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Solutions For Oil Gaz Industries

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Solutions for

Oil&Gas industries

Upstream offshore

Pages 6-9

Upstream onshore

Pages 10-13

Midstream pipeline

Pages 14-17

Downstream: Refineries,
petrochemical complexes
& LNG plants

Pages 18-21

Solutions for Oil & Gas Industries

Black gold,
expensive and rare
With 25% of the energy consumed in the industry worldwide,
Oil&Gas is the most energy-intensive industry. From offshore and
onshore to storage and transport, Schneider Electric Oil&Gas
provides safe and secure solutions to boost your performance
through energy management while preserving the planet.

Safe and secure solutions

You want to manage risks and unexpected events
to ensure the safety of your people and your
environment. We secure your production and assets.

High process performance

through advanced energy
management solutions
Energy consumed by the oil and gas industry
represents around 10% of the gross oil and gas
production. SchneiderElectric has the expertise
for Energy Management to recommend purposedesigned solutions to reduce your capital spending
and operating costs. We do what it takes to
guarantee the integrity of your energy even in areas
considered inaccessible.

Customized solutions for

offshore, onshore, pipelines
and refineries
You work in extreme conditions, safety, security,
energy management and costs are your major
challenges. Our international experts help you choose
reliable solutions that are perfectly suited to your

l Solutions for Oil & Gas industries

Effective and customized

the Oil & Gas processes
Thanks to its expertise in energy
management and its ability
to provide safe and secure
solutions for people and assets,
SchneiderElectric offers the perfect
response to your challenges:
> Optimizing your investments
> Increasing the life of equipment
> Guaranteeing the availabilty of
your processes
> Improving the safety of people
and machines
> Contributing to sustainable

Oil field management

Pump control unit for rod-pump and PCP
Onshore scattered oil field pumps automation
Onshore scattered oil field power supply
Oil sands mining process control
E-House for oil sands mining sites

Offshore safety
Subsea power distribution
Top side E-House
Platform harmonic

Medium voltage
architecture dependability
Harmonics mitigation

solutions all along

Pipe management
Pipeline boosting station control system
Tank farm control and
automation solution

Pipeline boosting station E-house

Safety solution for oil and gas pipeline
Leak detection

Energy monitoring and control

system for large oil and gas sites
Critical power system solution:
monitoring energy availability and
Entreprise energy management
integrating process
Integral security solution from
access control to intrusion control
and CCTV

No time for
unexpected events

> Upstream offshore

Extracting oil offshore is even more difficult than onshore; the

days of subsea drilling just a short distance from the shore or
surface are over, and today companies have to search deeper,
further, requiring solutions for higher power and process
availability, in harsh environments - salty, wet, and unstable.

Oil platforms are built in a limited number of highly specific construction

yards, well exposed to the sea and with enough draught. Time and
space are critical issues.
Construction times are dictated by tight planning schedules. All
equipment must be delivered on time to make sure the platform can get
to sea quickly. A days delay means one day lost in production.
Oil companies are looking for partners who can respect their delivery
times and offer reliable solutions, with proven, off-the-shelf equipment.

The value of expertise

With its expertise in energy management, Schneider Electric offers
pre-tested solutions saving time and space. Our primary concern is
tohelp customers make the most of their energy with a clear focus on
efficiency, communication, and maintenance.
Our electrical house system, E- House, for power distribution, contains
all the necessary MV and LV equipment. Thanks to its modular way of
building, all electrical parts are pre-tested and set in a prefabricated
technical room integrating control and safety systems to monitor the
On the process side, Schneider Electric has acquired a unique expertise
in safety PLCs through its wide experience in the nuclear industry.
Our certified experts provide high-skilled services, such as on-site risk
surveys, or HAZOP.
At the forefront of our customer technological challenges, we are
developing new solutions to supply power or protect electrical
equipment in demanding environments, such as seabed platforms
3000m below sea level.

