requirement No. 2: Local food
production should be enhanced worldwide. The nice thing about the aerial fertilization
effect of atmospheric CO2 enrichment in this regard is that it is a blessing that transcends
all political barriers. As Wittwer (1995) has so eloquently put it, the effects of elevated CO2 "know no boundaries and
both developing and developed countries are, and will be, sharing equally," for "the rising level of atmospheric CO2 is a
universally free premium, gaining in magnitude with time, on which we all can reckon for the foreseeable future."
Requirement No. 3: Regions of low agricultural potential lacking in natural resources should be singled out for maximum
benefits. Fortunately, CO2 helps most where people hurt most: in areas of low agricultural

potential. In a comprehensive review of the scientific literature, for example, Idso and Idso
(1994) found that the greatest CO2-induced percentage increases in plant productivity
typically occur in places of limited resources and heightened environmental stresses. In
light of these observations, it would seem that atmospheric CO2 enrichment meets the
major requirements of the much-needed "second Green Revolution" as envisioned by the
Rockefeller Foundation. Their conventional programs will do much to help; but they will not solve the problem on their
own. With the ongoing rise in the air's CO2 concentration as a potent ally, however, we may come much closer to achieving
our "noble goal" than we have ever come in the past.

C02 Good - Solves Hunger

C02 solves for world hunger by increasing plant efficiency and reducing the demand on
Climate & Environment Weekly 6

(Jan 12,

Humanity faces many challenges; we always have, and we always will. None of them,
however, is as pressing as the need to be able to produce the food we will require to
sustain ourselves in but a few short decades without usurping most of the planet's
remaining arable land and freshwater resources in the process and thereby leaving
precious little of either for the plant and animal components of the planet's natural
ecosystems. In addition, no need is more essential to the preservation of world peace than for people everywhere to
have sufficient food to eat. Many thoughtful people have agonized over these facts. As described in our Editorial of 1 Oct
1999, for example, our local newspaper of 26 September 1999 published a brief article by former U.S. President Jimmy
Carter entitled To cultivate peace, we must first cultivate food, wherein he stated that "when the Cold War ended 10 years
ago, we expected an era of peace" but got instead "a decade of war." He then asked why peace is so elusive, answering that
most of today's wars are fueled by poverty - poverty in developing countries "whose economies depend on agriculture but
which lack the means to make their farmland productive." This fact, he said, suggests an obvious, but often overlooked, path
to peace: "raise the standard of living of the millions of rural people who live in poverty by increasing agricultural
productivity," his argument being that thriving agriculture, in his words, "is the engine that fuels broader economic growth
and development, thus paving the way for prosperity and peace." Can the case for atmospheric CO2

enrichment be made any clearer? Automatically, and without investing a single hardearned dollar, ruble or whatever, people everywhere promote the cause of peace when they
utilize energy produced by the burning of fossil fuels; for CO2 - one of the major endproducts of the combustion process - is the very elixir of life, being the primary building
block of all plant tissues via the essential role it plays in the photosynthetic process that
sustains nearly all of earth's vegetation. And as with any production process, the insertion
of more raw materials (in this case CO2) into the front of the production line results in
more manufactured goods coming out the end of the line, which in the case of enhanced
plant growth and development is biosphere-sustaining food. Consequently, in light of the
former president's statement that "leaders of developing nations must make food security a
priority" for "there can be no peace until people have enough to eat," one can begin to appreciate
the role of the ongoing rise in the air's CO2 content within this important context. In investigating
the subject in more detail " Idso and Idso (2000) developed a supply-and-demand scenario for food
in the year 2050, wherein they identified the plants that currently supply 95% of the world's food
needs and projected historical trends in their productivities (based on the assumption of continued
increases in agricultural knowledge and expertise) 50 years into the future. Under this scenario,
they found that world food production would rise by about 37% between the start of the 21st

century and its midpoint, but that world food needs, which they equated with world
population, would likely rise by 51% over the same period. Fortunately, they additionally
calculated that the shortfall in production could be overcome (but only barely) by the
benefits anticipated to accrue from the many productivity-enhancing effects of the
expected concomitant rise in the atmosphere's CO2 concentration. These findings
demonstrate that world food security is precariously dependent upon the continued rising of the
air's CO2 content, which must be allowed to take its natural course, for as Sylvan Wittwer, Director
Emeritus of Michigan State University's Agricultural Experiment Station, stated in his 1995 book
Food, Climate, and Carbon Dioxide: The Global Environment and World Food Production : "The

rising level of atmospheric CO2 could be the one global natural resource that is
progressively increasing food production and total biological output, in a world of
otherwise diminishing natural resources of land, water, energy, minerals, and fertilizer. It
is a means of inadvertently increasing the productivity of farming systems and other

photosynthetically active ecosystems. The effects know no boundaries and both

developing and developed countries are, and will be, sharing equally."

C02 Good - Solves Hunger

C02 is key to solving food security and preventing massive starvation.
Wittwer 92 (Sylvan H., Professor of Horticulture at Michigan State University, Fall, Issue 62, Policy Review)
Not many people think of it in this way, but food, climate, and the rising levels of
atmospheric carbon dioxide are uniquely interrelated. Food production is a critical and an
essential renewable resource. Without food, the human race would not survive. The
production of this renewable resource, upon which all life depends, is
possible only through photosynthesis, the most important of biochemical
processes. An essential raw material, almost always in short supply, is the low level of
atmospheric carbon dioxide. For example, an acre of corn crop must process over 40,000
tons of air to produce the record yield of more than 130 bushels per acre recorded in the
United States for 1995.

C02 Good - Increases Crop Yields

Higher levels of C02 would make plants more efficient and substantially
increase crop yields

Wittwer 92 (Sylvan H., Professor of Horticulture at Michigan State University, Fall, Issue 62, Policy Review)
One of the best-kept secrets in the global warming debate is that the plant life of Planet Earth would benefit greatly from a
higher level of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere. You read that correctly. Flowers, trees, and food crops love carbon
dioxide, and the more they get of it, the more they love it. Carbon dioxide is the basic raw material that plants use in
photosynthesis to convert solar energy into food, fiber, and other forms of biomass. Voluminous scientific evidence shows
that if CO2 were to rise above its current ambient level of 360 parts per million, most plants would grow faster and larger
because of more efficient photosynthesis and a reduction in water loss. There would also be many other benefits for plants,
among them greater resistance to temperature extremes and other forms of stress, better growth at low light intensities,
improved root/top ratios, less injury from air pollutants, and more nutrients in the soil as a result of more extensive
nitrogen fixation. This good news about carbon dioxide has been all but ignored in alarmist discussions about possible
global climate changes. CO2-related benefits were barely mentioned at the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro in June, where
the rising level of carbon dioxide and other "greenhouse gases" was decried as the world's greatest environmental threat.
The Rio Summit ended with the United States and over 150 other nations signing a Framework Convention on Climate
Change, committing themselves to stabilizing emissions of CO2 and other greenhouse gases at 1990 levels.

More C02 makes plants more efficient and produce more food in less time.

Wittwer 92 (Sylvan H., Professor of Horticulture at Michigan State University, Fall, Issue 62, Policy Review)
There are two important reasons for this productivity boost at higher CO2 levels. One is superior efficiency of
photosynthesis. The other is a sharp reduction in water loss per unit of leaf area. Photosynthesis converts the renewable
energy of sunlight into energy that living creatures can use. In the presence of chlorophyll, plants use sunlight to convert
carbon dioxide and water into carbohydrates that, directly or indirectly, supply almost all animal and human needs for food;
oxygen and some water are released as by-products of this process. The principal factors affecting the rate of photosynthesis
are a favorable temperature, the level of light intensity, and the availability of carbon dioxide. Most green plants respond
quite favorably to concentrations of CO2 well above current atmospheric levels. A related benefit comes from the partial
closing of pores in leaves that is associated with higher CO2 levels. These pores, known as stomata, admit air into the leaf for
photosynthesis, but they are also a major source of transpiration or moisture loss. By partially closing these pores, higher
CO2 levels greatly reduce the plants' water loss--a significant benefit in arid climates. There are marked variations in
response to CO2 among plant species. The biggest differences are among three broad categories of plants--C3, C4, and
Crassulacean Acid Metabolism or CAM--each with a different pathway for photosynthetic fixation of carbon dioxide. Most
green plants, including trees, algae, and most major food crops, use the C3 pathway, so named because the first products of
photosynthesis (called photosynthate) have three carbon atoms per molecule. C3 plants respond most dramatically to higher
levels of CO2 . At current atmospheric levels of CO2, up to half of the photosynthate in C3 plants is typically lost and
returned to the air by a process called photo-respiration, which occurs simultaneously with photosynthesis in sunlight.
Elevated levels of atmospheric CO2 virtually eliminate photo-respiration in C3 plants, making photosynthesis much more
efficient. High CO2 levels also sharply reduce dark respiration (the partial destruction of the products of photosynthesis
during nighttime) among C3 plants.

C02 Good - Increases Crop Yields

CO2 increases crop yields 40%
Cohen and Idso 99 (Bonner, Senior Fellow at the Lexington Institute and Keith Vice President of the Center
for the Study of Carbon Dioxide and Global Change, January 1,
Cohen: Then increased CO2 levels benefit agriculture, right?
Idso: As the CO2 content of the air continues to climb, most agricultural crops should respond by increasing their yields.
Agricultural crop responses to elevated CO2 have been studied extensively, and the peer-reviewed scientific literature shows
that for a doubling of the atmospheric CO2 content, yield is boosted by 30 to 40 percent for most species.
Moreover, because transpirational water loss is generally reduced at elevated CO2 levels, these greater yields are achieved
with about one-third less water loss per leaf. Hence, the water-use efficiencies of the leaves of most agricultural plants
actually double with a doubling of the atmospheric CO2 content. And this phenomenon will become increasingly more
important as agricultural water supplies are reduced to offset increased human needs in growing urban areas.

CO2 Good - Famine Impact

CO2 Good Benefits Outweigh Risks

Warming offsets its own effects-food production, forestation,
Wittwer 92 (Sylvan H., Professor of Horticulture at Michigan State University, Fall, Issue 62, Policy Review)
First, we can expect a rapid expansion of food production that may offset some of the presumed adverse climate effects. As
crop yields rise with higher CO2 levels, the amount of land devoted to agriculture can decline. It will be much easier to
protect environmentally sensitive land areas from over-cultivation for crops.
Since C3 plants will benefit somewhat more than C4 plants from higher CO2 levels, there will be some shift in the mix of
plants. Trees are C3 plants, so we can expect more rapid reforestation and an enormous expansion in forest biomass. Of the
21 most important food crops, 17 have C3 pathways. They include rice, wheat, barley, oats, rye, soybeans, field beans, mung
beans, cowpeas, chickpeas, pigeonpeas, potatoes, sweet potatoes, cassava-yams, sugar beets, bananas, and coconuts. The
exceptions are corn, sorghum, millet, and sugarcane, which have C4 pathways, and which will probably decline in relative
production. On the other hand, since 14 of the 18 most noxious weeds are C4 plants, rising levels of atmospheric CO2 will
generally favor crop production over weeds.
Plants, directly or indirectly, provide 95 percent of the total food of the earth. Since plants are at the bottom of the food
chain, a boost in plant production should lead to major increases in bird, fish, and mammal populations as well.

CO2 Good Empirically Proven

Empirically proven- C02 has been used for 100 years

Wittwer 92 (Sylvan H., Professor of Horticulture at Michigan State University, Fall, Issue 62, Policy Review)
And yet, for over 100 years, nurserymen have been adding carbon dioxide to their greenhouses to raise the yields of
vegetables, flowers, and ornamental plants. And for decades, it has been well known among botanists, biochemists,
agriculturalists, and foresters that a shortage of carbon dioxide is the most common limiting factor preventing
photosynthesis from proceeding more efficiently.