$100 million to $1,000 million

the cost of offshore platforms


We make energy safe, reliable,

productive and efficient
Control simple or complex
electrical networks

Integral safety for offshore


Schneider Electrics Energy Management and

To provide availability and safety to both personnel

Control System (EMCS) provides safety, continuity

and machines, Schneider Electric has developed

of service and cost-saving for all electrical

integrated architectures to cover various applications

distribution network architectures. EMCS, compliant

such as emergency shut down systems (ESD),

with IEC61850, integrates the supervision and

fire and gas systems (F&G), burner management

monitoring of all the electrical equipment.

systems (BMS) and boiler protection.

Our EMCS system can be used to control simple or

For the offshore industry, Schneider Electric

complex electrical networks by:

has designed a unique solution based on the

> Controlling the link with the power distributor

QuantumSafety PLC.This solution, aimed at

> Optimizing the operation of the electrical system.

medium-size drilling or production platforms, consists

Our EMCS incorporates communication with all the

of an integrated and embedded ESDprocess,

installed electrical distribution equipment, including

F&Gsystems and building fire systems to monitor

third-party equipment with recognised protocols. It

and automatically initiate the appropriate action in

also interfaces with high-level information systems

case of any fire and gas hazards on the platform.


Any such incident or unexpected event is stored in

Schneider Electric provides all electrical distribution

a sequence of events file, reported to the security

equipment, to be used with all MV and LV network

supplying processes (motors), utilities (water, gas,
electricity) and premises or facilities on board.
> GIS or AIS MV/MV substations
> MV/LV substations
> LV Motor Control Centre
> LV Power and Motor Control Centre
> LV switchboard
> Secured power


platforms a year
under construction

and control room and dynamically displayed on a

CITECT HMI (Human Machine Interface) device.
Secure power is supplied via a GUTOR hardened and
redundant UPS, and some of the instrumentation
is taken from the TAC/PELCO line of products.

Schneider Electric
awarded for the
complete power
management system
of the Pazflor FPSO
The Total Floating
Processing, Storage and
Offloading unit (FPSO) will
process oil via 49subsea
wells, at a depth of
between 600 and
1,200metres. It will have
a processing capacity
of 200,000barrels of oil
per day and a storage
capacity of 1.9million
barrels. Our power
management system
will secure non-stop
operation, control critical
loads and maximize the
safety of people and

Getting the
most from
your well


> Upstream onshore

Todays oil pumps, whether new or existing, need to be controlled by

a system that provides solutions to maximize pump efficiency and
productivity and avoid costly downtime.
Apart from certain wells where oil flows naturally, energy is a prerequisite
for oil extraction. A cold environment with very low temperatures presents
an even greater challenge, since the density of the oil makes extraction
particularly difficult. An electrical power supply therefore represents a
significant portion of the operating expenditure of oil and gas companies.

With oil prices on the increase, a large number of companies are reactivating
wells to improve production capabilities and increase the performance of
their existing active production wells, thus enhancing oil recovery, optimizing
continuity of service, and reducing mechanical stress on machinery.
Oil extraction is not the only application for pumps in oil fields. Pumps may
also be used for water injection for example. Each pump type has its own very
specific characteristics. Our solutions cater for these different specifications and
increase overall process performance. In any oil field pumps exist for different
uses, water injection is an example, and each ones has different characteristics.
Caring of these differences, our solutions will increase the total process

More than just oil production

Our expertise relies on our ability to manage energy to make an oil field
asefficient as possible, by reducing electrical and mechanical stress on
machinery, and anticipating any possible problem that could affect production.
In other words: making energy use more efficient.
Our solutions focus on three primary concerns:
> Extending machine life by using the correct electric control and protection
device to avoid stress and other mechanical and electrical problems. Motor
temperature, broken rod and belts, and safety are some of the most important
elements to take care of, and the pump power control and protection device
must be capable of doing so.
> Anticipating events by obtaining precise information regarding machine
operating states and historical data, to be able to predict problems and take


barrels of oil per

well is the average
production loss for
one day without

action to minimize losses. The current evolution, torque, running time, pressure
and temperature provide valuable information for assessing situations and
deciding on the best course of action to take. Anticipation reduces production
downtime and maintenance costs.
> Optimizing pumping, based on online data and controller intelligence to
adjust a pumps operating parameters, such as speed, time, and torque,
toreach the best production performance.
Many solutions based on Schneider Electric equipment have been installed in oil
fields for more than 8 years with excellent results. Speed drives, soft and direct
starters include specific functions for any kind of pumping application, including
the ENA system for onshore pump jacks and torque limitations for PCP.