CO2 increased grain production by 1.3 billion tons in the last 54 years
Avery and Burnett 05 (Dennis, NCPA adjunct scholar and H. Sterling, Senior Fellow
at NCPA, May 19.
The available evidence undermines Browns claims. Indeed, a warmer planet has beneficial effects on food production. It
results in longer growing seasons more sunshine and rainfall while summertime high temperatures change little. And a
warmer planet means milder winters and fewer crop-killing frosts.
Global warming also increases carbon dioxide (CO2), which acts like fertilizer for plants. As the planet warms, oceans
naturally release huge tonnages of additional CO2. (Cold water can hold much more of a gas than warmer water.) Since
1950, in a period of global warming, these factors have helped the worlds grain production soar from 700 million to more
than 2 billion tons last year.

C02 Good Multiple Reasons

CO2 from warming increase plant growth, efficiency, temperature
Wittwer 92 (Sylvan H., Professor of Horticulture at Michigan State University, Fall, Issue 62, Policy Review)
One of the best-kept secrets in the global warming debate is that the plant life of Planet Earth would benefit greatly from a
higher level of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere.
You read that correctly. Flowers, trees, and food crops love carbon dioxide, and the more they get of it, the more they love it.
Carbon dioxide is the basic raw material that plants use in photosynthesis to convert solar energy into food, fiber, and other
forms of biomass. Voluminous scientific evidence shows that if CO2 were to rise above its current ambient level of 360 parts
per million, most plants would grow faster and larger because of more efficient photosynthesis and a reduction in water loss.
There would also be many other benefits for plants, among them greater resistance to temperature extremes and other
forms of stress, better growth at low light intensities, improved root/top ratios, less injury from air pollutants, and more
nutrients in the soil as a result of more extensive nitrogen fixation.

Predicted CO2 levels would increase plant productivity by 1/3, better root
systems enable roots to reach deeper water, spur more efficient
Wittwer 92 (Sylvan H., Professor of Horticulture at Michigan State University, Fall, Issue 62, Policy Review)
While scientists disagree about the likely effects of additional carbon dioxide on global temperature, they generally agree on
another important effect of a rise in the CO2 level. A doubling of the carbon dioxide concentration in the atmosphere, as is
projected, would increase plant productivity by almost one-third. Most plants would grow faster and bigger, with increases
in leaf size and thickness, stem height, branching, and seed production. The number and size of fruits and flowers would
also rise. Root/top ratios would increase, giving many plants better root systems for access to water and nutrients. More
Efficient Photosynthesis
There are two important reasons for this productivity boost at higher CO2 levels. One is superior efficiency of
photosynthesis. The other is a sharp reduction in water loss per unit of leaf area. Photosynthesis converts the renewable
energy of sunlight into energy that living creatures can use. In the presence of chlorophyll, plants use sunlight to convert
carbon dioxide and water into carbohydrates that, directly or indirectly, supply almost all animal and human needs for food;
oxygen and some water are released as by-products of this process. The principal factors affecting the rate of photosynthesis
are a favorable temperature, the level of light intensity, and the availability of carbon dioxide. Most green plants respond
quite favorably to concentrations of CO2 well above current atmospheric levels. A related benefit comes from the partial
closing of pores in leaves that is associated with higher CO2 levels. These pores, known as stomata, admit air into the leaf for
photosynthesis, but they are also a major source of transpiration or moisture loss. By partially closing these pores, higher
CO2 levels greatly reduce the plants' water loss--a significant benefit in arid climates.

C02 Good Increased Photosynthesis

CO2 increases photosynthesis
Prentice 0 (I.C., Co-ordinating Author of The Carbon Cycle and Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide,
, pg 195, most recent source)
Increased CO2 concentration allows the partial closure of stomata, restricting water loss during transpiration and producing
an increase in the ratio of carbon gain to water loss (water-use efficiency, WUE) (Field et al., 1995a; Drake et al., 1997;
Farquhar, 1997; Krner, 2000). This effect can lengthen the duration of the growing season in seasonally dry ecosystems
and can increase NPP in both C3 and C4 plants.

CO2 decreases transpiration and increases photosynthesis

Prentice 0 (I.C., Co-ordinating Author of The Carbon Cycle and Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide,
, pg 203, most recent source)
Atmospheric CO2 concentrations have also been reconstructed indirectly, from stomatal index measurements on sub-fossil
leaves (Van de Water et al., 1994; Beerling et al., 1995; Rundgren and Beerling, 1999; Wagner et al., 1999). Stomatal
density and stomatal index of many species respond to atmospheric CO2 (Woodward, 1987; Woodward and Bazzaz, 1988)
but are influenced by other environmental variables as well (Poole et al., 1996). One recent stomatal index record,
interpreted as implying high (up to 350 ppm) and rapidly fluctuating CO 2 concentrations in the early Holocene (Wagner et
al., 1999), is clearly incompatible with the ice core record of Indermhle et al. (1999), whereas a continuous stomatal index
record from 9 kyr BP onwards (Rundgren and Beerling, 1999) has shown concentration trends consistent with the ice-core

CO2 increases photosynthesis

Prentice 0 (I.C., Co-ordinating Author of The Carbon Cycle and Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide,
, pg 203, most recent source)
At high CO2 concentrations there can be no further increase in photosynthesis with increasing CO2 (Farquhar et al., 1980),
except through further stomatal closure, which may produce continued increases in WUE in water-limited environments.
The shape of the response curve of global NPP at higher CO2 concentrations than present is uncertain because the response
at the level of gas exchange is modified by incompletely understood plantand ecosystem-level processes (Luo et al., 1999).
Based on photosynthetic physiology, it is likely that the additional carbon that could be taken up globally by enhanced
photosynthsis as a direct consequence of rising atmospheric CO 2 concentration is small at atmospheric concentrations
above 800 to 1,000 ppm. Experimental studies indicate that some ecosystems show greatly reduced CO 2 fertilisation at
lower concentrations than this (Krner, 2000).

CO2 Good Water Efficiency

C02 increases water efficiency

Wittwer 92 (Sylvan H., Professor of Horticulture at Michigan State University, Fall, Issue 62, Policy Review)
The most readily identifiable potential climatic impact of significant magnitude on future living standards of the human race
is availability of water resources. The efficiency of their use will be a major key to future food security.

What Does CO2 Do To Crops? We now introduce the impacts of the rising level of atmospheric carbon dioxide. First, we have its presumed effect on climate change, and second, its effect on food production. The climate-change effect is characterized by the widely publicized global warming (the socalled "greenhouse effect"). Presumably this also is causing an increased frequency of extreme or
hazardous events. Conversely, elevated levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide have a decidedly beneficial effect on
crop production through an enhancement of photosynthetic capacity and an increase in water-use efficiency. Additionally,
hundreds of experiments now show partial alleviation of the harmful effects of both marginally low and high temperatures,
air pollutants, a lessening of the environmental hazards imposed by drought, alkalinity, and mineral stressesboth excesses
and deficiencieslow-light intensities, and UV-B radiation.

High CO2 concentrations increases water use efficiency

Prentice 0 (I.C., Co-ordinating Author of The Carbon Cycle and Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide,
, pg 186, most recent source)
Terrestrial uptake of CO2 is governed by net biome production (NBP), which is the balance of net primary production (NPP)
and carbon losses due to heterotrophic respiration (decomposition and herbivory) and fire, including the fate of harvested
biomass. NPP increases when atmospheric CO2 concentration is increased above present levels (the fertilisation effect
occurs directly through enhanced photosynthesis, and indirectly through effects such as increased water use efficiency). At
high CO2 concentration (800 to 1,000 ppm) any further direct CO 2 fertilisation effect is likely to be small. The effectiveness
of terrestrial uptake as a carbon sink depends on the transfer of carbon to forms with long residence times (wood or
modified soil organic matter). Management practices can enhance the carbon sink because of the inertia of these slow
carbon pools.

Increased CO2 causes efficient water use in plants

Prentice 0 (I.C., Co-ordinating Author of The Carbon Cycle and Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide,
, pg 195, most recent source)
The process of CO2 fertilisation thus involves direct effects on carbon assimilation and indirect effects such as those via
water saving and interactions between the carbon and nitrogen cycles. Increasing CO2 can therefore lead to structural and
physiological changes in plants (Pritchard et al., 1999) and can further affect plant competition and distribution patterns
due to responses of different species. Field studies show that the relative stimulation of NPP tends to be greater in lowproductivity years, suggesting that improvements in water- and nutrient-use efficiency can be more important than direct
NPP stimulation (Luo et al., 1999).

C02 Good - Water Efficiency

CO2 increases water use efficiency
CO2 Science 8 (The Debt We Owe To Atmospheric CO2 Enrichment,, Volume 11,
Number 22,, May 23, 2008)
In an intriguing paper recently published in Global Change Biology, Cunniff et al. (2008) note that "early agriculture was
characterized by sets of primary domesticates or 'founder crops' that were adopted in several independent centers of origin,"
all at about the same time; and they say and that "this synchronicity suggests the involvement of a global trigger." Further
noting that Sage (1995) saw a causal link between this development and the rise in atmospheric CO2 concentration that
followed deglaciation (a jump from about 180 to 270 ppm), they hypothesized that the aerial fertilization effect caused by
the rise in CO2 combined with its transpiration-reducing effect led to a large increase in the water use efficiencies of the
world's major C4 founder crops, and that this development was the global trigger that launched the agricultural enterprise.
Consequently, as a test of this hypothesis, they designed "a controlled environment experiment using five modern day
representatives of wild C4 crop progenitors, all 'founder crops' from a variety of independent centers." The five crops
employed in their study were Setaria viridis (L.) P. Beauv, Panicum miliaceum var. ruderale (Kitag.), Pennisetum violaceum
(Lam.) Rich., Sorghum arundinaceum (Desv.), and Zea mays subsp. parviglumis H.H. Iltis & Doebley. They were grown
individually in 6-cm x 6-cm x 6-cm pots filled with a 1:1 mix of washed sand and vermiculite for 40-50 days in growth
chambers maintained at atmospheric CO2 concentrations of 180, 280 and 380 ppm, characteristic of glacial, post-glacial
and modern times, respectively. This work revealed that the "increase in CO2 from glacial to postglacial levels [180 to 280
ppm] caused a significant gain in vegetative biomass of up to 40%," together with "a reduction in the transpiration rate via
decreases in stomatal conductance of ~35%," which led to "a 70% increase in water use efficiency, and a much greater
productivity potential in water-limited conditions." In discussing their results, the five researchers concluded that "these key
physiological changes could have greatly enhanced the productivity of wild crop progenitors after deglaciation ... improving
the productivity and survival of these wild C4 crop progenitors in early agricultural systems."
C02 reduces stomata conductance
Jablonski et al, 2 (Leanne M. Jablonski, Xianzhong Wang, Peter S. Curtis, Plant Reproduction under Elevated CO2
Conditions: A Meta-Analysis of Reports on 79 Crop and Wild Species, New Phytologist, Vol. 156, No. 1, (Oct., 2002), pp. 926)
Practically all of the CO2 fixed by terrestrial plants, and most of the water evaporated from them, passes through stomatal
pores in leaves and other surfaces. The way in which stomata respond to the environment and control photosynthesis and
transpiration is, therefore, a key determinant of plant growth and water status. Moreover, these gas exchange processes
affect the global carbon and hydrological cycles, and therefore feedback on climate, so they are central to the concerns of
global warming and climate change. It is widely stated that increased atmospheric CO2 concentration ([CO2] ) will cause
reduced stomatal conductance (gs), and there have been many attempts to derive a 'typical value' for the reduction of
stomatal conductance (Ags), but this value has varied widely, if not wildly, as different reviews have been published. The
latest review, by Medlyn et al. (2001) (see pp. 247-264 in this issue), suggests a mean Ag of 21% (95% CI of 5-33%) for tree