Making energy available,

anywhere, anytime

Maximize pump efficiency

and productivity

Energy often means continuity of service and

When there are abundant oil reserves in the ground,

efficiency, two issues ever present in the continuous

the pumps run almost 100% of the time as fast

production processes of oil production.

as possible. However, when wells have a low

Our solutions include the entire MV and LV electrical

recovery time or a non-constant flow, pumps can

power network equipment.

only run a portion of that time or produce a limited

Monitoring, failure indicators, automatic switching,

amount of oil.

transformers, LV power motor protection and

The power control solution for pumping oil includes

electrical SCADA systems are examples of solutions

a VFD (Variable Frequency Drive) to help create an

developed by our experts and specially dedicated for

uninterrupted flow of oil, reducing downtime and

the oil and gas market, where they have already been

energy costs. The drive creates smooth starts and

approved by users for many years.

stops, which reduces energy costs compared to

direct online (DOL) starters. In addition, the VFD
reduces mechanical stress associated with DOL
starting, creating more reliable pump operation and
fewer equipment failures.
The Energy Adaptation System (ENA) is another
solution. The Altivar ENA system is developed
especially for protecting and controlling oil
pump jacks, avoiding motor regeneration.
Reducing stress on the polish-rod and gearbox it
extends the machine life and avoids production
downtime, increasing efficiency. In addition, the VFD
gives the pump-jack motor the necessary frequency
for adjusting the strokes per minutes of the machine
with no intervention in the well. Similar solutions are
developed and installed for PCP and ESP pumps in
different oil fields.

In Argentina, Schneider Electric has developped a new solution to increase oil

field production and the performance in PCP units
The core solution is a robust electrical power management unit to provide a precise pump
speed and torque control with a smart configuration interface.
Essentially, the VFD provides the PCP motor with the necessary frequency for adjusting the
speed of the pump to the best RPM value anytime, to optimize production and avoid mechanical
The VFD also adjusts the RPM automatically to avoid problems of overload in the rod string due
to pump jams, line obstruction etc, or underload due belt breakage. It also manage the back spin
effect on start up, to protect the pump, the rod string, and maximize production.
All of these features result in a remarkable increase in the efficiency and performance of the well.


Scattered Oil Field Management

The size of oil fields, the range of installed products,

Essentially a central control room where the Process

and the number of pumping and control points

SCADA system (VijeoCitect) is collecting information

determine the complexity of oil production field

provided by a number of Remote Terminal Units

monitoring systems.

(RTU) in the field, allows monitoring and control of

The heart of a monitoring system is the supervisory

the wells, the electrical distribution networks, and

control and data acquisition (SCADA) system. This

all the different parts of the process from one single

gives a big picture overview of all the oil field

location. All this information helps keep the oil field

activities and allows the operator to know what is

fully operational, anticipating the events and sharing

happening in the entire installation from a single

the relevant information with other areas of the

control centre.


The safest way of



> Midestream pipelines

Pipelines are the safest, most reliable and cost-effective way of

transporting large volumes of oil and gas. Pipeline systems link typically
remote production fields to urban centres and/or terminals and ports
for export. More than 60 kinds of unprocessed and refined petroleum
move through pipelines.

The pipeline company or operator are under pressure to operate with the
highest level of pipeline integrity, safety, security and reliability while meeting
demanding delivery schedules, reducing capital, operational, and maintenance
costs, and ensuring regulatory and environmental compliance.
Your pipeline system links oil and gas produced in remote production fields
concentrated through gathering lines with refineries, terminals or distribution.
The system may have multiple sources of crude or gas, storage and delivery
points linked through a system comprised of pump or compressor stations,
block valve stations, metering stations and terminals and its corresponding
control center.
The secure, efficient operation of the pipeline network requires real-time
monitoring, precise control, energy management and integral security and
safety. Your new capital projects and expansions need to be delivered on-time,
on budget and at the highest quality to ensure contractual commitments, proper
time-to-market and proper investment returns.

Enhance your pipeline integrity and

maximize your performance
Our advanced Energy Management, Integral Security and Process Automation
Solutions are designed so our customers can improve their safety, security,
and performance while reducing total cost of ownership and lowering the
environmental impact and energy consumption of their pipeline operations.
Schneider Electric combines the competencies of a global specialist in Energy
Management with a strong process automation and integral security offer and
our best in class Project Management & Services organizations to serve the
pipeline Industry on a global basis and achieve their business and operational
We have extensive experience, global capabilities and local presence, and
deliver turn-key projects that result in efficient, safe and profitable operations for
our customers, including robust leak-detection systems, cathodic protection
and intrusion detection systems to ensure pipeline integrity.

2 million km
of pipelines throughout the world

1 hour
pipe shutdown = a
loss of 30,000 barrels



Our capabilities and


> Pump or compressor station: Our solution

consists of our leading PLC platform, available in hot
stand-by configuration, supported by Schneiders

Schneider Electrics experience in providing process

suite of control strategies, plus platforms for local

automation, electrical solutions and integral security

device integration, HMI/operator interface, drives

includes front-end-engineering (FEED), conceptual

systems, cameras/CCTV and access control

design through implementation and commissioning

(providing integral security to the installations), and

of SCADA, station automation, safety systems,

wide-area network communications. Our Electrical

Medium Voltage & Low Voltage electrical and drives

Distribution Switchgear for Medium Voltage & Low

systems, Energy Monitoring, Integral Security

Voltage, power monitoring & control equipment,

(leak-detection, cathodic protection, digital video

harmonics filtering, and UPS system all ensure the

systems, intrusion detection, Fire&Gas) and

Energy availability, uptime, reliability and Energy

integrating flow metering, instrumentation and

Management functions to provide for reliable

telecommunication systems.


Schneider Electrics experience encompasses

> Meter station: We can provide the best

pumping and compressor stations, block valve

stations, and metering stations.

metering system for the specific application (from

orifice, turbine, or ultrasonic for gas or positive
displacement, turbine, mass flow for liquids). Our

Our pipeline management


devices) interface with the meter and perform

industry standard (AGA, API) flow calculation
algorithms. The metering station data is then

Our scalable, proven and flexible architecture is

integrated in our information validation and metering

based on our leading SCADA and PLC & RTU

application providing a measurement solution that

offers with field instrumentation, measurement,

ensures accuracy and reliability for fiscal and custody

information technology, pipeline modeling, and


telecommunications components, coupled with

Schneider Electric Project & Engineering services
and industry expertise on the pipeline industry.
> Control Centres: Our solution consists
of our leading edge SCADA platform, with
redundancy and a suite of applications for pipeline
management (such as leak-detection systems
and cathodic protection monitoring), pipeline
energy management, measurement integration,
and decision support. Full integration of our Power
SCADA & Monitoring offer with our Integral security
application is achieved at the SCADA center. For
your data-center and infrastructure needs we offer
state-of-the-art UPS and cooling systems to ensure
your uptime and reliability.


PLCs and RTUs/Electronic Flow Measurement

> Block Valve stations: Our RTU Interface to

field instruments (temperature pressure and flow)
provide block valve and actuator status control and
communications to the SCADA systems.

Schneider Electric
ensures the safety,
reliability and uptime
of the longest
pipeline in China
The 4,000 km long
pipeline transports natural
gas from Xianjiang, West
China to Shanghai, East
China. It is controlled
through a central SCADA
system monitoring
compressor and block
valve stations along the
pipeline with Schneider
PLCs and ruggedized
RTUs. The Schneider
Electric solution allows all
services in a all-in-one
network and automatic
data transfer from
primary to standby PLC
controllers without any
specific configuration.
Our redundant
architecture meets the
requirement of 24/7
system operation to
ensure pipeline safety
and integrity.


More production
with less energy


> Downstream: Refineries, petrochemical complexes & LNG plants

Petroleum, or crude oil, is the term for unprocessed oil.

This means the primary product, a complex mixture of
different types of hydrocarbons, such as Paraffins, Aromatics,
Napthenes, and Alkenes, that come out of the ground or
drilling platform in the extraction process.