CO2 Good Droughts - Mycorrhizal Fungi

C02 fertilization increases mycorrhizal fungi

Treseder 4

(Kathleen K., Associate Professor, Ecology & Evolutionary Biology at UC Irvine, A Meta-Analysis of
Mycorrhizal Responses to Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Atmospheric CO2 in Field Studies, New Phytologist, Vol. 164,
No. 2, (Nov., 2004), pp. 347-355)
Controls over mycorrhizal dynamics by C, N, and P are germane to global change studies. Enrichment of atmospheric CO2
typically augments photosynthesis (Bazzaz, 1990; Poorter, 1993) and increases nutrient limitation in plants (Oren et at,
2001; Schlesinger & Lichter, 2001; Finzi et at, 2002), while fertilization with N and P (as land is converted to agriculture)
and anthropogenic N deposition enhance soil fertility (Vitousek, 1994). Humans may be altering global and regional
distributions of this ecologically and economically important microbial group.
By contrast to N and P fertilization, CO2 enrichment consistently and strongly increased mycorrhizal growth, by an average
of 47% across all studies (Fig. 1), and by 36% within studies that measured percentage colonization (R = 1.36, CI of 1.11-1.68,
number of studies = 12). Among the study characteristics examined, none contributed significantly to differences among
studies (Table 2), and there was no significant variation among studies in general (QT = 14.5, d.f. = 13, P= 0.342). We could
not test for differences among measurement types, since percentage colonization was the only metric used by more than one
For each nutrient examined, results from the meta-analyses supported the hypothesis that mycorrhizal fungi are more
abundant where plants are more limited by soil nutrients. However, responses to N were less consistent than were responses
to P and elevated CO2, given the heterogeneity in N effects among studies. Replicate numbers within N studies influenced
response ratios, but not substantially. What other characteristics of the studies might be responsible for the remaining
variation in N effects? It is possible that mycorrhizal fungi may not be as effective in facilitating plant uptake of inorganic N
compared with inorganic P (Morse & Phillips, 1971; Smith & Read, 1997). In particular, nitrate is more mobile in the soil
than is phosphate, so diffusion or mass flow may supply N at adequate rates in nitrate-rich systems. Under these
circumstances, plant investment in mycorrhizal fungi may be minimal even in control plots. Alternately, mycorrhizal growth
may be N-limited in some ecosystems (Treseder Allen, 2002) so that N fertilization increases mycorrhizal abundance.
Nitrogen effects were positive in 23% of studies (Table 1). Regardless of the mechanism, the significant variation in N
responses among studies indicates that predictability of N deposition effects on mycorrhizal biomass for any given
ecosystem is relatively low. The smaller confidence intervals for N effects vs P or CO2 effects (Fig. 1) reflect the larger
number of N studies included in the meta-analyses.

Fungus Performs Critical Plant Functions- Helps Plants Resist Droughts

Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education 96
(, (most recent source))
Mycorrhizal fungi help plants take up nutrients, improve nitrogen fixation by legumes, and help to form and stabilize soil
aggregates. Crop rotations select for more types and better performing fungi than does mono-cropping. Some studies
indicate that using cover crops, especially legumes, between main crops helps maintain high levels of spores and promotes
good mycorrhizal development in the next crop. Roots that have lots of mycorrhizae are better able to resist fungal diseases,
parasitic nematodes, and drought.

CO2 Good Droughts - Mycorrhizal Fungi

C02 fertilization helps mycorrhizal fungi

Treseder 4

(Kathleen K., Associate Professor, Ecology & Evolutionary Biology at UC Irvine, A Meta-Analysis of
Mycorrhizal Responses to Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Atmospheric CO2 in Field Studies, New Phytologist, Vol. 164,
No. 2, (Nov., 2004), pp. 347-355)
In summary, mycorrhizal abundance generally increases under elevated CO2 and declines in response to N and P
fertilization across studies. Plants may adjust allocation of C to mycorrhizal fungi according to the degree to which plant
growth is N or P limited, as hypothesized (Mosse & Phillips, 1971; Read, 1991). Direct limitation of mycorrhizal fungi by soil
nutrients appears to be at most a secondary control,evident in a subset of studies. In respect of environmental change, global
standing stocks of mycorrhizal fungi may be substantially augmented by atmospheric CO2 enrichment and moderately
reduced by P fertilization. Anthropogenic N deposition effects might vary among ecosystems, with a slightly negative
influence overall. These shifts in mycorrhizal dynamics may elicit corresponding shifts in ecosystem dynamics, including
nutrient uptake by plants (Smith & Read, 1997), trace gas emissions (Redeker et al., 2004), carbon sequestration in glomalin
(Treseder & Allen, 2000), and aggregate formation in the soil (Rillig et al., 19996).

C02 is good for mycorrhizal fungi

Korner 0

(Christian Institute of Botany, University of Basel an, Biosphere Responses to CO2 Enrichment,
Ecological Applications, Vol. 10, No. 6, (Dec., 2000), pp. 1590-1619)
A most important group of soil organisms that completely depends on plants arc fungi, which utilize either live or dead plant
material or exist in symbiosis with live plants, forming mycorrhiza. Since the mycorrhiza forming fungus immediately
depends on photo-assimalates. it is obvious that increasing their abundance will have an effect. A large number of studies
have demonstrated substantial mycorrhizal stimulation under elevated CO2 over a wide spectrum of growth conditions and
plant partners (e. g.. review in O'Neill 1994, Incich et al. 1995, Tingey et al. 1995, Dhillion et al. 1996, Lovelock et al. ]996,
Norby 1996, Godbold ct al. 1997), but in a few cases the effect was. small (Markkolaa et al. 1996). A most remarkable
phenomenon has been described by Sanders (1996), namely, a host specificity of endo-mycorrhizal responses to CO, enrichment. It is not unlikely that some differential plant species responses to elevated CO2 are in fact due to responses of
their mycorrhizal partner, which may either become more supportive or more demanding tinder a changed diet. Hence,
presence of natural mycorrhiza seems imperative in plant CO2 researcha clear advantage of field research, also in light of
evidence that one fungus is able to functionally connect various hosts (Francis and Read 1984, Newman 1988).

CO2 Good High Temperatures

C02 gives plants resistance to high temperatures
Wittwer 92 (Sylvan H., Professor of Horticulture at Michigan State University, Fall, Issue 62, Policy Review)
To date, our knowledge of the climate effects of the rising CO2 and other
greenhouse gases in the atmosphere is inadequate for initiating any global
attempt to change the climate. If the climate does change, some warming could be
tolerated, and may even be beneficial with no reductions in food production. A
warming trend would increase thelengths of the growing seasons, encourage farmer
adaptations, and favor the introduction of new technologies and cultural practices. The
results would be crops and food animals more resistant to environmental stresses. The
prospects of climate change from increasing levels of atmospher ic carbon dioxide do not
frighten many agriculturists, farmers, or foresters.

Plants are helped by both high temperatures and high C02.

Wittwer 92 (Sylvan H., Professor of Horticulture at Michigan State University, Fall, Issue 62, Policy Review)
Enrichment of the air by carbon dioxide also appears to offer some protection to plants against both
extremely hot and cold temperatures. There is also evidence that high atmospheric levels of CO2 raise the optimal
temperature for plant growth. The implication of this for the global warming debate is significant: if the higherCO2 world of the future leads to higher temperatures, plants will respond favorably both to increases in carbon
dioxide and to the warmer conditions.
Plant responses to a higher carbon dioxide concentration do appear to be limited by deficiencies in nitrogen and other
mineral nutrients. If plants are to take full advantage of future CO2 -enriched atmospheres, it may be necessary to apply
more fertilizer in many parts of the world. Even so, higher CO2 levels have a remarkably stimulatory effect
on biological nitrogen fixation by legumes, such as soybeans . A classic study by Ralph Hardy and U. D. Havelka,
published in Science in 1975, showed that a tripling of atmospheric CO2 results in a six-fold increase in biological nitrogen
fixation--from 75 to 425 kilograms of nitrogen per hectare--by rhizobial bacteria in nodules attached to the roots of

CO2 Good Air Pollution

C02 mitigates air pollution effects for plants.

Wittwer 92 (Sylvan H., Professor of Horticulture at Michigan State University, Fall, Issue 62, Policy Review)
Elevated concentrations of CO2 also offer protection against air pollutants. The partial closing of the stomata at higher CO2
levels reduces the exposure of both C3 and C4 plants to ozone, sulfur dioxide, nitrous oxides, and other harmful substances
in the air. The benefits are particularly pronounced for soybeans and other legumes that are especially sensitive to air

CO2 Good Trees - Reforestation

More CO2 jumpstarts tree growth, would facilitate reforestation
Wittwer 92 (Sylvan H., Professor of Horticulture at Michigan State University, Fall, Issue 62, Policy Review)
Some of the most convincing evidence that the rising level of atmospheric carbon dioxide is good for plants comes from the
response measurement of individual trees and overall forest growth. Forests cover approximately one-third of the earth's
land area, and account for two-thirds of global photosynthesis. They have C3 metabolism, and, like other C3 plants, respond
favorably to higher concentrations of carbon dioxide.
Trees and their seedlings grown under controlled environments or in open top chambers simulating the outdoors have
shown remarkable growth responses to elevated levels of CO2. Practically every species evaluated thus far in the seedling
stage has shown a positive response. Addition of carbon dioxide to black walnut seedlings--at concentrations of 1,000 to
2,000 ppm for three months--increases dry weight by 80 percent, height by 96 percent, and leaf area by 79 percent. Similar
results have been obtained for sugar maple, oak, ash, sweet gum, pine, and eucalyptus. The forestry department at Michigan
State University has produced plantable trees in months, rather than years, by subjecting seedlings to 1,000 ppm CO2
concentrations under optimal conditions of light, temperature, day length, and nutrients.
The Water Conservation Laboratory of the U.S. Department of Agriculture has compared the growth of orange trees under
the current atmospheric CO2 concentration of 360 ppm, and a concentration of 650 ppm. The trees at the elevated levels
have accumulated 2.8 times more biomass in five years, and in their first two years of production produced 10 times more

C02 Good Increases Root Mass

High C02 increases root mass
CO2 Science 5 (Effects of Very High CO2 Concentrations on Ginseng Roots, Volume 8, Number 39,,, 28 September 2005)
Of most immediate concern in such an experiment would be the effects of the ultra-high CO 2 concentrations on root growth.
Would they be toxic and lead to biomass reductions or even root death? The answer was a resounding

no . After 45 days of

growth at 10,000 ppm CO2, for example, root dry weight was increased by fully 37% relative to the dry weight of roots
produced in bioreactors in equilibrium with normal ambient air, while root dry mass was increased by a lesser 27% after 45
days at 25,000 ppm CO2 and by a still smaller 9% after 45 days at 50,000 ppm CO 2. Hence, although the optimum CO2
concentration for ginseng root growth clearly resided at some value lower than 10,000 ppm in this study, the concentration
at which root growth rate was reduced below that characteristic of ambient air was somewhere significantly above 50,000ppm, for even at that high CO2 concentration, root growth was still greater than it was in ambient air.

CO2 leads to root growth in CAM plants

CO2 Science 99 (Response of an Orchid to Super Elevated CO2,,, August 1, 1999)
As the CO2 content of the air continues to rise higher and higher, it is likely that this CAM species will exhibit enhanced
rates of photosynthesis and growth, leading to ever-increasing gains in biomass. Roots, in particular, should increase their
size more than leaves, thus acting as large sinks for leaf-derived carbohydrates, which may keep photosynthetic acclimation
from occurring due to end product feedback inhibition.

CO2 Good AT: Weeds C3/C4 Distinction

C3 food crops can readily absorb CO2 Their turns assume the wrong crops
Ruttan & Easterling 95 (Vernon & William, U.Minn, U.Neb, Summer,
Crop species vary in their response to CO2. Wheat, rice, and soybeans belong to a physiological class (called C3 plants) that
respond readily to increased CO2 levels. Corn, sorghum, sugarcane, and millet are C4 plants that follow a different pathway.
The latter, though more efficient photosynthetically than C3 crops at present levels of CO2, tend to be less responsive to
enriched concentrations. Thus far, these effects have been demonstrated mainly in controlled environments such as growth
chambers, greenhouses, and plastic enclosures. Experimental studies of the long-term effects of CO2 in more realistic field
settings have not yet been done on a comprehensive scale.

This solves their weeds turns

Wittwer 92 (Sylvan, MSU, Policy Review,
Since C3 plants will benefit somewhat more than C4 plants from higher CO2 levels, there will be some shift in the mix of
plants. Trees are C3 plants, so we can expect more rapid reforestation and an enormous expansion in forest biomass. Of the
21 most important food crops, 17 have C3 pathways. They include rice, wheat, barley, oats, rye, soybeans, field beans, mung
beans, cowpeas, chickpeas, pigeonpeas, potatoes, sweet potatoes, cassava-yams, sugar beets, bananas, and coconuts. The
exceptions are corn, sorghum, millet, and sugarcane, which have C4 pathways, and which will probably decline in relative
production. On the other hand, since 14 of the 18 most noxious weeds are C4 plants, rising levels of atmospheric CO2 will
generally favor crop production over weeds.

CO2 Good - AT: Superweeds

Weeds can be used to bolster the defenses of traditional crops against
climate change- those weeds that are helped by C02 can provide valuable
genetic information to help crops cope as well.

New York Times 8

(June 29,

Ziska says that he worries about mankinds ability to feed itself in a fast-changing future. Paradoxically, it is weeds, he says,
that can provide solutions. They have helped us deal with lesser crises in the past. When diseases and pests overwhelmed
our domesticated food crops, it was to their wild relatives plants that mankind has been battling for millennia that
plant breeders turned. Because weeds have more diverse genomes, it is easier to find one with the proper genetic resistance
to a given threat and then to create a new hybrid by breeding it with existing crops. An answer to the Irish potato blight of
1845-6 was eventually found among the potatos wild and weedy relatives; a wild oat found in Israel in the 1960s helped
spawn a more robust, disease-resistant strain of domesticated oats.
Weedy ancestors of our food crops, Ziska predicts, will cope far better with coming climatic changes than their domesticated
descendants. Coping, after all, is what weeds have always done best. As last years climate- change panel report, Climate
Change 2007, made clear, we

have already set in motion far-reaching and unstoppable

changes in regional temperatures and precipitation and in the composition of our atmosphere. No matter
what actions we take, these changes will continue for decades. If we are to avoid disaster, experts agree, we will need to be
tenacious but flexible, ready to identify and exploit any opportunity in what will be a challenging, even hostile situation. In
this new world that we have made, weeds, our old adversaries, could be not only tools but mentors. At which point, if Ralph
Waldo Emerson is to be believed, weeds by definition will cease to exist.

CO2 Good AT: Pests/Disease

Comprehensive studies prove that CO2 enhances the key defense against
pests and diseases
Idso & Idso 1 (Sherwood & Keith, Az., Environmental & Experimental Bio, 45)
A number of studies have confirmed this expectation (Fajer et al., 1992; Julkunen-Titto et al., 1993; Lambers, 1993; Lincoln,
1993; Lindroth et al., 1993; Lavola and Julkunen-Titto, 1994; Roth and Lindroth, 1994; Lindroth et al., 1995; Roth and
Lindroth, 1995; Lawler et al., 1997; Gebauer et al., 1998), while others have detected no changes in the concentrations of
plant CBSCs in response to atmospheric CO2 enrichment (Fajer,
1989; Fajer et al., 1989; Lincoln and Couvert, 1989; Johnson and Lincoln, 1990, 1991; Fajer et al., 1992; Heyworth et al.,
1998; Kainulainen et al., 1998), and a few have found an increase in the airs CO2 concentration to lead to a decrease in plant
CBSCs (Williams et al., 1994a; Penuelas et al., 1996). As is the case with plant nitrogen and protein concentrations, it has
also been shown that some of the neutral or negative responses of CBSCs to atmospheric CO2 enrichment are the result of
size differences (dilutions) produced by the accelerated growth (accumulation of carbohydrates) typically experienced by
plants growing in CO2-enriched air (Gebauer et al., 1998; Penuelas and Estiarte, 1998; Jones and Hartley, 1999; Koricheva,
1999). The results that have been obtained to date whether indicative of increases (positive response),
decreases (negative response) or no changes (no response) in the foliar concentrations of plant CBSCs that result from an
increase in the airs CO2 content all have significant implications for the direct and indirect impacts they may or may not
have on animals that feed on plants. Secondary metabolites, for example, typically help plants defend themselves against
both vertebrate and invertebrate herbivory (Feeny, 1968; Bernays et al., 1989; Palo and Robbins, 1991; Langenheim, 1994),
as well as the attacks of plant pathogens
(Rhoades, 1979; Nicholson and Hammerschmidt, 1992), while they simultaneously may act as allelopathic
substances against other plants competing for the same resources (Halligan, 1975; Inderjit and Dakshini, 1994; Inderjit,
1996). Although it may thus appear that chaos reigns within this particular field of research, a review of the responses of
plant CBSCs to atmospheric CO2 enrichment in 17 different species grown under
different levels of soil nitrogen supply has brought a certain degree of order to the issue (Penuelas et al., 1997a). When the
soil nitrogen supply in these 17 studies was less than adequate, some of the CBSC responses to a doubling of the airs CO2
concentration were negative, i.e. CBSC concentrations declined as the airs CO2 content rose. When the soil nutrient supply
was more than adequate, however, the responses were almost all positive, with CBSC concentrations increasing in response
to atmospheric CO2 enrichment. In addition, when the CO2 content of the air was tripled, all responses under both high
and low soil nitrogen conditions were positive. Nevertheless, there have been a few studies that continue to contradict this
generalization, where researchers have found positive CBSC responses when soil nutrient levels were low (Julkunen-Titto et
al., 1993; Lavola and Julkunen-Titto, 1994; Lawler et al., 1997; Hartley et al., 2000).

CO2 Good AT: Pests

CO2 increases recovery from pests
Idso & Idso 1 (Sherwood & Keith, Az., Environmental & Experimental Bio, 45)
Another aspect of plant-pest interactions is how plants respond after herbivory, which may be just as important to both
the plant and its herbivorous assailants as how they respond prior to or during attack. Kruger et al. (1998), for example,
found the growth-promoting effects of elevated levels of atmospheric CO2 were proportionally greater in maple (Acer
saccharum Marsh.) and aspen (Populus tremuloides Michx.)
trees that had half their foliage removed to simulate herbivory than they were in undefoliated trees. This finding suggests
that atmospheric CO2 enrichment may enable plants to better recover from effects of herbivory, which would tend to benefit
both the plants and the herbivores that may encounter them at a later date.

CO2 Good AT: Disease

CO2 leads to disease resistance
Idso & Idso 1 (Sherwood & Keith, Az., Environmental & Experimental Bio, 45)
Atmospheric CO2 enrichment may also alter the abilities of plants to combat diseases that periodically
afflict them. A good example of this phenomenon comes from the experiment of Malmstrom and Field (1997), who studied
CO2- induced growth responses of healthy oat (A6ena sati6a L.) plants and oat plants infected with the barley yellow dwarf
virus (BYDV), which plagues more than 150 plant species worldwide, including all major cereal crops. In response to a
doubling of the airs CO2 concentration, they found that
after only sixty days, total biomass in CO2-enriched healthy plants had increased by 12% over total biomass in non-CO2enriched healthy plants. In BYDV-infected plants, however, biomass had increased by 36%, a response that was three times
greater than the 12% increase observed in healthy plants. In addition, whereas elevated CO2 had little effect on root growth
in healthy plants, it increased root biomass in infected plants by up to 60%. Although no attempt was made to determine if
these dramatic growth enhancements were provided by CO2-induced increases in plant constituents that directly and
negatively impacted the specific plant pathogen of this study, such a possibility exists and should be seriously considered
infuture work of this nature.

More evidence
Bilgin, Clough, & Dilugia 7 (Damla, Steven & Evan, U of Ill-UC,
Plants have numerous defence mechanisms many of which are induced by the pathogen attack or various environmental
stresses. Although the ultimate response may be different, abiotic and biotic stress-induced signaling pathways share many
common genes and nodes. Changes in the concentrations of atmospheric gases played a significant role in the evolution of
organisms and their interactions with each other. Increasing levels of ozone (O3) and carbon dioxide (CO2) in the
atmosphere causes changes in the gene expression profile of plants and their response to pathogens and other stresses.
We used soybean plants, an economically important crop, to study the effects of global atmospheric change on gene
expression and plant-pathogen interaction. Soybean plants grown in the field under elevated O3 or CO2 were tested against
virus infection. Both treatments increased the resistance of susceptible plants to Soybean Mosaic Virus (SMV). Gene
expression analysis with Affymetrix arrays showed that the nonspecific resistance response induced by elevated O3 is
different than CO2 induced response. Elevated O3 treatment induced isoflavone biosynthesis and pathogenesis- related
genes PR1, PR5 and PR10. Elevated CO2 changed the cell number and size of foliar tissue and differentially regulated cell
cycle and plant development related genes. The similar and different effects of elevated O3 and CO2 on plant gene
expression and plant pathogen interactions will be discussed. Various reasons of nonspecific resistance induced by the two
major components of global atmospheric change will be presented.

AT: Idso Indicts

Idso's writings were not motivated by money and funding from
questionable sources is common on both sides of the warming debate,
incentives can never be proven or disproven - the facts and analysis in the
writings should still be considered

Idso 90 (Sherwood B.(last date cited, President, Center for the Study of Carbon Dioxide and Global Change)

That we tell a far different story from the one espoused by the
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change is true; and that may be why
ExxonMobil made some donations to us a few times in the past; they
probably liked what we typically had to say about the issue. But what we
had to say then, and what we have to say now, came not, and comes not,
from them or any other organization or person. Rather, it was and is
derived from our individual scrutinizing of the pertinent scientific
literature and our analyses of what we find there, which we have been
doing and subsequently writing about on our website on a weekly basis
without a single break since 15 Jul 2000, and twice-monthly before that since 15
Sep 1998 ... and no one could pay my sons and me enough money to do
that. So what do we generally find in this never-ending endeavor? We find enough
good material to produce weekly reviews of five different peer-reviewed
scientific journal articles that do not follow the multiple doom-and-gloom
storylines of the IPCC. In addition, we often review articles that do follow
the IPCC's lead; and in these cases we take issue with them for what we
feel are valid defensible reasons. Why do we do this? We do it because we feel
that many people on the other side of the debate - but by no means all or even the
majority of them - are the ones that "misrepresent the science of climate change."
Just as beauty resides in the eye of the beholder, however, so too does the
misrepresentation of climate change science live there; and with people on both
sides of the debate often saying the same negative things about those on the other
side, it behooves the rational person seeking to know the truth to carefully evaluate
the things each side says about more substantial matters. Are they based on realworld data? Do the analyses employed seem appropriate? Do the researchers rely
more on data and logic to make their points, or do they rely more on appeals to
authority and claims of consensus? Funding also enters the picture; but one must
determine if it is given to influence how scientists interpret their findings or to
encourage them to maintain their intellectual integrity and report only what they
believe to be the truth. In this regard, as I mentioned earlier, there are many
scientists on both sides of the climate change debate who receive funds

from people that admire their work and who continue to maintain their
intellectual and moral integrity. Likewise, there are probably some on both sides
of the controversy who do otherwise. So how does one differentiate between them?

Corn - Shell 1/2

A. Global demand will double by 2050

Idso, Idso and Idso 07 (Sherwood, Craig and Keith, Center for the Study of Carbon
Dioxide and Global Change,
What, if anything, can be done to avoid this horrific situation? In a subsequent analysis that was published in the 8 August
2002 issue of Nature,10 Tilman and a second set of collaborators introduced a few more facts before suggesting some
solutions. They noted, for example, that by 2050 the human population of the globe is projected to be 50% larger than it
was just prior to the time of their writing, and that global grain demand by 2050 could well double, due to expected
increases in per capita real income and dietary shifts toward a higher proportion of meat. Hence, they but stated the
obvious when they concluded that raising yields on existing farmland is essential for saving land for nature.
So how can this readily-defined but Herculean task be accomplished? Tilman et al. proposed a strategy that focuses on three
essential efforts: (1) increasing crop yield per unit of land area, (2) increasing crop yield per unit of nutrients applied, and (3)
increasing crop yield per unit of water used.
With respect to the first of these efforts increasing crop yield per unit of land area the researchers note that in many
parts of the world the historical rate-of-increase in crop yield is declining, as the genetic ceiling for maximal yield potential is
being approached. This observation, in their estimation, highlights the need for efforts to steadily increase the yield
potential ceiling. With respect to the second effort increasing crop yield per unit of nutrients applied they note that
without the use of synthetic fertilizers, world food production could not have increased at the rate [that it did in the past]
and more natural ecosystems would have been converted to agriculture. Hence, they say that the ultimate solution will
require significant increases in nutrient use efficiency, that is, in cereal production per unit of added nitrogen. Finally, with
respect to the third effort increasing crop yield per unit of water used Tilman et al. note that water is regionally scarce,
and that many countries in a band from China through India and Pakistan, and the Middle East to North Africa either
currently or will soon fail to have adequate water to maintain per capita food production from irrigated land. Increasing
crop water use efficiency, therefore, is also a must.
Although the impending man vs. nature crisis and several important elements of its potential solution are thus well defined,
Tilman and his first set of collaborators concluded that even the best available technologies, fully deployed, cannot prevent
many of the forecasted problems. This was also the finding of a study my brother and I conducted a few years ago,11
wherein we concluded that although expected advances in agricultural technology and expertise will significantly increase
the food production potential of many countries and regions, these advances will not increase production fast enough to
meet the demands of the even faster-growing human population of the planet.