To obtain these products that we, or industrial users, need, the crude must be
separated by refining the oil. In this operation, a chemical process uses some of
the fractions to make others. You can change one fraction into another using one
of three methods: by breaking large hydrocarbons into smaller pieces (cracking),
by combining smaller pieces to make larger ones (unification), or by rearranging
various pieces to make desired hydrocarbons (alteration).
Refineries must also treat the fractions to remove impurities and combine the
various fractions (processed or unprocessed) into mixtures to make the desired
After transformation, theses products will be part of our daily life as Petroleum gas,
Naphtha, Gasoline, Kerosene, Gas oil or Diesel distillate, Lubricating oil, Heavy
gas or Fuel oil and the Residuals (coke, asphalt, tar, waxes).
They also become the primary source for petrochemical plants where they are
transformed into plastics, synthetic fibers, and other products by ethane cracker,
polypropylene, polyethylene processes.

Maximize your operating costs

This complex refining process requires huge spaces, tremendous amounts
of energy and highly accurate process control. In addition, environmental
concerns are becoming increasingly demanding. The European standards
concerning sulphur emission into the atmosphere are very strict, even more
so since the 1st of January 2005: refiners will have several years to bring their
plants into conformity, to rethink and redesign their desulphurization units to
further reduce the sulphur content of fuels. Indeed, this is one of the most
difficult challenges facing refineries, combined with increasing product quality
and reducing the environmental impact. Another critical issue is the cost of
these heavy processes. Refinery owners are constantly searching for savings
and better performances, along with the ability to adjust their production to the
supply and demand balance.
At this heavy stage of processing, Schneider Electric helps oil refiners make
the most of their energy, providing safe and secure solutions to boost their
performance while preserving the planet, and maximizing operating costs.

2,000 gas
units all
over the
Liquefied Natural Gas
(LNG) is natural gas
(primarily methane,
CH4) that is stored and
transported in liquid
form at atmospheric
pressure at a
temperature of 260F.
The liquefication
process involves
removal of certain
components, such as
dust, helium, water, and
heavy hydrocarbons,
which could cause
difficulty downstream.



Integral Security Solution

for the safety of personnel
and assets
Energy Management and

constant, investment and people must be secured.

We bring cost-effective solution to prevent against
any damages toward the integrity of the production

More production with less energy losses

system, environment and assets. Protection against

and mastering expenses: SchneiderElectric

intrusions, terrorism, theft, leakages, and secure

recommends purpose-designed solutions to assure

fluids containments, to avoid potential injuries either

energy reliability and availability improving overall

due to human errors and bad operations.

process performance and reduce operating costs

Our security experts can provide our Integral Security

without compromising environmental concerns or


Solution an open, performing and integrated security

solution from video monitoring to access control,

Thanks to our expertise in energy management, we

intrusion detection and CCTV system:

provide a user friendly high-performance Energy

> End to end engineering feasibility studies for

Management and Control Solution, which is open,


scalable, and extendable, and supported by:

> High performance CCTV integrating specialized

> End-to-End engineering from studies to customer

cameras applications like ; explosion-proof & Thermal



> Energy Management architecture compliant

> Integrated plant-wide securityperimeter, gate,

with IEC61850: from HV, MV, LV secure power to

parking, process Controlflare and process

generation, communication and control devices (RTU,


network devices, soft starters, VSD, iPMCC, etc.)

> Hazardous area coverage for worker safety, and

> Safe electrical evolution and maintenance with

mustering in emergencies

advanced electrical network modeling

A performing solution integrating in one unique

> High level of reliability and fast recovery with

integrated fast load shedding features
> Secure and fast decision process through online
simulation and built-in training

> Access control
> CCTV including hazardous areas monitoring
> Intrusion access control in hazard areas with image

We can thus recommend purpose-designed


solutions to:

> Total right access control in the site

> Avoid downtime

> Image treatment alarms for process (leakage)

> Reduce time to repair

> Under vehicle surveillance

> Cut time between failures

> Badge tracking multi tag identification

> Maintain a high level of process productivity, thus

> Real time fire system monitoring, fault detection

increasing the life of equipment

alarm & intelligent response

This means you can reduce the capital spending and

> Battery & UPS, emergency Generator real time

operating costs while achieving reliable energy supply

monitoring & alarm

and control even in hazardous areas.