B. CO2 boosts corn production

Science Daily 3 [July 29,]
Increasing carbon dioxide in the atmosphere will benefit photosynthesis in U.S. corn crops in the future by relieving drought
stress, say researchers at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. According to preliminary findings of a new study
-- being released this week in Hawaii during Plant Biology 2003, the annual meeting of the American Society of Plant
Biologists -- photosynthesis of maize on average increased by 10 percent under projected carbon dioxide conditions in the
year 2050.

Corn Shell 2/2

C. Corn determines overall food prices
Kalamazoo Gazette 8 [Flooding pushes up corn, world food prices, June 17,]
If consumers and the news media seem largely uninterested in the workings of worldwide commodities markets, it may be
that they fail to understand that corn's impact on their household budget stretches far beyond the price of a bag of Fritos,
Wylie said.
``Everything in agriculture revolves around corn,'' Wylie explained. ``There's competition for finite crop acres, and corn is
the biggest single annual crop (in the United States).''
Wheat, soybean and vegetable prices will reflect what happens in corn, as will meat, milk and eggs, he said.
``Feed is the biggest cost of producing meat, milk and eggs, and corn is the largest part of feed,'' he said.

C. Food price increases kill 800 million

Burns 96 (Business Week, Greg, 6-14)
Impoverished nations are also squeezed out as richer countries race for food. Even as diets improve in much of the
developing world, some 800 million remain malnourished--and higher food prices could make that worse. The U.S. Agency
for International Development (AID) expects to distribute less than half as much wheat this year, for instance, because
prices have climbed so sharply. ``The potential for real human tragedy is great,'' warns Leonard Rogers, an AID official.

Corn Unq High Now

Corn yields are expected to be higher than average.
Reuters June 30 []
USDA said American farmers intend to plant 87.3 million acres of corn this year -- up 1.3 million from their March
intentions. U.S. soybean planted acreage was forecast at 74.5 million, compared with USDA's March estimate for 74.8
Most traders estimated that planted corn acreage roughly 2 million lower than USDA's projections. That led many to
question what will be the final acreage numbers.
Additionally, USDA reported the U.S. corn supply on June 1 at 4 billion bushels, versus the average trade estimate for 3.9

Corn Production High

McMullen 8 (Alia,,,
June 30, 2008)
A surprise rise in the amount of corn planted in the United States this spring caused corn prices to fall by 3.8% - the most
the Chicago Board of Trade will allow the commodity to decline in one session. The U.S. Department of Agriculture said
Monday that farmers planted about 87.3-million acres of corn in spring. The increase was 1.9% more than forecast in March
and took the market by surprise. Stockpiles of the commodity have also increased. As a result, December corn futures
dropped by 30 cents to US$7.57 a bushel on the CBOT on Monday after reaching a record high of US$7.9925 on June 27.

Corn - Co2 Increases Production

C02 increases corn production

ScienceDaily 3 (July 29,
Increasing carbon dioxide in the atmosphere will benefit photosynthesis in U.S. corn crops in the future by relieving drought
stress, say researchers at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. According to preliminary findings of a new study
-- being released this week in Hawaii during Plant Biology 2003, the annual meeting of the American Society of Plant
Biologists -- photosynthesis of maize on average increased by 10 percent under projected carbon dioxide conditions in the
year 2050.

CO2 increases corn yield by 2030

Abler, Shortle, and Fisher 4 (David, James, and Ann. professors at Penn State in Agriculture,
Environmental Economics, Winter. Penn State Environmental Law Review.)
Climate change could affect Pennsylvania agriculture in several ways. Higher levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide may lead
to an increase in photosynthesis and thus crop yields, a phenomenon known as the carbon dioxide "fertilization" or
"enrichment" effect. n22 Carbon dioxide is an indispensable component in the process of photosynthesis. Higher levels of
carbon dioxide could also reduce transpiration (evaporation from plant foliage), which would reduce water stress facing
crops during droughts. Studies by MARA's research team and others suggest that the carbon dioxide fertilization effect could
be significant for important crops such as corn, soybeans, and alfalfa. n23 Corn yields in Pennsylvania could rise 5-10% by
the year 2030 as a result of the carbon dioxide fertilization effect. n24

Corn CO2 Increases Production

CO2 Increases corn yields
Idso, Idso and Idso 4 (Craig, Keith, Sherwood, CO2 Science Magazine, July 28,
Leakey, A.D.B., Bernacchi, C.J., Dohleman, F.G., Ort, D.R. and Long, S.P. 2004. Will photosynthesis of maize (Zea mays) in
the US Corn Belt increase in future
[CO2] rich atmospheres? An analysis of diurnal courses of CO2 uptake under free-air concentration enrichment (FACE).
Global Change Biology 10: 951-962.
Leakey et al. note that "the C4 grass Zea mays (maize or corn) is the third most important food crop globally in terms of
production, and demand is predicted to increase 45% from 1997 to 2020 (Young and Long, 2000; Rosegrant et al., 2001)."
Hence, they further note that "any effects of elevated CO2 on crop productivity will have significant economic and social
consequences," but that "there are currently no experimental data on the response of Z. mays to growth at elevated CO2
under standard agricultural practice in the field."
What was done
In an experiment designed to rectify this situation, the five University of Illinois scientists grew corn (Zea mays L. cv. 34B43)
in the field at their SoyFACE facility in the heart of the US Corn Belt while exposing different sections of the field to
atmospheric CO2
concentrations of 354 and 549 ppm using cultural practices deemed "typical for this region of Illinois" during a year that
turned out to have experienced summer rainfall that was "very close to the 50-year average for this site, indicating that the
year was not atypical or a drought year."
On five different days during the growing season (11 and 22 July, 9 and 21 August, and 5 September), they also measured
diurnal patterns of photosynthesis, stomatal conductance and microclimatic conditions. What was learned Contrary to what
many people had long assumed would be the case for a C4 crop such as corn growing under the best of natural conditions,
Leakey et al. found that "growth at elevated CO2 significantly increased leaf photosynthetic CO2 uptake rate by up to 41%."
The highest whole-day increase was 21% (11 July) followed by 11% (22 July), during a period of low rainfall. Thereafter,
however, during a period of greater rainfall, there were no significant differences between the photosynthetic rates of the
plants in the two CO2 treatments, so that over the entire growing season, the CO2-induced increase in leaf photosynthetic
rate averaged 10%.
Additionally, on all but the first day of measurements, stomatal conductance (gS) was significantly lower (-23% on average)
under elevated CO2 compared with
ambient CO2, which led to reduced transpiration (E) rates in the CO2-enriched plants on those days as well; and since "low
soil water availability and high evaporative
demand can both generate water stress and inhibit leaf net CO2 assimilation in C4 plants," in the words of the authors, they
say that the lower gS and E they observed
under elevated CO2 "may have counteracted the development of water stress under elevated CO2 and prevented the
inhibition of leaf net CO2 assimilation observed
under ambient CO2."
What it means In the words of the researchers, "contrary to expectations, this US Corn Belt summer climate appeared to
cause sufficient water stress under ambient CO2 to allow the ameliorating effects of elevated CO2 to significantly enhance
leaf net CO2 assimilation." Hence, they conclude that "this response of Z. mays to elevated CO2 indicates the potential for
greater future crop biomass and harvestable yield across the US Corn Belt."

Corn CO2 Increases Drought Resistance

CO2 increases corn drought resistance
Wittwer 92 (Sylvan H, Prof of horticulture, Rising Carbon Dioxide Is Great for Plants, Policy
Corn, sugarcane, sorghum, millet, and some tropical grasses use the C4 pathway, so named because the first products of
photosynthesis have four carbon atoms per molecule. C4 plants also experience a boost in photosynthetic efficiency in
response to higher carbon dioxide levels, but because there is little photo-respiration in C4 plants, the improvement is
smaller than in C3 plants. Instead, the largest benefit C4 plants receive from higher CO2 levels comes from reduced water
loss. Loss of water through leaf pores declines by about 33 percent in C4 plants with a doubling of the CO2 concentration
from its current atmospheric level. Since corn and other C4 plants are frequently grown under drought conditions of high
temperatures and limited soil moisture, this superior efficiency in water use may improve yields when rainfall is even lower
than normal.

CO2 increases corn water use efficiency.

Science Daily 3 [July 29,]
Corn is among the 1 percent of plants that use the carbon-dioxide efficient photosynthesis system known as C4. Scientists
had theorized that C4 plants would not respond to more carbon dioxide in the air, because the gas is internally concentrated
by the leaf essentially a fuel-injected photosynthesis, Leakey said. However, Leakey found that in a carbon dioxide
concentration of 550 parts per million, carbon fixation in the leaves indeed rose in association with greater intercellular
carbon dioxide and enhanced water use efficiency. The 2002 growing season, when the research was conducted, was
considered a typical one in terms of weather. However, at the end of a dry spell in June, Leakey found, carbon fixation
increased under elevated carbon dioxide as much as 41 percent. Since carbon dioxide serves to close the stomata, which are
tiny pores in the epidermal layer of leaves, the jump in photosynthesis likely resulted from the plant maintaining higher
water content in the leaves during the dry period, Long said.

Corn - AT: Corn is C4

Even though corn is a C4 plant C02 indirectly makes it more water efficient and
improves yields.

ScienceDaily 3 (July 29,
Corn is among the 1 percent of plants that use the carbon-dioxide efficient photosynthesis system known as C4. Scientists
had theorized that C4 plants would not respond to more carbon dioxide in the air, because the gas is internally concentrated
by the leaf essentially a fuel-injected photosynthesis, Leakey said. However, Leakey found that in a carbon dioxide
concentration of 550 parts per million, carbon fixation in the leaves indeed rose in association with greater intercellular
carbon dioxide and enhanced water use efficiency. The 2002 growing season, when the research was conducted, was
considered a typical one in terms of weather. However, at the end of a dry spell in June, Leakey found, carbon fixation
increased under elevated carbon dioxide as much as 41 percent. Since carbon dioxide serves to close the stomata, which are
tiny pores in the epidermal layer of leaves, the jump in photosynthesis likely resulted from the plant maintaining higher
water content in the leaves during the dry period, Long said.

Corn Mexico Impact

Corn is crucial to the Mexican agricultural sector and is a staple food crop.
Henriques 4 [Gisele, Raj Patel, International Relations Center, NAFTA, Corn, and
Mexico's Agricultural Trade Liberalization, February 13,]
Corn in Mexico accounts for 60% of cultivated land, employs 3 million farmers (8% of Mexico's population and 40% of
people working in agriculture) and is the country's main staple food crop. 20 There are a total of 18 million people 21
dependent on corn production, including farmers and their families. 22 Seventy-two percent of national corn-producing
units are organized into ejidos--mostly small-scale holdings that account for 62% of corn production. Corn production
accounts for more than two-thirds of the gross value of Mexico 's agricultural production, while horticultural crops account
for only 6%. 23

Rice - Shell 1/2

A. Even though prices are rising, global rice supplies just enough to
avoid food shortages now
Western Farm Press 8 (June 25,
Media attention was driven by news of increasingly tight supplies and rapidly
escalating prices in many rice-producing countries, particularly in Asia, the Middle
East and Africa. The price increases began in the fall of 2007 following several years
of strong global demand. Rising fuel and fertilizer costs and recent full or partial
export bans by major export markets prompted a one-two-punch of high costs and
reduced supplies. Despite the media coverage and high prices, global supplies are

B. High CO2 levels are key to high rice yields.

Curtis 2(Pete, Ohio State Research news, 10-2-02,
To understand the role that rising CO2 levels may play on plant growth, Curtis and his colleagues conducted a meta-analysis
a technique in which researchers pull together data from a large number of similar studies (159, in this case) and
summarize the results. Curtis said that this is the first time that researchers have used the meta-analysis technique to
determine the effects of climate change on plant reproduction.
The studies were published between 1983 and 2000. The results included data on crop and wild plant species reproductive
responses to estimated CO2 levels at the end of this century. Scientists expect CO2 levels to nearly double by 2100.
The researchers analyzed eight different ways plants respond to higher CO2 levels: number of flowers; number of fruits; fruit
weight; number of seeds; total seed weight; individual seed weight; the amount of nitrogen contained in seeds; and a plants
reproductive allocation, a measurement of a plants capacity to reproduce.
Plants grown at higher CO2 levels had more flowers (an average of 19 percent more in the species studied); more seeds (16
percent more); greater individual seed weight (four percent more); greater total seed weight (25 percent more) and lower
concentration of nitrogen in the seeds (a decrease of 14 percent) than those grown at current levels of atmospheric CO2.
Under higher CO2 levels, crop plants showed a notable increase in reproduction while wild plants did not. On average, crops
produced more fruits than did wild species (28 percent higher in crops vs. 4 percent higher in wild plants) as well as seeds
(21 percent higher vs. 4 percent higher, respectively).
Individual crops varied in their response to increased CO2 levels. Rice seemed to be the most responsive, as its seed
production increased an average of 42 percent. Soybean followed with a 20 percent increase in seed, then wheat (15 percent
increase) and, finally, corn (5 percent increase).
While crop plants and wild plants had similar increases in total growth (a 31 percent increase), crops allocated the additional
weight to reproduction, while wild plants seem to funnel much of it to tasks other than reproduction, Curtis said.

Rice Shell 2/2

C. Enough rice stops 3 billion deaths.

ScienceDaily 7 (Protecting Rice: The Planets Most Important Food Source, ScienceDaily,, March 21, 2007)
An unprecedented new agreement --part of an aggressive move to safeguard the world's food production - aims to protect
thousands of the world's unique rice varieties. The International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) and the Rome-based Global
Crop Diversity Trust announced the historic new agreement at a special dedication ceremony at IRRI's Genetic Resources
Center, which houses more than 100,000 samples of rice, the biggest and most important such collection in the world. The
funding agreement is expected to help conserve and manage forever the extraordinary diversity of arguably the world's most
important crop. Today, about three billion people depend on rice for their survival, with the thousands of varieties carefully
stored at IRRI providing the last line of defense between them and possible famine, especially in times of war, natural
disasters, and attacks from pests and diseases. The agreement offers for the first time in the history of modern agricultural
research stable and long-term support to an unrivaled collection of genetic diversity that is estimated to include at least
80,000 distinct rice varieties. The collection is considered the Institute's "crown jewels" and is kept in a special earthquakeproof and fireproof facility that must be maintained at temperatures as low as --19 degrees Celsius. At a special ceremony on
the same day, the Institute also dedicated the Genetic Resources Center (GRC) to Dr. Te-Tzu Chang, the founder of the
International Rice Germplasm Center -- one of the predecessors of the GRC. Dr. Chang, who passed away last year in
Taiwan, China, was a world authority on rice genetics and conservation and spent 30 years at IRRI collecting and storing
rice varieties from all over Asia and the world. From now on, the GRC will be known as the T.T. Chang Genetic Resources
Center. "With almost half the world's population depending on rice, we wanted to make sure IRRI's genebank was insulated
from the whims of fluctuating funding," said Cary Fowler, the Trust's executive secretary. "The agreement goes to the core of
the Trust's mission, which is to guarantee the conservation of the world's crop diversity, and it's hard to imagine a more
important crop for sustaining humanity than rice." This agreement, the first major conservation grant made by the Trust, is
structured to reflect the long-term vision of both organizations. "Short-term thinking about funding has wreaked havoc with
effective conservation," continued Dr. Fowler. "This agreement is probably unique among funding contracts in having no
end date. I am pleased that our first long-term grant protects the crop which feeds the most people, for the longest term
imaginable -- forever." Under the agreement, IRRI has pledged to designate a portion of its financial assets to generate
$400,000 in annual income that will be invested in the genebank, which will unlock $200,000 from the Trust each year.
The agreement allows for inflationary increases and will remain in force "indefinitely." The money will go toward, among
other things, acquiring any rice varieties not currently in the repository and making sure the storage systems for long-term
conservation are up to international standards. "The rice genebank is not just a scientific exercise in seed genetics but a
major hedge against disaster that ensures farmers throughout the world will always have the rice varieties they need to
maintain food security," said Dr. Robert S. Zeigler, IRRI's director general. For example, after the Asian tsunami (December
26, 2004), IRRI was able to reach into its collection and provide farmers in areas that had been under seawater with
varieties of rice capable of growing in salty soils. In addition, several countries, including Cambodia, East Timor, India,
Nepal, and the Philippines, have turned to the IRRI genebank to restore native varieties of rice that, for a variety of reasons,
had disappeared from domestic production. Last year, IRRI introduced a new variety of rice able to withstand being
completely submerged in a flood. And, this variety is playing a central role in an initiative of IRRI's umbrella organization,
the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR), to develop crops that will allow farmers to deal
with the potentially devastating effects of climate change. In each case, the genebank played an essential role, helping to
provide the genetic diversity needed to develop such varieties. According to Dr. Zeigler, the grant breaks new ground in the
funding of arguably the most important resource in the world: "Rice diversity, like all crop diversity, is at risk for the want of
relatively small amounts of money. Given that we are talking about the biological base upon which the global food supply is
built, it is extraordinary that the current situation is so precarious. The economics speak for themselves." According to Dr.
Fowler, an independent study estimated that adding just an additional 1,000 rice samples to IRRI's genebank would
generate an annual stream of benefits to poor farmers of $325 million.

Rice Meeting Demand Now

Rice production high for 2008

UN News 8 (May, Rice production to reach record high in 2008, but prices to
continue climbing UN,
Rice production in Asia, Africa and Latin America will reach record highs in
2008, but prices could also continue to soar in the short term, the United Nations Food
and Agriculture Organization (FAO) reported today. The agencys preliminary
forecasts show harvests surging by 2.3 per cent and reaching an all-time
high of over 600 million tons, but prices will remain high in the immediate future
because a large portion of this years crop will only be harvested at the end of 2008.

Widespread rice growth

FAO Newsroom 8 (May, Strong signs of record rice production,
For the first time, paddy production in Asia may surpass the 600 million
tonne benchmark this year, amounting to 605 million tonnes, Calpe said.
Major gains are expected all across the region. Bangladesh, China, the
Philippines, Thailand and Viet Nam could register the largest gains.
Prospects are also buoyant for Indonesia and Sri Lanka, despite some recent
flood-incurred losses, Calpe said. Assuming normal rains in the coming months,
rice production in Africa is forecast to grow by 3.6 percent to 23.2 million
tonnes in 2008, with large expansions anticipated in Ivory Coast, Egypt, Ghana,
Guinea, Mali and Nigeria. Paddy production in Latin America and the Carribbean
is expected to rebound by 7.4 percent to 26.2 million tonnes in 2008.
Production prospects, however, are negative for Australia, the United States and

Rice Must Increase Production

Must increase production to meet rising demand

Flakus 8 (April 15, Greg, US Rice Farmers Boost Production as World Faces Shortage, VOA News,

A dramatic surge in the international price for rice has U.S. producers
planting more fields in an effort to increase profits. But, as VOA's Greg Flakus reports from the
rice-growing area of Dayton, Texas, high costs could limit their margins. Tractors are tilling the land and building earthen rows that will serve as
levees once water flows into these fields. This area of southeast Texas is one of the best rice growing areas of the United States. Other states
that also produce major amounts of rice include Arkansas, Louisiana and Mississippi. Ray Stoesser plants rice on more than 1,800 hectares of
land in the area near his home in Dayton, Texas and he is hoping the recent jump in prices will help him come out ahead. "Naturally, we watch

the market is better than it has been since 1974 right now," he said.
"We can grow rice and make a good yield and we can usually get a second
growth, so we will maximize our profits." The price of rice has more than doubled in the past year, but
the market and

Stoesser says production costs have also risen. "Fertilizer went up $80 a ton last week," he added. "It just seems like when we need it,
everything goes up. All our suppliers say they cannot get potash and they cannot get phosphorous and, of course, nitrogen is mostly imported
into this country right now, so we have to depend on foreign sources for that." Dwight Roberts is president and Chief Operating officer of the
Houston-based U.S. Rice Producers Association. He says rice is the most expensive crop to grow in the United States because it is fully
mechanized, so he says farmers in some of the best growing areas for rice are cautious in their planting decisions.

"The bulk of the

U.S. rice crop is yet to be planted as we go north into Louisiana and up into Arkansas to the Missouri boot heel," he
noted. Roberts says the United States exports about half the rice it produces, so when
prices are low on the world market, farmers tend to shift production to crops
that are more profitable at home, like corn and soybeans. The price of both
of those crops has risen sharply in recent years because of their use in
making bio-fuels. Dwight Roberts says the reason for the international shortage of rice has to do, in many cases, with
government policies in nations where prices for consumers were subsidized without providing incentives for farmers. He also blames drought in
Australia, where rice production has virtually come to a halt, and an increase in demand driven by population growth. "Economists predict that
the world population will grow by one billion people during the next 10 years and the middle class will grow by 1.8 billion people and 600 million
of those are in China, and when people move up in the economic chain they want to eat better, they want more protein, which requires more
grain and more fuels to produce it," he said. Growth in population has also contributed to urban sprawl. The loss of arable land to housing, roads
and other infrastructure has also reduced the world's rice production. Dwight Roberts says all of these factors have come together to reduce the
amount of rice available. "We have seen in a number of countries including Vietnam, Thailand, the United States, India, Pakistan and, to some

now it is a simple case of supply and

demand and we have gotten to a point where world stocks of rice are at the
lowest today since the early 1970's and we have had a lot of population
growth since then, so there is a very tight supply and Third World consumers
in particular are hurting right now," he added. Increased production in the
United States will help alleviate the rice shortage in some parts of the
world. The United States has promised to help the Philippines, which
imports about 15 percent of the rice consumed in the country and is facing
severe shortages.
degree, in Uruguay and Argentina, we have seen reductions and so

Rice - CO2 Risks Crop Survival

Decreased Amounts of CO2 Risks the Survival of Rice Plants
CO2 Science 0 (Subambient CO2 Increases Rubisco Content in Plants,,, November 15, 2000)
Prior to the Industrial Revolution, it is likely that rice had a more difficult time growing than it does today. At lower
atmospheric CO2 concentrations, it is likely that rice plants had to reallocate valuable resources into rubisco and other
photosynthetic proteins just to ensure that net carbon uptake could prevail for plant survival. Thus, it is likely that plants
were smaller and produced less yield than they do today. Therefore, it logically follows that the rise in the air's CO2 content,
beginning with the Industrial Revolution and still ongoing, is making carbon uptake and biomass production easier and
more efficient for this important agricultural species.