> Open integrations to other capabilities, like gate

Offering solutions from design through to installation,

our energy management systems ensure reliability
and safety.
Our experts are trained to improve energy
efficiency across large sites, by conducting energy
quality studies, optimizing electrical systems, and
designing solutions to ensure the long life for both
equipment and assets. They reduce downtime and
commissioning time, and carry out load flow and
voltage profile studies, short circuit calculations and
protection analysis.

In the downstream large sites where the risks are

barriers and road blockers

> Recording all the events in the plant.

Schneider Electric
won the international
project for the
complex of
Borouge 2,
Abu Dhabi (UAE)
For this new
ethane cracker and
polyolefin complex,
SchneiderElectric will
provide a competitive
and high performance
solution to answer the
customer needs as high
availability and reliable
electrical system for
non-stop production,
secured power for
critical process and
people & assets safety.

refineries, 700 petrochemical plants
operating worldwide

A complete range of dedicated services

Helping you obtain

the best from your teams
and installations
Project management

Advice and expertise

Looking for commitment on our part for

your modernisation projects and new
plants? You can count on the experience
and involvement of our teams and the
support of our partners.

Need a new method, or skills on a point

considered particularly important?
Our experts and consultants offer to help
you analyse what exists and to define and
deploy specific solutions.

Using the specific tools we have developed

For operation

(engineering and design software, migration tools

In operations or preventive maintenance, our

and dedicated libraries), production shutdowns are

tools and methods enable you to access accurate

restricted to the minimum.

diagnostics from our systems: electrical distribution

We help you improve the plant performance,

equipment, Intelligent Power & Motor Control

proposing solutions for the modernization of your

Centres, communication networks, variable

current control and electrical distribution systems and

speed drives, process control systems. In case of

providing solutions for your new installations.

intervention, a detailed and commented report is

And we can provide longer term support by:

provided following our technical visit.

> Handling design and deployment of a standardised

solution and tools on a project that can be applied in

For modernization and new projects

other sites,

> Pre-project, our consultants help you assess

> Associating maintenance of the installed base with

opportunities, define solutions, estimate budgets

planned modernisation.

and propose deployment techniques.

With diagnostics, recommendations and results
of feasibility studies, you validate and secure
your project.
> For project steering, our experts provide support
in preparing specification studies (software
standardization, architecture diagrams, etc.), and
assistance on solution deployment and results

350 Oil&Gas specialists, 2,500 Services & Projects

engineers, 3 global engineering centers located
in Shangai (China), Grenoble (France), and Houston (USA)

Maintenance contracts
Do you count on long-term reliability
and performance of your installations?
Lets build your custom service contract

Replacement parts and


Custom service contract:

Does your competitiveness depend on

your reactivity to breakdowns and
malfunctions? We can help you limit
downtime periods.

> Telephone support for priority access to our

From our stock we can supply you with tested and

> Web access to benefit from the latest software
> Stock of our branded replacement parts on
your installations or in our warehouses
> Assurance of on-site assistance within a
guaranteed time
We help you anticipate technical risks and perform
essential modernizations by taking account of
equipment obsolescence. This avoids penalizing

certified replacement parts compatible with your

installed equipment.
Based on your specific contract, you can store
replacement parts for your installation on-site, which
remain as our remote stock until they are effectively
You will also have a strong distribution network with
a worldwide presence at your finger tips, offering
another point of access to our products.

production shutdowns. You control maintenance

costs through optimized replacement parts stock

Does safety of your operation and
plant performance depend on constant
adaptation of the skills of your personnel?
We can help you:
Identify your training requirements by systematic
analysis of levels and functions within your teams,
propose training modules covering your installed
automation equipment, follow up acquisitions
by ongoing training, and offer training modules
designed to suit your timing and locations.
We have over 50 training centers with high-tech
learning tools, professional trainers expert in
both industry and teaching, offering standard or
customized courses both on-site or in our dedicated

Our offers help you

> Anticipate risks
> Improve your performance
> Keep control of your investments


Make the most

of your energy

Head Office
35, rue Joseph Monier
F-92500 Rueil-Malmaison

Due to evolution of standards and equipment, characteristics indicated in texts and images
in this document are binding only after confirmation by our departments.
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Schneider Electric Industries SAS

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