Rice CO2 Increases Yields

CO2 Increases rice yield and nutrients- this is key to the worlds
Idso, Idso and Idso 4 (Sherwood, Craig, Keith, Center for the Study of Carbon Dioxide and Global Change,
In the case of rice - which according to Wittwer (1995) is "the basic food for more than half the world's population,"
supplying "more dietary energy than any other single food" - Jablonski et al. (2002) conducted a wide-ranging review of the
scientific literature, finding that it too appeared to suffer no reduction in grain nitrogen (protein) concentration in response
to atmospheric CO2 enrichment. Likewise, they found no CO2-induced decrease in seed nitrogen concentration in the
studies of legumes they reviewed. This finding is also encouraging, since according to Wittwer (1995) legumes "are a direct
food resource providing 20% of the world's protein for human consumption," as well as "about two thirds of the world's
protein concentrate for livestock feeding." What is more, the biomass of the CO2-enriched wheat, rice and legumes was
found by Jablonski et al. to be significantly increased above that of the same crops grown in normal air. Hence, there will
likely be a vast increase in the total amount of protein that can be made available to humanity in a future CO2-enriched
world, both directly via food crops and indirectly via livestock.
Increased CO2 concentrations contributes to growth and production of rice plants

Neue, Ziska, Matthews, and Dai 5 (Heinz-Ulrich, Lewis, Robin, and Qiujie, International Rice
Research Institute, Reducing Global Warming-The Role of Rice, SPRINGERLINK,, January 10, 2005)
Activities to provide energy for an expanding population are increasingly disrupting and changing the concentration of
atmospheric gases that increase global temperature. Increased CO2 and temperature have a clear effect on growth and
production of rice as they are key factors in photosynthesis. Rice yields could be increased with increased levels of CO2,
however, the rise of CO2 may be accompanied by an increase in global temperature. The effect of doubling CO2 levels on rice
production was predicted using rice crop models. They showed different effects of climate change in different countries. A
simulation of the Southeast Asian region indicated that a doubling of CO2 increases yield, whereas an increase in
temperature decreases yield. Enhanced UV-B radiation resulting for stratographic ozone depletion has been demonstrated
to significantly reduce plant height, leaf area and dry weight of two rice cultivars under glasshouse conditions.

Rice Impact 3 Billion

Rice shortages risk 3 Billion lives
The Guardian Online 8 (April 6,
With rice stocks at their lowest for 30 years, prices of the grain rose more than 10 per cent on Friday to record highs and are
expected to soar further in the coming months. Already China, India, Egypt, Vietnam and Cambodia have imposed tariffs or
export bans, as it has become clear that world production of rice this year will decline in real terms by 3.5 per cent. The
impact will be felt most keenly by the world's poorest populations, who have become increasingly dependent on the crop as
the prices of other grains have become too costly.
Rice is the staple food for more than half the world's population. This is the second year running in which production which increased in real terms last year - has failed to keep pace with population growth. The harvest has also been hit by
drought, particularly in China and Australia, forcing producers to hoard their crops to satisfy local markets.
The increase in rice prices - which some believe could increase by a further 40 per cent in coming months - has matched
sharp inflation in other key food products. But with rice relied on by some three billion people, the impact of a prolonged
rice crisis for the world's poor - a large part of whose available income is spent on food - threatens to be devastating.

AT: Rice Crisis Disproves CO2 Good

Rice supplies are adequate, the current price rise is caused by excessive
stockpiling and reduced exports.

Asia Times 8 (April 22,
Never before in history has hunger become a global threat in a period of plentiful harvests. Global rice production will hit a
record of 423 million tons in the 2007-2008 crop year, enough to satisfy global demand. The trouble is that only 7% of the
world's rice supply is exported, because local demand is met by local production. Any significant increase in rice stockpiles
cuts deeply into available supply for export, leading to a spike in prices. Because such a small proportion of the global rice
supply trades, the monetary shock from the weak dollar was sufficient to more than double its price

Winter Wheat Shell 1/2

A. Uniqueness: Winter wheat production is at its highest in ten years.
Perkins June 10 (2008, John,
The United States Department of Agriculture projects the 2008 U.S. winter wheat crop at 1.817 billion bushels, making it
potentially the largest crop since 1998. That's compared to the May estimate of 1.778 billion bushels and the 2007 total of
1.516 billion bushels. Prior to the report, analysts were expecting the figure to be around 1.813 billion bushels, with a range
of estimates running from 1.774 billion to 1.850 billion bushels.
The increase in production is attributable to two factors: larger harvested area and improved yields. The USDA expects
producers to collect winter wheat on 40.162 million acres this year, compared to 2007's 35.952 million. The average yield as
of June 1 is seen at 45.3 bushels per acre, up 1 from May and 3.1 above 2007's average.
U.S. hard red winter production is pegged at just over 1.029 billion bushels, compared to the May guess of 1.011 billion and
the year ago total of 961.588 million. Analysts were expecting production to be between 1 billion and 1.073 billion bushels,
for an average of 1.038 billion. Soft red winter wheat production is placed at 571.627 million bushels, up substantially from
last year's total of 357.897 million. The average pre-report estimate was 562 million bushels, with expectations ranging from
550 million to 605 million bushels. The total white winter wheat crop is seen at 216.214 million bushels, compared to May's
projection of 215 million and last year's figure of 196.504 million; hard white is placed at 23.212 million bushels and soft
white is pegged at 193.002 million. Estimates ranged from 190 million to 228 million bushels, for an average of 213 million.

B. Link: The plans reduction of carbon eliminates an increase in winter

Watson et al. 98 (Robert T, Marufu C. Zinyowera, Richard H. Moss, The Regional
Impacts of Climate Change, Chapter 5,
Accounting for the enhancement of growth resulting from increasing CO2 concentrations, the potential yield of winter crops
(assuming that neither precipitation nor irrigation is limiting) would increase almost everywhere (with central or southern
Europe experiencing the highest winter wheat yield boosts, depending on the climatic scenario). If water limitations are
considered, crop response apparently would depend on the scenario chosen for the time evolution of CO 2 concentrations. In
the case of winter wheat, there is some indication that the rate of increase in yields across Europe could be 0.2-0.36
T/ha/decade under the IS92a emission scenario and 0.13 T/ha/decade with the IS92d emission scenario, under both the
UKTR3140 and the UKTR6675 climate scenarios. The largest increases would occur in central and eastern Europe
(regardless of changes in management practices that may occur in some countries as a result of changes in economic
structure) and in southern Europe (see Table 5-2). All winter crops probably would follow the pattern of winter wheat yield
changes. The largest increases per country might occur in northern Europe because of increased possibilities for taking
winter cereals into cultivation.

Winter Wheat Shell 2/2

C. Wheat is critical to global food prices
Launois 8 (Anne, Food Production Daily, Staff,
Wheat is a key driver of global food inflation. The prospect of a large increase in global wheat production this year could help
to prevent further food tensions in several regions of the world, which have been severely hit by sharp rises in the cost of
staple foods such as rice and bread.

D. Increasing food prices kills billions.

Earth Policy Institute 4 (Outgrowing the earth, book,
Many Americans see terrorism as the principal threat to security, said Brown, but for much of humanity, the effect of
water shortages and rising temperatures on food security are far more important issues. For the 3 billion people who live on
2 dollars a day or less and who spend up to 70 percent of their income on food, even a modest rise in food prices can quickly
become life-threatening. For them, it is the next meal that is the overriding concern.

Winter Wheat UQ Wheat Up

Winter wheat is up
Economist 4-18-8
In the short run, humanitarian aid, social-protection programmes and trade policies will determine how well the world
copes with these problems. But in the medium term the question is different: where does the world get more food from? If
the extra supplies come mainly from large farmers in America, Europe and other big producers, then the new equilibrium
may end up looking much like the old one, with world food depending on a small number of suppliers andpossiblytrade
distortions and food dumping. So far, farmers in rich countries have indeed responded. America's winter wheat plantings
are up 4% and the spring-sown area is likely to rise more. The Food and Agriculture Organisation forecasts that the wheat
harvest in the European Union will rise 13%.

More evidence
US Wheat Associates 6-12 (
The USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) increased its production forecast this week for U.S. winter wheat
classes with total 2008/09 winter wheat estimated up 11 million metric tons (MMT) or 20 percent higher than last year. The
revised NASS forecast pegs soft red winter (SRW) production at 15.6 MMT, up 7.9 MMT (60 percent) from last year. Hard
red winter (HRW) production is forecast up 2.5 MMT (7 percent) while SW production is projected to grow by 660,000 MT
(10 percent).

More evidence
The Dawn Media Group 5-26 (
Global wheat production for 2008/09 is projected at a record 656 million tons, up eight perc ent from 2007/08, and five per
cent above the previous record in 2004/05. Higher production is projected for most of the worlds major exporting countries
including Australia, Canada, EU-27, Russia, and Ukraine. Strong world prices and favorable weather in most of EU-27 and
FSU-12 raised production for 2008. Production is also projected higher in Brazil, China, and India. This will partly offset
reductions in Argentina and Kazahkstan. The only significant weather problems for winter wheat remain in drought stricken
Middle East and North Africa countries.

Wheat prices are down

Launois 8 (Anne, Food Production Daily, Staff,
As a result, wheat prices reached a record high above $13 per bushel on the Chicago Board of Trade in late February.
According to the first edition of the Rabobank's Soft Commodities Monthly Report (April 2008), world wheat prices have
now fallen by more than 40 per cent at $8.01 a bushel in early trade on 25 April, their lowest level since November.

Winter Wheat UQ Wheat Up

Wheat production will increase solving shortages 8 (April 28,
Wheat is a key driver of global food inflation. The prospect of a large increase in global wheat production this year could help
to prevent further food tensions in several regions of the world, which have been severely hit by sharp rises in the cost of
staple foods such as rice and bread.
Several factors have triggered the current food crisis: unfavourable weather conditions leading to poor harvests in major
producing countries, steady international demand, the increased use of crops for biofuels, etc.
As a result, wheat prices reached a record high above $13 per bushel on the Chicago Board of Trade in late February.
According to the first edition of the Rabobank's Soft Commodities Monthly Report (April 2008), world wheat prices have
now fallen by more than 40 per cent at $8.01 a bushel in early trade on 25 April, their lowest level since November.
World crops appear to be in 'good condition'
Rabobank reports that world wheat crops appear to be in good condition at this stage of the season, particularly in the EU27, Black Sea and soft red winter wheat areas of the US.
The IGC April Grain Market Report confirms that the outlook for the next wheat crop looks favourable in most major
producing countries. The IGC forecasts world wheat production to reach 645m tons in the 2008/09 season, up from 604m
tons in 2007/08.

Wheat crop will increase in 09 to a world record 8 (June 11,
With prospects for a record 2008-09 world wheat crop looming over the market, wheat prices are likely to trend lower in the
short-term, barring unforeseen production or harvesting problems, says analyst Jon Marcus, Lakefront Futures, Chicago, Ill.
Marcus says he has heard nothing but positive news about the size of the world wheat crop, which is expected to top out at
around 656 million metric tons for 2008-09, according to USDAs latest production estimate. Thats an 8 percent increase
over last year and would be a world record if realized.
The largest expected increases in production among wheat-producing countries are: Canada, up 25 percent; the European
Union, up 17 percent; the United States, up 16 percent; China, up 3 percent; the Black Sea region, up 7 percent; and India,
up 1 percent.
In addition, Australias wheat production is forecast 83 percent higher than last years drought-ravaged crop, although
several months remain before harvest.

Winter Wheat UQ Wheat Up

Australia is also experiencing a rise in winter wheat.
Lewis June 18 (2008, Daniel, Regional Reporter,
DESPITE a very dry autumn over much of the eastern grain belt, Australian farmers are still forecast to sow a record 14
million hectares of wheat as they chase high prices created by the global food shortage.
Widespread rain this month has also encouraged many farmers to sow. But good follow-up rain will be essential to ensure a
decent yield because many areas still lack subsoil moisture.
The latest crop report from the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics forecasts a wheat harvest of 23.7
million tonnes, an increase of 82 per cent on last season's disastrous harvest.
NSW's total winter crop is forecast to reach 10.45 million tonnes, almost 2 times more than last season's.

Winter Wheat CO2 Increases Yields

CO2 increases wheat yields 64%
Avery and Burnett 5

(Dennis NCPA adjunct scholar and Sterling, Senior Fellow at NCPA, May 19,
Continued warming should increase rainfall, rather than reduce it. And even if some areas do experience greater aridity
under warmer conditions, both nature and humans have been through it many times before. Modern transportation helps
avoid food shortages. Higher CO2 Levels. Whether as a natural reaction to warming in the early part of the 20th century, or
the result of human activities including energy use and tropical forest conversion the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere
has increased by more than 30 percent during the past half-century. CO2 is a critical component of photosynthesis, the
process by which plants use sunlight to create carbohydrates the material that makes up their root and body structures.
Increasing CO2 levels both speeds the growth of plants and improves the efficiency of their water use. More CO2 also
decreases water loss in plants, which is beneficial in arid climates or during droughts. Botanists have long realized that CO2
enhances plant growth, which is why greenhouse owners pump large volumes of CO2 into their sheds to grow more
tomatoes or carnations. This was confirmed by 55 experiments conducted by research scientist Sherwood Idso, formerly of
the U.S. Department of Agriculture. For example: Increasing CO2 by 300 parts per million (ppm) above the current
atmospheric level of more than 370ppm enhanced plant growth by 31 percent under optimal water conditions, and 63
percent under water scarcity. [See the figure.] With a 600 ppm CO2 increase, plant growth was enhanced 51 percent under
optimal water conditions and an astonishing 219 percent under conditions of water shortage. CO2 enrichment also causes
plants to develop more extensive root systems, with important results: 1) Larger root systems allow plants to reach
additional pockets of both water and nutrients in the soil, reducing the metabolic energy required to capture vital nutrients.
2) More extensive, active roots also stimulate and enhance the activity of bacteria and other organisms in the soil that are
beneficial to plants. When dinosaurs walked the Earth (about 70 to 130 million years ago), there was from five to 10 times
more CO2 in the atmosphere than today. The resulting abundant plant life allowed the huge creatures to thrive. Since many
of todays plants evolved when CO2 levels were much higher, some scientists fear todays plants are literally starving from
CO2 deprivation. Based on nearly 800 scientific observations around the world, a doubling of CO2 from present levels
would improve plant productivity on average by 32 percent across species. Controlled experiments have shown that: Under
elevated CO2 levels, average yields of cereal grains including rice, wheat, barley, oats and rye are 25 percent to 64
percent higher. Tubers and root crops, including potatoes, yams and cassava, yield 18 to 75 percent more. And yields of
legumes, including peas, beans and soybeans, increase 28 to 46 percent. Humans can help nature along. Recently, Egypt
genetically engineered a drought-tolerant wheat plant containing a gene from the barley plant that needs to be irrigated
only once, rather than eight times per season. The new wheat is expected to dramatically increase food production in semiarid climates.

Winter Wheat Key to Food Prices

US winter wheat is checking food prices
Bloomberg 5-27 (
Price gains prompted U.S. farmers to increase seeding of winter wheat last fall. The harvesting season starts in May.
``That is typically a period when you have the biggest pressure on wheat,'' Peterson said yesterday during a trip to Tokyo to
visit buyers. ``There is more new wheat coming into the market.'' The U.S. Wheat Associates is an Arlington-based market
development organization for American growers.
U.S. farmers will harvest 17 percent more winter wheat than last year and the largest crop in five years after planting more of
the grain in October and November to capitalize on high prices, the Department of Agriculture said in a May 9 report.
``The market is responding to the demand, and responding to the shortage of supply by increasing production,'' Peterson

Only wheat checks food prices

The Dawn Media Group 5-26 (
The rising cost of food has increased the awareness that global solutions should be sought in order for new crop production
not only to meet annual consumption, but also to rebuild stock levels. This could lead to a partial recovery in world wheat
stocks in 2008, with production forecast to exceed consumption by over 12m tons. The prospect of a record world wheat
crop is likely to keep prices that have already fallen sharply from all-time highs under pressure, putting a temporary brake
on a key driver of global food inflation.

Wheat is critical to world food availability

The Dawn Media Group 5-26 (
The prospect of a large increase in global wheat production this year could help to prevent further food tensions in several
regions of the world, which have been severely hit by sharp rises in the cost of staple foods such as rice and bread. Many
factors have triggered the current food crisis. These include unfavourable weather conditions leading to poor harvests in
major producing countries, steady international demand and increased use of crops for biofuels. As a result, wheat prices,
which had risen to a record high above $13 per bushel on the Chicago Board of Trade in late February, have now fallen by
more than 40 per cent at $8.01 a bushel by end- April, their lowest level since November.

Winter wheat is critical to all wheat

NYT 89 (1-23,
Winter wheat, planted in the fall, lies dormant through the winter and matures in the spring. It accounts for about 75
percent of the country's wheat crop, and the hard red variety accounts for more than 70 percent of all winter wheat.

Winter Wheat - AT: Turn Temp Extremes (Drought, etc.)

Winter wheat in the US is adapted to weather changes
Easterling 3 (Penn St, Congressional Testimony,
Most crop species have been successfully translocated thousands of miles from their regions
of origin by resourceful farmers, thus exposing them to a climate change by virtue of
changing geography. Translocation requires that plant material and cultural practices be
adapted to climatic conditions that are often significantly different from those in regions of
origin. The translocation of hard red winter wheat across the prairies of the American Great
Plains is a case in point.
Hard red winter wheat consistently accounted for about half of all wheat produced annually
in the United States in the 20th century (Briggle and Curtis, 1987). Rosenberg (1982)
tracked the geographic distribution of winter wheat in the Great Plains from 1920 to 1980.
We updated the distribution to the current time (Figure 4). Over the period 1920 to 1999 the
northern boundary of the winter wheat zone migrated northward into a climate that was
about 4.5C cooler and 20% drier than the climate for the wheat zone in 1920. The
southward expansion of winter wheat has not been as extensive as the northward one.
However, average annual temperatures at the current southern boundary of the winter wheat
production zone are more than 2C higher than those of the 1920 southern boundary. Thus,
winter wheat was adapted both to cooler and warmer climates in its century-long expansion.
What happened to encourage this expansion? Dalrymple (1988) demonstrated a steady
increase in the diversity of winter wheat cultivars being planted by American farmers
throughout the 20th century. Increasing diversity was a trait of success in adapting wheat
cultivars to local environments. Selective breeding for cold-hardy varieties of winter wheat
helped the expansion of wheat to the north. Savdie et al. (1991) found that direct, no-till
seeding of winter wheat into stubble immediately after harvest of the previous crop
(stubbling-in) and snow trapping reduced the risk of winterkill and permitted expansion of
the crop northeastward to include most of western Canadas agricultural area. Breeding for
disease resistance helped the expansion to the south. Cox et al. (1986) traced the historical
genetic diversity of winter wheat and found that diversity is increasing; they argue that
greater genetic diversity provides raw material for further genetic progress.

Winter Wheat Impact - Pakistan Instability

A decrease in imports of wheat to Pakistan would result in greater famine
and instability.
Gera 4 (Nina, Asian Survey, Vol. 44, No. 3, JSTOR , Food Security under Structural
Adjustment in Pakistan)
Consider the case of Pakistan. During the early 1980s, the country was almost self-sufficient in wheat and was a leading rice
exporter. Over time, domestic demand for food increased steadily because of rapid population growth. The growth in food
grain production fell behind demand because of the consistent decline in world prices of food grains and a shortfall of
investment in agricultural infrastructure and technology to improve production. As a result, domestic demand for food
grains exceeded the domestic supply, and annual imports rose to 2.5 million tons in the late 1990s. Even with these imports,
food security is a growing concern in Pakistan, given inequitable access to food and the declining purchasing power of the

Terrorists have made Pakistan their haven. It cannot afford any more
Mazetti and Rohde June 30 (2008,
Intelligence reports for more than a year had been streaming in about Osama bin Ladens terrorism network rebuilding in
the Pakistani tribal areas, a problem that had been exacerbated by years of missteps in Washington and the Pakistani
capital, Islamabad, sharp policy disagreements, and turf battles between American counterterrorism agencies.
The new plan, outlined in a highly classified Pentagon order, was intended to eliminate some of those battles. And it was
meant to pave a smoother path into the tribal areas for American commandos, who for years have bristled at what they see
as Washingtons risk-averse attitude toward Special Operations missions inside Pakistan. They also argue that catching Mr.
bin Laden will come only by capturing some of his senior lieutenants alive. But more than six months later, the Special
Operations forces are still waiting for the green light. The plan has been held up in Washington by the very disagreements it
was meant to eliminate. A senior Defense Department official said there was mounting frustration in the Pentagon at the
continued delay. After the Sept. 11 attacks, President Bush committed the nation to a war on terrorism and made the
destruction of Mr. bin Ladens network the top priority of his presidency. But it is increasingly clear that the Bush
administration will leave office with Al Qaeda having successfully relocated its base from Afghanistan to Pakistans tribal
areas, where it has rebuilt much of its ability to attack from the region and broadcast its messages to militants across the
world. A recent American airstrike killing Pakistani troops has only inflamed tensions along the mountain border and
added to tensions between Washington and Pakistans new government. The story of how Al Qaeda, whose name is Arabic
for the base, has gained a new haven is in part a story of American accommodation to President Pervez Musharraf of
Pakistan, whose advisers played down the terrorist threat. It is also a story of how the White House shifted its sights,
beginning in 2002, from counterterrorism efforts in Afghanistan and Pakistan to preparations for the war in Iraq. Just as it
had on the day before 9/11, Al Qaeda now has a band of terrorist camps from which to plan and train for attacks against
Western targets, including the United States. Officials say the new camps are smaller than the ones the group used prior to 2001. However,
despite dozens of American missile strikes in Pakistan since 2002, one retired C.I.A. officer estimated that the makeshift training compounds
now have as many as 2,000 local and foreign militants, up from several hundred three years ago.Publicly, senior American and Pakistani
officials have said that the creation of a Qaeda haven in the tribal areas was in many ways inevitable that the lawless badlands where ethnic
Pashtun tribes have resisted government control for centuries were a natural place for a dispirited terrorism network to find refuge. The
American and Pakistani officials also blame a disastrous cease-fire brokered between the Pakistani government and militants in 2006. But
more than four dozen interviews in Washington and Pakistan tell another story. American intelligence officials say that the Qaeda hunt in
Pakistan, code-named Operation Cannonball by the C.I.A. in 2006, was often undermined by bitter disagreements within the Bush
administration and within the C.I.A., including about whether American commandos should launch ground raids inside the tribal areas.
Inside the C.I.A., the fights included clashes between the agencys outposts in Kabul, Afghanistan, and Islamabad. There were also battles
between field officers and the Counterterrorist Center at C.I.A. headquarters, whose preference for carrying out raids remotely, via Predator
missile strikes, was derided by officers in the Islamabad station as the work of boys with toys.An early arrangement that allowed American
commandos to join Pakistani units on raids inside the tribal areas was halted in 2003 after protests in Pakistan. Another combat mission that
came within hours of being launched in 2005 was scuttled because some C.I.A. officials in Pakistan questioned the accuracy of the intelligence,
and because aides to Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld believed that the mission force had become too large. Current and former
military and intelligence officials said that the war in Iraq consistently diverted resources and high-level attention from the tribal areas. When
American military and intelligence officials requested additional Predator drones to survey the tribal areas, they were told no drones were
available because they had been sent to Iraq. Some former officials say Mr. Bush should have done more to confront Mr. Musharraf, by
aggressively demanding that he acknowledge the scale of the militant threat . Western military officials say Mr. Musharraf was instead

often distracted by his own political problems, and effectively allowed militants to regroup by brokering peace agreements
with them.

Winter Wheat Impact - Pakistan Instability

A collapse of Pakistan would result in the rise of terrorism in the Middle
Kagan and OHanlon 2007 (November 18, Fred and Michael, New York Times,
AS the government of Pakistan totters, we must face a fact: the United States simply could not stand by as a nuclear-armed
Pakistan descended into the abyss. Nor would it be strategically prudent to withdraw our forces from an improving situation
in Iraq to cope with a deteriorating one in Pakistan. We need to think now about our feasible military options in
Pakistan, should it really come to that.
We do not intend to be fear mongers. Pakistans officer corps and ruling elites remain largely moderate and more interested
in building a strong, modern state than in exporting terrorism or nuclear weapons to the highest bidder. But then again,
Americans felt similarly about the shahs regime in Iran until it was too late.
Moreover, Pakistans intelligence services contain enough sympathizers and supporters of the Afghan Taliban, and enough
nationalists bent on seizing the disputed province of Kashmir from India, that there are grounds for real worries.
The most likely possible dangers are these: a complete collapse of Pakistani government rule that allows an extreme Islamist
movement to fill the vacuum; a total loss of federal control over outlying provinces, which splinter along ethnic and tribal
lines; or a struggle within the Pakistani military in which the minority sympathetic to the Taliban and Al Qaeda try to
establish Pakistan as a state sponsor of terrorism.

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